HEMT Application PDF
HEMT Application PDF
HEMT Application PDF
Optimisation of GaN
HEMTs and Amplifiers for
Radar Applications
Francesco Fornetti
A dissertation submitted to the University of Bristol in accordance with the requirements for award
of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Faculty of Engineering
December 2010
New bandgap semiconductor materials, such as Gallium Nitride (GaN), promise to
revolutionise the world of microwave power amplifiers by providing high power density, linear
operation and robustness up to Ka-band frequencies (35GHz). Applications which require very high
RF powers still utilise vacuum tube devices, thus a breakthrough in semiconductor technology is long
overdue. Nevertheless, despite the great potential of these new technologies, they still suffer from
physical and fabrication issues which may prevent devices fabricated on GaN and other III-V alloys
from achieving the performance and reliability levels required. In addition, some of these issues,
such as trapping effects, may be exacerbated when the devices are operated in pulsed mode as is
done in Radar systems. A number of studies have investigated both commercial and prototype GaN
devices in Continuous Wave (CW) mode. This thesis addresses the suitability of such devices to
pulsed applications and provides corrective experimental characterisation and recommendations.
In this thesis, a thorough analysis of physics, technology and research status of GaN High
Electron Mobility Transistors (HEMTs) is first presented. Amplifiers built around GaN HEMTs supplied
by leading device manufacturers Cree and Nitronex are subsequently subjected to extensive
investigations both in the frequency and time domain. Such tests aim at verifying the presence of
possible trapping effects and their effect on the performance of pulsed GaN amplifiers. New
measures, as Spectral Asymmetry and spectrum-derived Pulse Width Variation, are also introduced
which may be useful performance indicators for pulsed amplifiers and be of aid to device
manufacturers and circuit designers. In addition, device level tests are also carried out on both Cree
and Nitronex devices which investigate the presence of the trapping effects, and their influence on
the operation of pulsed amplifiers, though a dedicated pulsed I-V characterisation.
From the rigorous studies conducted, it was found that significant trapping effects are
present in commercially available devices and, more importantly, that they have much longer time
constants (10s and 100s of seconds) than are encountered in other technologies such as GaAs (ms).
An appropriate characterisation setup is therefore required, at device level, in order to obtain
meaningful I-V characteristics. Operational parameters such as pulse repetition frequency and duty
cycle were also found to affect the I-V characteristic of the devices and should therefore be taken
into account when designing pulsed amplifiers.
It was also observed that the performance of pulsed amplifiers based on Cree devices did
not appear to be greatly affected by trapping effects across a wide range of Pulse Repetition
Frequencies (PRFs) and power levels. This demonstrates that such GaN devices may be suitable for
Radar applications. Nevertheless, when the amplifiers were pushed to higher drive levels, a
considerable increase in fall time was observed which was chiefly due to third order non-linearites
and could be modelled by means of third order polynomials. In addition, the new performance
measures introduced were found to be very useful in the selection of appropriate bias points for the
transistor. An appropriate choice of bias was found to considerably improve the performance of a
pulsed amplifier in terms of pulse symmetry, spectral symmetry and efficiency. The automated test
rig devised by the author will also be suited to the characterisation of higher frequency amplifiers
which have recently become available.
First and foremost I would like to thank Prof Mark Beach for offering this wonderful opportunity to
me, establishing the liaisons with MBDA and procuring the funding for my Ph.D. I would also like to
thank him for being very understanding and supportive particularly through the difficult times. I am
also thankful to Dr Kevin Morris for being my supervisor and for being engaging in our meetings and
I would also like to thank Chris Carter and MBDA for their support and help and for the interest and
admiration that they have shown for my work.
I am also very grateful to Dr Jim Rathmell of the University of Sydney who, with his partner Rose,
went out of his way to look after me during my time in Australia. Not only did he give me the
opportunity to greatly further my technical knowledge but he also ensured that I was fully integrated
in the teaching and research community of Sydney and Macquarie Universities.
Mr Ken Stevens deserves a really special mention for his help and support on both a technical and
personal level. His encouragement and technical know-how were key to the successful realisation of
the test setups used for the experiments.
I am also very grateful to Prof McGeehan for his advice and encouragement and for his support and
praise for the hard work that I put into my research.
I would also like to thank Andrew Wallace and AWR Corporation for granting a free license for their
simulation tools, Cree Inc and Nitronex for supplying free samples and Marco Brunetti for his help
with the graphics.
In addition there are no words to express my gratitude to my dearest friends Magnus and Roger who
were always there for me through all the adversities that life challenged me with in the last four
years. Without their help, encouragement and support I could not have achieved this.
Authors Declaration
I declare that the work in this dissertation was carried out in accordance with the requirements of
the University's Regulations and Code of Practice for Research Degree Programmes and that it has
not been submitted for any other academic award. Except where indicated by specific reference in
the text, the work is the candidate's own work. Work done in collaboration with, or with the
assistance of, others, is indicated as such. Any views expressed in the dissertation are those of the
Table of Contents
1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Solid State Power Amplifiers and Radar Transmitters ............................................................ 1
1.2 Monopulse Radar .................................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Key Objectives ......................................................................................................................... 8
1.4 Overview of the Research Work ............................................................................................. 8
1.5 Contributions Made .............................................................................................................. 10
2 Physics of Semiconductors and Heterojunctions .......................................................................... 12
2.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 12
2.2 Semiconductor Materials and High Frequency Solid State Electronic Devices .................... 13
2.4 Basic Heterostructure Physics............................................................................................... 19
2.5 Modulation Doping ............................................................................................................... 24
2.6 Band Bending and Carrier Transport Parallel to Heterojunctions ........................................ 26
2.7 2DEG Mobility and Electron Sheet Density ........................................................................... 29
3 GaN HEMTs: Physics, Limitations, Research Status and Commercial availability ......................... 31
3.1 HEMTs: Structure and Characteristics ................................................................................. 31
3.2 Spontaneous and Piezoelectric Polarization Effects in AlGaN/GaN Heterostructures ......... 33
3.3 GaN HEMTs ........................................................................................................................... 36
3.4 Research in GaN HEMTs: an Overview ................................................................................. 40
3.5 Surface States........................................................................................................................ 41
3.6 Buffer Traps........................................................................................................................... 44
3.7 The Concept of Virtual Gate.................................................................................................. 46
3.8 DC Characterisation of GaN HEMTs ...................................................................................... 48
3.9 Drain Current Transients ....................................................................................................... 50
3.10 RF Performance Limitations in GaN Transistors ................................................................... 53
3.11 Models .................................................................................................................................. 56
3.12 Field Plates ............................................................................................................................ 58
3.13 DHFET .................................................................................................................................... 61
3.14 Reliability............................................................................................................................... 63
3.15 Substrates ............................................................................................................................. 63
3.16 Important Developments...................................................................................................... 64
3.17 Commercial Availability of GaN HEMTs ................................................................................ 66
3.18 Conclusions ........................................................................................................................... 69
4 Design and Characterisation Techniques for pulsed GaN Amplifiers ........................................... 70
4.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 70
4.2 Amplifier Design and Characteristics .................................................................................... 71
4.3 The Modulator ...................................................................................................................... 74
4.4 Automated Measurement Test Rig ....................................................................................... 78
4.4.1 Setup 1 Time Domain Measurements with Fast Digital Scope .................................. 78
4.4.2 Setup 2 - Frequency Domain Measurements with Signal Analyser ............................. 80
4.4.3 Alternative Tests ........................................................................................................... 83
4.5 Conclusions ........................................................................................................................... 83
5 Characterisation and Performance Evaluation of Pulsed GaN Amplifiers .................................... 85
5.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 85
5.2 Time Domain Measurements ............................................................................................... 87
5.2.1 Preliminary Tests ........................................................................................................... 87
5.2.2 Power and Gain Profiles ................................................................................................ 98
5.2.3 Switching Times .......................................................................................................... 101
5.2.4 Time Waveforms ......................................................................................................... 106
5.3 Frequency Domain Measurements..................................................................................... 109
5.3.1 Power Profiles ............................................................................................................. 109
5.3.2 Spectral power imbalance .......................................................................................... 109
5.3.3 Zero Span Time Domain Envelope Analysis ................................................................ 111
5.3.4 Pulse Width Deviation................................................................................................. 113
5.4 Conclusions ......................................................................................................................... 115
6 Pulsed IV Characterisation of GaN HEMTs .................................................................................. 118
6.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 118
6.2 The APSPA System .............................................................................................................. 119
6.3 Long Time Constant Traps................................................................................................... 120
6.3.1 Nitronex NPTB00025 ................................................................................................... 120
6.3.2 Cree CGH40010 ........................................................................................................... 122
6.4 Pseudo-DC Characteristics .................................................................................................. 124
6.4.1 Nitronex ...................................................................................................................... 124
6.4.2 Cree ............................................................................................................................. 127
6.5 Pulsed I-V at Typical Radar PRFs ......................................................................................... 130
6.5.1 Nitronex ...................................................................................................................... 130
6.5.2 Cree ............................................................................................................................. 132
6.6 The Importance at Settling Time......................................................................................... 133
6.7 Current Vs Time .................................................................................................................. 134
6.7.1 Nitronex ...................................................................................................................... 134
6.7.2 Cree ............................................................................................................................. 135
6.8 Conclusions ......................................................................................................................... 136
7 Conclusions and Future Work ..................................................................................................... 138
7.1 Conclusions ......................................................................................................................... 138
7.2 Future Work ........................................................................................................................ 141
7.2.1 High Frequency Devices .............................................................................................. 142
7.2.2 High Frequency Time Domain Measurements ........................................................... 143
7.2.3 Extended Pulsed IV Characterisation .......................................................................... 144
7.2.4 Noise in Inter-Pulse period ......................................................................................... 145
References ....................................................................................................................................... 146
Appendix A ..................................................................................................................................... 151
Appendix B ..................................................................................................................................... 153
1 Introduction
1.1 Solid State Power Amplifiers and Radar Transmitters
Once used exclusively for military applications, Radars are now an integral part of a number
of systems which are used extensively in everyday life. Typical implementations include weather
observation, civilian air traffic control, high-resolution imaging along with various military
applications such as ground penetration, ground and air surveillance, target tracking, and fire
When first developed however, their main application was the identification of moving
objects and targets over long distances and to achieve this purpose, early Radar transmitters needed
to produce RF output powers of the order of 100s and 1000s of Watts. The power hungry nature of
Radar Transmitters lead to the development of Vacuum Electron Devices (VEDs) such as travelling
wave tubes (TWTs), klystrons, magnetrons, gyrotrons, and cross field amplifiers (CFA).
VEDs have been used extensively over the past 70 years. They are capable of working in the
MHz range up to hundreds of GHz and vary in power from watts to hundreds of kilowatts. However
these devices are complex modules to manufacture that require unique materials and skill sets.
Todays civilian and military radar systems rely both on conventional VEDs and solid-state
transmitters, mainly based on gallium arsenide- (GaAs-) and silicon- (Si-) amplifiers, to deliver watts
to hundreds of kilowatts of pulsed and continuous wave power covering both microwave and
millimetre frequencies. Unlike their VED counterparts, solid-state amplifiers are robust, compact,
reliable and relatively inexpensive. This is why they have superseded vacuum devices in most
applications. Nonetheless, the generation of high RF and microwave powers remains a difficult
challenge for semiconductor devices and, although they may be used to generate kW level output
power, this requires the use of power-combining and/or phased array techniques. Even when
combining is used however, high powers may only be achieved by solid state devices at relatively
low frequencies (Figure 2.2-2) hence systems which require high power at high frequency still need
to resort to VEDs.
The world of solid state devices has however witnessed significant advances in recent years
and is rapidly changing with the introduction of devices fabricated on novel wide bandgap
semiconductor alloys. These alloys, based on III and V group elements, are characterised by a
considerably higher breakdown field. This allows them to produce much higher powers at high
frequency and reach power levels which would be adequate for some radar systems.
Gallium Nitride- (GaN-) in particular is a very promising material and after 10 years of
intensive research into this compound, GaN transistors have recently been introduced in the
semiconductor market. Next-generation amplifiers based on GaN transistors will help reduce the
size and complexity of the overall amplifier module with ever-increasing improvement of efficiency
and high-power operation of radar systems. Figure 1.1-2 shows the potential of GaN technology and
how it may significantly enhance the output power and frequency capabilities of solid-state
Compared with vacuum-tube devices, solid-state devices offer a number of advantages [1]:
- Low maintenance. Most Vacuum devices require regular maintenance to replenish the
vacuum and may also need parts to be regularly replaced.
- Instantaneous operation. No hot cathodes are required therefore there is no warm-up
delay, no wasted heater power, and a much higher operating life.
- Cheaper and lighter power supplies. Transistor amplifiers operate at power supply
voltages of the order of 10s of volts rather than kilovolts. Compared with a high-voltage
power supply, a low-voltage supply uses fewer non-standard parts and is generally less
expensive and more reliable.
- Improved meantime between failures (MTBF). Transmitters designed with solid-state
devices exhibit improved meantime between failures (MTBF) in comparison with tube-
type transmitters. Amplifier module MTBFs greater than 500,000 hours have been
extrapolated from accelerated life testing. A factor of 4 improvement in the transmitter
system MTBF has been reported for an S-band solid-state transmitter used as a
replacement for a klystron transmitter.
- Graceful Degradation. Since a large number of solid-state devices are usually combined
to provide the required power for a radar transmitter, graceful degradation of system
performance occurs when individual modules fail.
- Wide Bandwidth. This is an important advantage of solid- state devices. While high-
power microwave radar tubes can achieve 10 to 20% bandwidth, solid-state transmitter
modules can achieve up to 50% bandwidth or more with acceptable efficiency.
As a result of unavoidable losses in combining the outputs of many solid-state devices, it is
advantageous to avoid combining before radiating, since combining in space is essentially lossless.
For this reason, many solid-state transmitters consist of amplifier modules that feed either rows,
columns, or single elements of an array antenna. The most common example is phased array radar
systems where the antenna is made up of a number of modules each incorporating both transmit
and receive path amplifiers (T/R module).
Solid-state devices offer important advantages in such systems. Firstly RF distribution losses
that normally occur in a tube-powered system between a point-source tube amplifier and the face of
the array are eliminated. In addition, phase shifting for beam steering can be implemented at low
power levels on the input feed side of an active array module. This avoids the high-power losses of
the phase shifters at the radiating elements and raises overall efficiency. Also, peak RF power levels
at any point are relatively low because the outputs are combined only in space [1].
Figure 1.1-3 shows examples of Phased-Array radar systems.
Figure 1.1-3 A Phased-Array Radar Systems
L-band (1-2 GHz), S-band (2-4 GHz), C-band (4-8 GHz)
X-band (8-12 GHz), Ku (12-18 GHz), and Ka-band (26.5-40 GHz)
1.2 Monopulse Radar
Monopulse radars differ from other types of radars in that, instead of broadcasting the
signal out of the antenna "as is", they split the beam into parts and then send the two signals out of
the antenna in slightly different directions. When the reflected signals are received they are
amplified separately and compared to each other, indicating which direction has a stronger return,
and thus the general direction of the target relative to the boresight3. Since this comparison is
carried out during one pulse, which is typically a few microseconds, changes in target position will
have no effect on the comparison [2].
Making such a comparison requires that different parts of the beam be distinguished from
each other. Normally this is achieved by splitting the pulse into two parts and polarizing each one
separately before sending it to a set of slightly off-axis feed horns. This results in a set of lobes,
usually two, overlapping on the boresight. These lobes are then rotated to scan the desired space.
On reception the signals are separated again, and then one signal is inverted in power and the two
are then summed. If the target is to one side of the boresight the resulting sum will be positive, if it's
on the other, negative, as shown in Figure 1.2-1 [2].
Figure 1.2-1 Antenna Patterns for amplitude-comparison (-) monopulse system [1].
The optical axis of a directional antenna i.e. the direction in which one is physically pointing the antenna with
the intention of maximum electromagnetic illumination.
Figure 1.2-2 Microwave-comparator circuitry used with a four-horn monopulse [1]
The interface that occurs between two layers of dissimilar crystalline semiconductors, section 2.4
improved and GaN HEMTs promise to revolutionise the world of microwave power amplifiers by
providing high power density, linearity and robustness up to Ka-band frequencies (35 GHz).
Figure 1.2-3 (a) Wavefront phase relationships in a phase comparison monopulse radar. (b) Block diagram of a phase
comparison monopulse radar (one angle coordinate) [1]
1.3 Key Objectives
As mentioned in previous sections, being able to utilise solid-state devices in radar systems
would bring about a number of advantages. Wide bandgap semiconductor technology such as GaN
has been advancing at a very fast pace thereby making this possibility very feasible and, as a
consequence, interest in solid state PAs for radar applications has been rapidly growing.
The main objective of this work is to provide an in-depth characterisation of GaN devices for
pulsed power applications, since this technology is not yet mature and may present anomalies which
are not observed in devices fabricated on more established materials such as Si and GaAs. The key
objectives of the authors research are summarised below:
- Gaining a thorough understanding of the physics of wide bandgap semiconductors and
GaN and creating reference material for the author and the research community
- A comprehensive review of the research into GaN technology and devices with a specific
focus on high frequency devices such as High Electron Mobility Transistors (HEMTs)
- Identifying the commercial availability of GaN HEMTs
- Establishing liaisons with GaN manufacturers and procuring samples
- Designing amplifier circuits suitable for pulsed operation
- Devising pulse modulators which could achieve realistic specifications
- Developing suitable tests and characterisation methods to evaluate the suitability of
GaN HEMTs to pulsed applications and the achievable performance
- Defining optimal operational points and trade-offs
Firstly amplifier circuits were designed using GaN HEMTs supplied by Cree and Nitronex. These
operated at frequencies of 3.5 and 2.8 GHz respectively and are described in section 4.2.
A comprehensive test plan (section 4.1) was devised which was aimed at evaluating the
performance of the amplifiers when operated in pulsed mode. The test methodologies and setups
utilised for such investigations are presented in chapter 4. The investigations focussed on
determining achievable rise and fall times at pulse repetition frequencies (PRFs) of up to 450 kHz and
on the detection of possible trapping effects which would affect pulse shape and power. A suitable
gate-pulsing circuit was developed which could achieve rise and fall times characteristic of realistic
radar systems (< 100ns). The principles of operation of the modulator are described in section 4.3
and its performance and improvements in section 5.2.
The amplifiers were subjected to a number of pulsed tests and examined both in the frequency
and time domain. Fast sampling digital scopes (section 4.4.1) were utilised for time domain
characterisation of the amplifiers which is described in section 5.2. Frequency domain tests were
carried out by means of Signal Analysers (section 4.4.2) and are illustrated in section 5.3.
New measures, such as Spectral Asymmetry and spectrum-derived Pulse Width Variation, are
also introduced in section 5.3. Such measures may be useful performance indicators and avoid the
need to resort to expensive instrumentation for high-frequency characterisation of pulsed
In addition device level tests (chapter 6) are also carried out on both Cree and Nitronex devices
which investigate the presence of trapping effects through a bespoke pulsed I-V characterisation
system designed to identify problems specific to GaN HEMTs technology. In Particular traps with
release times of 100s of seconds and their effect on the operation of the devices when pulsed at
typical radar PRFs are examined (section 6.5).
The authors work investigated GaN devices both a transistor level and at amplifier level. The
amplifier level work was carried out first, because of the limited device characterisation facilities
available at Bristol University. Subsequently however the opportunity arose to carry out device level
characterisation work with Sydney and Macquarie Universities, who had also been studying GaN
devices but on a more fundamental level. This collaboration started when the author and Dr
Rathmell of Sydney University met at EuMic 2009, where they presented papers in the same session.
This collaborative work was seen by the author as the perfect opportunity to gain a deeper
insight into GaN HEMTs operation and also to investigate how a customised pulsed I-V
characterisation could aid the design of pulsed amplifiers and help understand amplifier
performance shortcomings encountered during his tests at Bristol.
The work carried out by the author in Sydney allowed him to achieve a good understanding of
transistor level issues which are often encountered with this technology. In addition this
collaboration allowed him to conduct new experiments, bespoke to his pulsed applications, which
highlighted new facts about the behaviour of GaN transistors when operated in pulsed mode, at
typical Radar pulse repetition frequencies and duty cycles (section 6.5).
This work has raised considerable interest from the his sponsoring company MBDA Missile
Systems and their partners, such as DMD5, who are eagerly awaiting the publication of the results
and are considering setting up the appropriate facilities to carry out similar characterisation on their
devices as a first step in the amplifier design process. To this end, Dr Rathmell and the author will
present their work in December 2010 to DMD and MBDA.
Diamond Microwave Devices http://www.diamondmicrowavedevices.com/
1.5 Contributions Made
When the author first started researching wide bandgap semiconductor materials and GaN in
particular, he found that relevant material on the physics of wide bandgap semiconductors was hard
to come by. This made it difficult to understand the research papers on the topic, particularly
considering that the work also appeared to be spread across a number of authors and research
groups. The authors first task was to compile a document which would give the GaN novice all the
necessary material to get started and also provide a comprehensive review of GaN physics,
technology, research status and commercial availability. This document, which is currently being
considered by the IOP (Institute of Physics) for publication, provides information from the most
relevant papers and books and a comprehensive list of references which will point the reader, who
wishes to further investigate a specific topic, in the right direction. The document received very good
reviews from Cree Inc, one of the leading manufacturers of GaN, who requested permission to use it
within their organisation. The contents of this review document are summarised in chapters 2 and 3.
The physical tests carried out confirmed the suitability of the GaN samples from Cree Inc to
pulsed operation. The tests also highlighted important characterisation parameters which should be
utilised in the design and performance enhancement of GaN amplifiers to be used in pulsed mode.
Through this work the author managed to:
- Design a modulator which could achieve high pulse repetition frequencies up to 450 kHz
whilst maintaining rise and fall times below 100ns.
- Devise an unconventional modulating technique which greatly helps with the amplifier
stability. This was achieved through pulsing the gate bias of the transistor instead of the
drain bias which is what is normally done.
- Integrate data acquisition from instruments with signal processing through MatLab and
its Instrument Control Toolbox. This allows for a cheaper implementation of the
characterisation rig since most engineering companies already own MatLab licenses. It
also makes the software and signal processing more easily modifiable since MatLab is
now a universal tool which many engineers already use.
- Introduce zero-span measurements with Signal Analysers for pulse envelope recovery
which allows for measurement to be made at carrier frequencies up to 26 GHz6.
- Introduce Spectral Imbalance and Pulse Width Deviation measurements which may help
optimise the drive level and gate bias of the amplifier for maximum pulse fidelity and
spectral symmetry.
