Entrepreneurship Activity 3
Entrepreneurship Activity 3
Entrepreneurship Activity 3
Instructions: Using this form, survey one non-Grade-12 class in the school to
determine possible school-based business ideas. (Arrange with the teacher the best
time for the survey). You may wish to do the survey by show of hands or redesign the
questionnaire for each student to fill out separately. After combining responses for one
or more classes, discuss your suggestions for products and services that your school
"market" could use.
E. How many (of the class) like to do each of the following in your spare time?
Reading_______, Play music_______, Sports_______, Watch TV________, Play
Video/Computer Games_______, Chat/Talk on the phone________,
Dance_______, Go for walks__________, Fix things_______, Sew_______,
Cook_______, Exercise_______, Crafts_______, Paint or draw_______,
Babysit_______, Write stories_______ (Many other ideas can be added here)
F. What products or services would you like to be able to purchase at school that
cannot currently be bought there?
At the back of this Activity Sheet, based on the information you have collected, list the
products that you believe would sell best to students in SPC SciHigh. Give reasons for
each choice. Discuss the possibilities of selling these products or services in SciHigh.