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IEEE Std 1050 -2004

(Revision of
IEEE Std 1050-1996)

1050 TM

IEEE Guide for Instrumentation and

Control Equipment Grounding in
Generating Stations

IEEE Power Engineering Society

Sponsored by the
Energy Development and Power Generation Committee

14 September 2005
Print: SH95270
3 Park Avenue, New York, NY10016-5997, USA PDF: SS95270

Copyright The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

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Copyright The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

Provided by IHS under license with IEEE
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Recognized as an IEEE Std 1050-2004
American National Standard (ANSI) (Revision of
IEEE Std 1050-1996)

IEEE Guide for Instrumentation and

Control Equipment Grounding in
Generating Stations

Energy Development and Power Generation Committee

of the
IEEE Power Engineering Society

Approved 5 February 2005

American National Standard Institute

Approved 24 September 2004

IEEE-SA Standards Board

Abstract: Instrumentation and control (I&C) equipment grounding methods to achieve both a suit-
able level of protection for personnel and equipment, and suitable electric noise immunity for signal
ground references in generating stations are identified.
Keywords: control, generating stations, grounding, I&C, instrumentation

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5997, USA
Copyright 2005 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
All rights reserved. Published 14 September 2005. Printed in the United States of America.

IEEE is a registered trademark in the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, owned by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers, Incorporated.

National Electrical Code and NEC are both registered trademarks in the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, owned by the
National Fire Protection Association, Incorporated.

National Electrical Safety Code and the NESC are both registered trademarks and service marks n the U.S. Patent &
Trademark Office, owned by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Incorporated.

Print: ISBN 0-7381-4470-3 SH95270

PDF: ISBN 0-7381-4471-1 SS95270

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This introduction in not part of IEEE Std 1050-2004, IEEE Guide for Instrumentation and Control Equip-
ment Grounding in Generating Stations.

The original version of IEEE Std 1050 was published in 1989 after a five year development cycle. Specific
recommendations for the grounding of distributed control systems (DCS) were intentionally omitted from
the 1989 edition since at the time the document was being written (19841987) there was not a large base of
installed systems and user experience on which to write a guide. Experience since 1989 has shown that DCS
grounding is essentially no different from the concepts presented in the 1989 version, and would not require
a specialized treatment in the guide.

The 1996 revision consisted of three major changes to the document. The first was the incorporation of
comments, corrections, and clarifications that have been brought to the attention of the working group. The
second change was a significant rearrangement of the document for enhanced user-friendliness. This
included a complete redrawing of the significant figures in Clause 5 to more clearly depict the concepts
being illustrated. The third change was the reformatting of the document to conform to the latest style man-
ual for IEEE standards.

The revision includes major improvements in terminology consistency along with further elaboration of the
various concepts that are introduced. Additional enhancements have been made to Clause 5 and its figures
for clarity, including new subclauses on power source grounding and surge protection. Clause 6 on cable
shields receives another reformatting to make the topics directly relate to the various types of I&C circuits
encountered in generating station design. Results of industry surveys are included to illustrate the prevalence
of various cable shield grounding techniques.

This guide was prepared by a Task Force of the Grounding Practices Working Group. The Working Group
is part of the Station Design, Operation, and Control Subcommittee and was sponsored by the Energy Devel-
opment and Power Generation Committee of the IEEE Power Engineering Society.

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At the time the document was approved the members of the Task Force were as follows:

Joseph R. Jancauskas, Chair

Bruce W. Crowly, Secretary
Peter Aouad Warren L. Lewis Derek M. Sawyer
Aldean Benge Richard Meininger Malcolm V. Thaden, Jr.
Leslie A. D. Grant Gerald L. Vaughn

The following members of the individual balloting committee voted on this standard. Balloters may have
voted for approval, disapproval, or abstention.
William Ackerman Edward Horgan Jr. Charles Morse
Steven Brockschink Yuri Khersonsky Paul Pillitteri
Tommy Cooper Lisardo Lourido James Ruggieri
Joseph Deckman Gregory Luri Malcolm V. Thaden
William G. Fossey Thomas McCaffrey Shanmugan Thamilarasan
Randall Groves James Michalec Zhenxue Xu
Ajit Hiranandani Gary Michel John Yale

When the IEEE-SA Standards Board approved this standard on 24 September 2004, it had the following
Don Wright, Chair
Steve M. Mills, Vice Chair
Judith Gorman, Secretary
Chuck Adams Raymond Hapeman Daleep C. Mohla
Stephen Berger Richard J. Holleman Paul Nikolich
Mark D. Bowman Richard H. Hulett T. W. Olsen
Joseph A. Bruder Lowell G. Johnson Ronald C. Petersen
Bob Davis Gary S. Robinson
Joseph L. Koepfinger*
Roberto de Marca Boisson Frank Stone
Julian Forster* Hermann Koch Malcolm V. Thaden
Arnold M. Greenspan Thomas J. McGean Doug Topping

Mark S. Halpin Joe D. Watson

*Member Emeritus

Also included are the following nonvoting IEEE-SA Standards Board liaisons:

Satish K. Aggarwal, NRC Representative

Richard DeBlasio, DOE Representative
Alan Cookson, NIST Representative

Savoula Amanitidis
IEEE Standards Project Editor

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1. Overview.............................................................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Scope............................................................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Purpose......................................................................................................................................... 1

2. Normative references ........................................................................................................................... 2

3. Definitions and acronyms .................................................................................................................... 3

3.1 Definitions.................................................................................................................................... 3
3.2 Acronyms..................................................................................................................................... 5

4. Design considerations for electrical noise minimization ..................................................................... 6

4.1 Typical noise sources and their characteristics............................................................................ 6

4.2 Noise-coupling methods ............................................................................................................ 18
4.3 Techniques for electrical noise minimization ............................................................................ 24

5. I&C system grounding....................................................................................................................... 41

5.1 Grounding philosophy ............................................................................................................... 41

5.2 Types of signal ground systems................................................................................................. 42
5.3 Separation criteria for circuits.................................................................................................... 48
5.4 I&C system power considerations ............................................................................................. 49
5.5 Surge protection considerations................................................................................................. 49
5.6 Other grounding considerations................................................................................................. 50
5.7 Generating station EMI environment......................................................................................... 52

6. Signal cable shield grounding............................................................................................................ 53

6.1 Cable shield requirements.......................................................................................................... 53

6.2 Analysis of shield grounding practices ...................................................................................... 53
6.3 Other cable shielding considerations ......................................................................................... 65
6.4 Comparison of cable shielding effectiveness............................................................................. 67
6.5 Common practices in shielding cables for distributed control and programmable logic
controller circuits ....................................................................................................................... 68
6.6 Central distribution frame (CDF) grounding practice ............................................................... 70

7. Testing................................................................................................................................................ 71

7.1 General....................................................................................................................................... 71
7.2 Sources of galvanic (conductive) ground loops......................................................................... 72
7.3 Galvanic ground loop prevention and detection ........................................................................ 72
7.4 Testing for ground loops............................................................................................................ 73
7.5 Signal ground system integrity .................................................................................................. 75
7.6 Maintenance of the signal ground system.................................................................................. 75

Annex A (informative) Bibliography............................................................................................................. 76

Annex B (informative) Conformance with local safety codes....................................................................... 79

Annex C (informative) Examples of I&C grounding methods...................................................................... 80

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IEEE Guide for Instrumentation and

Control Equipment Grounding in
Generating Stations

1. Overview

1.1 Scope

This application guide was developed to identify instrumentation and control (I&C) equipment grounding
methods to achieve both a suitable level of protection for personnel and equipment, and suitable electric
noise immunity for signal ground references in generating stations. Both ideal theoretical methods and
accepted practices in the electric utility industry are presented.

This guide is intended to give information on grounding methods for generating station instrumentation and
control equipment. Grounding design is normally based on the concept of two separate grounding systems,
the equipment ground and the signal reference ground. The concepts of equipment grounding are well cov-
ered in other IEEE standards. The concepts of grounding of instrument chassis, cable shields, signal pairs,
and other related instrumentation and control items require special care in order to ensure that both person-
nel working on equipment are adequately protected from electrical shock and that interference signals are
not inadvertently coupled into signal circuits. Although safety takes top priority, the I&C systems must be
simultaneously safe and operationally reliable.

The basic theory and guidelines that should be understood before designing I&C grounding are presented in
Clause 4. Clause 5 presents various approaches for the grounding of equipment associated with generating
station I&C systems. Clause 6 presents accepted practices in grounding the shields of I&C cables, while
Clause 7 covers the testing of I&C grounding systems.

1.2 Purpose

The typical environment in a generating station provides many sources of electrical noise such as the switch-
ing of large inductive loads, high fault currents, electronic drives, and high-energy, high-frequency tran-
sients associated with switching at transmission voltage levels. The increasing use of solid-state equipment
and microprocessor-based control systems in these applications introduces a number of specific concerns
with respect to electrical noise control. This document is a guide that discusses methods for the grounding of
instrumentation and control equipment and their associated circuits in this environment.

Copyright 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved. 1

Copyright The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
Provided by IHS under license with IEEE
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The generally low-level electrical signals transmitted from various I&C equipment in a generating station
through often lengthy cables may undergo signal distortion as they travel to the receiving end. This distor-
tion is typically caused by noise pickup either at the signal source or along the cable run. The level of noise
on the received signal may cause operational errors and in extreme cases, damage to equipment which in
turn may result in costly unit downtime. The use of proper grounding and shielding techniques can prevent a
large percentage of noise problems. It should be recognized that there are numerous accepted grounding
techniques and that the actual installation of a ground system should be made with reference to the recom-
mendations of the I&C equipment manufacturers since the techniques used to solve one problem may result
in the creation of a different problem.

The grounding methods in this guide are intended to minimize degradation of instrumentation and control
signals in generating stations. By contrast, the overall station grounding system is designed for safety con-
siderations to establish a grounding system that will provide a low-impedance path for power currents to
return to the power reference ground point for rapid fault clearing and to minimize potential differences
between electrical equipment and the local equipment grounding structures. The equipment grounding sys-
tem is intended to reasonably ensure that hazardous voltages are not developed between grounded equip-
ment or structures as a consequence of lightning surges, electrical faults, leakage or circulating currents, or
static charges.

2. Normative references

This guide should be used in conjunction with the following standards publications. When the following
standards are superseded by an approved revision, the revision applies.

Accredited Standards Committee C2-2002, National Electrical Safety Code (NESC).1

IEC/TS 61312-1:1995, Protection Against Lightning Electromagnetic Pulse (LEMP) Part I: General

IEEE Std C57.13.3-1983 (Reaff 1990), IEEE Guide for the Grounding of Instrument Transformer Second-

ary Circuits and Cases.3, 4

IEEE Std C62.23-1995, IEEE Recommended Practice on Surge voltages in Low-Voltage AC Power

IEEE Std C62.43-1999 IEEE Guide for the Application of Surge Protectors Used in Low-Voltage (Less
Than or Equal to 1000 Vrms or 1200 Vdc) Data, Communication, and/or Signaling Circuit Application.

IEEE Std 142-1991, IEEE Recommended Practice for Grounding of Industrial and Commercial Power
Systems (The Green Book).

IEEE Std 422-1986, IEEE Guide for the Design and Installation of Cable Systems in Power Generating

1The NESC is available from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854, USA
2IEC publications are available from the Sales Department of the International Electrotechnical Commission, Case Postale 131, 3, rue
de Varemb, CH-1211, Genve 20, Switzerland/Suisse ( IEC publications are also available in the United States
from the Sales Department, American National Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036, USA (http://
3IEEE publications are available from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854,
4The IEEE standards or products referred to in this clause are trademarks of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

2 Copyright 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.

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IEEE Std 518-1982 (Reaff 1996), IEEE Guide for the Installation of Electrical Equipment to Minimize
Noise Inputs to Controllers from External Sources.

IEEE Std 525-1992 (Reaff 1999), IEEE Guide for the Design and Installation of Cable Systems in Substa-

IEEE Std 665-1995, IEEE Guide for Generating Station Grounding.

IEEE Std 1100-1999, IEEE Recommended Practice for Grounding Electronic Equipment (IEEE Emerald

NFPA 70-2002: National Electrical Code (NEC).5

NFPA-780-2004: Standard for the Installation of Lightning Protection Systems.

3. Definitions and acronyms

3.1 Definitions

This subclause contains key terms as they are used in this guide. An asterisk (*) denotes definitions not
included in The Authoritative Dictionary of IEEE Standards Terms [B21].6

3.2 attenuation: A general term used to denote a decrease in signal magnitude in transmission from one
point to another.

3.3 central distribution frame grounding: A type of grounding system where all signal grounds are
referenced to a central point rather than at their respective signal sources. For certain systems this technique
provides a good functional compromise between the ideal signal grounding methods and ease of installation
and troubleshooting.

3.4 common-mode (CM) noise: The generally unwanted noise voltage and current that appears equally and
in phase from each victim signal, control, or power circuit conductor to ground, or between grounds or
grounding conductors. CM noise is also referred to as longitudinal-mode (LM) noise. Common-mode noise
may be caused by one or more of the following:
a) Electrostatic induction (E-field capacitive coupling) via near field effects. With equal capacitance
between the set of victim conductors and their immediate surroundings, the noise voltage and cur-
rent developed will be the same on all victim wires in the same circuit.

b) Magnetic induction (H-field transformer coupling) via near field effects. With the magnetic field
linking the set of victim conductors equally, the noise voltage and current developed will be the
same on all victim conductors in the same circuit.
c) Electromagnetic wave coupling via far-field effects. Electric dipole (or monopole) antennas and/or
magnetic loop antennas inadvertently formed in the victim conductor system can accept electromag-
netic wave radiation and cause it to appear as common-mode noise and current on their path.
d) A variation in potential between two or more ground references to which the victim circuits con-
ductors are connected. An example would be two separate buildings with a metallic signal or power
cable routed between them along with a grounded circuit or signal conductor. When a lightning

5The NEC is published by the National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269, USA (http:// Copies are also available from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway,
NJ 08854, USA (
6The numbers in brackets correspond to those of the bibliography in Annex A.

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strike or ac system ground-fault occurs at one building a CM noise condition will be produced on all
of the conductors of the interconnecting cable. A potential difference is then seen to exist for the
duration of the event between the two buildings via the interconnecting cable and a CM current
flows between the buildings via the cable. Note that the lightning or fault current that is coupled into
the enclosed loop area of the circuit conductors can also produce a CM effect. Direct lightning or
fault current contact with the circuit conductors is not required.

3.5 coupling: The mechanism by which a near-field interference source of voltage, current, or both produces
directly related interference in a victim circuit without a conductive (galvanic) path being involved in the
transfer. In general, coupling occurs via stray or parasitic reactive coupling means. (See: radiation in The
Authoritative Dictionary [B21] for similar far-field effects.)

3.6 crosstalk: The unwanted transfer of signals or electrical noise by near-field coupling mechanisms
between electrically separated, but physically adjacent circuit conductors. Crosstalk problems generally vary
inversely with the spacing between the involved circuit conductors, and is commonly used in reference to
effects within multi-conductor cables.

3.7 cutoff frequency: a) (General) The frequency that is usually identified with the first 3 dB transition
between a passband and an adjacent attenuation band of system or transducer. b) (Of a waveguide) For a
given transmission mode in a nondissipative waveguide, the frequency at which the propagation constant is

3.8 distributed control system (DCS):* A control system composed of distributed software, hardware,
cabling, sensors, activators, and input/output communication capability that is used to control and monitor
equipment and processes.

3.9 electromagnetic compatibility (EMC):* The capability of electronic equipment or systems to be oper-
ated in the intended operational electromagnetic environment at designed levels of efficiency in all design
operating modes. Also, the required ability of items of electrical and electronic equipment to be reliably
operated without electrical interference occurring between them.

3.10 electromagnetic interference (EMI):* Impairment of a wanted electromagnetic signal by an electro-

magnetic disturbance. Also, applied to equipment whose operation is impaired by conducted, coupled, or
radiated electrical interference (EMI) of some type

3.11 equipment (safety) ground:* All of the conductive, normally non-current carrying metal parts of
equipment, raceways, and other enclosures that are connected to a sites: (1) grounded ac system conductor
(the neutral), (2) the related equipment grounding conductors, (3) the related ac grounding electrode conduc-
tor and, (4) the related ac system earth grounding electrode itself.

3.12 ground: A conducting connection, whether intentional or accidental, between and electrical circuit or
equipment and the earth or to some conducting body that serves in place of the earth (such as a vehicles

3.13 ground, ac system: The single point at which an ac power system has its common or neutral terminal
connected to the power system ground reference.

3.14 immunity: The desirable property of equipment that prevents unintentional operation by a defined
intensity of EMI.

3.15 neutral:* The terminal of a single or polyphase electrical power source that carries only the unbal-
anced or triplen harmonic currents between the connected loads and the power source. On a two-wire,
single-phase power source, the term neutral is also applied to the common terminal of the ac system. This
term is also applied to the circuit conductor(s) that is connected to the power sources neutral terminal. The

4 --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---
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neutral may be either solidly grounded, resistance grounded, impedance grounded, or ungrounded depend-
ing upon the design requirements for the ac system.

3.16 noise (electrical): Any unwanted voltages or currents appearing in a circuit that may or may not simul-
taneously contain desired signals, electrical power, or both. In this context, noise is generally considered
to be of a sub-cyclic and impulsive character to differentiate it from relatively steady-state harmonic wave-
form distortion.

3.17 normal-mode (NM) noise: The noise voltage or current that appears in the same mode as the desired
signal or power waveform on the victim circuit. Differential mode (DM) noise is also referred to as trans-
verse noise and normal mode noise. DM noise may be caused by one or more of the following:
a) Any of the previously described common-mode (CM) interference mechanisms that occur on victim
signal paths where the induced CM voltage or currant is not carried in equally on circuit conductors.
b) Electrostatic fields linking unequally with the distributed capacitance of the victim signal wires.
c) Magnetic induction linking magnetic fields unequally with the victim signal wires.
d) Electromagnetic wave coupling. Electric dipole (or monopole) antennas and/or magnetic loop anten-
nas inadvertently formed in the signal wiring or cabling can detect electromagnetic wave radiation
and cause it to appear as normal mode noise on the circuit conductors.
e) Junction or thermal potentials due to the use of dissimilar metals in the connection system.
f) Common-mode to normal-mode noise conversion in the victim path, particularly via transformer
coupling actions.

3.18 signal ground:* That point, bus-bar, or terminal to which signal return conductors and signal cable
shields are to be connected and made common to one another. Ultimately, this point is connected to the
equipment ground by means of a grounding/bonding jumper, strap, or grounding conductor.

3.19 susceptibility: The degree to which equipment may be operationally affected by a defined intensity of
electromagnetic interference (EMI).

3.2 Acronyms

ac alternating current
CCVT coupling capacitor voltage transformer
CDF central distribution frame
CM common mode
CT current transformer
dc direct current
DM differential mode
EG equipment ground
EGC equipment grounding conductor
EMC electromagnetic compatibility
EMI electromagnetic interference
ESD electrostatic discharge
GIS gas insulated switchgear
I&C instrumentation and control
Icm common-mode current
IN noise current
LC inductive/capacitive
LCR inductive/capacitive/resistive
MOV metal oxide varistor

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Q quality factor
RC resistive/capacitive
R radio frequency
RTD resistance temperature detector
SCR silicon controlled rectifier
SDS separately derived ac system
SE service entry
SE shielding effectiveness
SEQ service equipment
SF6 Sulfur Hexafluoride
SIS solidly interconnected ac system
SRS signal reference structure
TVSS transient voltage surge suppression
VS signal voltage
VCM common-mode voltage
VDM differential-mode voltage
VN noise voltage
VT voltage transformer
0V RTN Zero Volt Return (Signal Ground Reference)

4. Design considerations for electrical noise minimization

4.1 Typical noise sources and their characteristics

Noise sources can be divided into several categories:

a) Natural sourcesThose that happen independently of human activity; but their effects can be
b) Incidental sourcesThose caused by human activity; but they are not intentional.
c) Intentional sourcesThese are emissions of potentially interfering energy produced for specific
purposes unrelated to the equipment or systems under consideration.

4.1.1 Natural sources

Probably the most severe noise source to which any control system will be exposed is lightning. While most
electronic control systems will probably fail under a direct lightning strike, even a remote power line strike
can cause interference as the lightning-induced surge travels along power lines and is dissipated through
leakage, radiation, and power loss in the distribution system.

In addition to the currents created in the power systems conductors by a direct strike, lightning can also cre-
ate similarly rapidly changing and high current flows through the earth and through numerous grounded
metallic systems and items such as cable shields, equipment grounding conductors, building steel, metallic
piping systems, conduits, raceways, and metallic equipment enclosures.

Single-point grounding of the above metallic items does not prevent the indicated lightning current from
flowing because of the distributed capacitance of the involved items, which completes the current path via
stray reactive coupling. In addition, insulation of these items is not always a reliable protection for this prob-
lem since the large lightning induced voltages can often arc-over through six-feet of air.

A typical lightning strike is composed of a downward-stepped leader stroke, usually negatively charged, a
first upward positive return stroke, then two or more downward leader strokes, each followed by a positive
return stroke. On average, subsequent strokes contain about 40% of the first strokes amplitude.

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A continuing current is usually present between stroke sequences. There may be as many as twenty stroke
sequences in a typical lightning flash. Characteristics of a typical lightning flash are as follows:
Potential 30 000 000 V
Peak current 34 000 A
Maximum di/dt 40 000 A/s
Time interval between strokes 30 ms
Continuing current 140 A
Continuing current duration 150 ms

Analysis of the continuing current component of the lightning flash striking a power line indicates that it
initially behaves as a traveling wave and subsequently as a dc source. In cases where the lighting stroke ter-
minates on a tower or lightning terminal, it may be analyzed through circuit analysis.

More information about the magnitudes and effects of lightning surge currents on structures, electrical sys-
tems, building wiring, and telecommunications system cables may be obtained by reference to IEEE Std
1100-1999, IEEE Std C62.23-1995, IEEE Std C62.41-1991 (R1995), IEEE Std C62.43-1999, NFPA-780-
1997, and IEC/TR 61312-1:1995.

4.1.2 Incidental sources

Since one of the largest potential sources of electrical noise in an electrical generating station is the adjacent
high-voltage substation, some of the incidental sources mentioned in the following subclauses originate pre-
dominantly in the substation environment. Experience has shown that the electrical noise generated in the
power distribution system may reach the generating station I&C systems through the interconnections with
the earth grounding system and the I&C cables that run between the substation and the generating station. High-voltage switching

This is the most frequent source of large transients in electric power systems. Opening or closing a set of
polyphase contacts (disconnect switch or circuit breaker) to deenergize or energize a section of bus is nor-
mally accompanied by arcing between the switch contacts. In addition, on a multipole operator it is virtually
impossible to have all three contacts operate in perfect synchronism. As a result, one contact will operate
first, a second next, and finally the third. This produces unbalanced switching conditions on the circuit until

all three contacts are either fully closed or fully open. The result of this kind of switching is almost always
the production of transient damped oscillatory voltage and current disturbances on the distribution path.