Provided that the Signal Analyser has a resolution bandwidth which is wide enough to encompass most of
the energy of the signal (section 5.3.3)
- Characterise achievable rise and fall times based on PRF and drive level.
- Prove that characteristic rise and fall times could be achieved with GaN amplifiers
- Verify the absence of pulse envelope distortion due to current collapse and trapping
- Verify the existence of traps with release times of the order of 100s of seconds within
the devices utilised but also the fact that such traps have no significant effects on the I-V
characteristic of the devices at typical radar PRFs and duty cycles.
- Highlight the importance of using the appropriate I-V curve, based on the target
operational PRF, when designing a pulsed amplifier with GaN HEMTs. The I-V curve was
found to change significantly with the PRF.
The authors research lead to following publications:
- Fornetti, F, Beach, MA & Morris, KA. 'Time and frequency domain analysis of commercial
GaN HEMTs operated in pulsed mode', IEEE Asia Pacific Microwave Conference, 2009
(APMC 2009)
- Fornetti, F, Morris, KA & Beach, MA. 'Evaluation of commercial GaN HEMTS for pulsed
power applications', IET European Pulsed Power Conference, 2009
- Fornetti, F, Morris, KA & Beach, MA. 'Pulsed operation and performance of commercial
GaN HEMTs', 39th European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference, 2009 (EuMIC
- Fornetti, F. A review of high power solid state devices for microwave applications,
materials, technology, research status and commercial availability (Awaiting Official
Forthcoming publications:
- A Review of High Power Solid State Devices for Microwave Applications: Materials,
Technology, Research Status and Commercial Availability (Institute of Physics)
- GaN Devices in Staggered-PRF Radar Systems (EuRad 2011)
The work carried out by the author has raised considerable interest from industry and it is now
being implemented and improved for use in amplifier design and characterisation at MBDA, through
a Knowledge Transfer Secondment.
2 Physics of Semiconductors and Heterojunctions
2.1 Introduction
Semiconductor devices have come a long way since they were first introduced as a
replacement for vacuum tube devices. What was once a field dominated by Silicon and Germanium,
has seen the introduction of several semiconductor alloys and in particular Gallium Arsenide (GaAs).
This has enabled the fabrication of transistors with a frequency performance which would have been
unachievable with other semiconductor materials. Despite the increase in the operating frequency
however, the output power has remained limited and the generation of high RF power levels, of the
order of 100s to 1000s of Watts is still difficult to achieve with solid state devices.
When it comes to power hungry systems such as radar, power-combining and/or phased array
techniques need to be employed to achieve the required output levels with solid state devices, thus
their application to such systems has so far been limited.
High power transmitters currently require the use of microwave vacuum tube devices. This is
due to the fact that solid state devices are limited in the DC voltage that may be applied across their
terminals when compared to vacuum devices. Such limitations are the direct consequence of the
inherent critical field for breakdown that the semiconductor can sustain. A limited DC voltage means
that high RF power operation can only be achieved with large DC and RF currents, which require
large area devices. However large area devices have inherently high capacitance and low impedance,
which limit the operating frequency. Series losses also become significant at the expense of
efficiency [3].
Wide bandgap semiconductors such as SiC (Silicon Carbide), GaN (Gallium Nitride) and related
heterostructures are characterised by a much higher breakdown voltage and therefore they may
allow fabrication of devices with an order of magnitude improved RF output power compared to
traditional solid state devices [4]. They have been the object of an extensive amount of research in
the last decade and have now made their debut in the semiconductor devices market. GaN HEMTs
(High electron Mobility Transistors) in particular are an increasingly popular choice when power,
linearity and robustness are required.
Wide bandgap semiconductor devices however are currently limited in performance due to
several physical effects associated with material-related and design-related issues. Nevertheless
solutions to these problems are emerging, and these devices are now starting to find practical
application [3]. In this chapter an overview of the properties of semiconductor materials is first
presented. The physics of heterostructures and heterojunctions based on III-V semiconductor alloys
is subsequently explored.
2.2 Semiconductor Materials and High Frequency Solid State Electronic
Material Properties
A summary of some of the semiconductor material properties most important to electronic device
performance is listed in Table 2.2-1 for several semiconductors.
Molecular Beam Epitaxy
Metal-Organic Chemical Vapour Deposition
Desirable material properties include a large energy gap, Eg (eV), a low value of dielectric
constant, r, high thermal conductivity, (W/K-cm), and high critical electric field for breakdown Ec
Wide bandgap energy allows a material to withstand high internal electric fields before
electronic breakdown occurs.
The dielectric constant gives an indication of the capacitive loading of a device and affects
the terminal impedance. A low value for the semiconductor dielectric constant may reduce the
capacitive loading and allows larger area devices to be fabricated for a specified impedance.
Increased area permits larger RF currents and higher RF power to be generated [4].
The thermal conductance needs to be as high as possible in order to extract heat from the
device efficiently. Diamond and SiC are excellent thermal conductors and have been used as
substrates for GaN HEMTs [4].
Finally, the critical electric field for electronic breakdown should be high. This parameter is
an indication of the strength of the electric fields that can be supported internally by the device
before breakdown occurs. High electric fields permit large RF voltages to be supported, and hence
high RF power to be generated. One of the attractive features of the wide bandgap materials is a
high value for the critical field for breakdown, which is typically an order of magnitude greater than
that of conventional semiconductors.
v-E Characteristics
A current is defined as the movement of charge and expressed as the product between the
charge density and transport velocity. Therefore, the DC and RF currents that flow through a device
are directly dependent upon the charge carrier velocity versus electric field transport characteristics
of the semiconductor material. Generally, for high currents and high frequency, high charge carrier
mobility and high saturation velocity are desirable. A comparison of the electron velocity-electric
field v-E characteristics for several semiconductors is shown in Figure 2.2-1 [4].
The v-E characteristic is described in terms of charge carrier mobility n (units of cm2/Vs),
defined from the slope of the v-E characteristic at low electric field, and the saturated velocity vs
(units of cm/sec), defined when the carrier velocity obtains a constant, field-independent
magnitude, generally at high electric field. The high value for electron mobility of GaAs (typically, n
~5000 cm2/Vs) is the main reason that FETs fabricated from this material have such excellent low
noise and high-frequency performance [4].
17 -3
Figure 2.2-1 Electron velocity vs. electric field characteristic for several semiconductors (N d=10 cm )[4]
In general, both high mobility and high saturation velocity are desirable for high RF current.
Si and GaAs have electron saturation velocities that are limited to about vs = 1 107 cm/s, and this
limits both the power that can be generated and the frequency response of the device. Wide
bandgap semiconductors have electron saturation velocities that are a factor of two higher. The
combination of high current and high voltage capability make wide bandgap semiconductors very
attractive candidate materials for fabrication of high-power and high-performance electronic
Technology Status
Figure 2.2-2 Average RF output power versus frequency for various electronic devices [4]
A large variety of semiconductor devices for high-frequency applications have been proposed,
fabricated, demonstrated, and used in practical applications. A review of these devices has been
presented in [5]. Figure 2.2-2 shows a comparison of state-of-the-art RF and microwave solid-state
devices with microwave tubes. Solid-state devices produce RF power of about 100 W in S-band and
1W at 100 GHz. It is apparent that the output power and frequency range of solid-state devices is
significantly lower than that obtainable from electronic vacuum tubes. The reduced RF power
capability of solid-state devices is mainly due to:
2) Reduced electron velocity in the semiconductor which reduces the current and
Solid-state RF output power can be increased by means of power combining techniques however the
maximum power achievable is still limited to the 10s to 100s of kilowatt level in the microwave
region. For megawatt systems it is difficult to efficiently combine the large number of devices
necessary for practical systems.
The following list summarises the major merits (M) and drawbacks (D) of different microwave
transistor types, together with some comments (C) [6]. The list has been restricted to devices that
can or have the potential to work at high frequency.
M Meanwhile matured technology. High operating frequency, low noise figure, reasonable output
D Commonly a no ally-on device (needs a negative gate voltage to switch off), limited output power
at high frequency.
C Most popular are the GaAs pHEMTs, conventional AlGaAs HEMTs are less important
M Relaxed requirements on lithography (no lateral submicron structures necessary) high linearity,
high output power density
D Application in very low-power circuits problematic because of high emitter turn-on voltage
M Very high operating frequencies and frequency limits. Lowest noise figure of all microwave
transistor types
D Expensive technology
M Highest operating frequencies and frequency limits of all bipolar transistors. Low emitter turn-on
voltage (less than Si BJT, important for very-low-power applications)
D Expensive technology
C Application still limited to low-volume high-performance markets
M Highest output power density of all microwave FETs. High operating temperatures, high
breakdown voltage
C SiC MESFETs commercially available but limited to X-band, AlGaN HEMTs commercially available at
WiMax frequencies. Targeted application: power amplification at GHz frequencies.
2.4 Basic Heterostructure Physics
EV (b)
EC (c)
Figure 2.4-1 The Three Types of Heterostructure: (a) type I; (b) type II; (c) type III [6]
HEMTs are often called HFETs (Heterostructure Field Effect Transistors) in the literature
Consider two materials forming the heterostructure, materials 1 and 2, with energy gaps EG1
and EG2 respectively. Since the energy gaps are different, the conduction and valence bands of the
two materials cannot be simultaneously continuous across the heterointerface. Generally, both the
conduction band and valence band edges are discontinuous at a heterointerface. The energy
differences between the conduction band and valence band edges at the interface are called the
conduction and valence band offsets EC and EV.
Figure 2.4-1 shows the three different classes of heterostructures: type I, II, and III. The type
I heterostructure (Figure 2.4-1.a) is the most common. An important example of a type I
heterostructure is the GaAs-AlGaAs material system. Another important type I heterostructure,
which is gaining increasing popularity in the semiconductor arena, is the GaN-AlGaN material
system. In a type I heterostructure, the sum of the conduction band and valence band edge
discontinuities is equal to the energy gap difference EG
Eq. 2.4-1
The type II heterostructure (Figure 2.4-1.b) is arranged such that the discontinuities have
different signs. The bandgap discontinuity in this case is given as the difference between the
conduction band and valence band edge discontinuities. A typical type II heterostructure is formed
by AlInAs and InP. In type III heterostructures (Figure 2.4-1.c), the band structure is such that the top
of the valence band in one material lies above the conduction band minimum of the other material.
An example of this type of heterostructure is that formed by GaSb and InAs (Figure 2.4-1.c ). As for
the type II case, the bandgap discontinuity is equal to the difference between the conduction band
and valence band edge discontinuities [7].
Figure 2.4-2 shows typical band diagrams and bandgap values for commonly used
heterostructure systems. The bandgap difference and the band offsets are extremely important
factors for the performance and operation of heterostructure devices such as HBTs and HEMTs [6].
Heterojunctions are subject to a further classification based on the atomic properties of
their constituents namely, crystal type and lattice constants (see Appendix A, table A-1).
At the beginning of heterostructure research it was believed that only materials with nearly
the same lattice constant could result in heterostructures useful for electron devices. However it
was later realised that it is also possible to grow good quality heterostructures from materials with
different lattice constants, provided the thickness of the grown layer does not exceed a certain
critical value tc.
Al0.48Ga0.52As GaAs
In0.53Ga0.47As InP
1.80 1.422
0.737 1.353
EC = 0.219 EC = 0.271
EV = 0.159 EV = 0.345
(a) (b)
In0.52Al0.48As In0.53Ga0.47As InP
1.451 0.737 1.353
EC = 0.52 EC = 0.253
EV = 0.194 EV = 0.155
(c) (d)
Figure 2.4-2 Band diagrams for different heterostructure pairs. (a)-(c) Type I, (d) Type II. The values of bandgaps and
band offsets are in eV [7]
For layer thickness above the critical thickness, the lattice mismatch cannot be
accommodated through strain, dislocations10 are produced and the strain relaxes as is seen in Figure
2.4-3b. If the grown layer is thinner than tc , its crystalline structure accommodates to that of the
substrate material i.e. it adopts the lattice constant of the surrounding layers (Figure 2.4-3a). This
causes a lattice deformation in the grown layer, and a pseudomorphic layer, frequently also called a
strained layer, is created. This layer will be either compressed (compressive strain) or expanded
(tensile strain) from its usual bulk crystal shape [6].
The amount of strain depends on the lattice mismatch between substrate and layer, and on
the layer thickness. As an example, Figure 2.4-4 shows the schematic of a pseudomorphic
AlGaAs/InGaAs/GaAs heterostructure in which the pseudomorphic InGaAs layer is under
compressive strain [6].
Since GaAs and AlGaAs have a nearly identical lattice constant, it would appear counter
intuitive to insert a mismatched layer between those two materials. This structure however can
significantly improve electron mobility as explained in section 2.7.
Dislocations are crystal defects, or irregularities, within a crystal structure. They are linear defects around which some of
the atoms of the crystal lattice are misaligned
Epitaxial Layer
(a) (b)
Figure 2.4-3 (a) Thin epitaxial layer strained to accommodate the various lattice constants of the underlying
semiconductor layer and (b) a thicker epitaxial layer that has relaxed. In part (b) the epitaxial layer is thicker than the
critical thickness and dislocations appear at the interface [6]
The third and newest kind of heterostructures currently used in microwave transistors is the
so-called metamorphic type. The basic concept is to use a substrate material (e.g., GaAs) and to
overgrow a graded buffer layer (e.g., InAlAs) with a thickness much greater than to tc. The buffer
layer serves as a relaxed pseudo-substrate for the actual device layer. Because the buffer is
extremely thick dislocations arising at the interface substrate/buffer barely influence the electrical
properties of the device layer on top of the buffer. The main advantage of the metamorphic
approach is that inexpensive GaAs substrates can be used to obtain high EC values, and thus InP-
HEMT-like performance can be attained with GaAs [6].
The use of heterostructures in high-speed devices resulted from the progress made in the
epitaxial growth based on molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). Using MBE11, it is possible to grow layers
with a thickness of only a few nanometres and with sharp interfaces between the adjacent layers.
Another epitaxial growth technique used to produce high-quality heterostructures for microwave
transistors is metal organic chemical vapour deposition (MOCVD) [6].
also more recently PIMBE (Plasma induced MBE)
Figure 2.4-4 Pseudomorphic heterostructure (on the right) consisting of the layer sequence AlGaAs-InGaAs-GaAs (on the
left). The arrows indicate the compressive strain occurring in the pseudomorphic InGaAs layer [6]
2.5 Modulation Doping
Collisions and scattering by electrically charged impurities and crystal imperfections. The scattering probability
decreases rapidly with increasing temperature because the faster-moving electron, on average, will spend less time near
the impurity. This reduces the scattering probability and increases the electron mobility. [8][8. Kwok, H.L., Electronic Materials. 1997: PWS.
13 -
It is also common practice in the fabrication of GaAs HEMTs to use p -GaAs i.e. lightly p-doped GaAs
Vacuum Level
AlGaAs Ef2
Figure 2.5-1 (a) energy band diagrams of the AlGaAs and GaAs layers when apart and in equilibrium; (b) energy band
diagram of the heterostructure. The two dashed horizontal lines at the heterointerface in the GaAs layer represent
energy subbands arising from spatial quantization effects [7]
The ionized donor atoms within the AlGaAs result in a net positive charge, which balances the
net negative charge due to the electrons transferred in the GaAs layer. Although the ionized donor
atoms in the AlGaAs obviously influence the electrons transferred in the GaAs, the spatial separation
between the two charge species mitigates the Coulomb interaction between them. As a result,
ionized impurity scattering of the transferred electrons is reduced, resulting in a higher electron
mobility [7].
2.6 Band Bending and Carrier Transport Parallel to Heterojunctions
Inspection of Figure 2.5-1(b) and Figure 2.6-1 shows that the conduction band edge in the
GaAs layer is strongly bent near the heterointerface.
Figure 2.6-1 Expanded view of the conduction band edge discontinuity in the n-AlGaAs and i-GaAs heterojunction,
showing two energy sub-bands. The energy sub-bands form due to spatial quantization effects in the heterostructure [7]
The band bending is a consequence of the electron transfer. The way in which the bands bend can
be determined is as follows.
Consider AlGaAs, material 1 and GaAs material 2 respectively. If a Gaussian surface is drawn
around the entire system, material 1 and 2, the net charge is zero. The system has to be space-
charge neutral. Nevertheless, since there has been a net transfer of electrons from material 1 to 2, 2
has a net negative charge compared with 1. There is a positive charge in material 1 because of the
ionized donors that precisely balance the negative charge due to the electron transfer. As an
electron in material 1 approaches material 2, it sees a net negative charge that acts to raise its
energy. Hence the bands bend upward from 1 to 2, as drawn in the diagram [9].
From the other side, as an electron is moved from 2 to 1, it sees a net positive charge due to
the ionized donors present in material 1. Thus the closer the electron comes to material 1, the more
net positive charge it sees, which reduces its energy. Hence the bands bend downward. The
presence of the conduction-band-edge discontinuity forms a notch in the conduction band of the
narrow-gap material, as shown in Figure 2.5-1b and Figure 2.6-1. Electrons within this region of the
semiconductor are then confined by a triangular well-like potential [9].
Typically, the dimensions of this triangular well are very small, of the order of 10 nm or less,
depending on the doping differential. Within this potential well spatial quantization effects occur [9].
Spatial quantization produces discrete energy bands, called sub-bands, in the potential well, as
shown by the dashed lines in Figure 2.5-1b.
Figure 2.6-1 shows an expanded view of the conduction band edge formed at the interface
of n-type AlGaAs and i-GaAs. The direction of quantization is perpendicular to the heterointerface
(labelled as the z direction in Figure 2.6-1) and the energy along this direction is quantized. However,
in the directions parallel to the interface (x and y), no spatial quantization effects occur since the
motion of the electrons is not restricted by the band bending. Therefore, the electrons behave as
free particles for motion along the x and y axes (those parallel to the interface) but are quantized in
the direction perpendicular to the z direction. That is they can move only in a two-dimensional plane
parallel to the heterointerface but not perpendicular to it because of the two potential barriers
confining the potential well. Thus, these electrons constitute the so-called two-dimensional electron
gas (2DEG)[7].
+ -
Figure 2.6-2 Band diagram of N -AlGaAs/ p -GaAs heterojunction as used in AlGaAs/GaAs HEMTs under thermal
equilibrium condition [6]
Now consider an N+-AlGaAs/ p--GaAs heterojunction. The + and - signs indicate that the
AlGaAs and GaAs layers are heavily and lightly doped, respectively. This type of heterojunction is the
heart of the conventional AlGaAs/GaAs HEMT. The heavily doped layer with the higher conduction
band is called the barrier layer, and the lightly doped layer with the lower conduction band is called
the channel layer [6].
In this case holes also diffuse from the p-type channel layer to the barrier layer, although
this effect is much less significant due to the presence of the valence band offset. Moreover a two-
dimensional hole gas (2DHG) can be found at a p--GaAs/ N+-AlGaAs heterointerface. Because of their
higher mobility, 2DEGs are far more popular and practical than 2DHGs in microwave transistors.
Therefore, the following discussions are focused on 2DEGs[6].
Figure 2.6-2 also shows the space-charge region thickness dsc = dsc1 + dsc2. An electric field is
present in the space-charge region which is mainly due to the uncompensated donor ions on the
AlGaAs side and to the accumulated electrons on the GaAs side (which originally stem from the now
uncompensated donor ions in the AlGaAs), and, to a much lesser extent, to the uncompensated
acceptor ions on the GaAs side.
Frequently in HEMTs, a so-called spacer layer with a thickness dsp of a few nanometers is
inserted between the heavily doped barrier layer and the lightly doped channel layer. The spacer
consists of the same material as the barrier layer, i.e., AlGaAs in our example, and is undoped. It is
used to further separate the 2DEG and ions in the AlGaAs layer, thereby enhancing the 2DEG
2.7 2DEG Mobility and Electron Sheet Density
The calculation of the electron density in a 2DEG differs from that in bulk material. To describe
the electron density in a 2DEG, the 2DEG sheet density ns typically is used. Note that ns is in cm2,
whereas the electron density n in bulk material is in cm3. The knowledge of the electron density in
the 2DEG is essential for the description of the currents in a HEMT.
In structures consisting of doped AlGaAs and undoped GaAs layers, the electrons parallel to
the heterointerfaces can have a much higher mobility compared to that in the doped bulk GaAs
layers. Experimental results show that the 2DEG mobility is higher than the bulk mobility over a wide
range of temperatures.
The increase in mobility compared to the bulk material is very significant at low temperatures
(1 or more orders of magnitude) but much less pronounced at room temperature (a factor of two or
less). The reason for the distinct mobility advantage of the AlGaAs/GaAs system at low temperatures
is the fact that the 2DEG electrons located on the GaAs side are spatially isolated from the donor
ions situated on the AlGaAs side of the heterojunction. Thus ionized impurity scattering (Coulomb
scattering), which is the main limiting factor for mobility at low temperature, is reduced significantly
in such a heterostructure. In a doped bulk GaAs, on the other hand, the ionized donors and the free
electrons are not separated, and ionized impurity scattering is much more active.
The mobility however is influenced by several different scattering mechanisms (impurity,
optical phonon, acoustic phonon, and surface roughness scattering) and at room temperature the
main scattering mechanism limiting the mobility is not Coulomb scattering but optical phonon
scattering. This mechanism is found in both the 2DEG and the bulk material. At room temperature
the mobility is still higher in the 2DEG but just by a factor less than two [6].
When a spacer is introduced between the AlGaAs and GaAs layers, the separation between
ionized donors and 2DEG electrons is increased, and the effect of Coulomb scattering can be further
reduced. There is, however, a trade-off between spacer thickness and 2DEG sheet density. A thicker
spacer layer leads to a higher mobility but a lower sheet density. It should be mentioned that
microwave transistors are commonly operated at room temperature (or above when self heating is
non negligible). Therefore the benefit of reduced Coulomb scattering in these devices is less than
one would expect.
The mobility in III-V heterostructures can be increased considerably by replacing GaAs with
InxGa1-xAs. Bulk lnxGa1-xAs possesses a higher electron mobility than bulk GaAs (i.e., zero In content),
which translates into a higher 2DEG mobility [6].
Interestingly, the 2DEG mobilities in pseudomorphic GaAs HEMTs (the typical In content x is in
the range of 0.15-0.25) are not necessarily higher than those in conventional AlGaAs HEMTs. This
suggests that the strain in the InGaAs layer of these transistors has a detrimental effect on the
mobility. However the choice of InGaAs instead of GaAs leads to a larger conduction band offset as
well, and a larger EC results in a higher sheet density [6].
