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DRUG METABOLISM AND DISPOSITION Drug Metab Dispos 41:256262, February 2013
Copyright 2013 by The American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
Introduction Mattison, 2011). Although it is not surprising that the pregnant state
Since the time of the thalidomide tragedy in the late 1950s, and cannot be represented simply by scalable changes in basic pharmaco-
before, there has been a strong reluctance to evaluate the disposition kinetic parameters (e.g., distribution volume and clearance) that take
and pharmacological response to drugs in pregnant women. Concerns into account altered physiology, only recently has the research
for the safety of the developing fetus and the mother were behind this community begun to illuminate some of the profound changes in the
de facto policy, resulting, over time, in a dearth of detailed knowledge biochemistry of drug metabolism and transport that occur during
and pronounced uncertainty about the pharmacokinetic (PK) and pregnancy. These studies demonstrate the fallacy of many prior
pharmacodynamic (PD) behavior of drugs in the pregnant woman. assumptions, and the need for expanded research efforts to ensure that
In the absence of evidence, clinicians have been left to treat their the pregnant woman is treated optimally when therapeutic intervention
pregnant patients empirically and take what guidance they can from is required. Importantly, as discussed later, there is also emerging
treatment recommendations for the nonpregnant woman and a basic evidence for modifications in gene regulation that lead to enhanced
understanding of physiologic and biochemical changes that occur and suppressed enzyme/transporter expression and catalytic function.
during pregnancy. In the United States, at least 64% of pregnant women take one or
Pregnancy is associated with many physiologic changes that can more drugs during their pregnancy that are not a vitamin or dietary
influence drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion, supplement, and approximately two-thirds of those drugs will never
such as an increase in gastric pH and reduction in intestinal motility, have been formally tested in pregnant women (Glover et al., 2003;
increased cardiac output, increased glomerular filtration rate, and re- Andrade et al., 2004). Information on drug disposition in pregnant
duced plasma albumin concentrations (Anderson, 2005; Feghali and women is essential for making rational, evidence-based decisions
about drug selection, what dose to use, how frequently to administer
This study was supported in part by the National Institutes of Health [Grant U10 the dose, and what level of monitoring is needed to ensure drug safety
HD047892]. and efficacy. A pregnant woman is no less likely to need treatment of
dx.doi.org/10.1124/dmd.112.050245. disease or emergency care than any other woman her age, particularly
ABBREVIATIONS: EM, extensive metabolizer; FDA, Food and Drug Administration; DMET, drug metabolism and transport; OCT, organic cation
transporter; P-gp, P-glycoprotein; P450, cytochrome P450; PBPK, physiologically based pharmacokinetic; PD, pharmacodynamic; PK,
pharmacokinetic; UGT, UDP glucuronosyltransferase.
Pregnancy-Mediated Changes in Drug Disposition 257
when the untreated chronic (epilepsy, immune disorders, organ Another recently described example of altered drug pharmacokinet-
transplantation, psychiatric disorders, human immunodeficiency virus ics during pregnancy involves the immunosuppressant drug tacrolimus
infection) or acute (influenza, cancer) conditions can cause real harm (Zheng et al., 2012). In this case, the mean oral clearance of tacrolimus
to her and possibly the fetus (Little et al., 2009). Moreover, there are was found to be 39% higher during mid- and late pregnancy, com-
serious medical conditions that often emerge as a consequence of pared with postpartum, which could result in suboptimal blood levels
pregnancy, such as gestational diabetes, hypertension, and pre- without dose adjustment. Interestingly, the tacrolimus free fraction in
eclampsia that compel some form of therapeutic intervention, but still blood increased by 91% in the same patients as a consequence of
lack basic information about drug disposition and response to declining hematocrit and albumin concentrations, which, when accom-
optimally guide treatment decisions in the patient. panied by a 45% increase in tacrolimus dose to maintain total blood
A case in point involves the treatment of gestational diabetes. This concentrations, resulted in a doubling of the unbound drug concen-
is a condition that evolves during pregnancy for reasons that are not trations. Although it is unclear how patient therapy with tacrolimus
completely understood and, if left untreated, is clearly associated with should be managed during pregnancy (monitor the unbound or total
an increased risk of morbidity for the mother and newborn child drug concentrations), the marked changes that occur are sobering and
(Reece and Moore, 2012; Wendland et al., 2012). Until recently, illustrative of how physiologic and biochemical changes that occur
insulin was the only accepted treatment modality because of as- during pregnancy might profoundly affect drug disposition and
surances that the drug would not cross the placenta and directly expose response.
