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Milta Medical Guide

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Guidance on application
of magnet-IR-light-laser
therapeutic apparatus

Moscow, 2005

Guidance on application of magnet-IR-light-laser therapeutic
apparatus MILTA-F-5-01, JSC United Space Device Corpora-
tion Moscow, 2005

Author: Chernyshev I. A.
active member of the Academy for Military Sciences,
professor Illarionov V.E.,M.D.

Editor: senior research officer Antonova G.A.,

Candidate of Medical Sciences.

The guidance deals with practical application of magnet-IR-

light-laser apparatus MILTA-F-5-01. The device is intended for a
wide range of therapeutic manipulation and can be used in policlinics,
specialized hospitals, resort and health centers, therapeutic-diagnostic
centers , as well as at home according to doctors recommendation.
The need for this guidance arose from the fact that the model
MILTA-F-5-01 is different for earlier models MILTA-F-8-01 by
thee fixed levels of LEDs radiation power (0;50;100 mW), and five fre-
quencies of laser radiation repetition rate (0;5;50;150;600;1500 Hz). At
the same time, the present guidance can be applied to other similar
In the core of this guidance lie methodical recommendations on
the application of MILTA-F-8-01 apparatuses (in two parts).

amper, SI unit of electric power.
BP blood pressure
APERTURE a slot in terminal of the device through which laser and
light diodes radiation is emitted.
V volt, a SI unit of electric tension, electromotive force, difference of
electric potentials
VA volt-amper, a unit of electric current total capacity
W watt, a SI unit of active capacity
Hz SI unit of frequency. 1 Hz frequency of periodical process at
which one cycle of the process occurs in one second.
J joule, a unit of work or a dose (1J=Ws)
IR infra-red (range of electro-magnetic radiation from 0.3 to 3mkm
used in therapy)
kg kilo
LT laser therapy
mW milli-watt (1mW=10-3W)
MIL magnet-IR-laser (therapy, action)
min minute
mKm unit of length (1mkm=10-6 km)
MLT magnet laser therapy
mm millimeter
mTl millitesla, a SI unit of magnetic induction
LLLR low-level-laser radiation
CMF constant magnetic field
s second
cm centimeter
CNS Central Nervous System
EMF electromotive force


Presently more and more doctors start using medicine-free meth-

ods of treatment in their practice. Laser therapeutic apparatuses pos-
sess inexhaustible properties revealed when treating patients with var-
ious problems.
Laser were introduced in medicine considerably not long, about
30 years ago, still the successive results of their application are now
being obvious and impressive. The study of bio-stimulation effect pro-
duced by LLLR made possible wide application of lasers in nearly all
fields of medicine. Russian laser medicine occupies a leading place in
the world in the assortment of manufactured apparatuses, range of
research work carried out, depth and volume of methodical principles
for the treatment practically in all the fields of modern medicine.
Laser therapy is based on the usage of low-intensity radiation
from gas and semiconductor lasers (laser therapy) and light-emitting
diodes (photo-therapy). Laser, or optical quantum generator,- is a tech-
nical device which emits the light in a very narrow spectrum range as a
directed, highly-coherent, monochromatic , polarized ray, i.e. a stream
of highly organized in space and time electromagnetic radiation of one
colour. The feature of most importance for laser radiation is its wave
length. Wave lengths in the range of 0.3-3 mkm (from ultraviolet to
infra-red) are exploited in laser medicine. Contrary to medicines-using
methods laser therapy is strictly restricted to an area and dosage. Ther-
apeutic action over cells and tissues is brought from outside, without
injuries of the skin and mucous coat.
Laser and phototherapy regulate metabolism, microcirculation,
immune system, raise resistance of the organism to infections, physical
and mental overload. Properly dosed laser therapy is harmless.
Efficiency of laser therapy is considerably boosted when short-
pulsed IR LLLR is combined with continuous IR radiation form light
diodes and constant magnetic field : that is magnet-IR-light-laser ther-
apy. (MIL-therapy). Different combinations of these factors are real-
ized in MILTA-type (Magnet-IR-Laser-Therapeutic Apparatus) and
MILTA-F devices-apparatuses with in-built photometer.

Apparatuses design allows it to use the following combinations of
actions: laser + light-emitting diodes; laser + magnet; light-emitting
diodes + magnet; laser-LEDs-magnet.
Clinical tests in leading scientific institutions in Russian and
abroad, as well as long clinical practice of MIL-therapy prove reliabili-
ty, safety and successive therapeutic effect of MILTA and MILTA-F-
type devices.



Curative application of low-intensity (non-surgical) lasers is

based on the interaction between light and biological tissues. Photo
biological effects are in direct dependence from laser radiation parame-
ters : wave length, power level and frequency of the pulses, exposure
The devices MILTA and MILTA-F make use of IR laser and
light diodes. This type of light is invisible. IR radiation is absorbed oxy-
gen, water, some enzymes and biological structures (in the first place,
by membranes in the cells). The heat brings up fluctuation energy in
biomolecules, is utilized by liquid media in the organism. The key point
is absorption of light energy by the tissues, as this influences the effect
of further processes. According to basic law of photobiology, biological
effect can be done only by such light which is absorbed by some mol-
ecules-acceptors, or membranes in the cells. Uneven character of
LLLR and light absorption by various structures causes thermal in bio-
logical tissues and can lead to deformations in cells membranes, change
of their electrical potential, thus affecting the speed of actions in bio-
logical tissues.
This multi-stage process can be expressed as the following:
absorption of light quanta => primary photophysical act => intermedi-
ate stages, including the formation of photo-sensitive products in the tis-
sues or transfer of the energy on membranes of the cells => formation of
physiologically active compounds in the tissues => start-off of the neuro-
humoral reactions => final photobiological effect.


Under natural conditions all living organisms are constantly

influenced by the Earths magnetic field, local magnetic abnormalities
caused by natural resources deposits, etc. Artificial magnets and mag-
netic fields generators has been successfully used in modern medicine
for a long time. CMF of any intensity in the range of 10-100 mTl can
be regarded as non-specific irritator of biological tissues.
Central nervous system, blood and endocrine system- are most
sensitive to CMF action structures of the organism. CMF interacts
with moving electrically charged particles (erythrocytes, trombocytes,
etc.). This stipulates selective influence of the CMF over blood coagu-
lability and., decrease in excitation is observed in the CNS. In the
endocrine system there can be observed moderate functional activity of
thyroid and genital glands, . One can also observe retardation in cata-
bolic and synthesis processes, as well as anti-inflammatory and anaes-
thetic effects. It is already after the first procedure when biological
effect can be detected.
Therapeutic effect brought by IR laser and light diodes radiation
considerably intensifies in magnetic field. This is explained by multi-
stage and multi-directed activation of capillary blood flow, restoration
of normal metabolism in the tissues, etc. LLLR destroys electrolyte ties
between ions, molecules of water and ions, whereas CMF prevents
recombination (restoration) of these ties. Pointed electromotive force
under combined action is much higher then under separate action of
LLLR and CMF; the depth of laser radiation penetration in the tissues
is increased due to dipole reorientation. LLLR exploitation combined
with CMF action was called magnet-laser therapy (MLT).
Non-specific, trigger character of MIL-therapy is realized by cen-
tral nervous system and is revealed in systematic reaction of the organ-
ism. There is no dependence from the area of exposure, as any place of
the body is connected with this or that organ through the CNS. Ther-
apeutic effect of MIL-therapy is based on biological stimulation and
mobilization of organisms own energy potential. These effects can be
revealed as anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, antiedematous, regenera-
tive, anaesthetic effects, bringing to the norm immunity, blood micro-
circulation , level of cholesterol in the blood, etc. This determines a
wide range if indications for MIL-therapy and diversity in methodical
approaches to treatment.