A high mobility and a high 2DEG sheet density are design targets for HEMTs, which is why
InGaAs layers with high In contents are widely used in high-performance HEMTs. It is desirable that
these quantities be both large, thus giving a large product 0 x ns. The incorporation of In, however,
brings the drawback of a lower bandgap and thus a lower breakdown field in the lnGaAs layer [6].
3 GaN HEMTs: Physics, Limitations, Research Status and Commercial
gm v
fT s Eq. 3.1-1
2Cgs 2L
where v s (cm/s) is the saturation velocity of the electrons in the conducting channel, g m (mS) is the
device transconductance, C gs (pF) is the gate-source capacitance, and L (m) is the gate length.
Figure 3.1-1 HEMT structure and energy bands at source and drain contacts [10]
High current gain and high-frequency response require short gate lengths and high electron
saturation velocity. The former is controlled by the lithography and process technology employed to
fabricate the gate and the latter is a function of the semiconductor (Figure 2.2-1). The highest
frequency at which the transistor has positive gain is defined as the maximum frequency of
oscillation f max and written in the form
fT Rds
f max Eq. 3.1-2
2 Rg
where Rds is the drain/source resistance, and R g is the gate resistance (Figure 3.11-1). A high f max
requires a high f T and a large ratio Rds / Rg . The f T represents current gain and the ratio Rds / Rg
represents voltage gain. Power gain can be obtained at frequencies above f T , but only by
establishing suitable voltage gain and this requires large output impedance to input impedance
ratios. This is difficult to achieve at microwave frequencies and high performance mm-wave devices
require high f T [4].
3.2 Spontaneous and Piezoelectric Polarization Effects in AlGaN/GaN
Figure 3.2-1 Electric field and sheet charges (a) due to spontaneous polarization in GaN and AlGaN crystals and (b) due
to piezoelectric polarization in a AlGaN layer [11]
Electrons tend to compensate this positive interface charge and consequently build up an
additional 2DEG component in the GaN layer adjacent to the heterointerface. The sheet density of
the additional polarization-induced 2DEG component and the electric field at the interface
generated by the positive interface charge can be quite large and must be taken into account to
properly describe the overall 2DEG in the AlGaN/GaN heterojunction.
See Appendix for typical semiconductor crystal structures
The total polarization field in the AlGaN layer depends on the orientation of the GaN crystal. MOCVD, which is the most common
growth techniques for GaN based devices, produces GaN crystal orientation (Ga-face) that makes the sheet charges caused by
spontaneous and piezoelectric polarizations add constructively [11]
The total polarization charge P = PSP + PPE can be modelled by placing a positive sheet charge
layer of the same quantity on the AlGaN side right next to the heterointerface [7].
Figure 3.2-2 Combined piezoelectric and spontaneous polarization field in AlGaN/GaN structure [11]
Figure 3.2-3 Conduction band edges for a gated AlxGa1-xN/GaN heterostructure with and without polarizations [7].
The conduction band edge at the heterointerface is located 0.3 eV below the Fermi level
when polarizations are taken into account, which gives rise to a very high 2DEG sheet density. When
polarizations are neglected, however, the conduction band edge at the heterointerface is located 0.4
eV above the Fermi level (an energy of about 0.7 eV higher than the case of including polarizations)
resulting in an electron density at the heterointerface of zero, i.e., no 2DEG would exist. This shows
that the effect of polarizations can lead to the formation of high-density 2DEG in AlGaN/GaN
heterostructures even when the AlGaN layer is not doped [7].
As the thickness of the AlGaN layer increases during the growth process, the crystal energy
will also increase. Beyond a certain thickness the internal electric field becomes high enough
to ionize donor states at the surface and cause electrons to drift toward the AlGaN/GaN
interface. As the electrons move from the surface to the interface, the magnitude of the
electric field is reduced, thereby acting as a feedback mechanism to diminish the electron
transfer process. Under equilibrium condition, a 2DEG charge at the interface will be generated due
to the transferred electrons and a positive charge on the surface will be formed by the ionized
donors as illustrated in Figure 3.2-4 [11].
Figure 3.2-4 AlGaN/GaN HEMT structure, showing polarization induced charges, surface states, and 2DEG charges [11]
3.3 GaN HEMTs
As explained in chapter 2, in order for high RF output powers to be generated, one must be
able to apply a large terminal voltage across the device output and high DC and RF currents must be
generated. RF power devices fabricated from standard semiconductors such as Si and GaAs however
are limited in the RF output capability by low drain bias voltage, which is limited by the inherent
breakdown voltage of the semiconductor material.
AlGaN and GaN have breakdown fields greater than EC > 106V/cm, which is significantly higher
than comparable fields of slightly over EC > 105V/cm in standard semiconductors such as Si and GaAs.
The high critical field permits the device to sustain increased DC bias and RF terminal voltages, which
is a factor in producing high RF output power [12].
Another crucial factor in obtaining high RF output power is the ability of the transistor to
sustain high DC and RF currents. Thanks to the additional physical mechanisms which exist in
AlGaN/GaN heterostructures, the AlGaN/GaN heterojunction yields a two-dimensional electron gas
(2DEG) with a sheet charge density on the order of ns~ 1013 cm-2. This is a factor of five times larger
than is obtained with the traditional AlGaAs/GaAs heterojunction, and over twice the sheet charge
density obtained from the GaInAs/InP heterojunction. The high sheet charge density results in high
DC and RF currents, and the product of high device current and high bias voltage results in the
development of high RF output power [12].
The simplified structure of an AlGaN/GaN HEMT is shown in Figure 3.3-1. As mentioned in section
3.2, even when undoped, a 2DEG still forms in an AlGaN/GaN heterostructure.
Figure 3.3-1 Simplified cross-sectional structure of GaN heterojunction FET. The substrate is typically SiC, Sapphire or
Silicon [13]
The drain bias that can be applied to the HEMT is limited in magnitude by electronic
breakdown of the gate electrode. Standard power GaAs field-effect transistors (FETs) are generally
limited to drain bias voltages in the range of 812 V, which limits the RF voltage and RF output
power that can be developed[14]. Wide bandgap semiconductors permit high bias voltage to be
applied and with a drain bias of VDS = 40V these HEMTs are predicted to produce RF output power on
the order of 1012 W/mm of gate periphery[12].
Nitride-based HEMTs should be useful through Ka-band, as shown in the predicted RF
performance in Figure 3.3-2, and should operate potentially well into the mm-wave region.
Simulations indicate that these devices may provide good RF output power as high as 100 GHz, as
shown in Figure 3.3-3. Through X-band the RF power capability of the nitride-based HEMTs
compares very favourably with the 11.5 W/mm RF power available from GaAs MESFETs and GaAs-
and InP-based HEMTs[4].
The total amplifier RF output could be increased by power combining technology. When it
comes to power combining, GaN-based power amplifiers differ significantly from the conventional
GaAs-based ones in that both the input and output impedance transformation ratios are drastically
reduced for the same output power rating[15]. This is due to the fact that GaN HEMTs offer 10 times
the power density, for the same output power, than a GaAs HEMT. For high power amplifiers where
multi-millimeter to centimetre gate peripheries are needed, this reduction in impedance
transformation translates to great circuit matching simplicity[15].
Po (dBm), PAE (%), G(dB)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Frequency (GHz)
Figure 3.3-2 Simulated RF performance for a 1-mm gate width AlGaNGaN HEMT class A amplifier [4]
Figure 3.3-3 Predicted RF performance for an AlGaNGaN HEMT class amplifier at 100 GHz (V = 30 V, class A)[4]
Recently, field-plates (section 3.12) consisting of an extension of the gate metal to the
region between the gate and drain [15] [16], have been used to suppress gate breakdown, and these
devices permit high bias voltages to be applied. [4]
Field-plated HEMTs when biased at a VDS=120V have produced over 30W/mm RF power
density at S-band [17], and over 5 W/mm at 30 GHz with a drain bias of VDS=30V [18] [19]. It should
be noted that field-plate technology has also been used in power GaAs FETs [20].
The advantageous characteristics of the GaN material system described thus far also
indirectly improve the linearity of the AlGaN/GaN HEMT. Furthermore, possible epitaxial growth
on a silicon carbide substrate, which has excellent thermal properties, makes this device ideal for
high-power RF application [11].
After 10 years of research, the first AlGaN/GaN commercial HEMTs have now made their
debut in the semiconductor arena however a considerable amount of research is being carried out
to develop the capabilities of these devices further.
Heterostructure field-effect transistors (HEMTs) fabricated from the AlGaN/GaN
heterostructure demonstrate the ability to produce RF output power of the order of hundreds of
watts, and these devices can be easily combined to fabricate kilowatt level and higher power
transmitters [4].
Nevertheless operation of the FETs at high drain bias and at high current density produces
physical effects that influence the performance of the device. Self-heating and trapping induced
current dispersion are still the major obstacles to achieving reproducible power performance and
higher RF output power[11].
Figure 3.3-4 Cross section of an AlGaN/GaN HEMT [21]
A more realistic cross-section of a typical GaN HEMT is shown in Figure 3.3-4 [21]. The layer
structure consists (from the bottom) of nucleation layer, GaN buffer and channel layers, the
AlxGa1-xN barrier layer and a cap. On top of the layer sequence, the ohmic source and drain contacts
and the Schottky gate are located.
The cap layer consists of undoped GaN or AlGaN and is followed by the AlGaN barrier layer
with an Al content x typically between 0.15 and 0.3 and thickness of around 30 nm. Several doping
designs of the barrier are in use, it may be doped or undoped. The GaN part of the layer structure
consists of the actual channel layer and a thick buffer layer. Finally, the nucleation layer is necessary
to control the polarity of the GaN and AlGaN layers [15, 21](Ga-face polarity required) and to realise
monocrystalline growth of these layers in spite of the considerably mismatched substrate. The entire
layer sequence can be grown epitaxially by on sapphire, SiC or Si substrate. The gate is made of
Ni/Au and can be either rectangular or mushroom shaped and also recessed [21].
The gate is usually made in a mushroom shape to decrease its resistance and hence improve
the noise figure of the device (section 3.1)
3.4 Research in GaN HEMTs: an Overview
Although significant progress has been made in the past few years, additional development
work is required for GaN HEMTs to become a viable technology. One area of active research deals
with the reduction of trapping effects in GaN-based devices. Historically, a variety of trapping effects
have been observed. These include transconductance frequency-dispersion, current collapse of the
drain characteristics, light sensitivity, gate- and drain-lag transients, and restricted microwave power
output[22]. The research activity that is directed toward understanding and eliminating these effects
parallels that of the GaAs-based technology, where previously significant attention was directed
toward the minimization of trapping effects [23],[24],[25].
The main obstacle to progress has been, and continues to be, controlling the trap densities in
the bulk and surface of the material. The development of high power devices has been the result of
improving the quality of the GaN and AlGaN layers, both structurally and with regard to
unintentional impurity concentrations. Although improving material quality is essential to obtaining
a high power device, surface trapping effects have been present in virtually all experimental devices,
and have significantly impacted the problem of drain current collapse[26].
The effects of surface trapping effects and surface states was first directly measured by Vetury
[27]. Using floating gates as potential probes, surface potential along the gate drain access region
was directly measured. The lateral extension of the depletion region was found to be inconsistent
with the ionized positive donor density. This suggested the presence of negative charge on the
surface, thus making the surface potential more negative leading to the rapid extension of the gate
depletion region. Experimentally, it was observed that the output power measured at 418 GHz was
well below the maximum DC output power for a Class-A amplifier. This reduction in output power
from its expected value based on DC IV measurements is caused by a decrease of maximum drain
current together an increase of knee voltage. This degradation in device performance has been the
main obstacle to obtaining high power output at microwave frequencies and has been variously
referred to as dispersion, current compression and current slump. These experimental observations
have led to the widely held view that there exist traps in the device structure that cause a reduction
of the output current as a function of frequency of input drive[26].
It is believed that the removal of polarization induced positive charges from the top surface of
the barrier layer in a GaN HEMT, accompanied by the removal of the identical number of channel
electrons, is the root cause of the current collapse phenomenon[28]. Buffer traps also play a
significant role in current reduction at RF frequencies [11, 22]. Sections 3.6 to 3.11 describe the main
physical phenomena that limit the performance of GaN HEMTs.
3.5 Surface States
It is well known that spontaneous and piezoelectric polarization effects lead to charge sheets
of opposite polarity at the top and bottom surfaces of the AlGaN layer in an AlGaN/GaN
heterostructure[29], section 3.2. Ibbetson [30] showed that the existence of such a polarization
dipole alone is not sufficient for a 2DEG to form in the GaN channel. A positive sheet charge at the
free AlGaN surface must exist in order for a 2DEG to be present in the GaN channel. Such a positive
sheet charge can arise from ionized donor states at the surface as was shown in [30],[31], [32].
The mechanism of formation of charged surface states16 and the importance of these
states for the generation of the 2DEG channel in AlGaN/GaN HEMT was investigated in [30].
The existence of donor-like surface states offers an explanation to the origin of the 2DEG
electrons in the nominally undoped samples. These states are thought to be the source of both the
2DEG electrons and the positive charges, compensating the negative polarization-induced charge, at
the top of the AlGaN layer. Assuming these donor-like surface states are located quite deep in the
AlGaN band gap, they will all be occupied at small values of the AlGaN layer thickness, d. No 2DEG
will be formed and the field in the top layer will be determined by the polarization-induced charges
as shown in Figure 3.5-1.a [30], [32].
As the thickness of the AlGaN layer increases, the Fermi level at the surface slides down
approaching the deep donor level, Figure 3.5-1.b. Once the Fermi level hits the surface states they
start emptying. A two-dimensional electron gas can then be formed at the AlGaN/GaN interface and
the field in the AlGaN barrier will be reduced, Figure 3.5-1.c. As the thickness of AlGaN layer is
increased further, the 2DEG density will tend to saturate approaching the value of the polarization-
induced charge (assuming the thickness of the AlGaN barrier does not reach the critical thickness at
which relaxation of the ternary alloy occurs)[30, 32].
Hence, for a non-ideal surface with available donor-like states, the energy of these states
will increase with increasing AlGaN thickness. At a certain thickness the states energy reaches the
Fermi level and electrons are then able to transfer from occupied surface states to empty
conduction band states at the interface, creating the 2DEG and leaving behind positive surface sheet
charge [11].
Surface states are electronic states found at the surface of materials. They are formed due to the sharp transition from
solid material that ends with a surface and are found only at the atom layers closest to the surface. The termination of a
material with a surface leads to a change of the electronic band structure from the bulk material to the vacuum. In the
weakened potential at the surface new electronic states can be formed, so called surface states.
All surface states are occupied
and appreciably below the
Fermi Level
Figure 3.5-1 Schematic diagram showing the development of the band structure in AlGaN/GaN samples with increasing
AlGaN barrier width. The Fermi level EF is shown as a dotted line.
What would happen however if one had an ideal surface with no surface states? In that case
the only available occupied states would be in the valence band. Here, the 2DEG exists as long as
the AlGaN layer is thick enough to allow the valence band to reach the Fermi level at the
surface [11].
Electrons can then transfer from AlGaN valence band to the GaN conduction band, leaving
behind surface holes. These accumulated holes produce a surface positive sheet charge. This means
that in all cases, a positive sheet charge at the surface must exist in order for the 2DEG to be
present in the AlGaN/GaN interface[11],[33].
The surface states act as electron traps located in the access regions between the
metal contacts. Proper surface passivation prevents the surface states from being neutralized by
trapped electrons and therefore maintains the positive surface charge. If the passivation
process is imperfect, then electrons, leaking from the gate metal under the influence of a large
electric field present during high power operation, can get trapped [26]. The reduction in the surface
charge due to the trapped electrons will produce a corresponding reduction in the 2DEG
charge, and therefore reduce the channel current. The amount of trapped electrons and therefore
the current reduction depends on the applied bias voltages and the extent to which the
device is overdriven beyond the linear gain.
The trapped electrons are modulated with the low frequency stimulating voltages, and
therefore can contribute to the 2DEG channel current. However, they cannot follow the high
frequency stimulating voltages, and therefore produce a channel current reduction. This
reduction in current under RF operation is called current dispersion, or more precisely, surface traps
induced current dispersion [11].
Another important aspect of surface states is the change they cause in the Schottky barrier
height (SBH). Donor-like surface states shift the Fermi level upwards, decreasing the effective SBH.
Eliminating the donor-like surface states17, leads to an increase of the effective SBH, and therefore to
a higher absolute value of the threshold voltage[34].
This may also explain the increase in knee voltage during large signal operation. If the surface
states are neutralised by trapped charge the Fermi level may move downwards and hence cause an
increase in effective SBH and consequently in the knee voltage.
This can be done by using N2-plasma, or by the introduction of acceptor-like states as possibly Ga- or Al-
3.6 Buffer Traps
Buffer traps refer to the deep levels located in the buffer layer or in the interface between the
buffer layer and the substrate. Under high electric field condition, due to high drain-source voltage,
electrons moving in the 2DEG channel may get injected into the buffer traps. Due to the long
trapping time constant (of the order of milliseconds [33] and even seconds [35]), the trapped
electrons cannot follow the high frequency signal and hence, they are not available for conduction.
The trapped electrons produce a negative charge, which deplete the 2DEG, and therefore reduce the
channel current. This reduction in current under RF operation is called current dispersion, or more
precisely, buffer trap-induced current dispersion[11].
These traps are primarily related to threading dislocations in the GaN layer due to the large
lattice mismatch between the GaN and the substrate. These threading dislocations manifest
themselves as electrons traps. In order to reduce the incidence of this type of traps, a relaxation
layer is often added between the GaN buffer and the substrate.
Another source of traps is the buffer compensation process utilised to obtain a high
insulating material. Availability of background electron concentration in the buffer material due to
native shallow donors cannot be avoided. These donors are mostly compensated by adding deep
acceptors. If the buffer is not completely compensated, then a leakage current through the buffer
will be generated. This leakage current deteriorates the pinch-off characteristic of the device as
shown in Figure 3.6-1.a [11].
Figure 3.6-1 (a) Bad pinch-off DC characteristics of an AlGaN/GaN HEMT (b) Kink effect in DC characteristics of an
AlGaN/GaN HEMT related to buffer traps[11]
In the case of over-compensation, empty deep acceptors will be generated in the buffer
material. These empty acceptors behave as electron traps. Optimization of the compensation
process can reduce these traps [22].
The Kink effect in the DC characteristic, shown in Figure 3.6-1.b, is considered a typical
signature of the effects of buffer traps. Such effects are caused by the injection of hot electrons into
buffer traps under the influence of high drain voltage [22], [36]. These trapped electrons deplete the
2DEG and result in a reduction of the drain current for subsequent VDS traces[11], since their release
time may be of the order of seconds [35],[37].
3.7 The Concept of Virtual Gate
As mentioned in section 3.5, in GaN HEMTs electrons may be trapped in the access regions
between the metal contacts. If there exists negative charge on the surface, the surface potential is
made negative, depleting the channel of electrons and leading to an extension of the gate depletion
region. Hence, the effect of surface negative charge is to act like a negatively biased metal gate.
There now exist two gates on the surface, between the source and drain, connected in series as
shown in Figure 3.7-1.
The potential on the metal gate is controlled by the applied gate bias while the potential on
the second gate, VVG, is controlled by the total amount of trapped charge in the gate drain access
region. This second gate is referred to as the virtual gate. The output drain current is now controlled
by the mechanism that supplies charge to, and removes charge from the virtual gate, in addition to
the applied gate bias[26].
Figure 3.7-1 Model of the device showing the location of the virtual gate and schematic representation of the device
including the virtual gate [26]
Let one consider a device biased in class A and driven with an input of sufficiently large
amplitude to drive it to the limits of IMAX and VBR, shown as points A and B on the load line.
Associated with every point on the IV plane of the device, there exists an amount of trapped
surface charge and hence a value of VVG, established as the result of the bias applied to the device.
Because the virtual gate is in series with the main gate, the output drain current is a function of the
potential on the main gate and the virtual gate[26].
Figure 3.7-2 Typical IV characteristics showing load line drawn to maximize the area of the power triangle shown by the
dotted lines [26]
If VVGA and VVGB are the steady state values of VVG associated with points A and B, then for the
drain current to increase from its value at the quiescent bias point to that at point A, VVG must
change correspondingly. Since the ability to rapidly change depends on the time constant associated
with the mechanism that moves the surface charge, TDETRAP, the output drain current at any
frequency depends on the relation between TDETRAP and the time period of the input signal.
Note also that there is a time constant associated with establishing the steady state value of
VVG associated with the quiescent bias point, TTRAP. Hence any measurement of the frequency
dependence of the output drain current must be made after steady state is reached.
TDETRAP was measured in [26] by measuring the maximum drain current available from the
device as a function of the input frequency. This measurement consisted of applying increasing input
power to the device until the output drain waveform displayed a doubly truncated sine wave, thus
indicating the saturation of the drain current in both the open channel and pinched off condition.
This was repeated at different input frequencies [26].
Since the occupancy of traps can be affected by incident photons, the experiment was
carried out first in the dark and then repeated with different incident light conditions. It was found
that TDETRAP is in the range of seconds. It was also found that illuminating the device with UV light
from a 325 nm HeCd laser neutralizes the virtual gate, and hence the measured drain current is
restored to its DC maximum value. However incident light in the range 1.35 to 2.7 eV did not affect
the current level.
Vetury [26] also found that the extent of current collapse depends on the steady state value
of VVG, the virtual gate potential. This potential depends on the bias point and the extent to which
the device is overdriven to beyond the linear gain regime[26].
Figure 3.8-1 shows the drain characteristic for a GaN HEMT[22]. In this figure, two sets of
characteristics are shown for the same device. The characteristics indicated by the dashed lines were
obtained when the maximum VDS was restricted to 10 V, whereas the solid lines show the measured
characteristics when the maximum VDS is 20 V. By comparing these characteristics, a reduction in
drain current for VDS < 8V is noted in the latter case. This reduction in current after the application of
a high drain voltage is referred to as current collapse [22].
Figure 3.8-1 Drain characteristics for a HEMT with a 250 AlGaN layer and a width of 50 _m. The drain characteristics
indicated by the dotted lines are for V restricted to <10 V and the solid lines are for V up to 20 V [22]
This effect is similar to that reported for GaN MESFETs and is attributed to hot electron
injection18 and trapping in the buffer layer. At a high drain voltage, electrons are injected into the
GaN buffer layer, where they are trapped. This trapped charge depletes the 2-DEG from beneath the
active channel and results in a reduction in drain current for subsequent traces. The trapped charge
can be released through illumination or thermal emission. The gradual reduction in current for
VDS>10V, seen in Figure 3.8-1, is attributed to self-heating [22].
