ODOT LRFR Manual November2015
ODOT LRFR Manual November2015
ODOT LRFR Manual November2015
November, 2015
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
7.5.1 Generating an Exterior Girder Preliminary File from an Interior Girder File .............. 351
7.5.2 Generating an Exterior Girder BRASS Input File from an Interior Girder File ........... 352
8.1 Methodology ........................................................................................................................... 353
8.2 Preliminary Files for Superstructure (Mathcad)................................................................ 353
8.2.1 Header .................................................................................................................................... 353
8.2.2 Condition Factor .................................................................................................................... 353
8.2.3 Span Layout: .......................................................................................................................... 354
8.2.4 Live Loads: ............................................................................................................................. 354
8.2.5 Analysis Sections: .................................................................................................................. 354
8.2.6 BRASS Results: ..................................................................................................................... 355
8.2.7 Rating Factor Calculations:.................................................................................................. 355
8.3 BRASS Analysis ..................................................................................................................... 356
8.3.1 BRASS Input File conventions ............................................................................................. 356
8.3.2 BRASS Input Adjustments ................................................................................................... 360
8.3.3 Running BRASS .................................................................................................................... 361
8.3.4 BRASS errors......................................................................................................................... 363
8.3.5 BRASS Output Files .............................................................................................................. 364
8.4 Reporting Rating Factors ..................................................................................................... 365
8.4.1 Getting Started....................................................................................................................... 365
8.4.2 Summary Workbook Features ............................................................................................. 366
8.4.3 Header Information............................................................................................................... 366
8.4.4 Inserting Rating Factors ....................................................................................................... 368
SECTION 9: LOAD RATING PIN AND HANGER CONNECTIONS ............................................................ 369
9.1 ODOT LRFR Pin & Hanger (PNH) .................................................................................... 369
9.2 PNH Installation .................................................................................................................... 369
9.3 PNH - Overview ..................................................................................................................... 370
9.4 PNH Geometry & Material Properties Tab ..................................................................... 371
9.5 PNH Loads and Factors Tab ............................................................................................. 372
9.6 PNH Analysis Output ......................................................................................................... 372
9.7 PNH Deliverables................................................................................................................ 373
SECTION 10: LOAD RATING CROSSBEAMS ............................................................................................... 374
10.1 Preliminary Files for Crossbeams (Mathcad) ..................................................................... 374
10.1.1 Header ................................................................................................................................ 374
10.1.2 Resistance Factors ............................................................................................................. 374
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
The primary function of the Oregon Department of Transportation is to provide safe and uninterrupted
traffic flow over the highways and bridges in Oregon. Protecting the significant investment in the
bridge portion of the states infrastructure is second only to the safety of traffic and the bridges
themselves. Knowledge of the capacity of each bridge to carry loads is critical for each function. A
Load Rating that reflects the current condition of each bridge provides a valuable tool that is used in
identifying the need for load posting or bridge strengthening and in making overweight-vehicle permit
decisions. Load Ratings are also used in the bridge management system to prioritize bridge repairs
and replacements.
The procedures stated in this document, ODOT LRFR Load Rating Manual, are to provide a
methodology that will result in consistent and reproducible Load Rating inputs and deliverables. Also
hereinafter referred to as this Manual or ODOT LRFR Manual, this document was developed using
the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Manual for Bridge
Evaluation 2 Edition, hereinafter referred to as the MBE Manual or simply MBE for article
references. The MBE Manual frequently refers to the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications,
hereinafter referred to as AASHTO LRFD Specifications or simply AASHTO LRFD. The MBE
Manual is consistent with the AASHTO LRFD Specifications in using a reliability-based limit states
philosophy, but it extends the provisions of LRFD to the areas of Load Rating, posting, and
overweight permit checking.
In the 2013 Interim Revisions of the MBE, the National Live Load Factors have been re-calibrated
and are now very similar to the Oregon Specific Live Load Factors that are used for ODOT owned
bridges. As a result, all bridges in Oregon (regardless of the owner) will be rated following the ODOT
LRFR Load Rating Procedures. ODOT bridges will use the Oregon Specific Live Load Factors and all
other bridges will use the re-calibrated National Live Load Factors. If a specific structure type is not
currently covered in the ODOT LRFR Manual, contact ODOTs Senior Load Rating Engineer (Jon
Rooper) at (503)-986-3357 or at [email protected].
This Manual is designed to provide the load rater with a well-organized source of information that is
necessary to accomplish a Load Rating. This version was specifically created for a particular
combination of bridge types and materials. This should allow the rater to easily find the information
needed, without having to sift through information that is not applicable to the rating in progress.
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
Supporting Materials: The latest versions are always available on the ODOT FTP Server
at ftp://ftp.odot.state.or.us/Bridge/LoadRating/LRFR/
Examples of Load Ratings are provided for several different bridge types. These can be used to
better understand the concepts that are covered in this manual and the specifications and
references that apply. The examples also show a complete picture of how the individual lines of
code are used to describe a real bridge. Perhaps the best use of the example section is using an
example as a template to build the files for the current Load Rating. This must be done with
caution since there can be subtle differences between bridges that look very similar. The files
that were built from templates will have to be reviewed very thoroughly to ensure that they
accurately describe the bridge that is being rated.
This section is a collection of useful information that is presented in tables, diagrams, lists and
small applications. Much of this information currently resides in several different reference files.
These include tables such as the FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards) Codes,
standard rail weights and the BRASS truck and section libraries. The trucks that are rated are
shown in the Truck Configuration Diagrams in Article 1.5.1.
1.3.1 Specifications
There are two main publications that are used for reference when performing a Load Rating. The
primary references are the latest editions with the latest interim revisions of the publications listed
1. AASHTO The Manual for Bridge Evaluation, Second Edition (2011) with 2015 Interim
Revisions, hereinafter referred to as the MBE Manual. Chapter 6, Load Rating, is used to
generate Rating Factors at critical sections and the Inventory Rating and the Operating Rating
for each bridge. The Inventory and Operating Ratings are generated by each state and reported
to FHWA so analysis can be done on the National Bridge Inventory (NBI). These NBI ratings
are used for NBI reporting purposes only, and are not intended to be used for load restriction
purposes nor compared to ODOTs Load Resistance Factor Rating (LRFR) for Legal and Permit
2. AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, Customary U.S. Units, Seventh Edition
(2014), hereinafter referred to as the AASHTO LRFD Specifications. The AASHTO LRFD
Specifications are the source for how highway bridges are designed in the United States. This
reference has a section dedicated to each material that is used in bridge construction. It also
shows the standard loadings that are used in the NBI ratings and how wheel loads are
distributed. Where the MBE Manual is silent, the AASHTO LRFD Specifications shall govern.
Use the English System of units for all Load Rating inputs and deliverables.
1.3.3 Definitions
As-Built Plans (As Constructed) Plans that show the state of the bridge at the end of construction.
Available Load Capacity A live load that can utilize a bridge repeatedly over the duration of a
specified inspection cycle.
BDS Bridge Data System, a document retrieval system used by the ODOT Bridge Section.
Bent and Span numbering conventions The numbering convention for Bents and Spans that is
used on the inspection report may not match the numbering convention shown in the as-built plan
sheets. When this discrepancy is determined, follow the plan numbering convention and document the
conversion in the scoping file.
Bonus Weight A term referring to ODOT MCTD rules that allow permit truck configurations to have
48-kip tandem axles under certain limited conditions under Weight Table 5.
BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) A girder analysis program that employs a finite element methods,
developed and maintained by Wyoming D.O.T., used for Load Rating the girder members of Oregons
bridges. In this manual, BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) and BRASS are use interchangeably to refer to the
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
Bridge (NBI Bridge) A structure including supports erected over a depression or an obstruction such
as water, highway, or railway, and having a track or passage-way for carrying traffic or other moving
loads, and having an opening measured along the center of the roadway of more than 20 feet between
centers of bearing of abutments or spring lines of arches.
Bridge Management System (BMS) A system designed to optimize the use of available resources
for inspection, maintenance, rehabilitation, and replacement of bridges.
Bridge Name - For state bridges, use the Bridge Name from the ODOT Bridge Log, which is available
on the Bridge Section web pages at http://www.oregon.gov/ODOT/HWY/BRIDGE/docs/brlog.pdf.
For non-state bridges use the name after Structure at the top of the most recent Bridge Inspection
Report. This should follow the naming convention This over That for grade separations, and Water
Body, Highway for water crossings (which is the convention used in the Bridge Log).
Calibration A process of adjusting the parameters in a new standard to achieve approximately the
same reliability as exists in a current standard or specification or to achieve a target reliability index.
Coefficient of Variation The ratio of the standard deviation to the mean of a random variable.
Condition Rating The result of the assessment of the functional capability and the physical condition
of bridge components by considering the extent of deterioration and other defects.
Crossbeam (Bent Cap) A transverse beam supporting longitudinal girders at a bent (pier or
Failure A condition where a limit state is reached or exceeded. This may or may not involve collapse
or other catastrophic occurrences.
Inventory Level Rating - Generally represents the load that can use the structure on a continuing
basis, but reflects the existing bridge and material conditions with regard to deterioration and loss of
Limit State A condition beyond which the bridge component ceases to satisfy the criteria for which it
was designed.
Load Effect The response (axial force, shear force, bending moment, torque) in a member or an
element due to the loading.
Load Factor A load multiplier accounting for the variability of loads, the lack of accuracy in analysis,
and the probability of simultaneous occurrence of different loads.
Load Rating The determination of the live load carrying capacity of an existing bridge.
Load Rating File Set The complete collection of documentation, preliminary, analysis and summary
files that make up the Load Rating, stored in a bridge-numbered folder.
Load Rating Report The printed, stamped, bound and labeled calculation book (hard copy) for the
Load Rating.
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
Load Rating Team The Load Rating specialist group that is part of the Bridge Program Unit in the
ODOT Bridge Engineering Section.
National Bridge Inventory (NBI) The aggregation of structure inventory and appraisal data collected
to fulfill the requirements of the National Bridge Inspection Standards.
National Bridge Inspection Standards (NBIS) Federal regulations establishing requirements for
inspection procedures, frequency of inspections, qualifications of personnel, inspection reports, and
preparation and maintenance of bridge inventory records. The NBIS apply to all structures defined as
bridges located on or over all public roads.
Operating Level Rating The absolute maximum load that the structure can be subjected to, for
limited passages of the load.
Reliability Index (Beta) A computed quantity defining the relative safety of a structural element or
structure expressed as the number of standard deviations that the mean of the margin of safety falls on
the safe side.
Resistance Factor A resistance multiplier accounting for the variability of material properties,
structural dimensions and workmanship, and the uncertainty in the prediction of resistance.
RF Rating Factor. The ratio of the available load capacity to the load produced by the vehicle that
was considered.
Service Limit State Limit state relating to stress, deformation, and cracking.
Serviceability Limit State Collective term for service and fatigue limits.
Scoping Load Rating A Load Rating performed according to the ODOT LRFR Interim Scoping Load
Rating Guidelines for purposes of project scoping and decision support, not for posting or load
restriction purposes.
Specialized Hauling Vehicles (SHVs) Short but heavy vehicles that meet the provisions of Federal
Bridge Formula B but induce load effects greater than the AASHTO Legal Vehicles, especially on short
spans. These trucks are designated SU4 through SU7.
Strength Limit State Safety limit state relating to strength and stability.
Structure Inventory and Appraisal Sheet (SI&A) A summary sheet of bridge data required by NBIS.
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
Super Load Any load that exceeds the limits of Weight Tables 4 and 5 and therefore must be
evaluated by Bridge Engineering.
Weight Tables Rules used by MCTD Transportation Permit Unit to determine classification of a truck
configuration and its eligibility for permits.
The capability of a bridge to carry loads is determined through the Load Rating process. The primary
result of this process is the calculation a Rating Factor (RF) at controlling locations for each loading
situation considered. A Rating Factor is simply the ratio of the available load capacity to the load
produced by the vehicle that was considered. The Rating Factor is always associated with a
particular live load, and is a useful tool for support of bridge program decisions and management of
load restrictions. Expressed mathematically, the Rating Factor is:
The Rating Factor should normally be greater than 1.0 at all locations. The amount of the Rating
Factor greater than 1.0 is a measure of the residual load carrying capacity that is not being used in
this loading situation. In order to calculate the Rating Factors for a bridge, it is necessary to analyze
numerous locations of each load-carrying member. The Rating Factor for the weakest section of a
member is used as the Rating Factor for the bridge under the loading considered. Since most
bridges contain numerous members and are used by many different vehicles, there will be a large
number of Rating Factors calculated for each bridge.
Load and Resistance Factor Rating (LRFR) of a bridge accounts for both the physical condition and
the loadings. The Load and Resistance Factors recognize uncertainties in making judgments on
strength, analysis, and loading. The basic rating equation (MBE 6A.4.2.1-1) is shown as:
C ( DC )(DC) ( DW )( DW ) ( p )(P)
RF =
( L )( LL + IM )
RF = Rating Factor
C = Capacity
Rn = Nominal member resistance (as inspected)
DC = Dead load effect due to structural components and attachments
DW = Dead load effects due to wearing surface and utilities
P = Permanent loads other than dead loads (secondary prestressing effects, etc.)
LL = Live load effect of the Rating Vehicle
IM = Dynamic load allowance
DC = LRFD load factor for structural components and attachments
DW = LRFD load factor for wearing surfaces and utilities
p = LRFD load factor for permanent loads other than dead loads
L = Evaluation live load factor for the Rating Vehicle
C = c s Rn
c = Condition Factor
s = System Factor
= AASHTO LRFD Resistance Factor
c s 0.85
DW - Where ACWS exists, for the DW (dead load of wearing surface) calculation, add 1 inch to the
measured thickness to account for variability, unless the thickness has been obtained from averaging
multiple core samples.
Multiple Lanes The multiple presence effect of vehicles in lanes adjacent to the rating vehicle is
normally taken into account in the various calibrated live load factors in MBE 6A.
However, in crossbeam analysis where the member supports multiple lanes of traffic and the load
rating is for Permit Vehicles, the Rating Factor equation will be modified to apply only to the rated
Permit Vehicle. The residual capacity in the numerator must be further reduced by the effect of a
Legal Type 3S2 vehicle in each adjacent lane, as follows:
Design Load
Legal Load Permit Load
Dead Dead MBE 6A.
MBE 6A.4.4 MBE 6A.4.5
Bridge Type Limit State Load Load Inventory Operating
a 6A.
Strength I 1.25 1.50 1.75 1.35 -
Reinforced and
Concrete 6A.
a Table
Strength II 1.25 1.50 - - -
a 6A.
Strength I 1.25 1.50 1.75 1.35 -
a Table
Strength II 1.25 1.50 - - -
Service III 1.00 1.00 0.80 - 1.00 -
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
a 6A.
Strength I 1.25 1.50 1.75 1.35 -
Steel 6A.
a Table
Strength II 1.25 1.50 - - -
Service II 1.00 1.00 1.30 1.00 1.30 1.00
a 6A.
Strength I 1.25 1.50 1.75 1.35 -
a Table
Strength II 1.25 1.50 - - -
Load factor for DW at the Strength Limit state may be taken as 1.25 where the thickness has been
field measured. The normal ACWS thickness on ODOT Bridge Inspection Reports is assumed to
be field measured unless known to be otherwise, so DW will normally be taken as 1.25.
Service III for legal loads of prestressed concrete is optional. Thus, the ODOT load rating summary
sheet will automatically ratio the dead load and live factors between the Strength I and Service III
Limit States for the design load and will then only import from BRASS the Service III rating factors
for the HL93 design vehicle when a Service III rating factor is below 1.10.
Service II for permit loads of steel members is optional. Since Service II is required for design and
legal loads, permit loads will be evaluated as well. The ODOT load rating summary sheet will
automatically ratio the dead load and live factors between the Strength I, Strength II and Service III
Limit States for all of the loads and will then only import from BRASS the Service II rating factors for
when a Service II rating factor is below 1.10.
The basic definition of the Load Rating Factor can be expressed in more specific terms as:
There are uncertainties in each term on the right side of the above equation. For example, the
capacity of a bridge can decrease over time as the condition of the bridge deteriorates. The dead
load is not exact since the materials used to build the bridge do not exactly match the materials that
are tested in the lab, and the actual dimensions of each load carrying member may vary from the
plans. The live load may vary significantly due to unknown overweight vehicles, or to an increase in
traffic volume. Impact forces vary due to condition of the wearing surface, uneven approaches that
can launch vehicles onto the bridge, and the speed at which the vehicles travel.
The condition factor provides a reduction to account for increased uncertainty in the resistance of
deteriorated members and the likely increased future deterioration of these members during the
period between inspection cycles.
MBE T 6A.4.2.3-1
If condition information is collected and recorded in the form of NBI condition ratings only, then the
following approximate conversion may be applied in selecting c.
MBE T C6A.4.2.3-1
Superstructure Condition Rating (NBI Item Equivalent Member
59) or Substructure Condition Rating (NBI Structural Condition
Item 60) whichever is applicable
6 or higher Good or satisfactory
5 Fair
4 or lower Poor
For crossbeams supporting longitudinal members, in MBE Table C6A.4.2.3-1, the applicable
Condition Rating is the Substructure (NBI Item 60).
For a newly designed bridge that replaces an existing bridge A load rating can be performed prior to
the first bridge inspection with the following assumptions:
Deck, Superstructure and Substructure (NBI Items 58, 58 and 60) Condition Ratings are all 8.
Pontis Elements 325 (Traffic Impact Assessment) and 326 (Wearing Surface) are both 100%
in Pontis Condition State 1.
ADT (NBI Item 29) and Truck Percentage (NBI Item 109) are the same as the bridge being
For a newly designed bridge that does not replace an existing bridge, the same assumptions can be
made except a load rating cannot be performed until the ADTT and Truck Percentage on the new
structure has been rationally estimated.
Epoxy Crack Injection ODOTs position is that epoxy injection should not be considered as a
permanent structural repair. Therefore, the condition rating (and corresponding c ) of members will
not be adjusted as a result of epoxy injection.
System factors are multipliers applied to the nominal resistance to reflect the level of redundancy of
the complete superstructure system. MBE Table 6A.4.2.4-1 does not specifically cover crossbeams,
and for use in Mathcad it is convenient to distinguish between the s values for flexure and shear.
Therefore the following System Factor table will be used:
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
Use 1.0 for system factor when considering bearing in steel girders.
Stress Type
Flexure and Tension of Reinforced Concrete 0.90
Shear of Normal Weight Concrete 0.90
Flexure and Tension of Prestress Concrete 1.00
Flexure and Shear of Steel Members 1.00
Flexure of Timber Members 0.85
Shear of Timber Members 0.75
BRASS calculates the distribution factors based on the tables in AASHTO LRFD sections
and If the structure doesnt meet the range of applicability, the lever rule is applied. For
LRFR, ODOT is allowing a modification to when and how the lever rule is applied. If the BRASS
defaults produce acceptable values, no modification to the procedure is required.
The empirical equations, found in the tables of AASHTO LRFD sections and, are
based on bridge geometry; including beam length, deck thickness, number of beams, girder spacing,
etc. The range of applicability for several variables includes maximum and minimum values. Having
an allowable range can result in a structures distribution factors being calculated with the more
conservative lever rule, even when the bridges geometry facilitates better live load distribution.
Consider the calculation of the live load distribution for moment in an interior beam for a type d
cross section. The empirical distribution factor equation for one lane loaded is as follows:
S 1
DF = 1.75 + (AASHTO LRFD T
3.6 L Nc
Because L, span of beam, is in the denominator of the equation any increase in L results in a
decrease in the distribution factor. This is reasonable since the longer span length should result in
greater load sharing. However, at 240ft the empirical equation is no longer valid, because of the
range of applicability, and the more conservative lever rule is applied. It seems to be overly
conservative to penalize a structure in these types of circumstances. Therefore, the following may be
considered when using the tables in AASHTO LRFD sections and
o Variable in the Denominator: If the actual value is greater than the maximum permitted,
use the maximum permitted value for calculating the distribution factor.
o Variable in the Numerator: If the actual value is less than the minimum permitted, use
the minimum permitted value for calculating the distribution factor.
If the lever rule is going to be used, ODOT will allow a modification to how the trucks are placed. The
AASHTO LRFD manual defines a twelve foot travel lane with a ten foot design lane placed within this
travel lane. MBE defines a six foot distance between the wheels of a truck and a distance between
adjacent wheel lines of passing trucks of a minimum of four feet. This definition allows for a wheel
line spacing, for exterior girder analysis, of two feet from barrier, six feet for axle, four feet to adjacent
vehicle. Using the AASHTO LRFD live load placement for an exterior girder would result in two feet
from barrier, six feet for axle, and six feet to the adjacent truck. This is because the ten foot design
lane must reside within the twelve foot travel lane. BRASS defaults to the AASHTO LRFD definition
of travel lanes when performing the lever rule.
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
In the event that the distribution factors require manual calculation, it is also acceptable to follow a
simplified vehicle spacing shown in NCHRP Report 592, see below. MBE section 6A.2.3.2 follows
the same methodology for vehicular live load placement as NCHRP Report 592. For single lane
cases, make sure to multiply the result of the lever rule by the multiple presence factor of 1.2. When
manually calculating the distribution factors, show the appropriate lever rule equations used in the
load rating preliminary file. If there is an error in the calculation of Distribution Factors by BRASS,
notify the ODOT load Rating Unit of the problem.
NCHRP Report 592 Table 12: Lever rule equations for exterior girders
Number of Number of
Distribution Range of
Loaded Loading Diagram Wheels to
Factor Application
Lanes Beam
1 de (d e + S) 6ft
+ 1
2 2S de S
de 3
1+ (d e + S) > 6ft 2
de 3
1+ (d e + S) 10ft 2
3 3d e 8
2 or more + 10 < (d e + S) 16ft 3
2 2S S
2d e 16
2+ 16 < (d e + S) 20ft 4
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
NCHRP Report 592 Table 13: Lever rule equations for interior girders
Number of Number of
Distribution Range of
Loaded Loading Diagram Wheels to
Factor Application
Lanes Beam
S 6ft
1 1
de 0
3 S > 6ft
1 2
S de 0
1 S 4ft
2 de 0
2 4 < S 6ft
1 2
S de 0
2 or more
3 5 6 < S 10ft
2 S de 0
10 10 < S 16ft
2 4
S de 0
Note: if d e < 0, use lever rule and manually place the vehicle for critical effect on the first interior beam.
When calculating the number of lanes for use in analysis, follow MBE 6A.2.3.2. The number of lanes
used for analysis, and the number of lanes actually delineated are not necessarily the same. PER
MBE 6A.2.3.2 if the travel way width is at least 18ft, it shall be analyzed with two travel lanes. Design Live Load Factors L :
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015 Generalized Live Load Factors for Legal Loads L on State-Owned Bridges:
These live load factors are applicable to the Specialized Hauling Vehicles (SHVs).
The Excel application LL_Factors_State.XLS implements this table.
These live load factors are to only be used with the live load distribution factors that are computed
following LRFD Article (Beam Slab Bridges) of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design
Specifications. If a refined analysis model is used, then the national live load factors as described in
Article should be used. The Excel application LL_Factors_Refined_2013.xlsm implements
the national live load factors for refined load rating analysis.
The Oregon-specific live load factors presented in this table and in Article are the result of an
extensive calibration study based on weigh-in-motion data, conducted under the provisions of MBE
commentary Article C6A. See ODOT LRFR Policy Report: Live Load Factors for Use in Load
and Resistance Factor Rating (LRFR) of Oregons State-Owned Bridges for details. Generalized Live Load Factors for Legal Loads L on Local Agency Bridges:
These live load factors are applicable to the Specialized Hauling Vehicles (SHVs).
The Excel application LL_Factors_Local_2013.xlsm implements this table. Generalized Live Load Factors for Permit Loads L on State-Owned Bridges:
Because ODOTs Motor Carrier Transportation Division (MCTD) issues Single Trip Permits in such
large numbers on a routine basis without a specific structural review, they are treated the same as
Routine or Annual in this table. Use Table only where multiple-lane Distribution Factors
are used.
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Table (Adaptation of upper portion of MBE Table 6A. for ODOT Routine Permits
Live Load Factor L
Permit Loading Permit b c
a by ADTT (one direction)
Type Frequency Condition DF Vehicle
Unknown 5000 = 1500 500
Continuous Unlimited Mix w/traffic (other 2 or CTP-2A 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.25
Trip Crossings vehicles may be more CTP-2B 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.25
(Annual) on the bridge) lanes CTP-3 1.45 1.45 1.40 1.30
STP-3 1.25 1.25 1.20 1.10
STP-4A 1.40 1.40 1.35 1.25
Mix w/traffic (other 2 or STP-4B 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Single Trip vehicles may be more STP-4C 1.10 1.10 1.05 1.00
on the bridge) lanes STP-4D 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.00
STP-4E 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
STP-5BW 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Use Table whenever one-lane Distribution Factors are used. Note: ODOT assumes the
multiple-lane loading to always control over the single-lane loading, so this table would only be used
in (1) the exceptional case where single-lane loading is shown to govern over multiple-lane loading,
or (2) in the Super-Load case where the loading is known to be single-lane.
Table (Adaptation of lower portion of MBE Table 6A. for ODOT Super-load
Live Load Factor L
Permit Loading a Permit b c
Frequency DF by ADTT (one direction)
Type Condition Vehicle
Unknown 5000 = 1000 100
Escorted w/no
Special or Single- One
other vehicles on Specific 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15
Limited Trip Lane
the bridge
Mix w/traffic (other
(Super- Single- One
vehicles may be Specific 1.50 1.50 1.40 1.35
Loads) Trip Lane
on the bridge)
The Excel application LL_Factors_State.XLS implements this table. Because Oregon MCTD issues
Single Trip Permits in such large numbers on a routine basis without a specific structural review,
LL_Factors_State.XLS is programmed to treat them the same as Routine or Annual in the live load
factor tables. This means live load factors will vary according to ADTT. Use Table (for
Special or Limited Crossings) only when doing a review analysis for a specific permit vehicle.
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
These live load factors are to only be used with the live load distribution factors that are computed
following LRFD Article (Beam Slab Bridges) of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design
Specifications. If a refined analysis model is used, then the national live load factors as described in
Article should be used. The Excel application LL_Factors_Refined_2013.xlsm implements
the national live load factors for refined load rating analysis. Generalized Live Load Factors for Permit Loads L on Local Agency Bridges:
Table Adaptation of MBE Table 6A.
DF = LRFD live load distribution factor. For Local Agency bridges, when one-lane distribution
factor is used, the built-in multiple presence factor for one lane (1.2) should be divided out of the
distribution factor.
Permit Weight Ratio = GVW / AL; GVW = Gross Vehicle Weight; AL = Front axle to rear axle
length; Use only axle weights on the bridge.
If there are two directions of traffic, use only half of the structure ADTT (use one direction) to
determine the live load factors.
Use an effective bridge length to determine axle weights on the bridge. For continuous span bridges,
use the longest two consecutive spans. For simple span bridges, use the longest simple span. For
bridges with a combination of continuous spans with joints at the bents, use the longer of (a) the
longest two adjacent continuous spans or (b) the longest simple span length. This will be slightly
conservative for some portions of the bridge compared to using the entire bridge length, but not
excessively so.
Annual in the live load factor tables. This means live load factors will vary according to ADTT,
weight, and effective bridge length. Use the lower portion of MBE Table 6A. (for Special or
Limited Crossings) only when doing a review analysis for a specific permit vehicle.
Increase the static effects of the truck loads for strength limit states to account for the dynamic effects
due to moving vehicles.
For Design Vehicles, regardless of the riding surface condition or the span length, always use 33%
for the dynamic load allowance (IM).
Per AASHTO LRFD C3.6.2.1, field tests indicate that in the majority of highway bridges, the dynamic
component of the response does not exceed 25 percent of the static response to vehicles. Therefore,
for legal and permit vehicles, a maximum dynamic load allowance (IM) of 25% will be used.
For Legal and Permit Vehicles, longitudinal members having spans greater than 40 ft. with less
severe approach and deck surface conditions, the dynamic load allowance (IM) may be decreased as
given in MBE Table C6A.4.4.3-1. Because the load effects due to impact are dependent on span
length and support continuity, in addition to riding surface, any decrease in impact factor is also
subject to the following:
Multi-Span Bridges Continuous for Live Load: If a span length is 40ft or less; do not reduce
the impact factor in any span. Because BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) does not allow definition of
separate dynamic load allowance (impact factors) for each span, as a general rule use 25%
for the whole bridge. If Rating Factors are < 1.0 using this somewhat conservative
assumption, the ODOT Bridge Load Rating Unit may authorize an alternative analysis with
multiple BRASS runs to apply different dynamic load allowances in each span. No alternative
analysis is acceptable without written approval of the ODOT Bridge Load Rating Unit.
Simple Spans: Reduction is permitted within any span whose length is greater than 40 ft in
length. When multi-span structures are simply supported for live load, it is permissible to
have different impact factors for different spans. Use the reduced impact factor in the spans
longer than 40 ft, and do not reduce the impact factor in the spans with lengths equal to or
less than 40 ft.
The Oregon Coding Guide condition state language for the Roadway Impact (Pontis Element 999)
has been modified to reflect the MBE Manual provisions.
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
2. Wind Loads: WL and WS Wind loads need not be considered unless special circumstances
justify otherwise.
5. Creep and Shrinkage : CR and SH - Creep and shrinkage effects do not need to be
considered in calculating Load Ratings where there is well-distributed reinforcement to control
cracking in non-segmental, non-prestressed components.
1.4.2 Concrete
Use the specific concrete strength values f c given on the plans whenever available.
When compressive strength of concrete, f c , is not given but a class of concrete is designated on
the plans, use the following:
When compressive strength of concrete, f c , is unknown and no concrete class designation is given
on the plans, and the concrete is in satisfactory condition, f c , for reinforced concrete superstructure
members may be taken as given in MBE Table 6A.5.2.1-1 by considering the date of construction.
Yield strengths for reinforcing steels are specified in MBE Table 6A.5.2.2-1. Yield strengths of
unknown reinforcing steel may be estimated by considering the date of construction.
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
Where the tensile strength of the prestressing strand is unknown, the values specified in MBE Table
6A.5.2.3-1 based on the date of construction may be used. Stress-relieved strands should be
assumed when strand type is unknown.
In the absence of a well-defined yield stress for prestressing steels, the following values of f py are
Based on documents and information provided by ODOTs technical experts, it appears that ODOT
changed from stress-relieved strands to low-relaxation strands in 1984. About that time there was a
new set of standard drawings issued for slabs, box beams and girders. For projects let at or near the
change, one should confirm whether or not these standard drawings were used. If an earlier
standard was used, they probably used stress-relieved strand. Below is the list of standards that were
issued at that time:
Properties and design strengths of Prestressing Steel from Table 2.11-1 of the PCI Bridge Design
Manual are shown on the next page:
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
The minimum yield strengths of unknown structural steels are specified in MBE Table 6A.6.2.1-1,
which may be assumed based on the year of construction.
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
The minimum yield strengths of unknown steel pins are specified in MBE Table 6A.6.2.2-1, which
may be assumed based on the year of construction.
Minimum Yield
Year of Construction Strength, F y , ksi
Prior to 1905 25.5
1905 to 1936 30
1936 to 1963 33
After 1963 36
The reference design values for existing timber bridge components in satisfactory condition may be
taken as given in LRFD Design Articles and and adjusted for actual conditions of
use in accordance with LRFD Design Article 8.4.4. To obtain values for species and grades not
included in the LRFD articles, a direct conversion of Allowable Stress Design Values in the
National Design Specification for Wood Construction, 2005 Edition may be performed.
Use the design values listed for the West Coast Lumber Inspection Bureau (WCLIB) grading rules.
The timber grade of existing stringers and caps can be estimated by using the following guidelines:
If the timber species and/or grade are unknown, use the design values for Douglas Fir No. 1 in the
load rating.
The MBE Specification makes clear distinctions between Design Load Rating, Legal Load Rating and
Permit Load Rating. Because information at all these load levels is useful for load restrictions and
general bridge asset management, ODOT will disregard the flow chart in MBE Appendix A6A, and will
require concurrent performance of all types of Load Ratings. ODOT will also subdivide Permit Load
Rating into Continuous Trip Permit (CTP) Load Rating and Single Trip Permit (STP) Load Rating.
The LRFD design live load is designated HL-93 and consists of various combinations of the Design
Truck, Design Tandem and Design Lane Loads. The HL-93 loading is rated to provide a design
check (see how the design compares to current design requirements) and provide structure inventory
and appraisal data for reporting to the NBI. The configurations are shown in MBE Appendix C6A.
ODOT makes Legal Load posting decisions based on a set of legal trucks plus the Legal Truck and
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
Lane combinations specified in the MBE Manual. Note that the Oregon Legal Type 3S2 vehicle is
different (heavier) than the 3S2 vehicle in the MBE Manual. Refer to MBE Appendix D6A, figures
D6A-4 and D6A-5, for required Lane-Type Legal Load Combinations. The Lane-Type Legal Load
Model (Type 3-3 at 75% + Legal Lane Load of 0.2 klf) is not used as long as spans are < 200 ft.
The AASHTO legal vehicles, designated as Type 3, Type 3S2, and Type 3-3 are sufficiently
representative of routine average truck configurations in use today, and are used as vehicle models
for load rating. When a load rating shows that a bridge does not have sufficient capacity for any one
of these standard legal vehicles, the bridge must be posted for load. When a bridge needs to be
posted for less than legal loads, Oregon uses a single weight-limit sign or a three-vehicle combination
sign that conforms to FHWAs Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). The silhouettes
on the three-vehicle combination sign represent the three standard legal vehicles described below.
Note that the signs shown above do not include weight limits for the Specialized Hauling Vehicles
(SHVs), which are described in Section Oregon has developed a new load posting sign that
will eventually replace the sign with the silhouettes of the three standard legal vehicles shown above.
Refer to the end of Section of this manual for the description of the new load posting signs for
the standard legal vehicles, which will also include load posting for the SHVs.
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
Axle No. 1 2 3
15' 4'
Axle No. 1 2 3 4 5
This truck is greater than 10' 4' 33' 4'
the standard AASHTO
Type 3S2, which has 51'
Gross Weight = 72 k
Axle No. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
Specialized Hauling Vehicles (SHVs) are legal vehicles with legal axle weights that meet the Federal
Bridge Formula (Formula B) equation for maximum axle group weight and represent short wheel
based vehicles with multiple drop axles (such as modern concrete and dump trucks). These vehicles
are commonly used in the construction, waste management, bulk cargo and commodities hauling
industries. These vehicles consist of moveable axles that raise or lower as needed for weight, and
result in higher loads concentrated over shorter distance.
Since the 1975 adoption of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
(AASHTO) family of three legal loads, the trucking industry has introduced specialized single-unit
trucks with closely spaced multiple
axles that make it possible for these short-wheelbase trucks to carry the maximum load of up to
80,000 lbs and still meet the Formula B equation. The AASHTO family of three legal loads selected
at the time to closely match the Formula B in the short, medium, and long truck length ranges do not
represent these newer axle configurations. These SHV trucks cause force effects in bridges that
exceed the stresses induced by the Type 3, Type 3S2, or Type 3-3 legal vehicles by over 50 percent
in certain cases. The shorter bridge spans are most sensitive to the newer SHV axle configurations.
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) sent a memo to all states on November 15, 2013
requiring every state to post bridges for SHVs that do not pass a load rating analysis for these
vehicles, in addition to the current standard legal vehicles.
Four Specialized Hauling Vehicle models were adopted by AASHTO in 2005 to represent new trucks
that comply with Formula B and meet all Federal weight regulations.
The first SHV model is the SU4, which is a four axle vehicle with a gross vehicle weight of 54,000
LBS (27 tons).
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The second SHV model is the SU5, which a five axle vehicle with a gross vehicle weight of 62,000
LBS (31 tons).
The third SHV model is the SU6, which is a six axle vehicle with a gross vehicle weight of 69,500 LBS
(34.75 tons).
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
The fourth SHV model is the SU7, which is a seven axle vehicle with a gross vehicle weight of 77,500
LBS (38.75 tons).
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
The effect of these 4 vehicles, designated SU4 (4 axles) through SU7 (7 axles), is upper-bounded by
the introduction of a single 80-kip Notional Rating Load (NRL). Because this notional load has
variable axle spacing, at this time it cannot be accommodated in BRASS without re-coding. Just as it
is ODOTs policy to rate for specific Legal, CTP and STP vehicles even when a bridge is adequate for
the HL-93 notional loading, in a similar manner ODOT will require rating for each of the specific SHVs
(SU4 through SU7), regardless of the results that might be obtained by rating with the NRL.
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
When a load rating shows that a bridge does not have sufficient capacity for any one of the four
Specialized Hauling Vehicle models, the bridge must be posted for load. Posting signs must conform
to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). The MUTCD only has one sign (R12-5)
that has silhouettes of trucks for load posting; which are for the three standard legal vehicles. The
MUTCD does not allow any other silhouettes of trucks to be used on signs, so there will be no new
silhouettes depicting the SHVs on a posting sign. Plus, there is a safety issue of having truck drivers
attempting to count the number of axles depicted on a sign while travelling at highway speeds.
The MUTCD does allow the language on posting signs to be modified to account for the posting of
Specialized Hauling Vehicles. It is up to each state to determine the language to be used on the
posting signs for SHVs. ODOT worked with the freight industry, Motor Carrier Enforcement, and local
agencies to establish signs for the load posting for SHVs in Oregon. ODOT has designed new posting
signs that will be used under different scenarios when a bridge requires posting for the standard legal
vehicles and/or SHVs.
The first posting sign has three variations that can be used when the bridge has sufficient capacity for
the three standard legal vehicles, but needs to be load posted for one or more of the legal 4-7 axle
Specialized Hauling Vehicles. Since SHV trucks can cause force effects in bridges that exceed the
stresses induced by the Type 3, Type 3S2, or Type 3-3 legal vehicles by over 50 percent in certain
cases, there is a possibility that a bridge has sufficient capacity for legal axle weights and 80,000 LBS
GVW for routine commercial traffic, but does not have sufficient capacity for the different SHV
configurations. Instead of penalizing all trucks from using the bridge, the following posting signs were
developed to restrict single unit vehicles to a lower gross vehicle weight. The posted weight for each
single unit vehicle will be determined on a case-by-case basis for the safe load capacity of the bridge.
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
When a bridge needs to be posted for SU4 or SU5 vehicles (which will also require the SU6 and SU7
vehicles to be posted), but the standard legal vehicles do not need to be posted, the following sign
will be used:
When a bridge only needs to be posted for SU6 and SU7 vehicles, the following sign will be used:
When a bridge only needs to be posted for the SU7 vehicle, the following sign will be used:
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
When a bridge needs to be posted for the standard legal loads, which will also require load posting for the
SHVs, the following sign will be used:
These new posting signs are now included as an update to the ODOT Sign Policy and Guidelines for the
State Highway System, which is now available on the ODOT Traffic-Roadway Section Sign Policy
Information website:
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
The designations for ODOT Permit Vehicles contain indicators of the type of permit - Continuous Trip
Permit (CTP) or Single Trip Permit (STP), and the number of the MTCD Weight Table it represents.
For example, Type CTP-2A indicates a Continuous Trip Permit vehicle that conforms to Weight
Table 2.
Type OR-CTP-2A
10.5 16.5 16.5 14 14 14 10 10
8 Axle Vehicle
Gross Weight = 105.5 k
Axle No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Representative Sample of
Annual Extended Weight Permit 17' 4.5' 29' 4.5' 4.5' 18' 4.5'
Weight Table 2
MCTD refers to this as a 82'
"Canadian Mule Train"
(This load was not used in Tier-1)
Type OR-CTP-2B
11.0 14.5 14.5 14.5 12.75 12.75 12.75 12.75
8 Axle Vehicle
Gross Weight = 105.5 k
Axle No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Representative Sample of
Annual Extended Weight Permit 15' 5' 5' 37' 4.5' 4.5' 4.5'
Weight Table 2
Maximum 4-axle group 75.5'
Type OR-CTP-3
12 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5
5 Axle Vehicle
Gross Weight = 98 k
Axle No. 1 2 3 4 5
Representative Sample of
Annual Heavy Haul Permit 11' 4' 24' 4'
Weight Table 3
(Similar to "Permit-1" in Tier-1)
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
The designations for ODOT Permit Vehicles contain indicators of the type of permit (CTP or STP) and
the number MTCD Weight Table it represents. For example, Type STP-4A indicates this is a Single
Trip Permit vehicle that conforms to Weight Table 4.
Type OR-STP-3
13 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5
6 Axle Vehicle
Gross Weight = 120.5 k
Axle No. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Representative Sample of
Single Trip Permit 17' 4.5' 29' 4.5' 15'
in Weight Table 3
(Same as "Permit-5" in Tier-1)
Type OR-STP-4A
13 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5
5 Axle Vehicle
Gross Weight = 99 k
Axle No. 1 2 3 4 5
Representative Sample of
Short Single Trip Permit 10' 4.5' 20' 4.5'
in Weight Table 4
(Similar to "Permit-2" in Tier-1)
Type OR-STP-4B
13 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5
9 Axle Vehicle
Gross Weight = 185 k
Axle No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Representative Sample of
Long Single Trip Permit 17' 4.5' 14' 4.5' 37' 4.5' 14' 4.5'
in Weight Table 4
(Similar to "Permit-7" in Tier-1)
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
Type OR-STP-4C
13 15 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 15
8 Axle Vehicle
Gross Weight = 150.5 k
Axle No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Representative Sample of
Single Trip Permit 11.5' 5.5' 4.5' 30' 5' 5' 12'
in Revised Weight Table 4
(Same as "Permit-6" in Tier-1)
Type OR-STP-4D
12 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5
8 Axle Vehicle
Gross Weight = 162.5 k
Axle No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Representative Sample of
Single Trip Permit 10' 4' 21' 4' 6' 16' 4'
in Revised Weight Table 4
(Similar to "Permit-3" in Tier-1)
Type OR-STP-4E
18 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
13 Axle Vehicle
Gross Weight = 258 k
Axle No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Representative Sample of
Single Trip Permit 12' 5.5' 4.5' 15' 5' 5' 43' 5' 5' 16' 5' 5'
in Revised Weight Table 4
(This load was not used in Tier-1)
12 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24
9 Axle Vehicle
Gross Weight = 204 k
Axle No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Representative Sample
Single-Trip Permit 18' 4.5' 14' 5' 32' 5' 16' 4.5'
in Revised Weight Table 5
("Bonus Weight" Confiuration) 99'
(Replaces "Permit-4" in Tier-1)
Not every member in a bridge needs to be load rated. Load rating is recommended for only interior
and exterior girders and crossbeams of RCDG bridges. Decks will not be load rated in this version of
the Manual. Substructure members such as columns and footings are not routinely checked for load
Based on cracked bridge research at OSU , Rating Factors should be investigated at the following
groups of locations for RC Deck Girders, Prestressed Precast Concrete Members (girders, slabs, and
boxes), and Post-Tensioned Concrete Members :
Assessment Methodology for Diagonally Cracked Reinforced Concrete Deck Girders, SPR 350 (SR 500-091)
published by ODOT Research Unit (October 2004)
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
(1) Maximum Moment Locations (for both positive and negative moments; when applicable)
(2) Critical Shear Section Points (d v from the support face at each end of each span)
(3) Flexural Bar Cutoff Points
(4) Girder Geometry Change Points
(5) Stirrup Spacing Change Points
(5) Locations of Significant Shear Cracks that are not related to one of the above conditions
To clarify the Load Rating process for future users, calculations of Rating Factor locations shall
always be grouped in this way and presented in this order. Until further cracked bridge research
indicates otherwise, the same section location criteria and procedure will be applied to crossbeams.
For steel girders and stringers, Rating Factors should be investigated at the following groups of
(1) Maximum Moment Locations (for both positive and negative moments; when applicable)
(2) Critical Shear Section Points
(3) Bearing at support locations (performed when bearing stiffeners are defined in BRASS)
(4) Girder Geometry Change Points
a. Moment should be checked at every location where the top or bottom flanges change
(thickness, width, or material strength)
b. Shear should be checked at every location where the web changes (thickness or
material strength)
c. Shear and moment should be checked at every location where the web depth
The majority of ODOT bridges are deck girder and box girder construction. Standard analysis tools
have been chosen and developed to maximize efficiency and applicability to ODOTs bridge inventory
while maintaining sound engineering practices.
To facilitate future revisions of Load Ratings by different parties and to avoid version compatibility
problems, the ODOT Load Rating Team will specify the acceptable version(s) of software to be used.
Use of analysis software or versions other than those listed below is prohibited without the consent of
the Load Rating Team. BRASS
BRASS (Bridge Rating and Analysis of Structural Systems) is a family of programs developed and
maintained in the public domain by the Wyoming Department of Transportation. BRASS-GIRDER
(Version 7.5), (also referred to herein as BRASSBRASS-GIRDER(LRFD)) is the primary program
for Load Rating the majority of ODOT bridges. BRASS-GIRDER is different from the previous
BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) program in that it no longer uses text file inputs, but instead utilizes a
Graphical User Interface (GUI) with data saved in xml file format. Instead of developing new
procedures to populate the GUI of BRASS-GIRDER, this manual will continue to give instructions on
how to create the text input file for BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD). Once the file is ready for analysis, the
user will run the text input file through the BRASS-GIRDER translator that will create the xml input
file used to populate the new GUI. From there the user will be able to run the analysis within BRASS-
BRASS-GIRDER and BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) both utilize a finite element method of analysis and
follow the current AASHTO LRFD specifications. It computes moments, shears, axial forces,
deflections, and rotations caused by dead loads, live loads, settlements and temperature change.
These actions are utilized by various subroutines to rate user-specified sections of the deck or girder.
It is capable of rating steel, timber and concrete deck and box girder bridges, but is currently not
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
applicable to transverse crossbeams or floor beams in the above structure types. It is not capable of
analyzing and rating truss, arch, cable stayed, and suspension bridges.
link: http://www.dot.state.wy.us/home/engineering_technical_programs/bridge/brass/brass_suite_pric
To provide as much consistency as possible across various structure types, and to allow for future
nonstandard permit load investigations in a short timeframe, ODOT Bridge Section will require the
use of the BRASS-GIRDER program for Load Rating of the following bridge types:
Steel girders and stringers (both composite and non-composite) in girder and truss bridges
Reinforced concrete deck girders
Reinforced concrete box girder bridges
Reinforced concrete slab bridges
Reinforced concrete rigid frames
Precast prestressed concrete girders (pre-tensioned)
Precast prestressed concrete slabs (referred to in AASHTO Art. as multi-beam decks)
A sample BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) input file (INTGIR.DAT) for a similar structure will normally be
used as a starting point to develop the input file for the bridge being rated. Mathcad
Mathcad from PTC (Parametric Technology Corporation, formerly Mathsoft ), is used for creating
Preliminary Files for girders, slabs, crossbeams, etc. Mathcad lets you work with mathematical
expressions using standard math notation - but with the added ability to recalculate, view, present,
and publish with ease.
A sample Mathcad Preliminary File (INTGIR.XMCD) for a similar structure will normally be used as a
starting point to develop the Preliminary File for the bridge being rated.
ODOT Load Rating Preliminary Files should be created in either version 15 or Prime 2.0. A previous
version of Mathcad is acceptable but must be independently checked for compatibility with version
Notes: To eliminate the wavy lines (spelling error warnings) on Mathcad printouts, from the menu go
to Tools/Preferences, click on the Warnings Tab and uncheck the Show Warnings box. Use the
same general Mathcad format as the ODOT load rating examples. Do not incorporate colored
backgrounds or text, arrays, advanced programming techniques, auto-solvers or other advanced
features beyond what is found in the examples. The intent is to have Mathcad files that are readily
understandable and usable by future load raters without the need to learn the advanced features of
Mathcad. Excel
Microsoft Excel is used for several calculation tools supporting the Preliminary Files, for Crossbeam
Load Rating Analysis files, and for the Load Rating Summary Workbook. ODOT currently uses the
Microsoft Office 2010 Program suite. Thus, these tools must be saved as Macro-Enabled
Workbooks in Microsoft Excel 2010.
Several tools have been developed to provide consistent input and aid in the Load Rating process:
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
LR_Trucks_Annotated_Tier2.XLS (Shows all ODOT Legal, Continuous Trip Permit, and Single
Trip Permit vehicles that will be rated. There is also a matrix available with details on the Weight
Tables and other important considerations.)
Bar_Ld.XLS (Shows top bar and bottom bar development lengths for both 40 ksi and 60 ksi
LL_Factors_State.XLS (A file to determine the live load factors for Legal, Continuous Trip
Permit, and Single Trip Permit vehicles. This file implements the Oregon-specific LRFR live load
factors and is only applicable to State-owned bridges.)
LL_Factors_Local_2013.xlsm (A file to determine the live load factors for Legal, Continuous
Trip Permit, and Single Trip Permit vehicles. This file implements the LRFR live load factors in
the national code that were revised in 2013 and is only applicable to Local-Agency-owned
LL_Factors_Refined_2013.xlsm (A file to determine the live load factors for Legal, Continuous
Trip Permit, and Single Trip Permit vehicles. This file implements the LRFR live load factors in
the national code that were revised in 2013 and is only applicable to refined analysis models of a
bridge where the LRFD distribution factor equations or Lever Rule for girder line analysis were
not used.)
RAILDL.XLS (A summary of current and past standard rail dead loads tabulated according to
their Standard Drawing Number.)
TOC.XLS (A sample file that will be modified to become the Table of Contents that will be placed
in the completed Load Rating.)
LR.xltm (A template for the Load Rating Summary Workbook where the Rating Factors for each
analysis point are recorded. The first and second controlling members are listed on the first
page, and all Rating Factors less than 1.0 are shown in bold print.)
XB_RC.XLT (A template for the file that is used to input the design and loading conditions for
reinforced concrete crossbeams. This file is to be saved as a Crossbeam Analysis Data File.)
XB_S.XLT (A template for the file that is used to input the design and loading conditions for steel
crossbeams. This file is to be saved as a Crossbeam Analysis Data File.)
XB_T.XLT (A template for the file that is used to input the design and loading conditions for
timber crossbeams. This file is to be saved as a Crossbeam Analysis Data File.)
XB_MAIN.XLS (The Crossbeam Analysis Program used with XB_RC.XLT, XB_S.XLT, and
XB_T.XLT to determine the Rating Factors for crossbeams.) Word
Microsoft Word (2010) is used only to create the label for the Load Rating Report cover. Therefore,
all Microsoft Word files should be saved as the Word 2010 (*.docx) format.
Label.docx (A sample Microsoft Word file that will be modified with bridge-specific information to
create the label for cover of the Load Rating Report)
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
Microsoft Internet Explorer is used only to save the Bridge Inspection Report and SI&A Sheet when
these documents are called up on the ODOT Bridge Inspection web pages. This applies to bridges
load rated within ODOT, or where these files are provided to an external load rater.
BIRnnnnnn.HTM (Current Bridge Inspection Report for Bridge Number nnnnnn. Sometimes this
file includes the Structure Inventory and Appraisal Sheet).
SIAnnnnnn.HTM (Current NBI Structure Inventory and Appraisal Sheet for Bridge Number
PFE32 (Programmers File Editor, 32-bit version) is a full-featured freeware text editor that is
recommended for all text file purposes because, unlike some text editors, it has the capacity to accept
very large files such as the BRASS output files.
Microsoft Word and other word processors should not be used for BRASS input files as they
introduce hidden formatting characters that are likely to render the files unusable by BRASS.
Those who expect to do a significant amount of ODOT Load Rating work are advised to associate the
file extensions .DAT, .OUT, .DST, .EFF, .RFS, .ERR and .RPT with their text editor so these text files
can be launched directly by double-clicking on the filename in a file management program. WordPad
The Microsoft WordPad application, normally furnished with the Windows operating system in the
Accessories folder, can be used for the same purposes as the PFE Editor. Because it supports a
few different file formats, make sure that only the Text Document file type is used.
Invented by Adobe Systems and perfected over the years, Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF)
lets you capture and view robust informationfrom any application, on any computer systemand
share it with anyone around the world. Adobe PDF files look exactly like original documents and
preserve source file information text, drawings, 3D, full-color graphics, photos, and even business
logic regardless of the application used to create them.
Any hand and/or computer generated drawings or sketches that are used to compute or clarify the
dimensions or geometry of the load rated members shall be submitted as part of the electronic file set
in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF).
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) can be used to save the Bridge Inspection Report and SI&A
Sheet when these documents are called up on the ODOT Bridge Inspection web pages. This applies
to bridges Load Rated within ODOT, or where these files are provided to an external Load Rater.
BIRnnnnnn.PDF (Current Bridge Inspection Report for Bridge Number nnnnnn. Sometimes this
file includes the Structure Inventory and Appraisal Sheet).
SIAnnnnnn.PDF (Current NBI Structure Inventory and Appraisal Sheet for Bridge Number
nnnnnn). MicroStation
MicroStation is a suite of CAD software products for 2- and 3-dimensional design and drafting,
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
developed and sold by Bentley Systems. The latest versions of the software are released solely for
Microsoft Windows operating systems. Its native format is the DGN (DesiGN file) format.
ODOTs only CAD platform is MicroStation. Therefore any CAD drawings or sketches that are used
to compute or clarify the dimensions or geometry of the load rated members shall be submitted as
part of the electronic file set in not only the Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF), but also in the
MicroStation design file (DGN) format. This will allow those reviewers who have access to
MicroStation to be able to open the CAD file and physically measure and verify the dimensions as
they are drawn.
Created by ODOT, the ODOT Concrete Bridge Generator (CBG) is a stand-alone windows software
package that is a pre-BRASS processor for Cast-In-Place concrete bridge girder sections. Once the
user enters basic bridge information, concrete section geometry, span configuration geometry, and
the longitudinal reinforcement within the form fields, the program will generate the first half of the
BRASS code. The program will also generate the BRASS code for the bar cut-off shear points that
the user will paste into the appropriate locations in the BRASS input file.
The CBG is solely for the Microsoft Windows operating system and utilizes the Microsoft .NET
Framework. The programs native format is the CBG (Concrete Bridge Generator) file format.
Created by ODOT, the ODOT BRASS Moment Analyzer is a stand-alone windows software package
that will evaluate the BRASS output files after an initial BRASS run and determine if the maximum
positive moment locations for the live loads differ from the dead load locations. If so, the program will
then analyze the differences in the locations and then provide a range of recommended positive
moment locations (at 20th points) along with the BRASS commands for these new flexural analysis
locations that can be copied and pasted into the BRASS input files. The program will create a text file,
with the modified name of _MOMENT_INITIAL.TXT, in the same directory that contains the BRASS
output files that were analyzed.
After the final BRASS run, the BRASS Moment Analyzer can be used to once again evaluate the
BRASS output files. This time, the software will check and report if the maximum combined moment
for every vehicle at each analysis point is negative, positive, or contains both negative and positive
values. The program will allow the user to print a summary report which they can refer to when
selecting the type of moment during the BRASS import of the moment locations on the Load Rating
Summary sheet. The program will create a text file, with the modified name of
_MOMENT_FINAL.TXT, in the same directory that contains the BRASS output files that were
Do not include the BRASS Moment Analyzer output in the printed Load Rating Calc. Book. We only
request that the .TXT files that it produces be included with the electronic files for the load rating.
The intent is to only use the BRASS Moment Analyzer for continuous bridges with adjacent span
lengths that vary more than 30%.
The ODOT BRASS Moment Analyzer is solely for the Microsoft Windows operating system and
utilizes the Microsoft .NET Framework.
Midas Civil is a general finite element analysis software. At this time, post-tensioned box girder
analysis is not adequately supported by BRASS GIRDER LRFD, thus Midas Civil has been selected
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
to analyze load effects for these bridges. All instructions referencing Midas in this manual refer to
Midas Civil 2016 (v1.1).
Detailed output is not required to be included in the Load Rating Calculation Book. The electronic file
does need to be submitted.
To allow for future archiving and retrieval, always store the complete Load Rating File Set for each
bridge in a folder named with the 5- or 6-character NBI Bridge Number. For State-owned bridges this
normally means a 5-digit numeric (padded with leading zeros as necessary) sometimes followed by 1
alphabetic character if part of the Bridge Number. The first 6 characters are to be identical to the first
6 characters of the 15-character structure number that appears in the National Bridge Inventory (Item
8 on the SI&A sheet). Do not insert a leading zero in front of a 5-digit Bridge Number.
Generally, for the file root name (or prefix, the portion before the period) use a meaningful (not
arbitrary) file name, preferably 8 or less characters, containing no spaces (the underscore character
is acceptable, a comma is not).
For BRASS files, identify the girder type (interior or exterior, or girder labeling letters as indicated on
the plans, such as GIR_A, GIR_B, etc.).
This leaves up to 6 characters at the beginning of the name for the girder description.
For crossbeam Preliminary and Analysis files, use XB_BentXX where XX is the bent number.
For the Load Rating Summary Workbook, use "LRnnnnnn" where nnnnnn is the unique 5- or 6-digit
Bridge Number. (Do not insert a leading zero in front of a 5-digit Bridge Number).
The following will be the only acceptable file extensions and file formats in the Load Rating File Set:
.DAT BRASS Input file, a pure ASCII text file readable by any ASCII text editor
.OUT BRASS Output file, a pure ASCII text file readable by any ASCII text editor with large file
capacity. Note: Always use the same file root name as the BRASS input file.
.DST BRASS Distribution Factor file a pure ASCII text file readable by any ASCII text editor
.EFF BRASS Effective Flange Width Calculation Output file, a pure ASCII text file readable by any
ASCII text editor. With the 2008 revisions to the AASTO LRFD code, the effective flange
width calculations were changed to simply equate to the adjacent girder spacing. Thus, there
is no need to have BRASS calculate the effective flange widths.
.ERR BRASS Error Message File (the less you see these, the better).
.BLB BRASS Library File, a reference file use by BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) for storing truck
definitions or section properties, prior to the release of BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) 2.0.0.
.BLS BRASS Section Library File, a reference file use by BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) Version 2.0.0 or
later for storing section properties. Not compatible with releases of BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD)
prior to 2.0.0.
.BLV BRASS Vehicle Library File, a reference file use by BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) Version 2.0.0 or
later for storing truck definitions. Not compatible with releases of BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD)
prior to 2.0.0.
.DOC Microsoft Word (97-2003) file, used for cover label and optionally for supporting
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.docx Microsoft Word (2010) file, used for cover label and optionally for supporting documentation
.xmcd Mathcad file used for the Preliminary File which provides input for girder or slab analysis
using BRASS or crossbeam analysis using the ODOT Crossbeam Load Rating Software
.XLS Microsoft Excel (97-2003) spreadsheet file, used for the Load Rating Summary Workbook,
Table of Contents, the ODOT Crossbeam Load Rating Software, the Crack Map Report and
various calculation tools supporting the Preliminary File
.xlsm Microsoft Excel (2010) macro-enabled spreadsheet file, used for the Load Rating Summary
Workbook, Table of Contents, the ODOT Crossbeam Load Rating Software, the Crack Map
Report and various calculation tools supporting the Preliminary File
.HTM Hypertext Markup Language file, optionally used to contain the Inspection Report and SI&A
.TIF Tagged Image File Format used for scanned bridge construction drawings
.PDF Adobe Portable Document Format, an acceptable format for bridge drawings, hand sketches,
CAD drawings, inspection reports and SI&A Sheets.
.DGN MicroStation design file format, used for CAD drawings or sketches that are used to compute
or clarify the dimensions or geometry of the load rated members.
.CBG ODOT Concrete Bridge Generator (CBG) file, used to save the data entered within the ODOT
Concrete Bridge Generator program.
.pnh ODOT LRFR Pin and Hanger (PNH) file, used to save the data entered within the ODOT
LRFR Pin and Hanger program that load rates pin & hanger connections as well as beam
.XML BRASS XML format input file used to populate the BRASS-GIRDER GUI interface. This file is
created when a BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) file is ran through the BRASS Translator tool that is
a part of BRASS-GIRDER.
.PDF Portable Document Format file, since a pdf will maintain the original fonts, images, graphics
as well as the exact layout of the file, some prefer to use this format for saving and printing
the bridge inspection reports or printing groupings of bridge plans,
Files with different extensions (for different purposes) share the same root name indicating the
member. For example, an interior girder could have a Preliminary File INTGIR.xmcd, a BRASS Input
File INTGIR.DAT, a BRASS Output File INTGIR.OUT, a BRASS Distribution Factor file INTGIR.DST,
and a BRASS Effective Flange Width Calculation file INTGIR.EFF.
Contact the ODOT Load Rating Team immediately if there are any questions or if conditions arise
that appear to warrant a departure from this file naming convention.
For an illustration of the file naming conventions, see the sample Load Rating File Set in Article 12.2.
As a minimum, Load Rating requires the reference materials, the necessary software programs and
software seed files, the as-constructed Contract Plans (including widening and other modifications),
most recent Inspection Report and the SI&A (Structure Inventory & Appraisal) sheet. Inspection
Reports and SI&A sheets can be obtained from the ODOT Intranet, and must be provided to load
raters who do not have access to the ODOT Intranet. The Inspection and SI&A reports provide
essential information for the determination of several parameters and factors involved in the LRFR
Additionally, other supporting documents are sometimes available that may contribute to the LRFR
parameters and the overall engineering judgment concerning the load carrying capacity of the bridge.
These include photos, correspondence and sketches from the Maintenance File, crack maps or
descriptions, crack monitoring information, other recent Inspection Reports (especially if the
frequency is less than 24 months), and special inspection reports such as cross-channel profiles,
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
scour and fracture-critical reports. These additional inspection documents are also available on the
ODOT Intranet. All relevant supporting documentation should be included with the Load Rating
AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, Customary U.S. Units, Seventh Edition (2014) with
2016 interim revisions.
AASHTO The Manual for Bridge Evaluation Second Edition (2010) with 2015 interim revisions
LR_Trucks_Annotated_Tier2.XLS (This shows all ODOT Legal, Continuous Trip Permit, and Single
Trip Permit vehicles that will be rated. There is also a matrix available with details on the weight table
and other important considerations. This is a reference file that should not be included as part of the
Load Rating File Set.)
This document, ODOT LRFR Load Rating Manual. (Shows procedures and has reference materials
needed to accomplish Load Rating.)
BAR_Ld.XLS (To calculate bar development length, top bar and bottom bar calculations for both 40
ksi and 60 ksi rebars. This is a reference file that should not be included as part of the Load Rating
File Set).
LL_Factors_State.XLS (A file to determine the live load factors for Legal, Continuous Trip Permit,
and Single Trip Permit vehicles. This file implements the Oregon-specific LRFR live load factors and
is only applicable to State-owned bridges.)
LL_Factors_Local_2013.xlsm (A file to determine the live load factors for Legal, Continuous Trip
Permit, and Single Trip Permit vehicles. This file implements the LRFR live load factors in the
national code that were revised in 2013 and is only applicable to Local-Agency-owned bridges.)
LL_Factors_Refined_2013.xlsm (A file to determine the live load factors for Legal, Continuous Trip
Permit, and Single Trip Permit vehicles. This file implements the LRFR live load factors in the
national code that were revised in 2013 and is only applicable to refined analysis models of a bridge
where the LRFD distribution factor equations or Lever Rule for girder line analysis were not used.)
dv_Calculator.XLS (Worksheet used to calculate effective shear depth d v , used for determination of
the critical section for shear.)
LR.XLT (Template for the Load Rating Summary Workbook where the Rating Factors for each
analysis point are recorded and the first and second controlling members are identified.
XB_RC.XLT (Part of the ODOT Crossbeam Load Rating Software - the template that becomes the
Crossbeam Analysis Data File.)
XB_MAIN.XLS (Part of the ODOT Crossbeam Load Rating Software the Crossbeam Analysis
Program used with XB_RC.XLT to determine the Rating Factors for reinforced concrete crossbeams.
This file should not be included as part of the Load Rating File Set).
TOC.XLS (Sample that will be modified to become the Table of Contents that will be placed in the
completed Load Rating).
Label.DOC (Sample that will be modified to label the cover of the completed Load Rating)
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ODOT Concrete Bridge Generator (a pre-BRASS processor for Cast-In-Place concrete bridge
girder sections that will generate portions of the BRASS input file).
Timber_Decay.xmcd (The Mathcad file used to calculate the adjusted reference values when timber
members have decay.)
All Bridge Drawings (original construction, widening, overlays, rail retrofits, etc.)
Taking time to examine the total materials available will help the rater to find the current condition and
configuration of the structure, and potentially save many hours when surprises are found in the
middle of the Load Rating process.
Inspection Report
Note that many inspection reports are excellent, each part building upon the other parts.
However, some reports may have incomplete sections so it is critical to review the condition
states, NBI ratings, remarks, and maintenance recommendations.
AC Depth This will be used to calculate the dead load of the wearing surface. Add 1 to the
value given on the inspection report to account for unmeasured variations. The only exception
will be when the remarks section indicates multiple core samples have been taken.
Deck Element Make sure that this is consistent with AC depth. Also, in some cases this may be
the only indication that the bridge has a structural overlay. If there has been a structural overlay
and there are no detailed drawings showing the depth of the overlay, assume 0.25 of deck
wear/surface preparation and a 1.5 thick structural overlay. The net effect will be a 1.25 thicker
deck. If element 326, Deck Wearing Surface, is in condition state 2 or worse, or if there are
inspectors remarks about significant delamination, consider the overlay as being non-structural.
In this situation, the overlay just adds to the dead load, not structural depth. (Do not decrease
girder or crossbeam height by for a non-structural overlay, since any increase in accuracy will
be more than offset by the potential for errors). If the overlay is in good condition (no significant
delaminations), and it consists of Portland Cement Concrete (PCC), Latex-Modified Concrete
(LMC), or Micro-silica Concrete (Silica Fume Concrete), it will be counted as being structural and
will increase the thickness of the deck and the cover for the top reinforcing bars. Overlays of AC
or of Polyester Polymer Concrete shall be considered non-structural (adding dead load only).
Some designs may have specified a certain thickness of concrete as "Sacrificial wearing" on the
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plans, but if the additional thickness is still there and is sound, it is then still contributing to the
capacity of the section. And thus, the sacrificial wearing thickness of the concrete should be
considered as part of the structural cross-section of the member.
Remarks Look for concrete cracking, repairs to load carrying elements, and any notes that may
help to describe the condition of the bridge.
Maintenance Recommendations - Look for repairs that have been completed, and conditions that
need to be corrected.
This document will give detailed crack information of the structure. If there are significant shear
cracks (>0.040) these locations will need to be analyzed. Note that many times only one girder
line is mapped, and only one crossbeam is mapped. Look for notes in the crack map that show
the element mapped is typical of other elements. Also, cross reference the inspection report to
see the extent of cracking for girders and crossbeams. Note that with LRFR, there are many
sections already analyzed, so chances are high that there is already an analysis point sufficiently
close to the location of significant shear cracks.
Note item 102, direction of traffic. If there are two directions of traffic, only half of the ADTT (one
direction) will be used to determine the live load factors. This is because the probability of trucks
in the passing lane is much higher than trucks traveling in opposite directions being on the bridge
at the same time. Also note item 29 (Average Daily Traffic), item 30 (Year of ADT), and item 109
(Average Daily Truck Traffic) (Percent).
If the percentage of trucks in the traffic population is not available then use the following assumed
values: for urban areas use 15% of the ADT for ADTT, and for rural areas use 25% of the ADT for
Be sure that you have a complete set of drawings for the structure you will be rating. This
includes widening, repairs, overlays, rail retrofits, and protective screening. If the bridge was
widened, make sure to have drawings for the original structure. If the structure has a twin
carrying traffic in the opposite direction, make sure that the Bridge Number on the drawings is
actually for the bridge that is being rated. In some cases alpha suffixes were changed once the
twin structure was built. In general, the NBI and the Bridge Log should be considered the reliable
sources for the correct bridge number, not the contract plans.
In the case of bridges using standard drawings, especially for precast prestressed slabs or
girders, compare the date of the standard drawing to the dates of the other drawings for the
bridge. The available scanned standard drawing file may be scanned from a version that is later
than the drawing actually used to build the bridge. Generally only the final version of a standard
drawing was scanned and linked into BDS. This situation can sometimes result in the use of the
wrong material strength or geometry in the load rating. If the final date on the scanned standard
drawing is later than the other bridge drawings, it will be necessary to search through archives of
older, superseded versions of standard drawings to find the version of the same standard drawing
with the appropriate date. Users can search for date-stamped .PDF files of the most appropriate
available version of superseded standard drawings on the ODOT FTP site
(ftp://ftp.odot.state.or.us/Bridge/LoadRating/SupersededStandardDrawings/ ). If there does not
appear to be a version of a standard drawing that precedes the date of the bridge plans, contact
the ODOT Load Rating Unit to determine and provide the appropriate standard drawing(s).
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When load rating a superstructure or substructure type that is beyond the capabilities of BRASS or
ODOT Crossbeam software, the Engineer performing the load rating is responsible for determining
the load rating procedure. Here are a few issues to consider when developing the procedure:
2) Can the ODOT Crossbeam software be forced to work? An example would be load rating a
non-Reinforced Concrete, non-Steel or non-Timber crossbeam. This can be performed in several
situations by manually entering the section capacity or load influence ordinates into the ODOT
Crossbeam software and then using the software to determine rating factors.
3) Do the owner and ODOT have the software available to them to perform additional analysis
of the structure? This is required to perform permit reviews and assess the load capacity of the
structure in the event of a change of condition.
4) Can the number of programs used be minimized? An example of using too many programs
would be using QConBridge to determine HL93 loading and SAP 2000 to determine loading for legal
and permit vehicles.
5) Is additional analysis software really required? In some instances when dealing with
secondary force effects, the existing software may not be able to analyze those effects. If the effect
of the additional force affects would result less than 3% change in the rating factors, you may want to
consider ignoring them. An example would be when you have unequal length columns at a
bent. Although it is possible that the forces are higher in certain sections of the crossbeam than
those currently provided by the analysis, the Engineer should take into consideration that the entire
analysis procedure is conservative from the live load factors, to how the loads are applied to the
crossbeam. If you lack the confidence to make this sort of judgment, you may request permission
from the ODOT Load Rating Unit to use a Finite Element Model, perform a complete 3D analysis, and
potentially include all the force effects.
6) Is the solution simple enough and is it documented well enough for other engineers to
make future modifications?
Response 2000
ODOT Concrete Bridge Generator
ODOTs BRASS Moment Analyzer
ODOT LRFR Pin and Hanger
The acceptable software version(s) change frequently and should be determined in consultation with
the ODOT Load Rating Unit.
When a load rating analysis results in rating factors less than 1.0 for legal loads, the specific
members that are rating out low will need to be repaired/strengthened, or the bridge will have to be
posted for reduced truck loads. Likewise, if a bridge rates out low for permit vehicles, those members
rating out low will have to be repaired/strengthened or the permit vehicles will be restricted from using
the bridge. The engineering costs during the load rating analysis to improve low rating factors is
relatively cheap compared to the construction costs to strengthen/repair a bridge or to the economic
costs of load posting/restricting a bridge.
This section will list simple and complex refinements that can be used to improve low rating factors
for a given bridge.
Round the rating factors of 0.95 and greater to 1.0, as long as no other refinements are used. If
the engineer follows the general procedures in this manual for a common structure type, and no
refined calculations for distribution factors and/or capacities are used in the calculation of the
rating factors, the rating factors of 0.95 and greater can simply be manually rounded up to 1.0
where they occur on pages two and above in the load rating summary sheet. ODOT does not
recommend rounding the rating factor values on page one of the load rating summary sheet
because they might get overwritten by the actual rating factors if the Refresh button is pressed
at the bottom of the load rating summary sheet. For primary truss members, arches, and other
unusual geometry or structure types, please check with the ODOT Load Rating Unit to verify if
this rounding procedure will apply for the given bridge.
When the low rating factors occur for trusses, two-girder bridges, arches, exterior girder lines,
and crossbeams, the Live Load distribution may be computed by placing the truck loads within
the existing striped lanes of the bridge. As per MBE 6A.2.3.2, the transverse positioning of the
truck should include placing the wheel load anywhere within the lane, including on the lane
When the low rating factors occur for legal and permit vehicles where the full 33% dynamic
impact was used, a reduced dynamic impact of 25% may be used for legal and permit vehicles
instead (see Section As per AASHTO LRFD Commentary C3.6.2.1, field tests indicate
that in the majority of highway bridges, the dynamic component of the response does not exceed
25 percent of the static response to vehicles. The 33% that is used in design was a product of
4/3 and the basic 25% to compensate for the lane loading not being increased by the dynamic
load allowance.
For concrete members, include temperature/skin reinforcing steel that is further away from the
tension face of the member.
Use actual material properties in the load rating analysis, which requires samples (concrete
cores or steel coupons) of the bridge materials to be taken from the existing structure and tested
in a materials lab.
For concrete members with low rating factors for shear, use actual concurrent forces from live
loads instead of the maximum envelope forces that BRASS-GIRDER uses to compute the shear
Perform load testing on the bridge to calibrate actual live load distributions, determine actual
dynamic impact, verify composite action up to a given load, or proof test the bridge to establish a
target live load capacity.
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Create a scoping file (nnnnnn_scope.xls) to document important decisions made by the load rating
engineer. The effort required to perform a load rating can be reduced by identifying similar members
and points of symmetry. It is important to document these locations, so someone can review the load
rating at a future date and quickly understand what portions of the structure have been analyzed, and
why other members were excluded from the analysis.
Structures will only be analyzed up to points of symmetry. Analyzing past the point of symmetry will
have the unintended affect of causing the point to be reported twice in the load rating summary sheet.
Points of symmetry for both the girder and crossbeam will be documented in this scoping summary.
Similar elements will be investigated with the goal of reducing the total number of elements to be
rated. If a member is similar to another, but can be shown to either have reduced capacity or greater
loads, then the controlling member can be rated first. If this member has rating factors greater than
1.0, there is no need to rate the other similar member.
An example would be crossbeams that have the same cross sections, and reinforcement, but
different adjacent span lengths. The capacity of these crossbeams will be the same but the loads will
vary due to the different span lengths. In this case the crossbeam with the longer adjacent spans
(higher loads) will be rated first. As long as these rating factors are greater than or equal to 1.0 then,
there is no need to rate the other crossbeam. If the load rating reports rating factors less than 1.0,
then both members shall be rated. Although the first member will still control the overall load rating,
the rating factors for the second member will be useful information when determining possible repairs.
Because the scope of the load rating can change depending on the calculated rating factors, revisit
the scoping summary at the conclusion of the load rating to ensure it is an accurate reflection of the
work performed.
2.1 Decide what girders to analyze
Due to the effects of all the various LRFD Distribution Factor provisions, it is difficult to predict which
girder will control the load rating. Therefore a separate preliminary file and BRASS input will be
required for both the interior and exterior girder. In the Load Rating Summary Workbook file,
importing the rating factors from both girders is required (be sure to do a Refresh after the second
import) because it is not uncommon for different girders to control for different loads.
For reinforced concrete deck girder bridges, the preliminary file name and extension (Mathcad) for
interior girders is INTGIR.xmcd. The preliminary file name and extension for exterior girders is
EXTGIR.xmcd. If there are more unique girders of each type, the file names should differentiate
between them with some additional identifier (e.g. INTGIR_ORIG.xmcd and INTGIR_WIDEN.xmcd).
Note: Because the dot multiplier symbol is very small and can easily be overlooked in Mathcad
printouts, when typing equations, surround all multiplied factors with parentheses.
2.2.1 Header
Use the Mathcad header feature to indicate Bridge Number (upper right corner), Bridge Name (top
line center), load rater and date (2nd line left) and File Name and Page Number (2nd line right). Use
the Bridge Name as defined in the Definitions, Article 1.3.3 of this Manual.
Since the bridge number and name are contained in the Mathcad header, they do not show up while
working on the file, only when printing or doing a Print Preview. To avoid confusion over which bridge
you are working on, it is good practice to place the bridge number and name near the top of the file in
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Just below the Mathcad header section, document the bridge structure type. For state bridges the
span description (Spans field) from the Bridge Log is adequate for this purpose.
Note: the Mathcad regions at the top in the right margin (outside the printable area) are there for 2
purposes. The units definitions are necessary for Mathcad to understand some commonly used units
in structural engineering (without them, Mathcad would generate errors because it is unable to
interpret them). The row of nonstandard characters is there in case the user might want to copy them
elsewhere to clarify the calculations.
Document the decisions regarding all 3 Resistance Factors, with references to the appropriate MBE
BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) provides input for the MBE Condition Factor c (MBE 6A.4.2.3) and System
Factor s (MBE 6A.4.2.4). However, the ODOT Load Rating Summary Sheet and the ODOT
Crossbeam Load Rating Software always require and display the product of all the resistance factors
as a single factor. Therefore, the product of all these resistance factors must always be obtained.
Treat the System Factor s for Flexure and Shear and the Combined Factor () for Flexure and
Shear as separate variables in Mathcad.
For Flexure:
f = [ max ( c sf , 0.85) ]
where is the AASHTO LRFD Resistance Factor, based on material and force type (AASHTO
and sf is the System Factor for Flexure (MBE Table 6A.4.2.4-1, as modified in Article of
this Manual).
For Shear:
v = [ max ( c sv , 0.85) ]
where is the AASHTO LRFD Resistance Factor, based on material and force type (AASHTO
and sv is the System Factor for Shear (always 1.0 regardless of member, according to MBE
6A.4.2.4, in the note below 6A.4.2.4-1)
These equations account for the intermediate check of c s 0.85 (MBE 6A.4.2.1-3).
Generally f and v will be the same for redundant members such as girders and will be different for
non-redundant members such as single-span and 2-span crossbeams.
The live load factor for HL-93 Inventory Rating is 1.75. This is the factor that is entered into BRASS.
The Load Rating Summary Workbook (LR.XLT) will automatically apply the HL-93 Operating Rating
live load factor of 1.35.
For State-owned bridges, the live load factors for Legal, SHV, Continuous Trip Permit, and Single Trip
Permit vehicles are calculated using LL_Factors_State.XLS. The only input is ADTT (one direction).
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For Local-Agency-owned bridges, the live load factors for Legal, SHV, Continuous Trip Permit, and
Single Trip Permit vehicles are calculated using LL_Factors_Local.XLS. The two inputs are ADTT
(one direction) and effective bridge length. Note that effective bridge length is either (a) the sum of
the longest two consecutive continuous spans, or (b) the longest simple span, whichever is greater.
Regardless of which live load factor application is used, ADTT is specified as one direction. Thus
ADTT for bridges with one direction of traffic is the Average Daily Traffic (NBI Item 29) multiplied by
the Average Daily Truck Traffic (Percent) (NBI Item 109). For bridges with two-way traffic, the ADTT
entered into the live load factor application is half the total ADTT for the structure.
After completing the input, save this bridge-specific copy of the live load factor application (either
LL_Factors_State.XLS or LL_Factors_Local.XLS as applicable) in the load rating file set. To avoid
errors in the preliminary file, copy the LRFR Strength I & II table from the live load factor application,
and in Mathcad use Edit / Paste Special. In the Paste Special dialog box choose the Paste button,
highlight Bitmap in the As list, and click the OK button. This will insert an image of the live load
factor application into the Mathcad preliminary file. After pasting, the bitmap can be dragged, and
resized using the corner handles, to fit into the Mathcad printable area. Note, pasting the Excel
worksheet directly in Mathcad is not recommended due to the idiosyncrasies of the live load factor
application. Because you are pasting an inert bitmap, if any subsequent changes in live load factor
input were to occur, the pasted object should be deleted from the preliminary file, the corrections
should be done in the live load factor application and copied and pasted again into the preliminary file
as a bitmap.
Document the decisions regarding the Impact Factor IM, referring to MBE 6A.4.4.3.
Enter the material properties within the appropriate fields of the ODOT Concrete Bridge Generator
(CBG) program, and the elastic modulus E c and modular ratio n will be calculated. The CBG
program uses AASHTO LRFD Equation to determine the elastic modulus of concrete,
assuming K 1 =1.0. Document any assumptions made about the material properties if they are not
given on the bridge plans within the Mathcad preliminary file.
Calculate the physical edge-to-edge width of the concrete slab and the roadway width of the bridge.
If the width of the slab or roadway changes over the length of the bridge, calculate the average
roadway width per span. Enter the skew angle of the bridge. These values are entered in BRASS to
calculate the Distribution Factors.
Use an embedded Excel spreadsheet within Mathcad to calculate the ranges and span fractions for
the shear reinforcement layout for each span as indicated below. Double-clicking on an embedded
spreadsheet activates Excel, and its toolbars and functionality become available. An existing
embedded Excel spreadsheet can be copied, pasted in another location and modified to do similar
calculations for another span. Determine the shear reinforcement bar size(s) and area(s) that are
present in each span that will contain analysis sections. Then for each span that contains analysis
sections, working consecutively from the left end of the span to the right, populate the yellow fields in
the following table in the preliminary file. Where there is an approximate plus-or-minus stirrup
spacing given near the middle of a span, it is necessary to calculate this remnant spacing in
Mathcad in order to complete the shear reinforcement layout accurately enough to code it in BRASS.
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To avoid confusion, dead loads should be grouped under the headings DC and DW and presented in
the same order in the Preliminary (.xmcd) File as they will appear in the BRASS Input (.DAT) File.
Use AASHTO LRFD Table 3.5.1-1 to determine the unit weight of concrete w c . For dead load
calculations, use w c +0.005 kcf to account for the reinforcement, in accordance with AASHTO LRFD
Commentary C3.5.1.
Consider diaphragm point loads to be part of component load DC. Include any diaphragms/end
beams at the end of the girder over the support, as they will be utilized when applying the girder dead
load reactions to crossbeams.
Where standard rail drawings occur, wherever possible use the rail dead loads tabulated in Appendix
A2.0 Summary of Standard Rail Weights, found in file RAILDL.XLS. Provide detailed calculations for
the dead load of any rail not found in this summary.
For all concrete decks and for multi-beam slab bridges, assume adequate lateral distribution of loads
and distribute the sum of all rail, curb and sidewalk dead loads (stage 2 dead loads) equally among
all girders.
For most utilities, the dead load is very insignificant when compared to the dead load of the rest of the
structure, and therefore can be ignored. However, there can be cases were the utility load can be
significant; such as a bridge supporting a 16 diameter concrete lined cast iron water pipe that was
computed to add 200 lb/ft of dead load when considered full of water. In this case, the dead load was
shared between the two adjacent girders. Therefore, it will be left up to the engineering judgment of
the individual load rater to determine if the utility dead load is significant enough to need to be
included in the load rating.
For load rating, we want to consider a utility as a non-structural attachment and keep it listed under
DC for dead loads. The main reason for this is if a load rater ever comes across a situation where
they have to load rate a bridge where they are uncertain of the wearing surface thickness. In that
situation they are required to use a DW gamma of 1.50. That way they would only be penalizing the
load of the wearing surface, not the utilities, for the uncertainty.
Always separate wearing surface dead load (DW) from the component (DC) dead loads. This is due
to (a) the potential for different dead load factors DC and DW according to MBE, (b) because this
facilitates future re-rating when the wearing surface thickness changes, and (c) it facilitates input for
the Crossbeam Load Rating Software, where it must be kept separate.
Use 150 lb/ft for asphalt wearing surface (0.0125 ksf/inch of wearing surface). Use 0.013 ksf/inch for
overlays of Polyester Polymer Concrete (non-structural). Show calculations for wearing surface dead
load distributed equally to all the girders. Add 1 to any non-zero measured ACWS thickness to
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account for uncertainties in measurement, unless the thickness has been obtained from averaging
multiple core samples.
For all concrete decks and for multi-beam slab bridges, assume adequate lateral distribution of loads
and distribute the sum of all wearing surface dead loads (stage 2 dead loads) equally among all
Simply list the four classes of rating loads to be analyzed. (See articles through
Normally live load distribution factors are calculated in BRASS, but in the rare case where they must
be calculated manually, the complete calculations should be provided with thorough documentation in
this section of the preliminary file. Distribution factors will need to be calculated manually in the case
of widened bridges or half-viaducts where the deck was not made continuous between the original
and widening structures, or between the viaduct structure and the adjacent pavement. Where there
is no barrier to the wheel load at the edge of deck, because of the assumed 20 wide wheel footprint,
a full concentrated wheel load can be placed no closer than 10 from the edge of deck.
Determine the spans to be investigated. These should be any span that is unique and is not repeated
due to symmetry or due to repetition of a span between joints.
Within each span, check for symmetry of sections, reinforcement and loads, and do not identify any
analysis points that are structurally symmetrical with analysis points already defined. Defining
analysis points that are structurally symmetrical has the potential effect of corrupting the Load Rating
Summary Sheet. Because the Refresh module is looking for the lowest Rating Factors, defining a
symmetrical point causes it to identify the most critical rating location twice, thus preventing it from
identifying the second most critical analysis point. The second controlling point is useful information
in evaluating potential repairs for the bridge.
List the analysis sections for flexure. These are normally the positive moments in each unique span
and the negative moments over each unique support.
There will be a large number of analysis sections for shear. For each unique span, subdivide the
calculations of analysis sections into the categories (up to 5) given in article 1.5.3. Summarize the
underlined headings that will begin each section of calculations. An example of this summary follows:
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Then repeat each header, one by one, and under each header provide the calculations necessary to
determine or document the location of each shear investigation point in that category. Thus there will
be up to 5 separate calculation sections for each span. In any calculation section, if any particular
point duplicates a previously calculated point or is within 1 ft of a previously calculated point, the new
point may be omitted. In this case, explain the omission by indicating which previously identified point
already covers the current one. This gives priority to critical sections and bar cutoff points when near-
duplicates are encountered.
According to AASHTO LRFD, critical section locations shall be taken at shear depth d v
from face of support. Use the shear depth calculation tool dv_Calculator.XLS to determine the
shear depth d v Use the original file of dv_Calculator.XLS as a seed file to be copied, used and
saved within the bridge-specific Load Rating File Set.
In previous versions of BRASS (LRFD) the skew correction factor was applied to the first
segment only. Because of this it was important to not code any nodes within the critical section.
