IOM EN R03 1xTZPM1200 - Esperanza UPDATE 2010 10 07A

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The document provides information about installation, operation and maintenance of a pump. It also contains revision history, preface, safety instructions and catalogue information.

Weir Minerals Netherlands P.O. Box 249, 5900 AE Venlo, the Netherlands Egtenrayseweg 9, NL-5928 PH Venlo

Copyright © Weir Minerals Netherlands b.v. 2009. Weir Minerals Netherlands b.v. is the owner of the copyright subsisting in the instructions and drawings stored in this manual.

Weir Minerals Netherlands

P.O. Box 249, 5900 AE Venlo, the Netherlands Tel: +31(0)77 3895200
Egtenrayseweg 9, NL-5928 PH Venlo Fax: +31(0)77 3824844
4495 Email: [email protected]
Registration No.: 12032525 WWW:

EN = English "Original instructions"

EN = Ingls manual original

Manual de instalacin, operacin y mantenimiento

Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual

Nmero de pedido del cliente: Customer purchase order number: 500-P-MR-315-01

WEIR nmero/nombre de proyecto: WEIR Project number - name: 201253 - Esperanza

WEIR nmero de bomba: WEIR Pump number: GEHO TZPM 1200

WEIR tipo de bomba: WEIR Pump type: GEHO 9201253/1

WEIR nmero de documento: WEIR Document number: 201253-IOM-EN-R03

Copyright Weir Minerals Netherlands b.v. 2009.

Weir Minerals Netherlands b.v. is the owner of the copyright subsisting in the instructions and drawings stored in this manual. All material of this manual are protected by the Dutch Copyright Law, international
treaty provisions and applicable laws in the country in which it is being used. The material must not be used, reproduced or copied in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, nor may the information
therein contained, which is confidential to Weir Minerals Netherlands b.v be disclosed to any person without the prior written permission of Weir Minerals Netherlands b.v. Furthermore you may not rent, lease,
sublicense or lend the manual and its contents. The manual has been delivered and received on the express condition that it may be used only for the specific purpose for which it has been provided and may
not be used in any way which may injure or cause loss directly or indirectly to Weir Minerals Netherlands b.v. or any related corporation.
Except to the extent legislation expressly prohibits the exclusion of provisions as to warranties, Weir Minerals Netherlands b.v. disclaims all warranties as to the instructions and drawings, whether express or
implied, including without limitation any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, compatibility with any particular system, or data integrity and the user assumes all responsibility for
the use of the software on its system.
Pos: 1.1 /GEHO/Heading/H1/#. Preface chapter 1 @ 0\mod_1133187936567_31.doc @ 111 @

1 Preface
Pos: 1.2 /GEHO/Preface/General/Diaphragm pumps/Introduction @ 0\mod_1133188276656_31.doc @ 121 @

This pump is developed by Weir Minerals Netherlands.

Pos: 1.3 /GEHO/Preface/General/Common intro @ 0\mod_1139913202827_31.doc @ 2530 @

This manual with its user and safety instructions is an integral part of the pump delivery and must be kept in
its neighborhood, accessible for reference at all times.

All persons involved in using and operating this pump and working at this pump must have read and
understood this manual and must comply with it at all times.
We accept no responsibility for damage or disruption caused by disregard of this manual and its instructions.

Scope of this manual

This manual and its user instructions apply to the GEHO PUMPS equipment during:
Pos: 1.4 /GEHO/Preface/General/Purpose - Final @ 0\mod_1139912839316_31.doc @ 2518 @

Operation, start and stop procedure
Pos: 1.5 /GEHO/Preface/General/Use @ 0\mod_1133427209923_31.doc @ 246 @

This equipment, supplied by Weir Minerals Netherlands, is only allowed to be used, according to and
restricted to the technical data.
Before exceeding the technical data, a written permission from Weir Minerals Netherlands is required.

201253-IOM-EN-R02 1.1

Pos: 2 /GEHO/Heading/H2/#.# Revision form @ 0\mod_1133271476093_31.doc @ 213 @ 2

1.1 Revision form

Pos: 3 /GEHO/Preface/Project/201253-EN+ES @ 7\mod_1252064261256_0.doc @ 53952 @ 2

Rev. No. Chapter Description By Checked Date

N revisin Seccin Descripcin Autor Control Fecha
EN = English "Original instructions".
EN = Ingls "Instrucciones original".
ES = Spanish
"Translation of the original instructions".
ES = Espaol
"Traduccin des instrucciones original".
EN-R00 Preliminary first release, English. GHH FVO Sept-18-2009
Versin preliminar, Ingls.
EN-R01 All Update preliminary release. GHH FVO Sept-28-2009
Todas Actualizar versin preliminar, Ingls.
EN-R02 All Final release GHH FVO Dec.-10-2009
"Original instructions".
Todas Versin final
Ingls = "Instrucciones original".
ES-R02 All Spanish translation of EN-R02
"Translation of the original instructions".
Todas Traduccin Espaol de EN-R02
"Traduccin des instrucciones original".
EN-R03 0+1+2 Replace the title page GHH FVO 07-10-2010
+ pages 1.2 + 2.5.
4.5.4 Replace pages 4.5+4.8+4.9
= "Special torques": refer to the index.
10.16 Replace pages 10.61-10.67
= update procedure.
ES-R03 0+1+2 Reemplazar el primera plana
+ pgina 1.2 + 2.5.
4.5.4 Reemplazar pgina 4.5+4.8+4.9
= "Pares especiales": Remtase al ndice.
10.16 Reemplazar pgina 10.66-10.72
= actualizar procedimiento.

Pos: 4 /--- Section break - Odd page --- @ 0\mod_1136277036628_0.doc @ 765 @

1.2 R03

Pos: 5 /GEHO/General/Special formats/# Table of contents @ 0\mod_1133257649241_31.doc @ 147 @

2 Contents

1 Preface ....................................................................................... 1.1

1.1 Revision form...............................................................................................1.2

2 Contents..................................................................................... 2.1

3 SAFETY...................................................................................... 3.1
3.1 Safety symbols ............................................................................................3.1
3.2 Important information .................................................................................3.2
3.3 Intended use ................................................................................................3.3
3.4 General safety instructions ........................................................................3.3
3.5 Qualified workers ........................................................................................3.3
3.6 Safe working on the pump .........................................................................3.3
3.7 Efficient use .................................................................................................3.3
3.8 Safety equipment ........................................................................................3.3
3.8.1 Safety related documentation.................................................................................... 3.3
3.8.2 CE conformity ............................................................................................................ 3.4
3.8.3 "EMERGENCY STOP" button .................................................................................. 3.4
3.8.4 Safety covers and safety guards............................................................................... 3.4

4 Technical data ........................................................................... 4.1

4.1 Project information......................................................................................4.1
4.2 Customer information.................................................................................4.1
4.3 Manufacturer information...........................................................................4.1
4.4 Technical data..............................................................................................4.2
4.4.1 Operating characteristics........................................................................................... 4.2
4.4.2 Pump and project data .............................................................................................. 4.2
4.5 Tightening torques......................................................................................4.4
4.5.1 General instructions................................................................................................... 4.4
4.5.2 General torques......................................................................................................... 4.4
4.5.3 Foundation bolt torques according to DIN 529 ......................................................... 4.4
4.5.4 Special torques .......................................................................................................... 4.5
4.6 Auxiliary connections and lubrication data .............................................4.9
4.7 Drawings + lists + instruments ..................................................................4.9

5 Description ................................................................................ 5.1

5.1 Introduction..................................................................................................5.1
5.2 Working principle ........................................................................................5.2
5.2.1 Numbering of the diaphragm housings..................................................................... 5.2
5.2.2 Typical flow of the GEHO TZPM pump..................................................................... 5.2

201253-IOM-EN-R02 2.1

5.2.3 Suction stroke.............................................................................................................5.3

5.2.4 Discharge stroke.........................................................................................................5.3
5.3 Pump control system..................................................................................5.4
5.4 Drive unit ......................................................................................................5.4
5.5 Power end ....................................................................................................5.4
5.5.1 Lubrication unit ...........................................................................................................5.4
5.6 Liquid end ....................................................................................................5.5
5.6.1 The propelling liquid section.......................................................................................5.5
5.6.2 The slurry section .......................................................................................................5.5
5.6.3 Piston unit ...................................................................................................................5.6
5.6.4 Flushing unit ...............................................................................................................5.6
5.6.5 Propelling liquid control system..................................................................................5.7
5.6.6 Pressure limitation system .........................................................................................5.9
5.6.7 Diaphragm housing unit ...........................................................................................5.10
5.6.8 Suction valve unit .....................................................................................................5.11
5.6.9 Discharge valve unit .................................................................................................5.11
5.6.10 Discharge pulsation dampener ................................................................................5.11
5.6.11 Suction air vessel unit...............................................................................................5.11

6 Transport and installation ........................................................6.1

6.1 Transport and lifting ...................................................................................6.1
6.1.1 Weights and weight limits...........................................................................................6.1
6.2 Erecting the installation..............................................................................6.2
6.3 Hoisting instructions ..................................................................................6.2
6.3.1 General .......................................................................................................................6.2
6.3.2 Lifting eye bolts...........................................................................................................6.2
6.3.3 Transport the packed installation ...............................................................................6.3
6.3.4 Smaller parts...............................................................................................................6.3
6.3.5 Drive unit.....................................................................................................................6.4
6.3.6 Pump ..........................................................................................................................6.4
6.4 Installation....................................................................................................6.5
6.4.1 Foundation..................................................................................................................6.5
6.4.2 Mount and level the pump..........................................................................................6.6
6.4.3 Drive unit.....................................................................................................................6.7
6.5 Safety regulations and instructions for nitrogen...................................6.12
6.6 Pre-charging with nitrogen a pulsation dampener (discharge line)....6.13
6.6.1 Pre-charging the discharge pulsation dampener, set-point instructions .................6.13
6.6.2 Pre-charging a pulsation dampener with the nitrogen filling device ........................6.15
6.7 Pre-charging an accumulator with nitrogen ..........................................6.18

7 Operation, Start-up + Start + Stop procedures ......................7.1

7.1 Start-up, working with the GEHO + VFD main power switch OFF.........7.1
7.1.1 Initial lubrication filling.................................................................................................7.1
7.1.2 Propelling liquid ..........................................................................................................7.2
7.1.3 Air supply unit .............................................................................................................7.2
7.1.4 Pre-charging an accumulator.....................................................................................7.3
7.1.5 Procedure pre-charging a pulsation dampener with nitrogen ...................................7.3

2.2 201253-IOM-EN-R02

7.2 Start-up checklist, working with the GEHO main power switch ON......7.4
7.2.1 Main power switch ..................................................................................................... 7.4
7.2.2 Start-up, electrical check ........................................................................................... 7.4
7.2.3 Initial power end oil check ......................................................................................... 7.4
7.3 Start-up, priming procedure.......................................................................7.5
7.3.1 Priming the slurry section .......................................................................................... 7.5
7.3.2 Priming the propelling liquid section.......................................................................... 7.7
7.4 Operating the GEHO Touch Panel + GEHO Pump Control System ......7.9
7.4.1 Pump operation by local control at the "GEHO TOUCH PANEL"............................ 7.9
7.4.2 Pump operation by remote control, supplied by others ............................................ 7.9
7.5 "START" procedures ................................................................................7.10
7.5.1 Operation definitions................................................................................................ 7.10
7.5.2 "PRE-START" check list.......................................................................................... 7.11
7.5.3 "PRE-START" working with the GEHO and "VFD" main power switch "ON"........ 7.11
7.5.4 "PRE-START" procedure, if "LOCAL" operated ..................................................... 7.12
7.5.5 "PRE-START" procedure, if "REMOTE" operated ................................................. 7.12
7.5.6 "START" procedure, if "LOCAL" operated.............................................................. 7.13
7.5.7 "START" procedure, if "REMOTE" operated .......................................................... 7.13
7.6 "STOP" procedures...................................................................................7.14
7.6.1 "EMERGENCY STOP" procedure .......................................................................... 7.14
7.6.2 "STOP" procedure, if "LOCAL" operated ................................................................ 7.15
7.6.3 "STOP" procedure, if "REMOTE" operated ............................................................ 7.15
7.6.4 "STOP" procedure for flushing ................................................................................ 7.16
7.6.5 "STOP" procedure for maintenance........................................................................ 7.17
7.6.6 "STOP" procedure for "EXTENDED SHUT-DOWN".............................................. 7.19

8 Maintenance .............................................................................. 8.1

8.1 Maintenance safety instructions ...............................................................8.1
8.2 Maintenance references .............................................................................8.2
8.3 Maintenance checkpoints of pump drive components...........................8.3
8.4 Maintenance intervals.................................................................................8.4
8.5 Lubrication system ...................................................................................8.19
8.5.1 Check the oil level.................................................................................................... 8.19
8.5.2 Oil filter clogging indicator........................................................................................ 8.19
8.5.3 Change the oil filter.................................................................................................. 8.20
8.6 Propelling liquid system...........................................................................8.21
8.6.1 Oil filter clogging indicator........................................................................................ 8.21
8.6.2 Change the oil filter.................................................................................................. 8.22
8.7 Gearbox maintenance...............................................................................8.23
8.7.1 Gearbox cooling system, oil filter clogging indicator ............................................... 8.23
8.7.2 Change the oil filter.................................................................................................. 8.24

9 Troubleshooting........................................................................ 9.1
9.1 Trouble shooting .........................................................................................9.1
9.2 Trouble shooting at a diaphragm pulsation dampener ..........................9.7

201253-IOM-EN-R02 2.3

9.3 Typical wear phenomena and its causes .................................................9.9

9.3.1 Valves .........................................................................................................................9.9
9.3.2 Pump diaphragm ......................................................................................................9.10
9.3.3 Pulsation dampener diaphragm ...............................................................................9.10
9.3.4 Piston........................................................................................................................9.11
9.3.5 Cylinder liner.............................................................................................................9.11

10 Assembly and disassembly ...................................................10.1

10.1 Safety instructions ....................................................................................10.1
10.1.1 Lifting eye bolts.........................................................................................................10.2
10.2 Manual rotation of the pump crankshaft ................................................10.3
10.2.1 Manual rotation of the pump shaft with a socket wrench at the gearbox ................10.3
10.2.2 Balance position of the TZPM crank shaft ...............................................................10.4
10.3 Special tools ..............................................................................................10.5
10.3.1 Air driven hydraulic pump.........................................................................................10.5
10.3.2 Oil connector caps....................................................................................................10.5
10.4 Drive unit ....................................................................................................10.6
10.5 Frame unit ..................................................................................................10.6
10.6 General tightening procedure for flanges and gaskets ........................10.6
10.7 Electrical unit .............................................................................................10.7
10.7.1 "INITIATOR" at the crankshaft .................................................................................10.7
10.8 Lubrication system ...................................................................................10.8
10.8.1 Environment instructions ..........................................................................................10.8
10.8.2 Replace the pump lubrication oil and the oil suction filter inside the frame.............10.8
10.8.3 Replace the venting filter at the pump power end ...................................................10.9
10.9 Propelling liquid drain ............................................................................10.10
10.9.1 Environment instructions ....................................................................................... 10.10
10.9.2 Propelling liquid drain preparation......................................................................... 10.10
10.9.3 Propelling liquid drain procedure........................................................................... 10.10
10.10 Propelling liquid system.........................................................................10.13
10.10.1 Environment instructions ....................................................................................... 10.13
10.10.2 Replace the propelling liquid and the filters .......................................................... 10.13
10.10.3 Replace the venting filter at the propelling liquid system...................................... 10.14
10.10.4 2/2 way valves: inspection and preservation ........................................................ 10.15
10.11 Gearbox maintenance.............................................................................10.16
10.11.1 Oil change.............................................................................................................. 10.16
10.11.2 Grease the bearings and labyrinth seals .............................................................. 10.16
10.11.3 Cooling................................................................................................................... 10.16
10.11.4 Air filter................................................................................................................... 10.16
10.12 Valves, angular model, in the discharge line .......................................10.17
10.12.1 Valve housing cover .............................................................................................. 10.17
10.12.2 Conical valve ......................................................................................................... 10.21
10.12.3 Valve seat.............................................................................................................. 10.22
10.12.4 Valve guide bush................................................................................................... 10.24
10.12.5 Valve disk assembly.............................................................................................. 10.25

2.4 201253-IOM-EN-R02

10.13 Valves, inline model, in the suction line ...............................................10.27

10.13.1 Valve housing cover .............................................................................................. 10.27
10.13.2 Conical valve ......................................................................................................... 10.30
10.13.3 Valve seat .............................................................................................................. 10.33
10.13.4 Valve guide bush ................................................................................................... 10.35
10.13.5 Valve disk, disassembly and assembly................................................................. 10.36
10.14 Diaphragm housing unit.........................................................................10.37
10.14.1 Disassembly .......................................................................................................... 10.37
10.14.2 Cleaning after diaphragm leakage or damage or contamination ......................... 10.41
10.14.3 Assembly ............................................................................................................... 10.46
10.14.4 De-aerating the propelling liquid chamber ............................................................ 10.53
10.15 Piston unit ................................................................................................10.54
10.15.1 Disassembly .......................................................................................................... 10.54
10.15.2 Replace procedure for the dust cover rings .......................................................... 10.56
10.15.3 Assembly ............................................................................................................... 10.58

R03 10.16 Pulsation dampener ................................................................................10.60

10.16.1 Safety instructions ................................................................................................. 10.60
10.16.2 Diaphragm removing ............................................................................................. 10.61
10.16.3 Diaphragm assembly............................................................................................. 10.62
10.16.4 Assemble the cover ............................................................................................... 10.67
10.17 Nitrogen filling device.............................................................................10.67

11 Appendix: Parts - Lists and drawings (pump section)....... 11.1

11.1 Safety instructions for parts ....................................................................11.1
11.2 Ordering parts............................................................................................11.1
11.3 General storage conditions......................................................................11.1
11.3.1 Storage of synthetic materials ................................................................................. 11.1
11.4 Part List and drawings..............................................................................11.3

12 Appendix: Parts - Lists and drawings (special tools)......... 12.1

13 Appendix: Electrical information .......................................... 13.1

14 Appendix: Catalogue information......................................... 14.1

Pos: 6 /--- Section break - Odd page --- @ 0\mod_1136277036628_0.doc @ 765 @

201253-IOM-EN-R02 2.5
Pos: 7.1 /GEHO/Heading/H1/#. SAFETY @ 0\mod_1133270411081_31.doc @ 195 @

Pos: 7.2 /GEHO/Heading/H2/#.# Safety symbols @ 0\mod_1133271418089_31.doc @ 211 @

3.1 Safety symbols

Pos: 7.3 /GEHO/Safety/Product Safety Pump/Safety Symbols Overview @ 0\mod_1133426149167_31.doc @ 242 @

The hazards are classified into various stages.

The table below gives a summary of the signs, classes of risk and signal words used in this manual.

Sign Signal word Definition Consequences

DANGER Dangerous situation Death or most serious injuries

WARNING Possible dangerous situation Death or most serious injuries

CAUTION Less dangerous situation Slight or minor injuries

Attention Possible harmful Possible damage to:

The equipment
The environment

Note or Note for application hints No signal word indicating a dangerous

Information and other useful information or harmful situation

Pos: 7.4 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

201253-IOM-EN-R02 3.1

Pos: 7.5 /GEHO/Heading/H2/#.# Important information @ 0\mod_1137680894272_31.doc @ 1364 @

3.2 Important information

Pos: 7.6 /GEHO/Safety/General/Important information @ 0\mod_1137680237357_31.doc @ 1362 @

This manual is intended to help you operate this machine safely and effectively.
It is intended for use by people who have followed the training program that this manual accompanies.
If you have not followed this program, but would like to do so,
then contact your supervisor or training manager.

This machine was designed with safety in mind, and includes features to help prevent injury and damage.
However, all powerful machines can be dangerous, if misused.
This manual is intended to help you operate the machine in a safe manner.

In this manual, the user is the body with authority over and responsibility for the machine (usually a company
or a corporation).
An operator is a person who physically interacts with the machine and/or the machine's control systems
under the direction and with the consent of the machine's user.
It is your responsibility to operate this machine in accordance with all the safety instructions and procedures
in this manual, and with all other safety procedures in your workplace.
It is the user's responsibility to make sure that the machine is correctly installed, configured, commissioned,
operated, serviced and maintained and that such actions are only carried out by people who have been fully
and properly trained for those tasks.
It is also the user's responsibility to make sure that the machine is only used in full accordance with laws (and
regulations, which have the force of law) in the jurisdiction in which the machine is installed.
Before attempting to use the machine, read, understand and know all the safety information
in this chapter.
Pay particular attention to all warnings and cautions throughout this manual.
If you do not follow all the warnings and procedures in this manual,
then this could lead to serious injury to yourself or others, including death.
If there is any safety instruction or procedure that you do not understand,
then do not use the machine.
Contact your supervisor and arrange proper training on the use of the machine.
Use of the machine without understanding and following all the safety instructions and
procedures in this manual could lead to serious injury to yourself or others, including death.

Never use the machine, until you are sure that the routine checks described is completed
and that the routine preventive maintenance program is up-to-date.
If any part of the machine is known (or suspected) to be defective or wrongly adjusted,
then do not use the machine until a repair has been made.
Operation of the machine with defective or wrongly adjusted components could create
safety hazards. This could lead to fatal or other serious personal injury.

Never use the machine until you have received adequate and proper training in its safe and
effective use.
If you are unsure of your ability to use the machine safely and effectively,
then do not do so.
The use of the machine without proper and adequate training could lead to fatal or other
serious personal injury.
Never attempt to remove, modify, over-ride or frustrate any safety device on the machine.
Interfering with safety devices could lead to fatal or other serious personal injury.
Pos: 7.7 /GEHO/Heading/H2/#.# Intended use @ 0\mod_1138263061409_31.doc @ 1911 @

3.2 201253-IOM-EN-R02

3.3 Intended use

Pos: 7.8 /GEHO/Safety/Product Safety Pump/Intended use-pump @ 0\mod_1138263117509_31.doc @ 1914 @

This pump (and/or the pump system components) is intended to pump a liquid media only.
The liquid media is specified by the customer.
Refer to the chapter Technical data for a detailed specification.
Pos: 7.9 /GEHO/Heading/H2/#.# General safety instructions @ 0\mod_1133271158987_31.doc @ 206 @

3.4 General safety instructions

Pos: 7.10 /GEHO/Safety/Product Safety Pump/General safety instructions @ 0\mod_1133426798361_31.doc @ 244 @

1 Always obey local legislation and local safety regulations and instructions.
2 Never cause a potentially dangerous situation.
3 Never touch moving parts.
4 Never loosen parts under pressure.
5 Never touch parts with high temperature.
6 Never touch parts under electrical power.
Pos: 7.11 /GEHO/Heading/H2/#.# Qualified workers @ 0\mod_1133271087294_31.doc @ 203 @
7 Never touch parts which contain dangerous or poisonous media.

3.5 Qualified workers

Pos: 7.12 /GEHO/Safety/Product Safety Pump/Qualified workers @ 0\mod_1133271624877_31.doc @ 219 @

Only personnel who have been given permission are allowed to work with or on the machine.
All personnel must only carry out the work they have been trained to perform.
This applies to both maintenance work and the normal machine operation.
All personnel working with or on the machine must have free access to the applicable manuals.
The operators must be familiar with all situations that may occur so that they can act rapidly and
effectively in the event of emergencies.
Pos: 7.13 /GEHO/Heading/H2/#.# Safe working on the pump @ 0\mod_1133271313769_31.doc @ 209 @ 2

3.6 Safe working on the pump

Pos: 7.14 /GEHO/Safety/Product Safety Pump/Working on the machinery @ 0\mod_1133428079834_31.doc @ 250 @ 52

Make sure to be aware of all related safety warnings an instructions and procedures.
Make sure to be aware of all other parts of the equipment, which are related and involved in securing the
working zone and the equipment.
General working instructions
Before starting works on the machinery, switch off the involved power supply of that part of the machinery
and secure the equipment against switching on.
Never loosen any parts that contain pressure or hot or dangerous fluids or gasses.
Never loosen any parts that are still under mechanical stress.
Pos: 7.15 /GEHO/Heading/H2/#.# Efficient use @ 0\mod_1133271247864_31.doc @ 207 @ 5

3.7 Efficient use

Pos: 7.16 /GEHO/Safety/Product Safety Pump/Efficient use @ 0\mod_1133427598361_31.doc @ 248 @

Apply correct and regular maintenance, according to these manual instructions.

Always use genuine GEHO spare parts and wear parts.
Pos: 7.17 /GEHO/Heading/H2/#.# Safety equipment @ 0\mod_1137483401931_31.doc @ 1241 @

3.8 Safety equipment

Pos: 7.18 /GEHO/Safety/Product Safety Pump/### Safety related documentation @ 4\mod_1215006153706_31.doc @ 36725 @

3.8.1 Safety related documentation

If applicable, than refer to the book "MANUFACTURING DATA RECORDS" ("MDR") of this
pump for the documentation about CE conformity (as defined by the European "Directive on
Pos: 7.19 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @
machinery 98/37/EC and 2006/42/EC") and other required safety related documentation.

201253-IOM-EN-R02 3.3

Pos: 7.20 /GEHO/Safety/Product Safety Pump/### DANGER: CE conformity @ 4\mod_1214979575442_31.doc @ 36701 @

3.8.2 CE conformity
If failing to install and maintain the SAFETY EQUIPMENT in accordance with this manual,
then the installation is no longer in CE-conformity (as defined by the European
"Directive on machinery 98/37/EC and 2006/42/EC") and thus results in:
"... machinery must not be put into service until the final machinery into which it is to be
Pos: 7.21 /GEHO/Heading/H3/#.#.# Emergency stop button @ 0\mod_1137486628771_31.doc @ 1245 @
incorporated has been declared in conformity with the provisions of this Directive ..."

3.8.3 "EMERGENCY STOP" button

Pos: 7.22 /GEHO/Safety/Product Safety Pump/DANGER: emergency button @ 4\mod_1214979911686_31.doc @ 36709 @

CE conformity
If failing to install and maintain the "EMERGENCY STOP" button equipment in accordance
with this manual,
then the installation is no longer in CE-conformity (as defined by the European "Directive on
machinery 98/37/EC and 2006/42/EC") and thus results in:
"... machinery must not be put into service until the final machinery into which it is to be
Pos: 7.23 /GEHO/Safety/Product Safety Pump/Emergency stop button @ 0\mod_1137483963358_31.doc @ 1243 @
incorporated has been declared in conformity with the provisions of this Directive ..."
Refer to chapter "Start and Stop procedure" for details about the use of the "EMERGENCY STOP" button.
An emergency stop button must be provided, according to the CE regulations and according to the local
regulations. The customer must assure this.
It is mandatory to install at least one "EMERGENCY STOP" button, within a short distance of the pump /
machinery / equipment / components / installation.
The installation of the "EMERGENCY STOP" system is not within the scope of the contract between the
customer and Weir Minerals Netherlands.
Responsible for the installation of the "EMERGENCY STOP" button is the customer, as stated in the written
An emergency stop situation is defined in the EN 60204 standard.
An emergency stop is a human action in case of emergency, which is determined to stop a
process or movement that could cause an unsafe situation.
An emergency stop has priority towards all functions and controls in all kind of modes.
Reset an emergency stop may not cause an automatic restart.
Functional aspects for switching off at emergency as described in the international
document IEC 60364 or NEC should be observed.
The final customer emergency stop design must be in accordance to the concerning risk
class and all local regulations.
If no MCC (motor control center) hardware is in the manufacturers scope of supply,
then an emergency stop will not be added, due to lack of MCC configuration information.
Pos: 7.24 /GEHO/Heading/H3/#.#.# Safety covers and safety guards @ 0\mod_1137486661628_31.doc @ 1247 @

3.8.4 Safety covers and safety guards

Pos: 7.25 /GEHO/Safety/Product Safety Pump/Safety covers and safety guards #installed @ 0\mod_1137486711069_31.doc @ 1249 @

The equipment has safety covers and safety guards at all potential unsafe parts.
Safety covers and safety guards must remain in place during operation.
Safety covers and safety guards may only be removed by qualified personnel for maintenance or service
Pos: 8 /--- Section break - Odd page --- @ 0\mod_1136277036628_0.doc @ 765 @

3.4 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Technical data
Pos: 9 /GEHO/Heading/H1/#. Technical data @ 0\mod_1133269719867_31.doc @ 179 @

4 Technical data
Pos: 10.1 /GEHO/Heading/H2/#.# Project information @ 0\mod_1133269813171_31.doc @ 181 @

4.1 Project information

Pos: 10.2 /GEHO/Technical data sheets/Project information-EN @ 0\mod_1133439392901_31.doc @ 273 @

WEIR Project information

WEIR Project name Esperanza
WEIR Project number 201253
Customer purchase order number 500-P-MR-315-01
Pos: 10.3 /GEHO/Heading/H2/#.# Customer information @ 0\mod_1133443655420_31.doc @ 291 @

4.2 Customer information

Pos: 10.4 /GEHO/Technical data sheets/Project/201253-EN+ES/201253-EN+ES Customer @ 7\mod_1252071791773_0.doc @ 53964 @

Customer information Datos del cliente

Name Nombre Minera Esperanza
Purchaser address/bills Direccin Minera Esperanza
RUT No 76.727.040-2
Av. Vitacura 2670, Piso 6 (Edificio CCU)
LaS Condes, Santiago
At: Control de Egresso
Phone: +56 2 789 7916
E-mail: [email protected]
Site Ubicacin Minera Esperanza, Chile
Pos: 10.5 /GEHO/Heading/H2/#.# Manufacturer information @ 0\mod_1133443515208_31.doc @ 288 @

4.3 Manufacturer information

Pos: 10.6 /GEHO/Technical data sheets/Manufacturer information EN+ES @ 7\mod_1248793335373_0.doc @ 53341 @

Manufacturer information Datos del fabricante

Name Nombre Weir Minerals Netherlands b.v.

Address Direccin P.O. Box 249

NL5900AE - VENLO, the Netherlands
Pases Bajos
(+31) 77-3895200
Phone Telfono
(+31) 77-3824844
Fax Fax
[email protected]
E-mail Correo electrnico
Website, internet Sitio Web
Installation, Commissioning
Department Departamento
Instalacin, puesta en servicio
(+31) 77-3895141
Phone Telfono
(+31) 77-3824844: V. van der Koelen
Fax Fax
Spare Parts
Department Departamento
(+31) 77-3895236
Phone Telfono
(+31) 77-3824844: R. Reijnders
Fax Fax
Pos: 10.7 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

201253-IOM-EN-R02 4.1
Technical data

Pos: 10.8 /GEHO/Heading/H2/#.# Technical data @ 0\mod_1133270813820_31.doc @ 198 @

4.4 Technical data

Pos: 10.9 /GEHO/Heading/H3/#.#.# Operating characteristics @ 0\mod_1133443294151_31.doc @ 286 @

4.4.1 Operating characteristics

Pos: 10.10 /GEHO/Technical data sheets/Project/201253-EN+ES/Operation characteristics @ 7\mod_1252071794586_31.doc @ 54006 @

Refer to document PDS.201253 "PUMP DATA SHEET" in chapter "Technical data.

Pos: 10.11 /GEHO/Heading/H3/#.#.# Pump and project data @ 0\mod_1133444066872_31.doc @ 292 @

4.4.2 Pump and project data

Pos: 10.12 /GEHO/Technical data sheets/Project/201253-EN+ES/GEHO PUMPS data 201253 refer to PDS @ 7\mod_1252071793164_31.doc @ 53986 @

Refer to the GEHO pump identification plate for the allowable operating performance and conditions.

GEHO PUMPS identification plate .

Pump No. GEHO 9201253/1
see GEHO PUMPS identification plate
Pump Type GEHO TZPM 1200
see GEHO PUMPS identification plate
Capacity, maximum Q (m3/h) 49 100 114
see GEHO PUMPS identification plate
Operating discharge pressure, maximum p (kPa) 22 930 22 930 14 500
see GEHO PUMPS identification plate
Stroke rate, maximum n (spm) 29 60 68
(stroke cycles per minute of a piston)
see GEHO PUMPS identification plate:
n (s/min)
= spm [strokes per minute]
Required power P (kW) 332 679 501
see GEHO PUMPS identification plate
WEIR project number 814.201253
see GEHO PUMPS identification plate
Date 2009
see GEHO PUMPS identification plate

Refer to the document PDS.201253 "PUMP DATA SHEET"

in chapter "Drawings + lists + instruments" for details about:
the site conditions,
the slurry conditions,
the pump performance data,
the drive components.

Refer for details also to:

- Document 814.201253.00 "DIMENSIONED OUTLINE DRAWING" in chapter "Instruments and drawings".
- Document 814.201253.02 "INSTRUMENT AND EQUIPMENT LIST" in chapter "Instruments and drawings".
- Document 814.201253.03 "P&I DIAGRAM TZPM 1200" in chapter "Instruments and drawings".
- Chapter "Electrical information".
- Chapter "Catalogue information".
Pos: 10.13 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

4.2 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Technical data
Pos: 10.14 /GEHO/Heading/H4/Connection - Electrical @ 0\mod_1133446672849_31.doc @ 306 @ Electrical connection

Pos: 10.15 /GEHO/Technical data sheets/Voltage/Chile 3300/50/3 - 380/50/3 - 120/50/1 @ 7\mod_1252920772901_31.doc @ 54392 @

Item Voltage [V] Frequency [Hz] Phases

Main drive 3300 50 3
Auxiliary motors 380 50 3
Control panel 120 50 1
Pos: 10.16 /GEHO/Heading/H4/Pump drive @ 0\mod_1133448795551_31.doc @ 321 @ Pump drive

Pos: 10.17 /GEHO/Technical data sheets/Project/201253-EN+ES/Operation characteristics @ 7\mod_1252071794586_31.doc @ 54006 @

Refer to document PDS.201253 "PUMP DATA SHEET" in chapter "Technical data.

Pos: 10.18 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

201253-IOM-EN-R02 4.3
Technical data

Pos: 10.19 /GEHO/Heading/H2/#.# Tightening torques @ 0\mod_1133269909891_31.doc @ 183 @

4.5 Tightening torques

Pos: 10.20.1 /GEHO/Heading/H3/#.#.# General instructions @ 7\mod_1248334427435_31.doc @ 52981 @

4.5.1 General instructions

Pos: 10.20.2 /GEHO/Technical data sheets/General torques/Clean and grease all @ 7\mod_1248334260103_31.doc @ 52990 @

Before assembly of a threaded connection:

Clean and grease all the threaded sections with a suitable grease.
This accomplishes:
Proper tightening a prescribed tightening torque.
Easy assembly and disassembly.
Prevents corrosion of the threaded sections.
Pos: 10.20.3 /GEHO/Heading/H3/#.#.# General torques @ 0\mod_1133270125801_31.doc @ 190 @

4.5.2 General torques

Pos: 10.20.4 /GEHO/Technical data sheets/General torques/General torques - grade 8.8 Nm @ 0\mod_1133862945227_31.doc @ 392 @

General = grade 8.8

Size Torque [Nm] Size Torque [Nm]

M8 20 M33 1930
M10 50 M36 2470
M12 85 M39 3200
M16 210 M42 3900
M20 400 M45 4900
M24 700 M48 5900
M27 1040 M52 7600
M30 1410 M56 9400
Pos: 10.21.1 /GEHO/Heading/H3/#.#.# Foundation bolt torques according to DIN 529 @ 0\mod_1133863490701_31.doc @ 397 @ 3

4.5.3 Foundation bolt torques according to DIN 529

Pos: 10.21.2 /GEHO/Technical data sheets/General torques/Foundation bolt torques - grade 3.6 Nm @ 0\mod_1133863255313_31.doc @ 395 @ 3

General = grade 3.6

Size Torque [Nm] Size Torque [Nm]

M20 110 M30 380
M24 190 M33 520
M27 280 M36 660
Pos: 10.22 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

4.4 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Technical data
Pos: 10.23.1 /GEHO/Heading/H3/#.#.# Special torques @ 0\mod_1133270014401_31.doc @ 187 @

4.5.4 Special torques

Pos: 10.23.2 /GEHO/Technical data sheets/Special torques/INFO - Position numbers @ 1\mod_1166014236919_31.doc @ 9320 @

Position numbers specified in the list must be ignored,
if they are not listed in the corresponding parts list.
Pos: 10.23.3 /GEHO/Technical data sheets/Special torques/Special tools/897.010.710-hydr.pump @ 2\mod_1192106525746_31.doc @ 18272 @

Special tool: Hydraulic pump unit = 897.010.710, drawing T.897.000.318

Pos: 10.23.4 /GEHO/Technical data sheets/Special torques/A-Specification/A.807.004.622 Hydr.pump-imp 200 MPA @ 0\mod_1143217678540_31.doc @ 2882 @

A.807.004.622 Part list ID Torque Pressure

Adapter / connecting nipple 002 / 003 50 Nm
37 LB-FT
Hydraulic unit, with hose 002 / 003 maximum
200 000 kPa
2 000 bar
29 000 psig
WARNING: 002 / 004 Non
NEVER pressurize the pump,
if it is not connected with the hose to a tool.
For this can damage the sealing ring at the quick
release connectors ("nipples").
Pos: 10.23.5 /GEHO/Heading/H5/H5-Discharge line @ 4\mod_1213287464731_31.doc @ 33137 @

Discharge line
Pos: 10.23.6 /GEHO/Technical data sheets/Special torques/Discharge valve unit/H.831.020.402 @ 7\mod_1252932558138_31.doc @ 54422 @

Discharge valve unit - 831.020.402 = T.831.000.487

Pos: 10.23.7 /GEHO/Technical data sheets/Special torques/A-Specification/A.807.005.085 hydr.valve-Discharge @ 7\mod_1253007628168_31.doc @ 54473 @

A.807.005.085 - Discharge valve Part list ID Torque [Nm] Pressure kPa

Valve ring lock nut 013 / 010 / 011 300
Connecting nipple / adapter 026 / 027 50
Assembly connecting nipple + adapter {026/027} 50
/ valve housing + valve cover / 001 + 003
Capscrew / clamping piece / valve cover 046/015/003 60 <R03>
Nuts / discharge line 051 / 050 2750
Disassembly: valve cover removal procedure 003
1 Pressurize the pistons (018) 018 130 000
with the hydraulic pump.
2 Housing nuts 024 Hand tight,
use the pin.
3 Valve cover lock nut 019 Loosen the nuts,
effort about
400 Nm
4 Strain nut 020 Loosen the nuts
Assembly: valve cover tightening procedure 003
1 Strain-nut 020 200
2 Pressurize the pistons (018) 130 000
with the hydraulic pump.
3 Housing nuts 024 Loosen,
use the pin.
4 Final-tighten the locknuts. 019 400

201253-IOM-EN-R02 4.5
Technical data

Pos: 10.23.8 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

Pos: 10.23.9 /GEHO/Heading/H5/H5-Suction line @ 4\mod_1213287469058_31.doc @ 33145 @

Suction line
Pos: 10.23.10 /GEHO/Technical data sheets/Special torques/Suction valve unit/H.831.020.403 @ 7\mod_1252932672530_31.doc @ 54434 @

Suction valve unit - 831.020.403= T.831.000.484

Pos: 10.23.11 /GEHO/Technical data sheets/Special torques/A-Specification/A.807.005.083 hydr.valve-Suction @ 7\mod_1253007680000_31.doc @ 54489 @

A.807.005.083 - Suction valve Part list ID Torque [Nm] Pressure kPa

Valve ring lock nut 013 / 010 / 011 300
Connecting nipple / adapter 026 / 027 50
Assembly connecting nipple + adapter {026/027} 50
/ valve housing + valve cover / 001 + 003
Nuts / suction line 024 / 025 2700
Disassembly: valve cover removal procedure 003
1 Pressurize the pistons (018) 018 130 000
with the hydraulic pump.
2 Valve cover lock nut 019 Loosen the nuts,
effort about
400 Nm
3 Strain nut 020 Loosen the nuts
Assembly: valve cover tightening procedure 003
1 Strain-nut 020 200
2 Pressurize the pistons (018) 130 000
with the hydraulic pump.
3 Final-tighten the locknuts. 019 400

Pos: 10.23.12 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

4.6 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Technical data
Pos: 10.23.13 /GEHO/Technical data sheets/Special torques/Diaphragm housing unit/H.832.010.295 @ 7\mod_1252933275790_31.doc @ 54453 @

Diaphragm housing unit - 832.010.295

Pos: 10.23.14 /GEHO/Technical data sheets/Special torques/A-Specification/A.807.005.086+A.807.005.087 Diaphragm housing+unit-hydr. @ 7\mod_1253007419360_31.doc @ 54464 @

A.807.005.086 Part list ID Torque [Nm] Pressure [kPa]

Monitoring rod / diaphragm 015 / 019 140
Nut M36 / frame connection 043 / 042 1900
Nut M33 / connection of corner + middle piece 047 1540
to Diaphragm housing
Capscrew for guidebush 063 15.8
Capscrew / housing 080 / 003 Not required or allowed to loosen or
In case of doubt, first contact and
consult our WEIR-GEHO service
Capscrew / corner + middle pieces 081 / Not required or allowed to loosen or
004+005+006 re-tighten.
In case of doubt, first contact and
consult our WEIR-GEHO service
A.807.005.087 Part list ID Torque [Nm] Pressure [kPa]
Use the special tool: Use pin ID 013 Use the hydraulic
Blind plug, after de-aerating the tool 011 50
Assembly procedure: Refer to the parts
Diaphragm housing cover nuts list of the cover.
1 Pressurize with the hydraulic tool. 045 Pre-tighten the 149 000 kPa
nuts with the pin 21 611 psig
2 De-pressurize the hydraulic tool. 0 kPa
3 Pressurize with the hydraulic tool. 045 Final-tighten the 149 000 kPa
nuts with the pin 21 611 psig
Disassembly procedure: Refer to the parts
Diaphragm housing cover nuts list of the cover.
1 Pressurize with the hydraulic tool. 045 Loosen the nuts 149 000 kPa
with the pin 21 611 psig
Pos: 10.23.15 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

201253-IOM-EN-R02 4.7
Technical data

Pos: 10.23.16 /GEHO/Technical data sheets/Special torques/Piston unit/H.835.091.204 @ 7\mod_1247217081334_31.doc @ 52723 @

Piston unit - 835.072.204 (835.096.169) <R03>

Pos: 10.23.17 /GEHO/Technical data sheets/Special torques/A-Specification/A.807.005.080 Piston unit @ 7\mod_1253007845489_31.doc @ 54492 @

A.807.005.080 Piston unit Part list ID Torque [Nm] Pressure [kPa]

Piston unit lock nut 006 825
Use "LOCTITE" 243
Piston body lock nut 010 2500
Use "LOCTITE" 243
Screw 011 Use "LOCTITE" 243
Pos: 10.23.18 /GEHO/Heading/H5/H5-Discharge line @ 4\mod_1213287464731_31.doc @ 33137 @

Discharge line
Pos: 10.23.19 /GEHO/Technical data sheets/Special torques/Pulsation damper unit/H.851.010.137 @ 7\mod_1252933029392_31.doc @ 54443 @

Pulsation damper unit 150/250 = 851.010.137

Pos: 10.23.20 /GEHO/Technical data sheets/Special torques/A-Specification/A.807.004.685-=150/250 puls.damp. @ 6\mod_1243949829516_31.doc @ 50572 @

A.807.004.685 Part list ID Torque [Nm] Pressure [kPa]

Valve, if applicable 007 Use "LOCTITE
Pulsation damper flange screw 013 2800
Pulsation damper cover nut 014 5500

Pos: 10.24 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

4.8 R03
Technical data
Pos: 10.25 /GEHO/Heading/H2/#.# Auxiliary connections and Lubrication data @ 0\mod_1137667733207_31.doc @ 1351 @

4.6 Auxiliary connections and lubrication data

Pos: 10.26 /GEHO/Technical data sheets/Refer to Utility consumption list @ 0\mod_1148974052988_31.doc @ 4381 @

Refer to the document UTILITY CONSUMPTION LIST for more information about auxiliary connections
and lubrication data.
Pos: 10.27 /GEHO/General/Attention, Warning and Note/Information - Check lubricant @ 0\mod_1143532829375_31.doc @ 2934 @

Depending on the oil condition the changing intervals can differ substantially.
Check the oil regularly for contamination and chemical properties by an authorized
Always keep reserve oil in stock.

