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Nurs 403 Practice Summary Paper

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NURS 403: Practice Summary Paper

Allison Carlucci

Old Dominion University


Practice Summary Paper

At the start of this concurrent nursing program, I had many goals pertaining to my

education and professional development. Furthermore, I was excited for the opportunity to

become a registered nurse and begin my professional career. What originally drew me to this

profession was my desire to work in the health care field and to do something that would

positively impact others. Additionally, this program allowed for me to obtain my Bachelor of

Science in Nursing while also obtaining my Associate of Applied Science in Nursing at another

institution. In attaining this degree, I hoped to gain a thorough understanding of what it means to

be a competent nurse and how I can further my professional education. Thus, I believe that my

initial goals when beginning this program have remained consistent. Therefore, this paper will

demonstrate ways in which I accomplished the core competencies of the Old Dominion nursing


Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is a vital aspect of nursing. According to our end-of-program outcomes,

it involves characteristics such as inquiry, problem solving and synthesis (2017). As a nurse,

there will be many situations that require effective and efficient critical thinking. Therefore, the

development of this skill is essential to becoming a competent nurse.

Critical thinking is a skill that is developed over time and through experience. As I

reflect on when I began this program to the end of this program, I can see definite growth in this

area. There have been many assignments that have been focused on the development of this

competency. For example, in NURS 490W, Nursing Leadership, we wrote several papers that

required critical thinking to effectively complete. One of the papers I wrote in this class was a

business case analysis. For this assignment, I had to analyze a situation in which there was a

staffing shortage and determine the best solution to this problem. I had to use decision-

making skills in making clinical or professional judgments (Portfolio Evaluation, 2017, p. 2) in

order to determine the best solution. To do this, I examined the pros and cons of either hiring

permanent new hires, hiring temporary staff or pulling nurses from other units. I systematically

worked through the various facets and effects of each option before determining that I believe

hiring permanent nurses would be a more efficient, long-term solution to the problem. This

assignment allowed me to use and develop my critical thinking skills.

Nursing Practice

Nursing practice is a competency that includes the implementation of therapeutic

nursing interventions and interdisciplinary interventions to deliver nursing care in the cognitive,

affective and psychomotor domains (Portfolio Evaluation, 2017, p. 2). Throughout this

program, my nursing practice skills have improved and will continue to significantly improve in

my future career as a nurse.

I have had the opportunity to demonstrate behaviors of this competency throughout this

program. One behavior is the ability to implement nursing care practices as appropriate to

provide holistic care to diverse populations across the lifespan (Portfolio Evaluation, 2017, p.

2). Throughout my clinical rotations, I had the opportunity to care for patients from infants to

the elderly, as well as patients from various cultures. For example, during one of my clinical

rotations, I had the opportunity to care for an elderly woman of Asian descent. In this patients

culture, eye contact is considered to be inappropriate; therefore, I made sure to avoid direct eye

contact so as not to offend. Skills related to nursing practice are essential to becoming a

competent nurse and, though there is still much room for growth, I believe there has been much

improvement in my nursing practice from my first semester to my last.



Effective and appropriate communication skills are important nursing skills that are

beneficial in enhancing the continuation of care as well as patient education. According to our

end-of-program outcomes, communication includes verbal, non-verbal, and written

communication techniques appropriate for clients and professionals (2017, p. 3).

One aspect of communication is to adapt communication methods to patients with

special needs (Portfolio Evaluation, 2017, p. 3). I demonstrated this behavior when I had a

patient during one of my clinical rotations who was hard of hearing. I adapted my

communication methods with this patient by using strategies such as facing the patient directly

when speaking, limiting distractions, ensuring there was adequate lighting, and by speaking

clearly and slowly, yet not shouting. These interventions aided in improving communication

with this patient who was hard of hearing and ensuring they understood what was being said. An

additional behavior I demonstrated during my clinical experience is expresses oneself and

communicates effectively with diverse groups and disciplines using a variety of contexts

(Portfolio Evaluation, 2017, p. 3). I was able to accomplish this behavior and effectively

communicate with a patient who only spoke Spanish by the use of Martti, which is a translation

device that allows for reliable and quick translation. It was interesting to see this device in use

and understand how helpful it is when caring for a patient who speaks another language.