Indications for MIL-therapy

Therapy: ischemic heart disease, hypertension, myocardial infarction,
Surgery: wounds, burns, chilblains, fractures of bones, traumatic
injuries in the internals, infiltrates, purulent disorders of soft tissues
and bones, fissures in the rectum, haemorrhoid, furuncles, carbuncles,
diseases of veins (phlebitis, trombophlebitis) and arteries (obliterating
endarteriitis), trophic ulcers, cancaneal spurs. Disorders in the joints.
Neurology: radiculitis; neuritis and neuralgia of different localization,
Gastroenterology: gastritis, duodenal and gastric ulcer; pancreatitis,
cholecystitis, colitis, hepatitis.
Pulmonology: bronchitis, asthma, chronic pneumonia, pleuritis.
Otolaryngology: eczema of the auricle, external acoustic duct, sinusi-
tis, tonsillitis, rhinitis.
Urology: chronic pyelonephritis, uretritis, cystitis, prostatitis.
Gynecology: hysteritis, adnexitis.
Dermatology: neurodermitis, eczema, herpes, allergic dermatitis, acne.
Cosmetology: skin youth prolongation, wrinkle-smoothing, deconges-
tion, cellulitis
Dentistry: parodontosis, stomatitis, ulcers and erosions of mouth
mucous, chronic fissures in the lips
Paediatrics: diseases of the respiratory system, organs of alimentary
canal, infectious skin diseases.
Sport medicine: accelerated rehabilitation after sport overload,
injuries, activation of the psychological state before competitions.
Contraindications for MIL-therapy
malignant neoplasms of any localization;
benign neoplasms with inclination to progression; systemic
blood disorders, leukosis;
blood diseases, leukosis;
pregnancy at any stages, hyperplastic processes in uterine cavi-
ty, benign genital tumors;
acute infectious disorders;
severe forms of disorders of cardio-vascular system (crisis form
of hypertension, cardio-vascular insufficiency stage III); strokes;
lung disorders with signs of lung insufficiency stage III; decom-
pensed liver of renal failure;
fever of unknown nature;
phodermatitis and phodermatosis, rosacea;
mental disorders in exacerbation stage.

Being a portable device, the apparatus MILTA-F-5-01 is

intended for magnet-light-laser therapy in the IR range of optical spec-
Its therapeutic action is based on three factors: pulse laser radia-
tion in the IR range, light-emitting diodes radiation in the same range,
and constant magnetic field. Due to this one therapeutic session conduct-
ed with this apparatus replaces three procedures: laser therapy, LEDs
(photo-) therapy and magnet exposure. Simultaneous action by these
three factors is much more effective than their consecutive application.
At the same time there are provisions to use one or two of these factors
in any combination.
The device is controlled with a microprocessor, has a digital dis-
play, photo-register of IR radiation presence, discrete timer, red illumi-
nation of irradiated area, sound and digital indication.

The device can be equipped with light-guide heads and a holding
support for the terminal.
Main technical parameters
magnetic induction in the center of terminals aperture , mTl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-80
pulse laser radiation:
wave length, mkm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,89
pulse duration, nc, at least . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
pulse power, W, at least . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,(10)*
pulse repetition rate, Hz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0; 5; 50;150; 600;1500
Continuous LEDs radiation
wave length, mkm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,85-0,95
average radiation power, mW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0; 50;100
Exposure (irradiation period), min. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . from 1 to 9 , 1-minute interval
Light Indication:
power on;
irradiation period;
LEDs power level;
Laser radiation repetition rate;
Presence of laser and LEDs radiation.
Red illumination of irradiated area.
Sound indication of irradiation cease
Square of terminals aperture, cm2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,8
Fed from the mains with frequency 50Hz and power 220V though adapter.
Consumed energy, VA, no more than . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
dimensions, mm:
terminal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105x60x65
though adapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120x60x40
Weight, kg:
terminal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,3
though adapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,35

*) Option.

Design and principle of operation
The apparatus consists of a power supply unit with a plug ,
and a terminal with control panel, connected with an electrical
cable (Fig.1).


4 3
Fig. 1 The apparatus

1. Power supply unit.

2. Terminal
3. Cable
4. Plug with a cord
A power supply unit is to supply voltage to the terminal. It has a
switch and a light diode to indicate power supply.
A terminal provides physio-therapeutic action over a patient.
Inside the terminals case (Fig.B) there are: a permanent circular mag-
net 3, fixed with a nut 2, a chamber 4, containing laser 5, four light
diodes 6, a photodiode 7 and red illuminating diode 8.

3 6

2 8

7 5

Fig.B. The terminal (from below)

1. Case of the terminal

2. Nut
3. Magnet
4. Chamber
5. Laser
6. Light diode
7. Red illuminating diode
8. Cable
On the terminals case there is (Fig.B): button POWER
LEVEL to set the required power level of infrared diodes, button 3
FREQUENCY to set the laser pulses repetition frequency rate, and
button 5 TIME (START) to set irradiation time and start emit-
ters operation, also there are light indicators of the chosen parameters.
(Fig. C).


7 4

Fig. C. Terminal (from above)

1. Power button to set light diodes power level.

2. Indicating diodes of light-emitting diodes power level
3. FREQUENCY button to set laser radiaiton repetition rate
4. Indicating diodes of laser radiation repetition rate
5. TIME(START) button to set exposure period and start the emit-
6. Digital board
7. A dot, indicating presence of IR-radiation.
The required irradiation time is selected by the button 5, and
depicted on the digital board 6. Radiation presence is shown at a dot 7
on the board , and red illumination. To turn off the emitters deliberate-
ly, use button 5.

Terminal can be extended with light-guide probes through an
adapter sleeve with a thread. This adapter sleeve is fixed to the termi-
nal under the screw nut 2 (Fig. 2).
Before starting the apparatus check :

integrity of a power supply cord, and terminals cable

if the terminal is intact
illumination of digital board and light diodes on the terminal,
and light diodes on power supply unit
sound indication of laser irradiation seizure
The apparatus is turned on by the switch on the power supply
unit. When on , indication diodes on the power supply unit and the ter-
minal light up. One of the diodes 2 (Fig. B) indicate the selected power
level of IR light-emitting diodes radiation (0;50; or 100 mW), one of
the light diodes 4 indicate selected frequency of laser radiation repeti-
tion (0;5;50;150;600; or 1500 Hz). Use buttons Level and Frequen-
cy correspondingly to set the required parameters. A digit on the
board 6 indicates duration of exposure (from 0 up to 9 minutes), set by
the button 5 TIME. 3-4 sec after the required duration has been set
the digit on the board start blinking. This means that the apparatus is
ready to start the IR-emitters, this is done with button 5 (START).
When this button is pressed again, the emitters are stopped.
A photometer registers the presence of IR radiation using a sig-
nal, reflected form the irradiated area. A luminous dot in the right bot-
tom corner of the digital board indicates laser and light diodes IR radi-
ation. Emitters working state is also accompanied with red
illumination of the irradiated area. When irradiation is stopped, there a
sound signal, and digit 0 on the board.


People under 18 are not allowed with work with laser apparatus-
es. No special reequipment is required in the room where MILTA is
It is strictly prohibited to look into the terminal when the device
is on. It is prohibited to place any reflecting objects (rings, chromium-
plated objects, mirrors, etc.) opposite laser beam. When on, the device
mustnt be left unattended.