Pos: 10.28 /GEHO/Heading/H2/#.# Drawings+Lists+Instruments @ 0\mod_1133876951146_31.doc @ 421 @

4.7 Drawings + lists + instruments

Pos: 10.29 /GEHO/Technical data sheets/Project/201253-EN+ES/201253-EN+ES Instruments and drawings @ 7\mod_1252071792648_0.doc @ 53974 @

Document number Description English

Nmero de plano Descripcin Espaol
(Process & Instruments) INSTRUMENTACIN"







Pos: 11 /--- Section break - Odd page --- @ 0\mod_1136277036628_0.doc @ 765 @

201253-IOM-EN-R02 4.9
Pos: 12.1 /GEHO/Heading/H1/#. Description @ 0\mod_1134483846926_31.doc @ 448 @

Pos: 12.2.1 /GEHO/Heading/H2/#.# Introduction @ 0\mod_1144834888602_31.doc @ 3092 @

5.1 Introduction
Pos: 12.2.2 /GEHO/Description/Introduction/Media @ 0\mod_1134634042426_31.doc @ 544 @

The GEHO piston diaphragm pump is a reciprocating, positive displacement pump, designed to handle
liquids contaminated with solids, like sludges, slurry and mud, particularly where abrasive or aggressive
materials are involved.
Pos: 12.2.3 /GEHO/Description/Introduction/Diaphragm unit @ 0\mod_1134633771977_31.doc @ 542 @

A rubber diaphragm separates the pumped liquid from the clean propelling liquid.
The pumped liquid has no contact with moving parts, such as the piston, the piston rod or the cylinder liner.
This enables to use low-wear components to pump at high pressure a solids containing liquid or slurry.

Pos: 12.2.4 /GEHO/Description/Introduction/Wearing and replacement parts @ 0\mod_1134635894018_31.doc @ 574 @

The wearing parts and replacement parts are easily accessible for inspection and repair.
Pos: 12.2.5 /GEHO/Heading/H4/Wearing parts @ 0\mod_1134635462418_31.doc @ 560 @ Wearing parts

Pos: 12.2.6 /GEHO/Description/Introduction/Wearing parts: Definition @ 0\mod_1134639095462_31.doc @ 580 @

Wearing parts are parts subject to exchange regularly.

Pos: 12.2.7 /GEHO/Description/Introduction/Wearing parts: List @ 0\mod_1134635624621_31.doc @ 570 @

These are:
Suction valve
Discharge valve
Pos: 12.2.8 /GEHO/Heading/H4/Replacement parts @ 0\mod_1134635502866_31.doc @ 564 @ Replacement parts

Pos: 12.2.9 /GEHO/Description/Introduction/Replacement parts: Definition @ 0\mod_1134639331822_31.doc @ 582 @

Replacement parts are parts subject to be replaced, if required.

Pos: 12.2.10 /GEHO/Description/Introduction/Replacement parts: List @ 0\mod_1134635786604_31.doc @ 572 @

These are:
Pump diaphragm
Pulsation dampener diaphragm
Pos: 12.2.11 /GEHO/Heading/H4/Non-wearing parts @ 0\mod_1134635392998_31.doc @ 555 @ Non-wearing parts

Pos: 12.2.12 /GEHO/Description/Introduction/TZPM/Non-wearing parts @ 0\mod_1134634939436_31.doc @ 554 @

Piston rod
Piston seal rings
Cylinder liner
Pos: 12.3 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

201253-IOM-EN-R02 5.1

Pos: 12.4.1 /GEHO/Heading/H2/#.# Working principle @ 0\mod_1135000311087_31.doc @ 611 @

5.2 Working principle

Pos: 12.4.2 /GEHO/Description/Working principle/TZPM/TZPM general @ 6\mod_1234867089317_31.doc @ 47582 @

5.2.1 Numbering of the diaphragm housings


1 2 3

1 2 3

Figure 5.1:

Typical flow of TZPM pump

5.2.2 Typical flow of the GEHO TZPM DISCHARGE FLOW = Q1 + Q2 + Q3

Each single acting piston moves the propelling 100 Q1 Q3 Q2

liquid to drive the connected diaphragm, 50

Typical flow

which then pumps the slurry. 0


With 1 revolution of the crankshaft, -100

3 pistons make in total -150
3 diaphragm suction strokes and SUCTION FLOW = Q1 + Q2 + Q3
3 diaphragm discharge strokes. -200
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360
Crankshaft angle

The total pump flow is the combined flow from Figure 5.2: Typical flow of a GEHO TZPM pump
the 3 diaphragm housings.

The 3 pistons follow each other at 120 degree

crankshaft angle, as represented in the figure.
Pos: 12.4.3 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

5.2 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Pos: 12.4.4 /GEHO/Description/Working principle/TZPM/Suction stroke @ 0\mod_1134999056904_31.doc @ 606 @

5.2.3 Suction stroke

The piston (A) moves backward and G
decompresses the propelling liquid (B).
The diaphragm (F) moves backward.
The resulting low pressure in the slurry
chamber (E) forces E
the discharge valve (G) to close,
the suction valve (C) to open.
The slurry fills the slurry chamber (E) of the
diaphragm housing unit through the suction C
line (D). B A

Figure 5.3: Working principle: Suction stroke

Pos: 12.4.5 /GEHO/Description/Working principle/TZPM/Discharge stroke @ 0\mod_1134999494473_31.doc @ 608 @

5.2.4 Discharge stroke


The piston (A) moves forward and compresses G

the propelling liquid (B).
The diaphragm (F) moves forward. F
The resulting high pressure in the slurry
chamber (E) of the diaphragm housing unit
the suction valve (C) to close,
the discharge valve (G) to open.
The slurry leaves the slurry chamber (E) through
the discharge line (H).

Figure 5.4: Working principle: Discharge stroke

Pos: 12.5 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

201253-IOM-EN-R02 5.3

Pos: 12.6.1 /GEHO/Heading/H2/#.# Pump control system @ 0\mod_1134569924544_31.doc @ 510 @

5.3 Pump control system

Pos: 12.6.2 /GEHO/Description/Pump control system/Pump control system @ 0\mod_1135075605523_31.doc @ 701 @

The pump control system monitors and controls the operation.

The pump control system includes:
A PLC (Programmable Logic Controller).
The HMI (Human Machine Interface).
The pump control system monitors the pump alarm and trip parameters.
It also monitors the pump diaphragm position to prevent an overload of the diaphragm.
The pump control system allows a local or remote pump start or pump stop procedure as well as the speed
For maintenance purpose the PLC/HMI allows the manual operation of the propelling liquid fill and outlet
If required, then the pump parameters can also be made available to the customer control system.
Refer to chapter Electrical information for a detailed description of the pump control system.
Pos: 12.7.1 /GEHO/Heading/H2/#.# Drive unit @ 0\mod_1134483988099_31.doc @ 452 @

5.4 Drive unit

Pos: 12.7.2 /GEHO/Description/Drive unit/Gearbox type @ 0\mod_1134639813244_31.doc @ 584 @

The main E-motor and the gearbox are mounted on a one structure welded base frame.
The mounting surfaces for these components are machined to allow optimum alignment.
Anchoring holes in the bottom of the base frame are provided.
The main E-motor shaft and the gearbox input shaft are connected with a flexible shaft coupling.
The gearbox output shaft and the pump shaft are connected with a gear coupling.
Coupling guards are provided for safety.
Pos: 12.8 /GEHO/Heading/H2/#.# Power end @ 0\mod_1134484023820_31.doc @ 454 @

5.5 Power end

Pos: 12.9 /GEHO/Description/Power end/Introduction/Introduction @ 0\mod_1136371259991_31.doc @ 916 @

The power end converts the circular motion of the pump drive into a linear motion of the connecting rod and
crosshead and piston.
Pos: 12.10 /GEHO/Description/Power end/Project/201189=TZPM 1200 @ 5\mod_1226500711865_31.doc @ 43622 @

The power end includes the following items:

Cast power end with shaft seals and inspection covers to seal against exterior contamination.
Direct driven crankshaft.
Forged alloy steel crankshaft supported on self-aligning roller bearings.
Heavy duty anti-friction bearings.
Crossheads with replaceable guides.
Crosshead extension/piston rods constructed in sections for simple replacement of the pistons.
Integral pressurized lube oil system.
Piston rod stuffing box to prevent lube oil contamination and leakage.
A turning gear device for manually rotating the pump in an unloaded condition.
Lock-out of the motor driver when the turning gear is engaged.
Pos: 12.11.1 /GEHO/Heading/H3/#.#.# Lubrication unit @ 0\mod_1134568393543_31.doc @ 498 @

5.5.1 Lubrication unit

Pos: 12.11.2 /GEHO/Description/Power end/Lubrication unit/TZPM/@Introduction @ 0\mod_1136372541764_31.doc @ 918 @

The lubrication unit supplies fresh oil to the bearings, the crosshead liners and the crosshead rod.
Pos: 12.12 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

5.4 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Pos: 12.13 /GEHO/Heading/H2/#.# Liquid end @ 0\mod_1134568182139_31.doc @ 492 @

5.6 Liquid end

Pos: 12.14.1 /GEHO/Description/Liquid end/Introduction/TZPM/Main items - TZPM - Header @ 0\mod_1145875032918_31.doc @ 3323 @

The TZPM pump consist of the following parts:

Pos: 12.14.2 /GEHO/Description/Liquid end/Introduction/TZPM/Main items - TZPM @ 0\mod_1136360416839_31.doc @ 882 @

3 Piston units.
3 Diaphragm housing units.
3 Suction valve units.
1 Suction manifold.
3 Discharge valve units.
1 Discharge manifold.
Pos: 12.14.3 /GEHO/Description/Liquid end/Introduction/Main items/Pulsation dampener - Discharge (2) @ 0\mod_1158588058198_31.doc @ 6154 @

2 Discharge pulsation dampeners.

Pos: 12.14.4 /GEHO/Description/Liquid end/Introduction/Main items/Air vessel - Suction @ 0\mod_1145981103040_31.doc @ 3414 @

1 Suction air vessel.

Pos: 12.14.5 /GEHO/Description/Liquid end/Introduction/Divisions @ 0\mod_1149662408190_31.doc @ 4417 @

The liquid end is divided by a rubber diaphragm into two mechanically separated sections:
The propelling liquid section.
The slurry section.
Pos: 12.14.6 /GEHO/Description/Liquid end/Introduction/Propelling liquid section/TZPM @ 1\mod_1166113655949_31.doc @ 11322 @

5.6.1 The propelling liquid section

The propelling liquid section is filled with the propelling liquid.
The propelling liquid section consists of:
The piston unit.
The rear side of the diaphragm housing unit.
Pos: 12.14.7 /GEHO/Description/Liquid end/Introduction/Slurry section/Standard @ 0\mod_1149662677848_31.doc @ 4423 @

5.6.2 The slurry section

Only the slurry section has contact with the pumped liquid.
The slurry section consists of:
The slurry front side of the diaphragm housing unit.
The suction valve unit.
The discharge valve unit.
Pos: 12.14.8 /GEHO/Description/Liquid end/Introduction/Main items/Air vessel - Suction @ 0\mod_1145981103040_31.doc @ 3414 @

1 Suction air vessel.

Pos: 12.14.9 /GEHO/Description/Liquid end/Introduction/Main items/Pulsation dampener - Discharge (2) @ 0\mod_1158588058198_31.doc @ 6154 @

2 Discharge pulsation dampeners.

Pos: 12.15 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

201253-IOM-EN-R02 5.5

Pos: 12.16.1 /GEHO/Heading/H3/#.#.# Piston unit @ 0\mod_1134569925466_31.doc @ 512 @

5.6.3 Piston unit

Pos: 12.16.2 /GEHO/Description/Liquid end/Piston unit/TZPM/Piston rod - Tapered @ 0\mod_1145878938338_31.doc @ 3329 @

The piston rod connects the piston and the crosshead rod.
The tapered ends are connected by the rod clamping piece.

Pos: 12.16.3 /GEHO/Description/Liquid end/Piston unit/Piston @ 0\mod_1135242883584_31.doc @ 732 @

The piston is provided with two sets of roof shaped rings (piston seal rings) and a piston guide ring.
The piston guide ring centers the piston in the cylinder liner.
Pos: 12.16.4 /GEHO/Description/Liquid end/Piston unit/TZPM/Piston seal rings @ 0\mod_1135069059470_31.doc @ 661 @

The piston seal to the propelling section prevents loss of propelling liquid from the diaphragm housing.
The piston seal ring to the air side prevents drawing in of air or drawing in of flushing liquid.
Pos: 12.16.5 /GEHO/Description/Liquid end/Piston unit/TZPM/Cylinder liner @ 0\mod_1135069465694_31.doc @ 666 @

The cylinder liner is clamped into the diaphragm housing end by a thrust piece.
Pos: 12.16.6 /GEHO/Description/Liquid end/Piston unit/Resistance and replacement @ 0\mod_1135070106045_31.doc @ 670 @

The cylinder liner is highly wear resistant. It is not damaged immediately, when as a result of diaphragm
rupture the abrasive solids enter the propelling liquid section.
The piston body and the cylinder liner can be changed quickly and easily.
Pos: 12.17.1 /GEHO/Heading/H3/#.#.# Flushing unit @ 0\mod_1136284703903_31.doc @ 806 @

5.6.4 Flushing unit

Pos: 12.17.2 /GEHO/Description/Liquid end/Flushing unit/TZPM/Piston flushing unit @ 0\mod_1136369150107_31.doc @ 908 @

The piston flushing unit uses the propelling liquid to lubricate the piston and cylinder liner.
Pos: 12.17.3 /GEHO/Description/Liquid end/Flushing unit/Flushing unit - Common @ 0\mod_1136369685006_31.doc @ 912 @

The propelling liquid for the flushing unit is supplied by the propelling liquid unit.
During normal operation the flushing unit is active.
If propelling liquid needs to be supplied to the propelling liquid section,
then the flow to the flushing unit will be switched off and will be used for the propelling liquid control unit.
Logics in the PLC prevent that the absence of propelling liquid in the flushing unit will not exceed 1 minute.
Pos: 12.18 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

5.6 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Pos: 12.19.1 /GEHO/Heading/H3/#.#.# Propelling liquid control system @ 0\mod_1134632211894_31.doc @ 522 @

5.6.5 Propelling liquid control system

Pos: 12.19.2 /GEHO/Description/Liquid end/Propelling liquid control system/TZPM/Refer to "Start-up, priming procedure" @ 6\mod_1234953648836_31.doc @ 47661 @

Refer to chapter "Start-up, priming procedure" for details about
the functions and procedures of the propelling liquid control system,
how the monitoring rods actuate the monitoring probes and
how this regulates the volume of oil in the propelling liquid chambers.
Pos: 12.19.3 /GEHO/Description/Liquid end/Propelling liquid control system/TZPM/TZPM schematics @ 0\mod_1135261173624_31.doc @ 755 @




Figure 5.5: GEHO TZPM pump schematics

A Slurry suction line B Slurry chamber
C Propelling liquid D Suction valve
E Diaphragm F Piston
G Piston rod H Cylinder liner
I Monitoring rod with a position marker J Discharge valve
for limitation of the diaphragm stroke
K Slurry discharge line
L Monitoring probes for minimum and maximum stroke of the diaphragm (for limitation of the diaphragm stroke)

1 "AIR" = Compressed air supply connection

2 Propelling liquid automatic control system
4 "FILL" = automatic filling of propelling liquid,
if the position marker (I) at the rod reaches the minimum-probe
5 "DRAIN" = automatic drain of propelling liquid,
if the position marker (I) at the rod reaches the maximum-probe
Pos: 12.19.4 /GEHO/Description/Liquid end/Propelling liquid control system/TZPM/TZPM Propelling liquid control system @ 2\mod_1175168658938_31.doc @ 12922 @

The pump is standard equipped with a patented GEHO propelling liquid automatic control system:
It controls and limits the stroke of the pump diaphragms.
It regulates the volume of the propelling liquid within limits.
It protects the diaphragms against overstress.
If the normal diaphragm stroke position changes (as a result of increase or decrease of propelling liquid),
then the position marker at the monitoring rod reaches the rear or front monitoring probe.
Then the connected "PLC" ("PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLER") actuates a fill or drain of propelling

201253-IOM-EN-R02 5.7

The patented GEHO propelling liquid automatic control system Possible causes:
Overstress of the diaphragm. Increase of propelling liquid volume.
Blow up the diaphragm.
Diaphragm may strike the rear wall of the diaphragm housing. Decrease of propelling liquid volume.

Possible causes for (slow, long term) change of the propelling liquid volume at a TZPM pump:
Liquid increase by flush liquid, wiped by the piston sealing rings from the cylinder liner.
Liquid loss at the piston sealing rings from the high pressure chamber.
Liquid loss at other seals.
Pos: 12.19.5 /GEHO/Description/Liquid end/Propelling liquid control system/Caution - Release remaining pressure @ 0\mod_1136282494105_31.doc @ 786 @

Before installation or service or maintenance work:
Refer to the concerning chapters.
Stop the auxiliary propelling liquid motor.
Release the pressure from the propelling liquid control system.
The system remains under pressure even after shutting down the pump.
The system is equipped with an accumulator.
This accumulator is preloaded with pressurized nitrogen.
Pos: 12.20 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

5.8 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Pos: 12.21.1 /GEHO/Heading/H3/#.#.# Pressure limitation system @ 0\mod_1134569743995_31.doc @ 508 @

5.6.6 Pressure limitation system

Pos: 12.21.2 /GEHO/Description/Liquid end/Pressure limitation system/Introduction, Elelectrical - Mechanical @ 0\mod_1136292306374_31.doc @ 852 @

A pressure limitation system limits the discharge pressure when a pre-determined pressure is exceeded.
Refer for details and set-points to the document "INSTRUMENT AND EQUIPMENT LIST".
There are independent systems:
Electrical pressure limitation by stopping the pump drives.
Mechanical pressure limitation by releasing the propelling liquid.
Pos: /GEHO/Heading/H4/Pressure limitation - Electrical @ 0\mod_1136292111124_31.doc @ 846 @ Electrical pressure limitation

Pos: /GEHO/Description/Liquid end/Pressure transmitter/Pressure transmitter - 2-step overpressure @ 0\mod_1136289605881_31.doc @ 824 @

The pressure transmitter raises an alarm, when the operating pressure exceeds a preset alarm level set-
A further increase of the operating pressure switches off the pump at a second preset level set-point.
Refer for details and set-points to the document "INSTRUMENT AND EQUIPMENT LIST".

In case operating pressure is below precharge pressure than the pressure transmitter and the
pressure gauge will indicate the precharge pressure and not the pump operating pressure.
Refer to chapter "Precharging with nitrogen a pulsation dampener (discharge line)" for dampener precharge
Pos: /GEHO/Heading/H4/Pressure limitation - Mechanical @ 0\mod_1136292155037_31.doc @ 848 @ Mechanical pressure limitation

Pos: /GEHO/Description/Liquid end/Pressure limitation system/Mechanical @ 0\mod_1136292524278_31.doc @ 854 @

The mechanical pressure limitation system is a secondary safety system.

In some cases the pump does not stop immediately due to the mass of inertia forces.
In that case the discharge pressure still exceeds the preset trigger level of the electrical pressure limitation
A high-pressure manifold connects all diaphragm housing units with a pressure relief valve.
The high pressure manifold is connected to all diaphragm housings with a check valve.
The check valve prevents oil flow between the diaphragm housings.
It also holds a constant line pressure at the underside of the relief valve.
The pressure level in the manifold equals the level of the main pressure spikes in the diaphragm housing
units. The safety valve is a spring-loaded type valve with a special valve disc.
If the pressure in the main discharge line exceeds the pressure of the spring,
then the safety valve opens and releases the pressure.
Pos: /GEHO/Description/Liquid end/Pressure limitation system/Actions after actuating @ 0\mod_1136295398521_31.doc @ 860 @

Actions that follow are:

Immediate stop of all pumping action.
A great amount of propelling liquid will be returned to the storage tank.
The diaphragm moves to the filling position.
Automatic refill of the propelling liquid system.
Pos: /GEHO/Description/Liquid end/Pressure limitation system/Caution - Release pressure @ 0\mod_1136295053785_31.doc @ 858 @

Before installation or service or maintenance work:
Refer to the concerning chapters.
Release the pressure from the pressure limitation system.
The pressure limitation system remains under pressure even after shut down of the pump.

Pos: 12.22 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

201253-IOM-EN-R02 5.9

Pos: 12.23.1 /GEHO/Heading/H3/#.#.# Diaphragm housing unit @ 0\mod_1134569604134_31.doc @ 504 @

5.6.7 Diaphragm housing unit

Pos: 12.23.2 /GEHO/Description/Liquid end/Diaphragm housing unit/TZPM @ 0\mod_1135074606766_31.doc @ 699 @

The diaphragm housing unit is the central part of the pump.

A rubber diaphragm divides diaphragm housing unit into two sections:
The propelling liquid section.
The slurry section.
The movement of the piston generates an increase and decrease of the pressure in the propelling liquid.
The diaphragm transmits the pressure change into the slurry section.
In combination with the connected valves the slurry will be pumped.
The diaphragm housing unit consists of:
The diaphragm housing.
The diaphragm.
The diaphragm housing cover.
The monitoring rod.
The connecting pieces.

The diaphragm is a preformed molded diaphragm with an O-ring shaped clamping ring.
This prevents stress concentrations in the clamping area.
The diaphragm housing cover clamps the diaphragm at the diaphragm clamping ring.
The diaphragm housing cover and the diaphragm housing have a metal to metal contact.
This prevents movement during pump operation and gives the diaphragm a fixed fitting stress in the clamping
area. There is a seal between the diaphragm housing cover and the diaphragm housing.
The monitoring rod is connected to a cone plate.
The cone plate is vulcanized into the diaphragm.
The monitoring rod is part of the propelling liquid control system.

At the propelling liquid section the diaphragm housing unit is connected to:
The power end unit.
Pos: 12.23.3 /GEHO/Description/Liquid end/Diaphragm housing unit/Slurry section/Standard @ 1\mod_1164965667046_31.doc @ 8898 @

At the slurry section the diaphragm housing unit is connected to:

The suction valve unit at the bottom.
The discharge valve unit at the top.
Pos: 12.24 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

5.10 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Pos: 12.25.1 /GEHO/Heading/H3/#.#.# Suction valve unit @ 0\mod_1134569502477_31.doc @ 502 @

5.6.8 Suction valve unit

Pos: 12.25.2 /GEHO/Description/Liquid end/Valve units/Suction valve unit @ 0\mod_1137069101509_31.doc @ 1141 @

The suction valve unit allows the slurry to pass from the suction line to the diaphragm housing unit during the
suction stroke.
The suction valve unit disallows the slurry to pass from diaphragm housing unit to the suction line during the
discharge stroke.
Pos: 12.25.3 /GEHO/Heading/H3/#.#.# Discharge valve unit @ 0\mod_1137069603901_31.doc @ 1146 @

5.6.9 Discharge valve unit

Pos: 12.25.4 /GEHO/Description/Liquid end/Valve units/Discharge valve unit @ 0\mod_1137069192630_31.doc @ 1143 @

The discharge valve unit allows the slurry to pass from diaphragm housing unit to the discharge line during
the discharge stroke.
The discharge valve unit disallows the slurry to pass from the discharge line to the diaphragm housing unit
during the suction stroke.
Pos: 12.26 /GEHO/Heading/H3/#.#.# Discharge pulsation dampener @ 0\mod_1134569676478_31.doc @ 506 @

5.6.10 Discharge pulsation dampener

Pos: 12.27 /GEHO/Description/Liquid end/Pulsation dampener/Discharge/Introduction @ 0\mod_1147765070988_31.doc @ 3941 @

The discharge pulsation dampener minimizes the pressure variations in the discharge line.
This achieves a constant flow in the discharge line.
A rubber diaphragm separates the pulsation dampener into 2 sections:
The slurry section.
The nitrogen section, pre-charged with nitrogen.
Pos: 12.28 /GEHO/Description/Liquid end/Pulsation dampener/Pressure transmitter+ Refer on P&I-skid @ 1\mod_1173174838995_31.doc @ 12616 @

A pressure measuring point for the pump discharge pressure is located on top of the discharge pulsation
The pressure indicator is located on the P&I-skid (Process and Instruments skid).
The pressure transmitter results are displayed on the GEHO touch panel.
Refer for details to the "INSTRUMENT AND EQUIPMENT LIST" and chapter "Pressure limitation system".
Pos: 12.29.1 /GEHO/Heading/H3/#.#.# Suction air vessel unit @ 0\mod_1134632576428_31.doc @ 526 @

5.6.11 Suction air vessel unit

Pos: 12.29.2 /GEHO/Description/Liquid end/Air vessel units/Suction/Standard-manual air filling @ 0\mod_1137071003724_31.doc @ 1148 @

The suction air vessel unit minimizes the pressure variations in the suction line.
This achieves a constant flow in the suction line.
For most applications the air content in the suction air vessel will not reduce during pump operation even
after a long period.
In case of an application where air is being transported out of the vessel,
then it may be required to install an air filling line to the top of the vessel to allow manually air filling during
pump operation.
Pos: 13 /--- Section break - Odd page --- @ 0\mod_1136277036628_0.doc @ 765 @

201253-IOM-EN-R02 5.11
Transport and installation
Pos: 14.1 /GEHO/Heading/H1/#. Transport and installation @ 0\mod_1136455268304_31.doc @ 931 @

6 Transport and installation

Pos: /GEHO/Heading/H2/#.# Transport and lifting @ 0\mod_1136806045785_31.doc @ 973 @

6.1 Transport and lifting

Pos: /GEHO/General/Attention, Warning and Note/DANGER - Safety - Obey safety instructions and procedures @ 0\mod_1136886637385_31.doc @ 1007 @

Obey the safety instructions.
Obey the working procedures.

Pos: /GEHO/General/Attention, Warning and Note/Caution - Lifting device - Check for damage @ 0\mod_1136886348800_31.doc @ 1005 @

Check the lifting devices for damage before use.
Replace damaged parts immediately.

Pos: /GEHO/General/Attention, Warning and Note/Attention - Lifting devices - Weight limits @ 0\mod_1136885967642_31.doc @ 1003 @

Make sure to use only lifting devices with suitable weight limitation.

Pos: /GEHO/General/Attention, Warning and Note/Attention - Lifting devices - Protect equipment @ 0\mod_1136886849861_31.doc @ 1009 @

Make sure to protect the equipment when using lifting straps or lifting chains.

Pos: /GEHO/General/Attention, Warning and Note/Attention - Lifting locations - Use lifting eyes or flanges @ 0\mod_1136885672808_31.doc @ 1001 @

Make sure to use the provided lifting eyes or lifting flanges when hoisting the pump parts.
Pos: /GEHO/Heading/H3/#.#.# Weights and limits @ 0\mod_1137424754577_31.doc @ 1233 @

6.1.1 Weights and weight limits

Pos: /GEHO/Transport and installation/Transport and lifting/Caution - Weight limits @ 0\mod_1137425074277_31.doc @ 1237 @

Never exceed the weight limits.
Use the correct transport and lifting gear.
Pos: /GEHO/Transport and installation/Transport and lifting/Weights @ 0\mod_1137424926404_31.doc @ 1235 @

For the actual transport weights refer to the drawing PACKING.

For the actual unit weights refer to the drawing DIMENSIONED OUTLINE DRAWING.
Pos: 14.2.2 /GEHO/General/Attention, Warning and Note/Warning - Refer to "PACKING" @ 0\mod_1137404858107_31.doc @ 1159 @

Refer to the drawings "PACKING" in chapter "Drawings + Lists + Instruments"
for the lifting values and restrictions.
Pos: 14.2.3 /GEHO/General/Attention, Warning and Note/Warning - Hoisting facilities @ 6\mod_1234794998618_31.doc @ 47513 @

Refer to the drawing HOISTING FACILITY in chapter "Special tools"
for the lifting locations and recommended tools.
Pos: 14.2.4 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

201253-IOM-EN-R02 6.1
Transport and installation

Pos: 14.2.5 /GEHO/Transport and installation/Installation/## Erecting the Installation @ 5\mod_1225119340834_31.doc @ 39879 @

6.2 Erecting the installation

Before starting erecting the installation, make sure to follow the agreements made between
your company and Weir Minerals Netherlands b.v.

Strictly adhere to all instructions as given in chapter "Safety" in front of this manual.
For safe operation and handling, obey to the instructions in this chapter along with the correct
Pos: 14.2.6 /GEHO/Heading/H2/#.# Hoisting Instructions @ 5\mod_1225119514302_31.doc @ 39887 @
working sequence.

6.3 Hoisting instructions

Pos: 14.2.7 /GEHO/Transport and installation/Transport and lifting/### Check,, hoisting belts @ 5\mod_1225120147893_31.doc @ 39895 @

6.3.1 General
Check always, that the hoisting belts do not touch and damage vulnerable parts of the
pump (like instruments, hoses and piping).
Pos: 14.2.8 /GEHO/Transport and installation/Transport and lifting/### lifting eyes @ 5\mod_1221653262294_31.doc @ 38469 @ 3

6.3.2 Lifting eye bolts

The heavy parts of the pumps are provided with one or more lifting eye bolts,
or have the possibility to install a lifting eye for transportation purposes.
Always transport these parts by using these eyes.
Table according to DIN 580 "LIFTING EYE BOLTS": Working Load Limit (= WLL) [kg]
Size M8 M10 M12 M16 M20 M24 M27 M30 M33 M36 M42 M56 M64
(metric thread)
only for 1 eye 140 230 340 700 1200 1800 2500 3600 4300 5100 7000 11500 16000
bolt, hoisting

for 2 or more 95 170 240 500 830 1270 1800 2600 3100 3700 5000 8300 1100
eye bolts

If 2 or more lifting eye bolts are used,

then allowed the hoisting angle is minimum 45 degrees, as shown in the figure.
Pos: 14.2.9 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @ 3

6.2 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Transport and installation
Pos: /GEHO/Heading/H3/#.#.# Transport the packed installation @ 0\mod_1137408313966_31.doc @ 1177 @

6.3.3 Transport the packed installation

Pos: /GEHO/Transport and installation/Transport and lifting/Transport/Transport box @ 0\mod_1137408396926_31.doc @ 1182 @


Obey the instructions at the transport box.

To lift the transport box, use a crane and

lifting chains.
For fastening the hoisting chains
(in case the pump is packed),
follow the pictured instructions on both
sides of the box.

Figure 6.1: Lifting locations at the transport box

(The figure shows a schematic arrangement for more
Pos: /GEHO/Heading/H3/#.#.# Smaller parts @ 0\mod_1136807299788_31.doc @ 985 @

6.3.4 Smaller parts

Pos: /GEHO/Transport and installation/Transport and lifting/Lifting locations/Smaller parts @ 0\mod_1136809345700_31.doc @ 995 @

Lift the smaller parts at the desired lifting locations.

Use lifting straps or a forklift.

Error! Unknown switch argument.

Pos: 14.2.12 /GEHO/General/Attention, Warning and Note/Warning - Refer to "PACKING" @ 0\mod_1137404858107_31.doc @ 1159 @

Refer to the drawings "PACKING" in chapter "Drawings + Lists + Instruments"
for the lifting values and restrictions.
Pos: 14.2.13 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

201253-IOM-EN-R02 6.3
Transport and installation

Pos: /GEHO/Heading/H3/#.#.# Drive unit @ 0\mod_1136807338183_31.doc @ 987 @

6.3.5 Drive unit

Pos: /GEHO/Transport and installation/Transport and lifting/Lifting locations/Drive Unit/Drive unit+gearbox+1hoistspreaders$01 @ 0\mod_1136808534193_31.doc @ 991 @

1 Use a standard hoist spreader (A) to avoid

damage (not in the scope of supply).
2 Lift the unit at the 4 frame lifting points (B).
If this kind of hoist spreader is not available, then:
1 Disconnect coupling (C) between the motor
and the gearbox.
2 Dis-assemble the motor and gearbox from the
frame. B1
3 Hoist separately the motor and the gearbox B2
and the frame at their hoisting points.


Figure 6.2: Lifting locations at the drive unit

(The figure shows a schematic arrangement for more
Pos: 14.2.15 /GEHO/Heading/H3/#.#.# Pump @ 0\mod_1137414488876_31.doc @ 1207 @

6.3.6 Pump
Pos: 14.2.16 /GEHO/Transport and installation/Transport and lifting/Lifting locations/TZPM/Standard, pump+liq.end, refer V-drawing+ special tools @ 1\mod_1173178868349_31.doc @ 12620 @

The power end and liquid end are shipped Hoisting unit
preassembled. Refer to the drawing in chapter
Part lists and drawings (special tools).
Refer to chapter "Technical data sheets":
Make sure to use the transport support.
Lift the pump at the four lifting points or
Pos: 14.2.17 /GEHO/General/Attention, Warning and Note/Warning - Refer to "PACKING" @ 0\mod_1137404858107_31.doc @ 1159 @

Refer to the drawings "PACKING" in chapter "Drawings + Lists + Instruments"
for the lifting values and restrictions.
Pos: 14.3 /GEHO/General/Attention, Warning and Note/Warning - Refer to "PACKING" @ 0\mod_1137404858107_31.doc @ 1159 @

Refer to the drawings "PACKING" in chapter "Drawings + Lists + Instruments"
for the lifting values and restrictions.
Pos: 14.4 /GEHO/General/Attention, Warning and Note/Warning - Hoisting facilities @ 6\mod_1234794998618_31.doc @ 47513 @

Refer to the drawing HOISTING FACILITY in chapter "Special tools"
for the lifting locations and recommended tools.
Pos: 14.5 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

6.4 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Transport and installation
Pos: 14.6 /GEHO/Heading/H2/#.# Installation @ 0\mod_1136888682286_31.doc @ 1015 @

6.4 Installation
Pos: 14.7.1 /GEHO/Heading/H3/#.#.# Foundation @ 0\mod_1136888827835_31.doc @ 1021 @

6.4.1 Foundation
Pos: 14.7.2 /GEHO/Transport and installation/Installation/Foundation/Foundation bolt schematics @ 0\mod_1136891863740_31.doc @ 1025 @

A Steel foundation bolt

B Grout
C Diameter of the foundation bolt
D Polyurethane foam
E Free length of the foundation bolt thread
F Diameter () of the anchor pocket E I
G Depth of the anchor pocket
H Height of the Polyurethane foam
I Thickness of the covering grout J H
J Foundation bolt hook

Figure 6.3: Schematics of the anchor pocket and the

foundation bolt
Pos: 14.7.3 /GEHO/Transport and installation/Installation/Foundation/Refer to "Dimensioned outline" drawing or "Foundation drawing" @ 0\mod_1136893431935_31.doc @ 1027 @

Refer to the DIMENSIONED OUTLINE drawing and/or the FOUNDATION DRAWING for the exact sizes
and locations of the anchor pockets.
Pos: 14.7.4 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

201253-IOM-EN-R02 6.5
Transport and installation

Pos: /GEHO/Heading/H4/#.#.# Mount and level the pump @ 0\mod_1136965605812_31.doc @ 1041 @

6.4.2 Mount and level the pump

Pos: /GEHO/Transport and installation/Installation/Foundation/Mount and level/CAUTION Check part numbers @ 6\mod_1234530747188_31.doc @ 47430 @

Check, before assembling, that the parts numbers are matching with the pump numbers.
Some parts, like the suction line and the discharge line, are sometimes made fitting for one
pump number, and labeled accordingly.
Pos: /GEHO/Transport and installation/Installation/Foundation/Mount and level/TZPM/Level - TZPM @ 0\mod_1137418638092_31.doc @ 1214 @

1 Check the foundation according to the documents "DIMENSIONED OUTLINE DRAWING" and/or the
2 Place steel blocks next to each anchor pocket. Use steel blocks with a thickness of 50 mm.
3 Level the steel blocks in a range of 1 mm.
4 Lift the pump. Use a crane.
5 Put the thread of the foundation bolts into the holes at the pump.
6 Put the nuts to the foundation bolts.
7 Lower the pump
8 Put the pump to the steel blocks.
9 Make sure that the foundation bolts fit into the anchor pockets.
10 Hook the foundation bolts in their dedicated position.
11 Tighten the nuts at the foundation bolts by hand.
12 Place exactly below all leveling bolts of the pump a plane steel block.
Use steel blocks with a thickness of about 40 mm.
Avoid that any pollution does enter the inside of the pump, during the time that a below
mentioned frame cover are removed from the pump.
13 Remove 1 cover of a piston cover and
crosshead chamber.
See the figure beside. B
14 Place a spirit level (C) on the machined
face in direction A-A.
15 Level the pump. A A
Keep a tolerance of 0.5 mm/m.
Use the leveling bolts.
16 Place a spirit level (C) on the machined
face in direction B-B.
17 Level the pump.
Keep a tolerance of 0.5 mm/m. B C
Use the leveling bolts.
18 Mount the frame cover, immediately after
the leveling of the pump.

Figure 6.4: Spirit level positions

19 Fill up the space between the pump and the steel blocks with metal packing shims.
20 Check that the base frame rests on the packing shims.
21 Loosen and remove all leveling bolts.
22 Fill the lower section of all anchor pockets,
to fix all foundation bolts in their position. Refer to the drawing of the anchor pocket.
23 Fill the upper section of all anchor pockets with polyurethane foam.
Refer to the drawing of the anchor pocket.
24 Put on a top layer of grout.
25 When the grout is hardened, then tighten all nuts at the foundation bolts.
Refer to chapter "Tightening torques".
Make sure to use the correct torques. Refer to chapter "Tightening torques".
Make sure to use the correct torques.

Pos: 14.8 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

6.6 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Transport and installation
Pos: 14.9.1 /GEHO/Heading/H3/#.#.# Drive unit @ 0\mod_1136807338183_31.doc @ 987 @

6.4.3 Drive unit

Pos: 14.9.2 /GEHO/Transport and installation/Installation/Drive unit/Gearbox/Overview @ 0\mod_1136990349612_31.doc @ 1091 @

A Coupling gearbox / pump shaft

B Gearbox
C Coupling gearbox / motor
D Motor
E Motor tighten screws
F Leveling bolts
G Hole for foundation bolts
H Metal packing shim
I Adjustment screws
J Lifting eye
K Safety guard

Figure 6.5: Drive unit with gearbox overview

(The figure shows a schematic arrangement for more

Pos: 14.9.3 /GEHO/Transport and installation/Installation/Drive unit/Gearbox/Mount @ 0\mod_1136903066579_31.doc @ 1039 @ Mount the drive unit

1 Place steel blocks (E) next to each anchor B A
2 Lift the drive unit.
Use a crane.
3 Put the thread of the foundation bolts (C)
into the holes at the pump drive base
frame (D).
4 Put the nuts to the foundation bolts.
5 Lower the pump drive base frame.
6 Put the pump drive unit to the steel
blocks (E).
7 Make sure that the foundation bolts (C) fit
into the anchor pockets.
8 Hook the foundation bolts in their
dedicated position. C D E
9 Center the gearbox output shaft (A) with
the pump shaft (B).
Figure 6.6: Mount the drive unit
10 Level the pump drive unit.
Use the leveling bolts at the base (The figure shows a schematic arrangement for more
frame (D). versions)
Pos: 14.9.4 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

201253-IOM-EN-R02 6.7
Transport and installation

Pos: 14.9.5 /GEHO/Heading/H4/Gearbox alignment @ 0\mod_1136967931366_31.doc @ 1045 @ Gearbox alignment

Pos: 14.9.6 /GEHO/Heading/H5/General @ 0\mod_1136967977522_31.doc @ 1047 @

Pos: 14.9.7 /GEHO/Transport and installation/Installation/Drive unit/General/Introduction @ 0\mod_1136968488297_31.doc @ 1053 @

Shaft couplings need 3 types of alignment:

axial alignment + angular alignment + radial alignment (horizontal and vertical).
Pos: 14.9.8 /GEHO/Transport and installation/Installation/Drive unit/General/Alignment - Axial @ 0\mod_1136969611422_31.doc @ 1055 @

Axial alignment:
1 Split-up the spacing between both coupling
parts (Snom +/- Ka).
2 Use the adjustment screws at the drive unit
base frame.
3 Make sure that the remaining gap is in
For the correct tolerance values,
see the tables below.

Figure 6.7: Axial misalignment.

Pos: 14.9.9 /GEHO/Transport and installation/Installation/Drive unit/General/Alignment - Angular @ 0\mod_1136976079252_31.doc @ 1059 @

Angular alignment:
1 Align both couplings parts (S=S1-S2).
2 Use the adjustment screws at the drive unit
base frame.
3 Make sure that the misalignment S is in
For correct tolerance values,
see the tables below.

Figure 6.8: Angular misalignment.

Pos: 14.9.10 /GEHO/Transport and installation/Installation/Drive unit/General/Alignment - Radial @ 0\mod_1136978990869_31.doc @ 1063 @

Radial alignment (horizontal and vertical):

1 Align both coupling parts in horizontal and
vertical position (Kr).
2 Use the adjustment screws at the drive unit
base frame.
3 Make sure that the remaining gap is in
For the correct tolerance values,
see the tables below.

Figure 6.9: Radial misalignment.

Pos: 14.9.11 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

6.8 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Transport and installation
Pos: 14.9.12 /GEHO/Heading/H5/H4_Gearbox - pump shaft - Pre-alignment @ 0\mod_1136968077676_31.doc @ 1049 @ Pre-alignment of the gearbox and the pump shaft

Pos: 14.9.13 /GEHO/General/Attention, Warning and Note/Note - Refer alignment information @ 0\mod_1136979880428_31.doc @ 1067 @

Refer to chapter Catalogue information, "Drive unit" for details about
safety instructions,
coupling alignment methods and mis-alignment limits,
coupling assembly and maintenance.
Pos: 14.9.14 /GEHO/Transport and installation/Installation/Drive unit/Gearbox - Pumpshaft/Pre alignment procedure @ 0\mod_1136983950690_31.doc @ 1069 @

Align the gearbox to the pump shaft:

1 Refer to the table below for the alignment tolerance values.
2 Adjust the spacing between both coupling parts (Snom Ka).
3 Align both coupling parts in horizontal and vertical direction (Kr).
4 Align the angle between the gearbox shaft and motor shaft (S).

Attach the unit base frame to the foundation:

5 Fill the space between the steel blocks and the drive unit base frame with metal packing shims.
6 Loosen the leveling bolts.
7 Fix all foundation bolts in position.
8 Wait until the grout is hardened.
9 Tighten all foundation bolts with the correct tightening torques.
Pos: 14.9.15 /GEHO/Transport and installation/Installation/Drive unit/Gearbox - Pumpshaft/Alignment tolerances/ZAPEX ZWN 505, no internal gear @ 0\mod_1138607240756_31.doc @ 2110 @

Alignment tolerance values for FLENDER ZAPEX ZWN type couplings:

Size Pump Axial Angular Radial Combined
[mm] direct driven mis-alignment mis-alignment(2) mis-alignment mis-alignment
Snom [mm] Ka [mm] S=S1-S2 [mm] Kr [mm] S + Kr [mm]
505 16 -0 / +2.0 0.35 S 0.70 0.64 0.64
0.05 angle 0.10
Pos: 14.9.16 /GEHO/General/Attention, Warning and Note/Note (2) Alignment limits @ 0\mod_1136975969234_31.doc @ 1057 @

To improve lifetime performance of the teeth of the coupling parts,
an intentional angular mis-alignment (in a static condition) is recommended.
Minimum limits (lower value) of mis-alignment values are based upon minimum 0.05 angle.
Maximum limits (higher value) of mis-alignment values are based upon maximum 0.10 angle.
In operation a maximum of 10 fold is allowed
Pos: 14.9.17 /GEHO/Heading/H5/H4_Gearbox - pump shaft - Final alignment @ 0\mod_1136984882160_31.doc @ 1074 @
(= maximum 1.00 angle of all mis-alignments together, per one coupling half). Final alignment of the gearbox and the pump shaft

Pos: 14.9.18 /GEHO/Transport and installation/Installation/Drive unit/Gearbox - Pumpshaft/ZAPEX ZWN Final alignment procedure @ 0\mod_1136984368161_31.doc @ 1072 @

Premature wear and resulting damage to the coupling can be caused by:
> incorrect alignment of the coupling,
> incorrect assembly of the coupling,
> incorrect sealing or lubricant of the coupling,
> incorrect greasing of the DUO sealing rings.