BRASS (LRFD) v2.0.3 now applies the skew correction factor across the entire span. For shear
the skew factor will be applied at the support and will decrease linearly to unity at midspan. With
this update, section changes (node points) can now be defined within the critical section.
In constant-depth girders, calculate the input parameters for dv_Calculator.XLS and determine
shear depth d v . Note: The input parameter fy tension reinf. refers to the fy of the longitudinal
steel, not the stirrups. For longitudinal girders, it is sufficiently accurate and slightly conservative
to ignore the compression flange and input the section as rectangular. This will cause d v to be
slightly smaller (an inch or so), which means the critical section will be slightly closer to the
support, which is where the shear is slightly larger (conservative). Then calculation from the face
of support is straightforward. In haunched girders, insert an appropriate diagram identifying the
calculation variables, and the corresponding calculations, from the Mathcad source files provided.
For linear, parabolic and circular haunches, these files are LINEAR.xmcd, PARABOL.xmcd and
CIRCULAR.xmcd, respectively. Update the imported Mathcad calculations for the specific
dimensions of the haunch. Then determine a preliminary depth of the critical section h p ,
conservatively assuming a section h max from the support face. Having determined h p from the
Mathcad procedure, use the shear depth calculation tool dv_Calculator.XLS to determine the
shear depth d v and calculate the critical section at d v from the support face.
Do this for each critical section location (each end of each unique span). When all critical
sections have been located, save this bridge-specific copy of dv_Calculator.XLS in the Load
Rating File Set.
Normally the purpose for flexural bar cutoff points is to check shear due to research results that
indicate flexural bar cutoffs are a likely starting point for shear cracks. However, if the Inspection
Report indicates flexural cracking in negative moment areas (transverse deck cracking over
interior supports), the top flexural bar cutoff points should also be checked for moment. Any
moment checks at bar cutoff points should be listed within the calculation group for this type of
shear analysis section. (These flexural checks should not be grouped with the other flexural
analysis points because BRASS cannot be coded to check the same analysis point twice).
Prior to the 2008 Revisions of the AASHTO LRFD code, when evaluating shear capacity,
AASHTO LRFD Article, General Procedure for Modified Compression Field Theory
(MCFT) shear capacity evaluation required that all of the development length of the longitudinal
reinforcement be ignored. Therefore, BRASS was configured so that the longitudinal bars are
considered to be fully developed. To accomplish the intention of the LRFD code, node points
between girder elements (BRASS sections) were located a development length l d back along the
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bar from the actual bar cutoff point. However, points of interest (sections to be evaluated for
shear) were at the actual bar cutoff point, assuming this is the most conservative and likely point
where a crack might develop. By this method, for the longitudinal strain ( x ) calculation, A s had
always excluded the bars being terminated.
Since the 2008 Revisions of the AASHTO LRFD code, Article, now requires that the
partially developed areas of the longitudinal reinforcement be included within the calculation of
the shear capacity. Unfortunately BRASS is not directly configured to calculate the partial
development of each bar entered, but it is capable of linearly interpolating the reinforcement area
between node points (BRASS sections). This will require two BRASS sections for each bar cutoff
point, one for the physical end of the bar and one at the point of full development.
With the number of geometry cross-section changes and overlapping bar cutoff points, the ODOT
Concrete Bridge Generator (CBG) program was developed to aid in the creation of the BRASS
input file by determining the required number of BRASS sections and computing the bar cutoff
points. The CBG program will create the BRASS input file data for the BRASS sections, span
layout, and generate the BRASS analysis points for the bar cutoffs.
In the MCFT General Procedure evaluation (AASHTO LRFD, A s is defined as the area
of non-prestressed steel on the flexural tension side of the member. Including tension-side
temperature steel in A s would only cause a small percentage decrease in the strain x , and have
an even smaller effect on increasing the nominal shear resistance V n . Therefore including
temperature steel will be considered an unnecessary increase in complexity under normal
In all cases, for purposes of l d calculation, in this tool we consider square bars to have the same
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l d as the round bar of equivalent area. The assumption is made that the lack of deformations on
a square bar is offset by its greater bonding surface area compared to the equivalent round bar.
In the rare case of railroad rails used as concrete reinforcing, to determine the development
length, determine the area and perimeter of the rail, assume a yield stress fy = 50 ksi, and use a
bond stress f b of 0.100 ksi For example, a 55-lbs/yard rail with A s =5.33 in and perimeter p=18.24
2 2
in would have tensile capacity T = A s f y = (5.33 in )(50 k/in ) = 266.5 k and development length l d
= T/(f b p) = (266.5 k)/(0.100 k/in )(18.24 in) = 146.1 in.
Show calculations locating any abrupt change in girder cross section, such as the beginnings or
ends of haunches, web tapers, or partial bottom flanges.
These locations are taken from the stirrups schedule spreadsheet embedded in the Preliminary
File and adjusted by one stirrup space toward the direction with the greater spacing. The
analysis location is moved for two reasons. At a stirrup spacing change location, a shear crack
would propagate across both stirrup spaces. BRASS doesnt interpolate the shear capacity to the
left and right of an analysis point. Therefore, moving the analysis point by one stirrup space
moves the analysis location away from the transition area. Also, it was originally assumed that
BRASS would calculate the capacity to the left and right of a section change and use the weaker
section when calculating rating factors. However, it doesnt appear that BRASS performs this
check. Rather BRASS uses the stirrup spacing from the schedule right at the point that was
coded. Moving the analysis point toward the larger stirrup spacing ensures that the larger stirrup
spacing (lesser capacity) is used when calculating the rating factor.
Indicate which stirrup spacing change points in the girder are farther from the support than the
critical shear point and not within the middle 1/3 of a non-cantilever span. There are several
reasons for ignoring shear in the middle 1/3:
o The shear loading is relatively low within the middle third of the span.
o We have not observed significant shear cracking/failures within the middle third of the span.
o In utilizing the Modified Compression Field Theory (MCFT) for shear in LRFR, we have found
that the stirrup spacing near the midspan of older bridges will often cause the girder to fail the
Minimum Transverse Reinforcement check within the AASHTO LRFD code. When this
check fails, the user is forced to use AASHTO LRFD Equation to calculate Beta.
This equation will yield higher Beta values, which will significantly reduce the shear capacity
at the location.
In crossbeams, where a single large stirrup space coincides with the location of longitudinal
girders framing into the side(s) of the crossbeam, the stirrup spacing change can be ignored.
Show calculations locating any section that has a shear crack > 0.040 wide or shows evidence of
being a working shear crack regardless of crack width.
For crack locations that are inside the critical shear location near a simple support, use AASHTO
LRFD Simplified Procedure for Non-prestressed Sections. This is due to the Modified
Compression Field Theory (MCFT) not providing accurate results for areas with high shear and
low moment, basically near a simple support. This section of the AASHTO LRFD code sets beta
and theta to 2.0 and 45 degrees, which in turn makes the expressions for shear strength become
essentially identical to those traditionally used in LFD for evaluating shear resistance.
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The ODOT Concrete Bridge Generator (CBG) was created by the Oregon Department of
Transportation, Bridge Engineering Section. The CBG is a stand-alone windows software package
that is a pre-BRASS processor for Cast-In-Place concrete bridge girder sections. Once the user
enters basic bridge information, concrete section geometry, span configuration geometry, and the
longitudinal reinforcement within the form fields, the program will generate the first half of the BRASS
code. The program will also generate the BRASS code for the bar cut-off shear points that the user
will paste into the appropriate locations in the BRASS input file. The program is not set up to define
rigid frame structures; it is only configured to define a beam analysis in BRASS.
The CBG is solely for the Microsoft Windows operating system and utilizes the Microsoft .NET
Framework. The programs native format is the CBG (Concrete Bridge Generator) file format. The
CBG is free public domain software; meaning that users are free to use it, redistribute it, and/or
modify it. The current version of the CBG is version 1.0.13.
Previous versions of this program need to be uninstalled through the Windows Control Panel
interface prior to installing a newer version. To install the ODOT Concrete Bridge Generator, run the
Windows Installer Package titled, ODOT_Concrete_Bridge_Generator.msi. This will launch the
Setup Wizard and pause at the Welcome dialog for the Wizard. Select the Next button to continue.
The next dialog will ask the user to select an installation folder to install the Concrete Bridge
Generator to. The default location is, C:\Program Files\ODOT_APPS\ConcreteBridgeGenerator\. If
the default location is satisfactory or after the preferred folder location has been specified, select the
Next button to continue.
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The next dialog will ask the user to confirm the installation before it begins. Click the Next button to
begin the installation.
A dialog with a progress bar will be shown during the installation. This part of the process can take
anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes depending on if the wizard needs to download and
install an update to the Microsoft .NET framework to the computer.
The installation will place a shortcut for the program on the users desktop as well as under the Start
Menu > All Programs > ODOT Load Rating. When the installation is complete, click the Close
button to end the Wizard.
When first starting a session of the CBG software, a dialog window explaining the terms of use for the
software will be displayed. If the user selects the DECLINE button, the session will end and the
software will not launch. If the user selects the I ACCEPT button, the session will continue and the
software will launch.
At the top left of the program there are five buttons associated with icons that are titled New,
Open, Save, Report, and Exit. The New button will erase all of the data entered in the form
fields and start over with a blank form. The Open button will populate the form fields from a saved
*.cbg file that was created from using the Save button from a previous session. The Save button
will save the data entered in the form fields in a *.cbg file. The program will incorporate the values
entered within the Bridge Number and Member Being Load Rated form fields in the file name
during the save process. The Report button will display a print preview of a report that reflects the
data entered in the various form fields of the program. The Exit button will exit and close the current
session of the program.
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At the top right of the program there are three buttons that are titled Show Cross-Section Matrix,
Generate BRASS File Input, and Generate Bar Cutoff Points for Shear Analysis. The functions of
these buttons will be explained later.
In the top section of the program form is where the user specifies the basic information of the bridge.
These form fields are set to only accept the maximum number of characters that the BRASS-
GIRDER(LRFD) commands using the data will allow. Form fields with white backgrounds require
user input, while the form fields with grey backgrounds will automatically fill in values based on the
user input within other fields. The different fields within this top section are the Bridge Name, Bridge
Number, Load Raters Name, Highway/Route Name, Mile Point, the Load Rating Date, the name of
the Member Being Rated, and the File Name associated with the saved data entered on the forms.
In the next section, the user inputs the concrete strength and longitudinal reinforcement yield stress.
The program will then compute the concrete unit weight, the concrete modulus of elasticity, the
reinforcement modulus of elasticity, and the modular ratio.
The bottom section of the program is divided into four tabs, which are used to define the cross-
section geometry, span configuration/layout, and the longitudinal reinforcement. The tabs are named
Span Configuration, Concrete Dimensions, Concrete Section Assignment, and Reinforcement.
The functions of these tabs will be explained later.
In the Bridge Name form field, up to 60 characters may be used to enter the bridge name. The user
has up to 15 characters to enter the bridge number in the Bridge Number form field, which typically
only uses 5 to 6 characters. In the Load Rater form field, up to 60 characters may be used to enter
the name of the engineer that is running the program. The user has up to 60 characters to enter the
route name where the bridge is located in the Route Name form field. In the Mile Point form field,
enter the milepost where the bridge is located.
In the Rating Date form field, the user can type in the numeric date for the month, day, and year. Or
the user can select the drop down calendar view and select the day within the appropriate month and
year. Instead of scrolling through the different months within the calendar view, the user can simply
select red box that is titled Today at the bottom of the calendar view to select the current date.
In the Member Being Load Rated form field, use the drop down list to select what type of member
that the current BRASS analysis will be for. The choices are: IntGir for a RCDG interior girder, ExtGir
for a RCDG exterior girder, RCBG for a reinforced concrete box girder, RCSlab for a reinforced
concrete slab, and EDGSTP for a reinforced concrete slab edge strip analysis.
The File Name form field will be automatically filled in when the user saves the data on the forms
using the Save button. The program will incorporate the bridge number and the member being
rated into the file name. For example, if the bridge number was 12345 and the member being rated
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was set to IntGir, the default file name would be set to 12345_IntGir.cbg. If the user is going to be
performing multiple interior girder analysis for the same bridge, for example girders A through D, then
during the save process the user can manually type the beam letter within the file name. Thus, if the
analysis was for girder A, the file name would be 12345_IntGirA.cbg.
For the material properties area of the form, all that needs to be entered is the concrete strength (fc)
in ksi and the longitudinal reinforcement yield stress (f y ) in ksi. The program will then calculate and
display the concrete unit weight in kips per cubic feet, the concrete Modulus of Elasticity (E c ) in ksi,
the longitudinal reinforcement Modulus of Elasticity (E s ) in ksi, and the Modular Ratio (n) of the two
The span configuration tab is where the user identifies the number of spans that will be modeled in
the current BRASS analysis, the lengths of each span, the vertical profile of each span, and which
spans are copies of previously defined spans.
It is recommended that the first thing that be defined is the number of spans that will be analyzed in
the current BRASS run. Several other form fields within the tab pages refer to the number of spans
and the defined span lengths when computing data and populating lists for the user to choose from.
The user is able to later specify a greater number of spans without much affect to data that may
already be entered on the other tab forms. However, once the user specifies a number of spans that
is less than what is currently specified, most of the data that may have been already entered on the
other tab forms will be erased.
The Concrete Bridge Generator is configured to make BRASS perform a beam analysis, instead of a
frame analysis. For a beam analysis, BRASS is limited to a maximum of 13 spans. Thus, the CBG is
limited to a maximum of 13 spans. One the left side of the Span Configuration Tab, the user can
either directly type in the number of spans or they can use the drop down list and choose the number.
The form field for specifying the span lengths below the number of spans selection will dynamically
resize to the number of spans that are defined. Once the number of spans has been defined, the
next step is to enter the length of each span in feet.
Once the number of spans and span lengths are defined, the vertical profile of each span needs to be
defined. This is done by defining segments of the span where the vertical profile changes or control
points occur. In the main form table on the Span Configuration Tab, the first column is the only one
that is white and active and is used to identify the span that is being defined. Once the span has
been identified, the second and third columns turn white and are active. These two columns are
check box cells. The first is used to identify if the user is defining the vertical profile for a span
segment, and the second is used to identify if the span is going to be a copy of another defined span.
If the Define Span Segment cell is checked, the Span Copy cell becomes inactive and the
following seven cells to the right become active. These cells have the following column headings:
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Web Variation Indicator A code indicator used by BRASS to indicate what type of vertical profile
change that is taking place along the segment length.
Web Variation provides a graphical representation of the type of vertical profile change that is
taking place along the segment length.
Left End Web Depth (inches) Where the user specifies the depth of the web at the left end of
the span segment.
Right End Web Depth (inches) Where the user specifies the depth of the web at the right end of
the span segment.
Length of Span Segment (feet) Where the user specifies the length of the span segment being
Starting Point from Left End of Span (feet) The software calculates the starting location based
on the span length and the length of the previously defined span segment. If the current
segment is the first one being defined for the span, the starting point will be zero feet.
Ending Point from the Left End of Span (feet) The software calculates the ending location
based on the start point and the user specified segment length. If the ending point
exceeds the span length, and error message in the cell will be given. If the ending point
is less than the span length, a new row for the span will begin being defined with the start
point being equal to the current ending point.
Within the Web Variation Indicator cell, the user can choose the following values for the vertical
profile change:
L = Linear Web Depth Variation The depth of the web varies linearly for the segment. If the
web depth is constant, the user would choose this option and then specify the left and
right web depths to be the same.
P- = Parabolic Concave Down Web Depth Variation The web is varied such that the horizontal
slope at the segment end with the smaller web depth is equal to the slope of an adjacent
linear segment. If no linear adjacent segment is present, zero horizontal slope is used.
P+ = Parabolic Concave Up Web Depth Variation The web is varied such that the horizontal
slope at the segment end with the larger web depth is equal to the slope of an adjacent
linear segment. If no linear adjacent segment is present, zero horizontal slope is used.
E- = Elliptical Concave Down Web Depth Variation The web is varied such that the horizontal
slope at the segment end with the smaller web depth is equal to the slope of an adjacent
linear segment. If no linear adjacent segment is present, zero horizontal slope is used.
Zero vertical slope at the end with the larger web depth is also enforced.
E+ = Elliptical Concave Up Web Depth Variation The web is varied such that the horizontal
slope at the segment end with the larger web depth is equal to the slope of an adjacent
linear segment. If no linear adjacent segment is present, zero horizontal slope is used.
Zero vertical slope at the end with the smaller web depth is also enforced.
The Web Variation cell will display a graphic of the variation indicator selected to assist the user in
understanding how the different profiles may appear. Holding the mouse over this cell will call a
tooltip window to appear giving the same description of the associated Web Variation Indicator as in
the previous paragraph. Due to the amount of text written on the tooltip, the time allotted for the
tooltip window is a little long and the user may end up having several tooltip windows appear on their
screen as they move the mouse across the cell. Simply clicking the mouse in a different cell will force
all of the tooltip windows to disappear.
If the Span Copy cell is selected, then the Define Span Segment cell becomes inactive and all of
the cells related to defining the span segment remain inactive. The last two cells to the far right of the
table will become active. They are the Span Copy Type and the Span Number Being Copied cells.
In the Span Copy Type cell, the user can select if the copy is going to be identical or symmetrical.
The user then can choose the span number that will be copied for the current span. If the span
number being copied has a different span length than the current span, an error message will be
displayed in the cell.
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The concrete dimensions tab is where the user defines the actual concrete cross-sections of the
girder. Originally, only the first cell in the table is active. This cell is titled X Section Type, and the
user is able to choose from a Rectangular Section, a Tee Section, and an I-Section. The rectangular
section is typically used to define the slab strip for a Cast-In-Place (CIP) slab section. The Tee
Section is typically used to define RCDG sections. And the I-Section is typically used to define CIP
Box Girder Sections.
When defining a concrete section, the program will assign a section number in the second cell. The
cells in columns three through eight will become active based on the type of X Section that the user
has selected. These cells are used to define the top flange width, top flange thickness, the web
thickness at the top, the web thickness at the bottom, the bottom flange width, and the bottom flange
If the concrete section has fillets and/or tapers between the flanges and webs, the user can check the
box in the 9 column titled Fillets & Tapers. This will activate the cells in the last eight columns
where the user can define the taper and fillet dimensions. These dimensions are illustrated in the
diagram and have been given the designations D1 through D8. The user can use the illustration to
see what the dimension is referring to, and holding the mouse over the column headings and the
actual cells will cause a tooltip window to appear that gives a brief description as to what the
dimension is referring to.
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The Concrete Section Assignment Tab is divided into three sections. The first section is for Concrete
Section Assignments, where the user assigns the defined concrete sections to each span. The
second section is for the Support Conditions, where the user defines the horizontal, vertical, and
rotational fixity at each support location. The third section is for Hinge Locations, where the user can
define hinge locations that may be present in the structure.
For each span that has span segments defined under the Span Configuration Tab, concrete sections
will need to be assigned under the Concrete Section Assignments Tab. In the first cell, the user will
specify/choose which span that they are going to assign concrete sections to. The second cell is
where the user specifies are chooses the starting Concrete Section Number, which refers to the
section numbers that were assigned under the Concrete Dimensions Tab. The third cell is where the
program automatically determines where the start point of the span segment is located from the left
end of the span. The fourth cell is where the user specifies the length of the span segment in feet.
The fifth cell is where the program automatically calculates and reports the Ending point of the span
segment from the left end of the span. If the ending point is longer/beyond the span length, then an
error message will be displayed in the cell. The last cell is for the user to specify the ending concrete
section number.
If this is the first cross section assignment for the span, the start point will be at zero feet. Then if the
span segment length plus the start point location is less than the defined span length, a new row will
be started and the start point will be equal to the ending point of the previous definition. This will
continue until the ending point is equal to the span length.
By default, the Ending Concrete Section Number will automatically set to the same value as the
Starting Concrete Section Number. This is for segments that have the same cross section over their
length. For segments that have the concrete tapering/transitioning between two cross sections over
the segment length, the user would specify a different section number for the ending point. For an
abrupt change in cross section, the user would have the starting and ending concrete sections
numbers the same for the segment, and then start the next segment with a different concrete section
number than the previous definition.
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The Support Conditions table will automatically be resized for the appropriate number of supports
based on the number of spans defined under the Span Configuration Tab. For each support, the user
must choose if the condition is Free or Restrained for the Horizontal, Vertical, and Rotational
Since not all bridges have hinges, the Hinge Location table is inactive by default. To define a hinge
within a span, the user must first select the check box under the Define Hinge column in the Hinge
Locations table. Doing so will make the next two cells active, which are where the user would specify
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which span and the location in feet from the left end of the span where the hinge exists. The BRASS
manual states that hinges may not be placed at span ends, but may be located a short distance (1.25
inches) from either side of a support which produces basically the same effect.
The Reinforcement Tab is where the user defines the longitudinal reinforcement for each span that
has span segments defined under the Span Configuration Tab. To aid the user, at the top of the
section there are illustrations showing the reference points of how the bar locations are measured in
respect to the cross section and span. There are also two buttons located in upper right hand portion
of the section. The first button is titled, LRFD Bar Development Lengths, and will display a new
window with an image of the development length table from the tool BAR_Ld.XLS. The second
button is titled, Hooked Bar Diagram, and will display the LRFD hooked bar illustrations for standard
hooks. The purpose of this illustration is to inform the user that for the BRASS model, the end point of
the bar should be defined as the point of zero stress instead of the physical end of the hooked bar.
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The reinforcement table can be populated in any order that the user desires. Some prefer to define
all of the bottom bars first and then go back and define all of the top bars. Others prefer to define
both top and bottom bars working from left to right. As long as all of the bars are eventually defined,
there is no difference in the results of how/when they are defined on the table.
The first cell of the Reinforcement table is where the user specifies the rebar row. Rows one through
three are reserved for bottom (positive moment) bars, and rows four and five are reserved for top
(negative moment) bars. The user can either type just the number of the row or select it from the
drop down list.
The second cell is where the user specifies the number of bars in the current bar group.
The third cell is where the user specifies the bar size. The user can either select the bar size from the
drop down list, or they can just type in the number of the bar size. Notice that the display/format of
the bar sizes changes when any cell in this column has focus. The fraction bar sizes change to
decimal and the # sign in front of normal round bars disappears. When the focus is moved to a
different column in the table, the display/format changes back. That way, if typing in the number for a
bar one can simply type the number for the round bar size or the decimal equivalent of the square bar
size. For example for a 1-1/8 in sq bar the user can simply type 1.125, or for a #8 round bar one can
simply type 8.
The fourth cell is where the vertical distance, in inches, from either the bottom or the top of the girder
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is defined. For bars that reside in rows one through three, the vertical distance is measured from the
bottom of the girder. For bars residing in rows four and five, the vertical distance is measured from
the top of the girder.
The fifth cell is used to identify the span number where the left end of the bar is located. The sixth
cell is used to specify the location, in feet, where the left end of the bar is located from the left end of
the span. For straight bars, it would be the physical end of the bar location. For hooked bars, it
would be the location at the zero stress point of the hooked bar development length.
The seventh cell is used to specify the development length, in inches, of the left end of the bar. The
eighth cell is used to specify the overall bar length in feet. The ninth cell is used to specify the
development length, in inches, of the right end of the bar. By default, the program will automatically
use the value for the right end development length that was entered for the development length at the
left end of the bar. For cases where one end of the bar contains a hook, the user can change the
right development length to a different value by simply typing the new value into the cell.
For structures that have a bent bar that transition to a different depth in the member, the user can
simply specify a zero development length at the location where the bend occurs. The length of the bar
should be specified for the horizontal portion of the bar only at a given elevation, not the portion that
is bent and changing elevation or exists at a different elevation in the member. When a zero
development length is encountered, the program will assume that the bar is bent and will not specify
a bar cutoff analysis point since the bar is fully developed through the transition area. If the user still
wishes to have the program generate a bar cutoff analysis point at this location, they must enter some
other value, other than zero, for the development length of the bar.
Some of the older bridges occasionally have the deck reinforcing exposed. ACI318, Article,
states that for bars with a cover of d b or less or with a clear spacing of 2d b or less that the basic
development length (obtained from the LRFD code) be multiplied by 2.0. Therefore, if the inspection
report or photos indicate that the deck reinforcement is exposed, double the development length of
the deck reinforcement.
The last two cells at the right of the table are where the program automatically calculates and displays
the span number that the right end of the bar resides in and the location from the left end of that span,
in feet, that the right end of the bar resides.
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Once the user has completed entering the data in the various tables and form fields, it is
recommended to save the data before continuing just in case the program encounters an unexpected
error or bug and closes the CBG. It is then recommended to select the Show Cross-Section Matrix
button, which will open a new window containing a spreadsheet or matrix of the concrete dimensions
and longitudinal reinforcement that will be used to define the spans in BRASS. The Concrete Section
Matrix is just a tool for the load rater to see and verify how the bridge is being modeled based on the
data that was entered.
The first column lists the span fraction at each section point. The second column lists the span
number. And the third column lists the actual location of the of the section point in feet. Columns four
through 18 lists the concrete dimensions as they are illustrated on the Concrete Dimensions tab of
the main form.
Cells that have white backgrounds are actual control points that were specified on either the Concrete
Section Assignment tab or on the Reinforcement tab. The cells with a light grey background are
intermediate points that were linearly interpolated between the control points with white backgrounds.
Span fraction cells that have a light green background are cells that are made up of two or more
control points that were combined into one analysis point. Making the mouse hover over the green
cell will cause a tooltip window to display the reason why the cells are combined.
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The columns beyond column 18 are used to show the longitudinal bars that were defined under the
Reinforcement Tab. Each bar group consists of four columns that list the rebar row number, the
number of bars, the bar size, and the vertical distance in the girder were the bars are located. Each
bar group will have four control points, one at each physical end of the bar and one at each point of
full bar development. As with the concrete sections, all points that fall between the rebar control
points will be linearly interpolated.
The first rebar group shown in the matrix is defined by the first row in the Reinforcement Tab Table,
the second group is defined by the second row in the table and so on. Knowing how the bars are
defined and represented in the matrix and in the table will allow the load rater to verify how the
reinforcement is being modeled.
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For reinforcement that reside on the same row in the matrix, if the rebar row number, bar size, and
vertical distance are the same, then the number of bars will be added together when the program
creates the BRASS cross-sections. For example, in the above matrix screenshot, in row three of the
matrix the first two rebar groups have the same rebar row number, bar size, and vertical distance.
Thus, when the program creates BRASS cross-section number three, it will generate 1.57 - #10 bars
in row 1 at a vertical distance of 2.56 inches.
Each numbered row in the matrix that has concrete dimensions showing will end up having the same
BRASS cross-section number. Thus, matrix row one will end up being BRASS cross-section number
one, matrix row two will end up being BRASS cross-section number two and so on.
The user is to define the starting and ending points for every bar that exists within each unique span.
This will often result with bars ending in other spans that are defined as copies of a previous unique
span. The program will only generate BRASS cross-sections for the matrix rows that have concrete
dimensions displayed. For example, in the following screenshot of the matrix, the program will only
generate 64 BRASS cross-sections. This is because the matrix rows 65 and above do not have
concrete dimensions shown. This is because the user had indicated on the Span Configuration Tab
that spans three and four are to be copies of spans one and two. Spans three and four show control
points in the matrix for the ending locations of rebar that started in spans one and two.
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Selecting the Generate BRASS File Input button will display a text window that contains all of the
needed BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) input commands from the very beginning of the file up to the point
where the user defines the stirrup definitions. When the window appears, all of the text is already
selected, therefore all the user has to do is right click in the window and select the Copy command.
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Then in the appropriate input file template, the user selects all of the text from the very beginning of
the file up to just before the comment line that states, Stirrup Definitions. Then selecting the Paste
command will replace all of the selected text commands with those that were just copied from the
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Selecting the Generate Bar Cutoff Points for Shear Analysis button will display a text window that
contains all of the needed BRASS input shear commands for the bar cutoff points. When the window
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appears, all of the text for all of the commands for the different spans is already selected. The user
needs to select and copy the group of commands for only one span at a time, and then paste them
within the appropriate spot in each BRASS input file. Comment out any analysis points that are within
the critical shear section.
Once all of the data has been entered, verified with the matrix and the various BRASS commands
have been copied and pasted in the BRASS input files, the user should save the data into a *.cbg file
that will be included in the electronic file set. Then the user should select the Report button, which
will display a print preview of a report that reflects the data entered in the various form fields of the
program. Selecting the button that has the printer icon at the top of the print preview will print a hard
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copy of the report, which should be included in the printed calc book for the load rating.
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BRASS-GIRDER will be used to load rate the concrete girders. BRASS-GIRDER is different from the
previous BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) program in that it no longer uses text file inputs, but instead utilizes
a Graphical User Interface (GUI) with data saved in xml file format. Instead of developing new
procedures and a new CBG program to populate the GUI of BRASS-GIRDER, this manual will
continue to give instructions on how to create the text input file for BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD). Once the
file is ready for analysis, the user will run the text input file through the BRASS-GIRDER translator
that will create the xml input file used to populate the new GUI. From there the user will be able to run
the analysis within BRASS-GIRDER.
BRASS has increased the live load definition limit from 20 to 100 per file. In the past, since ODOT
requires more than 20 vehicles to be analyzed in every LRFR load rating, two nearly identical BRASS
input files were used to cover all of the different vehicles. Since the transition from using BRASS-
GIRDER(LRFD) to using BRASS-GIRDER for the analysis, ODOT has modified all of its tools to only
use a single BRASS file with all of the rating vehicles included. Therefore, ODOT will no longer
require the two separate nearly identical BRASS _N and _T files.
Use the heavily commented sample files provided as templates to be copied to a new bridge-number-
specific folder (with a new filename if appropriate) and then modified for the actual Load Ratings.
Separate input files will be required for each structure type in any bridge with a combination of
structure types, and for interior and exterior girders due to the variability of live load distribution
factors in LRFR.
General conventions
Use the full length of each command name except the COMMENT (3-1.1) command shall be
only COM.
Precede each command or logical group of similar commands (except for the COMMENT
command) with a comment referring to the Article number in the BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD)
Command Manual. For example, precede an ANALYSIS (4-1.1) command with a comment
command thus:
COM 4-1.1
Generally, leave in all comments found in the template (unless they become totally irrelevant
to a particular input file), modifying them and adding more comments as required to fit the
specific conditions of the rating. Use comments liberally with the expectation that someone
unfamiliar with the BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) program and unfamiliar with the bridge will need
to read the data file and fully understand it.
Leave parameters blank (spaces between commas) where they are irrelevant to the specific
structure. Although trailing commas can be omitted where all parameters to the right are to
be blank, it is recommended to clarify your intentions by showing the blank parameters
separated by commas. However, avoid leaving blank parameters such as material strengths
where default values would apply. Enter the default values to make the dataset more
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Show in-line calculations (what the BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) Manual calls in-line arithmetic)
within a parameter (between commas) to convert units from feet to inches where the
command parameter requires inches. Similarly, show in-line calculations to show how you
determined the vertical dimensions to locate flexural bars. However, note that BRASS has
the following limitations on in-line calculations: It cannot handle parentheses within in-line
calculations, and it cannot correctly handle more than one multiplication or division operator
in any one term, i.e. use no more than one multiplication or division between plus and minus
signs. Other than these in-line calculations, the best place to put calculations is in the
Preliminary File rather than in the BRASS comments.
To make it easier for a subsequent user to find their way around the Input File, separate the
BRASS input file into logical sections (large groups of commands) by using spaced
comments as indicated in the sample files. Typically, an input file for an RCDG will be
divided into the following sections:
COM ***** LRFR Load Rating, Strength Limit State *****
COM ***** Material Properties *****
COM ***** Section Geometry *****
COM ***** Span Length and Section Information *****
COM ***** Dead Loads *****
COM ***** Live Loads *****
COM ***** Distribution Factors *****
COM ***** Resistance Factors *****
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COM ***** Critical Flexural Sections *****
COM ***** Shear Points of Interest *****
With similar comment sets, subdivide the Shear Points of Interest section into subsections
for each category of investigated section for each unique span. (See the sample input files).
Specific conventions
Several of these conventions and commands will be automatically created by the CBG
program. They are listed within this section to provide background and understanding as to
what ODOT is requiring within the BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) input files.
At the beginning of every input file, use the BRIDGE-NAME (2-1.3) command to provide the
5- or 6-character NBI Bridge Number, followed by the Bridge Name. Use the Bridge Name
as defined in the Definitions, Article 1.3.3 of this Manual.
Next, use the ROUTE (2-1.5) command to provide the mile point and signed Route Number
where applicable (always required for State-owned bridges). Note the signed Route Number
is not the same as the ODOT internal (maintenance) Highway Number.
Use 2 lines of the TITLE (2-1.6) command. Use the first TITLE line to provide the file name
and describe which girder(s) this file applies to. Use the second TITLE line to provide the
purpose or work grouping of the Load Rating.
Use the AGENCY (2-1.1) command to identify the Load Rating as being performed according
to ODOT standards. This command should always be the same:
COM 2-1.1
Use the UNITS (2-1.4) command to force BRASS to always use US (English) units for both
input and output. BRASS normally defaults to US units, but it has been found that when
referenced dimensions get large, BRASS will automatically assume the large dimensions are
in millimeters and will convert the units when it calculates the resistance of the member.
Using the UNITS command will not allow BRASS to arbitrarily convert the units during an
COM 2-1.4
Use the ANALYSIS (4-1.1) command to provide BRASS with parameters needed to do a
rating analysis. The continuous beam model is the preferred choice (B in parameter 1) as
long as there is no need to include columns in the analysis and the bridge has 13 spans.
Parameter 5 needs to be coded as Y, for yes, to interpolate reinforcing steel from the left
cross section to the right cross section. This will allow BRASS to account for partially
developed reinforcing steel per AASHTO LRFD Except for a rigid frame analysis
(with columns) that would require the frame type model (F in parameter 1), this command
would normally be the same:
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COM 4-1.1
COM 4-1.2
Leaving the 2nd parameter (Specification Check Output) blank causes BRASS to default to
refrain from generating a large additional output (.OUT) file for each point of interest,
information that is not normally needed. Use of Y for parameter 2 to turn on this additional
output may be justified at sections where there is a need to account for partially developed
bars. If these additional .OUT files are generated, they do not need to be printed in the Load
Rating Report.
Use the OUTPUT (5-1.1) command to control the wide variety of output options. Unless
there is a problem that requires more detailed intermediate output for investigation, this
command should always the same:
COM 5-1.1
OUTPUT 4, Y, , , 1, , , , , , , , ,
Beginning with BRASS-Girder(LRFD) v.1.6.1, the effective top flange width is calculated and
applied to the section properties automatically. Use the OUTPUT-EFF-WIDTH (5-7.3)
command to direct BRASS to not output its effective flange width calculations. This
command should always be the same:
COM 5-7.3
Code all BRASS models in the same direction as the girder elevation appears on the plans,
i.e. from left to right on the plans, regardless of mile point direction.
In the Material Properties section, use the CONC-MATERIALS (8-1.1) command to provide
the material properties consistent with the notes on the bridge plans. Although there are
exceptions, a typical RCDG structure from the 1950s or early 1960s would have the
following properties command:
COM 8-1.1
CONC-MATERIALS 0.15, 3.3, 40.0, 40.0, 9, , , 170.0, , ,
If the material properties of the top flange differ from those in the web and bottom flange of
the girder, use the CONC-MATERIAL-FLANGE (8-1.2) command to define the properties for
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the concrete in the top flange of a concrete girder. The following is an example of this
COM 8-1.2
COM Deck slab concrete strength differs from girder concrete.
In the Section Geometry section, define each section numbered sequentially, preceded by a
comment identifying it with characteristics from the plans. Use the CONC-TEE-SECTION (8-
2.3) or the CONC-I-SECTION (8-2.4) if applicable, to define the cross-section section
dimensions (except for depth). Note the parameters for these commands changed beginning
with BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) v.1.6.1.
BRASS version 2.0.3 has been updated to include the 2008 revision of the 4 Edition LRFD
Code. With this update it is no longer necessary to calculate the effective flange width of
composite slabs in the preliminary file. The second parameter of COMPOSITE-SLAB
command may be left blank to allow BRASS to calculate the effective width.
Use as many CONC-REBAR (8-2.8) commands as required to define all the layers of
longitudinal reinforcement that are present. For negative moment sections, it is important to
include all longitudinal bars present within the effective top flange width. The following is an
example of the series of commands to define one section:
COM --- Sect 1, Pos. Moment, Span 1, 2#11 + 4#10 bot, 2#5 top
Some of the older bridges occasionally have the deck reinforcing exposed. ACI318, Article, states that for bars with a cover of d b or less or with a clear spacing of 2d b or less
that the basic development length (obtained from the LRFD code) be multiplied by 2.0.
Therefore, if the inspection report or photos indicate that the deck reinforcement is exposed,
double the development length of the deck reinforcement.
In the Span Lengths and Section Information section, define each span beginning with the
appropriate command from Chapter 11 of the BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) Command Manual
that describes the profile (depth variation) along the span. Follow this command with a
sequence of SPAN-SECTION (11-2.1) commands to assign the previously defined sections
to cumulative ranges from the left end of the span. The following is an example of the series
of commands to define one span:
SPAN-SECTION 1, 9, 36.00*12
Use the SPAN-HINGE (11-5.1) command if necessary to define the location of any hinge
within the span. If the structure has an expansion joint over a support, approximate this
condition by placing a hinge close to, but not at, the support. BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) does
not allow the use of a hinge at a support, and recommends that it be located a distance of
1.2 from the support. If BRASS gives anomalous moment results, or it unexpectedly places
the hinge farther out in the span than you expect, the solution is to relocate the hinge farther
than 1.2 from the support, increasing in small increments until the reported moments behave
as expected. (Sometimes increasing the offset by hundredths of a foot can make all the
Use the SUPPORT-FIXITY (11-4.1) command to define the boundary conditions of each
span, for example:
COM 11-4.1
COM 8-4.1
COM 8-4.2
COM 8-4.3
STIRRUP-SCHEDULE 1, 1, 10.00, 15.00, 30.00
STIRRUP-SCHEDULE 1, 1, 13.88, 45.00, 235.96
STIRRUP-SCHEDULE 1, 1, 8.00, 280.96, 136.00
To avoid confusion, dead loads should be grouped under the headings DC and DW and
presented in the same order in the BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) Input (.DAT) file as they were
calculated in the Preliminary (.xmcd) File. Diaphragm point loads should be considered part
of component load DC.
Because BRASS calculates girder dead load (self-weight) using the input section dimensions
and treats it separately from other dead loads, group the rest of the structure dead loads
under the first occurrence of the of the LOAD-DEAD-DESCR (12-1.2) command, using the
description (parameter 4) Other Structure dead loads. Beginning with BRASS-
GIRDER(LRFD) Version 1.6.1, BRASS correctly calculates the girder self-weight regardless
of what portion of the top flange is effective. There is no longer a need to account for
ineffective top flange weight separately in the Other Structure dead loads group. This group
will normally include the LOAD-DEAD-POINT (12-1.4) commands for the dead load of the
diaphragms. Include loads for diaphragms directly over the supports. While they will not
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have any effect on the girder analysis, they will be used to calculate dead load reactions used
in the crossbeam analysis. Precede each group of LOAD-DEAD-UNIFORM and LOAD-
DEAD-POINT commands with an additional identifying comment describing the load. An
example of this first (DC) group is given below:
COM 12-1.2
LOAD-DEAD-DESCR 1, DC, 1, Other Structure Dead Loads
COM 12-1.4
LOAD-DEAD-POINT 1, 1, , 1.783, 18.0*12
LOAD-DEAD-POINT 1, 2, , 1.783, 12.0*12
LOAD-DEAD-POINT 1, 2, , 1.783, 24.0*12
LOAD-DEAD-POINT 1, 2, , 1.783, 36.0*12
LOAD-DEAD-POINT 1, 3, , 1.783, 18.0*12
Group the remaining component dead loads (DC) (excluding wearing surface dead loads) in
the next LOAD-DEAD-DESCR (12-1.2) command using the description (parameter 4)
Superimposed dead loads. This group should include LOAD-DEAD_UNIFORM (12-1.3)
commands as needed to account for all superimposed (Stage-2) dead loads except the
wearing surface. Precede each group of LOAD-DEAD-UNIFORM commands with an
additional identifying comment describing the load. An example of this 2nd (DC) group is
given below:
COM 12-1.2
LOAD-DEAD-DESCR 2, DC, 1, Superimposed Dead Loads
COM 12-1.3
LOAD-DEAD-UNIFORM 2, 1, 0.0*12, 0.211/12, 36.0*12, 0.211/12
LOAD-DEAD-UNIFORM 2, 2, 0.0*12, 0.211/12, 48.0*12, 0.211/12
LOAD-DEAD-UNIFORM 2, 3, 0.0*12, 0.211/12, 36.0*12, 0.211/12
To facilitate future re-ratings with different wearing surface loads, always apply the wearing
surface dead load under its own LOAD-DEAD-DESCR (12-1.2) command separate from all
other uniform superimposed dead loads. Precede each LOAD-DEAD-UNIFORM command
with an additional identifying comment describing the load. An example of this 3rd (DW)
dead load group is given below:
COM 12-1.2
LOAD-DEAD-DESCR 3, DW, 1, Wearing Surface Dead Load
COM 2.5" + 1" ACWS
COM Distributed equally to all 4 girders, w = 0.284 k/ft
COM 12-1.3
LOAD-DEAD-UNIFORM 3, 1, 0.0*12, 0.284/12, 36.0*12, 0.284/12
LOAD-DEAD-UNIFORM 3, 2, 0.0*12, 0.284/12, 48.0*12, 0.284/12
LOAD-DEAD-UNIFORM 3, 3, 0.0*12, 0.284/12, 36.0*12, 0.284/12
Use the BRASS Input Adjustments #1 thru #3 explained below to code the live load
To assure that BRASS calculates girder Distribution Factors (number of lanes) according to
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Do not calculate Distribution factors manually (in the Mathcad Preliminary File) unless
absolutely necessary. However, if Distribution Factors in AASHTO LRFD are
calculated manually, note that we interpret the definition of d e in AASHTO LRFD 4.3 as
distance from the centerline of the exterior web to the interior edge of curb or traffic barrier.
Use the BRASS Input Adjustment #4 explained below to code the Resistance Factors.
Use the BRASS Input Adjustment #5 explained below to obtain detailed output regarding the
Distribution Factors.
To obtain Rating Factors for flexure points of interest, use OUTPUT-INTERMEDIATE (5-2.1)
commands grouped in the same order and groupings as the analysis points were calculated
in the Preliminary File.
To obtain Rating Factors for shear points of interest, use OUTPUT-INTERMEDIATE (5-2.1)
commands grouped in the same order and groupings as the analysis points were calculated
in the Preliminary File. In the Bar Cutoff Points subsection of the Critical Shear Sections
portion of the BRASS code, normally these commands are copied from the window that is
displayed when selecting the Generate Bar Cutoff Points for Shear Analysis button in the
CBG program. Within each span, make sure that none of the analysis points duplicate each
other (have identical span fractions), and delete one of each duplicate pair. Precede each
OUTPUT-INTERMEDIATE command with a comment (usually text taken from the Preliminary
File) explaining which type of force is being investigated (Positive Moment, Negative Moment
or Shear), the span number and nearby bent number, and the span fraction. The use of the
OUTPUT-INTERMEDIATE command along with the Stirrup Schedule feature of BRASS,
eliminates the need to determine stirrup area and spacing specifically at every shear point of
Note: Section 8-3.1 of the BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) Command Manual implies that omitting
the CONC-SHEAR command would mean that parameter 2, the Shear Indicator, would
default to 2, so the program would use the Simplified Method for shear. However the
previous use of the CONC-SHEAR-CONSTANTS (8-4.1) command in the stirrup definition
sequence overrides this default and forces the AASHTO General Method for shear (MCFT) to
be used.
Normally shear need not be evaluated within d v of the face of a simple support nor in the
middle 1/3 of a span. However, the presence of significant shear cracking (> 0.040 wide) in
the region within d v of the support face may warrant a shear investigation in this region. In
such an investigation, since the MCFT approach is less conservative in this zone of
confusion near a simple support, shear capacity should be evaluated using the AASHTO
Simplified Procedure in AASHTO LRFD This is accomplished in BRASS by using
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the CONC-SHEAR (8.3-1) command and setting the Shear Indicator (2nd parameter) to 2.
However, in the case of checking the shear inside the d v point near a continuous support,
MCFT works very well since that location has high (negative) moment and shear. Thus,
there would be no reason to change the shear command for these special analysis points.
Because BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) was designed primarily for AASHTO LRFD analyses and was
created before the MBE Manual was published, a number of standard BRASS Input Adjustments are
necessary. Fortunately the program is flexible enough to allow an accurate solution with work-
arounds (BRASS Input Adjustments). These adjustments will normally apply to every Input File, at
least until BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) is changed. See the sample input files for proper placement of
these adjustments.
Use the FACTORS-LOAD-DL command (13-1.2) to force BRASS to use the MBE dead load
factors, which are different than the AASHTO LRFD factors used by default. MBE Table
6A.4.2.2-1 requires constant dead load factors DC and DW , and the footnote allows DW to be
1.25 when wearing surface thickness is field-measured, which is normally the case.
Therefore, these commands are always required. Since the command only covers one limit
state level at a time, use one for Strength-I and one for Strength-II:
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COM 13-1.2
FACTORS-LOAD-DL ST, 1, 1.25, 0.90, 1.25, 0.65
FACTORS-LOAD-DL ST, 2, 1.25, 0.90, 1.25, 0.65
Therefore, use the LOAD-LIVE-DEFINITION (12-4.3) commands to define each Design and
Legal Load separately, and use the LOAD-LIVE-CONTROL (12-4.1) command to define only
parameter 1 (direction control, normally B for traffic in both directions) and parameter 7
(wheel advancement denominator, normally 100), as follows:
COM 12-4.1
LOAD-LIVE-CONTROL B, , , , , , 100
In structures with short spans, especially short cantilevers, BRASS may crash because the
span is divided into live load advancement increments that are too small. If this occurs and
you have a small span, try decreasing parameter 7 to the largest number for which BRASS
will work, often 50 or sometimes even less.
Further, because MBE Table 6A. requires a different live load factor L for each truck,
ADTT and truck weight combination, and BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) does not provide for a
separate live load factor for each truck, more BRASS Input Adjustments are required to
define truck specific live load factors.
Use the optional FACTORS-LOAD-LL command (13-1.3) such that the universal gamma LL
(Design) (parameter 3), gamma LL (Legal) (parameter 4) and gamma LL (Permit)
(parameter 5) are all forced to 1.0. Since this command only covers one limit state level at a
time, two commands are always required (one for Strength-I and one for Strength-II):
COM 13-1.3
FACTORS-LOAD-LL ST, 1, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
FACTORS-LOAD-LL ST, 2, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
With the universal live load factors set to 1.0, truck specific live load factors can be defined
using the BRASS command 13-1.6, FACTORS-LOAD-LL-LS. Previous version of BRASS
(LRFD) did not accommodate individual truck live load factors. Thus, a work around was
developed where the live load factors were input as scale factors. With BRASS v 2.0.3 the
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FACTORS-LOAD-LL-LS command has been added to resolve this limitation. Live load
factors shall be input using this new command. Parameter 6 of command 12-4.3, scale
factor, will be reserve for its original purpose. With this update the LR summary sheet will no
longer modify the rating factors reported in the BRASS output file.
In the FACTORS-LOAD-LL-LS (13-1.6) commands for each load, enter the specific live load
Factor L (from LL_Factors_State.XLS or LL_Factors_Local.XLS as applicable). This
command can be copied and pasted from the BRASS tab of LL_Factors_State.XLS.
Thus the complete live load definition command set for input files is as follows:
COM Define each Design and Legal live load separately and
COM apply the truck specific live load factor (instead
COM of defining them in the LOAD-LIVE-CONTROL command)
COM There are 3 reasons...
COM (a) to prevent BRASS from applying the Fatigue Design
COM that is not needed for RCDG structures
COM (b) to force BRASS to list the Design Loads outputs in
COM same order as ODOT's Load Rating Summary Workbook
COM (c) to allow use of the Oregon 3S2 Legal Load rather than
COM the AASHTO 3S2 Design Load
COM 12-4.3
COM 13-1.6
The Oregon Legal Load designations listed in this example are applicable to BRASS-
GIRDER(LRFD) Version 2.0.0 and later. BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) runs for versions prior to
v2.0.0 used the legal load designations OLEG3, OLEG3S2 & OLEG3-3.
Special note: For one-lane (escorted) special permit reviews and true single-lane bridges
(roadway width < 20 ft), it is necessary to enter ONE for parameter 7 in the LOAD-LIVE-
DEFINITION (12-4.3) command. It is not clear in the BRASS Command Manual, but this
parameter is needed to force BRASS to apply only a single-lane loading with the appropriate
single-lane Distribution Factors.
While performing an analysis on a prestressed girder, it was found that the FACTORS-
RESIST-RC and FACTOR-RESIST-PS commands cannot be used simultaneously. Since
phi is often different for flexure in prestressed elements and reinforced concrete elements, a
different approach is required. Using the FACTORS-RESIST-MOD command to modify phi-s
and FACTORS-RESIST-COND command to modify phi-c. BRASS will properly calculate the
final phi values for flexure, flexure/tension (RC), and shear. This adjustment would allow both
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prestress bridges and reinforced concrete bridges to use the same set of BRASS commands.
COM 13-2.4
COM 13-2.5
To facilitate crossbeam calculations and to clarify what BRASS is doing regarding live load
Distribution Factors, always include the following lines in the BRASS input file at the end of
the Distribution Factors section:
Open the BRASS-GIRDER GUI interface. Because it is more efficient to use BRASS-
GIRDER(LRFD) Input Files generated from previous ones, the GUI interface will not be used to
generate input files.
The BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) input file must first be translated into a BRASS-GIRDER xml file that will
then populate the GUI interface in BRASS-GIRDER. The steps for translating and running the input
files in BRASS-GIRDER are as follows:
1. Start the BRASS-GIRDER program. From the File menu, hover your mouse pointer over
Translate (DAT to XML). Select the option for BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD).
2. The Translator window will then open on your screen. Click on the button that says Select
File/Run, as shown in the red outlined box in the following figure.
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3. In the next window that appears, navigate to the location where the BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD)
input file that you wish to run is stored, and select that file. Click on the Open button at the
bottom right of this window.
4. The Translator window will then open back up and the selected file will run through the
translation. If there are any errors detected during the translation, a red X will be displayed
next to the file name in the window and an error file will be generated. Refer to the error file to
decipher what is causing the error during translation. Once corrected, follow these steps
again to translate the file. If successful, a green check will appear next to the file name as
shown in the following figure:
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5. Click the Close button at the bottom right of the Translator window. Within BRASS-
GIRDER, select Open under the File menu. Select the BRASS XML file that was just
created from the Translator program. Click on the Open button at the bottom right of this
6. BRASS-GIRDER will then load the model into the GUI. Under the Execute menu, select
Analysis Engine to run the analysis. Or you can simply click on the green traffic light icon on
the toolbar.
7. Verify that the output directory is the same as where the input files are located, and then click
the OK button. A black DOS window will appear showing program progress. Depending on
your system speed and memory and the complexity of the structure, the execution process
may take a few seconds or several minutes. Upon completion of the analysis, a text output
file will be generated within the same directory. You can now use a text editor to open and
view the BRASS output.
When making changes or corrections to BRASS files, ODOT prefers that all changes be made within
the BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) input file so that it becomes the master document for the BRASS model.
Reviewing this text input file will be quicker and more efficient than trying to navigate the GUI to verify
that the bridge is being modelled correctly. Thus, any time the text input file is modified, the above
steps will have to be repeated to translate the text input file into a BRASS XML file before the analysis
is re-ran in BRASS-GIRDER.
If an error file is generated (same prefix, .ERR extension), open this file with your text editor and try to
interpret what BRASS is telling you. The vast majority of error messages will point you to a
straightforward typographical error or omission in your input. At the beginning of your experience with
BRASS, do not expect a successful execution until one or more typographical errors have been
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When executing BRASS-GIRDER, if you get an error message regarding zeros in the stiffness matrix,
look at the ANALYSIS (4-1.1) command, parameter 1, and check to see if you are running a Frame
type model on a structure with more than 6 spans. In such cases the Beam type model (the
recommended default) is required (with a maximum of 13 spans).
When executing BRASS-GIRDER, you may get an error message stating, The effective web width
(b v ) cannot be zero. This causes a divide-by-zero error in the compression field computations. This
most likely means that you have selected points that are too close to another defined point of interest
within your BRASS input file. A general rule is not to have points closer than six inches from one
another. Verify in your input file that you have correctly entered the web width parameter while
defining your BRASS sections. Also check in the Span Length and Section Information portion of
the input file to see that the ranges of the elements are not too close to each other.
A rare error can sometimes occur in executing BRASS-GIRDER where the processing of the analysis
takes a considerable amount of time, and then produces a very large output file (around 600
megabytes) along with an error file. The program will report an Interpolation Error. This occurs on
files that have a BRASS span of 99.99 ft and was attempting to increment each truck across the span
at 100 increments (as specified in the LOAD-LIVE-CONTROL command). We found that one of two
simple workarounds can correct the error: 1) round the BRASS spans from 99.99 ft to 100.00 ft, or 2)
increase the live load increment from 100 to 105 in the LOAD-LIVE-CONTROL command. The
second method is the preferred option as it only requires a correction in one command, whereas
adjusting the span lengths would have required doing it for multiple spans for the bridge that
experienced this error.
When executing BRASS-GIRDER, if you get an unexpected termination of the program while
attempting to run a file, check the BRASS error file (*.err) to see if it states that, Standard Vehicle:
OLEG3S2 is not presently stored in the standard vehicle library file. This usually means that the
user did not update the names of the Legal Vehicle in the BRASS input file. In the early part of 2009,
ODOT made a small revision to the vehicle library so that both the old Tier 1 and LRFR rating
methodologies would use the same legal vehicles for their analysis. As a result, ODOT changed the
names of the legal vehicles. To correct the error, make the following changes to the names of the
legal vehicles in the BRASS input file:
BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) has been known to run perfectly and still produce completely wrong
results. Although a successful run may indicate a lack of errors, it is prudent to search the main
output (.OUT) file for the words error and warning to check out the seriousness of the problem,
and to do a reality check on the Rating Factors. Unexpected Rating Factor results often indicate an
error in the BRASS coding.
We recommend that, at the very least, load raters routinely employ the following two BRASS
verification measures:
(1) Do a reasonability check on the section properties. This is why we routinely code Y in
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parameter 2 of the OUTPUT (5-1.1) command, to provide a list of girder properties at each
node point. (Search the Output File for Calculated Properties in each span). It is not
uncommon to make errors in the concrete section definitions, the SPAN-UNIF-HAUNCH (11-
1.3) command or the SPAN-SECTION (11-2.1) commands that can result in a girder profile
that is quite different than the one you expected.
(2) Do a reasonability check on the distribution of shears and moments across the structure.
This is especially critical if you have an expansion joint within the structure that you have
modeled by coding a hinge near one of the internal supports. Check if you are getting nearly-
zero moments at the support next to the hinge. (It cant be truly zero because of the offset of
the hinge from the support, but the moment value should be quite low). There have been
cases where, due to numerical instabilities in the analysis process, unreasonably high
moments were present at the support. The solution is usually to increase the offset of the
hinge from the support in small increments until the reported moments behave as expected
(sometimes increasing the offset by hundredths of a foot can make all the difference!).
If you really have doubts about what BRASS is giving you, be aware that you can use additional
commands in the OUTPUT- group (BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) Manual, Chapter 5 to generate
additional output that may facilitate your detective work. Use caution the size of this output can be
When reading the BRASS Output File, in the Rating Factor Summary sections for Legal Loads, it may
be difficult to distinguish between the live load Combo cases because two of them are identified as
ORLEG3-3. In these cases, it is possible to distinguish them by looking for the 3-letter BRASS live
load Type codes in parentheses. These codes are defined for parameter 3 of the LOAD-LIVE-
DEFINITION command (12-4.3). Thus there will be separate Rating Factor Results for ORLEG3-3
(TRK) which is the Type 3-3 truck by itself, and ORLEG3-3 (LGT) which is the Type 3-3 two-truck
train plus Legal Lane load.
Prior to BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) version 2.0.1, the results of the longitudinal reinforcement tension
check (LRFD were not found in the basic output files, but could only be found by performing a
detailed analysis of a specific point. The longitudinal tension check is done to ensure that there is
sufficient longitudinal reinforcement to resist the tension forces caused by flexure and shear.
With the release of BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) version 2.0.1, the program now calculates a rating factor
for the longitudinal tension check using the worst case of the maximum tension forces developed due
to maximum shear and concurrent moment, minimum shear and concurrent moment, maximum
moment and concurrent shear, and minimum moment and concurrent shear.
Since the longitudinal tension check rating factor is being computed for every analysis point, and the
ODOT Load Rating Summary sheet only has a limited number of columns to report rating factors, the
summary sheet has been programmed to only report the longitudinal tension rating factors for a given
analysis point only if a rating factor for one of the trucks is lower than 1.1.
Detailed Discussion:
Section of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications has the equation that is used
by designers to ensure that there is sufficient longitudinal reinforcement to resist tension forces
caused by both shear and flexure. If this equation is not satisfied, the designer simply adds the
necessary reinforcement so that the equation is satisfied.
The Manual for Bridge Evaluation (MBE) is based on the AASHTO Bridge Design Specifications.
The software ODOT uses for LRFR ratings is BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD). Prior to version 2.0.1,
this software performed the tension check as part of the rating, but the basic output (usually
several hundred of pages per bridge) did not indicate if the bridge had locations where the
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tension check failed. The information on the results of the tension check could only be found by
examining the additional output that is provided when detailed analysis of a specific point was
While satisfying the tension check is needed to have an accurate model when using Modified
Compression Field Theory (MCFT) to calculate shear capacity, there is no guidance in the MBE
manual for the load rater to use when the tension check fails. This has been brought to the
attention of a primary developer of the LRFR code, Bala Sivakumar, PE, who acknowledged that
the current code does not fully address this issue. Christopher Higgins, PhD, PE, from Oregon
State University, who lead the effort to test full scale beams has emphasized that the tension
check is fundamental to the use of MCFT. The concern of providing the results of the tension
check in the basic output has been communicated to the developers of the BRASS software.
There were two areas that needed to be addressed before the load rater could be sure that the
tension check had failed. First, all of the reinforcement must be accounted for. Since the ODOT
ratings originally counted the reinforcement only when it was fully developed, there may have
been a significant amount of partially developed reinforcement available to resist tension forces.
Prior to the development of the ODOT Concrete Bridge Generator (CBG), a simple bridge would
take several weeks for a load rater to go through all of the detailed output and add up all of the
partially developed reinforcement. While many of the points that originally failed the tension
check will pass for the lighter loads, the heavier permit loads can still result in a failed condition.
Even if all of the points were to pass the tension check, the weeks of analysis would have been
inefficient and resulted in a product that was complicated to the point that a secondary check
would have been difficult. With the development of the CBG, the partially developed bars are
now accounted for in the BRASS model, and thus this first issue is resolved.
The second area that needed to be addressed was the nature of the loading. For a given load,
there will be a maximum moment force, and a maximum shear force. For analysis, BRASS-
GIRDER(LRFD) uses these maximum values. The actual loading caused by a moving load does
result in a point experiencing the maximum force values, but not at the same time. By treating
the maximum values as being concurrent, the BRASS analysis of the tension check would be
somewhat conservative at some locations.
There are differences between the design of new bridges and the rating of current bridges. MBE
section 6A.1.3 states that Design may adopt a conservative reliability index and impose checks
to ensure serviceability and durability without incurring a major cost impact. In rating, the added
cost of overly conservative evaluation standards can be prohibitive as load restrictions,
rehabilitation, and replacement become increasingly necessary.
With the release of BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) version 2.0.1, the program now calculates a rating
factor for the longitudinal tension check using the worst case of the maximum tension forces
developed due to maximum shear and concurrent moment, minimum shear and concurrent
moment, maximum moment and concurrent shear, and minimum moment and concurrent shear.
Thus, this second issue has been addressed.
The developers of the MBE code acknowledged that while LRFD does incorporate state-of-the-art
design, analysis methods, and loading, that almost all existing bridges were designed using the
older AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges. Section 6A.1.4 states Where the
behavior of a member under traffic is not consistent with that predicted by the governing
specifications, as evidenced by a lack of visible signs of distress or excessive deformation or
cases where there is evidence of distress even though the specification does not predict such
distress, deviation from the governing specifications based upon the known behavior of the
member under traffic may be used and shall be fully documented.
The 1950s bridges were designed using Working Stress. Once the stresses of the concrete
exceed its ability to resist tension, cracking occurs. This initial cracking takes place at a
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comparatively low level of loading. The bridge is designed to see service loads where the
forces in the reinforcement are kept well below the yield point. The bridges that Oregon State
University instrumented showed that the reinforcement was being operated well below the yield
point. During full scale beam tests to failure, the reinforcement was yielding, but at much higher
loads than in-service bridges experience, and with much greater distress.
Even though ODOT and BRASS have found a way to perform the tension check for load rating,
this is still an issue to be solved on a national scale. Based on the guidance from the MBE code,
and the lack of distress noted in the vast majority of bridge inspections, Oregon bridges are not
being operated anywhere near the level that would cause yielding of the reinforcement as
indicated by the failure of the tension check. For those few bridges that do show excessive
deterioration, the current MBE code is sufficient that the known behavior of the member shall be
used and be fully documented. Bridges with deterioration consistent with yielding of
reinforcement would not be considered for no work regardless of the results of the tension
check. Calculations for repairs should be done in accordance with the AASHTO LRFD code and
therefore the longitudinal reinforcing should always pass the tension check after the repairs are
BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) prior to version 1.6.4 had an error in the use of the AASHTO LRFD 4th
Edition (prior to the 2008 Revision) Table, Values of and for Sections with less than
minimum transverse reinforcement. It appears that only the top row of the table was used, yielding
higher values of and lower values of than should have been used. The result of this was that
sections with less than minimum transverse reinforcement were assigned higher rating factors than
they should have been.
A comparison of shear rating factors was accomplished using BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) versions 1.6.5
and 1.6.2. For the three bridges selected, locations outside of horizontally tapered webs had
adequate transverse reinforcement, and the shear ratings were unaffected by the corrections to how
the table was used for less than minimum transverse reinforcement. However, some sections inside
horizontally tapered webs do have less than the minimum transverse reinforcement. These sections
experienced a significant drop in rating factors.
The bridge designers in the 1950s sometimes used an increased concrete cross section to resist
shear forces near interior bents. The very technique that gained shear capacity using the AASHTO
LRFD Design Specifications now causes the section to have less than minimum transverse
reinforcement. The extra concrete the 1950s designers used to increase shear capacity has the
unintended consequence of placing a section with good reinforcement details into a design code table
that was never intended to be used for design.
Prior to the 2008 Revisions of LRFD Article (General Procedure for Determining Shear
Resistance in Concrete Beams) beta and theta were determined by an iterative procedure:
For sections with minimum transverse reinforcement For an applied load, an assumed value of
theta is initially used to calculate the longitudinal strain in the web at 0.5d v . The shear stress ratio
is computed for the section. Using Table, the longitudinal strain and shear stress ratio
are used to determine a new value of theta and beta. This new value of theta is used to calculate
a new longitudinal strain, which is then used in Table to compute a new theta and
beta. The process continues until theta is solved. The final values of theta and beta are then
used in computing the shear resistance of the concrete section.
For sections with less than minimum transverse reinforcement the procedure is similar to that
above. The only differences being are that the longitudinal strain is calculated at the location in
the web subject to the highest longitudinal tensile strain, and instead of using the shear stress
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ratio with the longitudinal strain in Table to determine a new theta and beta, the crack
spacing parameter is used with the longitudinal strain in Table
When calculating the longitudinal strain for a section, longitudinal bars on the flexural tension side
of the member that were not fully developed were to be ignored.
In the 2008 Revisions of LRFD Article, beta and theta are determined by direct solution
using algebraic equations:
The strain in non-prestressed longitudinal tension reinforcement is directly computed for a given
load. This strain is used directly in the equations to compute theta and beta.
The value of theta is the same regardless if the section has less than or contains at least the
minimum transverse reinforcement. Thus, there is only one direct solution for theta.
There is one equation for beta for sections containing at least the minimum transverse
reinforcement. There is a different equation for beta for sections with less than minimum
transverse reinforcement, which is similar to the first but has an added component containing the
crack spacing parameter.
In calculating A s , the area of bars terminated less than their development length from the section
under consideration should be reduced in proportion to their lack of full development (instead of
In most cases, the new direct solution equations in the 2008 Revisions are producing higher
capacities for sections that have less than minimum transverse reinforcement. The main reason is
that theta no longer is penalized, which results in shallower crack angles allowing for more stirrups
within the member to contribute to the shear resistance.
Unfortunately, the old iterative method is still a valid option in the LRFD code, as the 2008 Revisions
have placed the old Article language in Appendix B5. BRASS Girder (LRFD) Version 2.0.3
has been updated to include the 2008 revisions of the AASHTO LRFD code. The algebraic equations
are now used to calculate shear capacity.
We were made aware of an issue that occurs with continuous multi-span bridges, when the adjacent
span lengths vary by a considerable amount. It was noticed that the maximum positive moment
sections were being evaluated at odd locations (0.1L for an end span and 0.4L for an interior span).
This was a result of our original practice of basing these locations off of the dead load maximum
moment locations and not the factored combined (dead load and live load) maximums. The maximum
dead load moment location shifts were due to the uplift in short spans caused by the dead load of an
adjacent long span.
To compensate for the uplift effects of dead load on the adjacent short spans, we will now use the
maximum and minimum Load Factors stipulated in AASHTO LRFD Table 3.4.1-2. As a result, we
have modified the BRASS Input Adjustment Type 2 commands in the BRASS input files to the
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COM 13-1.2
FACTORS-LOAD-DL ST, 1, 1.25, 0.90, 1.25, 0.65
FACTORS-LOAD-DL ST, 2, 1.25, 0.90, 1.25, 0.65
The heavier vehicles will produce a maximum positive moment location closer towards the midspan,
while the lighter vehicles will produce a maximum positive moment location away from midspan
towards the maximum moment location of the dead load. Therefore, in order to capture the maximum
positive moment for the entire suite of vehicles that we use in load rating, we may have to establish a
range of points where the different vehicles will produce their maximum positive moment.
In order to facilitate this procedure, we have developed a new application (BRASS Moment Analyzer)
that will evaluate the BRASS output files after an initial BRASS run and determine if the maximum
positive moment locations for the live loads differ from the dead load locations. If so, the program will
then analyze the differences in the locations and then provide a range of recommended positive
moment locations (at 20th points) along with the BRASS commands for these new flexural analysis
locations that can be copied and pasted into the BRASS input files. The program will create a text file,
with the modified name of _MOMENT_INITIAL.TXT, in the same directory that contains the BRASS
output files that were analyzed.
After the final BRASS run, the BRASS Moment Analyzer can be used to once again evaluate the
BRASS output files. This time, the software will check and report if the maximum combined moment
for every vehicle at each analysis point is negative, positive, or contains both negative and positive
values. The program will allow the user to print a summary report which they can refer to when
selecting the type of moment during the BRASS import of the moment locations on the Load Rating
Summary sheet. The program will create a text file, with the modified name of
_MOMENT_FINAL.TXT, in the same directory that contains the BRASS output files that were
Do not include the BRASS Moment Analyzer output in the printed Load Rating Calc. Book. We only
request that the .TXT files that it produces be included with the electronic files for the load rating.
The intent is to only use the BRASS Moment Analyzer for continuous bridges with adjacent span
lengths that vary more than 30%.
Use the interior girder files as a starting point for creating the exterior girder files. Most of the interior
girder file will still apply for the exterior girder analysis. Because the interior file is used as a starting
point, it is suggested to not begin the exterior girder analysis until throughout checking of the interior
files have been completed. Any mistakes found in the interior file would likely also be mistakes in the
exterior file.
2.5.1 Generating an Exterior Girder Preliminary File from an Interior Girder File
For the typical un-widened RCDG structure where the exterior girder design is the same as the
interior girder, the task of generating an exterior girder preliminary file from the corresponding interior
girder preliminary file generally consists on the following steps:
2.5.2 Generating an Exterior Girder CBG File from an Interior Girder File
For the typical un-widened RCDG structure where the exterior girder design is the same as the
interior girder, task of generating an exterior girder CBG file from the corresponding interior girder
CBG file generally consists of the following steps:
(1) With the completed IntGir CBG file opened in the CBG program, change the Member Being
Load Rated field from IntGir to ExtGir.
(2) Under the Concrete Dimensions Tab, revise the value of the top flange width for each
cross-section to the value that was computed in the Exterior Girder Preliminary File.
(3) Save the CBG data file.
2.5.3 Generating an Exterior Girder BRASS Input File from an Interior Girder File
For the typical un-widened RCDG structure where the exterior girder design is the same as the
interior girder, the task of generating an exterior girder BRASS input file from the corresponding
interior girder BRASS input file generally consists on the following steps:
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Create a scoping file (nnnnnn_scope.xls) to document important decisions made by the load rating
engineer. The effort required to perform a load rating can be reduced by identifying similar members
and points of symmetry. It is important to document these locations, so someone can review the load
rating at a future date and quickly understand what portions of the structure have been analyzed, and
why other members were excluded from the analysis.
Structures will only be analyzed up to points of symmetry. Analyzing past the point of symmetry will
have the unintended affect of causing the point to be reported twice in the load rating summary sheet.
Points of symmetry for both the girder and crossbeam will be documented in this scoping summary.
Similar elements will be investigated with the goal of reducing the total number of elements to be
rated. If a member is similar to another, but can be shown to either have reduced capacity or greater
loads, then the controlling member can be rated first. If this member has rating factors greater than
1.0, there is no need to rate the other similar member.
An example would be crossbeams that have the same cross sections, and reinforcement, but
different adjacent span lengths. The capacity of these crossbeams will be the same but the loads will
vary due to the different span lengths. In this case the crossbeam with the longer adjacent spans
(higher loads) will be rated first. As long as these rating factors are greater than or equal to 1.0 then,
there is no need to rate the other crossbeam. If the load rating reports rating factors less than 1.0,
then both members shall be rated. Although the first member will still control the overall load rating,
the rating factors for the second member will be useful information when determining possible repairs.
Because the scope of the load rating can change depending on the calculated rating factors, revisit
the scoping summary at the conclusion of the load rating to ensure it is an accurate reflection of the
work performed.
AASHTO LRFD Article states that cast-in-place multicell concrete box girder bridge types
may be designed as whole-width structures. Such cross-sections shall be designed for the live load
Distribution Factors in Articles and for interior girders, multiplied by the number of
girders, i.e., webs. For a concrete box girder section having vertical or angled webs, it can be
converted to an equivalent I-shaped section by combining the webs into a single web. Then this
section may be analyzed as a single I-shaped concrete section. The following figure illustrates the
The other method that is allowed by the AASHTO LRFD code is to treat each girder web as a regular
I-beam, using the web spacing as its flange width. For exterior webs, the bottom flange width will be
half of the cell width. Such cross-sections are designed for the live load distribution factors in Articles
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015 and for interior and exterior girders. This would require separate analysis for
interior and exterior webs. Plus, if the individual webs (stems) were analyzed as individual I-Girders,
the exterior girder lines would often control for positive moment since they have smaller flange widths
and less flexural reinforcement to contribute to their capacity.
Since the cross-section is very stiff and the webs of a concrete box girder bridge do not act
independently, ODOT chose to use the first method of analysis of converting the entire cross-section
into an equivalent I-shaped section.
For reinforced concrete box girder bridges, the preliminary file name and extension (Mathcad) is BOXGIR.xmcd.
Note: Because the dot multiplier symbol is very small and can easily be overlooked in Mathcad printouts, when
typing equations, surround all multiplied terms with parentheses.
3.2.1 Header
Use the Mathcad header feature to indicate Bridge Number (upper right corner), Bridge Name (top
line center), load rater and date (2nd line left) and File Name and Page Number (2nd line right). Use
the Bridge Name as defined in the Definitions, Article 1.3.3 of this Manual.
Since the bridge number and name are contained in the Mathcad header, they do not show up while
working on the file, only when printing or doing a Print Preview. To avoid confusion over which bridge
you are working on, it is good practice to place the bridge number and name near the top of the file in
the right margin (outside the printable area).
Just below the Mathcad header section, document the bridge structure type. For state bridges the
span description (Spans field) from the Bridge Log is adequate for this purpose.
Note: the Mathcad regions at the top in the right margin (outside the printable area) are there for 2
purposes. The units definitions are necessary for Mathcad to understand some commonly used units
in structural engineering (without them, Mathcad would generate errors because it is unable to
interpret them). The row of nonstandard characters is there in case the user might want to copy them
elsewhere to clarify the calculations.
Document the decisions regarding all 3 Resistance Factors, with references to the appropriate MBE
BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) provides input for the MBE Condition Factor c (MBE 6A.4.2.3) and System
Factor s (MBE 6A.4.2.4). However, the ODOT Load Rating Summary Sheet and the ODOT
Crossbeam Load Rating Software always require and display the product of all the resistance factors
as a single factor. Therefore, the product of all these resistance factors must always be obtained.
Treat the System Factor s for Flexure and Shear and the Combined Factor () for Flexure and
Shear as separate variables in Mathcad.
For Flexure:
f = [ max ( c sf , 0.85) ]
where is the AASHTO LRFD Resistance Factor, based on material and force type (AASHTO
and sf is the System Factor for Flexure (MBE Table 6A.4.2.4-1, as modified in Article of
this Manual).
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For Shear:
v = [ max ( c sv , 0.85) ]
where is the AASHTO LRFD Resistance Factor, based on material and force type (AASHTO
and sv is the System Factor for Shear (always 1.0 regardless of member, according to MBE
6A.4.2.4, in the note below 6A.4.2.4-1)
These equations account for the intermediate check of c s 0.85 (MBE 6A.4.2.1-3).
Generally f and v will be the same for redundant members such as girders and will be different for
non-redundant members such as single-span and 2-span crossbeams.
The live load factor for HL-93 Inventory Rating is 1.75. This is the factor that is entered into BRASS.
The Load Rating Summary Workbook (LR.XLT) will automatically apply the HL-93 Operating Rating
live load factor of 1.35.
For State-owned bridges, the live load factors for Legal, SHV, Continuous Trip Permit, and Single Trip
Permit vehicles are calculated using LL_Factors_State.XLS. The only input is ADTT (one direction).
For Local-Agency-owned bridges, the live load factors for Legal, SHV, Continuous Trip Permit, and
Single Trip Permit vehicles are calculated using LL_Factors_Local.XLS. The two inputs are ADTT
(one direction) and Effective Bridge Length. Note that Effective Bridge Length is either (a) the sum of
the longest two consecutive continuous spans, or (b) the longest simple span, whichever is greater.
Regardless of which Live Load Factor Application is used, ADTT is specified as one direction. Thus
ADTT for bridges with one direction of traffic is the Average Daily Traffic (NBI Item 29) multiplied by
the Average Daily Truck Traffic (Percent) (NBI Item 109). For bridges with two-way traffic, the ADTT
entered into the Live Load Factor Application is half the total ADTT for the structure.
After completing the input, save this bridge-specific copy of the Live Load Factor Application (either
LL_Factors_State.XLS or LL_Factors_Local.XLS as applicable) in the load rating file set. To avoid
errors in the preliminary file, copy the LRFR Strength I & II table from the live load factor application,
and in Mathcad use Edit / Paste Special. In the Paste Special dialog box choose the Paste button,
highlight Bitmap in the As list, and click the OK button. This will insert an image of the live load
factor application into the Mathcad preliminary file. After pasting, the bitmap can be dragged, and
resized using the corner handles, to fit into the Mathcad printable area. Note, pasting the Excel
worksheet directly in Mathcad is not recommended due to the idiosyncrasies of the live load factor
application. Because you are pasting an inert bitmap, if any subsequent changes in live load factor
input were to occur, the pasted object should be deleted from the preliminary file, the corrections
should be done in the live load factor application and copied and pasted again into the preliminary file
as a bitmap.
Document the decisions regarding the Impact Factor IM, referring to MBE 6A.4.4.3.
Enter the material properties within the appropriate fields of the ODOT Concrete Bridge Generator
(CBG) program, and the elastic modulus E c and modular ratio n will be calculated. The CBG
program uses AASHTO LRFD Equation to determine the elastic modulus of concrete,
assuming K 1 =1.0. Document any assumptions made about the material properties if they are not
given on the bridge plans within the Mathcad preliminary file.
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Calculate the physical edge-to-edge width of the concrete slab and the roadway width of the bridge.
If the width of the slab or roadway changes over the length of the bridge, calculate the average
roadway width per span. Enter the skew angle of the bridge. These values are entered in BRASS to
calculate the Distribution Factors.
Use an embedded Excel spreadsheet within Mathcad to calculate the ranges and span fractions for
the shear reinforcement layout for each span as indicated below. Double-clicking on an embedded
spreadsheet activates Excel, and its toolbars and functionality become available. An existing
embedded Excel spreadsheet can be copied, pasted in another location and modified to do similar
calculations for another span. Determine the shear reinforcement bar size(s) and area(s) that are
present in each span that will contain analysis sections. Then for each span that contains analysis
sections, working consecutively from the left end of the span to the right, populate the yellow fields in
the following table in the preliminary file. Where there is an approximate plus-or-minus stirrup
spacing given near the middle of a span, it is necessary to calculate this remnant spacing in
Mathcad in order to complete the shear reinforcement layout accurately enough to code it in BRASS.
To avoid confusion, dead loads should be grouped under the headings DC and DW and presented in
the same order in the Preliminary (.xmcd) File as they will appear in the BRASS Input (.DAT) File.
Use AASHTO LRFD Table 3.5.1-1 to determine the unit weight of concrete w c . For dead load
calculations, use w c +0.005 kcf to account for the reinforcement, in accordance with AASHTO LRFD
Commentary C3.5.1.
Consider diaphragm point loads to be part of component load DC. Include any diaphragms/end
beams at the end of the girder over the support, as they will be utilized when applying the girder dead
load reactions to crossbeams.
Where standard rail drawings occur, wherever possible use the rail dead loads tabulated in Appendix
A2.0 Summary of Standard Rail Weights, found in file RAILDL.XLS. Provide detailed calculations for
the dead load of any rail not found in this summary.
Assume adequate lateral distribution of loads and apply the sum of all rail, curb and sidewalk dead
loads (stage 2 dead loads) directly to the converted I-girder being analyzed.
For most utilities, the dead load is very insignificant when compared to the dead load of the rest of the
structure, and therefore can be ignored. However, there can be cases were the utility load can be
significant; such as a bridge supporting a 16 diameter concrete lined cast iron water pipe that was
computed to add 200 lb/ft of dead load when considered full of water. In this case, the dead load was
shared between the two adjacent girders. Therefore, it will be left up to the engineering judgment of
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the individual load rater to determine if the utility dead load is significant enough to need to be
included in the load rating.
For load rating, we want to consider a utility as a non-structural attachment and keep it listed under
DC for dead loads. The main reason for this is if a load rater ever comes across a situation where
they have to load rate a bridge where they are uncertain of the wearing surface thickness. In that
situation they are required to use a DW gamma of 1.50. That way they would only be penalizing the
load of the wearing surface, not the utilities, for the uncertainty.
Always separate wearing surface dead load (DW) from the component (DC) dead loads. This is due
to (a) the potential for different dead load factors DC and DW according to MBE, (b) because this
facilitates future re-rating when the wearing surface thickness changes, and (c) it facilitates input for
the Crossbeam Load Rating Software, where it must be kept separate.
Use 150 lb/ft for asphalt wearing surface (0.0125 ksf/inch of wearing surface). Use 0.013 ksf/inch for
overlays of Polyester Polymer Concrete (non-structural). Show calculations for wearing surface
(ACWS) dead load and apply directly to the converted I-girder being analyzed. Add 1 to any non-
zero measured ACWS thickness to account for uncertainties in measurement, unless the thickness
has been obtained from averaging multiple core samples.
Simply list the four classes of rating loads to be analyzed. (See Articles through
Normally live load distribution factors are calculated in BRASS, but in the rare case where they must
be calculated manually, the complete calculations should be provided with thorough documentation in
this section of the preliminary file. Distribution factors will need to be calculated manually in the case
of widened bridges or half-viaducts where the deck was not made continuous between the original
and widening structures, or between the viaduct structure and the adjacent pavement. Where there
is no barrier to the wheel load at the edge of deck, because of the assumed 20 wide wheel footprint,
a full concentrated wheel load can be placed no closer than 10 from the edge of deck.
ODOT chose to follow AASHTO LRFD Article, which states that cast-in-place multicell
concrete box girder bridge types may be designed as whole-width structures. Such cross-sections
shall be designed for the live load distribution factors in Articles and for interior
girders, multiplied by the number of girders, i.e., webs. This should be documented in the preliminary
file. This will be accomplished by using the scaling parameter in BRASS, see article 3.4.2 of this
Determine the spans to be investigated. These should be any span that is unique and is not repeated
due to symmetry or due to repetition of a span between joints.
Within each span, check for symmetry of sections, reinforcement and loads, and do not identify any
analysis points that are structurally symmetrical with analysis points already defined. Defining
analysis points that are structurally symmetrical has the potential effect of corrupting the Load Rating
Summary Sheet. Because the Refresh module is looking for the lowest Rating Factors, defining a
symmetrical point causes it to identify the most critical rating location twice, thus preventing it from
identifying the second most critical analysis point. The second controlling point is useful information
in evaluating potential repairs for the bridge.
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List the analysis sections for flexure. These are normally the positive moments in each unique span
and the negative moments over each unique support.
There will be a large number of analysis sections for shear. For each unique span, subdivide the
calculations of analysis sections into the categories (up to 5) given in Article 1.5.3. Summarize the
underlined headings that will begin each section of calculations. An example of this summary follows:
Then repeat each header, one by one, and under each header provide the calculations necessary to
determine or document the location of each shear investigation point in that category. Thus there will
be up to 5 separate calculation sections for each span. In any calculation section, if any particular
point duplicates a previously calculated point or is within 1 ft of a previously calculated point, the new
point may be omitted. In this case, explain the omission by indicating which previously identified point
already covers the current one. This gives priority to critical sections and bar cutoff points when near-
duplicates are encountered.
According to AASHTO LRFD, critical section locations shall be taken at shear depth d v
from face of support. Use the shear depth calculation tool dv_Calculator.XLS to determine the
shear depth d v Use the original file of dv_Calculator.XLS as a seed file to be copied, used and
saved within the bridge-specific Load Rating File Set.
In previous versions of BRASS (LRFD) the skew correction factor was applied to the first
segment only. Because of this it was important to not code any nodes within the critical section.
BRASS (LRFD) v2.0.3 now applies the skew correction factor across the entire span. For shear
the skew factor will be applied at the support and will decrease linearly to unity at midspan. With
this update, section changes (node points) can now be defined within the critical section.
In constant-depth girders, calculate the input parameters for dv_Calculator.XLS and determine
shear depth d v . Note: The input parameter fy tension reinf. refers to the fy of the longitudinal
steel, not the stirrups. For longitudinal girders, it is sufficiently accurate and slightly conservative
to ignore the compression flange and input the section as rectangular. This will cause d v to be
slightly smaller (an inch or so), which means the critical section will be slightly closer to the
support, which is where the shear is slightly larger (conservative). Then calculation from the face
of support is straightforward. In haunched girders, insert an appropriate diagram identifying the
calculation variables, and the corresponding calculations, from the Mathcad source files provided.
For linear, parabolic and circular haunches, these files are LINEAR.xmcd, PARABOL.xmcd and
CIRCULAR.xmcd, respectively. Update the imported Mathcad calculations for the specific
dimensions of the haunch. Then determine a preliminary depth of the critical section h p ,
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conservatively assuming a section h max from the support face. Having determined h p from the
Mathcad procedure, use the shear depth calculation tool dv_Calculator.XLS to determine the
shear depth d v and calculate the critical section at d v from the support face.
Do this for each critical section location (each end of each unique span). When all critical
sections have been located, save this bridge-specific copy of dv_Calculator.XLS in the Load
Rating File Set.
Normally the purpose for flexural bar cutoff points is to check shear due to research results that
indicate flexural bar cutoffs are a likely starting point for shear cracks. However, if the Inspection
Report indicates flexural cracking in negative moment areas (transverse deck cracking over
interior supports), the top flexural bar cutoff points should also be checked for moment. Any
moment checks at bar cutoff points should be listed within the calculation group for this type of
shear analysis section. (These flexural checks should not be grouped with the other flexural
analysis points because BRASS cannot be coded to check the same analysis point twice).
Prior to the 2008 Revisions of the AASHTO LRFD code, when evaluating shear capacity,
AASHTO LRFD Article, General Procedure for Modified Compression Field Theory
(MCFT) shear capacity evaluation required that all of the development length of the longitudinal
reinforcement be ignored. Therefore, BRASS was configured so that the longitudinal bars are
considered to be fully developed. To accomplish the intention of the LRFD code, node points
between girder elements (BRASS sections) were located a development length l d back along the
bar from the actual bar cutoff point. However, points of interest (sections to be evaluated for
shear) were at the actual bar cutoff point, assuming this is the most conservative and likely point
where a crack might develop. By this method, for the longitudinal strain ( x ) calculation, A s had
always excluded the bars being terminated.
Since the 2008 Revisions of the AASHTO LRFD code, Article, now requires that the
partially developed areas of the longitudinal reinforcement be included within the calculation of
the shear capacity. Unfortunately BRASS is not directly configured to calculate the partial
development of each bar entered, but it is capable of linearly interpolating the reinforcement area
between node points (BRASS sections). This will require two BRASS sections for each bar cutoff
point, one for the physical end of the bar and one at the point of full development.
With the number of geometry cross-section changes and overlapping bar cutoff points, the ODOT
Concrete Bridge Generator (CBG) program was developed to aid in the creation of the BRASS
input file by determining the required number of BRASS sections and computing the bar cutoff
points. The CBG program will create the BRASS input file data for the BRASS sections, span
layout, and generate the BRASS analysis points for the bar cutoffs.