The typical transients generated in the above manner are very steep fronted waves near to their point of orig-
ination. With distance, these transients are both attenuated and the wavefronts are slowed down by the losses
and impedance mismatches of the transmission medium.

The above transients are also capable of being electrostatically (E-Field) or magnetically (H-Field) coupled
by near-field action to nearby cables. In far-field fashion they are radiated as an electromagnetic (radio)
wave to sensitive systems. Typical values are:

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Voltage 200% of rated voltage

Oscillation Frequency
Line disconnect switch 50300 kHz
Bus disconnect switch 300600 kHz
Low-voltage switch 3002000 kHz
Interval between each decaying oscillation 10 s16 ms
Duration of string 1 ms4 s
Decay time 24 s
Source impedance 5200 Capacitor bank switching

Capacitor bank switching can produce severe electrical transients. The transients produced by the direct
switching (without the use of pre-charging or pre-insertion resistors) of three-phase capacitor banks consist
of two components:

a) Those associated with the lumped parameters of the circuit are in the kHz frequency range as determined
by the equivalent capacitance of the phase capacitors and by the inductance and resistance of the buses, cur-
rent-limiting reactors, and ground path.

b) Those associated with the distributed parameters of the circuit are in the MHz frequency range and are the
result of the propagation and reflection of the switching step wave along the line. The distributed parameters
define the surge or traveling wave impedance of the conductors. These are most severe at points where the
electrical distribution wiring is somehow terminated such as at the end of a radial feeder, or at the point of
service entry to a building because of the large impedance mismatch. For example, the end of a radial feeder
is an open circuit where the reflection from the traveling wave adds to the incoming wave to produce an
approximate doubling of the transient voltage. At the building service entry, the impedance mismatch can
create reflections that result in an approximate doubling of the transient current. This latter effect also is
quite pronounced when a surge protection device goes into operation.

If other nearby capacitor banks are connected to the same line, they lower the impedance seen by the
switched capacitor bank, thereby increasing the magnitude and initial frequency transition. They also
decrease the oscillatory decay (ringing) frequency of the transients since more capacitance is added to the
system by their presence. Energy stored in the nearby bank may further contribute to the severity of the tran-
sient if its polarity is such that it algebraically adds to that being introduced by the first set of capacitors to be
switched. Transmission line switching

Transmission line switching is similar to capacitor bank switching with the difference being the purely dis-
tributed nature of the inductance and capacitance of the line. The magnitude of the line-charging current
tends to be substantially less than that for power-factor capacitor bank switching, but the system voltages
can be very high in comparison and there is a corresponding increase in the amount of energy being
rerouted. Coupling capacitor voltage transformer (CCVT)

The measurement of voltages on high-voltage systems must be done by indirect as opposed to direct means
such as a resistive voltage divider or typical step-down transformer. In these cases, a CCVT is generally
used due to the isolation it provides.

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The capacitors in these devices along with the inductance of the power system conductors constitute a reso-
nant circuit whose frequency can be in the MHz range. Any oscillatory high-frequency transients occurring
on the high-voltage bus can give rise to high-frequency currents that are coupled through the capacitors to
the signal and control circuits.

The transformer located in the base of the CCVT contains a distributed stray capacitance of a few hundred
pF between the secondary winding and the core and the Faraday shield. This capacitance is the circuit ele-
ment closing a loop, which in turn links the transient magnetic flux between the power ground conductor
and the nearby signal cable. Transient potentials of up to 10 kV have been measured in signal cables.

Almost identical problems are present in current transformers that have wound capacitance bushings. Gas insulated switchgear (GIS)

Typical GIS equipment often has faster contact operating time than air-insulated equipment and the gas
allows the contacts arcs to be more quickly extinguished. This combination of effects produces faster
switching transition times, which result in higher frequency disturbances being created than are produced in
air-insulated equipment.

During the operation of GIS, the high-voltage gradients caused by restrikes between contacts, induce travel-
ing waves that are confined to the inside of the GIS enclosure by skin effect. They travel along the GIS and
are divided and reflected at junctions, but are confined by any open circuit breakers or disconnect switches
along the path of propagation. Only when discontinuities or breaks in the enclosure are encountered do
potentials transfer to the exterior enclosure surface and result in noise voltages. The most common enclosure
discontinuities are SF6-to-air terminations, cable potheads (with insulated flanges) and, for some switchgear,
current transformers. The SF6-to-air termination represents by far the largest enclosure discontinuity and
hence the largest source of noise voltages in most GIS. This location represents a critical coupling area for
control and signal cables.

Typical values for GIS measured at the bushing:

Voltage: 40%-70% of rated voltage
Oscillation Frequency: 550 MHz
Duration at Flashover: 40 ns
Duration at Disconnect Operation: 170 ms string of pulses

The GIS ground connections are typically lengthy due to the installation height above ground that equipment
of this type is often associated with. Therefore, as a result of L(di/dt) effects, they are almost always too
inductive to effectively reduce these high-frequency noise voltages. Also, they usually act as efficient radia-
tors or EMI from the corresponding antenna effects when their length is >1/20th of a wavelength at the
EMIs fundamental frequency. Two of the best solutions for minimizing electrical noise are to physically
distance the sensitive victim instrument and control systems from these areas, and to fully shield the victim
equipment and filter all conductors that penetrate the victim equipments metal enclosures. Vacuum insulated switchgear (VIS)

This equipment is similar to GIS except that the environment for the contacts is a vacuum as opposed to a
gas. Therefore, as a result of faster arc extinguishing time during contact bounce or opening, this type of
equipment is capable of producing even faster transient voltage and current wavefronts from its operation
than equivalent GIS equipment.

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Std1050-2004 IEEE GUIDE FOR INSTRUMENTATION AND Earth ground voltage differences

Earth grounding systems that extend over large areas have sufficient point-to-point earth impedance to cre-
ate a difference in voltage between two points within the system during transient fault events and lightning
strike conditions. The conduction of these types of power-system transients through the grounding system is
one of the most common causes of large ground potential differences from the related impedance effects. A
typical transient represents an ac signal of 1 kHz or greater and the path for the transient current will be par-
allel to the path of the associated power system conductors.

Earth ground offset voltages may only be minimized by making better connections to the earth when the
overall distance between the two points of interest can be viewed under the conditions of circuit analysis.
This is generally when the distance is less than 1/20 at the frequency of interest. When the distance the
current has to travel between points in the earth exceeds 1/20 , then transmission and wave theory must be
used and there is no practical means to keep all points at or even very near the same potential. Hence, at
some critical frequency the earth grounding system cannot be used in any sense as a means of equalizing
potentials or minimizing unwanted current flows between points on its surface when they exceed 1/20 , no
matter how good a connection to earth has been made. Current transformers (CTs)

Saturation of current transformer cores by excessive primary current (dc or ac) can induce very high volt-
ages in the secondary windings and thence onto the conductors attached to them. This phenomenon is
repeated for each transition from saturation in one direction to saturation in the other, so it may occur on a
cycle-to-cycle basis. AC problems occur simply because of too much primary current for the CT design,
while dc problems are typically associated with the effects of lightning. The unwanted transient voltage
appearing in the secondary circuit consists of high-magnitude spikes having alternating polarity and persist-
ing for a few milliseconds every half-cycle for the duration of the overcurrent condition. Electro-mechanical equipment

Electro-mechanical equipment and some forms of rotating equipment, such as that containing unshielded
windings or fields, centrifugal switches, armature brushes, or slip-rings, contain many possible internal
sources of high-frequency interference. These include:
a) Partial (corona) discharges within the stator winding insulation of motors. Note that this can also
occur on dry-type transformers.
b) Slot discharges between coil surfaces and the stator iron.
c) Sparking from exciters with brushes.
d) Arcing associated with conductor strands that have fractured from copper fatigue. This arcing is not
continuous but is caused by a movement of conductor surfaces as a result of steady-state and tran-
sient magnetic forces.
e) DC machine brushes.
f) Centrifugal switch contact operation and arcing.
g) Older types of non metal-enclosed or other inadequately shielded motor-controllers with arcing con-

tacts. These may be of the manual or contactor type. Non-interlocked, manually operated reversing
and motor plugging types of controls are potential problem sources since they may be operated
while the motor is still spinning.
h) Variable frequency or pulse inverter drives. These are also capable of producing both conductive
and radiated EMI from the fast transition times associated with SCR, IGBT, or similar motor
inverter-driver switching schemes. The largest number of conducted EMI problems involving this
type of equipment occur in the range of the first 100 harmonics of the fundamental frequency of the
driver circuit.

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i) Distributed capacitance. A motor that is being initially energized or in some cases de-energized is
capable of coupling a transient current from its winding to its metal frame/enclosure and thence into
the associated equipment grounding system for that motor. The coupling mechanism, in this case, is
the distributed capacitance from the winding to the case and is proportional to motor size and
voltage rating. Large motors operating at medium voltage can produce the greatest EMI effects, par-
ticularly since these typically have a large number of associated I&C circuits. Silicon controlled rectifiers (SCRs)


When SCRs are used for switching ac voltage, they generally must have additional circuitry to control the
voltage rise time (dv/dt). If the voltage rise time is not controlled, it can even interfere with the operation of
the SCR itself. When a pair of SCRs are used for three-phase motor control, an EMI or noise condition
called line notching or commutation notching can occur on the voltage waveform as shown in Figure 1.

Notching most commonly occurs on polyphase systems and is produced when the SCR is switched-off
(commutated) when the current flowing through it falls below the minimum necessary to sustain conduction.
On an ac system, the zero-crossing point for the current waveform is the typical point at which this is said to
occur. When the load served by a set of SCRs is of the resistive type, the power-factor is unity and both volt-
age and current are in-phase as applied to the SCRs. However, if there is less than unity power-factor, then
there can be a condition where current (lagging) is still flowing in the on SCR and voltage (leading) is
simultaneously being applied to the off SCR. If the off SCR has a gate signal present at this time, it will
fire and conduct at the same time the on SCR is still conducting. Hence, for a brief period at commutation
time, both SCRs will be on and fully conducting.

The above unwanted action produces a momentary short-circuit (limited by circuit impedance), which then
draws excess current and maximizes any possible voltage drops in the related circuit across its impedances.
This action produces the characteristic notch on the voltage waveform and a corresponding spike on the
associated current waveform. The transition times for the notch and spike are typically restricted by the
related circuits time constants (RLC actions). The duration of the notch will typically be dependent upon
the amount of phase shift between the voltage and current waveforms (power factor) since this will affect the
zero-crossing point for the current on the SCR that is to be gated-off, and for the voltage for the SCR to be

Figure 1Line-notching waveshape

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Std1050-2004 IEEE GUIDE FOR INSTRUMENTATION AND Digital Logic-Based systems (computers, controllers, and related equipment)

The harmonic noise generated by microprocessor and memory boards within an item of equipment such as a
computer, is dependent primarily upon its system clock frequency. The highest noise frequency, however,
will be a harmonically related function of the rise and fall times of the clock pulse, whichever is faster. For
example, a digital signal with a rise time of 3 ns is roughly equivalent to a 100 MHz sine wave.

While the above noise is usually well confined within the properly shielded and filtered equipments cabi-
net, which has been compliance tested per the emissions standards of the country of origin, it can escape into
the environment by conducted, radiated, or both means if that enclosure is modified or left opened, its power
or signal cable port filtering is defeated, or it is penetrated by a foreign, unfiltered conductor of some type
such as a field installed signal, power, or grounding conductor. For similar reasons, the various computer
subsystems and peripheral devices can contribute significantly to the noise generated by the total computer
system, especially via EMI leakage from the interconnecting, power, signal, and control connectors and
cables. This is especially the case when connectors and cables are field fabricated and have not been for-
mally test certified to be compatible with the original equipment. This is generally not a problem with ac
power cables that make connections to factory-provided, field-wiring compartments or associated recepta-
cle/plug style connections that are integral to the compliant equipment.

The major contributing devices to EMI have the following characteristics:

a) CRT display. Noise sources within a CRT display are the video circuitry (typical 2050 V swing at

1020 MHz) and the horizontal yoke drive circuitry (typical 3 A peak-to-peak amplitude at 1020
MHz). Near-field EMI in the form of very low-frequency H-fields up to several tens of kHz from the
horizontal yoke itself, are also encountered. This latter condition is a common problem when two or
more CRT displays are placed very close to one another and the mutual EMI coupled between them
affects the stability of the raster and produces effects such as slowly wavy lines, swimming display,
or horizontal bands rolling up or down.
b) Switching power supply. The radiated noise generated by these devices is dependent upon the
switching frequency (typical 10100 kHz) and the switching amplitude. These devices also provide
large amounts of EMI in the form of conducted harmonic current waveform distortion on the ac
power supply wiring up to a few kHz. Most of this conducted EMI will involve odd-ordered har-
monics from the ac systems fundamental.
c) Printers. The major noise sources for these devices fall into two categories. For impact printers, the
EMI is generated from the drivers and collapsing fields of printhead solenoids and the printhead or
carriage positioning motors along with the associated internal wiring to and from them. For laser
printers, the EMI is generated by the gated SCR or transistor switched power control circuits that are
used to control the current for high-intensity drum erasure lamps and the heaters used with toner
fuser rolls.
d) Cabling. One of the most overlooked sources of radiated EMI noise in a computer system is the
interconnect cabling. The noise generated is dependent upon the signal level, the number of conduc-
tors within each cable and their physical orientation (symmetry of twisting or lack thereof), and the
type of shielding provided if any. The connectors used at the ends of these cables are also known to
be a point of EMI emission if they are not properly shielded and grounded. Crosstalk between differ-
ent circuits being carried in the same cable is also a common means of EMI propagation on these
cables. DC control circuits

One of the major causes of transient overvoltages within a dc control circuit is the energizing of an induc-
tance within a circuit. This induced voltage may be defined as:

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V = I ---- (1)

I is the current through the coil,
L is the inductance of the coil,
C is the stray capacitance of the circuit.

The involved inductance may consist of both discrete and distributed circuit elements. The involved
capacitance may consist of the distributed wiring or stray capacitance plus any lumped capacitance from
connected components. The current of interest is the value of the current at the instant the circuit is deener-
gized by switching open the power source at any point in the circuit.

EMI impulses in excess of 3 kV can be produced by interrupting the current in highly inductive devices such
as a solenoid or a thermal-magnetic circuit breakers magnetic trip coil. Arcing across the electromechanical
contacts will tend to limit the magnitude of the impulses (an increasing air-gap and arc represents increasing
impedance). As a general rule and with the exception of lightning-induced impulses, electrostatically or
magnetically induced ac voltages or currents from nearby external circuitry and conductors are relatively
small in magnitude when compared to the internal inductive impulses induced in dc control circuits on their
own wiring. Mechanical vibration

Mechanical vibration and shock can produce arc discharge EMI whenever loose electrical connections are
moved or electromechanical switch contacts bounce open or closed and produce an arc discharge. This is
true even for low-voltage circuits, since voltages as low as 9 V across gold alloy contacts can produce an arc
discharge. Also, many low-voltage circuits can involve the switching of very large amounts of available cur-
rent. Power supply buses rated at 5, 12 Vdc logic and 12, 24, or 48 Vdc control power are commonly
rated for several tens of continuous amperes to more than a hundred amperes on larger items of equipment.

Terminal blocks, electrical components with loose connections, or poorly made splices in conductor paths
are common points on a wiring system where vibration causes problems to occur. When metallic conduit or
other raceway fittings necessary for EMI shielding and equipment ground integrity vibrate loose, they can
produce an ineffective shielding connection, an arc discharge that will rapidly change the otherwise stable
current flow in the affected path, radiation of high-frequency noise, or combinations of these three problems. Chemical contamination

Most industrial facility atmospheres contain suspended chemicals (such as oil, coolants, or degreasing solu-
tions) that may settle on electrical equipment.

Even though liquid and even gas-tight electrical connections should normally be immune to this method of
contamination, vibration and temperature changes may compromise the normally sealed electrical connec-
tion. For example, vibration causes normally sealed connections to flex or linearly move in and out of the
seal and thereby permit the entrance of chemical contaminants that are riding on the surface of the conductor
during its motions. In addition, many electrical connections and their seals are made with mechanically dis-
similar materials that have different coefficients of expansion and contraction. Therefore, temperature
changes will also cause the conductors passing through the seals in these kinds of connections to both expe-
rience changes in the radial clearances and sealing pressure of the seal as well as changes in length, the
effects of which can combine and permit contaminants to enter.

Human hands can also introduce chemical contamination during the assembly of system components. Con-
nections should be well cleaned of all contamination before mechanical bonding or sealing takes place.

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Any time water or a chemical contaminant can get in between two metal items and especially when they are
of dissimilar materials from widely spaced regions on the galvanic series, a semi-conducting joint is created
that may also act as a wet-cell battery with a small potential across the joint. Such an unwanted type of joint
is created when the contaminant acts as the electrolyte and the two metals assume the role of anode and cath-
ode depending upon where they stand on the galvanic series. By itself, this electrochemical activity becomes
a problem is two ways. The first is that the metal may literally be eaten away due to the corrosive action of
electrolysis, and the second is that the developed potential may be considered a point-source of EMI.

A third form of EMI problem also exists that may be more of a problem in some cases. In this case, the elec-
trochemical action of the contaminated joint is not usually of concern in the direct creation of the EMI.
Instead, it generally takes an externally induced or conducted current to be forced through it in order for the
problem to fully emerge. This kind of EMI problem is typically a radiated type (but it can also be conductive
on the involved path) and it occurs since the electrochemical joint is a rectifying, semiconducting path. As
such, it represents a non-linear impedance to any current flow forced through it. This non-linear impedance
creates harmonic current and related voltage waveform distortion of the currents fundamental frequency as
it conducts. Thus, a fundamental frequency current passing through such a non-linear conducting joint will
suddenly be combined with a number of higher-order, harmonically-related currents, each of which will be
both conducted and radiated to whatever degree is possible on the circuit. This is especially a problem when
there is a strong source of radio-frequency energy nearby where such a joint can begin unintentionally acting
as a part of an antenna circuit. Examples of external sources of exciting current are those created from an
intentional radiator such as a transmitter, or from an unintentional one such as nearby arcing contacts, or
corona discharge on HV equipment. A natural source of exciting current is nearby lightning. Human interaction via electrostatic discharge (ESD)

The electrostatic discharge (ESD) occurs when an electrostatically charged operator touches and thereby
discharges via some part of the victim equipment. For example, external ESD may occur to metallically
enclosed equipment, its data or signal cables and connectors, or its exposed controls. This is a known and
serious type of EMI problem. Also, a lack of good ESD practices by personnel may cause ESD to occur
within victim equipment and directly onto sensitive circuits and components due to careless handling of cir-
cuit plug-in cards, connectors, and similar internal components.

While ESD is typically associated with conditions of low relative humidity, the involvement of ESD prone
materials (those that are widely spaced on the triboelectric table) as used for clothing articles, shoes, and
walking or working surfaces can clearly exacerbate an otherwise harmless problem. Thus, an ESD problem
can be experienced over a much wider range of relative humidity conditions than might be expected by a
lack of attention to the needed use of ESD resistant materials.

An example of ESD ingress to a victim circuit is shown in Figure 2 where a metallic switch body is mounted
on a printed circuit board, but is isolated from the conductive cabinet. The ESD current will create both con-
ducted and radiated noise in the victim equipment as it conductively flows to ground via the printed circuit
boards traces and wiring capacitances. Once the ESD current enters the equipments wiring harness or logic
power supply distribution bus system, it is also free to radiate in far-field fashion within the equipment and
to near-field couple to adjacent conductors and components. This allows the ESD to produce singular or
simultaneous multiple failure symptoms in the equipment, and often over widely spaced areas. Hence, an
ESD at one point in the victim equipment may produce its unwanted effects some distance away within the
equipment on other circuits.

An ESD that occurs directly to a poorly grounded/bonded metal cabinets door or side-panel is also a known
EMI problem in that the large sheet metal area acts as a plane-wave radiator; therefore, when the ESD
strikes the external surface, its wavefront also travels through the thickness of the door or panel and is re-
radiated from the inside surface into the enclosures volume containing the ESD susceptible circuits.

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An example of ESD would be a 5000 V, 5 A current pulse of 200 ns duration. While the energy contained in
this pulse is only about 1.25 mJ, this is sufficient to interfere with computer logic levels. An arc discharge
does not have to occur for an electrostatic field to interfere with a control circuit. Any object that has picked
up a large electrostatic charge can create a voltage shift of several volts when brought in close proximity to a
control circuit or cable.

Figure 2Electrostatic discharge noise generation Cable resonance

Avoiding unwanted resonances in signal and grounding cables from environmental EMI occurring at radio
frequencies has become increasingly important. Without proper preventive design measures being taken,
signal and grounding cables may become resonant to some frequency of radiated (far-field), coupled (near
field), or conducted (galvanic) EMI, and thereby subject the circuits connected to them to unintentionally
high currents and/or voltages.

Resonance is related to the LC ratio of the involved conductor and its associated electrical length expressed
in terms of wavelength. In general, it is recommended that no conductor be allowed to have an electrical
length that exceeds approximately 1/20 at the highest frequency of the EMI environment into which it is
intended to be operated. This minimizes the effects of EMI on the conductor since it cannot become

The worst conditions of resonance occur at the first quarter-wave point and succeeding odd-multiples
thereof (0.25 , 0.75 , 1.25 , ...). At these points of resonance, the voltage will be maximum at one end of
the conductor (with a current minimum), and the current will be maximum at the opposite end of the con-
ductor (with a voltage minimum). As a result, the electrical components and insulation systems are stressed
at one end of the path where the voltage is high, and at the opposite end where the peak or rms current carry-
ing ability of the components or conductors is stressed because the current is high. With EMI currents
extending into half, full, or multi-cycle durations, the true-rms value of the current is what is of concern, as
compared to transients such as lightning and faults where the concern is for the paths current carrying abil-
ity and is expressed in terms of I2t.

Resonances of the first half-wave point and succeeding even-multiples thereof (0.5, 1.0, 1.5, ...) produce
essentially identical EMI current and voltage distribution conditions at each end of the affected conductor.
The voltage at one end is essentially the same as that at the other end, and the same holds true for the current.

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Conductors installed in free-space will have self-resonant points that will normally be somewhat higher in
frequency than those installed in close proximity to the earth, or in particular ferrous metal items. This is the
result of mutual coupling that exists between the conductor and the earth or ferrous items, and the result is
generally that the self-resonant frequency of the conductor is lowered. In addition, depending upon the
amount of stray coupling involved, the velocity factor of the path is also generally reduced to values that are
less then that of a conductor in free space.

The full-wave, self-resonant frequency of a conductor in free space may be estimated by Equation (2):

f = c/l (2)

Where c is the speed of propagation in free space, approximately 300 meters per microsecond. Measuring
time in microseconds yields a result for f in megahertz.