Hot electron injection is the phenomenon in solid state devices or semiconductors where an electron gains sufficient
kinetic energy to overcome a potential barrier, becoming a "hot electron", and then migrates to a different area of the
As explained in section 3.6, surface states play a crucial role in the operation of GaN HEMTs. The
deleterious effects of such states may be mitigated by means of SiN surface passivation. Figure 3.8-2
shows the characteristics obtained for the same device before and after SiN passivation.
Figure 3.8-2 Measured drain characteristics before and after SiN passivation [22]
It is apparent that the drain current is increased as a result of the increase in electron sheet
density ns. It may also be observed that the reduction in current associated with the current collapse
phenomenon is unaffected. This is consistent with the mechanism for current collapse proposed in
[22] which associates current collapse with hot electron injection and trapping in the buffer layer
without surface involvement.
3.9 Drain Current Transients
An estimate of the maximum microwave power output obtainable from an FET can be
determined from the DC drain characteristics and the operating point. It is frequently observed,
however, that the microwave power output of GaN HEMTs is significantly less than that predicted
from this estimate [38],[39].
This discrepancy is due in part to trapping effects. The responsible trapping centres could be
located in several regions, including the GaN buffer layer, the AlGaN barrier layer, and the AlGaN
surface. Buffer trapping results in lower power output as a result of an increase in the knee voltage
and a reduction in Imax. Surface trapping leads to a slower large-signal response time and restricted
microwave power output because the drain current can not follow the applied ac gate signal. In [22],
gate lag (ID response to a pulse VGS) and drain lag (ID response to a pulse VDS) measurements were
employed in an effort to identify trap locations.
In general, as established with the conventional IIIV technologies, gate lag measurements are
more sensitive to surface effects and drain lag measurements are more sensitive to buffer layer
effects [16]-[18].
Two extremes in gate lag response that have been observed in GaN HEMTs are shown in
Figure 3.9-1. It is important to note that both curves in Figure 3.9-1 are for the same device, but
before (curve B) and after (curve A) SiN passivation. In these measurements, VGS is pulsed from the
threshold voltage, Vth, to 0 V while VDS is held constant at a low-field value to avoid the complications
of device heating. In the figure, the drain current value is normalized to IDSS. Obviously, very limited
drain current response occurs before passivation and nearly ideal response occurs afterwards. It
should be noted that the pulse length used in this measurement is short relative to the time
constant of the gate lag. If much longer pulses are used, both curves, A and B, will approach unity,
i.e., IDSS. The unpassivated devices analysed in [15] exhibited a gate lag response which ranged
between these two extremes and the results were highly variable [15].
Gate lag is usually attributed to surface states that act as electron traps located in the access
regions between the metal contacts. The trapped electrons deplete the 2-DEG in the access regions
of the device, thereby limiting the current. Although additional investigations may necessary to
establish to what degree surface states are involved in the gate lag phenomenon in GaN HEMTs, the
observation that the gate lag response dramatically improves after deposition of a SiN dielectric
layer strongly supports the surface trapping explanation.
Figure 3.9-1 Gate lag measurements. The drain current is normalized to IDSS . VGS is pulsed from the threshold voltage to
0V. CurveA: device passivated with SiN. Curve B: same device before passivation [22]
The current collapse phenomenon, defined earlier, has a characteristic time dependence.
After a sufficient time lapse, the normal drain current characteristics are restored through thermal
emission of the trapped charge in the buffer layer. The temporal response of the current collapse
can be investigated with drain lag measurements. In addition to establishing the time dependence,
drain lag measurements are also useful for quantifying this effect since devices that exhibit minimal
current collapse also exhibit minimal drain lag [22].
Drain lag measurements for several devices are shown in Figure 3.9-2. For these
measurements, the device is taken from an equilibrium condition at a low value VDS(10100 mV) to a
high value VDS (1520 V) and then returned to the low VDS value. VGS is maintained at 0 V. The plotted
drain current is normalized to the low-field value. A typical long-term drain lag characteristic is given
by curve A . The recovery time is on the order of minutes [22].
This device has a drain lag ratio, DLR, (the ratio of the values immediately before and after
the application of the high drain bias) of 0.85. Significantly lower DLR values have been measured.
For device B, the DLR is 1 [22].
These results are in good agreement with long-time constant traps identified by Parker et Al
in [37],[40],[35].
Figure 3.9-2 Drain lag measurements. The drain current is normalized to the low-field value. A: typical response. B:
device on a conductive buffer layer. C: device on an optimized GaN buffer layer [22]
Devices A and B were fabricated on the same wafer, which, however, had a varying
conductivity with location. The degree of drain lag is apparently related to the conductivity of the
buffer layer. The deep levels responsible for producing the high resistivity material are also likely to
be responsible for this trapping effect. The observed response on conductive buffers is consistent
with fewer traps in the buffer regions, or with the filling of these traps by shallow donors. It is
possible to grow resistive buffer layers that result in devices with no drain lag as demonstrated by
device C in Figure 3.9-2.
The data presented here provides strong evidence that the current collapse phenomenon is
directly tied to the buffer layer. However, this set of experiments could not conclusively rule out the
possibility that trapping in the AlGaN layer may also be a contributing factor. Nevertheless, the
presence of similar trapping effects in GaN MESFETs grown on similar buffer layers supports the
view that the buffer layer is the source of the traps that are primarily responsible for current
collapse in GaN HEMTs [22].
Gate and drain lag measurements techniques were also investigate by Meneghesso et al, in [33].
3.10 RF Performance Limitations in GaN Transistors
Although the nitride-based HEMTs have been demonstrated, both theoretically and
experimentally, to be capable of producing RF output power and performance an order of
magnitude superior to standard semiconductor devices, the nitride-based HEMT devices currently
produce inconsistent RF performance. While spot experimental data indicate RF performance
approaching theoretical predictions, these results are not consistently obtained, and RF performance
varies from device-to device and from run-to-run. The greatest variation in performance occurs
under large-signal RF conditions associated with high RF power operation. The devices experience a
series of physical phenomena that affect and limit RF performance[3].
The most significant limitations to obtaining optimum RF performance occur under the
extremes of the RF voltage-current swing. For example, the ideal RF voltage current behaviour for an
AlGaN/GaN HEMT operating under ideal conditions is shown in Figure 3.10-119, which shows
predictions from a physics-based large-signal device/circuit simulator[3].
Figure 3.10-1 IV Characteristics (solid lines) and dynamic load-line (dotted line) for an AlGaN/GaN HFET Class A
Amplifier under Optimum Power-Added Efficiency at 10 GHz (VDS=40V) [3]
As indicated in Figure 3.10-1, nonlinear effects are introduced under extremes of the RF
cycle. Under low-voltage/high-current conditions, non-linearities associated with high charge
injection conditions are introduced, and under high-voltage/low-current conditions non-linearities
associated with high gate leakage and surface trapping phenomena are introduced.
Further information about dynamic load lines maybe be found in Appendix B
These nonlinearities account for the most significant of the RF performance limiting effects
observed in experimental devices[3].
It should be noted that these nonlinear effects also exist in field-effect transistors fabricated
from conventional semiconductors such as GaAs. However, the ramifications of the nonlinear effects
are amplified for nitride-based devices by the significantly higher current densities and electric fields
associated with the operation of wide bandgap transistors.
Figure 3.10-2 AlGaN/GaN HEMT Structure and Sources of Operational Nonlinearities [3]
The high current injection and high electric field nonlinearities are associated with physical
phenomena within the device that affect the ability of electrons to freely move in response to
applied electric fields. The RF performance of the device is especially sensitive to the behaviour of
electronic charge in certain areas of the device structure, as indicated in Figure 3.10-2 for an
AlGaN/GaN HEMT. In particular, the gate/source region, the channel region under the drain edge of
the gate electrode, and the surface region near the drain side of the gate are areas of concern[3].The
GaN buffer interface can also introduce deep traps that can cause current anomalies, particularly
under high gate and drain bias conditions. These interface problems are strongly related to material
growth conditions and can be minimized by improved material quality. Generally, these interface
effects are less significant than those associated with the other areas[3].
As indicated, the two most significant effects limiting the RF performance of the AlGaN/GaN HEMTs
occur due to high current injection conditions through the source contact during the high current
portion of the RF cycle, and charge leakage from the gate metal to the surface of the semiconductor
during the field voltage portion of the RF cycle.
It has been demonstrated that the high current injection in the source region produces an
increase in source resistance due to space-charge limited current phenomenon. The current density
in the AlGaN/GaN HEMTs under high current conditions can exceed the critical magnitude to
achieve space-charge limited conditions, thereby producing a significant increase in source region
resistance. The source resistance is modulated by the channel current, as shown in Figure 3.10-3[3].
Figure 3.10-3 HEMT Source Resistance Modulation Due to High Current Injection Conditions (VDS=8 v) [3]
3.11 Models
During the high current portion of the RF cycle the source resistance can increase to a
significant extent, thereby introducing an undesirable nonlinear source region resistance, as shown
in the equivalent circuit model in Figure 3.11-1 [14].
Figure 3.11-1 AlGaN/GaN HEMT Equivalent Circuit with a Nonlinear Modulated Source Resistance Under High Current
Injection Conditions [14]
This effect can be minimized, or eliminated, by tuning the circuit so that the dynamic load
line does not enter into the high current, low voltage portion of the I-V characteristic, as shown in
Figure 3.10-1. This requires use of high impedance circuits with a resistive load line. Also, the
source/gate region of the transistor can be intentionally doped to produce an increase in threshold
current for the on-set of space-charge effects. Each order of magnitude increase in impurity doping
produces an order of magnitude increase in the threshold for the on-set of space-charge resistance
During the high voltage, low current portion of the RF cycle, the electric field at the edge of
the gate metal on the drain side obtains a very high magnitude, on the order of E ~ 106 V/cm or
greater. Under these conditions it has been shown that electrons transfer from the gate metal to the
surface of the semiconductor by a thermally assisted tunnel mechanism. This phenomenon creates a
virtual gate where the physical length of the gate appears to increase with increasing RF drive level.
The performance of the device thereby degrades, producing a premature saturation in amplifier
performance. This mechanism has been investigated in detail for GaAs-based MESFETs and HEMTs
and a comprehensive model developed. The phenomenon can be modelled with introduction of an
additional current generator between the gate and drain electrodes, as shown in Figure 3.11-2 [3].
Figure 3.11-2 Large-Signal Equivalent circuit Model Including Gate Tunnel Leakage Current Effect [14].
Models for GaN HEMTs have also been investigated in [11] and [41]. A physical explanation
for the change in drain and source resistance is also offered in [42].
Additional models have been proposed by Parker at al [37],[35].
3.12 Field Plates
In order to increase RF output power it is necessary to decrease the leakage current resulting
from the tunnelling of electrons from the gate metal to the surface of the semiconductor. This can
be accomplished by decreasing the magnitude of the electric field at the gate edge.
The use of field plate technology has long been recognized as a useful technique for
suppression of voltage at critical locations within a semiconductor device[3]. The concept has
recently been revisited for use in AlGaN/GaN HEMTs with excellent success [16]. The field plate
consists of an additional metal layer located over the gate metal and extending into the region
between the gate and drain. The gate metal provides an electric field termination layer that reduces
the magnitude of the field at the gate edge, thereby suppressing the gate leakage current [3].
The use of field-plate technology permits high drain bias voltages to be applied, thereby
producing improvements in RF output power. In fact, the degree of gate leakage suppression is
sufficient to permit drain bias on the order of VDS=100-120 V to be applied. This allows high RF
output power to be generated[3].
However, field plates also introduce additional capacitance and reduce the transconductance
of the transistor. Therefore a degradation in frequency performance occurs. For this reason, a
minimum field-plate length should be employed[3].
Two different configurations for filed-plates have been experimented: gate connected and
source connected and they are illustrated in the following two sub-sections.
Figure 3.12-1 shows the cross section of a field-plated GaN HEMT. The function of a FP is to
modify the electric field profile and to decrease its peak value, hence reducing trapping effects and
increasing breakdown voltages. Initial FPs were either constructed as part of the gate or tied to the
gate externally. This has been effective in improving large signal swings.
Figure 3.12-1 Cross section of a GaN HEMT with field plates [43]
The longer the FP, the more output power was achieved.
However, in this configuration the capacitance between the FP and drain becomes gate-to-
drain capacitance (Cgd), resulting in negative Miller feedback. This causes reduction in current-gain
and power-gain cut-off frequencies (fT/fmax)[43].
Wu et Al. thoroughly investigated source connected field plates in [43]. They pointed out
that, since the voltage swing across the gate and source is only 4-8 V for a typical GaN HEMT, much
less than the dynamic output swing up to 230 V, terminating the FP to the source also satisfies the
electrostatics for it to be functional. In this configuration, the FP-to-channel capacitance becomes
the drain-source capacitance, which could be absorbed in the output tuning network. The drawback
of additional Cgd is hence eliminated[43].
Ando [44] investigated a dual-FP structure (Figure 3.12-2), which combines a conventional FP
and a source-terminated FP, applied to AlGaN/GaN FETs to improve collapse, breakdown, and gain
characteristics, simultaneously.
The first FP is a part of the gate, which improves breakdown characteristics while
suppressing the current collapse. The second FP is formed on a SiN film at the gate edge and
connected to the source. This functions as a shield of the electric field between the first FP and the
drain, and hence eliminates the drawback of increased Cgd.[44]. Using this technique Ando [44]
achieved a breakdown voltage of 250 V and halved Cgd thereby increasing the MSG by 3dB at 2 GHz.
The breakdown voltage can also be increased by increasing the dielectric constant of the insulator
beneath the field plate [16].
Another way to reduce the feedback capacitance, and thereby transconductance and gain
characteristics of AlGaN/GaN FP FET, is the use of a recessed-gate structure[45], shown in Figure
Figure 3.12-3 Schematic of fabricated AlGaNGaN FP FET with recessed-gate structure [45]
Okamoto [45] found that gate recess was effective in removing residual current collapse and
increasing transconductance and consequently linear gain. This technique was also investigated by
Moon [46] at mm-wave frequencies.
Although the use of field-plates permits high drain voltage to be applied, operation of the
device at high bias can produce physical effects that influence the performance of the device. The
field-plate introduces a high electric field region within the conducting channel located under the
edge of the field plate. It moves the high electric field region away from the gate edge, but moves it
into the conducting channel region between the gate and drain where it can facilitate channel
breakdown in an AlGaN/GaN HEMT [19].
3.13 DHFET
In spite of the impressive results, the AlGaN/GaN heterojunction epilayer design has several
limitations. First, the carrier confinement in this design is only due to a triangular potential quantum
well at the interface (section 2.6), and carriers can easily spill over into the buffer GaN or the barrier
AlGaN layers. This spill over increases low frequency noise and decreases transconductance. In
addition, the spilled over carriers get trapped and thus give rise to slow transient processes and an
RF-current collapse [47].
Finally, for GaN/AlGaN HEMTs, a large gate voltage swing leads to a significant strain
modulation both in the buffer and in the barrier layers which also contributes to the current collapse
As a result SHFETs (single heterojunction field effect transistors) devices often exhibit poor
pinch-off characteristics and high output conductance, which both degrade power performance at
RF frequencies. These problems are worsened as the gate length is reduced for high frequency
devices. To improve performance and efficiency of GaN HFETs one needs to decrease output
conductance of the device and improve subthreshold pinch off characteristics. The techniques most
commonly used to improve the pinch off characteristics of GaN HFETs reported to date include use
of Carbon (C) or Iron (Fe) doped GaN buffer layers[48].
Another approach to resolving these issues was proposed by Simin[47] and Micovic [48] in
the form of a GaN double heterojunction structure (DHFET).
10 nm n+ GaN
10 nm n+ Al0.3Ga0.7N
20 nm Al0.3Ga0.7N Schottky Barrier
40 nm GaN Channel
500 nm Al0.04Ga0.96N
Buffer Layer
20 nm Nucleation Layer
SiC Substrate
In [47], a current-collapse free AlGaN/InGaN/GaN DHFET has been demonstrated. Micovic
[48] investigated a novel AlGaN/GaN/AlGaN DHFET structure, and found that the electron
confinement in this structure was significantly improved. It was also observed that the DHFETs were
characterised by a superior performance at higher biases as a result of reduced output conductance
and improved pinch-off characteristic of the DHFET structure [48].
The DHFET exhibits three orders of magnitude lower subthreshold drain leakage current and
almost three orders of magnitude higher buffer isolation than corresponding single HFETs [48, 49].
By comparison to single HFETs, the researcher shows 30% improvement in saturated power density
and 10% improvement in PAE at 10 GHz for a GaN DHFET with 0.15 m conventional T-gate [49].
Recently IMEC obtained a high-breakdown voltage of almost 1000V combined with low on-
resistance by growing an SiN/AlGaN/GaN/AlGaN double heterostructure FET structure on a Si
substrate. The resulting SiN/AlGaN/GaN/AlGaN double heterostructure FET is characterized by a
high breakdown voltage of 980V, an excellent uniformity and a low dynamic specific on-resistance of
3.5 mW/cm which is well within the present state-of-the-art. These results hold the promise of a
huge market opportunity for GaN-on-Si power devices. Within IMECs industrial affiliation program
(IIAP) on GaN-on-Si technology, IMEC and its partners focus on the development of GaN technology
for both power conversion and solid state lighting applications[50].
3.14 Reliability
Although impressive results have been published for GaN-based transistors in a large
frequency range, reliability demonstration is becoming an important subject of concern[51]. GaN-
based devices present problems related to materials quality and technological steps, which act to
the detriment of the final performances.
Low frequency (LF) measurements are powerful tools to study different aspects of transistors
based on compound semiconductors [52]. LF drain current noise measurements are performed to
analyse the origins of excess noise in the channel and access regions. Typically, LF drain noise
exhibits a 1/f noise contribution related to electron scattering mechanisms occurring in the channel
and generation-recombination (G-R) noise used to identify the deep level signature through its
evolution with temperature [53],[54].
The Alcatel-Thales TIGER group20 have been particularly active in the research into GaN
3.15 Substrates
AlGaN/GaN devices fabricated on high resistive silicon substrate are reported at 18 GHz. This shows
the capabilities of GaN-based devices on Si substrate to work at high frequencies and their possible
application in systems working at Ku-band [57].
Another interesting candidate for GaN substrate is diamond. Wafers have already been
fabricated by Group4Labs and they promise a 3-fold increase in power density compared to SiC. [58]
It is also believed that diamond could drop GaN FETs junction temperature by 20C per 0.1-W/mm
of dissipated power [58].
It has been demonstrated that GaAs-based pHEMTs can produce close to 1 W/mm output
power density, low 40- percent PAE, and 5.3-6 dB power gains at 35 GHz. In recent years, GaN-based
HEMTs for Ka-band power amplification applications have been reported [59],[18],[46]. J. Moon et
al. have published on GaN HEMTs with PAE of 45 and 50% at 30 and 10 GHz, respectively, in 2005
[46]. It is also well documented that GaN FETs are capable of generating several to ten times more
power than pHEMTs of same size because of their wide band-gap (WBG) properties. But what
remains to be answered is whether GaN-based FETs can be operated at millimeter wave frequencies
efficiently and whether the transistor junction temperature won't rise over preferred application
limit of 150 degree C.
In [60] Kao addressed the efficiency issue of GaN-based FETs at Ka-band. Kao[60] developed
a GaN HEMTs with greater than 50% PAE, 5.4 W/mm output power densities and 6.3-7.0 dB power
gains at 35 GHz. These results represent the best reported power performance for any FETs at 35
Additionally, excellent noise performance with minimum noise figures of 1.3-1.4 dB at 26
GHz for 100, 200 and 300- gm gate-width GaN HEMTs was also achieved[60]. Furthermore, a 400-gm
GaN was developed in [60] which exhibited 18 GHz Third-Order-Intercept (TOI) values of 36.1-38.7
dBm across a wide range of output power levels when biased in class A operation[60]. Kao
successfully demonstrated GaN HEMTs on SiC with better PAE performance and 4 to 5 times of
output power densities compared to that of best reported power pHEMTs at both X- and Ka-band
Cree are at the forefront of development in GaN HEMTs. They have recently designed a GaN
HEMT which can work at millimeter-wave frequencies at which poor pinch-off characteristics
become a crucial issue. They achieved a considerable improvement in performance by employing
field plates, an AlN interlayer and an iron-doped buffer layer into the device. On the millimeter-wave
test bench the 30 GHz amplifier generated 5.4W at a 36% PAE, while the 35 GHz amplifier produced
5.2Wand a 31% PAE[61].
Figure 3.16-1 Crees GaN HEMTs were grown by MOCVD on a semi-insulating SiC substrate [61]
3.17 Commercial Availability of GaN HEMTs
navigation space[64]. More details are in a paper given by EADS Astrium at the 2006 International
Communications Satellite Systems Conference (ICSSC) in San Diego, Calif [65]. The devices in their
current portfolio may operate at a VDS of 50 V which is much higher than other manufacturers
technologies limited to 32V. Their frequency range however is limited to wireless applications such
as LTE and WiMax [66].
Toshiba has been on the forefront of GaN development and in 2006 developed a transistor
capable of producing over 80W at 9.5 GHz targeting satellite microwave communications [67].
Toshiba America Electronic Components, Inc. (TAEC) and its parent company, Toshiba Corp., recently
announced the addition of three new gallium nitride (GaN) semiconductor High Electron Mobility
Transistors (HEMTs) to its power amplifier product family. Toshiba's first commercial C-band GaN
HEMT for satellite communication applications, the TGI 7785-120L, operates in the 7.7 GHz to 8.5
GHz range with output power of 120W. The device features output power of 51.0dBm, linear gain of
11.0dB and drain current of 10.0 Amps. This device enables increased output power and helps
reduce size and weight in solid state power amplifiers (SSPA) for SATCOM applications.
"We believe this is the highest output power internally matched GaN HEMT in this band that
is commercially available," said Homayoun Ghani, business development manager, Microwave, RF
and Small Signal Devices, in TAEC's Discrete Business Unit. "Its 120W output power is nowhere near
the limit of GaN technology, as we expect to be able to double or even quadruple this output power
in the future." [67]
Toshiba is also unveiling another GaN HEMT for satellite communication applications, the
extended Ku-Band TGI1314-50L, which operates in the 13.75GHz to 14.5GHz range with output
power of 50W. In 2008 , Toshiba announced the Ku-band TGI1414-50L in its GaN power amplifier
family, which operates in the 14.0 GHz to 14.5 GHz range for satellite communication applications. It
is now in mass production [67].