1 Re-align the gearbox to the pump shaft as described before.
Attaching the gearbox:
2 Fill the space between the gearbox and the base frame.
Use metal packing shims or modify the installed spacer plates.
3 Tighten the gearbox to the drive unit base frame.

Coupling assembly:
Refer to document "Catalogue information", "Drive unit", "Coupling" for manufacturer information about
> the physical shape of the coupling,

201253-IOM-EN-R02 6.9
Transport and installation

> the assembly of the coupling,

> how to make the coupling oil leak proof,
> filling the coupling with oil.
Refer to document "UTILITY CONSUMPTION LIST" for details about oil type and oil quantity.

4 Grease the surface of the DUO-rings (B)

and the groves in cover rings (A).
Recommended lubrication grease:
> "Shell Alvania RL3".
> "Mobil Mobilux EP3".
5 Mount the DUO sealing rings (B) proper in D D D
the cover rings (A).
6 Insert generously grease in the ring-
shaped space (C) between the sealing lips
of the DUO-rings (B). To seal properly B B
during operation, the DUO-ring sealing lips C C
have to float on a generous grease film.
Recommended lubrication grease:
> "Shell Alvania RL3".
> "Mobil Mobilux EP3".
7 Clean and dry the sealing surfaces (D) of
the coupling parts.

Figure 6.10: Coupling assembly and sealing

8 Cover the sealing surfaces (D) of the coupling parts with a sealing compound.
Recommended sealing compound: "LOCTITE 5922 Flange Sealant".
9 Position carefully the cover rings (A) with the DUO-rings (B) on the pre-greased coupling shafts.
Assure right position of the DUO-rings sealing lips.
10 Assemble the coupling covers (E) and cover rings (A) together.
Coupling oil filling:
11 Rotate the coupling, until the oil screw D1 = Filling plug D2 = Ventilation plug
plugs are in the position, as shown in the 60 60
(D1 = filling plug,
D2 = ventilation plug,
D3 = drain plug). 30

12 Remove the two top screw plugs (D1+D2).

13 Measure the correct oil/grease quantity
with a measuring beaker.
14 Fill the coupling with the recommended oil.
15 Screw in all screw plugs (D) with
fitted/integrated sealing rings.
16 Check that the coupling cover does not D3 = Drain plug
leak, by rotating the shaft.

Safety protection:
17 Mount the safety guard. Figure 6.11: Coupling oil filling
Pos: 14.9.19 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

6.10 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Transport and installation
Pos: 14.9.20 /GEHO/Heading/H5/H4_Motor - Gearbox @ 0\mod_1136968126046_31.doc @ 1051 @ Motor and gearbox

Pos: 14.9.21 /GEHO/General/Attention, Warning and Note/Note - Refer alignment information @ 0\mod_1136979880428_31.doc @ 1067 @

Refer to chapter Catalogue information, "Drive unit" for details about
safety instructions,
coupling alignment methods and mis-alignment limits,
coupling assembly and maintenance.
Pos: 14.9.22 /GEHO/Transport and installation/Installation/Drive unit/Motor - Gearbox/Alignment procedure @ 0\mod_1136985418902_31.doc @ 1081 @

Align the motor to the gearbox:

1 Refer to the table below for the alignment tolerance values.
2 Adjust the spacing between both coupling parts (Snom Ka).
3 Align both coupling parts in horizontal and vertical direction (Kr).
4 Align the angle between the gearbox shaft and motor shaft (S).

Attach the motor on the unit base frame:

5 Modify the metal packing shims, if necessary.
6 Tighten the motor to the drive unit base frame.
7 Month the safety guards.
Pos: 14.9.23 /GEHO/Transport and installation/Installation/Drive unit/Motor - Gearbox/Alignment tolerances/RUPEX RWN 400 @ 3\mod_1201863277207_31.doc @ 26017 @

Alignment tolerance values for couplings:

Size Axial Axial Angular Radial

[mm] distance mis-alignment mis-alignment mis-alignment
Snom [mm] Ka [mm] S=S1-S2 [mm] Kr [mm]
FLENDER 4.5 1.5 0.10 0.10
Pos: 14.10 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

201253-IOM-EN-R02 6.11
Transport and installation

Pos: 14.11 /GEHO/Transport and installation/Installation/Nitrogen filling/## Safety regulations and instructions for nitrogen @ 0\mod_1156234263710_31.doc @ 5734 @

6.5 Safety regulations and instructions for nitrogen

Before using a nitrogen bottle equipment:
Working with a nitrogen bottle equipment is only allowed to authorized and instructed
Inform about all local legal and insurance policy regulations and safety instructions.
Inform about all local labor conditions about working with a nitrogen bottle equipment.
Strictly obey to those regulations and safety instructions.
Refer to the safety instructions of the nitrogen bottle supplier,
about how to handle nitrogen, its equipment, and what to do in emergency cases.

Leaking nitrogen (N2) causes lack of oxygen:
Prevent breathing in nitrogen.
Be aware of the risk of suffocation, caused by to much nitrogen in the air.
Prevent nitrogen escaping from the equipment into the working environment.
Assure in small rooms good ventilation, because of risks of nitrogen leakage.
Assure free escape routes, because of risks of nitrogen leakage.
The supply of a nitrogen bottle is not in the scope of Weir Minerals.
Refer to "Catalogue information" for instructions and information of the manufacturer about
safe and proper user of the nitrogen bottle and nitrogen charging equipment.
If the nitrogen charging equipment is not in the scope of Weir Minerals,
then refer to instructions and information of the manufacturer about safe and proper use.
Make sure that the maximum pressure in the nitrogen bottle does not exceed the maximum
permitted pressure of the pressure regulator.
Make sure that the equipment is in good condition.
Pos: 14.12 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

6.12 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Transport and installation
Pos: 14.13 /GEHO/Heading/H2/#.# Pre-charging with nitrogen a pulsation dampener (discharge line) @ 5\mod_1231340599275_31.doc @ 45123 @

6.6 Pre-charging with nitrogen a pulsation dampener (discharge line)

Pos: 14.14 /GEHO/Heading/H3/#.#.# Pre-charging the discharge pulsation dampener, set-point instructions @ 1\mod_1173202078632_31.doc @ 12640 @

6.6.1 Pre-charging the discharge pulsation dampener, set-point instructions

Pos: 14.15 /GEHO/Transport and installation/Installation/Nitrogen filling/Pre-charging/#### Discharge pulsation dampener, pre-charge definitions @ 0\mod_1156257465577_31.doc @ 5764 @
discharge Discharge pulsation dampener, pre-charge definitions

Definitions Comment Refer to
pump system, maximum allowed pressure for pump identification plate
maximum pressure the pump system
pump system, operating pressure will change pump discharge pressure indicator
"normal" pump operating during operation, depending on + "GEHO TOUCH PANEL", graphics
pressure many factors menu:
pump system, operating pressure maximum, pump discharge pressure indicator
maximum pump operating that occurs while operating + "GEHO TOUCH PANEL", graphics menu
pressure "HIGHEST VALUE"
dampener system, maximum allowed pressure for dampener system identification plate
maximum system pressure the dampener system + chapter "Technical data"
dampener, maximum allowed pressure for "INSTRUMENT AND EQUIPMENT LIST"
range this part + pulsation dampener identification plate
dampener, recommendation to start with by "INSTRUMENT AND EQUIPMENT LIST"
pre-charge set-point installation, + after pre-charging, read the pressure
may need re-adjustment, indicator on the dampener
depending on operation (only if there is no pressure at the slurry
conditions side of the diaphragm)
dampener, pre-charge limit to prevent "INSTRUMENT AND EQUIPMENT LIST"
diaphragm limit extrusion of the diaphragm + chapter "Technical data"
material at the dampener in-/out-
let Discharge pulsation dampener, pre-charge set-point instructions

Safety limits: To prevent over-stressing the dampener system and the diaphragm:
NEVER pre-charge the pulsation dampener with more then the dampener system,
maximum pressure.
The maximum pressure is indicated on the pulsation dampener identification plate.
NEVER pre-charge the pulsation dampener with more then the maximum pressure limit of
the diaphragm. The pressure limit of the diaphragm is indicated in chapter "Technical data".

Functional limits:
To prevent dampener diaphragm damage during pressure still-stand of the pump
and hammering of the diaphragm against the bottom of the dampener:
NEVER pre-charge the pulsation dampener with more then 80% of the maximum pump
operating pressure.
To prevent hammering of the diaphragm against the top of the dampener:
NEVER let the pre-charge pressure drop below 30% of the maximum pump operating
Excessive pressure pulsations and heavy vibrations are caused by insufficient pre-charge

201253-IOM-EN-R02 6.13
Transport and installation

The pre-charge pressure may change due to temperature influence:
Temperature fluctuation of the slurry.
Temperature differences between the slurry and the environment.
These effects require re-adjustment of the pre-charge pressure.

The pre-charge pressure is application dependent.

Refer to document "INSTRUMENT AND EQUIPMENT LIST" for details about the "discharge pulsation
Refer to document "INSTRUMENT AND EQUIPMENT LIST" for the dampener pre-charge "SET-POINT"
recommendation for installation, to start with.

Operating conditions Recommended pre-charge set-point Result

Percentage of operating pressure
80% = maximum pre-charge limit, to protect the diaphragm
but NEVER more than the diaphragm and the dampener
limit, as indicated in document
constant operating pressure 60% to 65% optimal operation
widely varying operating pressure 30% to 35% optimal operation
30% = minimum pre-charge limit to protect the diaphragm
and dampener


High dampener pre-charge pressure (related to the operating pressure) gives the best
dampening results.
If the operating pressure decreases,
then this can cause wear and damage to the diaphragm and metal insert,
by continuously hammering at the dampener bottom.
If working with relatively constant pump pressures,
then the GEHO diaphragm pulsation dampeners are to be charged at 60%-65% of the pumps
normal operating pressure (see "GEHO TOUCH PANEL", menu "GRAPHICS": "ACTUAL
If operating the pump with widely varying pressures,
then it can be necessary to pre-charge the pulsation dampener at 30%-35% of the pumps
maximum operating pressure (see "GEHO TOUCH PANEL", menu "GRAPHICS": "HIGHEST
Pos: 14.16 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

6.14 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Transport and installation
Pos: 14.17 /GEHO/Heading/H3/#.#.# Pre-charging a pulsation dampener with the nitrogen filling device @ 1\mod_1173344002199_31.doc @ 12672 @

6.6.2 Pre-charging a pulsation dampener with the nitrogen filling device

Pos: 14.18 /GEHO/Transport and installation/Installation/Nitrogen filling/Pre-charging/#### Dampener-Nitrogen bottle+charging equipment on P&I skid @ 2\mod_1183369041811_31.doc @ 14352 @ Nitrogen bottle with charging equipment

Usually not in the scope of supply of Weir Minerals are nitrogen filling equipment parts
(nitrogen bottle, pressure reducer, safety valve and drain valve).
Check that they are in accordance with local standards and safety regulations.

A Nitrogen bottle
B Nitrogen bottle valve
R Safety relieve, C1 C2
to protect the pulsation dampener against
Relieve pressure depends on the maximum
allowed pressure of the pulsation dampener. S
S Drain valve

Nitrogen pressure regulator unit: C

C Pressure regulator
C1 Pressure gauge indicating the bottle pressure
C2 Pressure gauge indicating the actual filling
pressure in the hose I
C3 Pressure reducer valve
D High pressure hose
Nitrogen filling device:
E Pressure gauge pulsation dampener
F Mounting block
G Filling valve pulsation dampener
H Connector of the nitrogen filling device E
I Fixed connection to pulsation dampener
J Fixed connection to working pressure
N Pulsation dampener J

Figure 6.12: Pre-charging the pulsation dampener with

the nitrogen filling device
Pos: 14.19 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

201253-IOM-EN-R02 6.15
Transport and installation

Pos: 14.20 /GEHO/Transport and installation/Installation/Nitrogen filling/Pre-charging/#### Pulsation dampener pre-charging procedure using the nitrogen filling device on P&I skid @ 2\mod_1183376823646_31.doc @ 14362 @ Pulsation dampener pre-charging procedure

Refer to chapter "Safety regulations and instructions for nitrogen".

Refer to document "INSTRUMENT AND EQUIPMENT LIST" and the begin of this chapter,
for the recommended pre-charge set-point pressure of a pulsation dampener.
Always pre-charge the GEHO pulsation dampeners with nitrogen gas (N2), before operating
the pump.
ONLY use nitrogen gas (N2) to pre-charge the dampener.
NEVER use oxygen (or air containing oxygen) to pre-charge the dampener.
There is a risk of explosion.
ONLY use an appropriate pressure regulator to pre-charge the pulsation dampener.
Be aware of the risk, that the dampener pressure gauge indicates a wrong pressure.
The pressure sensing opening may be clogged. The pulsation dampener may be under
pressure, even when the dampener pressure gauge indicates no pressure.
Risk of explosion of the dampener.
An external fire will increase the nitrogen pressure inside the pulsation dampener.
The designed pressure can be exceeded.

Before starting the dampener pre-charge procedure:
Make sure that there is no pressure at all connections of the pulsation dampener.
Make sure that there is no liquid at the slurry side of the diaphragm.
Measuring pre-charge pressure with liquid or pressure at the slurry side of the
diaphragm gives wrong indications about the pre-charge situation.
NEVER change the nitrogen charge of the dampener during operation of the pump, for
measured pressure values will not relate to the nitrogen volume in the dampener Pre-charge pressure check

1 Read the actual pre-charge pressure of the pulsation dampener (N) at its pressure indicator (E) on the
mounting block (F).
2 If the pre-charge pressure is higher then the desired pre-charge pressure, then:
Slowly open the filler valve (G).
Check the actual pre-charge pressure of the pulsation dampener (N) at its pressure indicator (E).
Repeat this pulsation venting, until the recommended pre-charge pressure is reached.
Close the filler valve (G) when pre-charge pressure is reached.
3 If the actual pre-charge pressure is lower then the pre-charge pressure,
then follow this procedure to add nitrogen. Preparation
1 Connect the pressure regulator (C) to the nitrogen bottle (A+B).
2 Connect the safety valve (R) and the relieve valve (S) to the pressure regulator (C)
3 Connect the hose (D) to the safety valve (R).
4 Connect the hose (D) to the connector (H) of the nitrogen filling device.

6.16 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Transport and installation Nitrogen pre-charge filling

1 Check that the relieve valve (S) is closed.
2 Set the nitrogen pressure regulator (C) with the pressure relieve valve (C3) to the according dampener
pre-charge pressure.
3 Open the nitrogen bottle valve slowly (B).
Check at the gauge (C1) the pressure in the bottle, it has to be more than the recommended pulsation
dampener pressure.
Check at the gauge (C2) that the pressure is zero.
4 Open the pulsation dampener filler valve (G).
5 Flush the hose (D) for a short time by opening the pressure relieve valve (C3).
6 Close the pressure relieve valve (C3).
The actual filling is now started.

Prevent fast filling.
It will cause icing at the valves and the hose.

7 Open the pressure reducer valve (C3) in many small steps,

until the recommended pre-charge pressure is reached at the gauge (C2) and gauge (E).
8 Close the pulsation dampener filler valve (G), when the pre-charge pressure is reached. Disconnect
1 Interrupt the nitrogen supply by closing the nitrogen bottle valve (B).
2 Open the drain valve (S).
The hose pressure will drop to pressure zero.
3 Close the pressure reducer valve (C3).
4 Disconnect the pressure regulator (C) from the nitrogen bottle (A+B).
5 Disconnect the safety valve (R) and relieve valve (S).
6 Disconnect the hose (D) from the connector (H) of the nitrogen filling device.

Pos: 14.21 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

201253-IOM-EN-R02 6.17
Transport and installation

Pos: 14.22 /GEHO/Heading/H2/#.# Pre-charging the accumulator with nitrogen @ 5\mod_1231340368299_31.doc @ 45103 @

6.7 Pre-charging an accumulator with nitrogen

Pos: 14.23 /GEHO/Transport and installation/Installation/Nitrogen filling/Pre-charging/#### Nitrogen bottle+charging equipment+accumulator+safety valve @ 4\mod_1210236627950_31.doc @ 29246 @ Nitrogen bottle with charging equipment, accumulator

Nitrogen bottle and pressure reducer are usually not in the scope of supply of Weir Minerals.
Check that they are in accordance with local standards and safety regulations.

A Nitrogen (N2) bottle

B Nitrogen bottle main manual valve A B C D E O F G H I J K L M N

C Pressure reducer:
D Pressure gauge, indicating the bottle pressure
E Pressure gauge, indicating the actual filling
pressure in the hose
F Pressure reducer valve

G Charging hose
for high pressure nitrogen charging

H Charging unit:
I Non-return valve
(prevents gas to flow out of the accumulator)
J Shut-off-valve
Figure 6.13: Nitrogen bottle with charging equipment
K Manual valve for pressure relief
L Pressure gauge indicating the actual filling

M Accumulator
N 3/2 manual ball valve, with drain side to release the pressure at the fluid side of the accumulator
O Safety relieve valve, to protect the accumulator against pressure overload.
The relieve pressure depends on the maximum allowed pressure of the accumulator and the charging
Pos: 14.24 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

6.18 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Transport and installation
Pos: 14.25 /GEHO/Transport and installation/Installation/Nitrogen filling/Pre-charging/#### Accu-N2-pre-charging procedure with safety valve @ 1\mod_1169741590336_31.doc @ 12010 @ 444444 Accumulator pre-charging procedure

Refer to chapter "Safety regulations and instructions for nitrogen".

Refer to document "INSTRUMENT AND EQUIPMENT LIST" for the correct pre-charge
pressure of the accumulator.

Prior to each testing, topping-up or re-charging the accumulator with nitrogen,
de-pressurize the fluid side of the accumulator.
If pressure remains at the fluid side of the accumulator,
then that leads to a wrong combination of nitrogen volume and pressure.
That will affect the function of the accumulator. Primer pre-charge pressure check

1 Shut down the pump for maintenance.
2 Open the drain side of 3/2 ball valve (N), to drain pressure at the fluid side of the accumulator.
Depending on the lay-out details:
Keep fluid in the piping below the accumulator.
Prevent that air fills the fluid compartment of the accumulator.
3 Check that shut-off-valve (J) is closed.
4 Make sure that relieve valve (K) is closed.
5 Remove the protection cap at the top of the accumulator (M).
Mount charging unit (H) on accumulator (M).
6 Open the shut-off-valve (J).
7 Read the actual pre-charge pressure of the accumulator with the pressure gauge (L).
If the accumulator is filled with a higher pressure than recommended,
then release the pressure until the recommended value.
8 Open the pressure relief valve (K) a few seconds just a bit.
This will allow nitrogen to escape, reducing the pressure in the accumulator.
Repeat this, until the recommended pre-charge pressure is reached.
9 If the pressure is according to the recommended value, then
Close the drain side of 3/2 ball valve (N) to allow fluid pressure at the fluid side of the accumulator.
The pressure check procedure is finished.
10 If the accumulator is filled with a lower pressure than recommended,
then use the filling procedure below. Filling preparation

1 Close the pressure reducer valve (F).
2 Connect the pressure reducer (C) to nitrogen bottle (A+B).
3 Connect the hose (G) to pressure reducer (C).
4 Open the nitrogen bottle valve (B) slowly.
Check at the gauge (D) the bottle pressure,
it has to be more than the recommended accumulator pressure.
Make sure that the pressure at the gauge (E) is zero and the valve (F) is closed.
5 Flush the hose clean short by open little a second and immediately close pressure reducer valve (F).

201253-IOM-EN-R02 6.19
Transport and installation

6 Connect the hose (G) to the charging unit (H). Nitrogen pre-charge filling

1 Open the shut-off-valve (J).
2 Open the pressure reducer valve (F) in many small steps,
until the recommended pre-charge pressure is reached at gauge (E) and gauge (l).
Prevent fast filling, because it will cause icing at the valves and the hose.

3 When the recommended pre-charge pressure is reached, then:

4 Close the nitrogen bottle valve (B), so the nitrogen supply is interrupted.
5 Close the pressure reducer valve (F).
6 Close the shut-off-valve (J), so the accumulator is isolated.
7 To release the nitrogen pressure in the hose:
Open the pressure relief valve (K).
Make sure that the pressure is zero at the gauge (L).
Make sure that the pressure is zero at the gauge (E). Disconnect the nitrogen supply line

1 Make sure, that nitrogen bottle valve (B) is closed.
2 Disconnect the pressure regulator (C) from nitrogen bottle (A+B).
3 Disconnect the hose (G) pressure regulator (C+O).
4 Disconnect the hose (G) from charging unit (H). Return to operation.

1 If charging unit (H) stays at the accumulator, then:
Leave the shut-off-valve (J) shut.
Read the fluid pressure only at the pressure gauge at the fluid side, not at gauge (I).
Check for leakages on valve (J) and its connection to the accumulator, using a leak detector spray.
2 If removing charging unit (H), then:
Disconnect the charging unit (H) from accumulator (M).
Check for leakages on the accumulator top, using a leak detector spray.
Mount the protection cap at the top of the accumulator (M).
3 Close the drain side of the 3/2 ball valve (N), to allow fluid pressure at the fluid side of the accumulator.
Pos: 15 /--- Section break - Odd page --- @ 0\mod_1136277036628_0.doc @ 765 @ 444444

6.20 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Operation, Start-up + Start + Stop procedures
Pos: 16.1 /GEHO/Heading/H1/#. Operation, Start-up + Start + Stop procedures @ 0\mod_1136455316013_31.doc @ 933 @

7 Operation, Start-up + Start + Stop procedures

Pos: 16.2 /GEHO/Heading/H2/## Start-up checklist, GEHO + VFD main power switch OFF @ 2\mod_1173875659029_31.doc @ 12732 @

7.1 Start-up, working with the GEHO + VFD main power switch OFF
Use this procedure, to make the pump system ready for operation
(at first at installation, and after working on the pump).
Secure the main power switches against "unwanted switch-on".
VFD = "VARIABLE FREQUENCY CONVERTER DEVICE" that regulates the speed of the
main motor.

Pos: 16.3 /GEHO/Start and Stop/Common/Warning - Heavy parts - Use hoisting eye @ 1\mod_1165935566336_31.doc @ 9221 @

The heavy parts of the pumps are provided with a hoisting eye or have the possibility to install
a hoisting eye for transportation purposes.
Always transport these parts by using these hoisting eyes.
Pos: 16.4 /GEHO/Heading/H3/#.#.# Initial lubrication filling @ 1\mod_1171376311244_31.doc @ 12412 @

7.1.1 Initial lubrication filling

Pos: 16.5 /GEHO/Start and Stop/Common/Lubrication - Initial @ 1\mod_1165995657192_31.doc @ 9251 @

If applicable, then check and perform an initial lubrication filling of the following parts. Gear box (if applicable):

1 Check the oil level in the gearbox.
2 If the gearbox has an oil cooling system and/or oil filters,
then check the oil level again, immediately after starting the oil circulation, to ensure, that the circulation
system is filled properly.
3 If necessary, then add or drain oil until the right level is reached.
Refer to chapter "Appendix: Catalogue information" for details about the procedure.
Refer to document "UTILITY CONSUMPTION LIST" for details about the oil type and oil quantity. Tooth coupling between gearbox and pump shaft (if applicable):
Refer to chapter "Installation", "Drive unit" for details.
Refer to chapter "Appendix: Catalogue information" for details about the procedure.
Refer to document "UTILITY CONSUMPTION LIST" for details about the oil type and oil quantity.

201253-IOM-EN-R02 7.1
Operation, Start-up + Start + Stop procedures Power end:

Working with the main power switch OFF:
1 Clean the power end side, if necessary.
2 Open the main covers.
3 Open the side covers.
4 Clean the crosshead liners.
5 Fill the oil sump with oil.
Use a combined oil-filter/oil-water-
separator to clean the oil.
Refer to document "UTILITY CONSUMPTION
LIST" for details about the oil type and oil
6 Check the oil level gauge.
At initial filling or re-filling, the oil level
should be near level (B). A
7 Close all covers.
Figure 7.1: Correct oil filling level at the oil level gauge

Working with the main power switch ON at the GEHO control box:
8 Check the direction of rotation of the lubrication pump.
Refer to chapter "Start-up, electrical check".
9 Start the lubrication pump.
10 Check the oil level gauge.
After 5 minutes, oil is distributed in the lubrication system and the oil level should be about half height
at the oil level gauge, near level (A).
If necessary, then fill additional oil until level (A).
11 Check the lubrication system.
Continue working with the main power switch OFF at the GEHO control box.
Pos: 16.6 /GEHO/Heading/H3/#.#.# Propelling liquid @ 1\mod_1166007118791_31.doc @ 9297 @

7.1.2 Propelling liquid

Pos: 16.7 /GEHO/Start and Stop/Propelling liquid - Initial @ 1\mod_1165936154067_31.doc @ 9227 @

Refer to document "UTILITY CONSUMPTION LIST" for details about the oil type and oil quantity.
1 Open the propelling liquid tank cover.
2 Clean the propelling liquid tank.
3 Fill the propelling liquid tank to the upper liquid level.
4 Check the liquid level at the liquid level gauge.
5 Close the propelling liquid tank cover.
Pos: 16.8 /GEHO/Heading/H3/#.#.# Air supply unit @ 0\mod_1146140424938_31.doc @ 3465 @

7.1.3 Air supply unit

Pos: 16.9 /GEHO/Start and Stop/Common/Air supply check @ 1\mod_1165998689770_31.doc @ 9254 @

Air pressure must ALWAYS be available, even when the slurry pump is not in operation.
Without air pressure, the pump system will stop immediately by a pressure alarm, or soon by
an electric operation control alarm.
Because the air valves are spring-opened, air pressure is necessary to avoid liquid-loss or
liquid-overfilling in the propelling liquid chambers.
Check that pressure and quality and quantity of the compressed air supply meet the requirements.
Refer to document "UTILITY CONSUMPTION LIST" in chapter "Technical data" for details about the
compressed air supply.
Check that the air supply line is flushed clean, before connecting it to the pump system.
Connect the compressed air supply.
7.2 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Operation, Start-up + Start + Stop procedures
Pos: 16.10 /GEHO/Heading/H3/#.#.# Pre-charging an accumulator @ 4\mod_1208245317652_31.doc @ 28482 @

7.1.4 Pre-charging an accumulator

Pos: 16.11 /GEHO/Start and Stop/Common/Pre-charge accumulator-gas @ 1\mod_1170093129172_31.doc @ 12048 @

The accumulator of the propelling liquid system must be pre-charged with gas.
Refer to document "INSTRUMENT AND EQUIPMENT LIST" for the correct pre-charge pressure.
Refer to document "UTILITY CONSUMPTION LIST" for the gas quality.
Refer to the chapter "Installation" for the pre-charging procedure and set-point.
Refer to the chapter "Transport and installation", "Pre-charging the accumulator" for the procedure.
Pos: 16.12 /GEHO/Heading/H3/#.#.# Procedure pre-charging a pulsation dampener with nitrogen @ 0\mod_1156314333839_31.doc @ 5777 @

7.1.5 Procedure pre-charging a pulsation dampener with nitrogen

Pos: 16.13 /GEHO/Start and Stop/Common/Pre-charge pulsation dampener, refer to installation @ 1\mod_1169653974927_31.doc @ 11992 @

Refer to chapter "Transport and installation", "Pre-charging the pulsation dampener" for the procedure.
Check that the pulsation dampener is pre-charged with nitrogen, according to the procedure.
Pos: 16.14 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

201253-IOM-EN-R02 7.3
Operation, Start-up + Start + Stop procedures

Pos: 16.15 /GEHO/Heading/H2/## Start-up checklist, GEHO main power switch=ON, VFD=OFF @ 2\mod_1173875689375_31.doc @ 12737 @

7.2 Start-up checklist, working with the GEHO main power switch ON
Make sure that the power of the main motor and its VFD is switched OFF.
Secure the main power switch of the main motor and its VFD against "unwanted switch-
VFD = "Variable Frequency converter Device " that regulates the speed of the main motor.

Use this procedure, to make the pump system ready for operation
(at first at installation, and after working on the pump).
Pos: 16.16 /GEHO/Heading/H3/#.#.# Main power switch @ 1\mod_1166007056288_31.doc @ 9294 @

7.2.1 Main power switch

Pos: 16.17 /GEHO/Start and Stop/Common/Start-up, main power supply @ 1\mod_1170157413431_31.doc @ 12075 @

From this step on, to proceed the "Start, preparation check list", electric main power supply is
needed only at the GEHO Pump Control System and its GEHO Touch Panel.
Pos: 16.18 /GEHO/Start and Stop/Common/Start-up, main power switch @ 1\mod_1165998832165_31.doc @ 9257 @

While working on the pump, it is not permitted to start the pump.
Secure the main power switch against "unwanted switch-on",
until the pump system is safe to run.
DO NOT switch on the main power switch, until the pump system is safe to run.
Set the main power switch to 0-position (OFF) only in case of working during maintenance
or service.
1 Check that the pump EMERGENCY STOP SYSTEM is operational.
2 Check, that the pump system is safe to switch on and run.
3 Switch the main power switch on the control panel to 1-position (ON).
Pos: 16.19 /GEHO/Heading/H3/#.#.# Start-up, electrical check @ 1\mod_1170159443932_31.doc @ 12080 @

7.2.2 Start-up, electrical check

Pos: 16.20 /GEHO/Start and Stop/Common/Start-up, electric check @ 1\mod_1170159737562_31.doc @ 12084 @

1 Ask an authorized electrician to check that the auxiliary electric motors turn in the direction, as indicated
on the motor cover or on the pump power end.
2 If a motor turns in the wrong direction, then change the electrical connections.
Pos: 16.21 /GEHO/Start and Stop/Common/Start-up, power end oil check @ 2\mod_1173876188272_31.doc @ 12742 @

7.2.3 Initial power end oil check

1 Check the oil level at the power end.
Refer to chapter "Initial lubrication filling".
Pos: 16.22 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

7.4 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Operation, Start-up + Start + Stop procedures
Pos: 16.23 /GEHO/Heading/H2/## Start-up, priming procedure @ 2\mod_1175856788072_31.doc @ 13082 @

7.3 Start-up, priming procedure

Use this procedure, to make the pump system ready for operation
(at first at installation, and after working on the pump).
Pos: 16.24 /GEHO/Heading/H3/#.#.# Priming the slurry section @ 1\mod_1166006925672_31.doc @ 9288 @

7.3.1 Priming the slurry section

Pos: 16.25 /GEHO/Start and Stop/TZPM/Priming the slurry section @ 1\mod_1166001286915_31.doc @ 9269 @ Targets of priming the slurry section:

1. De-aeration of the slurry section, by filling water via a flushing water connection (D) in the suction line and
draining the water through valve (B) in the discharge line.
2. De-aeration of each propelling liquid chamber through valves (E) and (G) and (F).
3. To obtain a controlled starting position for filling all propelling liquid chambers, the flush water pressure will
force the diaphragm against the rear wall of the diaphragm housing, where position marker (M) meets
switch (ZSL).
Refer to document "UTILITY CONSUMPTION LIST" for the flush water quality and quantity
and pressure. Procedure filling the slurry section with flush water and de-aeration

Figure 7.2: Filling and de-aerating the slurry section

1 Start up the air unit (needed for proper function of the propelling liquid system).
Closing the slurry section:
2 Close the main valve (C) in the suction line.
3 Close the main valve (A) in the discharge line.
De-aerating the slurry section:
4 Open valve (D) of the flush water connection to the suction line.
Refer to document "UTILITY CONSUMPTION LIST" for the flush water quality and quantity and pressure.
5 Open the drain valve (B) in the discharge line.
Wait until flush water discharges from the drain valve (B).
6 Close the drain valve (B).

201253-IOM-EN-R02 7.5
Operation, Start-up + Start + Stop procedures

De-aerating the propelling liquid chambers and

positioning the diaphragms in starting position:
7 Partly open drain valve (B) in the discharge line, to maintain in the slurry section a pressure, as
specified in the document "UTILITY CONSUMPTION LIST".
The pressure of the flush water must be high enough to force the propelling liquid to escape through
non-return-valve (F).
8 Open the vent valves (E) of all propelling liquid chambers
(located on the rear side top of the diaphragm housing).
The flush water pressure moves all diaphragms in the priming start position (ZSL).
Position marker (M) of each diaphragm rod meets switch (ZSL) and at the GEHO touch panel its light
will light on.
9 Check at the GEHO touch panel, that the lights of switch (ZSL) of all pistons light on.
10 Continue with the next chapter, to prime the propelling liquid section.
Pos: 16.26 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @
Continue with the next chapter, to prime the propelling liquid section.

7.6 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Operation, Start-up + Start + Stop procedures
Pos: 16.27 /GEHO/Heading/H3/#.#.# Priming the propelling liquid section @ 2\mod_1175857268341_31.doc @ 13087 @

7.3.2 Priming the propelling liquid section

Pos: 16.28 /GEHO/Start and Stop/TZPM/Priming the propelling liquid section @ 1\mod_1166001870053_31.doc @ 9272 @

Refer to document "UTILITY CONSUMPTION LIST" for the flush water quality and quantity
and pressure.

Figure 7.3: Schematics of the TZPM propelling liquid section

De-aeration of the propelling liquid section:

1 Refer to the previous chapter to fill the slurry section with flush water and to move each diaphragm with
rod indicator (M) in its priming start position (ZSL).
2 Open the flush water connection (D) in the suction line.
3 Partly open the drain valve (B) in the discharge line, to maintain in the slurry section a pressure,
as specified in the document "UTILITY CONSUMPTION LIST".
A diaphragm needs pressure at both sides, to move properly.
The pressure of the flush water must be high enough to force the propelling liquid to escape through
non-return-valve (F).
4 Start at the GEHO touch panel the propelling liquid pump.
5 Open the vent valves (E) in the propelling liquid section of all diaphragms.
6 Open the vent valve (G) to de-aerate the common line at safety relief valve (H) of the propelling liquid
7 Push at the GEHO touch panel the button "MAIN SUPPLY VALVE", to open the main supply filling
valve (K) for 15 minutes.
Refer to document "P&I DIAGRAM" for details about the propelling liquid automatic control system.
Refer to the GEHO touch panel and its manual for details about how operation conditions are displayed at
the panel.
8 Close the vent valves (E) and (G), if the propelling liquid, that discharges through valve (F), contains no
air bubbles.
9 If necessary, then repeat the steps 7 and 8 until all vent valves (E) of the diaphragms are closed.
10 After de-aeration, as long as a filling valve is open,
propelling liquid will be filled into the pump chambers;
the diaphragms will leave the ZSL start position;
until the monitoring rods of the diaphragms de-activate the ZSL indicators;
the corresponding filling valves will close, the filling will stop;
at the GEHO touch panel the corresponding diaphragm position light (ZSL) will turn off.
11 If necessary, then repeat step 7 until at the GEHO touch panel all position lights of all diaphragms are
201253-IOM-EN-R02 7.7
Operation, Start-up + Start + Stop procedures

Positioning of the diaphragms in relation to the pistons:

Avoid that the pump rotates without lubrication.
12 Start the lubrication pump.
13 Check that the lubrication system delivers the oil quantity.

14 Rotate the pump crankshaft manually.

Make sure that the power of the drive motor is switched off.

Refer for details to the chapter "Manual rotation of the pump".

15 If at the GEHO touch panel one of the lights of switch (ZSH) or (ZSL) of the diaphragm position is lit,
then stop rotation of the pump.
If indicator (M) meets switch (ZSL), so related switch light is lit,
then the propelling liquid system will fill propelling liquid, until the indicator light is off.
If indicator (M) meets switch (ZSH), so related switch light is lit,
then the propelling liquid automatic control system will drain propelling liquid,
until the switch light is off.
16 Wait until this switch light is off.
17 Repeat steps 10 to 12 until no switch lights light up during rotation of the pump.
18 Turn the pump crankshaft another 2 turns, to check that no switch lights light up.
So all chambers are filled properly with propelling liquid and piston rod indicator (M) of the diaphragm
moves properly between switch (ZSL) and switch (ZSH).
Arranging PRE-START of the pump
19 Close the drain valve (B) in the discharge line.
20 Close the flush water valve (D) of the flushing water connection in the suction line.
21 Stop the flush water supply.
22 Open the main valve (C) in the suction line.
23 Open the main valve (A) in the discharge line.
Pos: 16.29 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

7.8 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Operation, Start-up + Start + Stop procedures
Pos: 16.30 /GEHO/Heading/H2/#.# Operating touch panel and control system @ 1\mod_1169830993137_31.doc @ 12026 @

7.4 Operating the GEHO Touch Panel + GEHO Pump Control System
Pos: 16.31 /GEHO/Start and Stop/Common/Operating touch panel LOCAL+REMOTE_R01 @ 1\mod_1169830665787_31.doc @ 12021 @

Refer to document "TYPICAL MANUAL OF THE GEHO TOUCH PANEL" in chapter "Technical data" for
operating the "GEHO TOUCH PANEL".
Refer to document "DESCRIPTION OF THE PUMP CONTROL SYSTEM" in chapter "Technical data" for
operating the GEHO Pump Control System.

7.4.1 Pump operation by local control at the "GEHO TOUCH PANEL"

The pump can be operated at the "GEHO TOUCH PANEL" in a "LOCAL" mode = local stand alone
The procedures in this manual cover the operation of the pump at the "GEHO TOUCH PANEL" in its
"LOCAL" mode. Selection "LOCAL" or "REMOTE" at the "GEHO TOUCH PANEL"

Check at the "GEHO TOUCH PANEL" which actual operation mode is active:
"LOCAL" = local operation mode at the "GEHO TOUCH PANEL".
"REMOTE" = remote operation mode at a remote control device.
How to switch from local control (= "LOC.") to remote control (= "REM.") and back:
Push at the "GEHO TOUCH PANEL" the field button "LOC.REM." to switch from local control mode to
remote control mode and back.

7.4.2 Pump operation by remote control, supplied by others

The "GEHO TOUCH PANEL" control box has connections for remote control options.
Remote control is usually not in the scope of supply of Weir Minerals and has to be provided
by the customer.
Refer to the user manual and safety instructions of the supplier of the remote control.
Refer for details of the remote control options at the GEHO to document

Selection "LOCAL" or "REMOTE" at the remote control device

Refer to the user manual and safety instructions of the supplier of the remote control.

Pump operation at the remote control device

Refer to the user manual and safety instructions of the supplier of the remote control.

Pos: 16.32 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

201253-IOM-EN-R02 7.9
Operation, Start-up + Start + Stop procedures

Pos: 16.33 /GEHO/Heading/H2/#.# "START" procedures @ 1\mod_1165935124304_31.doc @ 9209 @

7.5 "START" procedures

Pos: 16.34 /GEHO/Start and Stop/Common/START + Pre-start procedure_R02 @ 1\mod_1170848561800_31.doc @ 12151 @

7.5.1 Operation definitions

Main motor "RAMP-UP" and "RAMP-DOWN" procedure at the "VFD"
The speed of the electric main motor is controlled by a "VFD" (= "Variable Frequency converter Device").
At this "VFD" the minimum and the maximum speed of the main motor is locked in its pre-settings.
These pre-settings can not be overruled at the "GEHO TOUCH PANEL" or at a remote control device.
If the "VFD" is not in the scope of supply of Weir Minerals,
than the supplier has to assure the correct settings at the "VFD".
The "MAXIMUM SPEED LIMITATION" is part of the "Intended use" specification of the pump,
to protect the main motor and the transmission parts and the pump against overload.
Refer for details to chapter "Technical data" and to the "GEHO pump identification plate" at the pump.
The "MINIMUM SPEED LIMITATION" is part of the "RAMP-UP" and "RAMP-DOWN" procedure at the
The "MINIMUM SPEED LIMITATION" is NOT part of the "Intended use" specification of the pump,
it is a recommendation to avoid pump speeds below this level.
How to operate the main motor "RAMP-UP" and "RAMP-DOWN" procedure at the "GEHO TOUCH PANEL":
Push the "START" button = the "VFD" performs the "VFD RAMP-UP" procedure,
to start the motor from "STOP" to the "MINIMUM SPEED LIMITATION".
Push the "STOP" button = the "VFD" performs the "VFD RAMP-DOWN" procedure,
to stop the motor from the "MINIMUM SPEED LIMITATION" to "STOP".

The "VFD" performs the "RAMP-UP" and "RAMP-DOWN" procedures independently.
These procedures can only be operated by "EMERGENCY STOP" or "START" or "STOP"
commands, these procedures can not be influenced by other operation means.


The "ACTUAL SPEED" displayed at the "GEHO TOUCH PANEL" gives the real speed of the pump
("SPM" = "Strokes Per Minute" = revolutions of the pump crank shaft).

The "SPEED-SETPOINT" displayed at the "GEHO TOUCH PANEL" indicates the desired speed of the main
motor (so it can be different form the "ACTUAL SPEED" value).
It can be set with the display buttons "UP", "DOWN" and "ZERO" at the "GEHO TOUCH PANEL".

The "VFD" will ignore:
a "SPEED SETPOINT" higher then the "MAXIMUM SPEED LIMITATION" set at the
a "SPEED SETPOINT" lower then the "MINIMUM SPEED LIMITATION" set at the
"ZERO" button at the "GEHO TOUCH PANEL"
If the "SPEED-SETPOINT" at the "GEHO TOUCH PANEL" is set to zero,
and the "MINIMUM SPEED LIMITATION" at the "VFD" is also set to zero,
then the motor and the pump remain in a "stand-by idle status".
(= "0 SPM" at the "GEHO TOUCH PANEL" = zero "Strokes Per Minute"
= zero revolutions per minute of the pump crank shaft.)

7.10 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Operation, Start-up + Start + Stop procedures

7.5.2 "PRE-START" check list

If the pump is operated, then the operator has to assure:
1 that the pump can run safely,
2 that the pump can deliver its flow safely,
3 that the pump will not run dry.
NEVER start the main motor, if one of the checks below fails.
Control systems:
1 Check the air supply and the air pressure.
Refer to document "UTILITY CONSUMPTION LIST" for details about quality and quantity and
2 Check the pre-charge pressure of the diaphragm pulsation dampeners.

Propelling liquid section:

3 Check that the propelling liquid sections are filled.
4 Check that the propelling liquid sections are de-aerated.
5 Check that the propelling liquid de-aeration valves are closed.

Slurry section at the pump:

6 Check that the slurry end is filled and de-aerated.

Slurry lines of the pump system:

7 Check that all slurry line flushing valves are closed.
8 Check that all slurry line drain valves are closed.
9 Check that the slurry line main suction valve is open.
10 Check that the slurry line main discharge valve is open.

7.5.3 "PRE-START" working with the GEHO and "VFD" main power switch "ON"
1 Check that the pump "EMERGENCY STOP SYSTEM" is operational.
2 Check that the main power switch of the GEHO pump system is switched "ON".
3 Switch "ON" the main power switches of the "VFD" (Variable Frequency Drive) and the main motor.

