July-August Prairie Falcon Northern Flint Hills Audubon Society
July-August Prairie Falcon Northern Flint Hills Audubon Society
July-August Prairie Falcon Northern Flint Hills Audubon Society
e have access to health foods, herbal medicines, that eat flea larvae.
and natural products-why shouldnt our pets? Accessories for pet care havent been ignored. One
Supplying healthier alternatives for pets is a company recycles soda bottle caps to make food bowls.
growing industry; sales in 1996 reached $65 million. Recycled cardboard is used to make a pet carrier and a cat
The first step in natural pet care is better food. Most scratching post. Organic bedding can eliminate common
commercial foods contain mainly grain wastes skin problems in pets. Hemp is used for collars,
and meat by-products. This term is a leashes, bones, and other toys. Its much safer
euphemism for the remains of animal that nylon threading, because it breaks down
carcasses after theyre processed for human and is digested if the animal swallows it.
food and include very unappetizing items. Homeopathic medicines are available for many
They can increase the chances of cancer ailments, from arthritis to ear infections.
and other diseases in pets that eat them. Free catalogs of natural pet products can be
Several companies are marketing organic ordered from the following toll-free numbers:
foods with and without meat, and you Pet Sage (800) PET-HLTH, Whiskers (800)
can make your own by mixing chunks of WHIISKERS, and Wow-Bow (800) 326-0230.
raw meat (but not ground) with vegetables Source: E. The Environmental Magazine. IX(3).
and whole grains. Fish can be included but 1998.
should be cooked to destroy parasites. SAVING TIGERS
Litter also can be improved. Clay litters contain
crystalline silica that produces dangerous dust. It can be In the Chinese calender, 1998 is the Year of the Tiger. Its
breathed in by cats and humans and can cause lung an appropriate time to renew efforts to save this endangered
disease. Clumpable clay litters pose another threat to animal. The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) has initiated a
cats. If they are ingested, they can expand in the intestines fund-raising program and action plan to tackle such
and cause dehydration and blockages. They should not problems as poaching, illegal trade, and destruction of
be used for kittens. Better alternatives include habitat. Poaching has intensified with the increasing
wheat-based litter that is scoopable and biodegradable, demand for tiger bone products, ironically, for use in
odor-absorbing pellets made from recycled pine lumber Chinese medicine.
waste, and litters made from recycled newspaper and Investigators have found that more than half of the retail
wood pulp. stores in Chinatown districts in major US cities are selling
Most pets need flea control sometime during their products made from endangered species, especially tiger
lives. However, standard products are toxic and can and rhinoceros. As many as 150,000 medicines containing
contain such nasty ingredients as dichlorvos, diazinon, materials from these species may be sold each year in the
methyl bromide, and benzene. The Cancer Prevention US. Obviously, illegal trade of tiger products is an
Coalition has issued a warning against several flea international problem.
collars. Users of flea products are at risk of neurological The WWF is trying to close down US markets by
damage and leukemia, and pets are exposed not only working with communities to decrease consumer demand
during application but after, when they inhale fumes and seeking tougher law enforcement, better technology
from a collar or lick sprays on their fur. One safer choice to identify illegal products, and new federal laws to
in a flea comb. Herbal shampoos, sprays, and collars prevent sale of products made from endangered species.
also are available that contain oils such as citronella, Source: Focus 20(2). 1998.
eucalyptus, and pennyroyal. A dietary supplement of
Eileen Schofield Barkley
garlic and brewers yeast produces body odors that repel
The Prairie Falcon - 2
September 26th & 27th (Sat and/or Sun) - Friends of
the Kaw - 4th Annual -Day-Float trip - Kansas River -
Lawrence Area. For Details & Registration Forms, call
Mollie Mangerich at (785) 841-8655 or P.O. Box
1612, Lawrence, KS 66044. Rental boats will be
available with advance registration. Also see the 1998
KCA Trips Page on the KANSAS PADDLER Home
Page at the URL
boats will be available with advance registration. Also lack nightshade (Solanum
see the 1998 KCA Trips Page on the KANSAS ptycanthum) of the Night
PADDLER Home Page (address above) shade Family (Solan-
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ aceae) blooms in mid to late
summer. Its an erect or droop-
For additional information, please contact: ing, branched, perennial herb
T.J. Hittle / P.O. Box 83 / Manhattan, KS. 66505-0083 that grows to about 2 feet in
voice: (785) 539-7772 fax: (785) 539-6050 height. Leaves are alternate,
T.J. Hittle egg-shaped, and pale green with
lobed or toothed margins. The
PLANNING FOR NEW MANHATTAN PARK small flowers are borne on stalks
in drooping clusters of 2 to 10;
e need your ideas to help plan the Northeast
each one is star-shaped with 5
Community Park. As part of the information-
fused, white petals and a group of yellow stamens in the
gathering process, we will hold a planning party
center. Fruits are round, dark purple to black berries.