Furthermore, while in one of my clinical rotations, I was able to accomplish another

communication behavior: Demonstrates skills in using patient care technologies, information

systems, and communication devices that support safe nursing practice (Portfolio Evaluation,

2017, p. 3). During one of my clinical rotations, I cared for a patient who had a tracheostomy

and communicated using a specialized communication device. He was able to use this special

communication device in order to voice his needs with me. This was beneficial because it

allowed for me to more effectively care for him and any concerns he had. For example, he was

NPO at the time but did not understand why he could not eat anything; since he was able to

communicate his concern to me, I was then able to explain why he was not to consume anything

at the time. The ability to effectively communicate with patients as well as other health care

professionals is an important skill to have, and one that I believe I have had much practice with

and hope to continue to develop throughout my career.


A significant responsibility of the nurse is related to patient teaching and education.

Therefore, cultivating ones teaching skills is a major focus for several of our courses in this

nursing program. Per our end-of-program outcomes, this competency involves utilizing

teaching strategies to maximize client health and enhance professional development (2017,

p. 3).

A behavior associated with this competency which I accomplished is the ability to

provide teaching to patients and/or professionals about health care procedures and

technologies in preparation for the following nursing or medical interventions (Portfolio

Evaluation, 2017, p. 3). I demonstrated this behavior in many of my clinical rotations. For

example, prior to one of my patients going to surgery, the nurse and I taught the patient about the

importance and benefits of using an incentive spirometer after the surgery. Additionally, I used

information technologies and other appropriate methods to enhance ones own knowledge

base (Portfolio Evaluation, 2017, p. 3). During my role transition, my preceptor and I used the

resources available to us at the hospital to look up policies and procedures that were relevant to

standard procedures and interventions done in the NICU. This research enhanced my personal

knowledge and improved my ability to effectively care for patients.


Another important aspect of nursing involves accurate and thorough research in order to

provide the best possible care using evidence-based interventions that promote improved patient

outcomes. As stated in our end-of-program outcomes, in order to demonstrate the competency of

research one must incorporate primary research findings as a basis for therapeutic nursing

interventions (2017, p. 4).

A way in which I demonstrated this competency was by sharing my research findings

with my fellow nursing students. An assignment for my TCC program was to identify and

research an area in the clinical setting where we have seen inconsistencies in the implementation

of evidence-based interventions, and share these findings with our peers. I researched

recommendations related to bed baths and then shared the current evidence-based guidelines

with my fellow nursing students.


As an RN, it is important to be a leader in ones field. Developing qualities of leadership

is something that occurs through growth and experience. There were several opportunities in

this program that allowed for increased understanding of what being a nurse leader entails.

According to our end-of-program outcomes, in order to embody the accomplishment of

leadership in this program, one must demonstrate self-direction, professional accountability,

and advocacy adhering to legal and ethical nursing practice as a novice nurse (2017, p. 4).

An aspect of nursing leadership is the ability to appropriately and effectively delegate

tasks to others. This behavior includes delegating and supervising the nursing care given by

others while retaining accountability for the quality of care provided (Portfolio Evaluation,

2017, p. 4). As a nursing student, I found this behavior to be more difficult to accomplish.

However, a way in which I accomplished this was during one of my clinicals; I was bathing a

patient when another patient needed to use the bedside commode. I asked one of my fellow

nursing students to assist the patient to the bedside commode, and after I had finished the bed

bath, I checked on the other patient to make sure they did not need any further assistance. Once I

become an RN, delegation will become a more significant aspect of my role; therefore,

understanding what tasks can be delegated and to whom they may be delegated is vital.


Maintaining professionalism is vital in nursing. As noted in our end-of-program

outcomes, one must demonstrate advocacy, accountability, and adherence to standards of

practice and legal and ethical principles (2017, p. 5). Professionalism includes many aspects

such as knowing and being accountable for ones scope of practice as well as understanding how

ethics and legal processes affect health care. A behavior of this competency is described as

demonstrates accountability for ones own professional practice as well as limits to ones own

scope of practice (Portfolio Evaluation, 2017, p. 5). A way in which I demonstrated

accountability for my professional practice was by being aware of my scope of practice as a

student nurse, and by telling my preceptor what I was allowed to do, per my nursing program,

and by making her aware of the skills I have performed and those which I have not had the

opportunity to experience.


An awareness and sensitivity to cultural differences and needs is necessary in order to

provide effective and patient-centered care in ones nursing practice. Therefore, the

development of these skills and this awareness is essential to providing the best possible care.