Equation (2) may be used to approximate the self-resonant conditions of a cable or grounding conductors

path. If the result is divided by 20, the 1/20 point may be estimated and used as a recommended limit. Sim-
ilarly, dividing the result by 4.0 or by 2.0 respectively gives the quarter-wave point and half-wave point
estimates. Rearranging the equation allows the estimated length of the conductor to be determined in view of
a given amount of EMI frequency. Reflections and traveling waves

Excessively high currents and voltages on EMI affected cables, or grounding conductors may also occur
from traveling waves on the path, which encounter a severe impedance mismatch such as an open or
shorted-end. In this type of situation, the traveling wave is partially or fully reflected by the impedance mis-
match and the reflected portion is instantaneously added to the original wave at the point of reflection. As a
result, the current or voltage at such a point may easily be doubled.

In the case of an open-end termination such as at the end of an overhead radial distribution feeder, the
impedance is very high (open circuit), so the reflection occurs on the voltage waveform and not the current
waveform. There is no current flow in the open circuit, but a very high potential may be created. In the case
of a short-circuit termination such as where a surge-arrester is applied on the end of an overhead radial dis-
tribution feeder, the impedance is very low (it approaches a short-circuit condition in respect to the traveling
wave), so the reflection occurs on the current waveform and not on the voltage waveform. There is little
voltage developed across a short circuit.

EMI conditions at or near the shorted or open-end termination for a traveling wave can be very severe. For
example, near-field conditions are worst for H-fields nearest the shorted-termination (highest current, lowest
voltage) while E-field conditions are similarly serious nearest the open-termination (highest voltage, lowest
current). Radiation of far-field EMI can occur all along the conductors path once it is subjected to EMI,
which forms a traveling wave on it. Hence, unwanted EMI effects are unavoidable under these kinds of con-
ditions if there are any victim power, signal, grounding, or other conductors located near the conductor car-
rying the traveling wave. Velocity factor

Traveling waves move through a conductive medium (such as a wire) at a velocity that may be considerably
less than that for the radiated wave in free space or air. The free space velocity factor of 1.0x is approxi-
mately 299 m/s for a radiated wave. Velocity factors less than 1.0x always occur when a wave travels
through a physical medium such as a wire, and this affects calculations regarding how long a conductor may
be in relation to conditions of actual self-resonance vs. equivalent free space electrical length.

For example, the leading edge (first transition) of a radiated wave will travel 30 m in free space during one
cycle of a 10 MHz clock signal in a microprocessor. However, within an insulated conductor in a cable, it

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may travel only 21 m due to a reduced velocity factor, which, in this case, would be 0.7x (21m/30m = 0.7).
If the voltage wave reflects from the cable termination where the cable has been terminated open or at
least in a very high impedance in comparison to the signal cables characteristic impedance, and is in phase
with a new wave, resonance will occur and line oscillations will be greatly magnified. Also, if one end of the
circuit is grounded, the first resonance at 10 MHz occurs when the conductor is only 5.25 m or 1/4 wave-
length long.

At this frequency, the 5.25 m long cable appears to be virtually an open circuit between ends or at least a
very high impedance. It is incapable of equalizing the voltages appearing between its ends. A cable or
grounding conductor, longer than 1/20 cannot be counted upon to adequately equalize voltages between its
ends. This amounts to only 1.5 m of length at 10 MHz, so it should become apparent that the use of long
grounding/bonding conductors in a facility that is a part of a single-point or similar grounding system will
not be effective for high-frequency EMI.

At high frequencies, signal transmission lines are often terminated in their characteristic surge impedance to
eliminate most of the reflection and resonance. However, no single-grounded conductor within a cable can
provide a virtual short circuit between one end and the other over a very useful portion of a broad frequency
range, and not at all once 1/4 conditions and odd-multiples thereof, are approached. Power circuit inrush current

Small conductors on higher impedance circuits carrying small amounts of current cannot induce significant
transient voltages and currents into larger power conductors on low-impedance circuits. This is the result of
the relative impedance of the respective circuits and limits on how fast a large current change can be
impressed onto the path. However, the reverse situation is of major concern. Where I&C circuits are placed
nearby to power conductors, the likelihood of transient voltages and currents being coupled to the instru-
mentation and control circuits is very high.

The transients produced by the unwanted near-field coupling can electromagnetically induce voltages that
create current transients in the I&C circuits installed near these power cables. This can occur when the
power circuit is energized and acts as a primary winding for an air-core transformer with the nearby I&C cir-
cuit act as the secondary winding. Other incidental sources

Noise can also be generated by such sources such as transformer and motor inrush currents, load tap-chang-
ing, flashover of gaps from overvoltages, ferroresonance, impulse testing, megger testing, low-voltage
breaker and contactors, and corona discharge from high-voltage transmission lines. Noise from transmission
line corona can occur miles from the point of generation by propagating along the line.

Local incidental sources of EMI may also occur as a result of electrostatic filters in HVAC systems, ozone
generators used with water purification systems, neon signs, and bug-zappers. Unfiltered SCR circuits
used to phase-control incandescent lighting systems also generate EMI in both radiated and conducted form.
High- and low-pressure sodium lighting fixtures contain arcs and can produce EMI if they are not shielded.
This also applies to mercury vapor lighting fixtures. Both forms of lighting fixtures may radiate high-
frequency EMI unless shielded, and both will conduct low-frequency EMI back onto the ac power system in
the form of harmonic current and voltage waveform distortion unless harmonic filtering is provided at the
fixture to prevent this.

Electric arc welders also create EMI at the arc, and both conduct it onto the connected ac power system and
radiate it into the environment by the loop-antenna (far field) and transformer primary effects (near-field)
that the welding cables can create if they are used without tightly twisting them together. Voltages used in
the arc-welding process are fairly low, while peak and rms currents may be quite high. Hence, E-field EMI
is not as much a problem as is H-field EMI.

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4.1.3 Intentional sources

Many devices intentionally use radio frequency (RF) energy to accomplish their function, such as hand-held
transceivers (cellular telephones, broadcast transmitters, security guard transceivers, citizens band radios),
RF-stabilized arc welders, induction heaters and RF electrostatic drying equipment. These devices produce
considerable amounts of RF energy, which generally is not contained and can therefore reach I&C equip-

Proximity effects can easily offset the fact that a radiating source of EMI is otherwise low-power. For
example, an 800 MHz cellular phone does not radiate much peak power by itself, but if brought into close
proximity to victim circuits such as those within an electronic equipment cabinet with the door open, consid-
erable EMI can be coupled into these circuits. Unlike most two-way radio equipment, cellular telephones
radiate even when they are not in actual two-way use by their operator since they must periodically notify
the cellular sites computer that they are on and where they are so that incoming calls may be received.

4.2 Noise-coupling methods

Noise can be coupled into (or transmitted from) control circuits by any one of four different methods:
a) Conductive (common impedance, galvanic, arcing, or direct contact)
b) Capacitive (electric)

c) Inductive (magnetic)
d) Radiation (electromagnetic)

Both capacitive and inductive coupling refer primarily to near-field coupling. This is also often referred to as
the reactive field where the energy is stored or as stray (parasitic) reactive coupling. A control circuit or
cable is considered to be in the near field of an electromagnetic source when the source to circuit distance is
less than l/6 of the highest source frequency. Radiation coupling refers to circuits located in the far field of
a source where the sources emissions are seen as a true traveling electromagnetic wave. This latter situation
involves radio wave transmissions and antennae effects.

Each of these coupling methods will be detailed in a following subclause.

4.2.1 Characteristics of electromagnetic fields

Electromagnetic waves consist of two oscillating fields at right angles to one another: the electric field (E-
field) and the magnetic field (H-field). The electromagnetic wave impedance (Zw) in ohms is defined as the
ratio of the E-field intensity expressed in V/m to the H-field intensity expressed in A/m. In the reactive or
near field, where the energy is stored, the E-field and H-field can be considered independently where the
wave impedance does not apply.

E-fields are generated by and most easily interact with high-impedance, voltage-driven circuitry, such as a
straight wire or dipole. E-fields are most readily coupled by capacitor action. H-fields are generated by and
most readily interact with low-impedance, current-driven circuitry, such as a wire loop. H-fields are most
readily coupled by transformer action.

Both the electric and magnetic fields are perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the electromagnetic
wave. The value of Zw for a plane wave propagating through air (free space) is 377 .

4.2.2 Common impedance coupling

Conductive coupling is also known as common impedance coupling, and can be created by galvanic action
or an arc. As shown in Figure 3, when two or more circuits share a wire or conductor as a common section of

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their signal paths, common impedance coupling is a possible noise source. The point of common impedance
may be undesirable for grounding purposes (ground loop problem) or may be undesirable because of leak-
age conductance between circuits. Current in one circuit can then cause a noise voltage to appear in another
circuit as a result of voltage drop or Ldi/dt effects. The level of interference is dependent upon the magni-
tude of the common impedance and the interfering current. The most common occurrence of this coupling is
when two circuits share a common return, such as the ground plane on a PC board or the signal common bus
between two PC boards. The illustration is that of a voltage or current divider with the victim circuit being
tapped across the impedance, which has current flow in it from the aggressor circuit.

Figure 3Example of common impedance coupling (ground loop)

4.2.3 Capacitive coupling (electric)

This type of coupling is also known as capacitive coupling. As shown in Figure 4, every portion of an elec-
tric system has stray or parasitic capacitance between it and every other portion. Any voltage change,
regardless of location, tends to drive a current through these capacitances and produce an equivalent noise
current in the victim circuit according to Equation (3):

I = C de/dt (3)

I is the current flow through the circuit capacitance,
C is the capacitance between the two circuits,
de/dt is the voltage change rate in the first circuit.

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For capacitive coupling, the coupling exponentially decreases as the distance between the conductors
increases. In the very near field, the coupling varies by the cube and then quickly begins varying by classical
square-law. High-impedance circuits are more susceptible to capacitively coupled noise as they are predom-
inately voltage sensitive.

As a result of the higher impedance nature of capacitively coupled circuitry, not much rms current can be
sustained over the coupled path. Loading such a circuit quickly collapses its EMI signal.

4.2.4 Inductive coupling

This type of coupling is also known as magnetic coupling. The various circuits of any system ultimately
exist as closed loops. These loops have mutual inductances that are directly proportional to the area enclosed
by the loops as shown in Figure 5. Interaction between the loops is essentially a transformer action between
the aggressor interference source and the sensitive victim circuit. Even dc circuits produce a strongly chang-
ing magnetic field when their current is interrupted.

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Figure 5Example of inductive coupling

When a current change occurs in one of these circuits, a changing electromagnetic field through the area of
its loop is produced. A voltage will be induced when some of this magnetic flux passes through a second cir-

cuit. The amplitude of the induced voltage is directly proportional to the area of the second circuit which
encloses the flux from the disturbing circuit. The induced voltage is determined from Equation (4):

E = M di/dt (4)

E is the induced voltage in the second circuit,
M is the mutual inductance (amount of flux),
di/dt is the current change rate in the first circuit.

For magnetic coupling, the mutual inductance is a direct function of the coupled length of the conductors
and an inverse function of the distance between conductors. Low-impedance circuits are more susceptible to
inductive coupling.

Coupling varies according to the cube in the very near field, and then quickly follows classical square-law

Both capacitive and inductive coupling are functions of the time derivative or rate of change of the source
field (d/dt). Therefore, the interference coupling factor for a fixed coupling loop geometry increases with
the higher frequency content of the transient current in the aggressor loop.

4.2.5 Radiation coupling

This type of coupling is also known as electromagnetic or radio wave coupling. High-frequency signals pro-
duced by an external source may transfer a significant amount of energy to the control circuit by radiation of
an electromagnetic wave and coupling through unintentional antennas. Even though the interference fre-

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quencies may be much higher than those to which the control circuit will normally respond, they can
become troublesome if they are modulated at the source by switching or by the ac power frequency or its
harmonics and then picked up and non-linearly demodulated or rectified by the control circuit. This process
of pickup and demodulation can produce additional harmonically related spurious signals in the victim
instrument or control circuit. This circuit may then become a local re-radiation source of the EMI at the fun-
damental or harmonically-related frequency from antenna effects of the victim circuits wiring.

4.2.6 Interference modes Common-mode interference

This type of interference is also known as longitudinal-mode interference. It is simultaneously introduced

into all of the conductors of the signal path, including its grounding conductor if it has one. As a result of the
simultaneous nature of the introduction of the CM interference, little, if any, potential difference may be
seen between the victim conductors. Instead, significant potential differences are generally seen to exist
between all of the victim conductors and the circuits and ground reference for the circuit the victim conduc-
tors are terminated. This is illustrated by Figure 6.

CM currents are most commonly caused by equal electrical pickup in a pair of conductors, and in paths of
equal impedance will be essentially equal. If the CM currents affected paths are of differing impedance,
then the CM current will be inversely proportional to the impedance presented by each victim conductor
path forming the loop.

CM interference acts indirectly on the victim receiver. Therefore, a signal error must be preceded by a con-
version from common-mode interference to differential-mode (DM) interference. A purely CM surge
between separate grounds as shown in Figure 6 will be almost completely rejected by a well-balanced, dif-
ferential amplifier. Connecting one side of the differential amplifier to ground will produce a differential-
mode surge. Transformer coupling without using carefully balanced, center-tapped windings referenced to
signal ground will produce DM interference by the CM to DM conversion that takes place as a result of the
windings geometry.

Mismatched impedances of passive components (resistors, capacitors, and inductors) used in the transmis-
sion of balanced signals through circuits also contribute to the conversion of CM to DM current or voltage in
the victim circuit.


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Figure 6Example of common and differential-mode interference

In a two-wire line, the common-mode noise current induced in each wire is more or less of equal amplitude
and in phase. The degree of line amplitude balance usually increases with frequency.

CM transients are more likely to cause dielectric failure to ground than differential-mode transients. Both
types of transients, however, can damage both passive (resistors, capacitors, inductors, etc.) and active com-
ponents (transistors, integrated circuits) as all have breakdown voltage limits to ground or can be damaged
by the effects of excess CM current passing through the component (I2t effects) Differential-mode (DM) interference

This type of interference is also known as normal or transverse interference. Differential-mode interference
looks like a valid signal and can be induced into the signal channel through the same path as the legitimate
signal (see Figure 6), where it usually algebraically combines with the desired signal thus producing a com-
posite, corrupted signal. The interfering DM signal can be produced by the conversion of CM current to DM
as discussed in The full magnitude of the interference is directly coupled to the victim system using
the same paths, mechanisms, and components as are used by the desired signal.

DM interference will often have frequency characteristics that usefully differentiate it from the desired sig-
nal. This can sometimes be used to advantage to attenuate it. One example of this is when the DM interfer-
ence occurs at a frequency widely separated from that of the desired signal. In this case, appropriate filtering
can be very effective. If the DM interference occurs too closely to that of the desired signal, the use of a fil-
ter would unintentionally affect the desired signal.

In a two-wire system, the normal signal current (DM) in each wire is usually of equal amplitude and oppo-
site in phase. The differential-mode interference current is also equal and opposite, but may have any phase,
amplitude, or waveform shape difference.

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DM interference is principally conducted on power or signal paths and is typically the result of changes in
loading on the affected set of conductors from the effects of multiple, varying or switched loads acting on
the commonly shared path impedance that produce IZ drop conditions of rms, instantaneous, or both types.

Whether a CM or DM interference produces greater numbers of problems on a signal circuit is strictly

dependent upon the design of the victim circuit; its state at the time of occurrence of the interference; and the
amplitude, duration, and rate of change of the CM or DM interference current or voltage. Crosstalk

When transmitting either an ac or a pulsating dc signal on one pair of a multiple-pair cable, there is a ten-
dency for the signals to be superimposed on signals being carried in adjacent pairs from a combination of
both inductive and capacitive coupling, which is termed crosstalk. Both of these coupling methods are
directly proportional to the frequency of the signal and the effects vary according to the twist, physical lay,
geometry, and symmetry of the conductors involved. The effectiveness of the shielding between adjacent

signal conductors also affects crosstalk.

Increasing the amount of impedance in the crosstalk affected paths proportionally increases the effects of the
unwanted capacitive coupling existing between them. For inductive coupling, the opposite is true where
increasing the impedance inversely decreases the unwanted inductive coupling between them.

Therefore, the way in which a change of circuit impedance affects the total amount of crosstalk will depend
on which factor is greater, capacitive or inductive coupling. If these two quantities are equal, then there will
be practically no change in the magnitude of the crosstalk when the impedance is varied.

4.3 Techniques for electrical noise minimization

4.3.1 Suppression at the source

One of the most effective techniques for reducing transients in a system is to reduce their amplitude at the
source, or to slow down their rate of current or voltage change. Suppression of noise generated by solenoid, relay, or contactor coils

Placing a diode in parallel with a coil is the simplest method of suppression in a dc circuit. This provides a
low impedance path in parallel with the circuit stray capacitance and prevents voltage buildup from the
energy in the collapsing field of the coil. The diode is back-biased during normal operation and acts as a near
short-circuit to the inductive kick produced by the collapsing magnetic field of the de-energized induc-
tance. The diode, however, has the disadvantages of:
1) Switch-off delay.
2) Diode failure may short circuit the device.
3) Overvoltage in the reverse direction (possibly caused by spikes from unsuppressed loads) can
destroy the diode.
4) Oscillatory, decaying (ringing) transient production on the circuit.

The diode should be properly chosen to have high-reverse overvoltage current characteristics matched to the
protected coil current. The addition of a series resistance chosen as approximately equal to the coil resis-
tance significantly reduces the switch-off delay and eliminates the short circuit if the diode fails. It also low-
ers the Q of the LCR circuit and thus reduces the ringing when the associated device is de-energized.
This technique is illustrated in Figure 7. Variations of this technique can be used with a resistor, capacitor,
or resistor plus capacitor (snubber) to suppress the inductive kick on both ac and dc circuits. All have to be
properly selected to minimize changes to the characteristics of the overall circuit. An alternative technique

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can be used to clamp the inductive spike to a fixed level using a metal oxide varistor or back to back zener
diodes or Tranzorbs for both ac and dc circuits. These latter techniques will still let through spikes up to the
clamping level of the device.

Figure 7Suppression with a diode and series resistance

Generally the best place to apply this protection is directly across the coil. If the leads to the coil are long, it
may be necessary to place additional protection across the initiating contact since the cable inductance could
still cause voltage spikes. R-C snubbers are frequently used across switch contacts for this purpose. Suppression of SCRs, dc motor or generator brushes, and alternator slip-rings

Small value capacitors are used to attenuate unwanted high frequencies generated by these devices. This
occurs as they represent very low values of reactance at these frequencies when they are applied in parallel
to the EMI source. They must also be selected to present a very high reactance to the signal frequencies
found on the circuit in order to avoid having the suppression circuit unintentionally affect these desired fre-
quencies. This may be a problem if the frequency of the desired current or voltage is higher than that of the
EMI that is to be attenuated.

The suppression capacitors must be placed as close to the interference source as possible to prevent the
creation of and emission of RF interference from the intervening inductive wire leads so as to not produce
further unwanted EMI from the LC resonant conditions produced by the suppression circuits own wiring
loop. Suppression of input signal noise

It is quite common to place suitable filtering circuits directly onto electronic circuit boards to provide them
with an inherent transient immunity. This is not always advisable since it is generally too late to try and
effectively attenuate higher levels of EMI at board-level since the EMI is already onto the boards wiring
traces and its fields are therefore in close proximity to the circuits on the board that are desired to be pro-
tected. Component and PC board trace layout are extremely critical if this approach is to be effective due to
the combination of circuit and component density, nearness and quantity of PC wiring traces, and the known
effects of near-field coupling under these conditions.

If EMI filtering at board level proves to be inadequate, then it is necessary to provide additional external fil-
tering. R-C and LC filters, zener diodes, Tranzorbs, MOVs, or other non-linear clamping devices such as
gas-tubes, and even SCR crowbar clamps can be used as required, but it is necessary to keep lead lengths on
these circuits to an absolute minimum so as to prevent these same items from being able to couple back into

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the same or other PC boards. This latter concern exists since many surge protective devices can operate with
very fast di/dt conditions and can generate strong local H-fields near them and their leads.

Cascaded transient or surge protection schemes are a recommended practice. This is where higher level EMI
or transient energy is controlled nearest to its point of production or at the point of introduction into an item
of equipment, then an intermediate point is similarly protected, but at lower EMI energy. The final attenua-
tion then occurs at the lowest EMI conditions right at the circuit board to be protected. The idea is to handle
the largest EMI currents and voltages at the greatest distance from the circuit that can be affected by the
EMI, and to handle the clean-up of low-level EMI at board level. This is an important concept and has the
greatest practical application when lightning currents or other high-energy level switching transients are

4.3.2 Positioning and isolating control cables Cable routing

The physical arrangement of the I&C cables is an important factor affecting the creation of electrical noise.
Techniques for minimizing noise pickup in control circuits include:
a) Radial routing of I&C cable. Circuits should not be looped with a single conductor from one piece
of equipment to another with the return conductor in another cable. Both supply and return
conductors should be in a common cable to minimize loop area and avoid the large magnetic induc-
tion possible using separately routed single conductors. This means that both secondary leads of
CTs should be in the same cable, both positive and negative dc leads should be in the same cable,
and all three phases and neutral of voltage transformer (VT) secondary leads should be in the same
Any grounding leads associated with any circuit must also be tightly routed with the circuit conduc-
tors and also must be carried inside of the same shield, conduit, or other raceway with the associated
circuit conductors. This is necessary to keep the impedance of these circuits as low as possible by
permitting close interaction of the opposing magnetic fields occurring on them.
If the supply and return signal lines are discrete wires (as opposed to being part of a factory pro-
duced multi-conductor cable), they should be laid as close to each other as possible within the same
raceway to minimize the loop area and reduce susceptibility to interference from inductive coupling.
The greatest practical amount of symmetrical twisting per unit of length of all signal supply and
return conductors along with any dedicated grounding conductor, is desirable. Twisting of conduc-
tors during installation must be commensurate with avoiding damage to the conductors insulation.
On power circuits, such tight twisting is not normally feasible, however, the most practical twisting
should be applied.
Do not twist a number of otherwise untwisted pairs of wires going to different circuits together as
they can create unwanted crosstalk and a higher impedance for the DM currents in any related pair
of signal conductors in such a bundle. However, gently twisting together already twisted signal pairs
to form a larger cable is generally advisable if done carefully. There are established rules for doing
this such as those promulgated by telecommunications companies, and these rules should be fol-
lowed. Approximately 1 turn/meter is a generally useful amount of twist to use on multi-pair cables
and on power wiring.
b) Orient the I&C cables at right angles to any conductor that is likely to carry an unbalanced current.
This also applies to conductors that carry a balanced current flow but where one conductor is spaced
away from its supply or return path conductors. This mostly applies to separated power bus-bars or
any grounding conductors not routed with their associated circuit conductors. Examples of the latter
are lightning down and air-terminal conductors, grounding electrode conductors, ac system ground-
ing conductors, and grounding/bonding jumpers. Building steel, metal HVAC ducting, and plumb-
ing or piping systems can also fall into this category. It is often not possible to route the I&C cables
at right angles to all items such as this for practical reasons, so the concept of increased spacing to
reduce coupling may also be required on the same circuit.

