Cts-Utility Arborist 444b CC l1l2 en

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Curriculum Standard

Arborist/Utility Arborist
Common Core Level One:

Arborist Level 2
Trade Code: 444A

Utility Arborist Level 2

Trade Code: 444B
Date: 2008
Please Note: Apprenticeship Training and Curriculum Standards were developed by the Ministry of
Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU). As of April 8th, 2013, the Ontario College of Trades
(College) has become responsible for the development and maintenance of these standards. The
College is carrying over existing standards without any changes.

However, because the Apprenticeship Training and Curriculum Standards documents were
developed under either the Trades Qualification and Apprenticeship Act (TQAA) or the
Apprenticeship and Certification Act, 1998 (ACA), the definitions contained in these documents may
no longer be accurate and may not be reflective of the Ontario College of Trades and Apprenticeship
Act, 2009 (OCTAA) as the new trades legislation in the province. The College will update these
definitions in the future.

Meanwhile, please refer to the Colleges website (http://www.collegeoftrades.ca) for the most
accurate and up-to-date information about the College. For information on OCTAA and its
regulations, please visit: http://www.collegeoftrades.ca/about/legislation-and-regulations

Ontario College of Trades

Arborist/Utility Arborist

Table of Contents

Introduction .............................................................................................................1

Program Summary..................................................................................................2
Level 1 Arborist/Utility Arborist ................................................................................3


S0246 Arborist Workplace Health and Safety I ..................................................4
S0247 Arborist Theory I .....................................................................................13
S0248 Arborist Practices I..................................................................................30
S0249 Arborist Hand Tools I ..............................................................................39
S0250 Arborist Equipment I ...............................................................................43
S0251 Arboricultural Sciences I .........................................................................48
S0252 Arborist Tree Identification I ....................................................................51

S0401 Arborist Theory II ....................................................................................55
S0402 Arborist Practices II.................................................................................58
S0403 Arborist Plant Care - Pest Management ..............................................62
S0404 Arboricultural Sciences II ........................................................................68
S0405 Arborist Tree Identification II ...................................................................70
S0406 Arborist Crane Assisted Rigging ............................................................73
S0407 Arborist Equipment II 78
S0408 Arborist calculations..84


S0259 Utility Arborist Workplace Safety II..........................................................88
S0260 Utility Arborist Theory II...........................................................................91
S0261 Utility Arborist Practices II Tree Climbing ............................................98
S0262 Utility Arborist Practices II Aerial Device .......................................... .107
S0263 Utility Arborist Equipment II Brush Chipper and Aerial Device 113
S0264 Utility Arboricultural Sciences II ........................................................... 119
S0265 Utility Arborist Hand Tools II ................................................................ 123
S0266 Utility Arborist Tree Identification II ...................................................... 126
S0267 Utility Arborist Transmission Line Clearing II ...................................... 129

Ontario College of Trades

Arborist/Utility Arborist


This new curriculum standard for the Arborist and Utility Arborist trades is
designed down from the learning outcomes, which were in turn developed from the
industry-approved training standard.

The curriculum is organized into 2 levels of training, each including reportable

subjects containing like or similar learning outcomes to reflect the units of the
training standard. The hours charts indicates how the curriculum can be delivered in
the current block release format and summarizes the hours of training for each
reportable by level. Since the reportable subjects are all divisible by three they can
be adapted to accommodate a more flexible training delivery other than block

The reportable subjects are cross-referenced to the training standard for ease of

Each reportable subject and learning outcome identifies a recommended number of

training hours. This hour allotment is broken into hours for instruction in theory and
practical application. The division of the curriculum into reportable subjects that
follow a natural progression of learning through the levels and branches of training
will allow training centres and apprentices flexibility in program delivery while still
observing the importance of sequencing learning in a logical progression.

The curriculum is framed by and includes specific references to terminal

performance objectives in the Apprenticeship Training Standards for Utility Arborist.
However, it identifies only the learning that takes place off the job, in a training
centre. The in-school program focuses primarily on the theoretical knowledge
required to master the performance objectives of the Training Standards. Employers
are expected to extend the apprentices knowledge and skills through appropriate
practical training on the work site. Regular evaluations of the apprentices knowledge
and skills is conducted throughout training to assure that all apprentices have
achieved the learning outcomes identified in the curriculum standard. The balance
between theoretical and practical evaluation is identified for each unit of learning

Implementation date:

September, 2009

Ontario College of Trades
Arborist/Utility Arborist

Program Summary

Unit of Learning Duration (hours)

Theory Application
Level 1 Arborist/Utility

S0246 Arborist Workplace Health and Safety I 39 0

S0247 Arborist Theory I 57 0
S0248 Arborist Practices I 0 156
S0249 Arborist Hand Tools I 0 36
S0250 Arborist Equipment I 0 6
S0251 Arboricultural Sciences I 33 0
S0252 Arborist Tree Identification I 33 0

Level 2 Arborist

S0401 Arborist Theory II 24 0

S0402 Arborist Practices II 156
S0403 Plant Health Care - Pest Management 48 0
S0404 Arboricultural Science II 30 0
S0405 Tree Identification II 36 0
S0406 Crane Assisted Rigging 24 6
S0407 Arborist Equipment II 8 16
S0408 Arborist Calculations 12 0

Level 2 Utility Arborist

S0259 Utility Arborist Workplace Safety II 18 0

S0260 Utility Arborist Theory II 36 0
S0261 Utility Arborist Practices II Tree 0 144
S0262 Utility Arborist Practices II Aerial 0 24
S0263 Utility Arborist Equipment II Brush 6 6
Chippers and Aerial Devices
S0264 Utility Arboricultural Sciences II 9 6
S0265 Utility Arborist Hand Tools II 6
S0266 Utility Arborist Tree Identification II 33
S0267 Utility Arborist Transmission Line 6 6
Clearing II

Ontario College of Trades
Arborist/Utility Arborist

Level 1 Arborist/Utility Arborist

Summary of Total Program In-School Training Hours Level 1

Reportable Subjects Total Theory Practical

S0246 Arborist Workplace Health and Safety I 39 39 0
S0247 Arborist Theory I 57 57 0
S0248 Arborist Practices I 156 0 156
S0249 Arborist Hand Tools I 36 0 36
S0250 Arborist Equipment I 6 0 6
S0251 Arboricultural Sciences I 33 33 0
S0252 Arborist Tree Identification I 33 33 0
Total 360 162 198

Ontario College of Trades
Arborist/Utility Arborist

Number: S0246

Title: Arborist Workplace Health and Safety I

Duration: 39 Total

Theory: 39 Hours Practical: 0 hours

Prerequisites: NA

Cross-reference to training standard: U6040.01 - .14, U6041.01 - .11, U6042.02, .04,

.07, .09, .11, .13 - .16, U6043.05, U6044.05, U6045.01, .02, .11, .12, .20, .23, .24,
U6046.02, .03, .05 - .07, .10, .14 - .16, U6047.05, .06, .09, .11, U6048.01, .10, .11,
.14, U6050.01, .02, .08, U6051.07 - .10, U7160.01, .10, .13; U7161.01-.11;
U7162.02, .04, 05, .08, .09

General Learning Objective:

Demonstrate a working knowledge of pertinent safety and related legislation as they

apply to Utility Arboricultural safe workplace practices; and deal with potentially
dangerous on-site conditions, emergencies, hazards and materials.

Learning Outcomes and contents:

S0246.1.1 Describe the requirements of federal, provincial and municipal

legislation and regulations governing all aspects of the Arboricultural

Occupational Health and Safety Act

Description Sections
General 4, 3, 50, 51, 52
Internal Responsibility System
Right to know 37, 38
Right to participate 8,9, 10
Right to refuse unsafe work 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49
Duties of employer 25, 26, 29
Duties of worker 28
Duties of supervisor 27
Duties of Suppliers of equipment 31
Penalties 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 62, 66

Criminal Liability Of Organizations

Description Sections
Criminal Liability Of Organizations C-45

Ontario College of Trades
Arborist/Utility Arborist

Construction Regulation 213

Description Sections
Alternate methods and materials 3
Accident reporting 11, 12
General 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
PPE 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 26 (3), 26 (4),
26.2, 27, 43, 47
Fire requirements 52,53, 54, 55
Traffic control 67, 68, 69, 69.1
Ladders 78, 81
Equipment 93, 04, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 103,
104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 112, 113,
114, 115, 116
Electrical 181, 182, 183, 187, 191, 192, 193, 194

Ontario College of Trades
Arborist/Utility Arborist

Industrial Regulation 851

Description Sections
General 4, 5, 6, 11, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29
Chainsaw 39
Electrical 42.2, 43, 44, 44.1, 44.2
Material Handling 45, 46, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57, 59, 60, 61,
Ladders 73
PPE 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 139
Logging 103, 104, 107, 109, 110, 111

Electrical Utility Safety Rules

Description Sections
Authorization for work 106
Authorized Worker defined
Competent Worker defined
Controlling Authority defined
Proximity defined

MTO Book 7 Traffic Control

Description Sections
Entire Book

Description Sections
Designation of Hazardous Material 1
Application of WHIMS 4, 6,7

First Aid Requirements under Workplace Safety and Insurance Act 1997
Description Sections
General 1, 2, 3, 4 5, 6, 7
Requirements 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16

Dangerous Goods Transportation Act

Description Sections
Application of Act 2, 3

Ontario College of Trades
Arborist/Utility Arborist

Municipal Bylaws
Description Sections
Unique to various regional and local Right-of-way and public lands
municipalities Tree preservation
Tree bylaws: Tree removal
Wood lots
Pesticide bylaws
Municipal property standards
Nuisance trees

Forest Fire Prevention Act

Description Sections
Regulation 207/96 9 (1-3), 10 (1-4), 11 (1-4), 12

Highway Traffic Act

Description Sections
License requirements 32
Inspection of vehicle 82, 84,
Circle checks 107
Maintenance Logs
Trip log 190
Dimension limits 108, 109, 110, 111,
Weight Limits 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127
Off road vehicles on highways 191.8
CVOR 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23

Ontario Regional Common Ground Alliance (Best Practices Version 1.0)

Description Sections
Location and Marking 3
Excavation 4
Compliance 6

Off Road Vehicle Act

Description Sections
Application of Act 2, 3

Pesticides Act Ontario

Description Sections
Prohibition to exterminations 5, 7

Ontario College of Trades
Arborist/Utility Arborist

S0246.1.2 Identify the hazards of working in an energized environment.

Electrical Theory
Ohms Law
Relationships between: Resistance, Voltage, Current and
the - work performed and tools used
Utility Hazards
Generation process
Generation voltage to transmission voltage
Transmission voltage to distribution voltage
Second point of contact
Touch potential ground gradients
Step potential ground gradients
Induction electrostatic and electromagnetic
Electricity and the Body
Minimum current for injury to human
Shock damage inadvertent movement contacting
Damage resulting in human contact with electrical circuits
severity factors, physiological effects, internal burns and
heart problems,
What to do if electrical contact contact EMS, ensure
hospital treats according to electrical contact accident
Proximity to other workers/equipment
Circuit Identification
Transmission circuit identification
Distribution circuit identification - tree barrier conductor,
underground conductor found overhead
Service wire identification - triplex, open bus
Underground hardware identification pad mounted
transformers, pole markers
Electrical System Configuration
Loop feeds
Radial feeds
Communications conductors overhead
Television conductors overhead
Underground utilities - natural gas markers,
communication pedestals
Electrical Equipment Identification

Ontario College of Trades
Arborist/Utility Arborist

Light standard transformers

Lightening arresters
Pole anchors
Guy wires
Underground Hardware
Electrical transformers
Natural gas markers
Water line markers
Barriers to Electrical Energy Overhead
Electrical Safety Rule Book
Application of proximity to electrical conductors for
unauthorized workers
Notification Controlling Authority
Requesting isolation and de-energization from Controlling
Barriers to Electrical Energy Underground
Ontario Regional Common Ground Alliance Best
Barriers to Electrical Energy Overhead (continued)
Requesting locates from One Call
Requesting locates from local utilities

S0246.1.3 Identify all other potential hazards on the work site, including hazards
in trees; overhead, on or under the ground; hazards to the public.

Environmental hazards
Wet/ice/snow conditions
Thunder & lightning
Temperature extremes
Tree hazards
Hangers and split branches
Compression and tension wood
Spring poles
Barber chair
Widow maker
Free-standing tree
Wind-thrown trees
Storm damage
Falling debris

Ontario College of Trades
Arborist/Utility Arborist

Severed limbs
Adjacent trees
Excessive fill over root zone
Root, stem/trunk and branch rot and cavities
Cracks, seams and ribs
Ground hazards
Unstable ground
Slippery ground
Slopes/uneven ground
Wildlife, holes and dens
Trip hazards
Deep snow
Underground Hardware
Natural gas markers
Water line markers
Electrical transformers
Septic systems, wells
Communication lines
Poisons Plants
Poison Ivy
Poison Oak
Poison Sumac
London Plane Tree
Poison Parsley

S0246.1.4 Identify potential fire hazards in the workplace and describe

preventative measures and the required procedures to follow in
the event of a fire occurrence.

Sources of ignition
Open flame
Spontaneous combustion
Sources of high temperature, e.g.: hot muffler
Combustible materials
Types of hazards
Ignition of combustibles and flammables
Static electricity

Ontario College of Trades
Arborist/Utility Arborist

Good housekeeping
Approved containers
Grounding of equipment
Fire hazard policies and procedures
Fire fighting
Fire detection
Forest Fire Prevention Act and work practices
Type of fire
Size of fire
Fire reporting
Fire suppression
Extinguishing equipment and use
Fire fighting training
Backpack pumps

S0246.1.5 Identify and describe how to handle, store and dispose of

hazardous materials, commonly found in the work place.

Liquid and pressurized fuels
Pressurized materials
Wood debris
Handling and disposal
Personal protective equipment
Personal hygiene
Application of WHMIS
Securing for transport
Loading and unloading

Ontario College of Trades
Arborist/Utility Arborist

Disposal methods
Spill response

S0246.1.6 Identify and describe the use of pedestrian and vehicular traffic
control devices at the job site.

Hazards to control
Collision hazards
Operating machinery
Obstacles to pedestrian and vehicular traffic
Site securing methodology
Traffic cones
Hazard tape
Flag persons
Temporary barricades
Temporary traffic signals
Safe distances to maintain
Deployment methodology
Crash truck

Evaluation Methods:
On going written and practical testing

Ontario College of Trades
Arborist/Utility Arborist

Number: S0247

Title: Arborist Theory I

Duration: 57 Total Hours

Theory: 57 hours Practical: 0 hours

Prerequisite: NA

Cross-reference to training standard: U6040.14, U6041.01 - .07, .10, U6042.01 - .03,

.06, .07, .09, U6043.01 - .04, .08 - .10, .12, U6044.01 - .03, U6045.01, .02, .05, .06,
.08, .09, .13 - .15, .18, .19, 21, .22, .24, U6046.03, .10, .12 - .15, U6047.01 - .03, .05
- .07, .09, .10, U6051.19, U7160.01-13, U7161.01-.06, .09; U7162.01, .03, .05, .07,
.08; U7165.01-04, .06, .07, U7162.01; U7163.04, 08, 0.09; U7164.15, 17, 18.