In the MCFT General Procedure evaluation (AASHTO LRFD, A s is defined as the area
of non-prestressed steel on the flexural tension side of the member. Including tension-side
temperature steel in A s would only cause a small percentage decrease in the strain x , and have
an even smaller effect on increasing the nominal shear resistance V n . Therefore including
temperature steel will be considered an unnecessary increase in complexity under normal
Print a copy of the reference tool BAR_Ld.XLS (used to calculate bar development length, top
bar and bottom bar calculations for both 40 ksi and 60 ksi rebars). In accordance with AASHTO
LRFD, the minimum L d is 12, except for standard hooked bars which can have a
minimum l dh of 6. In accordance with AASHTO LRFD, note that there are two
columns for TOP STRAIGHT bars in the file, one that includes the 1.4 factor for top bars with
>12 of concrete below them, and the other for top bars with 12 of concrete below them. Note
the 1.4 factor does not apply to top bars in slabs <14 thick. To increase accuracy in using this
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tool, consider highlighting the rows that show the reinforcement used and then cross out the
columns for the concrete strength that will not be used.
o o
For bars that have a 90 or 180
standard hook (as illustrated in the figure
to the right), the reference tool
BAR_Ld.XLS has the development
length l dh for each bar computed in
accordance with AASHTO LRFD One thing to note is that for
some bar sizes with a f y = 40 ksi, the
development length of the standard
hooked bar is larger than that of the
straight bar of equal size. It is ODOTs
policy to use the straight bar
development length when the hooked
bar development length is greater for a
given bar size and strength.
Show calculations locating any abrupt change in girder cross section, such as the beginnings or
ends of haunches, web tapers, or partial bottom flanges.
These locations are taken from the stirrups schedule spreadsheet embedded in the Preliminary
File and adjusted by one stirrup space toward the direction with the greater spacing. The
analysis location is moved for two reasons. At a stirrup spacing change location, a shear crack
would propagate across both stirrup spaces. BRASS doesnt interpolate the shear capacity to the
left and right of an analysis point. Therefore, moving the analysis point by one stirrup space
moves the analysis location away from the transition area providing a more realistic analysis.
Also, It was originally assumed that BRASS would calculate the capacity to the left and right of a
section change and use the weaker section when calculating rating factors. However, it doesnt
appear that BRASS performs this check. Rather BRASS uses the stirrup spacing from the
schedule right at the point that was coded. Moving the analysis point toward the larger stirrup
spacing ensures that the larger stirrup spacing (lesser capacity) is used when calculating the
rating factor.
Indicate which stirrup spacing change points in the girder are farther from the support than the
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critical shear point and not within the middle 1/3 of a non-cantilever span. There are several
reasons for ignoring shear in the middle 1/3:
o The shear loading is relatively low within the middle third of the span.
o We have not observed significant shear cracking/failures within the middle third of the span.
o In utilizing the Modified Compression Field Theory (MCFT) for shear in LRFR, we have found
that the stirrup spacing near the midspan of older bridges will often cause the girder to fail the
Minimum Transverse Reinforcement check within the AASHTO LRFD code. When this
check fails, the user is forced to use AASHTO LRFD Equation to calculate Beta.
This equation will yield higher Beta values, which will significantly reduces the shear capacity
at the location.
In crossbeams, where a single large stirrup space coincides with the location of longitudinal
girders framing into the side(s) of the crossbeam, the stirrup spacing change can be ignored.
Show calculations locating any section that has a shear crack > 0.040 wide or shows evidence of
being a working shear crack regardless of crack width.
For crack locations that are inside the critical shear location near a simple support, use AASHTO
LRFD Simplified Procedure for Non-prestressed Sections. This is due to the Modified
Compression Field Theory (MCFT) not providing accurate results for areas with high shear and
low moment, basically near a simple support. This section of the LRFD code sets beta and theta
to 2.0 and 45 degrees, which in turn makes the expressions for shear strength become
essentially identical to those traditionally used in LFD for evaluating shear resistance.
The ODOT Concrete Bridge Generator (CBG) was created by the Oregon Department of
Transportation, Bridge Engineering Section. The CBG is a stand alone windows software package
that is a pre-BRASS processor for Cast-In-Place concrete bridge girder sections. Once the user
enters basic bridge information, concrete section geometry, span configuration geometry, and the
longitudinal reinforcement within the form fields, the program will generate the first half of the BRASS
code. The program will also generate the BRASS code for the bar cut-off shear points that the user
will paste into the appropriate locations in the BRASS input file. The program is not set up to define
rigid frame structures; it is only configured to define a beam analysis in BRASS.
The CBG is solely for the Microsoft Windows operating system and utilizes the Microsoft .NET
Framework. The programs native format is the CBG (Concrete Bridge Generator) file format. The
CBG is free public domain software; meaning that users are free to use it, redistribute it, and/or
modify it. The current version of the CBG is version 1.0.13.
Previous versions of this program need to be uninstalled through the Windows Control Panel
interface prior to installing a newer version. To install the ODOT Concrete Bridge Generator, run the
Windows Installer Package titled, ODOT_Concrete_Bridge_Generator.msi. This will launch the
Setup Wizard and pause at the Welcome dialog for the Wizard. Select the Next button to continue.
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The next dialog will ask the user to select an installation folder to install the Concrete Bridge
Generator to. The default location is, C:\Program Files\ODOT_APPS\ConcreteBridgeGenerator\. If
the default location is satisfactory or after the preferred folder location has been specified, select the
Next button to continue.
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The next dialog will ask the user to confirm the installation before it begins. Click the Next button to
begin the installation.
A dialog with a progress bar will be shown during the installation. This part of the process can take
anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes depending on if the wizard needs to download and
install an update to the Microsoft .NET framework to the computer.
The installation will place a shortcut for the program on the users desktop as well as under the Start
Menu > All Programs > ODOT Load Rating. When the installation is complete, click the Close
button to end the Wizard.
When first starting a session of the CBG software, a dialog window explaining the terms of use for the
software will be displayed. If the user selects the DECLINE button, the session will end and the
software will not launch. If the user selects the I ACCEPT button, the session will continue and the
software will launch.
At the top left of the program there are five buttons associated with icons that are titled New,
Open, Save, Report, and Exit. The New button will erase all of the data entered in the form
fields and start over with a blank form. The Open button will populate the form fields from a saved
*.cbg file that was created from using the Save button from a previous session. The Save button
will save the data entered in the form fields in a *.cbg file. The program will incorporate the values
entered within the Bridge Number and Member Being Load Rated form fields in the file name
during the save process. The Report button will display a print preview of a report that reflects the
data entered in the various form fields of the program. The Exit button will exit and close the current
session of the program.
At the top right of the program there are three buttons that are titled Show Cross-Section Matrix,
Generate BRASS File Input, and Generate Bar Cutoff Points for Shear Analysis. The functions of
these buttons will be explained later.
In the top section of the program form is where the user specifies the basic information of the bridge.
These form fields are set to only accept the maximum number of characters that the BRASS-
GIRDER(LRFD) commands using the data will allow. Form fields with white backgrounds require
user input, while the form fields with grey backgrounds will automatically fill in values based on the
user input within other fields. The different fields within this top section are the Bridge Name, Bridge
Number, Load Raters Name, Highway/Route Name, Mile Point, the Load Rating Date, the name of
the Member Being Rated, and the File Name associated with the saved data entered on the forms.
In the next section, the user inputs the concrete strength and longitudinal reinforcement yield stress.
The program will then compute the concrete unit weight, the concrete modulus of elasticity, the
reinforcement modulus of elasticity, and the modular ratio.
The bottom section of the program is divided into four tabs, which are used to define the cross-
section geometry, span configuration/layout, and the longitudinal reinforcement. The tabs are named
Span Configuration, Concrete Dimensions, Concrete Section Assignment, and Reinforcement.
The functions of these tabs will be explained later.
In the Bridge Name form field, up to 60 characters may be used to enter the bridge name. The user
has up to 15 characters to enter the bridge number in the Bridge Number form field, which typically
only uses 5 to 6 characters. In the Load Rater form field, up to 60 characters may be used to enter
the name of the engineer that is running the program. The user has up to 60 characters to enter the
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route name where the bridge is located in the Route Name form field. In the Mile Point form field,
enter the milepost where the bridge is located.
In the Rating Date form field, the user can type in the numeric date for the month, day, and year. Or
the user can select the drop down calendar view and select the day within the appropriate month and
year. Instead of scrolling through the different months within the calendar view, the user can simply
select red box that is titled Today at the bottom of the calendar view to select the current date.
In the Member Being Load Rated form field, use the drop down list to select what type of member
that the current BRASS analysis will be for. The choices are: IntGir for a RCDG interior girder, ExtGir
for a RCDG exterior girder, RCBG for a reinforced concrete box girder, RCSlab for a reinforced
concrete slab, and EDGSTP for a reinforced concrete slab edge strip analysis.
The File Name form field will be automatically filled in when the user saves the data on the forms
using the Save button. The program will incorporate the bridge number and the member being
rated into the file name. For example, if the bridge number was 12345 and the member being rated
was set to IntGir, the default file name would be set to 12345_IntGir.cbg. If the user is going to be
performing multiple interior girder analysis for the same bridge, for example girders A through D, then
during the save process the user can manually type the beam letter within the file name. Thus, if the
analysis was for girder A, the file name would be 12345_IntGirA.cbg.
For the material properties area of the form, all that needs to be entered is the concrete strength (fc)
in ksi and the longitudinal reinforcement yield stress (f y ) in ksi. The program will then calculate and
display the concrete unit weight in kips per cubic feet, the concrete Modulus of Elasticity (E c ) in ksi,
the longitudinal reinforcement Modulus of Elasticity (E s ) in ksi, and the Modular Ratio (n) of the two
The span configuration tab is where the user identifies the number of spans that will be modeled in
the current BRASS analysis, the lengths of each span, the vertical profile of each span, and which
spans are copies of previously defined spans.
It is recommended that the first thing that be defined is the number of spans that will be analyzed in
the current BRASS run. Several other form fields within the tab pages refer to the number of spans
and the defined span lengths when computing data and populating lists for the user to choose from.
The user is able to later specify a greater number of spans without much affect to data that may
already be entered on the other tab forms. However, once the user specifies a number of spans that
is less than what is currently specified, most of the data that may have been already entered on the
other tab forms will be erased.
The Concrete Bridge Generator is configured to make BRASS perform a beam analysis, instead of a
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frame analysis. For a beam analysis, BRASS is limited to a maximum of 13 spans. Thus, the CBG is
limited to a maximum of 13 spans. One the left side of the Span Configuration Tab, the user can
either directly type in the number of spans or they can use the drop down list and choose the number.
The form field for specifying the span lengths below the number of spans selection will dynamically
resize to the number of spans that are defined. Once the number of spans has been defined, the
next step is to enter the length of each span in feet.
Once the number of spans and span lengths are defined, the vertical profile of each span needs to be
defined. This is done by defining segments of the span where the vertical profile changes or control
points occur. In the main form table on the Span Configuration Tab, the first column is the only one
that is white and active and is used to identify the span that is being defined. Once the span has
been identified, the second and third columns turn white and are active. These two columns are
check box cells. The first is used to identify if the user is defining the vertical profile for a span
segment, and the second is used to identify if the span is going to be a copy of another defined span.
If the Define Span Segment cell is checked, the Span Copy cell becomes inactive and the
following seven cells to the right become active. These cells have the following column headings:
Web Variation Indicator A code indicator used by BRASS to indicate what type of vertical profile
change that is taking place along the segment length.
Web Variation provides a graphical representation of the type of vertical profile change that is
taking place along the segment length.
Left End Web Depth (inches) Where the user specifies the depth of the web at the left end of
the span segment.
Right End Web Depth (inches) Where the user specifies the depth of the web at the right end of
the span segment.
Length of Span Segment (feet) Where the user specifies the length of the span segment being
Starting Point from Left End of Span (feet) The software calculates the starting location based
on the span length and the length of the previously defined span segment. If the current
segment is the first one being defined for the span, the starting point will be zero feet.
Ending Point from the Left End of Span (feet) The software calculates the ending location
based on the start point and the user specified segment length. If the ending point
exceeds the span length, and error message in the cell will be given. If the ending point
is less than the span length, a new row for the span will begin being defined with the start
point being equal to the current ending point.
Within the Web Variation Indicator cell, the user can choose the following values for the vertical
profile change:
L = Linear Web Depth Variation The depth of the web varies linearly for the segment. If the
web depth is constant, the user would choose this option and then specify the left and
right web depths to be the same.
P- = Parabolic Concave Down Web Depth Variation The web is varied such that the horizontal
slope at the segment end with the smaller web depth is equal to the slope of an adjacent
linear segment. If no linear adjacent segment is present, zero horizontal slope is used.
P+ = Parabolic Concave Up Web Depth Variation The web is varied such that the horizontal
slope at the segment end with the larger web depth is equal to the slope of an adjacent
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linear segment. If no linear adjacent segment is present, zero horizontal slope is used.
E- = Elliptical Concave Down Web Depth Variation The web is varied such that the horizontal
slope at the segment end with the smaller web depth is equal to the slope of an adjacent
linear segment. If no linear adjacent segment is present, zero horizontal slope is used.
Zero vertical slope at the end with the larger web depth is also enforced.
E+ = Elliptical Concave Up Web Depth Variation The web is varied such that the horizontal
slope at the segment end with the larger web depth is equal to the slope of an adjacent
linear segment. If no linear adjacent segment is present, zero horizontal slope is used.
Zero vertical slope at the end with the smaller web depth is also enforced.
The Web Variation cell will display a graphic of the variation indicator selected to assist the user in
understanding how the different profiles may appear. Holding the mouse over this cell will call a
tooltip window to appear giving the same description of the associated Web Variation Indicator as in
the previous paragraph. Due to the amount of text written on the tooltip, the time allotted for the
tooltip window is a little long and the user may end up having several tooltip windows appear on their
screen as they move the mouse across the cell. Simply clicking the mouse in a different cell will force
all of the tooltip windows to disappear.
If the Span Copy cell is selected, then the Define Span Segment cell becomes inactive and all of
the cells related to defining the span segment remain inactive. The last two cells to the far right of the
table will become active. They are the Span Copy Type and the Span Number Being Copied cells.
In the Span Copy Type cell, the user can select if the copy is going to be identical or symmetrical.
The user then can choose the span number that will be copied for the current span. If the span
number being copied has a different span length than the current span, an error message will be
displayed in the cell.
The concrete dimensions tab is where the user defines the actual concrete cross-sections of the
girder. Originally, only the first cell in the table is active. This cell is titled X Section Type, and the
user is able to choose from a Rectangular Section, a Tee Section, and an I-Section. The rectangular
section is typically used to define the slab strip for a Cast-In-Place (CIP) slab section. The Tee
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Section is typically used to define RCDG sections. And the I-Section is typically used to define CIP
Box Girder Sections.
When defining a concrete section, the program will assign a section number in the second cell. The
cells in columns three through eight will become active based on the type of X Section that the user
has selected. These cells are used to define the top flange width, top flange thickness, the web
thickness at the top, the web thickness at the bottom, the bottom flange width, and the bottom flange
If the concrete section has fillets and/or tapers between the flanges and webs, the user can check the
box in the 9 column titled Fillets & Tapers. This will activate the cells in the last eight columns
where the user can define the taper and fillet dimensions. These dimensions are illustrated in the
diagram and have been given the designations D1 through D8. The user can use the illustration to
see what the dimension is referring to, and holding the mouse over the column headings and the
actual cells will cause a tooltip window to appear that gives a brief description as to what the
dimension is referring to.
The Concrete Section Assignment Tab is divided into three sections. The first section is for Concrete
Section Assignments, where the user assigns the defined concrete sections to each span. The
second section is for the Support Conditions, where the user defines the horizontal, vertical, and
rotational fixity at each support location. The third section is for Hinge Locations, where the user can
define hinge locations that may be present in the structure.
For each span that has span segments defined under the Span Configuration Tab, concrete sections
will need to be assigned under the Concrete Section Assignments Tab. In the first cell, the user will
specify/choose which span that they are going to assign concrete sections to. The second cell is
where the user specifies are chooses the starting Concrete Section Number, which refers to the
section numbers that were assigned under the Concrete Dimensions Tab. The third cell is where the
program automatically determines where the start point of the span segment is located from the left
end of the span. The fourth cell is where the user specifies the length of the span segment in feet.
The fifth cell is where the program automatically calculates and reports the Ending point of the span
segment from the left end of the span. If the ending point is longer/beyond the span length, then an
error message will be displayed in the cell. The last cell is for the user to specify the ending concrete
section number.
If this is the first cross section assignment for the span, the start point will be at zero feet. Then if the
span segment length plus the start point location is less than the defined span length, a new row will
be started and the start point will be equal to the ending point of the previous definition. This will
continue until the ending point is equal to the span length.
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By default, the Ending Concrete Section Number will automatically set to the same value as the
Starting Concrete Section Number. This is for segments that have the same cross section over their
length. For segments that have the concrete tapering/transitioning between two cross sections over
the segment length, the user would specify a different section number for the ending point. For an
abrupt change in cross section, the user would have the starting and ending concrete sections
numbers the same for the segment, and then start the next segment with a different concrete section
number than the previous definition.
The Support Conditions table will automatically be resized for the appropriate number of supports
based on the number of spans defined under the Span Configuration Tab. For each support, the user
must choose if the condition is Free or Restrained for the Horizontal, Vertical, and Rotational
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Since not all bridges have hinges, the Hinge Location table is inactive by default. To define a hinge
within a span, the user must first select the check box under the Define Hinge column in the Hinge
Locations table. Doing so will make the next two cells active, which are where the user would specify
which span and the location in feet from the left end of the span where the hinge exists. The BRASS
manual states that hinges may not be placed at span ends, but may be located a short distance (1.25
inches) from either side of a support which produces basically the same effect.
The Reinforcement Tab is where the user defines the longitudinal reinforcement for each span that
has span segments defined under the Span Configuration Tab. To aid the user, at the top of the
section there are illustrations showing the reference points of how the bar locations are measured in
respect to the cross section and span. There are also two buttons located in upper right hand portion
of the section. The first button is titled, LRFD Bar Development Lengths, and will display a new
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window with an image of the development length table from the tool BAR_Ld.XLS. The second
button is titled, Hooked Bar Diagram, and will display the LRFD hooked bar illustrations for standard
hooks. The purpose of this illustration is to inform the user that for the BRASS model, the end point
of the bar should be defined as the point of zero stress instead of the physical end of the hooked bar.
The reinforcement table can be populated in any order that the user desires. Some prefer to define
all of the bottom bars first and then go back and define all of the top bars. Others prefer to define
both top and bottom bars working from left to right. As long as all of the bars are eventually defined,
there is no difference in the results of how/when they are defined on the table.
The first cell of the Reinforcement table is where the user specifies the rebar row. Rows one through
three are reserved for bottom (positive moment) bars, and rows four and five are reserved for top
(negative moment) bars. The user can either type just the number of the row or select it from the
drop down list.
The second cell is where the user specifies the number of bars in the current bar group.
The third cell is where the user specifies the bar size. The user can either select the bar size from the
drop down list, or they can just type in the number of the bar size. Notice that the display/format of
the bar sizes changes when any cell in this column has focus. The fraction bar sizes change to
decimal and the # sign in front of normal round bars disappears. When the focus is moved to a
different column in the table, the display/format changes back. That way, if typing in the number for a
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bar one can simply type the number for the round bar size or the decimal equivalent of the square bar
size. For example for a 1-1/8 in sq bar the user can simply type 1.125, or for a #8 round bar one can
simply type 8.
The fourth cell is where the vertical distance, in inches, from either the bottom or the top of the girder
is defined. For bars that reside in rows one through three, the vertical distance is measured from the
bottom of the girder. For bars residing in rows four and five, the vertical distance is measured from
the top of the girder.
The fifth cell is used to identify the span number where the left end of the bar is located. The sixth
cell is used to specify the location, in feet, where the left end of the bar is located from the left end of
the span. For straight bars, it would be the physical end of the bar location. For hooked bars, it
would be the location at the zero stress point of the hooked bar development length.
The seventh cell is used to specify the development length, in inches, of the left end of the bar. The
eighth cell is used to specify the overall bar length in feet. The ninth cell is used to specify the
development length, in inches, of the right end of the bar. By default, the program will automatically
use the value for the right end development length that was entered for the development length at the
left end of the bar. For cases where one end of the bar contains a hook, the user can change the
right development length to a different value by simply typing the new value into the cell.
For structures that have a bent bar that transitions to a different depth in the member, the user can
simply specify a zero development length at the location where the bend occurs. The length of the bar
should be specified for the horizontal portion of the bar only at a given elevation, not the portion that
is bent and changing elevation or exists at a different elevation in the member. When a zero
development length is encountered, the program will assume that the bar is bent and will not specify
a bar cutoff analysis point since the bar is fully developed through the transition area. If the user still
wishes to have the program generate a bar cutoff analysis point at this location, they must enter some
other value, other than zero, for the development length of the bar.
Some of the older bridges occasionally have the deck reinforcing exposed. ACI318, Article,
states that for bars with a cover of d b or less or with a clear spacing of 2d b or less that the basic
development length (obtained from the LRFD code) be multiplied by 2.0. Therefore, if the inspection
report or photos indicate that the deck reinforcement is exposed, double the development length of
the deck reinforcement.
The last two cells at the right of the table are where the program automatically calculates and displays
the span number that the right end of the bar resides in and the location from the left end of that span,
in feet, that the right end of the bar resides.
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Once the user has completed entering the data in the various tables and form fields, it is
recommended to save the data before continuing just in case the program encounters an unexpected
error or bug and closes the CBG. It is then recommended to select the Show Cross-Section Matrix
button, which will open a new window containing a spreadsheet or matrix of the concrete dimensions
and longitudinal reinforcement that will be used to define the spans in BRASS. The Concrete Section
Matrix is just a tool for the load rater to see and verify how the bridge is being modeled based on the
data that was entered.
The first column lists the span fraction at each section point. The second column lists the span
number. And the third column lists the actual location of the of the section point in feet. Columns four
through 18 lists the concrete dimensions as they are illustrated on the Concrete Dimensions tab of
the main form.
Cells that have white backgrounds are actual control points that were specified on either the Concrete
Section Assignment tab or on the Reinforcement tab. The cells with a light grey background are
intermediate points that were linearly interpolated between the control points with white backgrounds.
Span fraction cells that have a light green background are cells that are made up of two or more
control points that were combined into one analysis point. Making the mouse hover over the green
cell will cause a tooltip window to display the reason why the cells are combined.
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The columns beyond column 18 are used to show the longitudinal bars that were defined under the
Reinforcement Tab. Each bar group consists of four columns that list the rebar row number, the
number of bars, the bar size, and the vertical distance in the girder were the bars are located. Each
bar group will have four control points, one at each physical end of the bar and one at each point of
full bar development. As with the concrete sections, all points that fall between the rebar control
points will be linearly interpolated.
The first rebar group shown in the matrix is defined by the first row in the Reinforcement Tab Table,
the second group is defined by the second row in the table and so on. Knowing how the bars are
defined and represented in the matrix and in the table will allow the load rater to verify how the
reinforcement is being modeled.
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For reinforcement that reside on the same row in the matrix, if the rebar row number, bar size, and
vertical distance are the same, then the number of bars will be added together when the program
creates the BRASS cross-sections. For example, in the above matrix screenshot, in row three of the
matrix the first two rebar groups have the same rebar row number, bar size, and vertical distance.
Thus, when the program creates BRASS cross-section number three, it will generate 1.57 - #10 bars
in row 1 at a vertical distance of 2.56 inches.
Each numbered row in the matrix that has concrete dimensions showing will end up having the same
BRASS cross-section number. Thus, matrix row one will end up being BRASS cross-section number
one, matrix row two will end up being BRASS cross-section number two and so on.
The user is to define the starting and ending points for every bar that exists within each unique span.
This will often result with bars ending in other spans that are defined as copies of a previous unique
span. The program will only generate BRASS cross-sections for the matrix rows that have concrete
dimensions displayed. For example, in the following screenshot of the matrix, the program will only
generate 64 BRASS cross-sections. This is because the matrix rows 65 and above do not have
concrete dimensions shown. This is because the user had indicated on the Span Configuration Tab
that spans three and four are to be copies of spans one and two. Spans three and four show control
points in the matrix for the ending locations of rebar that started in spans one and two.
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Selecting the Generate BRASS File Input button will display a text window that contains all of the
needed BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) input commands from the very beginning of the file up to the point
where the user defines the stirrup definitions. When the window appears, all of the text is already
selected, therefore all the user has to do is right click in the window and select the Copy command.
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Then in the appropriate input file template, the user selects all of the text from the very beginning of
the file up to just before the comment line that states, Stirrup Definitions. Then selecting the Paste
command will replace all of the selected text commands with those that were just copied from the
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Selecting the Generate Bar Cutoff Points for Shear Analysis button will display a text window that
contains all of the needed BRASS input shear commands for the bar cutoff points. When the window
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appears, all of the text for all of the commands for the different spans is already selected. The user
needs to select and copy the group of commands for only one span at a time, and then paste them
within the appropriate spot in each BRASS input file. Comment out any analysis points that are within
the critical shear section.
Once all of the data has been entered, verified with the matrix and the various BRASS commands
have been copied and pasted in the BRASS input files, the user should save the data into a *.cbg file
that will be included in the electronic file set. Then the user should select the Report button, which
will display a print preview of a report that reflects the data entered in the various form fields of the
program. Selecting the button that has the printer icon at the top of the print preview will print a hard
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copy of the report, which should be included in the printed calc book for the load rating.
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BRASS-GIRDER will be used to load rate the concrete girders. BRASS-GIRDER is different from the
previous BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) program in that it no longer uses text file inputs, but instead utilizes
a Graphical User Interface (GUI) with data saved in xml file format. Instead of developing new
procedures and a new CBG program to populate the GUI of BRASS-GIRDER, this manual will
continue to give instructions on how to create the text input file for BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD). Once the
file is ready for analysis, the user will run the text input file through the BRASS-GIRDER translator
that will create the xml input file used to populate the new GUI. From there the user will be able to run
the analysis within BRASS-GIRDER.
BRASS has increased the live load definition limit from 20 to 100 per file. In the past, since ODOT
requires more than 20 vehicles to be analyzed in every LRFR load rating, two nearly identical BRASS
input files were used to cover all of the different vehicles. Since the transition from using BRASS-
GIRDER(LRFD) to using BRASS-GIRDER for the analysis, ODOT has modified all of its tools to only
use a single BRASS file with all of the rating vehicles included. Therefore, ODOT will no longer
require the two separate nearly identical BRASS _N and _T files.
Use the heavily commented sample files provided as templates to be copied to a new bridge-number-
specific folder (with a new filename if appropriate) and then modified for the actual Load Ratings.
Separate input files will be required for each structure type in any bridge with a combination of
structure types, and for interior and exterior girders due to the variability of live load distribution
factors in LRFR.
General conventions
Use the full length of each command name except the COMMENT (3-1.1) command shall be
only COM.
Precede each command or logical group of similar commands (except for the COMMENT
command) with a comment referring to the Article number in the BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD)
Command Manual. For example, precede an ANALYSIS (4-1.1) command with a comment
command thus:
COM 4-1.1
Generally, leave in all comments found in the template (unless they become totally irrelevant
to a particular input file), modifying them and adding more comments as required to fit the
specific conditions of the rating. Use comments liberally with the expectation that someone
unfamiliar with the BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) program and unfamiliar with the bridge will need
to read the data file and fully understand it.
Leave parameters blank (spaces between commas) where they are irrelevant to the specific
structure. Although trailing commas can be omitted where all parameters to the right are to
be blank, it is recommended to clarify your intentions by showing the blank parameters
separated by commas. However, avoid leaving blank parameters such as material strengths
where default values would apply. Enter the default values to make the dataset more
meaningful to a future user.
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Show in-line calculations within a parameter (between commas) to convert units from feet to
inches where the command parameter requires inches. Similarly, show in-line calculations to
show how you determined vertical dimensions to locate flexural bars. Never use parentheses
in in-line calculations. Other than these in-line calculations, the best place to put calculations
is in the Preliminary File rather than in the BRASS comments.
To make it easier for a subsequent user to find their way around the Input File, separate the
BRASS input file into logical sections (large groups of commands) by using spaced
comments as indicated in the sample files. Typically, an input file for an RCDG will be
divided into the following sections:
COM ***** LRFR Load Rating, Strength Limit State *****
COM ***** Material Properties *****
COM ***** Section Geometry *****
COM ***** Span Length and Section Information *****
COM ***** Dead Loads *****
COM ***** Live Loads *****
COM ***** Distribution Factors *****
COM ***** Resistance Factors *****
COM ***** Critical Flexural Sections *****
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COM ***** Shear Points of Interest *****
With similar comment sets, subdivide the Shear Points of Interest section into subsections
for each category of investigated section for each unique span. (See the sample input files).
Specific conventions
Several of these conventions and commands will be automatically created by the CBG
program. They are listed within this section to provide background and understanding as to
what ODOT is requiring within the BRASS input files.
At the beginning of every input file, use the BRIDGE-NAME (2-1.3) command to provide the
5- or 6-character NBI Bridge Number, followed by the Bridge Name. Use the Bridge Name
as defined in the Definitions, Article 1.3.3 of this Manual.
Next, use the ROUTE (2-1.5) command to provide the mile point and signed Route Number
where applicable (always required for State-owned bridges). Note the signed Route Number
is not the same as the ODOT internal (maintenance) Highway Number.
Use 2 lines of the TITLE (2-1.6) command. Use the first TITLE line to provide the file name
and describe which girder(s) this file applies to. Use the second TITLE line to provide the
purpose or work grouping of the Load Rating.
Use the AGENCY (2-1.1) command to identify the Load Rating as being performed according
to ODOT standards. This command should always be the same:
COM 2-1.1
Use the UNITS (2-1.4) command to force BRASS to always use US (English) units for both
input and output. BRASS normally defaults to US units, but it has been found that when
referenced dimensions get large, BRASS will automatically assume the large dimensions are
in millimeters and will convert the units when it calculates the resistance of the member.
Using the UNITS command will not allow BRASS to arbitrarily convert the units during an
COM 2-1.4
Use the ANALYSIS (4-1.1) command to provide BRASS with parameters needed to do a
rating analysis. The continuous beam model is the preferred choice (B in parameter 1) as
long as there is no need to include columns in the analysis and the bridge has 13 spans.
Parameter 5 needs to be coded as Y, for yes, to interpolate reinforcing steel from the left
cross section to the right cross section. This will allow BRASS to account for partially
developed reinforcing steel per AASHTO LRFD Except for a rigid frame analysis
(with columns) that would require the frame type model (F in parameter 1), this command
would normally be the same:
COM 4-1.1
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COM 4-1.2
Leaving the 2nd parameter (Specification Check Output) blank causes BRASS to default to
refrain from generating a large additional output (.OUT) file for each point of interest,
information that is not normally needed. Use of Y for parameter 2 to turn on this additional
output may be justified at sections where there is a need to account for partially developed
bars. If these additional .OUT files are generated, they do not need to be printed in the Load
Rating Report.
Use the OUTPUT (5-1.1) command to control the wide variety of output options. Unless
there is a problem that requires more detailed intermediate output for investigation, this
command should always the same:
COM 5-1.1
OUTPUT 4, Y, , , 1, , , , , , , , ,
Beginning with BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) v.1.6.1, the effective top flange width is calculated
and applied to the section properties automatically. Use the OUTPUT-EFF-WIDTH (5-7.3)
command to direct BRASS to not output its effective flange width calculations. This
command should always be the same:
COM 5-7.3
Code all BRASS models in the same direction as the girder elevation appears on the plans,
i.e. from left to right on the plans, regardless of mile point direction.
In the Material Properties section, use the CONC-MATERIALS (8-1.1) command to provide
the material properties consistent with the notes on the bridge plans. Although there are
exceptions, a typical RCDG structure from the 1950s or early 1960s would have the
following properties command:
COM 8-1.1
CONC-MATERIALS 0.15, 3.3, 40.0, 40.0, 9, , , 170.0, , ,
If the material properties of the top flange differ from those in the web and bottom flange of
the girder, use the CONC-MATERIAL-FLANGE (8-1.2) command to define the properties for
the concrete in the top flange of a concrete girder. The following is an example of this
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COM 8-1.2
COM Deck slab concrete strength differs from girder concrete.
In the Section Geometry section, define each section numbered sequentially, preceded by a
comment identifying it with characteristics from the plans. Use the CONC-TEE-SECTION (8-
2.3) or the CONC-I-SECTION (8-2.4) if applicable, to define the cross-section section
dimensions (except for depth). Note the parameters for these commands changed beginning
with BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) v.1.6.1.
BRASS version 2.0.3 has been updated to include the 2008 revision of the 4 Edition LRFD
Code. With this update it is no longer necessary to calculate the effective flange width of
composite slabs in the preliminary file. The second parameter of COMPOSITE-SLAB
command may be left blank to allow BRASS to calculate the effective width.
Use as many CONC-REBAR (8-2.8) commands as required to define all the layers of
longitudinal reinforcement that are present. For negative moment sections, it is important to
include all longitudinal bars present within the effective top flange width. The following is an
example of the series of commands to define one section:
Some of the older bridges occasionally have the deck reinforcing exposed. ACI318, Article, states that for bars with a cover of d b or less or with a clear spacing of 2d b or less
that the basic development length (obtained from the AASHTO LRFD code) be multiplied by
2.0. Therefore, if the inspection report or photos indicate that the deck reinforcement is
exposed, double the development length of the deck reinforcement.
In the Span Lengths and Section Information section, define each span beginning with the
appropriate command from Chapter 11 of the BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) Command Manual
that describes the profile (depth variation) along the span. Follow this command with a
sequence of SPAN-SECTION (11-2.1) commands to assign the previously defined sections
to cumulative ranges from the left end of the span. The following is an example of the series
of commands to define one span:
Use the SPAN-HINGE (11-5.1) command if necessary to define the location of any hinge
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within the span. If the structure has an expansion joint over a support, approximate this
condition by placing a hinge close to, but not at, the support. BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) does
not allow the use of a hinge at a support, and recommends that it be located a distance of
1.2 from the support. If BRASS gives anomalous moment results, or it unexpectedly places
the hinge farther out in the span than you expect, the solution is to relocate the hinge farther
than 1.2 from the support, increasing in small increments until the reported moments behave
as expected. (Sometimes increasing the offset by hundredths of a foot can make all the
Use the SUPPORT-FIXITY (11-4.1) command to define the boundary conditions of each
span, for example:
COM 11-4.1
COM 8-4.1
COM 8-4.2
COM 8-4.3
STIRRUP-SCHEDULE 1, 1, 10.00, 15.00, 30.00
STIRRUP-SCHEDULE 1, 1, 13.88, 45.00, 235.96
STIRRUP-SCHEDULE 1, 1, 8.00, 280.96, 136.00
To avoid confusion, dead loads should be grouped under the headings DC and DW and
presented in the same order in the BRASS Input (.DAT) file as they were calculated in the
Preliminary (.xmcd) File. Diaphragm point loads should be considered part of component
load DC.
Because BRASS calculates girder dead load (self-weight) using the input section dimensions
and treats it separately from other dead loads, group the rest of the structure dead loads
under the first occurrence of the of the LOAD-DEAD-DESCR (12-1.2) command, using the
description (parameter 4) Other Structure dead loads. Beginning with BRASS-
GIRDER(LRFD) Version 1.6.1, BRASS correctly calculates the girder self-weight regardless
of what portion of the top flange is effective. There is no longer a need to account for
ineffective top flange weight separately in the Other Structure dead loads group. This group
will normally include the LOAD-DEAD-POINT (12-1.4) commands for the dead load of the
diaphragms. Include loads for diaphragms directly over the supports. While they will not
have any effect on the girder analysis, they will be used to calculate dead load reactions used
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COM 12-1.2
LOAD-DEAD-DESCR 1, DC, 1, Other Structure Dead Loads
COM 12-1.4
LOAD-DEAD-POINT 1, 1, , 1.783, 18.0*12
LOAD-DEAD-POINT 1, 2, , 1.783, 12.0*12
LOAD-DEAD-POINT 1, 2, , 1.783, 24.0*12
LOAD-DEAD-POINT 1, 2, , 1.783, 36.0*12
LOAD-DEAD-POINT 1, 3, , 1.783, 18.0*12
Group the remaining component dead loads (DC) (excluding wearing surface dead loads) in
the next LOAD-DEAD-DESCR (12-1.2) command using the description (parameter 4)
Superimposed dead loads. This group should include LOAD-DEAD_UNIFORM (12-1.3)
commands as needed to account for all superimposed (Stage-2) dead loads except the
wearing surface. Precede each group of LOAD-DEAD-UNIFORM commands with an
additional identifying comment describing the load. An example of this 2nd (DC) group is
given below:
COM 12-1.2
LOAD-DEAD-DESCR 2, DC, 1, Superimposed dead loads
COM 12-1.3
LOAD-DEAD-UNIFORM 2, 1, 0.0*12, 0.420/12, 50.0*12, 0.420/12
LOAD-DEAD-UNIFORM 2, 2, 0.0*12, 0.420/12, 108.0*12, 0.420/12
LOAD-DEAD-UNIFORM 2, 3, 0.0*12, 0.420/12, 70.0*12, 0.420/12
To facilitate future re-ratings with different wearing surface loads, always apply the wearing
surface dead load under its own LOAD-DEAD-DESCR (12-1.2) command separate from all
other uniform superimposed dead loads. Precede each LOAD-DEAD-UNIFORM command
with an additional identifying comment describing the load. An example of this 3rd (DW)
dead load group is given below:
COM 12-1.2
LOAD-DEAD-DESCR 3, DW, 1, Wearing Surface Dead Load
COM 2.5" + 1" ACWS
COM Applied directly to transformed girder, w = 1.136 k/ft
COM 12-1.3
LOAD-DEAD-UNIFORM 3, 1, 0.0*12, 1.136/12, 36.0*12, 1.136/12
LOAD-DEAD-UNIFORM 3, 2, 0.0*12, 1.136/12, 48.0*12, 1.136/12
LOAD-DEAD-UNIFORM 3, 3, 0.0*12, 1.136/12, 36.0*12, 1.136/12
Use the BRASS Input Adjustments #1 thru #3 explained below to code the live load
To assure that BRASS calculates girder Distribution Factors (number of lanes) according to
AASHTO LRFD, the following BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) commands are required:
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Specify number of girders (webs) & spacing with the DECK-GEOMETRY (6-1.1)
command. Note that the left and right cantilevers (parameters 4 and 5) are the
distances from centerline of exterior web to edge of deck.
If girder (web) spacing is variable, use the DECK-VSPACING (6-1.2) to define
the spacing that differs from the uniform spacing specified in the DECK-
GEOMETRY command.
Specify the girder (web) of interest (since we are modeling as the whole width
approach, call out an interior web using girder numbers starting at the left edge)
using the DIST-CONTROL-GIRDER (4-3.1) command.
Specify number of lanes and skew using the DIST-CONTROL-LL (4-3.3)
Specify the edges of the roadway (which limits the extreme transverse wheel
positions) by using the DECK-TRAVEL-WAY (6-3.3) command.
Also note that in order for BRASS to correctly compute the live load forces for the whole
width approach, the live load factor that is inserted as the scale factor (sixth parameter) of the
LOAD-LIVE-DEFINITION (12-4.3) command needs to be set equal to the number of webs in
the box girder bridge.
Do not calculate Distribution factors manually (in the Mathcad Preliminary File) unless
absolutely necessary. However, if Distribution Factors in AASHTO LRFD are
calculated manually, note that we interpret the definition of d e in AASHTO LRFD 4.3 as
distance from the centerline of the exterior web to the interior edge of curb or traffic barrier.
Use the BRASS Input Adjustment #4 explained below to code the Resistance Factors.
Use the BRASS Input Adjustment #5 explained below to obtain detailed output regarding the
Distribution Factors.
Note: Section 8-3.1 of the BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) Command Manual implies that omitting
the CONC-SHEAR command would mean that parameter 2, the Shear Indicator, would
default to 2, so the program would use the Simplified Method for shear. However the
previous use of the CONC-SHEAR-CONSTANTS (8-4.1) command in the stirrup definition
sequence overrides this default and forces the AASHTO General Method for shear (MCFT) to
be used.
Normally shear need not be evaluated within d v of the face of a simple support nor in the
middle 1/3 of a span. However, the presence of significant shear cracking (> 0.040 wide) in
the region within d v of the support face may warrant a shear investigation in this region. In
such an investigation, since the MCFT approach is less conservative in this zone of
confusion near a simple support, shear capacity should be evaluated using the Simplified
Procedure in AASHTO LRFD This is accomplished in BRASS by using the CONC-
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SHEAR (8.3-1) command and setting the Shear Indicator (2nd parameter) to 2. However, in
the case of checking the shear inside the d v point near a continuous support, MCFT works
very well since that location has high (negative) moment and shear. Thus, there would be no
reason to change the shear command for these special analysis points.
Because BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) was designed primarily for LRFD analyses and was created before
the MBE Manual was published, a number of standard BRASS Input Adjustments are necessary.
Fortunately the program is flexible enough to allow an accurate solution with work-arounds (BRASS
Input Adjustments). These adjustments will normally apply to every Input File, at least until BRASS-
GIRDER(LRFD) is changed. See the sample input files for proper placement of these adjustments.
Use the FACTORS-LOAD-DL command (13-1.2) to force BRASS to use the MBE dead load
factors, which are different than the AASHTO LRFD factors used by default. MBE Table
6A.4.2.2-1 requires constant dead load factors DC and DW , and the footnote allows DW to be
1.25 when wearing surface thickness is field-measured, which is normally the case.
Therefore, these commands are always required. Since the command only covers one limit
state level at a time, use one for Strength-I and one for Strength-II:
COM 13-1.2
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Therefore, use the LOAD-LIVE-DEFINITION (12-4.3) commands to define each Design and
Legal Load separately, and use the LOAD-LIVE-CONTROL (12-4.1) command to define only
parameter 1 (direction control, normally B for traffic in both directions) and parameter 7
(wheel advancement denominator, normally 100), as follows:
COM 12-4.1
LOAD-LIVE-CONTROL B, , , , , , 100
In structures with short spans, especially short cantilevers, BRASS may crash because the
span is divided into liveload advancement increments that are too small. If this occurs and
you have a small span, try decreasing parameter 7 to the largest number for which BRASS
will work, often 50 or sometimes even less.
Further, because MBE Table 6A. requires a different live load factor L for each truck,
ADTT and truck weight combination, and BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) does not provide for a
separate live load factor for each truck, more BRASS Input Adjustments are required to
define truck specific live load factors.
Use the optional FACTORS-LOAD-LL command (13-1.3) such that the universal gamma LL
(Design) (parameter 3), gamma LL (Legal) (parameter 4) and gamma LL (Permit)
(parameter 5) are all forced to 1.0. Since this command only covers one limit state level at a
time, two commands are always required (one for Strength-I and one for Strength-II):
COM 13-1.3
FACTORS-LOAD-LL ST, 1, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
FACTORS-LOAD-LL ST, 2, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
With the universal live load factors set to 1.0, truck specific live load factors can be defined
using the BRASS command 13-1.6, FACTORS-LOAD-LL-LS. Previous version of BRASS
(LRFD) did not accommodate individual truck live load factors. Thus, a work around was
developed where the live load factors were input as scale factors. With BRASS v 2.0.3 the
FACTORS-LOAD-LL-LS command has been added to resolve this limitation. Live load
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factors shall be input using this new command. Parameter 6 of command 12-4.3, scale
factor, will be reserve for its original purpose. With this update the LR summary sheet will no
longer modify the rating factors reported in the BRASS output file.
In the FACTORS-LOAD-LL-LS (13-1.6) commands for each load, enter the specific live load
Factor L (from LL_Factors_State.XLS or LL_Factors_Local.XLS as applicable). This
command can be copied and pasted from the BRASS tab of LL_Factors_State.XLS.
Thus the complete live load definition command set for input files is as follows:
COM Define each Design and Legal live load separately and
COM apply the truck specific live load factor (instead
COM of defining them in the LOAD-LIVE-CONTROL command)
COM There are 3 reasons...
COM (a) to prevent BRASS from applying the Fatigue Design
COM that is not needed for RCDG structures
COM (b) to force BRASS to list the Design Loads outputs in
COM same order as ODOT's Load Rating Summary Workbook
COM (c) to allow use of the Oregon 3S2 Legal Load rather than
COM the AASHTO 3S2 Design Load
COM 12-4.3
COM 13-1.6
Special note: For one-lane (escorted) special permit reviews and true single-lane bridges
(roadway width < 20 ft), it is necessary to enter ONE for parameter 7 in the LOAD-LIVE-
DEFINITION (12-4.3) command. It is not clear in the BRASS Command Manual, but this
parameter is needed to force BRASS to apply only a single-lane loading with the appropriate
single-lane Distribution Factors.
While performing an analysis on a prestressed girder, it was found that the FACTORS-
RESIST-RC and FACTOR-RESIST-PS commands cannot be used simultaneously. Since
phi is often different for flexure in prestressed elements and reinforced concrete elements, a
different approach is required. Using the FACTORS-RESIST-MOD command to modify phi-s
and FACTORS-RESIST-COND command to modify phi-c, BRASS will properly calculate the
final phi values for flexure, flexure/tension (RC), and shear. This adjustment would allow both
prestress bridges and reinforced concrete bridges to use the same set of BRASS commands.
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COM 13-2.4
COM 13-2.5
To facilitate crossbeam calculations and to clarify what BRASS is doing regarding live load
Distribution Factors, always include the following lines in the BRASS input file at the end of
the Distribution Factors section:
Technically this input adjustment is not needed in the case of box girders because the
Distribution Factors are calculated and input manually, and no .DST file is generated by
BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD). It was left in the file in the interest of maintaining consistency
among the input files for various bridges.
Open the BRASS-GIRDER GUI interface. Because it is more efficient to use BRASS-
GIRDER(LRFD) Input Files generated from previous ones, the GUI interface will not be used to
generate input files.
The BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) input file must first be translated into a BRASS-GIRDER xml file that will
then populate the GUI interface in BRASS-GIRDER. The steps for translating and running the input
files in BRASS-GIRDER is as follows:
1. Start the BRASS-GIRDER program. From the File menu, hover your mouse pointer over
Translate (DAT to XML). Select the option for BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD).
2. The Translator window will then open on your screen. Click on the button that says Select
File/Run, as shown in the red outlined box in the following figure.
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3. In the next window that appears, navigate to the location where the BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD)
input file that you wish to run is stored, and select that file. Click on the Open button at the
bottom right of this window.
4. The Translator window will then open back up and the selected file will run through the
translation. If there are any errors detected during the translation, a red X will be displayed
next to the file name in the window and an error file will be generated. Refer to the error file to
decipher what is causing the error during translation. Once corrected, follow these steps
again to translate the file. If successful, a green check will appear next to the file name as
shown in the following figure:
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5. Click the Close button at the bottom right of the Translator window. Within BRASS-
GIRDER, select Open under the File menu. Select the BRASS XML file that was just
created from the Translator program. Click on the Open button at the bottom right of this
6. BRASS-GIRDER will then load the model into the GUI. Under the Execute menu, select
Analysis Engine to run the analysis. Or you can simply click on the green traffic light icon on
the toolbar.
7. Verify that the output directory is the same as where the input files are located, and then click
the OK button. A black DOS window will appear showing program progress. Depending on
your system speed and memory and the complexity of the structure, the execution process
may take a few seconds or several minutes. Upon completion of the analysis, a text output
file will be generated within the same directory. You can now use a text editor to open and
view the BRASS output.
When making changes or corrections to BRASS files, ODOT prefers that all changes be made within
the BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) input file so that it becomes the master document for the BRASS model.
Reviewing this text input file will be quicker and more efficient than trying to navigate the GUI to verify
that the bridge is being modelled correctly. Thus, any time the text input file is modified, the above
steps will have to be repeated to translate the text input file into a BRASS XML file before the analysis
is re-ran in BRASS-GIRDER.
If an error file is generated (same prefix, .ERR extension), open this file with your text editor and try to
interpret what BRASS is telling you. The vast majority of error messages will point you to a
straightforward typographical error or omission in your input. At the beginning of your experience with
BRASS, do not expect a successful execution until one or more typographical errors have been
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When executing BRASS-GIRDER, if you get an error message regarding zeros in the stiffness matrix,
look at the ANALYSIS (4-1.1) command, parameter 1, and check to see if you are running a Frame
type model on a structure with more than 6 spans. In such cases the Beam type model (the
recommended default) is required (with a maximum of 13 spans).
When executing BRASS-GIRDER, you may get an error message stating, The effective web width
(b v ) cannot be zero. This causes a divide-by-zero error in the compression field computations. This
most likely means that you have selected points that are too close to another defined point of interest
within your BRASS input file. A general rule is not to have points closer than six inches from one
another. Verify in your input file that you have correctly entered the web width parameter while
defining your BRASS sections. Also check in the Span Length and Section Information portion of
the input file to see that the ranges of the elements are not too close to each other.
A rare error can sometimes occur in executing BRASS-GIRDER where the processing of the analysis
takes a considerable amount of time, and then produces a very large output file (around 600
megabytes) along with an error file. The program will report an Interpolation Error. This occurs on
files that have a BRASS span of 99.99 ft and was attempting to increment each truck across the span
at 100 increments (as specified in the LOAD-LIVE-CONTROL command). We found that one of two
simple workarounds can correct the error: 1) round the BRASS spans from 99.99 ft to 100.00 ft, or 2)
increase the live load increment from 100 to 105 in the LOAD-LIVE-CONTROL command. The
second method is the preferred option as it only requires a correction in one command, where as
adjusting the span lengths would have required doing it for multiple spans for the bridge that
experienced this error.
When executing BRASS-GIRDER, if you get an unexpected termination of the program while
attempting to run a file, check the BRASS error file (*.err) to see if it states that, Standard Vehicle:
OLEG3S2 is not presently stored in the standard vehicle library file. This usually means that the
user did not update the names of the Legal Vehicle in the BRASS input file. In the early part of 2009,
ODOT made a small revision to the vehicle library so that both the old Tier 1 and LRFR rating
methodologies would use the same legal vehicles for their analysis. As a result, ODOT changed the
names of the legal vehicles. To correct the error, make the following changes to the names of the
legal vehicles in the BRASS input file:
BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) has been known to run perfectly and still produce completely wrong
results. Although a successful run may indicate a lack of errors, it is prudent to search the main
output (.OUT) file for the words error and warning to check out the seriousness of the problem,
and to do a reality check on the Rating Factors. Unexpected Rating Factor results often indicate an
error in the BRASS coding.
We recommend that, at the very least, load raters routinely employ the following two BRASS
verification measures:
(1) Do a reasonability check on the section properties. This is why we routinely code Y in
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parameter 2 of the OUTPUT (5-1.1) command, to provide a list of girder properties at each node
point. (Search the Output File for Calculated Properties in each span). It is not uncommon to
make errors in the concrete section definitions, the SPAN-UNIF-HAUNCH (11-1.3) command or
the SPAN-SECTION (11-2.1) commands that can result in a girder profile that is quite different
than the one you expected.
(2) Do a reasonability check on the distribution of shears and moments across the structure.
This is especially critical if you have an expansion joint within the structure that you have modeled
by coding a hinge near one of the internal supports. Check if you are getting nearly-zero
moments at the support next to the hinge. (It cant be truly zero because of the offset of the hinge
from the support, but the moment value should be quite low). There have been cases where, due
to numerical instabilities in the analysis process, unreasonably high moments were present at the
support. The solution is usually to increase the offset of the hinge from the support in small
increments until the reported moments behave as expected (sometimes increasing the offset by
hundredths of a foot can make all the difference!).
If you really have doubts about what BRASS is giving you, be aware that you can use additional
commands in the OUTPUT- group (BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) Manual, Chapter 5 to generate
additional output that may facilitate your detective work. Use caution the size of this output can be
When reading the BRASS Output File, in the Rating Factor Summary sections for Legal Loads, it may
be difficult to distinguish between the live load Combo cases because two of them are identified as
ORLEG3-3. In these cases, it is possible to distinguish them by looking for the 3-letter BRASS live
load Type codes in parentheses. These codes are defined for parameter 3 of the LOAD-LIVE-
DEFINITION command (12-4.3). Thus there will be separate Rating Factor Results for ORLEG3-3
(TRK) which is the Type 3-3 truck by itself, and ORLEG3-3 (LGT) which is the Type 3-3 two-truck
train plus Legal Lane load.
Prior to BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) version 2.0.1, the results of the longitudinal reinforcement tension
check (LRFD were not found in the basic output files, but could only be found by performing a
detailed analysis of a specific point. The longitudinal tension check is done to ensure that there is
sufficient longitudinal reinforcement to resist the tension forces caused by flexure and shear.
With the release of BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) version 2.0.1, the program now calculates a rating factor
for the longitudinal tension check using the worst case of the maximum tension forces developed due
to maximum shear and concurrent moment, minimum shear and concurrent moment, maximum
moment and concurrent shear, and minimum moment and concurrent shear.
Since the longitudinal tension check rating factor is being computed for every analysis point, and the
ODOT Load Rating Summary sheet only has a limited number of columns to report rating factors, the
summary sheet has been programmed to only report the longitudinal tension rating factors for a given
analysis point only if a rating factor for one of the trucks is lower than 1.1.
Detailed Discussion:
Section of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications has the equation that is used
by designers to ensure that there is sufficient longitudinal reinforcement to resist tension forces
caused by both shear and flexure. If this equation is not satisfied, the designer simply adds the
necessary reinforcement so that the equation is satisfied.
The Manual for Bridge Evaluation (MBE) is based on the AASHTO Bridge Design Specifications.
The software ODOT uses for LRFR ratings is BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD). Prior to version 2.0.1,
this software performed the tension check as part of the rating, but the basic output (usually
several hundreds of pages per bridge) did not indicate if the bridge had locations where the
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tension check failed. The information on the results of the tension check could only be found by
examining the additional output that is provided when detailed analysis of a specific point was
While satisfying the tension check is needed to have an accurate model when using Modified
Compression Field Theory (MCFT) to calculate shear capacity, there is no guidance in the MBE
manual for the load rater to use when the tension check fails. This has been brought to the
attention of a primary developer of the MBE code, Bala Sivakumar, PE, who acknowledged that
the current code does not fully address this issue. Christopher Higgins, PhD, PE, from Oregon
State University, who lead the effort to test full scale beams has emphasized that the tension
check is fundamental to the use of MCFT. The concern of providing the results of the tension
check in the basic output has been communicated to the developers of the BRASS software.
There were two areas that needed to be addressed before the load rater could be sure that the
tension check had failed. First, all of the reinforcement must be accounted for. Since the ODOT
ratings originally counted the reinforcement only when it was fully developed, there may have
been a significant amount of partially developed reinforcement available to resist tension forces.
Prior to the development of the ODOT Concrete Bridge Generator (CBG), a simple bridge would
take several weeks for a load rater to go through all of the detailed output and add up all of the
partially developed reinforcement. While many of the points that originally failed the tension
check will pass for the lighter loads, the heavier permit loads can still result in a failed condition.
Even if all of the points were to pass the tension check, the weeks of analysis would have been
inefficient and resulted in a product that was complicated to the point that a secondary check
would have been difficult. With the development of the CBG, the partially developed bars are
now accounted for in the BRASS model, and thus this first issue is resolved.
The second area that needed to be addressed was the nature of the loading. For a given load,
there will be a maximum moment force, and a maximum shear force. For analysis, BRASS-
GIRDER(LRFD) uses these maximum values. The actual loading caused by a moving load does
result in a point experiencing the maximum force values, but not at the same time. By treating
the maximum values as being concurrent, the BRASS analysis of the tension check would be
somewhat conservative at some locations.
There are differences between the design of new bridges and the rating of current bridges. MBE
section 6A.1.3 states that Design may adopt a conservative reliability index and impose checks
to ensure serviceability and durability without incurring a major cost impact. In rating, the added
cost of overly conservative evaluation standards can be prohibitive as load restrictions,
rehabilitation, and replacement become increasingly necessary.
With the release of BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) version 2.0.1, the program now calculates a rating
factor for the longitudinal tension check using the worst case of the maximum tension forces
developed due to maximum shear and concurrent moment, minimum shear and concurrent
moment, maximum moment and concurrent shear, and minimum moment and concurrent shear.
Thus, this second issue has been addressed.
The developers of the MBE code acknowledged that while LRFD does incorporate state-of-the-art
design, analysis methods, and loading, that almost all existing bridges were designed using the
older AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges. Section 6A.1.4 states Where the
behavior of a member under traffic is not consistent with that predicted by the governing
specifications, as evidenced by a lack of visible signs of distress or excessive deformation or
cases where there is evidence of distress even though the specification does not predict such
distress, deviation from the governing specifications based upon the known behavior of the
member under traffic may be used and shall be fully documented.
The 1950s bridges were designed using Working Stress. Once the stresses of the concrete
exceed its ability to resist tension, cracking occurs. This initial cracking takes place at a
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comparatively low level of loading. The bridge is designed to see service loads where the
forces in the reinforcement are kept well below the yield point. The bridges that Oregon State
University instrumented showed that the reinforcement was being operated well below the yield
point. During full scale beam tests to failure, the reinforcement was yielding, but at much higher
loads than in-service bridges experience, and with much greater distress.
Even though ODOT and BRASS have found a way to perform the tension check for load rating,
this is still an issue to be solved on a national scale. Based on the guidance from the MBE code,
and the lack of distress noted in the vast majority of bridge inspections, Oregon bridges are not
being operated anywhere near the level that would cause yielding of the reinforcement as
indicated by the failure of the tension check. For those few bridges that do show excessive
deterioration, the current MBE code is sufficient that the known behavior of the member shall be
used and be fully documented. Bridges with deterioration consistent with yielding of
reinforcement would not be considered for no work regardless of the results of the tension
check. Calculations for repairs should be done in accordance with the AASHTO LRFD code and
therefore the longitudinal reinforcing should always pass the tension check after the repairs are
BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) prior to version 1.6.4 had an error in the use of the LRFD 4th Edition (prior
to the 2008 Revision) Table, Values of and for Sections with less than minimum
transverse reinforcement. It appears that only the top row of the table was used, yielding higher
values of and lower values of than should have been used. The result of this was that sections
with less than minimum transverse reinforcement were assigned higher rating factors than they
should have been.
A comparison of shear rating factors was accomplished using BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) versions 1.6.5
and 1.6.2. For the three bridges selected, locations outside of horizontally tapered webs had
adequate transverse reinforcement, and the shear ratings were unaffected by the corrections to how
the table was used for less than minimum transverse reinforcement. However, some sections inside
horizontally tapered webs do have less than the minimum transverse reinforcement. These sections
experienced a significant drop in rating factors.
The bridge designers in the 1950s sometimes used an increased concrete cross section to resist
shear forces near interior bents. The very technique that gained shear capacity using the AASHTO
Guide Specifications now causes the section to have less than minimum transverse reinforcement.
The extra concrete the 1950s designers used to increase shear capacity has the unintended
consequence of placing a section with good reinforcement details into a design code table that was
never intended to be used for design.
Prior to the 2008 Revisions of LRFD Article (General Procedure for Determining Shear
Resistance in Concrete Beams) beta and theta were determined by an iterative procedure:
1) For sections with minimum transverse reinforcement For an applied load, an assumed
value of theta is initially used to calculate the longitudinal strain in the web at 0.5d v . The
shear stress ratio is computed for the section. Using Table, the longitudinal
strain and shear stress ratio are used to determine a new value of theta and beta. This new
value of theta is used to calculate a new longitudinal strain, which is then used in Table to compute a new theta and beta. The process continues until theta is solved.
The final values of theta and beta are then used in computing the shear resistance of the
concrete section.
2) For sections with less than minimum transverse reinforcement the procedure is similar to
that above. The only differences being are that the longitudinal strain is calculated at the
location in the web subject to the highest longitudinal tensile strain, and instead of using the
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shear stress ratio with the longitudinal strain in Table to determine a new theta
and beta, the crack spacing parameter is used with the longitudinal strain in Table
3) When calculating the longitudinal strain for a section, longitudinal bars on the flexural
tension side of the member that were not fully developed were to be ignored.
In the 2008 Revisions of AASHTO LRFD Article, beta and theta are determined by direct
solution using algebraic equations:
2) The value of theta is the same regardless if the section has less than or contains at least the
minimum transverse reinforcement. Thus, there is only one direct solution for theta.
3) There is one equation for beta for sections containing at least the minimum transverse
reinforcement. There is a different equation for beta for sections with less than minimum
transverse reinforcement, which is similar to the first but has an added component
containing the crack spacing parameter.
4) In calculating A s , the area of bars terminated less than their development length from the
section under consideration should be reduced in proportion to their lack of full development
(instead of ignored).
In most cases, the new direct solution equations in the 2008 Revisions are producing higher
capacities for sections that have less than minimum transverse reinforcement. The main reason is
that theta no longer is penalized, which results in shallower crack angles allowing for more stirrups
within the member to contribute to the shear resistance.
Unfortunately, the old iterative method is still a valid option in the LRFD code, as the 2008 Revisions
have placed the old Article language in Appendix B5. BRASS Girder (LRFD) Version 2.0.3
has been updated to include the 2008 revisions of the AASHTO LRFD code. The algebraic equations
are now used to calculate shear capacity.
We were made aware of an issue that occurs with continuous multi-span bridges, when the adjacent
span lengths vary by a considerable amount. It was noticed that the maximum positive moment
sections were being evaluated at odd locations (0.1L for an end span and 0.4L for an interior span).
This was a result of our original practice of basing these locations off of the dead load maximum
moment locations and not the factored combined (dead load and live load) maximums. The maximum
dead load moment location shifts were due to the uplift in short spans caused by the dead load of an
adjacent long span.
To compensate for the uplift effects of dead load on the adjacent short spans, we will now use the
maximum and minimum Load Factors stipulated in AASHTO LRFD Table 3.4.1-2. As a result, we
have modified the BRASS Input Adjustment Type 2 commands in the BRASS input files to the
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COM 13-1.2
FACTORS-LOAD-DL ST, 1, 1.25, 0.90, 1.25, 0.65
FACTORS-LOAD-DL ST, 2, 1.25, 0.90, 1.25, 0.65
The heavier vehicles will produce a maximum positive moment location closer towards the midspan,
while the lighter vehicles will produce a maximum positive moment location away from midspan
towards the maximum moment location of the dead load. Therefore, in order to capture the maximum
positive moment for the entire suite of vehicles that we use in load rating, we may have to establish a
range of points where the different vehicles will produce their maximum positive moment.
In order to facilitate this procedure, we have developed a new application (BRASS Moment Analyzer)
that will evaluate the BRASS output files after an initial BRASS run and determine if the maximum
positive moment locations for the live loads differ from the dead load locations. If so, the program will
then analyze the differences in the locations and then provide a range of recommended positive
moment locations (at 20th points) along with the BRASS commands for these new flexural analysis
locations that can be copied and pasted into the BRASS input files. The program will create a text file,
with the modified name of _MOMENT_INITIAL.TXT, in the same directory that contains the BRASS
output files that were analyzed.
After the final BRASS run, the BRASS Moment Analyzer can be used to once again evaluate the
BRASS output files. This time, the software will check and report if the maximum combined moment
for every vehicle at each analysis point is negative, positive, or contains both negative and positive
values. The program will allow the user to print a summary report which they can refer to when
selecting the type of moment during the BRASS import of the moment locations on the Load Rating
Summary sheet. The program will create a text file, with the modified name of
_MOMENT_FINAL.TXT, in the same directory that contains the BRASS output files that were
Do not include the BRASS Moment Analyzer output in the printed Load Rating Calc. Book. We only
request that the .TXT files that it produces be included with the electronic files for the load rating.
The intent is to only use the BRASS Moment Analyzer for continuous bridges with adjacent span
lengths that vary more than 30%.
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Create a scoping file (nnnnnn_scope.xls) to document important decisions made by the load rating
engineer. The effort required to perform a load rating can be reduced by identifying similar members
and points of symmetry. It is important to document these locations, so someone can review the load
rating at a future date and quickly understand what portions of the structure have been analyzed, and
why other members were excluded from the analysis.
Structures will only be analyzed up to points of symmetry. Analyzing past the point of symmetry will
have the unintended affect of causing the point to be reported twice in the load rating summary sheet.
Points of symmetry for both the girder and crossbeam will be documented in this scoping summary.
Similar elements will be investigated with the goal of reducing the total number of elements to be
rated. If a member is similar to another, but can be shown to either have reduced capacity or greater
loads, then the controlling member can be rated first. If this member has rating factors greater than
1.0, there is no need to rate the other similar member.
An example would be crossbeams that have the same cross sections, and reinforcement, but
different adjacent span lengths. The capacity of these crossbeams will be the same but the loads will
vary due to the different span lengths. In this case the crossbeam with the longer adjacent spans
(higher loads) will be rated first. As long as these rating factors are greater than or equal to 1.0 then,
there is no need to rate the other crossbeam. If the load rating reports rating factors less than 1.0,
then both members shall be rated. Although the first member will still control the overall load rating,
the rating factors for the second member will be useful information when determining possible repairs.
Because the scope of the load rating can change depending on the calculated rating factors, revisit
the scoping summary at the conclusion of the load rating to ensure it is an accurate reflection of the
work performed.
4.1 Decide what girders to analyze
Due to the effects of all the various LRFD Distribution Factor provisions, it is difficult to predict which
girder will control the load rating. Therefore a separate preliminary file and BRASS input will be
required for both the interior and exterior slab. In the Load Rating Summary Workbook file, importing
the rating factors from both girders is required (be sure to do a Refresh after the second import)
because it is not uncommon for different girders to control for different loads.
Computations for interior strip widths and widths are both made in a single preliminary file for RC Slab
Bridges and are used to check the BRASS Distribution Factor calculations. The file name and
extension for this file is: RCSLAB.xmcd.
Note: Because the dot multiplier symbol is very small and can easily be overlooked in Mathcad
printouts, when typing equations, surround all multiplied terms with parentheses.
4.2.1 Header
Use the Mathcad header feature to indicate Bridge Number (upper right corner), Bridge Name (top
line center), load rater and date (2nd line left) and File Name and Page Number (2nd line right). Use
the Bridge Name as defined in the Definitions, Article 1.3.3 of this Manual.
Since the bridge number and name are contained in the Mathcad header, they do not show up while
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working on the file, only when printing or doing a Print Preview. To avoid confusion over which bridge
you are working on, it is good practice to place the bridge number and name near the top of the file in
the right margin (outside the printable area).
Just below the Mathcad header section, document the bridge structure type. For state bridges the
span description (Spans field) from the Bridge Log is adequate for this purpose.
Note: the Mathcad regions at the top in the right margin (outside the printable area) are there for 2
purposes. The units definitions are necessary for Mathcad to understand some commonly used units
in structural engineering (without them, Mathcad would generate errors because it is unable to
interpret them). The row of nonstandard characters is there in case the user might want to copy them
elsewhere to clarify the calculations.
Document the decisions regarding all 3 Resistance Factors, with references to the appropriate MBE
BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) provides input for the MBE Condition Factor c (MBE 6A.4.2.3) and System
Factor s (MBE 6A.4.2.4). However, the ODOT Load Rating Summary Sheet and the ODOT
Crossbeam Load Rating Software always require and display the product of all the resistance factors
as a single factor. Therefore, the product of all these resistance factors must always be obtained.
Treat the System Factor s for Flexure and Shear and the Combined Factor () for Flexure and
Shear as separate variables in Mathcad.
For Flexure:
f = [ max ( c sf , 0.85) ]
where is the AASHTO LRFD Resistance Factor, based on material and force type (AASHTO
and sf is the System Factor for Flexure (MBE Table 6A.4.2.4-1, as modified in Article of
this Manual).
These equations account for the intermediate check of c s 0.85 (MBE 6A.4.2.1-3).
The live load factor for HL-93 Inventory Rating is 1.75. This is the factor that is entered into BRASS.
The Load Rating Summary Workbook (LR.XLT) will automatically apply the HL-93 Operating Rating
live load factor of 1.35.
For State-owned bridges, the live load factors for Legal, SHV, Continuous Trip Permit, and Single Trip
Permit vehicles are calculated using LL_Factors_State.XLS. The only input is ADTT (one direction).
For Local-Agency-owned bridges, the live load factors for Legal, SHV, Continuous Trip Permit, and
Single Trip Permit vehicles are calculated using LL_Factors_Local.XLS. The two inputs are ADTT
(one direction) and Effective Bridge Length. Note that Effective Bridge Length is either (a) the sum of
the longest two consecutive continuous spans, or (b) the longest simple span, whichever is greater.
Regardless of which live load factor Application is used in ODOT LRFR Tables and,
ADTT is specified as one direction. Thus ADTT for bridges with one direction of traffic is the
Average Daily Traffic (NBI Item 29) multiplied by the Average Daily Truck Traffic (Percent) (NBI Item
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109). For bridges with two-way traffic, the ADTT entered into the live load factor Application is half
the total ADTT for the structure.
After completing the input, save this bridge-specific copy of the live load factor Application (either
LL_Factors_State.XLS or LL_Factors_Local.XLS as applicable) in the Load Rating File Set. To
avoid errors in the Preliminary File, copy the LRFR Strength I & II table from the live load factor
Application, and in Mathcad use Edit / Paste Special. In the Paste Special dialog box choose the
Paste button, highlight Bitmap in the As list, and click the OK button. This will insert an image
of the live load factor Application into the Mathcad Preliminary File. After pasting, the bitmap can be
dragged, and resized using the corner handles, to fit into the Mathcad printable area. Note, pasting
the Excel worksheet directly in Mathcad is not recommended due to the idiosyncrasies of the live load
factor Application. Because you are pasting an inert bitmap, if any subsequent changes in live load
Factor input were to occur, the pasted object should be deleted from the Preliminary File, the
corrections should be done in the live load factor Application and copied and pasted again into the
Preliminary File as a bitmap.
Document the decisions regarding the Impact Factor IM, referring to ODOT LRFR
Enter the material properties within the appropriate fields of the ODOT Concrete Bridge Generator
(CBG) program, and the elastic modulus E c and modular ratio n will be calculated. The CBG
program uses LRFD Equation to determine the elastic modulus of concrete, assuming
K 1 =1.0. Document any assumptions made about the material properties if they are not given on the
Bridge Plans within the MathCAD preliminary file.
Calculate the physical edge-to-edge width of the concrete slab and the roadway width of the bridge.
If the width of the slab or roadway changes over the length of the bridge, calculate the average
roadway width per span. Calculate the distance from the edge of the slab to the inside face of barrier.
Enter the slab strip width that will be analyzed in BRASS. This will normally be 12 inches unless
there is a voided slab present in the bridge, and then it is the center-to-center spacing of the voids.
Enter the skew angle of the bridge. These values are entered in BRASS to calculate the Distribution
Factors per slab strip. Equivalent Strip Width for Slab Type Bridges (LRFD
Since cast-in-place slab bridges do not have adjacent girders to share the live load, the slab is
divided into equivalent strip widths that are analyzed to support single lane loads and multiple lane
loads. BRASS calculates the equivalent strip widths per AASHTO LRFD, for an interior strip,
and AASHTO LRFD for an edge strip. Live load distribution factors are calculated by
dividing the cross section width by the equivalent strip width. BRASS v2.0.3 calculates these widths
and applies the skew correction factors correctly. The equivalent strip width must still be calculated in
the preliminary file in order to determine the percent of design lane load to apply to the longitudinal
edge strip.
The edge of a slab bridge is converted into an edge strip that supports one line of wheels plus a
tributary portion of the design lane load (LRFD Calculate the edge strip along with a
tributary portion of the lane load for the span. Tributary portion of lane load is calculated by dividing
the longitudinal edge strip by 10ft. Using a 10ft lane is consistent with the lane width used for load
rating. Although BRASS now correctly calculates the edge strip distribution factor, and applies the
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skew correction factor correctly, the edge strip width must still be calculated in the Preliminary file.
The strip width must be known in order to calculate the tributary portion of the design lane load.
Since an edge strip analysis file is simple to create from the interior strip width in an RC Slab
Preliminary File, and slab bridges often have special edge reinforcement or an edge beam to account
for, always perform a separate edge strip analysis for every slab bridge. Calculate the edge strip
width and tributary portion of lane loading for each span in a slab bridge. If an edge beam is present,
model the edge strip as the edge beam with a flange consisting of the effective portion of the slab.
Include all edge beam bars and those slab bars present in the edge strip width. Interior strip widths
are commonly modeled with a 12 wide slab, which is representative of the total interior equivalent
strip width. Modeling a 12 wide exterior strip may not adequately represent the total equivalent strip
width because of the varying reinforcement in the outside edge. When analyzing an edge strip,
model a wide enough section to be representative of the overall equivalent edge strip.
Concrete slabs and slab bridges designed in conformance with AASHTO Specifications may be
considered satisfactory for shear (LRFD Therefore, do not document shear reinforcement
information in the preliminary file. Also, do not input shear reinforcement for BRASS analysis.
To avoid confusion, dead loads should be grouped under the headings DC and DW and presented in
the same order in the Preliminary (.xmcd) File as they will appear in the BRASS Input (.DAT) File.
Use LRFD Table 3.5.1-1 to determine the unit weight of concrete w c . For dead load calculations, use
w c +0.005 kcf to account for the reinforcement, in accordance with LRFD Commentary C3.5.1.
Where standard rail drawings occur, wherever possible use the rail dead loads tabulated in Appendix
A2.0 Summary of Standard Rail Weights, found in file RAILDL.XLS. Provide detailed calculations for
the dead load of any rail not found in this summary.
For slab bridges, distribute the sum of all rail, curb and sidewalk dead loads (stage 2 dead loads)
equally across the edge-to-edge slab width and multiply it by the slab strip width that is being
analyzed for each span to obtain a unit load per length of slab strip width.
For most utilities, the dead load is very insignificant when compared to the dead load of the rest of the
structure, and therefore can be ignored. However, there can be cases were the utility load can be
significant; such as a bridge supporting a 16 diameter concrete lined cast iron water pipe that was
computed to add 200 lb/ft of dead load when considered full of water. In this case, the dead load was
shared between the two adjacent girders. Therefore, it will be left up to the engineering judgment of
the individual load rater to determine if the utility dead load is significant enough to need to be
included in the load rating.
Always separate Wearing Surface dead load (DW) from the component (DC) dead loads. This is due
to (a) the potential for different dead load factors DC and DW according to MBE, (b) because this
facilitates future re-rating when the wearing surface thickness changes, and (c) it facilitates input for
the Crossbeam Load Rating Software, where it must be kept separate.
Use 150 lb/ft for asphalt wearing surface (0.0125 ksf/inch of wearing surface). Use 0.013 ksf/inch for
overlays of Polyester Polymer Concrete (non-structural). For each span, show calculations for
Wearing Surface (DW) dead load distributed equally across the edge-to-edge slab width and multiply
it by the slab strip width to obtain a unit load per length of slab strip width. Add 1 to any non-zero
measured AC Wearing Surface thickness to account for uncertainties in measurement, unless the
thickness has been obtained from averaging multiple core samples.
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Simply list the four classes of rating loads to be analyzed. (See articles through
Determine the spans to be investigated. These should be any span that is unique and is not repeated
due to symmetry or due to repetition of a span between joints.
Within each span, check for symmetry of sections, reinforcement and loads, and do not identify any
analysis points that are structurally symmetrical with analysis points already defined. Defining
analysis points that are structurally symmetrical has the potential effect of corrupting the Load Rating
Summary Sheet. Because the Refresh module is looking for the lowest Rating Factors, defining a
symmetrical point causes it to identify the most critical rating location twice, thus preventing it from
identifying the second most critical analysis point. The second controlling point is useful information
in evaluating potential repairs for the bridge.
List the analysis sections for flexure. These are normally the positive moments in each unique span
and the negative moments over each unique support.
Calculate the number of longitudinal tension bars per slab strip width for each analysis point. This is
done by dividing the slab strip width by the longitudinal tension bar spacing.
For an edge strip analysis, calculate the number of longitudinal tension bars per slab strip width for
each analysis point. This is usually the same as the interior strip analysis, except that some bridges
have additional bars or different reinforcement details for the edge of the slab.
Concrete slabs and slab bridges designed in conformance with AASHTO Specifications may be
considered satisfactory for shear (AASHTO LRFD
With the number of geometry cross-section changes and overlapping bar cutoff points that made the
shear analysis complicated for other CIP concrete structure types, the ODOT Concrete Bridge
Generator (CBG) program was developed to aid in the creation of the BRASS input file by
determining the required number of BRASS sections and computing the bar cutoff points. Even
though there is no shear analysis required for CIP slabs, the CBG program will facilitate the creation
of the BRASS input file data for the BRASS sections, span layout.
The ODOT Concrete Bridge Generator (CBG) was created by the Oregon Department of
Transportation, Bridge Engineering Section. The CBG is a stand alone windows software package
that is a pre-BRASS processor for Cast-In-Place concrete bridge girder sections. Once the user
enters basic bridge information, concrete section geometry, span configuration geometry, and the
longitudinal reinforcement within the form fields, the program will generate the first half of the BRASS
code. The program will also generate the BRASS code for the bar cut-off shear points that the user
will paste into the appropriate locations in the BRASS input file. The program is not set up to define
rigid frame structures; it is only configured to define a beam analysis in BRASS.
The CBG is solely for the Microsoft Windows operating system and utilizes the Microsoft .NET
Framework. The programs native format is the CBG (Concrete Bridge Generator) file format. The
CBG is free public domain software; meaning that users are free to use it, redistribute it, and/or
modify it. The current version of the CBG is version 1.0.10.
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Previous versions of this program need to be uninstalled through the Windows Control Panel
interface prior to installing a newer version. To install the ODOT Concrete Bridge Generator, run the
Windows Installer Package titled, ODOT_Concrete_Bridge_Generator.msi. This will launch the
Setup Wizard and pause at the Welcome dialog for the Wizard. Select the Next button to continue.
The next dialog will ask the user to select an installation folder to install the Concrete Bridge
Generator to. The default location is, C:\Program Files\ODOT_APPS\ConcreteBridgeGenerator\. If
the default location is satisfactory or after the preferred folder location has been specified, select the
Next button to continue.
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The next dialog will ask the user to confirm the installation before it begins. Click the Next button to
begin the installation.
A dialog with a progress bar will be shown during the installation. This part of the process can take
anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes depending on if the wizard needs to download and
install an update to the Microsoft .NET framework to the computer.
The installation will place a shortcut for the program on the users desktop as well as under the Start
Menu > All Programs > ODOT Load Rating. When the installation is complete, click the Close
button to end the Wizard.
When first starting a session of the CBG software, a dialog window explaining the terms of use for the
software will be displayed. If the user selects the DECLINE button, the session will end and the
software will not launch. If the user selects the I ACCEPT button, the session will continue and the
software will launch.
At the top left of the program there are five buttons associated with icons that are titled New,
Open, Save, Report, and Exit. The New button will erase all of the data entered in the form
fields and start over with a blank form. The Open button will populate the form fields from a saved
*.cbg file that was created from using the Save button from a previous session. The Save button
will save the data entered in the form fields in a *.cbg file. The program will incorporate the values
entered within the Bridge Number and Member Being Load Rated form fields in the file name
during the save process. The Report button will display a print preview of a report that reflects the
data entered in the various form fields of the program. The Exit button will exit and close the current
session of the program.
At the top right of the program there are three buttons that are titled Show Cross-Section Matrix,
Generate BRASS File Input, and Generate Bar Cutoff Points for Shear Analysis. The functions of
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In the top section of the program form is where the user specifies the basic information of the bridge.
These form fields are set to only accept the maximum number of characters that the BRASS
commands using the data will allow. Form fields with white backgrounds require user input, while the
form fields with grey backgrounds will automatically fill in values based on the user input within other
fields. The different fields within this top section are the Bridge Name, Bridge Number, Load Raters
Name, Highway/Route Name, Mile Point, the Load Rating Date, the name of the Member Being
Rated, and the File Name associated with the saved data entered on the forms.
In the next section, the user inputs the concrete strength and longitudinal reinforcement yield stress.
The program will then compute the concrete unit weight, the concrete modulus of elasticity, the
reinforcement modulus of elasticity, and the modular ratio.
The bottom section of the program is divided into four tabs, which are used to define the cross-
section geometry, span configuration/layout, and the longitudinal reinforcement. The tabs are named
Span Configuration, Concrete Dimensions, Concrete Section Assignment, and Reinforcement.
The functions of these tabs will be explained later.
In the Bridge Name form field, up to 60 characters may be used to enter the bridge name. The user
has up to 15 characters to enter the bridge number in the Bridge Number form field, which typically
only uses 5 to 6 characters. In the Load Rater form field, up to 60 characters may be used to enter
the name of the engineer that is running the program. The user has up to 60 characters to enter the
route name where the bridge is located in the Route Name form field. In the Mile Point form field,
enter the milepost where the bridge is located.
In the Rating Date form field, the user can type in the numeric date for the month, day, and year. Or
the user can select the drop down calendar view and select the day within the appropriate month and
year. Instead of scrolling through the different months within the calendar view, the user can simply
select red box that is titled Today at the bottom of the calendar view to select the current date.
In the Member Being Load Rated form field, use the drop down list to select what type of member
that the current BRASS analysis will be for. The choices are: IntGir for a RCDG interior girder, ExtGir
for a RCDG exterior girder, RCBG for a reinforced concrete box girder, RCSlab for a reinforced
concrete slab, and EDGSTP for a reinforced concrete slab edge strip analysis.
The File Name form field will be automatically filled in when the user saves the data on the forms
using the Save button. The program will incorporate the bridge number and the member being
rated into the file name. For example, if the bridge number was 12345 and the member being rated
was set to IntGir, the default file name would be set to 12345_IntGir.cbg. If the user is going to be
performing multiple interior girder analysis for the same bridge, for example girders A through D, then
during the save process the user can manually type the beam letter within the file name. Thus, if the
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For the material properties area of the form, all that needs to be entered is the concrete strength (fc)
in ksi and the longitudinal reinforcement yield stress (f y ) in ksi. The program will then calculate and
display the concrete unit weight in kips per cubic feet, the concrete Modulus of Elasticity (E c ) in ksi,
the longitudinal reinforcement Modulus of Elasticity (E s ) in ksi, and the Modular Ratio (n) of the two
The span configuration tab is where the user identifies the number of spans that will be modeled in
the current BRASS analysis, the lengths of each span, the vertical profile of each span, and which
spans are copies of previously defined spans.
It is recommended that the first thing that be defined is the number of spans that will be analyzed in
the current BRASS run. Several other form fields within the tab pages refer to the number of spans
and the defined span lengths when computing data and populating lists for the user to choose from.
The user is able to later specify a greater number of spans without much affect to data that may
already be entered on the other tab forms. However, once the user specifies a number of spans that
is less than what is currently specified, most of the data that may have been already entered on the
other tab forms will be erased.
The Concrete Bridge Generator is configured to make BRASS perform a beam analysis, instead of a
frame analysis. For a beam analysis, BRASS is limited to a maximum of 13 spans. Thus, the CBG is
limited to a maximum of 13 spans. One the left side of the Span Configuration Tab, the user can
either directly type in the number of spans or they can use the drop down list and choose the number.
The form field for specifying the span lengths below the number of spans selection will dynamically
resize to the number of spans that are defined. Once the number of spans has been defined, the
next step is to enter the length of each span in feet.
Once the number of spans and span lengths are defined, the vertical profile of each span needs to be
defined. This is done by defining segments of the span where the vertical profile changes or control
points occur. In the main form table on the Span Configuration Tab, the first column is the only one
that is white and active and is used to identify the span that is being defined. Once the span has
been identified, the second and third columns turn white and are active. These two columns are
check box cells. The first is used to identify if the user is defining the vertical profile for a span
segment, and the second is used to identify if the span is going to be a copy of another defined span.
If the Define Span Segment cell is checked, the Span Copy cell becomes inactive and the
following seven cells to the right become active. These cells have the following column headings:
Web Variation Indicator A code indicator used by BRASS to indicate what type of vertical profile
change that is taking place along the segment length.
Web Variation provides a graphical representation of the type of vertical profile change that is
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Within the Web Variation Indicator cell, the user can choose the following values for the vertical
profile change:
L = Linear Web Depth Variation The depth of the web varies linearly for the segment. If the
web depth is constant, the user would choose this option and then specify the left and
right web depths to be the same.
P- = Parabolic Concave Down Web Depth Variation The web is varied such that the horizontal
slope at the segment end with the smaller web depth is equal to the slope of an adjacent
linear segment. If no linear adjacent segment is present, zero horizontal slope is used.
P+ = Parabolic Concave Up Web Depth Variation The web is varied such that the horizontal
slope at the segment end with the larger web depth is equal to the slope of an adjacent
linear segment. If no linear adjacent segment is present, zero horizontal slope is used.
E- = Elliptical Concave Down Web Depth Variation The web is varied such that the horizontal
slope at the segment end with the smaller web depth is equal to the slope of an adjacent
linear segment. If no linear adjacent segment is present, zero horizontal slope is used.
Zero vertical slope at the end with the larger web depth is also enforced.
E+ = Elliptical Concave Up Web Depth Variation The web is varied such that the horizontal
slope at the segment end with the larger web depth is equal to the slope of an adjacent
linear segment. If no linear adjacent segment is present, zero horizontal slope is used.
Zero vertical slope at the end with the smaller web depth is also enforced.
The Web Variation cell will display a graphic of the variation indicator selected to assist the user in
understanding how the different profiles may appear. Holding the mouse over this cell will call a
tooltip window to appear giving the same description of the associated Web Variation Indicator as in
the previous paragraph. Due to the amount of text written on the tooltip, the time allotted for the
tooltip window is a little long and the user may end up having several tooltip windows appear on their
screen as they move the mouse across the cell. Simply clicking the mouse in a different cell will force
all of the tooltip windows to disappear.
If the Span Copy cell is selected, then the Define Span Segment cell becomes inactive and all of
the cells related to defining the span segment remain inactive. The last two cells to the far right of the
table will become active. They are the Span Copy Type and the Span Number Being Copied cells.