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c) Locate the control room in a centralized location so as to minimize I&C cable runs, or locate it
away from areas likely to produce large amounts of EMI and unwanted near-field conditions to the
cables used to interface the control room to its external equipment.
d) Provide maximum separation between power and control wiring when it is not suitably shielded for
operation with close spacing to aggressor circuits.
e) Wherever possible, both power and signal types of circuits should be routed close to (right on the
surface of) any associated metal parts of an equipment cabinet or other form of cable transport
ground plane such as a solid-bottom cable tray, wireway, or other form of signal reference ground
grid or plane. The use of signal transport ground planes, signal reference grids or planes, is a recom-
mended practice wherever they can be used.
f) Avoid inadvertent loops when routing I&C cables. For example, do not coil excess cable into a loop
instead of cutting it to the exact length needed to make the termination connection. This is a com-
mon practice that is well known to cause coupling problems to and from such loops that form single
and multi-turn transformer windings. Folding (as opposed to coiling) excess cable back and forth
and then tying it in place is a possible way to reduce this effect and to allow excess cable to be dealt
with. However, this is not always a good nor a practical solution. Physical separation

Circuits operating at different voltages (and sometimes different energy levels) should be physically sepa-
rated. Voltage separation is defined in IEEE Std 422-1986, and is a clear requirement if all the conductors in
the same bundle, conduit, or raceway are not equipped with an insulation system whose rating is equal to or
exceeds that of the worst-case example in the same arrangement.

For example, low-energy analog signals should not be run in the same cable as higher energy control signals
or with ac power circuits. Similarly, dc battery and ac control power circuits should not be placed into the
same cable, conduit, or other raceway, and neither type of circuit should be routed with ac power

In addition, after segregating cables by voltage level, they may also be separated within these voltage level
groups according to function. When dissimilar circuits are run parallel to each other in a cable tray for any
distance, consideration may have to be given to separating the two circuit types by a grounded, ferrous bar-
rier to reduce both the capacitive and inductive coupling between the cables. Many types of cable trays and
raceways are available from their manufacturers with shielding barriers that can be used for this purpose.
Care must be taken during installation to ensure that the desired separation is not compromised. Figure 8
illustrates how rapidly the capacitive coupling is reduced by increasing physical separation.

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Figure 8Capacitance vs. conductor separation

4.3.3 Shielding

Shielding is used to protect a system, circuit or component from undesirable effects of an external magnetic,
electric or electromagnetic field source. The method of shielding may differ depending on whether the exter-
nal aggressor source is a low- or high-frequency field, and if it is a near or far-field situation. For cables, a
shield may take such forms as enclosing metallic conduit, a cable tray or signal transport ground plane, an
overall copper braid, copper tape or aluminized mylar. For components, a shield could be any six-sided, con-
ductive enclosure.

For dc and low-frequency electrical fields, electrostatic shielding can be easily accomplished by enclosing
the sensitive components in a highly conductive material that is held at the same reference voltage as the cir-
cuit signal common. This is generally done by connecting the shield material to signal common ground.
Electrostatic shielding can improve the noise rejection of a high impedance circuit by factors of 100 to
100 000 (40 dB to 100 dB).

To prevent a very low-frequency or dc magnetic field from reaching the victim conductors or other compo-
nents, the shield must warp the aggressor magnetic flux lines away from the victim items so that they are not
penetrated by them. To shield against dc and extremely low-frequency magnetic fields, the external interfer-
ing magnetic flux must be completely or nearly completely diverted from the shielded volume by the shield-
ing material.

To be an effective very low-frequency magnetic shield that diverts magnetic flux, the shielding material
must have a low reluctance. Reluctance is inversely proportional to the permeability and the cross-sectional
area of the shield. Therefore, to be effective, a very low-frequency magnetic shield must have a high
permeability and a large cross-sectional area. This means that very thick walls will be needed in the case of
conduits, boxes, and similar forms of shielding. It also means that the material used will need to be specially
selected and, for best performance, it cannot be common steel or soft iron. Mu metal is one example of a
special material that is used in this application, and special grades of silicon steel may be effective.

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Since the permeability of a magnetic material is not constant but depends on the flux density in the shield
material, the magnetic flux density must be known in order to estimate the effectiveness of the shield used to
warp the magnetic field away from the victim conductors contained within its enclosed volume. If the mag-
netic flux density is so high that the magnetic shield becomes saturated, then the shield will not be effective
above the saturation point.

Effective very low-frequency magnetic field shielding is much more difficult to obtain than electrostatic
shielding. For example, the effective magnetic shielding provided by enclosing a 60 Hz power cable in rigid,
galvanized, steel conduit may only be a factor of 10 to 100 (20 dB to 40 dB) for interfering frequencies
below 1 kHz. As the noise frequency increases, the effective shielding will increase.

The use of a shield to attenuate H-field interference (a near-field phenomena) on victim conductors in a
cable or similar circuit depends upon the shield operating in a fashion other than warping the magnetic flux
away from the victim conductors or other component to be protected. In this second case, the magnetic flux
lines are allowed to penetrate the enclosing shield and to reach into the victim conductors without much (if
any) attenuation. This is achieved by grounding the shield at both ends, with the signal conductors contained
inside the shield ground referenced to the same ground point as the shield at each end. The shield will then
carry an induced current from the aggressor H-field, and the contained victim conductors will also carry an
induced current from the aggressor H-field, with all of the induced currents being 180 out of phase with the
aggressor current. Since the impedance of the shields closed loop (it is a larger mass of metal that is also
grounded at both ends) is much lower than that of the signal conductors contained within (they are smaller
and feed into circuitry), this allows more induced current flow to occur in the shield than in the signal con-
ductors contained therein, so the shields current also develops its own magnetic field proportional to the
current flowing in it, and this is also closely coupled (it is an H-field) to the victim signal conductors along
with the originally induced current from the aggressor source. Therefore, the shields magnetic field now
induces its own current into the victim conductors with another 180 phase, thereby producing two current
flows in the victim conductors that are out-of-phase with one another. These two induced currents cancel
each other out in the victim conductors, and what is left is the greatly attenuated noise on the victim cir-
cuit, which cannot be removed without involving efforts with a diminishing rate of return for expended

Note that the foregoing shielding effects are independent of the permeability or reluctance of the material
selected for the shield, but do depend upon its conductivity and surface area when skin-effect comes into
play in the higher frequency ranges. If there are concerns about grounding the shield at both ends because of
low-frequency ground loop, then these will need to be addressed by the use of other methods. If there is no
shield current induced by the aggressor H-field, then the shield cannot attenuate the EMI being induced into
the contained victim conductors. Also, twisting the victim conductors does not affect this situation since the
problem is one of induced CM current from the aggressor H-field and not a DM one.

Far-field shielding takes place by a different mechanism. When a high-frequency electromagnetic field
impinges on a conductive shield, most of the electromagnetic wave is reflected by the shield material by
impedance mismatch. A small portion of the wave is transmitted through the shield material and this is
further attenuated as it travels through the thickness of the shield material. Thus, the field incident on the
shielded circuit, component or system is lower than the incident electromagnetic field. A highly conductive
material such as copper or aluminum, that is sufficiently strong enough to support itself, and encloses an

entire circuit, will reduce interference from electromagnetic waves by factors of 10 000 to 1 000 000
(80 dB to 120 dB). Electronic equipment shielding

Almost any metal cabinet is valued for electric field shielding because it bi-directionally helps prevent the
coupling of any electric fields in or out of the cabinet. The steel cabinet is valued for additional bi-direc-
tional shielding from magnetic fields that may be generated in adjacent cabinets, or from within the subject
cabinet itself.

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For both the electric field and magnetic field shielding, cabinet openings or discontinuities may degrade the
overall performance, but seldom do they significantly alter the shielding performance. However, for electro-
magnetic wave shielding, it must be remembered that the shield must totally enclose the protected circuit. In
this case, the need for normal cabinet discontinuities, such as seams, cable penetrations, and apertures may
significantly affect the shielding integrity of the cabinet and provide the possibility of electromagnetic cou-
pling both in and out of the cabinet.

The efficiency of the electromagnetic wave coupling will depend upon the size of the hole or seam with rela-
tion to the wavelength of the interference. Any opening in an enclosure can provide a highly efficient
coupling path at some frequency. As an opening increases in size, its coupling efficiency also increases.

An opening larger than /20 will permit electromagnetic energy to pass freely through the opening. There-
fore, openings larger than /20 should be avoided. Since most EMI coupling problems are broadband in
nature, the wavelength must be that of the highest interference frequency. For a frequency of 100 MHz, the
maximum dimension for a hole will be 0.15 m. For a frequency of 10 MHz, the maximum dimension will be
1.5 m.

Any opening or seam without suitable EMI gasketing or special flange design that promotes capacitive cou-
pling effects, and that is 1/2 or larger at the EMIs frequency will allow maximum coupling of the EMI in
or out of the shielded enclosure. Note that the sides of typical door openings on rack-type cabinets may
therefore represent vertically polarized slot-antennae with dimensions approaching two meters in some
cases. Therefore, the tops and bottoms of these same doors may also represent similar horizontally polarized
slot-antennae with dimensions approaching one meter. A rack or other cabinet in which the door is left open
during operation represents a virtually unshielded volume.

Whenever an opening must be present in a cabinet, protective measures should be taken to reduce the threat
of coupling. These protective measures include:
a) Keeping the longest dimension of apertures in cabinets less than /20. Openings larger than this will
require additional protective measures.
b) Where cable must penetrate the cabinet through a hole, shielding can be accomplished by making
the hole operate as a waveguide operating beyond cutoff frequency. This can be done by connecting
a conductive tube to the inside of the cabinet as shown in Figure 9. Since the cutoff frequency of a
waveguide is a function of twice the maximum width of the waveguide, the length of the conductive
tube should be at least four times the width of the tube.


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Figure 9Waveguide beyond cutoff frequency


c) Electronic systems that are packaged in cabinets of plastic or other nonconductive materials should
have their cases treated with a conductive material to provide shielding. The most frequently used
technique is to spray the inside of the cabinet with a special conductive paint containing metal
d) When openings are provided for meters or displays, specially fabricated shielding windows should
be used to maintain the conductive barrier of the cabinet. These windows are typically fabricated by
applying an optically clear conductive layer to the viewing window or by casting a finely woven
wire mesh screen within the window itself.
e) Cabinet seams
1) All mating surfaces that are electrically conductive should be free from paint, anodization,
oxides, grease, etc.
2) The two surfaces of a seam should overlap. Since the two surfaces of the seam form a capaci-
tor, sufficient capacitive coupling should be provided for the seam to function as an electrical
short at high frequencies. Minimum seam width should be five times the maximum expected
separation between mating surfaces.
3) Firm electrical contact should be made at intervals of no greater than /20 along the length of
the seam. This contact can be provided by screw fasteners, grounding pads, contact straps
across the seam, or conductive gaskets. Cable shielding

The action of an ideal shield conductor can best be illustrated if it is assumed that any magnetic flux, which
links the signal conductor, also links the cable shield. The shielding effect is the result of eddy currents set
up in the shield by the external magnetic field. These eddy currents set up magnetic fields opposing and
counteracting the disturbing magnetic field and will exist regardless of whether or not the shield is con-
nected to ground, but only for cables longer than one wavelength at the interfering frequency.

At high frequencies or for electromagnetic waves, the cable shield should be thought of as a barrier element
that connects the barriers formed by the cabinets containing the control circuits as illustrated by Figure 10.
The shield can take such forms as metallic conduit or ductwork, copper braid, copper tape, or aluminized
mylar. Because the cable shield is part of the barrier that protects the interconnected circuits from noise
sources outside the barrier, the shield should be made continuous with the cabinets to which it is connected

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so as to close the barrier. Whether or not the shield is grounded, it must be closed to protect the internal cir-
cuits from wideband external interference as shown by Figure 11.

At low frequencies or for the electric field shielding, the individually shielded conductors or conductor pairs
should have their shields connected to ground at the point of maximum capacitance in order to reduce the
possibility of a ground loop forming through the capacitance. A low-inductance designed grounding strap or
jumper is used to short-out this capacitance. The point of highest capacitance is often the signal source.

Cable shield grounding practices are discussed in Clause 6.

Figure 10Diagram of a closed EMI barrier


Figure 11Realization of Figure 10

4.3.4 Grounding

Although grounding is not always required for a shield to be effective, it can become the critical element in
determining the effectiveness of certain types of shields such as those for I&C cables. Clause 5 and Clause 6
discuss the various methods for the grounding of I&C systems and cable shields. The following paragraphs,
however, discuss certain aspects of grounding that pertain to the shielding recommendations in 4.3.3.

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Ideally, no ac power or any other type of grounding conductor should penetrate an equipment cabinet with-
out being appropriately filtered. When conductors do penetrate a cabinet, they can serve as a path along
which electromagnetic wave EMI can propagate and effectively reduce the shielding of a cabinet to 0 dB.
Because this is a bi-directional situation, EMI from within the cabinet from the processing contained therein,
will similarly be allowed to travel along the same conductor and to then EMI contaminate the overall envi-
ronment. In this latter case the emissions compliance certification of the equipment can be voided. Thus, all
power wiring conductors must be interfaced to a cabinet or equipment enclosure via a fully shielded and LC-
filtered wiring compartment, which topologically makes the power wiring appear to be on the cabinets out-
side surface. Similarly, unless it is filtered, no grounding conductor must be allowed to penetrate the cabinet,
but instead should be terminated directly to the outside surface of the cabinet before being allowed to make
entrance via a feed-through point. Most importantly, this also applies to cable shields.

At lower frequencies where either the electric field or the magnetic field coupling may be the source of EMI
coupling, the physical location of the grounding conductor can cause coupling to the conductors of sensitive
circuits. Since cable shields can be expected to pick up EMI, ground connections to this shield should be
made away from the conductors for sensitive circuits. The undesirable practice of using pig-tails or jumper
wires to ground shields must be avoided for the additional reason that the pig-tails or jumpers provide
unwanted coupling points to any victim conductors that may be parallel (or nearly so) oriented to them.

For cables entering or leaving a cabinet, the shields should be fully circumferentially grounded to the outside
surface of the cabinet. For cables that run only internal to the cabinet, the shields should be low-inductance
grounded to the circuit common inside the cabinet. The use of pig-tails or jumpers should be avoided.

Proper shield grounding techniques will help to eliminate EMI noise radiation and reradiation from both
internal and external sources, help to maintain the emissions compliance of the equipment, and help to min-
imize any fire safety code issues.

4.3.5 Filters

All conductors penetrating an enclosure or cabinet are capable of bi-directionally conducting interference
into and out of the enclosure. This includes power conductors, grounding conductors, and any I&C cables
and associated cable shields. Once high-frequency noise enters a sensitive instrument, there is a good chance
that some portion of the high-frequency signal will appear as noise in the control circuits. In order for a filter
to be effective, it is assumed that the interference frequency can be determined to be different than that of the
signal frequency and therefore out of the bandpass for the desired signal. Otherwise, attempts at filtering the
EMI will also effect the desired signal process as well. This will occur for those portions of the signal that
overlap in frequency or fall into the skirt area of the filter.

The worst case is when an EMI signal becomes impressed onto a digital systems clock circuit since from
there it may be routed throughout the system. This kind of EMI is also difficult to find since it makes its
presence known by being everywhere at the same time. The second worst case is when EMI enters a low-
level amplifier circuit with sufficient bandwidth to amplify the EMI along with the desired signal. This
raises the amplitude of the EMI signal to levels far above what it started out, and this allows it to become a
stronger source of EMI than it originally was. Proper filtering of circuits is used to generally minimize, if not
eliminate, these problems along with others.

Many high-frequency transients can be prevented from entering control enclosures by bypassing each con-
trol conductor to the signal/frame ground with a 0.1 microfarad ceramic disk capacitor at the terminal block
where the cable enters. This method is most effective if the bypass occurs on the outside surface of the
equipment cabinet before any EMI can enter the cabinets volume. For this method to be effective, the leads
of the bypass capacitors should be kept as short as possible. Even better for purposes of bypassing is the use
of a coaxial style feed-through capacitor that has its metal case solidly grounded to the equipments enclo-
sure at the point of penetration. Care should be taken in evaluating if either of these methods will cause an
undesirable time delay or waveform distortion of the signal.

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LC types of filters achieve their action on the EMI by the following interrelated actions:
1) Reflection via impedance mismatch reflects the EMI back up the same path from which it tried
to enter the filter.
2) By circulating the EMI within the filters elements and creating EMI losses via heat dissipation
in the filters components.
3) By low-impedance shunting action between conductors, and to equipment or signal ground
conductors through filter components that are connected line-to-line and line-to-ground.
4) By radiation from the filters components into the environment (undesired) and to be mini-
mized in a good filter design.
5) By letting the remaining EMI through the filter and out onto the filters other port.

If the EMI is common mode, the filter must be connected in series between each conductor (including
ground conductors and shields) so as to raise the paths impedance to CM current. More impedance equals
less current in the path, which results in EMI attenuation. Inductors may also be configured in CM to create
a transformer bucking action between the CM current appearing on the conductors.

If the EMI is DM in nature, the filter must be connected between the signal conductors and additionally con-
nected to signal or equipment ground depending upon the circuit being filtered.

Generally a combination filter is used that can attenuate both CM and DM noise. There are many types of
filters, but the most common type is a simple combination inductor and capacitor, reactive filter configured
for either high pass or low pass and with a characteristic impedance equal to that of the circuit into which it
is to be placed at some specified center frequency. For ac power wiring, this is typically 50 at 60 Hz and
on telephone type circuits 600 . The center frequency of the latter filter depends upon whether the type of
circuit is voice grade or digital.

Filters can range anywhere from simple capacitors and ferrite beads used by themselves, to sophisticated,
multi-stage and physically large bandpass filters. The configuration of the filter will naturally depend upon
the characteristics of the noise to be filtered, and the rms and peak currents of the signal to be passed through
the filter in unattenuated fashion. Since different filter configurations will affect signal parameters such as
pulse rise time and waveshapes of both digital and analog circuits, both the positive and negative effects
must be considered when applying filters. Supplemental filters have also been known to cause detrimental
ringing of digital circuits. AC power filters

AC power line filters should preferably be of the hybrid common-mode/differential-mode type in order to
combat both types of conducted EMI. Power line filters should be located with regard to the following
a) The filter should optimally be mounted in the bulkhead of the cabinet to protect against input-output
lead parasitic capacitance coupling at high frequencies. This is a serious problem that is often over-
b) If the filter cannot be mounted on the bulkhead, isolate the unfiltered power leads to avoid recou-
pling EMI to the nonfiltered power leads or to signal cabling.
c) Select a power line filter either with a high input impedance or to specifically match the load imped-
ance to avoid changing the overall electrical characteristics of the power distribution system.
d) The power line filter should be rated for the appropriate line-to-line and line-to-ground working
voltage and the number of phases on the circuit (including neutral if used).
e) The power line filter should be rated to handle the continuous rms current of the load, and any peak
currents that the load may require.


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f) The power line filter should be able to handle the harmonic currents from non-linear loads in addi-
tion to the fundamental current from the load. Filtering of grounding conductors

Since the equipment grounding conductor is also the conductor that the typical power entry low-pass LC fil-
ter for electronic load equipment will be referenced to on an ac power system, its impedance must always be
kept as low as possible. This allows the filter to successfully return EMI that it has shunted into the equip-
ment ground to be effectively returned to the ac source. A beneficial EMI loop exists between the LC filter
and the ac power source via the interconnecting equipment grounding conductor. Hence, a maximized EMI
current in this path may be viewed as beneficial if it is part of the LC filters operating mode. Accordingly,
any actions taken to raise the impedance of this equipment grounding conductor path will have undesirable

For example, if an inductance (choke) is placed into the equipment grounding conductor path for equip-
ment that is attempting to use the path for LC filter return current, the action will reduce the effectiveness of
the LC filter to the point that it will simply pass the EMI into the equipment it was intended to keep it out of.
Placing an inductance into the path has the equivalent effect of adding it in series with the LC filters shunt
capacitors, which is a known poor practice.

However, if an inductance is inserted into the equipment grounding path for the LC filter, the indications
will be that the equipment ground path is quieter, but that there is now an unexplained increase in the
amount of CM EMI noise current that can be detected in the interconnecting cables from the victim equip-
ment to other items of the overall system. What has happened is that the LC filters return current noise
has not been reduced, it has been unknowingly rerouted. Accordingly, the equipment grounding conductor
path between equipment and the ac power source must always be configured to offer the lowest amount of
impedance across the widest range of frequency possible if reliable operation of the system is to be
expected. CM filtering

The appropriate place to apply CM chokes to decouple CM noise current paths, is on the actual data, signal,
control, or other interface cable itself. Or, if a large enough choke can be obtained, it may be applied around
all of the ac power conductors (line, neutral, and equipment ground) along with the involved conduit or race-
way. These kinds of placements of a choke increase the CM impedance of the path and allow a concurrent
reduction in CM current, which is usually a beneficial situation.

At high-frequencies, the physical point at which a CM choke is placed onto a conductor is critical. Inductors
require current to operate, not voltage. Hence, the chosen point must be a point of significant current flow in
order to obtain the needed H-field flux to excite the inductor and get a back-emf action. This means that the
wavelength of any CW type of EMI needs to be considered and the choke placed at points on the standing
wave that are current maximums, and not minimums. Traveling waves will intersect the choke no matter

where it is placed.

Since CM chokes are inductors, they become very unwieldy and expensive as they are designed for lower
frequency use. Hence, they are most practical in the high-frequency range. When applied to ac power system
conductors of any kind, they may also experience core saturation if the circuit is producing flux at dc, power
system fundamental, or harmonic frequencies. This means special care must be taken in the design of the
chokes core to avoid this kind of problem, or the use of very large cores.

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4.3.6 Other noise minimization techniques Signal Isolation transformers

Isolation transformers can be used to block common-mode interference and dc signals. When both ends of a
signal wire pair are fed by signal isolation transformers, the wires become isolated from dc and low-
frequency ground potential differences in the terminal equipment. In practice, signal isolation transformers
normally are configured as solidly grounded, center-tapped devices so as to present a differentially balanced
impedance to ground and to enhance safety. Electrostatic shielding in the signal isolation transformer is
important as an additional means of reducing CM currents and a subsequent CM to DM current conversion. Power isolation transformers

An isolation transformer is defined as any transformer consisting of a separate primary and secondary wind-
ing where they are not interconnected to form an autotransformer connection. Whether or not the isolation
transformer is grounded is not a part of the definition. In this context, a power isolation transformer is still an
isolation transformer when its secondary winding is solidly grounded to the equipment grounding conduc-
tor, equipment frame/enclosure, and any earth grounding electrode system.