It is important to stick to all the recommendations stated in the

manual and technical specification.
The patient is lying or sitting, and the terminal is being applied
to the area of treatment. Before that, the terminals surface should be
disinfected with 96%solution of ethyl alcohol, or it is covered with
protective film. When the damaged area is large, it is divided into
zones which are irradiated consecutively, with the account that the
total exposure time for one procedure usually amounts to 15-20 min-
utes, in some cases with regard to the patients age, treated area it can
be as long as 30 minutes. Treatment zones, frequency of LLLR pulses
are determined for each patient in accordance with the disease and
MIL-therapy method applied.
After the procedure, a patient should rest for about 10-15 min-
utes (during this period the cardio-vascular system reacts with most
intensity), if it is possible, lie (and even sleep) for 1.5-2 hours.
For women it is advisable to start MIL-therapy on the 5-7th day
of the period. Therapy is not conducted during the first three days of


A method of MIL-therapy applied should be determined with

account of the whole treating complex, and the patient.
No more than two different procedures are allowed within one
When MIL-therapy accompanies treatment with medicines, it
considerably boosts the effect brought by medicines, so, under doctors
control, and in accordance with ECG, echography readings, blood pres-
sure, there will be required gradual reduction in the dosage of medi-
One should be careful to proscribe MIL-therapy to sensitive,
emotionally unstable patients. In such cases, the given exposure dura-
tion is reduces twice.
If after 3-4 procedures the disease aggravates, exposure time
should be reduced 1.5-2 times, in comparison with that given in the
guidance, or a procedure should be conducted every other day. The
aggravation may last for less than 24-48 hours, it shouldnt worry the
patient; to relieve any discomfort, corresponding pain-killing drugs are
to be taken.
In neglected cases to obtain positive effect it is advisable to have
several courses, with the 3-4 week interval between them.
When several diseases are treated, it is advisable to have separate
course for each one. In the course of MIL-therapy in order to prevent
repeated aggravation, there should be taken vitamins or an antioxidant
Aevit (dosage 600 mg a day). Total exposure time for each session
should not exceed 20 minutes. A single area mustnt be exposed for
longer than 5 minutes (apart from cases described in the guidance). To
provide curative effect without side-effect it is enough for a doctor to
follow the instructions given.

MIL-therapy is conducted by courses of 10 procedures (up to

12) daily, better at the same time, once a day (apart from cases

Method of exposure
There is distinguished a contact method, when the terminal is in
the firm contact with irradiated area, and distant one (contact-free),
when there is a space between the terminal and irradiated area.
Treating terminal can be placed on the irradiated area motionless
(stable method), or moved (labial, or scanning method).
Methods of treatment are distributed in corresponding fields of
Every disease described has a corresponding picture with a table,
where there are given areas (areas of organs projections) a terminal
should be placed on. Every area has its recommended frequency, dura-
tion and power of exposure.

7.1. Surgical disorders

The structural basis for MIL-therapy stimulating effect over

wounds is , in the first place, changes in microvessels, i.d. their expan-
sion and accelerated formation, being the result of intensified prolifer-
ous activity of endothelial cells. Connective tissue, in the first place,
fibrocytes, protective and regulatory function of macro- and
microphages, plasma cells, eosinophiles, and especially, mast cells.
Without changing the quality of the wound healing process, MIL- ther-
apy reduces the duration of all recovery processes in a wound.
Peritonitis. (a localized form).
Timely performed MIL-therapy with account of process spread-
ing, significantly improves treatment results, reduces case falitity rate
and numbers of complications. Treatment is conducted on the follow-
ing scheme:

Exposed areas Frequency Duration LEDs' output

1. First three days 5 Hz,
2 min
2. then 50 Hz 50 mW
for every area
3. 50

A steady therapeutic effect is achieved when a combined treat-

ment method is applied: antibiotic lavage of the abdominal cavity, in
post-operative period-MIL-therapy. The course consists of 3-7 proce-
dures. Levels of histamine and serotonin are reduced after only the first
procedure. After the 3-5th procedure there observed a decrease in
inflammatory process in the peritoneum, intensified restorative process
with the reconstruction of the mesothelial sheet.

1 2

Fig. 1
Exposed areas:
1., 2. Areas on the abdominal wall at the edges of the wound.
3. Projection of crural vessels.
Slow-healing and non-healing wounds, trophic ulcers.

Exposed areas Frequency Duration LEDs' output

2. 2 min
50 Hz 50 mW
4. 4-5 min

Course duration 7-8 procedures, carried out daily, one proce-

dure a day. A course can be repeated in 2 weeks with the frequency
50 Hz, area 4 4-6 min, areas 1 and 3 2 min (on the wounded extrem-



Fig. 2
Exposed areas (in the case of diseased lower extremities).
1. Popliteal space (side of the diseased area)
2. Left infraclavicular region.
3. Projection of the vascular bundle (affected side).
4. Ulcers, wounds (if the damaged area is large, use scanning

Erysipelatous inflammations.

Exposed areas Frequency Duration LEDs' output

1. 5 Hz 3-4 min for each area
2. 5 Hz 1 min for area
3. 5 Hz 1 min for area 50 mW
1500 Hz for three
4. 2-3 min
days, then 50 Hz

The course consists of 7-8 daily procedures, one procedure a day.

MIL- therapy is conducted in combination with traditional therapy.


Exposed areas:
1. Area of the vascular bundle above the diseased area.
2. Area of the carotid arteries on the left and on the right.
3. Area of subclaviar arteries.
4. Inflammatory focus (a contact method in several zones, or distant-
ly with a scanning method)

Clean wounds and flesh post-operative scars.
MIL-therapy for clean wounds and fresh post-operative scars (as a
measure to prevent purulence) is conducted daily, in the morning,
starting from the second day (after the trauma or operation) for the
first 3 days, then after a day 4-5 more procedures (depending on the
progression of the wound-healing process). The terminal is placed 3-5
mm above the wound, extending to its circumference (a wound with a
square of up to 10 cm2 should be irradiated for 2 min). With vast
wounds 2-6 zones should be exposed to during one procedure, 1
minute for each. The number of these conventional zones depends on
the wounds size, and irradiated by the terminal area so that the
wound is fully covered. In the first 3 days the frequency used is 50 Hz,
the following days 50 Hz. LEDs output 50mW. The course con-
sists of 7-8 sessions.
Healing has primary tension without rough scarring.
Self-treatment with MILTA can be conducted over thermal
skins and mucous coat injuries of small size (from fire, hot objects,
boiling water) immediately after being burned. MIL-treatment is car-
ried out distantly over open injured surfaces, 5-6 mm between the
burn and the terminal. Frequency used 50 Hz, duration 1 min,
LEDs output 50mW.
The course consists of 7-8 daily procedures.
MIL-treatment is carried out immediately after the injury of
arms, legs, back, buttocks muscles by scanning or stable method. Fre-
quency of treatment 1500 Hz, output 50 mW, procedure duration
2-4 minutes. The course is made of 5 daily procedures (there are pos-
sible 2 sessions in a day, with an 8-hour interval).