Demonstrating sensitivity to personal and cultural definitions of health, and how these beliefs

influence an individuals reactions to illness experiences and end of life (Portfolio Evaluation,

2017, p. 5) is an aspect of cultural care. I demonstrated sensitivity to personal and cultural

beliefs related to health, illness and end of life when caring for an infant who was taken off life

support. I made sure to respect any needs and beliefs of the family and made sure to

accommodate their needs. A further cultural behavior is the ability to consider the impact of

research outcomes and the effects of health and social policies on persons from diverse

backgrounds (Portfolio Evaluation, 2017, p. 5). In order to accomplish this behavior, when

doing research for papers, such as for my paper related to the passing of a bill that will aid in

improving access to maternity care in areas where there is a great need, I had to consider the

effects of this bill on people from various backgrounds.


Through reflection and evaluation of my growth and development in my nursing

knowledge and skills throughout this program, I can see areas in which there have been

significant improvement as well as areas where there is a need for continued growth. When I

began this program, I expected to gain a thorough knowledge and understanding of the role of a

nurse and the preparation to become competent and successful in my future career as a nurse. I

believe that I did receive thorough knowledge as well as an understanding of what being a nurse

includes, and while I do feel prepared to enter the profession, I am also aware that there is still

much to learn and that much of this comes with time and experience. Furthermore, in my role

transition, I discovered a love for working in a neonatal intensive care unit and hope to continue

on this career path.


Additionally, through this program, I have gained an increased knowledge of nursing

theory which has aided in the cultivation of my personal philosophy of nursing. In my first

semester of this program, I wrote a paper concerning my personal philosophy of nursing. In

reflecting on this paper at the culmination of this program, it is interesting to see that it has not

changed drastically. In my personal philosophy of nursing paper, I discuss how my personal

philosophy of nursing encompasses virtues such as honesty, trust and integrity as well as focuses

on the safety and best interest of the patient through advocacy, education and care. I still believe

that these virtues are key characteristics for a nurse to embody.

Since I began this program concurrently with the Tidewater Community College RN

program, I had no prior experience in health care. Therefore, as I progressed through this

concurrent program, I have seen my clinical practice as a student nurse develop and grow. I

believe that this baccalaureate program has aided my practice by cultivating skills such as

leadership, critical thinking, teaching and cultural awareness. This program has allowed for a

deeper knowledge and understanding of nursing theories and how they influence nursing practice

as well as appropriate leadership skills needed in order to promote positive changes in health



Throughout this concurrent nursing program, I have had the opportunity to cultivate my

skills and understanding of nursing practice in order to prepare myself for a career in nursing.

Additionally, I have been able to develop my own philosophy of nursing and learn how that

philosophy influences ones practice in the clinical setting. Furthermore, I have gained

knowledge of, as well as demonstrated, the eight core competencies of this program which are:

critical thinking, nursing practice, communication, teaching, research, leadership,


professionalism and culture. This program has allowed for personal growth and development

and has aided in preparing me for my future career as a nurse.



Portfolio Evaluation. (2017). Old Dominion University School of Nursing, Norfolk, VA.

I pledge to support the Honor System of Old Dominion University. I will refrain from any form
of academic dishonesty or deception, such as cheating or plagiarism. I am aware that as a
member of the academic community it is responsibility to turn in all suspected violators of the
Honor Code. I will report to a hearing if summoned.
Name: Allison Carlucci
Signature: Allison Carlucci
Date: November 8, 2017


Practice Summary Paper

NURS 403: Transition to BSN Practice

Purpose of the Assignment

The purpose of this paper is to guide you through a process of self-reflection and self-

evaluation to discover the scope of your personal and professional development while enrolled in

the RN>BSN nursing program at Old Dominion University.

Student Approach to Assignment

In completing this assignment, I examined my progression throughout this BSN program

in regard to the eight core competencies of Old Dominion Universitys Nursing Program.

Additionally, I discussed how I achieved each of the competencies through either an assignment

or my clinical experience.

Reason for Inclusion of this Assignment in the Portfolio

I chose to include this paper in my portfolio because it demonstrates my progression and

development throughout this BSN program. Furthermore, it demonstrates how I have achieved

the core competencies of this program as well as ways in which I have improved.

Critical Thinking

Uses decision-making skills in making clinical or professional judgments

In my practice summary paper, I discuss how I demonstrated critical thinking through my

business case analysis. In my business case analysis that I did for Nursing Leadership, I

examined the pros and cons of either hiring permanent new hires, hiring temporary staff or

pulling nurses from other units. I systematically worked through the various facets and effects of

each option before determining that I believe hiring permanent nurses would be a more efficient,

long-term solution to the problem. This assignment allowed me to use and develop my critical

thinking skills.