for the Prairie Restoration and Arboretum sections of this
newly approved Manhattan park. The planning meeting This plant grows along roadsides and in open woods,
will be held on Saturday, August 1, at 3 PM at Leann fields, and gardens.
Harrells house. A potluck dinner will follow (meat/soy Previously used names for black nightshade are S.
and drinks will be provided). Please call Wayne Corn americanum and S. nigrum. Its considered a weed and,
(776-6253) for details and directions. like many members of Nightshade Family, it contains
toxic alkaloids. Ingesting the leaves and unripe berries
can cause headache, stomachache, vomiting, and more
severe symptoms. The completely ripe berries are
supposed to be edible if boiled in jam or pie filling. The
heat destroys the small amount of solanine that they
contain. However, cultivated relatives with guaranteed
edible fruits are available, if you really want to try
cooking with nightshades.
Eileen Schofield Barkley
The Prairie Falcon - 3
he PRAIRIE FALCON will soon have a different look, as ast month you heard about the conflicts in Barton
two of our long-time contributors will soon be riding County KS, revolving around citizen opposition to
off into the sunset (or sunrise, actually). In the winter corporate piggeries. You might recall that Cheyenne
of 1998/99 Eileen Schofield Barkley will be leaving Bottoms, as well as the water supply for people living in
town to join her husband Ted as he retires and then takes western and centeral KS, are threatened by a mega-hog
up new responsibilities in Texas. Eileen has written the processing plant (and associated hog-raising facilities).
Environmental Notes column for many years, and also An organized citizens group (Protect Our Water and
contributes the informative Plant of the Month columns Environmental Resources, or POWER) has formed in
in those months when plants are actually blooming in Great Bend. The group is comprised of concerned
Kansas. As an editor, I appreciate her diligence and her citizens, who care about protecting their environment
ability to meet a deadline; she will be sorely missed! and their quality of life.
And this month also marks the retirement of the Acerbic Immediate concerns include local elections. Seven
and Anonymous Answer Person, who has contributed candidates have filed for Barton Co. Commissioner.
answers for the Burning Birding Questions for many P.O.W.E.R. is supporting Frank McKinney, a family
years, at least during those months in which someone farmer and former Barton Co. Community College
sent in a question. Although many people have accused Trustee. In another example of the ability of economic
me (!) of being the AAP, and although I have not tried too development interests to subvert the democratic process,
hard to dissuade them, the real AAP prefers to remain one of the winning write-in candidates for the Great Bend
anonymous even in retirement, and I will respect those City Commission has already resigned, citing harassment,
wishes. The AAPs straight-shooting answers often at both his and his wifes place of employment, by pro-
perplexed and even outraged the questioners, but you pig citizens.
have to admit, they usually made you see the world in a Donations are welcome to help support these causes,
slightly different light once you got past your dismay. But back candidates and pay legal fees. They may be sent to:
no more. As questions have dwindled (in quantity, if not P.O.W.E.R.
quality), and as retirement approaches, the AAP has
shelved the acid-dipped pen and the well-thumbed copy P.O. Box 623
of The Life of St. Francis. Personally, I know that I will Great Bend, KS 67530
miss these columns, and I know that I am not alone.
So the 27th year of the PRAIRIE FALCON will be marked
by these departures. Hopefully it will also be marked by
the uncovering of other writing talents among our
members. If you have a hankering to see your name in
print, and can write a monthly, bimonthly, or even just
plain irregular column that is relevant to the goals of the
NFHAS, Id like to hear from you (phone # on back page,
email [email protected]). Dont be shy, and dont be
discouraged; please think of it as a chance to carve your
own special niche in the world. Columns on gardening,
birding, cooking, environmental concerns, butterflies,
astronomy, weather, or anything else you might be
interested in would be welcomed. Please let me hear
from you, so that the PRAIRIE FALCON continues to evolve,
and so that all of our members can benefit from the
expertise and talents of each other.