Purulent disorders of soft tissues.
When purulent abscess is formed, after surgical intervention
MIL-therapy is conducted in combination with traditional treatment
over 2-4 areas (depending on the size of damaged area), around inflam-
mations focus, exposing each area for 2 minutes with LEDs output 50
mW. Every consecutive procedure is done at a bew frequency in the fol-
lowing order: 5,50,150,600,1500 Hz. The course consists of 5-7 daily

Fig. 4.
Exposed areas:
1. 2-4 points around the wound.
2. The wound

Purulent wounds.
When treating wounds, the MIL-therapy course can be extend-
ed up to 13 procedures (with the duration not exceeding 10 min).
Before the procedure the wound should be cleared from the discharge
and medicines (purulent discharge absorbs up to 90% of laser radia-
tion). If necessary, MIL-therapy can be conducted through sterile
gauze bandage. It is important to provide proper sterilization of the ter-
minals surface (wiping with 96% solution of ethyl alcohol), and fix a
protective sterile film on it.
Two procedures are carried daily during the first three days (one
in the morning, the other in 10-12 hours); their duration is 7 min, fre-
quency 50 Hz, LEDs output 50 mW. On the following 7 days there
is one procedure a day (in the first part of the day). Frequncy 150 Hz,
LEDs output 50 mW, duration 7 min.
After MIL-session wounds are treated as accepted in surgery.
Inflammation signs (erythema, edema, pain) are eliminated as
early as after 2 procedures (without MIL-therapy 5-6 days), healthy
granulation tissue starts forming in post-operative wounds on the 4-5th
day. Disablement period is reduced by 1.5-2 times in comparison with
traditional treatment.

7.2. Diseases of the joints. Traumas.

MIL-therapy is used after x-ray and other types of investigation,

both as a separate method, and in combination with diet, phytotherapy,
medicines-using therapy, massage, physiotherapy exercises.
When treating bone fractures, dislocations, MIL-therapy brings
excellent results even when applied single. Recovery term considerably
shortens. Taking a bone fracture, callus is formed quicker, edema and
pain disappear, microcirculation normalizes).
Wrist joint and articulations of hand.
(according to V.I. Korepanov).

Exposed areas Frequency Duration LEDs' output

50 Hz 2 min for an area
3. 50 mW
4. 50 Hz 2 min for an area

Treatment is preceded by X-ray investigation. In a patient suffers

from rheumatoid arthritis, MIL-therapy is prescribed only after
rheumatologists permission. The course includes 10-12 daily proce-
dures. The course can be repeated in 4 weeks. In the course of a year a
patient can have no more than 4 courses. In case of an intense pain syn-
drome brought by the trauma, during one day there can be used fre-
quency of 1500 Hz, duration and output as stated in the table above,
after that the frequency as in the table.




Exposed areas:
1. Articulations of hand from the palm (a scanning method).
2. Articulations of hand from the front (a scanning method).
3. Wrist joint (palm view)
4. Wrist joint (front view)
5. Lateral sides of the joint.

Shoulder and elbow joints.
(according to V.I. Korepanov)

Exposed areas Frequency Duration LEDs' output

50 Hz 2 min for an area
4. 50 mW
6. 50 Hz 2 min for an area

The course consists of 10-12 procedures, carried daily. The course

can be repeated in 3 weeks. In one year a patient can have no more than
3-4 MIL-therapy courses. When there is an intense pain syndrome, the
gives points are irradiated at the frequency of 1500 Hz, the duration
remains the same, LEDs output 50-100 mW. When pain disappears,
former frequency is used.

Front view Lateral view


Rear view

Fig. 6
Exposed areas:
1. Shoulder joint from above.
2. Middle of the forearm
3. Shoulder joint from the front.
4. Shoulder joint from the back side.
5. Bend of the elbow
6. Lateral sides of the elbow joint.
7. Olecranon from the back side.

Epicondilitis (tennis elbow).

Exposed areas Frequency Duration LEDs' output

1. 2 min
2. 50 Hz 50 mW
1 min for each area

MIL-therapy is conducted twice a day in the first five days, with

an 10-12-hour interval. Then there is a one-day break, after it the pro-
cedures are carried out every other day. Starting from the fifth proce-
dure (the third day of treatment), there are added tow more points to
be exposed 2 and 3. The course lasts 2 weeks. If necessary, the course
can be repeated in three weeks. When it is a repeated course, the pro-
cedures are conducted every other day.



Exposed areas:
1. Area of most intense pain syndrome
2. Nuchal bone area (projection of the seventh cervical vertebra),
2 points to the right and to the left of it.
3. Interior angle of scapula.

Knee and ankle joints, articulations of the foot.

Exposed areas Frequency Duration LEDs' output

3. 50 Hz 1 min for each area 50 mW

A course is made of 10 procedures, carried out daily. If necessary,

Mil-therapy can be repeated with a 3-month break. In the course of a
year it is allowed to have 3-4 courses. If trauma is accompanied by an
intense pain syndrome, treatment has the following parameters: on the
first day the frequency applied is 1500 Hz, during 2 minutes for each
point. Then the frequency is 50 Hz. Minor articulations of foot are
treated by a scanning method , frequency and duration as stated in the
table, output 100 mW. The course also lasts 10 procedures.

2 1


Fig. 8.
Exposed areas:
1. Areas above and below the patella
2. Lateral areas of the knee joint
3. Front area of the ankle joint
4. Back area of the ankle joint
5. Lateral areas of the ankle joint

Pelvis joint.
(according to V.I. Korepanov)

Exposed areas Frequency Duration LEDs' output

1 min
at every frequency
50 Hz, then 5 Hz 100 mW
2. 1 min for every
area and frequency
50 Hz 1 min 50 mW

The course consists of 12 procedures, carried every other day.

The course can be repeated in a month. Under intense pain syndrome
areas 1 and 2 can be irradiated with the frequency 1500 Hz, during 2 min-
utes for an area, then 50 Hz during one minute for an area (no longer
than for two days), after that there should be used parameters stated in
the table.


Exposed areas:
1. Greater trochanter area.
2. Two areas 5 cm above, below and on each side of area 1.
3. Area of the upper outward quadrant of the clunis
4. Pouparts ligament area
Spinal column disorders.
(according to V.I. Korepanov).
Under osteochondrosis, treatment is done over manually distin-
quished sore points.

Exposed areas Frequency Duration LEDs' output

1 min
1. 50 Hz, then 5 Hz 50 mW
for every area

The therapeutic course consists of 10-12 procedures. The ses-

sions are conducted daily; the procedure shouldnt exceed 30 minutes.
The course can be repeated in 3-4 weeks. No more than 3-4 courses in
a year. Therapy should be preceded by X-ray examination of the spinal

1 1

Exposed areas:
1. 7-8 areas of exposure along the spinal column, 1.5 cm on the left
and on the right

Traumatic periostitis.
(injury of the periosterum).

Exposed areas Frequency Duration LEDs' output

2 min for an area
50 Hz 50 mW
2 min
for every area

The method of contact treatment is applied in such cases. An area

of the diseased spot is being exposed during the procedure. Additional-
ly, there should be irradiated the areas of large vessels projection-areas
2 and 3. The course lasts 8-10 daily procedures. If necessary, the course
can be repeated in 2-3 weeks. Therapy is allowed only if prescribed by
a doctor.


Exposed areas when lower extremity is injured:
1. Injured area
2. Area of vascular bundle projection
3. Area of crural vessels projection

Inflammatory process in tendons (tendovaginitis) and mus-
cles (myositis).

Exposed areas Frequency Duration LEDs' output

1500 Hz, when acute
1. 5
pain is relieved 50 Hz
50 mW
2 min
2. 50 Hz
for every area

The course consists of 7-8 procedures, one procedure a day.

If required, the course can be repeated in 3 weeks. Frequency 1500 Hz
can be used no longer than two days.


Fig. 12
Exposed areas:
1. Area of the sore muscle (except for muscles and tendons near
2. An area along the spinal column, which corresponds level of injury
(scanning method)
Arthrosis of temporomandibular joint.

Exposed areas Frequency Duration LEDs' output

1. 2 min
2 min
for every area
50 Hz 50 mW
3. 1 min
0.5 min
for every area

The course duration is 8 procedures, carried out daily. A course

can be repeated, but not earlier than in 2 weeks.


Fig. 13
Exposed areas:
1. Area of the injured joint.
2. Area under lower jar angle.
3. Area of the spinal process of III cervical vertebra.
4. Areas to the right and to the left of the nuchal bone.