Nursing Practice

Implements nursing care practices as appropriate to provide holistic care to diverse

populations across the lifespan

In my practice summary paper, I discuss my nursing practice in my clinical rotations. I talk

about how throughout my clinical rotations, I had the opportunity to care for patients from

infants to the elderly, as well as patients from various cultures. For example, during one of my

clinical rotations, I had the opportunity to care for an elderly woman of Asian descent. In this

patients culture, eye contact is considered to be inappropriate; therefore, I implemented

appropriate nursing interventions, such as avoiding direct eye contact, so as not to offend.


Adapts communication methods to patients with special needs

In my practice summary paper, I discuss how I demonstrated this behavior when I had a

patient during one of my clinical rotations who was hard of hearing. I adapted my

communication methods with this patient by using strategies such as facing the patient directly

when speaking, limiting distractions, ensuring there was adequate lighting, and by speaking

clearly and slowly, yet not shouting. These interventions aided in improving communication

with this patient who was hard of hearing and ensuring they understood what was being said.

Expresses oneself and communicates effectively with diverse groups and disciplines using

a variety of contexts

In my practice summary paper, I discuss how I was able to accomplish this behavior and

effectively communicate with a patient who only spoke Spanish by the use of Martti, which is a

translation device that allows for reliable and quick translation. It was interesting to see this

device in use and understand how helpful it is when caring for a patient who speaks another


Demonstrates skills in using patient care technologies, information systems, and

communication devices that support safe nursing practice

In my practice summary paper, I talk about how I demonstrated skill in my patient care by

using a communication device that aided in safe practice. During one of my clinical rotations, I

cared for a patient who had a tracheostomy and communicated using a specialized

communication device. He was able to use this special communication device in order to voice

his needs with me. This was beneficial because it allowed for me to more effectively care for

him and any concerns he had. For example, he was NPO at the time but did not understand why

he could not eat anything; since he was able to communicate his concern to me, I was then able

to explain why he was not to consume anything at the time.


Provides teaching to patients and/or professionals about health care procedures and

technologies in preparation for the following nursing or medical interventions


In my practice summary paper, I discuss providing patient teaching during a clinical rotation.

For example, prior to one of my patients going to surgery, the nurse and I taught the patient

about the importance and benefits of using an incentive spirometer after the surgery.

Uses information technologies and other appropriate methods to enhance ones own

knowledge base

During my role transition, my preceptor and I used the resources available to us at the

hospital to look up policies and procedures that were relevant to standard procedures and

interventions done in the NICU. This research enhanced my personal knowledge and improved

my ability to effectively care for patients.


Shares research findings with colleagues

In my practice summary paper, I discuss sharing research findings with my fellow nursing

students. An assignment for my TCC program was to identify and research an area in the

clinical setting where we have seen inconsistencies in the implementation of evidence-based

interventions, and share these findings with our peers. I researched recommendations related to

bed baths and then shared the current evidence-based guidelines with my fellow nursing



Delegates and supervises the nursing care given by others while retaining accountability

for the quality of care provided


In my practice summary paper, I talk about delegating patient care to another nursing student.

During one of my clinicals, I was bathing a patient when another patient needed to use the

bedside commode. I asked one of my fellow nursing students to assist the patient to the bedside

commode, and after I had finished the bed bath, I checked on the other patient to make sure they

did not need any further assistance.


Demonstrates accountability for ones own professional practice as well as limits to

ones own scope of practice

In my practice summary paper, I discuss how I demonstrated accountability for my

professional practice by being aware of my scope of practice as a student nurse, and by telling

my preceptor what I was allowed to do, per my nursing program, and by making her aware of the

skills I have performed and those which I have not had the opportunity to experience.


Demonstrates sensitivity to personal and cultural definitions of health, and how these

beliefs influence an individuals reactions to illness experiences and end of life

In my practice summary paper, I demonstrated sensitivity to personal and cultural beliefs

related to health, illness and end of life when caring for an infant who was taken off life support.

I made sure to respect any needs and beliefs of the family and made sure to accommodate their


Considers the impact of research outcomes and the effects of health and social policies

on persons from diverse backgrounds


In my practice summary paper, I discuss how I considered the effects of health and social

policies on people from various backgrounds. In order to accomplish this behavior, when doing

research for papers, such as for my paper related to the passing of a bill that will aid in improving

access to maternity care in areas where there is a great need, I had to consider the effects of this

bill on people from various backgrounds.

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