General Learning Objective:

Describe how to plan work safely, identify electrical hazards, identify other hazards
outside of the electrical environment, removing of trees, rigging principals and how
to manage fire and dangerous goods.

Learning Outcomes and Contents:

S0247.2.1 Plan all work operations safely, in compliance with provincial and
municipal legislation and regulations.

Interpret job documents

Plans and specifications
Work orders
Scope of work
Equipment required
Personnel required
Materials required
Worksite hazards
Traffic hazards
Other requirements
Cycle clearance requirements
Determine required personal protective equipment
Head protection
Eye protection
Hearing protection
Foot protection
Face protection
Hand protection

Ontario College of Trades
Arborist/Utility Arborist

Chainsaw protection
Fall protection/work positioning systems
Determine job site limits
Property lines
Safe limits of approach
Overhead utilities
Buried utilities
Identify job sequences, hazards and required barriers to hazards
Job / task sequence
Identified hazards
Identify barriers
Identify tools/equipment required
Identify appropriate job communications
Identify when to reevaluate hazards and barriers

S0247.2.2 Describe methods of eliminating or controlling electrical hazards.

Electrical Theory
Ohms Law
Relationships between:
Work performed and tools used
Utility Hazards
Generation process
Generation voltage to transmission voltage
Transmission voltage to distribution voltage
Second point of contact
Touch potential ground gradients
Step potential ground gradients
Barriers to Electrical Energy
Electrical Utility Safety Rule Book
Application of appropriate safe limits of approach
Application of appropriate job planning
Proximity to other workers/equipment
Establishing clear communication between workers

Ontario College of Trades
Arborist/Utility Arborist

S0247.2.3 Describe how to manage all other potential hazards on the work
site, including hazards in trees; overhead, on or under the ground; and
hazards to the public.

Environmental hazards
Wet/ice/snow conditions
Thunder & lightning
Temperature extremes
Tree hazards
Hangers and split branches
Compression and tension wood
Spring poles
Barber chair
Widow maker
Free-standing tree
Wind-thrown trees
Storm damage
Falling debris
Severed limbs
Adjacent trees
Excessive fill over root zone
Root, stem/trunk and branch rot and cavities
Cracks, seams and ribs
Ground hazards
Unstable ground
Slippery ground
Slopes/uneven ground
Wildlife, holes and dens
Trip hazards
Deep snow
Underground Hardware
Natural gas markers
Water line markers
Electrical transformers
Septic systems, wells
Communication lines

Ontario College of Trades
Arborist/Utility Arborist

Poisons Plants
Poison Ivy
Poison Oak
Poison Sumac
London Plane Tree
Poison Parsley

S0247.2.4 Describe typical tree removal processes using directional felling

techniques without rigging equipment.

Identifying tree to be removed

Determine removal method based on tree condition and site condition
Establish communications techniques with fellow workers
Factors affecting removal method
Crown condition
Stem condition
Root condition
Central leader/multi-stemmed
Structural defects
Site conditions
Job requirements
Potential hazards
Conductor location
Felling Zone preparation
Tree condition dead, living, diseased
Property considerations
Personnel location
Traffic control
Potential targets and hazards removed
Danger Zone preparation
Escape route developed
Personnel out of Zone
Property considerations
Height of tree
Inspect worksite
Hangers removed
Tree felling
Balanced tree
Felling cuts
Conventional notch
Humboldt notch and back cut
Boring and back cut
Side notching

Ontario College of Trades
Arborist/Utility Arborist

Modifying the hinge to adjust direction of fall

Felling levers
Gas Powered Tools
Clearing saw
Inspect worksite
Hangers removed
Rigging equipment removed

S0247.2.5 Describe methods of handling/disposing of debris generated on the job


Equipment required
Pre-operational inspection
Personal protective equipment
Bucking and limbing
Progression of operation
Top to butt/butt to top
Compression/tension wood
Potential for rolling
Limb by limb technique
Sweep technique
Spring poles
Handle/dispose of debris
Piling brush for chipping
Lifting/carrying brush and large wood
Loading brush and large wood on vehicles
Chipping brush
Site clean-up
Lower stumps
Clean-up site of small debris
Use of chainsaws on the work site
Determine chainsaw selection
CSA standard
Job size
Size of wood to be cut
Bar length
Power to weight ratio

Ontario College of Trades
Arborist/Utility Arborist

Pre-operational inspection/maintenance
Anti-vibration mounts
Chain - tension and sharp
Chain catcher
Chain brake operation inertia and mechanical
Provision for repair
Fluid levels
Spark arrestors
Throttle lock-out
Engine operation
Handle and carry
Chain brake on when moving saw from tree to tree
Engine off when moving to new location
Bar towards rear
Two person saw to be carried by two people
No running
Personal protective equipment

Starting/stopping chainsaw
On ground
Leg lock
Secure/prepare work area
Working position
Escape routes
Ongoing inspection and maintenance
Chain sharpening/replacement

S0247.2.6 Identify appropriate communication skills to deal effectively with

customers and in the workplace.

Tailboard safety discussion

Write effectively
Read effectively
Job specifications
Sentence, paragraph structure
Definition of terms
Content divisions
Work orders
Component tasks

Ontario College of Trades
Arborist/Utility Arborist

Safety considerations
Packing slips and bills of lading
Company memos and manuals
Government publications
Manufacturers documentation
Listen effectively
Interpreting directions
Customer questions
Main ideas components

S0247.2.7 Describe inspecting, adjusting, maintaining and wearing required

personal protective equipment.

Eye protection
CSA and/or ANSI approved
Prescription safety glasses
Non-prescription safety glasses
Head protection
CSA and/or ANSI approved
Hard hats Class E type
Face protection
CSA and/or ANSI approved
Face shield
Hearing protection
CSA and/or ANSI approved
Ear muffs
Ear plugs
Disposable foam plugs
Hand protection
CSA and/or ANSI approved
Work gloves
Chainsaw gloves
Foot protection
CSA and/or ANSI approved
Electrical resistive
Leg protection
CSA and/or ANSI approved
Chainsaw pants

Ontario College of Trades
Arborist/Utility Arborist

S0247.2.8 Describe the selection, use of, and inspection of hand tools and tree
maintenance equipment according to manufacturers

Hand Tools
Sledge Hammers
Pole Pruners
Pole Saws
Extension Cords
Maintenance And Adjustment Tools
Augers And Bits
Brush Saws
Rigging ropes
Friction saver
Nylon web
Throw pouch
Sling shot
Friction devices
Friction savers / cambium savers
Felling levers
Rigging blocks
Wire rope
Synthetic rope

Ontario College of Trades
Arborist/Utility Arborist

Tackle blocks
Multi-sheave block
Rope pullers
Gas Powered Tools

S0247.2.9 Identify subject woody plant(s) on site.

Adjacent features
Written description
Flagging/marking subject trees
Morphological characteristics
Growth characteristics
Plant names

S0247.2.10 Describe proper use of knots and hitches.

Rope terminology
Round turn
Working end, lead and fall
Running end, lead and fall
Standing part, lead and fall
Rigging Knots (18 knots)
Square or Reef
Single bowline
Double bowline
Figure 8 on a bight
Running bowline
Bowline on a bight
Figure 8 stopper knot
Single sheet bend
Double sheet bend
Clove hitch and two half hitches
Half hitch
Clove hitch (end)

Ontario College of Trades
Arborist/Utility Arborist

Clove hitch (middle)

Snubbing hitch
Stirrup hitch
Cow hitch
Double Fisherman
Triple Fisherman
Fall Protection Knots (13)
Tautline hitch Figure 8 Stopper Knot
Blakes hitch
Prusik (6 coil)
Gripping hitch
Cow hitch (Girth Hitch)
Beckett bend Figure 8 Stopper Knot
Triple fisherman
Double fisherman
Anchor hitch
Bowline Figure 8 Stopper Knot
Figure 8 on a bight
Splices on three strand rope only (2)
Eye splice
Crown splice

S0247.2.11 Describe the types and purposes of typical pruning processes and
the tools and equipment required.

Considerations required for pruning operations.

Customer consideration
Species characteristics
Tree condition
Identify pruning cut location on tree
Branch bark ridge
Pruning cuts
Drop cut
Hinge cut
Snap/bypass cut
Jump cut
Stub cut
Thinning cuts
Heading cuts

Ontario College of Trades
Arborist/Utility Arborist

Pruning methods
Crown thinning
Side pruning
Dead wooding
Crown cleaning
Crown raising
Crown reduction
Crown restoration
Overhang pruning
Directional pruning
Mechanical tools and equipment
Hand Tools
Rigging ropes
Friction saver
Nylon web
Throw pouch
Sling shot
Friction devices
Friction savers / cambium savers
Felling levers
Rigging blocks
Wire rope
Synthetic rope
Tackle blocks
Multi-sheave block
Rope pullers
Gas Powered Tools
Tool disinfection as required
Raise, secure and lower tools and equipment

Ontario College of Trades
Arborist/Utility Arborist

Connecting devices
Conductor location
Raise/lower limbs using ropes
Control limbs using hinge cuts
Use of ropes and knots
Control of cut sections
Inspect worksite
Hangers removed
Rigging equipment removed

S0247.2.12 Describe typical tree removal processes using rigging equipment.

Method and tools/equipment selection

Factors affecting removal method
Identifying tree to be removed
Plant characteristics/condition
Central Leader/Multi-Stemmed
Structural Defects
Site Conditions
Job Requirements
Potential Hazards
Fall zone preparation
Danger zone preparation
Escape route
Tree felling
Tree condition
Balanced tree
Unbalanced/leaning tree
Tree with splits or cavities
Hung up trees
Felling cuts
Conventional Notch
V Notch And Back Cut
Humboldt Notch And Back Cut
Felling Assist Devices
Pull Ropes
Tackle Blocks

Ontario College of Trades
Arborist/Utility Arborist

S0247.2.13 Describe selecting, inspecting and maintenance procedures for fall

protection system components.

Climbing rope
Climbing harness
Work positioning lanyard
Connecting links:
Captive eye
Redirect climbing line
Basket hitch attachment
Girth hitch attachment
Pulleys for redirect
Friction saver
Eye to eye Prusik
Split tail
Mechanical fall arrester

S0247.2.14 Describe various methods for ascending and descending trees to

access required work position.

Techniques used to ascend/descend trees

Use of ladder
Use of spurs
Belay technique
Secured body thrust on belay
Secured body thrust with climbing hitch
Secured footlock
Split tail
Pre- climb tree inspection
Root zone hazards
Fruiting bodies
Grade changes
Root crown excavation to determine root structure
Crown zone hazards
Dead wood

Ontario College of Trades
Arborist/Utility Arborist

Abnormal growth
Missing sections of tree
Limbs in proximity
Included bark
Splits, cracks
Stem zone hazards
Structural defects
Fruiting bodies
Included bark
Splits, cracks
Grade changes
Coring/sounding of wood to determine stem condition
Work to be completed
Select anchor points
Interim anchor point
Type of load applied
Direction of loading from stem of tree
Other loads on the limb (foliage, snow, torque, etc.)
Tree species and characteristics
Cross sectional area of limb
Condition of wood
Angle of branch attachment
Size of branch relative to stem
Characteristics of branch union
Season and temperature
Location of limb to electrical conductor, worker can not
swing into electrical conductors
Final anchor point
Type of load applied
Direction of loading from stem of tree
Other loads on the limb (foliage, snow, torque, etc.)
Tree species and characteristics
Cross sectional area of limb
Condition of wood
Angle of branch attachment
Size of branch relative to stem
Characteristics of branch union
Season and temperature
Location for work and electrical conductor, worker can
not swing into electrical conductor

Ontario College of Trades
Arborist/Utility Arborist

Equipment set up
Ladder positioning
Installation of climbing line
Rope poking tool
Pole pruner
Throw line
Tie, dress, set knots for fall protection
Work positioning
Termination knots
Closed climbing system
Open climbing systems
Reposition climbing line
Utilize fall protection
Double tie ins
Work positioning lanyard
Access to work location
Primary anchor
Double tie-ins, work positioning lanyard, when using
sharp tools that could cut climbing line
Repositioning climbing rope to another anchor point
Limb walking
Secure self at work location
Work positioning lanyard
Double tie ins

S0247.2.15 Describe aerial tree rescue.

Assess the Emergency

Observation of the scene
Electrical Conductors/Contact
Struck by limbs, tree sections, lightning
Is victim pinned
Medical conditions (bug/animal bites, heat exhaustion,
Try to communicate with the victim
Assess the victims condition
Is victim able to descend by him/her self
Is victim unconscious
Is victim unresponsive
Is victim bleeding profusely
Determine need for EMS
Determine feasibility/appropriateness of aerial rescue
Electrical Conductors/Contact

Ontario College of Trades
Arborist/Utility Arborist

Rigging Systems Hazards

Ground Hazards
Rescuers competency in performing aerial rescue
First Aid training
Climbing ability
Availability of appropriate equipment and personnel
Initiate EMS response
Aerial Rescue Tree
Select ascension technique
Ascend tree
Move to victims location
Assess victims condition
Determine course of action
Perform rescue

S0247.2.16 Describe rigging principles and equipment.

Determine shock-loading on ropes and equipment

Newtons laws
Calculating force
Progressive calculations
Safety margin
Safety factors
Cycles to failure
Wood densities
Determine mechanical advantage when using block and tackle
Block and tackle methodology/principles
Calculations of forces
Anchor points
Rigging equipment materials, safe working load limits, tensile
strength, inspection for:
s Ropes
Arborist blocks
Friction devices

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Arborist/Utility Arborist

Mechanical lowering devices

Quick links and shackles
Block and tackle

Evaluation Methods:
On going written and practical testing

Ontario College of Trades
Arborist/Utility Arborist

Number: S0248

Title: Arborist Practices I

Duration: 156 Total Hours

Theory: 0 hours Practical: 57 hours

Prerequisite: NA

Cross-reference to training standard: U6040.02 - .11, .13, .14, U6041.01 - .07, .09 -
.11, U6042.01 - .03, .05, .06, .08, .09, .12 - .15, U6043.02, .05 - .11, U6044.04 - .07,
U6045.01 - .07, .10 - .24, U6046.03 - .16, U6047.04 - .09, .11, U6048.01 - .14,
U6049.01 - .10, U6050.01 - .09, U 6051.11, .19, U7160.01-.13, U7161.01-.11;
U7162.01-09; U7163.01,.02, .10-.12; U7164.01-.11, .13, .14, .16, .17, .19, .20, .22-
24; U7165.01-.08; U7169.01-.13; U7170.01-.09; U7171.01-.09; U7172.01-.14

General Learning Objective:

Demonstrate a knowledge of how to plan work safely, utilizing safe work practices,
pruning and removing of trees in proximity of electrical conductors, ascending,
descending and performing an aerial rescue, inspect, adjust and maintain personal
protective equipment and fall protection equipment utilized in the Utility Arboricultural
trade and managing fire, waste and dangerous goods.

Learning Outcomes and contents:

S0248.3.1 Demonstrate inspecting, adjusting, maintaining and wearing required

personal protective equipment.