Cancaneal spurs.

Exposed areas Frequency Duration LEDs' output

2. 50 Hz 2 min 100 mW

The therapy consists of 10 daily procedures. This course can be

repeated in 3 weeks at the frequency 150 Hz, duration and output as
stated in the table. Under intence pain , areas 1,2,3 can be irradiated
with the frequency 1500 Hz during 2 minutes for an area, until the pain
is reduced (no longer than 2-3 days).


Fig. 14
Exposed areas:
1. Plantar surface of foot
2. The area of attachment between the Achilles tendon and the can-
3. External and onlyng surface of the cancaneum

Traumatic injuries of bones and tendons.

Exposed areas Frequency Duration LEDs' output

1. 5 min
2. 50 Hz 2 min 100 mW
3. 2 min for an area

When treating an ankle bone fracture, area 2 is exposed to irradi-

ation, when it is a case of a thigh bone fracture area 3 is irradiated.
Bone fracture area is being exposed through an opening in a plaster.
After one day of treatment, the frequency applied changes (150, 600,
1500, 600, 150 Hz). The first 5 procedures are conducted daily, the
other 5sessions every other day.

3 2

Fig. 15
Exposed areas:
1. Area of bone fracture projection
2. Area of vascular bundle to be irradiated in case of lower leg frac-
3. Area of vascular bundle to be irradiated when a thigh bone is frac-

7.3. Diseases of the veins in the lower extremities.

MIL-therapy can be prescribed in case of compensated or sub-

compensated condition of peripheral blood circulation in patients suf-
fering from aterosclerotic obstructions in the terminal section in the
abdominal aorta and main arteries in the lower extremities (injury of
aorto-ileac and thigh-knee segments), obliterating endarteriitis
(including the one aggravated by trophic ulcers).
Postthrombophlebitic syndrome (acute state).
MIL-therapy is conducted in contact, labile or stable (1-2 areas
around the thrombus should not be pressed). Treatment terminal is
being moved from the center to the periphery at a speed 2 cm/c, then it
is carried above the extremity in initial position, and moved again.

Exposed areas Frequency Duration LEDs' output

1. 1500 Hz 2 min
2. 2 min 50 mW
150 Hz
3. for an area

The course is made of 7-8 daily sessions. It can be repeated

in 3 weeks, with the procedures conducted every other day. Blood coag-
ulation is to be controlled.

2 3

Fig. 16
Exposed areas:
1. Thrombus area (inflamed vessel part), terminals movement is
shown by the arrow
2. Area of the crural vessels
3. Area of the vascular bundle above the injured vessel.
Atherosclerosis endarteriitis.
Obliterating endarterritis.

Exposed areas Frequency Duration LEDs' output

3. Start with 50 Hz, 1 minute
50 mW
4. then 5 Hz for every frequency

An optimum course duration 10 procedures, carried daily.

Smoking and alcohol are prohibited. After a month break the course
can be repeated. In the course of a year a patient can have no more than
3 courses.
Injured extremity area is being exposed to irradiation.



Fig. 17
Exposed areas:
1. Areas on the front-inner surface of lower extremity
(along the vessels).
2. Area of crural artery projection
3. Area from both sides of the Achilles tendons.
4. Area on the gastrochemius muscle (in the middle)
5. Popliteal space area.
6. Gluteal fold area
Varicous dilation of lower extremities veins.
(according to V.I. Korepanov).

Exposed areas Frequency Duration LEDs' output

3. Start with 50 Hz, 1 minute
50 mW
4. then 5 Hz for every frequency

MIL-therapy is possible only under mild or moderately severe

state. It is conducted in courses, consisting of 10 daily procedures. A
repeated course- in 30 days. No more than 3 courses a year. The
sequence of irradiation is shown by the numbers on the figure.
Injured extremity is being irradiated.


1 5

3 4

Fig. 18
Exposed areas:
1. Area of the crural artery.
2. Patellar area
3. Area on the front-inner surface of the ankle
4. Ankle joint area.
5. Popliteal space area
6. Gluteal fold area.
If there is a vein pathology in left extremity, its corresponding areas
are irradiated.
Raynauds disease.
(according to V.I. Korepanov).

Exposed areas Frequency Duration LEDs' output

1. 5 Hz 3 min
2. 1500 Hz 2 min 50 mW
3. 1500 Hz 3 min

Diseased extremity is irradiated. Course duration is 7-8 daily

procedures, 1 procedure a day. If requered, 3 course are allowed during
a year. If there is dual-sided localization, laser treatment is done from
both sides.


Fig. 19
Exposed areas:
1. Bend of the arm area
2. Paravertebrally, at the level of 3rd-6th cervical vertebra and 1st-
3rd of dorsal vertebra, at the affected side (scanning method).
3. Back of the hand (scanning method).
7.4. Neurology.

The Indications for MIL-therapy are based on its analgesic, anti-

inflammatory, anti-edematous effect. During MIL-procedure the areas
corresponding to topographo-anatomic projections of the nervous
trunk and innervation zones, in the exit points of corresponding nerv-
ous routes, are irradiated paravertebrally.
Complicated diseases from the field of psycho-neurology should
be treated only by the specialists in the field, experienced also in laser
reflex therapy methods (laserpuncture).
Radiculitis, ischialgia.
When treating such diseases, it is advisable to use MIL-therapy
in combination with manual therapy.

Exposed areas Frequency Duration LEDs' output

1 min
1. 50 Hz, 5 Hz
for every frequency
1 min
2. 5 Hz, then 50 Hz
for every frequency
50 mW
3. 5 Hz 2 min
4. 5 Hz for an area
2 min
5. 50 Hz
for each side

The course consists of 10 daily procedures. It can be repeated

in 3-4 weeks. Anti-relapse courses are advisable in spring and autumn.


Fig. 20
Exposed areas:
1. Upper outward quadrant of the clumis
2. Gluteal fold area.
3. The middle in the back surface of the thigh
4. Popliteal space area
5. Lumbosacral spine (to the right and to the left of the spinal
column), scanning method.

Facial nerve neuritis. (Fig. 21 A).
The terminal is being put on a painful zone, then slowly moved
along skin surface (slightly touching), along the injured nerve trunk
following lines 1, 2 or 3. The frequency applied is 50 Hz , during 1 min
for the whole line. Under mascular weakness, the frequency should be
5 Hz, during 1 min for the whole line. The course is made of 10 daily
procedures. LEDs output is 50 mW. There can be also irradiated and
area under lower jar angle, duration 1 min, frequency 150 Hz.
Trifacial neuralgia. (Fig. 21 B).
Before starting MIL-procedures, cases of disseminated
encephalomielitis and tumpurs of the brain should be excluded. Expo-
sure has the following parameters: ferquency 5 Hz, duration 1-2
minutes for an area, output 50 mW, total duration not exceeding
8-10 min for one side of the face (areas 1, 2, or 3 depending on the posi-
tion of the injured nerve). The course lasts 10-12 procedures, carried
once a day. If required, this course can be repeated but not earlier than
in 4 weeks.


Fig. 21 , B
Exposed areas:
1. When ophthalmic nerve is affected
2. When maxillary nerve is affected
3. When mandibular nerve is affected

Stroke consequences.

Exposed areas Frequency Duration LEDs' output

1. 1 min
2. for an area
2 min
50 Hz for each side 50 mW
1 min
for an area

The course lasts 10 daily procedures. If necessary, it can be

repeated, but not earlier than in a month, in year no more than
3 courses.