When an isolation transformer is introduced into the electrical distribution system and its secondary is
grounded, it is referred to as a separately derived ac system. If, instead of grounding the secondary of an iso-
lation transformer, it is interconnected with another solidly grounded ac system via a common neutral con-
ductor run, the arrangement is correctly called a solidly interconnected ac system.

Since all ac systems in a facility should be solidly interconnected via a common equipment grounding con-
ductor system and earth grounding electrode system, a power isolation transformer cannot provide an iso-
lated ground to any equipment connected to their secondary. Instead, a power isolation transformer used to
create a separately derived ac system can provide a new and local ac system and equipment ground point
that is local to the isolation transformer and its served loads without the necessity to use only the service
grounding point, which may be quite distant. It is important to note that a power isolation transformer is not
used to form a truly isolated ground point.

Power isolation transformers may also be provided with electrostatic shields between the primary and sec-
ondary windings for enhanced shielding effectiveness. Ground current neutralizing transformers

Ground current neutralizing transformers can be used to eliminate the effects of inductive coupling or
ground potential rise associated with cables entering a generating station or run in parallel with the power
transmission lines. The inductive coupling will cause ground currents to flow when the I&C cables have
multiple connections to ground, either intentionally or unintentionally, from the stray capacitance between
the cables and ground.

To implement this method, all incoming I&C cables will pass through the neutralizing transformer and
become separate secondary windings. The primary winding has the same number of turns as each of the sec-
ondaries and is energized by the same induced potential rise as the cables. To achieve this, one end of the
primary circuit may be connected to the station ground and the conductor is run along the same path as the
I&C cables with the other end connected to ground at a sufficient distance not to be affected by station fault
currents. Thus, a voltage equal to the ground rise is induced in the control circuits and the ground rise
potential is not present between the incoming cables and these circuit. This cancellation voltage can also be
generated separately.

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The use of differential amplifiers is an effective means of reducing common-mode noise. Even though the
common-mode tolerance of most integrated circuit differential amplifiers is only a few volts, common-mode
voltages of up to several thousand volts can be tolerated by using various attenuation schemes. Increase the signal-to-noise ratio

Care must be exercised in using this method for, although it will reduce the induced noise in one region of
frequency, it will cause an increase in noise in another region. Changing the circuit impedance to reduce the
noise induced by either a primarily inductive or capacitive source is subject to the same warning as
increasing the signal-to-noise ratio. Narrowing the bandwidth of a circuit is another way to affect the signal-
to-noise ratio without changing its impedance. Optically-coupled circuits

Signal circuits that use metallic paths for signal transport can be spot-converted to optically isolated circuits
in order to reduce the effects of CM potentials and currents on the circuits. This is accomplished by intro-
ducing an appropriate converter into the path (usually at both ends), which includes a dielectric barrier that
is bridged by a light beam that is generated by an LED and received on the opposite side by a photo-sensi-
tive transistor. Such circuits are called optically-coupled and may have dielectric withstand characteristics of
several kV at dc. As the signal frequency increases, the input-to-output reactive coupling may negate the
attempted isolation.

Opto-couplers need to be shielded to protect their internal circuits from the effects of nearby EMI. Fiber optic cables

Fiber optic cables are immune to the interference sources that plague standard current-carrying I&C cables.
The input and output circuits of the fiber optic links are sensitive to EMI and typically need shielding from
local sources of EMI.

Fiber optic cables are often metal-clad to provide mechanical protection of the cable itself. Such a conduc-
tive sheath can introduce EMI and especially lightning currents into equipment if the sheath is not solidly
grounded prior to its being interfaced to the terminating equipment at the cables ends. Ungrounded metal
sheaths represent both a fire and shock hazard, particularly when they are routed between buildings or over
long vertical or horizontal distances in the same building. The safety concerns are for both lightning and ac
system ground-fault conditions.

Metallic fiber optic cable sheaths cannot be effectively insulated in order to avoid solidly grounding them. Surge arresters

--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- AC power circuits 400 volts and above

Surge arresters are a specially listed and defined class of devices intended to protect electrical circuits from
the effects of conducted surge current. The most commonly available form of surge arrester is one that is
connected in shunt with the ac power conductors and equipment ground. These designs non-linearly clamp
the voltage across their terminals in line-to-line and line-to neutral/equipment ground according to how
much current is passed through them and what their wiring configuration has been chosen to be. If there is a
sufficient potential difference between the line(s) and equipment ground, they will then divert surge current
into the grounding path.

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Surge arresters with typically not operate until several kV have appeared across their terminals and after
operation they may limit surge voltage to the downstream wiring system to some lesser value, but still one in
the kV range. The let-through voltage and its associated current is also dependent upon the surge current
being conducted by the arrester and is generally a non-linear relationship. the let-through characteristics of
the surge arrester are determined b both its design characteristics and its installation method.

Modern surge arresters typically are of the solid-state variety and do not contain and air-gaps. Air-gap
designs are not desirable since they represent an operating variable that is affected by environmental condi-
tions and manufacturing tolerances to a very great degree. Such gaps also tend to experience large changes
in performance with each succeeding use as the gap erodes.

Gas-filled and gapped arresters are not desirable since they represent a near short-circuit to the ac power cur-
rent once they have ionized. In some cases, the ionization may continue for several cycles and large amounts
of ac power will be faulted through the device. This places great electro-magnetic stresses on all parts of the
involved path and may lead to related electrical equipment failure. SCR based crowbar types of surge

arresters pose similar problems and are therefore not generally useful in this application.

Since the surge arrester can carry large amounts of surge current with fast rates of current change, for arrest-
ers provided in equipment it is advisable to route its conductors adjacent to the equipment enclosure. All
surge arrester conductors should be routed to keep them away from any EMI susceptible conductors. This
especially applies to the surge arresters earth grounding electrode conductors. AC power circuits below 400 V

Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors (TVSS) are devices intended to be applied on the building wiring ac
power distribution system by attachment to switchboards, panelboards, and branch circuit outlet ends. They
can be provided integral with equipment. The ratings of the TVSS must be commensurate with their point of
installation on the wiring system. See IEEE Std C64.41.

The most commonly available form of TVSS is one that is connected in shunt with the ac power conductors
and equipment ground. These designs non-linearly clamp the voltage across their terminals in line-to-line
and line-to-neutral/equipment ground according to how much current is passed through them and what their
wiring configuration has been chosen to be. If there is a sufficient potential difference between the line(s)
and equipment ground, they will then divert surge current into the grounding path; otherwise, they will not.

Series connected and hybrid designs must be rated to handle the full rms current on the circuit plus remain
undamaged by available fault-current during short-circuits. This latter set of requirements limits the applica-
tion of the TVSS to smaller ampacity circuits due to the high costs associated with the series or hybrid

The most commonly available TVSS is MOV based, but may also contain items such as capacitors and
strings of matched avalanche diodes, which are series connected due to voltage breakdown requirements.
Gas tube based and SCR crowbar types of designs on ac power circuits are generally avoided because of
the same kinds of problems as discussed above with surge arresters used on service entries and equipment. I&C circuits

TVSS equipment should be attached to I&C circuits that enter/exit a building or defined zone to prevent
these circuits from propagating a lightning or fault current hazard into or out of the area.

MOV based TVSS designs are not normally used on data/signaling/telecommunications circuits where the
capacitance loading effects of the MOV would affect the waveform of the transmitted current on the circuit.
LCR based TVSS designs are more accurately classified as filters and so are not discussed in this subclause.

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Most common TVSS designs that are intended to provide maximum amounts of protection for the circuits to
which they are attached use hybrid arrangements. These are TVSS designs that incorporate both a (shunt)
gas-tube, a series impedance, and a (shunt) Tranzorb connected into each of the circuit conductors and to

The avalanche diode is the first (and sometimes only) protective device to go into operation if the surge is
small. However, when the surge is larger, it works against the IZ drop the current develops across the series
impedance (usually a resistor). This both limits the current through the avalanche diode and ramps up the
voltage across the gas-tube on the impedances input side. The avalanche diode and resistor continue to
operate in unison until the ionization voltage for the gas-tube is reached, at which time the tube fires, and
reduces the potential across its terminals to about 15 V. This then relieves the resistor and avalanche diode
from the high-current handling task, but the avalanche diode may continue to conduct to some degree.

As a result of problems involved with obtaining an exact ionization and conduction condition in separate
gas-tubes, the design has evolved to use a common gas-filled envelope, which contains multiple electrodes
that are normally insulated from one another. Thus, when any surge causes any ionization to occur on any
electrode, the whole gas-tube operates and with a constant voltage drop across each circuit. This important
effect also minimizes the highly unwanted conversion of CM surge current to DM surge current. Most gas-
tubes are photo-sensitive and so when installed, should be kept in enclosures designed to exclude light.

Hybrid TVSS designs are available in balanced and unbalanced circuit types and for a wide variety of circuit
impedances and protocols.

4.3.7 Summary of EMI minimization techniques classified by coupling mechanism

It should be noted that, in real-world applications, the selected EMI minimization techniques will need to be
optimized based on the type of interference encountered. Accordingly, some of the techniques that follow
are at odds with each other since each is optimized to reduce a specific coupling mechanism. Common impedance coupling

a) Eliminate as many common impedance points between circuits as possible by not using any conduc-
tor as part of more than one circuit and by not connecting the circuit signal return to ground from
more than one point.
b) Avoid using the equipment ground system as part of the signal return path. Where it is necessary to
use the equipment ground system as part of the signal return path, make ground connections as short
and of as low an impedance as possible. This typically requires that the I&C conductor and ground
system be close together.
c) Do not use the earth as a path for any signals or in an attempt to equalize potential between equip-
ment or signal processes, particularly when ac power system ground-faults or lightning currents
could become involved. The earth is too high of an impedance to permit this and the level of its
impedance rises with the frequency of the current. Ultimately, it becomes too high to be of any use.
This typically occurs below 1 MHz.

Most earth ground testing occurs at or near dc to 1 kHz and the test results are corrected to show
equivalent dc ohms. Hence, what appears to be a good 1 earth ground is in reality a connection
of high ohmic value at just a few kHz. In addition to this, the impedance value of any conductor
used to make the connection to the earth ground may be in the kilo- to meg-ohm range at the EMI
frequency of interest. This means that even if the earth ground would be a good connection by
itself, the impedance exhibited by the conductor used to connect to it could invalidate the design.
d) Use signal reference ground planes or grids to equalize potential between interconnected items of
equipment over a very broad range of frequency. Typically these kinds of broad-band signal refer-
ence structures (SRS) will be effective from dc to over several tens of MHz. The SRS also functions


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independently from earth ground, although for safety it must be connected to the facility ground
system. Capacitive coupling

a) Reduce the impedance of the sensitive circuit to load-down the capacitive coupling mechanism.
b) Position and connect conductive shields so that capacitively coupled noise currents are returned to
the signal common ground without flowing through the signal lines. Capacitive shields should
adequately enclose the signal circuits and be constructed of a low-impedance material in order to
provide an alternative bypass path for the noise current. Use low inductance techniques in how the
shield is connected to the ground reference.
c) Route control circuits to minimize coupling between high level circuits and low level circuits. Oth-
erwise, effectively enclose one or the other, or both of the circuits in a shield that is effective for the
kind of EMI being propagated from the aggressor to the victim circuit.
d) Specify transformers that have solidly grounded electrostatic shields provided between the primary
and secondary windings. Inductive coupling

a) Increase the impedance of the sensitive circuit so that EMI current flow is reduced.
b) Divert dc and very low-frequency sourced magnetic fields by shielding them, the victim circuits, or
both with low reluctance (high permeability), ferrous material. Avoid letting this material become
c) Route control circuits to minimize coupling and loop area (physical separation, right angle crossing,
radial routing, twisting of signal pairs).
d) Increase the rise time of the signal. Radiation coupling

a) Absorb radiated waves by using a lossy dielectric or magnetic shield.

b) Reflect radiated waves by using metallic shields.
c) Separate the emitter and receiver by the maximum possible distance since radiated power strength is
inversely proportional to the square of the distance. The E-field component of the radiated signal
will be inversely proportional to the linear distance.
d) Design cabinet openings with regard to the techniques presented in
e) Terminate external cable shields and power or signal filter grounds on the external surface of the
cabinet via fully circumferential connections. Do not use pig-tail type connections or jumpers.
f) Recognize and prevent the pickup of electromagnetic radiation near the emitter by inadvertent
antennas/conductors and the propagation of that wave to areas near the receiver where it can be re-
radiated. Common-mode rejection techniques

Common-mode noise can be produced by any of the above four coupling methods. Since common-mode
noise is often converted into differential-mode noise, common-mode noise is the most frequent source of
trouble within I&C circuits. Several techniques that are useful in minimizing common-mode noise are:
a) Make the signal circuit symmetrical by using a balanced transducer and identical signal lines.
b) Minimize the common-mode coupling by increasing the physical separation between the emitter and
the receiver and minimizing the number of direct connections to the interference source.
c) Use shielding techniques to prevent the interference from reaching the sensitive circuits.

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d) Use common-mode rejection devices such as differential amplifiers, power or signal isolation trans-
formers, optical isolators, and CM chokes.

e) Utilize proper grounding methods.

Below 30 kHz and perhaps to as much as 300 kHz, apply the concepts of single-point grounding and floating
logic or signal grounds while avoiding multiple grounding connections to the circuit common. This may be
difficult to achieve in an extensive system.

Above 30 kHz and below 300 kHz, multi-point grounding may be beneficial. However, above 300 kHz,
multi-point grounding is required and extensive use of ground reference structures such as planes, grids, or
both should be made. When processes exist on the same system that employ bandwidths above and below
30, then multi-point grounding must be used in combined, hybrid fashion with single-point grounding.

5. I&C system grounding

5.1 Grounding philosophy

5.1.1 Principal objectives

The principal objectives of generating station grounding practices are to:

a) Maintain safe voltages across the station area during high-voltage system transients (step and touch

b) Minimize the effects of lightning surges on equipment and structures.

c) Provide a low-impedance, ground fault current return path.

d) Provide a low-impedance leakage path for any static charge that might accumulate on equipment.

e) Minimize noise interferences in I&C systems by providing a broad-band, common signal reference
of low relative impedance between devices, circuits, and complete systems.

Grounding circuits often share multiple functions, and it is necessary to design a grounding network so that
the conveyance of transient voltages from electrical faults, lightning strikes, etc., does not interfere with the
function of minimizing noise and preventing these transients from impinging on circuit elements beyond

their limit of transient immunity. All portions of the station ground system, whether for power, lightning, or
signal reference, need to be interconnected and should not be isolated from each other for any reason. Iso-
lated grounding elements represent a safety and operational hazard as discussed in 5.2.1.

It is therefore necessary to recognize the following four points: The first is that all points on the earth (even
within relatively close proximity) will not be the same or equal potential relative to an arbitrary reference
point for all frequencies. The second is that each element of a grounding network has a finite resistance and
impedance. The third is that there is an inherent transient susceptibility of discrete circuit elements. Care
must therefore be taken to ensure that the environment will not exceed the specific operating limits of the
individual circuit elements. The fourth is that as local transients cause ground potentials to reach high val-
ues, currents may enter conductively connected cable circuits and may also be capacitively and inductively
coupled from grounded cable shields in the affected area into the I&C conductors. These conductors may
terminate outside of the transient area and could impress high voltages on any connected equipment, with
the possibility of causing equipment damage, personnel hazards, or fire hazards.

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5.1.2 Generating station grounding system

In any generating station there are four identifiable grounding systems which are all tied to the station
grounding grid. Those for lightning, station service power, and equipment grounding are discussed in the
following references:
a) IEEE Std 665-1995
b) IEEE Std 142-1991
c) IEEE Std 1100-1999

Requirements of local safety codes are discussed in Annex B.

The fourth grounding system, discussed in the following subclauses, is the I&C grounding system, which is
designed to minimize the generation and transfer of noise voltages.

5.2 Types of signal ground systems

An electronic I&C system may be viewed as a complex hub consisting of one or more microprocessors and
numerous I&C circuits interfacing through cables with end devices. Within the hub, the interconnections
may be complex and it may be impossible to use individual return paths for each end device. Therefore, a
common ground or reference plane may be created that will individually act as a return path for one group of
signals. Ideally, this reference plane would offer zero impedance to all of the signals it serves. If this were
the case, all of the individual signal currents within this system would return to their respective sources
without creating unwanted coupling and interference. It is, however, impractical to achieve zero impedance
connections, so care must be exercised in interfacing this system to the rest of the plant grounding systems.
Improper grounding may cause the flow of electrical noise currents in these common signal returns and cre-
ate problems. The majority of signals in generating station I&C systems are dc or low-frequency signals.

A fundamental objective of a separate signal ground system is to achieve the same safety goals as the equip-

ment safety ground system, but to do so while keeping the electrical equipment safety ground conductors
separate from I&C ground conductors. The separation is desired in order to minimize EMI coupling from
electrical equipment, which may have high levels of EMI that could interfere or damage sensitive I&C
equipment. There are three common approaches toward thissingle-point grounding, multiple-point
grounding, and floating grounds. Each concept has its advantages and disadvantages, and a typical generat-
ing station signal ground system may use a combination of all three, but in no case shall a method be imple-
mented in such a manner as to create a personnel or fire hazard.

An important element of determining which type of grounding method to utilize is the operating frequency
of the I&C system. While the actual microprocessor frequency within an equipment cabinet would be con-
sidered high frequency, the vast majority of I&C circuits that exit the cabinets are dc or low-frequency. The
inherent conflicts in grounding philosophies for high- and low-frequency circuits has been a continuing
source of confusion in determining the proper grounding techniques for I&C systems. The preponderance of
low-frequency circuits in generating station I&C systems generally utilize the single-point grounding tech-
niques, which are often recommended by equipment manufacturers.

Note that Figure 12, Figure 13, Figure 14, and Figure 15 depict an additional local supplementary ground
connection to a local grounding system for each cabinet in addition to the equipment grounding conductor
provided with the incoming ac power circuit. This additional connection will enhance personnel safety by
ensuring near-zero step and touch potential to nearby equipment. For some figures, this local ground
conductor has also been shown extended to the station ground grid as this optional connection may be rec-
ommended by equipment vendors.

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5.2.1 Single-point ground system

The single-point ground system is principally used to reduce the unwanted circulation of both dc and ac
power system related fundamental and harmonic ground currents in the signal grounding paths. These cur-
rents may cause common-mode noise across the range from 0 Hz to about 6 kHz (the 100th harmonic of
60 Hz). A single-point ground system is implemented by connecting the signal circuit common to the station
ground reference from only one point. This grounding method is very effective and adequate when dealing
with equipment operating at frequencies below 30 kHz and not exceeding 300 kHz. Various sources place
this frequency at anywhere between 100 kHz and 10 MHz. The equipment manufacturer should be con-
sulted for each specific installation.

The signal ground reference point should be tied to the equipment safety ground point within the enclosure
or local area and there should be no more than one (preferably filtered) ground lead exiting each equipment
enclosure. This lead should be a stranded and insulated conductor sized to minimize the steady-state poten-
tial difference between devices (less than 1 V or manufacturers recommendation), and to meet the required
mechanical strength. However, under conditions of high magnetic fields (Ldi/dt) this conductor will not nor-
mally be able to meet the previous requirement for potential equalization unless the rate of current change
per ampere is quite low. Hence, it is normally not very useful in controlling transient current induced poten-
tial differences between its ends.

The I&C ground points of each cabinet should be connected by insulating cables to a common insulated bus.
The insulated ground conductors serve not only to galvanically isolate the signal ground from unintentional
grounds but also to easily differentiate them from the equipment safety ground conductors. A single insu-
lated connection is then made from the common signal ground to the interconnected generating station
grounding system. Use of isolated ground rods as the reference point is a safety hazard because the isolated
ground reference does not have a direct connection back to the power system neutral which could prevent
protective devices from operating because of the high impedance which is introduced. Equipment misopera-
tion and damage from transients and lightning can also become more likely since the isolated reference will
have a much larger voltage difference during the transient event than the other interconnected elements. All
parts of the grounding system need to be interconnected at some point. Additional discussion is contained in
IEEE Std 142-1991 and IEEE Std 1100-1999.

A separate I&C grounding system should be utilized within the cabinet enclosure and it is advantageous to
keep these conductors separate from the power or equipment safety grounding connections. Adjacent cabi-
nets should be bolted or bonded together with a single strap or cable for the group. This connection is in
addition to the equipment safety grounding conductor or conduit/raceway provided with the incoming ac
power circuit. Cabinets located close together should have the supplementary grounds tied together at a sin-
gle reference point in the local area.

Single-point grounding design is primarily based on the prevention of dc and very low-frequency ground
currents from flowing in the signal common. Because electrical power equipment contributes most of the
ground current, it is good practice to keep the grounds for sensitive equipment away from power circuits and
their ground return paths where large leakage or fault currents may occur. The equipment ground for a cabi-
net containing I&C equipment should be recognized as being different from the equipment ground for a 400
or 480 volt motor control center in regards to EMI, but not for safety. It is normally not good practice to tie
the signal or cabinet grounds from an I&C cabinet to the same point as the equipment grounds for equipment
such as motor control centers because of the higher possible currents during both normal system operation
and system transients.

A disadvantage of the single-point grounding system is that it may fail to function as a signal reference and
even may be detrimental at high operating or threat frequencies. As equipment dimensions or ground con-
ductor lengths ultimately approach 0.15, the conductor can no longer be considered a low-impedance con-
ductor. In this manner, the signal grounding conductor will not effectively act to equalize potential between
its ends and may carry EMI to or from the system and increase any interference problems. Single-point


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grounding would have few drawbacks if electrical noise current could only enter I&C equipment and cables
via conductive means; however, high-frequency coupling mechanisms do exist and their effects should be

Another possible disadvantage is that even an otherwise carefully designed and implemented single-point
grounding system may unexpectedly evolve over time into unintentionally large, enclosed, EMI gathering
and radiating loop areas once modifications and additions of cabinets and cabling are made that do not con-
form to the original philosophy. Cabinets in close proximity

Figure 12 illustrates a single-point grounding system for I&C cabinets located in close proximity as is often
the case in generating station control rooms, dedicated computer rooms, and cable spreading rooms.


Figure 12Single-point ground system for

low-frequency signals with cabinets in close proximity

I&C equipment manufacturers may tie the I&C and safety grounds together inside of the equipment
enclosure. During the installation, these factory connections should not be modified. To do so may create
unforeseen EMI problems as well as equipment warranty or service contract difficulties with the OEM
unless provisions for doing so are made in the procurement specifications.

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CONTROL EQUIPMENT GROUNDING IN GENERATING STATIONS Std 1050-2004 Cabinets that are widely separated

In a distributed I&C system, the equipment cabinets may be located throughout the generating station and it
is impractical or poor practice to implement the single-point grounding arrangement of Figure 12. Physically
distributed systems often take the form of a primary control system such as that of Figure 12, with additional
remote input/output cabinets from the same manufacturer, as well as interfaces to other control system pack-
ages from different manufacturers. An I&C system is considered a distributed system when the individual
control station cabinets are separated from each other by a distance long with respect to the wavelength of
the interfering signal, but still not at a high enough frequency to create an electromagnetic wave. Separation
distances of 30 m between cabinets may be sufficient for them to be electrically widely separated.