In the Span Copy Type cell, the user can select if the copy is going to be identical or symmetrical.
The user then can choose the span number that will be copied for the current span. If the span
number being copied has a different span length than the current span, an error message will be
displayed in the cell.
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The concrete dimensions tab is where the user defines the actual concrete cross-sections of the
girder. Originally, only the first cell in the table is active. This cell is titled X Section Type, and the
user is able to choose from a Rectangular Section, a Tee Section, and an I-Section. The rectangular
section is typically used to define the slab strip for a Cast-In-Place (CIP) slab section. The Tee
Section is typically used to define RCDG sections. And the I-Section is typically used to define CIP
Box Girder Sections.
When defining a concrete section, the program will assign a section number in the second cell. The
cells in columns three through eight will become active based on the type of X Section that the user
has selected. These cells are used to define the top flange width, top flange thickness, the web
thickness at the top, the web thickness at the bottom, the bottom flange width, and the bottom flange
If the concrete section has fillets and/or tapers between the flanges and webs, the user can check the
box in the 9 column titled Fillets & Tapers. This will activate the cells in the last eight columns
where the user can define the taper and fillet dimensions. These dimensions are illustrated in the
diagram and have been given the designations D1 through D8. The user can use the illustration to
see what the dimension is referring to, and holding the mouse over the column headings and the
actual cells will cause a tooltip window to appear that gives a brief description as to what the
dimension is referring to.
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The Concrete Section Assignment Tab is divided into three sections. The first section is for Concrete
Section Assignments, where the user assigns the defined concrete sections to each span. The
second section is for the Support Conditions, where the user defines the horizontal, vertical, and
rotational fixity at each support location. The third section is for Hinge Locations, where the user can
define hinge locations that may be present in the structure.
For each span that has span segments defined under the Span Configuration Tab, concrete sections
will need to be assigned under the Concrete Section Assignments Tab. In the first cell, the user will
specify/choose which span that they are going to assign concrete sections to. The second cell is
where the user specifies are chooses the starting Concrete Section Number, which refers to the
section numbers that were assigned under the Concrete Dimensions Tab. The third cell is where the
program automatically determines where the start point of the span segment is located from the left
end of the span. The fourth cell is where the user specifies the length of the span segment in feet.
The fifth cell is where the program automatically calculates and reports the Ending point of the span
segment from the left end of the span. If the ending point is longer/beyond the span length, then an
error message will be displayed in the cell. The last cell is for the user to specify the ending concrete
section number.
If this is the first cross section assignment for the span, the start point will be at zero feet. Then if the
span segment length plus the start point location is less than the defined span length, a new row will
be started and the start point will be equal to the ending point of the previous definition. This will
continue until the ending point is equal to the span length.
By default, the Ending Concrete Section Number will automatically set to the same value as the
Starting Concrete Section Number. This is for segments that have the same cross section over their
length. For segments that have the concrete tapering/transitioning between two cross sections over
the segment length, the user would specify a different section number for the ending point. For an
abrupt change in cross section, the user would have the starting and ending concrete sections
numbers the same for the segment, and then start the next segment with a different concrete section
number than the previous definition.
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The Support Conditions table will automatically be resized for the appropriate number of supports
based on the number of spans defined under the Span Configuration Tab. For each support, the user
must choose if the condition is Free or Restrained for the Horizontal, Vertical, and Rotational
Since not all bridges have hinges, the Hinge Location table is inactive by default. To define a hinge
within a span, the user must first select the check box under the Define Hinge column in the Hinge
Locations table. Doing so will make the next two cells active, which are where the user would specify
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which span and the location in feet from the left end of the span where the hinge exists. The BRASS
manual states that hinges may not be placed at span ends, but may be located a short distance (1.25
inches) from either side of a support which produces basically the same effect.
The Reinforcement Tab is where the user defines the longitudinal reinforcement for each span that
has span segments defined under the Span Configuration Tab. To aid the user, at the top of the
section there are illustrations showing the reference points of how the bar locations are measured in
respect to the cross section and span. There are also two buttons located in upper right hand portion
of the section. The first button is titled, LRFD Bar Development Lengths, and will display a new
window with an image of the development length table from the tool BAR_Ld.XLS. The second
button is titled, Hooked Bar Diagram, and will display the LRFD hooked bar illustrations for standard
hooks. The purpose of this illustration is to inform the user that for the BRASS model, the end point
of the bar should be defined as the point of zero stress instead of the physical end of the hooked bar.
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The reinforcement table can be populated in any order that the user desires. Some prefer to define
all of the bottom bars first and then go back and define all of the top bars. Others prefer to define
both top and bottom bars working from left to right. As long as all of the bars are eventually defined,
there is no difference in the results of how/when they are defined on the table.
The first cell of the Reinforcement table is where the user specifies the rebar row. Rows one through
three are reserved for bottom (positive moment) bars, and rows four and five are reserved for top
(negative moment) bars. The user can either type just the number of the row or select it from the
drop down list.
The second cell is where the user specifies the number of bars in the current bar group.
The third cell is where the user specifies the bar size. The user can either select the bar size from the
drop down list, or they can just type in the number of the bar size. Notice that the display/format of
the bar sizes changes when any cell in this column has focus. The fraction bar sizes change to
decimal and the # sign in front of normal round bars disappears. When the focus is moved to a
different column in the table, the display/format changes back. That way, if typing in the number for a
bar one can simply type the number for the round bar size or the decimal equivalent of the square bar
size. For example for a 1-1/8 in sq bar the user can simply type 1.125, or for a #8 round bar one can
simply type 8.
The fourth cell is where the vertical distance, in inches, from either the bottom or the top of the girder
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is defined. For bars that reside in rows one through three, the vertical distance is measured from the
bottom of the girder. For bars residing in rows four and five, the vertical distance is measured from
the top of the girder.
The fifth cell is used to identify the span number where the left end of the bar is located. The sixth
cell is used to specify the location, in feet, where the left end of the bar is located from the left end of
the span. For straight bars, it would be the physical end of the bar location. For hooked bars, it
would be the location at the zero stress point of the hooked bar development length.
The seventh cell is used to specify the development length, in inches, of the left end of the bar. The
eighth cell is used to specify the overall bar length in feet. The ninth cell is used to specify the
development length, in inches, of the right end of the bar. By default, the program will automatically
use the value for the right end development length that was entered for the development length at the
left end of the bar. For cases where one end of the bar contains a hook, the user can change the
right development length to a different value by simply typing the new value into the cell.
For structures that have a bent bar that transition to a different depth in the member, the user can
simply specify a zero development length at the location where the bend occurs. The length of the bar
should be specified for the horizontal portion of the bar only at a given elevation, not the portion that
is bent and changing elevation or exists at a different elevation in the member. When a zero
development length is encountered, the program will assume that the bar is bent and will not specify
a bar cutoff analysis point since the bar is fully developed through the transition area. If the user still
wishes to have the program generate a bar cutoff analysis point at this location, they must enter some
other value, other than zero, for the development length of the bar.
Some of the older bridges occasionally have the deck reinforcing exposed. ACI318, Article,
states that for bars with a cover of d b or less or with a clear spacing of 2d b or less that the basic
development length (obtained from the LRFD code) be multiplied by 2.0. Therefore, if the inspection
report or photos indicate that the deck reinforcement is exposed, double the development length of
the deck reinforcement.
The last two cells at the right of the table are where the program automatically calculates and displays
the span number that the right end of the bar resides in and the location from the left end of that span,
in feet, that the right end of the bar resides.
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Once the user has completed entering the data in the various tables and form fields, it is
recommended to save the data before continuing just in case the program encounters an unexpected
error or bug and closes the CBG. It is then recommended to select the Show Cross-Section Matrix
button, which will open a new window containing a spreadsheet or matrix of the concrete dimensions
and longitudinal reinforcement that will be used to define the spans in BRASS. The Concrete Section
Matrix is just a tool for the load rater to see and verify how the bridge is being modeled based on the
data that was entered.
The first column lists the span fraction at each section point. The second column lists the span
number. And the third column lists the actual location of the of the section point in feet. Columns four
through 18 lists the concrete dimensions as they are illustrated on the Concrete Dimensions tab of
the main form.
Cells that have white backgrounds are actual control points that were specified on either the Concrete
Section Assignment tab or on the Reinforcement tab. The cells with a light grey background are
intermediate points that were linearly interpolated between the control points with white backgrounds.
Span fraction cells that have a light green background are cells that are made up of two or more
control points that were combined into one analysis point. Making the mouse hover over the green
cell will cause a tooltip window to display the reason why the cells are combined.
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The columns beyond column 18 are used to show the longitudinal bars that were defined under the
Reinforcement Tab. Each bar group consists of four columns that list the rebar row number, the
number of bars, the bar size, and the vertical distance in the girder were the bars are located. Each
bar group will have four control points, one at each physical end of the bar and one at each point of
full bar development. As with the concrete sections, all points that fall between the rebar control
points will be linearly interpolated.
The first rebar group shown in the matrix is defined by the first row in the Reinforcement Tab Table,
the second group is defined by the second row in the table and so on. Knowing how the bars are
defined and represented in the matrix and in the table will allow the load rater to verify how the
reinforcement is being modeled.
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For reinforcement that reside on the same row in the matrix, if the rebar row number, bar size, and
vertical distance are the same, then the number of bars will be added together when the program
creates the BRASS cross-sections. For example, in the above matrix screenshot, in row three of the
matrix the first two rebar groups have the same rebar row number, bar size, and vertical distance.
Thus, when the program creates BRASS cross-section number three, it will generate 1.57 - #10 bars
in row 1 at a vertical distance of 2.56 inches.
Each numbered row in the matrix that has concrete dimensions showing will end up having the same
BRASS cross-section number. Thus, matrix row one will end up being BRASS cross-section number
one, matrix row two will end up being BRASS cross-section number two and so on.
The user is to define the starting and ending points for every bar that exists within each unique span.
This will often result with bars ending in other spans that are defined as copies of a previous unique
span. The program will only generate BRASS cross-sections for the matrix rows that have concrete
dimensions displayed. For example, in the following screenshot of the matrix, the program will only
generate 64 BRASS cross-sections. This is because the matrix rows 65 and above do not have
concrete dimensions shown. This is because the user had indicated on the Span Configuration Tab
that spans three and four are to be copies of spans one and two. Spans three and four show control
points in the matrix for the ending locations of rebar that started in spans one and two.
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Selecting the Generate BRASS File Input button will display a text window that contains all of the
needed BRASS input commands from the very beginning of the file up to the point where the user
defines the stirrup definitions. When the window appears, all of the text is already selected, therefore
all the user has to do is right click in the window and select the Copy command.
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Then in the appropriate input file template, the user selects all of the text from the very beginning of
the file up to just before the comment line that states, dead loads. Then selecting the Paste
command will replace all of the selected text commands with those that were just copied from the
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Selecting the Generate Bar Cutoff Points for Shear Analysis button will display a text window that
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contains all of the needed BRASS input shear commands for the bar cutoff points. Since shear
analysis is not required for CIP Slabs, this button can be ignored.
For other structure types, the user would select the button. When the window appears, all of the text
for all of the commands for the different spans is already selected. The user would select and copy
the group of commands for only one span at a time, and then paste them within the appropriate spot
in each BRASS input file. Again, since this is not required for slab structures, this step can be
Once all of the data has been entered, verified with the matrix and the various BRASS commands
have been copied and pasted in the BRASS input files, the user should save the data into a *.cbg file
that will be included in the electronic file set. Then the user should select the Report button, which
will display a print preview of a report that reflects the data entered in the various form fields of the
program. Selecting the button that has the printer icon at the top of the print preview will print a hard
copy of the report, which should be included in the printed calc book for the load rating.
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BRASS-GIRDER will be used to load rate the concrete girders. BRASS-GIRDER is different from the
previous BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) program in that it no longer uses text file inputs, but instead utilizes
a Graphical User Interface (GUI) with data saved in xml file format. Instead of developing new
procedures and a new CBG program to populate the GUI of BRASS-GIRDER, this manual will
continue to give instructions on how to create the text input file for BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD). Once the
file is ready for analysis, the user will run the text input file through the BRASS-GIRDER translator
that will create the xml input file used to populate the new GUI. From there the user will be able to run
the analysis within BRASS-GIRDER.
BRASS has increased the live load definition limit from 20 to 100 per file. In the past, since ODOT
requires more than 20 vehicles to be analyzed in every LRFR load rating, two nearly identical BRASS
input files were used to cover all of the different vehicles. Since the transition from using BRASS-
GIRDER(LRFD) to using BRASS-GIRDER for the analysis, ODOT has modified all of its tools to only
use a single BRASS file with all of the rating vehicles included. Therefore, ODOT will no longer
require the two separate nearly identical BRASS _N and _T files.
Use the heavily commented sample files provided as templates to be copied to a new bridge-number-
specific folder (with a new filename if appropriate) and then modified for the actual Load Ratings.
Separate input files will be required for each structure type in any bridge with a combination of
structure types, and for interior strip width and edge strip width.
General conventions
Use the full length of each command name except the COMMENT (3-1.1) command shall be
only COM.
Precede each command or logical group of similar commands (except for the COMMENT
command) with a comment referring to the Article number in the BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD)
Command Manual. For example, precede an ANALYSIS (4-1.1) command with a comment
command thus:
COM 4-1.1
Generally, leave in all comments found in the template (unless they become totally irrelevant
to a particular input file), modifying them and adding more comments as required to fit the
specific conditions of the rating. Use comments liberally with the expectation that someone
unfamiliar with the BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) program and unfamiliar with the bridge will need
to read the data file and fully understand it.
Leave parameters blank (spaces between commas) where they are irrelevant to the specific
structure. Although trailing commas can be omitted where all parameters to the right are to
be blank, it is recommended to clarify your intentions by showing the blank parameters
separated by commas. However, avoid leaving blank parameters such as material strengths
where default values would apply. Enter the default values to make the dataset more
meaningful to a future user.
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Show in-line calculations within a parameter (between commas) to convert units from feet to
inches where the command parameter requires inches. Similarly, show in-line calculations to
show how you determined vertical dimensions to locate flexural bars. Never use parentheses
in in-line calculations. Other than these in-line calculations, the best place to put calculations
is in the Preliminary File rather than in the BRASS comments.
To make it easier for a subsequent user to find their way around the Input File, separate the
BRASS input file into logical sections (large groups of commands) by using spaced
comments as indicated in the sample files. Typically, an input file for an RC Slab will be
divided into the following sections:
COM ***** LRFR Load Rating, Strength Limit State *****
COM ***** Material Properties *****
COM ***** Section Geometry *****
COM ***** Span Length and Section Information *****
COM ***** Dead Loads *****
COM ***** Dive Loads *****
COM ***** Distribution Factors *****
COM ***** Resistance Factors *****
COM ***** Critical Flexural Sections *****
Specific conventions
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Several of these conventions and commands will be automatically created by the CBG
program. They are listed within this section to provide background and understanding as to
what ODOT is requiring within the BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) input files.
At the beginning of every input file, use the BRIDGE-NAME (2-1.3) command to provide the
5- or 6-character NBI Bridge Number, followed by the Bridge Name. Use the Bridge Name
as defined in the Definitions, Article 1.3.3 of this Manual.
Next, use the ROUTE (2-1.5) command to provide the mile point and signed Route Number
where applicable (always required for State-owned bridges). Note the signed Route Number
is not the same as the ODOT internal (maintenance) Highway Number.
Use 2 lines of the TITLE (2-1.6) command. Use the first TITLE line to provide the file name
and describe which girder(s) this file applies to. Use the second TITLE line to provide the
purpose or work grouping of the Load Rating.
Use the AGENCY (2-1.1) command to identify the Load Rating as being performed according
to ODOT standards. This command should always be the same:
COM 2-1.1
Use the UNITS (2-1.4) command to force BRASS to always use US (English) units for both
input and output. BRASS normally defaults to US units, but it has been found that when
referenced dimensions get large, BRASS will automatically assume the large dimensions are
in millimeters and will convert the units when it calculates the resistance of the member.
Using the UNITS command will not allow BRASS to arbitrarily convert the units during an
COM 2-1.4
Use the ANALYSIS (4-1.1) command to provide BRASS with parameters needed to do a
rating analysis. The continuous beam model is the preferred choice (B in parameter 1) as
long as there is no need to include columns in the analysis and the bridge has 13 spans.
Parameter 5 needs to be coded as Y, for yes, to interpolate reinforcing steel from the left
cross section to the right cross section. This will allow BRASS to account for partially
developed reinforcing steel per AASHTO LRFD Except for a rigid frame analysis
(with columns) that would require the frame type model (F in parameter 1), this command
would normally be the same:
COM 4-1.1
Use the OUTPUT (5-1.1) command to control the wide variety of output options. Unless
there is a problem that requires more detailed intermediate output for investigation, this
command should always the same:
COM 5-1.1
OUTPUT 4, Y, , , 1, , , , , , , , ,
Beginning with BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) v.1.6.1, the effective top flange width is calculated
and applied to the section properties automatically. Use the OUTPUT-EFF-WIDTH (5-7.3)
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command to direct BRASS to not output its effective flange width calculations. This
command should always be the same:
COM 5-7.3
Code all BRASS models in the same direction as the bridge elevation appears on the plans,
i.e. from left to right on the plans, regardless of mile point direction.
In the Material Properties section, use the CONC-MATERIALS (8-1.1) command to provide
the material properties consistent with the notes on the bridge plans. Although there are
exceptions, a typical RC Slab structure from the 1950s or early 1960s would have the
following properties command:
COM 8-1.1
CONC-MATERIALS 0.15, 3.3, 40.0, 40.0, 9, , , 170.0, , ,
In the Section Geometry section, define each section numbered sequentially, preceded by a
comment identifying it with characteristics from the plans. For solid slabs, use the CONC-
RECT-SECTION (8-2.2) to define the cross-section width using the slab strip width. Use as
many CONC-REBAR (8-2.8) commands as required to define all the layers of longitudinal
reinforcement that are present on the tension side of the slab strip. The following is an
example of the series of commands to define one solid slab strip:
For voided slabs, use the CONC-VOIDED-SLAB (8-2.6) command to define the cross-
section. Use as many CONC-REBAR (8-2.8) commands as required to define all the layers
of longitudinal reinforcement that are present on the tension side of the slab strip. BRASS
will convert the voided slab into an equivalent I-Section as follows: The top and bottom
flange widths are set to the center-to-center void spacing (which is why we set the slab strip
width to equal the void spacing, so that the Distribution Factors compute correctly). The top
and bottom flange thicknesses are set from the appropriate face of the slab to the nearest
edge of the void. The web thickness is set to the center-to-center void spacing minus twice
the void radius. The circular portion remaining is converted to equivalent equal leg fillets.
See the BRASS Technical Manual for details. The following is an example of the series of
commands to define one voided slab strip:
Some of the older bridges occasionally have the deck reinforcing exposed. ACI318, Article, states that for bars with a cover of d b or less or with a clear spacing of 2d b or less
that the basic development length (obtained from the LRFD code) be multiplied by 2.0.
Therefore, if the inspection report or photos indicate that the deck reinforcement is exposed,
double the development length of the deck reinforcement.
In the Span Lengths and Section Information section, define each span beginning with the
appropriate command from Chapter 11 of the BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) Command Manual
that describes the profile (depth variation) along the span. Follow this command with a
sequence of SPAN-SECTION (11-2.1) commands to assign the previously defined sections
to cumulative ranges from the left end of the span. Since there are very few analysis points
that we are checking, the spans can be defined by the one or two sections that represent the
points being checked. The following is an example of the series of commands to define a
three span RC Slab bridge:
Use the SPAN-HINGE (11-5.1) command if necessary to define the location of any hinge
within the span. If the structure has an expansion joint over a support, approximate this
condition by placing a hinge close to, but not at, the support. BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) does
not allow the use of a hinge at a support, and recommends that it be located a distance of
1.2 from the support. If BRASS gives anomalous moment results, or it unexpectedly places
the hinge farther out in the span than you expect, the solution is to relocate the hinge farther
than 1.2 from the support, increasing in small increments until the reported moments behave
as expected. (Sometimes increasing the offset by hundredths of a foot can make all the
Use the SUPPORT-FIXITY (11-4.1) command to define the boundary conditions of each
span, for example:
COM 11-4.1
To avoid confusion, dead loads should be grouped under the headings DC and DW and
presented in the same order in the BRASS Input (.DAT) file as they were calculated in the
Preliminary (.xmcd) File.
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Because BRASS calculates girder dead load (self-weight) using the input section dimensions
and treats it separately from other dead loads, group the rest of the structure dead loads (DC)
(excluding wearing surface dead loads) under the first occurrence of the of the LOAD-DEAD-
DESCR (12-1.2) command, using the description (parameter 4) Superimposed dead loads.
This group should include LOAD-DEAD_UNIFORM (12-1.3) commands as needed to
account for all superimposed (Stage-2) dead loads except the wearing surface. Precede
each group of LOAD-DEAD-UNIFORM commands with an additional identifying comment
describing the load. An example of this (DC) group is given below:
COM 12-1.2
LOAD-DEAD-DESCR 1, DC, 1, Superimposed Dead Loads
COM 12-1.3
LOAD-DEAD-UNIFORM 1, 1, 0.0*12, 0.009/12, 36.0*12, 0.009/12
LOAD-DEAD-UNIFORM 1, 2, 0.0*12, 0.009/12, 48.0*12, 0.009/12
LOAD-DEAD-UNIFORM 1, 3, 0.0*12, 0.009/12, 36.0*12, 0.009/12
To facilitate future re-ratings with different wearing surface loads, always apply the wearing
surface dead load under its own LOAD-DEAD-DESCR (12-1.2) command separate from all
other uniform superimposed dead loads. Precede each LOAD-DEAD-UNIFORM command
with an additional identifying comment describing the load. An example of this (DW) dead
load group is given below:
COM 12-1.2
LOAD-DEAD-DESCR 2, DW, 1, Wearing Surface Dead Load
COM 4" + 1" ACWS
COM Distributed evenly across the slab strip width,
COM Spans 1 - 3, w = 0.063 k/ft
COM 12-1.3
LOAD-DEAD-UNIFORM 2, 1, 0.0*12, 0.063/12, 36.0*12, 0.063/12
LOAD-DEAD-UNIFORM 2, 2, 0.0*12, 0.063/12, 48.0*12, 0.063/12
LOAD-DEAD-UNIFORM 2, 3, 0.0*12, 0.063/12, 36.0*12, 0.063/12
Use the BRASS Input Adjustments #1 thru #3 explained below to code the live load
To assure that BRASS calculates slab width Distribution Factors (number of lanes) according
to LRFD, the following BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) commands are required:
Specify the bridge width (out-to-out width of the slab) and distance from edge of
slab to inside face of barrier using the DECK-GEOMETRY-SLAB (6-1.3)
Specify the edges of the roadway (which limits the extreme transverse wheel
positions) by using the DECK-TRAVEL-WAY (6-3.3) command.
Specify if an Interior Strip Width Analysis or an Edge Strip Width Analysis is to be
performed using the DIST-CONTROL-SLAB (4-3.1.1) command.
To assure that BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) distributes the dead loads uniformly to
the slab strip width, use the DIST-CONTROL-DL (4-3.2) command with all the
parameters blank.
Specify the bridge type and skew using the DIST-CONTROL-LL (4-3.3)
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Specify the edges of the roadway (which limits the extreme transverse wheel
positions) by using the DECK-TRAVEL-WAY (6-3.3) command.
Use the BRASS Input Adjustment #4 explained below to code the Resistance Factors.
To obtain Rating Factors for flexure points of interest, use OUTPUT-INTERMEDIATE (5-2.1)
commands grouped in the same order as the analysis points were calculated in the
Preliminary File.
Because BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) was designed primarily for LRFD analyses and was created before
the MBE Manual was published, a number of standard BRASS Input Adjustments are necessary.
Fortunately the program is flexible enough to allow an accurate solution with work-arounds (BRASS
Input Adjustments). These adjustments will normally apply to every Input File, at least until BRASS-
GIRDER(LRFD) is changed. See the sample input files for proper placement of these adjustments.
Use the FACTORS-LOAD-DL command (13-1.2) to force BRASS to use the MBE dead load
factors, which are different than the LRFD factors used by default. MBE T 6A.4.2.2-1
requires constant dead load factors DC and DW , and the footnote allows DW to be 1.25 when
wearing surface thickness is field-measured, which is normally the case. Therefore, these
commands are always required. Since the command only covers one limit state level at a
time, use one for Strength-I and one for Strength-II:
COM 13-1.2
FACTORS-LOAD-DL ST, 1, 1.25, 0.90, 1.25, 0.65
FACTORS-LOAD-DL ST, 2, 1.25, 0.90, 1.25, 0.65
Therefore, use the LOAD-LIVE-DEFINITION (12-4.3) commands to define each Design and
Legal Load separately, and use the LOAD-LIVE-CONTROL (12-4.1) command to define only
parameter 1 (direction control, normally B for traffic in both directions) and parameter 7
(wheel advancement denominator, normally 100), as follows:
COM 12-4.1
LOAD-LIVE-CONTROL B, , , , , , 100
In structures with short spans, especially short cantilevers, BRASS may crash because the
span is divided into liveload advancement increments that are too small. If this occurs and
you have a small span, try decreasing parameter 7 to the largest number for which BRASS
will work, often 50 or sometimes even less.
Further, because ODOT LRFR Tables and requires a different live load
factor L for each truck, ADTT and truck weight combination, and BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD)
does not provide for a separate live load factor for each truck, more BRASS Input
Adjustments are required to define truck specific live load factors.
Use the optional FACTORS-LOAD-LL command (13-1.3) such that the universal gamma LL
(Design) (parameter 3), gamma LL (Legal) (parameter 4) and gamma LL (Permit)
(parameter 5) are all forced to 1.0. Since this command only covers one limit state level at a
time, two commands are always required (one for Strength-I and one for Strength-II):
COM 13-1.3
FACTORS-LOAD-LL ST, 1, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
FACTORS-LOAD-LL ST, 2, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
With the universal live load factors set to 1.0, truck specific live load factors can be defined
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In the FACTORS-LOAD-LL-LS (13-1.6) commands for each load, enter the specific live load
Factor L (from LL_Factors_State.XLS or LL_Factors_Local.XLS as applicable). This
command can be copied and pasted from the BRASS tab of LL_Factors_State.XLS.
Thus the complete live load definition command set for input files is as follows:
COM Define each Design and Legal live load separately and
COM apply the truck specific live load factor (instead
COM of defining them in the LOAD-LIVE-CONTROL command)
COM There are 3 reasons...
COM (a) to prevent BRASS from applying the Fatigue Design
COM that is not needed for RCDG structures
COM (b) to force BRASS to list the Design Loads outputs in
COM same order as ODOT's Load Rating Summary Workbook
COM (c) to allow use of the Oregon 3S2 Legal Load rather than
COM the AASHTO 3S2 Design Load
COM 12-4.3
COM 13-1.6
Special note: For one-lane (escorted) special permit reviews and true single-lane bridges
(roadway width < 20 ft), it is necessary to enter ONE for parameter 7 in the LOAD-LIVE-
DEFINITION (12-4.3) command. It is not clear in the BRASS Command Manual, but this
parameter is needed to force BRASS to apply only a single-lane loading with the appropriate
single-lane Distribution Factors.
While performing an analysis on a prestressed girder, it was found that the FACTORS-
RESIST-RC and FACTOR-RESIST-PS commands cannot be used simultaneously. Since
phi is often different for flexure in prestressed elements and reinforced concrete elements, a
different approach was required. Using the FACTORS-RESIST-MOD command to modify
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COM 13-2.4
COM 13-2.5
To facilitate crossbeam calculations and to clarify what BRASS is doing regarding liveload
Distribution Factors, always include the following lines in the BRASS input file at the end of
the Distribution Factors section:
Open the BRASS-GIRDER GUI interface. Because it is more efficient to use BRASS-
GIRDER(LRFD) Input Files generated from previous ones, the GUI interface will not be used to
generate input files.
The BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) input file must first be translated into a BRASS-GIRDER xml file that will
then populate the GUI interface in BRASS-GIRDER. The steps for translating and running the input
files in BRASS-GIRDER is as follows:
1. Start the BRASS-GIRDER program. From the File menu, hover your mouse pointer over
Translate (DAT to XML). Select the option for BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD).
2. The Translator window will then open on your screen. Click on the button that says Select
File/Run, as shown in the red outlined box in the following figure.
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3. In the next window that appears, navigate to the location where the BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD)
input file that you wish to run is stored, and select that file. Click on the Open button at the
bottom right of this window.
4. The Translator window will then open back up and the selected file will run through the
translation. If there are any errors detected during the translation, a red X will be displayed
next to the file name in the window and an error file will be generated. Refer to the error file to
decipher what is causing the error during translation. Once corrected, follow these steps
again to translate the file. If successful, a green check will appear next to the file name as
shown in the following figure:
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5. Click the Close button at the bottom right of the Translator window. Within BRASS-
GIRDER, select Open under the File menu. Select the BRASS XML file that was just
created from the Translator program. Click on the Open button at the bottom right of this
6. BRASS-GIRDER will then load the model into the GUI. Under the Execute menu, select
Analysis Engine to run the analysis. Or you can simply click on the green traffic light icon on
the toolbar.
7. Verify that the output directory is the same as where the input files are located, and then click
the OK button. A black DOS window will appear showing program progress. Depending on
your system speed and memory and the complexity of the structure, the execution process
may take a few seconds or several minutes. Upon completion of the analysis, a text output
file will be generated within the same directory. You can now use a text editor to open and
view the BRASS output.
When making changes or corrections to BRASS files, ODOT prefers that all changes be made within
the BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) input file so that it becomes the master document for the BRASS model.
Reviewing this text input file will be quicker and more efficient than trying to navigate the GUI to verify
that the bridge is being modelled correctly. Thus, any time the text input file is modified, the above
steps will have to be repeated to translate the text input file into a BRASS XML file before the analysis
is re-ran in BRASS-GIRDER.
If an error file is generated (same prefix, .ERR extension), open this file with your text editor and try to
interpret what BRASS is telling you. The vast majority of error messages will point you to a
straightforward typographical error or omission in your input. At the beginning of your experience with
BRASS, do not expect a successful execution until one or more typographical errors have been
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When executing BRASS-GIRDER, if you get an error message regarding zeros in the stiffness matrix,
look at the ANALYSIS (4-1.1) command, parameter 1, and check to see if you are running a Frame
type model on a structure with more than 6 spans. In such cases the Beam type model (the
recommended default) is required (with a maximum of 13 spans).
When executing BRASS-GIRDER, you may get an error message stating, The effective web width
(b v ) cannot be zero. This causes a divide-by-zero error in the compression field computations. This
most likely means that you have selected points that are too close to another defined point of interest
within your BRASS input file. A general rule is not to have points closer than six inches from one
another. Verify in your input file that you have correctly entered the web width parameter while
defining your BRASS sections. Also check in the Span Length and Section Information portion of
the input file to see that the ranges of the elements are not too close to each other.
A rare error can sometimes occur in executing BRASS-GIRDER where the processing of the analysis
takes a considerable amount of time, and then produces a very large output file (around 600
megabytes) along with an error file. The program will report an Interpolation Error. This occurs on
files that have a BRASS span of 99.99 ft and was attempting to increment each truck across the span
at 100 increments (as specified in the LOAD-LIVE-CONTROL command). We found that one of two
simple workarounds can correct the error: 1) round the BRASS spans from 99.99 ft to 100.00 ft, or 2)
increase the live load increment from 100 to 105 in the LOAD-LIVE-CONTROL command. The
second method is the preferred option as it only requires a correction in one command, whereas
adjusting the span lengths would have required doing it for multiple spans for the bridge that
experienced this error.
When executing BRASS-GIRDER, if you get an unexpected termination of the program while
attempting to run a file, check the BRASS error file (*.err) to see if it states that, Standard Vehicle:
OLEG3S2 is not presently stored in the standard vehicle library file. This usually means that the
user did not update the names of the Legal Vehicle in the BRASS input file. In the early part of 2009,
ODOT made a small revision to the vehicle library so that both the old Tier 1 and LRFR rating
methodologies would use the same legal vehicles for their analysis. As a result, ODOT changed the
names of the legal vehicles. To correct the error, make the following changes to the names of the
legal vehicles in the BRASS input file:
BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) has been known to run perfectly and still produce completely wrong
results. Although a successful run may indicate a lack of errors, it is prudent to search the main
output (.OUT) file for the words error and warning to check out the seriousness of the problem,
and to do a reality check on the Rating Factors. Unexpected Rating Factor results often indicate an
error in the BRASS coding.
We recommend that, at the very least, load raters routinely employ the following two BRASS
verification measures:
(1) Do a reasonability check on the section properties. This is why we routinely code Y in
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parameter 2 of the OUTPUT (5-1.1) command, to provide a list of girder properties at each node
point. (Search the Output File for Calculated Properties in each span). It is not uncommon to
make errors in the concrete section definitions, the SPAN-UNIF-HAUNCH (11-1.3) command or
the SPAN-SECTION (11-2.1) commands that can result in a girder profile that is quite different
than the one you expected.
(2) Do a reasonability check on the distribution of shears and moments across the structure.
This is especially critical if you have an expansion joint within the structure that you have modeled
by coding a hinge near one of the internal supports. Check if you are getting nearly-zero
moments at the support next to the hinge. (It cant be truly zero because of the offset of the hinge
from the support, but the moment value should be quite low). There have been cases where, due
to numerical instabilities in the analysis process, unreasonably high moments were present at the
support. The solution is usually to increase the offset of the hinge from the support in small
increments until the reported moments behave as expected (sometimes increasing the offset by
hundredths of a foot can make all the difference!).
If you really have doubts about what BRASS is giving you, be aware that you can use additional
commands in the OUTPUT- group (BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) Manual, Chapter 5 to generate
additional output that may facilitate your detective work. Use caution the size of this output can be
When reading the BRASS Output File, in the Rating Factor Summary sections for Legal Loads, it may
be difficult to distinguish between the live load Combo cases because two of them are identified as
ORLEG3-3. In these cases, it is possible to distinguish them by looking for the 3-letter BRASS live
load Type codes in parentheses. These codes are defined for parameter 3 of the LOAD-LIVE-
DEFINITION command (12-4.3). Thus there will be separate Rating Factor Results for ORLEG3-3
(TRK) which is the Type 3-3 truck by itself, and ORLEG3-3 (LGT) which is the Type 3-3 two-truck
train plus Legal Lane load.
Prior to BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) version 2.0.1, the results of the longitudinal reinforcement tension
check (LRFD were not found in the basic output files, but could only be found by performing a
detailed analysis of a specific point. The longitudinal tension check is done to ensure that there is
sufficient longitudinal reinforcement to resist the tension forces caused by flexure and shear.
With the release of BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) version 2.0.1, the program now calculates a rating factor
for the longitudinal tension check using the worst case of the maximum tension forces developed due
to maximum shear and concurrent moment, minimum shear and concurrent moment, maximum
moment and concurrent shear, and minimum moment and concurrent shear.
Since the longitudinal tension check rating factor is being computed for every analysis point, and the
ODOT Load Rating Summary sheet only has a limited number of columns to report rating factors, the
summary sheet has been programmed to only report the longitudinal tension rating factors for a given
analysis point only if a rating factor for one of the trucks is lower than 1.1.
Detailed Discussion:
Section of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications has the equation that is used
by designers to ensure that there is sufficient longitudinal reinforcement to resist tension forces
caused by both shear and flexure. If this equation is not satisfied, the designer simply adds the
necessary reinforcement so that the equation is satisfied.
The Manual for Bridge Evaluation (MBE) is based on the AASHTO Bridge Design Specifications.
The software ODOT uses for LRFR ratings is BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD). Prior to version 2.0.1,
this software performed the tension check as part of the rating, but the basic output (usually
several hundred of pages per bridge) did not indicate if the bridge had locations where the
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tension check failed. The information on the results of the tension check could only be found by
examining the additional output that is provided when detailed analysis of a specific point was
While satisfying the tension check is needed to have an accurate model when using Modified
Compression Field Theory (MCFT) to calculate shear capacity, there is no guidance in the MBE
manual for the load rater to use when the tension check fails. This has been brought to the
attention of a primary developer of the LRFR code, Bala Sivakumar, PE, who acknowledged that
the current code does not fully address this issue. Christopher Higgins, PhD, PE, from Oregon
State University, who lead the effort to test full scale beams has emphasized that the tension
check is fundamental to the use of MCFT. The concern of providing the results of the tension
check in the basic output has been communicated to the developers of the BRASS software.
There were two areas that needed to be addressed before the load rater could be sure that the
tension check had failed. First, all of the reinforcement must be accounted for. Since the ODOT
ratings originally counted the reinforcement only when it was fully developed, there may have
been a significant amount of partially developed reinforcement available to resist tension forces.
Prior to the development of the ODOT Concrete Bridge Generator (CBG), a simple bridge would
take several weeks for a load rater to go through all of the detailed output and add up all of the
partially developed reinforcement. While many of the points that originally failed the tension
check will pass for the lighter loads, the heavier permit loads can still result in a failed condition.
Even if all of the points were to pass the tension check, the weeks of analysis would have been
inefficient and resulted in a product that was complicated to the point that a secondary check
would have been difficult. With the development of the CBG, the partially developed bars are
now accounted for in the BRASS model, and thus this first issue is resolved.
The second area that needed to be addressed was the nature of the loading. For a given load,
there will be a maximum moment force, and a maximum shear force. For analysis, BRASS-
GIRDER(LRFD) uses these maximum values. The actual loading caused by a moving load does
result in a point experiencing the maximum force values, but not at the same time. By treating
the maximum values as being concurrent, the BRASS analysis of the tension check would be
somewhat conservative at some locations.
There are differences between the design of new bridges and the rating of current bridges. MBE
section 6A.1.3 states that Design may adopt a conservative reliability index and impose checks
to ensure serviceability and durability without incurring a major cost impact. In rating, the added
cost of overly conservative evaluation standards can be prohibitive as load restrictions,
rehabilitation, and replacement become increasingly necessary.
With the release of BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) version 2.0.1, the program now calculates a rating
factor for the longitudinal tension check using the worst case of the maximum tension forces
developed due to maximum shear and concurrent moment, minimum shear and concurrent
moment, maximum moment and concurrent shear, and minimum moment and concurrent shear.
Thus, this second issue has been addressed.
The developers of the MBE code acknowledged that while LRFD does incorporate state-of-the-art
design, analysis methods, and loading, that almost all existing bridges were designed using the
older AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges. Section 6A.1.4 states Where the
behavior of a member under traffic is not consistent with that predicted by the governing
specifications, as evidenced by a lack of visible signs of distress or excessive deformation or
cases where there is evidence of distress even though the specification does not predict such
distress, deviation from the governing specifications based upon the known behavior of the
member under traffic may be used and shall be fully documented.
The 1950s bridges were designed using Working Stress. Once the stresses of the concrete
exceed its ability to resist tension, cracking occurs. This initial cracking takes place at a
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comparatively low level of loading. The bridge is designed to see service loads where the
forces in the reinforcement are kept well below the yield point. The bridges that Oregon State
University instrumented showed that the reinforcement was being operated well below the yield
point. During full scale beam tests to failure, the reinforcement was yielding, but at much higher
loads than in-service bridges experience, and with much greater distress.
Even though ODOT and BRASS have found a way to perform the tension check for load rating,
this is still an issue to be solved on a national scale. Based on the guidance from the LRFR code,
and the lack of distress noted in the vast majority of bridge inspections, Oregon bridges are not
being operated anywhere near the level that would cause yielding of the reinforcement as
indicated by the failure of the tension check. For those few bridges that do show excessive
deterioration, the current LRFR code is sufficient that the known behavior of the member shall be
used and be fully documented. Bridges with deterioration consistent with yielding of
reinforcement would not be considered for no work regardless of the results of the tension
check. Calculations for repairs should be done in accordance with the LRFD code and therefore
the longitudinal reinforcing should always pass the tension check after the repairs are complete.
BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) prior to version 1.6.4 had an error in the use of the AASHTO LRFD 4th
Edition (prior to the 2008 Revision) Table, Values of and for Sections with less than
minimum transverse reinforcement. It appears that only the top row of the table was used, yielding
higher values of and lower values of than should have been used. The result of this was that
sections with less than minimum transverse reinforcement were assigned higher rating factors than
they should have been.
A comparison of shear rating factors was accomplished using BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) versions 1.6.5
and 1.6.2. For the three bridges selected, locations outside of horizontally tapered webs had
adequate transverse reinforcement, and the shear ratings were unaffected by the corrections to how
the table was used for less than minimum transverse reinforcement. However, some sections inside
horizontally tapered webs do have less than the minimum transverse reinforcement. These sections
experienced a significant drop in rating factors.
The bridge designers in the 1950s sometimes used an increased concrete cross section to resist
shear forces near interior bents. The very technique that gained shear capacity using the AASHTO
LRFD Design Specifications now causes the section to have less than minimum transverse
reinforcement. The extra concrete the 1950s designers used to increase shear capacity has the
unintended consequence of placing a section with good reinforcement details into a design code table
that was never intended to be used for design.
Prior to the 2008 Revisions of LRFD Article (General Procedure for Determining Shear
Resistance in Concrete Beams) beta and theta were determined by an iterative procedure:
For sections with minimum transverse reinforcement For an applied load, an assumed value of
theta is initially used to calculate the longitudinal strain in the web at 0.5d v . The shear stress ratio
is computed for the section. Using Table, the longitudinal strain and shear stress ratio
are used to determine a new value of theta and beta. This new value of theta is used to calculate
a new longitudinal strain, which is then used in Table to compute a new theta and
beta. The process continues until theta is solved. The final values of theta and beta are then
used in computing the shear resistance of the concrete section.
For sections with less than minimum transverse reinforcement the procedure is similar to that
above. The only differences being are that the longitudinal strain is calculated at the location in
the web subject to the highest longitudinal tensile strain, and instead of using the shear stress
ratio with the longitudinal strain in Table to determine a new theta and beta, the crack
spacing parameter is used with the longitudinal strain in Table
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When calculating the longitudinal strain for a section, longitudinal bars on the flexural tension side
of the member that were not fully developed were to be ignored.
In the 2008 Revisions of LRFD Article, beta and theta are determined by direct solution
using algebraic equations:
The strain in non-prestressed longitudinal tension reinforcement is directly computed for a given
load. This strain is used directly in the equations to compute theta and beta.
The value of theta is the same regardless if the section has less than or contains at least the
minimum transverse reinforcement. Thus, there is only one direct solution for theta.
There is one equation for beta for sections containing at least the minimum transverse
reinforcement. There is a different equation for beta for sections with less than minimum
transverse reinforcement, which is similar to the first but has an added component containing the
crack spacing parameter.
In calculating A s , the area of bars terminated less than their development length from the section
under consideration should be reduced in proportion to their lack of full development (instead of
In most cases, the new direct solution equations in the 2008 Revisions are producing higher
capacities for sections that have less than minimum transverse reinforcement. The main reason is
that theta no longer is penalized, which results in shallower crack angles allowing for more stirrups
within the member to contribute to the shear resistance.
Unfortunately, the old iterative method is still a valid option in the LRFD code, as the 2008 Revisions
have placed the old Article language in Appendix B5. BRASS Girder (LRFD) Version 2.0.3
has been updated to include the 2008 revisions of the AASHTO LRFD code. The algebraic equations
are now used to calculate shear capacity.
We were made aware of an issue that occurs with continuous multi-span bridges, when the adjacent
span lengths vary by a considerable amount. It was noticed that the maximum positive moment
sections were being evaluated at odd locations (0.1L for an end span and 0.4L for an interior span).
This was a result of our original practice of basing these locations off of the dead load maximum
moment locations and not the factored combined (dead load and live load) maximums. The maximum
dead load moment location shifts were due to the uplift in short spans caused by the dead load of an
adjacent long span.
To compensate for the uplift effects of dead load on the adjacent short spans, we will now use the
maximum and minimum Load Factors stipulated in AASHTO LRFD Table 3.4.1-2. As a result, we
have modified the BRASS Input Adjustment Type 2 commands in the BRASS input files to the
COM 13-1.2
FACTORS-LOAD-DL ST, 1, 1.25, 0.90, 1.25, 0.65
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The heavier vehicles will produce a maximum positive moment location closer towards the midspan,
while the lighter vehicles will produce a maximum positive moment location away from midspan
towards the maximum moment location of the dead load. Therefore, in order to capture the maximum
positive moment for the entire suite of vehicles that we use in load rating, we may have to establish a
range of points where the different vehicles will produce their maximum positive moment.
In order to facilitate this procedure, we have developed a new application (BRASS Moment Analyzer)
that will evaluate the BRASS output files after an initial BRASS run and determine if the maximum
positive moment locations for the live loads differ from the dead load locations. If so, the program will
then analyze the differences in the locations and then provide a range of recommended positive
moment locations (at 20th points) along with the BRASS commands for these new flexural analysis
locations that can be copied and pasted into the BRASS input files. The program will create a text file,
with the modified name of _MOMENT_INITIAL.TXT, in the same directory that contains the BRASS
output files that were analyzed.
After the final BRASS run, the BRASS Moment Analyzer can be used to once again evaluate the
BRASS output files. This time, the software will check and report if the maximum combined moment
for every vehicle at each analysis point is negative, positive, or contains both negative and positive
values. The program will allow the user to print a summary report which they can refer to when
selecting the type of moment during the BRASS import of the moment locations on the Load Rating
Summary sheet. The program will create a text file, with the modified name of
_MOMENT_FINAL.TXT, in the same directory that contains the BRASS output files that were
Do not include the BRASS Moment Analyzer output in the printed Load Rating Calc. Book. We only
request that the .TXT files that it produces be included with the electronic files for the load rating.
The intent is to only use the BRASS Moment Analyzer for continuous bridges with adjacent span
lengths that vary more than 30%.
Use the interior slab files as a starting point for creating the edge strip files. Most of the interior strip
file will still apply for the edge strip analysis. Because the interior file is used as a starting point, it is
suggested to not begin the exterior girder analysis until throughout checking of the interior files have
been completed. Any mistakes found in the interior file would likely also be mistakes in the exterior
4.5.1 Generating an Exterior Strip Preliminary File from an Interior Strip File
It is not necessary to create separate preliminary files for interior and exterior strips. Typically the
only variation between interior and edge strips is in how the distribution factors are calculated.
Therefore, include any edge strip calculations within the interior slab preliminary file.
It is common for the edge strip to have different reinforcement details than the interior strips. In these
cases it may be advantageous to analyze a wider edge strip than the common 12 inches. The
maximum allowable edge strip width is the minimum width calculated per AASHTO LRFD
4.5.2 Generating an Edge Strip CBG File from an Interior Strip CBG File
For the typical un-widened RC Slab structure where the exterior strip design is similar to the interior
strip, the task of generating an edge strip CBG file from the corresponding interior strip CBG file
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(1) With the completed IntGir CBG file opened in the CBG program, change the Member Being
Load Rated field from RCSlab to EDGSTP.
(2) Under the Concrete Dimensions Tab, revise the value of the slab width for each cross-
section to the value that was computed in the RC Slab Preliminary File. Note: the slab width
will only change if the edge strip needs to be analyzed as a wider section due to different
edge strip reinforcement.
(3) Update any reinforcement details that changed from the interior slab. The edge strip
commonly has different longitudinal mild reinforcement.
(4) Save the CBG data file.
4.5.3 Generating an Edge Strip BRASS Input File from an RC Slab File
The task of generating an Edge Strip BRASS input file from the corresponding RC Slab (interior strip)
BRASS input file generally consists on the following steps:
COM 12-4.3
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COM 13-1.6
DEFINITION (12-4.3) command. It is not clear in the BRASS Command Manual, but this
parameter is needed to force BRASS to apply only a single-lane loading with the appropriate
single-lane Distribution Factors.
(4) Change the first parameter of the DIST-CONTROL-SLAB (4-3.1.1) command from an I to
an E.
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This section applies to most precast prestressed concrete sections, such as Prestressed Bulb-I and
Bulb-T Girders, Prestressed Slab Girders, and Prestressed Box Girders. Post-tensioned members
are covered in Section 6.
Create a scoping file (nnnnnn_scope.xls) to document important decisions made by the load rating
engineer. The effort required to perform a load rating can be reduced by identifying similar members
and points of symmetry. It is important to document these locations, so someone can review the load
rating at a future date and quickly understand what portions of the structure have been analyzed, and
why other members were excluded from the analysis.
Structures will only be analyzed up to points of symmetry. Analyzing past the point of symmetry will
have the unintended affect of causing the point to be reported twice in the load rating summary sheet.
Points of symmetry for both the girder and crossbeam will be documented in this scoping summary.
Similar elements will be investigated with the goal of reducing the total number of elements to be
rated. If a member is similar to another, but can be shown to either have reduced capacity or greater
loads, then the controlling member can be rated first. If this member has rating factors greater than
1.0, there is no need to rate the other similar member.
An example would be crossbeams that have the same cross sections, and reinforcement, but
different adjacent span lengths. The capacity of these crossbeams will be the same but the loads will
vary due to the different span lengths. In this case the crossbeam with the longer adjacent spans
(higher loads) will be rated first. As long as these rating factors are greater than or equal to 1.0 then,
there is no need to rate the other crossbeam. If the load rating reports rating factors less than 1.0,
then both members shall be rated. Although the first member will still control the overall load rating,
the rating factors for the second member will be useful information when determining possible repairs.
Because the scope of the load rating can change depending on the calculated rating factors, revisit
the scoping summary at the conclusion of the load rating to ensure it is an accurate reflection of the
work performed.
Due to the effects of all the various LRFD Distribution Factor provisions, it is difficult to predict which
girder will control the load rating. Therefore a separate preliminary file and BRASS input will be
required for both the interior and exterior girder. In the Load Rating Summary Workbook file,
importing the rating factors from both girders is required (be sure to do a Refresh after the second
import) because it is not uncommon for different girders to control for different loads.
In the case of a prestressed slab or box girder bridge with a sidewalk or rail and curb that covers half
or more of a 4-foot exterior girder width, or 1 foot or more of a 3-foot exterior girder width, the exterior
girder does not need to be analyzed. This is due to the distribution factors becoming zero for the
exterior girder in this situation.
Due to BRASS Girder(LRFD)s inability to analyze multiple non-continuous spans (BRASS will treat
multiple prestress spans simply supported for dead load and continuous for liveload), a separate
BRASS analysis will be needed for each unique non-continuous prestress span.
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For prestressed concrete girder bridges, the preliminary file name and extension (Mathcad) for interior girders is
typically PSINT.xmcd. The preliminary file name and extension for exterior girders is typically PSEXT.xmcd.
Note: Because the dot multiplier symbol is very small and can easily be overlooked in Mathcad printouts, when
typing equations, surround all multiplied terms with parentheses.
5.2.1 Header
Use the Mathcad header feature to indicate Bridge Number (upper right corner), Bridge Name (top
line center), load rater and date (2nd line left) and File Name and Page Number (2nd line right). Use
the Bridge Name as defined in the Definitions, Article 1.3.3 of this Manual.
Since the bridge number and name are contained in the Mathcad header, they do not show up while
working on the file, only when printing or doing a Print Preview. To avoid confusion over which bridge
you are working on, it is good practice to place the bridge number and name near the top of the file in
the right margin (outside the printable area).
Just below the Mathcad header section, document the bridge structure type. For state bridges the
span description (Spans field) from the Bridge Log is adequate for this purpose.
Note: the Mathcad regions at the top in the right margin (outside the printable area) are there for 2
purposes. The units definitions are necessary for Mathcad to understand some commonly used units
in structural engineering (without them, Mathcad would generate errors because it is unable to
interpret them). The row of nonstandard characters is there in case the user might want to copy them
elsewhere to clarify the calculations.
Document the decisions regarding all 3 Resistance Factors, with references to the appropriate MBE
BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) provides input for the MBE Condition Factor c (MBE 6A.4.2.3) and System
Factor s (MBE 6A.4.2.4). However, the ODOT Load Rating Summary Sheet and the ODOT
Crossbeam Load Rating Software always require and display the product of all the resistance factors
as a single factor. Therefore, the product of all these resistance factors must always be obtained.
Treat the System Factor s for Flexure and Shear and the Combined Factor () for Flexure and
Shear as separate variables in Mathcad.
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For Shear:
v = [ max ( c sv , 0.85) ]
where is the AASHTO LRFD Resistance Factor, based on material and force type (AASHTO
and sv is the System Factor for Shear (always 1.0 regardless of member, according to MBE
6A.4.2.4, in the note below 6A.4.2.4-1)
These equations account for the intermediate check of c s 0.85 (MBE 6A.4.2.1-3).
Generally f and v will be the same for redundant members such as girders and will be different for
non-redundant members such as single-span and 2-span crossbeams.
The live load factor for HL-93 Inventory Rating is 1.75. This is the factor that is entered into BRASS.
The Load Rating Summary Workbook (LR.XLT) will automatically apply the HL-93 Operating Rating
live load factor of 1.35.
For State-owned bridges, the live load factors for Legal, SHV, Continuous Trip Permit, and Single Trip
Permit vehicles are calculated using LL_Factors_State.XLS. The only input is ADTT (one direction).
For Local-Agency-owned bridges, the live load factors for Legal, SHV, Continuous Trip Permit, and
Single Trip Permit vehicles are calculated using LL_Factors_Local.XLS. The two inputs are ADTT
(one direction) and effective bridge length. Note that effective bridge length is either (a) the sum of
the longest two consecutive continuous spans, or (b) the longest simple span, whichever is greater.
Regardless of which Live Load Factor Application is used, ADTT is specified as one direction. Thus
ADTT for bridges with one direction of traffic is the Average Daily Traffic (NBI Item 29) multiplied by
the Average Daily Truck Traffic (Percent) (NBI Item 109). For bridges with two-way traffic, the ADTT
entered into the Live Load Factor Application is half the total ADTT for the structure.
After completing the input, save this bridge-specific copy of the Live Load Factor Application (either
LL_Factors_State.XLS or LL_Factors_Local.XLS as applicable) in the load rating file set. To avoid
errors in the preliminary file, copy the LRFR Strength I & II table from the live load factor application,
and in Mathcad use Edit / Paste Special. In the Paste Special dialog box choose the Paste button,
highlight Bitmap in the As list, and click the OK button. This will insert an image of the live load
factor application into the Mathcad preliminary file. After pasting, the bitmap can be dragged, and
resized using the corner handles, to fit into the Mathcad printable area. Note, pasting the Excel
worksheet directly in Mathcad is not recommended due to the idiosyncrasies of the live load factor
application. Because you are pasting an inert bitmap, if any subsequent changes in live load factor
input were to occur, the pasted object should be deleted from the preliminary file, the corrections
should be done in the live load factor application and copied and pasted again into the preliminary file
as a bitmap.
Document the decisions regarding the Impact Factor IM, referring to MBE 6A.4.4.3.
Enter the material properties and calculate elastic modulus for reinforced concrete (E c ) and
prestressed concrete (E psc ). Then compute the modular ratio for concrete materials (n), prestress
materials (n psc ), and composite materials (n c ). Use AASHTO LRFD Equation to determine
the elastic modulus of concrete, assuming K 1 =1.0. Document assumptions made about the material
properties if they are not given on the Bridge Plans.
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Precast prestress reinforced concrete shall use a minimum unit weight of 0.155 kcf. This minimum is
based on recommendations from the precast industry. AASHTO LRFD T3.5.1-1 has a formula used
to calculate the density of concrete based on compressive strength. If the 28 day compressive
strength is greater than 10.0 ksi use AASHTO LRFD T3.5.1-1 to compute the density.
Calculate the physical edge-to-edge width of the concrete slab and the roadway width of the bridge.
If the width of the slab or roadway changes over the length of the bridge, calculate the average
roadway width per span. Enter the skew angle of the bridge. These values are entered in BRASS to
calculate the Distribution Factors.
Typically, precast girders are longer than the supported span length. BRASS optionally allows the
beam overhang to be specified, so end effects are more accurately modeled. When the beam
overhang is specified, debonding, transfer, and development lengths may be specified without having
to perform any adjustments. The user is required to specify the length of each span to be used for
analysis. These span lengths are used for every stage of construction during a BRASS analysis. For
most bridges, use the distance between centerlines of the bearings as the BRASS span length; not
the span length designated on the plans which runs from the center to center of each bent.
However, there is an exemption to the above rule. There are designs that required the girders to bear
on temporary supports during construction, which were located a specified distance before the end of
the girder. Then the closure pour and deck placement encased the ends of the girders within the
bent and the temporary supports were later removed, thus making the center of bearing located at the
center of the bent (beyond the end of the prestressed girder).
Multi-span prestressed bridges can be either simply supported for both dead load and live load, or be
simple for dead load and made continuous for live load. BRASS is not capable of modeling multiple
prestressed spans that are simply supported for both dead load and live load. Each unique span will
require its own BRASS run, and a BRASS reaction run will be required to obtain the live load
reactions for interior crossbeams.
For multi-span bridges having pretensioned simple spans made continuous for live load, continuity
may be obtained through composite action using non-prestress reinforcement or by post-tensioning
additional strands. The interior supports for these structures are double bearing piers and BRASS
does not consider the gap (diaphragm) between the ends of the adjacent girders.
For girders to be modeled as continuous over a support, all of the following conditions must be met:
1. The addition of negative moment reinforcement in the deck spanning over the support.
2. A concrete closure pour (plug) in between the end of the girders at the support to transfer the
negative moment compression block from one span to the other.
3. The girders must line up from one span to the other.
For some bridges, the above conditions 1 and 2 may be satisfied to show that the intent was for the
spans to act continuous over the support. But, when the girders do not line up, we are relying on the
stiffness of the bent to transfer the compression block from one span to the other. Thus, the bent is
acting similar to a spring. Without performing a finite element model of the bent to determine how stiff
it is, we have no idea of the force values to enter in the SUPPORT-SPRINGS command (11-4.2) for
BRASS. Since we know that the behavior of the bridge is going to be in between continuous and
simply supported, it is more conservative (and easier) to model the spans as simply supported.
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Most bridge plans list the span lengths from the center of bent to center of bent. To model the bridge
in BRASS (from center of bearing to center of bearing), the portions of the bridge that extend beyond
the center of the support will be ignored in the BRASS model as illustrated by the blue and red
shaded areas in the following figure.
The red section represents the deck and rail area that will be ignored and not modeled in the BRASS
model. The blue section represents the girder overhang area that will not be modeled in BRASS for
dead load, but will be accounted for by using the PS-BEAM-OVERHANG (9-2.3) command to specify
the beam overhang beyond the ends of the span or past the centerline of bearing. The white area in
between the blue areas will be either an empty void (as in the case for simply supported spans, and
thus will have a separate BRASS model per each unique span) or will contain concrete from a closure
pour (plug). The PS-BEAM-OVERHANG command provides additional distance to accommodate
transfer, development, and/or debond length for the prestressing strands, but will not add dead load
for the additional girder length or concrete material beyond the centerline of bearing.
In order to accurately model the prestressed girders, the harp points will need to be converted from
their locations along the girder to their locations along the BRASS spans. This can be done by using
the following table in the preliminary file.
Double left clicking on the table will allow Mathcad to enter the Excel interface. Once there, the table
should be adjusted for the number of spans present on the bridge. Enter the length of each span
(distance between centerlines of the supports as shown on the plans). Enter the actual length of the
girders for each span as shown on the beam schedule in the plans.
Next, enter the overhang of the girders for the left side of each span. The value is measured from
center of bent to end of beam. A positive value indicates the girder extends longer than the center of
bent, and a negative value indicates the girder terminates short of the center of bent. The table will
then automatically calculate the overhang on the right end of the span.
Next, enter the left harp point location measured from the actual left end of the girder concrete. Then
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enter the right harp point location measured from the actual right end of the girder concrete. The left
and right harp points in reference to the BRASS span length (center-to-center of bents) are then
Use an embedded Excel spreadsheet within Mathcad to calculate the ranges and span fractions for
the shear reinforcement layout for each span as indicated below. Double-clicking on an embedded
spreadsheet activates Excel, and its toolbars and functionality become available. An existing
embedded Excel spreadsheet can be copied, pasted in another location and modified to do similar
calculations for another span. Determine the shear reinforcement bar size(s) and area(s) that are
present in each span that will contain analysis sections. Then for each span that contains analysis
sections, working consecutively from the left end of the span to the right, populate the yellow fields in
the following table in the preliminary file. Where there is an approximate plus-or-minus stirrup
spacing given near the middle of a span, it is necessary to calculate this remnant spacing in
Mathcad in order to complete the shear reinforcement layout accurately enough to code it in BRASS.
To avoid confusion, dead loads should be grouped under the headings DC and DW and presented in
the same order in the Preliminary (.xmcd) File as they will appear in the BRASS Input (.DAT) File.
Use AASHTO LRFD Table 3.5.1-1 to determine the unit weight of concrete w c . For dead load
calculations, use w c +0.005 kcf to account for the reinforcement, in accordance with AASHTO LRFD
Commentary C3.5.1.
Consider diaphragm point loads to be part of component load DC. Include any diaphragms/end
beams at the end of the girder over the support, as they will be utilized when applying the girder dead
load reactions to crossbeams.
For Prestressed Slabs and Boxes, include the diaphragm loads at the tie rod locations.
When a composite deck is to be defined in BRASS, the uniform dead load of the deck per girder will
need to be computed and applied as part of the component load DC.
Where standard rail drawings occur, wherever possible use the rail dead loads tabulated in Appendix
A2.0 Summary of Standard Rail Weights, found in file RAILDL.XLS. Provide detailed calculations for
the dead load of any rail not found in this summary.
For all concrete decks and for multi-beam slab bridges, assume adequate lateral distribution of loads
and distribute the sum of all rail, curb and sidewalk dead loads (stage 2 dead loads) equally among
all girders.
Account for the additional dead load of the End-Block over the length of the End-Block near the end
of the girder. This will be for the additional concrete area outside of the area contained within the
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Add a point load at the center of bearing to account for the dead load of the rails, deck, and girder
that extend beyond the center of bearing (the blue and red shaded areas illustrated in Article
Even though these loads will have no impact to the load rating of the girder, they will be utilized when
applying the girder dead load reactions to crossbeams.
For most utilities, the dead load is very insignificant when compared to the dead load of the rest of the
structure, and therefore can be ignored. However, there can be cases were the utility load can be
significant; such as a bridge supporting a 16 diameter concrete lined cast iron water pipe that was
computed to add 200 lb/ft of dead load when considered full of water. In this case, the dead load was
shared between the two adjacent girders. Therefore, it will be left up to the engineering judgment of
the individual load rater to determine if the utility dead load is significant enough to need to be
included in the load rating.
Always separate wearing surface dead load (DW) from the component (DC) dead loads. This is due
to (a) the potential for different dead load factors DC and DW according to MBE, (b) because this
facilitates future re-rating when the wearing surface thickness changes, and (c) it facilitates input for
the Crossbeam Load Rating Software, where it must be kept separate.
Use 150 lb/ft for asphalt wearing surface (0.0125 ksf/inch of wearing surface). Use 0.013 ksf/inch for
overlays of Polyester Polymer Concrete (non-structural). Show calculations for wearing surface dead
load distributed equally to all the girders. Add 1 to any non-zero measured ACWS thickness to
account for uncertainties in measurement, unless the thickness has been obtained from averaging
multiple core samples.
For all concrete decks and for multi-beam slab bridges, assume adequate lateral distribution of loads
and distribute the sum of all wearing surface dead loads (stage 2 dead loads) equally among all
Add a point load at the center of bearing to account for the dead load of the wearing surface that
extends beyond the center of bearing (the red shaded area illustrated in Article 5.2.5). Even though
this load will have no impact to the load rating of the girder, it will be utilized when applying the girder
dead load reactions to crossbeams.
Simply list the four classes of rating loads to be analyzed. (See Articles through
Determine the spans to be investigated. These should be any span that is unique and is not repeated
due to symmetry or due to repetition of a span between joints.
Within each span, check for symmetry of sections, reinforcement and loads, and do not identify any
analysis points that are structurally symmetrical with analysis points already defined. Defining
analysis points that are structurally symmetrical has the potential effect of corrupting the Load Rating
Summary Sheet. Because the Refresh module is looking for the lowest Rating Factors, defining a
symmetrical point causes it to identify the most critical rating location twice, thus preventing it from
identifying the second most critical analysis point. The second controlling point is useful information
in evaluating potential repairs for the bridge.
The commentary of MBE Article C6A.5.8 states that for prestressed concrete, multiple locations
(preferably at 0.05 points) need to be checked for shear. The location where shear is highest may
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not be critical because the corresponding moment may be quite low. Typically, locations near the
0.25 point could be critical because of relatively high levels of both shear and moment.
Therefore, to follow the recommendation of the MBE code for prestressed concrete, check shear at
all points (including 0.05 points) between the critical shear section locations.
The maximum positive moment location is at the mid-span for simple spans, and can vary between
0.4L to 0.6 L for continuous spans. For prestressed girders with harped strands, the harp location is
usually located at 0.4L to 0.45L. Due to the possibility that flexural capacity decreases faster than the
positive moment demand, check the harp locations for moment. Thus, for prestressed concrete both
shear and moment will be checked for the 0.05 points from 0.4L to mid-span in simple spans and
from 0.4L to 0.6L for continuous spans.
For continuous spans, there is no need to check shear at the supports since the closure pour is not
considered part of the prestressed girder. Therefore, only check negative moment over each unique
support for continuous spans.
Besides the locations listed above, there are a number of additional analysis sections for shear. For
each unique span, subdivide the calculations of analysis sections into the categories (up to 5) given in
article 1.5.3. Summarize the underlined headings that will begin each section of calculations. An
example of this summary follows:
Then repeat each header, one by one, and under each header provide the calculations necessary to
determine or document the location of each shear investigation point in that category. Thus there will
be up to 5 separate calculation sections for each span. In any calculation section, if any particular
point duplicates a previously calculated point or is within 1 ft of a previously calculated point, the new
point may be omitted. In this case, explain the omission by indicating which previously identified point
already covers the current one. This gives priority to critical sections and bar cutoff points when near-
duplicates are encountered.
Note that the Microsoft Excel templates have been added which will generate BRASS commands for
these shear analysis points. Copy as required and paste into the BRASS preliminary input file.
According to AASHTO LRFD Article, critical shear section locations shall be taken at
shear depth d v from face of support. AASHTO LRFD Article states that the effective
shear depth (d v ) is taken as the distance, measured perpendicular to the neutral axis, between
the resultants of the tensile and compressive forces due to flexure; it need not be taken to be less
than the greater of 0.9d e or 0.72h (in.). Thus, for flexural members the distance between the
resultants of the tensile and compressive forces due to flexure can be determined as:
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For prestressed members with harped strands, the calculation of the moment capacity at given
distance from the support in the above equation becomes complicated and would require an
iterative approach. To simplify the approach, the critical section at d v shall be calculated as 0.72
h (in.) from the support face. Do this for each critical section location (each end of each unique
In the event that the above equation produced a higher d v , 0.72h will be more conservative as it
is located closer to the support thus resulting in higher shear location that is being analyzed.
Likewise, if 0.90d e is greater than 0.72h, using 0.72h will be located closer to the support thus
resulting in higher shear location that is being analyzed. In the event that 0.72h is greater than
the above equation or 0.90d e , then 0.72h will be in compliance with AASHTO LRFD Article
In previous versions of BRASS (LRFD) the skew correction factor was applied to the first
segment only. Because of this it was important to not code any nodes within the critical section.
BRASS (LRFD) v2.0.3 now applies the skew correction factor across the entire span. For shear
the skew factor will be applied at the support and will decrease linearly to unity at midspan. With
this update, section changes (node points) can now be defined within the critical section.
For prestressed girder bridges, normally flexural bar cutoffs occur in the composite deck. Since
the critical shear points, 0.05 location points, and stirrup spacing change points are already being
checked for shear throughout the length of the girder, the bar cutoff points will not need to be
checked for shear.
If the Inspection Report indicates flexural cracking in the negative moment areas (transverse deck
cracking over interior supports), the flexural bar cutoff points shall be checked for negative
For most concrete bridge types the most tedious portion of LRFR ratings is to locate the bar cutoff
points and identify nodes and unique sections for BRASS input. However, for single span or
simply supported prestressed concrete bridges there will be no bar cutoffs. And for prestressed
concrete bridges that are made continuous for live load, all of the bar cutoffs occur within the
deck slab, resulting in a smaller number of unique sections.
BarCutoffs.XLS is the tool that will be used to organize the unique sections for each span. In the
case of prestressed girders continuous for live load, the tool is just used to organize the sections
that need to be defined, not to identify shear analysis points.
If there are no bar cutoffs present in the span, one can simply insert a note in the preliminary file
stating such, instead of including the BarCutoffs.XLS file stating the same thing.
Unlike reinforced concrete sections, the development lengths for bar cutoffs do not need to be
coded for capacity analysis. For mild reinforced structures, the ODOT CBG software has been
developed to aid in the process of coding mild reinforcement development lengths. Without the
aid of the ODOT CBG software this task would be tedious. Because prestressed concrete only
has a few bar cutoff analysis points, the decision to include the partially developed reinforcement
will be left to the Load Rating Engineer. If an analysis section falls within a development length,
then this partial reinforcement may be coded to increase the sections capacity.
The tool BarCutoffs.XLS will provide input for the Mathcad Preliminary File. (Note: These
instructions are only valid for BarCutoffs.XLS Version 1.6 or higher).
Print a copy of the reference tool BAR_Ld.XLS (used to calculate bar development length, top
bar and bottom bar calculations for both 40 ksi and 60 ksi rebars). In accordance with AASHTO
LRFD, the minimum L d is 12, except for standard hooked bars which can have a
minimum l dh of 6. In accordance with AASHTO LRFD, note that there are two
columns for TOP STRAIGHT bars in the file, one that includes the 1.4 factor are for top bars
with >12 of concrete below them, and the other for top bars with 12 of concrete below them.
Note the 1.4 factor does not apply to top bars in slabs <14 thick. To increase accuracy in using
this tool, consider highlighting the rows that show the reinforcement used and then cross out the
columns for the concrete strength that will not be used.
o o
For bars that have a 90 or 180 standard hook (as illustrated in the figure to the right), the
reference tool BAR_Ld.XLS has the development length l dh for each bar computed in accordance
with LRFD One thing to note is that for some bar sizes with a f y = 40 ksi, the
development length of the standard hooked bar is larger than that of the straight bar of equal size.
It is ODOTs policy to use the straight bar development length when the hooked bar development
length is greater for a given bar size and strength.
In all cases, for purposes of l d calculation, in this tool we consider square bars to have the same
l d as the round bar of equivalent area. The assumption is made that the lack of deformations on
a square bar is offset by its greater bonding surface area compared to the equivalent round bar.
Now, take time to review the procedures that are shown on the Instructions sheet of
BarCutoffs.XLS. Note the Skull and Crossbones Warning at the start of the directions. Use the
Insert Span button to create a separate table for each unique span. If there are spans that are
either the same or exactly symmetrical to a span that is already coded, the BRASS SPAN-COPY
command can be used so the duplicate or symmetrical span details need not be coded. In this
situation, there is no need to create a table for each span. (If you go too far, note that each use
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of the Delete Span button will remove the lowest span table in the spreadsheet). Fill in all the
blue cells (span number and span length).
The location of each bar cutoff will need to be referenced to the start of each span. One method
to increase accuracy is to write the location (range) for the start and end of each bar on the
drawing. (A preferred method is to enter the equation used to calculate the start and end of each
bar in the Nominal Range column of BarCutoffs.XLS). Enter the yellow columns for each bar
cutoff. It may be worthwhile to use a printout of this file from a similar bridge as an example. To
improve accuracy, do the top bars all together, and then the bottom bars all together. Some
raters prefer to do both the start and end of each group of bars to ensure that all bars have both a
start and an end point. Be specific as to the BRASS row that the bars will be coded in. (BRASS
Rows 1-3 are reserved for bottom bars, rows 4 and 5 are for top bars). The first and last rows of
each table in BarCutoffs.XLS will automatically be for the centerline of the bent. If calculations
for location instead of numbers are entered into the cells of the Nominal Range column, it will
be easier for the reviewer to determine that the locations are correct. In the Development
Length column, be aware that the development length for top bars is different (40% longer)
than for bottom bars. For the development length of top bars in beams with top flanges, we will
interpret these as top bars (having >12 concrete below the bars) even if the flange thickness is
<14, as long as the beam depth is >14. Optionally, for top bars spread out in a top flange to a
transverse spacing 6 the development length may be reduced by a factor of 0.8 (AASHTO
LRFD Notice that when a bar starts, the development length is entered as a positive
value. When a bar ends, the development length is entered as a negative value. These signs
will ensure the correct location for where the bar is first fully developed.
Once the yellow columns are complete for all bar cutoff locations, highlight any cell within the
span table and press the Sort button. The entire table is sorted in ascending order using the
calculated Effective Range at Node column. The section change locations are identified using
distance from the start of the span, and BRASS analysis points are identified using span fraction.
The equations for BRASS Span Fraction and BRASS Section Length are recalculated after
the sort. The checksum at the bottom of the right column must equal the span length.
Fill in the first 2 green columns, the Bottom and Top Rebars that are to the right of each section.
Once these columns are filled in, crosscheck the bars with the drawing and note where rows add
and lose bars. Fill in the BRASS section number for every unique section. The final green
column is used when there is a taper in the web, or in a partial the bottom flange. It is best to
enter equations in the cells of this column so a subsequent user can figure out what you were
doing. See the appropriate example problems for sample equations to be entered in this column
for web tapers and partial bottom flanges.
Since we are not using these sections as shear analysis points, there is no need to use the
Analysis Points button to generate BRASS input.
When the table for each span is complete, copy the entire table for the appropriate span in the
spreadsheet tool BarCutoffs.XLS and paste it directly into the appropriate span-specific
calculation section for the Flexural Bar Cutoffs in the Preliminary File. After pasting, it will be
necessary to resize the pasted object (mouse-grab the handle in the lower right corner) to fit in
the printable page width.
Since the resulting object may be so shrunken that the cells are difficult to read, add a note below
the pasted object referring to the file BarCutoffs.XLS for details.
Save this completed bridge-specific version of BarCutoffs.XLS in the Load Rating File Set.
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Show calculations locating any abrupt change in girder cross section, such as the beginnings or
ends of haunches, web tapers, or partial bottom flanges. An exception is made for end blocks on
prestressed girders, which are ignored. This is because most or all of the end block would not be
checked for shear as it is within d v of the support, end blocks are no longer considered necessary
and have eliminated from standard prestressed girder sections, and they are ignored in all the
standard section definitions in the BRASS section library file SECTIONS.LBY.
These locations are taken from the stirrups schedule spreadsheet embedded in the Preliminary
File and adjusted by one stirrup space toward the direction with the greater spacing. The
analysis location is moved for two reasons. At a stirrup spacing change location, a shear crack
would propagate across both stirrup spaces. BRASS doesnt interpolate the shear capacity to the
left and right of an analysis point. Therefore, moving the analysis point by one stirrup space
moves the analysis location away from the transition area providing a more realistic analysis.
Also, It was originally assumed that BRASS would calculate the capacity to the left and right of a
section change and use the weaker section when calculating rating factors. However, it doesnt
appear that BRASS performs this check. Rather BRASS uses the stirrup spacing from the
schedule right at the point that was coded. Moving the analysis point toward the larger stirrup
spacing ensures that the larger stirrup spacing (lesser capacity) is used when calculating the
rating factor.
Indicate which stirrup spacing change points in the girder are farther from the support than the
critical shear point.
The debonded strand locations need to be checked for shear only when the number of debonded
strands at a section exceeds the limits specified in AASHTO LRFD
The ODOT Concrete Bridge Generator is not currently configured to assist with the generation of
prestressed BRASS code.
BRASS-GIRDER will be used to load rate the concrete girders. BRASS-GIRDER is different from the
previous BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) program in that it no longer uses text file inputs, but instead utilizes
a Graphical User Interface (GUI) with data saved in xml file format. Instead of developing new
procedures and a new CBG program to populate the GUI of BRASS-GIRDER, this manual will
continue to give instructions on how to create the text input file for BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD). Once the
file is ready for analysis, the user will run the text input file through the BRASS-GIRDER translator
that will create the xml input file used to populate the new GUI. From there the user will be able to run
the analysis within BRASS-GIRDER.
BRASS has increased the live load definition limit from 20 to 100 per file. In the past, since ODOT
requires more than 20 vehicles to be analyzed in every LRFR load rating, two nearly identical BRASS
input files were used to cover all of the different vehicles. Since the transition from using BRASS-
GIRDER(LRFD) to using BRASS-GIRDER for the analysis, ODOT has modified all of its tools to only
use a single BRASS file with all of the rating vehicles included. Therefore, ODOT will no longer
require the two separate nearly identical BRASS _N and _T files.
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Use the heavily commented sample files provided as templates to be copied to a new bridge-number-
specific folder (with a new filename if appropriate) and then modified for the actual Load Ratings.
Separate input files will be required for each structure type in any bridge with a combination of
structure types, and for interior and exterior girders due to the variability of live load distribution
factors in LRFR.
General conventions
Use the full length of each command name except the COMMENT (3-1.1) command shall be
only COM.
Precede each command or logical group of similar commands (except for the COMMENT
command) with a comment referring to the Article number in the BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD)
Command Manual. For example, precede an ANALYSIS (4-1.1) command with a comment
command thus:
COM 4-1.1
Generally, leave in all comments found in the template (unless they become totally irrelevant
to a particular input file), modifying them and adding more comments as required to fit the
specific conditions of the rating. Use comments liberally with the expectation that someone
unfamiliar with the BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) program and unfamiliar with the bridge will need
to read the data file and fully understand it.
Leave parameters blank (spaces between commas) where they are irrelevant to the specific
structure. Although trailing commas can be omitted where all parameters to the right are to
be blank, it is recommended to clarify your intentions by showing the blank parameters
separated by commas. However, avoid leaving blank parameters such as material strengths
where default values would apply. Enter the default values to make the dataset more
meaningful to a future user.
Show in-line calculations within a parameter (between commas) to convert units from feet to
inches where the command parameter requires inches. Similarly, show in-line calculations to
show how you determined vertical dimensions to locate flexural bars. Never use parentheses
in in-line calculations. Other than these in-line calculations, the best place to put calculations
is in the Preliminary File rather than in the BRASS comments.
To make it easier for a subsequent user to find their way around the Input File, separate the
BRASS input file into logical sections (large groups of commands) by using spaced
comments as indicated in the sample files. Typically, an input file for a prestressed girder will
be divided into the following sections:
COM ***** LRFR Load Rating, Strength Limit State *****
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COM ***** Material Properties *****
COM ***** Section Geometry *****
COM ***** Span Length and Section Information *****
COM ***** Dead Loads *****
COM ***** Live Loads *****
COM ***** Distribution Factors *****
COM ***** Resistance Factors *****
COM ***** Analysis Sections *****
With similar comment sets, subdivide the Analysis Sections section into subsections for
each category of investigated section for each unique span. (See the sample input files).
Specific conventions
At the beginning of every input file, use the BRIDGE-NAME (2-1.3) command to provide the
5- or 6-character NBI Bridge Number, followed by the Bridge Name. Use the Bridge Name
as defined in the Definitions, Article 1.3.3 of this Manual.
Next, use the ROUTE (2-1.5) command to provide the mile point and signed Route Number
where applicable (always required for State-owned bridges). Note the signed Route Number
is not the same as the ODOT internal (maintenance) Highway Number.
Use 2 lines of the TITLE (2-1.6) command. Use the first TITLE line to provide the file name
and describe which girder(s) this file applies to. Use the second TITLE line to provide the
purpose or work grouping of the Load Rating.
Use the AGENCY (2-1.1) command to identify the Load Rating as being performed according
to ODOT standards. This command should always be the same:
COM 2-1.1
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Use the UNITS (2-1.4) command to force BRASS to always use US (English) units for both
input and output. BRASS normally defaults to US units, but it has been found that when
referenced dimensions get large, BRASS will automatically assume the large dimensions are
in millimeters and will convert the units when it calculates the resistance of the member.
Using the UNITS command will not allow BRASS to arbitrarily convert the units during an
COM 2-1.4
Use the ANALYSIS (4-1.1) command to provide BRASS with parameters needed to do a
rating analysis. The continuous beam model is the preferred choice (B in parameter 1) as
long as there is no need to include columns in the analysis and the bridge has 13 spans.
Rigid frame analysis (with columns) will require the frame type model (F in parameter 1).
For composite structures, two stages of loading will need to be specified by placing a 2 in
the second parameter. This will result in all dead loads being applied to the non-composite
structure in stage one and then all live loads are applied to the composite structure in stage
two. For prestressed girder structures that are composed of simple spans for dead load and
made continuous for live load using mild steel reinforcement, BRASS uses two stages of
construction. This process will be described later under prestress definitions portion of the
input file. Parameter 5 will be coded as N, for no, to prevent BRASS from interpolating mild
steel reinforcement from the left to right cross sections. Partial development is not currently
being considered for prestressed concrete analysis. For typical composite prestressed girder
bridges this command would normally be the same:
COM 4-1.1
COM 4-1.2
Leaving the 2nd parameter (Specification Check Output) blank causes BRASS to default to
refrain from generating a large additional output (.OUT) file for each point of interest,
information that is not normally needed. Use of Y for parameter 2 to turn on this additional
output may be justified at sections where there is a need to account for partially developed
bars. If these additional .OUT files are generated, they do not need to be printed in the Load
Rating Report.
Use the OUTPUT (5-1.1) command to control the wide variety of output options. Unless
there is a problem that requires more detailed intermediate output for investigation, this
command should always the same:
COM 5-1.1
OUTPUT 4, Y, , , 1, , , , , , , , ,
Beginning with BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) v.1.6.1, the effective top flange width is calculated
and applied to the section properties automatically. Use the OUTPUT-EFF-WIDTH (5-7.3)
command to direct BRASS to not output its effective flange width calculations. This
command should always be the same:
COM 5-7.3
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Use the OUTPUT-PRESTRESS (5-7.1) command to control output for prestress load
balancing, losses, and other prestress computations. This command should always be the
COM 5-7.1
Code all BRASS models in the same direction as the girder elevation appears on the plans,
i.e. from left to right on the plans, regardless of mile point direction.
COM 8-1.1
CONC-MATERIALS 0.155, 6.0, 40.0, 40.0, 6,
COM 9-1.1
PRESTRESS-MATERIALS 6.0, 5.778, 70.0, , ,
COM 10-1.1
COMPOSITE-MATERIALS 3.3, 40.0, 9, , , ,
Often times for continuous prestressed spans, there are different final concrete strengths
specified for the girders in different spans. Since BRASS only allows one concrete strength
to be specified for the entire BRASS run, it is ODOTs practice to use the lowest concrete
strength that is specified for the series of continuous spans. If the rating factors for the higher
strength spans are greater than 1.0 while using the lower strength concrete, then nothing
more needs to be done. If there are rating factors in the higher strength spans less than 1.0
while using the lower strength concrete, then additional BRASS runs will be required using a
different concrete strength for each run. In each BRASS run, only import the rating factors for
the analysis points that fall within the span that the correct concrete strength was specified.
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For prestressed slabs and boxes, BRASS is only capable of modeling the girder as an
equivalent I-shaped cross section, instead of a hollow/voided rectangular section. Thus, the
volume-to-surface ratios are internally computed in BRASS based on the I-shaped cross
section. For girders converted to I-shapes, the volume of the section is computed correctly,
however, the surface area is not. Since the webs of the voided rectangular section are
combined into one for the equivalent I-shaped section, the inside surface of the actual webs
is not considered. Parameter 4 of the PRESTRESS-MATERIALS command allows the user
to adjust the percentage of the V/S ratio to compensate for this converted cross section
AASHTO LRFD Article states that for poorly vented enclosed cells, only 50 percent
of the interior perimeter should be used in calculating the surface area. Following this code
requirement will then produce a V/S ratio for the actual slab or box girder that is greater than
the V/S ratio for the equivalent I-shaped section. BRASS has been updated to allow values
greater than 100% to be entered.
Because BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) defaults to 0.0948fc ksi for all tensile stress limits, it is
necessary to explicitly specify the LRFD tension limits for each span. The following
commands accomplish this, where xxx and yyy are the values of 0.19fc in ksi (equivalent to
6fc in psi), for the girder and girder top flange (not the composite deck acting as an effective
flange), respectively. For severe corrosive environments (on the Oregon Coast), use the
value of 0.0948fc in ksi.
In the Section Geometry section, define each section numbered sequentially, preceded by a
comment identifying it with characteristics from the plans. Use the CONC-I-SECTION (8-2.4)
and CONC-FILLETS (8-2.7) to define the cross-section dimensions (except for depth). Note
the parameters for these commands changed beginning with BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD)
v.1.6.1. Use COMPOSITE-SLAB (10-2.1) command to define the composite deck thickness,
and as many COMPOSITE-REBAR (10-2.2) commands as required to define all the layers of
longitudinal reinforcement that are present in the effective flange width of the deck. For
negative moment sections, it is important to include all longitudinal bars present within the
effective top flange width.
Some of the older bridges occasionally have the deck reinforcing exposed. ACI318, Article, states that for bars with a cover of d b or less or with a clear spacing of 2d b or less
that the basic development length (obtained from the LRFD code) be multiplied by 2.0.
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Therefore, if the inspection report or photos indicate that the deck reinforcement is exposed,
double the development length of the deck reinforcement.
BRASS version 2.0.3 has been updated to included the 2008 revision of the 4 Edition LRFD
Code. With this update it is no longer necessary to calculate the effective flange width of
composite slabs in the preliminary file. The second parameter of COMPOSITE-SLAB
command may be left blank to allow BRASS to calculate the effective width.