RF Micro Devices, Inc. announced in May 2010, the successful qualification of their second
high-power GaN process technology, expanding the Company's industry-leading portfolio of
compound semiconductor technologies. RFMD's second high-power GaN HEMT process technology
(GaN2) achieves 1-2dB higher gain and 6dB greater linearity than RFMD's first high-power GaN
process technology (GaN1) at moderately lower power density. RFMD's GaN2 targets CATV
broadband transmission products and other multi-market applications and is optimized for higher
linearity, higher gain and lower voltage operation. RFMD's first high-power GaN process technology
(GaN1) was qualified in the June 2009 quarter and delivers much higher power density and voltage
breakdown than competing technologies.
RF Micro Devices high power 28 V and 48 V 0.5 m GaN process had led to the development
of transistors capable of over 300 W at 3GHz [68] with a power density greater than 6W/mm.
Matched and Unmatched devices are available, the former being targeted at WiMAX and cellular
infrastructure applications and the latter at radars, mission critical radios and military
communications, according to RFMD. Going to 48 V has helped RFMD to obtain higher power
density, power gain and peak drain efficiency.
Foreseeing this emerging trend in the RF power transistor arena, NXP Semiconductors,
formerly Philips, begun a GaN HEMT development alliance in 2008 with Germanys United
Monolithic Semiconductors and Fraunhofer Institut Angewandte Festkorperphysik (IAF).
Fujitsu Laboratories has developed a gallium nitride RF power amplifier, capable of
delivering the world's highest output power of 320W at 57% efficiency of power conversion. The
HEMT device operates in the 4-8GHz C band. "In a comparison here, use of GaN HEMT technology
increases output power over existing amplifiers using GaAs transistor by more than six-fold," said the
Lab. "This is expected to extend radar detection range by 2.4 times."[69]
Fujitsu Limited and Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd. announced in Oct 2009 the development of the
world's first gallium-nitride HEMT based transceiver amplifier chipset for broadband wireless
transmission equipment operating in the millimeter bandwidth, the range of 70 to 100 GHz, for
which widespread usage is expected to grow [70].
TriQuint Semiconductors, which has been awarded a multiyear contract from the Defense
Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to develop high-power wideband amplifiers in GaN,
continues to tackle some reliability, material and design issues. Strategy Analytics study, Gallium
Nitride Markets: Commercial Markets Drive Power Electronics, indicated that military and high-
power electronic (HPE) applications will be the catalysts for the development of a GaN device
market through to 2010 [64]. TriQuint have made very significant improvements in their process in
the last two years and have managed to produce bare-die devices capable of producing 100W at Ku-
band, although they are still being evaluated as prototypes.
While commercial wireless infrastructure applications will drive demand in the future, the
military and high-power microwave communications have future needs that are expected to tap the
benefits offered by wide bandgap materials such as GaN.
3.18 Conclusions
Gallium nitride (GaN) is recognized as the key, next-generation amplifier technology for a
number of applications. The design activity and adoption rate is increasing each year as more GaN-
based RF component suppliers enter the market with production-ready, reliable products.
For Radar systems, GaN offers distinct advantages such as wide bandgap, higher voltage and
broader bandwidth performance combined with high drain efficiency. GaN products are widely
available now for applications operating in frequency bands <6 GHz and their capabilities are
progressing fast. Most recently, there has been increased activity from U.S. and Japanese GaN
manufacturers, specifically in the areas of higher frequency applications (>10 GHz) as well as
targeting improvements in bandwidth, power output, and efficiency. As a result these higher
frequency GaN-based solutions are encroaching on design slots typically secured by GaAs-based
amplifiers and VEDs.
Nonetheless GaN technology is not as well understood as its Si and GaAs counterparts and
appropriate characterisation and verification of GaN transistors when operated in pulsed mode is
essential in order to utilise such devices within Radar systems and achieve the desired performance.
The following chapters will describe the authors work on device level (chapter 6) and amplifier
level characterisation (chapter 4 and 5) of GaN devices when operated in pulsed mode.
In Chapter 6, the author describes the pulsed IV characterisation carried out on Cree and
Nitronex GaN HEMTs samples. The tests are aimed at identifying trapping effects present in
commercial samples (sections 6.3, 6.4 and 6.7) and how they may affect the operation of pulsed
amplifiers (section 6.5). They are carried out by means of a bespoke pulsed IV system which allows
test parameters such as pulse width and quiescent time to be varied across a much wider range than
commercially available semiconductor analysers such as HP4142/4145. This allows the detection of
traps with longer time constants, of the order of seconds and even 100s and 1000s of seconds.
In chapters 4 and 5 the author analyses the behaviour of GaN HEMTs when part of amplifier
modules operated in pulsed mode in an attempt to identify anomalous behaviour or performance
shortcomings of GaN amplifiers when utilised for typical radar applications.
4 Design and Characterisation Techniques for pulsed GaN Amplifiers
4.1 Introduction
GaN technology is not as well understood and established as its GaAs counterpart and a
number of studies, which have been extensively reviewed and documented in chapter 3, have
reported potential problems with devices fabricated on this material. Most of the aforementioned
studies however evaluate the performance of GaN HEMTs for CW (Continuous Wave) operation,
whereas trapping effects could potentially be exacerbated by operating the device in pulsed mode.
In this chapter the test methodology and experimental setup which were employed to characterise
GaN amplifiers when operated in pulsed mode are described, as developed by the author. In chapter
5 a thorough analysis of the test results is presented.
The main purpose of the practical tests was to assess the suitability of the commercial GaN
HEMTs technology to radar applications. This meant determining whether:
- the devices could be pulsed fast enough i.e. at a pulse repetition frequency (PRF), which
would be representative of actual radar systems (1-450 kHz)
- the amplified pulses could meet the required specifications for rise and fall times, which in
some systems may be less than 100 ns
- the inter-pulse noise (section 7.2.4) could be kept below a sufficiently low level so as to
meet typical Radar specifications (10 dB above noise floor)
- they could withstand pulsing at high voltages without being damaged or burnt out
- the output pulses would be distorted i.e. broadened, narrowed or misshaped (Figure 5.2-13)
- trapping phenomena (sections 3.5-3.10) and subsequent output current variations would
have a measurable effect on the pulse power and the load voltage amplitude.
- there would be consistency across the amplified pulses i.e. there would be no difference in
pulse shape and power across successive pulses
- Amplifier stability could be maintained in a pulsed regime over a wide range of operating
conditions i.e. at different bias levels, input powers and PRFs.
4.2 Amplifier Design and Characteristics
Pulsed amplifiers may be realised in a number of ways. Class-C amplifiers would appear to be
the ideal candidates for pulsed operation since they remain turned off whilst no RF input is present
thereby guaranteeing high efficiency. Nevertheless, using a class-C amplifier may lead to switching
times which are not related to the device switching speed and capabilities alone but also to the
network built around the transistor to achieve this class of operation. Moreover non-linear effects
related to this amplifier configuration could also affect the characterisation.
A modulator (section 4.3) was therefore designed to perform the switching and RF pulse
generation since its influence on the amplifier performance would be easily identifiable and
distinguishable and hence it could be calibrated out in post-processing from the actual wanted
results. In addition, class-A configuration was chosen for the amplifiers built around the GaN HEMTs
tested. This was done to avoid the effects of non-linearities being mistaken for problems with the
actual technology and in an attempt to isolate the actual behaviour of the transistors with a minimal
amount of external factors affecting the measured performance.
Samples were obtained from two manufacturers, Cree Inc and Nitronex. The GaN HEMTs
supplied by Cree (CGH40010) are fabricated on a SiC substrate and are passivated with SiN however
they do not have field plates21 and hence the maximum drain voltage for which they are specified is
28 V and the maximum power rating is 10W. A test board was also supplied by the manufacturer
which was optimised for operation at 3.5 GHz and provided a peak gain of 14 dB. The transistor
datasheet, which also contains details of the test board, may be found in [71].
The transistors supplied by Nitornex (NPTB00025[72]) differ from the Cree ones in that they
are fabricated on a Si substrate and have a maximum power rating of 25W. A test board was built by
the author for these devices which presented a maximum gain of 13.5 dB at 2.8 GHz. The Gain
profiles for both amplifiers are shown in Figure 4.2-1.
Devices with field plates are now commercially available which may operate at a 48V drain bias. On a
research level drain bias voltage of 120V have been achieved with field plated HEMTs (section 3.12)
Figure 4.2-1 Gain Profile for the Cree (a) and Nitronex (b) amplifiers
Although not shown in figure 4.2-1(a), the measured gain of the Cree amplifier at low
frequency was considerably lower than that of the Nitronex amplifier. Thanks to this narrower gain
profile, the Cree configuration was less prone to oscillations which may be due to high low-
frequency gain. Nevertheless, no problems with oscillations were observed in the Nitronex
amplifier. One could argue that oscillations may be prevented by utilising an array of parallel
capacitors along the power rails which lead to the gate and drain terminals, which would short
circuit low- frequency signals trying to leak back into the bias network. However, as explained in
section 4.3, this technique would considerably affect the gate modulation by severely limiting the
PRF that could be applied and hence could not be utilised in this instance. Oscillations may also be
dampened by increasing the resistance in the quarter wave line leading to the power supply. This
can either be done by decreasing the width of the line or by adding some additional resistance along
the supply path. Care must be taken when utilising the former on the drain side of the HEMT
however, since it may reduce the maximum current density allowed to a level lower than that
required by the amplifier. As an additional means of preventing oscillations, the bandwidth of the
quarter wave line could also be increased by utilising a radial stub.
For the purpose of the experiments described here, it was found that stability could be
achieved in both amplifiers by inserting a 10pF capacitor along the gate power supply path and by
utilising a string of capacitors of 10, 100 and 1000pF along the drain power supply path. Small
resistances, of the order of several of Ohms were also added on both gain and drain bias networks.
On the Drain side, the capacitors were necessary because a much higher power is present and
hence oscillations may easily onset if lower-frequency energy is allowed to flow back into the bias
network. Nonetheless, on the drain side, the interest is on the drain current not the terminal voltage
and hence this approach would not pose limitations to the pulsed amplifier operation. Figure 4.2-2
shows pictures of the Cree and Nitronex amplifiers.
(a) (b)
Figure 4.2-2 (a) Cree Test Board (b) Nitronex Test Board developed at Bristol
4.3 The Modulator
As mentioned in section 4.2 pulses may be generated in a number of ways. In Radar systems
there is a stringent requirement for the transistor to be very quiet during the off-time of the pulse
and hence turning the device on for the duration of the pulse, and then completely off would be
advisable. The requirement for low inter-pulse noise during the off-time of the transmitter is
necessary to avoid desensitising the receiver which may be attempting to detect very small
reflections. It was therefore decided that the gate bias would be set to a deep pinch -off level during
the off time of the pulse in order to ensure no current flow during the off-time and hence
considerably reduced noise22.
Another important aspect of amplifier pulsing is the turn on sequence of the transistor since
with HEMTs it is crucial to turn the gate bias on before the drain bias is applied. This is particularly
critical in GaAs devices because of their low breakdown voltage but it is still important in GaN
HEMTs. An analogue gate modulator was therefore designed by the author which would fulfil the
abovementioned requirements. The schematic of such a circuit is shown in Figure 4.3-1.
B1 M1
Z1 RG1 S
Bias pulsing
It should be mentioned that, despite the transistor being pinched off by a negative voltage much lower than
the threshold voltage, some parasitic current due to traps with large release times may still exist and cause an
increase in the noise level. These phenomena are discusses and investigated in more detail in chapter 6.
The gate modulation is performed by switching the gate bias on and off by means of a TTL
pulse generator and the bias pulsing circuit shown on the right hand side of Figure 4.3-1. When the
TTL pulse at the gate of M1 is at logic high this N-type MOSFET is turned on and behaves like a very
low resistance path to ground. Current is therefore allowed to flow through the potential divider
network formed by RG1 and RG2 which sets the desired bias level at the gate G of the HEMT.
When the TTL pulse is at logic low, M1 is pinched off and, since no current path to ground exists, the
voltage at the gate G of the HEMT is VGG and therefore the HEMT is deeply pinched off.
On the left hand side of Figure 4.3-1, the sequencer which performs the bias application in
the correct order is shown. This circuit is necessary because HEMTs are depletion type devices and a
gate bias needs to be applied before the drain bias is applied as previously stated.
When no current is flowing through RD1 and RD2 the P-type MOSFET P1 is off and acts as an open
circuit since its gate is at a greater voltage than its source23. In order for P1 to turn on, current must
flow through RD1 and RD2 so that the potential drop across RD1 will cause the gate to be a lower
voltage than the source thereby turning P1 into a low resistant path. In order for current to flow
through the potential divider network formed by RD1 and RD2 the BJT B1 must be on. This is the case
when the emitter of the BJT is at a lower voltage than its grounded base. For this condition to be
met a voltage lower than -0.6 V must be present at the emitter and, since the Zener diode Z1 causes
a 3.9V voltage drop across its terminals, this can only happen if VGG provides a voltage of -4.5 V or
lower at the anode of Z1. If VGG is greater than -4.5V no current path to ground exists, no current
flows through RD1 and RD2, P1 acts as an open circuit and no bias will appear at the drain D of the
HEMT. This ensures that no drain bias may be applied unless a negative power supply at the
appropriate voltage is present.
To summarise, when no TTL pulse is present or when it is at a logic low, the gate of the
HEMT will be kept at VGG since this power supply is connected to the gate through RG1 . This
ensures that, if no TTL pulse is present or a pulse is present at logic low, the gate will be pinched off
when the drain bias is applied. Also when a logic high is applied to M1, the drain bias can only be
turned on if the -5V supply is present and a negative VGS has been established at the gate G of the
The TTL pulses were generated by means of an Agilent 81110A pulse generator which allows
setting the duty cycle, PRF, output impedance and rise and fall times. The rise and fall times were set
to 100 ns to avoid transients and pulse overshoot at the output of the generator (Figure 4.3-3). Such
phenomena may have been dangerous given the lack of safety capacitance at the gate of the HEMT.
In a P-type MOSFET VGS must be lower than a negative threshold voltage in order for the hole channel to be
formed and conduction to take place.
This choice influenced, albeit to a limited extent (Figure 4.3-2), the modulator performance at higher
PRFs (Pulse Repetition Frequencies).
Considerably more significant factors on the rise and fall times of the modulating waveforms
were the threshold voltage of M1 (Figure 4.3-2), its switching times and of course the capacitive
loading presented by the amplifier input. The device chosen for M124 was a fast switching n-mos
with a rise and fall time of several nanoseconds. This was done to minimise its influence on the
performance of the modulator.
As shown in Figure 4.3-2(a) the actual pulse seen at the gate of the amplifier is largely
determined by portion of the TTL pulse which is above the threshold voltage of M1.
Figure 4.3-2(b) shows the fastest achievable pulse at the gate of the HEMT. This is of course a
theoretical limit which could only be achieved if no capacitive loading of the modulator would occur
and no significant trapping effects were present. However, as described in section 4.2, some
capacitance had to be added at the gate terminal of the HEMT to avoid oscillations. Also, as will be
seen in chapter 5, the HEMTs own capacitance which is related to the device structure and power
rating, does affect rise and fall time of the modulating waveform. This makes the ideal waveform
shown in Figure 4.3-2(b) unachievable in practice.
In addition, any gate lag (section 6.7.1) caused by trapping effects may also affect the turn-on
transient of the HEMT [40].
The gate waveforms, as measured at the amplifier gate terminal are shown in Figure 4.3-4.
The initial modulator made use of a slower device, however considerable improvements were achieved by
replacing it with this faster mosfet (section 5.2.1)
Pulse Generator Output (unloaded)
Voltage (V)
Increasing PRF
-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
Time (ms)
Figure 4.3-3 Switching voltages at the unloaded pulse generator output, step size = 50kHz
Figure 4.3-4 Bias switching waveforms as observed at the HEMT gate, step size = 50 kHz
On reflection, a more extensive set of simulations which analysed the effects of various loads on the
modulator output may have been carried out. Nevertheless the modulator was extensively
characterised at an experimental level as described in chapter 5.
4.4 Automated Measurement Test Rig
Since several parameters needed to be varied in order to characterise and evaluate the
performance of the devices, an automated test rig was designed which could repeat the tests at a
wide range of PRFs, gate bias voltages, RF input levels and duty cycles. The system used the MatLab
Instrument Control Toolbox to control the equipment. A GPIB to USB controller was used to
interface with GPIB instruments25 however for waveforms and spectra acquisition Ethernet links
were established to achieve a faster data transfer rate.
The pulsed RF waveforms were obtained by switching the gate bias of the transistor on and
completely off to ensure that the device would go through full transients for every pulse. This was
achieved by means of the modulator described in section 4.3 which transformed TTL voltage levels
into the bias levels required to switch the transistor on and off. The gate bias voltage could be varied
by means of a precision potentiometer on the modulator board and during the off time it was kept
at -5V.
The duty cycle of the modulating waveform was kept at 20% since, in the application to
which these investigations were targeted, such as the monopulse radars described in section 1.2,
this is a realistic figure. This parameter could however be set by the user to any other value.
The RF input power was supplied by a R&S SMIQ 06B signal generator for powers up to
10dBm. For higher input powers a broadband pre-driver stage (Mini-Circuits ZVE-8G) was added to
increase linearity and range.
Two different test setups were utilised for the characterisation and are described in sections 4.4.1
and 4.4.2
Both gate and drain waveforms were recorded on an Agilent Infinium 54855A scope which
has a 6GHz bandwidth and a top sampling rate of 20Gsamples/s. The envelope of the drain signal
was then recovered and smoothed using MatLab routines. The recovered envelope was
subsequently used for rise/fall time and pulse width reduction calculations. This latter measure
would calculate the time interval between the rising edge of the pulse envelope reaching 5% of the
maximum amplitude and the falling edge decreasing to 5% of the maximum pulse amplitude. This
measure was used as an indication of the actual pulse width of the pulse and was compared to the
value which one would expect based on the PRF and duty cycle chosen. A value less than one would
GPIB data transfer rate is limited to 1 Mbit/s
indicate a narrowing of the pulse whereas a value greater than one would indicate a broadening of
the pulse.
A variation of this measurement was also carried out which would measure the rms value of
the pulse and calculate the ratio between such a value and the expected rms value form the chosen
PRF and duty cycle. This variation was introduced to detect distortion in the shape of pulse envelope
which would cause a reduction in its rms value26 (see Figure 5.2-13). These measurements would
highlight very slow rising or falling slopes and delays in the onset of the output current, possibly due
to trapping effects or delays at the input due to capacitive loading, which would lead to pulse power
and gain reductions.
Pulse_rms = where p(t) represents the positive half of the waveform envelope and is the
pulse width.
4.4.2 Setup 2 - Frequency Domain Measurements with Signal Analyser
The aim of these tests was to use the spectrum of the pulsed signals alone to evaluate the
performance of the amplifier and the relevant statistics.
The input power was supplied by a R&S SMIQ 06B signal generator followed by an amplifier
stage (Mini-Circuits ZVE-8G) for the entire input power range utilised. Tests were performed both in
the frequency and time domain and will be described in subsections A and B respectively.
The acquisition was performed by means of the MatLab Instrument Control Toolbox and
GPIB and LAN interfaces. The data acquisition and processing was also performed by the same
routine. All the data sets were stored in excel format and once all tests were complete post-
processing Matlab routines would extract the relevant statistics from the various files.
Spectral Power imbalance and Pulse Width Deviation were proposed as performance
indicators which can be extracted from data measurable by means of frequency domain instruments
alone, such as Signal Analysers, without resorting to expensive real time oscilloscopes.
Because of performance shortcomings of the pulsed Nitronex amplifier, which were
highlighted by the preliminary tests in section 5.2.1, these tests were only performed on the Cree
amplifier at an RF frequency of 3.5 GHz.
A. Frequency Domain
Figure 4.4-3 Spectrum of a Pulse Train with pulse width and PRF=1/T
As shown in Figure 4.4-3, a simple relationship exists between the pulse width and the main lobe
Pulse Width Eqn. 4.4-1
Main Lobe Width
However this may not be the case if non-linear effects are present and in chapter 5 the concepts of
effective pulse width and spectral imbalance are introduced.
In order for such performance parameters to be calculated, a 100 MHz spectrum around the
3.5 GHz centre frequency was first captured and its enveloped calculated. The resolution bandwidth
of the analyser was set to 10% of the PRF to make sure that a line spectrum would be displayed [73].
The span was then reduced to 6/ to zoom in on the central lobe and the two main side
lobes (Figure 4.4-3). The peak finder function of the analyzer was then used to acquire the points at
which the maxima and minima occurred.
Peak and average power of the waveform was also directly be calculated from the line
spectrum by using the line spectrum desensitization factor [74] as shown by the following
Pulse Width
20 log10 Eqn. 4.4-2
Assuming a true rectangular waveform.
Where M represents the peak spectral power as measured from the line spectrum and PRI = 1/PRF.
All spectral measurements on the amplifier output were carried out with a R&S FSQ26 signal
analyser furnished with an optional module to achieve a maximum resolution bandwidth of 100MHz.
B. Time Domain
Initially both gate and drain time waveforms were recorded on an Agilent Infinium 54855A as
explained in section 4.4.1. This instrument features an analogue frontend which has a 6 GHz
bandwidth. This meant that that any frequency component higher than such a frequency would be
highly attenuated. This made the measurement appropriate only for relatively small RF drive levels
which would guarantee that the transistor is operating in its linear region. That is because, when
pushing the amplifier to higher power levels, harmonics become more and more significant,
particularly second and third harmonics. When harmonics became significant a true representation
of the signal is therefore no longer obtainable if such bandwidth limitation occurs and hence a
misrepresentation of the time waveform could result.
A way to obviate the problem was to use the R&S FSQ26 signal analyser in zero span mode. In
such a mode the instrument would demodulate the signal to recover its envelope and hence provide
a time domain profile of the pulses.
The limitation of this approach is the resolution bandwidth of the analyser itself. In order to have
a faithful representation of the time domain envelope of the signal the resolution bandwidth of the
analyser must be maximised and most of the signal energy needs to be contained within such a
bandwidth. This bandwidth is very closely related to the sharpness of the pulses and it is inversely
proportional to rise and fall times. A preliminary investigation proved that this condition was met
across the range of the various test parameters28. This approach was therefore considered the most
suitable for time domain tests at higher drive levels.
The time domain envelope could be acquired directly from the signal analyser however it
exhibited a considerable level of noise in the inter-pulse period. This was mainly to the noise
performance limitations of the analyser. The waveform was then smoothed by means of MatLab
routines to avoid spikes in the noise which may affect rise and fall times measurements.
Bias level, Input power and PRF
4.4.3 Alternative Tests
A power meter may also be used for some of these measurements. One could either do an
average power measurement, and then use the duty cycle to calculate the pulse power, or use a
gated power meter. However, if the former approach is pursued, should the pulse have spread and
its energy been smeared over a time interval greater than the original pulse width, one would not
know since the energy over the whole period would simply be divided by the duty cycle. If the latter
approach is chosen, one may be able to see whether the pulse energy within a specific time interval
is diminished however one would also need an instrument with sufficient bandwidth to be able to
resolve sharp rise and fall times of the pulse. Most meters which are currently on the market may
not be able to meet such specifications.