1 5

Fig. 22
Exposed areas:
1. Supraclavicular fossae
2. Infraclavicular fossae
3. Frontotemporal areas (scanning method)
4. Suboccipital fossae
5. Paravertebrally, from both sides of the 7th cervical vertebra.
6. Spinal bone of the 7th cervical vertebra.

7.5. Diseases of nose, ear and throat.

MIL-therapy is advisable for otolaryngological diseases because

of the effect it has over separate tissues, and on the organism as a whole.
MIL-therapy high effectiveness for ENT diseases results in
improvement of the state, and in most cases it can even help to avoid
operation of such diseases as chronic tonsillitis, adenoids, etc.
In complex treatment after surgical interventions in ENT-
organs, MIL-therapy gives quick anaesthetic effect, prevents complica-
tions in post-operative period due to its anti-inflammatory, desensibil-
itation action, stimulatory action over local immune system. A doctor
mastering laserreflex therapy can use laser-puncture which proved to
be efficient for treating ENT-organs.
Antritis (sinusitis).

Exposed areas Frequency Duration LEDs' output

1. 1 min for each side
2. 1 min for each side
50 Hz 50 mW
3. 1 min
4. 1 min

Under purulent processes MIL-therapy is allowed only if there is

a free flow of the purulent discharge from the sinuses, and under a doc-
tors supervision.
The course consists of 7-8 daily procedures. In 3 weeks this
course can be repeated.


Fig. 23
Exposed areas:
1. Matoid bone (behind the ear)
2. Projection of the Sinuses of Highmore
3. Spinal process of the third cervical vertebra
4. Projection of the thymus gland.
Tonsillitis, laryngotracheitis, pharyngotracheitis.

Exposed areas Frequency Duration LEDs' output

2. Changes every day:
3. 50 Hz, then 150 Hz, 1 min
50 mW
4. 600 Hz, 150 Hz, for every area
5. the following days - 50 Hz

The course is made of 7-8 daily procedures, one procedure a day

in the first part of the day. In 6 month, an anti-recurrence MIL-course
is advisory. If treatment concerns a case of laryngothacheitis with
stenosis higher than I grade treatment should be conducted only by a



Fig. 24
Exposed areas:
1. Submandifular areas (under the anglers of the lower jar)
2. Jugular fossa area.
3. Trachea at the level of thyroid cartilage.
4. Thymus gland projection.
5. Spinal process of the third cervical vertebra.
6. Areas from both sides of the cervical vertebra (most prominent

Rhinitis (catarral, purulent, vasomotor),
exacerbation of chronic atrophic rhinitis).

Exposed areas Frequency Duration LEDs' output

2 min
for each area
1 min
for each area
50 Hz 50 mW
3. 1 min
4. 1 min
1 min
for each area

The course includes 10 procedures. They are carried our daily, in

the first part of the day. Recurrent course can be conducted with
2-3-month interval, up to 4 courses a year.


2 2

Fig. 25
Exposed areas:
1. Wings of nose.
2. Areas under the lower jaw
3. Thymus gland projection
4. Spinal process of the third cervical vertebra
5. Areas from both sides of the spinal process of cervical vertebra
(most prominent vertebra)
Adenoid vegetations (I-II stages).

Exposed areas Frequency Duration LEDs' output

0.5 min
on for an area
0.5 min
for each area
50 Hz 50 mW
1 min
for each side
4. 0.5 min
5. 1 min

MIL-therapy is conducted daily. The course includes 8 proce-

dures, performed in the first part of the day. MIL-treatment is repeated
in 2-3 months, the third course in 6 months.
Therapy is prescribed by a doctor.


5 4

Fig. 26
Exposed areas:
1. Sinus of Highmores projection
2. Spinal process of the third cervical vertebra
3. Submandibular areas
4. Thymus gland projection
5. Area of Mohrenheims fossa on the right
Acute catarral otitis.
If otopyosis is suspected, MIL-therapy should be preceded by
paracentesis to provide outflow of pus. MIL-therapy is combined with
traditional methods of treatment.
Treatment should be prescribed by a doctor.

Exposed areas Frequency Duration LEDs' output

1. 2 min
2. 2 min
50 Hz 50-100 mW
3. 2 min
4. 1 min

The course is made of 8-10 procedures. They are conducted once

a day, in the first part of the day. A course can be repeated in 3 weeks.


Fig. 27
Exposed areas:
1. Area of external auditory canal
2. Mastoid bone (behind the ear) from the diseased side.
3. Submandibular area, at the diseased side
4. Area of the spinal process of the third cervical vertebra.

Chronic cochleoneuritis.

Exposed areas Frequency Duration LEDs' output

1. Frequency is changes
daily in the following
order: 5,50,150,600, 2 min 50 mW
2. 50,50,5 Hz

The course consists of 10 procedures, conducted daily, one proce-

dure a day, with altering frequency as stated in the table. LEDs output
and duration remain the same along the whole course. In 3 weeks this
course can be repeated according to the same scheme. Then there
should be a 6-month break, and if necessary (according to audiogram
data), Mil-therapy can be repeated.


Fig. 28
Exposed areas:
1. Mastoid bone (behind the ear)
2. Area of the external auditory canal.
Menieres disease.

Exposed areas Frequency Duration LEDs' output

1. 2 min on the right, and on the left
2. 50 Hz 1 min on the right, and on the left 50 mW
3. 1 min for each area

As pathogenetic factors for cochleovestibular disorders there is

violation of cerebral and system microcirculation. The course usually
includes 8-10 procedures, 1 session a day. After the first seccions a
patient can experience an aggravation of condition, which improves by
itself in 10-14 hours. A course can be repeated in 30 days.


Fig. 29
Exposed areas:
1. Mastoid bone (behind the ear)
2. Area of the external auditory canal.
3. Area of suboccipital fossa

7.6. Cardio-cascular diseases.

MIL-therapy is prescribed under some disorders of the heart and

vessels as a part of curative complex. Due to its analgesic, anti-ischemic
and anti-arrhythmic effects, MIL-therapy brings stability to the hearts
hemodynamic indices and cardiac function, elevates electric myocar-
dial stability and tolerance to physical loading in 88% of patients on
average. In the course of treatment the volume of required medicines
decreases, sometimes leading to their complete abolition.
MIL-therapy provokes cholesterol level lowering, decreases
lipid peroxidation, improves microcirculation and oxygen trans-
portation with the blood.
It should be noted that MIL-therapy over the heart area is
allowed only at the frequency of 5 Hz.
Attention: artificial valves, implanted cardiostimulators and
pacemakers are contraindication for MIL-therapy in cardiology.
Ischemic heart disease.

Exposed areas Frequency Duration LEDs' output

1. 2 min
2. 2 min
3. 2 min
4. 1 min for each area
5 Hz 50
5. 1 min
6. 1 min
7. 1 min
8. 0.5 min for each area

Course duration 10 daily procedures. It can be repeated in

4 weeks. MIL-therapy is combined with medicines prescribed by a


3 4

1 6

Fig. 30
Exposed areas:
1. Apex beat projection.
2. Second intercostal space near the left edge of the breast bone.
3. Second intercostal space near the right edge of the breast bone.
4. Areas to the right and to the left of the spinal column, middle of the
5. Middle third of the breast bone.
6. Area to the left of the spinal column, angle of scapula level.
7. Left carotid artery area.
8. Areas to the left and to the right of the spinal column, at the level
of the third cervical vertebra.
Hypertensive disease (I-II class)
Arterial hypertension.
Symptomatic arterial hypertension.