For standard concrete girder types that are stored in the BRASS girder section library
(BRASS-Sections.BLS), one can use the CONC-STD-SECTION (8-2.1) command to define
the cross-section. The following is an example of the series of commands to define one
standard section:
In the Span Lengths and Section Information section, define each span beginning with the
appropriate command from Chapter 11 of the BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) Command Manual
that describes the profile (depth variation) along the span. Follow this command with a
sequence of SPAN-SECTION (11-2.1) commands to assign the previously defined sections
to cumulative ranges from the left end of the span. The following is an example of the series
of commands to define one span:
When the CONC-STD-SECTION (8-2.1) command is used to define the cross-sections, the
SPAN-STD-XSECT (11-1.1) command is required to define the span or spans that the
standard cross-sections are used. The following is an example of the series of commands to
define one span:
Normally the SPAN-HINGE (11-5.1) command is used to define the location of any hinge
within the span. If the structure has an expansion joint over a support, this condition is
approximated by placing a hinge close to, but not at, the support. BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD)
does not allow the use of a hinge at a support, and recommends that it be located a distance
of 1.2 from the support. Unfortunately, the current version of BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD)
(version 1.6.5) removes any hinges in the bridge during the second stage of loading. The
end result is that any non-continuous spans will require their own BRASS analysis.
Use the SUPPORT-FIXITY (11-4.1) command to define the boundary conditions of each
span, for example:
COM 11-4.1
For prestressed girder structures that are composed of simple spans for dead load and made
continuous for live load using mild steel reinforcement, BRASS uses two stages of
construction. In stage one, BRASS places a hinge at the support nodes. Then the stage one
dead loads and prestress loads are applied to the non-composite simple spans. Initial losses
are considered in assigning the prestress loads. For stage two, BRASS removes the support
node hinges, thereby making the structure continuous. Then the stage two loads are applied
to the composite continuous structure. These include superimposed dead loads, shrinkage
loads, and live loads. Prestress losses are applied to the continuous structure as loads in the
opposite direction of the original prestress forces. For simple spans made continuous for live
loads with mild reinforcement, code parameter 4 of command 9-2.1 with Y. This will ignore
beam stresses at interior supports. The following is an example of the command to describe
the continuity of a prestressed structure:
COM 9-2.1
Since the distance between the centerlines of bearing are being used as the BRASS span
length, use the PS-BEAM-OVERHANG (9-2.3) command to specify the beam overhang
beyond the ends of the span or past the centerline of bearing. This command provides
additional distance to accommodate transfer, development, and/or debond length. This
command can only modify the girder properties for when the end of the girder is past the
center of bearing (typically at the ends of the bridge), and can not compensate for when the
girder terminates prior to the end of the span (at interior bents). For this reason, the
overhang is set at zero at interior supports. The following is an example of the overhangs for
a three-span prestressed girder bridge:
COM 9-2.3
PS-BEAM-OVERHANG 1, 6.5, 0.0
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Note: This command is not applicable to girder ends that stop short of the centerline of bent.
It cannot handle negative numbers in parameters 2 and 3, so in these cases enter 0.0.
COM 9-3.1
STRAND-MATL-PRETEN 1, 0.153, SR, , , , , , , , 0.5
Define all straight strands together working from the bottom row and up. Straight strands in
the top of the girder shall NOT to be included in the BRASS model. These strands are
usually used to help with transfer and transportation stresses. Per AASHTO LRFD Article only the area of prestressing that is on the flexural tension side of the member is
used to calculate the shear capacity. BRASS (LRFD) ignores these strands when
determining the area of strand, but then includes them when calculating d e . Shear capacity is
in part dependent on d e , thus including the top strands will incorrectly affect the shear
capacity calculated by BRASS.
Define the deflected strand rows, again working from the lowest row (consecutively
numbered after the straight strand rows) and up. After all strand rows are defined, use the
STRAND-DEBOND (9-6.7) command to define any strands that are debonded. If some of
the strands in a single row have different debond lengths, a separate strand row (at the same
depth in the girder) will have to be defined to separate the strands that require the different
debonding. The following is an example of the series of commands to define the strand
profiles for one span:
For spans that have the same strand profiles as another span that has been previously
defined, the STRAND-COPY (9-6.9) command can be used. This command will copy the
straight and deflected strand properties, and the debonded strand definitions.
Some bridge plans do not define the strand layout within the girders of each span, but instead
give a profile of the Center of Gravity of Strands (C.G.S). Sometimes there is an allowable
range in the profile of the C.G.S. near the ends of the girder. In these cases, bundle all of the
strands at the C.G.S. locations in the beam. If there is no direction on the plan sheets on
how the strands are harped (parabolic vs linear), it is conservative to assume that they are
linearly harped with the hold down locations at 0.4L from each end of the girder. When the
plans show a range for the C.G.S. near the end of the girder, it will be more conservative for
shear to use the lower elevation of the range.
COM 9-3.1.2
LOSS-AASHTO-PRETEN 1, 1, , , , , , 2
COM 8-4.1
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COM 8-4.2
COM 8-4.3
STIRRUP-SCHEDULE 1, 1, 10.00, 15.00, 30.00
STIRRUP-SCHEDULE 1, 1, 13.88, 45.00, 235.96
STIRRUP-SCHEDULE 1, 1, 8.00, 280.96, 136.00
To avoid confusion, dead loads should be grouped under the headings DC and DW and
presented in the same order in the BRASS Input (.DAT) file as they were calculated in the
Preliminary (.xmcd) File. Diaphragm point loads should be considered part of component
load DC.
Because BRASS calculates girder dead load (self-weight) using the input section dimensions
and treats it separately from other dead loads, group the rest of the structure dead loads
under the first occurrence of the of the LOAD-DEAD-DESCR (12-1.2) command, using the
description (parameter 4) Other Structure dead loads. Beginning with BRASS-
GIRDER(LRFD) Version 1.6.1, BRASS correctly calculates the girder self-weight regardless
of what portion of the top flange is effective. There is no longer a need to account for
ineffective top flange weight separately in the Other Structure dead loads group. This group
will normally include the LOAD-DEAD-POINT (12-1.4) commands for the dead load of the
diaphragms. Include loads for diaphragms directly over the supports. While they will not
have any effect on the girder analysis, they will be used to calculate dead load reactions used
in the crossbeam analysis. Precede each group of LOAD-DEAD-UNIFORM and LOAD-
DEAD-POINT commands with an additional identifying comment describing the load. An
example of this first (DC) group is given below:
COM 12-1.2
LOAD-DEAD-DESCR 1, DC, 1, Other Structure dead loads
COM 12-1.4
LOAD-DEAD-POINT 1, 1, , 1.783, 18.0*12
LOAD-DEAD-POINT 1, 2, , 1.783, 12.0*12
LOAD-DEAD-POINT 1, 2, , 1.783, 24.0*12
LOAD-DEAD-POINT 1, 2, , 1.783, 36.0*12
LOAD-DEAD-POINT 1, 3, , 1.783, 18.0*12
Group the next component dead loads (DC) for buildup between the top of girder and the
bottom of deck, and for the composite deck weight per girder to be included in the first
loading stage. An example of this 2nd (DC) group is given below:
COM 12-1.2
LOAD-DEAD-DESCR 2, DC, 1, Buildup and Deck
COM Buildup per girder, w = 0.075 k/ft at ends & 0.0 k.ft at
COM 12-1.3
LOAD-DEAD-UNIFORM 2, 1, 0.000*12, 0.075/12, 55.275*12, 0.000/12
LOAD-DEAD-UNIFORM 2, 1, 55.275*12, 0.000/12, 110.55*12, 0.075/12
LOAD-DEAD-UNIFORM 2, 2, 0.000*12, 0.075/12, 55.275*12, 0.000/12
LOAD-DEAD-UNIFORM 2, 2, 55.275*12, 0.000/12, 110.55*12, 0.075/12
LOAD-DEAD-UNIFORM 2, 3, 0.000*12, 0.075/12, 55.275*12, 0.000/12
LOAD-DEAD-UNIFORM 2, 3, 55.275*12, 0.000/12, 110.55*12, 0.075/12
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Group the remaining component dead loads (DC) (excluding wearing surface dead loads) in
the next LOAD-DEAD-DESCR (12-1.2) command using the description (parameter 4)
Superimposed dead loads. This group should include LOAD-DEAD_UNIFORM (12-1.3)
commands as needed to account for all superimposed (Stage-2) dead loads except the
wearing surface. Precede each group of LOAD-DEAD-UNIFORM commands with an
additional identifying comment describing the load. An example of this 3rd (DC) group is
given below:
COM 12-1.2
LOAD-DEAD-DESCR 3, DC, 2, Superimposed dead loads (Rails)
In a situation where a prestressed deck girder bridge has an AC wearing surface, and to
facilitate future re-ratings with different wearing surface loads, always apply the wearing
surface dead load under its own LOAD-DEAD-DESCR (12-1.2) command separate from all
other uniform superimposed dead loads. Precede each LOAD-DEAD-UNIFORM command
with an additional identifying comment describing the load. An example of this 4th (DW)
dead load group is given below:
COM 12-1.2
LOAD-DEAD-DESCR 4, DW, 2, Wearing Surface Dead Load
COM 2.5" + 1" ACWS
COM Distributed equally to all 4 girders, w = 0.284 k/ft
COM 12-1.3
LOAD-DEAD-UNIFORM 4, 1, 0.0*12, 0.284/12, 36.0*12, 0.284/12
LOAD-DEAD-UNIFORM 4, 2, 0.0*12, 0.284/12, 48.0*12, 0.284/12
LOAD-DEAD-UNIFORM 4, 3, 0.0*12, 0.284/12, 36.0*12, 0.284/12
Use the BRASS Input Adjustments #1 thru #3 explained below to code the live load
To assure that BRASS calculates girder Distribution Factors (number of lanes) according to
AASHTO LRFD, the following BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) commands are required:
When an exterior slab or box girder has a sidewalk that covers half or more of the slab or box
width, the exterior girder will not need to be analyzed. This is due to the Lever Rule giving a
distribution factor of zero for this configuration. It is recommended to include a notation in the
interior girder preliminary file explaining this so that it is clear that the exterior girder is
purposely ignored instead of accidentally overlooked.
If Distribution Factors in LRFD are calculated manually, note that we interpret the
definition of d e in LRFD 4.3 as distance from the centerline of the exterior web to the interior
edge of curb or traffic barrier.
Use the BRASS Input Adjustment #4 explained below to code the Resistance Factors.
Use the BRASS Input Adjustment #5 explained below to obtain detailed output regarding the
Distribution Factors.
To obtain Rating Factors for all points of interest, use OUTPUT-INTERMEDIATE (5-2.1)
commands grouped in the same order and groupings as the analysis points were calculated
in the Preliminary File. In the Bar Cutoff Points subsection of the Critical Shear Sections
portion of the BRASS code, normally these commands are copied from the Analysis Points
worksheet of BarCutoffs.XLS. Within each span, make sure that none of the analysis points
duplicate each other (have identical span fractions), and delete one of each duplicate pair.
Precede each OUTPUT-INTERMEDIATE command with a comment (usually text taken from
the Preliminary File) explaining the span number and nearby bent number, and the span
fraction. The use of the OUTPUT-INTERMEDIATE command, along with the Stirrup
Schedule feature of BRASS, eliminates the need to determine stirrup area and spacing
specifically at every shear point of interest.
Note: Section 8-3.1 of the BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) Command Manual implies that omitting
the CONC-SHEAR command would mean that parameter 2, the Shear Indicator, would
default to 2, so the program would use the Simplified Method for shear. However the
previous use of the CONC-SHEAR-CONSTANTS (8-4.1) command in the stirrup definition
sequence overrides this default and forces the AASHTO General Method for shear (MCFT) to
be used.
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Normally shear need not be evaluated within d v of the face of a support. However, the
presence of significant shear cracking (> 0.040 wide) in the region within d v of the support
face may warrant a shear investigation in this region. In such an investigation, since the
MCFT approach is less conservative in this zone of confusion, shear capacity should be
evaluated using the Simplified Procedure in LRFD This is accomplished in BRASS
by using the CONC-SHEAR (8.3-1) command and setting the Shear Indicator (2nd
parameter) to 2.
Because BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) was designed primarily for LRFD analyses and was created before
the LRFR Manual was published, a number of standard BRASS Input Adjustments are necessary.
Fortunately the program is flexible enough to allow an accurate solution with work-arounds (BRASS
Input Adjustments). These adjustments will normally apply to every Input File, at least until BRASS-
GIRDER(LRFD) is changed. See the sample input files for proper placement of these adjustments.
Use the FACTORS-LOAD-DL command (13-1.2) to force BRASS to use the LRFR dead load
factors, which are different than the LRFD factors used by default. MBE T 6A.4.2.2-1
requires constant dead load factors DC and DW , and the footnote allows DW to be 1.25 when
wearing surface thickness is field-measured, which is normally the case. Therefore, these
commands are always required. Since the command only covers one limit state level at a
time, use one for Strength-I and one for Strength-II:
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COM 13-1.2
FACTORS-LOAD-DL ST, 1, 1.25, 0.90, 1.25, 0.65
FACTORS-LOAD-DL ST, 2, 1.25, 0.90, 1.25, 0.65
FACTORS-LOAD-DL SE, 3, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00
Therefore, use the LOAD-LIVE-DEFINITION (12-4.3) commands to define each Design and
Legal Load separately, and use the LOAD-LIVE-CONTROL (12-4.1) command to define only
parameter 1 (direction control, normally B for traffic in both directions) and parameter 7
(wheel advancement denominator, normally 100), as follows:
COM 12-4.1
LOAD-LIVE-CONTROL B, , , , , , 100
In structures with short spans, especially short cantilevers, BRASS may crash because the
span is divided into live load advancement increments that are too small. If this occurs and
you have a small span, try decreasing parameter 7 to the largest number for which BRASS
will work, often 50 or sometimes even less.
Further, because ODOT LRFR Tables and requires a different live load
factor L for each truck, ADTT and truck weight combination, and BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD)
does not provide for separate live load factors for each truck, more BRASS Input adjustments
are required to define separate live load factors.
For Strength Limit States, use the optional FACTORS-LOAD-LL command (13-1.3) such that
the universal gamma LL (Design) (parameter 3), gamma LL (Legal) (parameter 4) and
gamma LL (Permit) (parameter 5) are all forced to 1.0. Since this command only covers
one limit state level at a time, 2 commands are always required (one for Strength-I, and one
for Strength-II)
For Service Limit States, use the option FACTORS-LOAD-LL command (13-1.3) such that
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the universal gamma LL (Design) (parameter 3) is forced to the values shown in MBE Table
6A.4.2.2-1. For service III this would be 0.80, and is only checked for the design vehicle.
COM 13-1.3
FACTORS-LOAD-LL ST, 1, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
FACTORS-LOAD-LL ST, 2, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
FACTORS-LOAD-LL SE, 3, 0.80, 1.0, 1.0
With the universal live load factors set to 1.0, truck specific live load factors can be defined
using the BRASS command 13-1.6, FACTORS-LOAD-LL-LS. Previous version of BRASS
(LRFD) did not accommodate individual truck live load factors. Thus, a work around was
developed where the live load factors were input as scale factors. With BRASS v 2.0.3 the
FACTORS-LOAD-LL-LS command has been added to resolve this limitation. Live load
factors shall be input using this new command. Parameter 6 of command 12-4.3, scale
factor, will be reserve for its original purpose. With this update the LR summary sheet will no
longer modify the rating factors reported in the BRASS output file.
In the FACTORS-LOAD-LL-LS (13-1.6) commands for each load, enter the specific live load
Factor L (from LL_Factors_State.XLS or LL_Factors_Local.XLS as applicable). This
command can be copied and pasted from the BRASS tab of LL_Factors_State.XLS.
Thus the complete live load definition command set for input files is as follows:
COM Define each Design and Legal live load separately and
COM apply the truck specific live load factor (instead
COM of defining them in the LOAD-LIVE-CONTROL command)
COM There are 3 reasons...
COM (a) to prevent BRASS from applying the Fatigue Design
COM that is not needed for RCDG structures
COM (b) to force BRASS to list the Design Loads outputs in
COM same order as ODOT's Load Rating Summary Workbook
COM (c) to allow use of the Oregon 3S2 Legal Load rather than
COM the AASHTO 3S2 Design Load
COM 12-4.3
COM 13-1.6
The Oregon Legal Load designations listed in this example are applicable to BRASS-
GIRDER(LRFD) Version 2.0.0 and later. BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) runs for versions prior to
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v2.0.0 used the legal load designations OLEG3, OLEG3S2 & OLEG3-3.
Special note: For one-lane (escorted) special permit reviews and true single-lane bridges
(roadway width < 20 ft), it is necessary to enter ONE for parameter 7 in the LOAD-LIVE-
DEFINITION (12-4.3) command. It is not clear in the BRASS Command Manual, but this
parameter is needed to force BRASS to apply only a single-lane loading with the appropriate
single-lane Distribution Factors.
While performing an analysis on a prestressed girder, it was found that the FACTORS-
RESIST-RC and FACTOR-RESIST-PS commands cannot be used simultaneously. Since
phi is often different for flexure in prestressed elements and reinforced concrete elements, a
different approach is required. Using the FACTORS-RESIST-MOD command to modify phi-s
and FACTORS-RESIST-COND command to modify phi-c. BRASS will properly calculate the
final phi values for flexure, flexure/tension (RC), and shear. This adjustment would allow both
prestress bridges and reinforced concrete bridges to use the same set of BRASS commands.
COM 13-2.4
COM 13-2.5
To facilitate crossbeam calculations and to clarify what BRASS is doing regarding live load
Distribution Factors, always include the following lines in the BRASS input file at the end of
the Distribution Factors section:
Open the BRASS-GIRDER GUI interface. Because it is more efficient to use BRASS-
GIRDER(LRFD) Input Files generated from previous ones, the GUI interface will not be used to
generate input files.
The BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) input file must first be translated into a BRASS-GIRDER xml file that will
then populate the GUI interface in BRASS-GIRDER. The steps for translating and running the input
files in BRASS-GIRDER is as follows:
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
1. Start the BRASS-GIRDER program. From the File menu, hover your mouse pointer over
Translate (DAT to XML). Select the option for BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD).
2. The Translator window will then open on your screen. Click on the button that says Select
File/Run, as shown in the red outlined box in the following figure.
3. In the next window that appears, navigate to the location where the BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD)
input file that you wish to run is stored, and select that file. Click on the Open button at the
bottom right of this window.
4. The Translator window will then open back up and the selected file will run through the
translation. If there are any errors detected during the translation, a red X will be displayed
next to the file name in the window and an error file will be generated. Refer to the error file to
decipher what is causing the error during translation. Once corrected, follow these steps
again to translate the file. If successful, a green check will appear next to the file name as
shown in the following figure:
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5. Click the Close button at the bottom right of the Translator window. Within BRASS-
GIRDER, select Open under the File menu. Select the BRASS XML file that was just
created from the Translator program. Click on the Open button at the bottom right of this
6. BRASS-GIRDER will then load the model into the GUI. Under the Execute menu, select
Analysis Engine to run the analysis. Or you can simply click on the green traffic light icon on
the toolbar.
7. Verify that the output directory is the same as where the input files are located, and then click
the OK button. A black DOS window will appear showing program progress. Depending on
your system speed and memory and the complexity of the structure, the execution process
may take a few seconds or several minutes. Upon completion of the analysis, a text output
file will be generated within the same directory. You can now use a text editor to open and
view the BRASS output.
When making changes or corrections to BRASS files, ODOT prefers that all changes be made within
the BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) input file so that it becomes the master document for the BRASS model.
Reviewing this text input file will be quicker and more efficient than trying to navigate the GUI to verify
that the bridge is being modelled correctly. Thus, any time the text input file is modified, the above
steps will have to be repeated to translate the text input file into a BRASS XML file before the analysis
is re-ran in BRASS-GIRDER.
If an error file is generated (same prefix, .ERR extension), open this file with your text editor and try to
interpret what BRASS is telling you. The vast majority of error messages will point you to a
straightforward typographical error or omission in your input. At the beginning of your experience with
BRASS, do not expect a successful execution until one or more typographical errors have been
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
When executing BRASS-GIRDER, if you get an error message regarding zeros in the stiffness matrix,
look at the ANALYSIS (4-1.1) command, parameter 1, and check to see if you are running a Frame
type model on a structure with more than 6 spans. In such cases the Beam type model (the
recommended default) is required (with a maximum of 13 spans).
When executing BRASS-GIRDER, you may get an error message stating, The effective web width
(b v ) cannot be zero. This causes a divide-by-zero error in the compression field computations. This
most likely means that you have selected points that are too close to another defined point of interest
within your BRASS input file. A general rule is not to have points closer than six inches from one
another. Verify in your input file that you have correctly entered the web width parameter while
defining your BRASS sections. Also check in the Span Length and Section Information portion of
the input file to see that the ranges of the elements are not too close to each other.
A rare error can sometimes occur in executing BRASS-GIRDER where the processing of the analysis
takes a considerable amount of time, and then produces a very large output file (around 600
megabytes) along with an error file. The program will report an Interpolation Error. This occurs on
files that have a BRASS span of 99.99 ft and was attempting to increment each truck across the span
at 100 increments (as specified in the LOAD-LIVE-CONTROL command). We found that one of two
simple workarounds can correct the error: 1) round the BRASS spans from 99.99 ft to 100.00 ft, or 2)
increase the live load increment from 100 to 105 in the LOAD-LIVE-CONTROL command. The
second method is the preferred option as it only requires a correction in one command, whereas
adjusting the span lengths would have required doing it for multiple spans for the bridge that
experienced this error.
When executing BRASS-GIRDER, if you get an unexpected termination of the program while
attempting to run a file, check the BRASS error file (*.err) to see if it states that, Standard Vehicle:
OLEG3S2 is not presently stored in the standard vehicle library file. This usually means that the
user did not update the names of the Legal Vehicle in the BRASS input file. In the early part of 2009,
ODOT made a small revision to the vehicle library so that both the old Tier 1 and LRFR rating
methodologies would use the same legal vehicles for their analysis. As a result, ODOT changed the
names of the legal vehicles. To correct the error, make the following changes to the names of the
legal vehicles in the BRASS input file:
BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) has been known to run perfectly and still produce completely wrong
results. Although a successful run may indicate a lack of errors, it is prudent to search the main
output (.OUT) file for the words error and warning to check out the seriousness of the problem,
and to do a reality check on the Rating Factors. Unexpected Rating Factor results often indicate an
error in the BRASS coding.
We recommend that, at the very least, load raters routinely employ the following two BRASS
verification measures:
(1) Do a reasonability check on the section properties. This is why we routinely code Y in
parameter 2 of the OUTPUT (5-1.1) command, to provide a list of girder properties at each
node point. (Search the Output File for Calculated Properties in each span). It is not
uncommon to make errors in the concrete section definitions, the SPAN-UNIF-HAUNCH (11-
1.3) command or the SPAN-SECTION (11-2.1) commands that can result in a girder profile
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(2) Do a reasonability check on the distribution of shears and moments across the structure.
This is especially critical if you have an expansion joint within the structure that you have
modeled by coding a hinge near one of the internal supports. Check if you are getting nearly-
zero moments at the support next to the hinge. (It cant be truly zero because of the offset of
the hinge from the support, but the moment value should be quite low). There have been
cases where, due to numerical instabilities in the analysis process, unreasonably high
moments were present at the support. The solution is usually to increase the offset of the
hinge from the support in small increments until the reported moments behave as expected
(sometimes increasing the offset by hundredths of a foot can make all the difference!).
If you really have doubts about what BRASS is giving you, be aware that you can use additional
commands in the OUTPUT- group (BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) Manual, Chapter 5 to generate
additional output that may facilitate your detective work. Use caution the size of this output can be
When reading the BRASS Output File, in the Rating Factor Summary sections for Legal Loads, it may
be difficult to distinguish between the live load Combo cases because two of them are identified as
ORLEG3-3. In these cases, it is possible to distinguish them by looking for the 3-letter BRASS live
load Type codes in parentheses. These codes are defined for parameter 3 of the LOAD-LIVE-
DEFINITION command (12-4.3). Thus there will be separate Rating Factor Results for ORLEG3-3
(TRK) which is the Type 3-3 truck by itself, and ORLEG3-3 (LGT) which is the Type 3-3 two-truck
train plus Legal Lane load.
Prior to BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) version 2.0.1, the results of the longitudinal reinforcement tension
check (LRFD were not found in the basic output files, but could only be found by performing a
detailed analysis of a specific point. The longitudinal tension check is done to ensure that there is
sufficient longitudinal reinforcement to resist the tension forces caused by flexure and shear.
With the release of BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) version 2.0.1, the program now calculates a rating factor
for the longitudinal tension check using the worst case of the maximum tension forces developed due
to maximum shear and concurrent moment, minimum shear and concurrent moment, maximum
moment and concurrent shear, and minimum moment and concurrent shear.
Since the longitudinal tension check rating factor is being computed for every analysis point, and the
ODOT Load Rating Summary sheet only has a limited number of columns to report rating factors, the
summary sheet has been programmed to only report the longitudinal tension rating factors for a given
analysis point only if a rating factor for one of the trucks is lower than 1.1.
Detailed Discussion:
Section of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications has the equation that is used
by designers to ensure that there is sufficient longitudinal reinforcement to resist tension forces
caused by both shear and flexure. If this equation is not satisfied, the designer simply adds the
necessary reinforcement so that the equation is satisfied.
The Manual for Condition Evaluation and Load and Resistance Factor Rating (LRFR) for highway
bridges is based on the AASHTO Bridge Design Specifications. The software ODOT uses for
LRFR ratings is BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD). Prior to version 2.0.1, this software performed the
tension check as part of the rating, but the basic output (usually several hundred of pages per
bridge) did not indicate if the bridge had locations where the tension check failed. The
information on the results of the tension check could only be found by examining the additional
output that is provided when detailed analysis of a specific point was requested.
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While satisfying the tension check is needed to have an accurate model when using Modified
Compression Field Theory (MCFT) to calculate shear capacity, there is no guidance in the LRFR
manual for the load rater to use when the tension check fails. This has been brought to the
attention of a primary developer of the LRFR code, Bala Sivakumar, PE, who acknowledged that
the current code does not fully address this issue. Christopher Higgins, PhD, PE, from Oregon
State University, who lead the effort to test full scale beams has emphasized that the tension
check is fundamental to the use of MCFT. The concern of providing the results of the tension
check in the basic output has been communicated to the developers of the BRASS software.
There were two areas that needed to be addressed before the load rater could be sure that the
tension check had failed. First, all of the reinforcement must be accounted for. Since the ODOT
ratings originally counted the reinforcement only when it was fully developed, there may have
been a significant amount of partially developed reinforcement available to resist tension forces.
Prior to the development of the ODOT Concrete Bridge Generator (CBG), a simple bridge would
take several weeks for a load rater to go through all of the detailed output and add up all of the
partially developed reinforcement. While many of the points that originally failed the tension
check will pass for the lighter loads, the heavier permit loads can still result in a failed condition.
Even if all of the points were to pass the tension check, the weeks of analysis would have been
inefficient and resulted in a product that was complicated to the point that a secondary check
would have been difficult. With the development of the CBG, the partially developed bars are
now accounted for in the BRASS model, and thus this first issue is resolved.
The second area that needed to be addressed was the nature of the loading. For a given load,
there will be a maximum moment force, and a maximum shear force. For analysis, BRASS-
GIRDER(LRFD) uses these maximum values. The actual loading caused by a moving load does
result in a point experiencing the maximum force values, but not at the same time. By treating
the maximum values as being concurrent, the BRASS analysis of the tension check would be
somewhat conservative at some locations.
There are differences between the design of new bridges and the rating of current bridges.
Section 6.1.3 states that Design may adopt a conservative reliability index and impose checks to
ensure serviceability and durability without incurring a major cost impact. In rating, the added
cost of overly conservative evaluation standards can be prohibitive as load restrictions,
rehabilitation, and replacement become increasingly necessary.
With the release of BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) version 2.0.1, the program now calculates a rating
factor for the longitudinal tension check using the worst case of the maximum tension forces
developed due to maximum shear and concurrent moment, minimum shear and concurrent
moment, maximum moment and concurrent shear, and minimum moment and concurrent shear.
Thus, this second issue has been addressed.
The developers of the MBE code acknowledged that while LRFD does incorporate state-of-the-art
design, analysis methods, and loading, that almost all existing bridges were designed using the
older AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges. Section 6A.1.4 states Where the
behavior of a member under traffic is not consistent with that predicted by the governing
specifications, as evidenced by a lack of visible signs of distress or excessive deformation or
cases where there is evidence of distress even though the specification does not predict such
distress, deviation from the governing specifications based upon the known behavior of the
member under traffic may be used and shall be fully documented.
The 1950s bridges were designed using Working Stress. Once the stresses of the concrete
exceed its ability to resist tension, cracking occurs. This initial cracking takes place at a
comparatively low level of loading. The bridge is designed to see service loads where the
forces in the reinforcement are kept well below the yield point. The bridges that Oregon State
University instrumented showed that the reinforcement was being operated well below the yield
point. During full scale beam tests to failure, the reinforcement was yielding, but at much higher
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loads than in-service bridges experience, and with much greater distress.
Even though ODOT and BRASS have found a way to perform the tension check for load rating,
this is still an issue to be solved on a national scale. Based on the guidance from the LRFR code,
and the lack of distress noted in the vast majority of bridge inspections, Oregon bridges are not
being operated anywhere near the level that would cause yielding of the reinforcement as
indicated by the failure of the tension check. For those few bridges that do show excessive
deterioration, the current LRFR code is sufficient that the known behavior of the member shall be
used and be fully documented. Bridges with deterioration consistent with yielding of
reinforcement would not be considered for no work regardless of the results of the tension
check. Calculations for repairs should be done in accordance with the LRFD code and therefore
the longitudinal reinforcing should always pass the tension check after the repairs are complete.
BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) prior to version 1.6.4 had an error in the use of the AASHTO LRFD 4th
Edition (prior to the 2008 Revision) Table, Values of and for Sections with less than
minimum transverse reinforcement. It appears that only the top row of the table was used, yielding
higher values of and lower values of than should have been used. The result of this was that
sections with less than minimum transverse reinforcement were assigned higher rating factors than
they should have been.
A comparison of shear rating factors was accomplished using BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) versions 1.6.5
and 1.6.2. For the three bridges selected, locations outside of horizontally tapered webs had
adequate transverse reinforcement, and the shear ratings were unaffected by the corrections to how
the table was used for less than minimum transverse reinforcement. However, some sections inside
horizontally tapered webs do have less than the minimum transverse reinforcement. These sections
experienced a significant drop in rating factors.
The bridge designers in the 1950s sometimes used an increased concrete cross section to resist
shear forces near interior bents. The very technique that gained shear capacity using the AASHTO
LRFD Design Specifications now causes the section to have less than minimum transverse
reinforcement. The extra concrete the 1950s designers used to increase shear capacity has the
unintended consequence of placing a section with good reinforcement details into a design code table
that was never intended to be used for design.
Prior to the 2008 Revisions of LRFD Article (General Procedure for Determining Shear
Resistance in Concrete Beams) beta and theta were determined by an iterative procedure:
For sections with minimum transverse reinforcement For an applied load, an assumed value of
theta is initially used to calculate the longitudinal strain in the web at 0.5d v . The shear stress ratio
is computed for the section. Using Table, the longitudinal strain and shear stress ratio
are used to determine a new value of theta and beta. This new value of theta is used to calculate
a new longitudinal strain, which is then used in Table to compute a new theta and
beta. The process continues until theta is solved. The final values of theta and beta are then
used in computing the shear resistance of the concrete section.
For sections with less than minimum transverse reinforcement the procedure is similar to that
above. The only differences being are that the longitudinal strain is calculated at the location in
the web subject to the highest longitudinal tensile strain, and instead of using the shear stress
ratio with the longitudinal strain in Table to determine a new theta and beta, the crack
spacing parameter is used with the longitudinal strain in Table
When calculating the longitudinal strain for a section, longitudinal bars on the flexural tension side
of the member that were not fully developed were to be ignored.
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In the 2008 Revisions of LRFD Article, beta and theta are determined by direct solution
using algebraic equations:
The strain in non-prestressed longitudinal tension reinforcement is directly computed for a given
load. This strain is used directly in the equations to compute theta and beta.
The value of theta is the same regardless if the section has less than or contains at least the
minimum transverse reinforcement. Thus, there is only one direct solution for theta.
There is one equation for beta for sections containing at least the minimum transverse
reinforcement. There is a different equation for beta for sections with less than minimum
transverse reinforcement, which is similar to the first but has an added component containing the
crack spacing parameter.
In calculating A s , the area of bars terminated less than their development length from the section
under consideration should be reduced in proportion to their lack of full development (instead of
In most cases, the new direct solution equations in the 2008 Revisions are producing higher
capacities for sections that have less than minimum transverse reinforcement. The main reason is
that theta no longer is penalized, which results in shallower crack angles allowing for more stirrups
within the member to contribute to the shear resistance.
Unfortunately, the old iterative method is still a valid option in the LRFD code, as the 2008 Revisions
have placed the old Article language in Appendix B5. BRASS Girder (LRFD) Version 2.0.3
has been updated to include the 2008 revisions of the AASHTO LRFD code. The algebraic equations
are now used to calculate shear capacity.
We were made aware of an issue that occurs with continuous multi-span bridges, when the adjacent
span lengths vary by a considerable amount. It was noticed that the maximum positive moment
sections were being evaluated at odd locations (0.1L for an end span and 0.4L for an interior span).
This was a result of our original practice of basing these locations off of the dead load maximum
moment locations and not the factored combined (dead load and live load) maximums. The maximum
dead load moment location shifts were due to the uplift in short spans caused by the dead load of an
adjacent long span.
To compensate for the uplift effects of dead load on the adjacent short spans, we will now use the
maximum and minimum Load Factors stipulated in AASHTO LRFD Table 3.4.1-2. As a result, we
have modified the BRASS Input Adjustment Type 2 commands in the BRASS input files to the
COM 13-1.2
FACTORS-LOAD-DL ST, 1, 1.25, 0.90, 1.25, 0.65
FACTORS-LOAD-DL ST, 2, 1.25, 0.90, 1.25, 0.65
FACTORS-LOAD-DL SE, 3, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00
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The heavier vehicles will produce a maximum positive moment location closer towards the midspan,
while the lighter vehicles will produce a maximum positive moment location away from midspan
towards the maximum moment location of the dead load. Therefore, in order to capture the maximum
positive moment for the entire suite of vehicles that we use in load rating, we may have to establish a
range of points where the different vehicles will produce their maximum positive moment.
In order to facilitate this procedure, we have developed a new application (BRASS Moment Analyzer)
that will evaluate the BRASS output files after an initial BRASS run and determine if the maximum
positive moment locations for the live loads differ from the dead load locations. If so, the program will
then analyze the differences in the locations and then provide a range of recommended positive
moment locations (at 20th points) along with the BRASS commands for these new flexural analysis
locations that can be copied and pasted into the BRASS input files. The program will create a text file,
with the modified name of _MOMENT_INITIAL.TXT, in the same directory that contains the BRASS
output files that were analyzed.
After the final BRASS run, the BRASS Moment Analyzer can be used to once again evaluate the
BRASS output files. This time, the software will check and report if the maximum combined moment
for every vehicle at each analysis point is negative, positive, or contains both negative and positive
values. The program will allow the user to print a summary report which they can refer to when
selecting the type of moment during the BRASS import of the moment locations on the Load Rating
Summary sheet. The program will create a text file, with the modified name of
_MOMENT_FINAL.TXT, in the same directory that contains the BRASS output files that were
Do not include the BRASS Moment Analyzer output in the printed Load Rating Calc. Book. We only
request that the .TXT files that it produces be included with the electronic files for the load rating.
The intent is to only use the BRASS Moment Analyzer for continuous bridges with adjacent span
lengths that vary more than 30%.
5.4.9 Special Procedure for Prestressed Girder Bridges of Multiple Simple Spans
Therefore, for the foreseeable future, ODOT finds it necessary to do the following work-around
A. Create a separate BRASS input file for each unique combination of simple span and girder
B. Create an overall reaction run for the whole structure substituting equivalent non-
prestressed girders and applying all the rating vehicles, in order to get the correct liveload
reactions at the interior bents. The reactions from this run, along with the appropriate
Distribution Factors, can be input directly into the crossbeam software.
The best practice is to generate the Reaction Run input file from a source input file from the first
simple-span in the sequence. Generally, to generate a Reaction Run input file from the first simple-
span input file, follow these steps:
1. Copy the interior prestressed girder input file from the first span in the sequence, naming the
copy appropriately (for example: REACT.DAT)
2. In the TITLE (2-1.6) command, change the file name and description to identify this as the
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reaction run.
3. Delete the PRESTRESS-MATERIALS (9-1.1) command and its related comment (the
reaction run can have no prestressed materials).
4. In the Section Geometry section of the file, insert additional CONC-STD-SECTION (8-2.1),
COMPOSITE-SLAB (10-2.1) and COMPOSITE-REBAR (10-2.2) commands as necessary to
identify all girder sections used in the bridge. (A bridge consisting of all the same standard
section would not need additional commands here).
5. In the Span Length and Section information section, insert additional SPAN-STD-XSECT
(11-1.1), SPAN-SECTION (11-2.1), SPAN-COPY (11-3.1) and SPAN-HINGE (11-5.1)
commands (with new span numbers) as necessary to define each of the spans in the bridge.
To approximate simple spans, the SPAN-HINGE command is necessary near (but not at) the
support at the right end, except for the last span in the sequence. Spans that are defined
with the SPAN-COPY command still need to have a separate SPAN-HINGE command.
6. After the span definitions, insert additional SUPPORT-FIXITY (11-4.1) commands for each
support in the bridge. All supports would have R (for Restrained) in the Y-direction, and
only one support (usually at the left end of the structure) would be restrained in the X-
7. Delete all commands and associated comments related to prestress definitions, strands,
losses, and shrinkage loads.
8. In each of the dead load groups, insert additional LOAD-DEAD-UNIFORM (12-1.3) and
LOAD-DEAD-POINT (12-1.4) commands as necessary to apply the dead loads to all spans
of the bridge.
9. Delete all OUTPUT-INTERMEDIATE (5-2.1) commands relating to points of interest. With
this run, we are interested only in liveload reactions, not in rating factors at points of interest
(which would be wrong in any case due to substitution of non-prestressed girders).
Use the interior girder files as a starting point for creating the exterior girder files. Most of the interior
girder file will still apply for the exterior girder analysis. Because the interior file is used as a starting
point, it is suggested to not begin the exterior girder analysis until throughout checking of the interior
files have been completed. Any mistakes found in the interior file would likely also be mistakes in the
exterior file.
5.5. 1 Generating an Exterior Girder Preliminary File from an Interior Girder File
For the typical un-widened prestressed girder structure where the exterior girder design is the same
as the interior girder, the task of generating an exterior girder preliminary file from the corresponding
interior girder preliminary file generally consists on the following steps:
In cases where the exterior girder design is different than the interior girder, the task of generating an
exterior girder preliminary file is similar to the creation of the interior girder preliminary file.
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In the case of a prestressed slab or box girder bridge with a sidewalk or rail and curb that covers half
or more of the exterior girder width, the exterior girder does not need to be analyzed. This is due to
the distribution factors becoming zero for the exterior girder in this situation.
5.5.2 Generating an Exterior Girder BRASS Input File from an Interior Girder File
For the typical un-widened Prestressed Concrete Deck Girder structure where the exterior girder
design is the same as the interior girder, the task of generating an exterior girder BRASS input file
from the corresponding interior girder BRASS input file generally consists on the following steps:
This section covers post-tensioned box girder bridges that can be designed as single-spine beams
with straight segments (AASHTO LRFD Segmental post-tensioned box girder bridges are
not covered in this chapter. Precast girders that are spliced to form one simply supported span are
not considered segmental per AASHTO LRFD, and can therefore be analyzed following
the procedures listed below. Reference the commentary in AASHTO LRFD section for a
discussion of the difference between spliced and segmental construction.
Create a scoping file (nnnnnn_scope.xls) to document important decisions made by the load rating
engineer. The effort required to perform a load rating can be reduced by identifying similar members
and points of symmetry. It is important to document these locations, so someone can review the load
rating at a future date and quickly understand what portions of the structure have been analyzed, and
why other members were excluded from the analysis.
Structures will only be analyzed up to points of symmetry. Analyzing past the point of symmetry will
have the unintended affect of causing the point to be reported twice in the load rating summary sheet.
Points of symmetry for both the girder and crossbeam will be documented in this scoping summary.
Similar elements will be investigated with the goal of reducing the total number of elements to be
rated. If a member is similar to another, but can be shown to either have reduced capacity or greater
loads, then the controlling member can be rated first. If this member has rating factors greater than
1.0, there is no need to rate the other similar member.
An example would be crossbeams that have the same cross sections, and reinforcement, but
different adjacent span lengths. The capacity of these crossbeams will be the same but the loads will
vary due to the different span lengths. In this case the crossbeam with the longer adjacent spans
(higher loads) will be rated first. As long as these rating factors are greater than or equal to 1.0 then,
there is no need to rate the other crossbeam. If the load rating reports rating factors less than 1.0,
then both members shall be rated. Although the first member will still control the overall load rating,
the rating factors for the second member will be useful information when determining possible repairs.
Because the scope of the load rating can change depending on the calculated rating factors, revisit
the scoping summary at the conclusion of the load rating to ensure it is an accurate reflection of the
work performed.
Torsionally stiff cross-sections, such as cast-in-place multicell concrete box girders, can be designed
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using the whole-width approach (AASHTO LRFD ODOT chose to use this method of
analysis for cast-in-place multicell concrete box girders since the cross-section is very stiff and the
webs do not act independently.
Often the exterior stem walls are not the same height as the interior stems, resulting in an apparent
exterior stem diminished capacity. Because the sections are torsionally stiff, all of the girders resist
applied loads regardless of placement location. The whole-width approach accounts for the sections
ability to distribute loads amongst all the girders.
Prestressing strand information is commonly provided by the designer through one profile at the CG
of all the strands. Because the exterior girders are not always full depth, an assumed strand profile
for the exterior and interior girders would have to be calculated to perform a single girder analysis.
Calculating a unique profile for the exterior and interior girder requires several assumptions and
complicates the load rating. Using the whole width approach allows all of the strands to be input at
the design prestress CG profile, thus simplifying the load rating procedure.
Precast prestressed concrete boxes that are spliced and then post-tensioned (spread boxes) can not
be analyzed using the whole width approach; instead individual girder lines must be analyzed. Aside
from analyzing individual girders, the procedure for analyzing the spread boxes is the same as
analyzing the cast-in-place post-tensioned box girders. Although individual girder lines must be
analyzed, this type of construction typically will have the same design for an interior and exterior
girder line. Therefore, the only difference between the interior and exterior analysis will usually be the
live load distribution factors.
Spread boxes are commonly constructed with the following procedure; place the precast tubs on
temporary supports, pour closures to make precast units continuous, pour composite deck, post
tension the entire superstructure, and then remove temporary supports. The methodology outlined in
this chapter does not account for the difference in construction methods of spread boxes and cast-in-
place box girders. Ignoring the construction staging has little effect on strength I rating factors, but
will introduce slight error in service III rating factors. This error is minor in most cases. See section
6.6.17 for a more in-depth discussion of service III rating factors and construction staging.
For post-tensioned box girders, the preliminary (Mathcad) file name and extension for bridge #nnnnn
is typically nnnnn_PTBOX.xmcd.
Note: Because the dot multiplier symbol is very small and can easily be overlooked in Mathcad
printouts, when typing equations, surround all multiplied terms with parentheses.
6.2.1 Header
Use the Mathcad header feature to indicate Bridge Number (upper right corner), Bridge Name (top
line center), load rater, date (2nd line left), File Name, and Page Number (2nd line right). Use the
Bridge Name as defined in the Definitions, Article 1.3.3 of this Manual.
Since the bridge number and name are contained in the Mathcad header, they do not show up while
working on the file, only when printing or doing a Print Preview. To avoid confusion over which bridge
you are working on, it is good practice to place the bridge number and name near the top of the file in
the right margin (outside the printable area).
Just below the Mathcad header section, document the bridge structure type. For state bridges the
span description (Spans field) from the Bridge Log is adequate for this purpose.
Note: The Mathcad regions in the top right margin (outside the printable area) are there for two
purposes. The units definitions are necessary for Mathcad to understand some commonly used units
in structural engineering (without them, Mathcad would generate errors because it is unable to
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
interpret them). The row of nonstandard characters is there in case the user might want to copy them
elsewhere to clarify the calculations.
Document the decisions regarding all 3 Resistance Factors, with references to the appropriate MBE
Treat the System Factor s for Flexure and Shear and the Combined Factor () for Flexure and
Shear as separate variables in Mathcad.
For Shear:
v = [ max ( c sv , 0.85) ]
where is the AASHTO LRFD Resistance Factor, based on material and force type (AASHTO
and sv is the System Factor for Shear (always 1.0 regardless of member, according to MBE
6A.4.2.4, in the note below 6A.4.2.4-1)
These equations account for the intermediate check of c s 0.85 (MBE 6A.4.2.1-3).
Generally f and v will be the same for redundant members such as girders and will be different for
non-redundant members such as single-span and 2-span crossbeams.
The live load factor for HL-93 Inventory Rating is 1.75. This is the factor that is entered into
nnnnnn_PTGirder.xls. The Load Rating Summary Workbook (LR.XLT) will automatically apply the
HL-93 Operating Rating live load factor of 1.35.
For State-owned bridges, the live load factors for Legal, SHV, Continuous Trip Permit, and Single Trip
Permit vehicles are calculated using LL_Factors_State.XLS. The only input is ADTT (one direction).
For Local-Agency-owned bridges, the live load factors for Legal, SHV, Continuous Trip Permit, and
Single Trip Permit vehicles are calculated using LL_Factors_Local.XLS. The two inputs are ADTT
(one direction) and effective bridge length. Note that effective bridge length is either (a) the sum of
the longest two consecutive continuous spans, or (b) the longest simple span, whichever is greater.
Regardless of which Live Load Factor Application is used, ADTT is specified as one direction. Thus
ADTT for bridges with one direction of traffic is the Average Daily Traffic (NBI Item 29) multiplied by
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the Average Daily Truck Traffic (Percent) (NBI Item 109). For bridges with two-way traffic, the ADTT
entered into the Live Load Factor Application is half the total ADTT for the structure.
After completing the input, save this bridge-specific copy of the Live Load Factor Application (either
LL_Factors_State.XLS or LL_Factors_Local.XLS as applicable) in the load rating file set. To avoid
errors in the preliminary file, copy the LRFR Strength I & II table from the live load factor application,
and in Mathcad use Edit / Paste Special. In the Paste Special dialog box choose the Paste button,
highlight Bitmap in the As list, and click the OK button. This will insert an image of the live load
factor application into the Mathcad preliminary file. After pasting, the bitmap can be dragged, and
resized using the corner handles, to fit into the Mathcad printable area. Note, pasting the Excel
worksheet directly in Mathcad is not recommended due to the idiosyncrasies of the live load factor
application. Because you are pasting an inert bitmap, if any subsequent changes in live load factor
input were to occur, the pasted object should be deleted from the preliminary file, the corrections
should be done in the live load factor application and copied and pasted again into the preliminary file
as a bitmap.
Document the decisions regarding the Impact Factor IM, referring to MBE 6A.4.4.3.
nnnnn_PTGirder.xls is used to calculate the distribution factors. Per AASHTO LRFD the live
load distribution factors for an interior web are multiplied by the total number of webs when the whole-
width approach is used. When spread boxes are being analyzed, both interior and exterior girder line
(one tub equals one girder line) distribution factors will need to be calculated. Multiplying the number
of webs by the live load distribution factor is done internally by the spreadsheet. Section 6.5.4 covers
this process in detail.
Enter the material properties and calculate the elastic modulus for reinforced concrete (E c ) and
prestressed concrete (E psc ). Then compute the modular ratio for concrete materials (n c ). Use
AASHTO LRFD Equation to determine the elastic modulus of concrete, assuming K 1 =1.0.
Document assumptions made about the material properties if they are not given on the Bridge Plans.
When the deck and girder concrete are not of the same strength, the concrete modular ratio will be
used to transform the deck concrete into equivalent girder concrete.
Calculate the distance from centerline of the exterior stem to face of curb, d e . Calculate the stem
spacing and enter the values within the Mathcad preliminary file. Nnnnn_PTGirder.xls doesnt allow
for variable stem spacings within a cross section, thus calculate and record the maximum spacing. If
the maximum girder spacing varies across the length of the span (flared webs) then the spacing at
left support and right support shall be calculated. Nnnnn_PTGirder.xls will automatically linearly vary
this spacing across the span. Document the skew angle at the left and right support. When
calculating distribution factors nnnnn_PTGirder.xls will automatically use the left, right, or average
skew angle depending on what distribution factor is calculated.
Typically post-tensioned box girders extend a short distance beyond the CL of bearing. Because the
stressing strands are anchored at the end of the box girder, they do not have a development length
like precast prestressed girders. If the strand layout is defined from CL of bearing, then neglecting
the overhang does not significantly affect the rating factors and will therefore not be included. When
the strand layout is provided from the face of the end beam then it is typically easier to simply include
the end beam in the analysis. Span lengths will still always be defined from CL bearing to CL
bearing. If the cross-beam warrants an analysis, the dead load from this overhang shall be included
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as a point load.
In this section show all calculations necessary to determine the location of reinforcement that will be
used for capacity calculations. It is particularly important when calculating the nominal moment
capacity to include the mild steel reinforcement. Although the mild reinforcement does little to the Mn
value, it does have an impact when determining if the section is tension controlled and will thus have
an impact on f . Flexural Reinforcement
Show any necessary calculations for determining the flexural reinforcement. Calculate y c , the
distance from bottom of girder to centroid of the row being defined. If calculations are necessary to
determine the location of bars or development lengths, they are to be shown here. Shear Reinforcement
Use an embedded Excel spreadsheet within Mathcad to calculate the ranges and span fractions for
the shear reinforcement layout for each span as indicated below. Double-clicking on an embedded
spreadsheet activates Excel, and its toolbars and functionality become available. An existing
embedded Excel spreadsheet can be copied, pasted in another location and modified to do similar
calculations for another span. For each span that contains analysis sections, working consecutively
from the left end of the span to the right, populate the yellow fields in the following table in the
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preliminary file. The Remnant stirrup space no longer needs to be calculated. Simply input the
spacing and the total range that is represented by that spacing.
Shear reinforcement bar size and spacing shall but determined from the plan sheets. When the whole
width approach is used, the sum of all shear reinforcement at a section will be used. Typically this will
be the area of shear reinforcement for an interior stem multiplied by the total number of stems. If the
exterior stem has a different stirrup schedule than the interior stems, use the spacing of the interior
stem with an equivalent total shear reinforcement area.
Designers commonly provide a few parameters for prestressing strand and leave some flexibility to
the post-tensioning contractor on the distribution, size, and sequence of stressing. Typically, a total
prestress CG profile, final midspan prestressing force, anchor set, friction factor, wobble coefficient,
assumed time dependent losses, and area of prestressing strand are provided on the bridge plans.
In the Preliminary (.xmcd) file, under the section titled Prestressing Properties, document all strand
properties and calculate the number of prestressing strands to achieve the design requirements.
Unless otherwise stated, assume 1/2in diameter 7-wire strand. This is the most common strand type
used within the state. Document the type of strand, stress relieved or low relaxation and any other
assumptions under the Prestress Properties heading.
Unless otherwise specified, assume an equivalent anchor set of 5/8in.
Provide any necessary calculations to determine the beginning and ending locations of prestressed or
post-tensioning strands. For Midas to correctly output prestressing strand information, a node point
must occur at the beginning and ending location of all prestressing strand.
Annual relative humidity is determined per AASHTO LRFD Figure Interpolation between
curves is not necessary, rather select the lower value.
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If the designer provided an equation in the bridge plans that shows how the area of prestressing
strands is calculated, then use the provided equation. No iteration is required. The equation is
commonly provided under stressing details and is of the following form:
AS =
0.75 f s'
Where: Pj is the initial force before anchor set at a specific jacking location.
f` s is the minimum ultimate strength
If the designer did not provide an equation to calculate the total prestressing area then it will have to
be calculated from the information provided. Using the final midspan force and the allowable final
stresses an iterative procedure can be used to determine the approximate number of strands. This
procedure is outlined below. The example load rating for BR09648 can also be referenced.
Midas Civil can be used to determine the number of strands and the initial jacking stress.
This has to be an iterative approach because the number of strands, initial jacking stress,
final maximum allowable stress, and final minimum midspan force are inter-dependent. If
a maximum allowable final stress is not specified by the plan sheets, then 0.80(f py ) shall
be used per AASHTO LRFD Table 5.9.3-1.
Begin by assuming the maximum allowable jacking stress was used. Calculate the
number of strands required using the maximum allowable stress at midspan. Input these
values into the Midas model and run the analysis.
Check the results to see if iteration is required. The output can be found under; Results
=> Results Tables => Tendon =>Tendon Approximate Loss. Final tendon stresses are
calculated using the assumed time dependent losses (provided in the plans) plus
Immediate Losses calculated by Midas. These results will be used to calculate the inputs
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If the final calculated stress is greater than the allowable stress, at any point along the
span, decrease the jacking stress by a value equal to the difference of the calculated and
the allowable stress. This will decrease the stress along the entire tendon such that the
maximum final stress is less than the maximum allowable stress.
Calculate the final midspan force by multiplying the final midspan stress by the strand
area. Compare this force to the per plan minimum final midspan force. If the calculated
value is below the required value then more prestressing strand needs to be specified.
For the second iteration, the number of prestressing strands can be calculated by dividing
the required midspan force by the calculated force per strand. The calculated force per
strand is the strand area multiplied by the midspan tendon stress calculated in the
previous iteration.
Continue the iteration process until the calculated final midspan force is above the
specified minimum and the calculated maximum final strand stress is below the specified
maximum. This should not take more than a few iterations.
Note: The final midspan force calculated in this section is not the same force used in
capacity calculations. This section uses an assumed time dependent stress loss value,
usually 25 ksi. Capacity calculation use calculated time dependent stress losses. Midas
performs a refined time dependent stress loss analysis.
To avoid confusion, dead loads should be grouped under the headings DC and DW in the Preliminary
File (.xmcd) and entered in the Midas model as separate load cases. Use AASHTO LRFD Table
3.5.1-1 to determine the unit weight of concrete w c . For dead load calculations, use w c +0.005 kcf to
account for the reinforcement, in accordance with AASHTO LRFD Commentary C3.5.1. Precast
reinforced concrete shall use a minimum weight of 0.155 kcf. This minimum is based on
recommendations from the precast industry.
Consider diaphragm point loads to be part of component load DC. Include any diaphragms/end
beams at the end of the girder over the support, as they will be utilized when applying the girder dead
load reactions to crossbeams.
Where standard rail drawings occur, use the rail dead loads tabulated in Appendix A2.0 Summary of
Standard Rail Weights, found in file RAILDL.XLS. Provide detailed calculations for the dead load of
any rail not found in this summary.
For all concrete box girder bridges, assume adequate lateral distribution of loads and distribute the
sum of all rail, curb and sidewalk dead loads equally among all girders.
Add a point load at the center of bearing to account for the dead load of the rails, deck, and girder
that extend beyond the center of bearing. Even though these loads will have no impact to the load
rating of the girder, they will be utilized when applying the girder dead load reactions to crossbeams.
For most utilities, the dead load is very insignificant when compared to the dead load of the rest of the
structure, and therefore can be ignored. However, there can be cases were the utility load can be
significant; such as a bridge supporting a 16 diameter concrete lined cast iron water pipe that was
computed to add 200 lb/ft of dead load when considered full of water. In this case, the dead load was
shared between the two adjacent girders. Therefore, it will be left up to the engineering judgment of
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the individual load rater to determine if the utility dead load is significant enough to be included in the
load rating.
Always separate wearing surface dead load (DW) from the component (DC) dead loads. This is due
to (a) the potential for different dead load factors DC and DW according to MBE, (b) because this
facilitates future re-rating when the wearing surface thickness changes and (c) it facilitates input for
the crossbeam load rating software, where it must be kept separate.
Use 150 lb/ft for asphalt wearing surface (0.0125 ksf/inch of wearing surface). Use 0.013 ksf/inch for
overlays of Polyester Polymer Concrete (non-structural). Show calculations for wearing surface dead
load distributed equally to all the girders. Add 1 to any non-zero measured ACWS thickness to
account for uncertainties in measurement, unless the thickness has been obtained from averaging
multiple core samples.
For all concrete decks and for multi-beam slab bridges, assume adequate lateral distribution of loads
and distribute the sum of all wearing surface dead loads (stage 2 dead loads) equally among all
Add a point load at the center of bearing to account for the dead load of the wearing surface that
extends beyond the center of bearing (the red shaded area illustrated in Article 5.2.5), if a crossbeam
analysis is warranted. Even though this load will have no impact to the load rating of the girder, it will
be utilized when applying the girder dead load reactions to crossbeams.
List the four classes of rating loads to be analyzed. (See Articles through
Determine the spans to be investigated. These should be any span that is unique and is not repeated
due to symmetry or due to repetition of a span between joints. If the post-tensioning strands are
stressed from one end only, friction losses will cause an unsymmetrical stress profile. An
unsymmetrical strand stress profile does warrant analysis of the entire section, even if the structure is
otherwise geometrically symmetrical.
Within each span, check for symmetry of sections, reinforcement and loads, and do not identify any
analysis points that are structurally symmetrical with analysis points already defined. Defining
analysis points that are structurally symmetrical has the potential effect of corrupting the Load Rating
Summary Sheet. Because the Refresh module is looking for the lowest Rating Factors, defining a
symmetrical point causes it to identify the most critical rating location twice, thus preventing it from
identifying the second most critical analysis point. The second controlling point is useful information
in evaluating potential repairs for the bridge.
The commentary of MBE Article C6A.5.8 states that for prestressed concrete, multiple locations
(preferably at 0.05 points) need to be checked for shear. The location where shear is highest may
not be critical because the corresponding moment may be quite low. Typically, locations near the
0.25 point could be critical because of relatively high levels of both shear and moment. Therefore, to
follow the recommendation of the LRFR code for prestressed concrete, check shear at all points
(including 0.05 points) between the critical shear section locations.
The maximum positive moment location is at the mid-span for simple spans. However, post-
tensioned box girders typically either have parabolic tendon profiles and/or parabolic cross section
profiles. Because of the changing cross section it is difficult to determine the controlling flexure
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location. For positive moment, both moment and shear shall be checked at 0.05 points from 0.25L to
0.50L for simple spans, and from 0.25L to 0.75L for continuous spans. For negative moment
locations, both moment and shear shall be checked at 0.05 points from 0.80L of the previous span to
0.20L of the next span; excluding shear checks inside the critical shear points from the support.
Besides the locations listed above, there are a number of additional analysis sections for shear. For
each unique span, subdivide the calculations of analysis sections into the categories (up to 5) given in
article 1.5.3. Summarize the underlined headings that will begin each section of calculations. An
example of this summary follows:
Then repeat each header, one by one, and under each header provide the calculations necessary to
determine or document the location of each shear investigation point in that category. Thus there will
be up to 5 separate calculation sections for each span. If any particular point duplicates a previously
calculated point or is within 1 ft of a previously calculated point, the new point may be omitted. In this
case, explain the omission by indicating which previously identified point already covers the current
one. This gives priority to critical sections and bar cutoff points when near-duplicates are
According to AASHTO LRFD Article, critical shear section locations shall be taken at
shear depth d v from face of support. AASHTO LRFD Article states that the effective
shear depth (d v ) is taken as the distance, measured perpendicular to the neutral axis, between
the resultants of the tensile and compressive forces due to flexure; it need not be taken to be less
than the greater of 0.9d e or 0.72h. Thus, for flexural members the distance between the
resultants of the tensile and compressive forces due to flexure can be determined as:
For prestressed members with parabolic strands, the calculation of the moment capacity at a
given distance from the support in the above equation becomes complicated and would require
an iterative approach. To simplify the approach, the critical section at d v shall be calculated as
0.72 h (in.) from the support face. Do this for each critical section location (each end of each
unique span).
In the event that the above equation produced a higher d v , 0.72h will be more conservative as it
is located closer to the support thus resulting in higher shear location that is being analyzed.
Likewise, if 0.90d e is greater than 0.72h, using 0.72h will be located closer to the support thus
resulting in higher shear location that is being analyzed. In the event that 0.72h is greater than
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the above equation or 0.90d e , then 0.72h will be in compliance with LRFD Article
Flexural bar cutoff analysis is not required. The flexural moment capacity is primarily developed
by the prestressing tendons. Therefore, it is not necessary to evaluate mild reinforcement bar
cutoff locations for post-tensioned box girders.
Show calculations locating any abrupt change in girder cross section, such as the beginnings or
ends of haunches, web tapers, or partial bottom flanges.
These locations are taken from the stirrups schedule spreadsheet embedded in the Preliminary
File and adjusted by one stirrup space toward the direction with the greater spacing. At a stirrup
spacing change location, a shear crack would propagate across both stirrup spaces. The
analysis doesnt interpolate the shear capacity to the left and right of an analysis point.
Therefore, moving the analysis point by one stirrup space moves the analysis location away from
the transition area providing a more realistic analysis.
Indicate which stirrup spacing change points in the girder are farther from the support than the
critical shear point.
The debonded strand locations need to be checked for shear only when the number of debonded
strands at a section exceeds the limits specified in AASHTO LRFD
Calculate the section properties at each unique section change location. A combination of
MicroStation and the Midas Sectional Property Calculator tool is used.
Node points will be created for the ends of spans (CL Bearing), girder geometry change points, and
all analysis points. Only the section change locations will have a cross section defined. The tapered
section group command within Midas is used to taper between sections.
Columns can typically be modeled using the cross section feature in Midas. Therefore, it is not
necessary to draft a column cross section in MicroStation.
Use the GeometryCalcs tab in the nnnnn_PTGirder.xls spreadsheet to document all calculated
section dimensions. This sheet is useful as a guide when referencing locations, to nodes, to cross
section numbers, to element locations.
MIDAS output is referenced to either node points or elements. Use this sheet to reference each
section location with the Midas node point and element location.
If the box girder height varies parabolically, write an equation for the parabola so the height can be
calculated at each node point. Stem wall, top and bottom flange thicknesses commonly vary near
bent locations; the actual width of each shall be calculated at each node point.
Calculate an equivalent cross section height for use in Midas and nnnnn_PTGirder.XLS. This height
will be the average height of the full depth box section accounting for the differences due to roadway
crown. The new average height cross-section will be modeled with no crown or roadway super
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elevation (flanges will be flat). The figures below illustrate where the maximum and minimum heights
will typically be used to calculate the average cross section height.
When all stem walls are full depth the effective shear width b v is the sum of all stem wall widths,
measured in a plane horizontal to the neutral axis, reduced by of the duct diameters for grouted
tendons and the diameters for ungrouted tendons, per AASHTO LRFD For cross sections
with shallow exterior stem walls, the effective shear width will be determined by summing the area of
each stem (still reduce the width for the presence of ducts), and dividing by the average height. The
average height is calculated as shown above; do not include the shallow exterior stem walls when
determining the average height.
When the deck overhang thickness varies or is different from the rest of the deck, an equivalent deck
width can be calculated. Only one deck (top flange) thickness can be input for capacity calculations.
Therefore, one deck thickness will be used but the top flange effective width will be varied to account
for the different overhang thickness. Use the interior deck thickness for the entire top flange, but vary
the effective width to account for any varying overhang. The result should be an equivalent top flange
with the same cross sectional area as that shown on the plans, with a uniform thickness, and a
varying width. The small change in the top flange centroid can usually be neglected.
If the top flange concrete has a different compressive strength than the girder concrete, only use the
girder compressive strengths in the Midas analysis. The nnnnn_PTGirder.xls sections allow for
separate compressive strengths to be entered, so the capacity calculations will be performed
correctly. Coding a single material in the Midas analysis allows for the section to be input without the
composite commands. Use a transformed top flange width to account for the difference in section
stiffness. The transformed top flange width is calculated automatically using the equivalent top flange
width and concrete strengths defined in the GeometryCalcs tab of nnnnn_PTGirder.xls. Note that
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using a transformed width simplifies the analysis but will create an error in the overall dead load.
Apply a uniform dead load that accounts for the difference in the equivalent top flange and the
transformed top flange. If the deck is of a lower strength than the girders, then this load will be in the
opposite direction of gravity.
Capacity calculations of columns are not necessary unless the column is being load rated. Therefore,
do not include column cross sections in the GeometryCalcs tab.
6.3.2 MicroStation Cross Sections
Before beginning work in MicroStation review the list of node points in the GeometryCalcs tab.
Reviewing this for completeness can save significant time later. Each cross section will be drawn in
MicroStation and then exported to the Midas Sectional Property Calculator. Only section change
locations have to be defined here. It is acceptable to use AutoCAD to generate the cross sections.
Midas is capable of tapering from one section to the next. However, for this taper to work correctly
each cross section must have the same number of joints. Because of this, a little up front planning is
necessary. Determine the cross section that will have the most joints and begin here.
The figures below show a cross section near mid-span and another near the interior support. Each
cross section is using an average height, thus the flanges are flat with the roadway crown not being
modeled. The cross section near mid-span has only 32 joints, where the one near the interior support
has 34 joints. In order to have Midas correctly taper the cross sections between each other, the cross
section near midspan will have to have a couple of its straight line segments broken into smaller
segments so that the number of joints match with the cross section near the interior support.
Use good drafting techniques when drawing this first section. Make sure all intersecting lines are
trimmed and match up correctly. Do not have any overlapping line segments. Draw in all chamfers.
Most structures are symmetric about the CL of the section; take advantage by drawing half the
section and then make a mirrored copy about the vertical axis. This first section will be the template
for all other sections, so take the time to check it for accuracy.
Copy and paste the first cross section to use as a starting point for the next section. Alter the section
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to match the new cross section dimensions. If a joint is eliminated, place a dummy joint in the new
cross section. A dummy joint can be made by breaking a line segment into two line segments at
approximately the location where the joint is removed. All of the sections must have the same
number of joints for Midas to properly taper from one section to the next.
Continue this process until a cross section exists for each node in the span. Place the cross sections
so that they are in sequential order from the first to last. Copy all of the sections and paste them
adjacent to the original sections. One set of sections shall have the appropriate dimensioning shown
on the drawing along with a section number label. The other set of sections will have no
dimensioning or labels. Copy the non-labeled sections into a new file titled Sections and save as a
6.3.3 Sectional Property Calculator
The Midas Sectional Property Calculator tool is used to convert the MicroStation Sections.dxf file into
a Sections.sec (Section Export File). Once created the Sections.sec file is used by Midas to define
the section properties.
Open Midas and under the tools menu open up the Sectional Property Calculator (SPC). Once open
change the force to kips, the length to inches, click Apply and then okay. Apply must be clicked for
the tolerance to be recalculated as shown below.
Import the Sections.dxf file created in MicroStation. Go to File => Import => AutoCAD DXF. Browse
to the file location and open. The SPC will pop up a window either stating It will take a very long time
for checking the entire curves, or it will pop up Check the intersection and/or duplication of the
imported DXF model data? If the later occurs, select No. Selecting yes would remove any dummy
nodes that were intentionally created while drawing the section in MicroStation.
The imported sections will look similar to those shown below. Check that the node points are all dark
blue and have the same number of nodes from one section to the next. If there is an error, the SPC
software will display a light blue color at the node, as shown in the middle cross section below.
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Using the Generate Sections tab (Shown below), generate and calculate the properties for each
section. Highlight the cross section with the mouse. Select Plane for Type. Uncheck the Merge
Straight Lines (this would remove any dummy joints). Name the section and check the calculate
properties now box. Click Apply. See below for a graphic of this setup.
Continue generating sections until all cross sections have been completed.
NOTE: If an error regarding mesh size is reported, close the program and restart by importing the .dxf
file. Create all of the sections as shown above, but do NOT select calculate properties now. Once all
of the sections are generated, go to the top menu Property => Calculate Section Property. Refine the
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mesh density as required. Select all of the sections and then click apply. This may take several
minutes depending on the number of sections and the mesh size.
On the left tree menu, under Section, select Export. Select Midas Section for the file type and name
the file Sections. Highlight all of the sections and click apply. This will create the Sections.sec file
that will be imported into Midas.
Midas Civil is not used to calculate capacity or rating factors. Rather it is utilized to determine various
load effects. Capacity and rating factors are calculated in nnnnn_PTGirder.XLS. Midas Civil is a
powerful finite element analysis software. The below procedure may be valid on previous versions. If
a previous version is used, check the input and output for consistency with this chapter.
6.4.1 Midas Template
Create a new Midas model and save it with the name nnnnn_PTBOX.mcb.
In the top menu, go to Tools > MCT Command Shell.
Within the MCT Command Shell, click the open file icon. Open the mct file named
LR_Midas_PT_Data.mct, which will populate the MCT Command Shell window with data. At the
bottom left of the MCT Command Shell window click on the Run button. Then click on the Close
button at the bottom right of the MCT Command Shell window.
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Within the Works Tree Menu there will now be Analysis Control Data, Properties, and Static Loads
defined for the model.
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Update the project information with the bridge number, engineers name, and company performing
the load rating. In the top menu go to Midas Icon (Top Left) => Project Information.
6.4.3 Properties
Using the tree menu verify the material properties and make adjustments as necessary. Make sure
the input units are correct. Materials
One concrete, one PT strand, and one PS strand material property is predefined. Update these
materials as required. If additional materials need to be assigned go to the top menu under
Properties => Material Properties and select Add. The deck, stem walls, and bottom slab are typically
the same concrete strength; regardless the Midas model will assume one concrete strength for the
entire superstructure. Any variation in girder and deck concrete strength is accounted for by using a
transformed deck width. Mild steel reinforcement doesnt need to be defined in Midas. Mild
reinforcement will be directly entered into the nnnnn_PTGirder.xls spreadsheet.
In the tree menu right click on Concrete 5500, and then left click on properties.
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PT and PS Strand material properties should remain unchanged. Note the unit weight is set to 0.0
kips/in^3 because the unit weight of the concrete includes reinforcement.
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Update the concrete parameters used to calculate the time dependent compressive concrete
Right click on ACI [ Code=ACI ] and then left click on properties.
Update the following:
1) Concrete Compressive Strength.
2) Click Redraw Graph.
3) Click OK.
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Unless additional materials were defined, this section should remain unchanged. The Time
Dependent Material Link assigns defined materials to time dependent properties. Note: prestress
steel time dependent properties are defined in a different section.
Right click on 1 [ Mat=Girder Conc 5500 ; C&S=Concrete ; E=ACI and then left click on properties.
Check/Update the following:
1) Click on No 1 Concrete.
2) Creep/Shrinkage is Concrete.
3) Compressive Strength is per ACI.
4) Selected material is Concrete. If all is ok then click close, if not update to the correct parameter
and then click Add/Modify, then close.
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6.4.5 Sections
Cross sections have been defined, and section properties have been calculated for each cross
section. These will be imported and tapered as applicable. It is beneficial to print the highlighted
GeometryCalcs.xls spreadsheet to use as a reference. The sheet references nodes, to sections, to
distances. Nodes
Within the Model View window, right click anywhere and select Nodes > Nodes Table
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Node locations can either be manually typed into the X column or copy and pasted from the
GeometryCalcs tab in nnnnn_PTGirder.xls spreadsheet.
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For Multi-span continuous structures; include a node at the top and bottom of any columns that are
integral with the superstructure. The top node of the column doesnt have to be a node on the
superstructure. Instead, detail the column to the bottom of the girder, or crossbeam and use a rigid
link to connect the superstructure to the substructure. Importing Sections
In the Tree Menu, select Properties and right click, then left click on Add Section.
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Section Data field will pop up. Click on the Value tab (1).
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When Import from SPC is selected a new box pops open. Midas is searching for the .sec file created
during section 6.3.3. Browse to this file, select it (1) and click Open (2).
Select the appropriate section (1), and click OK (2). This will populate the Sections Properties field
with the values calculated by the Sectional Property Calculator.
5) Click Apply.
Clicking Apply defines the cross section and brings up the next section. Continue the above steps until all
of the cross sections are assigned. Each time properties are imported from SPC the offset defaults back
to center-center and must be changed prior to clicking apply. Tapered Sections
In the Tree Menu under Properties => Section, right click on Section and then left click on Add.
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Repeat until all cross section variations have been defined. Use the SectionGeometry.xls sheet to
help with which cross sections taper together. For example the tapered cross sections could be; 1-2,
2-3, 3-4, 4-5, 5-6, 6-7, 7-8, 8-9, 9-10, 10-11, 11-12, 12-10, 10-5, and 5-1.
Define the column cross section if this is a multi-span continuous bridge. Typically these cross
sections arent imported, but are instead defined in Midas. In the top menu go to Model => Properties
=> Section. Then click Add.
1) Use the appropriate tab for the column being defined. Typically this will be tapered.
2) Select the basic shape of the column. Solid Rectangle or Solid Round will cover the majority of
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6.4.6 Elements
Make sure to save the file prior to proceeding with creating elements. If the number of joints, per
cross section, on end (i) does not match the number on end (j), the model will crash and any unsaved
data may be lost.
Select Hidden View (quick command Cntrl + h). This view will give a good graphical representation of
the cross sections and will aid in checking the model.
Due to software limitations it is important to align the local axes of the elements in the superstructure.
When defining the model all the elements should be defined from the left to the right, resulting in each
element having the (i) end at the left node and the (j) end at the right node. It is acceptable to switch
this convention and define all of the elements from right to left. It is NOT acceptable to define some
elements from left to right and others from right to left in the same model.
Update the Following:
1) Select Create Elements.
2) Select General beam/Tapered beam.
3) Select the Concrete Material defined previously.
4) Select the appropriate cross section.
5) Select Intersect Node and Element. When tapered sections are used to define an element and
the element is defined across several nodes, the model will have a saw tooth appearance. This
is because as the element intersects nodes in the model, it will create additional elements each
with the same section for the I end and the same section for the J end. For example, if the I
end is section 1 and the J end is section 2 and the element begins at node 2 and goes to node
5. As seen below, a saw tooth appearance is created as the element intersects node 3 and 4.
This is corrected later using the tapered section group command.
6) Type in the beginning and ending node for the specified element.
7) Click Apply.
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The figure on the left shows the above steps for defining the element that has section 1 defined at
both the (i) and (j) end. The figure on the right shows the input for a tapered element, from node 2 to
5, that has cross section 1 defined at end (i) and section 2 at end (j).
Continue until all of the elements have been created. Use the GeometryCalcs to reference nodes to
the appropriate cross sections.
For multi-span structures, define the column element. Tapered Section Group
In the top menu go to Properties => Tapered Section Group. This command is used to taper a
section across several elements. Both the y and z axis can be tapered independently and can be
tapered as linear, or polynomial.
1) Name tapered section group. An example; 1 2 for a group that tapers from section 1 at the i
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end of the leftmost element to section 2 at the j end of the rightmost element.
2) List all of the elements that are included in the group.
3) Select z-axis variation. For most parabolic structures select a second order polynomial.
4) If a polynomial is selected, the distance to the symmetric plane must be defined. The symmetric
plane is the location that the polynomial has zero slope (Commonly midspan). If the tapered
section group extends to the plane of symmetry then the distance is zero. See below diagram.
Note: Midas will vary all z-axis dimensions parabolically between sections. If the deck varies
linearly and the overall structure depth varies parabolically some error will be introduced as the
deck is varied parabolically. This error in dead load is generally small.
5) Select y-axis variation. This variation is typically linear but can also be defined parabolically.
6) If a polynomial is selected, the distance to the symmetric plane must be defined.
7) Click add to create the tapered section group. The next tapered section can now be defined.
8) Do NOT click on Convert to Tapered Section button. This will replace the tapered section
group with generated sections at each node point. Although the analysis will not be altered, using
this feature makes checking a model for accuracy more difficult. It is easier to check a few
sections for accuracy and the parameters of a tapered section group then to check a section at
each node point.
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When done, a smooth three dimensional structure should be displayed. This provides a good
opportunity to check that the cross sections are input and assigned correctly. The model should be
smooth without jumps from one section to the next. See below for a parabolic example.
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Midas will default to calculating all force effects along the axis of the elements centroid. Tapered
elements have a centroidal axis that is not perpendicular to the direction of gravity. Because of the
inclined centroidal axis, axial force effects will incorrectly interact with shear effects. In Midas Civil
2013 version 1.2 a new feature has been added to correct this interaction. In the top menu go to
Analysis => Main Control Data and check the Change Local Axis of Tapered Section for Force/stress
Calculations box. This will force the software to calculate axial force effects perpendicular to the
direction of gravity.
Midas provides flexibility in how post tensioning is defined. The example shows a case where half of
the strands are stressed from the left end, while the other half are stressed from the right end. No
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strands are tensioned from both ends. There are groups pre-defined as PT Right, PT Left, PT Both
and PS Sections.
Although the display is showing a 3D model, the analysis is really a 2D beam line analysis. Thus, it is
not necessary to code the PT Strands at the actual location (without shop drawings these locations
are unknown anyways). All of the prestressing will be coded along CL of the structure and will follow
the CG profile provided in the plans. It is important to break out the strands that are tensioned from
Left, Right, or Both ends. Tendon Property
In the top menu, select Load => Temp./Prestress => Tendon Property and then click Add.
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From the top menu go to Load => Temp./Prestress => Tendon Profile.
Tendon Profile location will not necessarily be within a stem wall. Because this is a 2D beam analysis
(NOT 3-D) no lateral eccentricity will be built into the tendons. For ease of input, a 3D input type will
be selected but the y-coordinate will always have a value of 0.0in.
1) Name the tendon. The name should identify which end the tendon is stressed from.
2) Select one of the predefined Groups; Left, Right, or Both.
3) Select the appropriate Tendon Property; Left, Right, or Both.
4) Assign all of the elements. This can be done in several ways. One way is to, in the model view
use the mouse to select all elements. Elements can also be manually input by typing 1 to n.
Where n = the last element number.
5) Select 3D for input type.
6) Select Spline curve type.
7) Select user defined Length for Transfer length.
8) Set the user defined transfer lengths to zero. Transfer lengths are accounted for in
9) Selected Straight for Reference Axis. This makes it easy to defined the profiles from (0,0,0)
10) Enter the control points for the tendon profile. For a simple span these are typically at each bent
CL and at midspan. The x-coordinate is the location along the span measured from the profile
insertion point (step 15). Control points are at the ends and inflection points of a parabolic
11) For a 2D analysis the y-coordinate will always be 0.0in.
12) The cross sections were imported based on a center-top offset. These cross sections are drawn
flat with an average height. The design tendon profile is assumed to apply to this average height
13) Check the fixed box at the location where the slope of the parabola is known. For a simple span
bridge with a parabolic tendon profile, symmetrical about midspan, the slope at midspan is zero.
Check the fixed box at this location and enter 0 degrees for the rotation.
14) Once coordinates are entered up to and including the point of symmetry the Make Symmetric
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Under the top menu, go to Load => Temp./Prestress => Tendon Prestress Loads
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Six static load cases are predefined; Post-Tensioned, Prestressed, Bridge Rail, Self-Weight,
Diaphragm, and Wearing Surface. Not all of these predefined load cases have to be used for every
bridge. Additional load cases can be defined as necessary. Distributed Loads
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Design, Legal, STP, and CTP trucks are defined in the MCT template file. In addition to the vehicles
one vehicle class is defined. The HL93 vehicle class includes the HL-93 Tandem and HL-93 Truck.
These trucks and class do not need to be altered. Impact factor for design vehicles are included in
the truck definition. Legal and permitted impact factors are applied in the PTBOX_xls file.
Define the moving load code for analysis. In the top menu go to Load => Toggle Moving Load =>
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Select AASHTO LRFD in the drop down for Moving Load Code.
Only one traffic lane, defined along CL of structure needs to be assigned. The live load distribution
factors account for the presence of multiple lanes.
Under the top menu go to Loads => Toggle Moving Load => Traffic Line Lanes. Then Click Add.
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The vehicle definitions and moving load cases are already defined in a MCT command file that can
be imported after the lane line has been defined in the Midas model. In the top menu, go to Tools >
MCT Command Shell.
Within the MCT Command Shell, click the open file icon. Open the mct file named
LR_Midas_Vehicles.mct, which will populate the MCT Command Shell window with data. At the
bottom left of the MCT Command Shell window click on the Run button. Then click on the Close
button at the bottom right of the MCT Command Shell window.
Within the Works Tree Menu there will now be 26 different vehicles, one vehicle class, and 25
different Moving Load Cases defined for the model. This command shell also contains code to
populate the dynamic report tables (See section 6.4.16)
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When performing an exterior edge strip analysis only one line of wheels and, a tributary portion of the
lane load shall be applied to the edge strip, per AASHTO LRFD A command shell has
been created to populate the trucks with the reduced axle loads. Use the mct file named
LR_Midas_Vehicles_Edge_Strip.mct. Running LR_Midas_Vehicles_Edge_Strip.mct will populate the
design, legal, single trip, and continuous trip permit vehicles with one wheel line (half the axle
weights). The lane loads must still be manually adjusted. Use the fraction of the lane load that
was calculated in the preliminary file to modify the lane loads as follows.
1) In the Works Tree go into the newly populated Vehicles section. Right click on the HL-
93TDM vehicle.
2) Right click on Properties.
3) Reduce the design lane load by the fraction of the tributary lane width over the design lane
width. Midas allows for in cell calculations. In this example the design lane load (0.64klf) is
reduced by the tributary fraction of 0.40.
4) Click OK.
Note: The tandem axle weights are reduced to 16.63 kips. This value includes the 33 percent
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design impact value. The original axle weight is 25 kips, divided by two is 12.5 kips. Multiplied by
(1+0.33) equals 16.63 kips. User defined vehicles are used to recreate the HL-93 load
combination, which doesnt have input for adjusting the percent impact.
5) Repeat steps 1-4 for the following vehicles; HL-93 TDM, HL-93TRK, HL93LANE ,
* *
* Indicates that load is used for crossbeam analysis only. Lane Supports (Spans Continuous for Live Loads)
When performing a multi-span analysis that is continuous for live loads, the lane support negative
moment, and lane supports reactions at interior piers must be activated. This feature will
automatically perform the pattern loading, per AASHTO LRFD, to determine the maximum negative
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Two boundary groups are predefined; Pinned, and Roller. Use these groups when defining the
supports. These groups will be used during the construction staging analysis.
Under the top menu go to Boundary => Define Supports
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When columns have been defined, a rigid link will be defined to connect the superstructure to the
substructure. In the top menu go to Boundary => Rigid Link
1) In the model view window select the node that will be the slave node (Top of Column).
2) Select the appropriate boundary group (RigidLink).
3) Specify the master node (Superstructure Node corresponding to CL of Bent). The specified
rotations and displacements of this node will be imposed on the slave node.
4) For a 2-D model the rigid link only needs to translate DX, DZ, and RY from the master node to the
slave node.
5) Select apply.
Structure groups are used to activate (or deactivate) elements in the construction staging. Load
effects are pulled from the construction stage analysis. For the analysis to perform correctly, all
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nodes and elements must be assigned to a structure group. Superstructure and substructure groups
are defined by default. For a simple span analysis, it isnt necessary to assign any elements or nodes
to the substructure group because the substructure isnt included in the model. Bridges with complex
construction staging, may require more structure groups than the two predefined.
1) In the Tree Menu, Select the Group tab.
2) Select all of the nodes and elements that will be assigned to the structure group. There are
several ways to accomplish this. To select all the nodes and elements the Midas quick command
for select all is (Cntrl + Shift + A). Individual elements and nodes can be selected with the Select
Single command (Cntrl + Shift + S). Once selected the nodes and elements will appear
highlighted in the Model View.
3) Right click on the desired structure group and then left click on Assign.
In the Tree Menu review the inputs for Construction Stage Analysis. The construction staging will
generally be set up to activate the entire structure, boundaries, Prestressing, Post-Tensioning, and
DC loads in Stage 1. Wearing surface loads are activated in Stage 2. For elements or loads to be
activated, they must be assigned to a Group (see step 6.4.11). Adjust the boundaries, elements, and
loads as necessary to reasonably estimate the structures construction sequence and current
In the top menu go to Load => Toggle Construction Stage => Define C.S.
1) Name the construction stage.
2) Define the duration of the construction stage.
3) Additional steps within the construction stage can be defined. These steps allow the application
of loads at times other than the beginning and end of a stage. If loads are applied at the
beginning or end of the stage then additional steps are not necessary. The default has a step
created at day 2. This step is so that post-tensioning strands can be applied after prestressing
strands are activated. Midas will include the additional elastic shortening losses in the
prestressing strands due to post-tensioning.
4) Click Add to define additional steps.
5) If several steps need to be created in one stage, then the auto generate function can be used.
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6) Select the Group that will be activated or deactivated within this stage. Structure groups are
activated or deactivated at the beginning of the construction stage.
7) Define the age of the element when it is activated. ODOT will allow the default value of 28 days
to be used for the activation of all elements. Without specific knowledge of the construction
schedule it is impossible to know the exact construction staging. Using 28 days assumes that the
elements have reached the design strength before being loaded.
8) Click Add to place the group into the activation column.
Continue until all desired groups are activated. The default is to activate the Substructure and
Superstructure at 28 day strength.
9) Select the Boundary tab to define permanent and temporary supports.
Boundaries are either activated or deactivated at the beginning of the construction stage.
10) Select the Boundary Group to be activated or deactivated.
11) Select deformed or original. Deformed is the default selection.
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14) Select the Load Group to be activated or deactivated in this stage. Unlike boundary groups and
load groups, these can be activated on the first day, last day, or at any defined step.
15) Select if this load is activated or deactivated on the first day, last day, or at a defined step in this
16) Click Add
17) Click Ok.
Continue above steps until the structure is defined. The last stage should have a 10,000 day
duration. The reason for the long stage is to perform time dependent prestress loss calculations.
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Perform the analysis by going in the top menu to Analysis => Perform Analysis.
Four load combinations need to be defined for the post analysis spreadsheet nnnnn_PTGirder.XLS.
The four combinations are DC, DW, PT and Service III. These combinations are automatically
generated by the truck command shell. If no new load cases were defined during the model
construction, modification isnt necessary. All of the following load factors will be 1.0 because load
factors are applied in PTGirder.xls.
In the top menu go to Results => Load Combinations.