201253-IOM-EN-R02 7.11
Operation, Start-up + Start + Stop procedures

7.5.4 "PRE-START" procedure, if "LOCAL" operated

Use this procedure only, if the pump system is ready to operate.
1 Push the "START/STOP" button at the "GEHO TOUCH PANEL".
2 Push the "PRE-START" button at the "GEHO TOUCH PANEL".
The electrical "PRE-START" procedure performs:
2.1 Start of all auxiliary systems.
2.2 Check of the electrical "PRE-START" conditions.
The main motor can only start, if all pre-conditions are fulfilled.
Refer for details to the document "LOGIC DIAGRAM" in chapter "Electrical information",
and the document "DESCRIPTION OF THE PUMP CONTROL SYSTEM in chapter "Technical data".
2.3 During the "PRE-START" procedure the "COMMON ALARM" lamp flashes.
2.4 If the "PRE-START" procedure is finished successfully and the pump is ready to run, then:
the "COMMON ALARM" lamp stops flashing,
"PUMP READY TO RUN" is displayed at the "GEHO TOUCH PANEL".
Go to the "START" procedure.
2.5 If the "PRE-START" procedure fails for the pump is not ready to run, then:
the "COMMON ALARM" lamp keeps flashing,
the concerned alarms are displayed at the panel.
Check the reasons for the alarms and solve the causes.
Repeat this "PRE-START" procedure.

7.5.5 "PRE-START" procedure, if "REMOTE" operated

Refer to the user manual and safety instructions of the supplier of the remote control.
During "REMOTE" operation, the "GEHO TOUCH PANEL" displays:
"REMOTE" = remote operation mode at a remote control device.

7.12 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Operation, Start-up + Start + Stop procedures

7.5.6 "START" procedure, if "LOCAL" operated

Push the button "ANALOG VALUES" to check the "SPEED SETPOINT".
2 Change the "SPEED SETPOINT" value with the buttons "UP" and "DOWN".
3 Push the "START" button at the "GEHO TOUCH PANEL".
4 The "VFD" starts the "RAMP-UP" procedure,
the main motor starts and runs up
first phase to the value of the "MINIMUM SPEED LIMITATION" at the VFD,
second phase to value of the "SPEED-SETPOINT" speed.
4.1 Push the button "ANALOG VALUES" to check the "SPEED SETPOINT" and the "ACTUAL SPEED".
4.2 If at the "VFD" the "MINIMUM SPEED LIMITATION" is set to zero,
then the motor will only speed up by pushing the "UP" button.

Changing the speed of the pump:

1 Change the "SPEED SETPOINT":
Push the "UP" button or "DOWN" button at the "GEHO TOUCH PANEL".
The "Variable Frequency converter Device" (= "VFD") will ignore:
A "SPEED SETPOINT" higher then the "MAXIMUM SPEED LIMITATION" set at the
2 Check that the "ACTUAL SPEED" follows the "SPEED SETPOINT" value.
Pos: 16.35 /GEHO/Start and Stop/Common/START, remote control @ 1\mod_1170863453339_31.doc @ 12161 @

7.5.7 "START" procedure, if "REMOTE" operated

If applicable, refer to the manual of the supplier of the remote control system.
Refer also to document "DESCRIPTION OF THE PUMP CONTROL SYSTEM" in chapter
"Technical data" for details about remote control.
Push the button "LOC.REM." to switch from local control to remote control and back.

During "REMOTE" operation, the "GEHO TOUCH PANEL" displays:

"REMOTE" = remote operation mode at a remote control device.
The "ACTUAL SPEED" of the pump.

Pos: 16.36 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

201253-IOM-EN-R02 7.13
Operation, Start-up + Start + Stop procedures

Pos: 16.37 /GEHO/Heading/H2/#.# "STOP" procedures @ 1\mod_1165935157213_31.doc @ 9212 @

7.6 "STOP" procedures

Pos: 16.38 /GEHO/Heading/H3/#.#.# Emergency stop @ 1\mod_1166006853944_31.doc @ 9285 @

7.6.1 "EMERGENCY STOP" procedure

Pos: 16.39 /GEHO/Start and Stop/Common/Emergency stop @ 1\mod_1166005615179_31.doc @ 9281 @

"CE" conformity
An emergency shut down button has to be present within a short distance of the pump.

When failing to install and maintain the "EMERGENCY STOP" button equipment in
accordance with this manual, then the installation is no longer in "CE"-conformity (as defined
by the European "Directive on machinery 98/37/EC and 2006/42/EC") and thus results in:
"... machinery must not be put into service until the final machinery into which it is to be
incorporated has been declared in conformity with the provisions of this Directive ..."

Refer to chapter "Safety equipment" for details about requirements of the "EMERGENCY STOP" system.


In case of an "EMERGENCY STOP":
The "EMERGENCY STOP" overrules all other operation options.

The electrical supply of all pump auxiliary motors will shut-down immediately.
The "VFD" (="Variable Frequency converter Device") stops the main motor.
Refer for details to the manual of the VFD system in "Appendix: Catalogue information".
The pump system (motor + transmission + pump) will without power supply stop
(coast to rest, wasting its dynamic energy).
The pump control system (with the "GEHO TOUCH PANEL") remains operational,
but as long as the "EMERGENCY STOP" status remains,
all operation options of the motors are blocked.

Refer to the manual of the "EMERGENCY STOP" system of the supplier of that system for
procedures how to handle an "EMERGENCY STOP" and how to start again.
Make sure, that the reason for the "EMERGENCY STOP" is attended and solved,
before starting the pump again.

After an "EMERGENCY STOP", the pump system is ready for a regular "PRE-START" procedure.
Pos: 16.40 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

7.14 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Operation, Start-up + Start + Stop procedures
Pos: 16.41 /GEHO/Start and Stop/Common/### STOP procedure, if LOCAL operated @ 1\mod_1170094694626_31.doc @ 12064 @

7.6.2 "STOP" procedure, if "LOCAL" operated

This "STOP" button procedure is preferred:
For longer operation interruptions, to switch off all auxiliary systems of the pump.
For a normal stop, that does not require a "EMERGENCY STOP".
If the pump is stopped with the "STOP" button,
then start the pump with the "PRE-START" button, to start all auxiliary systems.

To stop the pump:

1 If the pump runs in the "REMOTE" mode,
to switch the control in the "LOCAL" mode,
then push the "LOCAL" or "REMOTE" button at the "GEHO TOUCH PANEL".
2 Push the "STOP" or "STOP" button at the "GEHO TOUCH PANEL".
3 Push the "STOP" button at the "GEHO TOUCH PANEL".
The automatic "STOP" program contains:
3.1 The "VFD" stops the main motor with the "RAMP-DOWN" procedure.
3.2 All auxiliary systems will stop.
Pos: 16.42 /GEHO/Start and Stop/Common/### STOP by remote control @ 1\mod_1170863607721_31.doc @ 12166 @

7.6.3 "STOP" procedure, if "REMOTE" operated

If applicable, refer to the user manual and safety instructions of the supplier of the remote
Push at the "GEHO TOUCH PANEL" the button "LOC.REM." to switch from "LOCAL"
control to "REMOTE" control and back.
Refer also to document "DESCRIPTION OF THE PUMP CONTROL SYSTEM" in chapter
"Technical data" for details about the remote control.
Pos: 16.43 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

201253-IOM-EN-R02 7.15
Operation, Start-up + Start + Stop procedures

Pos: 16.44 /GEHO/Heading/H3/#.#.# "STOP" procedure for flushing @ 1\mod_1170094128268_31.doc @ 12056 @

7.6.4 "STOP" procedure for flushing

Pos: 16.45 /GEHO/Start and Stop/Flushing slurry section, general @ 1\mod_1169569488886_31.doc @ 11969 @ Flushing the slurry section, general recommendations

Flush the slurry section, if the pump may get out of operation for a longer time.
If the pump system stops for a longer period, then:
the slurry may get clogged,
so starting up may need more time and energy and cause troubles.
the slurry may get acid,
so this may result to damage to the inner surfaces of the pump slurry section.
The decision to flush depends on:
the quality of the slurry,
the period of still stand,
general experience and operating and precaution arguments.

The flushing connections are not in the scope of supply of this pump system.
Refer to drawing 814.200000.04 "FLUSHING/FILLING/DRAIN CONNECTIONS" in chapter "Technical data"
for details, how this may be arranged on the pump system.
Pos: 16.46 /GEHO/Start and Stop/Common/STOP, flushing procedure @ 1\mod_1170094728267_31.doc @ 12072 @ 4 Flushing the slurry section procedure

1 Keep the pump system running at minimum speed.
2 Flush the pump with clean water for at least 5 minutes.
3 Stop the pump at the GEHO touch panel.
Refer for details to documents "DESCRIPTION OF THE PUMP CONTROL SYSTEM"
The slurry section of the pump remains filled with clean flush water.
At the end of the flushing procedure, the pump is in the right position for starting.

Keep the pump system in the ready-to-start modus:
DO NOT switch off the air pressure.
This prevents that the propelling liquid sections get discharged.
DO NOT switch off the electric power supply.
Pos: 16.47 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @ 4

7.16 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Operation, Start-up + Start + Stop procedures
Pos: 16.48 /GEHO/Heading/H3/#.#.# "STOP" procedure for maintenance @ 1\mod_1170094160937_31.doc @ 12060 @

7.6.5 "STOP" procedure for maintenance

Pos: 16.49 /GEHO/Start and Stop/Common/STOP, maintenance procedure @ 1\mod_1170094711772_31.doc @ 12068 @

Before working on the pump system, it is necessary to:
Flush the pump slurry section with clean water.
Stop the pump system.
De-pressurize the slurry section.
De-pressurize the pump auxiliary systems.
Switch off all power supply.
Lock all pump system main switches, to prevent un-intentional starting. Pump, switch off procedure

1 Flush the pump slurry section with clean water for at least 5 minutes.
Refer to chapter "Stop for flushing procedure".
2 Push the "STOP" button at the "GEHO TOUCH PANEL".
Refer for details to document "DESCRIPTION OF THE PUMP CONTROL SYSTEM" in chapter "Technical
During this stop the slurry section of the pump remains filled with clean flush water,
the pump remains ready to re-start. Slurry section, de-pressurize and drain procedure

for working on the valves and pump diaphragm and piping.
AVOID to disconnect or switch off the air pressure at this phase of the procedure.
This prevents that the propelling liquid sections get discharged.
1 Close the main valve in the discharge lines.
2 Close the main valve in the suction lines.
3 Open the drain plug in the discharge line.
4 Open the drain plug of the slurry section.
5 Open the drain plug of the suction section.
6 If applicable, then depressurize the discharge pulsation dampener.
7 If applicable, then depressurize the suction pulsation dampener. De-pressurize the pump auxiliary systems.

1 Safety relief valve:
Open the drain valve at the relief valve,
to relief the liquid pressure at the connecting piping between the propelling liquid chambers and the
safety relief valve.
2 Propelling liquid system:
Open the 3-way-drain valve at the pressure accumulator,
to relief the pressure at the connecting piping of the propelling liquid system.

201253-IOM-EN-R02 7.17
Operation, Start-up + Start + Stop procedures Stop the air supply

To disconnect or switch off the air pressure, obey the procedure below.
Stop the air only with this procedure.
This procedure prevents that the propelling liquid sections get discharged.
De-pressurize the slurry suction line and slurry discharge line at the pump(s):
1 Close the main suction valve in the slurry line.
2 Close the main discharge valves in the slurry line.
3 Open the drain valve in the slurry discharge line.
4 Stop and dis-connect the air supply. Switch off the electric main supply to all related parts
1 Switch off all electric main switches for the pump system and the main motor and its
2 Lock all electric main switches, to prevent un-intentional starting.
Pos: 16.50 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

7.18 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Operation, Start-up + Start + Stop procedures
Pos: 16.51 /GEHO/Start and Stop/Common/### "STOP" procedure for extended SHUT-DOWN @ 6\mod_1234280233123_31.doc @ 47179 @

7.6.6 "STOP" procedure for "EXTENDED SHUT-DOWN"

This procedure is recommended to preserve a pump for a temporary " EXTENDED SHUT-DOWN" for more
than 3 weeks up to 6 months.
If a pump should be shut-down or de-commissioned for a period longer than 6 months,
then contact in advance the service department of Weir Netherlands b.v.
Contact the OEM suppliers for their instructions for the drive components
(like motor, gearbox, V-belt, coupling, transformer).
Recommendation for the crankshaft turning intervals:
1 Immediately or short after the stop of pumping slurry:
Flush the pump with clean water for at least 5 minutes at minimum speed.
Refer to the flushing procedure.
2 Repeat this every 4 weeks.
If possible, then run the pump with the motor power,
If not possible, then turn the crankshaft with help of the manual provisions.
Preservation procedure
Do this work only during shut-down and lock-out of the pump
(refer to chapter "Maintenance safety instructions").
1 Add an anti-corrosion additive agent to the lubrication oil, fill it into the pump power end oil sump, to
achieve an inside preservation of the pump power end components, during running of the lubrication
We recommend "Shell VSI 8235" for a use at 2% volume solution (avoid higher concentrations).
Crankshaft turning procedure by the motor
1 If installed, then switch on the oil heaters, at least 10 minutes before starting.
2 Refer to the according chapters for the "PRE-START checklist" and to start the lubrication pump.
3 Flush the pump with clean water for at least 5 minutes at minimum speed.
Refer to the flushing procedure.
Crankshaft turning procedure by manual provisions
Refer to the chapter "Special tools", "Socket wrench".
1 Check that the pump crankshaft can turn freely and pump water, without pressurizing the discharge
line (with an open flushing valve in the discharge line).
2 If installed, then switch on the oil heaters, at least 10 minutes before start-up.
3 Use the normal procedures to start the lubrication pump.
4 Run the lubrication pump for at least 5 minutes.
Check at an open side cover, that the bearings and crosshead are lubricated.
5 Turn the crankshaft around (minimum 2 complete revolutions), by the manual provisions, according to
chapter "Socket wrench".
6 Stop the lubrication pump.
Preservation of the pump parts
1 Shut-down and lock-out the pump.
2 Coat the machined surfaces with a preservation agent.
We recommend "Cortec VCI-369D" (or "Castrol Rustillo DWX-32" or equal).
"Cortec VCI-369D" is compatible with the recommended lubrication oil, so it does not require to be
removed, before putting the pump into operation again.
3 Refer to chapter "2/2 way valves: inspection and preservation" for the preservation of these valves.
4 Replace the air filter at the power end by a plug, to avoid loss of the agent by evaporation.
5 Clean the pump at the outside.
6 Before the next start of the pump, a de-aeration of the propelling liquid system and a priming of the
pump is required. Refer to the according procedures.
Pos: 17 /--- Section break - Odd page --- @ 0\mod_1136277036628_0.doc @ 765 @

201253-IOM-EN-R02 7.19
Pos: 18 /GEHO/Heading/H1/#. Maintenance @ 0\mod_1136455430617_31.doc @ 937 @

8 Maintenance
Pos: 19 /GEHO/Maintenance/Project/Maintenance safety ZPM+TZPM @ 1\mod_1171287274515_31.doc @ 12350 @

8.1 Maintenance safety instructions

Do not hesitate to contact the Service Department of Weir Minerals,
if problems occur during maintenance or repair activities.

Strictly obey to all instructions as given in the chapter "Safety" of this manual.
The correct working sequence along with the data in this manual is of the utmost
importance for safe operation and handling.
Only authorized and properly trained people are allowed to do maintenance work with the
Only use original and undamaged GEHO parts.

MAINTENANCE CHECKPOINTS during operation, with running pump:
Prevent contact with moving parts.

MAINTENANCE CHECKPOINTS during shut-down and lock-out of the pump:
For safe working on the pump it is essential, that the installation is locked out from all energy
For stopping the pump, refer to chapter "STOP for maintenance procedure"
(including de-pressurizing and draining the slurry section and dampeners).
Lock-out power supply to main motor.
Lock-out power supply to lubrication oil motor.
Lock-out power supply to propelling liquid motor.
Lock-out power supply to all auxiliary motor(s) of the gearbox (if applicable).
Lock-out power supply to control panel.
Lock pump isolation valves in closed position.

Disconnect the air supply only, when working on the air-actuated valves.

The below mentioned maintenance checkpoints are rough guidelines.
The real maintenance intervals have to be determined based on actual performance during
operation. This especially valid for the high wear parts.
Inspection of these parts should take place at least monthly until the real wear live has been

Refer to chapter "Assembly and disassembly" for maintenance and (dis)assembling of valves,
valve seats, diaphragms, piston, cylinder and cylinder liner.
Pos: 20 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

201253-IOM-EN-R02 8.1

Pos: 21 /GEHO/Maintenance/Project/201253 TZPM1200 gear drive: checkpoints @ 7\mod_1252072309309_31.doc @ 54035 @ 222

8.2 Maintenance references

Use a log book.
As part of a plant quality assurance plan (to achieve a proper operation and maintenance
history) we recommend to use a log book with operation and maintenance checklist sheets.
Refer for the allowable performance data to chapter "TECHNICAL DATA".

Refer for the location and technical data of the maintenance checkpoints also to:
814.201253.03 "P&I DIAGRAM TZPM 1200",
Chapter "Appendix: Parts - Lists and drawings (pump section)".

Refer for operation of the "GEHO TOUCH PANEL " to:

chapter "Technical data":
chapter "Appendix: Electrical information":
Electric drawings: S.814.201253.05 + S.814.201253.06 + S.814.201253.07 .

8.2 201253-IOM-EN-R02

8.3 Maintenance checkpoints of pump drive components

Refer to chapter Appendix: Catalog information, for documents about the pump components and their
References for the main components:
Interval Location Checkpoint Check / Action
All intervals
Drive unit: T.814.201253.16
Electric main motor 814.201253.30 Check the instructions of the supplier.
= T.814.201253.16 -004
Frequency converter 814.201253.38 Check the instructions of the supplier.
(VFD = variable
frequency converter
Transformer 814.201253.39 Check the instructions of the supplier.

Air supply NOT IN THE SCOPE OF Check the instructions of the supplier.
SUPPLY OF Refer for the details about the air
"WEIR MINERALS supply to 814.201253.19
in chapter "Technical Data".
Gearbox 814.201253.31 Check the instructions of the supplier.
+ cooling system = T.814.201253.16 -001
+ oil-filters Refer to Appendix: Catalogue
information, "Drive unit", "Gearbox".
Coupling 814.201253.32 Check the instructions of the supplier.
motor / gearbox = T.814.201253.16 -002 Refer to Appendix: Catalogue
information, "Drive unit", "Coupling".
Coupling 814.201253.33 Check the instructions of the supplier.
pump / gearbox = T.814.201253.16 -003 Refer to Appendix: Catalogue
information, "Drive unit", "Coupling".

201253-IOM-EN-R02 8.3

8.4 Maintenance intervals

Interval Checkpoint Location Check / Action
During operation, with running pump
(refer to chapter "Maintenance safety instructions"):

General performance, status and condition:

Alarm check "GEHO TOUCH PANEL" Push the alarm button for a
T.814.201253.42 -001 manual check of the alarm light.
Refer to
814.200000.22 + 814.201253.20
in chapter "Technical data".

General round All units + systems + piping + Check for changes in running
check connections noise.
Check for abnormal:
temperatures, contamination,
vibrations, filters.

Check for leaks of air, oil, slurry.

General "GEHO TOUCH PANEL" Check all performance data at the

performance check "GEHO TOUCH PANEL".
Refer to
814.200000.22 + 814.201253.20
in chapter "Technical data".

Slurry flow "GEHO TOUCH PANEL" Check for correct relation between
the pump speed and the slurry
flow rate.
Refer to
814.200000.22 + 814.201253.20
in chapter "Technical data".

8.4 201253-IOM-EN-R02

Interval Checkpoint Location Check / Action
General performance, status and condition:
"Discharge working pressure transmitter Check for no alarms at the
pressure": T.855.000.095 -002=PT3 "GEHO TOUCH PANEL".
pressure transmitter, 814.200000.22 +
connected to the top 814.201253.20 Check the trend graph at the
of the discharge "GEHO TOUCH PANEL".
pulsation dampener,
displayed at the Check the slurry discharge pressure.
PANEL". Refer for the allowed discharge
pressure to:
> the GEHO PUMP identification plate.
In chapter "TECHNICAL DATA":
> 814.201253.02 "INSTRUMENT AND

Refer for the pre-charge pressure of the

dampener to 814.201253.02
LIST" in chapter "Technical Data".

"Discharge working pressure gauge Check that the pressure is

pressure": T.818.080.205 - 011 (2x) corresponding with the pressure,
pressure gauge, given by the pressure transmitter,
connected to the top mentioned above.
of the discharge
pulsation dampener.

"Suction working pressure gauge Check the suction pressure.

pressure": T.851.000.443 - 002 (1x)
pressure gauge, Refer for the allowed pressure
connected to the top (maximum and minimum
of the suction air (= NPSH required)) to PDS.201253 "
in chapter "Technical Data".

201253-IOM-EN-R02 8.5

Interval Checkpoint Location Check / Action
Air supply (for the solenoid valves of the "Propelling liquid unit")
Air supply: T.857.000.232 - 065 Check pressure.
pressure gauge Refer for the allowed pressure
to 814.201253.19
in chapter "Technical Data".
Air supply: T.855.000.095 - 001=PT7 Check for no alarms at the
pressure "GEHO TOUCH PANEL".
transmitter Refer for the allowed pressure
to 814.201253.19
in chapter "Technical Data".
Air supply: T.857.000.232 - 057 Check the air supply.
connection If applicable and necessary:
filter-regulator Drain the filter.
Replace the filter.
Add suitable oil.
Refer for the allowable quality
to 814.201253.19
in chapter "Technical Data".
Air supply: NOT IN THE SCOPE OF Check the air unit.
compressor unit SUPPLY OF Check for leaks.
"WEIR MINERALS Check for abnormal:
NETHERLANDS B.V." noise, temperatures, filters,
contamination, vibrations.
Drive unit: T.814.201253.16
Gearbox 814.201253.31 Check the level at oil sight glass.
= T.814.201253.16 -001 Check for abnormal: noise,
vibrations, temperatures,
Coupling 814.201253.33 Check for changes in the running
pump / gearbox = T.814.201253.16 -003 noise.
Check for oil leakage under the
safety cover.
This coupling is filed with oil, lost of
oil causes faster wear of its teeth.
Gearbox oil 814.201253.31 Check for leaks.
cooling system = T.814.201253.16 -001 Check the oil filter resistance
Check the temperature gauge.
Check for abnormal: noise,
vibrations, temperatures,
Electric Motor 814.201253.30 Check the instructions of the
= T.814.201253.16 -004 supplier.

8.6 201253-IOM-EN-R02

Interval Checkpoint Location Check / Action
Lubrication unit: T.828.900.393
Lubrication oil: T.845.000.483 -138 Check the level at oil sight glass.
level in the sump
Pressure gauge T.828.900.393 -015 Check the pressure.
Pressure T.828.900.393 -110 (1x) No alarms at the "GEHO TOUCH PANEL".
transmitter Refer to 814.200000.22 + 814.201253.20.
Refer for the allowable pressure to
in chapter "Technical Data".
Oil flow T.828.900.393 -100 Flow sensor indicator LEDs status is
Oil discharge T.828.900.393 -020 Check visual the clogging indicator,
filter it should be green.
T.828.900.393 -021 If necessary, then replace the filter.

201253-IOM-EN-R02 8.7

Interval Checkpoint Location Check / Action
Propelling liquid unit: T.857.000.232
Propelling liquid T.857.000.232 -152 Check the level at the oil sight glass.
level in the tank
Flow sensor T.857.000.232 -100 Flow sensor indicator LED status is green.
Discharge filter T.857.000.232 -020 Check visual the clogging indicator,
it should be green.
T.857.000.232 -021 If necessary, then replace the filter.
Pressure gauge T.857.000.232 -060 Check the pressure.
Refer for the allowable pressure to
in chapter "Technical Data".
Pressure T.855.000.095 -001 =PT6 No alarms at the "GEHO TOUCH PANEL".
transmitter Refer to 814.200000.22 + 814.201253.20.
Refer for the allowable pressure to
in chapter "Technical Data".
De-aeration T.832.000.217 -070 (3x) Vent each diaphragm chamber,
valves of until no air is released.
propelling liquid at T.828.900.310 -002 Watch at the transparent hose for air
each diaphragm bubbles. During the start-up period, some
house air can appear. Air bubbles after the start-
up period may indicate leakage in the
propelling liquid system.
De-aeration vent T.853.000.264 -020 (1x) Open the needle valve, to vent the safety
of propelling liquid valve line, until no air is released.
at the pressure T.828.900.310 -002 Watch at the transparent hose for air
limitation unit bubbles. During the start-up period, some
air can appear. Air bubbles after the start-
up period may indicate leakage in the
propelling liquid system.
Safety relief valve T.853.000.264 -001 Check for oil leakage inside the safety relief
+ leakage plug valve, by unscrewing the drain plug in the
T.853.000.264 -025 (pressure-less) relieve valve drain line.
During operation, no propelling liquid
should flow or leak.
Solenoid 3/2 way T.857.000.232 - 050+055 Check for no air leakage.
air valves
Propelling liquid T.853.000.258 -001 Check for no air or oil leakage.
2/2 way oil valves: = T.857.000.232 -070
filling + outlet +
Sequence for T.853.000.258 -001 Maximum once per 5 minutes.
actuation of the = T.857.000.232 -070 If available/applicable:
filling valves + Check at the "GEHO TOUCH PANEL" the
outlet valves history of the propelling liquid valves
actuation frequency.
Refer to 814.200000.22 + 814.201253.20.
If the frequency is increasing,
then search for causes.
Like leakage at the piping or wear at the
piston seals.
8.8 201253-IOM-EN-R02

Interval Checkpoint Location Check / Action
Slurry section:
Slurry valves: T.820.201253 No abnormal or extreme noise inside the
discharge valves -025 = T.831.000.487 valve housings.
suction valves -026 = T.831.000.484

Covers of T.820.201253 No leakage of slurry through the covers.

discharge valve -025= T.831.000.487
suction valve -026 =T.831.000.484
pump diaphragm -030 = T.832.000.217
Pulsation T.820.201253 No leakage of slurry through covers.
dampener in the -060 = T.851.000.441
discharge line
Air vessel in the = T.820.201253 No leakage of slurry through covers.
suction line -090 = T.851.000.443

201253-IOM-EN-R02 8.9

Interval Checkpoint Location Check / Action
Hot torque DANGER
after initial Only during shut-down and lock-out of the pump
start-up (refer to chapter "Maintenance safety instructions"):
Torques of all Re-tighten.
flanges, covers, For the correct torque,
bolts and nuts refer to chapter "Tightening torques".

Interval Checkpoint Location Check / Action
200 hours CAUTION
after initial
Only during operation, with running pump
(refer to chapter "Maintenance safety instructions"):
Do the daily checkpoints.
Only during shut-down and lock-out of the pump
(refer to chapter "Maintenance safety instructions"):

Drive unit: T.814.201253.16

Gearbox: oil 814.201253.31 Replace the oil.
= T.814.201253.16 -001 Refer to "Catalogue information", "Gearbox"
for manual instructions of the manufacturer.
Gearbox: Refer for the correct oil quality and quantity
oil quality and to 814.201253.19
in chapter "Technical Data".
Gearbox: oil filter Replace the filter element.
Gearbox: 814.201253.31 Check the oil level at the oil dipstick,
oil cooling/filter = T.814.201253.16 -001 immediately after start-up, to ensure, that
circulation system the gearbox is filled properly.
Frame unit: T.845.000.483 Lubrication oil replacement
Refer for details to chapter "Assembly and dis-assembly", "Lubrication system".
Frame: T.845.000.483 -001 Drain the lubrication oil.
lubrication oil sump Clean the oil sump carefully.
Lubrication oil sump T.828.900.393 -010 Replace the oil filter elements.
T.828.900.393 -021 Refer for specifications to 814.201253.02
in chapter "Technical Data".
Frame: T.845.000.483 -001 Fill the sump with new oil.
lubrication oil sump Refer for the correct oil quality and quantity
to 814.201253.19
in chapter "Technical Data".
Lubrication oil level T.845.000.483 -034 Check oil level at the oil sight glass.

8.10 201253-IOM-EN-R02

To achieve reliable and economical performance of the pump, we recommend regular oil
quality checks by an oil laboratory.
Oil change intervals depend on the operation conditions and oil quality and oil quantity.
We recommend for normal conditions an oil check interval of 2000 working hours or 3 month.

Refer for the correct oil quality and quantity to 814.201253.19

"UTILITY CONSUMPTION LIST" in chapter "Technical Data".

Interval Checkpoint Location Check / Action
After each CAUTION
operating period of During operation, with running
2000 working hours (refer to chapter "Maintenance Safety Instructions")
Do the daily checkpoints.
(or 3 months of DANGER
operation, whatever Only during shut-down and lock-out of the pump
comes first) (refer to chapter "Maintenance safety instructions"):

Drive unit: T.814.201253.16

Gearbox: oil 814.201253.31 Do the oil quality laboratory check.
T.814.201253.16 -001 Take an oil sample and send it in to the oil
supplier laboratory, for a recommendation
of a time schedule for replacing the oil.
Gearbox: oil Depending on the result, if necessary:
Replace the oil.
Replace the oil filter elements.
Refer for instructions and details to the
table for the "200 hours interval".
Gearbox 814.201253.31 Grease at the nipples the seals at the
HANSEN = T.814.201253.16 -001 output shaft and/or the input shaft.
Refer to the manual of the gearbox, to the
related sticker on the gearbox and to the
lay-out drawing of the gearbox.
Gearbox: Clean the oil filter.
Gearbox: Clean the breather/air-vent..
Frame unit: T.845.000.483 , Lubrication oil replacement
Refer for details to chapter "Assembly and dis-assembly", "Lubrication system".
Frame unit: T.845.000.483 -001 Do the oil quality laboratory check.
lubrication Take an oil sample and send it in to the oil
oil sump supplier laboratory, for a recommendation
of a time schedule for replacing the oil.
Depending on the result, if necessary:
Replace the oil.
Replace the oil filter elements.
Refer for instructions and details to the
table for "200 hours interval".

201253-IOM-EN-R02 8.11

Interval Checkpoint Location Check / Action
After each CAUTION
operating period of During operation, with running pump
4000 working hours (refer to chapter "Maintenance safety instructions"):
(or year of
Do the daily checkpoints.
operation, whatever
comes first)
Electrical Installation: T.814.201253.42
Check the function of T.814.201253.42 -005 Check the transfer signal of the
the diaphragm stroke (3x2 initiators) initiators to the PLC.
control system. T.832.000.217 -015 Check, after one signal from an
Refer for the function (3x monitoring rod) initiator to the PLC, that the filling
details to chapter valve and the outlet/drain valve
"Start-up, priming are actuated.
Indication of the "GEHO TOUCH PANEL" Check for correct indication of
stroke positions at the 814.200000.22 + these actions on the
Working of the T.857.000.232 -050+055 Check the functions.
the propelling liquid (= air-solenoid valves) Maximum once per 5 minutes.
filling valves, T.857.000.232 - 070 If available/applicable:
the outlet/drain valves (= oil valves). Check at the "GEHO TOUCH
Refer for the function PANEL" the history of the
details to chapter propelling liquid valves actuation
"Start-up, priming frequency.
procedure". If the frequency is increasing,
than search for causes.
Like leakage at the piping or
wear at the piston seals.
Slurry section: T.820.201253
Covers of T.820.201253 No leakage of slurry through
the discharge valve -025 = T.831.000.487 covers.
the suction valve -026 = T.831.000.484
the pump diaphragm -030 =T.832.000.217
Pulsation dampener T.851.000.441 No leakage of slurry.
in the discharge line = T.820.201253 -060
Air vessel in the T.851.000.443 No leakage of slurry.
suction line = T.820.201253 -090

8.12 201253-IOM-EN-R02

Interval Checkpoint Location Check / Action
continued from DANGER
previous page Only during shut-down and lock-out of the pump
(refer to chapter "Maintenance safety instructions"):

Instrumentation 814.201253.03 Clean and calibrate and reset all
instrumentation parts.
Check the set-points,
according to 814.201253.02
LIST" in chapter "Technical Data".
Electrical Installation: T.814.201253.42
Initiator union nuts at T.814.201253.42 -005 Check the initiator union nuts.
the diaphragm (3x2 initiators) Refer to chapter "Initiator union nuts
housings at the diaphragm housings" for
Drive unit: T.814.201253.16
Motor 814.201253.30 Check the instructions of the
= T.814.201253.16 -004 supplier.
Gearbox 814.201253.31 Refer to Catalog information,
= T.814.201253.16 -001 "Drive unit", "Gearbox".
Coupling 814.201253.33 Refer to Catalog information,
pump / gearbox = T.814.201253.16 -003 "Drive unit", "Coupling".

Coupling 814.201253.32 Refer to Catalog information,

motor / gearbox = T.814.201253.16 -002 "Drive unit", "Coupling".

Gearbox 814.201253.31 Refer to Catalog information,

cooling system = T.814.201253.16 -001 "Drive unit", "Gearbox".

201253-IOM-EN-R02 8.13

Interval Checkpoint Location Check / Action
continued from Frame unit: T.845.000.483 , Lubrication oil replacement
previous page Refer for details to chapter "Assembly and dis-assembly", "Lubrication system".
Frame unit: T.845.000.483 -001 Do the oil quality laboratory check.
lubrication oil sump Take an oil sample and send it in to
the oil supplier laboratory, for a
recommendation of a time schedule
for replacing the oil.
Depending on the result,
if necessary:
Replace the oil.
Replace the oil filter elements.
Refer for instructions and details to
the "200 hours interval".
Frame unit: T.845.000.483
Check the T.845.000.483 - 008 Remove the frame cover.
pump crank shaft Record signs of wear damages.
If necessary, the contact the Service
Department of "WEIR MINERALS
Check the crankshaft T.845.000.483 - 118 No oil should leak at the 2 outside
seals ends of the pump crankshaft.
Record signs of wear damages.
If necessary, contact the Service
Department of "WEIR MINERALS
Crosshead rod seals T.845.000.483 Check for no oil leakage between
in the dust cover See, detail X: the crankshaft frame and the piston
-080 chamber.
-081 If necessary, then contact the
Service Department of "WEIR
Piston unit: T.835.000.194
Piston seals T.835.000.194 No propelling liquid leakage from the
-020 pump cylinder to the piston chamber.
-021 If necessary, then contact the
Service Department of "WEIR

8.14 201253-IOM-EN-R02

Interval Checkpoint Location Check / Action
After each CAUTION
operating period During operation, with running pump
of 8000 working (refer to chapter "Maintenance safety instructions"):
Do the daily checkpoints.
(or 1 year of
Do the 4000 working hours (or year) checkpoints.
whatever comes DANGER
first) Only during shut-down and lock-out of the pump
(refer to chapter "Maintenance safety instructions"):
Do the 4000 working hours (or year) checkpoints.
Drive unit: T.814.201253.16
Gearbox 814.201253.31 Refer to Catalog information,
+ cooling system = T.814.201253.16 -001 "Drive unit", "Gearbox".
Oil in the gearbox 814.201253.31 Do the oil quality laboratory check.
Take an oil sample and send it in to
the oil supplier laboratory, for a
recommendation of a time schedule
for replacing the oil.
Depending on the result,
if necessary:
Replace the oil.
Replace the oil filter elements.
Refer for instructions and details to the
"200 hours interval".
Coupling 814.201253.32 Refer to Catalog information,
motor / gearbox = T.814.201253.16 -002 "Drive unit", "Coupling".
Coupling 814.201253.32 Check the coupling alignment.
motor / gearbox = T.814.201253.16 -002 Refer for details to chapter "Transport
and installation", "Drive unit".
Re-align, if necessary.
Coupling 814.201253.33 Refer to Catalog information,
pump / gearbox = T.814.201253.16 -003 "Drive unit", "Coupling".
Coupling 814.201253.33 Check the coupling alignment.
pump / gearbox = T.814.201253.16 -003 Refer for details to chapter "Transport
and installation", "Drive unit".
Re-align, if necessary.
Coupling 814.201253.33 Replace the oil in the ZAPEX
pump / gearbox = T.814.201253.16 -003 coupling.
Refer for details to chapter "Transport
and installation", "Drive unit".
Refer to "Catalogue information",
"Drive unit" for manual instructions of
the manufacturer.
Refer for the correct oil quality and
quantity to 814.201253.19
chapter "Technical Data".
Motor 814.201253.30 Check the instructions of the supplier.
= T.814.201253.16 -004

201253-IOM-EN-R02 8.15

Interval Checkpoint Location Check / Action
continued from
Lubrication oil replacement
previous page
Refer for details to chapter "Assembly and dis-assembly", "Lubrication system".
Frame unit: T.845.000.483 -001 Do the oil quality laboratory check.
lubrication oil Take an oil sample and send it in to the oil
sump supplier laboratory, for a recommendation
of a time schedule for replacing the oil.
Depending on the result, if necessary:
Replace the oil.
Replace the oil filter elements.
Refer for instructions and details to the
"200 hours interval".
Frame unit: T.845.000.483
Air vent/filter of oil T.845.000.483 - 140 Change the air vent/filter.
sump, located on (1x) Refer for specifications to
inspection cover 814.201253.02
in chapter "Technical Data".
Piston clamping T.845.000.483 -046 Check the required tightening torque,
piece according to chapter "Tightening torques".
Re-tighten, if required.
Piston unit T.835.000.194
Cylinder liner T.835.000.194 -002 Inspect surface of cylinder liner.
Replace, if required.
Refer for instructions and details to
chapter "Assembly and disassembly",
"Piston unit".
Piston nut T.835.000.194 -010 Check the required tightening torque,
according to chapter "Tightening torques".
Re-tighten, if required.
Piston seals T.835.000.194 Check for no oil leakage.
-020 Replace, if required.
-021 Refer for instructions and details to
chapter "Assembly and disassembly",
"Piston unit".

8.16 201253-IOM-EN-R02

Interval Checkpoint Location Check / Action
continued from
Propelling liquid replacement
previous page
Refer for details to chapter "Assembly and dis-assembly", "Lubrication system".
Propelling liquid oil T.857.000.232 -150 Do the oil quality laboratory check.
tank Take an oil sample and send it in to the
oil supplier laboratory, for a
recommendation of a time schedule for
replacing the oil.
Propelling liquid oil T.857.000.232 -150 Depending on the result, if necessary:
tank Replace the oil.
Replace the oil filter elements.
Refer for instructions and details to
chapter "Maintenance", "Lubrication
Propelling liquid unit: T.857.000.232
Propelling liquid T.857.000.232 -040 Check the pre-charge pressure.
accumulator Refer for specifications to
814.201253.02 "INSTRUMENT AND
EQUIPMENT LIST" in chapter
"Technical Data".
Refer for instructions and details to
chapter "Pre-charging an accumulator
with nitrogen".
Air vent filter T.845.000.483 - 140 (1x) Change the air vent/filter.
propelling liquid Refer for specifications to
unit 814.201253.02 "INSTRUMENT AND
EQUIPMENT LIST" in chapter
"Technical Data".

2/2 way oil valves T.853.000.258 Inspect the functions.

(= propelling liquid = T.857.000.232 -070 Replace parts, if there is any leakage
+ flushing): between the valves and valves seats.
valve seat T.853.000.258 -
2/2 way oil valves T.853.000.258 Refer to chapter "2/2 way valves:
(= propelling liquid = T.857.000.232 -070 inspection and preservation".
+ flushing):
spindle / -001 = T.853.000.068
slide bearings -014 = T.853.000.110

201253-IOM-EN-R02 8.17

Interval Checkpoint Location Check / Action
continued from
Slurry section:
previous page
Slurry chambers: Carefully clean and inspect the slurry
discharge valves T.831.000.487 (3x) chambers.
suction valves T.831.000.484 (3x)
pump diaphragm T.832.000.217 (3x)
Pump diaphragm T.832.000.217 -019 (3x) Replace the pump diaphragms.
Refer for instructions and details to
chapter "Assembly and disassembly".

Pulsation T.851.000.441 -006 Replace the pulsation dampener

dampener in the = T.820.201253 -060 diaphragm.
discharge line
Refer for instructions and details to
chapter "Assembly and disassembly".

Pre-charge the pulsation dampener,

refer to chapter "Transport and
Pos: 22 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @ 222

8.18 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Pos: 23 /GEHO/Heading/H2/#.# Lubrication system @ 0\mod_1152094184716_31.doc @ 5126 @

8.5 Lubrication system

Pos: 24 /GEHO/Maintenance/CAUTION during operation @ 6\mod_1235988366046_31.doc @ 47921 @

During operation, with running or stand-by pump.
Refer to chapter "Maintenance safety instructions".
Pos: 25 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Procedures_during lock-out/Lubrication system/### Check the oil level @ 0\mod_1138630463309_31.doc @ 2208 @

8.5.1 Check the oil level

The oil level gauge is located at the side of the
power end.
1 Check the lubrication oil level (A) at the oil
level gauge.
2 If necessary, then fill up the lubrication oil.
Refer to document "UTILITY CONSUMPTION
LIST" in chapter Technical data, for the correct
oil type quality and the estimated oil quantity.

Figure 8.1: Lubrication oil level gauge

Pos: 26 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Procedures_during lock-out/Lubrication system/Change the discharge oil filter/### Double oil filter resistance indicator @ 5\mod_1220425203165_31.doc @ 37881 @ 34

8.5.2 Oil filter clogging indicator

Refer to the document "INSTRUMENT AND EQUIPMENT LIST" in chapter "Technical data", "Drawings +
lists + instruments" and also to chapter "Catalogue information" for the specification of the oil filer and for
details and specifications of the filter housing. Visual clogging indicator

The filter housing is equipped with a visual
clogging indicator.
Under normal operation conditions, the indicator
will show an empty or a green display, like
shown in the figure.
If the indicator displays red,
then the oil filter resistance is too high and needs
to be replaced urgently.

Always check for abnormal causes for a clogged

Like testing the oil by a laboratory.
Figure 8.2: Oil filter with visual clogging indicator
(The figure shows a schematic arrangement for more
Pos: 27 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

201253-IOM-EN-R02 8.19

Pos: 28 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Procedures_during lock-out/Lubrication system/Change the discharge oil filter/### Change: Change the double discharge oil filter!during running pump @ 0\mod_1152097825089_31.doc @ 5144 @ 344

8.5.3 Change the oil filter

Refer to the "INSTRUMENT AND EQUIPMENT LIST" in chapter "Technical data", "Drawings + lists +
instruments" and also to chapter "Catalogue information" for the specification of the oil filer and for details and
specifications of the filter housing.

The lever switch allows changing of a filter during operation.
Before changing one filter element,
relieve the pressure in that filter housing,
by switching over the handle to the that filter.

The filer-housing and the filter and the oil can still be very hot. Change filter A

1 Set the lever to position (A).
2 Remove the filter cover.
3 Remove the old filter.
4 Install the new filter.
5 Clean the filter cover.
6 Check the O-ring.
If necessary, then change the O-ring.
7 Install the filter cover.

Figure 8.3: Double oil filter: Change filter A Change filter B

1 Set the lever to position (B).
2 Remove the filter cover.
3 Remove the old filter.
4 Install the new filter.
5 Clean the filter cover.
6 Check the O-ring.
If necessary, then change the O-ring.
7 Install the filter cover.

Figure 8.4: Double oil filter: Change filter B

Pos: 29 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

8.20 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Pos: 30 /GEHO/Heading/H2/#.# Propelling liquid system @ 0\mod_1152094190955_31.doc @ 5132 @

8.6 Propelling liquid system

Pos: 31 /GEHO/Maintenance/CAUTION during operation @ 6\mod_1235988366046_31.doc @ 47921 @

During operation, with running or stand-by pump.
Refer to chapter "Maintenance safety instructions".
Pos: 32 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Procedures_during lock-out/Lubrication system/Change the discharge oil filter/### Double oil filter resistance indicator @ 5\mod_1220425203165_31.doc @ 37881 @ 34

8.6.1 Oil filter clogging indicator

Refer to the document "INSTRUMENT AND EQUIPMENT LIST" in chapter "Technical data", "Drawings +
lists + instruments" and also to chapter "Catalogue information" for the specification of the oil filer and for
details and specifications of the filter housing. Visual clogging indicator

The filter housing is equipped with a visual
clogging indicator.
Under normal operation conditions, the indicator
will show an empty or a green display, like
shown in the figure.
If the indicator displays red,
then the oil filter resistance is too high and needs
to be replaced urgently.

