Geochemistry of Metamorphic Rock - Farhan Farid R

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1. Pelitic. These rocks are derivatives of aluminous sedimentary rocks like shales and
mudrocks. Because of their high concentrations of alumina they are recognized by an
abundance of aluminous minerals, like clay minerals, micas, kyanite, sillimanite,
andalusite, and garnet.
Quartzo-Feldspathic. Rocks that originally contained mostly quartz and feldspar like
granitic rocks and arkosic sandstones will also contain an abundance of quartz and
feldspar as metamorphic rocks, since these minerals are stable over a wide range of
temperature and pressure. Those that exhibit mostly quartz and feldspar with only
minor amounts of aluminous minerals are termed quartzo-feldspathic.
Calcareous. Calcareous rocks are calcium rich. They are usually derivatives of
carbonate rocks, although they contain other minerals that result from reaction of the
carbonates with associated siliceous detrital minerals that were present in the rock.
At low grades of metamorphism calcareous rocks are recognized by their abundance
of carbonate minerals like calcite and dolomite. With increasing grade of
metamorphism these are replaced by minerals like brucite, phlogopite (Mg-rich
biotite), chlorite, and tremolite. At even higher grades anhydrous minerals like
diopside, forsterite, wollastonite, grossularite, and calcic plagioclase.
Basic. Just like in igneous rocks, the general term basic refers to low silica content.
Basic metamorphic rocks are generally derivatives of basic igneous rocks like basalts
and gabbros. They have an abundance of Fe-Mg minerals like biotite, chlorite, and
hornblende, as well as calcic minerals like plagioclase and epidote.
Magnesian. Rocks that are rich in Mg with relatively less Fe, are termed magnesian.
Such rocks would contain Mg-rich minerals like serpentine, brucite, talc, dolomite, and
tremolite. In general, such rocks usually have an ultrabasic protolith, like peridotite,
dunite, or pyroxenite.
2. Perbedaan antara kontak dan regional pada batuan metamorfik adalah; untuk kontak
metamorfik agen yang bekerja paling dominan adalah suhu, hanya terjadi di zona
intrusi; sementara untuk regional metamorfik agen suhu dan tekanan sama-sama
dominan, lingkup areanya jauh lebih luas.
3. Metasomatism: is a metamorphic process by which the chemical composition of a rock or rock
portion is altered in a pervasive manner and which involves the introduction and/or removal
of chemical components as a result of the interaction of the rock with aqueous fluids
(solutions). During metasomatism the rock remains in a solid state. Metasomatic rocks, in
general, have a granofelsic or granoblastic structure. They may be coarse- or fine-grained and
may sometimes exhibit banding which may be rhythmic. They may demonstrably overprint
earlier structures. Metasomatism is separated from other endogenic processes by the
following features (Zharikov et al., 1998): 1. From the ion-by-ion replacement in minerals (e.g.
zeolites) by mechanisms in which the dissolution of minerals occurs synchronously with the
precipitation of new minerals thus maintaining a constant volume and conforming with
Lindgrens (1925) rule of constant volume during metasomatism. A good example of
metasomatism is the pseudomorphic replacement of a mineral crystal by another mineral (or
by a mixtures of other minerals) with preservation of the former shape and volume. 2. From
the group of processes including the infilling of cavities or cracks, magma crystallisation, and
magma-rock interactions, by the preservation of rocks in the solid state during replacement
(the volume of solution filling pores is negligible in comparison with the total rock volume).
The crystallisation of melts follows the eutectic law. However the main trend of metasomatic
replacement, that is with a decreasing number of mineral phases from the outermost zone to
the solution conduit is incompatible with the eutectic law. The chemical and mineral
composition of magmatic rocks are uniform throughout the greater part of a magmatic body
in contrast to the zonation pattern of metasomatic rocks. Magmatic rocks particularly residual
melts are typically polymineralic in contrast to metasomatic rocks thus terms like metasomatic
granites are incorrect according to metasomatic theory. 3. From isochemical metamorphism
by substantial changes in the chemical composition by either the addition or subtraction of
major elements other than H2O and CO2. Changes in the water and/or carbon dioxide
concentrations are allowed in isochemical metamorphism, thus hydration/dehydration or
carbonation/decarbonation reactions are not specific to metasomatism and terms such as
carbonate metasomatism or hydrometasomatism are undesirable. Only H2O and CO2 are
perfectly mobile (in a thermodynamic sense) during metamorphic processes, whereas during
metasomatic reactions other rock- or ore-forming components may become perfectly mobile.
The number of coexisting minerals in metasomatic zones is usually less than in a replaced rock
unless the former rock was monomineralic. 4. From magmatism and metamorphism by the
formation of a regular set of zones. These zones form a characteristic pattern (metasomatic
column) across the metasomatic body. The zonal pattern represents chemical equilibration
between two rocks or between a rock and a filtrating fluid (solution). In the case of diffusional
metasomatism mineral changes across the zones are transitional whereas in the case of
infiltrational metasomatism changes across zones occur in steps. The number of metasomatic
zones in the column depends on the physicochemical conditions of the interacting media. In
the simplest cases it can be represented by a single zone. All zones in a metasomatic column
are generated and grown contemporaneously, increasing their thickness along the direction
of mass transport.


Geochemistry of Metamorphic Rocks-2017.pdf

Diakses pada 15 Mei 2017, pukul 11.23 WIB

Diakses pada 15 Mei 2017, pukul 11.40 WIB

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