1) Under DC, make sure the Bridge Rail, Self-Weight, Diaphragm and any additional DC load cases
are selected. Do not select construction stage load cases (CS). Construction stage analysis will
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lump the DW and DC loads. Since DC and DW have different load factors, the Dead Load (CS)
load case should not be selected here.
2) Under DW, make sure the Wearing Surface Load case is defined.
3) Under PT, select the Tendon Secondary (CS), Creep Secondary (CS), and Shrinkage Secondary
(CS) load cases. Note that these loads are from the construction stage analysis.
4) ServiceIII does NOT include the HL93 load effects. Select Tendon Primary(CS), Tendon
Secondary(CS), Creep Secondary(CS), Shrinkage Secondary(CS), Dead Load(CS), and Erection
Load(CS). All of these loads are selected from the construction stage analysis. The ServiceIII
load combination will be combined with the HL-93 load effect to calculate service III rating factors
in PTGirder.xls.
Review the results for accuracy. Reactions, Deformations, Forces, and Stress are readily output by
going to the top menu under Results => Forces => Beam Forces/Moments. This will bring up a Tree
Menu where Reactions, Deformations, Forces and Stresses can be viewed. Change the Load
Cases/Combinations until all are verified.
6.4.14 Calculate the Number of Prestressing Strands
If prestressing area was not provided in the plans, then return to the preliminary file and iterate to
determine the minimum number of prestressing strands. If the prestressing strand area was provide,
this step may be skipped.
Return to the Mathcad preliminary file to calculate the number of prestressing strands required for
analysis. In creating the model the number of strands used was based on an assumed time
dependent prestress loss value without including any immediate stress losses. During construction
the post tensioning supplier likely used this assumed value for time dependent losses and added the
calculated immediate losses to determine the number of strands and initial jacking stress. Perform
the iterations as required to obtain the required minimum midspan force while keeping the maximum
tendon stress below the allowable maximum.
6.4.15 Dynamic Report Creator
The Dynamic Report Creator is used to generate a word document that contains the Midas model
inputs. User Defined Tables were loaded with the Vehicles command shell (See step
In the top menu go to Tools => Dynamic Report Generator.
Select New Document and click OK. This will open a new tab titled Report Editor and will open up a
blank word document.
1) Right Click on Header & Footer in the tree menu, and then left click on properties.
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2) Project Name, User Name, Address (Company), and File name should already be selected; If not
select these.
3) Select Apply upon OK.
4) Click OK.
5) Right Click on Defined Text and then left click on Insert to Report.
6) Right Click on User Defined Tables and then left click on Insert to Report.
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not have a net axial load. Stress-strain relationship is per Devalapura and Tadros, PCI
Journal March-April 92
Color coded cells are used in nnnnn_PTGirder.XLS to aid user input. Follow the reference below to
determine if the cell is user input, calculated by nnnnn_PTGirder.XLS, or imported from Midas output.
Update the System, Condition, Resistance, Live Load, and Dead Load factors. DC, DW and PS
factors do not normally need to be altered. Impact is input for Legal and Permitted vehicles only.
Impact adjustments for design loads are included in the Midas output.
6.5.2 Spans
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The GeometryCalcs tab is used to define all the section geometry used for analysis. This tab should
be filled out prior to the creation of the Midas model and is a useful reference throughout the rating
process. Use calculations within the cells as necessary. Between the in cell calculations and the
information provided in the preliminary file enough work needs to be shown for another user to easily
determine how the section dimensions were calculated. Some columns are for book keeping
purposes while others are required for various macros. The columns that are for book keeping
purposes include; Length Within Span, Midas Section #, Midas Element, Ext Web Width, Int Web
Width, and Notes.
1) Span Fraction is automatically calculated. The calculation is based on the user input for Midas x-
axis coordinate (step 3) and information entered under the spans tab.
2) Enter the distance from the centerline of left support to the node point.
3) Enter the Midas X-axis coordinate. This is the distance along the x-axis from the model origin
(0,0,0) to the node point. Note: the first value input here isnt necessarily zero, it could be a
negative number due to an overhang past centerline of bearing.
4) Enter the Midas Node #. This is filled out prior to creating the Midas model, thus make sure the
nodes are numbered consecutively from 1 to the end.
5) Input the Midas section number. Give geometry change locations a unique cross section number
beginning from 1 to N. Most locations are not at unique sections and will not have a cross section
drafted, but will instead be calculated as part of a tapered section group, An example of how to
name these is TSG 2-3, which would read tapered section group between section two and three.
Section names are not used as part of the analysis and can have any name that adequately
describes the section. For clarity, do make sure that the section name matches the section name
in Midas.
6) Enter the Midas element number. If the model is created from left to right then the elements will
begin with 1 and be numbered consecutively to the last element. In the example below the first
row will always be 1I. All other locations are assumed to correspond to the J end of the element.
7) Calculated the exterior web width. It isnt necessary to adjust this width for the presence of ducts
until step 11.
8) Calculate the interior web width. It isnt necessary to adjust this width for the presence of ducts
until step 11.
9) Calculate the effective shear width. Reduce the total width for the presence of post tensioned
ducts as required by AASHO LRFD
10) Calculate the average height of the box girder. This is the total height, and is calculated as per
section 6.3.1.
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drafting sections for use in Midas. Remember to include a static load in the model to account for
the difference in weight of the transformed deck width and the equivalent deck width.
22) Click the Set Geo Range button. This button activates a macro that will define the
GeometryCalcs range and will also apply the appropriate formatting. The GeometryCalc range is
defined up to the first blank row in the Midas x-axis coordinate column.
The Spans and section geometry tabs must be filled out prior to beginning distribution factor
1) Selected if an interior or exterior girder is being calculated. For cast-in-place boxes or precast
bulb-I/T girders that are hybrid with cast-in-place boxes, only interior distribution factors will be
calculated. These factors are then multiplied by the total number of stems per AASHTO LRFD Spread boxes will be rated as single girder lines; therefore they will have separate
nnnnn_PTGirder.xls files one with interior and one with exterior ratings.
2) Input de in feet. This is the distance from the centerline of the exterior web to face of curb. This
is used when calculating the lever rule. If spread boxes are used then de is the distance from CL
of the exterior girder to centerline to face of curb.
3) Input the number of beams/webs. If cast-in-place boxes are used the spreadsheet will internally
calculate the number of cells from the number of webs.
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4) The spreadsheet is only set up to accommodate the below structure types, and all are assumed
to have a composite concrete deck unless stated otherwise. Select one of the following:
Type b closed precast boxes (Spread Boxes). Although the spreadsheet can calculate
the distribution factors for closed precast boxes, it has the limitation of only allowing one
top flange to be defined. Contact the ODOT load rating unit when attempting to analyze
this structure type.
Type c Precast open boxes (Spread Boxes).
Type d Cast-in-place multicell boxes.
Type "f" Precast Solid, Voided, or Cellular Boxes w/ Shear Keys.
Type g Precast Solid, Voided, or Cellular Boxes w/ Shear Keys with or without
transverse PT. Must be sufficiently connected to act as a unit.
Type k girders are precast type I or T girders. It is only appropriate to analyze these
girder types when they are hybrid with cast-in-place multicell boxes. Due to spreadsheet
limitations, the top flange of the precast girder will have to be excluded from the analysis.
The composite deck will instead be input as the top flange geometry.
Type Slabs Cast-In-Place post-tensioned slabs. Interior strips may be analyzed
following the procedures outlined in this chapter. Per AASHTO LRFR,
longitudinal edge strips shall be designed for one line of wheels and a tributary portion of
the design lane. To accomplish this truck and lanes defined in Midas have to be
adjusted, see section
5) Input the physical edge to edge width (ft) measured normal to centerline. This dimension is used
when calculating distribution factors for slabs.
6) Input the roadway width (ft) measured normal to centerline. This dimension is required for all
bridge types.
7) Input the edge of slab to face of barrier (ft) dimension. This dimension is used when calculating
distribution factors for slabs.
8) Click the DF Inputs button to population the locations where live load distribution factors need to
be calculated. Only locations where ratings are required will be populated. Section properties at
each location are used for the distribution factor calculations. The default values entered in steps
1-4 will be automatically populated.
9) The section location is automatically populated.
10) The default number of girders is populated here. The number of girders can be manually varied
from section to section, but this should be limited by the Engineers judgment.
11) For hybrid structures, the structure type can be varied at each section.
12) Section Number is populated for reference only.
13) The depth of the girder is automatically populated.
14) The default overhang is populated. This can be varied as required for each section.
15) The girder spacing is automatically populated assuming linear variation from left to right support.
This can be manually varied as necessary.
16) Click Calc DFs button to calculate rating factors. If the ranges of applicability, as modified by
section, are met then the equations in AASHTO LRFD section are used. If at a
given location the ranges of applicability fail, then the lever rule is used. When applying the lever
rule at a given section, the stems are assumed to be spaced uniformly and the alongside truck is
allowed to be a minimum of 4 ft from the other truck.
17) If in the Engineers judgment, the rating factors need to be modified or calculated externally, then
the distribution factors may be manually entered.
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Clicking the Get Analysis Pts button will populate the analysis points that were defined in the
GeometryCalcs tab. No user input is required here. This is a good time to check that all required
analysis points were selected in GeometryCalcs.
6.5.6 Strand Coordinates
Prestressing strand information is obtained from Midas output. The first step is to define the strand
coordinates. Open the Midas model and in the Top Menu for to Results => Results Tables =>
Tendon => Tendon Coordinates. Make sure the model units are set to inches.
1) Select the entire table (excluding header). Left click on the highlighted cells and then click on
2) Paste the copied data into the Strand Coordinates tab of PTGirder.xls
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3) Click on Set Coordinate Table. This macro will populate the table highlighted in green to the
right. Midas defines all of its strand coordinates from the beginning of the strand. The table in
green will convert the coordinates to the model coordinate system.
Begin assigning the prestressing strand properties by setting default strand parameters, steps 1-5.
When the strands are imported, these defaults will be applied to all strands. If the default parameters
vary from one strand to the next, then these can be defined after importing the strands.
1) Select the strand type; Low Relaxation, Stress Relieved, Type 1 Bar, or Type 2 Bar.
2) Select if this is a prestressed or post-tensioned strand; PS, or PT.
3) Select the area of one strand.
4) Enter the ultimate strength of the prestressing strand.
5) Enter the modulus of elasticity for the prestressing strand.
6) Click Import Strands
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All of the prestress and post-tensioned strands that were included in the Midas analysis should now
be populated in the table. The load rater can now change the default values for Type, PT/PS, Strand
Area, fpu, and Eps for each strand profile. Review the populated list to ensure that all strand profiles
were included.
6) Input the number of strands for each profile.
7) Add any necessary comments.
The effective prestress force for each strand profile is obtained from the Midas construction stage
analysis. Open the Midas model and in the top menu go to Results => Results Table => Tendon =>
Tendon Arrangement.
1) Select a tendon group that was defined in the model.
2) Select the last construction stage. This should be the stage that has a 10,000 day construction
stage. The last stage is selected so that the time dependent tendon losses are included.
3) Click Apply. Midas will populate the table.
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4) Select the entire table (except headings), right click on the selected cells, left click on copy.
5) Paste the copied data into the first open cell under the Elem Column.
6) Under the Name column select the tendon group from the list. This needs to match the tendon
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7) All the data pasted in step 5 is for the same tendon group. Double clicking the bottom right
corner of the name cell will autofill this name in for all the data pasted in step 5.
Mild steel reinforcement is input in the same manner as the ODOT Concrete Bridge Generator. Rows
1-3 are for positive flexure (Measured from the bottom) and rows 4-5 are for negative flexure
(measured from the top of the girder). Rows can be repeated as necessary.
1) Input the appropriate mild reinforcement yield strength (ksi).
2) Input Youngs Modulus of Elasticity (ksi). 29000 ksi for mild reinforcement.
3) Insert Row button is used to add additional rows. For simple span analysis it is not necessary to
input negative reinforcement. This button must be used to maintain the correct cell range
4) Delete Row button is used to remove unused rows. Do not delete all of the rows. One row
should be kept so the cell range formatting is not lost.
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5) Input the row number. Rows 1-3 are reserved for positive flexural reinforcement. These rows
can be repeated as necessary.
6) Input the number of bars for the row being defined. Fractions of bars can be input.
7) Select the bar size from the drop down list. Manually entering a bar number without the # sign
will generate an error message.
8) Input the vertical distance. If the distance varies along the span, it is acceptable to conservatively
input the maximum vertical distance as a first approximation. Rows 1-3 are measured from the
bottom and rows 4-5 are measure from the top of the girder to centroid of the reinforcement.
9) Left End Span number. This is the span number defined in this analysis, not necessarily the
actual span number.
10) Left End Location. If the bar is embedded past the location where the span is defined, use 0.0in
for the left end location and adjust the development length accordingly.
11) Input the development length as determined by AASHTO LRFD, adjusted as required
due to embedment past the end of the span.
12) Bar Length. Do not code in a distance longer than the overall bridge length (Could happen do to
defining spans at CL support and not accounting for overhang).
13) Input the right end development length as determined by AASHTO LRFD, adjusted as
required due to embedment past the end of the span.
14) Right end location can be input manually or use a formula to calculate the location based on other
15) Input the Right end span number. This is the span location defined in this analysis, not
necessarily the actual span number.
16) Provide comments as necessary for clarity.
6.5.10 Stirrups
Input stirrup information over the range that the analysis will be performed.
1) Select the Aggregate Size; if not provided, assume in.
2) Input the yield strength of the stirrups.
3) Use the Insert Stirrup button if additional rows are needed.
4) Use the Delete Stirrup button to remove rows that are not needed. Do not delete all of the rows.
At least one row needs to remain to maintain the proper cell range formatting.
5) Input the beginning location (in) for the stirrup range. This distance is measured for the beginning
of span 1 as defined in this analysis.
6) Input the stirrup spacing (in).
7) Input the stirrup range (in).
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8) The End of the range can either be calculated or input manually. Use inches for units.
9) Input the total number of stirrup legs. (e.g. A cross-section with four stems and doubled legged
stirrups is input as 8 legs).
10) Select the stirrup size of an individual leg.
1) MIDAS Elements are copied from Midas. Open PTBOX.mcb and in the top menu go to
Node/Element=> Elements Table
2) Highlight the entire table by left clicking the top left corner.
3) Right click in the highlighted cells and then left click on copy.
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4) Go back into nnnnn_PTGirder.XLS and paste the copied values in the first row of the Element
5) Click on the Set Elements button. This should highlight all of the values copied from Midas in
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8) Select Shear-z for Items to Display. The Load Cases to Display should already be selected from
the previous step. If not select the same load cases as shown in step 6. Click OK.
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9) Depending on the type of Midas model, the columns in nnnnn_PTGirder.XLS and PTBOX.mcb
may not match. Copy all of the data from Max Shear output and paste it into the appropriate
column in nnnnn_PTGirder.XLS. It is ok for some columns to be blank. Stage, Step, Step order,
and part order may not have values depending to the type of analysis.
10) Click on Set Shear Table to format the correct cell range.
11) Return to the Beam Force Result table from Step 6. Repeat Steps 7-10 but select Moment-y in
Step 8.
6.5.13 Section Properties
Section properties are calculated during the Midas analysis. These section properties are used
during the nominal moment capacity calculations. Open the Midas model, and in the top menu go to
Results => Results Tables => Construction Stage => Beam Section Properties at Last Stage (Make
sure units are in inches)
1) Select All
2) Select Part J
3) Click OK. This will generate a table showing the section properties at the J end of all elements at
the last construction stage.
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4) Select and copy the entire table. (Do not include headings)
5) In PTGirder.xls paste the copied table into the Section Properties Tab.
6) Click the Set Sect Prop Table button to define the section properties range.
1) Click on the Calculate button to activate the macro that will apply the appropriate factors to the
Midas output.
Axial live load distribution factors are based on engineering judgment. It is assumed that these
structure types will distribute the axial forces efficiently. Therefore, the distribution factors are taken
as the total number of lanes. No adjustment for the probability of multiple presences is considered.
One lane loaded has a live load distribution factor of one, and the multiple lanes loaded distribution
factor is calculated as the integer portion of the roadway width divided by twelve feet.
6.5.15 Moment Capacity
1) Use the Insert Moment button to populate the locations where moment capacity is calculated.
Even if a flexural rating factor is not being calculated at a given analysis point, the moment
capacity still needs to be determined.
2) Use the Delete Analysis Pts tool to delete excess locations
3) Once all analysis points are added, click on the Calculate Button. This will activate a Macro
which will calculate the moment capacity for each location.
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Shear Capacity is calculated using the modified compression field theory as specified in AASHTO
LRFD, with the exception that equation is not used to calculate the longitudinal
tensile strain, s . The AASHTO LRFD code makes the assumption that the majority of the tensile
reinforcement is on the flexural tension side of the member, which is defined as half the member
depth. This assumption will generally lead to ignoring the post-tensioning reinforcement near
inflection points (0.25L away from interior supports), which results in high longitudinal tensile strains
and low shear capacity. Section of the AASHTO LRFD code allows for a more detailed
calculation of the longitudinal tensile strain. Therefore, a strain compatibility approach is employed
which considers all prestressing and post-tensioning reinforcement when calculating the longitudinal
The stresses for the service III rating factor calculations are from the Midas construction stage
analysis. Rating factors for service III are calculated at all flexural analysis locations. Begin by
copying the beam stresses from the Midas model.
1) Open the Midas model, and in the top menu go to Results => Results Tables => Beam =>
2) Select the HL93(MV:max) and ServiceIII(CB) loadcase/combination and press OK. A Beam
Stress table will be opened. Make sure units are in Kip Inches.
3) Select and Copy all of the data. (Dont include the headers)
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4) Paste the beam stresses under the appropriate heading of the BeamStress tab in PTGirder.xls.
5) Click on the Set beam Stress button. This will define the range for the beam stresses.
6) Select if the bridge is near a coastal region. The allowable stress is calculated as 0.19SQRT(f`c)
for in-land bridges, and as 0.0948SQRT(f`c) for coastal bridges. Although, coastal bridge is
specified the engineer should use the lower allowable stress when there is reason to believe that
the bridge is exposed to highly corrosive environments.
7) Now on the ServiceIII tab of PTGirder.xls, click on the Service III button. This will populate all of
the service III rating factors. Rating factors less than or equal to 1.1 will automatically be copied
into the RF tab when rating factors are calculated.
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Step 2: Closure pours are made to make the tubs continuous. The structure now acts as a
three span continuous for any additional loads.
Step 3: Concrete deck is poured. The additional moment due to the deck dead load is
resisted by the non-composite section. This increase in midspan moment is not calculated as
wl /8 because the spans are not simple. See the beam moment diagram for dead load
Step 4: Structure is post-tensioned and temporary supports are removed. Removing the
temporary supports causes a change in the moment due to dead load, which is now resisted
by the composite section. The axial force and moment due to the post-tensioning is also
resisted by the composite section. See the beam moment diagram for dead load below:
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This construction sequence can be accurately modeled in Midas using composite sections
and construction staging. However, the level of effort to create this model is significantly
higher then modeling a cast-in-place post tensioned structure. The cast-in-place model uses
homogenous sections that are only modeled in the final configuration. This simplified model
has been compared to the more elaborate model, and it has been found that the rating
factors for service III are very similar. The results are similar because the loads imposed on
the final composite structure are considerably larger than the loads resisted by the non-
composite structure. Therefore, it is the final composite section and loads that dominate the
rating factor calculations.
There are factors that impact the accuracy of the simplified model when analyzing a simple
span precast spread box bridge. For example; as the ratio of precast span length and final
span length becomes closer to one, the error of this analysis substantially increases. If the
precast section length, that is at midspan of the final configuration, is greater than 0.6L of the
final span length then perform a more refined model to investigate the stresses through the
different construction stages.
Calculations for the LTC are performed automatically. If a rating factor is less than 1.1 then it will be
automatically inserted into the rating factor sheet. The nnnnn_PTGirder.XLS rating factor calculations
automatically check for LTC and import the rating factor when applicable.
Detailed Discussion:
Section of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications has the equation that is used
by designers to ensure that there is sufficient longitudinal reinforcement to resist tension forces
caused by both shear and flexure. If this equation is not satisfied, the designer simply adds the
necessary reinforcement so that the equation is satisfied.
While satisfying the tension check is needed to have an accurate model when using Modified
Compression Field Theory (MCFT) to calculate shear capacity, there is no guidance in the LRFR
manual for the load rater to use when the tension check fails. This has been brought to the
attention of a primary developer of the LRFR code, Bala Sivakumar, PE, who acknowledged that
the current code does not fully address this issue. Christopher Higgins, PhD, PE, from Oregon
State University, who lead the effort to test full scale beams has emphasized that the tension
check is fundamental to the use of MCFT.
There are two areas that need to be addressed before the load rater can be sure that the tension
check has failed. First, all of the reinforcement must be accounted for. Since the ODOT ratings
originally counted the reinforcement only when it was fully developed, there may have been a
significant amount of partially developed reinforcement available to resist tension forces.
nnnnn_PTGirder.XLS does account for partially developed reinforcement.
There are differences between the design of new bridges and the rating of current bridges.
Section 6.1.3 states that Design may adopt a conservative reliability index and impose checks to
ensure serviceability and durability without incurring a major cost impact. In rating, the added
cost of overly conservative evaluation standards can be prohibitive as load restrictions,
rehabilitation, and replacement become increasingly necessary.
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nnnnn_PTGirder.XLS calculates a rating factor for the longitudinal tension check using the worst
case of the maximum tension forces developed due to maximum shear and concurrent moment,
minimum shear and concurrent moment, maximum moment and concurrent shear, and minimum
moment and concurrent shear.
The developers of the LRFR code acknowledged that while LRFD does incorporate state-of-the-
art design, analysis methods, and loading, that almost all existing bridges were designed using
the older AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges. Section 6.1.5 states Where the
behavior of a member under traffic is not consistent with that predicted by the governing
specifications, as evidenced by a lack of visible signs of distress or excessive deformation or
cases where there is evidence of distress even though the specification does not predict such
distress, deviation from the governing specifications based upon the known behavior of the
member under traffic may be used and shall be fully documented.
The 1950s bridges were designed using Working Stress. Once the stresses of the concrete
exceed its ability to resist tension, cracking occurs. This initial cracking takes place at a
comparatively low level of loading. The bridge is designed to see service loads where the
forces in the reinforcement are kept well below the yield point. The bridges that Oregon State
University instrumented showed that the reinforcement was being operated well below the yield
point. During full scale beam tests to failure, the reinforcement was yielding, but at much higher
loads than in-service bridges experience, and with much greater distress.
Even though ODOT and nnnnn_PTGirder.XLS have found a way to perform the tension check for
load rating, this is still an issue to be solved on a national scale. Based on the guidance from the
MBE code, and the lack of distress noted in the vast majority of bridge inspections, Oregon
bridges are not being operated anywhere near the level that would cause yielding of the
reinforcement as indicated by the failure of the tension check. For those few bridges that do
show excessive deterioration, the current LRFR code is sufficient that the known behavior of the
member shall be used and be fully documented. Bridges with deterioration consistent with
yielding of reinforcement would not be considered for no work regardless of the results of the
tension check. Calculations for repairs should be done in accordance with the AASHTO LRFD
code and therefore the longitudinal reinforcing should always pass the tension check after the
repairs are complete.
Click on the Rating Factor button to calculate rating factors. These rating factors are manually copied
and pasted into the Rating Factor Summary sheet.
6.5.20 PTGirder.xls Submittals
Under the assumptions tab in nnnnn_PTGirder.xls there is a Print button that will activate a macro to
print the desired tabs. Not all of the worksheets will be printed. Some page formatting has been
automated, but the user should review the printed documents and perform additional formatting as
necessary. Information from the following worksheets is to be included in the Calculation book;
Assumptions, Resistance Factors, Spans, GeometryCalcs(OK to print as 11x17 with Z fold), LL_DF,
Analysis Pts, Strand Properties, Reinforcement, Stirrups, Moment Capacity, Factored Loads, Shear
Capacity, and Service 3. Rating factors are included in the summary sheet and will therefore not be
printed here.
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In order to provide with a complete and concise manual for load rating steel bridges, it is necessary to
understand the different classifications of steel bridges in the State of Oregon. These are grouped
into seven categories of bridges, composed of unique attributes that separate them from each other
in such a way, that they require different methods for the design and analysis of their structures. And
they are:
The first three types of bridges can be analyzed using the BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) software only if
their girders are horizontally straight. The last four types, on the other hand, cannot be load rated in
BRASS because they require a refined method of analysis to determine the distribution of the loads
instead of a simple beam-line analysis that BRASS is only capable of. A different program would be
required to model and obtain the member forces such types of bridges, such as MIDAS, GTStrudl, or
LUSAS. And then the member forces would have to be exported to Excel where the member
capacities and rating factors would be computed to complete the load rating.
BRASS cannot model box and tub shapes directly, but instead converts them into I-shapes.
Therefore, steel box/tub girders will not be covered within this section of the manual since we will
have to address the differences in the LRFD design requirements for boxes and I-shapes.
Due to the complexity of the analysis that is required for the last four structure types, they will not be
covered within this section of the manual.
Steel structures are load rated based on the Strength I & II and Service II limit states. According to
the MBE code, the Fatigue limit state is optional. Therefore, ODOT has chosen to not perform fatigue
analysis during the load rating of steel structures. Only when inspection reports and/or fracture rating
of the bridge show deficient or unsatisfactory results, ODOT might decide to proceed with a Fatigue
analysis and/or instrumentation of the structure.
Create a scoping file (nnnnnn_scope.xls) to document important decisions made by the load rating
engineer. The effort required to perform a load rating can be reduced by identifying similar members
and points of symmetry. It is important to document these locations, so someone can review the load
rating at a future date and quickly understand what portions of the structure have been analyzed, and
why other members were excluded from the analysis.
Structures will only be analyzed up to points of symmetry. Analyzing past the point of symmetry will
have the unintended affect of causing the point to be reported twice in the load rating summary sheet.
Points of symmetry for both the girder and crossbeam will be documented in this scoping summary.
Similar elements will be investigated with the goal of reducing the total number of elements to be
rated. If a member is similar to another, but can be shown to either have reduced capacity or greater
loads, then the controlling member can be rated first. If this member has rating factors greater than
1.0, there is no need to rate the other similar member.
An example would be crossbeams that have the same cross sections, and reinforcement, but
different adjacent span lengths. The capacity of these crossbeams will be the same but the loads will
vary due to the different span lengths. In this case the crossbeam with the longer adjacent spans
(higher loads) will be rated first. As long as these rating factors are greater than or equal to 1.0 then,
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there is no need to rate the other crossbeam. If the load rating reports rating factors less than 1.0,
then both members shall be rated. Although the first member will still control the overall load rating,
the rating factors for the second member will be useful information when determining possible repairs.
Because the scope of the load rating can change depending on the calculated rating factors, revisit
the scoping summary at the conclusion of the load rating to ensure it is an accurate reflection of the
work performed.
Due to the effects of all the various LRFD Distribution Factor provisions, it is difficult to predict which
girder will control the load rating. Therefore it is usually necessary to do a separate preliminary file
and BRASS input for the exterior girder, and do an exterior girder BRASS run. Then the BRASS
output files can be compared to see which has the lower rating factors. In the Load Rating Summary
Workbook file, importing the rating factors from both girders is required (be sure to do a Refresh
after the second import) because it is not uncommon for different girders to control for different loads.
For steel plate girder and rigid frame bridges the preliminary file name and extension (Mathcad) for
interior girders is INTSTL.xmcd. The preliminary file name and extension for exterior girders is
EXTSTL.xmcd. If there are more unique girders of each type, the file names should differentiate
between them with some additional identifier (e.g. INTSTL1.xmcd or INTSTLA.xmcd).
7.2.1 Header
Use the Mathcad header feature to indicate Bridge Number (upper right corner), Bridge Name (top
line center), load rater and date (2nd line left) and File Name and Page Number (2nd line right). Use
the Bridge Name as defined in the Definitions, Article 1.3.3 of this Manual.
Since the bridge number and name are contained in the Mathcad header, they do not show up while
working on the file, only when printing or doing a Print Preview. To avoid confusion over which bridge
you are working on, it is good practice to place the bridge number and name near the top of the file in
the right margin (outside the printable area).
Just below the Mathcad header section, document the bridge structure type. For state bridges the
span description (Spans field) from the Bridge Log is adequate for this purpose.
Note: the Mathcad regions at the top in the right margin (outside the printable area) are there for 2
purposes. The units definitions are necessary for Mathcad to understand some commonly used units
in structural engineering (without them, Mathcad would generate errors because it is unable to
interpret them). The row of nonstandard characters is there in case the user might want to copy them
elsewhere to clarify the calculations.
Document the decisions regarding all 3 Resistance Factors, with references to the appropriate MBE
BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) provides input for the MBE Condition Factor c (MBE 6A.4.2.3) and System
Factor s (MBE 6A.4.2.4). However, the ODOT Load Rating Summary Sheet and the ODOT
Crossbeam Load Rating Software always require and display the product of all the resistance factors
as a single factor. Therefore, the product of all these resistance factors must always be obtained.
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Treat the System Factor s for Flexure and Shear and the Combined Factor () for Flexure and
Shear as separate variables in Mathcad.
For Flexure:
f = [ max ( c sf , 0.85) ]
where is the AASHTO LRFD Resistance Factor, based on material and force type (AASHTO
and sf is the System Factor for Flexure (MBE Table 6A.4.2.4-1, as modified in Article of
this Manual).
For Shear:
v = [ max ( c sv , 0.85) ]
where is the AASHTO LRFD Resistance Factor, based on material and force type (AASHTO
and sv is the System Factor for Shear (always 1.0 regardless of member, according to MBE
6A.4.2.4, in the note below 6A.4.2.4-1)
These equations account for the intermediate check of c s 0.85 (MBE 6A.4.2.1-3).
Generally f and v will be the same for redundant members such as girders and will be different for
non-redundant members such as single-span and 2-span crossbeams.
The live load factor for HL-93 Inventory Rating is 1.75. This is the factor that is entered into BRASS.
The Load Rating Summary Workbook (LR.XLT) will automatically apply the HL-93 Operating Rating
live load factor of 1.35.
For State-owned bridges, the live load factors for Legal, SHV, Continuous Trip Permit, and Single Trip
Permit vehicles are calculated using LL_Factors_State.XLS. The only input is ADTT (one direction).
For Local-Agency-owned bridges, the live load factors for Legal, SHV, Continuous Trip Permit, and
Single Trip Permit vehicles are calculated using LL_Factors_Local.XLS. The two inputs are ADTT
(one direction) and effective bridge length. Note that effective bridge length is either (a) the sum of
the longest two consecutive continuous spans, or (b) the longest simple span, whichever is greater.
Regardless of which Live Load Factor Application is used, ADTT is specified as one direction. Thus
ADTT for bridges with one direction of traffic is the Average Daily Traffic (NBI Item 29) multiplied by
the Average Daily Truck Traffic (Percent) (NBI Item 109). For bridges with two-way traffic, the ADTT
entered into the Live Load Factor Application is half the total ADTT for the structure.
After completing the input, save this bridge-specific copy of the Live Load Factor Application (either
LL_Factors_State.XLS or LL_Factors_Local.XLS as applicable) in the load rating file set. To avoid
errors in the preliminary file, copy the LRFR Strength I & II table from the live load factor application,
and in Mathcad use Edit / Paste Special. In the Paste Special dialog box choose the Paste button,
highlight Bitmap in the As list, and click the OK button. This will insert an image of the live load
factor application into the Mathcad preliminary file. After pasting, the bitmap can be dragged, and
resized using the corner handles, to fit into the Mathcad printable area. Note, pasting the Excel
worksheet directly in Mathcad is not recommended due to the idiosyncrasies of the live load factor
application. Because you are pasting an inert bitmap, if any subsequent changes in live load factor
input were to occur, the pasted object should be deleted from the preliminary file, the corrections
should be done in the live load factor application and copied and pasted again into the preliminary file
as a bitmap.
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Document the decisions regarding the Impact Factor IM, referring to MBE 6A.4.4.3.
Enter the material properties for both the steel and concrete, and calculate elastic modulus E c and
modular ratio n. Sometimes, several different steel materials are used for the girder components,
such as webs, stiffeners or shear connectors. In such cases, it is important to keep a record of where
they are applied for future reference. Also, document assumptions made about the material
properties if they are not given on the Bridge Plans.
Calculate the physical edge-to-edge width of the concrete slab and the roadway width of the bridge.
If the width of the slab or roadway changes over the length of the bridge, calculate the average
roadway width per span. Enter the skew angle of the bridge. These values are entered in BRASS to
calculate the Distribution Factors.
Depending on the type of bridge and characteristics of the girder profile, different commands will be
required to describe the span layout. If the web depth remains constant or varies linearly along the
span, use the SPAN-LINEAR (11-1.2) command. The following table describes a bridge with a
constant web depth.
If the span being described has a web depth variation that is a uniform haunch at one or both ends,
use the SPAN-UNIF-HAUNCH (11-1.3) command. If the span being described has a web depth
variation that is a parabolic haunch, use the SPAN-PARA-HAUNCH (11-1.4) command. The following
table describes the data needed to create spans with either uniform or parabolic haunches.
To define the schedule of the different cross-sections found on the bridge, use the SPAN-SECTION
(11-2.1) command. The following table contains the data needed for the SPAN-SECTION command.
Note that two span fractions are calculated. BRASS doesnt determine if the right or left section
controls at a section change. To ensure the controlling section properties are used, two analysis
points are analyzed at each section change; one inch to the left and one inch to the right.
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If the BRASS model is for a framed-structured bridge, the rigidly connected support members (legs)
will have to be included. Entering an F in the first parameter of the ANALYSIS (4-1.1) command will
force BRASS to analyze the structure as a frame. In doing so, spans 1-6 are reserved for the
horizontal members (main spans) and spans 7-13 are reserved for the vertical support members
(legs). The following figure illustrates the span layout for a frame model.
For the legs, the left end of the span is always the upper node connected to the horizontal span. For a
frame analysis, spans 7-8 are required to connect to the specific nodes as shown in the figure above.
If the legs are not positioned vertical, use the SPAN-ANGLE (11-6.1) command to define the angle of
the legs with respect to the top spans.
If the bridge does not contain a specific span or leg as shown in the above figure, do not include that
span in the BRASS model. For example, a 5 span rigid frame without legs at the end supports would
be modeled with spans 1-5 for the horizontal members and spans 8-11 for the leg members. The
following figure represents this example.
The first step is to determine what type of cross-section the girder has. If the girder is a standard
rolled shape, the STEEL-WIDE-FLANGE (7-2.1) command can be used. But if the girder is comprised
of a built-up plate I-shape, or a non-standard rolled shape, the STEEL-PLATE-GIRDER (7-2.2)
command should be used. The cross-section of a riveted girder made up of a web plate and double
angle flanges should be defined using the STEEL-RIVETED (7-2.3) command.
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Any top or bottom cover plates should be defined using the COVER-PLATE-TOP (7-2.4) or COVER-
PLATE-BOTTOM (7-2.5) commands. Cover plates are an additional component of the steel cross-
section. Therefore, the cross-section number of the cover plates must correspond to the cross-section
number of a defined girder cross-section.
A steel girder with a concrete deck shall only be considered to be a composite section if there
are shear connectors present within the section. Otherwise, the section will be considered to be a
non-composite girder. The NCHRP 12-28(13)A report, Bridge Rating Through Nondestructive Load
Testing, discusses unintended composite action of bridges. The report states that in a slab-on-girder
bridge, the neutral axes of the partially composite beams usually maintain their positions during the
early stages of increasing load. The neutral axis tends to move down at higher load levels, thus
indicating the deterioration of the composite action.
The NCHRP report also states that it has been observed that when the top flange of a steel girder is
partially embedded in the deck slab, the bond resistance is very effective in promoting the composite
action. However, even this generally true statement is not free from exceptions. The report states that
in bridges tested to failure, it was observed that despite their top flanges being partially embedded in
the deck slab, some girders had practically no composite action even at low load levels. The report
states that except for a field test, there is no practical way of ascertaining if bond exists between the
deck slab and girders. Therefore, all girders will be considered non-composite unless there are shear
connectors present within the section.
Article 6A.6.9.3 of the Manual for Bridge Evaluation states; Compression flanges of sections where
the deck is not connected to the steel section by shear connectors in positive flexure may be
assumed to be adequately braced by the concrete deck, and the compression flange bracing
requirements need not be checked where the top flange of the girder is fully in contact with the deck
and no sign of cracking, rust, or separation along the steel-concrete interface is evident. BRASS has
a command to accommodate this feature, such as LAT-SUPPORT-SCHEDULE which defines the
location of the lateral supports of the top flanges in a non-composite steel girder over a specified
Typically, steel girder geometry changes somewhat extensively throughout the span length of a
bridge, and in numerous occasions one may find 15 or 20 distinctive section properties which makes
the reading of the span layout quite time consuming (also, notice that most steel bridges make use of
symmetry, hence, the cross-sections will be repeated about the symmetry plane in such cases) .
Keep in mind that the duplicity of a section property has no effect on the BRASS code, so it is up to
the user how to categorize the various cross sections of a span.
When creating a mapping of the section changes on the girder lines, the user will not have to take
into account the field splices. Normally in continuous spans, splices are made at or near the points of
dead load contra flexure. It is assumed that the structure is as strong or stronger at the splice than
around it. Hence, field splices will not be taken into consideration when creating the section changes
of the girder layout.
Once the different sections of the bridge have been determined, it is convenient to catalog them into a
table for easy data access and to make a quick implementation in the BRASS code, as it is illustrated
in the following figure.
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The above figure shows the typical layout of a plate girder with 8 distinctive cross-sections, which
catalogs the geometry and material properties of the top and bottom flanges and the web.
Use the COVER-PLATE-TOP (7-2.4) and the COVER-PLATE-BOTTOM (7-2.5) commands to model
any cover plates that may exist on the top or bottom flanges of the steel girder at each cross-section.
The cover plates are an additional component of the steel cross-section, and the weight of these
plates will be automatically included in the girder dead load.
The composite section can be modeled using the COMPOSITE-SLAB (10-2.1) command, which will
require calculating the effective width of the concrete slab. BRASS version 2.0.3 has been updated to
included the 2008 revision of the 4 Edition LRFD Code. With this update it is no longer necessary to
calculate the effective flange width of composite slabs in the preliminary file. The second parameter
of COMPOSITE-SLAB command may be left blank to allow BRASS to calculate the effective width.
Once the effective width of the slab has been computed, calculate the number of longitudinal
reinforcing bars within the effective slab width and enter them within the appropriate parameter of the
COMPOSITE-REBAR (10-2.1) command.
Use the COVER-PLATE-TOP (7-2.4) and the COVER-PLATE-BOTTOM (7-2.5) commands to model
any cover plates that may exist on the top or bottom flanges of the steel girder at each cross-section.
The cover plates are an additional component of the steel cross-section, and the weight of these
plates will be automatically included in the girder dead load. BRASS will now accommodate a steel-
concrete composite girder with a top steel cover plate. Therefore, the COVER-PLATE-TOP command
can be used with the COMPOSITE-SLAB command.
Shear connectors provide a layer of fixation against shear for the deck with the steel girders causing
the girder to act as a composite section. Shear connectors are in the form of studs or C-channels.
BRASS has two commands that define the type of shear connectors, where the user specifies the
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dimensions and properties for the layout of each group of shear connectors. For example, for each
group of shear studs, using the SHEAR-CONN-STUD (7-3.1) command the user will have to
determine the number of studs transversely, the transverse spacing of the studs, the stud diameter,
the stud height, stud tensile strength, and the pitch.
The program will use all of the detailed data for the shear connectors to perform specification checks
to see if they pass the design code provisions. The user would then have to search through the
BRASS output to determine if the specification checks passed or not, as they have no direct impact
on the capacity of the girder. One could argue that if the shear connectors did not pass the design
specifications, that at ultimate strength load levels they could fail and then make the girder non-
composite. Since this type of failure is rare, and that the MBE code does not require that the shear
connectors be checked, we will assume that the shear connectors are designed properly. Therefore,
it is not necessary to spend the level of effort required to determine all of the details of the shear
What does affect the girder capacity is if the girder is considered to be composite or non-composite.
The girder cross-sections within the ranges where shear connectors are present are considered
composite, otherwise they are considered non-composite. The SHEAR-CONN-SCHEDULE (7-3.3)
command is used to describe the composite regions across a span. The following table will be used
to collect the data needed to describe the areas where the steel girder is composite:
To avoid welding to the tension flange of the steel girders, it was a common practice to eliminate the
shear connectors within the negative moment regions of the bridge. Therefore, one should verify on
the plans if there are areas where the shear connectors were omitted. Without bridge plans that show
that shear connectors are present or bridge instrumentation and load testing that proves otherwise,
one should assume that the girders are non-composite.
A web stiffener is, usually an angle or plate, attached to the web of a beam or girder to distribute load,
transfer shear, or to prevent buckling of the web to which it is attached. The types of stiffeners found
on girders are:
1. Transverse Intermediate
2. Bearing
3. Longitudinal
There are two general types of transverse stiffeners; intermediate stiffeners that are located at points
between the supports, and bearing stiffeners that are located at the supports of a span. Intermediate
stiffeners are provided in order to prevent the web of the girder from buckling. AASHTO allows
intermediate stiffeners to be connected on either one or both sides of the plate girder. For bearing
stiffeners, AASHTO recommends that a pair of stiffeners be used (i.e., a stiffener plate on either side
of the web).
A longitudinal stiffener, like transverse intermediate stiffeners, is welded to the web plate of a plate
girder. The longitudinal stiffener, as its name implies, runs along the length of the stringer.
Longitudinal stiffeners are typically provided on only one side of the web. In addition to allowing for an
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overall reduction in web thickness, a longitudinal stiffener also serves to increase the shear and
bending strength of the girder and increase the lateral stiffness.
The user will create groupings for each type of stiffener, and create a table of their schedules on the
Preliminary file. The tables will contain the required input parameters that are used in the related
BRASS commands (i.e., the BRASS commands for the transverse stiffeners are STIF-TRANS-
GROUP (7-8.1), STIF-TRANS-SCHEDULE (7-8.2)). Sometimes, it would be more convenient to
model the stiffeners independently (for example by using the STIF-TRANSVERSE (7-4.1) command
for transverse stiffeners), rather than using grouping and scheduling. The user should use whatever
method is more convenient to them.
The following tables show the data that is required to model the intermediate transverse stiffeners of
a bridge using the grouping and scheduling commands.
The following table shows the data that is required to model the bearing stiffeners of a particular
bridge; which will use the STIF-BEARING (7-4.2) command.
BRASS will automatically create points of interest at each location where a bearing stiffener is being
modeled. At these points of interest, BRASS will calculate a Rating Factor for bearing. These points
of interest will usually be the first set of analysis points that are reported in the BRASS output.
We have concluded that the bearing stiffeners defined in BRASS have no affect to the shear capacity
and the transverse stiffeners have no affect to the bearing capacity. Yet in reality the bearing stiffener
does and should affect the shear capacity. Therefore, to get the girder to rate out properly, the
transverse stiffeners and a bearing stiffener should both be defined at the same location (if there is a
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stiffener at the support location). Looking at the example from the BRASS help file for the STIF-
TRAN-SCHEDULE (7-8.2) command, they show the transverse stiffeners starting and ending at
bearing stiffener locations. This helps reinforce our conclusion that the transverse stiffeners should be
defined at bearing stiffener locations.
Longitudinal stiffeners are typically located on the compression side of the girder, thus for continuous
span bridges they may overlap near the moment inflection point locations. Due to BRASS not
allowing different longitudinal stiffeners to overlap, it is recommended to use the moment inflection
point locations or girder splice locations (which usually match the inflection point locations) to switch
from one stiffener to the other when they overlap. However, there may be situations where this
general guideline will not work and the load rater will have to use their engineering judgment to
determine the best location to switch between the different longitudinal stiffeners that are overlapping.
The following tables show the data that is required to model the longitudinal stiffeners for a particular
bridge; which will use the STIF-LONG-GROUP (7-8.5) and STIF-LONG-SCHEDULE (7-8.6)
2 3 0.00 159.00
2 2 159.00 201.00
2 1 360.00 936.00
2 2 1296.00 345.75
2 3 1641.75 194.25
3 3 0.00 194.08
3 2 194.08 225.92
3 1 420.00 1284.00
3 2 1704.00 165.92
3 3 1869.92 194.09
4 3 0.00 167.60
4 2 167.60 264.40
4 1 432.00 780.00
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The information of the cross-bracing of the bridge should be available on the construction plans, and
be implemented on the Preliminary Mathcad file before being entered in the BRASS code.
Normally, the cross-bracing schedule for the girders can be easily cataloged into a table defining the
location of the bracings (using the BRACING-SCHEDULE (7-8.7) command). See the following table
as an example of how to define the cross-bracing.
In some cases, as discovered on Frame-structured bridges, BRASS doesnt read the cross-bracing
schedule due to some inherent programming glitch. Instead, one will have to create the sections of
the bridge that are not braced, using the UNBRACED-LENGTH (7-5.1) command. The UNBRACED-
LENGTH command will also need to be used on bridges where there is no bracing at a support. (The
BRACING-SCHEDULE command automatically places a brace at each support.)
Either way, it is of great importance that the user check the output file for possible warnings and
errors regarding the bracing of the sections. BRASS or the Summary worksheet should notify the
user that something might be off. In such cases, the user will be prompted to modify the commands
for the cross-bracing.
To avoid confusion, dead loads should be grouped under the headings DC and DW and presented in
the same order in the Preliminary (.xmcd) File as they will appear in the BRASS Input (.DAT) File.
Only four LOAD-DEAD-DESCR commands may be coded in BRASS. Cross frame sand bottom
lateral bracings shall be grouped in the first command. Deck and Buildup in the second command.
Rails and curbs in the third command, lastly wearing surfaces for the forth. Stiffener dead load
should be input as a distributed load using the LOAD-DEAD-UNIFORM command.
Use AASHTO LRFD Table 3.5.1-1 to determine the unit weight of concrete w c . For dead load
calculations, use w c +0.005 kcf to account for the reinforcement, in accordance with AASHTO LRFD
Commentary C3.5.1.
Consider diaphragm/cross-bracing point loads to be part of component load DC. Include any
diaphragms/end beams at the end of the girder over the support, as they will be utilized when
applying the girder dead load reactions to crossbeams.
When a composite deck is to be defined in BRASS, the uniform dead load of the deck per girder will
need to be computed and applied as part of the component load DC.
Special care needs to be given to the exterior girders, which may have different concrete deck loads
than the interior girders.
As an addition, the user should consider the weight of the concrete buildup between the top of the
steel girder flange to the bottom of the concrete slab. Linearly varying the buildup from the point of
maximum camber to the point of minimum camber is typically acceptable. Although the flange
thicknesses may vary along the span length it is not necessary to account for minor variations in the
buildup. If in the engineers judgment the buildup calculations need to be refined, follow the following
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Since the top flange can vary in thickness, but the location of the top of the web usually
remains constant, it is best to compute the buildup by referencing the location of the top of
web. For that, one will have to analyze each cross-section change along the span. The best
way to do this is to create a table in the Preliminary Mathcad file, where the top flange
thickness of the stringer, deck thickness, and distance from the top of the deck to the top of
the web can be specified. Then the buildup can be computed. This can be seen in the
following table.
Top Flange Deck top deck to Weight
Thickness Thick. top web Top-Flange Buildup Buildup
Section (in.) (in.) (in.) Width (in) (in) (klf)
1 0.81 10.04 13.39 22.00 2.54 0.058
2 0.81 10.04 13.39 22.00 2.54 0.058
3 0.81 10.04 13.39 22.00 2.54 0.058
4 0.81 10.04 13.39 22.00 2.54 0.058
Where standard rail drawings occur, wherever possible use the rail dead loads tabulated in Appendix
A2.0 Summary of Standard Rail Weights, found in file RAILDL.XLS. Provide detailed calculations for
the dead load of any rail not found in this summary.
For all concrete decks, assume adequate lateral distribution of loads and distribute the sum of all rail,
curb and sidewalk dead loads (stage 2 dead loads) equally among all girders.
For most utilities, the dead load is very insignificant when compared to the dead load of the rest of the
structure, and therefore can be ignored. However, there can be cases were the utility load can be
significant; such as a bridge supporting a 16 diameter concrete lined cast iron water pipe that was
computed to add 200 lb/ft of dead load when considered full of water. In this case, the dead load was
shared between the two adjacent girders. Therefore, it will be left up to the engineering judgment of
the individual load rater to determine if the utility dead load is significant enough to need to be
included in the load rating.
For load rating, we want to consider a utility as a non-structural attachment and keep it listed under
DC for dead loads. The main reason for this is if a load rater ever comes across a situation where
they have to load rate a bridge where they are uncertain of the wearing surface thickness. In that
situation they are required to use a DW gamma of 1.50. That way they would only be penalizing the
load of the wearing surface, not the utilities, for the uncertainty.
Always separate Wearing Surface dead load (DW) from the component (DC) dead loads. This is due
to (a) the potential for different dead load factors DC and DW according to MBE, (b) because this
facilitates future re-rating when the wearing surface thickness changes, and (c) it facilitates input for
the Crossbeam Load Rating Software, where it must be kept separate.
Use 150 lb/ft for asphalt wearing surface (0.0125 ksf/inch of wearing surface). Use 0.013 ksf/inch for
overlays of Polyester Polymer Concrete (non-structural). Show calculations for wearing surface dead
load distributed equally to all the girders. Add 1 to any non-zero measured ACWS thickness to
account for uncertainties in measurement, unless the thickness has been obtained from averaging
multiple core samples.
For all concrete decks, assume adequate lateral distribution of loads and distribute the sum of all
wearing surface dead loads (stage 2 dead loads) equally among all girders.
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Simply list the four classes of rating loads to be analyzed. (See articles through
Normally live load distribution factors are calculated in BRASS, but in the rare case where they must
be calculated manually, the complete calculations should be provided with thorough documentation in
this section of the preliminary file. Distribution factors will need to be calculated manually in the case
of widened bridges or half-viaducts where the deck was not made continuous between the original
and widening structures, or between the viaduct structure and the adjacent pavement. Where there
is no barrier to the wheel load at the edge of deck, because of the assumed 20 wide wheel footprint,
a full concentrated wheel load can be placed no closer than 10 from the edge of deck.
Determine the spans to be investigated. These should be any span that is unique and is not repeated
due to symmetry or due to repetition of a span between joints.
Within each span, check for symmetry of sections and loads, and do not identify any analysis points
that are structurally symmetrical with analysis points already defined. Defining analysis points that
are structurally symmetrical has the potential effect of corrupting the Load Rating Summary Sheet.
Because the Refresh module is looking for the lowest Rating Factors, defining a symmetrical point
causes it to identify the most critical rating location twice, thus preventing it from identifying the
second most critical analysis point. The second controlling point is useful information in evaluating
potential repairs for the bridge.
In previous versions of BRASS (LRFD) the skew correction factor was applied to the first segment
only. Because of this it was important to not code any nodes within the critical section. BRASS
(LRFD) v2.0.3 now applies the skew correction factor across the entire span. For shear the skew
factor will be applied at the support and will decrease linearly to unity at midspan. With this update,
section changes (node points) can now be defined within the critical section.
For each unique span in the preliminary file, list each analysis point type as a header, one by one.
Under each header provide the calculations necessary to determine or document the location of each
investigation point in that category. Thus there will be up to 7 separate calculation sections for each
span. In any calculation section, if any particular point duplicates a previously calculated point or is
within 1 ft of a previously calculated point, the new point may be omitted. In this case, explain the
omission by indicating which previously identified point already covers the current one. To avoid
potential errors in engineering judgment, it will be required that both moment and shear be checked at
most analysis points. The analysis points are based on:
In most cases, the load rater will have to check the inspection report for the condition states of the
elements that are being load rated to determine if the analysis needs to consider the effects of
section loss. If the member being evaluated is an unpainted steel element, then any percentage
of the member that falls under Condition State 4 will mean that the section loss is sufficient to
warrant an analysis to ascertain the impact to the ultimate strength. Likewise, if the member being
evaluated is a painted steel element, then any percentage of the member that falls under
Condition State 5 will warrant an analysis to ascertain the impact of the section loss to the
ultimate strength. For an element to fall within one of these Condition States, the section loss
should be greater than 10% of the plate thickness in a critical load area. Unfortunately, when
these lowest Condition States are assigned, the inspection report typically does not provide the
locations and measurements of the loss or remaining section. Therefore, the load rater will be
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required to communicate with the person who inspected the bridge to determine the locations and
measured section loss of the member so that a proper analysis of the remaining section can be
performed. These locations should be checked for both moment and shear.
If the Condition State for the element does not fall under the lowest category as described above,
then the locations of localized corrosion do not need to be accounted for in the analysis.
The ODOT Concrete Bridge Generator is not currently configured to assist with the generation of
steel girder BRASS code.
BRASS-GIRDER will be used to load rate the concrete girders. BRASS-GIRDER is different from the
previous BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) program in that it no longer uses text file inputs, but instead utilizes
a Graphical User Interface (GUI) with data saved in xml file format. Instead of developing new
procedures to populate the GUI of BRASS-GIRDER, this manual will continue to give instructions on
how to create the text input file for BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD). Once the file is ready for analysis, the
user will run the text input file through the BRASS-GIRDER translator that will create the xml input
file used to populate the new GUI. From there the user will be able to run the analysis within BRASS-
BRASS has increased the live load definition limit from 20 to 100 per file. In the past, since ODOT
requires more than 20 vehicles to be analyzed in every LRFR load rating, two nearly identical BRASS
input files were used to cover all of the different vehicles. Since the transition from using BRASS-
GIRDER(LRFD) to using BRASS-GIRDER for the analysis, ODOT has modified all of its tools to only
use a single BRASS file with all of the rating vehicles included. Therefore, ODOT will no longer
require the two separate nearly identical BRASS _N and _T files.
7.4.1 BRASS Input File conventions
Use the heavily commented sample files provided as templates to be copied to a new bridge-number-
specific folder (with a new filename if appropriate) and then modified for the actual load ratings.
Separate input files will be required for each structure type in any bridge with a combination of
structure types, and for interior and exterior girders due to the variability of live load distribution
factors in LRFR.
General conventions
Use the full length of each command name except the COMMENT (3-1.1) command shall be
only COM.
Precede each command or logical group of similar commands (except for the COMMENT
command) with a comment referring to the Article number in the BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD)
Command Manual. For example, precede an ANALYSIS (4-1.1) command with a comment
command thus:
COM 4-1.1
Generally, leave in all comments found in the template (unless they become totally irrelevant
to a particular input file), modifying them and adding more comments as required to fit the
specific conditions of the rating. Use comments liberally with the expectation that someone
unfamiliar with the BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) program and unfamiliar with the bridge will need
to read the data file and fully understand it.
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Leave parameters blank (spaces between commas) where they are irrelevant to the specific
structure. Although trailing commas can be omitted where all parameters to the right are to
be blank, it is recommended to clarify your intentions by showing the blank parameters
separated by commas. However, avoid leaving blank parameters such as material strengths
where default values would apply. Enter the default values to make the dataset more
meaningful to a future user.
Show in-line calculations (what the BRASS Manual calls in-line arithmetic) within a parameter
(between commas) to convert units from feet to inches where the command parameter
requires inches. Similarly, show in-line calculations to show how you determined the vertical
dimensions to locate flexural bars. However, note that BRASS has the following limitations
on in-line calculations: It cannot handle parentheses within in-line calculations, and it cannot
correctly handle more than one multiplication or division operator in any one term, i.e. use no
more than one multiplication or division between plus and minus signs. Other than these in-
line calculations, the best place to put calculations is in the Preliminary File rather than in the
BRASS comments.
To make it easier for a subsequent user to find their way around the Input File, separate the
BRASS input file into logical sections (large groups of commands) by using spaced
comments as indicated in the sample files. Typically, an input file for a steel bridge will be
divided into the following sections:
COM ***** Information *****
COM ***** LRFR Load Rating, Strength Limit State *****
COM ***** Material Properties *****
COM ***** Section Geometry *****
COM ***** Span Length and Section Information *****
COM ***** Dead Loads *****
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COM ***** Live Loads *****
COM ***** Distribution Factors *****
COM ***** Resistance Factors *****
COM ***** Analysis Sections *****
With similar comment sets, subdivide the Analysis Sections section into subsections for
each category of investigated section for each unique span. (See the sample input files).
Specific conventions
At the beginning of every input file, use the BRIDGE-NAME (2-1.3) command to provide the
5- or 6-character NBI Bridge Number, followed by the Bridge Name. Use the Bridge Name
as defined in the Definitions, Article 1.3.3 of this Manual.
Next, use the ROUTE (2-1.5) command to provide the milepoint and signed Route Number
where applicable (always required for State-owned bridges). Note the signed Route Number
is not the same as the ODOT internal (maintenance) Highway Number.
Use 2 lines of the TITLE (2-1.6) command. Use the first TITLE line to provide the file name
and describe which girder(s) this file applies to. Use the second TITLE line to provide the
purpose or work grouping of the Load Rating.
Use the AGENCY (2-1.1) command to identify the Load Rating as being performed according
to ODOT standards. This command should always be the same:
COM 2-1.1
Use the UNITS (2-1.4) command to force BRASS to always use US (English) units for both
input and output. BRASS normally defaults to US units, but it has been found that when
referenced dimensions get large, BRASS will automatically assume the large dimensions are
in millimeters and will convert the units when it calculates the resistance of the member.
Using the UNITS command will not allow BRASS to arbitrarily convert the units during an
COM 2-1.4
Use the ANALYSIS (4-1.1) command to provide BRASS with parameters needed to do a
rating analysis. The continuous beam model is the preferred choice (B in parameter 1) as
long as there is no need to include columns in the analysis and the bridge has 13 spans.
Except for a rigid frame analysis (with columns) that would require the frame type model
(F in parameter 1).
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When there is only one stage of construction, the structure will be considered non-composite,
and the slab will not be used in the section analysis computations. Even if shear connectors
were defined, the section will still be considered non-composite. For composite structures,
three or two stages of loading will need to be specified by placing a 3 or 2 in the second
parameter of the ANALYSIS command. If there is sustained dead load on the composite
section, three construction stages should be used. If there is no sustained dead load on the
composite section, then only two construction stages should be used.
When three construction stages are used, first the bridge is modeled as non-composite and
all stage one loads are applied. Next the bridge is modeled as composite steel and concrete
with the modular ratio adjusted to allow for creep, usually 3n, and all stage two loads should
be sustained loads such as curbing, railing, wearing surface and median where creep would
be a factor. The structure is next modeled as a composite steel and concrete with the
standard modular ratio (not adjusted for creep) and the live loads are applied.
When two construction stages are used, first the bridge is modeled as non-composite and all
stage one loads are applied. Next the bridge is modeled as composite steel and concrete
and all live loads are applied. Parameter 5 will be coded as N, for no, to prevent BRASS from
interpolating mild steel reinforcement from the left to right cross sections. Partial
development is not currently being considered for steel girder analysis. For typical composite
steel girder bridges this command would normally be the same:
COM 4-1.1
COM 4-1.2
Leaving the 2nd parameter (Specification Check Output) blank causes BRASS to default to
refrain from generating a large additional output (.OUT) file for each point of interest. This is
information that is not normally needed. Use of Y for parameter 2 to turn on this additional
output may be justified at sections where there is a need to account for partially developed
bars. If these additional .OUT files are generated, they do not need to be printed in the Load
Rating Report.
Use the OUTPUT (5-1.1) command to control the wide variety of output options. Unless
there is a problem that requires more detailed intermediate output for investigation, this
command should always the same:
COM 5-1.1
OUTPUT 4, Y, , , 1, , , , , , , , ,
Beginning with BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) v.1.6.1, the effective top flange width is calculated
and applied to the section properties automatically. Use the OUTPUT-EFF-WIDTH (5-7.3)
command to direct BRASS to not output its effective flange width calculations. This
command should always be the same:
COM 5-7.3
Use the OUTPUT-STIFFENERS (5-6.1) if information about the transverse, bearing and
longitudinal stiffeners is required. In most cases, this command is turned off unless the user
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COM 5-6.1
Code all BRASS models in the same direction as the girder elevation appears on the plans,
i.e. from left to right on the plans, regardless of mile-point direction.
Next is to define the limit states for the load rating. BRASS uses the MAP-LIMIT-STATE (4-
5.1) command to set each limit state and level to the load rating procedures. This mapping
controls which limit states will be considered when determining the critical rating factors. Also,
use the MAP-SPEC-CHECK (4-5.2) command to control the specification checks for each
limit state. This is further explained on the next section: Brass Input Adjustments.
In the Material Properties section, use the STEEL-MATERIALS (7-1.1) command to provide
the material properties for the steel used consistent with the notes on the bridge plans.
Although there are exceptions, a typical steel structure from the 1950s or early 1960s would
have the following properties command:
COM 7-1.1
STEEL-MATERIALS 0.490, 29000, 0.00065
To describe the material properties of the concrete slab in the composite section, use the
COMPOSITE-MATERIAL (10-1.1) command.
COM 10-1.1
The next step is to create the section geometry of the girder lines. First, the user will
reproduce the assorted sections, based on geometry change, found throughout the span
profiles on BRASS. There are two major commands to replicate the cross-sections based on
the types of girders used: STEEL-WIDE-FLANGE (7-2.1) for wide-flange I-beams and
STEEL-PLATE-GIRDER (7-2.2) for plate girders.
For cross sections that have a composite deck, use the COMPOSITE-SLAB (10-2.1)
command to model the composite deck slab. Use the COMPOSITE-REBAR (10-2.2)
command to enter the reinforcing steel in the deck of a composite girder. The slab and rebar
are an additional component of a cross section defined with the steel commands. Therefore,
the cross section number of the slab and rebar must correspond to the cross section number
of a defined steel cross section. This command is required only if the section is composite.
The dead load of the concrete composite slab is NOT included in the girder dead load.
COM Section 1
COM 7-2.2, 10-2.1, 10-2.2
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The shear connectors can be inserted via groups and scheduling. The groups are sorted
based on the geometric properties of the studs or c-channels and the width of the top flange.
The program will use all of the detailed data for the shear connectors to perform specification
checks to see if they pass the design code provisions. The user would then have to search
through the BRASS output to determine if the specification checks passed or not, as they
have no direct impact on the capacity of the girder. Since the LRFR code does not require
that the shear connectors be checked, we will assume that the shear connectors are
designed properly. Therefore, it is not necessary to spend the level of effort required to
determine all of the details of the shear connectors.
What does affect the girder capacity is if the girder is considered to be composite or non-
composite. The use of the COMPOSITE-SLAB command does NOT make BRASS consider
the section of the girder to be composite. The girder cross-sections within the ranges where
shear connectors are present are considered composite, otherwise they are considered non-
composite. The SHEAR-CONN-SCHEDULE (7-3.3) command is used to describe the
composite regions across a span.
There are three types of stiffeners that can be found on the girders: Transverse, Bearing and
Longitudinal. For transverse stiffeners, it is more convenient to group them by geometric
properties using the STIF-TRAN-GROUP (7-8.1) command, And then to schedule their
location by using the STIF-TRAN-SCHEDULE (7-8.2) command. Longitudinal stiffeners are
modeled similarly by using the STIF-LONG-GROUP (7-8.5) and the STIF-LONG-SCHEDULE
(7-8.6) commands. For bearing stiffeners, it might be more convenient to code them
independently by using STIF-BEARING (7-4.2) command. This command can be used
COM 7-8.1
COM Groups of transverse stiffeners with similar geometry
STIF-TRAN-GROUP 1, 10.236, 0.75, 1, , 50
COM 7-8.2
COM Placement of transverse stiffener groups, for all spans
STIF-TRAN-SCHEDULE 1, 1, 278.05,
STIF-TRAN-SCHEDULE 2, 1, 283.464,
Another important aspect that needs to be taken into account is the cross-bracing
components of the spans. This can be done in BRASS using the BRACING-SCHEDULE (7-
8.7) command. But sometimes BRASS doesnt process this code correctly, as in the cases
of frame-structured bridges, and verification of bracing should be made by checking on the
output files for the effective span length, L b . In such cases, the UNBRACED-LENGTH (7-5.1)
command should be employed.
COM 7-8.7
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In the Span Lengths and Section Information section, define each span beginning with the
appropriate command from Chapter 11 of the BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) Command Manual
that describes the profile (depth variation) along the span. Follow this command with a
sequence of SPAN-SECTION (11-2.1) commands to assign the previously defined cross
sections to cumulative ranges from the left end of the span. The following is an example of
the series of commands to define one span:
Use the SPAN-HINGE (11-5.1) command if necessary to define the location of any hinge
within the span. This command is optional. The SPAN-HINGE command will only work in
areas of the span that are non-composite. BRASS will remove any hinges within a composite
section of the span when it makes the girder composite in Stage 2 of loading. Thus, to model
a hinge with a composite deck, a portion of the span from two inches on each side of the
hinge should be modeled as non-composite.
Also, one may make use of symmetry when recreating the spans of a bridge. This is done
simply by using the SPAN-COPY (11-3.1) command.
Use the SUPPORT-FIXITY (11-4.1) command to define the boundary conditions of each
span, for example:
COM 11-4.1
To avoid confusion, dead loads should be grouped under the headings DC and DW and
presented in the same order in the BRASS Input (.DAT) file as they were calculated in the
Preliminary (.XMCD) File. Diaphragms point loads should be considered part of component
load DC. Due to coding limitations, stiffeners will be input as distributed loads assigned to
the structures self weight.
Because BRASS calculates girder dead load (self-weight) using the input section dimensions
and treats it separately from other dead loads, group the rest of the structure dead loads
under the first occurrence of the of the LOAD-DEAD-DESCR (12-1.2) command, using the
description (parameter 4) Other Structure dead loads. Include loads for diaphragms directly
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over the supports. While they will not have any effect on the girder analysis, they will be used
to calculate dead load reactions used in the crossbeam analysis. Precede each group of
LOAD-DEAD-UNIFORM and LOAD-DEAD-POINT commands with an additional identifying
comment describing the load. An example of this first (DC) group is given below:
COM 12-1.4
LOAD-DEAD-POINT 1, 1, , 0.974, 0.00
LOAD-DEAD-POINT 1, 1, , 0.460, 278.05
LOAD-DEAD-POINT 1, 1, , 0.460, 556.10
LOAD-DEAD-POINT 1, 1, , 0.460, 834.15
LOAD-DEAD-POINT 1, 1, , 0.460, 1112.20
LOAD-DEAD-POINT 1, 1, , 0.460, 1390.25
LOAD-DEAD-POINT 1, 1, , 0.460, 1668.30
LOAD-DEAD-POINT 1, 1, , 0.460, 1946.35
LOAD-DEAD-POINT 1, 1, , 0.931, 2224.40
Group the next component dead loads (DC) for buildup between the top of girder and the
bottom of deck, and for the composite deck weight per girder to be included in the first
loading stage. An example of this 2nd (DC) group is given below:
COM 12-1.2
LOAD-DEAD-DESCR 2, DC, 1, Deck and Buildup
COM Buildup per girder, w = 0.075 k/ft at ends & 0.0 k/ft at
COM 12-1.3
LOAD-DEAD-UNIFORM 2, 1, 0.000*12, 0.075/12, 55.275*12, 0.000/12
LOAD-DEAD-UNIFORM 2, 1, 55.275*12, 0.000/12, 110.55*12, 0.075/12
LOAD-DEAD-UNIFORM 2, 2, 0.000*12, 0.075/12, 55.275*12, 0.000/12
LOAD-DEAD-UNIFORM 2, 2, 55.275*12, 0.000/12, 110.55*12, 0.075/12
LOAD-DEAD-UNIFORM 2, 3, 0.000*12, 0.075/12, 55.275*12, 0.000/12
LOAD-DEAD-UNIFORM 2, 3, 55.275*12, 0.000/12, 110.55*12, 0.075/12
LOAD-DEAD-UNIFORM 2, 4, 0.000*12, 0.075/12, 55.275*12, 0.000/12
LOAD-DEAD-UNIFORM 2, 4, 55.275*12, 0.000/12, 110.55*12, 0.075/12
Group the remaining component dead loads (DC) (excluding wearing surface dead loads) in
the next LOAD-DEAD-DESCR (12-1.2) command using the description (parameter 4)
Superimposed dead loads. This group should include LOAD-DEAD_UNIFORM (12-1.3)
commands as needed to account for all superimposed (Stage-2) dead loads except the
wearing surface. Precede each group of LOAD-DEAD-UNIFORM commands with an
additional identifying comment describing the load. An example of this 3rd (DC) group is
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given below:
COM 12-1.2
LOAD-DEAD-DESCR 3, DC, 2, Rails, Curbs and Fences
To facilitate future re-ratings with different wearing surface loads, always apply the wearing
surface dead load under its own LOAD-DEAD-DESCR (12-1.2) command separate from all
other uniform superimposed dead loads. Precede each LOAD-DEAD-UNIFORM command
with an additional identifying comment describing the load. An example of this 4th (DW)
dead load group is given below:
COM 12-1.2
LOAD-DEAD-DESCR 4, DW, 2, Wearing Surface Dead Load
COM 2.5" + 1" ACWS
COM Distributed equally to all 4 girders, w = 0.284 k/ft
COM 12-1.3
LOAD-DEAD-UNIFORM 4, 1, 0.0*12, 0.284/12, 140.0*12, 0.284/12
Use the BRASS Input Adjustment #1 thru #3 explained below to code the live load and dead
load requirements.
To assure that BRASS calculates girder Distribution Factors (number of lanes) according to
LRFD, the following BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) commands are required:
If distribution factors in AASHTO LRFD are calculated manually, note that we interpret
the definition of d e in AASHTO LRFD 4.3 as distance from the centerline of the exterior web
to the interior edge of curb or traffic barrier.
Use the BRASS Input Adjustment #4 explained below to code the Resistance Factors.
Use the BRASS Input Adjustment #5 explained below to obtain detailed output regarding the
Distribution Factors.
To obtain Rating Factors for flexure and shear points of interest, use OUTPUT-
INTERMEDIATE (5-2.1) command grouped in the same order and groupings as the analysis
points were calculated in the Preliminary File. Within each span, make sure that none of the
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analysis points duplicate each other (have identical span fractions), and delete one of each
duplicate pair. Precede each OUTPUT-INTERMEDIATE command with a comment (usually
text taken from the Preliminary File) explaining which type of force is being investigated
(Positive Moment, Negative Moment or Shear), the span number and nearby bent number,
and the span fraction.
Because BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) was designed primarily for LRFD analyses and was created before
the MBE Manual was published, a number of standard BRASS Input Adjustments are necessary.
Fortunately the program is flexible enough to allow an accurate solution with work-arounds (BRASS
Input Adjustments). These adjustments will normally apply to every Input File, at least until BRASS-
GIRDER(LRFD) is changed. See the sample input files for proper placement of these adjustments.
Use the FACTORS-LOAD-DL command (13-1.2) to force BRASS to use the MBE dead load
factors, which are different than the AASHTO LRFD factors used by default. MBE Table
6A.4.2.2-1 requires constant dead load factors DC and DW , and the footnote allows DW to be
1.25 when wearing surface thickness is field-measured, which is normally the case.
Therefore, these commands are always required. Since the command only covers one limit
state level at a time, use one for Strength-I, one for Strength-II, and one for Service-II:
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COM 13-1.2
FACTORS-LOAD-DL ST, 1, 1.25, 0.90, 1.25, 0.65
FACTORS-LOAD-DL ST, 2, 1.25, 0.90, 1.25, 0.65
FACTORS-LOAD-DL SE, 2, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00
Therefore, use the LOAD-LIVE-DEFINITION (12-4.3) commands to define each Design and
Legal Load separately, and use the LOAD-LIVE-CONTROL (12-4.1) command to define only
parameters 1 (direction control, B for traffic in both directions) and parameter 7 (wheel
advancement denominator, normally 100), as follows:
In structures with short spans, especially short cantilevers, BRASS may crash because the
span is divided into live load advancement increments that are too small. If this occurs and
you have a small span, try decreasing parameter 7 to the largest number for which BRASS
will work, often 50 or sometimes even less.
Further, because MBE Table 6A. requires a different live load factor L for each truck,
ADTT and truck weight combination, and BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) does not provide for a
separate live load factor for each truck, more BRASS Input Adjustments are required to
define truck specific live load factors.
For Strength Limit States, use the optional FACTORS-LOAD-LL command (13-1.3) such that
the universal gamma LL (Design) (parameter 3), gamma LL (Legal) (parameter 4) and
gamma LL (Permit) (parameter 5) are all forced to 1.0. Since this command only covers
one limit state level at a time, 2 commands are always required (one for Strength-I, and one
for Strength-II)
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For Service Limit States, use the option FACTORS-LOAD-LL command (13-1.3) such that
the universal gamma LL (Design) (parameter 3) is forced to the values shown in MBE
T6A.4.2.2-1 For service II this would be 1.30 for Design and Legal Loads
COM 13-1.3
FACTORS-LOAD-LL ST, 1, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
FACTORS-LOAD-LL ST, 2, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
FACTORS-LOAD-LL SE, 2, 1.3, 1.3, 1.0
With the universal live load factors set to 1.0, truck specific live load factors can be defined
using the BRASS command 13-1.6, FACTORS-LOAD-LL-LS. Previous version of BRASS
(LRFD) did not accommodate individual truck live load factors. Thus, a work around was
developed where the live load factors were input as scale factors. With BRASS v 2.0.3 the
FACTORS-LOAD-LL-LS command has been added to resolve this limitation. Live load
factors shall be input using this new command. Parameter 6 of command 12-4.3, scale
factor, will be reserve for its original purpose. With this update the LR summary sheet will no
longer modify the rating factors reported in the BRASS output file.
In the FACTORS-LOAD-LL-LS (13-1.6) commands for each load, enter the specific live load
Factor L (from LL_Factors_State.XLS or LL_Factors_Local.XLS as applicable). This
command can be copied and pasted from the BRASS tab of LL_Factors_State.XLS.
Thus the complete live load definition command set for input files is as follows:
COM Define each Design and Legal live load separately and
COM apply the truck specific live load factor (instead
COM of defining them in the LOAD-LIVE-CONTROL command)
COM There are 3 reasons...
COM (a) to prevent BRASS from applying the Fatigue Design
COM that is not needed for RCDG structures
COM (b) to force BRASS to list the Design Loads outputs in
COM same order as ODOT's Load Rating Summary Workbook
COM (c) to allow use of the Oregon 3S2 Legal Load rather than
COM the AASHTO 3S2 Design Load
COM 12-4.3
COM 13-1.6
v2.0.0 used the legal load designations OLEG3, OLEG3S2 & OLEG3-3.
Special note: For one-lane (escorted) special permit reviews and true single-lane bridges
(roadway width < 20 ft), it is necessary to enter ONE for parameter 7 in the LOAD-LIVE-
DEFINITION (12-4.3) command. It is not clear in the BRASS Command Manual, but this
parameter is needed to force BRASS to apply only a single-lane loading with the appropriate
single-lane Distribution Factors.
Note that in cases where we find bridges with a span longer than 200 ft, we must include a
new LOAD-LIVE-DEFINITION which consist of 75% of the Oregon type3-3 legal truck and
legal live load lane. For this load combination, BRASS will automatically scale the truck load
to the 75% value, thus there is no additional scaling required by the user. In such cases, we
would undo the COM prefix of this command:
COM 13-2.4
COM 13-2.5
To facilitate crossbeam calculations and to clarify what BRASS is doing regarding live load
distribution factors, always include the following lines in the BRASS input file at the end of the
Distribution Factors section:
COM 5-5.2
COM Request output of LL Distribution Factor computations
OUTPUT-DIST-LL Y, Y Modifications on Preliminary Files & BRASS Codes based on Bridge Type
There are several alterations or adjustments that will need to be done depending on the type of steel
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bridge used. This manual is written using an I-plate girder bridge as the generic model for analysis of
steel bridges. The basic set up for the other types of steel bridges remains the same, but the user
must accommodate numerous modifications on the preliminary files and BRASS codes to implement
a frame-structure steel bridge from the generic I-plate girder bridge, for instance.
Frame-structure steel bridges are easy to distinguish because they exhibit the substructure as part of
the superstructure. For that reason, the supports, also called legs, need to be taken into
consideration as part of the span-layout. Hence, the user must make several modifications to be able
to model a frame-structure bridge.
Use the ANALYSIS (4-1.1) command to provide BRASS with parameters needed to represent a
rigid frame analysis (with columns) that would require the frame type model (F in parameter
COM 4-1.1
Use the SPAN-UNIF-HAUNCH (11-1.3) command to provide BRASS with parameters needed
to represent the proper layout of a span with haunch at one or both ends. Also, depending
whether the haunch variation is uniform, linear or parabolic, the command will vary (i.e. for
parabolic haunches, SPAN-PARA-HAUNCH command). The following is an example of a
haunch that varies uniformly
When recreating the span layout of the bridge, the user needs to implement the supports as
part of the structure. Hence, the supports are considered as spans in BRASS (see ANALYSIS
command 4-1.1 for detailing).
Use the SPAN-ANGLE (11-6.1) command to provide BRASS with the angles of the supports.
COM 11-6.1
COM Enter angle of the legs with respect to the top spans
SPAN-ANGLE , 60, 120, 60, 120
Because frame legs are an integral part of the superstructure, flexure and shear points of
interest must be analyzed for each leg. The point of interest will usually be at the top of the leg
where it meets the bottom of the longitudinal girder.
BRASS cannot accurately load rate steel box or tub girder bridges. This bridge type will be added as
a separate chapter once the load rating methodology has been tested and finalized by ODOT.
This type of bridge cannot be simulated on BRASS using the current or previous software versions.
For that reason, ODOT decided to start a new methodology on how to load rate these bridges using
MIDAS/civil software package. Nonetheless, MIDAS cannot handle load rating via LRFR. It is used
as a finite element analysis tool to obtain the dead load and live load forces and reactions, which are
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Most (if not all) moveable bridges will fall under the load rating methodology for truss bridges.
Open the BRASS-GIRDER GUI interface. Because it is more efficient to use BRASS-
GIRDER(LRFD) Input Files generated from previous ones, the GUI interface will not be used to
generate input files.
The BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) input file must first be translated into a BRASS-GIRDER xml file that will
then populate the GUI interface in BRASS-GIRDER. The steps for translating and running the input
files in BRASS-GIRDER is as follows:
1. Start the BRASS-GIRDER program. From the File menu, hover your mouse pointer over
Translate (DAT to XML). Select the option for BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD).
2. The Translator window will then open on your screen. Click on the button that says Select
File/Run, as shown in the red outlined box in the following figure.
3. In the next window that appears, navigate to the location where the BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD)
input file that you wish to run is stored, and select that file. Click on the Open button at the
bottom right of this window.
4. The Translator window will then open back up and the selected file will run through the
translation. If there are any errors detected during the translation, a red X will be displayed
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next to the file name in the window and an error file will be generated. Refer to the error file to
decipher what is causing the error during translation. Once corrected, follow these steps
again to translate the file. If successful, a green check will appear next to the file name as
shown in the following figure:
5. Click the Close button at the bottom right of the Translator window. Within BRASS-
GIRDER, select Open under the File menu. Select the BRASS XML file that was just
created from the Translator program. Click on the Open button at the bottom right of this
6. BRASS-GIRDER will then load the model into the GUI. Under the Execute menu, select
Analysis Engine to run the analysis. Or you can simply click on the green traffic light icon on
the toolbar.
7. Verify that the output directory is the same as where the input files are located, and then click
the OK button. A black DOS window will appear showing program progress. Depending on
your system speed and memory and the complexity of the structure, the execution process
may take a few seconds or several minutes. Upon completion of the analysis, a text output
file will be generated within the same directory. You can now use a text editor to open and
view the BRASS output.
When making changes or corrections to BRASS files, ODOT prefers that all changes be made within
the BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) input file so that it becomes the master document for the BRASS model.
Reviewing this text input file will be quicker and more efficient than trying to navigate the GUI to verify
that the bridge is being modelled correctly. Thus, any time the text input file is modified, the above
steps will have to be repeated to translate the text input file into a BRASS XML file before the analysis
is re-ran in BRASS-GIRDER.
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If an error file is generated (same prefix, .ERR extension), open this file with your text editor and try to
interpret what BRASS is telling you. The vast majority of error messages will point you to a
straightforward typographical error or omission in your input. At the beginning of your experience with
BRASS, do not expect a successful execution until one or more typographical errors have been
When executing BRASS-GIRDER, if you get an error message regarding zeros in the stiffness matrix,
look at the ANALYSIS (4-1.1) command, parameter 1, and check to see if you are running a Frame
type model on a structure with more than 6 spans. In such cases the Beam type model (the
recommended default) is required (with a maximum of 13 spans).
When executing BRASS-GIRDER, you may get an error message stating, The effective web width
(b v ) cannot be zero. This causes a divide-by-zero error in the compression field computations. This
most likely means that you have selected points that are too close to another defined point of interest
within your BRASS input file. A general rule is not to have points closer than six inches from one
another. Verify in your input file that you have correctly entered the web width parameter while
defining your BRASS sections. Also check in the Span Length and Section Information portion of
the input file to see that the ranges of the elements are not too close to each other.
A rare error can sometimes occur in executing BRASS-GIRDER where the processing of the analysis
takes a considerable amount of time, and then produces a very large output file (around 600
megabytes) along with an error file. The program will report an Interpolation Error. This occurs on
files that have a BRASS span of 99.99 ft and was attempting to increment each truck across the span
at 100 increments (as specified in the LOAD-LIVE-CONTROL command). We found that one of two
simple workarounds can correct the error: 1) round the BRASS spans from 99.99 ft to 100.00 ft, or 2)
increase the live load increment from 100 to 105 in the LOAD-LIVE-CONTROL command. The
second method is the preferred option as it only requires a correction in one command, where as
adjusting the span lengths would have required doing it for multiple spans for the bridge that
experienced this error.
When executing BRASS-GIRDER, if you get an unexpected termination of the program while
attempting to run a file, check the BRASS error file (*.err) to see if it states that, Standard Vehicle:
OLEG3S2 is not presently stored in the standard vehicle library file. This usually means that the
user did not update the names of the Legal Vehicle in the BRASS input file. In the early part of 2009,
ODOT made a small revision to the vehicle library so that both the old Tier 1 and LRFR rating
methodologies would use the same legal vehicles for their analysis. As a result, ODOT changed the
names of the legal vehicles. To correct the error, make the following changes to the names of the
legal vehicles in the BRASS input file:
BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) has been known to run perfectly and still produce completely wrong
results. Although a successful run may indicate a lack of errors, it is prudent to search the main
output (.OUT) file for the words error and warning to check out the seriousness of the problem,
and to do a reality check on the Rating Factors. Unexpected Rating Factor results often indicate an
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We recommend that, at the very least, load raters routinely employ the following two BRASS
verification measures:
(1) Do a reasonability check on the section properties. This is why we routinely code Y in
parameter 2 of the OUTPUT (5-1.1) command, to provide a list of girder properties at each node
point. (Search the Output File for Calculated Properties in each span). It is not uncommon to
make errors in the steel section definitions, the SPAN-UNIF-HAUNCH (11-1.3) command or the
SPAN-SECTION (11-2.1) commands that can result in a girder profile that is quite different than
the one you expected.
(2) Do a reasonability check on the distribution of shears and moments across the structure.
This is especially critical if you have an expansion joint within the structure that you have modeled
by coding a hinge near one of the internal supports. Check if you are getting nearly-zero
moments at the support next to the hinge. (It cant be truly zero because of the offset of the hinge
from the support, but the moment value should be quite low). There have been cases where, due
to numerical instabilities in the analysis process, unreasonably high moments were present at the
support. The solution is usually to increase the offset of the hinge from the support in small
increments until the reported moments behave as expected (sometimes increasing the offset by
hundredths of a foot can make all the difference!).
If you really have doubts about what BRASS is giving you, be aware that you can use additional
commands in the OUTPUT- group BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) Manual, Chapter 5 to generate additional
output that may facilitate your detective work. Use caution the size of this output can be daunting.
When reading the BRASS Output File, in the Rating Factor Summary sections for Legal Loads, it may
be difficult to distinguish between the live load combo cases because two of them are identified as
ORLEG3-3. In these cases, it is possible to distinguish them by looking for the 3-letter BRASS live
load Type codes in parentheses. These are defined for parameter 3 of the LOAD-LIVE-DEFINITION
command (12-4.3). Thus there will be separate rating factor results for ORLEG3-3 (TRK) which is the
Type 3-3 truck by itself, and ORLEG3-3 (LGT) which is the Type 3-3 two-truck train plus Legal Lane
BRASS will perform proportion checks for the webs, flanges, and stiffeners. The checks do not
impact the capacity analysis but will be reported in the output file. Checking these proportions is
useful in refining the design, but is not useful in determining a members capacity. Per MBE 2011
section 6A.6.9.5, the provision of LRFD Design Article 6.10.2 need not be considered for existing
structures during evaluation. LRFD Section 6.10.2 discusses the proportions of webs and flanges but
doesnt mention stiffeners. For load rating purposes, it is important to analyze the members based on
how they were built. Thus, the proportion checks for webs, flanges, and stiffeners can be ignored.
We were made aware of an issue that occurs with continuous multi-span bridges, when the adjacent
span lengths vary by a considerable amount. It was noticed that the maximum positive moment
sections were being evaluated at odd locations (0.1L for an end span and 0.4L for an interior span).
This was a result of our original practice of basing these locations off of the dead load maximum
moment locations and not the factored combined (dead load and live load) maximums. The maximum
dead load moment location shifts were due to the uplift in short spans caused by the dead load of an
adjacent long span.
To compensate for the uplift effects of dead load on the adjacent short spans, we will now use the
maximum and minimum Load Factors stipulated in AASHTO LRFD Table 3.4.1-2. As a result, we
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have modified the BRASS Input Adjustment Type 2 commands in the BRASS input files to the
COM 13-1.2
FACTORS-LOAD-DL ST, 1, 1.25, 0.90, 1.25, 0.65
FACTORS-LOAD-DL ST, 2, 1.25, 0.90, 1.25, 0.65
FACTORS-LOAD-DL SE, 2, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00
The heavier vehicles will produce a maximum positive moment location closer towards the midspan,
while the lighter vehicles will produce a maximum positive moment location away from midspan
towards the maximum moment location of the dead load. Therefore, in order to capture the maximum
positive moment for the entire suite of vehicles that we use in load rating, we may have to establish a
range of points where the different vehicles will produce their maximum positive moment.