4.5 Conclusions
Testing power amplifiers when operated in a pulsed fashion presents a number of issues. The
main hurdle is ensuring stable operation which is key to achieving a repeatable and reliable
Pulsing the drain bias of the transistor, which is the approach normally used by radar PA
designers, often causes oscillations because of the large RF signals which are present at the output.
The authors approach, based on gate modulation, has proven to be less prone to the onset of
instabilities whilst allowing key specifications of practical radar systems to be met. This technique
has generated interest in industry and MBDA designers are planning to try it with the amplifiers
which they are currently developing.
The gate modulator designed by the author has the additional advantage of being relatively
simple and therefore easily integrated in the power amplifier module. This would also reduce the
effect of parasitics.
Time domain characterisation of high frequency amplifiers was once impossible due to the
limited bandwidth which Oscilloscopes could offer. However instrument manufacturers such as
Agilent and LeCroy are now able to supply Oscilloscopes capable of capturing signals of up 45 GHz.
This may give an unprecedented insight into the time-domain behaviour of amplifiers and offer a
new approach to their design, verification and performance evaluation. The authors time-domain
setup (section 4.4.1), investigates the capabilities and limits of this new approach. This test setup is
currently being enhanced by the author at MBDA to carry out tests on J-band29 amplifiers.
Whilst it is important to make use of new test equipment and further explore its potential, it is
also important to consider cost issues. High-frequency scopes are still very expensive and hence the
J-band covers the frequency range 10-20 GHz
author proposed an alternative approach to time-domain testing which makes use of frequency-
domain instruments alone thereby greatly reducing test equipment cost. This characterisation
method, outlined in section 4.4.2, has proven to provide very useful information on key performance
parameters of pulsed amplifiers also make new performance measures available. This setup is also
currently being further investigated at J-band by the author and MBDA.
In addition the need for a system which may repeat measurements at various bias levels, PRFs,
duty cycles and power levels was addressed. The author integrated signal processing and data
acquisition with MatLab and its Instrument Control Toolbox. The need for additional software such
as Labview and the disadvantage of passing data between software packages for processing was
hence eliminated. This allowed a faster, simpler and cheaper solution to amplifier testing and
characterisation which may be applied to both the design process and product verification in an
industrial production environment.
5 Characterisation and Performance Evaluation of Pulsed GaN
5.1 Introduction
Chapter 4 explained in detail the test methodology and setup which were developed to
specifically test and characterise pulsed GaN amplifiers. In this chapter an analysis of the resulting
data is presented.
The first phase of the experimental observations entailed preliminary tests to assess the
performance of the modulator when connected to both Cree and Nitronex amplifiers. These tests
were carried out at Pulse Repetition Frequencies (PRFs) ranging between 1 and 90 kHz. The gate
modulating waveforms and the respective pulse characteristics are examined in section 5.2.1. In this
section the RF waveforms generated by the pulsed amplifiers are also investigated across the
abovementioned PRF range.
In the second phase of the preliminary investigations the author has examined the modulator
performance when utilised to pulse the amplifiers at higher PRFs, in the range 100-400 kHz. The
investigations also address the RF performance of the pulsed amplifiers within this range.
At such PRFs, tests revealed that when connected to the Cree amplifier, the modulator did not
perform as well as in the case of the Nitronex amplifier. Despite this, the RF performance of the Cree
amplifier was considerably better and more consistent than the Nitronex one. This suggested that
the performance shortcomings of the Nitronex amplifier were more likely to be attributable to
limitations of the Nitronex HEMT rather than the modulator. Such limitations are discussed in
section 5.2.1.
Overall, the initial investigations highlighted two fundamental issues. Firstly, that meaningful
performance tests could only be carried out on the Cree amplifier due to the fact that the significant
misshaping of the Nitronex output pulses would render measurements such as rise and fall time
meaningless. Secondly, that the modulator performance needed to be considerably improved in
order to carry out higher PRF and input power tests on the Cree amplifier. The latter part of section
5.2.1 focuses therefore on the steps taken to enhance the modulator performance and on the
improvements achieved.
Based on the preliminary results obtained in phase 1 and phase 2, a test plan was devised
which encompassed a wide range of time domain tests on the amplifier input and output. Such tests
were aimed at evaluating:
- Pulse Power, Gain and Peak Voltage
- Rise and Fall Times
- Output Waveforms
- Gate Switching waveforms
These tests were conducted by means of the time domain test rig described in section 4.4.1. The
results are presented in section 5.2.
The PRF range utilised for the abovementioned tests was 100 - 450 kHz. Such a range was
chosen for two reasons. Firstly it was in this range that significant variations in the amplifier output
would start to occur. Secondly this PRF range is representative of important high frequency radar
It was interesting to push the devices to high PRFs and analyse their performance despite the
fact that radar amplifiers would only be operated at such PRFs at higher carrier frequencies. This is
because higher frequency devices may have a considerable degree of similarity in their structure to
their lower frequency counterparts and hence proving their suitability to pulsed operation (in the
selected PRF range) may give some degree of confidence that future devices could be utilised for
pulsed RF applications, such as monopulse radars (section 1.2), which operate in higher frequency
The final stage of the testing aimed at evaluating the amplifier performance at much higher
power levels and at a range of different bias levels. Test setup 2 (section 4.4.2) was utilised to
perform the tests. An analysis of the data is presented in section 5.3. Additional performance
measures such as spectral imbalance and pulse width deviation are also presented. These were
briefly introduced in section 4.4.2 as novel performance measures for pulsed amplifiers.
5.2 Time Domain Measurements
The initial tests were carried out by using setup 1, the time domain characterisation rig
described in section 4.4.1. The tests were performed on the Nitronex amplifier at a centre frequency
of 2.8 GHz and on the Cree at a carrier frequency of 3.5 GHz.
As explained in section 4.4.2 the digital scope utilised to acquire the time waveforms would
not be able to capture 2nd and 3rd harmonic content due to bandwidth limitations. Because of this,
the input power was kept at the relatively low level of -10 dBm to ensure sufficient linearity at the
output. The pulse repetition frequency utilised initially was in the range of 1 10 kHz with a 20%
duty cycle. This range is representative of civil and marine radar system.
Firstly the modulator (Figure 4.3-1) output was recorded when not connected to the gate of
the amplifier. Subsequently the modulator output was connected to the gate supply terminal of the
amplifier under test and the gate voltage waveforms were observed under these conditions.
Through the PRF range examined, no significant effects caused by loading the modulator
output were detected and the switching waveforms presented constant peak voltages and
consistent rise and fall times as shown in Figure 5.2-1 and Figure 5.2-2.
Voltage (V)
10 kHz 1 kHz
Increasing PRF
Figure 5.2-1 Voltage waveforms at gate terminal of Nitronex amplifier, PRF 1-10kHz, step size = 1 kHz
Gate Voltage, Cree
Voltage (V)
10 kHz 2 kHz
Increasing PRF
Figure 5.2-2 Voltage waveforms at gate terminal of Cree amplifier, PRF 2-10kHz, step size = 1 kHz
Cree and Nitronex gates at PRF = 2kHz Cree and Nitronex gates at PRF = 10kHz
-1 -1
Cree Cree
Nitronex Nitronex
-2 -2
Voltage (V)
Voltage (V)
-3 -3
-4 -4
Figure 5.2-3 Gate Voltage for Cree and Nitronex amplifiers at PRF= 2 and 10 kHz
A more direct comparison of the Cree and Nitronex gate voltages is presented in Figure
5.2-3. It is apparent that there are no significant differences in the modulator output when loaded by
the Nitronex and Cree terminals up to a 10 kHz PRF.
Figure 5.2-4 and Figure 5.2-5 show the RF output and gate voltage for the Cree and Nitronex
amplifiers at a 10 kHz PRF. The dashed line on the gate waveform (Figure 5.2-4b, Figure 5.2-5b)
represents the threshold voltage of the respective transistor.
Nitronex 2.8GHz, 10kHz PRF (a)
0 5 10 15 20 25
Gate Voltage (V)
-5 0 5 10 15 20 25
Time ( s)
Figure 5.2-4 Nitronex Amplifier, Drain and Gate Waveforms at -10 dBm input power and 10kHz PRF
0 5 10 15 20 25
Gate Voltage (V)
-5 0 5 10 15 20 25
Time ( s)
Figure 5.2-5 Cree Amplifier, Drain and Gate Waveforms at -10 dBm input power and 10kHz PRF
Despite the slight pulse asymmetry observed at the output of the Nitronex amplifier (Figure
5.2-4), there were no remarkable anomalies in the output of the Cree and Nitronex amplifiers. It may
be observed however that, when loaded by the gate of the Cree amplifier, the modulating waveform
peak voltage was slightly lower than the Nitronex one. It should also be noted that, as a
consequence of a lower threshold voltage and, to a lesser extent, a slower rising edge, the rise and
fall times of the modulating waveform for the Cree amplifier were slightly longer. This may also be
seen, albeit not quite as clearly, in Figure 5.2-3.
As the PRF was increased, this difference became more noticeable, as shown in Figure 5.2-6
and Figure 5.2-7. These figures show that the rising and falling edges have a lower slope at the gate
terminal of the Cree amplifier.
Gate Voltage, Cree Amplifier
Voltage (V)
90 kHz 20 kHz
Increasing PRF
-2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Time (s)
Figure 5.2-6 Voltage waveforms at gate terminal of Cree amplifier, PRF 20-90kHz, step size = 10 kHz
Voltage (V)
-3 90 kHz 20 kHz
Increasing PRF
-2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Time (s)
Figure 5.2-7 Voltage waveforms at gate terminal of Nitronex amplifier, PRF 20-90kHz, step size = 10 kHz
This may be seen more clearly in Figure 5.2-8 which zooms in on the modulating waveforms for the
Cree and Nitronex amplifiers at 90 kHz PRF. The figure highlights significant differences in the gate
waveforms, in particular the rise time of the Cree is 57% longer and the peak voltage 7% lower than
the Nitronex amplifier.
Comparision of Cree and Nitronex gate waveforms at PRF = 90kHz
-1.5 Nitronex
Voltge (V)
Figure 5.2-8 Voltage waveforms at gate terminal of Cree and Nitronex amplifiers, 90 kHz PRF
As the PRF was further increased, it was noticed that the rise and fall times achievable when
the Cree amplifier was connected to the modulator became considerably longer and also the peak
pulse voltage achievable was significantly lower. In addition, a noticeable asymmetry could be
observed on the modulating pulse (Figure 5.2-8). The difference becomes even more evident when
the respective thresholds of the two amplifiers are taken into account (Figure 5.2-9).
Cree and Nitronex Gate volatage above respective conduction thresholds PRF=200kHz
-1.2 Nitronex
Voltage (V)
300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
Time (ns)
Figure 5.2-9 Voltage waveforms above threshold at gate terminal of Cree and Nitronex amplifiers, 200 kHz PRF
As shown in Figure 5.2-9, at a PRF of 200 kHz, the rise time of the modulating waveform for
the Cree amplifier is 15% greater than the Nitronex one30. Also the peak voltage achieved is 180mV
It should be noted that, in this case, the rise time refers to the portion of the waveform between threshold
and peak.
lower. Considering that, for gate bias voltages in the range -2 to -1V, there is a 50mA linear increase
in drain current for a 100mV increase in gate voltage, this difference is very significant.
As the PRF was set to even higher values, comparable slopes were observed for the Cree and
Nitronex modulating waveforms on the rising edges. The falling edge of the Nitronex waveform
however remained sharper. In addition, a much lower peak voltage was achieved by the modulator
when connected to the gate of the Cree amplifier. As shown in Figure 5.2-10, at a PRF of 400kHz, the
peak voltage difference between the two amplifiers was 400mV. This translated in a drain bias
current decrease of 200mA approximately.
-1.7 Nitronex
Voltage (V)
300 350 400 450 500 550 600
Time (ns)
Figure 5.2-10 Voltage waveforms above threshold at gate terminal of Cree and Nitronex amplifiers, 400 kHz PRF
Since the switching limitations of the modulator circuit had been identified and investigated,
it was considered appropriate and meaningful to carry out RF tests up to a 400kHz PRF. The tests
could give a first-approximation set of results and give a useful insight into the effects of the
modulators imperfect waveforms on the amplifier operation. They would also help identify effects
which would not be due to the modulators principle of operation or switching limitations. The
results are shown in Figure 5.2-11 and Figure 5.2-12.
Nitronex 2.8GHz, 200kHz PRF (a)
0 500 1000 1500 2000
Gate Voltage (V)
0 500 1000 1500 2000
Time (ns)
Figure 5.2-11 Nitronex Amplifier, Drain and Gate Waveforms at -6 dBm input power and 200kHz PRF
In the case of the Nitronex amplifier it may be seen how the output waveform envelope
presents considerable asymmetry in terms of pulse shape (Figure 5.2-11). This also meant that rise
and fall times of the output pulse envelope were considerably different for this amplifier.
The Cree amplifier on the other hand did not present such an asymmetry and rise and fall
times were comparable (Figure 5.2-12).
0 500 1000 1500 2000
Gate Voltage (V)
0 500 1000 1500 2000
Time (ns)
Figure 5.2-12 Cree Amplifier, Drain and Gate Waveforms at -6 dBm input power and 200kHz PRF
As the PRF was increased to 400 kHz, the pulse envelope produced at the output of the
Nitronex amplifier, became very tapered as shown in Figure 5.2-13. A considerable reduction in
pulse width and consequently rms pulse power was therefore observed.
Nitronex 2.8GHz, 400kHz PRF (a)
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Gate Voltage (V)
Figure 5.2-13 Nitronex Amplifier, Drain and Gate Waveforms at -6 dBm input power and 400kHz PRF
The Cree amplifier output at 400kHz PRF (Figure 5.2-14) also presented an increased rise
time and a pulse width reduction. Nevertheless these effects were considerably less pronounced
when compared to the Nitronex amplifier. More importantly the RF performance of the Nitronex
proved to be considerably worse than the Cree despite the fact that the switching gate waveform
reached a higher peak voltage and was characterised by lower rise and fall times at the Nitronex
amplifier gate.
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Gate Voltage (V)
Figure 5.2-14 Cree Amplifier, Drain and Gate Waveforms at -6 dBm input power and 400kHz PRF
Since the modulating waveform was better in the Nitronex than it was in the Cree, but the
RF output was considerably worse, it was decided that an improvement in the modulator circuit
would not improve the RF output of the Nitronex and hence the observed anomalies were attributed
to the device itself more than to the switching circuit. It may be argued that the Nitronex device,
being a 25W transistor as opposed to the Cree, which has a maximum output power rating of 10W,
may present a higher capacitive loading. If this was the case however, the gate voltage would have
been affected. What seems more likely is that the current struggles to rise to the desired level as fast
as it is desired. This phenomenon may be due to trapping effects. Chapter 6 and section 6.7 in
particular analyse these phenomena further.
As the output pulses of the Nitronex presented a considerable asymmetry and pulse width
reduction, it did not appear to make sense to carry out additional tests since the rms value of the
pulse would be considerably diminished and hence rise and fall time measurements would lose
significance. The subsequent tests were therefore performed on the Cree amplifier alone.
Before performing additional tests however, the modulator circuit and the circuit elements
on the Cree test board were revised to identify possible improvements, make the switching
waveforms more symmetrical and also enable the achievement of a higher and more consistent
peak gate voltage.
As a result of this analysis, the N-type MOS at the heart of the modulator circuit (Figure
4.3-1) was replaced with a faster device, characterised by rise and fall times below 10 ns, and
additional capacitance was removed along the power rails leading to the gate of the Cree amplifier31.
Figure 5.2-15 shows the considerable improvements achieved from the initial circuit. At a
PRF of 100 kHz a 28% decrease in rise time was observed as well as a 6% increase in pulse width.
Figure 5.2-16 shows how the reduction in input capacitance becomes more critical as the PRF is
further increased to 400 kHz. By employing a faster mosfet and reducing the capacitive load, the
author was able to achieve a 24% increase in pulse width and a 200mV increase in peak voltage at
400 kHz PRF. Both figures concentrate on the portion of the waveform which is above the HEMTs
threshold voltage.
A careful stability verification was also conducted after the latter modification had been implemented.
Cree Amplifier, gate waveforms, PRF = 100 kHz
Voltage (V)
-2 Initial Circuit
Faster Mosfet
-2.1 Reduced Capacitance &
Faster Mosfet
Figure 5.2-15 Comparison of three modulator circuits when connected to gate terminal of Cree Amplifier at 100 kHz PRF
200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600
Time (ns)
Figure 5.2-16 Comparison of three modulator circuits when connected to gate terminal of Cree Amplifier at 400 kHz PRF
The improvements in the modulator circuit had a considerable impact on the drain output
waveform of the amplifier as may be seen from Figure 5.2-17. At 400 kHz PRF, the pulse width of
the envelope of the output waveform is increased by 14% and the slopes of rising and falling edges
are also sharper which translates into a 35% decrease in rise time.
Cree amplifier, 400 kHz PRF
Drain Voltage Faster Mosfet &
Envelope (V) 0.6 Reduced capcitance
Initial Circuit
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Reduced capcitance
Initial Circuit
Figure 5.2-17 Improvement in Drain envelope and gate waveform achieved with revised modulator circuit
5.2.2 Power and Gain Profiles
The initial tests were performed by biasing the amplifier with a relatively low gate voltage
(VGS=-1.6V) and operating it at a low to moderate RF input power. This was done to evaluate the
switching capabilities of the pulsed amplifiers while operating in the linear region. These tests were
performed by means of test setup 1 (section 4.4.1).
Figure 5.2-18 shows the output power variation at different input powers as the PRF is
increased. It can be seen that the power remains largely constant across the PRF range examined.
Figure 5.2-18 Pulse Power vs PRF at input powers ranging from -6 to 9dBm
As shown in Figure 5.2-19, the peak amplitude of the voltage waveforms also stays largely
constant across the PRF range.
A slight reduction in the power gain was observed as the PRF was increased (Figure 5.2-20).
The maximum gain variation observed across the PRF range was 0.8dB at 9dBm input power.
However this is likely to do be due to the changes in the gate bias waveforms which are
characterised by a lower peak voltage at higher PRFs and the fact that rise and fall times, and hence
the area subtended by the pulse, and therefore its energy, is lower. These statistics are derived from
the preliminary tests which made use of the initial modulator circuit.
The next step was the investigation of the pulsed amplifiers performance at higher RF drive
levels, up to 15 dBm. When testing at higher input power levels however the revised modulator was
used. Given the greater influence of capacitive effects on the amplifier under these conditions, this
allowed a considerable performance improvement.
The bias level was kept constant and it was checked that such a bias level could accommodate
the RF drive levels without hard clipping effects taking place. The new modulator circuit was used
throughout these tests (Figure 5.2-21 and Figure 5.2-22).
Figure 5.2-21 shows the output power variation at different input powers across the PRF
range 100-450 kHz. It may be seen that at higher drive levels the pulse power still remains largely
constant across the PRF range. This would suggest that there is no current reduction due to trapping
effects or self heating at the power levels and duty cycles used.
Figure 5.2-21 Pulse Power Vs PRF at input powers ranging from 10 to 15 dBm
As shown in Figure 5.2-22, the relationship between the pulse output power and the input
power is a linear one albeit some slight variations as the transistor approaches saturation. The
output power for a specific input power was measured across the whole PRF range and an average
was calculated. It was also verified that the standard deviation of such an average was below 1%.
5.2.3 Switching Times
In this section the variation of rise and fall times observed at the output of the pulsed amplifier is
Initially lower power levels were investigated and rise and fall times were derived from the
envelope of the output waveform. As in the previous section, these statistics were derived from the
preliminary tests which made use of the slower modulator and appropriate correction factors were
applied to account for the switching limitations of such a circuit.
As may be seen from Figure 5.2-23 and Figure 5.2-24 the rise and fall times of the RF pulses
do increase as the input power is increased. This is likely to be due to a greater capacitive load
determined by higher RF voltages being present. Charge and discharge times of the capacitive
elements present in the transistor package and the transistor itself increase as the input power
Nevertheless, the rise and fall times show very slight changes across the PRF range for a
given power level. The maximum variations observed on the rise and fall times were 10 and 8 ns
respectively. It should be noted however that these values have a limited degree of accuracy due to
the difference in the number of sample points available at different PRFs (lower at higher PRFs) and
to the averaging preformed during data analysis.
In light of these considerations the rise and fall times may be considered constant, at a given power
level, across the PRF range.
Figure 5.2-24 Fall time vs PRF
The input power level was subsequently increased but kept at a level which would be well
below saturation. The new modulator circuit was used for these tests and this noticeably improved
the overall rise times, as may be seen clearly by comparing Figure 5.2-23 and Figure 5.2-25. The fall
times also decreased significantly as shown in Figure 5.2-24 and Figure 5.2-26.
As in the case of lower input powers, rise and fall times of the RF pulses do increase as the
input power is increased as shown in Figure 5.2-25 and Figure 5.2-26. This is again likely to be due to
a greater capacitive load determined by higher RF voltages being present.
Nevertheless, the rise and fall times show a maximum variation of 8 and 18 ns respectively
across the PRF range for a given power level. Due to the finite accuracy of these statistics the rise
and fall times may once again be considered constant at a given power level across the PRF range.
Figure 5.2-25 Rise time vs PRF
103 High Power
At input powers higher than 18dBm, corresponding to output powers greater than 32dBm,
the fall time was seen to increase sharply with input power as may be seen in Figure 5.2-27. In the
time domain this was seen to be due to an additional transient on the pulse falling edge at transistor
turn-off (Figure 5.2-31). A further analysis of time waveforms will be conducted in section
Figure 5.2-27 Maximum and Minimum Rise and Fall Times Vs input power
Measured Fall time
3rd Order Curve Fitting
Fall Time (ns)
18 18.5 19 19.5 20 20.5 21 21.5 22
Input Power (dBm)
For input powers lower than 18dBm the fall time vs input power curve may be approximated
to a reasonable degree of accuracy by a 1st order curve. For powers equal or grater than 18dBm
however such a curve exhibits a strong 3rd order behaviour which may be modelled by a 3rd order
polynomial as shown in Figure 5.2-28. This suggests that non-linear effects influence significantly the
performance the pulsed amplifier at higher power levels.