Always check for abnormal causes for a clogged

Like testing the oil by a laboratory.
Figure 8.5: Oil filter with visual clogging indicator
(The figure shows a schematic arrangement for more
Pos: 33 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

201253-IOM-EN-R02 8.21

Pos: 34 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Procedures_during lock-out/Lubrication system/Change the discharge oil filter/### Change: Change the double discharge oil filter!during running pump @ 0\mod_1152097825089_31.doc @ 5144 @ 344

8.6.2 Change the oil filter

Refer to the "INSTRUMENT AND EQUIPMENT LIST" in chapter "Technical data", "Drawings + lists +
instruments" and also to chapter "Catalogue information" for the specification of the oil filer and for details and
specifications of the filter housing.

The lever switch allows changing of a filter during operation.
Before changing one filter element,
relieve the pressure in that filter housing,
by switching over the handle to the that filter.

The filer-housing and the filter and the oil can still be very hot. Change filter A

1 Set the lever to position (A).
2 Remove the filter cover.
3 Remove the old filter.
4 Install the new filter.
5 Clean the filter cover.
6 Check the O-ring.
If necessary, then change the O-ring.
7 Install the filter cover.

Figure 8.6: Double oil filter: Change filter A Change filter B

1 Set the lever to position (B).
2 Remove the filter cover.
3 Remove the old filter.
4 Install the new filter.
5 Clean the filter cover.
6 Check the O-ring.
If necessary, then change the O-ring.
7 Install the filter cover.

Figure 8.7: Double oil filter: Change filter B

Pos: 35 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

8.22 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Pos: 36 /GEHO/Heading/H2/#.# Gearbox maintenance @ 7\mod_1244806019923_31.doc @ 50910 @

8.7 Gearbox maintenance

Pos: 37 /GEHO/Maintenance/CAUTION during operation @ 6\mod_1235988366046_31.doc @ 47921 @

During operation, with running or stand-by pump.
Refer to chapter "Maintenance safety instructions".
Pos: 38 /GEHO/Maintenance/Drive unit: gearbox cooling system/### Gearbox double oil filter resistance indicator=neutraal, zonder fig. @ 7\mod_1253626977174_31.doc @ 54533 @

8.7.1 Gearbox cooling system, oil filter clogging indicator

Refer to the document "Gearbox" in chapter "Catalogue information" for the specification of the oil filer and for
details and specifications of the filter housing. Visual clogging indicator

The filter housing is equipped with a visual clogging indicator.
If the indicator displays, that the oil filter resistance is too high, than the filter needs to be replaced urgently.
Always check for abnormal causes for a clogged filter.
Like testing the oil by a laboratory.
Pos: 39 /GEHO/Maintenance/Drive unit: gearbox cooling system/Gearbox double oil filter resistance indicator: foto=HANSEN P4 @ 7\mod_1253871404876_31.doc @ 54693 @

Figure 8.8: Oil filter with clogging indicator
(The figure shows a schematic arrangement for more
Pos: 40 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

201253-IOM-EN-R02 8.23

Pos: 41 /GEHO/Maintenance/Drive unit: gearbox cooling system/### Gearbox double oil filter change=neutraal, zonder fig. @ 8\mod_1260365127515_31.doc @ 57753 @ 344

8.7.2 Change the oil filter

Refer to the "INSTRUMENT AND EQUIPMENT LIST" in chapter "Technical data", "Drawings + lists +
instruments" and also to chapter "Catalogue information" for the specification of the oil filer and for details and
specifications of the filter housing.

The lever switch allows changing of a filter during operation.
Before changing one filter element,
relieve the pressure in that filter housing,
by switching over the handle to the that filter.

The filer-housing and the filter and the oil can still be very hot. Change filter A

1 Set the lever to position (A).
2 Remove the filter cover.
3 Remove the old filter.
4 Install the new filter.
5 Clean the filter cover.
6 Check the O-ring.
If necessary, then change the O-ring.
7 Install the filter cover. Change filter B

1 Set the lever to position (B).
2 Remove the filter cover.
3 Remove the old filter.
4 Install the new filter.
5 Clean the filter cover.
6 Check the O-ring.
If necessary, then change the O-ring.
7 Install the filter cover.
Pos: 42 /--- Section break - Odd page --- @ 0\mod_1136277036628_0.doc @ 765 @

8.24 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Pos: 43 /GEHO/Heading/H1/#. Troubleshooting @ 0\mod_1152772213698_31.doc @ 5244 @

9 Troubleshooting
Pos: 44 /GEHO/Troubleshooting/Attention - Trouble shouting @ 0\mod_1138615626939_31.doc @ 2139 @

Do not hesitate to contact the Weir Minerals Service Department,
if problems occur during trouble shouting.
Refer to chapter Assembly and disassembly for instructions of replacing parts.
If parts of the power end are damaged in such a way that they have to be replaced,
then follow instructions in chapter "Assembly and disassembly".
Pos: 45 /GEHO/Troubleshooting/## Trouble shooting table (T)ZPM-gear drive @ 1\mod_1169136012360_31.doc @ 11845 @

9.1 Trouble shooting

Lubrication system:
Problem/symptom Possible cause Remedy
Noise in the lubrication oil Low oil level in the power end See chapter "Maintenance".
pump. sump.
Suction filter is clogged. Check the suction filter,
if necessary, replace the suction filter.
Discharge filter is clogged, Check the discharge filter
oil circulates inside the pump If necessary,
through its pressure relieve then replace the discharge filter.
valve, oil and pump get hot .
Suction pipe leakage. Check and tighten connections.
Oil pump damaged. Check or replace.
Electric motor oil pump Check or replace.
Flow indicator shows Blocked lubrication discharge Check and clean all lubrication
insufficient oil flow line. points.
(check reading of the oil Oil pump is not running. Check electric connections.
pressure). Oil level power end sump too See chapter "Maintenance".
Suction filter is clogged. Check the suction filter.
If necessary,
replace the suction filter.
Discharge filter is clogged, Check the discharge filter.
oil circulates inside the pump If necessary,
through its pressure relieve then replace the discharge filter.
valve, oil and pump get hot.
Suction pipe to oil pump leaks. Tighten connections.
Filter valves closed. Open valves.
Relief valve in the oil pump Check or replace.
Relief valve in the oil pump Check or replace.
No oil flow at some lubrication Check and clean orifices at the
points. lubrication points.

201253-IOM-EN-R02 9.1

Abnormal mechanical noise:

Problem/symptom Possible cause Remedy
Hammering noise synchronous Malfunction of lubrication system Check the lubrication system.
with dead points of the piston Noise caused by loosened
stroke. connections and transmitted to
power end:

Loose piston. See chapter "Maintenance".

Loose piston rod/crosshead rod See chapter "Maintenance".


Loose crosshead rod/on Tighten the crosshead rod.

Incorrect settings/worn parts of Correct setting or replace the worn
crosshead guides, crosshead parts.
bearing, connecting rod bearing,
crankshaft bearing or other.
Power end bearings damaged. Check for temperature rise and
replace if necessary.
Problem/symptom Possible cause Remedy
Abnormal noise is continuous Malfunction of lubrication Check the lubrication system.
(frequency more than 500 Hz) system.
Power end gears See the general note.
Power end bearings damaged. Check for temperature rise and
replace if necessary.
Problem/symptom Possible cause Remedy
Overheating of the lubrication Malfunction of lubrication Check lubrication system and
oil system. settings or relief valves,
(maximum temperature 80C). see document "INSTRUMENT AND
Incorrect setting or worn parts. Correct setting or replace worn parts.

Gears worn. Replace.

Overheating of the crosshead Malfunction of lubrication Check the lubrication system.

liner. system.
Damaged running surfaces. Replace the damaged parts.

Overheating of the bearing Bearings damaged. Replace the bearings.

Wandered settings or worn Correct the settings or replace.

9.2 201253-IOM-EN-R02

Propelling liquid section:
Problem/symptom Possible cause Remedy
Propelling liquid filling: Leakage in filling pipe. Tighten connections.
Filling valves too often in Leakage of outlet valve. Replace the outlet valve parts.
operation. Too low air pressure. See chapter "Maintenance".
Filling valve malfunction. Check or replace the valve or the
valve parts.
Leakage of the cylinder liner seal. Check and replace, if necessary.
Pump diaphragm rupture Replace the diaphragm.
(this will cause a knocking noise in the
pump chamber during the discharge
Air in the propelling liquid chamber. De-aerate the propelling liquid
Piston seal rings leaking. Replace the seal rings.
Leakage in the propelling liquid Repair the leakages.
Leaking of the safety valves or valve Check and replace if necessary.
Propelling liquid drain: Leakage of the filling valve. Check and replace the filling valve or
Outlet valves to often in seat.
operating. Rupture diaphragm of the filling valve. Check and replace.
Outlet valves to often in Too low air pressure. Re-adjust the air pressure.
operating Malfunction of the outlet valve. Check and replace if necessary.
Leakage of the cylinder liner seals. Check and replace.
Leakage of the piston seals. Check and replace.
Propelling liquid pump is Leaking of the propelling liquid piping. Tighten the connections.
starting too often. Leaking of the pressure relief valve. Check the set-points and replace the
worn parts.
Propelling liquid accumulator not proper Check the pre-charging.
Drain valve is leaking. Check and replace.
Damaged running surfaces. Replaced the damaged parts.
Diaphragm rupture. Pump not proper filled and timed. Following the start sequence.
Refer to document "DESCRIPTION
Settlement of sediment in the Clean the diaphragm housing.
diaphragm housing. Follow the suitable flushing
procedure before the pump stop.
Overfilling by the propelling liquid Check proper functioning of all pump
system. initiators with help of a magnet.

201253-IOM-EN-R02 9.3

Problem/symptom Possible cause Remedy

Filling valve alarm Pressure limitation system is leaking. Check the suction filter,
by 3 minutes time relay. system pressure
(see chapter "Maintenance")
and filter cartridge for damage.
Discharge valve is leaking in such an Replace the valve and valve seat.
extent that slurry under pressure flows
back (during the suction stroke) via the
leaking discharge valve.

Non-return valve in pipe connection Check, clean or replace the non-

between filling valve and propelling return valve.
liquid chamber is clogged or damaged.

The filling valve does not open while Check the diaphragm stroke control
there is an electric signal. system.

Too low air pressure. Re-adjust the air pressure.

Pneumatic plug valve is closed. Check the globe valve and the air
Oil level in the propelling liquid tank too For correct quantity,
low. see chapter "Maintenance".

No pressure in the propelling liquid feed Check operating of the propelling

system. liquid pump.
Check the suction line for air leakage
and clogging.
Outlet valve alarm Piping system from outlet valve to the Clean or replace.
by 3 minutes time relay. propelling liquid tank is clogged or

Non-return valve in pipe between the Clean or replace.

outlet valve and the propelling liquid
tank is clogged or damaged.

Outlet valve alarm by 3 Much air is left in the propelling liquid De-aerating the propelling liquid
minutes time relay chamber after maintenance work. chamber.

The outlet valve does not open while Check the diaphragm stroke control
there is an electric signal. system.

Diaphragm is leaking and acts as a Change the diaphragm and clean the
non-return valve. total propelling liquid system.

9.4 201253-IOM-EN-R02

SLURRY SECTION: (abnormal noise and/or vibration)

If the noise coming from the fluid end,
then an attempt should be made to localize the source with the aid of a wrench or a stethoscope.
If the noise can be localized,
then it probably is of a mechanical source.
If the noise seems general and difficult to locate,
then the source might be a fluid knock.
Problem/symptom Possible cause Remedy
During the discharge stroke Partially blocking of suction Check the permitted lifting of suction
excessive vibrations or valve(s). valve.
knocking due to not complete (Partially) blocked suction line. Check the clogged or not completely
filling of one or more pump opened valves in the suction line.
chambers during the suction Not completely filled propelling Filling valves in operation
stroke. liquid chamber. (see lamps on control panel).
Mostly also knocking in the Air in propelling liquid De-aerating the propelling liquid
discharge valves. chamber(s). chambers.
Air in slurry chamber De-aerating the slurry chamber.
Hammering noise near of just Suction feed pressure too low. Increase the suction pressure.
behind mid-stroke. Slurry temperature too high. Cooling of the slurry.
Fluid hammer due to fluid Pulsation dampener not Pre-charge according to chapter
separation (void) following correctly pre-charged. "Maintenance".
collapsing in the pump Air level in Air vessel too low. Manually add a small amount of air
chamber. until the hammering noise is
This collapsing causes a disappeared.
hammering noise in the suction
valves and a surge pressure
well in the suction line.
Diagnose by reducing pump
Hammering noise in the piston Valve seal ring worn / valve seat Replace the seal ring / valve seat.
dead points. worn (resulting in mechanical
Loose piston/cylinder liner. Tighten the connection.
For the correct torque, see chapter
Suction or discharge valve, Check and replace.
valve guide or valve spring
Jetting noise in suction or Slurry leaking under high Check the valves and seats and
discharge valve(s). velocity between the valve(s) replace if necessary.
Depending on the severity of and seat will cause wash out
the problem, a decreasing damage to valve(s) and seat or
discharge flow may be valve housing.
observed. If noise is heard during Check the valves and seats and
discharge stroke, replace if necessary.
then the problem is induced in
the suction valve,
if heard during suction stroke,
then the problem is induced in
discharge valve.
No closing of suction or Check and close the valves.
discharge valves.

201253-IOM-EN-R02 9.5

Problem/symptom Possible cause Remedy

Hammering noise in the Surge pressure well, cause by fluid Reduce the pump speed.
suction line, once per separation (void) and following
crankshaft revolution. collapsing in the pump chamber.

Suction pressure too low. Increase the suction pressure.

Propelling liquid chamber not De-aerate the propelling liquid

completely filled. chambers.

Surge pressure well in suction line, Check the suction valve.

caused by malfunctioning of one
suction valve.


Problem/symptom Possible cause Remedy
Air pressure is low. Compression failure. Check the air supply.

Air line is leaking. Tighten the connections.

Reducing valve on the air-conditioning Open the reducing valve.

device closed.

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9.6 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Pos: 47 /GEHO/Troubleshooting/## Diaphragm pulsation dampener @ 0\mod_1156318158348_31.doc @ 5783 @

9.2 Trouble shooting at a diaphragm pulsation dampener

Problem/symptom Possible causes and solutions


DANGER: Avoid breathing in nitrogen.

Make sure that the pulsation dampener is depressurized before

loosening the pulsation dampener cover. Always loosen the cover nuts

General The pre-charge pressure at the diaphragm pulsation dampener shall be

checked and noted at regular intervals.
Keep a log book for settings and changes of the pre-charge
pressure, so you can compare and observe changes.
The pre-charge pressure will normally be registered at the pressure

If there is no liquid pressure at the pulsation dampener bottom,

then the pressure gauge indicates only the pre-charge pressure.

ATTENTION If the liquid pressure at the pulsation dampener bottom is higher then
the pre-charge pressure,
then the pressure gauge indicates also the working pressure at the
liquid site of diaphragm.
Under certain conditions the pressure gauge or filling line can be
damaged or clogged with slurry and may then not indicate the right
pressure. It is therefore important to recognize symptoms associated
with a pre-charge pressure that is too low or too high.
Such symptoms are excessive pressure fluctuations in piping or shock
and vibrations in pump and piping.

Pre-charge pressure to high. 1 Check for causes.

Pre-charge pressure to low.

DANGER: Avoid breathing in nitrogen.

Determine the reason for any loss of gas and remedy the condition.
1 Do a leakage test.
Refer below to the section Diaphragm outside leakage test.
2 Check for other causes.

Pre-charge pressure loss. Determine the reason for any loss of gas and remedy the condition.
1 Do a leakage test.
Refer below to the section Diaphragm outside leakage test.
2 Increase the pre-charge pressure.
Refer to chapter Pre-charging the diaphragm pulsation dampener.

Measuring at the pressure gauge 1 The pressure gauge (manometer) is damaged.

201253-IOM-EN-R02 9.7

Problem/symptom Possible causes and solutions

(manometer) excessive pressure Replace the pressure gauge.
fluctuations in the suction line or 2 Pre-charge pressure to low.
discharge line, or heavy vibrations. Check the pre-charge pressure.
Refer to chapter Pre-charging the diaphragm pulsation dampener.

Filling valve leakage.

DANGER: Avoid breathing in nitrogen.

1 Tighten loose threads.
2 Do a outside leakage test.
If there is still a leakage, then:
3 Release the nitrogen pressure carefully by opening slowly the filling
4 Replace seal ring.
5 Replace filling valve.

Pressure gauge leakage 1 Replace the pressure gauge.

at the gauge cover
or at the lock cover.

Pressure gauge leakage 1 Tighten loose threads.

at the thread 2 Replace threaded nipples.
or at the nipples. 3 Replace pressure gauge.

Diaphragm leakage.

DANGER: Avoid breathing in nitrogen.

Fluid can have clogged the filling valve or the pressure gauge.
1 Release the nitrogen pressure carefully by opening slowly the filling
2 Replace the diaphragm.
Refer to Replacing the pulsation dampener diaphragm.

Diaphragm pulsation dampener outside leakage test

DANGER: Avoid breathing in nitrogen.

1 Apply a leak detector to the pulsation dampener. Use soapy water.
2 Watch for bubbles.
3 Use the table above to solve the problem.
If the outside leakage test fails and the pressure still drops, then a diaphragm leakage is probably.
Pos: 48 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

9.8 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Pos: 49 /GEHO/Troubleshooting/## Typical wear (T)ZPM @ 1\mod_1169136581763_31.doc @ 11849 @

9.3 Typical wear phenomena and its causes

9.3.1 Valves

Figure 9.1

Normal wear
The valve seal ring looses material at side (1), and after a longer running period the overhanging material (A)
is worn away. The length of this running period depends on the slurry abrasivity and particle size and has to
be determined by experience.
After this running period the seal ring must be turned in order to use side (2) (in case of using a cone valve)
or replaced (in case of using a ball or mushroom valve) because there is no elastic sealing any more.
Installing a suction strainer will increase the wearing life of the valve parts.

Local severe wash-out

Possible causes:
Too long running period with worn valves and/or seats.
Valves do not really close because of too large solid particles or a foreign object.
Worn upper valve guide in which the clearance in one direction is excessive.
Sticking upper or lower guide.
Broken valve spring.

Wash outs at the outside diameter of the valve, valve seat and valve disc
Possible causes:
Wash outs at the valve seat outside.
Improper seat installation in the valve housing, or rust at the valve seat, or dirty or greasy surfaces.
Damaged surfaces from valve seat or valve housing bore.
Damaged from O-rings.
Wrong O-ring assembly.

201253-IOM-EN-R02 9.9

9.3.2 Pump diaphragm

Normal wear by fatigue:
If the diaphragm is broken by fatigue, then it shows near the clamping edge a crack and mostly more
surfaces cracks, especially at the propelling liquid side.

Blown up diaphragm
A blown up diaphragm by too much propelling liquid shows at the top section of the diaphragm a crack and
some scratches due to deformation of the diaphragm in the discharge valve opening.

Teared-off in-vulcanized cone-plate in diaphragm

The cause might be fluid hammer in the slurry section for extended period or seizing of monitoring rod.

Damage at the propelling liquid side of the diaphragm

If rubber has loosened at the in-vulcanized cone-plate area, then the pump was probably running with
insufficient propelling liquid and the vulcanized valve has touched the rear wall.
Possible causes:
Pump discharge valve leaking, keeping propelling liquid chamber under discharge pressure during suction

9.3.3 Pulsation dampener diaphragm

Normal wear by fatigue
If the diaphragm is broken by fatigue, then it shows a crack near the biggest diameter, and perhaps more
local surface cracks.

Damage of the in-vulcanized valve

Rubber from the diaphragm surface, near the vulcanized valve, lost by striking against the pulsation
dampener inlet.
Possible causes:
Pre-charge pressure of the pulsation dampener was too high.

9.10 201253-IOM-EN-R02

9.3.4 Piston
Normal wear
Normal worn piston seal rings show an equal wear around the outer diameter, so there is no pre-sealing
effect any more.

Seal rings granulated surface

The rubber was burned by insufficient lubrication and cooling.
Possible causes:
Piston flushing system works insufficiently.
Running of the piston in a dry cylinder liner.

Grooves over the piston seal rings

Possible causes:
Piston was running in a worn grooved cylinder liner.
Propelling liquid chamber was not clean.
Flushing oil is contaminated.
Diaphragm rupture.

Severe wear at a part of the circumference

Possible causes:
The piston guide ring is worn (mostly lower side).
Alignment of the piston rod - crosshead rod was incorrect:
Damaged contact surface.
Dirty contact surface.
Piston flushing pipe partly clogged, which causes insufficient lubrication of the piston seal rings at one

9.3.5 Cylinder liner

Normal wear
A normal worn liner shows a light grooved surface.
The inner diameter is increased, mostly in the center of the piston stroke where the piston velocity is highest.
The wear is raising rapidly when the hard layer in the cylinder liner is worn away.

Grooved cylinder liner after a relatively short operation time.

Possible causes:
Propelling liquid chamber is insufficiently flushed and cleaned after diaphragm rupture.
Propelling liquid in the tank is contaminated and flushing oil is dirty.
Piston guide ring worn, by which the piston body rubs against the cylinder liner.

Severe wear at a part of the circumference

Possible causes:
The piston guide ring was worn (mostly the lower side).
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201253-IOM-EN-R02 9.11
Assembly and disassembly
Pos: 51 /GEHO/Heading/H1/#. Assembly and disassembly @ 0\mod_1136455386113_31.doc @ 935 @

10 Assembly and disassembly

Pos: 52 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/General/## Introduction - Safety notes (T)ZPM @ 0\mod_1145882820736_31.doc @ 3352 @ 2555

10.1 Safety instructions

Do not hesitate to contact the Service Department of Weir Minerals Netherlands b.v.,
if problems occur during maintenance or repair activities.


Refer to the drawings in chapter "Parts - Lists and drawings" (pump section) for correct
positions of the ID numbers, mentioned in the text and not visible figures.
Refer to chapter "Parts - Lists and drawings (special tools)" for the use of special tools.

Strictly obey to all instructions as given in the chapter "Safety" of this manual.
The correct working sequence along with the data in this manual is of the utmost
importance for safe operation and handling.
Only authorized and properly trained people are allowed to work with the pumps.
Only use original and undamaged GEHO parts.
For safe working on the pump, it is mandatory,
that the installation is locked out from all energy sources:
Pump lock-out procedure
Stop the pump, refer to chapter "Operation".
Lock-out power supply to the main motor, lock the main switch.
Lock-out power supply to the lubrication oil motor.
Lock-out power supply to the propelling liquid motor.
Lock-out power supply to the control panel.
Lock all the pump isolation valves in the closed position.
Lock-out the power supply of all other applicable components.

Stop and dis-connect the air supply only, when working on the air-actuated valves.
Refer to chapter "Operation", "STOP for maintenance procedure".

For safe work on the pump parts, this is mandatory:
Slurry section isolation and drain procedure
1 Close and secure the pump isolation valves in the discharge line.
2 Close and secure the pump isolation valves in the suction line.
3 Flush the pump slurry section clean.
Refer to chapter "Operation", "STOP for maintenance procedure".

For safe work on the pump parts at the propelling liquid section, this is mandatory:
1 Drain the propelling liquid at the diaphragm.
Refer to chapter "Assembly and disassembly", "Propelling liquid drain".

201253-IOM-EN-R02 10.1
Assembly and disassembly


Hydraulic tool pressurizing procedure

If tools are operated hydraulically, then:
Use only suitable tools and parts for this work.
Before pressurizing a hydraulic tool:
Check the hydraulic pump, all the hoses, nipples and tools,
and de-aerate all the parts and tools.
During pressurizing and 1 minute after reaching pressure level,
no person is allowed to be in front of the tool.
Always stay aside.
Watch the pressure gauge.
If the pressure does not build-up steady,
then the stud bolts are not stretching equally.
If the pistons come out further (without adding oil),
then this indicates that the stud bolts are failing.
If this happens, then:
Pos: 53 /GEHO/Transport and installation/Transport and lifting/### lifting eyes @ 5\mod_1221653262294_31.doc @ 38469 @ 32555
Relief the oil pressure, replace these stud bolts by new ones and restart the procedure.

10.1.1 Lifting eye bolts

The heavy parts of the pumps are provided with one or more lifting eye bolts,
or have the possibility to install a lifting eye for transportation purposes.
Always transport these parts by using these eyes.
Table according to DIN 580 "LIFTING EYE BOLTS": Working Load Limit (= WLL) [kg]
Size M8 M10 M12 M16 M20 M24 M27 M30 M33 M36 M42 M56 M64
(metric thread)
only for 1 eye 140 230 340 700 1200 1800 2500 3600 4300 5100 7000 11500 16000
bolt, hoisting

for 2 or more 95 170 240 500 830 1270 1800 2600 3100 3700 5000 8300 1100
eye bolts

If 2 or more lifting eye bolts are used,

then allowed the hoisting angle is minimum 45 degrees, as shown in the figure.
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10.2 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Assembly and disassembly
Pos: 55 /GEHO/Heading/H2/#.# Manual rotation of the pump crankschaft @ 0\mod_1145881352537_31.doc @ 3343 @

10.2 Manual rotation of the pump crankshaft

Pos: 56 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/General/Manual rotation/### via socket wrench gearbox (T)ZPM "MANUAL CRANKING UNIT" @ 0\mod_1145881095763_31.doc @ 3340 @ 35

10.2.1 Manual rotation of the pump shaft with a socket wrench at the gearbox
Manual rotation the pump shaft is required for:
For "priming" of the pump during the start-up procedure.
For turning a piston in a necessary position during inspection or maintenance.
For assembling or dis-assembling of several components within the pump.
Be aware that the un-balance of the crankshaft-assembly causes un-stable positions.
This un-balance causes a torque at the crankshaft, that will vary during rotation and can trigger
unexpected sudden rotation of the crankshaft.
There is a risk of a "run-away" of the pump crankshaft, turning forwards or backwards,
causing movement of the connected parts in the pump frame (like crossheads and rods and
pistons) and turning parts in the drive train (like couplings, gearbox and motor).
1 Switch-off the power from the main motor and lock the switch.
Make sure that the main motor can not be operated during the maintenance work.
2 Opening the drain valve of the discharge line and the suction line,
to release the pump pressure from the slurry section.
Be aware that some static slurry pressure can remain at the pistons,
due to open or leaking pressure valves or suction valves.
3 Remove the safety guard from the non-driven end of the high speed gearbox shaft.
This will actuate the electric switch and will inhibit the start of the electric main motor.
4 Start the lubrication pump, to assure lubrication during turning of the pump shaft.
Check that the lubrication system delivers the oil pressure and oil quantity.
5 Use the special tool "MANUAL CRANKING UNIT".
Refer to chapter "Parts - List and drawings (special tools)" for details of this tool.
6 Put the socket (B) on the socket wrench (A).
Fore safety reasons, NEVER do this work alone.

The rotation tool shall always be operated with a tight grip and shall be locked firm,
to prevent uncontrolled crankshaft movement.
To avoid the risk of a crankshaft run-away, never use a tool in the ratchet position.
7 Put the "MANUAL CRANKING UNIT" on the
hexagon shaft extension (C) of the gearbox.
8 Manually rotate the pump crankshaft.

After the manual rotation:

9 If applicable/possible,
then block the crankshaft against rotation.
10 Remove the manual cranking unit.

After finishing the work:

11 If applicable, then remove the rotation-blockade.
Be aware, that the crankshaft can start to rotate
to a rest position.
12 Stop the lubrication pump.
13 Mount the safety guard at the non-driven end of
the high speed gearbox shaft.

Figure 10.1: Special tool "MANUAL CRANKING UNIT"

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201253-IOM-EN-R02 10.3
Assembly and disassembly

Pos: 58 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/General/Manual rotation/### TZPM crankshaft balance @ 8\mod_1258633343546_31.doc @ 56833 @ 35

10.2.2 Balance position of the TZPM crank shaft

Be aware that the un-balance of the crankshaft-assembly causes un-stable positions.
This un-balance causes a torque on the crankshaft, that will vary during rotation and can
trigger unexpected sudden rotation of the crankshaft.
There is a possibility of a "run-away" of the pump crankshaft, turning forwards or backwards,
causing movement of the connected parts in the pump frame (like crossheads and rods and
pistons) and turning parts in the drive train (like couplings, gearbox and motor).
Only work on the crankshaft, the couplings and the pistons,
if the un-balanced dead weight of the crankshaft is in its lowest position,
or if the crankshaft is blocked safely against rotation.
For safety reasons, NEVER do this work alone.
Always first make sure, that there are no additional forces from the pistons or from the drive
train, before turning a crankshaft in its balance position.
1 Switch of the power from the main motor and lock the switch.
2 Drain the slurry section. Refer to the related chapter.
3 Drain the propelling liquid section. Refer to the related chapter.

Figure 10.2: TZPM balance position of the crankshaft

(if there are no additional forces from the pistons or from the drive train)

A Crankshaft of the TZPM pump, the viewpoint is from the driven shaft side
B Gravity centre of the crankshaft
C Threaded hole points downwards, indicating the gravity centre of the crankshaft
(the holes are made for handling the crankshaft during assembly)
D+E Threaded holes
1 Remove the cover of the crankshaft compartment of the frame.
2 Find the threaded hole (C) at the crankshaft in the ring. Refer to the figure above for the viewpoint.
3 Turn the crankshaft, until the threaded hole (C) points downwards, as shown in the figure above.
Only if the threaded hole (C) points downwards (as shown above),
then the gravity center of the crankshaft is under the center line of the crankshaft,
in a stable balance position (if there are no additional forces from the pistons or the drive train).
This position is required for working:
on the coupling between the gearbox and the pump,
on internal parts of the pump frame, like crankshaft, crossheads, rods and pistons.
In any other position, the crankshaft is NOT in balance, and can start turning by itself.
Pos: 59 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @ 35

10.4 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Assembly and disassembly
Pos: 60 /GEHO/Heading/H2/#.# Special tools @ 1\mod_1166540615553_31.doc @ 11465 @

10.3 Special tools

Pos: 61 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/General/Hydraulic pump unit/### Air driven hydraulic pump @ 0\mod_1156403099735_31.doc @ 5821 @ 344

10.3.1 Air driven hydraulic pump

Some tools are operated hydraulically.
The air driven oil pump generates a hydraulic pressure, displayed at the pressure gauge.
A high pressure hose is connected to the hydraulic pump.
All hydraulic tools are fitted with quick release connectors (nipples). Legend
A Hydraulic connector
B High pressure hose
C Operating handle A
D Air pressure supply connector
E Hydraulic pressure gauge Operating instructions

1 Connect the hydraulic connector (A) to the
according quick release connector D
(nipple). B
2 Pressurize the hydraulic pump. E
3 Turn the operating handle (C) to pressurize
the tool to be operated. C
4 Check the pressure gauge (E).
Refer to chapter Technical data, "Special
torques" for the appropriate pressure.
Figure 10.3: Air driven hydraulic pump
Pos: 62 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/General/### Oil connector caps at (T)ZPM pump @ 4\mod_1214468883644_31.doc @ 36433 @ 3344

10.3.2 Oil connector caps

Avoid wasting oil.
Avoid polluting the oil and the connectors.
If dis-connecting oil tubes or hoses, then:
Use connector caps, to close the
connection and to avoid waste of oil.

Figure 10.4: Oil connector caps

Pos: 63 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @ 3

201253-IOM-EN-R02 10.5
Assembly and disassembly

Pos: 64.1 /GEHO/Heading/H2/#.# Drive unit @ 0\mod_1134483988099_31.doc @ 452 @

10.4 Drive unit

Pos: 64.2 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Drive unit/Disassembly and assembly @ 1\mod_1168951193156_31.doc @ 11775 @

Refer to chapter "Catalogue information" for information about assembly and disassembly of
drive unit parts.
Pos: 65.1 /GEHO/Heading/H2/#.# Frame unit @ 0\mod_1146735364754_31.doc @ 3598 @

10.5 Frame unit

Pos: 65.2 /GEHO/General/Attention, Warning and Note/Information - Frame unit - Contact Weir Minerals @ 1\mod_1165496458248_31.doc @ 9075 @

For major maintenance work on the frame unit,
please contact the service department of Weir Minerals Netherlands b.v.
Pos: 66 /GEHO/Technical data sheets/General torques/A.807.005.119 = tightening procedure @ 7\mod_1254137193726_31.doc @ 54812 @

10.6 General tightening procedure for flanges and gaskets

Refer for the recommended procedure to document WEIR - A.807.005.119 in chapter
"Catalogue information".
Pos: 67 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

10.6 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Assembly and disassembly
Pos: 68.1 /GEHO/Heading/H2/#.# Electrical unit @ 7\mod_1252575828477_31.doc @ 54282 @

10.7 Electrical unit

Pos: 68.2 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Frame unit/Contact GEHO @ 4\mod_1210762903455_31.doc @ 29425 @

For major maintenance work on the frame unit, please,
contact the Service Department of Weir Minerals Netherlands b.v., the Netherlands.
Pos: 68.3 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Electrical unit/A.807.004.838=### Crankschaft sensor calibration @ 7\mod_1252571159470_31.doc @ 54272 @ 3555

10.7.1 "INITIATOR" at the crankshaft

To report to the control system the revolutions and the position of the crankshaft,
the crankshaft is equipped with a cam "DETECTOR PIECE" (A) and a proximity switch
"INITIATOR" (B). These items are fixed, no maintenance or adjustment required.
If the original position did get lost, or parts are replaced, then follow this procedure.
Check the mounting of the "INITIATOR" (B)
1 Make sure, that the "INITIATOR" (B) is
mounted as shown in the figure. A
2 Check the clearance of 63 mm between CLEARANCE
the "DETECTOR PIECE" (A) and the B
Check the signal of the "INITIATOR" (B)
1 Refer to the arrow at the pump frame for
the normal turning direction of the
2 When at the first diaphragm housing
the piston reaches its
"TDE = Top Dead End"
(end of its discharge stroke), Figure 10.5: Mounting the "INITIATOR"
then the "DETECTOR PIECE" (A) must
trigger the "INITIATOR" (B) at the "RISING RISING EDGE
EDGE" of the signal.


Figure 10.6: Signal trigger by turning the
Adjusting the cam "DETECTOR PIECE" (A)
1 Turn the crankshaft (in the normal "CRANKSHAFT TURNING DIRECTION"),
to position the piston at the first diaphragm housing in its
"TDE = Top Dead End" (end of its discharge stroke).
Use a tool to turn and fix the crankshaft.
Refer to the chapter "Special tools".

Lock the position of the crankshaft.
Be aware of the danger of a crankshaft in an unstable position.
2 Refer to the arrow at the pump frame for the normal turning direction of the crankshaft.
3 Adjust the position as shown above.
Turn the cam "DETECTOR PIECE" (A) until the signal trigger occurs at the "RISING EDGE".
4 Fix the position of the "DETECTOR PIECE" (A) with its mounting belt.
5 Check the signal of the "INITIATOR" (B) at the electrical terminals.
Remove the lock of the crankshaft.
Pos: 69 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @ 3555
Be aware of the danger of a crankshaft in an unstable position.
201253-IOM-EN-R02 10.7
Assembly and disassembly

Pos: 70 /GEHO/Heading/H2/#.# Lubrication system @ 0\mod_1152094184716_31.doc @ 5126 @

10.8 Lubrication system

Pos: 71 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Procedures_during lock-out/## Propelling liquid drain/### Environment instructions @ 8\mod_1255956478091_31.doc @ 55821 @ 3

10.8.1 Environment instructions

Make sure that the storage and/or disposal of the oil is according to the local
environmental regulations.
Before re-using the oil, check the oil quality for contamination and chemical properties.
External full oil diagnosis by an authorized laboratory.
Internal oil diagnosis with a on-site analysis equipment.
Like a "Shell LubeClinic On-site analysis" set.
Internal optical diagnosis of the oil.
Look for changes of the oil and contaminations in the oil, caused by a leaking
diaphragm. Like the oil color, solids from the slurry, fluid from the slurry, or water from
the flushing water.
Pos: 72 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Procedures_during lock-out/Lubrication system/### Replace the pump lubrication oil+suction filter @ 0\mod_1152098136341_31.doc @ 5155 @ 334444

10.8.2 Replace the pump lubrication oil and the oil suction filter inside the frame Remove the oil

1 Open the frame unit cover.
2 Drain the oil through the oil drain valve,
ore use a pump.
3 Remove the remaining oil from the oil sump. If applicable, clean and/or replace parts inside the pump frame
1 Loosen the oil filter cover.
2 Remove the oil filter cover.
3 Remove the oil filter from the oil filter housing.
4 Clean:
the oil filter cover.
the oil filter housing.
the oil sump.
Refer to document "INSTRUMENT AND EQUIPMENT LIST" in chapter "Technical data",
"Drawings + lists + instruments" and also to chapter "Catalogue information"
for the specification of the oil filer and for details and specifications of the filter housing.
5 If a "SUCTION STRAINER" is installed (instead of a filter), then clean this part.
6 If an oil filter is installed, then mount a new suction oil filter into the oil filter housing.
7 Check the O-ring. If necessary, then exchange the O-ring.
8 Install the oil filter cover.
9 Tighten the oil filter cover. Replace all oil filters in the oil suction line and oil discharge line
If necessary, then exchange the filters.
Refer to the concerning chapters in this manual. Fill the oil in the pump frame

Refer to chapter "Start and stop procedure", "Initial lubrication filling" for the procedure.
1 Fill in the new oil. Use a pump.
2 After replacing the oil, check the liquid level at the level gauge.
3 After starting-up the pump, check again the oil level at the level gauge.
4 If necessary, then add or drain oil.
Pos: 73 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

10.8 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Assembly and disassembly
Pos: 74 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Procedures_during lock-out/Frame unit-maintenance oil/### Replace the venting filter-top-nofig @ 2\mod_1174995485185_31.doc @ 12836 @

10.8.3 Replace the venting filter at the pump power end

Refer to document "INSTRUMENT AND EQUIPMENT LIST" in chapter "Technical data", "Drawings + lists +
instruments" and also to chapter "Catalogue information" for details and specifications of the air filter.
1 Open the air filter cover.
2 Remove the filter element from the air filter housing.
3 Insert the new filter element into the air filter housing.
Pos: 75 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @
Close the air filter cover.

201253-IOM-EN-R02 10.9
Assembly and disassembly

Pos: 76.1 /GEHO/Heading/H2/#.# Propelling liquid drain @ 7\mod_1255089725997_31.doc @ 55208 @

10.9 Propelling liquid drain

Pos: 76.2 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Procedures_during lock-out/## Propelling liquid drain/### Environment instructions @ 8\mod_1255956478091_31.doc @ 55821 @ 3

10.9.1 Environment instructions

Make sure that the storage and/or disposal of the oil is according to the local
environmental regulations.
Before re-using the oil, check the oil quality for contamination and chemical properties.
External full oil diagnosis by an authorized laboratory.
Internal oil diagnosis with a on-site analysis equipment.
Like a "Shell LubeClinic On-site analysis" set.
Internal optical diagnosis of the oil.
Look for changes of the oil and contaminations in the oil, caused by a leaking
Like the oil color, solids from the slurry, fluid from the slurry, or water from the flushing
Pos: 76.3 /GEHO/Heading/H3/#.#.# Propelling liquid drain preparation @ 7\mod_1255090251455_31.doc @ 55238 @ 3

10.9.2 Propelling liquid drain preparation

Pos: 76.4 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Procedures_during lock-out/## Propelling liquid drain/Propelling liquid drain preparation @ 7\mod_1255089532001_31.doc @ 55179 @ 5

Clean the slurry section

1 Do the ""STOP" procedure for flushing", to avoid dried slurry in the slurry section.
Refer to that procedure in chapter "Operation".
Pos: 76.5 /GEHO/Heading/H3/#.#.# Propelling liquid drain procedure @ 7\mod_1255090131941_31.doc @ 55219 @ 5

10.9.3 Propelling liquid drain procedure

Pos: 76.6 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Procedures_during lock-out/DANGER only during shut-down main pump motor @ 7\mod_1255090729382_31.doc @ 55247 @ 5

Do this procedure only during shut-down and lock-out of the main pump motor.
Lock and tag the power supply of this main motor of the pump.
Keep in operation (do not turn off):
The "GEHO HMI TOUCH PANEL", to monitor the display functions.
The air supply, to operate the pneumatic assisted valves.

De-pressurize the propelling liquid system

1 Make sure that the propelling liquid pump is shut down.
Lock and tag the power supply of this oil pump.
If applicable, the following procedure can be used for one single diaphragm or for all diaphragms
together at the same time.
Pos: 76.7 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @ 5

10.10 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Assembly and disassembly
Pos: 76.8 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Procedures_during lock-out/## Propelling liquid drain/(T)ZPM Propelling liquid drain procedure @ 7\mod_1255089590562_31.doc @ 55189 @ 454544 Drain the contaminated propelling liquid into a container

For the draining of the contaminated propelling liquid oil,
this procedure drains as much as possible oil into the disposal container.
Use this procedure, if the works are related to:
leakage of slurry though the diaphragm into the propelling liquid,
by collecting the oil for disposal,
and to avoid contamination in the oil tank.
1 Place a (suitable large enough clean) container under the drain plug(s) of the propelling liquid
2 Make sure, that there is no pressure in the propelling liquid chamber(s).
If applicable, relief the pressure from the slurry side of the diaphragm.
3 Open the drain plug(s) of the propelling liquid chamber(s).
The oil will drain into the container.
4 Apply a flush-water pressure of 200-300 kPa (2-3 bar / 29-44 psig) on the slurry side of the
5 The flush-water pressure pushes the diaphragms back into their rear position.
The oil in the pump chamber will drain, through the drain hole(s), into the container.
6 Monitor at the "GEHO HMI TOUCH PANEL" the filling lights
(= indicating the position of the diaphragm monitoring rod).
When a filling light are lit, then the diaphragm is in its rear position.
7 Wait until no oil comes out of the drain holes.
8 Open the vent valve at the "PRESSURE LIMITATION UNIT", to de-pressurize this unit.
9 Place a (suitable large enough clean) container under the drain plug of the "PRESSURE LIMITATION
10 Open the drain plug of the "PRESSURE LIMITATION UNIT", to drain this unit.
The tubes between the vent valves at the diaphragm housing and the non-return valve
can still contain some remaining oil pressure (50 kPa / 0.5 bar / 7.3 psig).
11 Open for a short period one vent valve at the diaphragm housing, to relief the pressure.

Flushing the oil piping

1 Open the propelling liquid "FILLING VALVE" (located at the hydraulic skid).
Refer to the "P&I DIAGRAM" for the functions and location and tagging of these valves.
These valves can be operated at the "GEHO HMI TOUCH PANEL" in a manual service mode.
opens for 15 minutes the line from the oil pump to the propelling liquid chambers.
This action relieves the pressure from the oil side of the accumulator and drains the oil, through the
"FILLING VALVE", the piping, the propelling liquid chamber and the drain holes, into the container.
2 Start for 1 minute the propelling liquid pump, to flush the piping to the propelling liquid chambers.
Stop the propelling liquid pump.
Lock and tag the power supply of this oil pump.
3 Wait until no oil comes out of the drain holes.

201253-IOM-EN-R02 10.11
Assembly and disassembly Drain the clean propelling liquid into the oil tank
For re-use of the clean propelling liquid oil,
this procedure drains as much as possible oil via the flushing compartment into the oil tank.
Use this procedure only, if you can assume, that the propelling liquid is clean and not
contaminated (like for regular inspections or maintenance works).
1 Remove cover above the flushing compartment, to watch the oil flow from several units,
via this compartment to the oil tank.
2 Open the vent valve at the "PRESSURE LIMITATION UNIT" (to de-pressurize and drain this unit).
The oil flows through the piping into the oil tank.
3 Open the 3/2 outlet / release valve(s) (near the accumulator) of the propelling liquid section,
to de-pressurize the oil pump discharge side of the propelling liquid system.
This also drains the oil side of the accumulator, through the piping, into the oil tank.
The propelling liquid chambers remain filled.
4 Apply a flush-water pressure of 200-300 kPa (2-3 bar / 29-44 psig) on the slurry side of the
5 Open the propelling liquid "OUTLET VALVES" (located at the hydraulic skid).
Refer to the "P&I DIAGRAM" for the functions and location and tagging of these valves.
These valves can be operated at the "GEHO HMI TOUCH PANEL" in a manual service mode.
Pushing the button "MANUAL OUT" opens the line from the propelling liquid chambers to the oil tank.
6 The flush-water pressure pushes the diaphragms back into their rear position.
The oil in the pump chamber will drain, through the "OUTLET VALVES", into the oil tank.
7 Monitor at the "GEHO HMI TOUCH PANEL" the filling lights
(= indicating the position of the diaphragm monitoring rod).
When a filling light is lit, then the diaphragm is in its rear position.
8 Wait until no oil flows into the oil tank.