In order to facilitate this procedure, we have developed a new application (BRASS Moment Analyzer)
that will evaluate the BRASS output files after an initial BRASS run and determine if the maximum
positive moment locations for the live loads differ from the dead load locations. If so, the program will
then analyze the differences in the locations and then provide a range of recommended positive
moment locations (at 20th points) along with the BRASS commands for these new flexural analysis
locations that can be copied and pasted into the BRASS input files. The program will create a text file,
with the modified name of _MOMENT_INITIAL.TXT, in the same directory that contains the BRASS
output files that were analyzed.
After the final BRASS run, the BRASS Moment Analyzer can be used to once again evaluate the
BRASS output files. This time, the software will check and report if the maximum combined moment
for every vehicle at each analysis point is negative, positive, or contains both negative and positive
values. The program will allow the user to print a summary report which they can refer to when
selecting the type of moment during the BRASS import of the moment locations on the Load Rating
Summary sheet. The program will create a text file, with the modified name of
_MOMENT_FINAL.TXT, in the same directory that contains the BRASS output files that were
Do not include the BRASS Moment Analyzer output in the printed Load Rating Calc. Book. We only
request that the .TXT files that it produces be included with the electronic files for the load rating.
The intent is to only use the BRASS Moment Analyzer for continuous bridges with adjacent span
lengths that vary more than 30%.
Use the interior girder files as a starting point for creating the exterior girder files. Most of the interior
girder file will still apply for the exterior girder analysis. Because the interior file is used as a starting
point, it is suggested to not begin the exterior girder analysis until throughout checking of the interior
files have been completed. Any mistakes found in the interior file would likely also be mistakes in the
exterior file
7.5.1 Generating an Exterior Girder Preliminary File from an Interior Girder File
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For the typical composite steel structured bridge where the exterior girder design is the same as the
interior girder, the task of generating an exterior girder preliminary file from the corresponding interior
girder preliminary file generally consists on the following steps:
7.5.2 Generating an Exterior Girder BRASS Input File from an Interior Girder File
For the typical steel structure where the exterior girder design is the same as the interior girder, the
task of generating an exterior girder BRASS input file from the corresponding interior girder BRASS
input file generally consists on the following steps:
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This procedure pertains to concrete bridges (reinforced or prestressed) that have no plans and whose
cross-section cannot be estimated from field measurements. Standard precast prestressed concrete
slabs and boxes can normally be determined from field measurements. Contact the ODOT Load
Rating Unit for questions regarding standard members. The following procedure is NOT a load and
resistance factor rating (LRFR), but is rather a load rating that is based on engineering judgment.
8.1 Methodology
Without as built plan sheets, the bridges capacity cannot be calculated. Although the loads could still
be factored, the resistance cannot be determined therefore, the LRFR methodology cannot be used.
In these situations the service history, span configuration, and member condition will be used to
assign the bridge an operating and inventory rating factor.
If a concrete bridge without plans has a long history of service (20 years or more), successfully
carrying Oregon Legal Loads without distress, its safe capacity can be assumed to be equal to the
worst load effect of the Legal Loads (up to the SU4 vehicle). The HL-93 Design Truck Load Inventory
Rating can be considered to be in proportion to the load effect of the Legal Truck Loads. This
assessment should then be reduced to account for NBI condition ratings that involve advanced
deterioration or section loss (Poor or lower).
8.2 Preliminary Files for Superstructure (Mathcad)
For reinforced concrete bridges without existing plans, the preliminary file name and extension for
superstructure analysis is SUPERSTRUCTURE.xmcd.
Note: Because the dot multiplier symbol is very small and can easily be overlooked in Mathcad
printouts, when typing equations, surround all multiplied factors with parentheses.
8.2.1 Header
Use the Mathcad header feature to indicate Bridge Number (upper right corner), Bridge Name (top
line center), load rater and date (2nd line left) and File Name and Page Number (2nd line right). Use
the Bridge Name as defined in the Definitions, Article 1.3.3 of this Manual.
Since the bridge number and name are contained in the Mathcad header, they do not show up while
working on the file, only when printing or doing a Print Preview. To avoid confusion over which bridge
you are working on, it is good practice to place the bridge number and name near the top of the file in
the right margin (outside the printable area).
Just below the Mathcad header section, document the bridge structure type. For state bridges the
span description (Spans field) from the Bridge Log is adequate for this purpose.
Note: the Mathcad regions at the top in the right margin (outside the printable area) are there for 2
purposes. The units definitions are necessary for Mathcad to understand some commonly used units
in structural engineering (without them, Mathcad would generate errors because it is unable to
interpret them). The row of nonstandard characters is there in case the user might want to copy them
elsewhere to clarify the calculations.
Condition factors used in this analysis are NOT the same condition factors from MBE T6A.4.2.3-1
which are reproduced in section The factors listed in Table 8.2.2-1 are not to be used for
LRFR analysis. Due to the increased uncertainty in this method of analysis, the condition factors will
more severely impact the overall load rating when compared to the LRFR condition factors.
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Document any decisions regarding the condition factor of the bridge in this section. In addition to the
superstructure condition rating (NBI Item 59), also consider the substructure condition rating (NBI
Item 60). Review the inspection notes for any deficiencies in pile caps or cross beams. If there are
notes regarding cross beams in poor condition, and this condition factor is less than the value listed
for the superstructure, then use the substructure condition rating when determining the condition
Table 8.2.2-1
NBI Item 59 (or 60),
Condition Factor
Superstructure (or
Substructure) Condition Rating
5 Fair Condition or better 1.00
4 Poor Condition 0.50
3 Serious Condition * 0.25
2 Critical Condition * 0.12
Document the span lengths that will be used for analysis. Only unique span lengths should be
evaluated. Span lengths can be pulled from the bridge log, field measurements, or the bridge
inspection report. Without detailed plans these span lengths will be considered approximate.
Spans will generally be considered to be simply supported. Without detailed as-built drawings
showing negative moment steel over interior supports, it is difficult to determine if a structure is
continuous. For the purpose of this analysis, it is reasonable to assume that all spans are simply
supported for dead and live loads.
8.2.4 Live Loads:
List the live load cases for use in analysis. These should always be as shown below:
HL-93 Design Truck
HL-93 Design Tandem
HL-93 Design Truck Train
Design Lane Load
Oregon Legal Type 3 Truck
Oregon Legal Type 3S2 Truck
Oregon Legal Type 3-3 Truck
SU4 Legal Truck
SU5 Legal Truck
SU6 Legal Truck
SU7 Legal Truck
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BRASS analysis instructions are listed in section 8.3. The results from the analysis will be
documented here for rating factor computations.
After successfully running the BRASS analysis, open SUPERSTRUCTURE.OUT. Scroll down to
where the live load girder actions are reported. The BRASS output heading for this section is:
This section of the BRASS output file will report the moment, axial, shear, reaction, and deflection
actions due to the five live load cases that were defined for analysis. For each load case, go through
the analysis points and report the maximum moment.
Below is an example of the BRASS Output file for live load case 1 (AASHTO LRFD HL-93 Design
Calculate the maximum moment for the HL-93 Design Vehicle, the standard legal vehicles, and the
legal Specialized Hauling Vehicles (SHVs). The maximum legal load moment will be the greater
moment of the Oregon Legal Type 3, the Oregon Legal Type 3S2, the Oregon Legal Type 3-3, and
the AASHTO SU4 load cases. Maximum HL-93 moment will be the maximum of the HL-93 Design
Truck, HL-93 Design Tandem, and HL-93 Design Truck Train combined with the maximum HL-93
Design Lane load cases.
The maximum moment effect from the legal load trucks is assumed to result in a rating factor equal to
1.0, if the bridge has a history of successfully carrying Oregon legal loads, and has a condition rating
greater than or equal to fair. The condition of the bridge is taken into account with the condition factor
specified in section 8.2.2. Use equation 8.2.7-1 to calculate the rating factor for the Oregon Legal
trucks and the HL-93 Inventory rating.
M Legal
RFLoadCase = * (CF )
(Equation 8.2.7-1)
M LoadCase
Where: M Legal is the maximum legal load affect from the Type 3, Type 3S2,Type 3-3, and
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SU4 loading.
M LoadCase is the maximum load affect for the load case of interest. This will be for
the other legal loads that have lesser load effects than that used for M Legal , and
for the load effects for the SU5, SU6, and SU7 vehicles.
CF is the condition factor from section 8.2.2.
Due to Specialized Hauling Vehicles being relatively new technology, ODOT feels that most bridges
have not supported a large population of these vehicles during their service life. Being that the
multiple, closely spaced axles, of these vehicles can produce load effects (for some bridges) greater
than 50% of what is seen from the standard legal vehicles, ODOT has decided to not allow the SU5,
SU6, and SU7 vehicles to cross concrete bridges without plans without some sort of load restriction.
For most bridges, these vehicles will result in higher load effects than the standard legal vehicles and
the SU4. Since these procedures will set the rating factor to 1.0 for the greatest load effect of the
standard legal vehicles and SU4 vehicle for bridges that have a fair or better condition rating, these
procedures will result in rating factors less than 1.0 for the SU5, SU6, and SU7 vehicles. This will
require that every bridge that is rated by this procedure will end up being load posted for these
The rating factor the HL-93 Operating level is calculated using equation 8.2.7-2.
BRASS-GIRDER will be used to evaluate the live load comparison. BRASS-GIRDER is different from
the previous BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) program in that it no longer uses text file inputs, but instead
utilizes a Graphical User Interface (GUI) with data saved in xml file format. Instead of developing new
procedures to populate the GUI of BRASS-GIRDER, this manual will continue to give instructions on
how to create the text input file for BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD). Once the file is ready for analysis, the
user will run the text input file through the BRASS-GIRDER translator that will create the xml input
file used to populate the new GUI. From there the user will be able to run the analysis within BRASS-
GIRDER. Because only live load moments are needed, the BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) input file
commands will be substantially different than a normal LRFR analysis.
Use the heavily commented sample file provided as a template, copied to a new bridge-number-
specific folder (with a new filename if appropriate) and then modified for the actual Load Ratings.
General conventions
Use the full length of each command name except the COMMENT (3-1.1) command shall be
only COM.
Precede each command or logical group of similar commands (except for the COMMENT
command) with a comment referring to the Article number in the BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD)
Command Manual. For example, precede an ANALYSIS (4-1.1) command with a comment
command thus:
COM 4-1.1
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Generally, leave in all comments found in the template (unless they become totally irrelevant
to a particular input file), modifying them and adding more comments as required to fit the
specific conditions of the rating. Use comments liberally with the expectation that someone
unfamiliar with the BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) program and unfamiliar with the bridge will need
to read the data file and fully understand it.
Leave parameters blank (spaces between commas) where they are irrelevant to the specific
structure. Although trailing commas can be omitted where all parameters to the right are to
be blank, it is recommended to clarify your intentions by showing the blank parameters
separated by commas. However, avoid leaving blank parameters such as material strengths
where default values would apply. Enter the default values to make the dataset more
meaningful to a future user.
Show in-line calculations (what the BRASS Manual calls in-line arithmetic) within a parameter
(between commas) to convert units from feet to inches where the command parameter
requires inches. However, note that BRASS has the following limitations on in-line
calculations: It cannot handle parentheses within in-line calculations, and it cannot correctly
handle more than one multiplication or division operator in any one term, i.e. use no more
than one multiplication or division between plus and minus signs. Other than these in-line
calculations, the best place to put calculations is in the Preliminary File rather than in the
BRASS comments.
To make it easier for a subsequent user to find their way around the Input File, separate the
BRASS input file into logical sections (large groups of commands) by using spaced
comments as indicated in the sample files. Typically, an input file for an RCDG will be
divided into the following sections:
COM ***** Live Load Analysis Only *****
COM ***** Material Properties *****
COM ***** Section Geometry *****
COM ***** Span Length and Section Information *****
COM ***** Live Loads *****
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COM ***** Distribution Factors *****
COM ***** Critical Flexural Sections *****
Specific conventions
At the beginning of every input file, use the BRIDGE-NAME (2-1.3) command to provide the
5- or 6-character NBI Bridge Number, followed by the Bridge Name. Use the Bridge Name
as defined in the Definitions, Article 1.3.3 of this Manual.
Next, use the ROUTE (2-1.5) command to provide the mile point and signed Route Number
where applicable (always required for State-owned bridges). Note the signed Route Number
is not the same as the ODOT internal (maintenance) Highway Number.
Use 2 lines of the TITLE (2-1.6) command. Use the first TITLE line to provide the file name
and describe which girder(s) this file applies to. Use the second TITLE line to provide the
purpose or work grouping of the Load Rating.
Use the AGENCY (2-1.1) command to identify the Load Rating as being performed according
to ODOT standards. This command should always be the same:
COM 2-1.1
Use the UNITS (2-1.4) command to force BRASS to always use US (English) units for both
input and output. BRASS normally defaults to US units, but it has been found that when
referenced dimensions get large, BRASS will automatically assume the large dimensions are
in millimeters and will convert the units when it calculates the resistance of the member.
Using the UNITS command will not allow BRASS to arbitrarily convert the units during an
COM 2-1.4
Use the ANALYSIS (4-1.1) command to provide BRASS with parameters needed to do a
rating analysis. The continuous beam model is the preferred choice (B in parameter 1) as
long as there is no need to include columns in the analysis and the bridge has 13 spans.
Parameter 3 is coded as REV because rating factors from this analysis will not be used.
Only the live load effects will be pulled from the BRASS output. This command would
normally be the same:
COM 4-1.1
COM 4-1.2
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Leaving the 2nd parameter of BRASS command 5-1.1 blank causes BRASS to not report a
large additional output file for each point of interest. The additional output information is not
normally needed. Use of Y for parameter 2 to turn on this additional output may be justified
at sections where there is a need to account for partially developed bars. If these additional
.OUT files are generated, they do not need to be printed in the Load Rating Report.
Use the OUTPUT (5-1.1) command to control the wide variety of output options. Code the
first parameter with 2L to output the live load actions at all node points. Dead loads do not
need to be output for this analysis. This command would normally be the same:
COM 5-1.1
OUTPUT 2L, N, , , 1, , , , , , , , ,
Beginning with BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) v.1.6.1, the effective top flange width is calculated
and applied to the section properties automatically. Use the OUTPUT-EFF-WIDTH (5-7.3)
command to direct BRASS to not output its effective flange width calculations. This
command would normally be the same:
COM 5-7.3
Code all BRASS models in the same direction as the girder elevation appears on the plans,
i.e. from left to right on the plans, regardless of mile point direction.
In the Material Properties section, use the CONC-MATERIALS (8-1.1) command to provide
the material properties consistent with the notes on the bridge plans. Although there are
exceptions, a typical RCDG structure from the 1950s or early 1960s would have the
following properties command:
COM 8-1.1
CONC-MATERIALS 0.15, 3.3, 40.0, 40.0, 9, , , 170.0, , ,
In the Section Geometry section, define one rectangular section. Since this is only a live
load moment comparison the actual cross section does not need to be used. Capacities and
dead loads will not be calculated. Define a 12 wide rectangular concrete section. This
command would normally be the same:
In the Span Lengths and Section Information section, define each span beginning with the
appropriate command from Chapter 11 of the BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) Command Manual.
Variation in the girder profile need not be accounted for. Follow this command with a SPAN-
SECTION (11-2.1) command to assign the previously defined section to cumulative ranges
from the left end of the span. The following is an example of the series of commands to
define one span:
Use the SUPPORT-FIXITY (11-4.1) command to define the boundary conditions of each
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COM 11-4.1
BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) Input Adjustment Type 1-2: These adjustments that are normally listed
in the Sections for other bridge types are not necessary for this analysis. The
rating factors from this analysis are not being used, only the unfactored live load
truck moments are of interest.
Therefore, use the LOAD-LIVE-DEFINITION (12-4.3) commands to define each Design and
Legal Load separately, and use the LOAD-LIVE-CONTROL (12-4.1) command to define only
parameter 1 (direction control, normally B for traffic in both directions) and parameter 7
(wheel advancement denominator, normally 100), as follows:
COM 12-4.1
LOAD-LIVE-CONTROL B, , , , , , 100
In structures with short spans, especially short cantilevers, BRASS may crash because the
span is divided into live load advancement increments that are too small. If this occurs and
you have a small span, try decreasing parameter 7 to the largest number for which BRASS
will work, often 50 or sometimes even less.
COM 12-4.3
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Using the LOAD-LIVE-DYNAMIC BRASS Command 12-4.2, code the fixed impact
percentage to 00.0% for all load cases. Since this is only a live load moment comparison, no
impact will be applied. The following commands should not be changed:
COM 12-4.2
LOAD-LIVE-DYNAMIC D, 00.0, 00.0,
LOAD-LIVE-DYNAMIC L, 00.0, 00.0,
Using the DIST-BEAM-SCHEDULE BRASS command (12-5.1) will manually set the
distribution factors equal to 1.0. This analysis is only to compare live load effects. Coding
the distribution factors to 1.0 will allow the user to compare unfactored live loads. The
following commands should remain unchanged:
Open the BRASS-GIRDER GUI interface. Because it is more efficient to use BRASS-
GIRDER(LRFD) Input Files generated from previous ones, the GUI interface will not be used to
generate input files.
The BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) input file must first be translated into a BRASS-GIRDER xml file that will
then populate the GUI interface in BRASS-GIRDER. The steps for translating and running the input
files in BRASS-GIRDER is as follows:
8. Start the BRASS-GIRDER program. From the File menu, hover your mouse pointer over
Translate (DAT to XML). Select the option for BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD).
9. The Translator window will then open on your screen. Click on the button that says Select
File/Run, as shown in the red outlined box in the following figure.
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10. In the next window that appears, navigate to the location where the BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD)
input file that you wish to run is stored, and select that file. Click on the Open button at the
bottom right of this window.
11. The Translator window will then open back up and the selected file will run through the
translation. If there are any errors detected during the translation, a red X will be displayed
next to the file name in the window and an error file will be generated. Refer to the error file to
decipher what is causing the error during translation. Once corrected, follow these steps
again to translate the file. If successful, a green check will appear next to the file name as
shown in the following figure:
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12. Click the Close button at the bottom right of the Translator window. Within BRASS-
GIRDER, select Open under the File menu. Select the BRASS XML file that was just
created from the Translator program. Click on the Open button at the bottom right of this
13. BRASS-GIRDER will then load the model into the GUI. Under the Execute menu, select
Analysis Engine to run the analysis. Or you can simply click on the green traffic light icon on
the toolbar.
14. Verify that the output directory is the same as where the input files are located, and then click
the OK button. A black DOS window will appear showing program progress. Depending on
your system speed and memory and the complexity of the structure, the execution process
may take a few seconds or several minutes. Upon completion of the analysis, a text output
file will be generated within the same directory. You can now use a text editor to open and
view the BRASS output.
When making changes or corrections to BRASS files, ODOT prefers that all changes be made within the
BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) input file so that it becomes the master document for the BRASS model.
Reviewing this text input file will be quicker and more efficient than trying to navigate the GUI to verify that
the bridge is being modelled correctly. Thus, any time the text input file is modified, the above steps will
have to be repeated to translate the text input file into a BRASS XML file before the analysis is re-ran in
If an error file is generated (same prefix, .ERR extension), open this file with your text editor and try to
interpret what BRASS is telling you. The vast majority of error messages will point you to a
straightforward typographical error or omission in your input. At the beginning of your experience with
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BRASS, do not expect a successful execution until one or more typographical errors have been
When executing BRASS-GIRDER, if you get an error message regarding zeros in the stiffness matrix,
look at the ANALYSIS (4-1.1) command, parameter 1, and check to see if you are running a Frame
type model on a structure with more than 6 spans. In such cases the Beam type model (the
recommended default) is required (with a maximum of 13 spans).
When executing BRASS-GIRDER, you may get an error message stating, The effective web width
(b v ) cannot be zero. This causes a divide-by-zero error in the compression field computations. This
most likely means that you have selected points that are too close to another defined point of interest
within your BRASS input file. A general rule is not to have points closer than six inches from one
another. Verify in your input file that you have correctly entered the web width parameter while
defining your BRASS sections. Also check in the Span Length and Section Information portion of
the input file to see that the ranges of the elements are not too close to each other.
A rare error can sometimes occur in executing BRASS-GIRDER where the processing of the analysis
takes a considerable amount of time, and then produces a very large output file (around 600
megabytes) along with an error file. The program will report an Interpolation Error. This occurs on
files that have a BRASS span of 99.99 ft and was attempting to increment each truck across the span
at 100 increments (as specified in the LOAD-LIVE-CONTROL command). We found that one of two
simple workarounds can correct the error: 1) round the BRASS spans from 99.99 ft to 100.00 ft, or 2)
increase the live load increment from 100 to 105 in the LOAD-LIVE-CONTROL command. The
second method is the preferred option as it only requires a correction in one command, where as
adjusting the span lengths would have required doing it for multiple spans for the bridge that
experienced this error.
When executing BRASS-GIRDER, if you get an unexpected termination of the program while
attempting to run a file, check the BRASS error file (*.err) to see if it states that, Standard Vehicle:
OLEG3S2 is not presently stored in the standard vehicle library file. This usually means that the
user did not update the names of the Legal Vehicle in the BRASS input file. In the early part of 2009,
ODOT made a small revision to the vehicle library so that both the old Tier 1 and LRFR rating
methodologies would use the same legal vehicles for their analysis. As a result, ODOT changed the
names of the legal vehicles. To correct the error, make the following changes to the names of the
legal vehicles in the BRASS input file:
BRASS-GIRDER has been known to run perfectly and still produce completely wrong results.
Although a successful run may indicate a lack of errors, it is prudent to search the main output (.OUT)
file for the words error and warning to check out the seriousness of the problem, and to do a
reality check on the Rating Factors. Unexpected Rating Factor results often indicate an error in the
BRASS coding.
We recommend that, at the very least, load raters routinely employ the following two BRASS
verification measures:
(1) Do a reasonability check on the section properties. This is why we routinely code Y in
parameter 2 of the OUTPUT (5-1.1) command, to provide a list of girder properties at each
node point. (Search the Output File for Calculated Properties in each span). It is not
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uncommon to make errors in the concrete section definitions, the SPAN-UNIF-HAUNCH (11-
1.3) command or the SPAN-SECTION (11-2.1) commands that can result in a girder profile
that is quite different than the one you expected.
(2) Do a reasonability check on the distribution of shears and moments across the structure.
This is especially critical if you have an expansion joint within the structure that you have
modeled by coding a hinge near one of the internal supports. Check if you are getting nearly-
zero moments at the support next to the hinge. (It cant be truly zero because of the offset of
the hinge from the support, but the moment value should be quite low). There have been
cases where, due to numerical instabilities in the analysis process, unreasonably high
moments were present at the support. The solution is usually to increase the offset of the
hinge from the support in small increments until the reported moments behave as expected
(sometimes increasing the offset by hundredths of a foot can make all the difference!).
If you really have doubts about what BRASS is giving you, be aware that you can use additional
commands in the OUTPUT- group (BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD) Manual, Chapter 5 to generate
additional output that may facilitate your detective work. Use caution the size of this output can be
The rating factors that were calculated in SUPERSTRUCTURE.XMCD will be reported using the
LRFR Load Rating summary sheet. Since these procedures for rating concrete bridges without plans
do not produce a LRFR load rating, the user needs to select the CHANGE TYPE OF LOAD
RATING button along the bottom of the load rating summary sheet. This will then open the following
dialog box:
For this type of load rating, the user needs to select, Load rating based on field evaluation and
documented engineering judgment. Then click the CHANGE TITLE button at the bottom left of the
dialog box. In doing so, the title of every page in load rating summary will be changed from LRFR
Load Rating to Engineering Judgment Load Rating. Making this distinction is necessary so that
load rating method is recorded correctly within the National Bridge Inventory (NBI).
Open the Excel template LR.XLTM and, after filling in the Bridge Number cell, use File / Save As to
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save it in the bridge-specific Load Rating folder using the bridge-specific file name LRnnnnnn.XLSM,
where nnnnnn is the 5- or 6-digit NBI Bridge Number. The same template will be used for both State
and Local Agency Load Rating Summary sheets. LR.XLTM contains all the code necessary to run
the built-in VBA modules (no separate file is required).
Note: The practice of starting with a complete summary workbook from a previous bridge as a seed
file instead of beginning with a blank LR.XLTM template is discouraged. Eventually, the practice of
copying seed files from previous load ratings will result in lingering errors from old data, a summary
workbook that does not function properly, or one that does not report results consistent with current
standards. Always begin a new bridge with a fresh LR.XLTM template. With the possibility of
continuing development of the template or changes in reporting requirements, occasionally the
template will be updated on the ODOT FTP site, and users will be notified to retrieve the updated file.
Note: due to truck name changes required by the anticipated consolidation of BRASS-Girder(STD)
and BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD), a different version of LR.XLTM is required for use with BRASS-
GIRDER(LRFD) Version 7.4 and later. To maintain backwards compatibility with old load ratings,
both the old and new versions of LR.XLTM are stored in separate folders on the ODOT FTP server.
The Load Rating Summary Workbook is divided horizontally into the Load Rating Summary Report
(Page 1) and the Load Rating Worksheets (Pages 2 and above). The Rating Factors and section
information for each investigated section are listed in the Load Rating Worksheets with one column
allocated to each investigated section (8 sections per page). This information is summarized by
copying the most critical and second most critical sections for each rating vehicle into the Load Rating
Summary Sheet (Page 1), by clicking on the Refresh button or typing Ctrl-r.
The Load Rating Summary Report (Page 1) is divided vertically into a Bridge Header Area (top half)
and the Controlling Rating Factor Area (bottom half). The Header Area contains basic National
Bridge Inventory information and certain parameters that may have an influence on the outcome of
the Load Rating. The Controlling Rating Factor Area lists the rating vehicles and their live load
Factors along the left edge and two groups of columns for the 1st and 2nd controlling members.
Each group of columns provides the Rating Factor (R.F.), Limit State, force type (+M,-M or V),
combined Resistance Factor (), member description, span and location of the investigated section.
Note the column heading refers to the combined Resistance Factor = c s.
In both the Load Rating Summary Report (Page 1) and the Load Rating Worksheets (Pages 2 and
above) of the Load Rating Summary Workbook, the rating vehicles are divided into horizontal bands
(groups of rows) for Design and Legal Loads, CTP (Continuous Trip Permit) Vehicles, and STP
(Single Trip Permit) vehicles. The bottom band of rows provides additional Rating Factors for a single
lane of STP vehicles as fall-back positions for unsuccessful multiple-lane STP ratings. This is
accomplished by adjusting the Rating Factor for multiple lanes by multiplying by the ratio of live load
distribution factors ( L ) and dividing out the multiple presence factor (m) that was originally included in
the live load distribution factor (gm) by default. The last row of each group of STP vehicles is labeled
SPECIAL and is reserved for evaluation of a specific super-load permit vehicle (one that exceeds
MCTD Tables 4 or 5). When evaluating a super Load, SPECIAL in cell R54C2 is overwritten with a
specific permit vehicle designation, ideally one that matches the truck name that has been added to
the BRASS Vehicle Library. This new designation is then echoed to other appropriate cells.
In the comments section document the following: This rating is based on ODOT LRFR Chapter 8,
Load Rating Concrete Bridges without Existing Plans. The bridges capacity could not be calculated.
Rating factors were computed based on live load moment comparison and bridge condition.
In the Bridge Header Area (upper half) of the Load Rating Summary Report, enter all the required
bridge inventory and inspection information in the input (boxed) cells. Use the Bridge Name as
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For the Bridge Number, NBI Feature Intersected (Item 6), Bridge Name, Highway Name, Highway
Number, Milepost, District, County, Design loading, Owner, Span Description, Other Description,
Firm, Engineer, Year of ADTT, Elements 325 and 326, and NBI Status Items #41 and #103, the
information must be entered as text.
To ensure data consistency when the Summary Workbook information is imported into the Load
Rating Database, please note the following:
In the SPAN DESCR cell, show only the span description (sequential list of span lengths
and structure types from the Bridge Log).
In the FIRM QC REVIEWER(S) cell, input the name or names of the individuals who
participated in the checking process.
The ODOT QC CHECK BY cell, is reserved for ODOT personnel. Upon submission of a
load rating ODOT will perform a cursory review of the load rating. Once finishing the check
insert your name verifying that the check was performed.
In the OTHER DESCR cell, put all other descriptions that may define the structure (e.g.
sidewalk information, overlay information, deck-to-streambed distance, skew, seismic or
metric design note, etc.)
In the HIGHWAY NAME cell, for state-owned bridges use the list in this location:
In the HIGHWAY # cell, enter NBI Item 122 (found in the upper-left corner of the SI&A
In the MILEPOST cell, enter only the numeric value, without any alphabetic prefix or suffix.
In the ADT and ADTT cells, enter the total ADT and ADTT on the entire structure, i.e. the
2-way ADT for a 2-way structure and the 1-way ADT for a 1-way structure. Note - this is for
database purposes only, and is not the same as the one-direction ADTT that is used to
determine live load factors for the load rating.
Several of the input (boxed) cells are provided with drop-down boxes to limit input choices. In
the case of the DESIGN LOADING cell, note that some bridge plans will show H20 S16
loading, which is the same as HS20 loading. Also note that an HS loading is not the same
as the H loading with the same number of tons. Refer to the AASHTO Standard
Specifications for Highway Bridges (2002), Article 3.7, for the older design loadings.
Where the text begins with a number (Highway Number, Year of ADTT), ensure that Excel
treats the cell entry as text by preceding it with an apostrophe.
For State Bridges, the Highway number is 3 characters, including leading zeros if needed.
(For example, Hwy 1 is entered as 001).
Enter single dates only, in the form MM/DD/YYYY. Do not use the Excel TODAY() or NOW()
function dates should reflect when the main load rating work was performed, and should
not change whenever someone opens the file.
For State-owned bridges, in the OWNER cell enter ODOT, and in the CALCULATION
BOOK cell enter a calculation book number obtained from the Bridge Section Load Rating
Unit. For Load Ratings, always use a calculation book that is separate from the calculation
book for design calculations.
For non-state-owned bridges, to determine what to enter in the OWNER cell, use NBI item
22 (2-digit Owner Code) in conjunction with NBI Item 3 (County) or 4 (5-digit Place Code,
also known as the FIPS Code). The value of these fields are found in the Structure Inventory
and Appraisal Sheet (SI&A) that accompanies the Bridge Inspection Report, and a table of
FIPS Codes for Oregon can be found among the load rating references and tools. For
example, for a local agency bridge having an Item 26 of 04 (city or municipal highway agency)
and an Item 4 of 22550 (Elgin), in the OWNER cell the user would enter City of Elgin. For
a local agency bridge having an Item 22 of 02 (county highway agency) and an Item 3 of
Clackamas, in the OWNER cell the user would enter Clackamas County. Please note that
Items 3 and 4 are not to be used by themselves to determine ownership, because they describe
only location, regardless of ownership.
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Use the optional "Comments" area to document any unusual decisions or features about the
Load Rating (maximum 250 characters).
The cells for Impact (1+I) and the dead load factors DC and DW are provided with their usual
default values (they can be changed if necessary). The cells for the number of sections
evaluated, and the Inventory and Operating Ratings in HS tons are calculated automatically
when information is available. The cell for NBI Item 70 is calculated according to the NBI
coding guide using LRFR Equation 6-7 (Article 6.8.3) for the recommended level of posting.
Do not use the automated import rating factor tools. The rating factors reported by BRASS are not
relevant to this analysis. Instead manually type the rating factors as they were calculated in the
SUPERSTRUCTURE.xmcd file. The rating factors will have to be input in the first analysis section
column. The refresh button can then be used to copy the rating factors to the first page the summary
sheet. An example of the manually input rating factors is shown below:
The summary sheet will automatically calculate the Inventory and Operating tonnage values. Rating
factors for permit loads will not be calculated at this time.
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The ODOT LRFR Pin & Hanger (PNH) was created by the Oregon Department of Transportation,
Bridge Engineering Section. The PNH is a stand-alone windows software package that will evaluate
and analyze the pins and hanger bars for all of the various failures modes of a pin and hanger
assembly. Once the user enters basic bridge information, pin and hanger geometry, factors and load
reactions from BRASS output within the form fields, the program will compute capacities and rating
factors for the pin and hangers. The program will also perform an infinite life fatigue check for the
hanger bars.
The PNH is solely for the Microsoft Windows operating system and utilizes the Microsoft .NET
Framework. The programs native format is the PNH (Pin and Hanger) file format. The PNH is free
public domain software; meaning that users are free to use it, redistribute it, and/or modify it. The
current version of the PNH is version 2.0.0.
A previous version of this software needs to first be uninstalled prior to installing the new version. To
install the ODOT LRFR Pin & Hanger, run the Windows Installer Package titled,
ODOT_LRFR_Pin_Hanger(V2.0.0).msi. This will launch the Setup Wizard and pause at the
Welcome dialog for the Wizard. Select the Next button to continue.
The next dialog will ask the user to select an installation folder to install the ODOT LRFR Pin and
Hanger to. The default location is, C:\Program Files\ODOT_APPS\LRFR_Pin_Hanger\. If the
default location is satisfactory or after the preferred folder location has been specified, select the
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The next dialog will ask the user to confirm the installation before it begins. Click the Next button to
begin the installation.
A dialog with a progress bar will be shown during the installation. This part of the process can take
anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes depending on if the wizard needs to download and
install an update to the Microsoft .NET framework to the computer.
The installation will place a shortcut for the program on the users desktop as well as under the Start
Menu > All Programs > ODOT Load Rating. When the installation is complete, click the Close
button to end the Wizard.
When first starting a session of the PNH software, a dialog window explaining the terms of use for the
software will be displayed. If the user selects the DECLINE button, the session will end and the
software will not launch. If the user selects the I ACCEPT button, the session will continue and the
software will launch.
At the top left of the program there are four buttons associated with icons that are titled New,
Open, Save, and Exit. The New button will erase all of the data entered in the form fields and
start over with a blank form. The Open button will populate the form fields from a saved *.pnh file
that was created from using the Save button from a previous session. The Save button will save
the data entered in the form fields in a *.pnh file. The program will incorporate the values entered
within the Bridge Number and Span form fields in the file name during the save process. The
Exit button will exit and close the current session of the program.
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In the middle of the toolbar field is a grayed-out form field for the File Name. Once the basic bridge
information has been populated in the top section of the program and the user has selected to save
the input, the input file name will be displayed within this field. The file name will default to
Pin_Hanger_XXXXX_span_#.pnh. The XXXXX will be the bridge number, and the # will be for
the span number.
In the top section of the program form is where the user specifies the basic information of the bridge.
In the Bridge Name form field, up to 60 characters may be used to enter the bridge name. The user
has up to 15 characters to enter the bridge number in the Bridge Number form field, which typically
only uses 5 to 6 characters. In the Load Rater form field, up to 60 characters may be used to enter
the name of the engineer that is running the program. The user has up to 60 characters to enter the
route name where the bridge is located in the Route Name form field. In the Mile Point form field,
enter the milepost where the bridge is located.
Enter the span number where the pin and hanger or hinge is located. If there are multiple pin and
hanger or hinge locations within the span, the user may enter an a or b to differentiate between the
different locations for file naming convention. Within the Joint Location field the user enters the span
fraction where the pin and hanger is located.
In the Rating Date form field, the user can type in the numeric date for the month, day, and year. Or
the user can select the drop down calendar view and select the day within the appropriate month and
year. Instead of scrolling through the different months within the calendar view, the user can simply
select red box that is titled Today at the bottom of the calendar view to select the current date.
In the next section, the form consists of two tabs; the Geometry & Material Properties tab, and the
Loads and Factors tab. The function of these tabs will be explained later.
The first section of this tab is for the user to select the Analysis Type; Pin and Hanger or Hinge. The
program will default to Pin and Hanger. For a Pin and Hanger analysis, the failure modes for both the
pins and the hanger will be analyzed. For a Hinge analysis, the failure modes for only the pin will be
analyzed. Different form fields will be available depending on which analysis method is selected.
After the Analysis Type has been selected, fill in the remaining form fields to define the dimensions
and material properties for the various parts that make up the connection. They are the Hanger Bars
(or Hanger Plate if a Hinge Analysis is being performed), the pin, girder web, pin plates, and spacer
or shim plates.
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Enter the BRASS output file names and the BRASS Analysis point that was used for the forces that
are entered in the Pin and Hanger program. Enter the percent of Liveload Impact, the single lane and
multi-lane distribution factors that were used in the BRASS analysis. Use the BEAM Distribution
Factor Schedule: Shear in the BRASS Output. The schedule will list the single lane and multi-lane
distribution factors for ranges along the span. Simply use the distribution factors for the range where
the hinge is located within the span.
Enter the dead load reaction from BRASS, which will be the highest absolute value shear force at the
analysis point where the joint is located within the span. Since we are using the highest absolute
value of the shear force at the analysis point, do not enter the negative sign when entering the
reactions in the Pin and Hanger program. The Dead Load value entered in the program should be the
combined (DC +DW) unfactored load.
Within the right portion of the Loads and Factors Tab, enter the live load reaction and respective Live
Load Factor for each vehicle. Prior to version 1.0.6 of the Pin and Hanger program the Live Load
Factors were already included in the BRASS reactions since we use to code them as a scale factor
for each vehicle in the LOAD-LIVE-DEFINITION (12-4.3) BRASS command. We are now requiring
that the Live Load factors be coded using the FACTORS-LOAD-LL-LS (13.1.6) BRASS command. As
a result, the Live Load Factors are no longer included in the BRASS live load reactions, thus the Pin
and Hanger program will include them during the rating factor calculations. Enter the total load
reaction, the program will then assume the total load is distributed equally between two hanger plates
(or bars) when it performs the analysis.
If Pin and Hanger Analysis is being performed, the HL-93 Fatigue Truck should be coded in the
BRASS Input File with a 0.75 Live Load Factor. The Pin and Hanger program will use the reaction for
the fatigue vehicle to perform an infinite life fatigue analysis on the hanger bars. If the analysis is for a
pure hinge, the fatigue vehicle does not need to be entered in BRASS and the reaction for this vehicle
can be left blank or entered as a zero.
Below the BRASS information fields there is a large button that is labeled Perform Analysis. The
analysis can only be performed after all of the required fields in the Geometry and Material
Properties tab and the Loads and Factors tab are populated. If there is any missing data in any of
the required fields, the program will give a notification as to where the data is missing and will not
continue to the analysis output.
If all of the required data is complete after selecting the Perform Analysis button on the Loads and
Factors tab, the input tabs will disappear and be replaced with the output tabs. If the analysis was
just for a Hinge, there will be two output tabs; one for the Pin Analysis, and one for the Rating
Factors. If the analysis is for a pin and hanger, there will be seven output tabs; Pin Analysis, Tension
in Net Section, Splitting Beyond Hole, Double Plane Shear, Dishing, Hanger Fatigue, and Rating
When viewing the output tabs, there will be two buttons that appear in the upper right corner of the
program. The print button will print all of the input and output tabs to whichever printer the user
selects. The Back To Input Data button will bring back the input tabs for the user to make changes,
which will hide the output tabs, the print button, and the back to input button.
Most of the output tabs show the different formulas that are used to compute the capacities for the
different failure modes that are used for the rating factor calculations. On the Hanger Fatigue tab the
program will check to see if the hanger bars have infinite fatigue life. Make a notation of the results of
this check within the comment section of the load rating summary sheet. If the program reports that
the hanger bars do not have infinite fatigue life, along with making a notation on the load rating
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
summary sheet, contact ODOTs Senior Load Rating Engineer to report the finding.
On the Rating Factor Tab, if the user selects all of the cells and hits the right mouse button, a context
menu will appear allowing the user to copy the selection to the clipboard. Then in the load rating
summary sheet, the user can simply paste the data in the available columns. If the user chooses to
hit the Ctrl + C keys to copy instead of the right mouse button, the data along with formatting will be
copied to the clipboard. The user would then have to use the Paste Special command in Excel and
paste the data as text to have it appear correctly on the summary sheet.
Include the input file (*.pnh) with the electronic submittal of the load rating. For the bound hard copy
of the load rating calc book, include all of the printed pages (both input & output) that were produced
using the print button in the Pin and Hanger program.
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This section applies to transverse reinforced concrete, structural steel, and timber beam members
that support longitudinal girders or stringers.
Crossbeams that are bearing directly on a web-wall need not be load rated because the wall restricts
any beam deflection and the loads are transferred directly into the columns.
Crossbeams that are pile caps need not be load rated if (a) all girders are directly above the piles, (b)
all girders are within the pile cap depth away from the piles or (c) the depth of the crossbeam is
always equal to or larger than the pile spacing. In case (c), we assume when the depth of the
crossbeam exceeds half the pile spacing, the 45-degree failure planes from girder loads overlap, so
the majority of the load is carried directly to the piles and not by flexure of the crossbeam. Consider
the pile cap to be the structural crossbeam. Back walls may be considered as part of the crossbeam
for capacity calculations, if there is sufficient reinforcement extending from the back wall into the
crossbeam. In general back walls will only be included as dead load and ignored when calculating
capacity. If the back wall is included in the capacity calculation, refer to section 10.4.
Where a bridge contains a series of crossbeams at different bents that are identical in geometry,
reinforcement and girder load positions, initially load rate only the bent with the worst loading
condition (the one with the largest sum of contributing longitudinal spans). However, if load rating of
that bent produces Rating Factors < 1.0, then rate the other bents in the identical series to document
all the deficient members and provide information to support future repair decisions.
10.1.1 Header
Use the Mathcad header feature to indicate Bridge Number (upper right corner), Bridge Name (top
line center), load rater and date (2nd line left) and File Name and Page Number (2nd line right). Use
the Bridge Name as defined in the Definitions, Article 1.3.3 of this Manual.
Since the bridge number and name are contained in the Mathcad header, they do not show up while
working on the file, only when printing or doing a Print Preview. To avoid confusion over which bridge
you are working on, it is good practice to place the bridge number and name near the top of the file in
the right margin (outside the printable area).
Just below the Mathcad header section, document the bridge structure type. For state bridges the
span description (Spans field) from the Bridge Log is adequate for this purpose.
Note: the weird Mathcad regions at the top in the right margin (outside the printable area) are there
for 2 purposes. The units definitions are necessary for Mathcad to understand some commonly used
units in structural engineering (without them, Mathcad would generate errors because it is unable to
interpret them). The row of nonstandard characters is there in case the user might want to copy them
elsewhere to clarify the calculations.
Document the decisions regarding all 3 Resistance Factors, with references to the appropriate MBE
tables. For crossbeams, determine the Condition Factor c (MBE 6A.4.2.3) based on the
Substructure Condition Rating (NBI Item 60), except where the crossbeam is in the plane of and
integral with the superstructure, then use the Superstructure condition rating.
The ODOT Crossbeam Load Rating Software always requires and displays the product of all the
resistance factors as a single factor. Therefore, the product of all these resistance factors must
always be obtained.
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Treat the System Factor s for Flexure and Shear and the Combined Factor () for Flexure and
Shear as separate variables in Mathcad.
For Flexure:
f = [ max ( c sf , 0.85) ]
where is the AASHTO LRFD Resistance Factor, based on material and force type (AASHTO
and sf is the System Factor for Flexure (MBE Table 6A.4.2.4-1, as modified in Article of
this Manual).
For Shear:
v = [ max ( c sv , 0.85) ]
where is the AASHTO LRFD Resistance Factor, based on material and force type (AASHTO
and sv is the System Factor for Shear (always 1.0 regardless of member, according to MBE
6A.4.2.4, in the note below 6A.4.2.4-1)
These equations account for the intermediate check of c s 0.85 (MBE 6A.4.2.1-3).
For the live load factors L , refer by file name to the interior girder preliminary file that contains live
load factor calculations.
Document the value of the impact factor (IM) that was used in the superstructure analysis. When
entered in the crossbeam analysis data file, it will originally be used with the girder live load reactions
to compute unfactored lane reactions. After the influence line ordinance has been computed for each
analysis section, the program will apply the impact factor when computing the rating factors for
concrete and steel crossbeams. For timber crossbeams the program will not apply the impact factor
when computing the rating factors, as per AASHTO LRFD Article
Enter the material properties and calculate elastic modulus E c and modular ratio n. Document
assumptions made about the material properties if they are not given on the Bridge Plans. Use
AASHTO LRFD Equation to determine the elastic modulus of concrete.
Calculate the input parameters required in the Input worksheet of the Crossbeam Analysis Data File.
This includes
Roadway width (normal to the bridge centerline)
Left curb to centerline of bridge (normal to the bridge centerline)
Skew of the bent (angle of departure from normal to the bridge centerline, positive if
clockwise in plan view)
Crossbeam span lengths (along the skew of the bent
Column lengths
Centerline of bridge to centerline of left column (normal to the bridge centerline)
Centerline of bridge to centerline of left girder (normal to the bridge centerline)
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If the centerline of exterior girders is directly over the centerlines of the columns, the exterior girders
may be omitted from the crossbeam analysis, in which case the final dimension in the list above
would become:
Centerline of bridge to centerline of leftmost interior girder (normal to the bridge centerline)
If the exterior girders are omitted, document the decision with an explanatory note.
If the roadway or girder set seems wide compared to the bent width, or if you receive errors when
using the Crossbeam Analysis Program, it may be due to the exterior girder dead loads or live loads
falling outside the limits of the crossbeam (outside the column centerline). It may be necessary to
modify the stick model of the bent by inserting short cantilevers on each side to pick up the exterior
girder reactions. Normally in this case, calculate the required overall crossbeam width as
(Girder Spacings)
If you add a short cantilever, your analysis points will be in Span 2, which can be confusing,
especially in 2-column bents. An alternate practice would be to move the exterior girder inward, say
0.1 ft, which may eliminate the need for a cantilever without significantly affecting the crossbeam
Calculate the area and moment of inertia of each crossbeam span and column. The Input worksheet
of the Crossbeam Analysis Data File requires an average moment of inertia for the whole span but
accounts for the variable dead load of haunched cantilever spans by providing for input of different
dead loads at each end (w left and w right ). The crossbeam dead load entered here should include the
dead load of any diaphragms not already accounted for as loads in the girder analysis.
To avoid confusion, calculate component dead load (DC) reactions separately for interior and exterior
girders. Within each girders calculation, reactions should be grouped under the headings DC and
DW. The Input worksheet of the Crossbeam Analysis Data File has separate inputs of reactions for
Girder (self-weight),
Other Str. (diaphragms, partial bottom flanges if applicable) and
Rails & Curbs (all superimposed stage-2 dead loads excluding wearing surface)
For slab bridges, the crossbeam software can analyze up to 20 point loads for girder dead load
reactions. Therefore, distribute the dead load reaction per slab strip to 20 point loads across the total
length of the bent.
For concrete box girder bridges, both conventional, prestressed, and post-tensioend, distribute the
component dead load (DC) reaction of the transformed girder evenly among all of the webs, and
apply the webs at their actual location across the length of the bent. When Midas is used to perform
the superstructure analysis (post-tensioned box girders), then the secondary post-tensioning forces
will be included with the dead load. In the Midas model select the last construction stage, and then
view the reactions for the summation load case.
For bridges with end panels, assume that the end panel is fully supported by compacted backfill, so
that no dead load from the end panel is applied to the end bent. If the backfill under the end panel is
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
eroded or settled out next to the abutment, it is assumed that due to the length and area of the end
panel that the majority of the dead load will be supported by the remaining backfill material.
Calculate wearing surface dead load (DW) reactions. The Input worksheet of the crossbeam
analysis data file has separate input (on the right) of reactions for Wearing Surface. This separation
facilitates re-rating of the bridge for changed wearing surface conditions.
For slab bridges, the crossbeam software can analyze up to 20 point loads for girder dead load
reactions. Therefore, distribute the wearing surface (DW) dead load reaction per slab strip in the
same manner as the component dead load (DC).
For concrete box girder bridges, both conventional and prestressed, distribute the wearing surface
dead load (DW) reaction of the transformed girder evenly among all of the webs, and apply the webs
at their actual location across the length of the bent.
Factored live load girder reactions, from the superstructure analysis, will be converted into live load
lane reactions within the Crossbeam Analysis Software. This is accomplished in the Live Loads
worksheet of the Crossbeam Analysis Data File by dividing out the live load factor L , the multiple-
presence distribution factor for reactions, and the impact (1 + IM). The following conversion equation
is used in the Live Loads worksheet in the crossbeam analysis data File (see Article 10.2.1):
LL gird
LL lane =
L (mg) (1 + IM)
In the crossbeam preliminary file, document the impact factor and the single lane and multiple lane
distribution factors for the support being analyzed.
Live load reactions will either be calculated by a BRASS or Midas based analysis. The crossbeam
analysis software is setup for unfactored live load reactions. Live load reactions reported in BRASS
output include; distribution, scale, and impact factors. With the 2011 update to this manual, the
reactions no longer include the live load factor, which was previously coded as the scale factor.
Post-tensioned box girder bridges require a Midas based superstructure analysis. This analysis will
report unfactored live load reactions. Cross beam specific vehicle loadings have been defined by the
vehicles command shell, these include; HL93 Truck, Tandem, Lane, and Truck Train in addition to the
Oregon legal truck train. Note that the HL93 truck train and the Oregon legal truck train are not
reduced. The truck and lane reductions are applied in the XB tool. The XB tool does assume that the
live loads have already had the impact factor applied. Calculate the truck reactions with impact in the
preliminary file. Input these values into the XB tool. No distribution factor has been applied during
the Midas analysis, so these reactions are already for a lane. Set the distribution factor to 1.0 in the
XB tool and no additional modification is required.
For bridges with end panels, assume that the end panel is fully supported by compacted backfill, so
that no live load from the end panel is applied to the end bent. If the backfill under the end panel is
eroded or settled out next to the abutment, it is assumed that due to the length and area of the end
panel that the majority of the live load will be supported by the remaining backfill material.
In the case where there is a superstructure expansion joint at the bent, BRASS would need to be
coded with a hinge very near this support (it cannot have a hinge at a support). If the adjacent
superstructure segments (continuous girders between joints) have different numbers or types of
girders, a single BRASS model that is correct for all the segments will be impossible. This is because
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BRASS can use only one set of girder type and spacing information at a time to determine LRFD
Distribution Factors. The separate BRASS models will analyze the girders correctly, but each model
ends its respective structure at the expansion joint and thus will not calculate the correct live load
reaction at the bent with the expansion joint. However, because the crossbeam software uses only
lane reactions, a multi-segment BRASS Reaction File can be used that models only one type and
number of girders throughout the bridge to determine reactions at the bent with the expansion joint.
However wrong these girder reactions might be for individual segments, the crossbeam software
divides out the erroneous distribution factor (gm) to obtain the correct lane reactions for the
crossbeam analysis.
For bridges that have the distribution factor (gm) adjusted for the loading effects due to skew, the
crossbeam software divides out the adjusted distribution factor (gm) to obtain the correct lane
reactions for the crossbeam analysis. Therefore, there is no need to manually adjust the reactions or
the distribution factors to account for skew corrections from the superstructure analysis in the live
load reactions (LL) portion of the preliminary file.
Where applicable, document the use of a Reaction File in the Live Load Reactions (LL) portion of the
Preliminary File for each crossbeam.
Within each span, check for symmetry of sections, reinforcement and loads, and do not identify any
analysis points that are structurally symmetrical with analysis points already defined. Defining
analysis points that are structurally symmetrical has the potential effect of corrupting the Load Rating
Summary Sheet. Because the Refresh module is looking for the lowest Rating Factors, defining a
symmetrical point causes it to identify the most critical rating location twice, thus preventing it from
identifying the second most critical analysis point. The second controlling point is useful information
in evaluating potential repairs for the bridge.
Under a separate headline Analysis Sections for Flexure, calculate the location of the Load Rating
analysis sections for flexure (measured from centerline of left support).
Under a separate headline Analysis Sections for Shear, subdivide the calculation sections for the
various categories of shear analysis points using underlined headlines in the same order as was done
in the interior girder Preliminary File. The calculation procedures here are similar to those in the
corresponding calculation section in the interior girder Preliminary File, except the Bar Cutoff section
locations are calculated in Mathcad instead of in an external Excel tool. Remember that the points of
interest (sections to be evaluated for shear) will be at the actual bar cutoff point and not the adjusted
point for development length, assuming that this is the most conservative and likely point where a
crack might develop. In crossbeams, where a single large stirrup space coincides with the location of
longitudinal girders framing into the side(s) of the crossbeam, the stirrup spacing change can be
The calculation tool dv_Calculator.XLS is used to determine the shear depth d v for the crossbeam
and is referenced in the Preliminary File to in a manner similar to the interior girder Preliminary File.
AASHTO LRFD Article, General Procedure for MCFT shear capacity evaluation requires
that all of the development length of the tensile reinforcement be ignored. This seems to be overly
conservative when it comes to analyzing crossbeams. Since the crossbeams have relatively short
spans, this requirement would end up treating most spans as having little to no flexural reinforcement
after ignoring all partially developed tension bars. Therefore, when inputting the data in the Capacity
sheet of the Crossbeam Analysis Data File (Excel), calculate and account for the partial development
of any tensile reinforcement that is not fully developed, along with the fully developed tensile bars for
a given analysis section.
For crossbeams at the interior supports of continuous cast-in-place slab bridges, where the
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
crossbeam projects below the bottom of the adjacent longitudinal slab no more than the adjacent
slab depth, consider the crossbeam to act as a slab member, and therefore do not check any analysis
sections for shear. For example, if a continuous cast-in-place slab has haunches down to an 18
depth at the interior bents, if an interior crossbeam projects 9 or less below the adjacent slab, shear
in the crossbeam can be ignored. This provision does not apply to end bents, because on one side of
the crossbeam there is no confinement from the slab.
Since crossbeams have relatively short spans, the rule of ignoring shear points within the middle third
of the span shall not apply. Therefore all shear points that fall in between critical shear locations on a
crossbeam should be analyzed. Critical shear location is normally h/2 from face of each unique
support. Other shear points of interest include geometry change points and stirrup spacing change
To locate the face of support for circular columns, use the face of column as the face of a square
column having the equivalent cross-section area. For a column having a diameter D, the distance
from the centerline to the equivalent column face would be
For ob-round columns (those having a rectangular section with a semi-circular section added on each
side), treat the semi-circular portion the same way as for the circular columns and add half the
equivalent column face to half the rectangular portion of the section.
To facilitate the analysis and load rating of crossbeams (bent caps) and transverse floor beams, since
1995 ODOT has provided and maintained its own Crossbeam Load Rating Software based on
Microsoft Excel. This tool has been upgraded for Tier-2 (LRFR) procedures and has received
numerous enhancements. The software uses the Direct Stiffness Method of analysis using beam
elements. Sidesway, lateral movement, axial and shear deformations are not considered.
Superstructure dead load is applied through the girder lines. Live load lane reactions from the
superstructure are applied directly to the crossbeam with no distribution through the deck and the
girder system. This is normally a somewhat conservative assumption. The ODOT Crossbeam Load
Rating Software is limited to 8 columns with 9 spans (with end cantilevers), and up to 8 analysis
sections can be investigated in a single analysis run.
ODOT considers this software to be adequate for load rating purposes for most crossbeam and bent
geometries. The simplifying assumptions may not be appropriate for unusual bent geometries, such
as significantly differing column lengths or unusually stiff crossbeams.
If a load rater is concerned that this software may not be an appropriate analysis tool for a particular
crossbeam or bent, a proposal of an alternative analysis method may be made to the ODOT Bridge
Load Rating Unit. This proposal should include what software package would be used and a detailed
explanation of all proposed element types, analysis and boundary condition assumptions. No
alternative analysis is acceptable without written approval of the ODOT Bridge Load Rating Unit. If
the ODOT Bridge Load Rating Unit determines that an alternate analysis procedure is necessary,
acceptable software packages would be limited to those that are readily available within ODOT so
that an existing load rating can quickly be revised or a permit vehicle quickly evaluated. If an
alternative analysis is approved and used, the alternative analysis can be used to generate influence
line ordinates that may be entered into the appropriate locations in the ODOT Crossbeam Software.
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The Crossbeam Analysis Data File. This file is crossbeam-specific, started with the
Crossbeam Analysis Data Template XB_RC.XLT and saved as a workbook that refers to
a specific bent number (for example XB_Bent1.XLS). This template is specific as to a
type of material (for steel crossbeams there is XB_S.XLT, and for timber crossbeams
there is XB_T.XLT).
The Crossbeam Analysis Program XB_MAIN.XLS. This is the analysis engine that
takes input data from the Crossbeam Analysis Data File, and for each input analysis
section it generates influence lines, performs the analysis, and writes output data back to
the Crossbeam Analysis Data File.
These 2 components must be open simultaneously to perform a crossbeam analysis. Briefly, the
workflow using these 2 files is described as follows, using a reinforced concrete crossbeam analysis
as an example (the location for the input of some variables may vary between the different
crossbeam types, but the overall workflow is similar):
A. Open Excel.
B. Open a Crossbeam Analysis Data Template, XB_RC.XLT (for Reinforced Concrete Cross Beams)
and fill out the yellow cells in the worksheets Input, Live Loads, and Capacity.
C. Save the data template as an appropriately named Excel workbook, for example:
XB_BENT1.XLS. See below for detailed discussion of the templates.
E. From XB_MAIN.XLS, choose an analysis section from the Data Template. XB_MAIN.XLS will
calculate the dead load actions and the single and multiple lane live load influence ordinates for
each investigated section, and provide the tools to use them to position the live loads correctly.
F. From XB_MAIN.XLS, store the results into the Output worksheet of the Crossbeam Analysis Data
File. For each investigated section, print the Main, Graphics and Live_Load worksheets in
XB_MAIN.XLS. See below for detailed discussion of XB_MAIN.XLS.
G. Repeat steps E & F for each investigated crossbeam section to complete the analysis cycle.
H. In the Capacity Table worksheet enter the Impact, the Single-Lane and Multi-Lane Distribution
Factors in row 10. For each investigated section enter the PHI (Resistance Factor) in row 15.
Then choose the appropriate capacity calculation method (usually M for moment or V_General
for shear) using the drop-down boxes in row 13. In the Crossbeam Analysis Data File, the nominal
capacity for each investigated section is then calculated in the Capacity Table and Capacity
worksheets, and the Rating Factors are calculated in the RF worksheet. If using the General
Procedure of calculating shear capacity, in the Capacity Table worksheet, for each shear section
investigated, the shear capacity varies with each applied load, which is a characteristic of the
shear-moment interaction of MCFT. For RC crossbeams, the Capacity Table sheet should be
reviewed at this time to verify the reasonability of the calculated capacity values.
I. After all the investigated sections have been stored to the Crossbeam Analysis Data File, review
the Rating Factors in the RF Sheet. Print the Input, Live Loads, Capacity, Output, Capacity
Table (XB_RC.XLT only) and RF Sheets.
J. Copy the Rating Factor results into Load Rating Summary Workbook, using the Paste Special,
Values command in Excel.
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XB_RC.XLT Introduction
This template file is for load rating reinforced concrete crossbeams. A separate file is used for each
crossbeam analysis. The template should first be stored in your \XLStart folder (e.g. C:\Program
Files\Microsoft Office\Office11\XLStart), so it can be accessed from the File, New option in Excel.
Always use the latest version of this template file from the ODOT FTP Server. (Note: Versions of
XB_RC.XLT prior to 6.1 do not calculate d v and shear capacity correctly in some cases). When
XB_RC.XLT is opened, it is displayed as XB_RC1. Use the File Save As command to save the file
as a bent-specific Excel workbook (.XLS) file. An example would be XB_BENT1.XLS.
The workbook includes 8 visible sheets, Input, Live Loads, Capacity, Output, Capacity Table, Mu
& Vu, RF and Info. Cells in light yellow require input by the user. Cells in light violet are calculated
and filled in during XB_Main.XLS analysis. The load rater is expected to include hard copies of all
sheets of the workbook, except the Mu & Vu and Info sheets, in the Load Rating Report.
Note that a red triangle appears in the upper right corner of certain cells. These cells include
notes which explain the required input. Hover over or double-click on the cell to access the
Input includes the information required to describe the geometry, dead loads and sections to be
Live Load is where the user inputs the girder factored live load reactions from the BRASS Output
File, as well as the live load factor L , for each rating vehicle This and other input parameters are
used to calculate live load single-lane reactions for use in the crossbeam analysis.
Capacity includes the geometry and reinforcing input necessary to calculate the nominal capacity, or
the capacity may be input directly by the user (on the Capacity Table sheet).
Output contains the results of each investigated section from the XB_MAIN.XLS analysis.
Capacity Table is where the user inputs the Impact, and the BRASS Single-Lane and Multi-Lane
Distribution Factors in row 10. The user also inputs the combined Resistance Factor () in row 15
and chooses the capacity calculation method (normally M for moment and V_General or
V_App_B5 for shear) for each section using the drop-down boxes in row 13. For crack locations
that are inside the critical shear location near a simple support, the AASHTO LRFD
Simplified Procedure for Non-prestressed Sections, is applicable. This is due to the Modified
Compression Field Theory (MCFT) not providing accurate results for areas with high shear and low
moment, basically near a simple support. This section of the LRFD code sets beta and theta to 2.0
and 45 degrees, which in turn makes the expressions for shear strength become essentially identical
to those traditionally used for evaluating shear resistance (also known as the LFD Method). This
method is also applicable to sections having a total depth < 16 in. In these cases, choose the User
option in row 13 and manually enter the capacity for the HL93 (INVENTORY) vehicle, using the
Simplified Shear Capacity V n found in row 70 of the Capacity worksheet. Note: Selection of the
capacity calculation method prior to using XB_MAIN.XLS can lead to erroneous results. The
remainder of the sheet lists the capacity of the member for each load at each point of interest -
capacity varies with load for shear points when the AASHTO LRFD General Procedure (MCFT) is
used. The user can manually input the capacity for a section while the calculation mode is set to
User. To use the same capacity for every vehicle, enter the capacity for the HL93 (INVENTORY)
vehicle first. This will populate every vehicle for that section with the same capacity. To enter a
different capacity for each vehicle, simply enter the capacity in the row for the corresponding vehicle.
Mu & Vu will compute the factored shear and moment for each vehicle at each analysis section. This
sheet is used as a resource for when the capacity will need to be manually computed, such as for a
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crossbeam that has been post-tensioned. Allowing the crossbeam program to compute the V c and
V s for the section, the user then can manually compute the V p for each load by using the factored
loads from the Mu & Vu sheet. Once the V p has been computed for each load, they should be added
to the values shown on the Capacity Table sheet and then manually entered on the Capacity Table
sheet for each vehicle after switching the Calculation method back to User.
RF lists the Rating Factor for each load at each point of interest.
This section describes the contents of the Input Sheet contained in the XB_RC.XLT template.
ROADWAY INFORMATION.....Enter the roadway width and distance from the left curb to the bridge
centerline measured in feet and normal to the bridge centerline.
BENT ALIGNMENT.....Enter the skew in decimal degrees. The skew is measured from the normal to
the bridge centerline position to the centerline of the bent. Positive skew is shown on the template
and is described as a clockwise rotation looking ahead on station and measured from the normal to
bridge centerline position. Actually, the sign of the skew does not matter, only the magnitude.
However, the graphics plan view presentation may be incorrect.
MATERIAL PROPERTIES.....Enter the weight of concrete and concrete strength for the crossbeam
and columns. The modulus of elasticity is calculated per AASHTO.
CROSS BEAM INFORMATION.....Enter the geometry to describe the cross beam. All dimensions
are measured in the plane of the bent. A maximum of nine spans are allowed. A span is the length
of a cantilever measured from the end to the centerline of the column or the distance between centers
of columns. If the span is a cantilever, enter a C into the column with the heading Cantilever ?.
(Make sure there is no space after the C). The span length is measured in feet, moment of inertia of
the span in the plane of the bent is given as ft . The analysis assumes prismatic sections only. Since
we are not concerned with deflections, I avg is appropriate for cantilever spans. However, w left and
w right sections allow the user to input the uniform weight of the span at the left and right ends of each
span. A linear transition is assumed between these points. Enter the weight in kips per lineal foot.
COLUMN INFORMATION.....Based on the cross beam information, the expected number of columns
is calculated and displayed in a red font. If this number does not match your situation, check your
CROSS BEAM INFORMATION. For each column, enter the column length, cross-sectional area and
bending moment of inertia in the plane of the bent. Also, enter the end conditions of the column, P
for pinned and F for fixed. Do not use F for a fixed top unless the top reinforcement appears to
have sufficient area and anchorage to resist negative moment. The user must also enter the distance
from the left column to the centerline of the bridge. This distance is measured normal to the bridge
centerline. Note that it is possible to code nine spans, assuming no cantilevers, would require ten
columns. If this situation is encountered the number of spans will have to be decreased such that a
maximum of eight columns are coded.
List the span that the analysis section is located (See CROSS BEAM INFORMATION) and the
distance from the left end of the span to the critical section measured in feet and along the span. X
must be greater than zero and less than the span length. Enter the analysis type, +M for positive
moment (tension in the bottom fiber), -M for negative moment, and V for shear. Assure that these cell
entries are text by starting each of them with an apostrophe.
GIRDER GEOMETRY AND LOADING.....Enter the distance from the centerline of the left girder to
the centerline of the bridge. This distance is measured normal to the bridge centerline. Enter the
BRASS reference file (output file name). This information is not used; it is simply the reference for
the girder dead load reactions. Enter the spacing between girders normal to the bridge centerline.
Based on the number of spacings you enter, the number of girders is calculated and presented. Four
separate Component dead load (DC) columns are available. The user can input a descriptive name
at the top of each column. The recommended descriptions are: Girder for girder self-weight, Other
Str. for other stage-1 structure dead loads (usually the diaphragms), and Rails/Curbs to include all
stage-2 dead loads except wearing surface. Enter the girder reaction for each load case. The four
columns will be added and this information will be used in the analysis and reported as the structure
dead load. A separate column is provided for the Wearing Surface dead load (DW). DC and DW are
kept separate to simplify the future addition or removal of wearing surfaces. Supporting calculations
for the separation of wearing surfaces should be included as equations in these cells or included in
the Crossbeam Preliminary File (Mathcad) which supports the calculations for the crossbeam.
ENGINEER COMMENTS.....Enter any comments in this area that would make your assumptions
clearer to a future user. If the decision is made to use the LRFD Simplified Procedure for
calculating shear capacity, it should be explained and justified in this comment area.
This section describes the contents of the Live Loads Sheet contained in the XB_RC.XLT template.
Enter the reactions for each rating vehicle as listed in the Crossbeam Preliminary File. Enter the live
load factors for each rating vehicle as listed in the Girder Preliminary File, using only the yellow cells.
In the cells to the right, the sheet calculates the factored and unfactored live load reactions, and the
lane load combination required by the LRFD code.
Within the Design & Legal Vehicles section of this sheet there tends to be some confusion on what
data is required for a given bridge, mainly with the TYPE 3-3 & LEGAL LANE, the TYPE 3-3 TRAIN
& LEGAL LANE, and the LEGAL LANE reactions. The TYPE 3-3 & LEGAL LANE vehicle is only
required for spans greater than 200 feet, and will normally be coded in BRASS as the 20 rating
vehicle. The TYPE 3-3 TRAIN & LEGAL LANE vehicle is only used for checking negative moments
over interior supports, thus there will not be a reaction for this vehicle for bents that are acting as
simple supports.
For both of the above vehicle combinations, the MBE code requires that the Type 3-3 vehicle be
reduced to 75%, but the full lane load of 0.2 kips/ft is applied. BRASS already has it built in to the
programming to take 75% of the truck load for computing the rating factors for these load
combinations. Looking at the BRASS output file, you can verify under the "LIVE LOAD
COMBINATIONS SUMMARY" (which is just after the live load distribution factors summary) that the
truck is taken at 0.75 and the lane is taken at 1.0 for these combinations.
The live load reactions for each truck that we get from BRASS are supposed to be the unfactored
girder actions. This is not a true statement because the distribution factor, impact factor, and scale
factor have already been applied. But these are the full vehicle reactions for each truck, thus they
have not been adjusted to the 75% as required for the load combination. Therefore we enter the full
reaction into the Live Loads sheet of the crossbeam file. The crossbeam file is will automatically
adjust the reaction to 75% when it converts the truck reaction into an unfactored lane load reaction.
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The factored reaction for the "Type 3-3 & Legal Lane" vehicle is the truck load only for this load case
(which is usually applied as load number 20 in the _T file for spans greater than 200'). Likewise, the
"Type 3-3 Train & Legal Lane" vehicle is the truck load only for this load case (which is applied as
load number 4 in the _T file for analyzing negative moment over supports). Finally, the legal lane
load reaction is entered for the "Legal Load" (which is applied as load number 5 in the _T file).
When calculating the unfactored lane load reaction for these special load cases, the crossbeam file
will combine the lane load with the appropriate vehicles.
This section describes the contents of the Capacity Sheet contained in the XB_RC template. The
section capacity is calculated based on the section geometry input by the user. It is assumed that the
user has evaluated each critical section and the results have been placed in the Output Sheet. Cells
in light yellow require input by the user.
MATERIAL PROPERTIES.....Input the yield strength of the reinforcement and concrete compressive
strength. 1 is calculated based on AASHTO criteria.
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SHEAR REINFORCEMENT.....Describe the shear reinforcement in this section in four rows of data.
If shear is evaluated, input the shear
reinforcement area and spacing,
maximum aggregate size (defaults to
0.75 in), the Longitudinal Reinforcement
Spacing, and angle of inclination of the
stirrups to the horizontal (defaults to
0.90 in this calculation. If the reinforcement ratio is > b , (AASHTO LRFD and a
note of Compression Controlled is displayed. If the reinforcement ratio is between 0.63 b and b ,
a note of Transition (between tension-controlled and compression-controlled) is displayed.
Otherwise, the section is considered tension-controlled and a note of Ductile is displayed. In the
transition region in between compression-controlled and tension-controlled, varies linearly between
the two regions. For any case, the capacity is still calculated assuming the reinforcement to yield and
the strain at the extreme fiber of the concrete to be 0.003, but it is reduced by multiplying by the phi-
modifier calculated to accomplish the reduced according to AASHTO LRFD
Row 64 provides the maximum percentage of negative moment redistribution allowed under AASHTO
LRFD This percentage is a function of the calculated longitudinal strain x . A reduction
percentage less than or equal to this maximum may be applied to reduce negative moment in order to
increase a low negative moment Rating Factor. However, this adjustment must be accompanied by a
corresponding increase in positive moments to maintain equilibrium, which means increasing the
positive moments and reducing the positive moment Rating Factors accordingly.
SHEAR CAPACITY.... Most commonly, the General Procedure (AASHTO LRFD is used,
and V_General is selected in row 13 of the Capacity Table worksheet. For this method, because
shear capacity varies with the rating load, nominal capacities V n are listed in the Capacity Table
The SHEAR CAPACITY area of the Capacity sheet calculates the nominal shear capacity using
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
the AASHTO LRFD Simplified Procedure (AASHTO LRFD, followed by the worst-case
results of the General Procedure (AASHTO LRFD Row 67 calculates the minimum
amount of transverse reinforcement that is required to restrain the growth of diagonal cracking and to
increase ductility of the section, as per AASHTO LRFD This value is used to determine if the
section has the minimum transverse reinforcement when using the General Procedure for the shear
For the Simplified Procedure, V c , reduces to 2(f c ) b w d, which does not vary with rating load. The
stirrup contribution, V s , is reduced to A v f y d/s (same as the General Procedure with = 2.0 and =
45, equivalent to the old LFD method for shear capacity). Normally this method would be chosen
only for (a) a section within d v of the support face (the zone of confusion), or (b) a shallow section
(depth < 16 inches), or (c) a section without stirrups. To utilize this method, select User in row 13
the Capacity Table worksheet, and manually enter the capacity for the HL93 (INVENTORY) vehicle,
using the nominal shear capacity V n provided in row 70 of the Capacity worksheet.
The reinforcing steel capacity V s corresponding to the minimum A v under LRFD is calculated
in row 72. The maximum nominal capacity V n under AASHTO LRFD is calculated in row 73.
Row 75 performs both of these checks and reports whether the shear section is
Ductile (both of these checks pass),
Non-Ductile (LRFD Equation fails and section is over-reinforced), or
Under-Rein. (where steel shear capacity V s is less than the steel capacity with minimum
stirrups V s,min ).
Row 80 shows the worst-case nominal shear capacity V n from all of the LRFD General Procedure
(MCFT) calculations for the section found in the Capacity Table worksheet. Row 78 shows the steel
capacity component V s , while row 77 reports the corresponding maximum that was used. Similarly,
Row 79 shows the concrete capacity component V c , while row 76 reports the corresponding minimum
that was used. Conservatively, this worst-case V n from the General Procedure calculations, rather
than V n from the Simplified Procedure, is used in the ductility comparisons mentioned above.
Row 81, concrete A c , is provided for potential future enhancements (to handle negative strains from
post-tensioning), and is not used in any calculations at this time.
This section describes the contents of the Output sheet contained in the XB_RC template. It is
assumed that the user has used XB_MAIN.XLS to evaluate each investigated section and the results
have been placed in the Output sheet. Cells in light violet contain information filled in by
XB_MAIN.XLS during the analysis.
XB_MAIN.XLS recognizes the type of analysis selected and if it is shear, places the V and
corresponding M influence ordinates in the Output worksheet of the data template.
SECTION EVALUATED.....The information provided by the user in the Critical Section area of the
Input worksheet is copied and placed in this area.
DEAD LOAD....The dead load results are listed here from the XB_MAIN.XLS analysis.
INFLUENCE ORDINATES....XB_MAIN.XLS calculates and places the influence line ordinates here.
The influence ordinate is the ratio of the actual shear or bending force produced by single or multiple
lane loading divided by the single lane reaction.
This visible worksheet provides a place for the display of shear capacity, which varies from vehicle to
vehicle in the LRFD General Procedure (MCFT). It is assumed that the user has used XB_MAIN.XLS
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to evaluate each investigated section and the results have been placed in the Output sheet. The
user must input the Impact, the BRASS Single-Lane and Multi-Lane Distribution Factors in row 10.
The user also inputs the combined Resistance Factor () in row 15.
The impact factors are entered into BRASS, and then the factored reactions are entered into the
crossbeam file. The crossbeam program does remove the impact factor to determine the lane
reactions, but whenever it calculates the capacity or rating factors it puts the impact factor back into
the live load. Therefore, as long as the correct impact factor is in the BRASS files, the rating factors
will be correct (0 or Null will cause the rating factors to blow up).
If a separate reaction file is created to determine the bent reactions (mixed superstructure types or
prestressed girders made continuous for live load), the Distribution Factors may be set to 1.0 in the
BRASS files, but the impact factors need to be the correct factors run in the BRASS reaction file.
If it is ever deemed necessary to check a crossbeam with a different impact factor, the factored
reaction has to be modified. This modification can occur with either (1) a new BRASS run, (2) in the
preliminary file for the bent, or (3) directly in the crossbeam file. For the last two methods, multiply
the factored reaction by the new impact factor and divide by the old impact factor.
SECTION CAPACITY....The nominal capacity of the critical section can be calculated by the program
or input by the user. Four options are provided: User, M, V_General (the normal choice for LRFR
shear capacity using MCFT), and V_App_B5. If V_General is chosen, the shear capacity is
calculated using the direct solution MCFT General Procedure (AASHTO LRFD If
V_App_B5 is chosen, the shear capacity is determined using the MCFT alternate method (iterative
solution with tables) allowed in AASHTO LRFD Appendix B5. To avoid errors, make this capacity
calculation selection only after the analysis cycle with XB_MAIN.XLS is complete. Note: If you notice
a column of negative Rating Factors in the RF worksheet or a blank column in the Capacity Table
worksheet, it may be because the Capacity Table worksheet has not been updated. When in doubt,
click on the Recalculate Capacities button on the Capacity Table worksheet.
When choosing M the flexural capacity is calculated according to AASHTO LRFD In the
rare case where tension does not control the capacity, the Resistance Factor is to be reduced
according to AASHTO LRFD The software accounts for this reduction internally by
calculating a modifier" (shown in row 63 of the Capacity worksheet) and applying it directly to the
nominal capacity M n , rather than changing the combined factor already input above.
Normally shear need not be evaluated within d v of the face of a support nor in the middle 1/3 of a
span. However, a section affected by significant cracking (> 0.040 wide) in the region within d v of
the support face, may warrant a shear investigation in this region. In such an investigation, since the
V_General (MCFT) approach is less conservative in this zone of confusion, shear capacity should
be evaluated using the Simplified Procedure in AASHTO LRFD This is accomplished in
row 13 of the Capacity Table worksheet by choosing the User option in the drop-down list in the
appropriate column, and then manually entering a user capacity for the HL93 (INVENTORY) vehicle
using the Simplified Procedure nominal capacity V n provided in the corresponding column in row 70
of the Capacity worksheet. This is equivalent to setting =2.0 and =45 in MCFT, and is essentially
the same as the traditional, and conservative, LFD method of shear evaluation. Given that all the
analysis theories tend to fall apart in the zone of confusion, reducing the section capacity to account
for the missing concrete at a utility hole provides an additional level of accuracy that is not justified.
If confronted with low Rating Factors for crossbeam shear, it is permissible to go fishing, trying
various shear calculation methods in search of the greatest capacity. Both the V_General option
and the alternate V_App_B5 method are equally acceptable in the LRFD code, and in many cases
will yield a greater capacity. When fishing for the greatest capacity, do not choose User with a
capacity from the Simplified Procedure except in those rare cases where its use is appropriate. The
Simplified Procedure is acceptable only for (a) a section within d v of a non-continuous support face
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
(the zone of confusion), or (b) a shallow section (total depth < 16 inches), or (c) a section without
If User is selected, the cells are unprotected (yellow) and the engineer may input an externally
calculated capacity or an equation for each live load. This option may be used if the addition of
compression reinforcement is included, axial force is present, or vertical and sloped stirrups exist
together, etc. To use the same capacity or equation for all live loads, enter the value for the HL93
(INVENTORY) first, and this will populate all of the other live loads with the same value. If the user
selects any other option, the cell is protected and the value of the capacity is listed based on the
inputs in the Capacity worksheet. See XB_RC.XLT - Capacity worksheet for further discussion.
The Mu & Vu worksheet will compute the factored shear and moment for each vehicle at each
analysis section. This sheet is used as a resource for when the capacity will need to be manually
computed, such as for a crossbeam that has been post-tensioned. Allowing the crossbeam program
to compute the V c and V s for the section, the user then can manually compute the V p for each load
by using the factored loads from the Mu & Vu sheet. Once the V p has been computed for each load,
they should be added to the values shown on the Capacity Table sheet and then manually entered
on the Capacity Table sheet for each vehicle after switching the calculation method back to User.
The top portion of the worksheet is the V u table, and the bottom portion is the M u table. When the
force type for a section is V (based on what was analyzed in XB_MAIN.XLS), the values shown in the
V u table correspond to the influence ordinates that produce the greatest V u . The values shown in the
M u table then correspond to the concurrent moment. Likewise, when the force type for a section is
+M or M, the values shown in the M u table correspond to the influence ordinates that produce the
greatest M u . The values shown in the V u table then correspond to the concurrent shear.
The Calculate Loads button at the top of the worksheet should be used after changes have been
made to any factors that affect the factored live load.
This sheet calculates the rating factors for each rating vehicle at each investigated section. This
sheet is identical to the Load Rating Worksheet (pages 2 and above of the Load Rating Summary
Workbook). It is assumed that the Output Sheet is complete and the user has input the AASHTO
LRFD dead load factors ( DC and DW ), Impact (1 + IM) and multiple presence Distribution Factors for
the single and multiple lane cases (mg) in the Capacity Table worksheet. (The Distribution Factors
mg must be the mg values for reactions at this bent for the same girder(s) used for girder live load
Reactions entered in the Live Loads worksheet).
The rating factors can be directly transferred to the Load Rating Summary Workbook. With both the
Crossbeam Analysis Data File RF worksheet and the Load Rating Summary Workbook open, each
critical crossbeam section can be copied and the pasted into the corresponding location using the
Edit Paste Special, Values to avoid transferring formulas and colors. (The cells where the rating
factors are presented in the RF worksheet have been defined as a variable name so this process may
be automated in the future).
In the Crossbeam Analysis Data File, if you see a #VALUE! error in cells of the RF
worksheet or the message See Table in cells of the Capacity Table worksheet, this is
normally an indication that macros were invoked prematurely by selection of the capacity
calculation method (using the drop-down box in row 13 of the Capacity Table worksheet)
before the analysis cycle with XB_MAIN.XLS was complete. The solution is as follows:
(1) Go to the RF worksheet and note in which section number (column) the VALUE
errors occur
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
The Rating Factors for the load cases CTP VEHICLE W/3S2 VEHICLE and STP VEHICLE
W/3S2 VEHICLE are calculated using the modified equation that accounts for Legal 3S2
vehicles in adjacent lanes (See note at the end of Article
Do NOT use the summary sheet equations to calculate the bottom set of rating factors for
crossbeams. The entire set of Rating Factors should be copied from the crossbeam program and
pasted into the Summary Sheet program. The reason the two programs provide different values are
that the LR summary sheet uses the distribution factors to adjust from multi lane to single lane rating
factors. The crossbeam program is using the computed lane load reactions combined with the multi
and single lane influence line ordinates to adjust the rating factors. Thus, since they have different
loading conditions the two programs will not produce the same results.
This section contains the information related to the reinforcement. The conversion between standard
bars and square bars are given for reference. Only standard bar equivalents for square bars can be
input into the Capacity Sheet.
XB_S.XLT Introduction
This template file is for load rating steel crossbeams. A separate file is used for each crossbeam
analysis. The template should first be stored in your \XLStart folder (e.g. C:\Program
Files\Microsoft Office\Office11\XLStart), so it can be accessed from the File, New option in Excel.
Always use the latest version of this template file from the ODOT FTP Server. When XB_S.XLT is
opened, it is displayed as XB_S1. Use the File Save As command to save the file as a bent-specific
Excel workbook (.XLS) file. An example would be XB_BENT1.XLS.
The workbook includes 6 visible sheets, Input, Live Loads, Capacity, Output, RF and Service II
RF. Cells in light yellow require input by the user. Cells in light violet are calculated and filled in
during XB_MAIN.XLS analysis. The load rater is expected to include hard copies of all sheets of the
workbook in the Load Rating Report.
Note that a red triangle appears in the upper right corner of certain cells. These cells include
notes which explain the required input. Hover over or double-click on the cell to access the
Input includes the information required to describe the geometry, dead loads and sections to be
Live Load is where the user inputs the girder factored live load reactions from the BRASS Output
File, as well as the live load factor L , for each rating vehicle. This and other input parameters are
used to calculate live load single-lane reactions for use in the crossbeam analysis.
Capacity includes the geometry and material property input necessary to calculate the nominal
capacity. Alternatively, the capacity may be input directly by the user on the Output sheet.
Output contains the results of each investigated section analysis. The user also inputs the combined
Resistance Factor () and chooses the capacity calculation method (normally M for moment or V
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
for shear) for each section using the drop-down boxes in row 17. Note: Selection of the capacity
calculation method prior to using XB_MAIN.XLS can lead to erroneous results.
RF lists the Rating Factor for each load at each point of interest for the Strength Limit States.
Service II RF lists the Rating Factor for each load at each point of interest for the Service 2 Limit
This section describes the contents of the Input Sheet contained in the XB_S.XLT template.
ROADWAY INFORMATION.....Enter the roadway width and distance from the left curb to the bridge
centerline measured in feet and normal to the bridge centerline.
BENT ALIGNMENT.....Enter the skew in decimal degrees. The skew is measured from the normal to
the bridge centerline position to the centerline of the bent. Positive skew is shown on the template
and is described as a clockwise rotation looking ahead on station and measured from the normal to
bridge centerline position. Actually, the sign of the skew does not matter, only the magnitude.
However, the graphics plan view presentation may be incorrect.
MATERIAL PROPERTIES.....Enter the modulus of elasticity for the crossbeam and columns.
CROSS BEAM INFORMATION.....Enter the geometry to describe the cross beam. All dimensions
are measured in the plane of the bent. A maximum of nine spans are allowed. A span is the length
of a cantilever measured from the end to the centerline of the column or the distance between centers
of columns. If the span is a cantilever, enter a C into the column with the heading Cantilever ?.
(Make sure there is no space after the C). The span length is measured in feet, moment of inertia of
the span in the plane of the bent is given as ft . The analysis assumes prismatic sections only. Since
we are not concerned with deflections, I avg is appropriate for cantilever spans. However, w left and
w right sections allow the user to input the uniform weight of the span at the left and right ends of each
span. A linear transition is assumed between these points. Enter the weight in kips per lineal foot.
COLUMN INFORMATION.....Based on the cross beam information, the expected number of columns
is calculated and displayed in a red font. If this number does not match your situation, check your
CROSS BEAM INFORMATION. For each column, enter the column length, cross-sectional area and
bending moment of inertia in the plane of the bent. Also, enter the end conditions of the column, P
for pinned and F for fixed. Do not use F for a fixed top unless the connection is detailed to resist
negative moment. The user must also enter the distance from the left column to the centerline of the
bridge. This distance is measured normal to the bridge centerline. Note that it is possible to code
nine spans, assuming no cantilevers, would require ten columns. If this situation is encountered the
number of spans will have to be decreased such that a maximum of eight columns are coded.
List the span that the analysis section is located (See CROSS BEAM INFORMATION) and the
distance from the left end of the span to the critical section measured in feet and along the span. X
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
must be greater than zero and less than the span length. Enter the analysis type, +M for positive
moment (tension in the bottom fiber), -M for negative moment, and V for shear. Assure that these cell
entries are text by starting each of them with an apostrophe.
LOADING.....Enter the distance from the centerline of the left girder to the centerline of the bridge.