Eye protection
Prescription safety glasses
Non-prescription safety glasses
Head protection
Hard hats
Face protection
Face shield
Hearing protection
Ear muffs
Ear plugs
Disposable foam plugs
Hand protection
Work gloves

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Chainsaw gloves
Foot protection
Work boots
Leg protection
Chainsaw pants

S0248.3.2 Demonstrate methods of handling and disposing of debris generated

on the job site.

Bucking and limbing

Progression of operation
Top to butt/butt to top
Compression/tension wood
Potential for rolling
Limb by limb technique
Sweep technique
Spring poles
Handle/dispose of debris
Piling brush for chipping
Lifting/carrying brush and large wood
Loading brush and large wood on vehicles
Chipping brush
Site clean-up
Lower stumps
Clean-up site of small debris
Use of chainsaws on the work site
Equipment required
Pre-operational inspection
Personal protective equipment
Pre-operational inspection/maintenance
Anti-vibration mounts
Chain - tension and sharp
Chain catcher
Chain brake operation inertia and mechanical
Provision for repair

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Fluid levels
Spark arrestors
Throttle lock-out
Engine operation
Handle and carry
Chain brake on when moving saw from tree to tree
Engine off when moving to new location
Bar towards rear
Two person saw to be carried by two people
No running
Personal protective equipment
Starting/stopping chainsaw
On ground
Leg lock
Secure/prepare work area
Working position
Escape routes
Ongoing inspection and maintenance
Chain sharpening/replacement

S0248.3.3 Demonstrate removing woody plants using directional felling

techniques without rigging equipment.

Identifying tree to be removed

Determine removal method based on tree condition and site condition
Establish communications techniques with fellow workers
Factors affecting removal method
Crown condition
Stem condition
Root condition
Central leader/multi-stemmed
Structural defects
Site conditions
Job requirements
Potential hazards
Conductor location

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Felling Zone preparation

Tree condition dead, living, diseased
Property considerations
Personnel location
Traffic control
Potential targets and hazards removed
Danger Zone preparation
Escape route developed
Personnel out of Zone
Property considerations
Height of tree
Inspect worksite
Hangers removed
Tree felling
Balanced tree
Felling cuts
Conventional notch
Humboldt notch and back cut
Boring and back cut
Side notching
Modifying the hinge to adjust direction of fall
Felling levers
Gas Powered Tools
Clearing saw
Inspect worksite
Hangers removed
Rigging equipment removed

S0248.3.4 Demonstrate effective communications skills with customers and


Tailboard safety discussion

Write effectively
Read effectively
Job specifications
Sentence, paragraph structure
Definition of terms
Content divisions
Work orders
Component tasks
Safety considerations

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Packing slips and bills of lading

Company memos and manuals
Government publications
Manufacturers documentation
Listen effectively
Interpreting directions
Customer questions
Main ideas components

S0248.3.5 Demonstrate the knowledge of fire suppression techniques.

Fire extinguisher use

Use of backpack pumps
Determine correct fire extinguisher needs

S0248.3.6 Demonstrate the knowledge of proper methods to handle, store and

dispose of hazardous materials.
Spill clean-up
Application of WHMIS
Personal Protective Equipment requirements

S0248.3.7 Demonstrate the selection, use of, and inspection of hand tools and
tree maintenance equipment according to manufacturers

Hand Tools
Rigging ropes
Friction saver
Nylon web
Throw pouch
Sling shot
Friction devices
Friction savers / cambium savers
Felling levers

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Arborist/Utility Arborist

Rigging blocks
Wire rope
Synthetic rope
Tackle blocks
Multi-sheave block
Rope pullers
Gas Powered Tools
Tool disinfection as required

S0248.3.8 Demonstrate selecting, inspecting, adjusting and maintaining fall

protection system components.

Climbing rope
Climbing harness
Work positioning lanyard
Connecting links:
Captive eye
Slings - redirect climbing line
Basket hitch attachment
Girth hitch attachment
Pulleys for redirect
Friction saver
Eye to eye Prusik
Split tail
Mechanical fall arrester

S0248.3.9 Demonstrate various methods of ascending and descending trees to

access required work position.

Techniques used to ascend/descend trees

Use of ladder
Use of spurs
Belay technique
Secured body thrust on belay
Secured body thrust with climbing hitch
Secured footlock
Split tail
Pre- climb tree inspection
Root zone hazards

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Arborist/Utility Arborist

Fruiting bodies
Grade changes
Root crown excavation to determine root structure condition
Crown zone hazards
Stem zone hazards
Dead wood
Abnormal growth
Missing sections of tree
Limbs in proximity
Included bark
Splits, cracks
Structural defects
Fruiting bodies
Included bark
Splits, cracks
Coring/sounding of wood to determine stem condition
Work to be completed
Select anchor points
Interim anchor point
Type of load applied
Direction of loading from stem of tree
Other loads on the limb (foliage, snow, torque, etc.)
Tree species and characteristics
Cross sectional area of limb
Condition of wood
Angle of branch attachment
Size of branch relative to stem
Characteristics of branch union
Season and temperature
Location of limb to electrical conductor, worker can not
swing into electrical conductors
Final anchor point
Type of load applied
Direction of loading from stem of tree
Other loads on the limb (foliage, snow, torque, etc.)
Tree species and characteristics
Cross sectional area of limb

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Arborist/Utility Arborist

Condition of wood
Angle of branch attachment
Size of branch relative to stem
Characteristics of branch union
Season and temperature
Location for work and electrical conductor, worker can
not swing into electrical conductor
Equipment set up
Ladder positioning
Installation of climbing line
Rope poking tool
Pole pruner
Throw line
Tie, dress, set knots for fall protection
Work positioning
Termination knots
Closed climbing system
Reposition climbing line
Utilize fall protection
Double tie ins
Work positioning lanyard
Access to work location
Primary anchor
Double tie-ins, work position lanyard, when using sharp tools that could
cut climbing line
Repositioning climbing rope to another anchor point
Limb walking
Secure self at work location
Work positioning lanyard
Double tie ins

S0248.3.10 Demonstrate aerial tree rescue using appropriate methods.

Assess the Emergency

Observation of the scene
Electrical Conductors/Contact
Struck by limbs, tree sections, lightning
Is victim pinned

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Arborist/Utility Arborist

Medical conditions (bug/animal bites, heat exhaustion, etc)

Try to communicate with the victim
Assess the victims condition
Is victim able to descend by him/her self
Is victim unconscious
Is victim unresponsive
Is victim bleeding profusely

Determine need for EMS

Determine feasibility/appropriateness of aerial rescue
Electrical Conductors/Contact
Rigging systems hazards
Ground hazards
Rescuers competency in performing aerial rescue
First Aid training
Climbing ability
Availability of appropriate equipment and personnel
Initiate EMS response
Aerial Rescue Tree
Select ascension technique
Ascend tree
Move to victims location
Assess victims condition
Determine course of action
Perform rescue

Evaluation Methods:
On going written and practical testing

Ontario College of Trades
Arborist/Utility Arborist

Number: S0249

Title: Arborist Hand Tools I

Duration: 36 Total Hours

Theory: 0 hours Practical: 36 hours

Prerequisite: NA

Cross-reference to training standard: U6040.13, U6042.06, U6043.04, .06, .11,

U6044.03, .07, U6045.15, .17, U6046.11, 14, .15, U6047.03, .04, .06, .09, U6049.01
- .10, U7163.12; U7169.01 -13

General Learning Objective:

Demonstrate knowledge of how to select, adjust, maintain and store, tools and
equipment commonly used in the Utility Arboricultural trade.

Learning Outcomes and contents:

S0249.4.1 Select, inspect, adjust, maintain, set-up, and store manual and
powered tools and equipment common to arboricultural operations.

Hand Tools
Sledge Hammers
Pole Pruners
Pole Saws
Extension Cords
Maintenance And Adjustment Tools
Augers And Bits
Brush Saws

Ontario College of Trades
Arborist/Utility Arborist

Rigging ropes
Friction saver
Nylon web
Throw pouch
Sling shot
Friction devices
Friction savers / cambium savers
Felling levers
Rigging blocks
Wire rope
Synthetic rope
Tackle blocks
Multi-sheave block
Rope pullers
Gas Powered Tools
Select appropriate tool
Pruning methods
Diameter of limb
Work to be completed

S0249.4.2 Perform daily maintenance on chainsaws, including filling fuel and

lubricant reservoirs according to manufacturers specifications/
operators manuals.

Air filter
Spark arrestor
Fuel filter
2-stroke oils

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Mixing ratios
Manufacturers specifications/ operators manuals
Inspect components
Chain brake
Service bars
Gullet and de-burr
Removal from bar
De-burr drive links
Break/remove/add/re-rivet links
Depth gauge adjustment
Chain installation on bar
Chain tension adjustment
Clean and lubricate bearing
Adjust/repair recoil
Seasonal adjustment
Test and adjust chain brake

S0249.4.3 Start and stop chainsaws and test chainsaw performance.

Start chainsaw
Secure chainsaw
Hold firmly when starting
Manufacturers specifications/ operators manuals
Adjust throttle
Bench test
Carburetor adjustment with tachometer
Load test
Hold with two hands
Make test cut
Stopping procedure
Set chain brake
Switch off

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S0249.4.4 Complete routine repairs and adjustments, to clearing saws and their
components according to manufacturers specifications/ operators

Inspect components
Set of teeth
Clean and lubricate bearing
Adjust/repair recoil
Seasonal adjustment

Evaluation Methods:
On going written and practical testing

Ontario College of Trades
Arborist/Utility Arborist

Number: S0250

Title: Arborist Equipment I

Duration: 6 Total Hours

Theory: 0 hours Practical: 6 hours

Prerequisite: NA

Cross-reference to training standard: U6040.12, U6041.04, .07, U6042.06,

U6043.04, .06, .10, U6044.06, .07, U6046.01 - .05, .07 - .11, .16, U6047.07, .08,
U6048.01 - .14, U6050.01 - .09, U7170.0 -.09

General Learning Objective:

Demonstrate a thorough working knowledge of brush chippers.

Learning Outcomes and contents:

S0250.5.1 Describe types of chippers.

Drum type
Disc type
Mounting configurations

S0250.5.2 Describe how to prepare chipper for transportation and operation.

Chipper circle check

Visual defects
Loose, worn, cracked, broken nuts/bolts/pins
Fluid levels and leaks
Tension of belts
Condition of guards and shields
In-feed chute condition
Cutter knife sharpness
Reporting deficiencies

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Legislated requirements
Towing requirements
Manufacturers instructions
Hitching chipper to tow vehicle
Pintle or ball hitch
Pin hitch
Inspection of hitching mechanism including tongue
Safety chains attached in crossed (cradled) arrangement
and safety hooks facing upward
Brake inspection and hook-up
Signal/tail light connection and test
Chipper jack positioning for travel
Extendable tongue positioning and securing
Tire/rim condition
Discharge chute positioning for travel
Removal and stowing of wheel chocks

S0250.5.3 Describe how to set up chipper for use on site.

Manufacturers instructions
Legislated requirements, e.g. Ministry of Transport Book 7
Set up procedure
Site selection
Level, stable ground
Work site limits and security
Efficiency / safety for worker
Secure chipper
Discharge chute orientation and control
Monitor work site changes
Pre-operational checks prior to start-up
Pre-operational checks after start-up
Start-up procedures
Gauges and warning lights functioning
Safety bar
Roller movement
Chipper stability
Discharge deflection
Clutch engagement and functioning
Engine speed (RPM)
Report deficiencies

Ontario College of Trades
Arborist/Utility Arborist

S0250.5.4 Describe how to operate chipper.

Manufacturers operating procedures

Legislated requirements
Personal protective equipment
Foot protection
Leg protection / coveralls
Hand protection
Head protection
Hearing protection
Eye protection
High visibility clothing
Pedestrian and vehicular control device use
Materials preparation
Brush pile proximity and organization
Item size
Purging of dangerous extraneous materials: metal, stones,
nails, contaminated brush
Feeding procedure
Butt ends first
Order by size
Operator positioning
Controlling chipper feed
Proximity to feed rollers
Monitoring discharge
Use of pusher pieces of wood
Eliminate chute and in-feed blockages
Normal shutdown procedures
Emergency shutdown procedures

S0250.5.5 Describe basic chipper maintenance.

Inspect as per manufacturers instructions

Inspect guards
Check fluids
Check directional control arm if equipped
Describe how to change cutter knives
Describe how to cycle blade bolts
Describe how to rotate anvil

Ontario College of Trades
Arborist/Utility Arborist

S0250.5.6 Demonstrate how to prepare chipper for transportation and operation.

Chipper circle check

Visual defects
Loose, worn, cracked, broken nuts/bolts/pins
Fluid levels and leaks
Tension of belts
Condition of guards and shields
In-feed chute condition
Cutter knife sharpness
Report deficiencies
Legislated requirements
Towing requirements
Manufacturers instructions
Hitch chipper to tow vehicle
Pintle or ball hitch
Pin hitch
Inspection of hitching mechanism including tongue
Safety chains attached in crossed (cradled) arrangement
and safety hooks facing upward
Brake inspection and hook-up
Signal/tail light connection and test
Tire/rim condition
Chipper jack positioning for travel
Discharge chute positioning for travel
Extendable tongue positioning and securing
Removal and stowing of wheel chocks

S0250.5.7 Demonstrate how to set up chipper for use on site.

Manufacturers instructions
Legislated requirements, e.g. Ministry of Transport Book 7
Set up procedure
Site selection
Level, stable ground
Work site limits and security
Efficiency / safety for worker
Secure chipper
Discharge chute orientation and control
Monitor work site changes
Pre-operational checks prior to start-up
Pre-operational checks after start-up
Start-up procedures
Gauges and warning lights functioning

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Safety bar
Roller movement
Chipper stability
Discharge deflection
Clutch engagement and functioning
Engine speed (RPM)
Report deficiencies

S0250.5.8 Demonstrate how to operate chipper.

Manufacturers operating procedures

Select and adjust personal protective equipment
Foot protection
Leg protection / coveralls
Hand protection
Head protection
Hearing protection
Eye protection
High visibility clothing
Pedestrian and vehicular control device use
Materials preparation
Pile brush and material in appropriate location for chipper
Cut material to appropriate size
Purge brush pile of dangerous extraneous materials:
metal, stones, nails, contaminated brush
Demonstrate brush feeding procedure
Butt ends first
Order by size
Operator positioning
Lift brush onto feed rollers
Control chipper feed
Proximity to feed rollers
Monitor discharge
Use of pusher pieces of wood
Eliminate in-feed and chute blockages
Demonstrate normal shutdown procedure
Demonstrate emergency shutdown procedure

Evaluation Methods:
On going written and practical testing

Ontario College of Trades
Arborist/Utility Arborist

Number: S0251

Title: Arboricultural Sciences I

Duration: 33 Total Hours

Theory: 33 hours Practical: 0 hours

Prerequisite: NA

Cross-reference to training standard: U6041.02, .03, U6044.01, .02, U6045.07 - .09,

U6047.10, U6051.05, .08, .18, U7167.01-.04, .06-.12, .14.

General Learning Objective:

Demonstrate a knowledge of how to identify various woody plants, growth factors of

woody plants, compartmentalization of woody plants, diseases and disorders of
trees that could be harmful to the integrity of the electrical system, evaluate the
condition of anchor points in trees used for fall protection, evaluation of work
operations within environmentally sensitive areas.