Drain the remaining clean propelling liquid into a container

9 Place a (suitable large enough clean) container under the drain plugs of the propelling liquid chambers.
10 Open the drain plug(s) of the propelling liquid chamber(s).
The oil will drain into the container.
11 Wait until no more oil comes out of the drain holes.
The tubes between the vent valves at the diaphragm housing and the non-return valve
can still contain some remaining oil pressure (50 kPa / 0.5 bar / 7.3 psig).
12 Open for a short period one vent valve at the diaphragm housing, to relief the pressure. Oil treatment

1 For a diagnosis of possible problems and causes, inspect the oil in the container for contaminations of
solids (from slurry) or water (from a leaking diaphragm).
2 If the oil in the container is not contaminated,
then you can filter and re-use the oil in the container.
If the oil in the container is contaminated,
then dispose it, according to the local environmental regulations. Propelling liquid filling + start-up

Refer to chapter "Replace the propelling liquid + the suction filter" for details to re-fill the oil tank.
Refer to chapter "Start-up, priming procedure" to fill the propelling liquid chambers.
Pos: 77 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @ 454544

10.12 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Assembly and disassembly
Pos: 78 /GEHO/Heading/H2/#.# Propelling liquid system @ 0\mod_1152094190955_31.doc @ 5132 @

10.10 Propelling liquid system

Pos: 79 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Procedures_during lock-out/## Propelling liquid drain/### Environment instructions @ 8\mod_1255956478091_31.doc @ 55821 @ 3

10.10.1 Environment instructions

Make sure that the storage and/or disposal of the oil is according to the local
environmental regulations.
Before re-using the oil, check the oil quality for contamination and chemical properties.
External full oil diagnosis by an authorized laboratory.
Internal oil diagnosis with a on-site analysis equipment.
Like a "Shell LubeClinic On-site analysis" set.
Internal optical diagnosis of the oil.
Look for changes of the oil and contaminations in the oil, caused by a leaking
Like the oil color, solids from the slurry, fluid from the slurry, or water from the flushing
Pos: 80 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Procedures_during lock-out/## Propelling liquid drain/Refer to chapter "Propelling liquid drain" @ 8\mod_1255524757737_31.doc @ 55549 @ 3

Drain the propelling liquid.

Refer to chapter "Propelling liquid drain" for a safe and proper procedure.
Pos: 81 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Procedures_during lock-out/Propelling liquid system-maintenance oil/### Change the propelling liquid+filters @ 0\mod_1152098068238_31.doc @ 5152 @ 355

10.10.2 Replace the propelling liquid and the filters

Propelling liquid drain
Refer to chapter "Propelling liquid drain" for a save and proper procedure.
Replace the propelling liquid
1 Open the propelling liquid tank drain valve.
2 Open the propelling liquid tank cover.
3 Clean the propelling liquid tank.
4 If applicable, replace the propelling liquid filter in the oil tank.
If applicable, replace the propelling liquid filter in the suction line.
If applicable, replace the propelling liquid filter in the discharge line.
Refer to document "INSTRUMENT AND EQUIPMENT LIST" in chapter Technical data, for details.
5 Fill in the new propelling liquid.
Refer to document "UTILITY CONSUMPTION LIST" in chapter Technical data, for the correct oil type,
quality and quantity.
6 After replacing the liquid, check the liquid level at the level gauge.
7 Close the propelling liquid tank cover.
8 After starting-up the pump, check again the liquid level at the level gauge.
9 If necessary, then add or drain liquid.

201253-IOM-EN-R02 10.13
Assembly and disassembly

Pos: 82 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @ 355

10.10.3 Replace the venting filter at the propelling liquid system

Do this procedure only during shut-down and lock-out of the pump.

Refer to the document "INSTRUMENT AND EQUIPMENT LIST" in chapter "Technical data", "Drawings +
lists + instruments" and also to chapter "Catalogue information" for details and specifications of the air filter.
1 Open the air filter cover.
2 Remove the filter element from the air filter
3 Insert the new filter element into the air
filter housing.
Pos: 85 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @
Close the air filter cover.

10.14 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Assembly and disassembly
Pos: 86 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Procedures_during lock-out/Propelling liquid system-maintenance oil/### 2/2 way valves: inspection and preservation @ 6\mod_1234348023224_31.doc @ 47301 @ 3

10.10.4 2/2 way valves: inspection and preservation

1 Dis-connect the air supply.
2 De-pressurize the propelling liquid piping,
by opening the 3-way valve at the
Refer for the location to the drawing "P&I
3 Remove the filter (002).
4 Inspect the filter (002).
If the filter (002) is clogged, then clean it
with a duster blow gun blaster.
5 Assemble the filter (002).
6 Remove the valve covers (003) and the
valve internals.
7 Clean the air chambers up and below the
diaphragm (005).
8 Coat the air chambers below the
diaphragm (005) with a suitable anti-
corrosion agent.
We recommend "Cortec VCI-369D".
Figure 10.7: 2/2 way valves inspection and
If the covers (003) are not coated,
then coat them the same way.
9 Inspect the internals, especially the wear
parts 001 + 005 + 011 + 014 + 013.
If required, then replace the worn parts.
10 Grease all internals with suitable bearing
11 Assemble the valves.
12 Before the next start of the pump, a
de-aeration of the propelling liquid system
and a priming of the pump is required.
Refer to the according procedures.
Pos: 87 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Procedures_during lock-out/#### Initiator coupling nuts at the diaphragm housings @ 5\mod_1220445788139_31.doc @ 37905 @ 34 Initiator coupling nuts at the diaphragm housings

Do this procedure only during shut-down and lock-out of the pump.

The initiator coupling nuts at the diaphragm housings should not be tightened, to avoid heat expansion
1 Screw the initiator coupling nuts (6x) hand-
tight and then loosen about 45 degrees.

Figure 10.8: Initiator coupling nuts at the

diaphragm housings
Pos: 88 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @ 4

201253-IOM-EN-R02 10.15
Assembly and disassembly

Pos: 89 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Procedures_during lock-out/## Gearbox Hansen P4 @ 4\mod_1219650009052_31.doc @ 37642 @ 2344333

10.11 Gearbox maintenance

Refer to chapter "Maintenance" for the frequency of maintenance works.
Refer to chapter "Catalogue Information", "Gearbox" for details about the gearbox maintenance, oil change
and re-greasing.
Refer to the "UTILITY CONSUMPTION LIST" for first oil filling, additional oil filling, greasing and re-greasing,
or, if applicable, to the special instruction sticker at the gearbox.

10.11.1 Oil change Oil draining

Drain the oil while the unit is still warm.
Be careful while draining the hot oil, use an appropriate hot oil recipient. Oil filling

Fill the gear unit exclusively through the oil filling opening, which is provided in the inspection
cover. So all bearings are lubricated with fresh oil.

10.11.2 Grease the bearings and labyrinth seals

The bearings and labyrinth seals need periodical
Check, how many grease nipples there are
at the gear box (indicated on the
Add grease into the nipples.

Figure 10.9: Grease nipple at shaft ends

(The figure shows a schematic arrangement for
more versions)

10.11.3 Cooling
If applicable, check regularly the fans, air-oil coolers, oil to water coolers or cooling coils.
It is important that the generated heat in the gearbox due friction and churning of the oil can be dissipated.

10.11.4 Air filter

Clean or replace the air filter, at the top of the gearbox.
Pos: 90 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @ 2344333

10.16 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Assembly and disassembly
Pos: 91 /GEHO/Heading/H2/#.# Valves, angular model, in the discharge line @ 1\mod_1170947685604_31.doc @ 12232 @

10.12 Valves, angular model, in the discharge line

Pos: 92 /GEHO/Technical data sheets/Special torques/Discharge valve unit/H.831.020.402 @ 7\mod_1252932558138_31.doc @ 54422 @

Discharge valve unit - 831.020.402 = T.831.000.487

Pos: 93.1.1 /GEHO/Heading/H3/#.#.# Valve housing cover @ 0\mod_1147174241226_31.doc @ 3690 @

10.12.1 Valve housing cover

Pos: 93.1.2 /GEHO/Heading/H4/#.#.#.# Disassembly @ 0\mod_1147174347836_31.doc @ 3696 @ Disassembly
Pos: 93.1.3 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Valve unit/Conical valves/Valve housing cover/Hydraulic/Remove, High pressure block inline+angular @ 1\mod_1162208470115_31.doc @ 6720 @

Preparation K L M N O
1 Flush and drain the slurry
2 Close and secure the
isolation valves in the slurry
suction line and discharge
line, to isolate the working
Refer to the chapter "Safety X
3 Drain the valve.
4 Remove the protection guard from the
nipple (G) at the valve cover (F).
5 Connect the high pressure hose to the Figure 10.10: Push-off bolts, start position
hydraulic connector nipple (G) and to the (The figure shows a schematic arrangement for more
hydraulic high-pressure pump. versions)
6 Close the drain side of the oil-return/de-
aerate valve at the hydraulic pump.
7 Make sure, that during pressurizing, all the nuts (A) keep clearance from the cover (F) and the valve
house side (L).
8 Pressurize with the hydraulic pump the pistons (B), to tension the stud bolts (D).
Refer to chapter "Technical data", Special torques for the correct pressure.
9 Tighten all the nuts (A) to the valve house side (L).
Use the pin.
The nuts (A) maintain the tightening force in stud (D), to keep the valve parts together during removal
of the cover.

201253-IOM-EN-R02 10.17
Assembly and disassembly

10 Loosen all the outside lock-nuts (E).

Refer to chapter "Technical data", Special
torques for the correct pressure.
11 Screw all the outside lock-nuts (E) against
the hexagon surface of the inside strain-
nuts (C).
12 Open the drain side of the oil-return/de-
aerate valve at the hydraulic pump,
to de-pressurize the hydraulic system.
Check this at the pressure gauge of the
13 Disconnect the high pressure hose from
the hydraulic connector nipple (G).
Put the protecting guard to the connector
nipple (G).
Remove the valve cover
14 Loosen all the inside strain-nuts (C).
15 Unscrew all the inside strain-nuts (C).
16 Lift the valve housing cover (F). If
necessary, then use the push-off bolts (M).
17 Remove the valve housing cover (K). Figure 10.11: Schematics of a hydraulically operated
high pressure valve cover
Use a lifting device. (The figure shows a schematic arrangement for more
Use the provided lifting eye (O). versions)
18 Remove the square gasket (N).
Pos: 93.1.4 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

10.18 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Assembly and disassembly
Pos: 93.1.5 /GEHO/Heading/H4/#.#.#.# Assembly @ 0\mod_1147174319423_31.doc @ 3693 @ Assembly
Pos: 93.1.6 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Valve unit/Conical valves/Valve housing cover/Hydraulic/Install, High pressure block inline+angular @ 1\mod_1162292450237_31.doc @ 6742 @ 555

1 Clean and grease all the sealing surfaces
and threat surfaces with suitable grease.
Make sure that all the push-off
bolts (G) at the valve cover (A) are
unscrewed and free from any
contact with the top of the valve
Ensure a metal to metal fit between X
the valve housing cover and valve
3 Make sure that all the nuts (A) make
surface contact to the valve housing, as
shown in the figure.
These nuts (A) maintain the tightening
force in stud (D) during removal of the Figure 10.12: Push-off bolts, start position
cover. (The figure shows a schematic arrangement for more
Place the valve cover
4 Insert a new square gasket (N) into the A B C D E F G
valve housing (K).
5 Fit the valve cover (F) to the valve
housing (L).
Use a lifting device. Use the lifting eye (O).
Make sure that the gasket (N) stays well in
6 Screw by hand all the locknuts (E) against
the hexagon surface of the strain-nuts (C).
7 Screw by hand all the strain-nuts (C)
(including the lock-nut (E)) on the valve-
studs (D) against the pistons (B).
Apply the stud tension
8 Remove the protection guard from the
nipple (G) at the valve cover (F).
9 Connect the high pressure hose to the
hydraulic connector nipple (G) and to the
hydraulic high-pressure pump.
10 Open the drain side of the oil-return/de-
aerate valve at the hydraulic pump,
so the oil can flow back from the pistons to
the hydraulic pump sump.
11 Tighten all the strain-nuts (C).
Figure 10.13: Schematics of the hydraulic cover
This will push the pistons (B) into their start
mechanism at a high pressure valve
position against the cover, and the cover (The figure shows a schematic arrangement for more
against the housing. versions)
Refer to chapter Technical data, Special
torques for the correct torque.

201253-IOM-EN-R02 10.19
Assembly and disassembly

12 Pre-tighten all the outside lock-nuts (E) by hand to the cover, to secure the start position of the cover.
13 Close the oil-return/de-aerate valve at the hydraulic pump.
14 Pressurize the pistons (B) with the hydraulic pump, to tension the stud bolts (D).
Refer to chapter Technical data, Special torques for the correct pressures.
15 Re-tighten the lock-nuts (E).
These lock-nuts (E) maintain the tightening force in stud (D) during operation.
Refer to chapter Technical data, Special torques for the correct torque.
16 Turn all the nuts (A) into a middle position between the upper and lower contact surface.
Use the pin.
To maintain during operation of the pump a save and proper tightening of the cover (K) and
the gasket (N), the nuts (A) are not allowed to be loaded.
The nuts (A) are only loaded during removing of the cover, to keep the housing in its place.
17 Open the drain side of the oil-return/de-aerate valve at the hydraulic pump,
to de-pressurize the hydraulic system.
Check this at the pressure gauge of the pump.
18 Disconnect the high pressure hose from the hydraulic connector nipple (G).
Put the protecting guard to the connector nipple (G).
Pos: 93.2 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @ 555

10.20 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Assembly and disassembly
Pos: 93.3.1 /GEHO/Heading/H3/#.#.# Conical valve @ 0\mod_1147176114890_31.doc @ 3735 @

10.12.2 Conical valve

Pos: 93.3.2 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Valve unit/Conical valves/Valve/Remove, Angular, Standard @ 1\mod_1161247034668_31.doc @ 6533 @ Disassembly
1 Release the pressure from the slurry
2 Remove the valve housing cover.
Refer to chapter "Remove the valve housing
3 Remove the square gasket.
4 Remove the compression spring.
5 Remove the conical valve.

Figure 10.14: Remove the conical valve

Pos: 93.3.3 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Valve unit/Conical valves/Valve/Install, Angular @ 1\mod_1161247316353_31.doc @ 6535 @ Assembly
1 Insert the conical valve.
2 Insert the compression spring
3 Install a new square gasket.
4 Install the valve housing cover.
Refer to chapter "Install the valve housing cover".

Figure 10.15: Insert the conical valve

Pos: 93.4 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

201253-IOM-EN-R02 10.21
Assembly and disassembly

Pos: 93.5.1 /GEHO/Heading/H3/#.#.# Valve seat @ 0\mod_1147176079227_31.doc @ 3732 @

10.12.3 Valve seat

Pos: 93.5.2 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Valve unit/Conical valves/Valve seat/Angular/Remove HySeat angular @ 0\mod_1147180524829_31.doc @ 3774 @ Disassembly
Remove the valve seat, using the hydraulic seat connector
1 Remove the valve housing cover.
Refer to chapter "Valve housing cover", "Disassembly".
2 Remove the conical valve.
Refer to chapter "Conical valve", "Disassembly".


Re-install the valve housing cover,

to prevent getting hit by a valve seat.
3 Install the valve housing cover.
Refer to chapter "Valve housing cover", "Assembly".
4 Remove the protection guard from the hydraulic connector.
5 Connect the hydraulic pump unit to the connector at the valve housing.
6 Pressurize the hydraulic pump unit until the valve seat is loose.
7 Release the pressure from the hydraulic pump unit.
8 Disconnect the hydraulic pump unit.
9 Remove the valve housing cover.
Refer to chapter "Valve housing cover", "Disassembly".
10 Remove the valve seat from the valve housing.
Pos: 93.5.3 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Valve unit/Conical valves/Valve seat/Angular/Remove MechTool API 7 and < @ 6\mod_1234443197487_31.doc @ 47319 @

Remove the valve seat,

using a mechanical special tool set
1 Connect flat-bar (2xF) to puller block (H) A
and block (E). B
2 Place puller block (H) underneath valve C
seat (G).
3 Put block (E) to the valve housing. D
4 Put puller rod (A) through block (E) and E
puller block (H).
5 Turn puller rod (A) 90. F
6 Pull puller rod (A) upwards.
7 Place counter bush (C) on puller rod (A).
8 Tighten nut (B). G
9 Put wedge (D) under counter bush (C). H
10 Tap wedge (D) until the valve seat (G) is
Use a hammer.
11 Remove special tool set and valve
seat (G).
Figure 10.16: Using the mechanic valve seat tool.
Pos: 93.5.4 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Valve unit/Conical valves/Valve seat/Angular/Install MechTool API 12- @ 0\mod_1147179105600_31.doc @ 3769 @

10.22 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Assembly and disassembly Assembly
Install the valve seat, using a mechanical tool A
1 Clean the valve seat.
2 Clean the bore in the valve housing. B
3 Make sure that they are free of dust, paint,
or oil.
4 Insert new O-rings into the grooves at the
valve seat.
5 Insert valve seat (D) into the bore in the
valve housing. C
6 Put valve seat tool (C) to the valve seat.
7 Tap valve seat tool (B+C) until the valve
seat (D) fits. D
Use a hammer (A).
8 Remove the valve seat tool.
9 Make sure that the valve seat is mounted
correctly and tight.
If you can pull out the valve seat by hand, Figure 10.17: Using the mechanic valve seat tool.
then inspect the surfaces of the housing
and the valve, and repeat this procedure.
Pos: 94 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

201253-IOM-EN-R02 10.23
Assembly and disassembly

Pos: 95.1 /GEHO/Heading/H3/#.#.# Valve guide bush @ 1\mod_1165494162006_31.doc @ 9067 @

10.12.4 Valve guide bush

Pos: 95.2 /GEHO/Heading/H4/#.#.#.# Overview @ 1\mod_1165494429019_31.doc @ 9072 @ Overview
Pos: 95.3 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Valve unit/Conical valves/Valve guide bush/Standard/Overview, angular @ 1\mod_1165490064608_31.doc @ 9054 @

A Valve seat
B Valve disc A B C DE F GH I
C Conical valve
D Compression spring
E Clamping piece locking screw
F Guide groove for special tool
G Clamping piece
H Valve guide bush
I Valve cover

Figure 10.18: Overview of a valve unit with hydraulic

operated valve cover
Pos: 95.4 /GEHO/Heading/H4/#.#.#.# Disassembly @ 0\mod_1147174347836_31.doc @ 3696 @ Disassembly
Pos: 95.5 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Valve unit/Conical valves/Valve guide bush/Standard/Remove angular @ 1\mod_1165492029621_31.doc @ 9057 @

Use the procedure below, to remove the valve

guide bush from the clamping piece. A B C D
Check the guide bush:
1 Remove the valve housing cover.
2 Turn the valve housing cover until the
clamping piece (A) is visible.
3 Check the inner surface of the guide
bush (D).
4 If the guide bush (A) is worn-out or
damaged, then replace the guide bush (D).
Replace the guide bush:
5 Remove the clamping piece locking screw.
6 Remove the clamping piece (A) from the
valve housing cover.
7 Put the clamping piece (B) into a vice.
8 Put the valve guide bush removal tool (B)
into the grooves (C) of the clamping
piece (A).
9 Remove the valve guide bush (D) from the
clamping piece (A). Use a hammer. Figure 10.19: The valve guide bush removal tool
Pos: 95.6 /GEHO/Heading/H4/#.#.#.# Assembly @ 0\mod_1147174319423_31.doc @ 3693 @ Assembly
Pos: 95.7 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Valve unit/Conical valves/Valve guide bush/Standard/Install angular @ 1\mod_1165492511437_31.doc @ 9060 @

1 Heat up the clamping piece to 220C

2 Put the clamping piece into a vice or press.
3 Put the valve guide bush into the clamping piece.
4 Put the clamping piece to the valve cover.
5 Tighten the clamping piece locking screw.
Refer to chapter "Tightening torques" for the correct torque.
Pos: 96 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

10.24 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Assembly and disassembly
Pos: 97 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Valve unit/Conical valves/Valve disk/### Valve disk Disassembly and assembly @ 1\mod_1161260471084_31.doc @ 6573 @

10.12.5 Valve disk assembly Disassemble the valve disk

A Conical valve
B Valve disc lock nut
C Valve disc

1 Remove the valve disc lock nut (B).

2 Remove the valve disc (C) from the conical
valve (A).

Figure 10.20: The valve Assemble the valve disk

1 Make sure that all valve parts are clean,
dry and free of lubricant.
2 Put the valve disc (C) to the conical
valve (A).
3 Apply a small amount of grease or soft
soap to the surface (Y) of the valve disc
lock nut (B).

Do NOT use grease based on
mineral oil.

4 Make sure that there is no grease on

surface (X).

Figure 10.21: The valve

201253-IOM-EN-R02 10.25
Assembly and disassembly

5 Put the valve nut wrench (A) to the

assembled valve (B).
6 Tighten the valve disc lock nut.
Refer to chapter "Special torques" for the correct
7 Make sure that the valve disc does not turn
with the valve disc lock nut.
8 Make sure that valve disc lock nut and the
valve disc are in full contact.

Figure 10.22: Assemble the valve with the valve nut

Pos: 98 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

10.26 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Assembly and disassembly
Pos: 99 /GEHO/Heading/H2/#.# Valves, inline model, in the suction line @ 1\mod_1170947706445_31.doc @ 12236 @

10.13 Valves, inline model, in the suction line

Pos: 100 /GEHO/Technical data sheets/Special torques/Suction valve unit/H.831.020.403 @ 7\mod_1252932672530_31.doc @ 54434 @

Suction valve unit - 831.020.403= T.831.000.484

Pos: 101.1.1 /GEHO/Heading/H3/#.#.# Valve housing cover @ 0\mod_1147174241226_31.doc @ 3690 @

10.13.1 Valve housing cover

Pos: 101.1.2 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Valve unit/Conical valves/Valve housing cover/Hydraulic/Remove, Standard, Inline @ 1\mod_1171550323234_31.doc @ 12480 @ Disassembly
1 Flush and drain the slurry section.
2 Close and secure the isolation valves in the slurry suction line and discharge line, to
isolate the working area.
Refer to the chapter "Safety instructions".
3 Release the pressure from the slurry
section. A
4 Flush and drain the slurry section.
5 Remove the protection guard from the B
connecting nipple (F) at the valve housing C
cover (B).
6 Connect the high pressure hose to the D
connecting nipple (F) and to the hydraulic E
pump unit.
7 Pressurize the hydraulic pump unit. F
Refer to chapter Technical data, G
Special torques for the correct pressure.
8 Loosen the outside lock-nuts (C).
Refer to chapter Technical data, Special
torques for the correct torque.
9 Screw all the lock-nuts (C) against the
hexagon surface of the inside strain-
nuts (D). Figure 10.23: Schematics of a hydraulic operated valve
10 Open the drain side of the oil-return/de-
aerate valve at the hydraulic pump, (The figure shows a schematic arrangement for more
to de-pressurize the hydraulic system. versions)
Check this at the pressure gauge of the
11 Disconnect the high pressure hose from
the hydraulic connector nipple (E).
Put the protecting guard to the connector
nipple (E).
Remove the valve cover
12 Loosen all the inside strain-nuts (D).
13 Unscrew all the inside strain-nuts (D).
14 Lift the valve housing cover (B).
If necessary,
then use the push-off bolts (E).
15 Remove the valve housing cover (B).
Use the special tool "LIFTING BAR" to handle the valve housing cover.
Pos: 101.1.3 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Valve unit/Conical valves/Valve housing cover/Hydraulic/Install, Standard, Inline @ 1\mod_1171558792656_31.doc @ 12484 @

201253-IOM-EN-R02 10.27
Assembly and disassembly Assembly A
Preparation B
1 Clean and grease the sealing surfaces.
2 C
Make sure that all the push-off E
bolts (G) at the valve cover (A) are
unscrewed and free from any F
contact with the top of the valve G
Ensure a metal to metal fit between
the valve housing cover and valve
Place the valve cover
3 Insert a new square gasket into the valve
housing cover (B). Figure 10.24: Schematics of the hydraulic operated
inline valve cover
(The figure shows a schematic arrangement for more

4 Fit the valve housing cover (B) to the valve housing (A).
Make sure that the gasket stays well in place.
Use the special tool "LIFTING BAR" to handle the valve housing cover.
5 Screw by hand all the outside lock-nuts (D) against the hexagon surface of the strain-nuts (B).
6 Screw by hand all the inside strain-nuts (B) (including the lock-nut (D)) on the valve studs (C) against
the pistons.
Apply the stud tension
7 Remove the protection guard from the nipple (E) at the valve cover (A).
8 Connect the high pressure hose to the hydraulic connector nipple (E) and to the hydraulic high-
pressure pump.
9 Open the drain side of the oil-return/de-aerate valve at the hydraulic pump,
so the oil can flow back from the pistons to the hydraulic pump sump.
10 Tighten all the inside strain-nuts (B).
This will push the pistons into their start position against the cover, and the cover against the
Refer to chapter Technical data, Special torques for the correct torque.
11 Remove the valve housing cover lifting bar.
12 Pre-tighten all the outside lock-nuts (D) by hand to the cover, to secure the start position of the cover.
13 Close the oil-return/de-aerate valve at the hydraulic pump.
14 Pressurize the pistons with the hydraulic pump, to tension the stud (C).
Refer to chapter Technical data, Special torques for the correct pressure.
15 Re-tighten the outside lock-nuts (D).
These lock-nuts (E) maintain during operation the tightening force in stud (C).
Refer to chapter Technical data, Special torques for the correct torque.
16 Open the drain side of the oil-return/de-aerate valve at the hydraulic pump,
to de-pressurize the hydraulic system.
Check this at the pressure gauge of the pump.
17 Disconnect the high pressure hose from the hydraulic connector nipple (E).
Put the protecting guard to the connector nipple (E).
Pos: 101.2 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

10.28 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Assembly and disassembly
Pos: 101.3 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Valve unit/Inline, conical/API 11-/Valve housing cover lifting bar, API 7 - API 11 @ 1\mod_1162210456239_31.doc @ 6730 @

Valve housing cover lifting bar

Use the special tool "LIFTING BAR", when handling the valve housing cover.
Refer to chapter "Special tools".

1 Loosen the screw (E) so that the ring (C) is

2 Screw the thread (A) of lifting spindle (B) A B C D E
into the valve housing cover.
3 Set the ring (C) to a groove on the lifting
spindle (B).
Make sure that the ring is in front of the
diaphragm housing cover.
4 Tighten the screw (E) to attach the
ring (C).

Figure 10.25: The valve housing cover lifting bar.

Pos: 101.4 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

201253-IOM-EN-R02 10.29
Assembly and disassembly

Pos: 101.5.1 /GEHO/Heading/H3/#.#.# Conical valve @ 0\mod_1147176114890_31.doc @ 3735 @

10.13.2 Conical valve

Pos: 101.5.2 /GEHO/Heading/H4/#.#.#.# Disassembly @ 0\mod_1147174347836_31.doc @ 3696 @ Disassembly
Pos: 101.5.3 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Valve unit/Conical valves/Valve/Remove, Inline, API 7+ @ 1\mod_1162205774047_31.doc @ 6716 @

Use the special tool "SPRING TENSIONER", when handling the valve.
Refer to chapter "Special tools".

1 Release the pressure from the slurry

section. A B CD E F
2 Remove the valve housing cover.
Refer to "Remove the valve housing cover".
3 Remove the pin (D).
4 Put the "SPRING TENSIONER" (F) with
the fork over the clamping piece (C).
5 Put the support of the "SPRING
TENSIONER" (F) to the stud bolt.
6 Pull the lever (F) up to push the clamping
piece (C) and the compression spring (B)

Figure 10.26: Use the special tool "SPRING


7 Pull the valve support (E) and turn the

valve support (E) by 90. E
8 Release the lever slowly.

Figure 10.27: Remove the valve support.

10.30 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Assembly and disassembly

9 Remove the clamping piece.

10 Remove the compression spring.
11 Remove the conical valve.

Figure 10.28: Remove the valve.

Pos: 101.5.4 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

201253-IOM-EN-R02 10.31
Assembly and disassembly

Pos: 101.5.5 /GEHO/Heading/H4/#.#.#.# Assembly @ 0\mod_1147174319423_31.doc @ 3693 @ Assembly
Pos: 101.5.6 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Valve unit/Conical valves/Valve/Install, Inline, Spring tensioner @ 1\mod_1161247434813_31.doc @ 6539 @

1 Insert the conical valve (A).

2 Insert the compression spring (B). A B C E
3 Insert the clamping piece (C).
4 Insert the valve support (E).

Figure 10.29: Insert the conical valve

5 Put the support of the spring tensioner (F)

to the stud bolt. A B CD E F
6 Put the spring tensioner (F) with the fork
over the clamping peace (C).
7 Pull the lever (F) up to push the clamping
piece (C) and the compression spring (B)
8 Turn the valve support (E) by 90.
9 Release the spring tensioner slowly.
10 Install the pin (D).
11 Install a new square gasket, if necessary.
12 Install the valve housing cover.
Refer to section "Install the valve housing cover".

Figure 10.30: Assemble the valve support.

Pos: 101.6 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

10.32 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Assembly and disassembly
Pos: 101.7.1 /GEHO/Heading/H3/#.#.# Valve seat @ 0\mod_1147176079227_31.doc @ 3732 @

10.13.3 Valve seat

Pos: 101.7.2 /GEHO/Heading/H4/#.#.#.# Disassembly @ 0\mod_1147174347836_31.doc @ 3696 @ Disassembly
Pos: 101.7.3 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Valve unit/Conical valves/Valve seat/Inline/Remove HySeat, inline @ 1\mod_1171469939990_31.doc @ 12452 @

Remove the valve seat, using the hydraulic seat connector

1 Remove the valve housing cover.
Refer to chapter "Valve housing cover", "Disassembly".
2 Remove the conical valve.
Refer to chapter "Conical valve", "Disassembly".
3 Remove the protection guard from the hydraulic connector.
4 Connect the hydraulic pump unit to the connector at the valve housing.
5 Pressurize the hydraulic pump unit until the valve seat is loose.
6 Release the pressure from the hydraulic pump unit.
7 Disconnect the hydraulic pump unit.
8 Remove the valve seat from the valve housing.
Pos: 101.7.4 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Valve unit/Conical valves/Valve seat/Inline/Remove MechTool API 11- @ 0\mod_1147176822297_31.doc @ 3759 @

Remove the valve seat (inline valves),

using a mechanical special tool set
Refer to chapter "Special tools".
1 Place the puller (G) below the valve B
seat (F). C
2 Put the block (E) to the valve seat (F). D
3 Screw the nut (C) towards the end of the
drawing pin (A).
4 Slide the counter bush (C) to the nut (B)
5 Screw the drawing pin (A) into the puller E
block (E).
6 Turn the puller block (E) by 90. F
7 Pull the drawing pin (A).
8 Tighten the nut (B). G
9 Put the key (D) below the counter
bush (C).
10 Tap the key (D) until the valve seat is
Figure 10.31: Using the mechanic valve seat tool.
Use a hammer.
Pos: 101.7.5 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @
Remove the valve seat.

201253-IOM-EN-R02 10.33
Assembly and disassembly

Pos: 101.7.6 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Valve unit/Conical valves/Valve seat/Inline/Install MechTool API 11- @ 0\mod_1147179965196_31.doc @ 3772 @ Assembly
Install the valve seat (inline valves), A
using a mechanical special tool set
Refer to chapter "Special tools".
1 Clean the valve seat. B
2 Clean the bore in the valve housing. C
3 Make sure that both are free of any dust,
paint or oil. D
4 Insert new O-rings into the grooves at the
valve seat.
5 Insert valve seat (F) into the bore in the E
valve housing. F
6 Place valve seat tool (E) to the valve seat.
7 Put block (A) with the threaded rod and the
nuts (B) into the valve housing.
8 Tighten the nuts (B) by hand.
9 Put key (D) below the counter bush (C).
10 Tap the wedge until the valve seat fits. Figure 10.32: Using the mechanic valve seat tool.
Use a hammer.
11 Make sure that the valve seat is mounted
correctly and tight.
If you can pull out the valve seat by hand,
then inspect the surfaces of the housing
and the valve, and repeat this procedure.
Pos: 102.1 /GEHO/Heading/H3/#.#.# Valve guide bush @ 1\mod_1165494162006_31.doc @ 9067 @

10.34 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Assembly and disassembly

10.13.4 Valve guide bush

Pos: 102.2 /GEHO/Heading/H4/#.#.#.# Overview @ 1\mod_1165494429019_31.doc @ 9072 @ Overview
Pos: 102.3 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Valve unit/Conical valves/Valve guide bush/Standard/Overview, inline @ 1\mod_1171536646919_31.doc @ 12464 @

A Valve seat
B Valve disc
C Conical valve A B C D E F G H I
D Lock nut
E Valve support
F Clamping piece
G Pin
H Guide bush
I Compression spring

Figure 10.33: Overview of a valve unit with hydraulic

operated valve cover
Pos: 102.4 /GEHO/Heading/H4/#.#.#.# Disassembly @ 0\mod_1147174347836_31.doc @ 3696

201253-IOM-EN-R02 10.35
Assembly and disassembly Disassembly
Pos: 102.5 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Valve unit/Conical valves/Valve guide bush/Standard/Remove inline @ 2\mod_1192515434393_31.doc @ 18443 @

Use the procedure below, to remove the valve

guide bush from the clamping piece.
Check the guide bush: A B C D
1 Remove the valve housing cover.
2 Remove the pin.
3 Remove the valve support
4 Remove the clamping piece (B) from the
conical valve.
5 Check the inner surface of the guide bush
6 If the guide bush (A) is wear out or
damaged, then replace the guide bush (A).
Replace the guide bush:
7 Put the clamping piece (B) into a vice
8 Put the valve guide bush removal tool (D)
into the grooves (C) of the clamping
piece (A).
9 Remove the valve guide bush (A) from the
clamping piece (B). Use a hammer.

Figure 10.34: The valve guide bush removal tool

Pos: 102.6 /GEHO/Heading/H4/#.#.#.# Assembly @ 0\mod_1147174319423_31.doc @ 3693 @ Assembly
Pos: 102.7 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Valve unit/Conical valves/Valve guide bush/Standard/Install inline @ 2\mod_1192522427320_31.doc @ 18449 @

1 Heat up the clamping piece to 220C.

2 Put the clamping piece into a vice or press.
3 Put the valve guide bush into the clamping piece.
4 Put the clamping piece to the conical valve.
5 Insert the valve support.
6 Insert the pin.
7 Install the valve housing cover.
Pos: 103 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Valve unit/Conical valves/Valve disk/### Valve disk: Refer to previous @ 6\mod_1237214142416_31.doc @ 48562 @

10.13.5 Valve disk, disassembly and assembly

Refer to the related chapter of the previous valve.
Pos: 104 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

10.36 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Assembly and disassembly
Pos: 105.1 /GEHO/Heading/H2/#.# Diaphragm housing unit @ 0\mod_1152094180650_31.doc @ 5123 @

10.14 Diaphragm housing unit

Pos: 105.2 /GEHO/Heading/H3/#.#.# Disassembly @ 0\mod_1146735769451_31.doc @ 3613 @

10.14.1 Disassembly
Pos: 105.3 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Diaphragm housing unit/Overview#na MMX+filling ring @ 6\mod_1234274642746_31.doc @ 47141 @

Overview I R
A Filling ring A
B Covering ring at the filling ring
C Diaphragm housing B
D Screw at the filling ring (standard = 6x)
E Diaphragm
F Guide bush for the monitoring rod
G Initiator housing
H Screw at the covering ring (standard = 3x) D
I Screw for the guide bush
(standard = 2x, the position is 90turned) E

R De-aeration holes F
in the housing and in the filling ring

Figure 10.35: Schematics of a diaphragm housing with
filling ring and hydraulic operated cover
(The figure shows a schematic arrangement for more

Pos: 105.4 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/General/#### Flush and drain and de-pressurize the slurry section @ 5\mod_1232031630918_31.doc @ 45431 @ Flush and drain and de-pressurize the slurry section

1 Flush and drain the slurry section.
2 Close and secure the isolation valves in the slurry suction line and discharge line, to
isolate the working area.
Refer to the chapter "Safety instructions".

3 Drain the diaphragm housing.

Pos: 105.5 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Diaphragm housing unit/Diaphragm housing cover/Common/#### Disassembly, Preparation de-pressurize+drain @ 1\mod_1164881888391_31.doc @ 8826 @ Preparation of the propelling liquid system

De-pressurize the propelling liquid system, before starting works on the pump.

Do this procedure only during shut-down and lock-out of the pump.

1 De-pressurize the accumulator,

by opening the drain valve in the propelling liquid piping.
2 De-pressurize the propelling liquid chambers,
by opening the vent valves of the diaphragm housing units.
3 Open the drain plug of each propelling liquid chamber.
Collect the oil in a bucket.
Pos: 105.6 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Diaphragm housing unit/Diaphragm housing cover/Hydraulic/Loosen, single piston @ 0\mod_1156333407963_31.doc @ 5796 @

201253-IOM-EN-R02 10.37
Assembly and disassembly

E Loosen the diaphragm housing
Preparation A
1 Remove the protection cover from the F
diaphragm housing unit (D). B
2 Remove eventually remaining push-bolds.
3 Use a special tool,
Refer to chapter "Special tools". D
RING" (B) over the stud bolts. C
Use an appropriate lifting device.
Use the lifting eye (A).
5 Hand-tighten all nuts (C) at the tension
ring. Figure 10.36: Install the "HYDRAULIC TENSION RING".
6 Disconnect the protection cap of the
hydraulic quick release connector (E).
7 Connect the hose of the "HYDRAULIC
PUMP UNIT" to the hydraulic quick release
connector (E).
De-aeration procedure (if necessary):
De-aeration is required, if the "HYDRAULIC TENSION RING" (B) is used the first time (= initial use),
or if there is air in the hydraulic canals (so during hydraulic pressurizing the hydraulic system is
1 Remove the blind plug (F), to enable the de-aeration of the tool (B).
2 Close the drain side of the oil-return/de-aerate valve at the hydraulic pump.
3 Activate the "HYDRAULIC PUMP UNIT", until hydraulic oil with no air bubbles leaks out of the
hole (F).
4 Tighten the de-aeration hole with the blind plug (F).

Legend A B C D E F
A Diaphragm housing cover
B Hydraulic tension ring unit
C Diaphragm housing cover stud bolt
D Diaphragm housing cover nut
E Pin (to turn the cover nut)
F Tension-ring-nut


10.38 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Assembly and disassembly

Preparation of the hydraulic pistons

For a proper procedure, the pistons and tension ring nuts (F) and cover-nuts (D) the must be in
their start position.
All piston heads must be even with the top surface of the "HYDRAULIC TENSION RING" (B).
As shown in the figure above.

1 Open the drain valve at the hydraulic pump,

to enable the pistons to move.
2 Screw all the tension-ring-nuts (F) into the position, that the nuts bottom surfaces are even with the
top surface of the "HYDRAULIC TENSION RING" (B). As shown in the figure above.

If some pistons heads where above the ring surface,

then they have been pushed back into their start position with the tension-ring-nuts (F).

If some pistons heads are below the ring surface,

then they must be pushed back into their start position with the hydraulic pump.

3 Close the drain valve at the hydraulic pump.

4 Activate the "HYDRAULIC PUMP UNIT",
until the hydraulic oil pushed all those pistons against the tension-ring-nuts (F).
5 Check the positions of the piston heads.

Loosen the diaphragm cover nuts

1 Activate the "HYDRAULIC PUMP UNIT", to pressurize the pistons of the "HYDRAULIC TENSION
Refer to chapter "Technical data", "Special torques", "Diaphragm housing unit" for the procedure and
2 Loosen all diaphragm housing cover nuts (D) with the pin (E).
3 Open the drain side of the oil-return/de-aerate valve at the hydraulic pump,
to relief the hydraulic pressure at the tensioning ring.
4 Disconnect the hydraulic hose.
5 Put the protection cap on the connector.
6 Remove all tension-ring-nut (F).
Pos: 105.7 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

201253-IOM-EN-R02 10.39
Assembly and disassembly

Pos: 105.8 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Diaphragm housing unit/Diaphragm housing cover/Hydraulic/Remove, Hoisting bracket @ 1\mod_1164889293953_31.doc @ 8839 @

Remove the diaphragm housing cover

1 Use the special tool set "HOISTING TOOL
2 Remove the two topmost cover nuts.
3 Remove the two lowest cover nuts.
COVER" to the diaphragm cover.
Make sure that the threaded bolts fit in the
5 Tighten the "HOISTING TOOL
DIAPHRAGM COVER" with two screws.
6 Remove the remaining cover nuts.
7 Remove the diaphragm housing cover.
Use the jack-off screws.
8 Remove the diaphragm housing cover seal


Pos: 105.9 /GEHO/Heading/H4/#.#.#.# Diaphragm @ 1\mod_1165394045801_31.doc @ 9030 @ Diaphragm
Pos: 105.10 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Diaphragm housing unit/Diaphragm unit/Hydraulic/Remove @ 1\mod_1165319630222_31.doc @ 8947 @

1 Mark (clearly, with a permanent white

marker) at the diaphragm (B) its top-side A B C
position (=12:00 o-clock)
(to enable diagnosis after removing).
2 Remove the diaphragm from the
diaphragm housing (A).
3 Loosen and remove the monitoring rod (C)
from the diaphragm .
4 Check the monitoring rod (C) for ab-normal
wear or damage.
5 If necessary, then replace the monitoring
rod (C).
6 Check the diaphragm (B).
7 Mark any indicator of ab-normal wear or
failure or damage.
8 Replace the diaphragm (B),
according to the regular maintenance
schedule, or if necessary.
Figure 10.39: Remove the diaphragm
(The figure shows a schematic arrangement for more
Pos: 105.11 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

10.40 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Assembly and disassembly
Pos: 105.12 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Diaphragm housing unit/### Assembly: Cleaning after diaphragm leakage @ 5\mod_1231426603303_31.doc @ 45210 @

10.14.2 Cleaning after diaphragm leakage or damage or contamination

In case of questions or doubt, related to work because of a diaphragm replacement or
diaphragm failure, please do not hesitate to contact the service department of Weir Minerals
Netherlands b.v.

After leakage of slurry into the propelling liquid camber, hard particles and chemical influences
can result in corrosion and mechanical wear and damage.
Clean as soon as possible the propelling liquid system totally,
to avoid problems as a result of contamination.
Clean and dry all parts immediately after dis-assembly, to avoid sticking of slurry.
Using warm flushing water helps to clean away slurry.
Dry all metal surfaces immediately after cleaning.
The best way to preserve an "out of operation" pump:
after cleaning and drying, fill the propelling liquid chamber and the propelling liquid system
with fresh propelling liquid.

Diagnosis recommendation:
1 Remove the diaphragm and keep it available for inspection and diagnosis.
2 Drain the oil of the propelling liquid system of the involved diaphragm.
3 Do the oil quality laboratory check.
Decide how to proceed, depending on the level of the contamination of this oil.

Draining and inspection and cleaning of the "Propelling liquid chamber":

1 Inspect the propelling liquid chamber behind the diaphragm.
Search for any kind of slurry contamination.
Slurry can settle in lower places and get trapped in clearances between parts and in de-aeration holes.
2 Clean and dry and inspect all surfaces.
3 Clean and dry and inspect all de-aeration holes.
4 Clean and dry and inspect all plugs and connections and joints.