This considerable increase in fall time for higher input powers may also be seen across a
range of bias levels in Figure 5.3-4
5.2.4 Time Waveforms
Figure 5.2-29 shows the gate and drain waveforms obtained at a 9dBm input power and
100kHz PRF. The dashed grey line in Figure 5.2-29(a) shows the ideal envelope shape for the PRF
chosen. This of course has a zero rise time which is unachievable in practice. The dashed red line
shows the actual envelope of the output signal.
There is a minimal pulse width reduction at 100kHz but finite rise and fall times which
decrease slightly the rms value of the pulse. Capacitive effects may also be seen on the gate
waveform where both rising and falling slopes of the pulse are relatively low. Nevertheless the
voltage excursion shown is much greater than the voltage range to which the gate of the transistor
can respond. Such large rise times in the gate waveforms are therefore mitigated and can be seen to
be much shorter if only the relevant bias voltage range (above the transistors threshold) is
considered (Figure 4.3-2).
Figure 5.2-30 shows the drain and gate voltage at a much higher PRF, 400 kHz. It is apparent
that capacitive effects are much more significant at this stage and the bias voltage rise and fall times
of the modulating waveform play a more prominent role. It was found during the experiments that
even a few pF could make a significant difference to the actual pulse width and the rms value of the
pulse. At 400 kHz such an rms value is decreased albeit to a relatively small extent. This is chiefly due
to the lower slope of the rising edge of the gate bias pulse.
Gate Bias Voltage (V)
0 500 1000 1500 2000 (b)
Time (ns)
Figure 5.2-29 (a) Drain output at 9dBm input power and 100kHz PRF, Envelope (red), Ideal Envelope (grey) (b) Gate
Cree 3.5GHz, 400kHz PRF
Drain Voltage (V)
Gate Bias Voltage (V)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Time (ns) (b)
Figure 5.2-30 Drain output at 9dBm input power and 400kHz PRF, Envelope (red), Ideal Envelope (grey) (b) Gate Bias
Figure 5.2-30 also highlights the presence of two separate transients which maybe be
observed on the rising edge of output envelope. Between time and time , the RF voltage is able
to rise faster than the gate modulating voltage since the bias current is sufficient to allow the RF
voltage to increase up to the amplitude observed at time . Beyond time however, the bias current
poses a hard limit on further increases in RF voltage and hence the envelope amplitude increases at
the same rate as the gate modulating waveform until a sufficient bias current is achieved for the RF
voltage to reach its maximum value at time .
Figure 5.2-31 shows the drain waveforms obtained at a 10dBm and 22dBm input power and
100 kHz PRF. The contour line shows the envelope extracted from the raw time data. It can be seen
that at higher power levels the rise time does not change significantly.
(a) Output waveform at PRF=100kHz, Pin=10dBm, Pout=24dBm
Amplitude (V)
Amplitude (V)
The fall time on the other hand suffers a considerable increase due to the presence of an
exponential decay on the falling edge. It is apparent that the device output capacitance plays a much
more significant role when operating at a power which is close to the 1dB compression point of the
amplifier. It was also observed that this phenomenon became more evident as the PFR was
increased albeit to a relatively small extent.
5.3 Frequency Domain Measurements
The data presented in this section was obtained from tests performed by means of setup 2 (section
Power (dBm)
-1 27
-1.2 17
-1.4 12
-1.6 2
Bias (V) Input Power (dBm)
Figure 5.3-1 shows the peak power variation at different input powers and bias levels. It can
be seen that, at each set bias level, the peak output power increases in a linear fashion up to an
input drive level of 25 dBm (corresponding to an output power of 39 dBm). It is also apparent that
the bias level does not affect the peak output power for every set drive level in the range analysed.
The results shown in Figure 5.3-1 would suggest that there is no current reduction due to trapping
effects or self heating at the power and bias levels used.
Figure 5.3-2 shows how bias voltage and input power affect the symmetry of the spectrum.
To construct this graph the integral of the spectral envelope was first calculated to determine the
overall power. The powers contained in the portions of the spectrum on the left and right hand side
of the carrier were then computed. The percentage of power in each portion was then calculated
and the difference between such percentages is the quantity plotted on the z-axis of Figure 5.3-2.
P( f )df P( f )df
PowerRHS PowerLHS
z ( x, y ) 100%
P( f )df
Percentage of extra Spectral power on RHS of carrier
-1.4 2
-1.2 7
-1 17
-0.8 22
Bias Level (V) Input Power (dBm)
Figure 5.3-2 Power Imbalance (%) Vs Gate Bias & Input Power
A positive value indicates higher power on the right hand side of the spectrum and conversely a
negative value indicates a higher proportion of power on the left hand side.
This measurement is an important performance indicator in a radar system. An
asymmetrical spectrum wastes power and generates undesirable spurious emissions, thereby
degrading performance.
The graph shows that, as the bias is increased, the sensitivity to input power decreases
significantly. It is also apparent that at higher drive levels the spectrum becomes more symmetrical
which confirms the suitability of the device for high power operation.
5.3.3 Zero Span Time Domain Envelope Analysis
In this section the author presents the changes in rise and fall times, observed at the output
of the pulsed Cree amplifier, with gate bias and RF input power. Details about the test methodology
utilised may be found in section 4.4.2-B.
Time (ns)
-1.2 17
-1 12
Gate Bias (V) -0.8 2 Input Power (dBm)
Figure 5.3-3 Rise time Vs Bias & Input Power at 100kHz PRF
Time (ns)
-1 22
-1.2 17
-1.4 7
Gate Bias (V) -1.6 Input Power (dBm)
Figure 5.3-4 Fall time Vs Bias & Input Power at 100kHz PRF
As may be seen on Figure 5.3-3 the rise time of the RF pulses does increase as the input
power is increased. This is likely to be due to a greater capacitive load determined by higher RF
voltages being present. Charge and discharge times of the capacitive elements present in the
transistor package and the transistor itself increase as the input power increases.
It was also observed that the choice of bias point had a significant effect on the rise time.
Figure 5.3-3 shows this crucial dependency. A higher bias level decreases the variation of rise time
across a wide drive level range however it will also have an impact on DC power consumption and
hence a compromise must be sought between performance and efficiency.
Figure 5.3-4 shows that the bias voltage does not have a significant impact on fall time
however, as the transistor is driven closer to saturation,
3rd order an exponential
coefficient increase
of 3 rd appears on the fall
-1.6 -1.5 -1.4 -1.3 -1.2 -1.1 -1 -0.9 -0.8
Bias (V)
rd rd
Figure 5.3-5 Variation of the 3 order coefficient of 3 order interpolating polynomial for Fall Time at different bias
As in the case described in section, for input powers greater than 18 dBm a 3rd order
polynomial interpolation may be performed on the fall time curves measured at each bias level.
Figure 5.3-5 shows the variation of the 3rd order term coefficient32 with gate bias. It may be seen that
such a coefficient, and hence the dominance of the third order term, increases linearly with bias,
which suggests that the effect of non-linearities on the fall time of the pulse becomes considerably
A third order polynomial y(x) may be expressed as y(x) = p1*x^3 + p2*x^2 + p3*x + p4, where p1 represents
the coefficient of the third order term.
greater at higher bias levels. Nevertheless the experiments conducted also show that mathematical
models which may predict the behaviour of the pulsed amplifier could be derived.
As mentioned in section 4.4.2, the main lobe width of a pulsed waveform should have a
simple relationship to the pulse width. However in practice the width of the central lobe may change
as a result of non-linearities present in the system. The author introduces therefore the concept of
Effective Pulse Width, eff, i.e. the pulse width calculated from the main spectral lobe width alone.
The ratio (eff - ) / (Pulse Width Deviation), shown as a percentage on Figure 5.3-6, may
give an indication of the degree of non-linearities present in the system and of how faithful a
representation of the pulse may be obtained at the output of the amplifier.
Pulse Width Equation 5.3-1
Main Lobe Width
In the authors experiments it was found that at higher drive levels, higher bias voltages
were needed to avoid the transistor operating in the current limiting pinch-off region and the non-
linear effects associated with such a region of operation.
It should be stressed that this measure does not necessarily translate into an actual pulse
narrowing in the time domain. It may be interpreted as a reduction in the energy produced during
the nominal pulse interval () due to some of the energy being spread across the time axis outside
such an interval and therefore causing longer fall times.
Figure 5.3-6 Pulse width deviation extracted from main lobe width at (a) VGS=-1.4V (b) VGS = -1.2V (c) VGS =-0.9V
5.4 Conclusions
Through the experiments described in this chapter, the suitability of commercially available
GaN samples to pulsed operation has been demonstrated. The devices provided by Cree Inc.
presented a consistent and reproducible performance across a broad range of power levels, bias
voltages and Pulse Repetition Frequencies. To the authors knowledge these were the first published
results [75, 76] on the performance of commercial GaN devices operated in a pulse fashion at PRFs
and duty cycles characteristic of actual radar systems.
These devices could find application in S-band33 radars which are widely used in Civil Radar
systems such as Air Traffic Control. Such systems utilise low PRFs (<10kHz) at which both Cree and
Nitronex devices performed to high specifications.
The reason for pushing the devices to higher PRFs was to analyse the response that their
structure would have to pulse repetition frequencies which are used at higher RF frequencies. Seeing
that higher frequency devices will maintain some commonalities with their lower frequency
counterparts, this gives some degree of confidence that future devices could be utilised for pulsed
RF applications which operate in higher frequency bands.
The results obtained however are based on two samples and would need to be verified by
testing a larger number of samples over a period of time and across a range of temperatures and
environmental conditions. The automated test rigs devised by the author would be ideally suited to
this type of larger scale characterisation. Table 5.4-1 summarises the main performance parameters
for the pulsed Cree amplifier as measured by the author.
In Radar applications high levels of power are desirable in order to achieve longer ranges and
hence operating the amplifiers near compression is often necessary. However it would appear that,
at such power levels, capacitive effects become more prominent and third order non-linearites
become dominant (section and The authors findings highlighted the need for
further investigations to gain a better understanding of the effects that operating the devices near
their compression point may have on the pulse shape (sections and The author also
found that the rapid increase in fall times at high power levels could be modelled mathematically by
means of 3rd order polynomials.
A method for determining pulse width variations based on the spectrum of the amplified
signal was also proposed. Spectral Power imbalance and spectrum-derived Pulse Width Deviation
were proposed as performance indicators which may be extracted from data available from
frequency domain instruments alone, such as Signal Analysers, without needing to resort to
expensive real time oscilloscopes.
The S band ranges from 2 to 4 GHz
As shown in section 5.3.4, choosing the correct bias level may considerably improve the
performance of a pulsed amplifier, hence pulse width deviation measurements may considerably aid
the design and verification of radar amplifiers. Such measurements, together with spectral
imbalance measurements, may also considerably help determining the optimal operating point for a
pulsed amplifier to achieve high linearity, good bandwidth efficiency and spectral symmetry.
RF output Power Rise Time @ 100 kHz PRF Fall Time @ 100 kHz PRF
Gate Bias level RF output Power
Min Max
30 dBm 5%
-1.6V -0.9V
<30 dBm 10%
30 dBm 40%
<30 dBm 15%
30 dBm 40%
<30 dBm 10%
30 dBm 35%
<30 dBm 0%
Table 5.4-1 Specifications for the Cree amplifier operated in pulsed mode.
Gate modulation was also demonstrated as viable technique for pulsed RF power generation.
Compared to the more common drain pulsing techniques, this guarantees higher amplifier stability
and possibly a much quieter amplifier output during the inter-pulse period.
The integration of data acquisition and signal processing through MatLab and its Instrument
Control Toolbox was also a novel technique for the implementation of automated test rigs. This
approach allows for a cheaper implementation, since most engineering companies already own
MatLab licenses, and also makes the software and signal processing more easily modifiable.
The devices analysed were packaged which posed additional frequency and switching
limitations and therefore additional work needs to be carried out on unpackaged devices which may
operate at higher frequencies (section 7.2.1).
The characterisation rig may not only be used to tune amplifiers to optimise their pulsed
performance but also to verify and validate designs in an industrial environment. This is currently
being investigated by the author through a knowledge transfer secondment to MBDA (section 7.2.1)
6 Pulsed IV Characterisation of GaN HEMTs
6.1 Introduction
The author took part in a three months exchange with Sydney and Macquarie Universities as part the WUN
(Worldwide University Network) Research Mobility Programme (RMP). The exchange was arranged after Dr
Rathmell and the author had the opportunity to discuss their research and ideas at EuMic 2009.
6.2 The APSPA System
v I
6.3 Long Time Constant Traps
In this section the author introduces the experimental techniques which must be utilised to
measure a correct pulsed I-V characteristic for devices based on new technologies such as GaN. In
particular, the experimental data presented in this section was collected by means of tests devised
to identify long time constant traps (>100ms) which may be present in Cree and Nitronex samples.
Figure 6.3-1 shows the I-V characteristics measured with a pulse width of 1s and quiescent
times of 1, 10 and 100 ms respectively. Before each characteristic was measured with the respective
quiescent time, the transistor was kept at a constant bias level, at which the device would be heavily
pinched off, for over 100s to ensure that similar initial conditions would apply to all tests. This length
of time was considered suitable to ensure that potential traps had reached their steady state.
0.6 -1.0
0.5 -1.3
0.3 -1.7
0.2 -2.0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Figure 6.3-1 Pulsed I-V plot for Nitronex NBT025, pulse width =1s, quiescent on time=1ms, each characteristics is
measured after 100s settling time
The data shows that, depending on the quiescent time for which the transistor is kept
pinched-off before each measuring pulse is applied, the amount of current available for conduction
at a given gate bias voltage changes. This is because traps are present that have relatively long
charge times, greater than any of the quiescent times used for these test. What one sees in this case
is a snapshot of traps charge state at the time the measurement is taken. However, the charging
process is not yet complete and to reach a steady state and obtain a true characteristic, one must
utilise a quiescent time which is longer than the longest time constant of the traps. This time may be
identified by repeating the tests with an increasingly longer quiescent time until it is observed that
further increases in such a time no longer causes meaningful changes in the IV plot.
0.7 -1.0
0.6 -1.2
0.3 -1.9
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Figure 6.3-2 Pulsed I-V plot for Nitronex NBT025, pulse width =1s, quiescent on time=1ms, characteristics measured in
quick succession
Figure 6.3-2 shows I-V characteristics of the Nitronex device measured in quick succession.
This graph demonstrates the importance of keeping the device under tests (D.U.T.) at the relevant
bias point for a long enough time in order for meaningful data to be obtained. Here the curves
measured at each quiescent time setting appear to overlap. This is however a misleading result
which is caused by the fact that long term traps have not had the time to reach their steady state
before a new measurement, with a different quiescent time, is taken.
6.3.2 Cree CGH40010
Cree CGH40010, quiescent time= 1ms (+), 10ms (*), 100ms (x)
0.6 -1.2
0.4 -2.2
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Figure 6.3-3 Pulsed I-V plot for Cree CGH40100, pulse width =1s, quiescent on time=1ms, each characteristics is
measured after 100s settling time
Figure 6.3-3 shows the I-V characteristics of the Cree HEMT obtained by means of the same
measurement performed on the Nitronex HEMT in the previous section (Figure 6.3-1).
It is apparent that there is a much greater variation in the drain current across the quiescent time
range examined. This may be due to the fact that the time constant of the traps which affect the
Cree transistor have considerably shorter time constants and hence, when a quiescent time of
100ms is applied, the charge level of such traps is much higher. This reduces the number of electrons
available for conduction and hence the overall drain current.
Figure 6.3-4 shows once again the importance of letting the D.U.T. reach a steady state
before the measurements are carried out. In this case however the difference between the
characteristics measured at various quiescent points is more evident albeit different from the data
acquired under more suitable conditions and plotted in Figure 6.3-3.
Cree CGH40010, quiescent time= 1ms (+), 10ms (*), 100ms (x)
0.8 VGS
0.7 VGS
0.6 -1.5
0.5 -1.8
0.4 -2.2
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Figure 6.3-4 Pulsed I-V plot for Cree CGH40010, pulse width =1s, quiescent IV test on time=1ms, characteristics
measured in quick succession
6.4 Pseudo-DC Characteristics
When measuring DC characteristics, most commercially available pulsed I-V systems, will sit at
each bias point for times of the order of hundreds of ms (typically 250 ms). Such times are sufficient
to obtain a characteristic which may represent the DC state of the transistor for most semiconductor
devices since their traps time constants are lower than such times. This is not the case for GaN
devices and thanks to the APSPA system the measurement time may be extended to account for
longer time constants of the device traps.
Keeping the transistor at specific bias points for a long time may however bring about other
issues, mainly self-heating, which may affect the shapes of the characteristic and increase the
likelihood of oscillations occurring.
The effect of self-heating may however be easily isolated and modelled as shown by Parker
and Rathmell [79, 80]. Also oscillations may be avoided by inserting low frequency short circuiting
capacitors, in series with small resistances if necessary, in parallel with the drain power rail of the
transistor (section 4.2).
The tests conducted in this section measured the I-V characteristics by sitting at each bias
point for an increasing number of seconds before measuring the relative current. Each test was
performed both in an orderly, step and sweep fashion, and in a random fashion (shuffle). This may
give an indication of whether the appropriate bias time has been selected since, if that is indeed the
case, no difference will be observed between the shuffle tests and the step&sweep ones.
6.4.1 Nitronex
As shown by Figure 6.4-1 and Figure 6.4-2, quiescent times of 1 and 10 s are not suitable to
identify an appropriate DC characteristic for the transistor. This is detected by repeating the test
with different points on the characteristics measured in a random order (shuffle) and clear
differences appearing on the I-V plot.
For the Nitronex device it was found that when the each point was analysed after the
transistor had been kept at the relevant bias point for 100s, no changes occurred in the
characteristic when two different random orders were utilised to explore each point. The 100s curve
in Figure 6.4-3 may be seen as an asymptotic curve which is reached and maintained after the
appropriate quiescent time is reached.
1s shuffle 1
0.40 1s shuffle 2
ID (A)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Figure 6.4-1 Pulsed I-V Characteristic for NBT025 with 1s quiescent time
0.45 10s shuffle 1
0.40 10s shffle 2
ID (A)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Figure 6.4-2 Pulsed I-V Characteristic for NBT025 with 10s quiescent time
1s step&sweep
0.45 1s shuffle=1
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Figure 6.4-3 Pulsed I-V Characteristic for NBT025 with 100s quiescent time, compared to insufficiently long quiescent
6.4.2 Cree
1s shuffle 1
1s shuffle 2
ID (A)
0 2 4 6 8 10
Figure 6.4-4 Pulsed I-V Characteristic for CGH40010 with 1s quiescent time
64s shuffle 1
64s shuffe 2
ID (A)
0 2 4 6 8 10
Figure 6.4-5 Pulsed I-V Characteristic for CGH40010 with 64s quiescent time
As shown in Figure 6.4-4 and Figure 6.4-5 quiescent times of 1 and 64s are not sufficient to
obtain an appropriate DC characterisation of the Cree HEMT.
0.9 10 s
0.8 64s
ID (A)
0 2 4 6 8 10
Figure 6.4-6 Pulsed I-V Characteristic for CGH40010 with 1, 10 and 64s quiescent time
Figure 6.4-6 shows a comparison of the I-V characteristics obtained for 1, 10 and 64s
quiescent times. The figure shows that, as the quiescent time is increased, the curves become flatter
and the ripple is considerably reduced.
100s 200s 400s 800s 1600s 3200s
ID (A)
0 2 4 6 8 10
Figure 6.4-7 Pulsed I-V Characteristic for CGH40010 with 100 3200 s quiescent time
Figure 6.4-7 shows that, as the time is increased beyond 100s no significant variations are
observed on the I-V curves. This would suggest that quiescent times of the order of hundreds of
seconds are required for a true DC characterisation. It also confirms the presence of traps with
release time of the order of hundreds of seconds.
ID (A)
0 2 4 6 8 10
Figure 6.4-8 Pulsed I-V Characteristic for CGH40010 when oscillations occur. (1s quiescent time)
6.5 Pulsed I-V at Typical Radar PRFs
6.5.1 Nitronex
In this section the transistors are subjected to pulses of the same PRFs and duty cycles
utilised for the amplifier tests.
0.7 -1.0
0.6 -1.2
0.5 -1.4
0.4 -1.6
0.3 -1.8
0.2 -2.0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Figure 6.5-1 Nitronex NBT025 pulsed I-V plot simulating amplifier pulsing at 100kHz PRF and 20% duty cycle
0.6 -1.0
0.5 -1.1
0.4 -1.2
0.3 -1.3
0.2 -1.4
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Figure 6.5-2 Nitronex NBT025 pulsed IV plot simulating amplifier pulsing at 400kHz PRF and 20% duty cycle
For each PRF, the transistor is pulsed continually for 100s and the first set of pulses is used
for the t=0s plot while the last set of pulses is used for the t=100 s plot. It should be stressed that
during the 100s which separate the two data acquisitions, the transistor is being continually pulsed
from the quiescent point to every point in the characteristic.
Figure 6.5-1 shows that the I-V plot for t=0s and t=100s are identical suggesting that, if traps
are present, the fact that transistor is being continually switched on and off, does not allow them to
charge up and cause a current reduction.
When the PRF is increased (Figure 6.5-2), although the curves at t=0s and t=100s present a
great degree of similarity, the shape of the curves has changed and some knee-walkout may be
observed. This may be due to the fact that, at 400kHz PRF, the transistor remains turned off for a
much shorter time for every cycle (2s instead of 8s). This may allow some of the traps to charge
since the turn-off time is not long enough for the charging cycle to be interrupted.
It is very interesting to see that, when moving to higher PRFs, the whole I-V characteristic of
the transistor may change, in particular the knee voltage which is a crucial design parameter for
power amplifiers. This would indicate that, when using HEMTs for the amplification of pulsed
waveforms, the amplifier design should be optimised for a specific PRF of operation. This could pose
problems in Radar systems which utilised staggered PRFs.
Systems that utilise Staggered PRF regularly change the time between interrogations from
radar. The change of repetition frequency allows the radar, on a pulse-to-pulse basis, to differentiate
between returns from itself and returns from other radar systems with the same frequency. Without
stagger any returns from another radar on the same frequency would appear stable in time and
could be mistaken for the radar's own returns. With stagger the radars own targets appear stable in
time in relation to the transmit pulse, whilst the 'jamming' echoes are moving around in time
(uncorrelated), causing them to be rejected by the receiver.
6.5.2 Cree
The analysis of the Cree data is identical to that presented in the previous section for the
Nitronex device.