Learning Outcomes and contents:

S0251.6.1 Identify and describe the structure, functions and interrelationship of

the main organs of plants.

Vascular system
Branch structure
The plant as a system
Interrelationship of plant parts

S0251.6.2 Describe plant growth and all affecting factors, including environmental
conditions, soil, plant competition etc.

Air temperature
Soil temperature
Water availability
Space above and below ground level

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Light availability
Soil types and textures
Water retention
Soil structure
Soil volume
Soil depth
Surface area
Soil nutrients
Soil PH

S0251.6.3 Describe the process of compartmentalization of decay in trees.

Creation of the walls 1-4
Protection of branch tissue through proper pruning

S0251.6.4 Identify the physical condition and soundness of interim and final
anchor points based on tree size, condition and species.

Select anchor points

Interim anchor point
Type of load applied
Loading from stem of tree
Other loads on the limb (foliage, snow, torque, etc.)
Tree species
Cross sectional area of limb
Condition of wood
Angle of branch attachment
Size of branch relative to stem
Characteristics of branch union
Season/ambient temperature
Final anchor point
Type of load applied
Loading from stem of tree
Other loads on the limb (foliage, snow, torque, etc.)
Tree species
Cross sectional area of limb

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Condition of wood
Angle of branch attachment
Size of branch relative to stem
Characteristics of branch union
Season/ambient temperature

Evaluation Methods:
On going written and practical testing

Ontario College of Trades
Arborist/Utility Arborist

Number: S0252

Title: Arborist Tree Identification I

Duration: 33Total Hours

Theory: 33 hours Practical: 0 hours

Prerequisite: NA

Cross-reference to training standard: U6042.03, U6043.01, U6044.01, U6047.01,

U6051.12, U7162.03; U7163.01; U7165.01; U7166.01

General Learning Objective:

Demonstrate a thorough working knowledge of tree genera, species and cultivars by

identifying 45 plants commonly found in Ontario.

Learning Outcomes and contents:

S0252.7.1 Identify 45 common woody plants in all seasons according to species

and morphological characteristics using the International System of
Plant Nomenclature.

Plant groups
Conifers / broadleaf
Plant nomenclature
Species / hybrid
Common name
Identification characteristics for each plant
Growth habit and form

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Arborist/Utility Arborist

Characteristics as they relate to utility arboriculture and

Brittleness of wood
Growth rate

S0252.7.2 Tree List


Common Name Botanical Name Characteristics
1. Balsam Fir Abies balsamea Pinaceae
2. White Fir Abies concolor Pinaceae
3. Nootka False Cypress Chamaecyparis Cupressaceae
4. Eastern Red Cedar Juniperus virginiana Cupressaceae
5. European Tamarack Larix decidua Pinaceae
6. Native Tamarack Larix laricina Pinaceae
7. Dawn Redwood Metasequoia Cupressaceae
8. Norway Spruce Picea abies Pinaceae
9. White Spruce Picea glauca Pinaceae
10. Black Spruce Picea mariana Pinaceae
11. Serbian Spruce Picea omorika Pinaceae
12. Colorado Spruce Picea pungens Pinaceae
13. Jack Pine Pinus banksiana Pinaceae
14. Mugo Pine Pinus mugo Pinaceae
15. Austrian Pine Pinus nigra Pinaceae
16. Red Pine Pinus resinosa Pinaceae
17. Eastern White Pine Pinus strobus Pinaceae
18. Scots Pine Pinus sylvestris Pinaceae
19. Douglas Fir Pseudotsuga menziesii Pinaceae
20. Yew Taxus sp. Taxaceae
21. Eastern White Cedar Thuja occidentalis Cupressaceae
22. Eastern Hemlock Tsuga canadensis Pinaceae
Common Name Botanical Name Family
1. Amur Maple Acer ginnala Aceraceae
2. Manitoba Maple Acer negundo Aceraceae
3. Japanese Maple Acer palmatum Aceraceae
4. Striped Maple Acer pensylvanicum Aceraceae
5. Norway Maple Acer platanoides Aceraceae
6. Sycamore Maple Acer pseudoplatanus Aceraceae
7. Red Maple Acer rubrum Aceraceae
8. Silver Maple Acer saccharinum Aceraceae

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Arborist/Utility Arborist


Common Name Botanical Name Characteristics
9. Sugar Maple Acer saccharum Aceraceae
10. Mountain Maple Acer spicatum Aceraceae
11. Common Horsechestnut Aesculus hippocastanum Hippocastanaceae
12. Northern Catalpa Catalpa speciosa Bignoniaceae
13. White Ash Fraxinus americana Oleaceae
14. European Ash Fraxinus excelsior Oleaceae
15. Black Ash Fraxinus nigra Oleaceae
16. Green Ash Fraxinus pennsylvanica Oleaceae
17. Amur Cork Tree Phellodendron amurense Rutaceae
18. Ivory Silk Tree Lilac Syringa reticulata 'Ivory Silk' Oleaceae
19. Common lilac Syringa vulgaris Oleaceae
1 American Beech Fagus grandifolia Fagaceae
2 European Beech Fagus sylvatica Fagaceae
3 White Oak Quercus alba Fagaceae
4 Bur Oak Quercus macrocarpa Fagaceae
5 Pin Oak Quercus palustris Fagaceae
6 Pyramidal English Oak Quercus robur "Fastigiata" Fagaceae
7 Red Oak Quercus rubra Fagaceae
8 Bitternut hickory Carya cordiformis Juglandaceae
9 Shagbark Hickory Carya ovata Juglandaceae
10 Butternut Juglans cinerea Juglandaceae
11 Black Walnut Juglans nigra Juglandaceae

Evaluation Methods:
On going written and practical testing.

Ontario College of Trades
Arborist/Utility Arborist

Level 2 Arborist
Summary of Total Program In-School Training Hours Level 2

Reportable Subjects Total Theory Practical

S0401 Arborist Theory II 24 24 0

S0402 Arborist Practices II 156 156

S0403 Plant Health Care Pest 48 48 0

S0404 Arboricultural Sciences II 30 30
S0405 Arborist Tree Identification II 36 36 0

S0406 Arborist Crane Assisted Rigging 30 24 6

S0407 Arborist Equipment II 24 8 16

S0408 Arborist Calculations 12 12 0

Total 360 186 174

Ontario College of Trades
Arborist/Utility Arborist

Number: S0401

Title: Arborist Theory II

Duration: 24 Total

Theory: 24 Hours Practical: 0 hours

Prerequisites: Level 1

Cross-reference to training standard: U7161.01-.11, U7162.01; U7166.01-12;

U7167.06, 07, 09,14,17; U7168.01, 11

General Learning Objective:

Demonstrate a thorough, working knowledge of safe work site requirements; tree

wound/defect corrective measure selection; woody plant selection and installation;
and spraying, fertilizing and pneumatic equipment selection, inspection, adjustment,
maintenance, set up and use.

Learning Outcomes and contents:

S0401.8.1 Identify, select and describe corrective measures for wounds and
defects in woody plants.

Identify types wounds and defects

Mechanical wounds to root, trunk and branches
Visible girdling roots
Frost cracks
Weak scaffold structure
Severity assessment
Treatment of wounds and defects
Method selection
Bark tracing
Girdling root removal
Sunscald treatment
Rigid bracing installation
Flexible bracing installation
Cavity treatment
Root pruning on construction site

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Monitoring success of treatment

S0401.8.2 Select woody plant materials for installation.

Select nursery stock

Site conditions
Cultural requirements
Transplant methodology
Transplant shock
Initial maintenance requirements

S0401.8.3 Describe techniques for transplanting woody plant materials.

Inspect nursery stock

Selection in the field
Inspection prior to planting
Digging woody plants for transplanting
Bare root
Balled and burlapped
Tree spading
Transporting woody plants
Interim storage
Preparing planting sites
Planting location
Planting medium preparation
Correcting compaction
Correcting nutrient deficiencies
Drainage provision
Pit configuration
Woody plant installation
Root and crown pruning
Placement, orientation and leveling
Planting depth

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Arborist/Utility Arborist

Removal of burlap, basket wire, containers, labels, seals

and ribbons.
Site clean-up
Follow-up inspection, maintenance and monitoring
Anchor removal
Trunk guard removal
Plant health

Evaluation Methods:
On going written testing

Ontario College of Trades
Arborist/Utility Arborist

Number: S0402

Title: Arborist Practices II

Duration: 156 Total Hours

Theory: 0 hours Practical: 156 hours

Prerequisite: Level 1

Cross-reference to training standard: U7160.01-.13; U7161.01-.11, U7162.01, - .09,

U7163.01-.12, U7164.01-.24, U7165.05,

General Learning Objective:

Demonstrate a thorough, working knowledge of arboricultural safety equipment,

manual and powered tools, including chainsaws, and work site operations and
safety, including ascending to and descending from work positions in trees, standard
and specialty tree removal techniques, and tree wound/defect correction.

Learning Outcomes and contents:

S0402.9.1 Work in a safe manner on site

Worksite hazard management update (review Unit S0247.2.2; 2.3)

Worksite security update (review Unit S0247.2.3)
Chainsaw safety (review Unit S049.4.3)
Ascent and descent trees (review Unit S0247.2.14)
Rope terminology (review unit S0247.2.10)
Knots (review unit S0247. 2.10)

S0402 .9.2 Ascent and descent tree with climbers (spurs)

Pre-climbing preparation
Spurring with fall restrict tool
Spurring on belay
Spurring with double lanyard

S0402 .9.3 Select, inspect, adjust, maintain, set-up, use and store manual and
powered tools and equipment common to arboricultural operations.

Manual/power tools and equipment update (review of Unit SO249.4.1)


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Rigging equipment (review Unit S0247.2.16)
Perform required pruning operation (review Unit S0247.2.11 not
including Pruning methods) using chainsaw aloft
Chainsaw selection
Job size
Size of wood to be cut
Bar length
Power to weight ratio
Pre-operational inspection/maintenance
Personal protective equipment
Starting/stopping chainsaw
Secure/prepare work area
Working position
Escape routes
Cuts and notches
Climbing procedures
Pruning cuts
Ongoing inspection and maintenance

S0402.9.4 Remove trees using felling techniques.

Method and tools/equipment selection

Factors affecting removal method
Identifying tree to be removed
Plant characteristics/condition
Central leader/multi-stemmed
Structural defects
Site conditions
Job requirements
Potential hazards

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Fall zone preparation

Danger zone preparation
Escape Route
Tree felling
Tree condition
Balanced tree
Unbalanced/leaning tree
Tree with splits or cavities
Hung up trees
Felling cuts
Conventional notch
V notch and back cut
Humboldt notch and back cut
Boring and back cut
Side notching
Modifying the hinge to adjust direction of fall
Felling assist devices
Pull ropes
Tackle blocks
Free fall
Conventional drop rigging
Rigging using lowering devices
Zeppelin bend
Timber hitch
Cow hitch
Alpine butterfly

S0402 .9.5 Remove and prune trees using rigging techniques.

Review rigging calculations method and tools/equipment selection

Factors affecting removal method
Identifying tree to be removed
Plant characteristics/condition
Central leader/multi-stemmed
Structural defects
Site conditions
Job requirements
Potential hazards
Fall zone preparation
Danger zone preparation

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Sectional removals
Free fall
Conventional drop rigging
Rigging using lowering devices

S0402.9.6 Handle/dispose of debris

Bucking and climbing

Progression of operation
Top to bottom/bottom to top
Compression/tension wood
Potential for rolling
Limb by limb technique
Sweep technique
Handle/dispose of debris
Piling brush for chipping
Lifting/carrying brush and large wood
Loading brush and large wood on vehicles
Chipping brush
Site clean-up

S0402.4.9.7 Describe the various tree climbing systems

Types of cabling systems

Dynamic versus static

Steel versus cobra
Components of climbing systems
7 stand 50 gauge cable
Threaded rod
Mon eye nuts
Lock washers and nuts

Installation Procedures
Steel with J lag
Steel with threaded rod
Cobra system

Evaluation Methods:
Ongoing practical/performance testing, supplemented with written
testing, as appropriate.

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Number: S0403

Title: Arborist Plant Health Care - Pest Management

Duration: 48 Total Hours

Theory: 48 hours Practical: 0 hours

Prerequisite: NA

Cross-reference to training standard: U7167.01 -.03, 05, 06, .13-16. U7166.01- 03,
U7167.01-03, 05, 06, 14-16

General Learning Objective:

Demonstrate a working knowledge of the care and treatment of woody plant insects,
mites, diseases and disorders using Integrated Pest Management systems.

Learning Outcomes and contents:

S0403.10.1 Identify insect and mite pests of woody plants

History of pest control in arboriculture

Pest management systems
Integrated pest management
Plant health care
Components of the new systems
Diagnosis of plant problem
Diagnostic techniques
Thought process for correct diagnosis
Diagnostic agencies
Sampling of soil and woody plant tissue
Assessment of tree
Systematic inspection techniques
Determination of normal and abnormal growth for species
Assessment of site conditions
Oxygen availability
Water availability
Space available
Light availability

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Environmental conditions
Temperature extremes/hardiness zones
Human activities - past and present
Cultural practices
Identification of primary and secondary stresses
Identification of signs and symptoms
Arboricultural reference material available
Signs and symptoms of each main group
Whole leaf and skeletonizers
Eastern tent caterpillar
Elm leaf beetle
Fall webworm
Forest tent caterpillar
Leaf miners
Birch leaf miner
Cedar leaf miner
Elm leaf miner
Sap suckers
Spider mites
Wood borers
Asian long horned beetle
Bronze birch borer
Emerald ash borer
Gall makers
Cooley spruce gall Adelgid
Eastern spruce gall
Beneficial insects
Lady beetles
Parasitic wasps
Amount of damage that can be done by each insect group
Identification features
Life cycle
Timing pest management

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S0403.10.2 Discuss and describe control measures.

