Endocrine Imp Questions

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Following are the important questions of ENDOCRINE SYSTEM

Long Questions

1. Classify Hormones? Explain the mechanism of action of hormones.

2. Enumerate the hormones of the pituitary gland. Describe the actions and regulation of
secretion of GH.
3. Describe synthesis, storage, release, transport and regulation of secretion of thyroid
4. Describe functions and regulation of Parathormone. Write a short note on Ca
5. Enlist the hormone secreted by Pancreas. Explain the structure , functions and
regulation of insulin.
6. Describe in detail regulation of blood sugar in body.
7. Classify the hormones secreted by adrenal cortex. Explain the action and regulation of
secretion of cortisol.
8. Describe the actions and regulation of secretion of aldosterone.
9. What are catecholamines? Explain the synthesis, metabolism, actions and regulation
of secretion of catecholamines.

Short Questions

1. Second Messenger
2. GH
4. Somatostanin
5. Oxytocin
6. ADH
7. Neuroendocrine reflexes
8. Hypothalamic- Hypophyseal relations
9. Milk ejection reflex
10. Disorders of Anterior pituitary Gland.
11. Gigantism
12. Acromegaly
13. Dwarfism
14. Frolichs syndrome
15. Disorders of post pituitary gland
16. Diabetes Insipidus
17. Thyroglobulin
18. Graves disease/ Thyrotoxicosis/ Hyperthyrodism
19. Hypothyroidism
20. Goitre
21. Cretinism
22. Myxedema
23. Parathormone
24. Calcitonin
25. Tetany
26. Myxedema madness
27. Insulin Receptors
28. Glucagon
29. Diabetes Mellitus
30. Somatostanin
31. Aldosterone escape
32. Adrenal androgen
33. Cushings syndrome or disease
34. Conns Disease
35. Adrenogenital Syndrome
36. Addisons Disease
37. Addisonian Crisis
38. Pheochromocytoma
39. Functions of thymus Gland
40. Functions of Pineal Gland
41. Endocrine Functions of Heart
42. Endocrine functions of kidney.

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