Such as system has special problems since the cabinet ground points will be at relatively different potentials
with respect to each other, and unwanted currents may then flow on any ground connection between the
cabinets. Figure 13 illustrates an approach to this situation by creating a separate single-point grounding sys-
tem for each geographic grouping of equipment.

In utilizing multiple, single-point ground systems, the interconnection of low-frequency I&C cables between
the separate groupings should be avoided. Connections between widely separated cabinets should be high-
frequency data highway cables. The communications circuits between the cabinets must have appropriate
protection for the common-mode noise, which is likely to result from the impedance of the long, insulated
signal grounds. Standard common-mode protection ratings may not be adequate unless the requirements are
built in to the procurement specification. Signals between systems should use either differentially connected
signal isolation transformer coupling or ac capacitor coupling with transmitter/receiver circuits having a
common-mode withstand voltage that safely exceeds the ground voltage under fault conditions. It may be
preferable to eliminate all metallic signal paths between the widely separated cabinets by the use of by fiber
optics, optical-coupling means, or by using wireless communications at infra-red or radio frequency.

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Figure 13Single-point ground system for

low-frequency signals with cabinets widely separated

A multiple-point ground system is an option for low-frequency signals as shown by Figure 13. This config-
uration accepts the fact that a ground voltage difference will exist between the separate cabinets and that the
appropriate degree of protection must be provided for the interconnecting signal cables.

5.2.2 Multiple-point ground system

A multiple-point ground system should be considered for equipment that operates at frequencies above
30 kHz and certainly when operating over 300 kHz. This is also a requirement when electrically long ground
cables are used in relation to signal wavelength on the path. Each cabinet is connected to ground at the clos-
est point rather than routing all ground conductors to a single ground point. Within the equipment cabinet,
the I&C, power, and equipment ground conductors are each tied to a common point, which is often the
equipment frame.

Advantages of this system are that circuit construction is easier, and that standing wave effects in the ground
system at high frequencies are avoided.

A disadvantage of a multiple-point ground system is that the system may create multiple low-frequency
ground loops that may cause inadvertent common-mode noise in low-frequency circuits. Hybrid forms of
grounding can alleviate this problem as can proper design of the signal reference structure (SRS) used to

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form the commonly shared, multi-point ground reference. Types of SRS include signal reference planes and
signal reference grids.This configuration is illustrated by Figure 14.

Figure 14Multiple-point ground system for high-frequency signals

5.2.3 Floating ground system

A true floating ground system is difficult to achieve in practice and will commonly be found only inside oth-
erwise grounded equipment and on physically very small subsystems. It is not a recommended method for
grounding generating station I&C systems, but is discussed in this subclause to complete the discussion of
other possible grounding methods. An example of its use would be on a printed circuit board within a cabi-
net, but only on circuits confined to the boards own area.

The floating ground system is used to isolate dc and very low-frequency circuits or equipment electrically
from a common ground plane or from common wiring that might introduce circulating currents and produce
common-mode noise. This form of design does not afford isolation from higher frequency interference and
impulses once they can be adequately coupled by the distributed capacitances and inductances to the circuit.
These parasitic high-frequency coupling paths are generally ignored during the design and construction of
this type of grounding design, but can be significant sources of EMI problems.

A floating ground system is implemented by electrically interconnecting the signal grounds, yet isolating
them from a ground plane (see Figure 15). A hazard of this system is that static charges may accumulate and
eventually cause an intermittent disruptive, noise-producing discharge current to flow. It is usually advisable
to implement this system with a non-inductive bleeder resistor (500 to 1 000 000 ) connected to ground

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to avoid the buildup of static charges and to help stabilize the voltage to ground. This design is also highly
susceptible to dielectric breakdown failures and for transferring breakdown electrical stresses to unexpected
points on the system. A floating ground system can also be a difficult design to trouble-shoot.

Figure 15Floating ground system

5.3 Separation criteria for circuits

In order for separation guidelines to be developed for the various types of cables within a generating station,
they need to first be classified according to type. A fairly typical grouping is:

M Medium voltage, single lay cables

P Low voltage, random lay power cables rated 480120 Vac, and 125 Vdc

C Control cables, generally non-shielded for digital inputs and outputs (48125 V
Vdc), and control power (24125 Vdc and 120 Vac)

L Instrumentation, generally shielded cablesdigital inputs and outputs 24 Vdc

and lower, thermocouple, RTD, 4-20 mA and other analog I/O

Circuits are normally run in common raceways, such as cable trays, according to their group classification
with no mixing between groups allowed.

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In determining the required separation between the cables, the raceway method utilized effects the minimum
separation distance. For cables routed in metallic conduits, the separation distances would be less for mag-
netic conduit than for aluminum conduit. Separation required between metallic conduits will also generally
be less than the separation required for cables trays, particularly ladder-type trays with no covers. For cables
routed in trays, a separation distance of 50 cm is normally maintained for installation purposes, and this is
generally a sufficient distance between categories P and L (with solid bottoms and covers), with 25 cm being
required between categories P and C. A distance of 120 cm would be recommended between categories M
and L. When trays are installed vertically stacked by group as listed above, the recommended separation dis-
tances can often be readily achieved. Barriers within a tray can also be utilized for separation the different
cable types.

When conduit is utilized, cables of Group L should normally be run in magnetic conduit to provide optimum
shielding. When each of the circuit groups is run in a common underground duct bank where wide separa-
tion distances are not feasible, magnetic conduit should continue to be utilized for the circuits of Group L.

Not all of the above grouping will be found in every installation, while other groupings and separations may

be required for data communication, fire protection, and telephone cables. Separation criteria can be a rela-
tively simple set of guidelines, or it can be expanded into an elaborate set of tables to cover numerous instal-
lation conditions.

Some vendors have specific raceway and separation criteria for the cables associated with their equipment,
and these should be incorporated into the overall project separation criteria.

5.4 I&C system power considerations

The following considerations should be taken into account when designing the grounding system for a cen-
tralized I&C system similar to that shown in Figure 12.
a) All ac power circuits should come from one locally installed source that is separately derived or sol-
idly interconnected such as a UPS or an isolation transformer.
b) Each ac power circuit should contain an equipment ground conductor that connects to the equipment
frame and references it to the power source.
c) AC power should be distributed from the local power source to all local cabinets in the system
through individual circuit breakers or fuses. Each circuit should be a dedicated, individual load.

Note that some existing generating stations may use an ungrounded (floating) ac power distribution system
for their I&C systems, while other utilize a grounded system. Only the latter design utilizes the equipment
ground connection for ac fault protection on the first ground fault to occur. The floating design requires two
ground faults to occur before the protective equipment can operate. Floating ac power distribution systems
are not recommended unless extensive use is made of ground fault detectors and alarms for the first fault
occurrence. Ungrounded systems are also difficult to achieve in practice as many equipment internal power
supplies ground one end of the output to the power supply frame, which is in turn solidly connected to the
equipment frame and ground.

5.5 Surge protection considerations

5.5.1 Power supply circuits

Experience has shown that the I&C system power source can be a significant source of EMI problems.
Surge protection should be provided for all incoming power feeds to critical I&C systems. Many vendors
recommend that their equipment be fed from a dedicated local, separately derived power source. Since this
is most commonly a UPS or isolation transformer, both of these devices provide some inherent degree of
surge protection. Subclause contains recommendations on the use of ac power filters.

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5.5.2 Instrumentation and control circuits

Operating experience has shown that, in general, surge protection is not required for I&C circuits located
within the main powerhouse of traditional steam turbine generating stations and that control circuits that
terminate outside of the powerhouse at outlying facilities such as circulating water pumphouses, fuel oil
storage, water treatment, etc. may become likely source of surges, which can cause equipment misoperation
or damage.

IEC 61312-1:1995 discusses a zone concept that elaborates on the empirical findings noted above. Sepa-
rate geographic zones are identified working outwards from the control system, and surge protection
should be provided whenever a circuit crosses a zone boundary. The goal is to have high capacity surge pro-
tective devices mitigate the surge closest to its point of origin external to the generating station, and then
have subsequent surge mitigation with tighter voltage clamping levels and lower energy ratings at each zone
boundary heading into the main I&C system processors. Providing surge protection only at either or both
ends of a long I&C circuit terminated outside of the main generating station building has been found to be
insufficient in some cases. Intermediate surge protection, as discussed by the zone method, is a logical
framework for providing enhanced surge protection. Providing surge protection at boundaries such as exit-
ing a building as meshes well with certain national codes such as discussed in Annex B.

5.6 Other grounding considerations

5.6.1 Equipment safety grounds (mechanical, frame)

The equipment in this context is the exterior housings of I&C systems. Specifically, it refers to normally
non-current-carrying metal enclosures, such as cabinets, frames, and racks. The major objective of the
equipment safety ground is to prevent hazardous potentials from developing between adjacent grounded
equipment in order to protect personnel and equipment against hazards posed by electrical power transients
and faults. A desired objective of the equipment safety ground is to provide a low-impedance path for ac
system fault currents.

Requirements for the design and installation of an equipment safety ground include:
a) Ensure that all enclosures are constructed with special provisions, such as a designated equipment
cabinet ground stud, lug, or bus for terminating the ac equipment grounding conductor that is run
with the input power cable from the power distribution system. This connection is in addition to the
solid bonding of any metal armor, conduit, or raceway provided with the incoming ac power con-
ductors. A continuous metallic raceway system of sufficient ampacity may serve as the ac equip-
ment grounding conductor. Connect the ac equipment ground conductor and/or continuous metallic
raceway system to the designated equipment safety ground bus for the cabinet.
b) Provide a supplementary ground cable connection to the cabinet. The supplementary ground cable is
not run with any ac power circuit conductors and will connect to the closest local ground point,
ground mat, or reference ground plane if one is available. If multiple enclosures are physically
grouped together, first bond them by bolting them to one another and then use only one connection
between the enclosure group and the supplementary ground. This singular supplementary ground
connection is in addition to the ac equipment grounding conductor and/or continuous metallic race-
way system provided with the incoming ac power circuit to each cabinet. The supplementary ground
cable should be a flexible, stranded conductor. This conductor should only be insulated if corrosion
is a severe hazard. In known corrosive environments, periodic checks should be made as to the
integrity of all ground connections.

5.6.2 Ground conductor lengths

At MHz signal frequencies, the impedance of a single conductor can become high enough so that it no
longer provides a grounding connection between two points for the purpose of equalizing the relative poten-

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tial of those points. For example, a conductor that represents an impedance of less than 0.3 at 60 Hz will
represent over 40 000 at 10 MHz. Ground conductors longer than 1 m may be viewed as detrimental
rather than beneficial for dealing with EMI frequencies in the MHz range.

5.6.3 Generating station-to-substation interconnect

Although not installed for I&C circuit reasons, large diameter ground cables are usually installed along the
interconnecting ducts banks and cable trenches between a generating station and its switchyard. In general,
conductors equal in size to the ground grid conductors should be installed either along the top corners of a
duct bank or near both upper, inner sides of cable trenches. These cables should be bonded to both the gen-
erating station and substation ground grids as well as to ground rods at intermediate points. Similarly, buried
counterpoise conductors underneath the transmission lines between the substation and generating station
will provide additional ties between the grounding systems.

Determining the size of these grounding conductors is related to the required I2t current handling character-
istics and not its impedance at high-frequency for EMI control purposes. Achieving a low impedance
requires a focus on surface area and length-to-width ratio rather than on cross-sectional area for fault-current
capability and mechanical robustness.

As a result of the coupling actions of the magnetic fields involved between these grounding conductors and
the plants ac power system conductors that are related to them, they will generally provide a lower imped-
ance path than the I&C cable shields will. Therefore much, but not all, of the ground-fault currents from the
ac system may be diverted from the I&C cables. These grounding conductors also help to safely limit the
ground step and touch potential differences between the two grids during transients from lightning and

5.6.4 CT, VT, and CCVT grounding

Within IEEE Std C57.13.3-1983, much has been written and standardized about the proper techniques to use
when grounding these devices. The general consensus is that the secondary neutrals for these devices should
be grounded at the entrance to the relay room rather than at the device.

5.6.5 Gas insulated switchgear (GIS)

Since GIS has been a known source of EMI generation, the I&C circuits installed close to the GIS (generally
those installed in the same building) should be completely shielded as follows:
a) All devices installed directly on the GIS (gas density relays, disconnect switch auxiliary switches,
interlocks and drives, circuit breaker controls, CT and VT secondary connections) should be com-
pletely metal-enclosed and have their housing and covers electrically bonded to the GIS enclosure.
b) All control cables should be shielded. The most effective cable shield is a continuous, cylindrically
applied or continuously flow-applied corrugated metal shield as opposed to an interlocked, spiral
armor shield. These shields should be grounded in accordance with Clause 6.
c) If control cabinets are installed in the vicinity of the GIS, they should be completely shielded and
take into account the design considerations of
d) When equipment with relatively low EMI immunity levels such as non-industrial computers are
installed in the same building with the GIS, consideration should be given to the complete shielding
(Faraday cage) of the rooms containing this equipment. This may be accomplished using prefabri-
cated copper mesh materials or conductive paint, installed by experienced vendors.

5.6.6 Conduit and cable tray grounding

Conduit and cable tray grounding is discussed in detail in IEEE Std 665-1995. Some important installation
considerations are listed here for completeness.

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a) All conduit should be connected to the facility ground system regardless of whether or not it is used
for enclosing power circuits.
b) All joints between sections of conduit, fittings, and boxes should be electrically continuous.
c) All pipe and locknut threads should be treated with a conductive lubricant before they are engaged
and tightened.
d) Grounding locknuts must positively penetrate all paint or other nonconductive finishes.
e) All cable tray systems should be electrically continuous. This includes the support brackets or hang-
ers. All cable tray joints that are not inherently continuous should be bonded across with jumpers
adequately sized for the conductors contained in the cable tray.
f) The screws on the cover plates of pull boxes, junction boxes, and outlet boxes should be tight and all
should be in place.
g) All raceway brackets and hangers should be securely bonded to the conduit and the structural mem-
bers to which they are attached.
h) The electromechanical interface between a conduit, a wireway, a cable tray, or similar item should
be accomplished by means of direct connection between the two or by appropriate grounding/bond-
ing jumper application.

5.7 Generating station EMI environment

A significant amount of research into characterizing the EMI environment in generating stations has been
done by the nuclear power industry since EMI has become a part of the Environmental Qualification for
nuclear grade equipment (see [B14], [B15], [B38], [B40]). Although some aspects of nuclear generating sta-
tions are different from other types of generating stations, the fundamental generating station similarities of
most steam turbine generating stations, regardless of fuel source, makes the research and its conclusions
applicable for general applications.

Some findings from this research include:

a) 130 MHz is the most common threat frequency for most equipment installed prior to 1995, with
180 MHz being the wider threat frequency range for new equipment.
b) Separation criteria for routing of circuits should be utilized. In particular, keep low-level analog sig-
nals separate from other circuit types. Having physical distance between circuits of different voltage
and current levels is effective in preventing EMI.
c) No significant EMI issues were identified for digital (dry contact) input and output circuits.
d) The most significant EMI threat is hand-held transceivers (e.g.,walkie-talkies).
e) Switching mode power supplies can be a significant source of EMI, and separate power supplies fed
from the same power source can modulate each other and increase the interference.
f) Modern cellular telephones are not a significant EMI threat.
g) As documented by NUREG/CR3270 [B40], the EMI magnitude can vary by a factor of 10 over a
distance of 10 ft.

As a result of this field research, testing requirements have been established that include 8 dB of margin over

the worst case threat. Equipment being qualified for nuclear safety-related use is required to meet emissions
and susceptibility requirements, while equipment for non-nuclear safety use must meet emissions require-
ments only. The qualification testing for equipment is quite involved and is done in such a manner as to
actually replicate the intended field installation. These qualification tests have been established to clearly
define what is required to meet the established EMI limits, including margin. The qualification criteria may
not reflect what is necessary in order for the equipment to function properly in its specific environment.

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6. Signal cable shield grounding

6.1 Cable shield requirements

Cable shields are grounded for safety and to provide bi-directional attenuation of far-field and near-field
EMI on the shielded path. They are also grounded to maintain the shield at the same potential as the circuit
common at a specific point in the circuit, usually at one end. The exact physical location of this ground
connection(s) will be dependent on the source of significant EMI and the most sensitive part of the circuit.
Typically, the most sensitive part of the circuit will be at one of the ends of the cable.

Cable shield grounding practices that are effective for low-frequency interference are not generally effective
for high-frequency interference, and practices that are effective for high-frequency interference may create
low-frequency problems. Therefore, it is important to understand not only the various sources of EMI to
which a circuit will be subjected, but also the advantages and disadvantages of each type shield grounding.

6.2 Analysis of shield grounding practices

In order to properly evaluate shield grounding practices, it is first necessary to understand how the various
forms of EMI interact with unshielded circuits. Subclauses 6.2.1 and 6.2.2 will address these noise coupling
mechanisms. Some circuit configurations such as those that utilize unbalanced circuits can effectively
negate some of the intended protection methods. Selecting a particular type of cable shielding requires that
the specific configuration details and functionality of the circuitry being connected is understood. Simply
utilizing one type of shielding practice for similar types of circuits connected to equipment from different
manufacturers may not produce a similar result.

Electrical noise is normally introduced into the signal circuits through capacitive coupling (4.2.3), inductive
coupling (4.2.4), and conductive coupling (4.2.5). Some of the most effective means to reduce these noise
signals are shielding and twisting of signal leads, proper grounding, and physical separation of the I&C cir-
cuits from the noise source. The purpose of the shield is to reduce the magnitude of the noise coupled into
the low-level signal circuits by electrostatic or magnetic coupling. The shield may also be considered an
envelope surrounding a circuit so as to reduce this coupling.

6.2.1 Shielding for electrostatic coupling

Figure 16 shows an unshielded circuit without twisted wires subjected to capacitively coupled noise. The

external noise source couples the noise into the signal wires through capacitances C1 and C2, and the result-
ing flow of current produces a noise voltage signal across RL. The noise voltage is proportional to the length
of the leads, the impedance of the leads, the amplitude and the frequency of the noise signal, and the relative
distance of the leads from the noise source.

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--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Std1050-2004 IEEE GUIDE FOR INSTRUMENTATION AND

Figure 16Unshielded, non-twisted control cables subject to capacitively coupled noise

Noise created by electrostatic coupling can be reduced by the use of shielded wire, by separation, and by the
twisting of leads. The use of a cable shield is illustrated by Figure 17. The noise-induced currents now flow
through the shield and return to ground rather than flowing through the signal conductors. With the shield
and signal wire tied to ground at one end, there is no potential difference between the wires and the shield so
that no signal current will flow between the conductor and the shield.

Figure 17Shielded, non-twisted control cables subject to capacitively coupled noise

Not illustrated in the Figure 17 are the benefits from physical separation and the twisting of leads. Physical
separation between the signal conductors and the noise source will reduce the noise coupling. Twisting of
the leads provides a balanced capacitive coupling that will also reduce the noise level.

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6.2.2 Shielding for inductive coupling

Inductive coupling is the electrical property that exists between two or more conductors, such that when
there is a current change in one conductor, there will be a resultant induced voltage in the other conductor.
Figure 18 shows a noise source conductor inductively coupling a voltage signal into the signal conductors.
The alternating magnetic flux from the disturbing conductor induces a noise voltage in the signal loop that is
proportional to the frequency of the disturbing circuit, the magnitude of the disturbing current, and the area
enclosed by the signal loop. The noise voltage is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the
disturbing conductor to the signal circuit.

Figure 18Inductive noise coupling

For low-frequency circuits where ground loops are a known concern, common-mode rejection ratios of up to
60 dB (1000:1) can be achieved by using twisted-pair cables feeding balanced loads. By symmetrically
twisting the signal conductors, a series of differential-mode noise canceling adjacent loops are formed in the
circuit rather than one large asymmetrical loop that would be formed by using two somewhat parallel con-
ductors. Any changing magnetic field that goes through both loops of the symmetrically twisted-pair cable
will tend to be canceled since the currents induced by the magnetic fields into adjacent loops in each wire
are in opposite direction.

The shorter the lay (twists per unit length) of the twisted pair, the greater the noise reduction and the higher
the frequency at which the twisting may be effective. Since shorter loops are more costly to manufacture, the
nature of the known threat and the criticality of the circuits needs to be known in order to achieve a good
compromise between shielding effectiveness and installation cost.

Twisted pair cable may be effective in reducing capacitive common-mode coupling to differential-mode
amplifiers by insuring that any coupled common-mode noise is also balanced. Protection must still be pro-
vided for the residual common-mode noise which results from whatever unequal coupling exists in the cable
from asymmetrical twisting, manufacturing tolerances, or method of termination. Twisted pair cable pro-
vides no significant benefits in reducing common-mode effects resulting from capacitive coupling to circuits
which are grounded or unbalanced. Figure 19 illustrates the benefits of twisted signal conductors.

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Figure 19Reduction of inductively-coupled noise by twisting of wires

Inductive coupling can also be reduced by utilizing a shield around the signal wires. The shield becomes
effective because the magnetic field produces eddy currents in the shield, which oppose the original mag-
netic field. The shield can be either magnetic or non-magnetic depending on the type of noise reduction
desired as discussed in 4.3.3. Figure 20 illustrates the reduction of magnetic coupling by the use of a shield.

Figure 20Reduction of inductively-coupled noise coupling by shielding

6.2.3 Unshielded twisted pair circuit grounded at a single point

The previous clauses examined the theoretical improvements that shielding could bring to a circuit in elimi-
nating electrical noise generated by either capacitive or inductive coupling. Figure 21 represents a real-
world situation where an unshielded twisted pair circuit is subjected to both inductive and capacitive cou-
pling from an external conductor as well as conductive coupling interference from a ground potential differ-
ence of VN. Capacitive coupling imposes the interference currents IN from the ground potential difference
onto the signal conductors to cause CM noise. Since the signal source is grounded at one end (an unbalanced

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circuit), the twisted pair circuit will provide little or no protection against capacitive coupling at low fre-
quency since, although there is induced current in each of the conductors pairs, only one of these currents
flows through the load resulting in the generation of DM noise VDM. Additional CM noise can be induced in
the signal conductors by the inductive coupling from the external conductor. Besides creating differential-
mode noise through common-mode noise and unbalanced circuits, the inductive coupling may also cause a
differential voltage to be induced directly into the circuit if the conductor pair is untwisted or asymmetrically
twisted in areas of high magnetic flux. This can often occur at the cable terminations where the pairs are

Figure 21Twisted-pair control cables without shield

6.2.4 Shielded twisted pair circuit grounded at a single point

The arrangement in Figure 22 considerably reduces capacitive coupling for low-frequency circuits. Since
the shield is held at the same relative potential as the grounded circuit reference, external voltage sources
cannot couple to the shielded circuit. The interference current IN is conducted along the shield to the com-
mon ground point.