Life cycle information

Action threshold information
Identification of weak link (best time to treat)
Use of phonology to time control methods
Range of control strategies
Prevention of damage
Redesigning the landscape
Elimination of problem trees
Resistant species
Biological (continued)
Pathogens e.g. Bacillus thuringiensis varieties
Horticultural oil
Insecticidal soap
Determination of best control method
Government legislation
Safety of pesticides
Ld 50 rating of active ingredients and products
Applicator's exposure to pesticide
Effects of pesticide on humans
Safety of non-target organisms
Possibility of environmental contamination
Client preference
Type of woody plant
Integrating treatments for maximum effectiveness at minimum cost
Monitoring success of treatment

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S0403.10.3 Identify diseases and disorders of woody plants

Pathogens that cause disease - fungus, bacteria, virus
Disease cycle
Pathogen requirements
Host environments
Environmental condition requirements
Leaf diseases
Deciduous -e.g. Apple scab
Coniferous -e.g. Needle cast
Signs and symptoms
Potential damage caused
Branch and stem diseases -e.g. cytospora canker
Signs and symptoms
Potential damage caused
Root diseases -e.g. armilleria root rot
Signs and symptoms
Potential damage caused
Vascular diseases -e.g. Dutch Elm Disease
Signs and symptoms
Potential damage caused
Moisture problems
Insufficient moisture
Excessive moisture
Signs of disorder
Potential damage caused
Nutrient deficiencies
Soil testing
Foliar testing
Signs of disorder
Potential damage caused
Animal damage
Signs of disorder
Potential damage caused
Human activities
Construction damage
Signs of disorder
Potential damage caused
Soil, salt
Signs of disorder

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Potential damage caused

Pesticide damage
Temperature extremes
Signs of disorder
Potential damage caused Signs of disorder
Potential damage caused
Poor planting practices
Planting too low/high
Girdling ropes and ties
Girdling roots
Improper pruning
Signs of disorder
Potential damage caused

S0403.10.4 Describe and discuss control measures

Life cycle information

Action threshold information
Identification of weak link (best time to treat)
Use of phenology to time control methods
Range of control strategies available
Prevention of damage
Redesigning the landscape
Elimination of problem trees
Resistant species
Determination of best control method
Government legislation
Safety of pesticides
LD 50 Rating of active ingredients and products
Applicators exposure to pesticide
Safety of non-target organisms
Possibility of environmental contamination

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Client preference
Type of woody plant
Integrating treatments for maximum effectiveness at minimum cost
Monitoring success of treatments

Evaluation Methods:
Written assignments and ongoing written testing

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Number: S0404

Title: Arboricultural Science II

Duration: 30 Total Hours

Theory: 30 hours Practical: 0 hours

Prerequisite: NA

Cross reference to training standard: U7167.01, 03, 05, 06, 13,16; U7166.01, 03,
U7167.01; 03, 05, 06, 14-16


General Learning Objective:

Demonstrate a working knowledge of plant growth and development, including the

impact of sudden and long-term environmental change and soil quality on plant
growth. Demonstrate a working knowledge of soils as a medium for plant growth,
including testing and prescribing treatment for chemical deficiencies.

Learning Outcomes and contents:

S0404.11.1 Describe the physical qualities of soil that impact on plant growth

Soil types and textures

Water retention
Soil compaction
Soil volume
Soil depth
Surface area

S0404.11.2 Prescribe methods of modifying the physical qualities of soil to

improve plant growth.

Moisture retention
Minimum volume of soil

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S0404.11.3 Determine chemical quality of soil for plant growing purposes

Soil nutrients
Soil reaction
Cation Exchange Capacity (C.E.C)
Electrical Conductivity (E.C.)
Soil sampling
Soil probe
Sampling locations
Soil/plant tissue testing
Soil test kits
Laboratory testing
Test results

S0404.11.4 Prescribe methods of treating chemical deficiencies in soil

Ph adjustment
Mycorrhizal inoculation

Evaluation Methods:
Ongoing written testing and assignments.

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Number: S0405

Title: Arborist Tree Identification II

Duration: 36 Total Hours

Theory: 36 hours Practical: 0 hours

Prerequisite: Level 1

Cross reference to training standard: U7162.03; U7163.01; U7165.01; U7166.01


General Learning Objective:

Demonstrate a thorough working knowledge of tree genera, species and cultivars by

identifying 50 additional plants commonly found in Ontario.

Learning Outcomes and contents:

S0405.12.1 Identify an additional 50 common woody plants according to species

and morphological characteristics using the International System of
Plant Nomenclature.

Review unit S0246.1.7

Plant groups
Needled/broad-leaved conifers
Plant nomenclature for each plant
Common name
Identification characteristics for each plant
Growth habit and form
Cultural requirements for each plant

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S0405.12.2 Tree list


Common Name Botanical Name Family
1 Japanese Angelica Tree Aralia elata Areliaceae
2 Staghorn Sumac Rhus typhina Amacardiaceae
3 European Alder Alnus glutinosa Betulaceae
4 Yellow Birch Betula alleghaniensis Betulaceae
5 River birch Betula nigra Betulaceae
6 White Birch Betula papyrifera Betulaceae
7 European White Birch Betula pendula Betulaceae
8 Hornbeam, Blue Beech Carpinus caroliniana Betulaceae
9 Turkish Hazel Corylus colurna Betulaceae
10 Hophornbeam, Ironwood Ostrya virginiana Betulaceae
11 Honey Locust Gleditsia triacanthos Caesalpiniaceae
12 Kentucky Coffee Tree Gymnocladus dioicus Caesalpiniaceae
13 Pagoda Dogwood Cornus alternifolia Cornaceae
14 Russian Olive Elaeagnus angustifolia Elaeagnaceae
15 Black Locust Robinia pseudoacacia Fabaceae
16 Ginkgo, Maidenhair Tree Ginkgo biloba Ginkgoaceae
17 American Sweetgum Liquidamber styraciflua Hammamelidaceae
18 Eastern Redbud Cercis canadensis Leguminoceae
19 Tuliptree, Yellow Poplar Liriodendron tulipifera Magnoliaceae
20 White Mulberry Morus alba Moraceae
21 Red Mulberry Morus rubra Moraceae
22 London Plane Tree Platanus X acerifolia Platanaceae
23 Sycamore Plantanus occidentalis Platanaceae
24 European Buckthorn Rhamnus cathartica Rhamnaceae
25 Downy Serviceberry Amelanchier arborea Rosaceae
26 Hawthorn Crataegus sp. Rosaceae
27 Apple, crabapple Malus sp. Rosaceae
28 Pin Cherry Prunus pensylvanica Roseceae
29 Black Cherry Prunus serotina Rosaceae
30 Choke Cherry Prunus virginiana Rosaceae
31 Pyrus calleryana
'Chanticleer' Chanticleer pear Rosaceae

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32 American Mountain Ash Sorbus americana Rosaceae

33 European Mountain Ash Sorbus aucuparia Rosaceae
34 White Poplar Populus alba Salicaceae
35 Balsam Poplar Populus balsamifera Salicaceae
36 Carolina Poplar Populus x canadensis Salicaceae
37 Largetooth Aspen Populus grandidentata
38 Lombardy Poplar Populus nigra "Italica" Salicaceae
39 Trembling Aspen Populus tremuloides Salicaceae
40 Weeping Willow Salix alba Tristis Salicaceae
41 Crack Willow Salix fragilis Salicaceae
42 Black Willow Salix nigra Salicaceae
43 Tree of Heaven Ailanthus altissima Simaroubaceae
44 American Basswood Tilia americana Tiliaceae
44 Littleleaf Linden Tilia cordata Tiliaceae
45 Common Hackberry Celtis occidentalis Ulmaceae
46 American Elm Ulmus americana Ulmaceae
47 Scots Elm Ulmus glabra Ulmaceae
48 English Elm Ulmus procera Ulmaceae
49 Siberian Elm Ulmus pumila Ulmaceae
50 Slippery Elm Ulmus rubra Ulmaceae

Evaluation Methods:
Ongoing written testing and assignments

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Number: S0406

Title: Arborist Crane Assisted Rigging

Duration: 24 Total Hours

Theory: 24 hours Practical: 6 hours

Prerequisite: Level 1

Cross reference to training standard:


General Learning Outcome:

Demonstrate knowledge of crane-assisted safe work site rigging operations

including calculating load weights and distribution, determining balance point,
assessing and determining choker locations, ascending to and descending from
work points and performing tree and limb removal with rigging devices.

Learning outcomes and contents:

S0406.13.1 Describe how to plan and set up work sites

Interpret worksite documentation

Worksite specifications
Crane specifications and load weights, i.e. Load capacity
charts, green log charts
Working radius/ landing zone location
Hook height
Load path, i.e. Route from lift to landing
Work orders
Scope of work
Personnel required/ job responsibilities
Worksite hazards
Equipment required
Butt rope
Tag line
Rigging devices
Ground protection mats
Determine job site limits
Property lines
Structures i.e. Buildings, fences

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Safe limits of approach

Overhead utilities i.e. electrical, communications
Buried utilities i.e. Water, gas, electrical, communications
Underground structures i.e. Septic systems, cisterns,
wells, gravesites,
Establish work sequence
Methodologies required
Identify hazards / plan barriers
Site conditions
Tools/equipment selected
Environmental hazards
Restricted visibility, i.e. Glare, fog, darkness
Wet/ice/snow conditions
Thunder & lightning
Temperature extremes
Tree hazards
Hangers and split branches
Excessive fill over root zone
Root, stem/trunk and branch rot and cavities
Cracks, seams and ribs
Wood under tension
Wind-thrown trees
Wildlife, i.e. stinging insects, raccoons
Ground hazards
Unstable ground
Slippery ground
Slopes/uneven ground/embankments
Structures, i.e. Bridges, culverts, foundations, retaining
Wildlife, holes and dens
Trip hazards
Deep snow
Proximity to other workers/equipment
Wood characteristics
Tension wood
Compression wood
Seasonal fluctuations
Wood strength

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S0406.13.2 Describe methods to establish and maintain worksite communication

Communication Methods (No response shall be made to unclear

Verbal communication clear command equals clear
Direct communication
2 way radios / cell phones
Specific hand signals with crane operator:
Raise load
Lower load
Raise boom
Lower boom
Dog it
Back up
To the right
To the left
Emergency stop
All clear
Shut down power
Traffic control signals
Written communication, i.e. Job plan
Designated signal person
Establish a hoist line pretension signal

S0406.13.3 Describe how to perform tree and limb removals with hoisting

Establish barriers according to job plan and regulations

Safe limits of approach for electrical utilities
Dedicated observer / signal person
Blind lifts
Proximity to electrical conductors
Controlling public access
Traffic controls including road closure permits
Controlling load path access
Assist the crane operator to set up crane according to job plan
Collaborate with the crane operator to determine the weight, balance
points and sequence of lifts
Calculate load weights and distribution
Allowances for seasonal variations such as seed / fruit

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foliage and sap content

Environmental factors such as wind, rain, snow and ice
Using green log weight charts
Side loading of cranes
Considering wood characteristics
Communicate job plan to all personnel
Select rigging equipment
Types of sling, i.e. Synthetic fibre, wire rope, chain
Configuration, i.e. Eye to eye, endless loop, spreaders,
Length and diameter
Hardware i.e. Clevis, spreader
Inspect rigging equipment for
Rating tags, attached and legible
Excessive wear and damage i.e. Abrasion, crushing,
bends, bird caging, kinks
Ascend tree
Assess selected attachment point(s)
Structural integrity, i.e. loose bark, decay
Connect to attachment point(s)
Orientation of sling(s) on load
Signal to pretension hoist line to estimated weight of load
Inspect rigging system
Verify connections are secure
Positioning of boom relative to load
Reposition to cutting location
Remove any branches interfering with cutting operation
Install guide lines or butt lines if required
Assess cutting position for inadvertent load movement
Communicate with crane operator the intent to begin the cutting
Perform cutting operation
Simple straight cut
Traditional cuts
Prepare the load to transfer to landing area
Remove butt line if installed
Direct usage of guidelines if required
Signal crane operator to land load

S0406.13.4 Describe maintenance and storage of rigging equipment

Maintain rigging equipment as per manufacturers instructions

Lubricating / oiling
Repairing as required
Drying as required

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Storage as per manufacturers instructions

Coiling, wrapping, hanging
Out of direct sunlight
Out of corrosive atmosphere
Protected from nicks or abrasions
Away from destructive substances

Evaluation Methods:
Ongoing written testing and assignments

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Arborist/Utility Arborist

Number: S0407

Title: Arborist Equipment 2

Duration: 24 Hours

Theory: 8 Hours Practical: 16 Hours

Prerequisite: Level 1


Demonstrate a thorough working knowledge of stumpers and aerial devices.

Learning outcomes and contents:

S0407.14.1 Describe types of stumpers

Self propelled
Trailer mounted

S0407.14.2 Describe how to prepare stumper for transport

Stumper circle check

Visual defects
Loose, worn, cracked, broken nuts/bolts/pins
Fluid levels and leaks
Tension of belts
Condition of guards and shields
Cutter teeth sharpness
Reporting deficiencies
Legislated requirements
Towing requirements
Manufacturers instructions
Loading and securing non-trailered stumper for transport
Hitching stumper to tow vehicle
Pintle or Ball Hitch
Pin hitch
Inspection of hitching mechanism including tongue
Safety chains attached in crossed (cradled) arrangement
and safety hooks facing upward
Brake inspection and hookup
Signal tail light connection and test
Tire/rim condition
Stumper jack positioning for travel

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Cutter wheel positioning and locking

Extendable tongue positioning and securing
Removal and stowing of wheel blocks

S0407.14.3 Describe how to setup stumper for use on site.

Manufacturers instructions
Legislated requirements
Underground utility locations
Setup procedure
Site selection
Level ground
Stable ground
Work site limits and security
Securing stumper
Grinding wheel orientation and control
Monitoring work site changes
Stumper work positioning
Stable ground
Stump site preparation
Unhitching from tow vehicle
Locking pin removal
Safety curtains and operator shield
Movable control panel setup
Monitoring work site changes
Preoperational checks prior to start-up
Stumper circle check
Visual defects
Loose, worn, cracked broken nuts/bolts/pins
Fluid levels and leaks
Tension of belts
Condition of guards and shields
Teeth sharpness, angle and condition
Grinder wheel condition
Reporting deficiencies
Operational inspection
Start up procedures
Gauges and warning lights functioning
Position of cutter wheel to stump
Clutch engagement and functioning
Engine speed
Chain oil function
Reporting deficiencies

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S0407.14.4 Describe how to operate stumpers

Manufacturers operating procedures

Legislated requirements
Personal protective equipment
Eye protection
Ear protection
Pedestrian and vehicular control device use
Stump/site preparation
Chain oil activation
Initial grinder wheel location
First cut light
Progressive wheel lowering
Desired depth of cut
Significance of wood type
Re-positioning for second cut, if necessary
Normal shut-down procedures
Emergency shut down procedures
Post operational clean-up

S0407.14.5 Describe preparation for using aerial device

Types of aerial device

Truck mounted
Self propelled
Legislated requirements
Manufacturers instructions
Pre-operational checks
Vehicle circle check
Check tire pressures
PTO check
Aerial device circle check
Bucket inspection
Hand line
Dielectric test certificate
Electrical integrity of boom
Holding valve check
Safety interlock check
Control valve checks
Hydraulic system check

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Loose fittings
Hydraulic oil level
Breather cap
Fall protection systems check
Bucket escape equipment check
Bucket rescue equipment check
Outriggers and pads inspection
Aerial device setup
Traffic control devices
Flag person
Vehicle warning light
Site selection
Surface slope/terrain
Overhead obstructions
Removal/stowing of covers
Stabilizing vehicle
Vehicle parking brake
Wheel chocks
Engaging PTO
Setting outriggers/equipment holders
Personal protective equipment
Approved footwear
Eye protection
Hand protection
Safety helmet
Fall protection systems
Body harness
Shock-absorbing lanyard

S0407.14.6 Describe the use of aerial device for arboricultural operations

Loading tools, equipment and materials into bucket

Job requirements
Manufacturers instructions
Legislated requirements
Hydraulic tool attachment
Emergency equipment
Coordination with ground crew
Aerial device operation
Manufacturers instructions
Legislative requirements
Mounting/dismounting bucket using 3 points of contact

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Ground person responsibilities

Engaging PTO
Upper/lower controls
Raise bucket
Rotate boom
Lower bucket
Work positioning
Electrical awareness
Tree pruning from bucket
Tree sectional removal from bucket
Tree maintenance from bucket
Transferring between bucket and tree
Fall arrest system
Monitoring aerial device condition
Emergency hydraulic shut off
Hydraulic failure
Engine failure
Aerial device movement with operator in bucket
Short distances
Speed and direction of movement
Operator and bucket security
Boom positioning
Surface conditions
Disengaged PTO
Aerial device transport
Manufacturers instructions
Legislative requirements
Securing aerial device for transport
Stowing and securing boom
Retracting outriggers
Disengage PTO
Debris removal

S0407.14.7 Describe aerial device escape and rescue procedures

Source of problem
Investigation/diagnosis of cause
Condition of operator
Calling for assistance
Escape from a disabled aerial device
Operator functional
Proximity of energized conductors
Use of emergency pump

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Use of lower controls

Transferring from a disabled aerial device into a second
aerial device
Transferring from a disabled aerial device into a tree
Use of lifeline
Rescue of a disable operator
Lower control use
Positioning of bucket to flat surface
Tipping bucket
Using a rescue rig
Removing disabled worker
Emergency first aid

S0407.14.8 Describe aerial device preventative maintenance

Manufacturers instructions
Legislative requirements

Evaluation methods:
On going written and practical testing

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Number: S0408

Title: Arborist Calculations

Duration: 12 Total Hours

Theory: 12 Hours Practical: 0 Hours

Prerequisite: NA

Cross-reference to training standard:

U7162.01; U7163.04, 08, .09; U7164.15, 17, 18


Demonstrate a thorough knowledge of mathematics typically necessary in the


Learning outcomes and contents:

S0408.15.1 Determine quantities of materials required based on linear, area and

volume calculations, in both systems of measurement.