the fetus to its biologic actions, despite the fact that oral hypogly-
cemics would likely be superior in the management of the condition
(PBPK) modeling (Abduljalil et al., 2012; Gaohua et al., 2012; Ke Thus, the validity of the proguanil-to-cycloguanil ratio as a CYP2C19-
et al., 2012). PBPK modeling allows incorporation of physiologic specific marker is not clear, even though the increase in the parent-to-
changes together with changes in multiple enzymes into a model that metabolite ratio at a single time point was 3-fold between nonpregnant
is fitted to best describe the disposition of well characterized drugs. EMs and poor metabolizers. Interestingly, in vitro, cycloguanil for-
When data from multiple substrates are available, PBPK models can mation was inhibited by troleandomycin (CYP3A4 inhibitor) and
be used to globally validate the presumed changes in specific enzyme furafylline (CYP1A2 inhibitor) (Coller et al., 1999), suggesting that
activity. This has been done, for example, to model the increase in changes in these enzymes as well as in cycloguanil elimination during
CYP3A4 activity during pregnancy (Ke et al., 2012), and the results pregnancy may confound the use of the proguanil-to-cycloguanil ratio
have profound implications to the dosage determination and efficacy as a reliable CYP2C19 biomarker. Together, these analyses suggest
of many CYP3A4 substrates during pregnancy, including many of the that a more complete characterization of the extent of gestational
human immunodeficiency virus protease inhibitors (Roustit et al., agedependent changes in CYP2C enzyme activities is needed.
2008). Thus, prior PBPK modeling may enhance the safety of probe The apparent change in CYP2D6 activity during pregnancy is of
studies and improve the interpretation of the resulting PK and PD special interest, considering the number of drugs that are CYP2D6
findings. substrates and the lack of induction of CYP2D6 by xenobiotics. A
Despite the considerable challenges in conducting mechanistically relatively early study with metoprolol, a well accepted CYP2D6
driven pharmacokinetic investigations in pregnant women, an in- probe, included five pregnant women who were not genotyped for
creasing number of studies have been conducted to characterize CYP2D6. The results of the study showed that oral clearance of the
cytochrome P450 (P450), transporter, and UDP glucuronosyltransfer- drug was increased approximately 4- to 6-fold (systemic clearance was
Summary of changes in P450 probe and sensitive marker drug disposition and in disposition of UGT markers at different stages of pregnancy
Summary of changes in transporter probe and sensitive marker drug disposition at different stages of pregnancy
OCT, organic cation transporter; OAT, organic anion transporter; P-gp, P-glycoprotein.
While glyburide is listed as an in vivo substrate of OATP1B1, it is cleared by CYP3A4 and CYP2C9 and is a substrate of BCRP (breast cancer resistance protein). Hence, it is not possible to
determine which enzyme is responsible for the increased clearance of glyburide during pregnancy in vivo.
The secretion clearance of metformin was significantly increased during the third trimester, although oral clearance was not significantly increased.
260 Isoherranen and Thummel
disposition, and it was used extensively to evaluate both fetal exposure phenomenon of interest in humans. Although the data presented
to drugs and teratogens, and the disposition of xenobiotics during collectively provide a foundation for the mouse model as a system to
pregnancy. However, recent studies have shown that rodents, evaluate pregnancy-mediated changes in drug disposition, it is clear that
especially mice, can be a valuable model to investigate changes in we are still far from understanding the detailed mechanisms of how drug-
drug disposition during pregnancy and mechanisms of P450 regulation metabolizing and transport activities are altered during pregnancy. An
by hormones (Zhang et al., 2008), although as pointed out below there interesting aspect of the mouse data is that, for transporters that are
are clear limitations. In this issue of Drug Metabolism and expressed in multiple tissues such as the placenta, maternal kidney, and
Disposition, several investigators provide a characterization of how the liver and fetal tissues, the regulation of these enzymes during
specific drug-metabolizing enzymes and drug transporters are altered pregnancy appears to be tissue-specific. To gain an understanding of
in the pregnant mouse model. For example, Cyp2d expression and tissue-specific regulation, novel tools clearly need to be developed to
dextromethorphan metabolism were increased in mouse liver, and the allow extrapolation of mechanistic findings to specific tissues in vivo.
observed change was in agreement with the changes in dextro-
methorphan metabolism during human pregnancy (Topletz et al.,
2013). The specific increase in Cyp2d40 and Cyp26a1 mRNA Mechanistic Studies Using In Vitro Systems to Evaluate
(Topletz et al., 2013) was also in qualitative agreement with the Regulation of Drug-Metabolizing Enzymes and Transporters
detected increase in these transcripts in the microarray study reported during Pregnancy
in this issue (Shuster et al., 2013). Some differences in individual Potentially the most challenging aspect of studying drug disposition
Cyp2d mRNA expression were, however, observed between the two during pregnancy relates to establishing a clear link between reg-