Ab Ipbox: New Manufacturer in Central Europe
Ab Ipbox: New Manufacturer in Central Europe
Ab Ipbox: New Manufacturer in Central Europe
New Manufacturer in Central Europe
AB IPBox was only established in January
2010, which might have you think it
would take some time to get a foothold
in a highly competitive market. On
the contrary, AB IPBox counts on the
ë Slovakia
expertise and technical know-how of its
owners and employees. We wanted to
find out more about this new player and
visited the company in the small Slovak
town of Topoľčany. After all, it doesn‘t
happen every day that a new start-up
enters the receiver playground.
We are greeted by familiar faces in only a few months ago already has in What is so special about AB IPBox that
the brand-new office and manufacturing place exclusive distribution arrange- makes this new player so successful in
premises of AB IPBox: The managing ments in much of Central and Eastern all of these countries? Juraj Masaryk
director is Juraj Masaryk, who used to Europe. „In addition, we work with deal- goes back to basics and highlights one
hold the same position at wholesale dis- ers in other countries such as the Baltic of the major rules of any successful
tributor AB-COM. Incidentally, AB-COM states, Poland and the Balkan states as businessman: „We never rely on a single
is located in the same building and so it well as Austria, of course,“ Juraj Masa- solution but always follow a concurrent
comes as no surprise when Juraj Masa- ryk goes on. strategy.“ Not only has Juraj Masaryk
ryk informs us that AB-COM acts as a plan B up his sleeve at any time, he
exclusive wholesale distributor for AB- If you look at a map of Europe it even works on plans A as well as B at
IPBox in the Czech and Slovak Republics. becomes obvious that Slovakia is a bril- the same time. „Experience has shown
„We do, however, also cooperate with liant location for serving all countries in that you can never completely rule out
additional exclusive distributors,“ Juraj Central and Eastern Europe. Transport ■ AB IPBox’s top-of-the-range model: The
Masaryk adds, „namely in Germany, routes are short so that receivers can 9900HD boasts two DVB-S2 tuners, two
Russia, the Ukraine, Switzerland and – be shipped with very high efficiency. CI slots, two smartcard readers, two scart
euroconnectors and of course PVR. A test report
above all – Italy.“ What an unexpected for this box is scheduled for one of the coming
surprise: A company that was founded Which leads us to the big question: issues of TELE-satellite.
by revealing another little secret: „We they are free to get in touch with us and off your receiver in theses secondary
will make available the SDK (Software we might even decide to add it to our rooms, all you need is a box that works
Developer Kit) for this series shortly!“ existing range,“ Juraj Masaryk says. It‘s and can be hidden behind the TV,“ Juraj
By the time you read this issue of TELE- refreshing to see that AB IPBox is open states and at the same time hints at the
satellite it should already be available to ideas from independent software reduced size of HD100 series receivers.
for download from the AB IPBox web- developers. „They are available for all transmis-
site at www.abipbox.com. „With the SDK sion standards from DVB-S2 to DVB-T,
all software tinkerers are free to whip While the new HD100 series is based DVB-C and all the way to IPTV.“ If justi-
up new software solutions and creative on the Linux operating system it is none- fied by demand, AB IPBox will also offer
features,“ says Juraj Masaryk and adds theless just as interesting. „This series this series of receivers for ATSC and
that a whole range of additional soft- is characterised by value for money and ISDB-T.
ware plugins will be already available is intended for use as second or third
from the AB IPBox website for those who receivers,“ Juraj Masaryk explains. The Which leads us right to the next ques-
want even more features for their box. idea behind is that for the living room tion: What is the customer segment tar-
Internet radio, YouTube, weather fore- one of the usual suspects is chosen as geted by AB IPBox? „It is especially with
casts or picture viewers are only some satellite receiver, while brand and fea- HD100 series boxes that we clearly focus
of the plugins that can be installed. „If tures play little or no role when used on the provider market,“ Juraj says.
any of your readers believes they have in the bedroom, children‘s bedroom or „The new up and coming IPTV providers
come up with a worthwhile application even kitchen. „You don‘t need to show in particular are interested in low-cost
AB IPBox Employees
1. Radovan Cifra, Sales Manager
2. Ing. Michal Grežo, Marketing Manager
3. Svetlana Masaryková, Accountant
4. Martin Ďurisnký, Service Engineer
5. Michala Kováčová, Accountant
6. Juraj Halo, Sales Manager
7. Juraj Bobula, Sales Manager
8. Peter Valo, Sales Manager
is Born:
1 2
1. The SDK (semi knock down) receiver
components are assembled by AB IPBox
to create the final receiver.