Systems of measurement
System International (metric)
Foot Pound Second and Imperial
Dimensions of measurement
Linear / Area measures
Volume / Mass measures
Quantity determination
Appropriate units of measure
Shrinkage and expansion factors

S0408.15.2 Determine rigging equipment

Safe working load limits
Tensile strength

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Safe working load limits
Tensile strength
Safe working load limits
Tensile strength
Safe working load limits
Tensile strength
Arborist blocks
Safe working load limits
Tensile strength
Safe working load limits
Tensile strength
Figure 8
Safe working load limits
Tensile strength
Mechanical lowering devices
Safe working load limits
Tensile strength

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Quick links and shackles

Safe working load limits
Tensile strength
Block and tackle
Safe working load limits
Tensile strength

S0408.15.3 Determine shock loading on ropes and equipment

Newtons law
Calculating force
Progressive calculations
Safety margin
Safety factors
Cycles to failure
Wood densities

S0408.15.4 Determine mechanical advantage when using block and tackle


Block and tackle methodology/principles

Calculations of forces
Anchor points

Evaluation methods:
Written testing

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Level 2 Utility Arborist

Summary of Total Program In-School Training Hours Level 2

Reportable Subjects Total Theory Practical

Utility Arborist Workplace Safety II 18 18
Utility Arborist Theory II 36 36
Utility Arborist Practices II Tree Climbing 144 144
Utility Arborist Practice II Aerial Device 24 24
Utility Arborist Equipment II Brush Chipper 12 6 6
and Aerial Device
Utility Arboricultural Sciences II 15 9 6
Utility Arborist Hand Tools II 6 6
Utility Arborist Tree Identification II 33 33
Utility Arborist Transmission Line Clearing II 12 6 6
Total 300 108 192

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Number: S0259

Title: Utility Arborist Workplace Safety II

Duration: 18 Total Hours

Theory: 18 hours Practical: 0 hours

Prerequisite: Arborist Workplace Health and Safety I

Cross-Reference to training standard: U6040.01 - .14, U6041.01 - .11, U6042.02,

.04, .07, .09, .11, .13 - .16, U6043.05, U6044.05, U6045.01, .02, .11, .12, .20, .23,
.24, U6046.02, .03, .05 - .07, .10, .14 - .16, U6047.05, .06, .09, .11, U6048.01, .10,
.11, .14, U6050.01, .02, .08, U6051.07 - .10

General Learning Objective:

Demonstrate a working knowledge of pertinent safety and related legislation as they

apply to Utility Arboricultural safe workplace practices; and deal with potentially
dangerous on-site conditions, emergencies, hazards and materials.

Learning Outcomes and contents:

S0259.16.1 Describe the requirements of federal, provincial and municipal

legislation and regulations governing all aspects of the Utility
Arboricultural industry.

Review Unit: S0246.1.1

Electrical Utility Safety Rules

Description Sections
Sections related to Line Clearing 100-118, 122-124, 127-130, 134-135,
143, 145, 147

EUSR Supplemental Rules

Construction Regulation 213

Aerial devices 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149

Highway Traffic Act

Description Sections
License requirements 32
Inspection of vehicle 82, 84,
Circle checks Maintenance Logs 107

Ontario College of Trades
Arborist/Utility Arborist

Trip log 190

Dimension limits 108, 109, 110, 111,
Weight Limits 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127
Off road vehicles on highways 191.8
CVOR 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23

Pesticide Act
Description Sections
Prohibition to exterminations 5, 7

Off Road Vehicle Act

Description Sections
Application of Act 2, 3

S0259.16.2 Identify the hazards of working in an energized environment.

Review Unit: S0246.1.2

Circuit Identification
Distribution circuit identification - tree barrier conductor,
underground conductor found overhead
Service wire identification - triplex, open bus
Crossarms / pole top
Neutral identification
Electrical System Configuration
Loop feeds
Radial feeds
Communications conductors overhead
Television conductors overhead
Underground utilities - natural gas markers,
communication - pedestals
Electrical Equipment Identification
Lightening arresters
Pole anchors
Guy wires

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Arborist/Utility Arborist

S0259.16.3 Identify all other potential hazards on the work site, including
hazards in trees; overhead, on or under the ground; hazards to the

Review Unit: S0246.1.3

Tree hazards
Root, stem/trunk and branch rot and cavities
Cracks, seams and ribs
Compression and tension wood
Wind-thrown trees
Storm damage

S0259.16.4 Identify the hazards of working in an energized environment.

Review Unit: S0246.1.2

Circuit Identification
Transmission circuit identification
Underground hardware identification pad mounted
transformers, pole markers
Restricted conductors
Defective poles
Electrical Equipment Identification

S0259.16.5 Identify and describe how to handle, store and dispose of hazardous
materials, commonly found in the work place.

Handling and disposal
Notification to governing bodies e.g. fire department
pesticides storage

Evaluation Methods:
On going written and practical testing

Ontario College of Trades
Arborist/Utility Arborist

Number: S0260

Title: Utility Arborist Theory II

Duration: 36 Total Hours

Theory: 36 hours Practical: 0 hours

Prerequisite: Arborist Theory I

Cross-reference to training standard: U6040.14, U6041.01 - .07, .10, U6042.01 - .03,

.06, .07, .09, U6043.01 - .04, .08 - .10, .12, U6044.01 - .03, U6045.01, .02, .05, .06,
.08, .09, .13 - .15, .18, .19, 21, .22, .24, U6046.03, .10, .12 - .15, U6047.01 - .03, .05
- .07, .09, .10, U6051.19

General Learning Objective:

Describe how to plan work safely, identify electrical hazards, identify other hazards
outside of the electrical environment, use of various knots and hitches in the Utility
Arboricultural trade, pruning and removing of trees in proximity of electrical
conductors, ascending, descending and performing an aerial rescue, rigging
principals and how to manage fire and dangerous goods .

Learning Outcomes and contents:

S0260.17.1 Plan all work operations safely, in compliance with provincial and
municipal legislation and regulations.

Review Unit: S0246.1.1

Determine required personal protective equipment

Fall protection/work positioning systems
Rubber Gloves
Flame resistant clothing
Determine job site limits
Safe limits of approach
Overhead utilities
Buried utilities

S0260.17. 2 Describe inspecting, adjusting, maintaining and wearing required

personal protective equipment.

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Arborist/Utility Arborist

Review Unit: S0247.2.7

Rubber gloves
CSA approved
Voltage class
Pre-use inspection
Air test
Expiry date
Leather covers
Flame Resistant clothing
Correct fit
Appropriate ASTM standard

S0260.17.3 Describe methods of eliminating or controlling electrical hazards.

Review Unit: S0246.1.2

Barriers to Electrical Energy

Application of Utility Work Protection Code
Use of hold offs for equipment protection
Use of cover up
Use of insulated aerial device

S0262.17.4 Describe how to manage all other potential hazards on the work site,
including hazards in trees; overhead, on or under the ground; and
hazards to the public.

Review Unit: S0246.1.3

Mechanical tools and equipment

Hydraulic tools

S0260.17.5 Describe proper use of knots and hitches.

Rigging Knots ( 9 knots)

Bowline tied away
Jacked Bowline
Slippery bowline
Stilson hitch
Timber hitch
Marline hitch
Machard Tresse

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Slippery knot
Quick hitch

S0260.17.6 Describe the types and purposes of typical pruning processes and
the tools and equipment required.

Review Unit: S0247.2.11

Considerations required for pruning operations.

Clearance cycles
Cycle length
Customer consideration
Species characteristics
Tree condition
Mechanical tools and equipment
Hydraulic tools
Circular saw
Chainsaw use aloft
Secured to climber
Start in branch union, chain brake on
Climber secured with secondary fall protection system
e.g. work positioning lanyard
Smooth controlled cuts
Chainsaw shut off between climbers movements

S0260.17.7 Describe typical tree removal processes.

Review Unit: S0247.2.14

Felling Trees in proximity to energized apparatus

Conductor location
Pole hardware e.g. guys, primary conductors, service
Use of guide rope
Perpendicular felling
Skirt hazards
Parallel felling
Felling assist devices

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Tackle blocks
Mechanical assists
Use of ropes and knots
Sectionalizing tree

S0260.17.8 Describe aerial device rescue and escape methods.

Assess the Emergency

Observation of the scene
Electrical Conductors/Contact
Struck by limbs, tree sections, lightning
Is victim pinned
Medical conditions (bug/animal bites, heat exhaustion,
Try to communicate with the victim
Assess the victims condition
Is victim able to descend by him/her self
Is victim unconscious
Is victim unresponsive
Is victim bleeding profusely
Determine need for EMS
Determine feasibility/appropriateness of aerial rescue
Electrical Conductors/Contact
Rigging systems hazards
Ground hazards
Rescuers competency in performing aerial rescue
First Aid training
Climbing ability
Availability of appropriate equipment and personnel
Initiate EMS response
Aerial Device Rescue
Use of emergency pump
Use of lower controls
Transfer from a disabled aerial device into a tree
Use of lifeline and controlled descent device
Apply Emergency First Aid
Aerial device Escape
Use of rescuing devices

S0260.17.9 Describe methods to prune and remove trees using an aerial device in
proximity to energized electrical apparatus.

Review Units: S0247.2.6; 2.7; 2.11

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Arborist/Utility Arborist

Inspect, adjust and wear fall protection equipment according to

manufacturers recommendations
Load tools, equipment and materials into bucket
Access aerial device bucket and secure fall protection system
according to manufacturers instructions
Operate aerial device controls while accessing desired work location
Monitoring limits of approach
Monitoring boom position, over roadways, near adjacent
trees, poles, electrical conductors
Position bucket in optimum positions to reduce body
strains while performing work
Operate tools aloft
Hand Tools
Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Pole pruner
Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Pole saw
Rigging ropes
Friction saver
Nylon web
Friction devices
Friction savers / cambium savers
Felling levers
Rigging blocks
Wire rope
Synthetic rope
Tackle blocks
Multi-sheave block
Rope pullers
Gas Powered Tools
Hydraulic tools
Circular saw

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Tool disinfection as required

Sectional removals from aerial device
Conductor location
Directional free fall away from energized conductor
Conventional rigging, guide ropes, pull ropes
Rigging using lowering devices
Control movement of cut limbs and trunk sections from aerial device
Conductor location
Raise/lower limbs using ropes and mechanical
Cut limbs so they will not span conductors
Control limbs using hinge cuts
Lower cut limbs using friction devices
Top tree using ropes and rigging equipment
Creating false crotch

Secure aerial device for travel according to manufacturers instructions

Aerial device rescue using appropriate methods
Aerial device evacuation using appropriate methods

S0260.17.10 Describe methods of herbicide application

Identify differing conditions of right of way in order to select application

Brush densities
Environmental conditions
Soil type

Application methods
Stump treatment
Basal treatment
Soil sterilant
Stem foliar

S0260.17.11 Identify appropriate communication skills to deal effectively with

customers and in the workplace.

Speak effectively
Give directions or responses
Clear enunciation
Accurate and concise speech
Coherence of message

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Use of proper language for listener

Monitor resultant response or action

Solve problems on job

Function as part of a team
Develop personal and work related goals
Work in a responsible manner
Solve problems occurring on the job
Function as part of a team/crew
Develop personal and work-related goals
Work in a responsible manner

Evaluation Methods:
Written testing

Ontario College of Trades
Arborist/Utility Arborist

Number: S0261

Title: Utility Arborist Practices II Tree Climbing

Duration: 144 Total Hours

Theory: 0 hours Practical: 144 hours

Prerequisite: Arborist Practices I

Cross-reference to training standard: U6040.02 - .11, .13, .14, U6041.01 - .07, .09 -
.11, U6042.01 - .03, .05, .06, .08, .09, .12 - .15, U6043.02, .05 - .11, U6044.04 - .07,
U6045.01 - .07, .10 - .24, U6046.03 - .16, U6047.04 - .09, .11, U6048.01 - .14,
U6049.01 - .10, U6050.01 - .09, U 6051.11, .19

General Learning Objective:

Demonstrate a knowledge of how to plan work safely, utilizing safe work practices,
pruning and removing of trees in proximity of electrical conductors, ascending,
descending and performing an aerial rescue, inspect, adjust and maintain personal
protective equipment and fall protection equipment utilized in the Utility Arboricultural
trade and managing fire, waste and dangerous goods.

Learning Outcomes and contents:

S0261.18.1 Demonstrate compliance with provincial acts, regulations and

municipal bylaws through appropriate job planning.

Interpret job documents

Plans and specifications
Work orders
Scope of work
Equipment required
Personnel required
Materials required
Worksite hazards
Traffic hazards
Other requirements

Ontario College of Trades
Arborist/Utility Arborist

Determine required personal protective equipment

Head protection
Eye protection
Hearing protection
Foot protection
Face protection
Hand protection
Chainsaw protection
Determine job site limits
Property lines
Safe limits of approach to electrical conductors
Overhead utilities
Buried utilities
Identify job sequences, hazards and required barriers to hazards
Job / task sequence
Identified hazards
Identify barriers
Identify tools/equipment required
Identify appropriate job communications
Identify when to reevaluate hazards and barriers
Interpret job documents
Cycle clearance requirements
Determine required personal protective equipment
Fall protection/work positioning systems
Flame resistant clothing

S0261.18.2 Demonstrate safe work practices when working within proximity to

energized electrical apparatus.

