TH Line: Ordering Policies With Two Suppliers,')
TH Line: Ordering Policies With Two Suppliers,')
TH Line: Ordering Policies With Two Suppliers,')
7th line under, Ordering policies with two suppliers, explains why the managementwants to order extra 40 .
Let us consider the accounting periods to be Jan-Dec for 2016, 2017 and 2018.
Let us consider the current period to be 2016- Jan-Dec. and now we are in Dec. We have found that our demand
this year has been 1000- as mentioned in the case
Now I have to decide the total orders for the next two periods 2017 and 2018. Based on my current demand I
should actually decide to order 1000 units.
But in case of any extra sales orders I receive form my customers, say 20 additional units, I have to again order.
But the problems are
So i would like to order some extra as a buffer. There is an advantage for me. Even if I order some extras and they
dont sell well, the loss can be compensated by my profits due to greater profit margin per unit. ( 4th line under,
ordering policies with two suppliers,)
The number 40 has been arrived arbitrarily. In reality, Mangers sometimes do so based on experience, not just
based on calculations. They order such that the units, if unsold, dont eat profits.