Exposed areas Frequency Duration LEDs' output

1. 5 Hz 1 min
2. 50 Hz 1 min for an area
50 mW
3. 5 Hz 1 min for an area
4. 5 Hz 1 min

The course should include 10-12 daily sessions. An additional

course can be conducted in 1.5 month. In the course of a year a patient
can have no more than 2-3 courses. It is advisable to remain in the lying
position 15 minutes after the procedure. BP should be measured twice
a day.
Hypotensive medicines are taken according to doctors prescrip-


Fig. 31
Exposed areas:
1. Area of carotic area pulsing on the left.
2. Area of upper dorsal and lower cervical vertebra to the right and to
the left (1.5-2 cm from the spinal column).
3. Kidneys projection from both sides.
4. Gall bladder area.
Hypertensive disease (second treatment method).

Exposed areas Frequency Duration LEDs' output

1 min
1. 1500 Hz
for each area
50 mW
2. 5 Hz 3 min
3. 50 Hz 3 min

The course is made of 10-12 daily procedures, one procedure a

day. After the procedure, blood pressure can decrease by 30-40 mm of
mercury, thus it is advisable to remain in lying position for 10-15 min-
utes. At the beginning of the procedure the patient is lying face down-
wards in order to irradiate cervical autonomic gangleon, then the
patient is placed on his back to proceed with the treatment.
Hypetensive medicines are taken according to doctors

1 1

Fig. 32
Exposed areas:
1. Area from I cervical to VI cervical vertebra, on the right and on the
left of the spinal column.
2. Area of the second intercostal space to the left of the breast bone.
3. Area of the second intercostal space to the right of the breast bone
Stable stenocardia (I-IV functional class), stenocardia at
rest (first attack, progressing stenocardia).
Extrasystoli arrhythmia.

Exposed areas Frequency Duration LEDs' output

2. 2 min
5 Hz 50 mW
3. for an area

The course includes 12 procedures, carried out every other day. A

recurring course can take place in 4 weeks. A cardiologist's supervision is
a must.

2 4


Fig. 33
Exposed areas:
1. The forth intercostal space on the left on the midclavicular line.
2. The second intercostal space to the left of the breast bone.
3. Gall bladder projection.
4. Area to the left of the spinal column , angle of scapula level.
Rhythm disturbance.
Treatment should be preceded with a cardiologists examination.

Exposed areas Frequency Duration LEDs' output

1. 2 min
2. 2 min
3. 2 min
5 Hz 50 mW
4. 1 min
for each area
5. 1 min

The course is made of 10 daily procedures, one procedure a day.

If necessary, the course can be repeated in 3-4 weeks. In the course of a
year no more than 3-4 courses are allowed.


2 4

Fig. 34
Exposed areas:
1. Apex beat area
2. Area of the second intercostal space to the right of the breast bone
3. Area of the second intercostal space to the left of the breast bone.
4. Paravertebrally, on the right and on the left
(III-IV dorsal vertebra level)
5. Area of the left carotid artery.
7.7. Pulmonology

Pathology in respiratory organs, first of all non-specific diseases

of the lungs, takes the first place among diseases both in our country
and abroad. The number of acute, recurring pneumonia is increasing,
chronic bronchitis is common which often leads to respiratory failure
and pulmonary hypertension. Although there is a wide range of medi-
cines with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, treatment of
such diseases remains tough task.
With its anti-inflammatory , analgesic, anti-microbial, desensibil-
ising and other bio-physical action, MIL-therapy has positive prospects
in treating patients with lungs disorders.
Application of these factors seems to be promising in curing
patients suffering from chronic pathologies in the bronchi and lungs.
Acute and chronic bronchitis.

Exposed areas Frequency Duration LEDs' output

2 min
1. 5 Hz
for each area
2. 1 min 50 mW
50 Hz, then 5 Hz at every frequency
for each area

The course should include 10-12 daily procedures. A recurring

course for chronic pathologies in 5-6 month at least. A pulmonolo-
gists supervision is essential.

1 2

Fig. 35
Exposed areas:
1. An area at the level of III-IV intercostal space from the front.
2. An area near the spinal column at the level of inferior angle of
scapula, on the right and on the left.
3. An area in the middle of scapula, on the left and on the right of the
spinal column.
Chronic obstructive bronchitis in the exacerbation stage.

Exposed areas Frequency Duration LEDs' output

1. 50 Hz 2 min for an area
2 min
2. 50 Hz
for each area 50 mW
2 min
3. 50 Hz
for each area

MIL-therapy accompanies traditional treatment with medicines.

The course in made of 10 daily procedures. Area 3 is exposed every
other day (in the course of treatment 4 sessions in total). A recurring
course in a month.


Fig. 36
Exposed areas:
1. Area of main bronchi projection between scapulas.
2. Area of shoulder girdle, on the left and on the right.
3. Area of ulnar vascular bundle.

Bronchial asthma.

Exposed areas Frequency Duration LEDs' output

0.5 min
1. 50 Hz
for every area
2. 50 Hz 0.5 min
3. 50 Hz 0.5 min
4. 50 Hz 1 min 50 mW
0.5 min
5. 50 Hz
for every area
0.5 min
6. 50 Hz
for an area
Additionally, areas 7 and 8 are exposed every other day.
7. 50 Hz 2 min
50 mW
8. 50 Hz for an area

The best therapeutic effect is achieved in the patients with mild

case of the disease, who do not take corticosteriods. For other patients
MIL-therapy can be prescribed only by a doctor. The course has 8-12
procedures, conducted every other day. A course can be repeated in a
month. If successful, preventive courses can be carried out as often as
up to 4 times a year.


1 3
2 4

6 6

7 7

Fig. 37
Exposed areas:
1. Supraclavicular fossae (on the right and on the left).
2. I-II intercostal space along mid-clavicular line on the right.
3. Area of jugular fossa.
4. Thymus gland projection.
5. Level of the interior angle of scapulas near the spinal column.
6. Middle axillary line.
7. Area of the elbow fossae.
8. Projection of the atrabiliary capsules (at the level of bottom ribs)
Acute pneumonia.
Chronic pneumonia.

Exposed areas Frequency Duration LEDs' output

1. 5 Hz 3 min
50 mW
2. 5 Hz 1 min for an area
1 min
4. 50 Hz, then 5 Hz 100 mW
for every frequency
2 min
6. 5 Hz 100 mW
for every area

The therapeutic course is made of 12 daily procedures, 1 proce-

dure a day. In addition, the treating terminal is being placed on inflam-
matory focus projection, its position is determined by X-ray investiga-
tion. The frequency applied is 5 Hz, output 50 mW, duration 2 min.
When used in a complex therapy, MIL-treatment makes recovery peri-
od 5-7 days shorter.

2 2

Fig. 38
Exposed areas:
1. Ulnar vascular bundle area.
2. Supraclavicular and subclavicular fossa areas on the left and on
the right, depending on inflammation positioning.
3. Area of the spinal column at the level of inferior angle of scapula,
from both sides.
4. Area of the spinal column at the level of middle of scapula, from
both sides.
5. Area of the spinal column at the level of angle of scapula, from
both sides.
6. Area under scapula, from both sides.
7.8. Diseases of the gastro-intestinary tract.

Gastric and duodenal ulcer.

Gastritis, duodenitis.
Therapy is preceded by thorough examination (gastroscopic
study, X-ray), if required biopsy, as chronic ulcers can be first manifes-
tation of a malignant process. Patients previously operated due to a
malignant tumor, are not subject to MIL-therapy. Patients suffering
from refractory ulcers with insistent exacerbation are to be exposed to
MIL-therapy. It is only after several procedures that patients note a
relief from pain, and general improvement. Endoscopy data show
decrease in inflammatory reaction, better microcirculation, reforming
of the connecting tissue of ulcer bed. The main reason for poor dynam-
ics in ulcer cicatriration is operations in anamnesis (ulcer suture, selec-
tive vagotomy). Ulcers exceeding 1.5 cm require longer treatment.
Treatment method:
Exposed areas Frequency Duration LEDs' output
1. 50 Hz 2 min
2. 50 Hz 2 min
3. 50 Hz 2 min
4. 50 Hz 2 min 50 mW
2 min
5. 1500 Hz
for each side
6. 50 Hz 1 min

Point 6 is to be irradiated every other day. The course consists

form 10-12 daily procedures, 2-2.5 hours after meal advisable. MIL-
therapy accompanies common treatment with medicines and a diet.