This distance is measured normal to the bridge centerline. Enter the BRASS reference file (output file
name). This information is not used; it is simply the reference for the girder dead load reactions.
Enter the spacing between girders normal to the bridge centerline. Based on the number of spacings
you enter, the number of girders is calculated and presented. Four separate Component dead load
(DC) columns are available. The user can input a descriptive name at the top of each column. The
recommended descriptions are: Girder for girder self-weight, Other Str. for other stage-1 structure
dead loads (usually the diaphragms), and Rails/Curbs to include all stage-2 dead loads except
wearing surface. Enter the girder reaction for each load case. The four columns will be added and
this information will be used in the analysis and reported as the structure dead load. A separate
column is provided for the Wearing Surface dead load (DW). DC and DW are kept separate to
simplify the future addition or removal of wearing surfaces. Supporting calculations for the separation
of wearing surfaces should be included as equations in these cells or included in the Crossbeam
Preliminary File (Mathcad) which supports the calculations for the crossbeam.
ENGINEER COMMENTS.....Enter any comments in this area that would make your assumptions
clearer to a future user.
This section describes the contents of the Live Loads Sheet contained in the XB_S.XLT template.
Enter the reactions for each rating vehicle as listed in the Crossbeam Preliminary File. Enter the live
load Factors for each rating vehicle as listed in the Girder Preliminary File, using only the yellow cells.
In the cells to the right, the sheet calculates the factored and unfactored live load reactions, and the
lane load combination required by the LRFD code.
Within the Design & Legal Vehicles section of this sheet there tends to be some confusion on what
data is required for a given bridge, mainly with the TYPE 3-3 & LEGAL LANE, the TYPE 3-3 TRAIN
& LEGAL LANE, and the LEGAL LANE reactions. The TYPE 3-3 & LEGAL LANE vehicle is only
required for spans greater than 200 feet, and will normally be coded in BRASS as the 20 rating
vehicle. The TYPE 3-3 TRAIN & LEGAL LANE vehicle is only used for checking negative moments
over interior supports, thus there will not be a reaction for this vehicle for bents that are acting as
simple supports.
For both of the above vehicle combinations, the LRFR code requires that the Type 3-3 vehicle be
reduced to 75%, but the full lane load of 0.2 kips/ft is applied. BRASS already has it built in to the
programming to take 75% of the truck load for computing the rating factors for these load
combinations. Looking at the BRASS output file, you can verify under the "LIVE LOAD
COMBINATIONS SUMMARY" (which is just after the live load distribution factors summary) that the
truck is taken at 0.75 and the lane is taken at 1.0 for these combinations.
The live load reactions for each truck that we get from BRASS are supposed to be the unfactored
girder actions. This is not a true statement because the distribution factor, impact factor, and scale
factor have already been applied. But these are the full vehicle reactions for each truck, thus they
have not been adjusted to the 75% as required for the load combination. Therefore we plug the full
reaction into the Live Loads sheet of the crossbeam file. The crossbeam file will automatically adjust
the reaction to 75% when it converts the truck reaction into an unfactored lane load reaction.
The factored reaction for the "Type 3-3 & Legal Lane" vehicle is the truck load only for this load case
(which is usually applied as load number 20 in the _T file for spans greater than 200'). Likewise, the
"Type 3-3 Train & Legal Lane" vehicle is the truck load only for this load case (which is applied as
load number 4 in the _T file for analyzing negative moment over supports). Finally, the legal lane
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
load reaction is entered for the "Legal Load" (which is applied as load number 5 in the _T file).
When calculating the unfactored lane load reaction for these special load cases, the crossbeam file
will combine the lane load with the appropriate vehicles.
This section describes the contents of the Capacity Sheet contained in the XB_S template. The
section capacity is calculated based on the section geometry input by the user. It is assumed that the
user has evaluated each critical section and the results have been placed in the Output Sheet. Cells
in light yellow require input by the user.
SECTION GEOMETRY.....Describe the cross section geometry. Input the Flange Width, the
Flange Thickness, the Web Thickness, the Total Height of the beam, and the Unbraced Length
(L b ) at each section. Where the longitudinal beams are connected integral to the side of the
crossbeam, the unbraced length will be the longitudinal girder spacing. Where the longitudinal beams
rest on top of the crossbeam, the unbraced length will be the crossbeam span length. However,
when the longitudinal girders rest on top of the crossbeam, the unbraced length could be the girder
spacing if there is a sufficient connection between the longitudinal girder and the top flange of the
crossbeam to provide lateral support to the compression flange of the crossbeam.
End Panel vs Interior Panel.. When analyzing a steel member, the difference between interior and
end panels may not always be intuitive. A panel is the segment of the beam between tansverse
stiffeners. An end panel is defined at the first stiffener space adjacent to where the beam is no longer
continuous. See the below image of a steel hammer head cross beam. The end panels are panels
1, and 2. The location of support does not affect if the panel is defined as interior, or an end panel.
Section Properties..... This area of the Capacity sheet calculates the depth of the web in
compression at the plastic moment (D cp ), the radius of gyration with respect to the vertical axis in the
plane of the web (r y ), the effective radius of gyration for lateral torsional buckling (r t ), the elastic
section modulus (S), and the plastic section modulus (Z) of the steel beam.
FLEXURE CAPACITY....This area of the Capacity sheet calculates the nominal moment capacity.
The first part of this section checks to see if the beam satisfies the compactness criteria for web
slenderness and flange slenderness as per AASHTO LRFD Articles and Then the
limiting unbraced length (L p ) to achieve the nominal flexural resistance (plastic moment) under
uniform bending is calculated. The limiting unbraced length (L p ) should be greater than the unbraced
length (L b ) specified within the Section Geometry input area.
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If the web slenderness and flange slenderness checks are satisfied, a black text yes will be
displayed for each check. Otherwise, a red text no will be displayed. If L p is greater than L b , the
value of L p will be displayed in black text to indicate that the value is acceptable for the moment
capacity calculation. Otherwise, the value will be displayed in red text. The capacity for bending, M n
= F y * Z, is calculated for beams satisfying all three of the above criteria. Otherwise, a value of N/A
is reported and the capacity must be computed and input manually by the user.
SHEAR CAPACITY.... This area of the Capacity sheet calculates the nominal shear capacity of the
unstiffened web based on AASHTO LRFD Article
This section describes the contents of the Output sheet contained in the XB_S template. It is
assumed that the user has used XB_MAIN.XLS to evaluate each investigated section and the results
have been placed in the Output sheet. Cells in light violet contain information filled in by
XB_MAIN.XLS during the analysis. Cells in light yellow require input by the user.
XB_MAIN.XLS recognizes the type of analysis selected and if it is shear, places the V and
corresponding M influence ordinates in the Output worksheet of the data template.
SECTION EVALUATED.....The information provided by the user in the Critical Section area of the
Input worksheet is copied and placed in this area. The combined LRFR resistance factor, is
required input (row 12). This is the only input needed prior to analysis with XB_MAIN.XLS.
SECTION CAPACITY....The nominal capacity of the critical section can be calculated by the program
or input by the user. Three options are provided: User, M, and V. To avoid errors, make this
capacity calculation selection only after the analysis cycle with XB_MAIN.XLS is complete. Note: If
you notice a column of negative Rating Factors in the RF worksheet, it may be because the Nominal
Capacity (row 19) of the Output worksheet has not been updated. When in doubt, the best solution
is go to the appropriate column in row 17 (drop-down boxes) of the Output worksheet, and select
some calculation method other than V and then re-select it (de-select and re-select).
When choosing M, the flexural capacity is calculated according to AASHTO LRFD The
flexural capacity is calculated for beams satisfying the compactness criteria of AASHTO LRFD and Otherwise the flexural capacity must be input manually. When choosing V,
the shear capacity is computed assuming the web is unstiffened as per AASHTO LRFD
If User is selected, the cell is unprotected (yellow) and the engineer may input an externally
calculated capacity or an equation. This option may be used if the section is non-compact or the
beam is something other than a doubly-symmetric rolled or fabricated I-section, non-composite, and
non-hybrid. If the user selects any other option, the cell is protected and the value of the capacity is
listed based on the inputs in the Capacity worksheet. See XB_S.XLT - Capacity worksheet for
further discussion.
DEAD LOAD....The dead load results are listed here from the XB_MAIN.XLS analysis.
INFLUENCE ORDINATES....XB_MAIN.XLS calculates and places the influence line ordinates here.
The influence ordinate is the ratio of the actual shear or bending force produced by single or multiple
lane loading divided by the single lane reaction.
This sheet calculates the rating factors for each rating vehicle at each investigated section. This
sheet is identical to the Load Rating Worksheet (pages 2 and above of the Load Rating Summary
Workbook). It is assumed that the Output Sheet is complete and the user has input the AASHTO
LRFD dead load factors ( DC and DW ), Impact (1 + IM) and multiple presence Distribution Factors for
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the single and multiple lane cases (mg) in the RF worksheet. (The Distribution Factors mg must be
the mg values for reactions at this bent for the same girder(s) used for girder live load reactions
entered in the Live Loads worksheet).
The impact factors are entered into BRASS, and then the factored reactions are entered into the
crossbeam file. The crossbeam program does remove the impact factor to determine the lane
reactions, but whenever it calculates the capacity or rating factors it puts the impact factor back into
the live load. Therefore, as long as the correct impact factor is in the BRASS files, the rating factors
will be correct (0 or Null will cause the rating factors to blow up).
If a separate reaction file is created to determine the bent reactions (mixed superstructure types or
prestressed girders made continuous for live load), the Distribution Factors may be set to 1.0 in the
BRASS files, but the impact factors need to be the correct factors run in the BRASS reaction file.
If it is ever deemed necessary to check a crossbeam with a different impact factor, the factored
reaction has to be modified. This modification can occur with either (1) a new BRASS run, (2) in the
preliminary file for the bent, or (3) directly in the crossbeam file. For the last two methods, multiply
the factored reaction by the new impact factor and divide by the old impact factor.
The rating factors can be directly transferred to the Load Rating Summary Workbook. With both the
Crossbeam Analysis Data File RF worksheet and the Load Rating Summary Workbook open, each
critical crossbeam section can be copied and the pasted into the corresponding location using the
Edit Paste Special, Values to avoid transferring formulas and colors. (The cells where the rating
factors are presented in the RF worksheet have been defined as a variable name so this process may
be automated in the future).
In the Crossbeam Analysis Data File, if you see a #VALUE! error in cells of the RF
worksheet, this is normally an indication that macros were invoked prematurely by selection
of the capacity calculation type (using the drop-down box in row 17 of the Output worksheet)
before the analysis cycle with XB_MAIN.XLS was complete. The solution is as follows:
(1) Go to the RF worksheet and note in which section number (column) the VALUE
errors occur
(2) Go to the Output worksheet
(3) For each section (column) where you had noted error messages, deselect the
capacity calculation type by choosing User in the drop-down pick-list
(4) For the same sections (columns), reselect the appropriate capacity calculation type.
This should re-activate the capacity calculations with the expected input data.
The Rating Factors for the load cases CTP VEHICLE W/3S2 VEHICLE and STP VEHICLE
W/3S2 VEHICLE are calculated using the modified equation that accounts for Legal 3S2
vehicles in adjacent lanes (See note at the end of Article
Do NOT use the summary sheet equations to calculate the bottom set of rating factors for
crossbeams. The entire set of Rating Factors should be copied from the crossbeam program and
pasted into the Summary Sheet program. The reason the two programs provide different values are
that the LR summary sheet uses the distribution factors to adjust from multi lane to single lane rating
factors. The crossbeam program is using the computed lane load reactions combined with the multi
and single lane influence line ordinates to adjust the rating factors. Thus, since they have different
loading conditions the two programs will not produce the same results.
This sheet is nearly identical to the RF worksheet, except that all of the dead load and live load
factors have automatically been set to the Service II Limit State for the calculation of the rating
factors. If any of the Service II Rating Factors for a given analysis point are less than 1.1, then report
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all of the Service II Rating factors for that particular analysis point on the Load Rating Summary.
Otherwise, all of the Service II Rating Factors that are greater than 1.1 do not need to be copied to
the Load Rating Summary.
XB_T.XLT Introduction
This template file is for load rating timber crossbeams. A separate file is used for each crossbeam
analysis. The template should first be stored in your \XLStart folder (e.g. C:\Program
Files\Microsoft Office\Office11\XLStart), so it can be accessed from the File, New option in Excel.
Always use the latest version of this template file from the ODOT FTP Server. When XB_T.XLT is
opened, it is displayed as XB_T1. Use the File Save As command to save the file as a bent-specific
Excel workbook (.XLS) file. An example would be XB_BENT1.XLS.
The workbook includes 5 visible sheets, Input, Live Loads, Capacity, Output, and RF. Cells in light
yellow require input by the user. Cells in light violet are calculated and filled in during XB_MAIN.XLS
analysis. The load rater is expected to include hard copies of all sheets of the workbook in the Load
Rating Report.
Note that a red triangle appears in the upper right corner of certain cells. These cells include
notes which explain the required input. Hover over or double-click on the cell to access the
Input includes the information required to describe the geometry, dead loads and sections to be
Live Load is where the user inputs the girder factored live load reactions from the BRASS Output
File, as well as the live load factor L , for each rating vehicle. This and other input parameters are
used to calculate live load single-lane reactions for use in the crossbeam analysis.
Capacity includes the input for section geometry, material property, and timber capacity factors
necessary to calculate the nominal capacity. Alternatively, the capacity may be input directly by the
user on the Output sheet.
Output contains the results of each investigated section analysis. The user also inputs the combined
Resistance Factor () for flexure and shear and chooses the capacity calculation method (M for
moment or V for shear) for each section using the drop-down boxes in row 17. Note: Selection of
the capacity calculation method prior to using XB_MAIN.XLS can lead to erroneous results.
RF lists the Rating Factor for each load at each point of interest for the Strength Limit States.
This section describes the contents of the Input Sheet contained in the XB_T.XLT template.
ROADWAY INFORMATION.....Enter the roadway width and distance from the left curb to the bridge
centerline measured in feet and normal to the bridge centerline.
BENT ALIGNMENT.....Enter the skew in decimal degrees. The skew is measured from the normal to
the bridge centerline position to the centerline of the bent. Positive skew is shown on the template
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and is described as a clockwise rotation looking ahead on station and measured from the normal to
bridge centerline position. Actually, the sign of the skew does not matter, only the magnitude.
However, the graphics plan view presentation may be incorrect.
MATERIAL PROPERTIES.....Enter the modulus of elasticity for the crossbeam and columns.
CROSS BEAM INFORMATION.....Enter the geometry to describe the cross beam. All dimensions
are measured in the plane of the bent. A maximum of nine spans are allowed. A span is the length
of a cantilever measured from the end to the centerline of the column or the distance between centers
of columns. If the span is a cantilever, enter a C into the column with the heading Cantilever ?.
(Make sure there is no space after the C). The span length is measured in feet, moment of inertia of
the span in the plane of the bent is given as ft . The analysis assumes prismatic sections only. Since
we are not concerned with deflections, I avg is appropriate for cantilever spans. However, w left and
w right sections allow the user to input the uniform weight of the span at the left and right ends of each
span. A linear transition is assumed between these points. Enter the weight in kips per lineal foot. If
the unit weight is not provided on the bridge plans, it is recommended to use 0.050 kcf. This value is
taken from AASHTO LRFD Table 3.5.1-1 for soft wood, since timber in Oregon is typically soft.
COLUMN INFORMATION.....Based on the cross beam information, the expected number of columns
is calculated and displayed in a red font. If this number does not match your situation, check your
CROSS BEAM INFORMATION. For each column, enter the column length, cross-sectional area and
bending moment of inertia in the plane of the bent. Also, enter the end conditions of the column, P
for pinned and F for fixed. Do not use F for a fixed top unless the connection appears to be
detailed to resist negative moment. The user must also enter the distance from the left column to the
centerline of the bridge. This distance is measured normal to the bridge centerline. Note that it is
possible to code nine spans, assuming no cantilevers, would require ten columns. If this situation is
encountered the number of spans will have to be decreased such that a maximum of eight columns
are coded.
Per AASHTO LRFD 8.7 (Timber Under Shear), the critical section for shear is at d from the face of
support, but the live load should be placed at 3d or 0.25L (whichever is less) from the support. This
means that the section to be analyzed on the Capacity worksheet may not match the Analysis
Section on the Input worksheet. Therefore, the Analysis Section for shear on the Input worksheet
needs to be the lesser of 3d or 0.25L to ensure that the live load is placed in the correct location. And
then the corresponding section on the Capacity worksheet will need to define the cross-section
geometry at d from the face of support so that the correct capacity is calculated for the loading
List the span that the analysis section is located (See CROSS BEAM INFORMATION) and the
distance from the left end of the span to the critical section measured in feet and along the span. X
must be greater than zero and less than the span length. Enter the analysis type, +M for positive
moment (tension in the bottom fiber), -M for negative moment, and V for shear. Assure that these cell
entries are text by starting each of them with an apostrophe.
GIRDER GEOMETRY AND LOADING.....Enter the distance from the centerline of the left girder to
the centerline of the bridge. This distance is measured normal to the bridge centerline. Enter the
BRASS reference file (output file name). This information is not used; it is simply the reference for
the girder dead load reactions. Enter the spacing between girders normal to the bridge centerline.
Based on the number of spacings you enter, the number of girders is calculated and presented. Four
separate Component dead load (DC) columns are available. The user can input a descriptive name
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at the top of each column. The recommended descriptions are: Girder for girder self-weight, Other
Str. for other stage-1 structure dead loads (usually the diaphragms), and Rails/Curbs to include all
stage-2 dead loads except wearing surface. Enter the girder reaction for each load case. The four
columns will be added and this information will be used in the analysis and reported as the structure
dead load. A separate column is provided for the Wearing Surface dead load (DW). DC and DW are
kept separate to simplify the future addition or removal of wearing surfaces. Supporting calculations
for the separation of wearing surfaces should be included as equations in these cells or included in
the Crossbeam Preliminary File (Mathcad) which supports the calculations for the crossbeam.
ENGINEER COMMENTS.....Enter any comments in this area that would make your assumptions
clearer to a future user.
This section describes the contents of the Live Loads Sheet contained in the XB_T.XLT template.
Enter the reactions for each rating vehicle as listed in the Crossbeam Preliminary File. Enter the live
load factors for each rating vehicle as listed in the Girder Preliminary File, using only the yellow cells.
In the cells to the right, the sheet calculates the factored and unfactored live load reactions, and the
lane load combination required by the LRFD code.
Within the Design & Legal Vehicles section of this sheet there tends to be some confusion on what
data is required for a given bridge, mainly with the TYPE 3-3 & LEGAL LANE, the TYPE 3-3 TRAIN
& LEGAL LANE, and the LEGAL LANE reactions. The TYPE 3-3 & LEGAL LANE vehicle is only
required for spans greater than 200 feet, and will normally be coded in BRASS as the 20 rating
vehicle. The TYPE 3-3 TRAIN & LEGAL LANE vehicle is only used for checking negative moments
over interior supports, thus there will not be a reaction for this vehicle for bents that are acting as
simple supports.
For both of the above vehicle combinations, the LRFR code requires that the Type 3-3 vehicle be
reduced to 75%, but the full lane load of 0.2 kips/ft is applied. BRASS already has it built in to the
programming to take 75% of the truck load for computing the rating factors for these load
combinations. Looking at the BRASS output file, you can verify under the "LIVE LOAD
COMBINATIONS SUMMARY" (which is just after the live load distribution factors summary) that the
truck is taken at 0.75 and the lane is taken at 1.0 for these combinations.
The live load reactions for each truck that we get from BRASS are supposed to be the unfactored
girder actions. This is not a true statement because the distribution factor, impact factor, and scale
factor have already been applied. But these are the full vehicle reactions for each truck, thus they
have not been adjusted to the 75% as required for the load combination. Therefore we plug the full
reaction into the Live Loads sheet of the crossbeam file. The crossbeam file is will automatically
adjust the reaction to 75% when it converts the truck reaction into an unfactored lane load reaction.
The factored reaction for the "Type 3-3 & Legal Lane" vehicle is the truck load only for this load case
(which is usually applied as load number 20 in the _T file for spans greater than 200'). Likewise, the
"Type 3-3 Train & Legal Lane" vehicle is the truck load only for this load case (which is applied as
load number 4 in the _T file for analyzing negative moment over supports). Finally, the legal lane
load reaction is entered for the "Legal Load" (which is applied as load number 5 in the _T file).
When calculating the unfactored lane load reaction for these special load cases, the crossbeam file
will combine the lane load with the appropriate vehicles.
This section describes the contents of the Capacity Sheet contained in the XB_T template. The
section capacity is calculated based on the section geometry input by the user. It is assumed that the
user has evaluated each critical section and the results have been placed in the Output Sheet. Cells
in light yellow require input by the user.
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Material Properties.....AASHTO LRFD Section 8.2 defines Beams and Stringers (B&S) as
rectangular pieces that are 5.0 or more inches thick (nominal), with a depth more than 2.0 inches
(nominal) greater than the thickness. B&S are graded primarily for use as beams, with loads applied
to the narrow face. Even though for timber crossbeams the width is often greater than the depth, they
shall be considered as Beams and Stringers for determining material properties and factors.
AASHTO LRFD adopted the NDS tables for F bo and F vo (the allowable stress for flexure and shear).
Input the reference design value of wood in flexure (F bo ) and in shear (F vo ). If the material properties
of the timber cap are not provided on the plans, use the following values of F bo = 1.35 ksi and F vo =
0.17 ksi as a default. These values are from AASHTO LRFD Table for Douglas Fir with a
Size Classification of Beams and Stringers and a Grade of Number 1.
As a result of adopting the NDS tables in LRFD, the conversion factor (C KF ) was added to convert
ASD to LRFD (see AASHTO LRFD This factor should always be 2.5/phi for crossbeams.
The phi factor used in the conversion factor (C KF ) is only the LRFD Resistance Factor for flexure or
shear and not the combined phi () which includes the condition and system phi factors. The reason
for this is as follows: since is in the denominator for the C KF equation and the nominal capacity is
multiplied by the combined phi (), if the combined phi () was used, any change of the condition phi
() would have no effect.
The Wet Service Factor (C M ) for Sawn Lumber shall be 1.0 for both flexure and shear. This value is
obtained from AASHTO LRFD Table, for a nominal thickness of greater than 4.0 inches. In
the rare (and unlikely) event that the crossbeam is comprised of a glued laminated timber, the value
of C M for flexure shall be 0.80; and the value of C M for shear shall be 0.875. These values are
obtained from AASHTO LRFD Table
For sawn lumber crossbeams with loads applied to the wide face, use a Size Factor (C F ) of 0.86. For
sawn lumber crossbeams with loads applied to the narrow face, calculate the Size Factor using the
following equation:
12 9
CF =
which is AASHTO LRFD Equation; where d = net width of the crossbeam. If d is 12
inches, then C F = 1.0.
For horizontally laminated glulam crossbeams, with loads applied perpendicular to the wide face of
the laminations, the volume factor (C V ), given below, shall be computed when the depth, width, or
length of the glued laminated crossbeam timber exceeds 12.0 in., 5.125 in., or 21.0 ft., respectively.
12.0 5.125 21
Cv = 1.0
d b L
which is AASHTO LRFD equation, where:
b = width of the crossbeam (in.). For layups with multiple piece laminations (across the
width), b will equal the width of the widest piece. Therefore, b will be 10.75 in.
a = 0.05 for Southern Pine and 0.10 for all other species.
Since the size factor (C F ) is used for sawn lumber and the volume factor (C V ) is used for glulam
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lumber, either the size factor or the volume factor needs to be specified in the Capacity sheet, but not
both. According to LRFD, the volume factor (C V ) shall not be applied simultaneously with the beam
stability factor, C L , therefore the software will automatically apply the lesser of these factors.
For normal bridge superstructure types (girder/stringer), the deck factor (C d ) for the crossbeam shall
be equal to 1.0.
For short spans with a timber slab superstructure comprised of stressed wood, nail-laminated, and
spike laminated decks constructed of solid sawn lumber 2.0 in. to 4.0 in. thick that are supported
directly by the timber crossbeam, the deck factor for the timber crossbeam shall be as specified in the
following table:
For short spans with a timber slab superstructure comprised of wood planks of 4 x 6 in., 4 x 8 in., 4 x
10 in., or 4 x 12 in., with the load applied to the wide face of the planks, that are supported directly by
the timber crossbeam, the deck factor for the timber crossbeam shall be as specified in the following
The Flat-Use Factor and Incising Factor were ignored in the timber crossbeam program since these
factors relate to dimensional lumber, and there are no cases anticipated where dimensional lumber
would be used for a crossbeam.
The time effect factor (C ) shall be chosen to correspond to the appropriate strength limit state as
specified in LRFD For Strength I Limit State, C = 0.8. For Strength II Limit State, C = 1.0.
Section Geometry....Describe the cross section geometry. The program assumes that the beam is a
rectangular section that is non-composite. Input the beam Width, and the beam Height at each
analysis section.
Section Properties.....This area of the Capacity sheet calculates the elastic section modulus (S) for
each analysis section.
Flexure Capacity....This area of the Capacity sheet calculates the nominal moment capacity for both
Strength I and Strength II Limit States of the rectangular timber crossbeam based on AASHTO LRFD
Article 8.6.2. In the first part of this section, the engineer needs to enter the Euler buckling coefficient
for the beam (K bE ).
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Enter the unsupported length (L u ) of the timber crossbeam. The unsupported length should be the
pile spacing (crossbeam span length).
The program then displays the computed values for the effective unbraced length (L e ), the
slenderness ratio (R b ), the critical buckling design value (F bE ), the adjusted flexure design values (F b )
for both Strength I and Strength II, the ratio of the critical buckling design value to the adjusted flexure
design values (A), the beam stability factors (C L ), and the nominal moment resistance values (M n ).
Shear Capacity....This area of the Capacity sheet calculates the nominal shear capacity of the
rectangular timber crossbeam based on AASHTO LRFD Article 8.7. The program displays the
adjusted shear design values (F v ) for both Strength I and Strength II, and then displays the nominal
shear resistance values (V n ).
This section describes the contents of the Output sheet contained in the XB_T template. It is
assumed that the user has used XB_MAIN.XLS to evaluate each investigated section and the results
have been placed in the Output sheet. Cells in light violet contain information filled in by
XB_MAIN.XLS during the analysis. Cells in light yellow require input by the user.
XB_MAIN.XLS recognizes the type of analysis selected and if it is shear, places the V and
corresponding M influence ordinates in the Output worksheet of the data template.
SECTION EVALUATED.....The information provided by the user in the Critical Section area of the
Input worksheet is copied and placed in this area. The combined MBE resistance factors, , for
flexure and shear are required to be input in rows 12 and 13, respectively. This is the only input
needed prior to analysis with XB_MAIN.XLS.
SECTION CAPACITY....The nominal capacity of the critical section can be calculated by the program
or input by the user. Three options are provided: User, M, and V. To avoid errors, make this
capacity calculation selection only after the analysis cycle with XB_MAIN.XLS is complete. Note: If
you notice a column of negative Rating Factors in the RF worksheet, it may be because the Nominal
Capacity (rows 20 and 21) of the Output worksheet have not been updated. When in doubt, the best
solution is go to the appropriate column in row 18 (drop-down boxes) of the Output worksheet, and
select some calculation method other than V and then re-select it (de-select and re-select).
When choosing M, the flexural capacity is calculated according to AASHTO LRFD 8.6.2. When
choosing V, the shear capacity is computed as per AASHTO LRFD 8.7.
If User is selected, the cells (rows 20 and 21) are unprotected (yellow) and the engineer may input
an externally calculated capacity or an equation. If the user selects any other option, the cell is
protected and the value of the capacity is listed based on the inputs in the Capacity worksheet. See
XB_T.XLT - Capacity worksheet for further discussion.
DEAD LOAD....The dead load results are listed here from the XB_MAIN.XLS analysis.
INFLUENCE ORDINATES....XB_MAIN.XLS calculates and places the influence line ordinates here.
The influence ordinate is the ratio of the actual shear or bending force produced by single or multiple
lane loading divided by the single lane reaction.
This sheet calculates the rating factors for each rating vehicle at each investigated section. This
sheet is identical to the Load Rating Worksheet (pages 2 and above of the Load Rating Summary
Workbook). It is assumed that the Output Sheet is complete and the user has input the LRFD dead
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load Factors ( DC and DW ), Impact (1 + IM) and multiple presence Distribution Factors for the single
and multiple lane cases (mg) in the RF worksheet. (The Distribution Factors mg must be the mg
values for reactions at this bent for the same girder(s) used for girder live load reactions entered in
the Live Loads worksheet).
The impact factors are entered into BRASS, and then the factored reactions are entered into the
crossbeam file. The crossbeam program removes the impact factor to determine the lane reactions.
When it calculates the capacity or rating factors it will use an impact factor of 1.0, as per AASHTO
LRFD Therefore, as long as the same impact factor that was used in the BRASS files is
specified in the RF worksheet, the rating factors will be correct (0 or Null will cause the rating factors
to blow up).
If a separate reaction file is created to determine the bent reactions (mixed superstructure types or
prestressed girders made continuous for live load), the Distribution Factors and Impact Factor may be
set to 1.0 in the BRASS files.
The rating factors can be directly transferred to the Load Rating Summary Workbook. With both the
Crossbeam Analysis Data File RF worksheet and the Load Rating Summary Workbook open, each
critical crossbeam section can be copied and the pasted into the corresponding location using the
Edit Paste Special, Values to avoid transferring formulas and colors. (The cells where the rating
factors are presented in the RF worksheet have been defined as a variable name so this process may
be automated in the future).
In the Crossbeam Analysis Data File, if you see a #VALUE! error in cells of the RF
worksheet, this is normally an indication that macros were invoked prematurely by selection
of the capacity calculation type (using the drop-down box in row 18 of the Output worksheet)
before the analysis cycle with XB_MAIN.XLS was complete. The solution is as follows:
(1) Go to the RF worksheet and note in which section number (column) the VALUE
errors occur
(2) Go to the Output worksheet
(3) For each section (column) where you had noted error messages, deselect the
capacity calculation type by choosing User in the drop-down pick-list
(4) For the same sections (columns), reselect the appropriate capacity calculation type.
This should re-activate the capacity calculations with the expected input data.
The Rating Factors for the load cases CTP VEHICLE W/3S2 VEHICLE and STP VEHICLE
W/3S2 VEHICLE are calculated using the modified equation that accounts for Legal 3S2
vehicles in adjacent lanes (See note at the end of Article
Do NOT use the summary sheet equations to calculate the bottom set of rating factors for
crossbeams. The entire set of Rating Factors should be copied from the crossbeam program and
pasted into the Summary Sheet program. The reason the two programs provide different values are
that the LR summary sheet uses the distribution factors to adjust from multi lane to single lane rating
factors. The crossbeam program is using the computed lane load reactions combined with the multi
and single lane influence line ordinates to adjust the rating factors. Thus, since they have different
loading conditions the two programs will not produce the same results.
XB_MAIN.XLS Introduction
XB_MAIN.XLS is the analysis engine that performs the cross beam analysis for each investigated
section identified by the engineer in the Input worksheet of the Crossbeam Analysis Data File.
XB_MAIN.XLS stores the results in the Output worksheet of the Crossbeam Analysis Data File. As
such, XB_MAIN.XLS is not part of the load rating file set for any particular bridge and need not be
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To evaluate a crossbeam, the user must first open and fill out the Input worksheet and all other
inputs (yellow cells) of a Crossbeam Analysis Data Template such as XB_RC.XLT (or XB_S.XLT for
steel). Save the Data Template as an Excel workbook (now referred to as a Crossbeam Analysis
Data File) in the load rating file set. Use a crossbeam-specific name such as XB_BENT1.XLS. Open
XB_MAIN.XLS and input the name of the Crossbeam Analysis Data File in the cell labeled: Data File
Name located in the Main worksheet (and hit Enter). The Crossbeam Analysis Data File must also
be open. Activate the Collect Data button. If you encounter a Subscript out of range error, you are
probably using an obsolete version of XB_Main.XLS - make sure you are using the latest version
available from the ODOT FTP Server. The crossbeam input data will be collected by XB_MAIN.XLS.
You will see a dialog box and be prompted for the section to be evaluated. When you select a
section, you may see a warning message regarding the previous critical section not being stored.
Disregard this message if you are just starting your analysis cycle. An example is shown below.
Once the investigated section is selected, XB_MAIN.XLS generates the model, performs the matrix
analysis, develops the influence line for the investigated section, and calculates the actions for the
structure dead load and wearing surface. The dead load results are placed in the Main worksheet.
The user is then placed in the Live_Load worksheet and the software is prepared to evaluate the
Single Lane Live Load Analysis. Move the vehicle(s) to maximize the desired action, or use the Auto
Place button to make the program investigate all possible live load locations. Note that no wheel
load should be positioned closer than 2 ft from the edge of the 12-ft lane. The influence line is plotted
to scale with the roadway and is a visual guide only. The actions of the vehicle location are
calculated using the matrix analysis software and not by interpolating the ordinates of the influence
After obtaining the desired results, engage the Store to Main button. This button places the results
of the analysis on the Main worksheet and activates the Multiple Lane Live Load Analysis. The same
process used in the Single Lane Live Load Analysis is used to maximize the multiple lane live load
desired action. If the Auto Place button is used, the program investigates all possible live load
locations and 2-lane combinations. The Store to Main button copies the results in the Main
worksheet and returns the user to the Main Sheet. If the results are satisfactory, engage the Print All
Sheets button to print the Main and Graphics Sheets, and the Single and Multiple Live Load
Analyses of the Live_Load Sheet. Then, engage the Store Section Results To Datafile button to
store the results in the appropriate column of the Output worksheet of the Crossbeam Analysis Data
File. Engage the Collect Data button to repeat the process to evaluate each of the remaining
investigated cross sections. After all investigated sections have been evaluated and the results
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stored in the Crossbeam Analysis Data File, return to the Data File and save it. If you havent done
so already, input the remaining information in the yellow input cells in the Data File (as described
above) to calculate the Rating Factors.
XB_MAIN.XLS consists of 6 worksheets, 1 dialog box, and 5 modules. Only three worksheets are
visible and accessible to the user: Main, Graphics, and Live_Load. The other sheets are hidden
and protected. DO NOT try to activate any macros except by using the assigned button shown on the
Main and Live_Load worksheets.
The Main worksheet is used to collect and store information between XB_MAIN.XLS and the
Crossbeam Analysis Data File. The Graphics worksheet provides a Plan and Elevation presentation
of the crossbeam and bent geometry. The Live_Load worksheet provides the tools to evaluate the
single and multiple lane liveload analyses, and influence line analysis.
The Main worksheet is used to collect and store information between XB_MAIN.XLS and the
Crossbeam Analysis Data File. The analysis results are stored in the Main worksheet for the user to
view prior to storing the information in the Data File.
The user has the capability to change the pattern or color of the cells which require input and cells
where critical results are presented. Due to the desire to have consistent meaning of color schemes
among load ratings (for example, light yellow always indicating user input), the use of the cell color
feature is discouraged. It is only provided to enhance readability for color-blind users. Input the
desired pattern number or color as shown below. Yellow (19) and Violet (24) are the numbers used
when the software is initially opened.
19 Input Color for Data Input by User, Original Color = 19.
24 Input Color for Critical Information or Results, Original Color =24.
The color options are shown below and are numbered from left to right. For example, the top right
color is 8.
The Graphics worksheet provides a Plan and Elevation representation of the crossbeam and bent
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geometry to enable the engineer to evaluate the correctness of the model. The investigated section
is shown as a small red circle. Though no consistent scale is used, the plan and elevation are
proportioned horizontally to fit in the shaded area. The column height is independent of the input
length and a constant length is always shown. The end conditions of columns are shown with a white
circle if pinned and if the column is fixed at the base, a fixed notation is shown. This sheet is
unprotected and the user may wish to re-align the text graphics boxes to improve the presentation. It
is important to check this sheet to make sure the crossbeam model the program is using is the
structure you expected it to be.
The Live_Load worksheet provides the tools to evaluate the single lane and multiple lane live load
analyses and the influence line analysis. After the user selects the investigated section, the dead
load actions and influence line ordinates are calculated. The user is placed in the Single Lane Live
Load Analysis section. A plot of the roadway and single lane vehicle is presented with the influence
line for the desired action and the investigated section.
SINGLE LANE LIVE LOAD ANALYSIS section: Check to ensure the Single Lane Live Load
Analysis is the active load case. If not, engage the Activate Single LL button. There are four ways
to move the vehicle to the desired location.
(1) Input the desired location of the first wheel line as measured from the left curb and normal to the
bridge centerline. It remains the responsibility of the user to ensure the Vehicle Wheel Line Spacing
(ft.): is set to 6 feet. The crossbeam software performs appropriate adjustments to wheel spacing to
account for skew. The adjustment of wheel spacing is intended for use with non-standard width
vehicles, such as those in special permit reviews. To update the graphics, engage the Draw button.
(2) Engage the left, , or right, hand buttons. This will move the truck left or right by the
increment specified by the user. The graphics are updated automatically.
(3) The maximum and minimum influence ordinates and the corresponding locations are given to the
left of the graphics. Two buttons, are shown where the maximum and minimum influence values
and locations are displayed. Engage either button to place the first axle at this location. The
graphics are automatically updated. These Minimum and Maximum buttons provide a good starting
point, but is often necessary to adjust the load locations by 6 ft, or by 4 ft if between lanes, to get a
different wheel at a critical location on the influence line. In these cases be sure to update the
graphics using the Draw button. For shear influence lines it is often necessary to adjust by a small
increment such as 0.01 ft to gat the most critical loading.
(4) The Auto Place button can be used to allow the program to determine the most critical live load
location. In this case, the user is given a dialog box to choose the truck movement increment and the
maximum concurrent force types to focus on. The dialog box will default to the force type that is
stipulated under the Analysis Type cell for the section under investigation. The use of smaller truck
movement increments provides greater accuracy in determining critical load placement, but also
increases calculation time.
Once the desired position and action is obtained and you are satisfied that the moment or shear
displayed in the Critical Section box is maximized, engage the Store to Main button to place the
results in the Main Sheet. The Multiple Lane Live Load Analysis is setup at this point. The Print
Page button can be used to print the Single Lane Live Load Analysis. Alternatively, use the Print All
Sheets button located in the Main worksheet to print all of the results after the analysis of the single
and multiple lane live load analyses are complete.
MULTIPLE LANE LIVE LOAD ANALYSIS section: Check to ensure the Multiple Lane Live Load
Analysis is the active load case. If not, activate the Activate Multiple LL button. The position of the
vehicle is modified in the same manner as in the Single Lane Live Load Analysis. However, for the
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multiple lane analysis, the spacing between the vehicles is also variable. If the multiple lanes
analysis is not applicable to the current crossbeam and roadway geometry, such as a single lane
roadway width, engage the NA Same as Single button to place the results from the Single Lane
Live Load Analysis into the Multiple Lane Live Load Analysis in the Main Sheet. If the vehicle
spacing is changed from 4 ft, be sure to reset it to 4 ft before analyzing the next analysis point.
The Auto Place button can be used to allow the program to determine the most critical combination
of live load location and spacing between the two lanes. The use of smaller truck movement
increments provides greater accuracy in determining critical load placement, but also increases
calculation time. This is especially true in the multiple-lane analysis case. When analyzing multiple
lane load case the Auto Place feature has a minimum Adjacent Vehicle Spacing (ft.): of 4 feet and
will automatically set the spacing to this limit. It remains the responsibility of the user to ensure the
Vehicle Wheel Line Spacing (ft.): is set to 6 feet. The crossbeam software performs appropriate
adjustments to wheel spacing to account for skew. The adjustment of wheel spacing is intended for
use with non-standard width vehicles, such as those in special permit reviews.
Once the desired position and action is obtained, engage the Store to Main button to place the
results in the Main sheet. The Main sheet will be activated at this time.
INFLUENCE LINE GENERATION section: The influence line is calculated 2 feet from each curb.
This distance may be modified by the user in this bottom section of the Live_Load Sheet. The
columns are shown in the graphics presentation if they are within the influence line.
The user may change the increment of the influence line generation by changing the IL_Increment
(ft.) in the INFLUENCE LINE GENERATION section. The smaller the increment, the more accurate
the influence line presentation; however, the time of analysis will increase to calculate the influence
ordinates. As stated previously, the influence line is simply a graphical tool, the ordinates are not
used in the analysis. Also, if a wheel line is placed outside the influence line, the results are
calculated providing the wheel line is located on the supporting crossbeam.
GRAPHICS PRESENTATION: The graphics presentation of the vehicle roadway and influence line
can be adjusted to fit your monitor. Follow the instructions presented at the right of the graphics.
Optionally you could save XB_MAIN.XLS so the graphics alignment is saved for future analysis, but
normally this file is not included in the Load Rating File Set.
Error Trapping
XB_MAIN.XLS includes some rudimentary error trapping. Most of the error trapping is evaluated
when the information is transferred from the Crossbeam Analysis Data File to XB_MAIN.XLS. The
trapping which exists in the software is listed below.
Message: File is Not Open or Incorrect Name. Check Extension.
The filename input in Main worksheet is incorrect or the desired file is not open.
Message: Critical Section location incorrect, 0 < X < Span Length. Check INPUT Sheet of Active
Data File.
An investigated section location has been requested which does not satisfy the requirements of the
Message: Girder location outside crossbeam. Check left girder offset, spacing or crossbeam
A girder location is outside the limits of the crossbeam. If a girder is placed directly over an exterior
column, this error may occur. For this case, do not enter the girder load since the loading does not
produce forces in the cross beam. Otherwise, increase the limits of the crossbeam or tighten the
spacing of the girders and review the geometry in the Graphics Sheet of XB_MAIN.XLS. Then,
adjust your model accordingly.
Message: IL Unit Load outside crossbeam. Check roadway geometry and/or extend crossbeam.
During the development of the influence line, the unit load is located outside the limits of the
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crossbeam. It may be necessary to artificially extend the crossbeam with short cantilevers to pick up
the unit load. Also, check the roadway geometry. If the crossbeam is adjusted, recognize that the
dead load will be changed. Note this in the Engineer Comments location.
Message: Hey Sparky!!, Critical Error, Check your Input.
This comment is a catch all other errors statement with a little humor. Check your input for such
errors as entering text where numeric fields are required, etc.
Excel allows notes to be attached to cells. If a cell has a note, a red triangle is placed in the upper
right hand corner. To view the notes the user simply hovers over or double clicks on the cell and the
information box will appear with the note. All of the software contains notes to help the user
understand the required information. Excel is commonly set up to allow the user to edit the contents
of the cell directly in the cell. If you double click on a cell with a note and nothing happens, you will
need to disable this option to view the notes. From Tools, select Options, and the Edit tab, and
under settings, disable Edit Directly in Cell. Also, it is possible to add notes to unprotected cells even
if the sheet is protected. Therefore, the user may edit or add notes to the cells for future use.
Excel allows the user to print sheets in a black and white mode only. This allows the user to use
multiple colors on the worksheet and not print the shading. A light yellow background has been used
for user input and a light violet background has been used for analysis results. For instance, the
Graphics sheet in the XB_MAIN.XLS shows the plan and elevation on a light violet background. This
area will appear gray when printing. To turn the shading off, activate File, Page Setup..., Sheet tab,
and check Black and White.
A simple way to print multiple sheets at one time is to activate all the worksheets and engage the print
icon. To do this, move your mouse pointer into the tab region showing the names of the worksheets
in the workbook. Hit the right button of the mouse and click on Select All Sheets from the pop-up
dialog box. Then, engage the print icon. Hit the right button again to view the dialog box and click on
Ungroup Sheets. Alternatively, the user can use the select all worksheets using the combination of
the mouse and shift key, or group sheets one at a time by using the combination of the mouse and
Ctrl key.
Review the inspection report and boring logs to determine the extent of timber deterioration. There is
a wide variation in the level of detail provided on boring reports. To supplement the boring reports,
the members condition state (Elements 216 or 235) provides additional clarification. The Bridge
Inspection Pocket Coding Guide has very specific definitions for the different condition states; using
these definitions can be very useful when dealing with incomplete or missing boring reports.
10.3.1 Timber Boring Report
Timber boring reports should provide enough information to develop a cross section with dimension
of deterioration and the range that the cross section applies. This level of detail requires the member
be drilled horizontally and then vertically to form a useful understanding of the deterioration.
Common practice is to only bore horizontally into the member. Although this will give good
information regarding the width of the decay, it will not reveal the depth of the decay. In this situation
the decay is assumed to be square, so the width of decay is the same as the height of decay. This
doesnt necessarily mean that the centroid of the decay and the centroid of the member are at the
same location. The decay should be placed vertically in the member such that the worst case is
evaluated. For negative flexure this would be at the top of the member, and for positive flexure place
the decay at the bottom of the member.
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Boring reports should also provide enough information to determine the length of the decay. It has
been noticed that sometimes only the location of the boring is provided, and no effort was made to
determine the length of the decay. In this situation assume that the decay extends to the next
reported boring.
If dimensions of the boring are not provided or no boring report at all is provided, the condition state
from the bridge inspection report will be used to estimate the section loss. The Bridge Inspection
Pocket Coding Guide (Section 10.3.2) is a useful reference for correlating the condition state to
section loss.
10.3.2 Bridge Inspection Pocket Coding Guide
The Bridge Inspection Pocket Coding Guide shows the criteria used by the bridge inspector when
determining the condition of timber pile caps and abutments. It is available online under Bridge
Inspection Manuals at http://www.oregon.gov/ODOT/HWY/BRIDGE/standards_manuals.shtml. The
condition state of a member will be reduced based on cracks, splits, checks, and decay. Cracks,
splits, and checks typically reduce the members shear capacity, while decay reduces both shear and
moment capacity.
Unless stated otherwise in the bridge inspection report, assume the condition state of a member is
based on decay; not cracks, splits, or checks. In the Pocket Coding Guide there is a correlation
between the condition state of the element and the cross sectional area. When there is insufficient
information to determine the actual amount of decay in a member, then the decay will be back
calculated based on the criteria provided in the pocket coding guide. Calculate the percent decay as
% DecayConditionState ( N ) + % DecayConditionState ( N +1)
% Decay =
Where N is the reported condition state
Assume that the % Decay is the average of the minimum decay for the condition
state reported and the minimum decay for the next higher condition state.
For example: an element coded as condition state 2. Condition state 2 has a
minimum decay of 10%. Condition state 3 has a minimum decay of 30%.
Therefore, the percent decay is assumed to be (10%+30%)/2 = 20%.
If a member is coded as condition state 1 then no reduction is necessary. If an element is listed as
condition state 4, then a detailed boring report will have to be provided before performing the load
rating. Contact the ODOT load rating unit for any additional clarification.
10.3.3 Timber_Decay.XMCD
Timber_Decay.XMCD is an Mathcad sheet that has been developed to assist with computing the
reduced reference design values for members with decay. Reduction factors for shear, positive
moment and negative moment are calculated based on the sections geometry. The reference design
values are then multiplied by these reduction factors to obtain a new adjusted design value. Once
completed, copy this sheet into the applicable crossbeam preliminary file.
Design values presented in AASHTO LRFD, for visually graded sawn lumber, includes
reductions based on the assumption that there are checks, splits, and cracks in the member. The
footnotes to NDS table 4A through 4E no longer include discussion about increasing the design shear
stress based on knowledge of the check, split or crack. Therefore, the reference design values will
not be increased based on the lack of checks, splits, and cracks in the member. A members
reference design values may be decreased due to defects if, in the Engineers judgment, the
members current condition is not adequately represented by the reference design values.
The timber cross section is broke into four rectangular areas to ease computations. Areas one
through three are the areas that are solid timber, while the fourth area is the decayed potion of the
cross section. Area one is immediately below the decay and its width equals the width of the decay.
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Area two is on the sides of the decay and extends the full height of the member. Finally area three is
the section above the decay and its width is equal to the width of the decay. If the member has
decayed from the top down then area three will have no height and therefore no area.
Gross Section:
Input the gross width, b, and gross height, d, to calculate the gross section properties. The gross
properties are calculated by XB_T.XLS and are calculated here so that these values can be factored
out of the adjusted design values.
Decay in the Member:
Input the height of section one, h 1 , the height of section three, h 3 , and the width of the decay, b rot .
Based on these inputs, the net section modulus is calculated for both positive and negative flexure.
The adjustment values for flexure are determined by dividing the net section modulus by the gross
section modulus.
The shear adjustment factor is based on the maximum horizontal shear stress. From strengths of
materials it can be recalled that the horizontal shear stress can be related to the perpendicular shear
by the following formula:
fv =
Q, I and b are calculated for the net and gross section. It is assumed that the maximum horizontal
shear occurs at the neutral axis. The neutral axis is also assumed to pass through the decayed area,
meaning that b is taken as (b b rot ). V, the perpendicular shear force is not dependent on the cross
sectional properties, so it will be the same for both the gross and net section. f vgross is divided by f vnet
to form the shear adjustment factor, v .
10.4 RC Crossbeam with Integral Back wall
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In the past ODOT directed load raters to exclude the effect of back walls when computing the
capacity of cross beams. Only the dead load of the back wall was included in the analysis. When the
cross beam is relatively small compared to the back wall, excluding the capacity of the back wall, can
significantly underestimate the total capacity. Therefore, the back wall may be included in the
capacity calculations of the cross beam if the two members are integral.
When flexure is considered, horizontal shear stresses are across the cap and back wall interface.
For the cap and the back wall to act integrally, there must be mild steel reinforcement across this
interface to resist this horizontal shear stress. Rather than calculating the horizontal shear stresses
at this interface, the reinforcement details will be examined to determine if the members are integral.
Assume that the cap and the back wall are integral, if well distributed vertical mild reinforcement
extends from the bottom of the cap to the top of the back wall. This full depth vertical reinforcement is
also necessary to keep the shear capacity calculations from becoming overly complicated.
In the Mathcad preliminary file, calculate the section properties of the member being analyzed. For a
T or L shaped member, use the parallel axis theorem when calculating the moment of inertia. When
calculating the section properties use the actual section as shown on the plans, which may not be the
same section input for capacity analysis. The difference between the two sections is in how the
ODOT crossbeam software is set up to receive cross section input.
The ODOT crossbeam software is only capable of accepting a T or rectangular cross section. If a
T section is modeled, then the flange must be the compression flange. Because of this limitation,
the reinforcement used for analysis may not reside within the cross section defined. In figure 10.4-1,
the area highlighted in red is the concrete section that will be modeled for positive flexure. Due to the
software limitations the entire cross section can not be input; however all of the reinforcement may
still be used. Only two of the bottom six number eight reinforcing bars lie within the modeled section,
however all six will be included for positive flexure analysis. Like wise the corbel may not be included
in the cross section but, for negative flexure, the longitudinal reinforcement in the corbel may be
included. See figure 10.4-2 for a section showing the cross section input for negative flexure.
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Figure 10.4-2
The ODOT cross beam analysis software assumes that the shear reinforcement extends the full
height of the section being modeled. To avoid complicating the shear capacity calculations, or
reworking the analysis software, any shear reinforcement that doesnt extend the full height of the
section shall be ignored. Reference figure 10.4-2; the cap has number five hoops at twelve inch
centers, which will not be included in the capacity analysis. The shear capacity will rely on the
number six vertical bars and the front and back face of the back wall. Although these bars do extend
the full depth of the modeled section, the front and back steel spacing is not uniform, see figure 10.4-
3. The ODOT software can not accept two different stirrup spaces for one analysis point. To work
around this limitation, calculate one equivalent stirrup spacing. Below is an example of how this has
been calculated for the back wall shown in figure 10.4-3.
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Figure 10.4-3
0.44in 2 0.44in 2 in 2
A`s = + = 0.88
18in 9in ft
In the Capacity tab of the XB.XLS file, input 0.88in for A v (Stirrup area) and 12in for the
effective stirrup spacing,
The inclusion of the back wall is meant to benefit the overall rating factors for a cross beam analysis.
If the inclusion of the back wall increases flexural capacity but decreases shear capacity, it is
permissible to use the back wall for flexural analysis and neglect it for the shear analysis. This could
happen if the vertical reinforcement in the back wall is substantially less than the stirrups in the pile
cap. Trial and error may be used when determining if the back wall should be included for capacity
calculations. Be sure to document any decisions clearly in the Mathcad preliminary file.
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Open the Excel template LR.XLTM and, after filling in the Bridge Number cell, use File / Save As to
save it in the bridge-specific Load Rating folder using the bridge-specific file name LRnnnnnn.XLSM,
where nnnnnn is the 5- or 6-digit NBI Bridge Number. The same template will be used for both State
and Local Agency Load Rating Summary sheets. LR.XLTM contains all the code necessary to run
the built-in VBA modules (no separate file is required). Using the Browse button provided to
navigate to the desired location eliminates typo errors in the path. This path will facilitate use of the
Import BRASS module.
Note: The practice of starting with a complete summary workbook from a previous bridge as a seed
file instead of beginning with a blank LR.XLTM template is discouraged. Eventually, the practice of
copying seed files from previous load ratings will result in lingering errors from old data, a summary
workbook that does not function properly, or one that does not report results consistent with current
standards. Always begin a new bridge with a fresh LR.XLTM template. With the possibility of
continuing development of the template or changes in reporting requirements, occasionally the
template will be updated on the ODOT FTP site, and users will be notified to retrieve the updated file.
Note: due to truck name changes required by the anticipated consolidation of BRASS-Girder(STD)
and BRASS-GIRDER(LRFD), a different version of LR.XLTM is required for use with BRASS-
GIRDER(LRFD) Version 2.0.0 and later. To maintain backwards compatibility with old load ratings,
both the old and new versions of LR.XLTM are stored in separate folders on the ODOT FTP server.
The Load Rating Summary Workbook is divided horizontally into the Load Rating Summary Report
(Page 1) and the Load Rating Worksheets (Pages 2 and above). The Rating Factors and section
information for each investigated section are listed in the Load Rating Worksheets with one column
allocated to each investigated section (8 sections per page). This information is summarized by
copying the most critical and second most critical sections for each rating vehicle into the Load Rating
Summary Sheet (Page 1), by clicking on the Refresh button or typing Ctrl-r.
The Load Rating Summary Report (Page 1) is divided vertically into a Bridge Header Area (top half)
and the Controlling Rating Factor Area (bottom half). The Header Area contains basic National
Bridge Inventory information and certain parameters that may have an influence on the outcome of
the Load Rating. The Controlling Rating Factor Area lists the rating vehicles and their live load
factors along the left edge and two groups of columns for the 1st and 2nd controlling members. Each
group of columns provides the Rating Factor (R.F.), Limit State, force type (+M,-M or V), combined
Resistance Factor (), member description, span and location of the investigated section. Note the
column heading refers to the combined Resistance Factor = c s.
In column 3, enter the live load factors ( L ) for each rating vehicle from LL_Factors_State.XLS or
LL_Factors_Local.XLS as applicable. For all Legal Loads L is always the same, so it should be
entered only for Legal Type 3 (row 33), and is calculated in rows 34-41.
In both the Load Rating Summary Report (Page 1) and the Load Rating Worksheets (Pages 2 and
above) of the Load Rating Summary Workbook, the rating vehicles are divided into horizontal bands
(groups of rows) for Design and Legal Loads, CTP (Continuous Trip Permit) Vehicles, and STP
(Single Trip Permit) vehicles. The bottom band of rows provides additional Rating Factors for a single
lane of STP vehicles, at less than 10 mph, as fall-back positions for unsuccessful multiple-lane STP
ratings. This is accomplished by adjusting the Rating Factor for multiple lanes by multiplying by the
ratio of live load distribution factors ( L ) and dividing out the multiple presence factor (m) that was
originally included in the live load distribution factor (gm) by default. The last row of each group of
STP vehicles is labeled SPECIAL and is reserved for evaluation of a specific super-load permit
vehicle (one that exceeds MCTD Tables 4 or 5). When evaluating a super Load, SPECIAL in cell
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
R54C2 is overwritten with a specific permit vehicle designation, ideally one that matches the truck
name that has been added to the BRASS Vehicle Library. This new designation is then echoed to
other appropriate cells.
In the Bridge Header Area (upper half) of the Load Rating Summary Report, enter all the required
bridge inventory and inspection information in the input (boxed) cells. Use the Bridge Name as
defined in the Definitions, Article 1.3.3 of this Manual.
For the Bridge Number, NBI Feature Intersected (Item 6), Bridge Name, Highway Name, Highway
Number, Milepost, District, County, Design loading, Owner, Span Description, Other Description,
Firm, Engineer, Year of ADTT, Elements 325 and 326, and NBI Status Items #41 and #103, the
information must be entered as text.
To ensure data consistency when the Summary Workbook information is imported into the Load
Rating Database, please note the following:
In the SPAN DESCR cell, show only the span description (sequential list of span lengths
and structure types from the Bridge Log).
In the FIRM QC REVIEWER(S) cell, input the name or names of the individuals who
participated in the checking process.
The ODOT QC CHECK BY cell, is reserved for ODOT personnel. Upon submission of a
load rating ODOT will perform a cursory review of the load rating. Once finishing the check
insert your name verifying that the check was performed.
In the OTHER DESCR cell, put all other descriptions that may define the structure (e.g.
sidewalk information, overlay information, deck-to-streambed distance, skew, seismic or
metric design note, etc.)
In the HIGHWAY NAME cell, for state-owned bridges use the list in this location:
In the HIGHWAY # cell, enter NBI Item 122 (found in the upper-left corner of the SI&A
In the MILEPOST cell, enter only the numeric value, without any alphabetic prefix or suffix.
In the ADT and ADTT cells, enter the total ADT and ADTT on the entire structure, i.e. the
2-way ADT for a 2-way structure and the 1-way ADT for a 1-way structure. Note - this is for
database purposes only, and is not the same as the one-direction ADTT that is used to
determine live load factors for the load rating.
Several of the input (boxed) cells are provided with drop-down boxes to limit input choices. In
the case of the DESIGN LOADING cell, note that some bridge plans will show H20 S16
loading, this is the same as HS20 loading. Also note that an HS loading is not the same as
the H loading with the same number of tons. Refer to the AASHTO Standard
Specifications for Highway Bridges (2002), Article 3.7, for the older design loadings.
Where the text begins with a number (Highway Number, Year of ADTT), ensure that Excel
treats the cell entry as text by preceding it with an apostrophe.
For State Bridges, the Highway number is 3 characters, including leading zeros if needed.
(For example, Hwy 1 is entered as 001).
Enter single dates only, in the form MM/DD/YYYY. Do not use the Excel TODAY() or NOW()
function dates should reflect when the main load rating work was performed, and should
not change whenever someone opens the file.
For State-owned bridges, in the OWNER cell enter ODOT, and in the CALCULATION
BOOK cell enter a calculation book number obtained from the Bridge Section Load Rating
Unit. For Load Ratings, always use a calculation book that is separate from the calculation
book for design calculations.
For non-state-owned bridges, to determine what to enter in the OWNER cell, use NBI item
22 (2-digit Owner Code) in conjunction with NBI Item 3 (County) or 4 (5-digit Place Code,
also known as the FIPS Code). The value of these fields are found in the Structure Inventory
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
and Appraisal Sheet (SI&A) that accompanies the Bridge Inspection Report, and a table of
FIPS Codes for Oregon can be found among the load rating references and tools. For
example, for a local agency bridge having an Item 26 of 04 (city or municipal highway agency)
and an Item 4 of 22550 (Elgin), in the OWNER cell the user would enter City of Elgin. For
a local agency bridge having an Item 22 of 02 (county highway agency) and an Item 3 of
Clackamas, in the OWNER cell the user would enter Clackamas County. Please note that
Items 3 and 4 are not to be used by themselves to determine ownership, because they describe
only location, regardless of ownership.
Use the optional "Comments" area to document any unusual decisions or features about the
Load Rating (maximum 250 characters).
The cells for Impact (1+I) and the dead load factors DC and DW are provided with their usual
default values (they can be changed if necessary). The cells for the number of sections
evaluated, and the Inventory and Operating Ratings in HS tons are calculated automatically
when information is available. The cell for NBI Item 70 is calculated according to the NBI
coding guide using LRFR Equation 6-7 (Article 6.8.3) for the recommended level of posting.
In the Controlling Rating Factor Area of column 3, enter the live load factors L for each truck,
calculated in the application file LL_Factors_State.XLS or LL_Factors_Local.XLS as applicable.
The detailed load rating results for each investigated section must be provided in the Load Rating
Worksheet (Pages 2 and above), using a separate column for each section evaluated.
The Load Rating Summary Workbook is provided with a number of VBA modules to facilitate
common tasks. The buttons provided along the bottom of Page 1 activate the following modules:
Utilities (also obtainable by typing Ctrl-u) opens a dialog box offering two different data
importing options from older Summary Workbooks. Make sure that each older Summary
Workbook is open when importing the data in the new Summary Workbook. The two import
options are as follows:
Import Header and Live Load Factors This option is used to import the Bridge
Header Area (upper half of Page 1) of the Load Rating Summary Report and the
Live Load Factors from an older version Summary Workbook.
Import All Rating Factors This option is used to import all of the Rating Factors from
an older version Summary Workbook.
Change Type of Load Rating changes the title of every page of the load rating summary
between a LRFR Load Rating to an Engineering Judgment Load Rating. Since the
procedures for rating concrete bridges without plans do not produce a LRFR load rating,
making this distinction is necessary so that load rating method is recorded correctly within the
National Bridge Inventory (NBI).
Insert Page (or Ctrl-n) adds a new blank worksheet page (8 section columns) to the right edge
of the worksheet. This action may be needed to provide space to enter Rating Factors from
sources other than BRASS.
Delete Page (or Ctrl-x) removes the rightmost worksheet page (8 section columns) from the
worksheet. This module will not remove Page 1 or 2.
Clear Last Page (or Ctrl-k) removes the data and resets the formulas on the rightmost
worksheet page. This module will only remove the data from Page 2 or above.
Change Limit State (or Ctrl-l) allows the user to select the desired limit state of the rating
factors for selected cells in Page 2 or above.
Import BRASS (or Ctrl-i). automates the transfer of Rating Factors from the Rating Factor
Summary (.RFS) File (a subset of the large BRASS Output File)
Refresh (or Ctrl-r) summarizes all Rating Factors, updating the Load Rating Summary Report
(Page 1) with the most critical and second most critical Rating Factors for each rating vehicle
Print (or Ctrl-p) Opens a dialog box for selecting the page printing options.
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From the radio buttons, select the appropriate option. Normally this would be Import BRASS
Output for ALL Vehicles. (The 2nd option is only for importing the N File Rating Factors into
existing sections, which is used for the NBI Rating of temporary shored bridges since the
design vehicles need to be analyzed while ignoring any temporary shoring. The 3rd option is
reserved for Super Load permit evaluation. The 3rd and 4th options produce different
dialogue behaviors). Make corrections to the file path name if necessary and click
Continue. The check box for Import Service II is for structural steel members, and the box
for Import Service III is for prestressed concrete members. These boxes are irrelevant for
reinforced concrete members.
A second dialog appears, titled Output file for Distribution Factors appears with another
default path in the input field. The file and path entered here is where the summary
worksheet will go to find the Distribution Factors that BRASS used. By default it is the .OUT
file with the same path and prefix as was entered previously. A check box to Import Live
Load Factors is available on this dialog box. This feature should only be used when the Live
Load Factors are defined using the FACTORS-LOAD-LL-LS commands in BRASS. Make
corrections to the output file location if necessary and click Continue. Sometimes Microsoft
Excel will report a warning message stating that This file is not a recognizable format. This
message stems from the file type being imported having the extension of .OUT and not being
associated as an Excel compatible file. Simply click the OK button to continue with the
import procedure. Distribution factors should not be entered manually in the Summary
Workbook. If there is an error in the calculation of Distribution Factors by BRASS notify
ODOT of the problem.
The Section dialog will appear for each investigated section in the Rating Factor Summary.
The purpose of this dialog is to provide the summary worksheet with appropriate section
header (column header) information for the investigated section. The first time it appears, fill
in the total number of spans for the bridge (not just the number of spans in the imported
BRASS run). Since BRASS runs often times only model a portion of the total bridge, the
import tool has a feature to adjust the BRASS spans to match the actual bridge span location.
The first span in BRASS is always 1, but on the actual bridge it may be a different span
number. Enter the actual bridge span number of the first BRASS span that is currently being
imported. The BRASS import will automatically correct the location to the correct span of
spans designation. Using the check boxes, choose the appropriate force type(s) (Positive
Moment, Negative Moment, Shear or Bearing) to be rated for this section. For continuous
steel sections, instead of selecting the positive or negative moment force types, select the
Critical Moment (Based on HL93). This will import the critical moment (negative or positive)
that is controlling for each analysis point based on the HL93 live load envelope. Fill in the
appropriate short member name, which will be "remembered in subsequent appearances of
this dialog. Examples of appropriate names would be Int. Girder, Ext. Girder, Wid.
Girder, PS Int. Girder, etc. At the bottom of the dialog, check the Steel Section box if the
section is in a structural steel member (steel requires a different programming branch).
When the information is complete, click the Select button to go to the Section dialog for
the next investigated section. Static information from the previous dialog will reappear. If the
analysis points were entered in BRASS in a consistent manner (meaning all the moment
sections together, then all the shear sections together), then the dialog boxes will appear with
the correct radio buttons and other information so that no further input is necessary (just click
Select to accept the defaults). This should speed up the process significantly. If the
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
sections were in BRASS in some other order, it will be necessary to carefully review and
change the data in the dialog for each investigated section. If you receive the message You
flopped the nuts! your BRASS import has been successful. (This is a term borrowed from
the world of poker, and reflects the idiosyncrasies of the summary sheets programmer)!
The Import BRASS module can be used consecutively to import Rating Factors from more than one
BRASS output file (for example, interior and exterior girders).
During the import process for prestressed girders, the program will lookup the Service III rating factor
that is reported for each analysis point in the BRASS output. It will then ratio out the live load factor
of 1.75 that was used for the HL-93 vehicle in BRASS and applies the correct live load factor of 0.80
that is required for Service III to compute the correct Service III Rating Factor. This is done for only
the HL-93 Design vehicle, as this is the only load that is required to have a Service III limit check for
Load Rating.
Excel use to have a maximum limit to the number of columns that can be used in a spreadsheet,
which we kept approaching as we create additional sections to analyze and additional forces and limit
states to check for each section. Therefore, to minimize the risk of exceeding the maximum column
limit in Excel, the Load Rating Summary Workbook will only report Service III Rating Factors when
they are less than or equal to 1.1. When the Service III Rating Factor is less than 1.1, a separate
column will be created for the analysis section with only the Service III Rating Factor for the HL-93
vehicle, which is shaded so that it stands out from the normal analysis sections.
During the import process for reinforced concrete and prestressed girders, the program will look up
the Longitudinal Tension Check rating factors that is reported for each analysis point in the BRASS
output. BRASS is reporting four different Longitudinal Tension Check rating factors at each point for
the following force combinations; maximum moment with concurrent shear, minimum moment with
concurrent shear, maximum shear with concurrent moment, and minimum shear with concurrent
moment. The program will evaluate all four force combinations and choose the controlling (lowest)
Longitudinal Tension Check rating factor for each truck.
Excel currently has a maximum limit to the number of columns that can be used in a spreadsheet,
which we keep approaching as we create additional sections to analyze and additional forces and
limit states to check for each section. Therefore, to minimize the risk of exceeding the maximum
column limit in Excel, the Load Rating Summary Workbook will only report the Longitudinal Tension
Check Rating Factors when they are less than or equal to 1.1. When a Longitudinal Tension Check
Rating Factor is less than 1.1 for any one of the rating vehicles, a separate column will be created for
the analysis section that is reporting the controlling Longitudinal Tension Check Rating Factors for all
of the rating vehicles.
The Refresh button tool on the front page of the Load Rating Summary sheet has been updated to
only include the Rating Factors for the Long. Reinforcement Check on page 1 of the summary sheet
when the Superstructure Condition Rating is less than 5. These Rating Factors will still be reported on
pages 2 and above. ODOT is basing this after MBE Article 6A.1.5, Application of AASHTO LRFD
Bridge Design Specifications. This section states, Where the behavior of a member under traffic is
not consistent with that predicted by the governing specifications, as evidenced by a lack of visible
signs of distress or excessive deformation , deviation from the governing specifications based on
the known behavior of the member under traffic may be used and shall be fully documented.
During the import process for steel girders, the program will lookup the Service II rating factor that is
reported for each analysis point in the BRASS output. It will then ratio out the live load factor of 1.75
that was used for the HL-93 vehicle in BRASS and applies the correct live load factor of 1.30 that is
required for Service II to compute the correct Service II Rating Factor. For the Legal vehicles, the
import process will lookup and ratio out the live load factors that BRASS used and applies the correct
live load factor of 1.30 that is required for Service II. This same process is done for the Permit
vehicles, except that the correct live load factor of 1.0 for Service II is used.
Excel use to have a maximum limit to the number of columns that can be used in a spreadsheet,
which we kept approaching as we create additional sections to analyze and additional forces and limit
states to check for each section. Therefore, to minimize the risk of exceeding the maximum column
limit in Excel, the Load Rating Summary Workbook will only report Service II Rating Factors when
they are less than or equal to 1.1. When the Service II Rating Factor is less than 1.1, a separate
column will be created for the analysis section with the Service II Rating Factors, which is shaded so
that it stands out from the normal analysis sections.
11.8 Obtaining RFs from Microsoft Excel (X-Beam and PT BOX Girders)
For crossbeam sections, cast-in-place post-tensioned box girders, or any other rating factors for
which the Import BRASS module is not applicable, it is necessary to manually complete the 6 header
cells for each column with all the information requested, beginning with the first available blank
column at the right edge of the Load Rating Summary Workbook. This information includes the name
of the applicable crossbeam Analysis Data File or other analysis output file from which Rating Factors
will be obtained. Using the Crossbeam Load Rating Software, the RF worksheet in the crossbeam-
specific Analysis Data File will present Rating Factors in the same order as the Load Rating Summary
Workbook. With both files open it is most efficient to copy contiguous blocks of column headers or
Rating Factors. Use Excels Edit / Paste Special / Values to deposit them into the first available
empty columns at the right end of the Load Rating Summary Workbook. Pasting values (not cells) is
necessary to preserve the correct (default) Limit State in the Rating Factor cells and to avoid
corruption of the spreadsheets format
If the Limit States need to be corrected, it is possible to select any block of Rating Factor cells and
use "Ctrl-L" to activate the Change Limit State module dialog box to choose the correct Limit State
associated with each LRFR Rating vehicle.
Use the Refresh button (or type Ctrl-u) to assure that the worst-case and second-worst-case Rating
Factors are brought forth and summarized on Page 1.
After the refresh, if the cell for Bridge Posting Status (Item 70): is 4 or less, change the cell for
Operational Status (Item 41): to B to document the reality that the bridge is open and posting is
recommended but not legally implemented.
Use the Print button (or type Ctrl-p) and in the Print Pages dialog, select the applicable pages to
print. For the Load Rating Summary Report, this would normally be the Load Rating Summary
Report (Page 1) and the Load Rating Worksheets (pages 2 and above). Use the Print button on the
dialog to print the workbook. Because the print area must be reset for each page to accommodate a
varying number of pages, the printing process may take a significant amount of time.
Empty columns in the summary sheet for shear points that there are no rating factors
The Service III toggle is on by default. When this is on, the import program will automatically
select both shear and positive moment rating factors for points between 0.4 to 0.6L. The rater has
to physically turn off the Service III at the beginning of the import process (which he/she should
not be doing if it is a prestress rating).
If the Service III is turned off, the import program will default to only positive moment for points
between 0.4 to 0.6L.
For non-prestressed load ratings, if the Service III is not turned off during the import process, the
program will attempt to import both shear and positive moment for the 0.4 to 0.6L points.
However, since the bridge is not prestressed, BRASS should have been coded to only check
positive moment. This results in some empty columns in the summary sheet for shear points that
there are no rating factors for. This should be something that the load rater would notice if they
quickly review the results of the imported rating factors.
We felt that it was better to leave the Service III option checked on, since the chances of raters
forgetting to turn it on and missing the additional points for prestress bridges was greater. Plus,
we felt that for non-prestress bridges, at least all of the rating factors that were analyzed would
still get imported if Service III was not turned off.
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Prepare a Load Rating Report (printed, stamped, bound and labeled calculation book) for each bridge
that is load rated. Include printouts of all pertinent supporting documents and files from the Load
Rating. Input files are required, but output files are typically not. This is for two reasons; output files
can be readily reproduced from the input file, and output files are typically very large. Print the rating
factor summary sheets one-sided. Other files may be printed two sided. Punch and assemble all
printed files into a calculation book binder in the prescribed order and page-numbered consecutively
in the upper right corner. Normally it is expected that a complete Load Rating Report can be bound in
a single Calculation Book, not to exceed 2.5 inches in thickness.
If load rating a very large structure where the bound book thickness of the report would exceed 2.5
inches thickness, split the report between 2 (or more) bound books with separate calculation book
numbers, by appending an A to the original book number and then append a B, C etc. for the
subsequent books. Continue the page numbering so that it is consecutive from one book to the next.
Provide an identical, complete Table of Contents in each book, documenting the entire set of printed
files and indicating the calculation book number as well as the page number where each printed file is
bound. Do not create the split from one book to another within a printed file. Separate the books
either before or after an entire printed file. In the Load Rating Summary Workbook, in the
CALCULATION BOOK cell provide the number of the book that contains the stamped printout of the
Summary Spreadsheet file. In the COMMENTS cell, list each of the calculation book numbers
containing the report.
Bind the calculation book with a dark blue Accopress type binder (between separate stiff covers
connected with flat binding posts that allow insertion or removal of sheets). Number each page
consecutively with a number in the upper right hand corner. Attach a label on the front cover that
includes the calculation book number (state owned bridges only), the Bridge Number, and the name
of the bridge.
On all prints of the Load Rating Summary Report (Page 1), whether part of the bound report or
separate from it, in the space provided in the upper right corner of Page 1, provide the required
Oregon P.E. stamp, signature and P.E. expiration date of the engineer in responsible charge of the
Load Rating.
For Midas, Microsoft Excel, and BRASS based analysis, bind the information printed in the Load
Rating Report (calculation book) for Bridge No. nnnnnn in the following order: (Note: not all of the
following are applicable for any given structure)
Repeat items 9 through 13 as required for each unique cast-in-place post-tensioned box girder span.
Repeat items 14 through 23 as required for each additional unique girder line.
Repeat items 24 and 25 as required for each unique crossbeam.
Repeat item 26 as required for each unique hinge or Pin and Hanger.
Please note: The XB_MAIN.XLS is not included in the Load Rating File Set. The file
LL_Factors_State.XLS (or LL_Factors_Local.XLS, as applicable) should always be included in the
Load Rating File Set, but since it is embedded in the first Preliminary File, it need not be printed and
bound separately in the calculation book, nor included in the TOC.
Attach the CD containing computer calculation files in a manila envelope attached to the inside of the
back cover of the Load Rating Report (calculation book).
The following versions of software should be used for ODOT Load Rating (refer to Article 1.5.4 for
more information):
BRASS-GIRDER (Version 7.5.0).
Mathcad Version 15 or Mathcad Prime 2.0.
Microsoft Excel 2010.
Microsoft Word 2010.
ODOT Concrete Bridge Generator (CBG) version 1.0.13
ODOT BRASS Moment Analyzer version 2.0.0
ODOT LRFR Pin and Hanger (PNH) version 2.0.0
MicroStation V8i
Midas Civil 2016
Prepare a CD containing the complete Load Rating File Set. The files that are submitted should not
be protected or encrypted in any way. Submittals should include the Load Rating File Set for each
bridge in its own bridge-numbered folder on its own CD. Do not split the files for any single bridge
among 2 CDs. Identify the Bridge Number on the top surface of the CD. Automated backup files
with *.BAK or *.$$$ extensions created by the PFE Editor or other programs should not be included in
the Load Rating File Set.
The following is an example of a Load Rating File Set for Bridge 00933, a 3-span RCDG bridge which
requires analysis of both interior and exterior girders, and has 4 bents with 2 unique crossbeams:
Non-bridge-specific tools such as Bar_Ld.XLS, RAILDL.XLS, Excel templates and the Crossbeam
Analysis Software XB_MAIN.XLS should be omitted from the Load Rating File Set.
12.3 Submittal
(a) 1 printed, bound and labeled copy of the Load Rating Report
(b) 1 CD containing the complete Load Rating File Set in a bridge-numbered folder
(c) Cover letter indicating the firm, Load Rating Engineer and contract under which the load
Rating was performed, and identifying any Rating Factors < 1.0
For local-agency-owned bridges being performed without owners involvement (the two copies
listed below are required so that ODOT retains a copy and a copy can be sent to the owner):
(a) 2 printed, bound and labeled copies of the Load Rating Report
(b) 2 CDs (one attached to each bound report) containing the complete Load Rating File Set
in a bridge-numbered folder
(c) Cover letter indicating the firm, Load Rating Engineer and contract under which the load
Rating was performed, and identifying any Rating Factors < 1.0
For local-agency-owned bridges being performed with the owners involvement (will assume
that a copy of the load rating will be given to the owner directly, thus ODOT requires only one copy is
submitted to ODOT for our records):
(a) 1 printed, bound and labeled copy of the Load Rating Report
(b) 1 CD containing the complete Load Rating File Set in a bridge-numbered folder
(c) Cover letter indicating the firm, Load Rating Engineer and contract under which the load
Rating was performed, and identifying any Rating Factors < 1.0
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
13.1 General
This section provides specific procedures to ensure competent engineering for this type of Bridge
Work. It is directed at internal activities within ODOT performed by the Load Rating Unit of the Bridge
Program Team, but is applicable to all personnel performing this type of work.
Load Ratings are performed at the direction of the Bridge Program Unit Manager, Senior Load Rating
Engineer, or may be generated when conditions change, or on the recommendation of a Bridge
Inspector according to The ODOT Bridge Inspection Manual, Section 8.3, Deficiency Documentation
and Reporting Requirements.
Engineers and technicians selected for Load Rating Engineering shall have the appropriate
coursework and experience to perform work expected in their position and the capability to backup
personnel in related positions. Training and development opportunities will be provided to improve
skills, fill gaps and enable coverage of related areas.
Engineers and technicians shall only be assigned work appropriate for their specific discipline and for
which they have sufficient capability to successfully accomplish. As a part of training and
development, less experienced engineers and technicians may be assigned work under the direct
supervision of a senior engineer or technician which is above their current capability.
13.2 Procedures
LRFR procedures are documented in the comprehensive ODOT LRFR Manual. For structure types
that are not covered in the ODOT LRFR Manual, it is expected that the methodology and workflow be
as consistent as possible with the other structure types already covered in the manual. All load
ratings in LRFR follow the same Load and Resistance Factor philosophy, and are performed on
various sets of vehicles:
(1) a specified set of Design Loads, used only for reporting to the National Bridge Inventory (NBI),
not for load restriction recommendations
(2) the 3 Oregon Legal Loads as defined in the Oregon Revised Statutes, for potential load posting
(3) a set of 4 Specialized Hauling Vehicles (SHVs), short but heavy legal vehicles that have more
serious load effects than the standard Legal Loads, for potential load posting recommendations.
(4) a set of 3 LRFR CTP vehicles representative of the Continuous Trip Permits issued for
generally unrestricted travel (with a few exceptions) by ODOTs Motor Carrier Transportation
Division (MCTD), for potential load restriction recommendations.
(5) a set of 7 LRFR STP vehicles representative of the Single Trip Permits issued for specific routes
by MCTD, for potential load restriction recommendations
13.3 Qualifications
LRFR Load Ratings must be stamped by an Oregon Registered Professional Engineer who has
performed the Load Rating or is in responsible charge of the work.
LRFR Load Rating Reports are standardized as described in ODOT LRFR Manual. These reports,
procedures and the software on which they are based, are standardized for efficiency and
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
repeatability. Due to the consistency of the report format, any engineer familiar with ODOT LRFR
procedures should be able to pick up any prior load rating and follow the sequence of calculations
and update it for new conditions quickly and efficiently.
Quality Control shall consist of an examination of the Load Rating Summary Sheet for each LRFR
load rating, using the LRFR QC Checklist. Each of the considerations on the checklist must be
judged acceptable before uploading the results into the LRFR Load Rating Database:
All completed LRFR Load Ratings should be checked according to these criteria:
(1) Adequate header information (bridge number, name, span description etc. to identify the bridge
in the database.
(2) Check that Live Load Factors, Impact Factors and Resistance Factors are reasonable and
consistent with the LRFR Specifications and ODOT-specific live load calibration, and the bridge
conditions in the Bridge Inspection Report.
(3) Check to see if the Rating Factors are consistent with the NBI condition ratings from the Bridge
Inspection Report.
If any of these criteria are not met, the Load Rating should be given an independent LRFR Quality
Assurance Review, as defined in the next section.
Quality Assurance review should consist of an examination of LRFR Load Rating Reports that fail the
Quality Control Review. The QA review should be made by an independent Load Rating Engineer
according to the LRFR QA Checklist:
Quality Assurance review should consist of an examination of LRFR Load Rating Reports by an
independent Load Rating Engineer according to the following checklist:
(1) Physical requirements of the Load Rating Report submittal (binding, page numbering, file media,
tabs, P.E. stamp, signature & expiration date)
(3) Inclusions of the Load Rating Report (Inspection Report, SI & A Sheet, As-built Plans)
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
When a Load Rating has been completed and Rating Factors for one or more of the standard legal
vehicles (other than Design Loads) or Specialized Hauling Vehicles (SHV) are determined to be less
than 1.0, the Load Rating Engineer must begin the ODOT Undercapacity Bridge Resolution Process.
There are two governing procedures for load restrictions on ODOT owned bridges, one from a Bridge
Section perspective, and one from an ODOT-wide perspective. These procedures overlap
somewhat, and both must be followed.
(1) From a Bridge Section perspective, the bridge Load Restriction process is outlined in a flowchart
called the ODOT Undercapacity Bridge Resolution Process. The flowchart is included in
manual. This process consists of Part 1 (first two pages of the flowchart), which covers the
decisions and potential steps in the Load Rating process that precedes the determination that
the bridge is undercapacity, and Part 2 (last two pages of the flowchart) which deals with all the
decisions and options available to ODOT, and the 90 day timeline to resolve undercapacity
bridges, once the bridge has been determined to be undercapacity.
(2) From an ODOT-wide perspective, the bridge load restriction process is contained in ODOT
Policy Document PMT_06-01, Size and Weight Restrictions on State Highways. A copy of the
policy is included in APPENDIX B ODOT POLICY PMT 06-01 of this manual. This document
describes the process of stakeholder involvement and details all the required handoffs and
meetings with various parties both within and outside of ODOT.
For local-agency-owned bridges, once a load rating that shows that the rating factors are less than
1.0 for the standard legal vehicles or SHVs has been reviewed and accepted by ODOT, the 90 day
clock begins to have the bridge posted for load, repaired/strengthened, or temporarily shored. ODOT
will begin by sending the bridge owner a posting recommendation letter that describes the deficient
load capacity, along with which bridge elements/members control the load rating, and the
recommended load posting. The posting recommendation letter will often give a load posting deadline
that is just shy of the full six months so that ODOT has time to follow up with the owner to ensure that
the bridge is actually posted or repaired before the six month due date has passed.
14.2 Qualifications
A Bridge Restriction Recommendation Letter must be stamped by the Oregon State Bridge Engineer,
an Oregon Registered Professional Engineer. This letter is normally prepared by the Load Rating
Engineer who performed the Load Rating (if load rated by ODOT) or conducted the review of the
Load Rating (if load rated by a consultant) of the undercapacity bridge.
14.3 Review
Due to the politically sensitive nature of bridge load restrictions, the following reviews are required.
(1) The State Bridge Engineer reviews all proposed bridge restrictions before signing and stamping
the Bridge Restriction Recommendation Letter.
(2) An independent Load Rating Engineer reviews of the Bridge Restriction Recommendation Letter
produced by the Load Rating Engineer of the undercapacity bridge.
To avoid unforeseen problems in restriction Response Team Meetings, before the Bridge Restriction
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
(1) Load Rating of the undercapacity bridge should be reviewed independently by another Load
Rating Engineer.
(3) The collected peripheral data should be reviewed by another Load Rating Engineer for
a. credibility of inspection data
b. current inspection monitoring frequency
c. current instrumentation and crack mapping
d. plans for repair or replacement in OTIA, STIP or MBM programs
e. ADTT and level of STP permits issued
f. suitability of alternative routes
g. restrictions on alternate routes
h. nearby restrictions on the route in question
i. nearby construction work
j. history of restrictions in the area
k. feasibility of repair options, both temporary and permanent
The Bridge Program Unit, Load Rating Team tracks all restriction letters to assure that the
recommended posting and/or repair is accomplished in a timely manner in accordance with the 90
day limit to have the deficiency addressed as required by FHWA.
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
time frame
yes no
Are RFs < 1.0? LEGEND
ACWS = Asphalt Concrete
Wearing Surface
In-depth review of factors, Cursory review of factors,
CTP = Continuous Trip Permit
assumptions, & input assumptions, & input
LOS = Level of Service
MCTD = Motor Carrier
Transportation Division
NBI = National Bridge Inventory
Correct any errors and revise load rating NRE = Non-redundant Element
RFs = Rating Factors
STIP = Statewide Transportation
no Improvement Plan
Are RFs < 1.0?
Is it applicable?
Are RFs < 1.0?
2 3 4
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2 3 4
Is it feasible?
yes no
Are RFs < 1.0?
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
5 6
Can the
Monitor bridge. Maximum contract be
duration shall be 4 years let before the no Construct repairs
(based on STIP cycle).
Monitoring will continue
until traffic is removed from
the structure. yes
no Does
repair/shoring yes
remove all
Have monitor Has a STIP yes restrictions?
thresholds project been
been met? identified? Remove restriction,
no adjust load rating,
yes and update NBI data
Construct new bridge
Do conditions
warrant no
Implement restriction
remedial (and install signs if
Remove restriction and
action? below CTP level)
update NBI data
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Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015
Oregon Department of Transportation, updated 11/23/2015