Cree CGH40100, quiescent time= 8s pulse width= 2 s,t= 0 (+) ,t= 100s (x)
0.8 -1.1
0.7 -1.3
0.6 -1.5
0.5 -1.7
0.4 -1.9
0.3 -2.1
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Figure 6.5-3 Cree CGH40010 pulsed IV plot simulating amplifier pulsing at 100kHz PRF and 20% duty cycle
0.5 -1.8
0.4 -2.0
0.3 -2.2
0.2 -2.4
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Figure 6.5-4 Cree CGH40010 pulsed IV plot simulating amplifier pulsing at 400kHz PRF and 20% duty cycle
6.6 The Importance at Settling Time
When performing pulsed I-V it is crucial to first let the transistor settle at the appropriate bias
point for a sufficiently long time. This is to allow traps to either charge or relax to their steady state.
If this is not done the result will most likely not be reproducible and therefore not reliable.
Cree CGH40100, quiescent time = 10 ms, pulse width = 1 s, t=0 () t=100s (+)
0.8 VGS
0.7 -1.0
0.5 -1.5
0.4 -1.9
0.3 -2.1
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Figure 6.6-1 Pulsed I-V profile for CGH40010, at t=0 bias is VGS=0 and VDS=0, at t=100 the HEMT has sat on the desired
bias level, VGS=-5 and VDS=0, for 100s
Nitronex NBT25, quiescent time = 10 ms, pulse width = 1 s, t=0 (*) t=100s ( )
0.5 -1.2
0.3 -1.7
0.2 -2.0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Figure 6.6-2 Pulsed I-V profile for NBT025, at t=0 bias is VGS=0 and VDS=0, at t=100 the HEMT has sat on the desired bias
level, VGS=-5 and VDS=0, for 100s
Figure 6.6-1 and Figure 6.6-2 demonstrate that, if the transistor is not kept at the relevant bias
point for approximately 100s before the measurement is started, the measurements taken at t=0s
and t=100s will differ and may not be reproducible. This is because the charging state of the traps
will not be known.
6.7.1 Nitronex
0 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Time (s)
In the case of the Nitronex transistor (Figure 6.7-1), there is a considerable increase in the
current at a specific instant in time for each gate bias level. This shows that not only a gate lag (delay
in the start of the rising slope of the current) is present but it is also dependent on both gate and
drain bias. It would appear that, at higher drain voltages, the gate lag is smaller which may suggest
that the traps fill up more quickly. It may also be observed that the transients for a fixed gate bias
are characterised by a similar time constant, signified by the slopes of the top curves. However such
a time constant is also dependent on the gate bias and it appears to be longer at lower bias levels
(bottom curve, two decades instead of one). On the other hand, irrespective of biasing conditions, a
steady state for the current is reached after 10s.
This delay in the drain current reaching its peak value may be partly to blame for the
shortcomings in the Nitronex amplifier performance illustrated in section 5.2 and shown in Figure
6.7.2 Cree
Current Profile for Cree CGH40010
0.9 -1.8 / 3
-1.8 / 7
0.8 -1.6 / 3
-1.6 / 6
-1.6 / 7
0.7 -1.6 / 8
-1.6 / 10
Current (A)
0.6 -1.6 / 12
0.1 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Time (s)
In the case of the Cree transistor, no significant transients on the drain current were observed.
The tests were repeated several times and were also extend to 1000s to see if traps would have a
detectable effect on time profile of the drain current, however none were observed. This is not
however conclusive proof that no traps are present since the gate and drain bias levels at which the
tests were conducted were constrained by equipment limitations. Further tests at higher drain
biases may be necessary to highlight the presence of transients in the current profile of the Cree
The slight decrease in drain current observed for drain biases greater then 7V maybe be seen
as a thermal roll-off.
6.8 Conclusions
Accurate IV measurements are essential in the design of both CW and pulsed amplifiers and
the experiments described in this chapter offer an insight into the pulsed I-V characterisation
techniques which may be needed to measure meaningful and accurate I-V characteristics for novel
technologies such as GaN HEMTs.
In particular section 6.3 and 6.4 highlight how, in order to reach a steady state and obtain a
true characteristic, one must utilise a quiescent time which is longer than the longest time constant
of the traps. This time may be identified by repeating the tests with an increasingly longer quiescent
time and both in an orderly and in a random fashion (shuffle) until a value for such a time is
identified at which the I-V curves are not affected by the bias point sequence used to measure the I-
V characteristic.
Section 6.5 shows how, in the case of pulsed amplifiers, there exists a crucial relationship
between PRF and I-V characteristics. The whole characteristic appears to change when the pulsed I-V
measurement is carried out at different pulse repetition frequencies and most importantly the
location of the knee voltage seems to be significantly affected by such an operational parameter.
When designing pulsed amplifiers suitable I-V curves should therefore be used which take into
account operational specifications.
The experimental data illustrated in this chapter also proves that significant trapping effects
are present in commercially available devices from both Cree and Nitronex. The traps which cause
them appear to have much longer times constants than are encountered in other technologies such
as GaAs. This corroborates the argument that an appropriate characterisation setup is necessary in
order to obtain meaningful I-V data. Nevertheless, the tests also highlighted that, under typical radar
pulsed operation, the effect of long time constant traps does not seem to affect significantly the
available drain current. This in turn suggest that the extensive and computationally intensive trap
models proposed [37, 77, 78] may not be necessary when designing amplifiers for pulsed operation.
It should be noted however that the experiments were only conducted on two samples and only at a
duty cycle of 20%, and more data may be required to obtain more conclusive results.
In addition, the drain current versus time profile illustrated in section 6.7.1 offer a plausible
explanation for the performance shortcomings of the Nitronex amplifier (section 5.2). The long
delays in the drain current reaching its peak value may considerably limit the output voltage of the
pulsed amplifier as shown in Figure 5.2-13. Additional investigations would however be required to
verify this connection. In particular, this would entail using higher drain bias voltages and evaluating
their effect on the current profile.
The main limitations of the APSPA system are the maximum current (<1A) and maximum
voltage (<18V) that such a system can handle. An increase in current and voltage ratings would allow
a wider section of the IV characteristic to be explored. This is an important enhancement since GaN
devices may withstand drain voltages and currents which are much higher than previous
technologies such as GaAs. This work will be carried out in Bristol by the author and staff from the
university of Sydney in early 2011 (section 7.2.3).
To summarise, the authors experiments highlighted two important aspects in the design of
GaN HEMTs amplifiers:
- An appropriate IV characterisation and current profiles should be measured as a first step
in the design process and
- The effect of operational specifications such as PRF and Duty Cycle should be taken into
account and suitably measured when designing pulsed amplifiers
7 Conclusions and Future Work
7.1 Conclusions
Gallium nitride (GaN) is recognized as the key, next-generation amplifier technology for a
number of applications. The design activity and adoption rate is increasing each year as more GaN-
based RF component suppliers enter the market with production-ready, reliable products.
For Radar systems, GaN offers distinct advantages such as wide bandgap, higher voltage and
broader bandwidth performance combined with high drain efficiency. GaN products are widely
available now for applications operating in frequency bands <6 GHz and their capabilities are
progressing fast. Most recently, there has been increased activity from U.S. and Japanese GaN
manufacturers, specifically in the areas of higher frequency applications (>10 GHz) as well as
targeting improvements in bandwidth, power output, and efficiency. As a result these higher
frequency GaN-based solutions are encroaching on design slots typically secured by GaAs-based
amplifiers and VEDs.
Nonetheless GaN technology is not as well understood as its Si and GaAs counterparts and
appropriate characterisation and verification of GaN transistors when operated in Pulsed Mode is
essential in order to utilise such devices within Radar systems and achieve the desired performance.
Through the experimental characterisation described in this chapter 5, the suitability of
amplifiers based on commercially available GaN samples to pulsed operation has been
demonstrated. The devices provided by Cree Inc. presented a consistent and reproducible
performance across a broad range of power levels, bias voltages and Pulse Repetition Frequencies.
These devices could find direct application in S-band35 radars which are widely used in Civil Radar
systems. The results of the experiments also give some degree of confidence that higher frequency
devices, which present similar structures to the ones analysed, may be utilised in military radar
The results obtained however are based on two samples and would need to be verified by
testing a larger number of samples over a period of time and across a range of temperatures and
environmental conditions. The automated test rigs devised by the author would be ideally suited to
this type of larger scale characterisation. In addition further investigations are needed to gain a
deeper insight into the effect that third order non-linearites may have on the pulse shape when the
amplifiers are operated near their compression point (sections and
The S band ranges from 2 to 4 GHz
A method for determining pulse width variations based on the spectrum of the amplified
signal was also proposed. Spectral Power imbalance and spectrum-derived Pulse Width Deviation
were proposed as performance indicators which may be extracted from data available from
frequency domain instruments alone, such as Signal Analysers, without needing to resort to
expensive real time oscilloscopes.
Such measures were shown to be very useful when choosing an appropriate bias point for the
amplifier which would optimise its pulsed performance (Figure 5.3-6). Pulse width deviation
measurements in particular may considerably aid the design and verification of radar amplifiers.
Gate modulation was also demonstrated as viable technique for pulsed RF power generation.
Compared to the more common drain pulsing techniques, this guarantees higher amplifier stability
and possibly a much quieter amplifier output during the inter-pulse period.
The integration of data acquisition and signal processing through MatLab and its Instrument
Control Toolbox was also a novel technique for the implementation of automated test rigs. This
approach allows for a cheaper implementation, since most engineering companies already own
MatLab licenses, and also makes the software and signal processing more easily modifiable and
seamlessly integrated with the measurement hardware.
The experiments described in chapter 6 proved that significant trapping effects are present in
commercially available devices from both Cree and Nitronex. More importantly, the traps which
cause them appear to have much longer times constants than are encountered in other technologies
such as GaAs. This corroborates the argument that an appropriate characterisation setup is
necessary in order to obtain meaningful I-V data. Nevertheless, the tests also highlighted that, under
typical radar pulsed operation, the effect of long time constant traps does not seem to affect
significantly the available drain current. This in turn suggests that the extensive and computationally
intensive trap models proposed [37, 77, 78] may not be necessary when designing amplifiers for
pulsed operation.
The crucial relationship between PRF and I-V characteristics was also illustrated in chapter 6.
The whole characteristic appears to change when the pulsed I-V test is carried out at different pulse
repetition frequencies and most importantly the location of the knee voltage seems to be
significantly affected by such an operational parameter. When designing pulsed amplifiers suitable I-
V curves should therefore be used which take into account operational specifications such as PRF
and duty cycle.
The drain current versus time profile, also shown in chapter 6 highlighted that long delays
(>10s) may occur in the drain current reaching its peak value in Nitronex HEMTs. This may also be
connected to the performance shortcomings of the Nitronex amplifier described in chapter 5.
Additional investigations however would be required to verify this connection. The Cree devices did
not present significant current variations in their current vs time profiles however the experiments
should be repeated at higher drain bias voltages to achieve more conclusive results.
With this thesis the author intended to compile a vade mecum for GaN pulsed amplifier
design comprising of specific guidelines and recommendations which are summarised below.
At Device Level the designer should measure:
- Pulsed IV characteristic at typical operational PRFs, to get the correct IV curves and knee
voltages (section 6.5). This avoids hard clipping and non-linearities
- Current vs time profile (section 6.7). This would ensure that current transients are
accounted for.
At amplifier level:
- A suitable modulation technique should be chosen to avoid instabilities (section 4.3)
- A thorough performance evaluation of the modulator should be carried out to achieve a
clear understanding of the limitations it poses on amplifier switching
- The performance of the pulsed amplifier in terms of rise/fall times and pulse profile
should be evaluated by means of:
Time domain measurements with fast sampling scopes (section 4.4.1)
Signal Analysers in zero-span mode (section 4.4.2)
- The amplifier performance should be optimised by means of:
Spectral imbalance measurements (section 4.4.2 and 5.3.2)
Pulse width deviation measurements (section 4.4.2 and 5.3.4)
Such measurements allow the designer to determine the optimal bias point,
input power and PRF for a specific design.
The work carried out by the author has been very well received by his sponsoring company
MBDA, Mimix Broadband, DMD (Diamond Microwave Devices) and other research groups. As a
consequence, the future work plans described in section 7.2, have already become a reality through
a Knowledge Transfer Secondment to MBDA. The main aim of the secondment will be to prove the
validity of the characterisation methods devised by the author when operating in higher frequency
bands and their suitability to industrial verification both at design and production level.
Modifications and enhancements of the APSPA system (section 7.2.3) are also being planned
as a collaboration between the Universities of Bristol and Sydney with the support of MBDA and
DMD. This work will also help gain a deeper understanding of GaN HEMTs at device level and not
only aid the design but also the diagnosis and resolution of issues which may cause performance
shortcomings at amplifier level.
7.2 Future Work
The research work illustrated in this thesis focussed primarily on frequency ranges which may
be used for civil radar applications. Nevertheless the practical applications which would benefit even
more considerably from GaN technology are military radars which operate in higher frequency
bands, in particular X (8-12 GHz), Ku (12-18 GHz) and Ka-band (26.5-40 GHz). Future research work
will therefore aim at testing and characterising GaN devices which may be operated in such
frequency ranges. GaN HEMTs capable of reaching frequencies as high as 10 GHz have recently been
introduced to the market by Toshiba and prototypes are also available from Triquint which may
reach 19 GHz.
In order to operate at high frequency the devices need to be unpackaged to avoid the
considerable bandwidth limiting effects caused by the parasitic elements associated with packages.
This brings about thermal management issues as heat needs to be efficiently extracted from very
small dies. In addition, tolerances on circuit elements dimensions are much tighter which makes
transistor mounting and circuit boards design and fabrication much more challenging. Section 7.2.1
and 7.2.2 will illustrate the high frequency work which is presently been carried out on high
frequency devices and the plans for future work.
As explained in chapter 6, pulsed IV characterisation is a crucial tool in the characterisation of
devices based on new technologies. The APSPA system built by Sydney and Macquarie Universities
however has voltage and current limitations which prevent the extraction of a complete IV
characteristic from devices which operate at high power and therefore at high terminal voltages and
drain currents. Work has already started however, as a collaboration between Bristol and Sydney
and Macquarie Universities, on the design of a semiconductor analyser system with enhanced
capabilities. Section 7.2.3 describes this work in more detail.
A great deal of amplifier design work has, thus far, been based on frequency domain
measurements. However, instruments have now become available which allow time domain analysis
up to 35 GHz. The opportunity to see time domain waveforms at such high frequencies may become
a very useful design and diagnostic tool and therefore it is of a great interest. Section 7.2.2 explains
this concept in more detail.
Another important parameter in the characterisation of pulsed amplifiers is the noise
generated during the inter-pulse period. This measurement may be added to the authors test rig as
explained in section 7.2.4.
7.2.1 High Frequency Devices
A number of Radar systems, and in particular military radars (section 1.2), operate at carrier
frequencies which are higher than those analysed by the author. Higher carrier frequencies allow for
a better spacial resolution, thanks to lower wavelengths, and better ranges due the higher
bandwidth achievable which allows sharper pulses to be generated.
There has been extensive work carried out by GaN manufacturers to push the frequency of
GaN HEMTs higher and higher. The author managed to procure samples from Cree which can
operate at up to 6 GHz. These devices, which are bare dies, have recently also been commercialised
as packaged devices. Figure 7.2-1 shows the 6 GHz amplifier designed and fabricated by the author.
This amplifier will be the first tested as part of the higher frequency pulsed characterisation plans.
Figure 7.2-1 6 GHz amplifier based on Cree CGH60015 developed by the author at Bristol University
As shown in Figure 7.2-1, the bare die device is mounted on a brass block and positioned on a
raised pedestal. This was done to guarantee maximum adherence of the underside of the device,
which is the source contact, to the metal. This allows a better current distribution and a more
uniform heat extraction. In addition the raised pedestal helps minimise the lengths of the bond-
wires which connect the gate and drain contacts to the board. This, together with the use of multiple
bond-wires, minimises the parasitic inductance which this type of connection inevitably carries .
Work is also currently underway through a Knowledge Transfer Secondment to MBDA, to
characterise GaN amplifiers which operate at 15 GHz and are based on Triquint prototype HEMTs.
7.2.2 High Frequency Time Domain Measurements
In the area of high bandwidth oscilloscope design, the major innovation that has been carrying
the industry for the last two decades is that of interleaving. Interleaving is the combination of
channel resources, namely the channel digitizers and memory, to create oscilloscopes with very high
sample rates and memory lengths. This innovation relieves constraints on individual digitizer speeds
that are far below the effective sample rates achieved. While interleaving has been highly successful,
it does not address bandwidth, since interleaved digitizers are driven by a front-end amplifier which
must be designed to accommodate the end bandwidth of the instrument. [81]
New oscilloscopes are now available which address this problem by utilising the principles of
Digital Bandwidth Interleave (BDI). DBI allows for much larger bandwidths to be accommodated by
using the same basic concept as a radio receiver. Both the low and high frequency bands are
acquired by the oscilloscope, with the low band in its original location and the high band moved to
a different (lower) frequency location[81]. Thanks to DBI, Oscilloscopes have been developed which
can achieve sampling rates of up to 120 Giga samples per seconds with analogue bandwidths of up
to 45 GHz.
What should be pointed out however is that, at the top of the frequency range, a fairly
accurate representation of the signal may only be obtained if the harmonic content is negligible. If
that is not the case, the maximum frequency for which a reasonably faithful representation of the
signal would be observed is 15 GHz because, up to this frequency, the 35 GHz bandwidth of the
scope would allow 2nd and 3rd harmonic frequencies to be captured and contribute to the
representation of the time domain waveform.
Nevertheless, when it comes to power amplifier characterisation, in as much as it is important
to know what is being transmitted, one must bear in mind that, at the receiver end, there will a be a
band-limited filter which will reject higher harmonic contents. Because of this, the capabilities of
high-frequency scopes may be appropriate for PA characterisation and investigations have recently
commenced at MBDA to verify the suitability of such instruments to Radar amplifier design.
7.2.3 Extended Pulsed IV Characterisation
The APSPA system described in section 6.2 may only reach a maximum current of 1A and a
maximum drain voltage of 18V. It would be interesting however to analyse the devices at higher
currents and higher drain voltages to span a larger proportion of the I-V characteristic.
GaN devices in particular are characterised by a breakdown voltage and drain currents which
are considerably higher than other high frequency technologies such as GaAs. (section 2.2).
In order to analyse a larger proportion of the IV characteristic of GaN HEMTs, the voltage
and current capabilities of both amplifiers and probes will need to be improved. Also the data
acquisition, which is currently performed by means of a C program, may be improved by means of
the Matlab instrument control toolbox. This would also allow for data processing to be integrated
with the acquisition. This work, outlined in Figure 7.2-2, has started and will include a secondment of
Sydney University staff at Bristol University commencing in December 2010.
7.2.4 Noise in Inter-Pulse period
Another important parameter that the author did not have the opportunity to investigate is
the inter-pulse noise generated by the amplifier. This parameter is crucial in radar systems as it
greatly affects the sensitivity of the receiver, particularly in monostatic36 radars.
Since the specifications for this parameter are very stringent (10 dB above noise floor), neither
oscilloscopes nor Signal Analysers would have a sufficiently large dynamic range to perform the
measurements to the required level of accuracy.
This measurement may however be performed by means of a Low Noise Amplifier (LNA)
which is turned on and off by the inverse of the gate modulating waveform. This would be necessary
to avoid damaging the highly sensitive LNA with high RF powers. This system could be implemented
as an enhancement of the automated test rig which would be able to accurately control the LNA
power gating.
The addition of automated inter-pulse noise measurements to the current test rig will offer a
more complete characterisation setup which would address all the major design specs of radar
power amplifiers.
This work, which will be carried out in collaboration with MBDA, is due to be commenced in
early 2011.
A monostatic radar system transmits and receives its energy through the same antenna system or through
colocated antennas.
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Appendix A
A crystal is a material that has an orderly and periodic arrangement of atoms in three-
dimensional space. The repetitive arrangement of atoms in a crystal is called a lattice. The smallest
volume in a lattice that represents one full repetition of its periodic atom arrangement is called a unit
cell. The manner in which the atoms are arranged in a unit cell is known as its crystal structure. The
crystal structure of the unit cell is always the same as that of a bigger chunk of the crystal, so a given
bulk of crystal may be studied using just a small representative sample thereof.
The lengths of the edges of a unit cell along its major axes are known as lattice constants,
which are usually denoted by three numbers, a, b, and c. In some crystal structures, however, the
edge lengths along all axes are equal (a=b=c), so only one lattice constant is used for its dimensional
description, a.
Lattice constant values and knowledge of crystal structure are needed to calculate distances
between neighbouring atoms in a crystal, as well as in determining some of the crystal's important
physical and electrical properties. Note that, depending on the crystal structure, the distance between
two neighbouring atoms in a lattice may be less than the lattice constant.
Table A-1. Lattice Constant of the eleven basic semiconductors for unstrained bulk material
Table A-1 shows the lattice constants of the eleven basic semiconductors. Materials with a cubic
lattice structure, such as Ge, Si, or GaAs, are characterized by the lattice constant a. Wurtzite
crystals, such as SiC, GaN, and AIN, consisting of hexagonal prisms are characterized by the length
a of the basal hexagon as well as the height c of the hexagonal prism.
The primitive GaN unit cell contains 4 atoms, in the case of the wurtzite structure, and 2 atoms, in the
case of the zincblende structure. The most common crystal structure for GaN devices is the Wurtzite
obtained by MOCVD.
Figure A0-1. Primitive unit cell of wurtzite GaN. Ga atoms are represented by large grey spheres, and N atoms by smaller
green spheres.
Figure A0-2. 8-atom cubic cell of zinc blende GaN. Ga atoms are represented by large grey spheres, and N atoms by
smaller green spheres
Appendix B
-1 dB Compression
Drain Current (A)
0.4 -3 dB Compression
-0.1 Linear
0 5 10 15 20 25
Drain Voltage (V)
Figure B1 Dynamic and DC load lines for a transistor amplifier network [4]
When large ac signals are applied to a transistor amplifier the device capacitances exhibit
lower impedance. This means that the operating point of the transistor no longer follows a straight DC
load line but it moves along a different trajectory called dynamic load line.
The dynamic characteristics of the amplifier are illustrated in Fig. B1, which shows dynamic load lines
for three conditions: linear operation, -1dB in compression and -3dB in compression. The dynamic
load lines are superimposed upon the DC characteristics for the active device.
Since the device has capacitance, the dynamic load line shows elliptical behaviour. While the
device is operating below saturation the load line is confined within the DC characteristics. As the
device is driven into saturation however the dynamic load line shifts and extends outside the DC
characteristics on both the high current and low current portions of the RF cycle.
The extension of the dynamic load line outside the DC characteristics is due to the fact that the total
RF current consists of conduction and displacement components and although the conduction current
is limited by the DC characteristics, the displacement current maintains current continuity at the
terminals [4].