Acid Base Lesson Plan

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Shepherd University

Teacher- Jennifer Blanchard School- Spring Mills Middle

Unit- Acids and Bases Lesson Theme- Intro Grade 6 Class Size 28 Date November 13, 2017

State Standards to be addressed

National standards to be addressed (If applicable)
MS-PS1- Analyze and interpret data on the properties of substances before and after the substances interact to
2. determine if a chemical reaction has occurred.

Specific Learning Objectives to be met:

Students will be able to: - understand the difference between acids and bases
- understand what it takes for a substance to be an acid and a base
- know how to test for pH using litmus paper

Time Progressions/ Activities Organization/special What students are doing What the teacher is doing
0-5 Opening activity Materials needed Recording the question and Getting materials ready for the lesson
Board answer for the bellringer. and demos, picking a popsicle stick to
Bellringer: A pH scale goes from 0 to ____. Markers choose a student to share their answer
Student Notebook for the bellringer.

5-10 Developmental Activities/Review Materials needed Students will make two lines Keeping students on track and making
None facing each other. When the sure they are discussing the right things.
Topic Talks teacher gives the word to Not helping the students or giving hints.
-Pumpkin (used as warm up word) discuss and a signal to start, the Keeping track of time and giving the
-Base students will tell their partner words to the students. Obtaining a basis
-Acid everything they know about the of knowledge of what the students
-pH word in 30 seconds. Then they already know.
will stop and their partner will
do the same thing for 30
10- Teaching/Modelling: Materials needed Science Student whose popsicle stick Teacher will ensure all students are
20 Book 3 was chosen reads the actively participating in the reading and
Read and discuss Acids and Bases have Page D125 paragraphs. 1 student will read following along. Teacher will also give
distinct properties paragraphs. the first paragraph, teacher will an explanation of both paragraphs and
discuss and check for make sure the students understand the
Take notes using framed note sheet. understanding, another student material.
will read the second paragraph,
and teacher will discuss and
check again.

Work in pairs to complete the

framed note sheet.
20- Eliciting student behavior/ Guided Practice: Materials needed Be called on to come up and test Prepare the chemicals up front and
43 Foldable the different solutions at the have the litmus paper ready. Follow any
Demos using litmus paper Litmus Paper front desk to test for pH and plot safety procedures necessary.
Baking soda, ammonia, them along their foldable where
Create a foldable football field of acids school tap water, citric acid, they belong. Show an example of the foldable up on
and bases soda. the board and walk students through
Make a foldable of football field the process of making them.
pH line. (See example below)

43- Summary/Closure Materials needed Students will write one fact that Teacher will collect the sticky notes at
45 Sticky note at each seat stuck with them today on the the end of the day and see what the
Write 1 fact you learned today on the sticky sticky note at their desk. They students have written and understood
note on your desk. can also see what the students the best.
in the other classes before them
have put too.
Assessment Materials needed Show their mastered knowledge See what the students mastered the
Sticky notes of the material for that day best and any misconceptions or
Formative- sticky note at the end confusions that may have arisen.

Homework/Follow up: Materials needed Students will complete the

Quizlet for homework.
Students will complete a Quizlet on Quizlet code
identifying substances as Acids and Bases to
review from the material learned that day.

The unit will be followed up the following

day with finishing the demos and expanding
on the football field foldable more.

Adaptations for special needs Materials needed

Several students in this class may need

assistance in the making of the foldable and
labeling. Focusing on those students and
keeping them on track will be necessary.

For students with no internet connection-

they can take home a print out of the
assignment and complete it for HW.

Topic Talk List

-pumpkin (for warm up)

Chemicals/Solutions used for Demos

-Baking Soda
-citric acid
- Tap Water (neutral pH 7)

red paper stays red when in acid and blue in base

blue paper turns red when in acid and stays blue in base
Acids and Bases

- Acids

1. Found in foods such as ______________, ______________, and ______________.

2. Taste ___________.

3. Are all acids dangerous? Yes or No (circle one)

4. pH scale ____ to _____.

5. Ion? ______

- Bases

1. Found in ______________, _______________, and ______________.

2. Taste ____________ and feel ____________ to the touch.

3. Are all bases dangerous? Yes or No (circle one)

4. pH scale _____ to _____.

5. Ion? _______
Quizlet Assessment Name: ____________________________

Substance 1- Found in foods

Substance 2- Found in cleaning products
Substance 3- Tastes sour
Substance 4- Feels slippery
Substance 5- Tastes bitter
Substance 6- Tests as a 4 on the pH scale
Substance 7- Tests as a 10 on the pH scale
Substance 8- Doesnt turn litmus paper
Substance 9- Turns blue litmus paper red
Substance 10- Turns red litmus paper blue

Based on the descriptions above, determine whether the substances are acids, bases, or neutral.

1. _______________________

2. _______________________

3. _______________________

4. _______________________

5. _______________________

6. _______________________

7. _______________________

8. _______________________

9. _______________________

10. ______________________

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