Recommendations for a full cleaning procedure:

1 Open and inspect and clean the propelling liquid tank.
2 Clean the propelling liquid chamber, from the diaphragm opening up to the piston.
3 If applicable, then remove and clean the "FILLING RING" in the diaphragm chamber.
Refer to the procedures in the next chapter.
4 Disconnect the propelling liquid lines, inspect them and flush the lines clean.
5 Open and inspect and clean all propelling liquid 2/2 valves at the inlet side and the outlet side.
6 Open and inspect and clean all non-return valves inside the 2/2 valve block.
7 Open and inspect and clean all non-return valves in the piping (near the 2/2 valves).
8 Replace all filters in the suction line and the discharge line of the propelling liquid pump.

201253-IOM-EN-R02 10.41
Assembly and disassembly

Draining and inspection and cleaning of the "PRESSURE LIMITATION SYSTEM":

At normal conditions, the highest discharge operating pressure of the pump will remain in the
piping of the "PRESSURE LIMITATION SYSTEM" between the pressure relieve valve and the
non-return valves.
Always discharge the pressure in the piping, by opening the drain valve,
before working at it or at the connecting valves.
1 To de-pressurize this section, open the vent valve at the piping between the pressure-relieve valve and
the non-return valves.
2 To drain the oil in this section, open the plug and collect it in a bucket.
3 If there is contamination in the propelling liquid,
then remove the piping and open and clean and inspect the non-return valve and the safety relief

Inspection and cleaning of the piston and liner:

1 Disassemble and clean and inspect the piston unit and its piston seals.
If necessary, then replace the piston seals.
2 Clean and inspect the cylinder liner.
Refer to chapter "Assembly and disassembly", "Piston unit."

1 Replace all the propelling liquid.
2 Replace all propelling liquid suction filters and discharge filters.
3 Re-fill the propelling liquid tank.
Refer to the according chapter for the procedure of replacing the propelling liquid.
Refer to document "UTILITY CONSUMPTION LIST" in chapter "Technical data" for the quality and quantity
of the propelling liquid.

Remember at the priming phase to re-fill and de-aerate all the drained piping in the propelling
liquid system and pressure limitation system.

Pos: 105.13 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

10.42 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Assembly and disassembly
Pos: 105.14 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Diaphragm housing unit/Overview#na MMX+filling ring @ 6\mod_1234274642746_31.doc @ 47141 @

Overview I R
A Filling ring A
B Covering ring at the filling ring
C Diaphragm housing B
D Screw at the filling ring
(standard = 6x)
E Diaphragm
F Guide bush for the monitoring rod
G Initiator housing D
H Screw at the covering ring
(standard = 3x) E
I Screw for the guide bush
(standard = 2x, the position is 90turned) F

R De-aeration holes G
in the housing and in the filling ring
Figure 10.40: Schematics of a diaphragm
housing with filling ring and hydraulic operated
(The figure shows a schematic arrangement for
more versions)
Pos: 105.15 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Diaphragm housing unit/Guide bush/#### Remove the guide bush screw-outside @ 6\mod_1234274982185_31.doc @ 47150 @ Remove the guide bush screw

1 Remove the guide bush screw.
2 Remove the sealing ring.
Pos: 105.16 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Diaphragm housing unit/Filling Ring/Remove the cover ring @ 1\mod_1165307507022_31.doc @ 8934 @

If the front initiator housing penetrates the guide

bush (= long bush version), then:
Remove the front initiator housing
1 Remove the front initiator housing.
2 Remove its o-ring.
3 Clean and dry all parts and their thread.

201253-IOM-EN-R02 10.43
Assembly and disassembly

Remove the covering ring 1 AB C DE

Refer to picture 1.
1 Remove the screws (3xE).
2 Use a jaw puller with a special tool, a
centre plug (it is included in the tool set
Put the centre plug of the jaw puller
against the center of the guide bush (F) of
the monitoring rod.
3 Put the puller jaws behind the covering
2 B F
ring (B).
4 Tighten jaw puller (A).
Use a wrench.
If the ring is stuck, than use a soft hammer
(wood or copper), to knock on the ring.

Refer to picture 2.
5 Remove the cover ring (B). Figure 10.41: Remove the cover ring with a jaw puller
6 Clean and dry all parts and their thread.
Pos: 105.17 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

10.44 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Assembly and disassembly
Pos: 105.18 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Diaphragm housing unit/Filling Ring/Remove the filling ring @ 1\mod_1165316258091_31.doc @ 8940 @ Remove the filling ring

To avoid injuries and damage of parts:
Use a special lifting tool to handle the filling ring.

1 Check that the guide bush is removed, for

else, the tool can not fit at the filler ring. A B
2 Remove the screws (3xD) from the filling
Refer for the locations to the special lifting
3 Screw the special lifting tool (A) to the
filling ring (B).
If applicable, than use the special jack-off-
4 Remove the remaining filling ring screws
5 Remove the filling ring (B).
If applicable, than use the special jack-off-
If the filling ring is stuck,
than use a soft hammer (wood or copper)
to knock at the outside of the ring.
6 Clean and dry all parts and their thread
Figure 10.42: Removing the filling ring with the lifting
and the inside of the propelling liquid tool
7 Clean and dry (with high pressure air) the (The figure shows a schematic arrangement for more
de-aeration holes (2x) in the filling ring.
Check that they are free and no dirt
Pos: 105.19 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

201253-IOM-EN-R02 10.45
Assembly and disassembly

Pos: 105.20 /GEHO/Heading/H3/#.#.# Assembly @ 0\mod_1146735726056_31.doc @ 3610 @

10.14.3 Assembly
Pos: 105.21 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Diaphragm housing unit/ATTENTION Clean all parts @ 5\mod_1231514092064_31.doc @ 45260 @

After a diaphragm leakage or damage or contamination, before starting the assembly,
it is essential to clean and dry all parts.
Refer to chapter "Cleaning after diaphragm leakage or damage or contamination".

1 Check that all cleaning preparations are done properly.
2 Clean and dry the diaphragm housing.
3 Clean and dry all parts.
4 Clean and dry (with high pressure air) the de-aeration holes at the diaphragm housing (1x),
and (if applicable) the filling ring (2x).
Cleaning all de-aeration holes is essential for proper de-aeration.

Pos: 105.22 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Diaphragm housing unit/Overview#na MMX+filling ring @ 6\mod_1234274642746_31.doc @ 47141 @

Overview I R
A Filling ring A
B Covering ring at the filling ring
C Diaphragm housing B
D Screw at the filling ring
(standard = 6x)
E Diaphragm
F Guide bush for the monitoring rod
G Initiator housing D
H Screw at the covering ring
(standard = 3x) E
I Screw for the guide bush
(standard = 2x, the position is 90turned) F

R De-aeration holes G
in the housing and in the filling ring
Figure 10.43: Schematics of a diaphragm
housing with filling ring and hydraulic operated
(The figure shows a schematic arrangement for
more versions)
Pos: 105.23 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

10.46 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Assembly and disassembly
Pos: 105.24 /GEHO/Heading/H4/Filling ring @ 1\mod_1165326308309_31.doc @ 9003 @ Filling ring

Pos: 105.25 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Diaphragm housing unit/Filling Ring/Install the filling ring @ 1\mod_1165392370371_31.doc @ 9021 @

Install the filling ring

To avoid injuries and damage of parts:
Use a special lifting tool to handle the filling ring, as shown in the figure.

1 Use the special lifting tool.

Check that the filler ring is balanced in the A B
hoist perfectly vertical, to enable easy
centering into the housing.
2 Check the position of the filler ring,
the de-aeration holes must be on top,
as shown in the figure.
3 Move carefully the filling ring (B) into the
diaphragm housing.
4 Tighten the filling ring screws (3x).
5 Remove the lifting tool (A).
6 Tighten the remaining filling ring screws

Figure 10.44: Install the filling ring with the lifting tool
(The figure shows a schematic arrangement for more
Pos: 105.26 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

201253-IOM-EN-R02 10.47
Assembly and disassembly

Pos: 105.27 /GEHO/Heading/H4/#.#.#.# Monitoring rod guide bush @ 1\mod_1165393535316_31.doc @ 9023 @ Monitoring rod guide bush

Pos: 105.28 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Diaphragm housing unit/Guide bush/Check the guide bush @ 1\mod_1164897747510_31.doc @ 8875 @

1 Check the guide bush for wear and/or damage.
2 Check the initiator housing for wear and/or damage.
3 If necessary, than replace the guide bush and or initiator housing.
Pos: 105.29 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Diaphragm housing unit/Guide bush/Install Guid bush / filling ring-buitenschroef=na MMX @ 7\mod_1248704296927_31.doc @ 53241 @

1 Clean and dry all parts.

2 Install the monitoring rod guide bush (F). I R
Check the position, it depends on the hole A
for lock screw.
3 Use a nut-lock (LOCKTITE 243) at the lock B
screw (C).
Lock the guide bush lock screw (I).
Refer to chapter "Tightening torques" to the
correct torques. D

Figure 10.45:
(The figure shows a schematic arrangement for more
Pos: 105.30 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Diaphragm housing unit/Filling Ring/Install the covering ring @ 1\mod_1165392147668_31.doc @ 9018 @ Install the covering ring

1 Clean and dry all parts.
2 Put the cover ring into the filling ring.
3 Tighten the covering ring screws (3x).
Refer to chapter "Tightening torques" to the correct torques.
Pos: 105.31 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Diaphragm housing unit/Guide bush/#### Install the guide bush screw-outside @ 6\mod_1234275317598_31.doc @ 47169 @ Install the guide bush screw

1 Use a new sealing ring at the screw.
2 Mouth the guide bush screw.
Refer to chapter "Technical data, "Special torques", "Diaphragm housing unit" for the correct torque.
Pos: 105.32 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

10.48 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Assembly and disassembly
Pos: 105.33 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Diaphragm housing unit/#### Assembly of the front initiator housing @ 5\mod_1231428012330_31.doc @ 45219 @ Assembly of the front initiator housing

1 Clean and dry all parts.
2 If necessary, then replace the o-ring.
3 Install the o-ring.
4 Install the front initiator housing.
Pos: 105.34 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Procedures_during lock-out/#### Initiator coupling nuts at the diaphragm housings @ 5\mod_1220445788139_31.doc @ 37905 @ 4 Initiator coupling nuts at the diaphragm housings

Do this procedure only during shut-down and lock-out of the pump.

The initiator coupling nuts at the diaphragm housings should not be tightened, to avoid heat expansion
1 Screw the initiator coupling nuts (6x) hand-
tight and then loosen about 45 degrees.

Figure 10.46: Initiator coupling nuts at the

diaphragm housings
Pos: 105.35 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Diaphragm housing unit/Diaphragm housing cover/Hydraulic/#### Function check of the initiators @ 5\mod_1232039717870_31.doc @ 45440 @ 4 Function check of the initiators

Check the fill and outlet functions, operated by the monitoring-rod and its magnet moving under the initiators.
Triggering of these functions is displayed accordingly at the GEHO panel for each rod.

This function check can be done, with only the GEHO panel in operation,
and all other power supply shut-off.

1 Push the monitoring-rod forwards (into the housing), to trigger the fill-function, displayed at the GEHO
2 Pull the monitoring-rod backwards, to trigger the outlet-function, displayed at the GEHO panel.
3 Proceed only, if this test is perfect repeated 5x.
Pos: 105.36 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

201253-IOM-EN-R02 10.49
Assembly and disassembly

Pos: 105.37 /GEHO/Heading/H4/#.#.#.# Monitoring rod @ 6\mod_1233584025586_31.doc @ 46473 @ Monitoring rod

Pos: 105.38 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Diaphragm housing unit/Diaphragm/Closed diaphragm/Assembling, Monitoring rod. Diaphragm size > = 10 l. @ 1\mod_1165320506364_31.doc @ 8950 @

1 Clean the thread of monitoring rod (C).

2 Clean the threaded pin (B) of the
diaphragm (A).
3 Apply to the threaded pin (B) a nut-lock
(like "LOCTITE NUTLOCK 243").
4 Screw the monitoring rod (C) to the pump
diaphragm (A). A
Refer to chapter "Tightening torques" for the B
correct torque.

Figure 10.47: Assembling the monitoring rod and

Pos: 105.39 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Diaphragm housing unit/Diaphragm unit/Hydraulic/#### Install @ 1\mod_1165321911048_31.doc @ 8969 @ Diaphragm assembly A B C

1 Clean and dry all parts.
2 Clean the diaphragm area of the
diaphragm housing (A).
3 Grease the clamping edge (C) of the
diaphragm housing (A).

Use only oil free grease.

4 Install the diaphragm (B) into the

diaphragm housing (A).

Figure 10.48: Install the diaphragm unit

Pos: 105.40 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

10.50 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Assembly and disassembly
Pos: 105.41 /GEHO/Heading/H4/#.#.#.# Diaphragm housing cover @ 1\mod_1165393688115_31.doc @ 9026 @ Diaphragm housing cover

Pos: 105.42 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Diaphragm housing unit/Diaphragm housing cover/Hydraulic/Install, Hoisting bracket @ 1\mod_1165323498290_31.doc @ 8998 @

1 Check the diaphragm housing cover seal.
2 If necessary, then replace the diaphragm
housing cover seal.
3 Apply grease at the seal area of the cover
and the housing.
4 Install the diaphragm housing cover seal.
Make sure that all the push-off
bolts (G) at the valve cover (A) are
unscrewed and free from any
contact with the top of the valve
Ensure a metal to metal fit between Figure 10.49: The "DIAPHRAGM COVER HOISTING
the valve housing cover and valve

7 Check that the cover is hoisted perfectly

8 Put the diaphragm housing cover to the
diaphragm housing.
9 Secure the diaphragm housing cover with
four cover nuts.
Use a wrench.
10 Screw evenly, until the cover sits flat on the
housing via its raised face (check for even
clearance all around).
Store it, clean and safe and protected.
12 Tighten all other cover nuts hand-tight.
Pos: 105.43 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Diaphragm housing unit/Diaphragm housing cover/Hydraulic/Tighten, single piston @ 1\mod_1165323465060_31.doc @ 8995 @

201253-IOM-EN-R02 10.51
Assembly and disassembly

1 Use a special tool, F
Refer to chapter "Special tools".
RING" (B) over the stud bolts.
Use an appropriate lifting device. D
Use the lifting eye (A).
3 Hand-tighten all nuts (C) at the tension C
4 Disconnect the protection cap of the
hydraulic quick release connector (E).
5 Connect the hose of the "HYDRAULIC
PUMP UNIT" to the hydraulic quick release Figure 10.50: Install the "HYDRAULIC TENSION RING"
connector (E).
De-aeration procedure (if necessary):
De-aeration is required, if the "HYDRAULIC TENSION RING" (B) is used the first time (= initial use),
or if there is air in the hydraulic canals, so during hydraulic pressurizing the hydraulic system is
1 Remove the blind plug (F), to enable the de-aeration of the tool (B).
2 Activate the "HYDRAULIC PUMP UNIT", until hydraulic oil with no air bubbles leaks out of the
hole (F).
3 Tighten the de-aeration hole with the blind plug (F).

Preparation hydraulic pistons

Legend A B C D E F
A Diaphragm housing cover
B Hydraulic tension ring unit
C Diaphragm housing cover stud bolt
D Diaphragm housing cover nut
E Pin (to turn the cover nut)
F Tension ring nut


10.52 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Assembly and disassembly

For a proper procedure, the pistons and tension-ring-nuts (F) and cover-nuts (D) the must be
in their start position.
All piston heads must be even with the top surface of the "HYDRAULIC TENSION RING" (B).
As shown in the figure above.
4 Open the drain valve at the hydraulic pump,
to enable the pistons to move.
5 Screw all the tension-ring-nuts (F) into the position, that the nuts bottom surfaces are even with the
top surface of the "HYDRAULIC TENSION RING" (B). As shown in the figure above.

If some pistons heads where above the ring surface,

then they have been pushed back into their start position by the tension-ring-nuts (F).
If some pistons heads are below the ring surface,
then they must be pushed back into their start position by the hydraulic pump.

6 Close the drain valve at the hydraulic pump.

7 Activate the "HYDRAULIC PUMP UNIT",
until the hydraulic oil pushed all those pistons against the tension-ring-nuts (F).
8 Check the positions of the piston heads.

Tighten the diaphragm cover nuts

1 Activate the "HYDRAULIC PUMP UNIT", to pressurize the pistons in the "HYDRAULIC TENSION
Refer to chapter "Technical data", "Special torques", "Diaphragm housing unit" for the procedure and
torques and pressure.
2 Pre-tighten:
Tighten all the diaphragm housing cover nuts (D) with the pin (E), apply normal hand force torque.
3 Release the pressure from the "HYDRAULIC TENSION RING",
to allow a settling of the surfaces.
4 Pressurize again the "HYDRAULIC TENSION RING".
Refer to chapter "Technical data", "Special torques", "Diaphragm housing unit" for the procedure and
torques and pressure.
5 Final-tighten:
Tighten all diaphragm housing cover nuts (D) with the pin (E) with normal hand force torque.
Refer to chapter "Technical data", "Special torques", "Diaphragm housing unit" for the procedure and
torques and pressure.
6 Open the drain side of the oil-return/de-aerate valve at the hydraulic pump,
to relief the hydraulic pressure at the tensioning ring.
7 Remove all tension ring nuts (F).
8 Disconnect the hydraulic hose.
9 Put the protection cap on the hydraulic quick release connector.
11 Install the push-off bolds at the cover.
Pos: 105.44 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Diaphragm housing unit/### De-aerating the propelling liquid chamber @ 5\mod_1231513255148_31.doc @ 45251 @

10.14.4 De-aerating the propelling liquid chamber

After replacing a diaphragm, it is essential, to de-aerate totally the propelling liquid chamber
and all connected piping.
Refer to chapter "Start-up, priming procedure".
Pos: 106 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

201253-IOM-EN-R02 10.53
Assembly and disassembly

Pos: 107.1 /GEHO/Heading/H2/#.# Piston unit @ 0\mod_1152094187891_31.doc @ 5129 @

10.15 Piston unit

Pos: 107.2 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Piston unit/TZPM/Overview @ 1\mod_1163689690473_31.doc @ 8653 @

C Threaded bolts
E 2x chevron piston seals
F Piston "NUT"

Figure 10.52: Piston unit overview

Pos: 107.3 /GEHO/Heading/H3/#.#.# Disassembly @ 0\mod_1146735769451_31.doc @ 3613 @

10.15.1 Disassembly
Pos: 107.4 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Procedures_during lock-out/## Propelling liquid drain/Refer to chapter "Propelling liquid drain" @ 8\mod_1255524757737_31.doc @ 55549 @

Drain the propelling liquid.

Refer to chapter "Propelling liquid drain" for a safe and proper procedure.
Pos: 107.5 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Piston unit/TZPM/Disassembly @ 1\mod_1161678281536_31.doc @ 6591 @ Preparation
1 Remove the top cover plate of the piston unit.
2 Move the "PISTON UNIT" to the most forward position.
Refer to chapter "Manual rotation of the pump crankshaft" for the procedure.

Before going on, make sure, that the crankshaft is blocked against rotating,
to avoid risks during working.
3 Remove the "CLAMPING PIECE" between "PISTON ROD" and "CROSSHEAD ROD".
4 Move the crosshead to the most backward position.
Refer to chapter "Manual rotation of the pump crankshaft" for the procedure.

Before going on, make sure, that the crankshaft is blocked against rotating,
to avoid risks during working.
5 If applicable, then disconnect the flushing pipes.
6 Remove the lock nuts at the "THRUST PIECE".
7 Remove the upper threaded bolts.
8 Remove the "THRUST PIECE".

10.54 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Assembly and disassembly Secure the piston unit

1 Put a suitable hoisting belt around the piston unit.
2 Make sure that the hoisting belt is NOT below the two lower threaded bolts.
3 Tension the hoisting belt.
4 Turn the crankshaft, to move the "CROSSHEAD" to the most forward position.
Refer to chapter "Manual rotation of the pump crankshaft" for the procedure.

Before going on, make sure, that the crankshaft is blocked against rotating,
to avoid risks during working.
5 Install the "CLAMPING PIECE" between "PISTON ROD" and "CROSSHEAD ROD". Remove the piston unit

Use the special tool "PULLING DEVICE
CIL.LINER" (= cylinder liner pulling tool).
1 Place the cylinder liner pulling tool to the
piston unit.
2 Pull the piston unit out of the bore,
by moving the crosshead backwards.

Figure 10.53:

Refer to chapter "Manual rotation of the pump crankshaft" for the procedure.
Before going on, make sure, that the crankshaft is blocked against rotating,
to avoid risks during working.
3 Remove the cylinder liner pulling tool.
4 Remove the "CLAMPING PIECE" between
5 Remove the piston unit.

Figure 10.54:
Pos: 107.6 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

201253-IOM-EN-R02 10.55
Assembly and disassembly

Pos: 107.7 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Piston unit/TZPM/Dust cover/### TZPM Crosshead rod-dust cover_replace proc. @ 7\mod_1253878123205_31.doc @ 54739 @ 3445555

10.15.2 Replace procedure for the dust cover rings Overview TZPM type



Figure 10.55: TZPM "CROSSHEAD-ROD" Figure 10.56: TZPM "DUST COVER"

D 2 flat bars to tighten the XE "BOLT"
"DUST COVER HOUSING" (XA) XF "SEALING RING" Replace and align the rings in the "GASKET HOLDER"

Remove the rings in the "GASKET HOLDER"
1 Make sure that the "CLAMPING PIECE" is removed from the "CROSSHEAD ROD", and the
"CROSSHEAD" is moved and blocked in its most backward position.
2 Remove the bolts (XE).
3 Remove the "GASKET HOLDER" (XD) from the "CROSSHEAD ROD" (B).
4 Remove the "WIPER RING" (XB) and the "O-RING" (XC) from the "GASKET HOLDER" (XD).
5 Clean the "GASKET HOLDER" (XD).
(If it was removed, then assemble this first.)
1 Put the O-ring to the "DUST COVER HOUSING" (XA).
2 Slide the "DUST COVER HOUSING" (XA) against the frame unit bulkhead.
3 Tighten "DUST COVER HOUSING" (XA). Use the two flat bars (D).
Refer to chapter "Tightening torques" for the correct torque.
4 If applicable, then connect the lubrication line to the "DUST COVER HOUSING" (XA).

Preparation of the rings in the "GASKET HOLDER"

1 Make sure that the sealing surfaces of the "GASKET HOLDER" (XD) and the "CROSSHEAD ROD"
(B) are free from dirt and dust and corrosion.
2 Check the "WIPER RING" (XB) and the "O-RING" (XC).
Replace them, if necessary.
3 Put the "WIPER RING" (XB) and the "O-RING" (XC) into the "GASKET HOLDER" (XD).
Grease the rings with the normal lubrication oil.
4 Grease the round surface of the "CROSSHEAD ROD" with the normal lubrication oil.
(To protect the rings during sliding on the rod.)
5 Slide carefully and gently the pre-assembled "GASKET HOLDER" (XD) (with its rings and "SEALING
RING" XF) on the "CROSSHEAD ROD" (B) against the "DUST COVER HOUSING" (XA).

10.56 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Assembly and disassembly

Alignment of the "GASKET HOLDER" and its rings

1 Make sure that the "CROSSHEAD" (A) is in the middle position of its stroke.
(To achieve for the alignment of the rings a middle position between the "TOP DEAD END" and the
2 Hand-tighten with the bolts the "GASKET HOLDER" (XD) at the "DUST COVER HOUSING" (XA).
3 Make sure that the "GASKET HOLDER" (XD) is proper aligned on the "CROSSHEAD ROD" (B)
(to improve the lifetime and functions of these rings).
If necessary, then use the clearance in the bolt-holes of the "GASKET HOLDER" (XD) for alignment.
If the "DUST COVER HOUSING" (XA) was dis-assembled,
then you may need to re-position it also, to achieve a proper alignment.
4 Tighten the bolts at the "GASKET HOLDER" (XD).
Make sure that during tightening, the parts do not change the position and the alignment.
Refer to chapter "Tightening torques" for the correct torque.
Pos: 107.8 /GEHO/Heading/H3/#.#.# Assembly @ 0\mod_1146735726056_31.doc @ 3610 @ 3445555

201253-IOM-EN-R02 10.57
Assembly and disassembly

10.15.3 Assembly
Pos: 107.9 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Piston unit/TZPM/Assembly @ 1\mod_1163689511253_31.doc @ 8647 @ Preparation
1 Replace the piston "GUIDE RING",
if necessary.
2 Replace the chevron piston seals,
if necessary.
3 Check the "CYLINDER LINER" for
Replace the cylinder liner,
if necessary.
4 Lubricate to the chevron piston seals.
5 Lubricate the "CYLINDER LINER" surface.
6 Put the piston assembly into the

Figure 10.57: Lubrication points Install the piston unit

1 Check the seal ring (A) at the corner-piece
/ middle-piece.
Replace if necessary.
2 Lubricate the seal ring (A) at the corner-
piece / middle-piece.
3 Put a hoisting belt to the piston unit (C).
4 Put the piston unit (C) into the cylinder.
5 Put the threaded bolts (B) to the
connection nuts.


Figure 10.58: Install the piston unit

10.58 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Assembly and disassembly Final works

1 Install the "THRUST RING".
2 Tighten the lock nuts at the "THRUST PIECE".
Refer to chapter "Special torques" for the correct torque.
3 Install the flushing pipes, if applicable.
4 Move the "CROSSHEAD" forwards.
Make sure the "CROSSHEAD ROD" touches the "PISTON ROD".
Refer to chapter "Manual rotation of the pump crankshaft" for the procedure.

Before going on, make sure, that the crankshaft is blocked against rotating,
to avoid risks during working.
5 Assemble the "CLAMPING PIECE" at the "CROSSHEAD ROD" and "PISTON ROD".
Refer to chapter "Tightening torques" for the correct torque.
6 If available/applicable:
Grease the "CYLINDER LINER".
Use the grease nipple.

Figure 10.59: Cylinder liner grease nipples

Pos: 108 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

201253-IOM-EN-R02 10.59
Assembly and disassembly

Pos: 109.1 /GEHO/Heading/H2/#.# Pulsation dampener @ 1\mod_1168952826922_31.doc @ 11788 @

10.16 Pulsation dampener

Pos: 109.2 /GEHO/Heading/H3/#.#.# Safety instructions @ 7\mod_1249042333469_31.doc @ 53498 @

10.16.1 Safety instructions

Pos: 109.3 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Pulsation damper/Safety instructions/Safety instructions pulsation dampener @ 1\mod_1168953439328_31.doc @ 11799 @

The pre-charge pressure may never exceed the maximum allowed pressure,
as indicated at the dampener identification plate.

The dampener may be under pressure, even when the pressure gauge indicates no pressure.
The pressure sensing opening may be clogged.

In case of in-sufficient pre-charge pressure or nitrogen leakage, the pressure pulsations may
be excessive and may cause heavy vibrations.

ONLY use nitrogen to pre-charge a dampener.
NEVER use oxygen, because of explosion danger.

In case of an external fire, the nitrogen pressure inside the dampener will increase and may
exceed the dampener design pressure.

In case of a very rapid pressure drop in the discharge line, in combination with dis-location of
the dampener diaphragm in relation to the dampener in/outlet opening, a diaphragm rupture
might occur.
In this case, the nitrogen can enter the slurry line and pressurize a blocked section of this
slurry line or form a nitrogen bubble under pressure in the slurry line.

Prevent breathing in nitrogen.
Escaping nitrogen may cause lack of oxygen.

Prevent breathing in nitrogen.
If discharging the gas pressure through the valve,
then the escaping nitrogen can push away the air in the direct environment,
Pos: 109.4 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @
that can cause lack of oxygen.

10.60 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Assembly and disassembly
Pos: 109.5 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Pulsation damper/### Disassembly @ 0\mod_1156236790706_31.doc @ 5737 @

10.16.2 Diaphragm removing

1 Strictly obey the pulsation dampener safety instructions.
Refer to chapter "Pre-charging the discharge pulsation dampener".
2 Open the filler valve slowly, in many small steps, to discharge the nitrogen gas pressure from the pulsation
Leaking nitrogen (N2) causes lack of oxygen:
Prevent breathing in nitrogen.
Be aware of the risk of suffocation, caused by to much nitrogen in the air.
Prevent nitrogen filling the working environment.
Assure in small rooms good ventilation, because of risks of nitrogen leakage.
Assure free escape routes, because of risks of nitrogen gas.
3 Make sure that the pulsation dampener is depressurized.
4 Loosen the cover nuts. DO NOT remove the cover nuts.
Make sure that the pulsation dampener cover does not come upward against the nuts.
This indicates that pressure has not been completely discharged from the pulsation
5 Remove the pulsation dampener cover. Use the lifting eyes and a proper lifting device.
The lifting eyes on the pulsation dampener cover is only suitable for lifting the pulsation
dampener unit.

Remove the diaphragm

1 Mount a hoisting eye bolt (A) at the bottom of the diaphragm.
2 Hoist at the hoisting eye the pulsation dampener diaphragm out of the housing.
Keep away your hands, during this action.

3 Inspect the interior of the pulsation
dampener for signs of abnormal wear.

Figure 10.60: Preparation for removal of the diaphragm

(Figure suitable for more housing versions)

201253-IOM-EN-R02 10.61
Assembly and disassembly

Pos: 109.6 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Pulsation damper/### Assembly @ 0\mod_1156228349876_31.doc @ 5731 @

10.16.3 Diaphragm assembly

1 Clean the surface of the pulsation dampener
2 Clean the surface of the pulsation dampener
3 Make sure to remove all stains and remains
from the clamping edges for the diaphragm.
4 Apply a light coating of cup grease in the
diaphragm clamping edge.

Figure 10.61:

Failure to properly lubricate these surfaces may result in a gradual leakage of nitrogen gas and
drop of pre-charge pressure.

Use the grease "Klber Syntheso Pro AA2, article number 006025" to install the
diaphragms, O-rings and seals.

10.62 R03 R03

Assembly and disassembly Diaphragm folding, option 1

1 Push the cone outward.

2 Fold the diaphragm.

201253-IOM-EN-R02 R03 10.63
Assembly and disassembly

3 Insert the folded diaphragm into the pulsation

dampener housing.

4 Move the diaphragm into position.

5 Make sure that the clamping rim fits in the
shoulder of the dampener housing.

10.64 R03 R03

Assembly and disassembly Diaphragm folding, option 2

1 Fold the diaphragm.

2 Insert the diaphragm into the pulsation

dampener housing.

Pos: 110.1 /GEHO/Heading/H2/#.# Nitrogen filling device @ 1\mod_1169209240961_31.doc @ 11882 @

201253-IOM-EN-R02 R03 10.65

Assembly and disassembly

3 Make sure that there is still sufficient sealing

grease in the housing edge for the clamping
rim of the diaphragm.

Figure 10.62: Clamping edge of the diaphragm

4 Move the diaphragm into its position.

5 Make sure that the clamping rim of the
diaphragm fits well in the edge of the
dampener housing.

Figure 10.63:

Pos: 111.8 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @ 344

10.66 R03 R03

Assembly and disassembly

Pos: 111.9 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Pulsation damper/### Assemble the cover @ 8\mod_1265121781812_31.doc @ 58921 @ 3

10.16.4 Assemble the cover
1 Apply sufficient liquid sealing to the sealing
edges of the diaphragm to the cover.

Figure 10.64: Sealing edge

The liquid sealing is needed for an air-tight sealing between the diaphragm and the metal
Failure to properly seal these surfaces may result in a gradual leakage of nitrogen gas and
drop of the pre-charge pressure.


Recommendation, use the following liquid sealing types to install the diaphragms, O-rings and
"Klber Syntheso Pro AA2, article number 006025".

2 Put the cover to the housing.

Make sure, that the cover does not push or pull at the diaphragm.
3 Tighten the nuts with the correct torque.
Refer to chapter Special torques.

10.17 Nitrogen filling device

Pos: 110.2 /GEHO/Assembly and Disassembly_during lock-out/Nitrogene filling device/Nitrogen filling device_dampemer+accu @ 1\mod_1169196110656_31.doc @ 11865 @

Use the nitrogen filling device for the filling of the pulsation dampener(s) and/or hydraulic accumulator(s).

Refer to the document "INSTRUMENT AND EQUIPMENT LIST" for the correct pressure.
Refer to the chapter "Pre-charging the pulsation dampener" for correct filling of pulsation dampener(s) and/or
hydraulic accumulator(s).
Pos: 111 /--- Section break - Odd page --- @ 0\mod_1136277036628_0.doc @ 765 @

201253-IOM-EN-R02 R03 10.67
Appendix: Parts - Lists and drawings (pump section)
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11 Appendix: Parts - Lists and drawings (pump section)

Pos: 112.2 /GEHO/Parts lists/## Safety instructions for parts @ 5\mod_1227872607693_31.doc @ 44431 @

11.1 Safety instructions for parts

Use only genuine GEHO parts.
Order parts only with their WEIR-GEHO item number.

This is mandatory, to maintain:

the original safety level, in accordance with the applicable regulations,
the warranty accountability,
the general product accountability,
the original product reliability and durability.

Pos: 112.3 /GEHO/Parts lists/## Ordering parts + NOTE - Items with *** @ 1\mod_1165932498812_31.doc @ 9184 @

11.2 Ordering parts

If ordering items marked with ***, then specify the quantity.

Ordering and determination of parts:

Refer to the pump number, as given on the GEHO type plate.
Sample: WEIR pump number = GEHO 7201152/3
Use the same determination, as given in the parts list.
Pos: 112.4 /GEHO/Parts lists/814=Pump/Project/## General storage conditions#00B= zonder preservation of pumps @ 5\mod_1231168066513_31.doc @ 44886 @

11.3 General storage conditions

Always store the pumps and their components
under dry conditions,
in a not-aggressive environment,
protected from direct sun light.

11.3.1 Storage of synthetic materials

Keep the original sealed package closed as long as possible.
Close and seal an opened package as soon as possible.
Protect package and parts against direct sun-light.
Store the parts in their as-manufactured-shape.

Storage of elastomer materials (spare parts):

Storage temperature between +5C / +41F and +35C / +95F at about 85% relative humidity.

Storage of polyurethane materials (valve seat rings):

Storage temperature between +5C / +41F and +25C / +77F at about 75% relative humidity.
Pos: 112.5 /--- Page break --- @ 0\mod_1136278659331_0.doc @ 766 @

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Appendix: Parts - Lists and drawings (pump section)

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11.2 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Appendix: Parts - Lists and drawings (pump section)
Pos: 112.7 /GEHO/Heading/H2/#.# Part list and drawings @ 3\mod_1204008514007_31.doc @ 26365 @

11.4 Part List and drawings

Pos: 113 /GEHO/Parts lists/814=Pump/Project/201253-2009.12.09 @ 8\mod_1259663517781_0.doc @ 57162 @

GEHO TZPM 1200 assembly

Part list number 820.577.201253
Drawing number T.820.201253

ID Item number Description Technical details Qty

005 818.080.559BF Puls.dampener filling unit 1
010 828.950.151P Lubrication unit 1
015 828.950.152P Flushing unit 1
020 828.950.153P Ventline unit 1
025 831.020.402A Valve unit 3
026 831.020.403A Valve unit 3
030 832.010.295A Diaphragm housing unit 1
035 835.072.204A Piston unit 3
050 845.010.461P Frame unit 1
060 851.010.137A Pulsation dampener unit 2
065 853.010.251P Press.limit.regul. unit 1
070 855.010.054AB Pressure transmitter unit 1
075 857.010.125P Propelling liquid unit 1
080 858.010.117P Electrical unit 1
085 895.577.215A Accessories 1
090 851.010.138A Air vessel unit 1
100 814.201253.16 Drive unit 1
105 814.201253.23 Relief valve 1
910.150.031 Round head grooved pin D1476 r2x8 ss 6
818.030.140 Name plate-geho 2
818.030.272 Type plate Ss 1
910.150.052 Round head grooved pin D1476 r3x10 ss 20
818.030.257 Name plate-weir 5

201253-IOM-EN-R02 11.3
Appendix: Parts - Lists and drawings (pump section)

11.4 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Appendix: Parts - Lists and drawings (pump section)

Puls.dampener filling unit

Part list number 818.080.559BF
Drawing number T.818.080.205

ID Item number Description Technical details Qty

001 922.595.211 Threaded reducing piece Red-r1/2/r1/4 2
002 922.985.253 Banjo coupl. w. one bolt P-rswv 6sr 2
003 913.003.138 Hex.socket head capscrew D912 m6x35 stl 6
004 929.050.503 Pipe clamp 106-pp 6
005 730.103.005 Tube R 6x1.5 ***
006 922.105.253 Straight coupling P-gv 6s 2
007 922.365.254 Bulk head elbow coupling P-wsv 6s 2
008 913.003.243 Hex.socket head capscrew D912 m12x60 stl 2
009 929.050.530 Locking sheet Dp1 6
010 855.100.067 Connecting bloc 1
011 921.510.213 Pressure gauge R100/0-40000kpa 2
012 931.400.223 Sealing ring 22-27-1.5 din7603 2
013 921.100.036 Globe valve G1/2"-econ355 2
014 818.030.026 Type plate 1
015 910.150.029 Round head grooved pin D1476 r2x5 1.4305 4
016 922.945.253 Stud standpipe adaptor Egesd 6sr-wd 2
017 922.305.253 Equal elbow coupling P-wv 6s 2
018 922.175.253 Male stud coupling P-gev 6sr-wd 1
019 922.595.218 Threaded reducing piece Red-r3/4/r1/2 2
020 922.175.062 Male stud coupling Ges 12s/r1/2"-wd 4
021 900.000.046 Dust cover 2
022 922.285.254 Bulkhead coupling P-gsv 6s 4
024 922.745.262 Adjustable coupling Emasd 12sr 4

201253-IOM-EN-R02 11.5
Appendix: Parts - Lists and drawings (pump section)

11.6 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Appendix: Parts - Lists and drawings (pump section)

Lubrication unit
Part list number 828.950.151P
Drawing number T.828.900.393

ID Item number Description Technical details Qty

001 950.272.093 Electric motor En-b5 0.75kwn1500 1
002 960.010.625 Coupling Kd19-14/19 (stl 1
003 960.020.063 Gear pump (r Sf2/6 rd-12l 1
004 960.020.622 Lantern piece Sf2/dm80 1
005 816.941.340 Cable duct 1
006 913.003.195 Hex.socket head capscrew D912 m10x20 stl 7
007 913.003.165 Hex.socket head capscrew D912 m8x20 stl 4
008 914.106.196 Hexagon screw D933 m10x25stl-glv 4
009 917.306.028 Washer D125a m10 stl-glv 4
010 921.700.832 Suction filter-element 0050s-125-wp 1
011 911.070.333 Stud D938 m16x40 stl 3
012 917.346.040 Lock washer D9021a m16 stl-glv 3
013 999.999.000 Arrow=rotating direction 1
014 910.150.029 Round head grooved pin D1476 r2x5 1.4305 2
015 921.510.288 Pressure gauge R100/0-1600kpa 1
020 921.700.428 Filterhousing 1
021 921.700.838 Filter element 0160 dn025 bn/hc 2
022 922.985.228 Banjo coupl. w. one bolt P-rswv 28lr 1
023 914.106.236 Hexagon screw D933 m12x25stl-glv 4
024 917.346.034 Lock washer D9021a m12stl-glv 4
025 922.745.259 Adjustable coupling Emasd 10sr 1
030 929.050.500 Pipe clamp 112-pp 4
031 929.050.501 Pipe clamp 428-pp 6
032 929.050.530 Locking sheet Dp1 4
033 929.050.531 Locking sheet Dp4 16
034 914.003.144 Hexagon bolt D931 m6x65 stl 12
035 914.103.139 Hexagon bolt D933 m6 x40 stl 4
036 922.895.217 Stud standpipe adaptor Egesd 18l/1/2npt 1
038 922.285.219 Bulkhead coupling P-gsv 18l 1
039 816.941.074 Support 1.0067 1

201253-IOM-EN-R02 11.7
Appendix: Parts - Lists and drawings (pump section)

ID Item number Description Technical details Qty

040 868.001.879 Distance bushing 2
041 914.103.243 Hexagon screw D933 m12x60 stl 2
042 922.975.217 Reducing fitting P-redvd 18/6l 1
043 922.975.228 Reducing fitting P-redvd 28/6l 1
046 730.103.001 Tube R6x1 ***
047 730.103.103 Tube R 12 x 1.5 ***
048 730.103.213 Tube R 28 x 2 ***
049 931.400.210 Sealing ring 21-26-1.5 din7603 3
050 971.900.060 Temperaturesensor Pt100 1
051 922.945.228 Stud standpipe adaptor Egesd 28lr-wd 1
052 971.900.084 Pt-100 element 2
053 816.941.341 Support 2
054 922.175.228 Male stud coupling P-gev 28lr-wd 3
055 922.595.219 Threaded reducing piece Red-r3/4r1 2
057 922.305.228 Equal elbow coupling P-wv 28l 1
058 922.595.230 Threaded reducing piece Red-r1.1/4-wd/r1 2
061 922.455.228 Equal tee coupling P-tv 28l 12
062 922.975.231 Reducing fitting P-redvd 28/12l 12
063 922.175.210 Male stud coupling P-gev 12lr-wd 6
067 828.500.508 Banjo coupling 5
068 828.500.509 Stud adaptor 6
071 868.053.287 Orifice 3
072 868.053.288 Orifice 5
073 868.053.286 Orifice 3
074 922.915.228 Adjust. male stud elbow P-ewvd 28l 1
080 915.003.040 Hexagon nut D934 m16 stl 3
081 922.935.228 Adj.male t.-stud P-elvd 28l 2
087 922.285.229 Bulkhead coupling P-gsv 28l 1
096 914.106.317 Hexagon screw D933 m16x30stl-glv 4
097 870.005.112 Cover 1
098 931.030.375 O-ring R120x4 nbr-70sh 1
100 971.600.008 Flow sensor 1
101 922.950.879 T-piece E40080/ql28-18-28 1
102 922.950.880 Adapter E40104 1

11.8 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Appendix: Parts - Lists and drawings (pump section)

ID Item number Description Technical details Qty

110 971.450.097 Pressure transmitter 1
130 971.900.057 Heating element Csn-erct/60 1

201253-IOM-EN-R02 11.9
Appendix: Parts - Lists and drawings (pump section)

11.10 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Appendix: Parts - Lists and drawings (pump section)

Flushing unit
Part list number 828.950.152P
Drawing number T.828.900.391

ID Item number Description Technical details Qty

001 922.985.209 Banjo coupl. w. one bolt P-rswv 12l/r1/4 9
002 922.455.209 Equal tee coupling P-tv 12l 6
003 922.175.210 Male stud coupling P-gev 12lr-wd 3
004 922.945.210 Stud standpipe adaptor Egesd 12lr-wd 3
005 922.975.220 Reducing fitting P-redvd 18/12l 3
006 730.103.108 Tube R 18 x 1.5 ***
007 922.455.217 Equal tee coupling P-tv 18l 2
008 922.305.217 Equal elbow coupling P-wv 18l 1
009 730.103.101 Tube R 12 x 2 ***
010 922.175.217 Male stud coupling P-gev 18lr-wd 1
011 922.305.209 Equal elbow coupling P-wv 12l 3
012 922.365.219 Bulkhead elbow coupling P-wsv 18l 1

201253-IOM-EN-R02 11.11
Appendix: Parts - Lists and drawings (pump section)

11.12 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Appendix: Parts - Lists and drawings (pump section)

Ventline unit
Part list number 828.950.153P
Drawing number T.828.900.310

ID Item number Description Technical details Qty

001 928.370.305 Banjo coupl.w. one bolt R3/8"- 8x6 1
002 770.528.000 Hose ***
003 928.130.005 Male connector Ack- 3/8"-6 4
004 922.945.210 Stud standpipe adaptor Egesd 12lr-wd 5
006 730.103.101 Tube R 12 x 2 ***
008 922.880.000 Non-return valve P-rv 12l(0.5 1
010 922.915.209 Adjust. male stud elbow P-ewvd 12l 1
013 928.120.008 Male connector 3/8" - 6 3
014 922.935.209 Adj.male stud t-stud b.t P-elvd 12l 3
015 922.285.210 Bulkhead coupling P-gsv 12l 2