Environmental hazards identified

Wet/ice/snow conditions
Thunder & lightning
Temperature extremes
Tree hazards controlled
Hangers and split branches
Excessive fill over root zone
Compression and tension wood
Spring poles
Barber chair
Widow maker

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Free-standing tree
Falling debris
Severed limbs
Adjacent trees
Ground hazards identified
Unstable ground
Slippery ground
Slopes/uneven ground
Wildlife, holes and dens
Trip hazards
Deep snow
Underground hardware identified
Natural gas markers
Water line markers
Electrical transformers
Septic systems, wells
Communication lines
Poisonous plants identified and controlled
Poison Ivy
Poison Oak
Poison Sumac
London Plane Tree
Poison Parsley
Application of Electrical Utility Safety Rule Book
Application of appropriate safe limits of approach
Notification Controlling Authority
Application of appropriate job planning
Application of Utility Work Protection Code
Use of hold offs for equipment protection
Use of cover up
Isolation/de-energization of circuits

Establishing clear communication between workers

Maintaining distances between workers and equipment

Notification Controlling Authority

Application of Utility Work Protection Code
Use of rubber gloves
Use of live line tools

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Tree hazards
Root, stem/trunk and branch rot and cavities
Cracks, seams and ribs
Wind-thrown trees
Storm damage

S0261.18.3 Demonstrate inspecting, adjusting, maintaining and wearing required

personal protective equipment.

Review Unit: 2.7

Fall Protection
Full Body Harness
CSA or Equivalent approved
Cuts, buckles operational
Shock Absorbing Lanyard
CSA or Equivalent
Cuts, snaps working
Rubber gloves
Voltage class
Pre-use inspection
Air test
Expiry date
Leather covers
Flame Resistant clothing
Correct fit

S0261.18.4 Demonstrate pruning woody plants in proximity to energized

electrical apparatus.

Considering required pruning operations.

Clearance cycles
Cycle length
Customer consideration
Species characteristics
Tree condition

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Arborist/Utility Arborist

Identify pruning cut location on tree

Branch bark ridge
Pruning cuts
Drop cut
Hinge cut
Snap/bypass cut
Jump cut
Stub cut
Thinning cuts
Heading cuts
Pruning methods
Crown thinning
Side pruning
Dead wooding
Crown cleaning
Crown raising
Crown reduction
Crown restoration
Overhang pruning
Directional pruning
Raise/lower limbs using ropes only no mechanical advantage
Cut limbs so they will not span conductors
Control limbs using hinge cuts
Use of ropes and knots
Lower cut limbs using friction devices, wraps around
Top tree using ropes and rigging equipment
Creating false crotch for rigging
Use of ropes and knots
Control of cut sections
Control cut sections without rigging systems
Free falling to ground
Manual manipulation e.g. hinging, cut and throwing limbs
Assess weight and controllability of limb
Species consideration, breakage, weight
Environmental conditions
Use appropriate knots
Inspect worksite
Hangers removed
Rigging equipment removed
Chainsaw use aloft
Secured to climber

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Start in branch union, chain brake on

Climber secured with secondary fall protection
system e.g. - work positioning lanyard
Smooth controlled cuts
Chainsaw shut off between climbers movements

S0261.18.5 Demonstrate removing woody plants in proximity to energized

electrical apparatus.

Review Unit: S0247.2.4

Identifying tree to be removed

Determine removal method
Factors affecting removal method
Crown condition
Stem condition
Root condition
Central leader/multi-stemmed
Structural defects
Site conditions
Job requirements
Potential hazards
Conductor location
Lodged trees
Felling Zone preparation
Tree condition dead, living, diseased
Property considerations
Personnel location
Traffic control
Potential targets and hazards removed
Danger Zone preparation
Escape route developed
Personnel out of Zones
Property considerations
Height of tree
Use ropes and knots as required
Felling cuts
Conventional notch
Humboldt notch and back cut
Boring and back cut
V notch and back cuts
Side notching
Modifying the hinge to adjust direction of fall

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Arborist/Utility Arborist

Felling Trees in proximity to energized apparatus

Conductor location
Pole hardware e.g. guys, primary conductors, service
Use of guide rope
Perpendicular felling
Skirt hazards
Parallel felling
Felling assist devices
Tackle blocks
Mechanical assists
Sectional removals
Directional free fall away from energized conductor
Conventional drop rigging
Rigging using lowering devices
Removal of trees that have fallen during storm conditions
Electrical hazards (isolated and de-energized)
Energy forces (conductor, tree)
Surrounding hazards
Mechanical means of removal
Removal methods from ground
Removal methods from aerial lift
Inspect worksite
Hangers removed
Rigging equipment removed

S0261.18.6 Demonstrate the selection, use of, and inspection of hand tools and
tree maintenance equipment according to manufacturers

Review Unit: S0247. 2.4

Mechanical tools and equipment

Hydraulic tools
Circular saw

S0261.18.7 Demonstrate various methods of ascending and descending trees to

access required work position.

Review Unit: S0247.2.8

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Techniques used to ascend/descend trees

Use of ladder
Use of spurs
Belay technique
Secured body thrust on belay
Secured body thrust with climbing hitch
Secured footlock
Split tail

S0261.18.8 Demonstrate controlling underbrush in proximity to transmission and

distribution voltage conductors.

Prepare underbrush felling area

Establish escape route
Limits of approach (distance from conductors)
Eliminate/control hazards
Identify felling area
Fell underbrush using predetermined methods
Directional felling techniques using clearing saw and
Site clean-up
Handle/dispose of underbrush debris
Piling brush for chipping
Lifting/carrying brush
Loading brush on vehicle/trailer
Chipping brush
Reduce stump height
Apply herbicide techniques
Simulate stump application using water
Simulate brush application using water

Use clearing saw on worksite

Determine clearing saw selection
Job size
Size of wood to be cut
Power to weight ratio

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Pre-operational inspection/maintenance
Anti-vibration mounts
Provisions for repair
Fluid levels
Throttle lock-out
Engine operation
Starting/stopping clearing saw
On ground
On operator
Secure/prepare work area
Working position
Ongoing inspection and maintenance
Blade sharpening/replacement
Use of chainsaw

Evaluation Methods:
On-going practical/performance testing, supplemental and written
testing, as appropriate

Ontario College of Trades
Arborist/Utility Arborist

Number: S0262

Title: Utility Arborist Practices II Aerial Device

Duration: 24 Total Hours

Theory: 0 hours Practical: 24 hours

Prerequisite: Arborist Practices I

Cross-reference to training standard: U6040.12, U6041.04, .07, U6042.06,

U6043.04, .06, .10, U6044.06, .07, U6046.01 - .05, .07 - .11, .16, U6047.07, .08,
U6048.01 - .14, U6050.01 - .09

General Learning Objective:

Demonstrate a thorough working knowledge of aerial devices used in utility

arboriculture practices.

Learning Outcomes and contents:

S0262.19.1 Demonstrate the preparation of an aerial device.

Preparation as per manufacturers instructions
Pre-operational checks
PTO check
Aerial device circle check
Bucket inspection
Dielectric test certificate
Electrical integrity of boom
Holding valve check
Safety interlock check
Control valves checks
Hydraulic system check
Loose fittings
Hydraulic oil level
Breather cap
Fall protection systems inspection
Bucket escape equipment check
Bucket rescue equipment check
Outriggers and pads inspection
Wheel chocks

Ontario College of Trades
Arborist/Utility Arborist

Aerial device set up

Traffic control devices
Traffic control person
Vehicle warning lights
Site selection
Surface slope/terrain
Overhead obstructions
Removal/stowing of covers
Stabilizing vehicle
Axle lockouts
Vehicle parking brake
Wheel chocks
Setting outriggers and pads
Engaging PTO
Rescue ropes
Equipment holders (e.g. chainsaw scabbards)
Connect hydraulic tools
Select and use personal protection equipment
Foot protection
Eye protection
Hand protection
Head protection
Fall protection systems
Full body harness, adjust and fit
Shock-absorbing lanyard, inspect for wear
Attach fall protection system to anchor point

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Arborist/Utility Arborist

S0262.19.2 Demonstrate aerial device escape and rescue procedures.

Source of problem
Investigation/diagnosis of cause
Condition of operator
Calling for assistance/EMS
Escape from a disabled aerial device
Operator functional
Proximity of energized conductors
Use of emergency pump
Use of lower controls
Transfer from a disabled aerial device into a tree
Use of lifeline and controlled descent device
Rescue of a disabled operator
Lower control use
Positioning bucket to flat surface
Tipping bucket
Using a rescue rig
Removing disabled worker
Emergency first aid as required

S0262.19.3 Demonstrate aerial device preventative maintenance.

Manufacturers instructions
Legislative requirements

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Arborist/Utility Arborist

S0262.19.4 Demonstrate the use of an aerial device in utility arboricultural.

Loading tools, equipment and materials into bucket

Job requirements
Manufacturers instructions
Hydraulic tool attachment
Emergency equipment
Coordination with ground crew
Aerial device operation
Manufacturers instructions
Mounting/dismounting bucket using 3 points of contact
Ground person responsibilities
Engaging PTO
Upper/lower controls
Raise bucket
Rotate boom
Lower bucket
Work positioning
Limits of Approach maintained
Transfer between bucket and tree
Fall protection system attached
Monitor aerial device condition
Emergency hydraulic shut-off
Hydraulic failure procedures
Engine failure procedures
Aerial device movement with operator in bucket
Short distances
Speed and direction of movement
Operator & bucket security
Boom positioning
Surface conditions
Disengaged PTO
Aerial device transport
Manufacturers instructions
Legislative requirements
Securing aerial device for transport
Stowing and securing boom
Retracting outriggers
Disengage PTO
Debris removal

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Arborist/Utility Arborist

S0262.19.5 Demonstrate pruning and removing trees with aerial device in

proximity to energized electrical apparatus.

Inspect, adjust and wear fall protection equipment according to

manufacturers recommendations
Load tools, equipment and materials into bucket
Access aerial device bucket and secure fall protection system
according to manufacturers instructions
Operate aerial device controls while accessing desired work location
Monitoring limits of approach
Monitoring boom position, over roadways, near adjacent
trees, poles, electrical conductors
Position bucket in optimum positions to reduce body
strains while performing work
Operate tools aloft according to pre-determined methods while
working from bucket
Hand Tools
Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Pole pruner
Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Pole saw
Rigging ropes
Nylon web
Friction savers / cambium savers
Rigging Blocks
Synthetic rope
Tackle blocks
Multi-sheave block
Gas Powered Tools
Hydraulic Tools
Circular saw

Ontario College of Trades
Arborist/Utility Arborist

Sectional removals from aerial device

Conductor location
Directional free fall away from energized conductor
Conventional rigging, guide ropes, pull ropes
Rigging using lowering devices
Control movement of cut limbs and trunk sections from aerial device
Conductor location
Raise/lower limbs using ropes and mechanical
Cut limbs so they will not span conductors
Control limbs using hinge cuts
Lower cut limbs using friction devices
Top tree using ropes and rigging equipment
Creating false crotch
Secure aerial device for travel according to manufacturers instructions

Evaluation Methods:
On going written testing and practical evaluation

Ontario College of Trades
Arborist/Utility Arborist

Number: S0263

Title: Utility Arborist Equipment II Brush Chippers and Aerial


Duration: 12 Total Hours

Theory: 6 hours Practical: 6 hours

Prerequisite: Arborist Equipment I

Cross-reference to training standard: U6040.12, U6041.04, .07, U6042.06,

U6043.04, .06, .10, U6044.06, .07, U6046.01 - .05, .07 - .11, .16, U6047.07, .08,
U6048.01 - .14, U6050.01 - .09

General Learning Objective:

Demonstrate a thorough working knowledge of brush chippers and aerial devices

used in utility arboricultural practices.

Learning Outcomes and contents:

S0263.20.1 Perform basic chipper maintenance.

Review Units: S0250.5.5 to 5.8

Inspect as per manufacturers instructions

Inspect guards
Check fluids
Check directional control arm if equipped
Demonstrate how to change blades
Demonstrate how to cycle blade bolts
Demonstrate how to rotate anvil

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Arborist/Utility Arborist

S0263.20.2 Describe preparation for using aerial device

Types of aerial devices

Legislated requirements
Manufacturers instructions
Pre-operational checks
PTO check
Aerial device circle check
Bucket inspection
Dielectric test certificate
Electrical integrity of boom
Holding valve check
Safety interlock check
Control valves checks
Hydraulic system check
Loose fittings
Hydraulic oil level
Breather cap
Fall protection systems check
Bucket escape equipment check
Bucket rescue equipment check
Outriggers and pads inspection
Wheel chocks
Aerial device set up
Traffic control devices
Traffic control person
Vehicle warning lights
Site selection
Surface slope /terrain
Overhead obstructions
Removal/stowing of covers
Stabilizing vehicle
Axle lockouts
Vehicle parking brake
Wheel chocks
Setting outriggers and pads
Engaging PTO
Rescue ropes
Equipment holders (e.g. chainsaw scabbards)
Connect hydraulic tools

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Personal protection equipment

Foot protection
Eye protection
Hand protection
Head protection
Fall protection systems
Full body harness
Shock-absorbing lanyard

S0263.20.3 Describe the use of aerial device for utility arboricultural operations.

Loading tools, equipment and materials into bucket

Job requirements
Manufacturers instructions
Legislated requirements
Hydraulic tool attachment
Emergency equipment
Coordination with ground crew
Aerial device operation
Manufacturers instructions
Legislative requirements
Mounting/dismounting bucket using 3 points of contact
Ground person responsibilities
Engaging PTO
Upper/lower controls
Raise bucket
Rotate boom
Lower bucket
Work positioning
Limits of Approach maintained
Tree pruning from bucket
Tree sectional removal from bucket
Tree maintenance from bucket
Transferring between bucket and tree
Fall arrest system
Monitoring aerial device condition
Emergency hydraulic shut-off
Hydraulic failure
Engine failure
Aerial device movement with operator in bucket
Short distances
Speed and direction of movement

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Operator & bucket security

Boom positioning
Surface conditions
Disengaged PTO
Aerial device transport
Manufacturers instructions
Legislative requirements
Securing aerial device for transport
Stowing and securing boom
Retracting outriggers
Disengage PTO
Debris removal

S0263.20.4 Describe aerial device escape and rescue procedures.

Source of problem
Investigation/diagnosis of cause
Condition of operator
Calling for assistance
Escape from a disabled aerial device
Operator functional
Proximity of energized conductors
Use of emergency pump
Use of lower controls
Transferring from a disable aerial device into a second
aerial device
Transferring from a disabled aerial device into a tree
Use of lifeline and controlled descent device/technique
Rescue of a disabled operator
Lower control use
Positioning bucket to flat surface
Tipping bucket
Using a rescue rig
Removing disabled worker
Emergency medical procedure

S0263.20.5 Describe aerial device preventative maintenance.

Manufacturers instructions
Legislative requirements
Electrical theory testing of aerial device

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Maximum voltage levels

AC / DC voltages used for testing
Interval testing
CSA / ASTM standards

S0263.20.6 Describe hydraulic theory and basic hydraulic system components.