Grounding the shield at one end creates a capacitive voltage divider action involving the shield and the dis-
tributed capacitance between the shield and the contained conductors. In this case, the externally applied
EMI is coupled capacitively to the shield in a distributed fashion. Hence, the low impedance of the shield to
the grounded end is a prime factor in determining how well the voltage divider action will perform.

Grounding the shield at one end also eliminates low-frequency ground loop problems, which are a known
source of startup and operational problems for control systems. Although effective in eliminating ground
loops, it is not effective when high-frequency interference is present. If the circuit length becomes a signifi-
cant fraction of a wavelength at the EMI frequency, the ability of the shield to beneficially function is
defeated since it appears as an extremely high impedance (worst case conditions are at 1/4). Shields begin
to lose their effectiveness at 1/20, and by the time the length reaches the 1/4 the protection is considered

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Figure 22Shielded circuit grounded at one end

The common-mode voltage, as before, is equal to the ground voltage VN. However, with very high interfer-
ence frequencies, the inductive properties of the shield must be considered as adding series impedance and
noise VN can directly couple through C1 and C2 to the shield and then through C3 and C4 to the signal

Figure 23 shows two examples of single-point grounding. In both cases, the shield is grounded at the signal
source point and left floating at the receiving point. This concept of grounding a shield only at the signal
source is the ideal method for minimizing low-frequency noise pickup caused by ground currents. Ground-
ing the shield at more than one point will allow ground currents (typically dc, 60 Hz, or lower harmonics of
60 Hz) to flow on the shield and these currents can interfere with intended circuit, as well as possibly other
circuits. The shield must be grounded to the circuit common to be effective.

At low frequencies, connecting the cable shield to ground at only one end is sufficient to ensure that both
ends are at the same potential as the circuit common. While the location of this specific ground connection is
normally not critical and is generally at the signal source, it is preferred to make this connection at the same
place where the circuit common is connected to safety ground. If the shield has a high capacitance to ground
at some point, this may cause circulating currents to flow at low frequencies. In this case, it is best to make
the ground connection at the point of high capacitance.

In general, on long cables there is no way to ensure that both ends of the cable shield are maintained at the
same relative potential as circuit common. The ungrounded end of any shielded cable may pose fire and
shock safety hazards if the cable should somehow become energized.

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Figure 23Shield grounded at signal source

6.2.5 Shielded circuit grounded at both ends

The ideal shield ground configuration is shown in Figure 24. For no shield current to flow in this configura-
tion, Location 1 and Location 2 must be at the same relative potential.

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Figure 24Shield grounded at both ends-ideal

The actual grounding configuration is shown in Figure 25. In this configuration, the voltage difference
between Location 1 and Location 2 is a common-mode voltage (VCM), which causes current to flow through
the cable shield. At the cable termination points where the signal conductors are outside of the shield, the
shield current may also inductively couple to both signal conductors and cause DM noise. Therefore, the
input circuits may have to process both the signal voltage and a differential-mode voltage (VS and VDM). As
long as both signal conductors are contained within the cable shield, inductive coupling from the shield cur-
rent is negligible because the magnetic field within a conductor is zero and the shield looks like a solid con-
ductor due to skin effect.

Figure 25Shield grounded at both ends - actual

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A disadvantage of this method is that it can provide a path that creates low-frequency ground loops with cor-
responding signal degradation.

At high frequencies, the shield may become a relatively efficient antenna, so connecting both ends of the
shield to ground will reduce the antenna pickup or emissions. However, connecting the shield to ground at
both ends will sometimes allow detrimental dc and low-frequency ground currents to circulate in the shield.
Methods to mitigate this are discussed in 6.2.7.

Multiple-conductor cables with individual shields for each twisted pair may have individual shield ground
points if they are individually insulated from one another. If a shielded twisted pair is part of a cable bundle
that must go through a connector, separate pins should be provided for each shield and the pins should be
configured to balance the coupling from the shield to each signal conductor so the net effect is zero. The pin
assignments of the shields and signal conductors have a major effect on crosstalk problems. It is poor prac-
tice to attempt to combine more than one shield onto the same connector pin since this will increase cross-

talk problems and reduce the effectiveness of the shields.

6.2.6 Shielded circuit grounded at multiple points

At high frequencies, connection of the shield to ground at multiple points rather than just at the ends may be
required to prevent resonance effects. Although multiple ground points can be effective, grounding a shield
at intermediate points increases the possibility of cable damage during installation and may make the cable
more susceptible to moisture damage. This may not be a problem, however, if at intermediate points on the
cable there are connector sets in place that have been installed to allow cable extension, patching, or splicing
because the cable could not be installed in an unbroken length. In this case, one of the connectors may be
bulkhead mounted on a grounded plate and this can provide a good means of intermediate cable shield
grounding. If installed outdoors or in a hostile industrial environment, such a point on the cable system
should be created inside of a suitably rated protective enclosure.

For shielded cables with bi-directional signals where the logical elements are mirror images of one another
at opposite ends of the cable, the shield should be grounded at both ends.

In locations where there may be a significant noise source in one area, it is advantageous to make the ground
connection as close a possible to this point of maximum noise. In cases where the cable length may be start-
ing to approach 1/20 of the EMI frequency, it may be necessary to use additional ac bypass/ground connec-
tions along the cables path to break it up into shorter lengths relative to the EMIs frequency. These may be
formed by placing 0.01 to 0.1 microfarad, low inductance capacitors (with low inductance lead lengths) at
appropriate points along the cable from the shield to local reference. In such a case, start out by placing the
ac ground connection at the control room end and place the dc ground connection at the remote end.

6.2.7 Achieving the advantages of grounding a shield both at only one ends and at both

The advantages of grounding a cable shield at one end can be combined with the advantages of grounding
the cable shield at both ends. This is done by solidly connecting the cable shield to ground at one end as
described above and connecting the other end to ground through a capacitor. At low frequencies, the capaci-
tor behaves as an open circuit, while for higher frequencies the capacitor will behave as a short circuit. This
is depicted by Figure 26. Also shown in Figure 26 is the optional connection of surge suppression in parallel
with the capacitor.

Typical values to use in this application would be a 0.1 to 0.01 microfarad, low inductance capacitor. This
represents a grounding reactance of about 26.5 k at 60 Hz for the 0.1 microfarad capacitor and 265 k for
the 0.01 microfarad capacitor. This is essentially an open circuit that maintains the protection against low-
frequency ground loops. At 6000 Hz, the 0.1 microfarad capacitor provides a grounding reactance of 265
and the 0.01 microfarad capacitor a grounding reactance 2.65 k. However, for EMI at a frequency of

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1 MHz the 0.1 microfarad capacitor provides a grounding reactance of 1.59 and the 0.01 microfarad
capacitor a grounding reactance of 0.159 . Therefore, it can be seen that high-frequency EMI can be con-
trolled at the same time as dc and low-frequency EMI, and that detrimental shield currents can be essentially
reduced to negligible values in practice.

Figure 26Combination of shield grounding at one and both ends

In the event that surge protection remains a concern even with attempts at correct capacitor value selection,
the capacitor providing the best compromise operation may be left installed and then be paralleled with a
surge suppression device such as either a stack of back-to-back connected rectifier diodes or a suitable ava-

lanche diode. The number of diodes in the stack are selected to produce a forward voltage drop sufficient to
give a stand-off voltage to the EMI on the path while clamping the voltage to a low value once they conduct
under high amplitude EMI or surge conditions such as faults or lightning. Gas tubes are not used for this pur-
pose as a result of their high ionizing potential prior to conduction of typically 6080 V and a relatively high
conducting voltage of around 15 V.

6.2.8 Double shielding

Cables with individually shielded pairs and an overall cable shield can utilize both grounding methods for
better shielding effectiveness. The individually shielded pairs can have their shield grounded at one end for
low-frequency EMI protection while the overall shield can be grounded at both ends to protect the individu-
ally shielded pairs from high-frequency interference. Practical disadvantages of this method are additional
cable cost and difficulty in ensuring consistent and proper field installation.

In large installations it is common to find combinations of shielded cable types. Large multiconductor cables
with individually shielded pairs and an overall shield are routed from the central control system to a field
junction box, and then individually shielded pairs are run from the junction box to the end devices.

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Rather than utilize cables with multiple sets of shields, an effective overall shield can be installed in the form
of a grounded metal conduit/raceway system, which is continuously grounded along its length. Such an
installation also provides a generally beneficial and somewhat evenly, distributed capacitive coupling
between the shield and equipment ground, which helps to keep resonance problems minimized in most
cases. With the raceway grounded along its length and providing an effective shield from external interfer-
ence, the cable shields can then be grounded at one end. Use of magnetic conduit greatly enhances the
shielding from inductive interference.

6.2.9 Balanced circuits

For the common-mode rejection of EMI from ground loops to be effective, the terminal impedance and the
pair must both be balanced and symmetrical to ground. This implies that if the circuit is to be grounded, it

must be center grounded as shown in Figure 27.

Figure 27Common-mode rejection with balanced circuit

For a circuit that has been grounded on one side of the twisted-pair, approximately one half of the common-
mode current must flow directly through the load while the remaining amount flows in the grounded path.
This reduces the common-mode rejection from about 60 dB (1,000:1) to 6 dB (3:1) by the creation of dif-
ferential-mode noise. There is, therefore, little benefit from using a twisted pair if the circuit is unbalanced
by connecting one side to ground as shown in Figure 28. Also, there is still no protection offered by this
arrangement to capacitively induced common-mode currents or voltages in the twisted pair. Such common-
mode problems can cause poor circuit operation, or possibly voltage or current breakdown of circuit
elements at either end of the cable, particularly when subjected to severe transients such as lightning. This
emphasizes the need to understand the specific circuit configurations when selecting a cable shield ground-
ing practice. Different I/O cards from the same or different manufacturers may require different shield
grounding practices to be utilized.

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Figure 28Common-mode rejection nullified by ground

If balanced grounding is not a viable option, it may be better to galvanically float the receiver at its enclosure
to increase the ground loop impedance and lower the common-mode current in the twisted pair, This action,
however, replaces the galvanic connection with a stray or parasitic capacitance coupling mechanism
between the enclosure and the floated item(s) inside of it. This can produce new problems that are worse
than the existing problem. Floating ground systems are generally not recommended as discussed in 5.2.3.

6.2.10 Coaxial cable

Coaxial cable can be used to transmit signals of all frequencies. It is particularly useful for signals above
300 kHz. Upper limits on frequency are in the range of a few-hundred megahertz where cable losses appear
to be the limiting factor. In this type of cable, the inner-surface of the outer conductor (shield) acts as one of
the two conductors for the signal. It also provides an EMI path on its outer surface by taking advantage of
skin-effects to keep the signal and EMI current separate in the shields cross-section. Since the two signal
conductors have the same axis (coaxial), the net magnetic flux created external to the cable by the signal
process current is zero and likewise the net voltage induced in each conductor due to an external magnetic
field is zero.

The particular frequency below which a shield will offer practically no useful attenuation is termed the cut-
off frequency and is defined as:

fc = Rs / (2pLs) (5)


Rs = Shield resistance,
Ls = Self-inductance of the shield.

Cutoff frequencies for standard coaxial cables range from 0.510 kHz, and this range is directly related to
the length of the subject cable as well as its construction characteristics. For example, very short coaxial
cable with heavy-wall copper shielding will operate at lower frequency than a longer one with thin-wall

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As the frequency increases above the cutoff frequency, the shield offers increasing attenuation. The
improvement in shielding effectiveness results from the reduction in loop area caused by current returning
on the shield rather than via the external ground plane established by the sites grounding system, and not by
any magnetic shielding properties of the shield itself. At higher frequencies, coaxial cable will begin to look
like triaxial cable when the skin depths on the inner and outer surface of the shield do not overlap and the
signal process current flows exclusively on the inner surface of the cables shield. This is the ideal point of
operation for coaxial cable.

For coaxial shielding to be effective, the shield must be properly terminated and the center conductor must
be kept in the center. The practice of twisting the braid of a coaxial cable and point soldering it to the base of
a connector or other termination point will cause currents that were flowing symmetrically on the coaxial
outer conductor to become asymmetrical at this point and possibly couple to the signal conductor that was
previously centered. This may result in a 20 dB (10:1) or more degradation in the effectiveness of the
shield at high frequencies. These pigtail terminations also act as antennae and can both radiate and receive
EMI in the local area in which they are installed. Finally, such asymmetrical terminations of the cables end
cause an impedance bump in the cable, which will cause reflections of the transmitted signal to occur on
the signal path with associated standing wave resonance problems, including possible dielectric failures on
higher power circuits. This impedance mismatch, therefore, degrades the signal process and may introduce
data transfer errors. Accordingly, the braid should be soldered or connector terminated so that it completely
and symmetrically encloses the inner conductor at the connection junction and does so with minimum
impedance change.

Sharply bending a coaxial cable will displace the center conductor and also cause coupling from the outer
conductor to the now displaced center conductor. The maximum possible bend radius should be used when
routing coaxial cable. In general, the minimum bend radius should never be less than 10 times the nominal
diameter of the cable.

At lower frequencies, if the cable has multiple ground connections, the return current may travel externally
between the cables ends via the sites grounding system rather than through the shield. This unwanted
action creates magnetic fields in unknown areas outside the coaxial cable. In the vicinity of the coaxial
cable, the signal and return currents are no longer equal and there is now a net magnetic flux created in this
area also. A coaxial cable carrying low-frequency signals will not retain its immunity to external fields since
any disturbance of the cables unbalanced fields will now concurrently disturb the contained signal process
as well. Also, the circuit will have a second loop through the ground connection, which may have significant
induced voltage. Therefore, with low-frequency signals the non-ferrous metal shield of a multiple-grounded
coaxial cable offers practically no H-field shielding. This is particularly a problem with audio and video
baseband signal processes.

6.3 Other cable shielding considerations

a) Connecting the spare conductors in a cable to ground at both ends has been found to increase the
shielding effectiveness of the cable by increasing the amount of grounded metal appearing as a
shield, as well as reducing the EMI resulting from parasitic oscillations occurring in the many
radiating dipoles that these ungrounded conductors create as a result of the distributed stray LC
products. This latter effect is important because of the close proximity of these conductors to the

active signal conductors in the same cable. Grounding the spare conductors at each end can also
increase low-frequency ground loop problems.
b) If the control cables are being laid in a cable trench, additional low-frequency magnetic shielding of
the cables can be provided by running a 4/0 ground grid conductor either inside or on top of the
trench. Trenches represent known serious EMI and surge current coupling possibilities. This is gen-
erally the result of two often interrelated effects: (1) use of non-metallic conduit or raceway and; (2)
tight spacing between the victim and aggressor cables, which results from the need to keep the
trenching operation minimized. A known example of this unwanted situation is where a single

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narrow trench is prepared and then plastic conduit enclosed power conductors to a large motor are
buried alongside, above, or below the victim signal circuits, which are also plastic conduit encased.
This provides serious EMI and transient voltage or current coupling between the two circuits.
Possible solutions are widely separated trenches, and heavy-walled, ferrous metal conduits with
anti-corrosion coatings on them.
c) In areas of extremely high voltage such as 230 kV and above, it has sometimes been found neces-
sary to shield not just the I&C circuits, but also all power circuits as well, including lighting and
station 120 V service. Operating problems have been caused by high-frequency transients propagat-
ing along these paths.
d) Local instrument grounds: Instruments that have grounded connections should have their cable
shields connected to the instrument common (ground) as close to the instruments equipment safety
ground as possible. Some trade-offs associated with this recommendation are discussed in
Thermocouples (both grounded and floating), RTDs, and other instruments that have grounded
inputs should be grounded in this manner. Continuity of the shield should be maintained from the
sensor connection to the receiver, and the shield should be isolated from ground except at the point
of connection that is usually the signal source (the thermocouple or RTD). This is illustrated in
Figure 29.

Figure 29Examples of locally grounded instruments

e) Floating grounds: Signals that are floating (ungrounded) should have their cable shields connected
to safety ground as close to the source as possible. Transmitters, isolation amplifiers, and all
ungrounded inputs should have their cable shields grounded in this manner. This is depicted by
Figure 30.

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Figure 30Examples of floating instrumentation loops

f) Differential drivers and receivers: Differential amplifiers, drivers, and receivers may be designed to
operate with safety ground connections to separate ground references that may be at different rela-
tive potentials. The shield should be permanently connected to equipment ground at the point of
maximum capacitance to prevent a capacitively coupled ground loop from forming between the
shield connection to ground and the stray capacitance. The point of maximum capacitance is often at
the signal source. When both sides are grounded to different reference points, there are two separate
shielding enclosures and the differential transmitter and receiver circuits should be rated to with-
stand the difference in voltage level between both reference points, unless a transformer is the only
coupling device used. In this case, one of the grounds may be floated to reduce EMI problems, at the

risk of creating a safety problem. A safety switch allows personnel to work on the system without
any safely implications.

6.4 Comparison of cable shielding effectiveness

The following table is a comparison of the magnetic and electric shielding effectiveness of various cable
systems from Van Doren [B39].

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Table 1Comparison of cable shielding effectiveness

60 Hz 100 kHz
Magnetic Electric
field field
attenuation attenuation

Cable type (dB) (dB)

Parallel wires in air 0 (Ref.) 0 (Ref.)

Twisted pair (9 turns/m) 23

Twisted pair (36 turns/m) 43

Copper-braided coax (85% coverage) 40

Spiral-wrapped copper tape 51


Parallel wires in aluminum conduit 3.3 66

Parallel wires in electrical metallic 16.5 70

tubing (ferrous)

Parallel wires in rigid galvanized 32 79

6.5 Common practices in shielding cables for distributed control and

programmable logic controller circuits

From industry-wide surveys that have been conducted (see [B1] and [B33]), general practices for the
grounding of I&C cable shields are evident. It is important to note that there is not universal agreement on
every aspect of cable shielding, so the following information must always be utilized after careful
consideration for each specific installation. This information is provided to show generally accepted prac-
tices utilized by the industry. Even though it is possible that some survey respondents may have reflected
practices which predate electronic I&C systems, it is felt that the survey results do reflect appropriate
methods for the I&C systems being installed in the mid-1990s. Also note that since over 90% of the cables
associated with a typical distributed control system or programmable logic control system carry dc or low-
frequency signals, that this is reflected in the following recommendations.

A slight preference in aluminum over copper as the shield material was indicated, with most agreeing that
the shield should not be used a signal return path.

The following subclauses discuss the type of signal as well as the source of the power for the signal. Some
circuits receive their power directly from a DCS or PLC logic card, while some may receive their power
from a separate power supply, which may or may not be located within the DCS or PLC equipment. For
many types of DCS and PLC systems, the source of the circuit power is just as important in the type of sig-
nal in determining which type of input/output card to utilize. The following subclauses have, therefore, been
formatted to group the recommendations into categories that are normally used in the design of DCS and
PLC systems.

6.5.1 Analog signals

The vast consensus (over 97%) is that analog circuits must be shielded.

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For this type of circuit, 46% of industry respondents utilize individually shielded pairs only, 12% utilize an
overall shield only, and 39% utilize cables that have individually shielded pairs plus and overall cable shield.
No cable shield was recommended by 3% of the respondents. The shield should be grounded at the DCS or
PLC according to 90% of the respondents, while 10% would ground the shield at the field device. Analog inputs powered by an external source

For this type of circuit, 46% of industry respondents utilize individually shielded pairs only, 12% utilize an
overall shield only, and 39% utilize cables which have individually shielded pairs plus an overall cable
shield. No cable shield was recommended by 3% of the respondents. The shield should be grounded at the
DCS or PLC according to 79% of the respondents, while 21% would ground the shield at the field device.
Compared to the previous item, the difference in where the shield is grounded reflects that a slightly higher
percentage are grounding the shield at the field device since this is generally the best location according to
theory. That the percentage acting according to ideal theory is not that large appears to reflect the practical
difficulties encountered during installation and checkout if cable shields are grounded at different locations
on a circuit-by-circuit basis. There are practical advantages for grounding all cable shields at one point, with
experience showing that the few circuits that experience difficulties because of a uniform approach can be
corrected during startup or early operation. Analog voltage and current transformer inputs

The magnitudes of these signals are generally not directly compatible with the input ratings of DCS or PLC
inputs and must be processed with a transducer. These would follow the same recommendations for other
analog input signals, depending on whether the transducer is loop-powered or provided with an external
power supply. Analog outputs powered by a DCS or PLC

For this type of circuit, all of the respondents recommended utilizing shielded cables, with 45% utilizing
individually shielded pairs only, 16%, utilizing an overall shield only, and 39% utilizing cables that have
individually shielded pairs plus and overall cable shield. The shield should be grounded at the DCS or PLC
according to 90% of the respondents, while 10% would ground the shield at the field device.

6.5.2 Digital (dry contact change of state) signals

Digital (discrete) information in this context refers to the monitoring of a contact change of state, which is
typically done with a dc voltage. This should not be confused with high-frequency digital communications
circuits, which are discussed in 6.5.3. The shielding recommendations for these two types of digital cir-
cuits are completely different, and the similar nomenclature has undoubtedly caused some confusion in the
proper application of cable shield grounding practices.

The survey results show that approximately one-half of the respondents feel that there is no need for the
shielding of these circuits. Since these circuits have a high signal-to-noise ratio it was expected that the per-
centage of respondents not shielding these circuits would be higher. Two items may account for the received
response. The first is that the survey did not specifically differentiate the wetting voltage. Respondents who
utilize a relatively low-voltage level such as 24 Vdc may feel that shielding is required. The second reason is
that it is the practice of some utilities to utilize shielded cable for all DCS and PLC circuits as part of their
standard practice since it has the practical benefits of materials standardization and ensures that installation
crews recognize the special nature of these circuits. Some of these same utilities also have the practice of not
terminating the shields at either end for digital input and output circuits since the circuit susceptibility is low
and shielding is not required. One utility has even standardized on separate colored cable for digital inputs,
digital outputs, analog inputs, and analog outputs. That way a quick glance can tell whether the circuit has

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been landed on the appropriate DCS or PLC input/output card. The advantages of this method come with the
disadvantages related to consistency of application, material procurement, and warehouse costs. Digital inputs wetted by the DCS or PLC

For this type of circuit, 43% of industry respondents felt that no shielding was required, 29% utilize individ-
ually shielded pairs only, 14% utilize an overall shield only, and 14% utilize cables that have individually
shielded pairs plus an overall cable shield. The shield should be grounded at the DCS or PLC according to
86% of the respondents, while 14% would ground the shield at the field device. Digital inputs wetted by an external device

For this type of circuit, 58% of industry respondents felt that no shielding was required, 18% utilize individ-
ually shielded pairs only, 12% utilize an overall shield only, and 12% utilize cables that have individually
shielded pairs plus and overall cable shield. The shield should be grounded at the DCS or PLC according to
83% of the respondents, while 17% would ground the shield at the field device. Digital outputs wetted by the DCS or PLC

For this type of circuit, 56% of industry respondents felt that no shielding was required, 20% utilize individ-
ually shielded pairs only, 12% utilize an overall shield only, and 12% utilize cables that have individually
shielded pairs plus and overall cable shield. The shield should be grounded at the DCS or PLC according to
88% of the respondents, while 12% would ground the shield at the field device. Digital outputs wetted by an external device

For this type of circuit, 59% of industry respondents felt that no shielding was required, 17% utilize individ-
ually shielded pairs only, 12% utilize an overall shield only, and 12% utilize cables that have individually
shielded pairs plus and overall cable shield. The shield should be grounded at the DCS or PLC according to
88% of the respondents, while 12% would ground the shield at the field device.