201253-IOM-EN-R02 11.13
Appendix: Parts - Lists and drawings (pump section)

11.14 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Appendix: Parts - Lists and drawings (pump section)

Valve unit
Part list number 831.020.402A
Drawing number T.831.000.487

ID Item number Description Technical details Qty

001 023.577.027 Valve housing 1
003 025.577.009 Valve cover 1
009 831.900.928 Tension ring 1
010 831.350.190 Conical valve 1
011 831.700.729 Valve ring 1
012 831.150.856 Valve seat 1
013 831.900.385 Lock nut 1
014 825.107.065 Compression spring 1
015 831.900.930 Clamping piece 1
016 831.900.920 Guide bush 1
017 862.015.329 Connecting rod 4
018 831.900.926 Piston 4
019 831.900.910 Nut 4
020 831.900.927 Nut 4
021 822.190.010 Sealing ring 1
022 931.208.100 Sealing ring B7a-4"wn100 2
024 862.050.308 Nut 4
026 960.010.613 Connecting nipple R1/4"/2000 bar 2
027 960.010.621 Adapter R1/4"xr1/4"-3000b 2
038 931.030.383 O-ring R160x4 nbr-70sh 2
039 933.111.067 U-ring T23/60-75-11.4 4
040 933.111.078 U-ring T18/90-75-9.3 4
041 913.020.241 Hex.socket head capscrew D912 m12x50 ss 4
042 914.300.040 Eye bolt D580 m16 1.0401 1
043 914.206.411 Hexagon screw D561a m20x120 stl 2
044 913.020.247 Hex.socket head capscrew D912 m12x80 ss 4
045 831.900.929 Spacer 1
046 913.020.249 Hex.socket head capscrew D912 m12x100 ss 4
050 862.007.622 Stud bolt 4
051 915.040.069 Hexagon nut Nf m36 din2510 4

201253-IOM-EN-R02 11.15
Appendix: Parts - Lists and drawings (pump section)

ID Item number Description Technical details Qty

060 971.750.000 Acoustic sensor 1

11.16 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Appendix: Parts - Lists and drawings (pump section)

Valve unit
Part list number 831.020.403A
Drawing number T.831.000.484

ID Item number Description Technical details Qty

001 023.577.029 Valve housing 1
003 025.577.010 Valve cover 1
008 831.900.919 Valve support 1
009 831.900.932 Tension ring 1
010 831.350.190 Conical valve 1
011 831.700.729 Valve ring 1
012 831.150.856 Valve seat 1
013 831.900.385 Lock nut 1
014 825.107.065 Compression spring 1
015 831.900.837 Clamping piece 1
016 831.900.920 Guide bush 1
017 862.007.614 Stud bolt 4
018 831.900.926 Piston 4
019 831.900.910 Nut 4
020 831.900.927 Nut 4
021 822.210.010 Seal ring 1
022 931.208.100 Sealing ring B7a-4"wn100 1
023 831.900.936 Pin 1
024 915.040.069 Hexagon nut Nf m36 din2510 4
025 862.015.331 Connecting rod 4
026 960.010.613 Connecting nipple R1/4"/2000 bar 2
027 960.010.621 Adapter R1/4"xr1/4"-3000b 2
028 931.400.361 Sealing ring 36-42-2 din7603 1
029 831.900.933 Plug 1
030 914.206.411 Hexagon screw D561a m20x120 stl 2
031 913.020.247 Hex.socket head capscrew D912 m12x80 ss 4
032 931.191.150 Sealing ring B7a,170x204wn101 1
038 931.030.383 O-ring R160x4 nbr-70sh 2
039 933.111.067 U-ring T23/60-75-11.4 4
040 933.111.078 U-ring T18/90-75-9.3 4

201253-IOM-EN-R02 11.17
Appendix: Parts - Lists and drawings (pump section)

ID Item number Description Technical details Qty

043 917.260.134 Clamping sleeve R6x16 din1481-rvs 1
060 971.750.000 Acoustic sensor 1

11.18 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Appendix: Parts - Lists and drawings (pump section)

Diaphragm housing unit

Part list number 832.010.295A
Drawing number T.832.000.217

ID Item number Description Technical details Qty

002 039.582.048 Diaphragm housing cover 3
003 045.582.048 Diaphragm housing 3
004 832.101.060 Corner piece 1
005 832.101.061 Middle piece 1
006 832.101.062 Corner piece 1
007 832.100.684 Filling ring 3
008 832.100.685 Covering ring 3
012 862.005.373 Initiator housing 6
013 832.100.297 Cover 6
015 832.101.065 Monitoring rod 3
016 832.101.064 Guide bush 3
019 824.050.023 Diaphragm 3
022 925.530.224 Hexagon head pipe plug G 1" din 910-5.8 3
030 822.600.010 Sealing ring 3
031 931.031.267 O-ring R55x3 nbr-90sh 6
034 822.170.010 Sealing ring 3
036 931.400.331 Sealing ring 33-39-2 din7603 3
037 862.007.594 Stud bolt 48
039 862.007.628 Stud bolt 36
042 862.007.596 Stud bolt 24
043 862.050.310 Nut 24
045 862.050.235 Nut 48
047 862.050.013.36 Nut 36
049 862.005.120 Coupling nut 6
050 914.103.322 Hexagon screw D933 m16x55 stl 24
052 914.206.420 Hexagon screw D561am20x220st-glv 9
053 816.020.508 Protection cap Stl 3
059 914.003.328 Hexagon bolt D931 m16x90 stl 18
063 913.003.247 Hex.socket head capscrew D912 m12x80 stl 3
064 914.483.325 Hexagon bolt D564 m16x70 stl 9

201253-IOM-EN-R02 11.19
Appendix: Parts - Lists and drawings (pump section)

ID Item number Description Technical details Qty

069 917.260.135 Clamping sleeve R6x20 din1481-rvs 6
070 921.050.001 Needle valve G3/8"-ubel717 3
072 931.083.012 Multiseal Sc222 3
074 922.305.209 Equal elbow coupling P-wv 12l 3
077 922.945.210 Stud standpipe adaptor Egesd 12lr-wd 6
080 913.063.711 Hex.socket head capscrew D912 m42x385 12
081 913.013.335 Hex.socket head capscrew D912 m16x160 stl 9

11.20 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Appendix: Parts - Lists and drawings (pump section)

Piston unit
Part list number 835.072.204A
Drawing number T.835.000.194

ID Item number Description Technical details Qty

001 063.577.000 Piston rod 1
002 841.236.099 Cylinder liner 1
003 835.136.068 Piston body 1
004 835.336.059 Retaining plate 2
005 862.008.035 Stud bolt 8
006 862.050.291 Nut 8
007 841.900.355 Thrust piece 1
009 931.031.452 O-ring R40.64x5.33 nbr-90 1
010 862.050.127 Nut Nf m48/d2510 1
011 914.003.242 Hexagon bolt D931 m12x55 stl 24
012 835.900.213 Guide ring 1
015 914.300.040 Eye bolt D580 m16 1.0401 2
020 835.436.013 Pressure ring 3
021 835.900.212 Pressure ring 2
022 931.031.632 O-ring R202.6x5.33nbr90sh 1
023 933.355.212 Supporting ring 220-211.4-1.9 1

201253-IOM-EN-R02 11.21
Appendix: Parts - Lists and drawings (pump section)

11.22 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Appendix: Parts - Lists and drawings (pump section)

Frame unit
Part list number 845.010.461P
Drawing number T.845.000.483

ID Item number Description Technical details Qty

001 002.577.016 Frame 1
003 018.632.002 Retaining plate 1.7225v 12
005 066.577.001 Crosshead pin 3
006 068.577.004 Connecting rod 3
008 072.577.001 Crankshaft 1
010 087.577.004 Bearing cover 0.6025 1
013 086.577.000 Pressure plate 1
014 087.577.005 Bearing cover 0.6025 1
015 088.577.001 Pressure plate 3
016 090.577.001 Crosshead guide 6
018 089.577.000 Crosshead rod 3
019 005.577.001 Frame cover 1
020 816.955.503 Locking plate 3
030 931.030.599 O-ring R596.27x7 nbr70sh 2
031 823.030.041 Seal 1
034 823.051.049 Seal 2
035 823.030.040 Seal 3
036 839.100.047 Crosshead 3
037 823.030.028 Seal 3
038 913.053.319 Hex.socket head capscrew D7984 m16x40 stl 54
039 870.001.225 Cover Stl 2
040 870.001.224 Cover Stl 1
041 870.001.187 Cover 2
042 822.020.123 Sealing ring 3
044 870.001.223 Cover W1.0067 3
045 931.030.869 O-ring R455x5 nbr70sh 3
046 816.955.130 Clamping piece 3
059 914.106.317 Hexagon screw D933 m16x30stl-glv 54
062 914.236.529 Hexagon set screw D561a m30x2x100stl 4
063 914.003.449 Hexagon bolt D931 m24x100 stl 6

201253-IOM-EN-R02 11.23
Appendix: Parts - Lists and drawings (pump section)

ID Item number Description Technical details Qty

064 914.106.321 Hexagon screw D933 m16x50stl-glv 24
065 914.103.445 Hexagon screw D933 m24x70 stl 12
066 914.103.407 Hexagon screw D933 m20x80 stl 12
068 914.103.442 Hexagon screw D933 m24x55 stl 9
069 914.106.237 Hexagon screw D933 m12x30stl-glv 32
080 933.101.126 U-ring T20/125-145-16 3
081 933.021.125 Wiper ring 125-137-11nbr-90sh 3
082 911.040.441 Stud bolt D939 m24x50 8.8 18
084 914.103.317 Hexagon screw D933 m16x30 stl 6
085 915.006.055 Hexagon nut D934 m24 stl-glv 18
086 915.003.040 Hexagon nut D934 m16 stl 12
087 913.003.447 Hex.socket head capscrew D912 m24x80 stl 18
089 822.160.023 Sealing ring 3
091 846.100.172 Dust cover housing 3
092 846.100.126 Gasket holder 3
094 815.812.411 Flat bar steel 6
095 911.040.323 Stud bolt M16x60 din939-8.8 12
118 935.022.340 Lipseal Was 300-340-20 1
121 925.546.145 Hexagon head pipe plug 1
126 942.210.668 Spherial roller bearing 23168bk.mb 2
127 942.900.087 Cyl.roller bearing 3
128 942.900.074 Cyl.roller bearing 3
129 942.410.668 Pressure sleeve Ah3168h 2
131 922.155.211 Male stud coupling P-gew 12l/r1/2 6
132 730.103.103 Tube R 12 x 1.5 ***
134 925.720.284 Pipe nipple D2982 g2"x250 stl 1
136 921.150.021 Gate valve G2"-econ290a 1
138 948.790.002 Oilglass G2 2
140 921.700.033 Filter Pi 0114 mic 2
141 942.800.164 Lock nut Hm3164 1
142 816.955.504 Locking plate 1
143 925.016.114 Bend G3/4"-n1 1
144 917.303.034 Washer D125a m12 stl 4
147 914.103.237 Hexagon bolt D933 m12x30 stl 12

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ID Item number Description Technical details Qty

148 914.106.315 Hexagon screw D933 m16x20stl-glv 8
149 914.103.195 Hexagon bolt D933 m10x20 stl 1
151 914.106.439 Hexagon screw D933 m24x40stl-glv 2
152 917.500.055 Retaining ring Dubo m24 2
155 921.200.026 Ball valve G2"-eriks 3185 1
156 925.526.145 Double nipple N280 g2 2
157 828.500.559 Pipe nipple 1
158 925.206.145 Elbow N90 g2 1

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Pulsation dampener unit

Part list number 851.010.137A
Drawing number T.851.000.441

ID Item number Description Technical details Qty

001 851.500.244 Cover 1
002 851.300.350 Pulsation dampener body 1
006 824.040.008 Diaphragm 1
009 862.007.412 Stud bolt 16
010 922.075.218 Plug Vs-r1/2wd 2
012 914.300.063 Ring bolt D580 m30 c15 1
013 913.513.597 Hex.socket head capscrew D912 m36x85 stl 12
014 862.050.232 Nut 16
017 818.030.271 Type plate Ss 1
018 818.030.210 Text plate 1
019 910.150.029 Round head grooved pin D1476 r2x5 1.4305 8
020 851.500.345 Flange 1
021 931.030.542 O-ring R159.2x5.7nbr-70sh 1
022 851.500.344 Flange 1
025 822.150.021 Sealing ring 1

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Press.limit.regul. unit
Part list number 853.010.251P
Drawing number T.853.000.264

ID Item number Description Technical details Qty

001 921.300.606 Safety valve 1
002 853.010.239 Non-return valve unit 3
003 828.552.121 Connecting pipe 1
004 828.552.122 Drain line 1
005 931.190.050 Sealing ring B7a,62x102d2697 6
006 862.015.047 Threaded rod 24
007 915.006.047 Hexagon nut D934 m20 stl-glv 40
008 931.191.040 Sealing ring B7a 53x73 wn101 2
009 862.015.054 Threaded rod 4
010 915.006.063 Hexagon nut D934 m30 stl-glv 8
011 816.930.380 Ring 1.0503n 1
012 822.080.049 Gasket R80-r127-2/c4430 2
013 862.015.033 Threaded rod 8
014 816.930.382 Ring 1.0503n 1
015 822.100.024 Sealing ring 1
016 914.106.319 Hexagon screw D933 m16x40stl-glv 8
017 922.945.262 Stud standpipe adaptor Egesd 12s/r1/2-wd 1
018 922.925.060 Adjustable equal tee Etsd 12s 1
019 922.945.261 Stud standpipe adaptor Egesd 12sr-wd 1
020 921.050.001 Needle valve G3/8"-ubel717 1
021 922.755.062 Manometer coupling Mas 12sr 1
022 921.520.042 Shock absorber G1/2"-econ1388 1
023 921.510.318 Pressure gauge R100/0-40000kpa 1
024 931.400.142 Sealing ring 14-18-1.5 din7603 1
025 922.075.218 Plug Vs-r1/2wd 2

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Non-return valve unit

Part list number 853.010.239
Drawing number T.853.000.105

ID Item number Description Technical details Qty

001 853.100.504 Valve housing 1
002 853.100.503 Valve guide 1
003 853.100.505 Valve 1
004 821.025.052 Ring 1
005 821.025.044 Ring 1
006 917.800.016 Compression spring R32xr2.5x71.5 1
007 913.006.135 Hex.socket head capscrew D912 m6x20 stl-glv 4
008 931.030.890 O-ring R70x3 1

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Pressure transmitter unit

Part list number 855.010.054AB
Drawing number T.855.000.095

ID Item number Description Technical details Qty

001 971.450.097 Pressure transmitter 2
002 971.450.138 Pressure transmitter 1
004 922.135.211 Male connector P-gev 12l/1/2npt 3
005 922.975.209 Reducing fitting P-redvd 12/6l 3
006 914.900.019 Hexagon screw 1/4"-20unc/l=1/2 6
007 921.520.043 Shock absorber 1/2"npt econ1389 1
008 816.941.166 Support 1
009 816.941.167 Support 1
010 914.106.135 Hexagon screw D933 m6x20 stl-glv 4
011 915.006.022 Hexagon nut D934 m6 stl-glv 4

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Propelling liquid unit

Part list number 857.010.125P
Drawing number T.857.000.232

ID Item number Description Technical details Qty

001 950.272.093 Electric motor En-b5 0.75kwn1500 1
002 960.010.625 Coupling Kd19-14/19 (stl 1
003 960.020.063 Gear pump (r Sf2/6 rd-12l 1
004 960.020.622 Lantern piece Sf2/dm80 1
005 816.940.742 Support 1.0067 1
006 913.003.195 Hex.socket head capscrew D912 m10x20 stl 3
007 913.003.165 Hex.socket head capscrew D912 m8x20 stl 4
008 914.103.196 Hexagon bolt D933 m10x25 stl 4
009 917.306.028 Washer D125a m10 stl-glv 12
010 911.070.236 Stud D938 m12x25 stl 2
011 917.306.034 Washer D125a m12 stl-glv 12
012 915.003.034 Hexagon nut D934 m12 stl 2
013 999.999.000 Arrow=rotating direction 1
014 910.150.029 Round head grooved pin D1476 r2x5 1.4305 2
015 922.175.217 Male stud coupling P-gev 18lr-wd 1
016 922.595.218 Threaded reducing piece Red-r3/4/r1/2 1
017 922.175.218 Male stud coupling P-gev18lr-wd 2
018 922.915.209 Adjust. male stud elbow P-ewvd 12l 1
019 922.295.220 Straight reduct.coupling P-gv 18/12l 374536 1
020 921.700.428 Filterhousing 1
021 921.700.838 Filter element 0160 dn025 bn/hc 2
022 922.595.228 Threaded reducing piece Red-r1.1/4/r1/2 2
023 922.945.217 Stud standpipe adaptor Egesd 18lr-wd 6
025 922.915.217 Adjust. male stud elbow P-ewvd 18l 3
026 922.880.001 Non-return valve P-rv 18l(o.5 2
027 922.455.217 Equal tee coupling P-tv 18l 2
028 922.935.217 Adj.male t.-stud P-elvd 18l 3
029 922.975.220 Reducing fitting P-redvd 18/12l 2
030 922.285.219 Bulkhead coupling P-gsv 18l 1
033 922.285.061 Bulkhead coupling Gss 12s 9

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ID Item number Description Technical details Qty

034 915.336.047 Hexagon nut D439 b-m20x1.5 2
035 922.945.210 Stud standpipe adaptor Egesd 12lr-wd 3
038 922.975.209 Reducing fitting P-redvd 12/6l 1
039 922.175.061 Male stud coupling Ges 12sr-wd 3
040 973.000.012 Hydr. accumulator 6l-330bar 1
041 917.306.025 Washer D125a m8 stl-glv 2
042 914.103.164 Hexagon bolt D933 m8x16 stl 6
049 971.400.045 Silencer R1/4 8
050 972.200.065 3/2 way valve Nw6-24vdc-no 6
055 972.200.066 3/2 way valve Nw6-24vdc-nc 2
056 972.900.000 Mounting block R3/'8"-r1/4"-n=8 1
057 925.470.209 Double nipple N245 g1/2"x3/8"stl 1
058 925.206.110 Elbow N90 g1/2" 1
059 914.106.132 Hexagon screw D933 m6x10 stl-glv 4
060 921.510.287 Pressure gauge R100/0-2500kpa 1
061 922.755.062 Manometer coupling Mas 12sr 1
062 922.035.209 Profile ring P-r 12l/s 24
063 922.015.261 Nut M 12s 24
064 922.745.209 Adjustable coupling Emasd 12lr 1
065 921.510.313 Pressure gauge R63/0-1600kpa 1
066 922.455.209 Equal tee coupling P-tv 12l 1
067 929.050.500 Pipe clamp 112-pp 1
068 929.050.530 Locking sheet Dp1 1
069 914.103.139 Hexagon bolt D933 m6 x40 stl 1
070 853.010.270 Propell.liquid/flush-un 1
071 928.370.304 Banjo coupl. bolt R1/4"- 8x6 8
072 770.528.000 Hose ***
073 922.075.213 Plug Vs-r3/8wd 3
075 914.106.198 Hexagon screw D933 m10x35stl-glv 8
077 922.975.217 Reducing fitting P-redvd 18/6l 1
078 928.110.305 Male connector G1/4"-8x6 8
090 928.860.019 3/2 ball valve Bk3-18l13 1
091 922.015.219 Nut M 18l 2
092 922.035.217 Profile ring P-r 18l 2

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ID Item number Description Technical details Qty

096 922.985.061 Banjo coupl. bolt Rsws 12sr 3
100 971.600.008 Flow sensor 1
101 922.950.882 T-piece E40078/ql18-18-18 1
102 922.950.880 Adapter E40104 1
116 922.595.219 Threaded reducing piece Red-r3/4r1 1
117 922.915.228 Adjust. male stud elbow P-ewvd 28l 1
125 928.900.678 H.p. hose 1st25a05a05-650 1
149 925.546.145 Hexagon head pipe plug 1
150 816.310.104 Tank 1
151 815.010.648 Drip pan 1
152 948.790.105 Level indicator Sna254b-s-t-12 1
153 775.542.272 Seal 12x8 ***
154 925.526.145 Double nipple N280 g2 3
155 921.200.026 Ball valve G2"-eriks 3185 1
156 925.530.224 Hexagon head pipe plug G 1" din 910-5.8 1
157 914.103.165 Hexagon bolt D933 m8x20 stl 32
158 922.175.228 Male stud coupling P-gev 28lr-wd 1
160 922.285.229 Bulkhead coupling P-gsv 28l 1
161 870.005.112 Cover 1
162 931.030.375 O-ring R120x4 nbr-70sh 1
163 914.103.317 Hexagon screw D933 m16x30 stl 4
164 921.700.832 Suction filter-element 0050s-125-wp 1
165 922.945.228 Stud standpipe adaptor Egesd 28lr-wd 1
170 815.010.858 Pi skid 1
171 868.001.841 Distance bushing 4
172 911.070.324 Stud D938 m16x65 stl 4
173 917.306.040 Washer D125a m16 stl-glv 4
174 816.940.820 Support 2
175 915.003.040 Hexagon nut D934 m16 stl 4
176 914.300.040 Eye bolt D580 m16 1.0401 2
177 914.103.236 Hexagon bolt D933 m12x25 stl 10
180 770.556.578 Hose Tw50-nbr/cr-s ***
181 929.000.531 Hose band clamp S62/20skz 2
182 929.300.020 Connecting piece G2"/633-f/ss 2

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Appendix: Parts - Lists and drawings (pump section)

ID Item number Description Technical details Qty

183 929.300.000 Coupling G2"/633-c/ss 2
185 925.206.145 Elbow N90 g2 2
186 917.950.030 Bolt adapter M16-glv 4
191 730.103.108 Tube R 18 x 1.5 ***
193 730.103.001 Tube R6x1 ***
194 730.103.101 Tube R 12 x 2 ***
195 828.000.532 Pipe R28x2/l=500 1
210 816.020.474 Protection cover 1
211 911.170.325 Hexagon socket set screw 1
212 915.020.040 Hexagon nut D934 m16 1.4301 2
213 917.850.040 Washer D125b m16 1.4401 2
214 917.040.040 Spring washer B16 d127b-w1.4401 1
250 770.558.317 Hose R35-r25 ***
251 922.105.228 Straight coupling P-gv 28l 1
252 922.950.948 Female metric 1
253 922.950.949 Female swept elbow 1
254 929.000.012 Clamp 2
255 922.985.228 Banjo coupl. w. one bolt P-rswv 28lr 2
256 929.050.501 Pipe clamp 428-pp 1
257 929.050.531 Locking sheet Dp4 1
258 914.003.144 Hexagon bolt D931 m6x65 stl 2

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Part list number 853.010.270
Drawing number T.853.000.258

ID Item number Description Technical details Qty

001 853.010.241 2/2 way valve (pa 7
002 853.100.486 Valve seat 1.7225v 6
003 853.100.455 Non-return valve 3
004 931.032.051 O-ring R21x1.5 fpm-80sh 11
005 853.100.525 Distributor block 1
006 862.005.314 Banjo bolt (r8 4
007 931.082.021 Multiseal Scpp45-d 7
008 853.100.369 Base plate 3
009 853.100.330 Plug 3
010 913.003.169 Hex.socket head capscrew D912 m8x40 stl 32
012 822.030.024 Sealing ring 8
014 853.010.243 2/2 way valve (hv9 1
015 853.100.535 Distributor block 1
016 862.005.396 Banjo bolt (r3 3
017 853.100.520 Bottom plate 1
018 853.100.518 Plug 1
019 853.100.519 Valve seat 1
020 853.100.517 Valve 1
021 931.082.017 Multiseal Scpp45-c 7
022 853.100.329 Valve seat 1
025 816.930.341 Plate 1.0067 1

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2/2 way valve (pa

Part list number 853.010.241
Drawing number T.853.000.068

ID Item number Description Technical details Qty

001 853.100.387 Slide bearing 1
002 921.700.030 Filter G1/4"-lo.0304-01 1
003 853.100.490 Cover 1
004 853.100.216.64 Dampening 1
005 933.500.001 Diaphragm Bfa70/60-40 1
007 913.003.168 Hex.socket head capscrew D912 m8x35 stl 4
008 853.100.385 Valve housing 1
009 825.102.000.32 Compression spring 1
011 853.100.388 Slide bearing 1
012 917.403.030 Retaining ring D472 r30x1.2 ss 1
013 933.107.023 U-ring 20-30-8 1
014 853.100.391 Valve spindle 1

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2/2 way valve (hv9

Part list number 853.010.243
Drawing number T.853.000.110

ID Item number Description Technical details Qty

001 853.100.387 Slide bearing 1
002 921.700.030 Filter G1/4"-lo.0304-01 1
003 853.100.490 Cover 1
004 853.100.216.64 Dampening 1
005 933.500.001 Diaphragm Bfa70/60-40 1
007 913.003.168 Hex.socket head capscrew D912 m8x35 stl 4
008 853.100.385 Valve housing 1
009 825.102.000.32 Compression spring 1
011 853.100.388 Slide bearing 1
012 917.403.030 Retaining ring D472 r30x1.2 ss 1
013 933.107.023 U-ring 20-30-8 1
014 853.100.522 Valve spindle 1

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Electrical unit
Part list number 858.010.117P
Drawing number T.814.201253.42

ID Item number Description Technical details Qty

001 814.201253.34 Memory-card 1
001 814.201253.37 Hmi-panel 1
001 814.201253.41 Control box cpl 1
001 971.750.030 Monitoring unit 2
002 814.201253.40 Terminal box 1
003 814.201253.43 Terminal box 1
004 913.306.074 Hex.socket head capscrew D84a m4x16 stl-glv 4
005 858.100.062 Initiator 6
006 931.080.085 U-seal 8.5-13.4-1.0 4
007 913.400.165 Hex.socket head capscrew D912 m8x20 1.4401 4
008 915.140.025 Hexagon nut D934 m8 ss 4
009 917.280.025 Washer D125a m8 ss 4
010 858.101.031 Cable channel 1
011 914.106.316 Hexagon screw D933 m16x25stl-glv 4
012 995.001.050 Hose swivel Pg 13 12
013 995.025.023 Bend Pg13 h318 6
014 790.000.014 Protection sleeve ***
015 868.005.009 Detector piece 1
016 929.000.917 Clamping ring Stl-glv 1
017 816.941.275 Support 1
018 911.040.321 Stud bolt M16x50 din939-8.8 2
019 914.103.317 Hexagon screw D933 m16x30 stl 2
020 862.050.279 Hexagon support 2
021 816.941.141 Support 1
022 914.106.141 Hexagon bolt D933 m6x50 14
023 917.306.022 Washer D125a m6 stl-glv 14
024 971.100.055 Initiator Ni12u-em18-ap6x 1
025 995.000.190 Cable gland 1
026 995.001.086 Cable gland 1
027 790.000.013 Protection sleeve ***

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ID Item number Description Technical details Qty

028 790.000.009 Protection sleeve R10 ***
029 795.000.461 Cable ***
030 730.103.202 Tube R 22 x 2 ***
031 929.050.502 Pipe clamp 322-pp 6
032 929.050.532 Locking sheet Dp3 6
033 795.000.449 Cable ***
034 995.006.422 Adapter 4
035 995.025.022 Bend Pg11 7
036 995.000.124 Cable gland Pg11 - h183 3
037 795.000.445 Cable Oelflex 2x0.75 mm2 ***
038 795.000.446 Cable Oelflex 4x0.75 mm2 ***
039 995.001.053 Union nut Pg11 4
040 995.040.010 Cable tierap T 50 r 100
041 995.040.012 Cable tierap 4x140 / nylon 6.6 100
042 995.006.208 Reducing ring Pg16-pg11 h527 3
043 858.100.261 Cable channel Stl 1
044 858.100.262 Cable channel Stl 1
045 858.100.263 Cable channel Stl 1
046 858.100.264 Cable channel 1
047 914.106.196 Hexagon screw D933 m10x25stl-glv 10
048 917.306.028 Washer D125a m10 stl-glv 10
049 858.101.036 Cable channel 1
050 858.101.037 Cable channel 3
051 914.106.194 Hexagon screw D933 m10x16stl-glv 14

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Appendix: Parts - Lists and drawings (pump section)

Part list number 895.577.215A
Drawing number T.895.577.011

ID Item number Description Technical details Qty

001 815.010.857 Base frame 1
002 024.577.003 Discharge line 1
003 828.552.120 Suction line 1
004 828.552.079 Support 1
005 816.941.339 Support 2
006 815.010.855 Base frame 1
007 816.930.523 Shim 6
008 927.044.200 Flange 8"rf-150lbs 1
009 870.005.135 Cover 1
010 822.180.013 Sealing ring 2
011 862.007.176 Stud bolt 28
012 862.050.010.36 Nut 28
013 914.006.407 Hexagon bolt D931 m20x80stl-glv 16
014 915.006.047 Hexagon nut D934 m20 stl-glv 16
015 914.106.441 Hexagon screw D933 m24x50stl-glv 8
016 914.106.401 Hexagon screw D933m20x50 stl-glv 24
017 822.200.059 Sealing ring R270-r204-2 2
018 914.106.405 Hexagon screw D933 m20x70stl-glv 12
019 914.106.440 Hexagon bolt D933 m24x45-glv 6
020 914.236.529 Hexagon set screw D561a m30x2x100stl 8
021 911.170.325 Hexagon socket set screw 2
022 917.280.040 Washer D125a m16 1.4401 4
023 917.040.040 Spring washer B16 d127b-w1.4401 2
024 915.020.040 Hexagon nut D934 m16 1.4301 4
025 931.400.640 Sealing ring 64-72-2.5 d7603 1
026 828.500.595 Plug 1
027 862.050.005.36 Nut 8
028 862.015.266 Connecting rod 8

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Air vessel unit

Part list number 851.010.138A
Drawing number T.851.000.443

ID Item number Description Technical details Qty

001 851.300.354 Suction air vessel 1
002 921.510.184 Pressure gauge R100-0-1000kpa 1
003 927.020.150 Blind flange 6"-150lbs 1
004 822.150.050 Gasket R154-r216-2 1
005 914.103.400 Hexagon screw D933 m20x45 stl 8
006 910.150.031 Round head grooved pin D1476 r2x8 ss 8
007 818.030.249 Text plate 1
008 818.030.248 Text plate 1
009 922.070.618 Blanking end Vs-r1/2"wd ss 4
010 922.980.610 Banjo bolt P-rswv 12lr 1
011 922.590.612 Threaded reducing piece Red-r1/2-wd/r3/8 1
012 922.750.562 Manometer coupling Mas 12sr 1
013 922.030.609 Profile ring P-r 12l-s ss 1
014 922.010.661 Nut M 12s ss 1
015 818.030.142 Name plate-geho 1
016 730.290.103 Pipe R12x1.5 - 1.4571 ***
017 929.050.500 Pipe clamp 112-pp 4
018 929.050.530 Locking sheet Dp1 4
019 914.103.139 Hexagon bolt D933 m6 x40 stl 4
020 815.812.516 Disc 1

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Appendix: Parts - Lists and drawings (pump section)

Drive unit
Part list number 814.201253.16
Drawing number T.814.201253.16

ID Item number Description Technical details Qty

001 814.201253.31 Gear box 1
002 814.201253.32 Flex.coupling 1
003 814.201253.33 Gearcoupling 1
004 814.201253.30 Electric motor 1
005 814.201253.38 Frequency-convertor 1
006 814.201253.39 Transformer 1
007 815.010.851 Base frame 1
008 816.020.606 Protective cap 1
009 816.020.605 Protective cap 1
010 914.106.197 Hexagon screw D933 m10x30stl-glv 8
011 914.106.195 Hexagon screw D933 m10x20stl-glv 4
012 915.006.028 Hexagon nut D934 m10 stl-glv 4
013 917.306.028 Washer D125a m10 stl-glv 16
014 914.236.533 Hexagon set screw M30x2x140 d561a-st 8
015 914.206.328 Hexagon bolt D561am16x90stl-glv 12
016 911.170.325 Hexagon socket set screw 2
017 915.020.040 Hexagon nut D934 m16 1.4301 4
018 917.040.040 Spring washer B16 d127b-w1.4401 2
019 917.280.040 Washer D125a m16 1.4401 4
020 816.930.522 Shim 2
021 816.930.495 Shim 2
022 816.930.518 Shim Ss 4
024 914.106.609 Hexagon screw D933m36x100stl-glv 4
025 917.306.069 Washer D125a m36 stl-glv 4
026 914.106.692 Hexagon bolt D933 m42x130 4
027 917.306.075 Washer D125a m42 stl-glv 4

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Appendix: Parts - Lists and drawings (pump section)

11.52 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Appendix: Parts - Lists and drawings (pump section)

Relief valve
Part list number 814.201253.23
Drawing number

ID Item number Description Technical details Qty

001 921.300.513 Safety valve 1
002 868.003.042 Flange 1

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201253-IOM-EN-R02 11.53
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Pos: 115 /GEHO/Heading/H1/#. Appendix: Parts - Lists and drawings (special tools) @ 1\mod_1169571568190_31.doc @ 11986 @

12 Appendix: Parts - Lists and drawings (special tools)

Pos: 116 /GEHO/Parts lists/Special tools/Project/814.201253.10-20090902 @ 7\mod_1251908651245_0.doc @ 53900 @

Set of tools
Part list number 814.201253.10
Drawing number

ID Item number Description Technical details Qty

001 897.010.725B Hydr.tension ring unit 1
002 897.010.685BX Accumul.filling device 1
003 897.010.680H Hoisting unit 1
004 897.050.391 Pulling device cil.liner 1
005 897.050.052 Ass.valve seat tool 1
006 897.010.531M Disass.valve seat tool 1
007 897.010.635 Tool valve nut 1
008 897.050.305 Spring tensioner Stl 1
009 897.010.640 Lifting bar unit 1
010 897.010.710 Hydr.pump-unit 1
011 897.050.337 Disass guide bush 1
012 897.010.734B Lifting cover 1
013 897.010.735B Lifting cover 1

201253-IOM-EN-R02 12.1
Appendix: Parts - Lists and drawings (special tools)

12.2 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Appendix: Parts - Lists and drawings (special tools)

Hydr.tension ring unit

Part list number 897.010.725B
Drawing number T.897.000.342

ID Item number Description Technical details Qty

001 897.101.050 Tension ring 1
002 853.200.526 Clamping bush 1.7225v 16
003 862.050.240 Nut 1.7258 16
004 933.100.083 Sealing ring R80-r95-12.5/t23 16
005 933.100.103 Seal ring R105-r125-2.2/t18 16
006 914.300.047 Eye bolt D580 m20 1.0401 1
007 960.010.613 Connecting nipple R1/4"/2000 bar 1
008 960.010.621 Adapter R1/4"xr1/4"-3000b 1
011 960.010.624 Blind plug 1
013 897.100.932 Pin 1

201253-IOM-EN-R02 12.3
Appendix: Parts - Lists and drawings (special tools)

12.4 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Appendix: Parts - Lists and drawings (special tools)

Accumul.filling device
Part list number 897.010.685BX
Drawing number T.897.000.414

ID Item number Description Technical details Qty

001 973.900.034 Accumul.fill/control set Hydac 1
003 973.900.901 Adaptor 1
004 973.900.908 Adaptor 1
006 921.510.325 Pressure gauge R63/0-16bar 1
007 922.950.992 Measuring connection G1/4"/m16x2 1
008 922.950.993 Measuring connection G1/4"/m16x2 1

201253-IOM-EN-R02 12.5
Appendix: Parts - Lists and drawings (special tools)

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Appendix: Parts - Lists and drawings (special tools)

Hoisting unit
Part list number 897.010.680H
Drawing number T.897.000.442

ID Item number Description Technical details Qty

001 897.101.255 Transport beam 2
002 897.101.256 Transport beam 1
003 914.103.398 Hexagon screw D933m20x35stl-glv 6
004 917.300.047 Washer D125a m20 stl 30
005 914.103.401 Hexagon screw D933 m20x50 stl 18
006 915.003.047 Hexagon nut D934 m20 stl 12
007 914.103.530 Hexagon screw D933 m30x110 stl 8
008 917.300.063 Washer D125a m30 stl 8
009 915.003.063 Hexagon nut D934 m30 stl 8

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Appendix: Parts - Lists and drawings (special tools)

12.8 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Appendix: Parts - Lists and drawings (special tools)

Disass.valve seat tool

Part list number 897.010.531M
Drawing number T.897.000.166

ID Item number Description Technical details Qty

001 897.100.551 Puller block 1
002 897.100.847 Puller rod 1
003 897.100.552 Block 1
004 897.100.499 Wedge 1
005 897.100.502 Counter bush 1
006 915.003.063 Hexagon nut D934 m30 stl 1
007 913.356.132 Hex.socket head capscrew D85a m6x10 stl-glv 6
008 897.100.513 Puller rod 1
009 897.101.257 Bloc 1
010 897.100.521 Flat bar steel 2
011 897.100.514 Flat bar steel 2
012 897.050.134 Ass.valve seat tool 1
013 897.100.571 Threaded rod 1
014 897.100.901 Contra-block 1

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Appendix: Parts - Lists and drawings (special tools)

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Appendix: Parts - Lists and drawings (special tools)

Tool valve nut

Part list number 897.010.635
Drawing number T.897.000.233

ID Item number Description Technical details Qty

001 897.050.222 Valve nut wrench 1
002 897.100.823 Pin 3
003 914.106.237 Hexagon screw D933 m12x30stl-glv 3
004 917.306.034 Washer D125a m12 stl-glv 3
005 897.100.824 Pipe 1

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Appendix: Parts - Lists and drawings (special tools)

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Appendix: Parts - Lists and drawings (special tools)

Lifting bar unit

Part list number 897.010.640
Drawing number T.897.000.241

ID Item number Description Technical details Qty

001 897.100.848 Lifting spindle 1
002 897.100.849 Ring 1
003 914.300.034 Eye bolt D580 m12 stl 1
004 911.040.316 Stud bolt M16x25 din939-8.8 1
005 914.206.239 Hexagon screw D561am12x40stl-glv 2

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Appendix: Parts - Lists and drawings (special tools)

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Appendix: Parts - Lists and drawings (special tools)

Part list number 897.010.710
Drawing number T.897.000.318

ID Item number Description Technical details Qty

001 960.010.036 Hydraulic pump Hf-b225/0-2000bar 1
002 960.010.623 Adapter 1/4"bsp/9/16"-18un 1
003 960.010.613 Connecting nipple R1/4"/2000 bar 1
004 928.900.130 High pressure hose 2500red-5000 1

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Appendix: Parts - Lists and drawings (special tools)

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Appendix: Parts - Lists and drawings (special tools)

Lifting cover
Part list number 897.010.734B
Drawing number T.897.000.244

ID Item number Description Technical details Qty

001 897.050.315 Lifting tool Stl 1
002 897.100.808 T-nut 1
003 914.300.047 Eye bolt D580 m20 1.0401 1
004 862.005.319 Boulon 3
005 917.276.047 Lock washer M20 d7349-st-verz 1
006 914.003.323 Hexagon bolt D931 m16x60 stl 3
007 897.100.819 Plug 1
008 914.003.251 Hexagon bolt D931 m12x120 1
009 915.350.034 Lifting eye nut M12 din582-c15 1

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Appendix: Parts - Lists and drawings (special tools)

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Appendix: Parts - Lists and drawings (special tools)

Lifting cover
Part list number 897.010.735B
Drawing number T.897.000.443

ID Item number Description Technical details Qty

001 897.050.392 Hoisting tool 1
002 914.106.527 Hexagon screw M30x80 8.8-din933 2
003 914.300.063 Ring bolt D580 m30 c15 1
004 897.100.948 Disc 1.7225v 1

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201253-IOM-EN-R02 12.19
Appendix: Electrical information
Pos: 118 /GEHO/Heading/H1/#. Appendix: Electrical information @ 1\mod_1169571364915_31.doc @ 11974 @

13 Appendix: Electrical information

Pos: 119 /GEHO/Electrical information/Project/201253-EN+ES @ 7\mod_1252072498030_0.doc @ 54064 @

Drawing number Description

Nmero de plano Descripcin
S.814.201253.06 "TZPM 1200, "TZPM 1200,

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201253-IOM-EN-R02 13.1
Appendix: Catalogue information
Pos: 121 /GEHO/Heading/H1/#. Appendix: Catalogue information @ 1\mod_1169571471475_31.doc @ 11978 @ 1

14 Appendix: Catalogue information

Pos: 122 /GEHO/Catalogue information/General instructions @ 8\mod_1258016216015_0.doc @ 56511 @ 1

General instructions Refer to

General tightening procedure for flanges and gaskets A.807.005.119 A
Pos: 123 /GEHO/Catalogue information/Project/201253-20090902+20091209 @ 7\mod_1251909713618_0.doc @ 53927 @

GEHO TZPM 1200 assembly (820.577.201253) T.820.201253 Refer to

Relief valve 921.300.513 A

Puls.dampener filling unit (818.080.559BF) T.818.080.205 Refer to

Globe valve 921.100.036 B

Lubrication unit (828.950.151P) T.828.900.393 Refer to

Electric motor 950.272.093 C
Gear pump (r 960.020.063 C
Suction filter-element 921.700.832 C
Filterhousing 921.700.428 C
Filter element 921.700.838 C
Temperaturesensor 971.900.060 C
Pt-100 element 971.900.084 C
Flow sensor 971.600.008 C
Pressure transmitter 971.450.097 C
Heating element 971.900.057 C

Valve unit (831.020.402A) T.831.000.487 Refer to

Acoustic sensor 971.750.000 D

Valve unit (831.020.403A) T.831.000.484 Refer to

Acoustic sensor 971.750.000 >D

Diaphragm housing unit (832.010.295A) T.832.000.217 Refer to

Needle valve 921.050.001 E

201253-IOM-EN-R02 14.1
Appendix: Catalogue information

Frame unit (845.010.461P) T.845.000.483 Refer to

Gate valve 921.150.021 F
Oilglass 948.790.002 F
Filter 921.700.033 F
Ball valve 921.200.026 F

Press.limit.regul. unit (853.010.251P) T.853.000.264 Refer to

Safety valve 921.300.606 G
Needle valve 921.050.001 >F

Pressure transmitter un (855.010.054AB) T.855.000.095 Refer to

Pressure transmitter 971.450.097 >C
Pressure transmitter 971.450.138 H

Propelling liquid unit (857.010.125P) T.857.000.232 Refer to

Electric motor 950.272.093 >C
Gear pump (r 960.020.063 >C
Filterhousing 921.700.428 >C
Filter element 921.700.838 >C
Hydr. accumulator 973.000.012 I
3/2 way valve 972.200.065 I
3/2 way valve 972.200.066 I
3/2 ball valve 928.860.019 I
Flow sensor 971.600.008 >C
Level indicator 948.790.105 I
Ball valve 921.200.026 >G
Suction filter-element 921.700.832 >C

14.2 201253-IOM-EN-R02
Appendix: Catalogue information

Electrical unit (858.010.117P) T.814.201253.42 Refer to

Initiator 971.100.055 J

Drive unit (814.201253.16) T.814.201253.16 Refer to

Electric motor 814.201253.30 K
Gear box 814.201253.31 L
Flex. coupling (motor-gearbox) 814.201253.32 M
Gear coupling (pump-gearbox) 814.201253.33 N
Frequency-converter 814.201253.38 O
Transformer 814.201253.39 P

Accumul.filling device (897.010.685BX) T.897.000.414 Refer to

Accumul.fill/control set 973.900.034 Q

Hydr.pump-unit (897.010.710) T.897.000.318 Refer to

Hydraulic pump 960.010.036 R

=== Ende der Liste fr Textmarke Inhalt ===

201253-IOM-EN-R02 14.3

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