Hydraulic Theory
Pascals Law
Law of Conservation of Energy
Liquid as a Force multiplier
Atmospheric pressure
Energy in an Hydraulic System
Hydraulic Safety and Inspection
Hydraulic Components
Hydraulic pump
Hydraulic oil filter
Oil reservoir
Lower control pressure relief valve
Selector valves
Outrigger control valves
Emergency by-pass valve
Upper arm drive cylinders
Holding valves
Directional control valves
Fluid site glass indicator
Emergency lowering devices
Pressure gauges
Hydraulic motors

S0263.20.7 Identify Basic Hydraulic components

Hydraulic Components
Hydraulic pump
Hydraulic oil filter
Oil reservoir
Lower control pressure relief valve
Selector valves
Outrigger control valves
Emergency by-pass valve
Upper arm drive cylinders

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Holding valves
Directional control valves

Fluid site glass indicator

Emergency lowering devices
Pressure gauges
Hydraulic motors

Ontario College of Trades
Arborist/Utility Arborist

Number: S0264

Title: Utility Arboricultural Sciences II

Duration: 15 Total Hours

Theory: 9 hours Practical: 6 hours

Prerequisite: Arboricultural Sciences I

Cross-reference to training standard: U6041.02, .03, U6044.01, .02, U6045.07 - .09,

U6047.10, U6051.05, .08, .18

General Learning Objective:

Demonstrate a knowledge of how to identify various woody plants, growth factors of

woody plants, compartmentalization of woody plants, diseases and disorders of
trees that could be harmful to the integrity of the electrical system, evaluate the
condition of anchor points in trees used for fall protection, evaluation of work
operations within environmentally sensitive areas.

Learning Outcomes and contents:

S0264.21.1 Identify the impact and mode of action of systemic and contact
herbicides on woody and herbaceous plants.

Determination of best control methods

Environmental factors
Application restrictions
Pesticide label
Describe application techniques
Stem Foliar
Broadcast Foliar
Basal Bark
Cut stump
Describe off target impacts e.g. Agriculture crops

S0264.21.2 Describe the impact of work operations on environmentally sensitive


Herbicide application
Soil erosion/compaction

Ontario College of Trades
Arborist/Utility Arborist

Species at Risk
ANSI sites

S0264.21.3 Identify appropriate pruning methods according to tree health and cycle

Characteristics related to pruning technique used

Species cycle clearances
Growth characteristics
Shape tree for aesthetics
Disease prevention
Branch Collar
Branch bark ridge
Branch protection zone
Shoot invigoration
Sucker growth
Coppice growth
Epicormic branching/ watersprout production
Lateral prunes

S0264.21.4 Identify diseases, disorders, wounds and defects of woody plants

Pathogens that cause disease - fungus, bacteria, virus
Disease cycle
Pathogen requirements
Host environments
Environmental condition requirements
Structural defects of woody plants
Included bark
Leaf diseases
Signs and symptoms
Potential damage caused
Branch and stem diseases e.g. Cytospora canker, Hypoxylon Canker
Signs and symptoms
Potential damage caused
Root diseases -e.g. Armilleria root rot
Signs and symptoms
Potential damage caused
Vascular diseases -e.g. Dutch elm disease

Ontario College of Trades
Arborist/Utility Arborist

Signs and symptoms

Potential damage caused
Biotic Disorder
Wood boring insects Heartwood borer, Locust borer
Shoot borer Bronze Birch Borer
Stem borer - Asian Long Horn Beetle,
Emerald Ash Borer, - -
Dutch Elm
Cankers, Basidiocarps, Galls (14 examples)
Cytosopora Canker
Hypoxylon Canker
Armilleria Root Rot
Butternut Dieback
Yellow Birch Canker
Ash Die Back
Black Knot Of Cherry
Eutypella Canker
Necteria Canker
Annosum Root and Butt Rot
Pine Gall Rust
White Pine Blister Rust
Wet Wood
Slime Flux
Abiotic Disorder
Carpenter ants
Evidence of frass
Animal damage
Sap sucker damage
Wood pecker damage
Human damage
Soil compaction
Change of grade
Over watering
Under watering
Contact with equipment
Off-target pesticide damage
Improper pruning
Lightening strikes
Nutrient deficiencies

Ontario College of Trades
Arborist/Utility Arborist

Frost cracks
Included bark
Temperature extremes, sun scald
Pollution (air, soil, salt) 2.4.6 Identify the physical
condition and soundness of interim and final anchor
points based on tree size, condition and species.

S0264.21.5 Identify the physical condition and soundness of interim and final
anchor points based on tree size, condition and species.

Select anchor points

Interim anchor point
Type of load applied
Loading from stem of tree
Other loads on the limb (foliage, snow, torque, etc.)
Tree species
Cross sectional area of limb
Condition of wood
Angle of branch attachment
Size of branch relative to stem
Characteristics of branch union
Season/ambient temperature

Final anchor point

Type of load applied
Loading from stem of tree
Other loads on the limb (foliage, snow, torque, etc.)
Tree species
Cross sectional area of limb
Condition of wood
Angle of branch attachment
Size of branch relative to stem
Characteristics of branch union
Season/ambient temperature

Ontario College of Trades
Arborist/Utility Arborist

Number: S0265

Title: Utility Arborist Hand Tools II

Duration: 6 Total Hours

Theory: 0 hours Practical: 6 hours

Prerequisite: Arborist Hand Tools I

Cross-reference to training standard: U6040.13, U6042.06, U6043.04, .06, .11,

U6044.03, .07, U6045.15, .17, U6046.11, .14, .15, U6047.03, .04, .06, .09,
U6049.01 - .10

General Learning Objective:

Demonstrate knowledge of how to select, adjust, maintain and store, tools and
equipment commonly used in the Utility Arboricultural trade.

Learning Outcomes and contents:

S0265.22.1 Select, inspect, adjust, maintain, set-up, and store live line tools
according to manufacturers recommendations.

Considering required pruning operations.

Clearance cycles
Cycle length
Customer consideration
Species characteristics
Tree condition
Live Line Tools
Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Pole pruner
Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Pole saw
Select appropriate tool
Pruning methods
Voltage level
Diameter of limb
Work to be completed

Ontario College of Trades
Arborist/Utility Arborist

Test sticker (legible and current)

Loose components
Maintain Sharpen blade
Spot clean
Daily clean
Wipe with drying agent
Store in appropriate location

S0265.22.2 Select, inspect, adjust, maintain, set-up, and store live line tools
according to manufacturers recommendations.

Live Line Tools

Telescopic measuring stick
Hydraulic pruner
Hydraulic pole saw
Hydraulic circular saw
Hydraulic chainsaw
Electrical testing of live line tools
CSA standard ASTM standard
Preconditioning requirements
AC / DC voltage
Procedural testing
Select appropriate tool
Pruning methods
Voltage level
Diameter of limb
Work to be completed
Test sticker (legible and current)
Loose components
Adjust stroke
Sharpen blade
Spot clean
Daily clean
Wipe with drying agent

Ontario College of Trades
Arborist/Utility Arborist

Store in appropriate location

Evaluation Methods:
On going written and practical evaluation

Ontario College of Trades
Arborist/Utility Arborist

Number: S0266

Title: Utility Arborist Tree Identification II

Duration: 33 Total Hours

Theory: 33 hours Practical: 0 hours

Prerequisite: Arborist Tree Identification I

Cross-reference to training standard: U6042.03, U6043.01, U6044.01, U6047.01,


General Learning Objective:

Demonstrate a thorough working knowledge of tree genera, species and cultivars by

identifying 45 plants commonly found in Ontario.

Learning Outcomes and contents:

S0266.23.1 Identify 45 common woody plants in all seasons according to species

and morphological characteristics using the International System of
Plant Nomenclature.

Review Unit: S0252.7.1 (Common core)


Common Name Botanical Name Family
1 Japanese Angelica Tree Aralia elata Areliaceae
2 Staghorn Sumac Rhus typhina Amacardiaceae
3 European Alder Alnus glutinosa Betulaceae
4 Yellow Birch Betula alleghaniensis Betulaceae
5 River birch Betula nigra Betulaceae
6 White Birch Betula papyrifera Betulaceae
7 European White Birch Betula pendula Betulaceae
8 Hornbeam, Blue Beech Carpinus caroliniana Betulaceae
9 Turkish Hazel Corylus colurna Betulaceae
10 Hophornbeam, Ironwood Ostrya virginiana Betulaceae
11 Honey Locust Gleditsia triacanthos Caesalpiniaceae
12 Kentucky Coffee Tree Gymnocladus dioicus Caesalpiniaceae
13 Pagoda Dogwood Cornus alternifolia Cornaceae
14 Russian Olive Elaeagnus angustifolia Elaeagnaceae
15 Black Locust Robinia pseudoacacia Fabaceae

Ontario College of Trades
Arborist/Utility Arborist

16 Ginkgo, Maidenhair Tree Ginkgo biloba Ginkgoaceae

17 American Sweetgum Liquidamber styraciflua Hammamelidaceae
18 Eastern Redbud Cercis canadensis Leguminoceae
19 Tuliptree, Yellow Poplar Liriodendron tulipifera Magnoliaceae
20 White Mulberry Morus alba Moraceae
21 Red Mulberry Morus rubra Moraceae
22 London Plane Tree Platanus X acerifolia Platanaceae
23 Sycamore Plantanus occidentalis Platanaceae
24 European Buckthorn Rhamnus cathartica Rhamnaceae
25 Downy Serviceberry Amelanchier arborea Rosaceae
26 Hawthorn Crataegus sp. Rosaceae
27 Apple, crabapple Malus sp. Rosaceae
28 Pin Cherry Prunus pensylvanica Roseceae
29 Black Cherry Prunus serotina Rosaceae
30 Choke Cherry Prunus virginiana Rosaceae
31 Pyrus calleryana
'Chanticleer' Chanticleer pear Rosaceae
32 American Mountain Ash Sorbus americana Rosaceae
33 European Mountain Ash Sorbus aucuparia Rosaceae
34 White Poplar Populus alba Salicaceae
35 Balsam Poplar Populus balsamifera Salicaceae
36 Carolina Poplar Populus x canadensis Salicaceae
37 Largetooth Aspen Populus grandidentata
38 Lombardy Poplar Populus nigra "Italica" Salicaceae
39 Trembling Aspen Populus tremuloides Salicaceae
40 Weeping Willow Salix alba Tristis Salicaceae
41 Crack Willow Salix fragilis Salicaceae
42 Black Willow Salix nigra Salicaceae
43 Tree of Heaven Ailanthus altissima Simaroubaceae
44 American Basswood Tilia americana Tiliaceae
44 Littleleaf Linden Tilia cordata Tiliaceae
45 Common Hackberry Celtis occidentalis Ulmaceae
46 American Elm Ulmus americana Ulmaceae
47 Scots Elm Ulmus glabra Ulmaceae
48 English Elm Ulmus procera Ulmaceae
49 Siberian Elm Ulmus pumila Ulmaceae
50 Slippery Elm Ulmus rubra Ulmaceae

Ontario College of Trades
Utility Arborist Level 2

NOTE: The following lists are for utility arborists only

Common Name Botanical Name Family
1 Speckled Alder Alnus rugosa Betulaceae
2 Dogwood Cornus spp Cornaceae
3 Beaked Hazel Corylus cornuta Betulaceae
4 Leatherwood Dirca palustris Thymelaeaceae
5 Witch-Hazel Hamamelis virginiana Hamamelidaceae
6 Canada Plum Prunus nigra Rosaceae
7 Gooseberries & Currents Ribes spp Saxifragaceae
8 Black Elderberry Sambucus canadensis Caprifoliaceae
9 Red Elderberry Sambucus pubens Caprifoliaceae
10 Maple-leaved Viburnum Viburnum acerifolium Caprifoliaceae
11 Hobble Bush Viburnum alnifolium Caprifoliaceae
12 Nannyberry Viburnum lentago Caprifoliaceae
13 High Bush Cranberry Viburnum trilobum Caprifoliaceae

Common Name Botanical Name Family
1. Poison Parsley Carum petroselinum
2. Poison Oak
3. Poison Ivy Toxicodeudron
4. Poison Sumac Toxicodeudron vernix

Evaluation Methods:
Weekly identification testing and sample collection.

Ontario College of Trades
Utility Arborist Level 2

Number: S0267

Unit title: Utility Arborist Transmission Line Clearing II

Duration: 12 Total Hours

Theory: 6 hours Practical: 6 hours

Prerequisite: NA

Cross-reference to training standard: U6040.14, U6041.05, .06, U6042.09,

U6051.01 - .19

General Learning Objective:

Describe and demonstrate how to manage vegetation along transmission voltage

corridors and rights of way.

Learning Outcomes and contents:

S0267.24.1 Identify Transmission Right of Way properties from drawings, maps

specifications and system diagrams

Identify system information including voltages, structures,

and feeders, using maps, drawings and specifications.
Identify right of way location using maps, drawings,
specifications and system diagrams.

S0267.24.2 Demonstrate capabilities for communicating with other work groups,

controlling authority and emergency contacts.

Identify methods for communication, including cellular

phones, mobile radios, and satellite phones.
Establish requirement for notifying other work groups
operating in the vicinity.
Notify the controlling authority as required.
Identify emergency contacts

S0267.24.3 Demonstrate ability to perform a condition patrol, identify and

maintain Right of Way access points, identify and acquire required
external permits, and comply with environmental regulations.

Perform a condition patrol

Identify hazards to line integrity

Ontario College of Trades
Utility Arborist Level 2

Document information from patrol

Measure width of Right of Way and document alterations
to Right of Way
Visually inspect structures, hardware, bridges, water
crossings, presence of soil erosion, screens and
condition of access roads
Identify Right of Way access points
Assess and identify requirement for external permits.
Describe process for acquiring external permits
Describe methods for complying with environmental

S0267.24.4 Demonstrate ability to plan work, including selection of required

tools, emergency response plan and required content for daily
tailboard conference.

Plan work
Determine tools and equipment required
Describe limitations of equipment, including off road
Create emergency plan
Establish required content for daily tailboard conference

S0267.24.5 Assess vegetation for compatibility within Right of Way and measuring
height of trees and conductors.

Identify compatible vegetation within the Right of Way

Measure height of trees and brush
Use of tree measuring devices e.g. clinometer, laser
range finders and measuring sticks
Measure height of conductor
Use of tree measuring devices e.g. clinometer, laser
range finders

S0267.24.6 Prune and remove incompatible vegetation in proximity of electrical

apparatus, including maintenance of screens and buffers.

Demonstrate live line techniques for use in transmission

line clearing
Determine standing and falling clearances (at maximum
sag position) of dead, danger and live trees, for
transmission line voltages from profile maps and condition
survey data.
Perform maintenance of screens and buffers

Ontario College of Trades
Utility Arborist Level 2

S0267.24.7 Select appropriate vegetation control methods.

Describe use parameters for herbicide application,

cutting and grubbing in the following locations; stations,
buildings, generation facilities and Right of Ways.
Identify restrictions to work use to do potential for soil
erosion, presence of incompatible species, slope/aspect
and presence of water.

S0267.24.8 Demonstrate herbicide application techniques using Integrated Pest

Management principles

Demonstrate broadcast spraying techniques

Demonstrate basal bark application techniques
Demonstrate stump spray techniques
Demonstrate stem foliar techniques
Demonstrate soil sterilization techniques

Evaluation Methods:
On going written testing and practical evaluation

Ontario College of Trades

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