6.5.3 Data highway/digital communication

For these circuits, it is recommended to follow the recommendations of the equipment vendor since each
vendor has specific requirements regarding installation methods, cable types, and allowable circuit lengths.
Depending on the specific installation, these circuits are typically either shielded twisted pairs, coaxial, or
fiber-optic cable.

6.6 Central distribution frame (CDF) grounding practice

In order to minimize the impact of low-frequency EMI on I&C cables, the ideal practice is to ground all
cable shields only at the signal source. This would, however, result in a widely distributed grounding system
with the following disadvantages.
a) Increased difficulty of controlling shield grounding practices through both the design and construc-
tion phases, with experience indicating the likely introduction of numerous ground loops.
b) Substantial increase in commissioning time as a result of locating and remediating ground loop

This CDF grounding approach creates a central grounded reference at, or close to, the plant control room.
Combined with other practices of minimizing noise generation in a generating station, this system has been
proven to provide protection that minimizes noise coupling to acceptable levels. More sensitive signal and
processing systems can be treated separately with the shield grounded at the source end.

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The CDF provides an ideal system to permit the termination of trunk cabling systems. It reduces the quantity
and length of ground conductors when compared to other grounding practices. These advantages have
resulted in substantial cost and schedule advantages in the construction of some commercial nuclear generat-
ing stations. It has not been employed in a greenfield generating station design utilizing a modern micropro-
cessor-based distributed control system.

The CDF grounding method is illustrated by Figure C.13.

6.6.1 Principles of CDF grounding

A single large insulated ground conductor is brought directly from the station ground mat (separate from the
building distributed ground system) to an insulated copper bus (typical cross section 25 mm 6 mm) pro-
vided on the CDF. This would normally be in a control equipment room immediately adjacent to the main
control center.

This bus would form the center of the signal ground and safety ground system for all field signals terminated
in the local area and not grounded elsewhere, such as signals connected to the computer or sensitive signals
grounded at the other end. Within each CDF area, the signal and equipment grounds may be kept separate up
to the point where they should exit the area. Then they are connected together and to the ground mat

An alternative ground bus could be created by applying sheet metal to the wall in the form of a ground-plane
and to bring all cables to this point for shield grounding and surge suppression connections. The ground
plane is then low-inductance grounded/bonded to the equipment grounding system in the same area; thus,
minimizing potential difference between the two. The advantage of this type of ground plane is that it avoids
the unintentionally high level of inductance that can result from the CDF cabling method. The cable imped-
ance is not related to cross-sectional area as much as it is surface area, and a ground-plane has a better geom-

etry to take advantage of this fact.

6.6.2 Auxiliary computer CDF grounding

It may be expedient to provide a separate but similar ground bus at the main computer for all field signals
directly connected to the computer. This bus would be connected radially by an insulated ground cable from
the primary CDF ground bus. This computer CDF would also serve as the central point from which each of
the computer cabinet signal ground racks would be referenced.

7. Testing

7.1 General

This clause addresses testing to detect conductive ground loops on I&C circuits that may purposely or inad-
vertently use the ground system as part of the signal return path. Ground loops are discussed in 4.2.2, 4.3.3,
5.2.2, and 6.2. This clause does not address testing on those high-frequency systems where multiple-point
grounding may be used, nor is it intended to be used to test ground systems that are not used for signal
returns. Finally, the testing described herein is not full-range testing since it does not account for capaci-
tively or inductively coupled ground loops that respond to changing voltages and currents.

In addition to the above, it must be understood that there are three classes of ground loop: (1) harmful or
unwanted, and; (2) benign, in that they appear to have no effects, and; (3) beneficial ground loops such as
those that carry surge currents, ac system fault currents, and prevent fires and shocks from occurring. Before
embarking on any program to remove or otherwise eliminate any perceived ground loop, it is important to
know which of the three types it is, and what will be the total range of effects if it is removed, not just a sin-

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gular effect. A gain in noise reduction may result in the creation of a safety hazard under certain transient

7.2 Sources of galvanic (conductive) ground loops

The primary sources of conductive ground loops are:

a) More than one ground erroneously placed at different points on a cable shield or signal return.
b) Shield and associated signal wires connected to ground at different locations. A ground loop will be
formed through the ground points and the signal wire to shield capacitance.
c) Leakage paths caused by insulation failure, moisture, etc. Leakage paths from moisture normally
occur at circuit devices, terminal strips, or connectors.

7.3 Galvanic ground loop prevention and detection

Ground loops are formed whenever two or more connections are made from different points in the circuit to
the station ground system. Current flow between the ground points may occur from potential differences
between the ground points, but even connections to the same ground point from different points in the circuit
can create large loops that will be sensitive to inductive coupling.

Different points on the station grounding system may be at different voltages as a result of current flow
through the grounding system. The currents may be the result of power system transients, lightning, or any
of the sources listed in 4.1. As a result of these voltage differences in the station grounding system, conduc-
tive ground loops may provide a path for current flow through the I&C cable conductors and/or shield via
the multiple ground points. This current flow may create CM noise on the signal circuit, and if strong
enough, may cause failure of the circuit. It may also cause noise problems if the CM noise is converted to
normal mode noise by the circuits and terminations.

The currents of interest in galvanic ground loop problems are most commonly 60 Hz or a harmonic of
60 Hz, with the third harmonic having been historically typical. This has been changing with higher order
harmonics causing problems due to the proliferation of non-linear loads that generate higher orders of
harmonic energy during their operation. Examples of this are phase-shift fired SCR loads and pulse-width-
modulated driven equipment such as variable speed motor drivers.

The loop areas formed by connecting different points in the circuit to the same ground point will be sensitive
to current surges flowing in any of the associated grounding wires running to the same grounding point and
commonly bundled together.

To avoid ground loops in the initial installation, tests should be conducted to verify that ground loops do not
exist. This may be accomplished as follows:
a) Where practical, before grounding shields, signal wires, etc., first make a crude go-no go check for
isolation from ground using an ohmmeter. If no unintentional ground points are located, next use
some other calibrated device specifically capable of measuring insulation integrity. The resistance
between the wire or shield and station ground should be greater than 1 megohm. The substitution of
signal generator for the insulation tester will indicate how much of a ground-loop exists as a func-
tion of frequency. This can provide a good indication of the importance of non-conductive paths.
b) Where low resistance indicates an improper ground, defective cabling, moisture, etc., the deficiency
should be corrected. Only after the deficiency is corrected should the circuit, shield, etc., be con-
nected to ground.
c) After all the equipment and instrument grounds are installed, the overall signal ground system
should be checked as described in 7.4.

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The above test will detect most conductive ground loops, except those formed when long cable shields and
the associated I&C circuits are grounded at different locations. The capacitance between these kinds of
lengthy shield and the signal wires will permit dc charging current from an ohmmeter and test frequency ac
for insulation testers to flow through the cable to ground capacitance. This creates test problems that must be
guarded against so that the results are not misinterpreted. The best way to avoid loops formed in this manner
is careful design, construction, and field verification of the installation along with the use of experienced
cable test personnel.

7.4 Testing for ground loops

Safety considerations.

It is not recommended practice to disconnect the sole equipment grounding conductor or to rely on a ques-
tionable equipment ground via a circuitous route during testing when power is still applied to the equipment.
For example, in a properly grounded metal conduit containing an equipment grounding conductor, there is
not a significant hazard in disconnecting the equipment ground wire or the conduit for testing, but not both
at the same. Any disconnecting of grounding connections for the purposes of testing must be done with an
understanding of the safety implications of removing a particular connection.

Ground loops formed by multiple direct, inductive (via a choke), or resistive ground connections to the sta-
tion ground grid can be detected by the procedure described below and illustrated in Figure 31. It will not
detect ground loops resulting from incorrect shield grounding as described in 7.2.

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Figure 31Test for detection of ground loops

If no cabinet or device with low resistance is found, the signal ground cable from the main bus to the cabinet
is probably shorted.

Once ohmmeter tests have been completed, the procedure should be repeated with a current limited, no more
than 50 Vdc source and a milliammeter to detect high-resistance ground loops. This test should always use a
current limited low-voltage source to avoid shock hazards.

Caution should be used in opening any ground circuit. Under certain conditions, dangerous voltages can
appear across the open ground circuit. The ground cables should be treated as energized conductors until
their potential has been verified by testing. Additionally, opening the ground circuit may change the current
distribution in the overall grounding system and cause equipment misoperation. The possible impact on the
system should be evaluated before opening any ground circuit.

In the case of operating systems, inadvertent ground loops can sometimes be traced to a particular system,
panel, or group of circuits by analyzing the problems caused by noise coupled on the signal circuits. In this
case, the test can be simplified to only include those panels or circuits under suspicion.

While the system is first being installed, it is desirable to insert removable links at various points in the
ground system to facilitate future testing. If the panel grounds cannot be disconnected as described in the
previous procedure and a noise problem exists as a result of ground loops, then some method of measuring
noise levels must be utilized. This could involve a procedure as follows:

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a) Measure noise current/voltage on I&C ground cables connecting the main signal ground bus to the
station grounding system.
b) Measure noise current/voltage on cables connecting panels to the main signal ground bus.
c) Cables with noise current/voltage much higher than other cables may be shorted to ground.
d) Check the noise level on each cable connecting the panel to the faulted ground cable. Panel grounds
with high noise levels should be checked.
e) Check the panel thoroughly and correct any inadvertent grounds.

This test is more effective if noise levels at various points are periodically monitored and recorded for future
reference. When a problem occurs, the noise levels can then be compared with previously recorded values.
However, note that it is normal for some current to flow in a ground system due to capacitive coupling
between energized circuit conductors, ground conductors, and cable shields. Thus, the presence of voltage or
current on an I&C ground cable does not necessarily mean a problem exists. Additionally, the absence of
noise or no incorrect operation of circuits does not indicate the absence of ground loops or potential prob-
lems. Problems caused by intermittent noise sources, such as lightning transients and power system ground
faults would be virtually impossible to locate during testing since the ground loops would only create a
problem when a transient or power system ground fault occurred. Thus, noise measurement tests may not
necessarily always be effective in locating unwanted ground loops and potential noise problems.

Noise measurements may, however, be useful in pointing to the cause. The frequency of the major noise
components will point to the noise source. The presence of 60 Hz and its principle harmonics would indicate
the power ground system as the source. For example, the presence of 180 Hz (the third harmonic of 60 Hz)
would indicate a polyphase full-wave rectifier power supply as the probable source. Any relatively continu-
ous high-frequency noise on a data system may be generated by corona discharge, phase-shift fired SCRs,
and PWM controlled variable speed motor drives, or within the data system.

7.5 Signal ground system integrity

After initial installation, the following continuity/resistance measurements should be made:

a) Measure and log the resistance between the main signal ground bus and the station grounding
b) Measure and log the resistance between each cabinet signal ground point and the main instrument
ground bus.
c) Compare the resistances to calculated or specified design goal values. If the resistances are high,
check connections and correct any problems found. If resistance remains high, install larger ground
cable, if required. Keeping ground conductors as short as possible is always advisable to minimize
ground circuit impedance and thus limit noise voltage levels.

7.6 Maintenance of the signal ground system

Periodic inspections should be made of bolted connections to major signal ground buses. This check should
include a visual inspection of all connections. Connections should be inspected for tightness and corrosion.

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Annex A

[B1] A Review of Manufacturers Recommendations for the Grounding of Distributed Control Systems in
Generating Stations, IEEE Committee Report, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 8, no. 1,
March 1993.

[B2] Anders, R. and Campling, A. C., Investigations into Interface in Substation and Power Station Auxil-
iary Cabling, CIGRE paper 36-09, 1976. Paper presented in the name of committee no 36, Interference.

[B3] ASEA Interference Handbook, Information Publication 7102001E, edition 2, 1981, Industrial Electron-
ics Division, ASEA, S-721 83 Vasteras, Sweden.

[B4] Boersma, R., Transient Ground Potential Rises in Gas Insulated Substations with Respect to Earthing
Systems, Presented at the Request of the Chairman of the CIGRE Study Committee 23, Electra no 110, pp.

[B5] Buckingham, R. P. and Gooding, F. H., The Efficiency of Nonmagnetic Shields on Control and Com-
munication Cable, IEEE paper 69 TP 710-PWR.. Presented at the IEEE Summer Power Meeting 1969; vol.
T-PAS 70, July/Aug 1970, pp. 1091-1099.

[B6] Cushing, V. J., Jr., Transient Suppression in 500 kV Installations, IEEE paper C 74 030-3. Presented
at the IEEE Power Engineering Society Winter Meeting, 1974, vol. T-PAS 74, July/Aug 1974, p. 1018.

[B7] Denny, H., Grounding for the Control of EMI, Gainesville, VA, Don White Consultants, Inc, 1983.

[B8] Denny, H. W., Grounding in the Design of Building & Facilities for Safety Protection, EMC Tech-
nology, Jan-Mar 1983, pp. 22-34.

[B9] Dick, E. P., Fujimoto, N., Ford, G. L., and Harvey, S., Transient Ground Potential Rise in Gas Insu-
lated Switchgear-Problem Identification and Mitigation, (82WM176-6); vol. T-PAS, Oct 1982, pp. 3610-

[B10] Dietrich, R. E., Ramberg, H. C., and Barber, J. C., BPA Experience with EMI Measurement and
Shielding, Proceedings of the American Power Conference, vol. 32, 1970, pp. 1054-1061.

[B11] Electric Power Research Institute, Transmission Line Reference Book345 kV and Above, second
edition, Palo Alto, CA, 1982, EL-2500.

[B12] Emery, F. F. and Harrold, R. T., On Line Incipient Arc Detection in Large Turbine Generator Stator
Windings, IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol. PAS-99, no 6, Nov/Dec 1980, pp.

[B13] EMI Shielding Design Guide, Tecknit EMI Shielding Products, New York, 1982.

[B14] EPRI TR 102323, Rev. 2, Guidelines for Electromagnetic Interference Testing in Power Plants.

[B15] EPRI TR-102400, Volumes 1 and 2, Handbook for Electromagnetic Compatibility for Digital Equip-
ment in Power Plants. October 1994.

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[B16] Fillenberg, R. R., Cleveland, G. W., and Harris, R. E., Exploration of Transients by Switching
Capacitors, IEEE paper 70 TP 42-PWR presented at the IEEE Winter Power Meeting 1970, vol. T-PAS 71,
Jan/Feb, pp. 250-260.

[B17] Gillies, D. A. and Ramberg, H. C., Methods for Reducing Induced Voltages in Secondary Circuits,
IEEE paper 31 TP 66-329 presented at the IEEE Summer Power Meeting 1966, vol. T-PAS 67 63, supple-
ment pp. 258-279.

[B18] Guidelines on Electrical Power for ADP Installation, Federal Information Processing Standards Pub-
lication 94, Sep 1983.

[B19] Hayt, W. H., Jr., Engineering Electromagnetics, fourth edition, McGraw-Hill, Inc, New York, 1981,
pp. 381-384.

[B20] Hicks, R. L. and Jones, D. E., Transient Voltages on Power Station Wiring, IEEE Transaction on
Power Apparatus & Systems, vol. PAS-90, no 1, Jan/Feb 1971.

[B21] IEEE 100, The Authoritative Dictionary of IEEE Standard Terms.

[B22] IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Applications, AES12, vol. 2, Mar 1976, p 104.

[B23] IEEE Working Group On Power System Harmonics, Power System Harmonics: An Overview, 85
WM 139-3, presented at IEEE/PES 1983 Winter Meeting.

[B24] Jancauskas, J. R., Grant, L. A. D. G. and Thaden, M. V., Use of Single Point Grounding for Instru-
mentation and Control Systems Installed in Existing Generating Stations, IEEE Transaction on Energy
Conversion, Vol. 4, No. 3, September 1989, pages 402-405.

[B25] Klipec, B. E., Reducing Electrical Noise in Instrument Circuits, IEEE Transactions on Industry and
General Applications, vol. IGA-3, no 2, Mar/Apr 1967.

[B26] Kotheimer, W. C., Influence of Station Design on Control Circuit Transients, Proceedings of the
American Power Conference, 1969, pp. 1021-1028.

[B27] Kotheimer, W. C., Radiated EMI Susceptibility of Electric Utility Control Devices and Systems, a
paper presented at the Edison Electric Institute meeting held in Springfield, IL, Oct 12 and 13, 1987.

[B28] Kotheimer, W. C., Theory of Shielding & Grounding of Control Cables to Reduce Surges, a paper
presented at the Fall Meeting of Pennsylvania Electric Association, Oct 5, 1973.

[B29] Martin, L. C., Transorb & Metal Oxide Varistor Comparison, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory
Publication, PEM-53.

[B30] Martin, R. E., Electrical Interference in Electronic Systems, Forest Grove or Research Studies Press.

[B31] Michael, D. T., Proposed Design Standard for the Voltage Drop in Building Wiring for Low-Voltage
Systems, IEEE Transactions on Industry and General Applications, vol. IGA-4, Jan/Feb 1968, pp. 30-32.

[B32] Morrison, R., Grounding and Shielding Techniques in Instrumentation, third edition, Long Beach,
CA, John Wiley and Sons, 1977.

[B33] Panel Session on Grounding Requirements for Distributed Control Systems, IEEE Power Engi-
neerign Society, 1999 Summer Meeting.

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[B34] Seibert, G. C., EPRI Power Plant Electrical Reference Series, vol. 14, Electrical Noise Reduction,
prepared by Stone and Webster.

[B35] Summary of the Guide for the Grounding of Instrument Transformer Secondary Circuits and Cases,
(87SM627-3), July 1987.

[B36] Turesin, V. M., Electromagnetic Compatibility Guide for Design Engineers, IEEE Transactions on
EMC, vol. EMC-9, no 3, Dec 1967, pp. 139-145.

[B37] United States Atomic Energy Commission. Division of Reactor Development and Technology RDT
C1-1T, Standard on Instrumentation and Control Equipment Grounding and Shielding Practices, Jan 1973.

[B38] USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.180, Guidelines for Evaluating Electromagnetic and Radio-Frequency
Interference in Safety-Related Instrumentation and Control Systems, January 2000.

[B39] Van Doren, T. P., Grounding & Shielding Electronic Instrumentation, University of Missouri-Rolla
1985. Seminar presented May 6, 1985 in Silver Springs, MD.

[B40] Weed, J.E., and H.G. Hudson, D. M. Wythe, E. J. Bogdan, Investigation of Electromagnetic Interfer-
ence (EMI) Levels in Commercial Nuclear Power Plants, NUREG/CR 3270 UCID-19703.

[B41] White, D. R. J., Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility, third edition, Gainesville, VA, Don
White Consultants, Inc, 1981.

[B42] Wiszniewski, A. and Marczonek, S., Transverse Interference Voltages on Secondary Protection Wir-
ing at Substations, IEEE paper F 76-316-0 presented at the IEEE Power Engineering Society, Summer
Meeting 1976, vol. T-PAS, Jan/Feb 1977, pp. 261-267.


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Annex B

Conformance with local safety codes

In the United States, specific safety codes include:
a) National Electrical Safety Code, (NESC) (Accredited Standards Committee C2-2002)
b) National Electrical Code (NEC) (NFPA 70-2002)
c) Occupational Safety & Health Act (OSHA), Subpart S
d) The specific codes and requirements of the jurisdiction where the equipment is to be installed.

Significant aspects of these design codes include:

1) The requirements for the equipment grounding system are controlled by the NEC. The full
range of NEC requirements are mandatory in each state by legislation and are also required at
the Federal level via OSHA Subpart S. Some exceptions for traditional vertically integrated
utilities are granted; however, this is generally because it is assumed that the utilities are doing
more than the minimum required by the code.
2) The ungrounded end of any shielded cable may pose a fire or shock safety hazard if the cable
should somehow become energized. Typically this occurs from lightning or from accidental
contact with a conductor from a higher voltage system. The latter situation is common with
exterior run cables in industrial environments where electrical power lines are installed over-
head. The NEC addresses this issue in detail and requires that no cable shield be permitted to
enter a building from the outside without being grounded at the point of penetration. Surge pro-
tection of the cables conductors is also required by the NEC to be applied at this same point
which is called the demarcation point.
3) The grounding of all power isolation transformers that are part of a building power system or of
unlisted electronic equipment of any kind is strictly controlled by the NEC in article 250,
Grounding. In this context, any ac system (such as the one derived from an isolation trans-
former) that is capable of being solidly grounded so as to limit the available voltage to 150
Vrms or less to ground, are required to be solidly grounded. They may not be resistance
grounded, impedance grounded, or ungrounded.
4) Since the NEC requirements are for purposes of protection from electrical fires and shock haz-
ards, there are no exceptions to the requirements that relate to the operation of equipment or for
reduction in electrical noise. Floating any end of a cable and its connected circuitry is an
NEC violation and could create a fire or shock hazard.

Additional discussions of installing I&C systems in accordance with the NEC are found in IEEE Std 1100-

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Annex C

Examples of I&C grounding methods

This annex contains examples of I&C grounding in generating stations. Only a single example is given for
each type of circuit and caution should be used in applying the illustrated concept to a similar circuit unless
the actual circuit functionality has been carefully examined. Any given end device may be interfaced into a
wide variety of circuits ranging from individually isolated input to circuits that share common return paths.
Techniques that function well for one type of circuit may not function for other types of circuits.

On many of the following figures, the shields of single twisted-pair cables are shown connected together for
clarity. In actuality, each shield would be terminated separately inside the nearest junction box and then jum-
pered to the shield of the cable on which it continued.

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Figure C.1 Analog control loopsideal

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Figure C.2Floating signal loopsideal

82 Copyright 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.

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Figure C.3Grounded signal loopsideal


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Figure C.4Digital (dry contact) inputideal

84 Copyright 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.

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Figure C.5Computer analog input connectionsideal


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Figure C.6Vibration signalsideal


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Figure C.7Thermocouplesideal


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Figure C.8Grounded RTDsideal

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Figure C.9Ungrounded RTDsideal


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Figure C.10Core detectorideal

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Figure C.11Ion chamberideal

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Figure C.12Installation methods for packaged systemsideal

92 Copyright 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.


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Figure C.13Example of CDF grounding arrangement

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