Fig. 39
Exposed areas:
1. Epigastium area.
2. Area of the left hypochondium.
3. Area of the right hypochondium.
4. Middle point between ensisternum and omphalus.
5. Paravertebral areas from the angle of scapula up to upper lumbar
part (scanning method).
6. Supraclavicular area on the left.
Chronic cholecistitis.
Diskinesy of bile duct.
MIL-therapy reduces inflammatory process in the liver and gall
bladder, brings their function to the norm, eliminates spasms in the sphin-
ters of extrahepatic bile dusts, leads to a decrease in surface tension and
viscosity of the bile. MIL-therapy produces stimulative effect over lever
regeneration. Local immunity, disturbed by a pathological process, is also
brought up.
Contraindications for MIL-therapy are such states as hydroc-
holecystis, non-functioning gall bladder, destructive cholecyctitis,
It is possible to treat cholelithiasis using MIL-therapy, if a patient
has sand or small single stones. In case of several stones of an average size
treatment can cause problems and be harmful. A doctor should be cau-
tious about any methods of ball bladder stimulation : if the disease of the
gall bladder is combined with ischemic heart disease, one should be aware
of cholescyto-coronal syndrome.
Treatment should be preceded by ultra-sound investigation.

Exposed areas Frequency Duration LEDs' output

1. 50 Hz, then 5 Hz 1 min
2. 50 Hz, then 5 Hz at every frequency
3. 50 1 min
50 mW
4. 50 1 min
5. 50 1 min
6. 50 Hz ( scanning) 1 min

If there are stones in the gall bladder, MIL-therapy is conducted

only by a specialist! The course includes 10-12 daily procedures. The
course can be repeated in a month, at earliest.



Fig. 40
Exposed areas:
1. Area of gall bladder projection (right hypochondrium).
2. Points of the right costal arch, 4 cm above and below area 1.
3. Posterior triangle of neck on the right.
4. Area of omphalus.
5. The middle between 1st and 4th areas.
6. Area from angle of scapula and middle of lumbar part (scanning

Chronic colitis (non-specific).
MIL-therapy should be preceded by examination (proctosigmoi-
doscope, X-ray-contarct examination) to confirm the diagnosis
chronic non-specific colitis. There is a number of diseases such as
diverticulosis and polyposis of colon, tumours, megacolon
(Hirschsprungs disease) which should be taken into account by a spe-
cialist when prescribing MIL-therapy.
Method of treatment.
Exposed areas Frequency Duration LEDs' output
3. 1 min
5 Hz
4. for every area
50 mW
2 min
7. 1500 Hz
for every area

The course of treatment 10 daily procedures. A repeated course

can be conducted in a month. In the course of a year no more
than 2 courses are allowed.

1 5

Fig. 41
Exposed areas:
1. Area of liver angle of colon.
2. Area of splenic angle of colon.
3. Right iliac region.
4. Left iliac region.
5. A point between the ensisternum and omphalus.
6. Omphalus projection.
7. Paravertebral areas on both sides from the angles of scapula to
sacral part (scanning method).

Chronic pancreatitis.
Insuline-independent diabetes.

Exposed areas Frequency Duration LEDs' output

1. 50 Hz 2 min
2 min
2. 50 Hz
for every point
50 mW
3. 50 Hz 1 min
4. 1500 Hz 2 min
5. 50 Hz 1 min

Treatment is made of 10-12 daily procedures. A repeated course

can be conduced in 4 weeks. No more then 3-4 courses are allowed in a
year. Area 5 is irradiated every other day. If pain syndrome, the first
two procedures for point 2 are carried out with the parameters
1500 Hz 1 min, output 50 mW.


3 4

1 2

Fig. 42
Exposed areas:
1. Area of the right hypochondium.
2. Area of the left hypochondium
(projection of pancreas head and tail).
3. Epigastrium area.
4. Scanning irradiation on the left side along the spinal column from
the middle of scapula up to lumbar part.
5. Left subclavicular area (exposed every other day.)

7.9. Proctology.

According to different sources, diseases of anorectal area take 10-50 %.

Neglected cases, requiring surgical operation, are most frequent.
When used at early stages of the disease, MIL-therapy can prevent
surgery. When prescribing MIL-therapy, a doctor should take into account
that some diseases of the colon such as polyposis, can be a precursor of malig-
nant tumours. In such cases MIL-therapy is not advisable.
MIL-therapy is used to improve the results of post-surgical treat-
ment of benigh diseases in the anal-rectal area. Laser radiation activates
many processes in the organism, improves energy and plastic exchange,
boosts microcirculation, stimulates regeneration, brings humoral and
cellular exchange to the norm, thus securing smooth running of a post-
surgical period.
A proctologist sanction is required before prescribing MIL-therapy
in order to exclude polipi of the colon or malignant tumours. MIL-therapy
is not prescribed if bleeding.

Exposed areas Frequency Duration LEDs' output

1. 5 Hz 1 min
2. 5 Hz 1 min
3. 5 Hz 1 min
1 min
4. 5 Hz
for every point 50 mW
2 min
5. 5 Hz
for every point
1 min
6. 1500 Hz
at every side

MIL-treatment includes 10 procedures, conducted once a day. A

recurrent course, if required, is conducted in 4 weeks, at the earliest.
Specialists supervision is obligatory.



Fig. 43
Exposed areas:
1. Area of the right hypochondium.
2. Area of the left hypochondium.
3. Iliac region of the left.
4. Points around the anus.
5. Projection of the crural vascular bundle
6. Sacral part of the spinal column, from both sides
(scanning method).

Anal fissures.

Exposed areas Frequency Duration LEDs' output

1 min
1. 50 Hz, then 5 Hz
at every frequency

1st-4th day 1500 Hz, 50-100 mW

2. starting from 1 min
5th day 5 Hz

Treatment should be started only if approved by a proctolo-

gist. Chronic long-lasting fissures are to be operated. The course of
treatment is made of 8-10 procedures, conducted once a day. For
convenience and to ensure sterility, the terminal should be covered
with a polythene film.


1 2

Fig. 44
Exposed areas:
1. Area around the anus (4 points), 2-3 cm from it
(contact or distant irradiation).
2. Area of the anal groove.

7.10 Gynecology.

Laser radiation is thought to be one of the most efficient and

promising method in therapy of various gynecological diseases.
MIL-therapy is most frequently applied when treating inflamma-
tions in uterine appandages. But one should be aware that at this pathol-
ogy laser is a factor used at the second stage of the therapy, that it should
be prescribed when the acute phase of the diseases is over. When used
earlier, laser radiation can boost exudative processes, aggravate condi-
tion of the patient, and contribute to pyosalpynx. The best results are
achieved when used for sub-acute and chronic salpingo-oophoritis, and
also for commissural process with a pain syndrome. MIL-therapy has
also found use in gynecological endocrinology, where it is used when the
reception to hormones in the tissues is decreased. Increase in the num-
ber of - and -receptors in target organs cells considerably improves
endocrine regulation of the reproductive function. MIL-therapy showed
good results when used for patients with deficient lutein phase caused
by inflammatory process in uterine appendages.
Salpingitis, oophoritis, chronic salpingo-oophoritis with pain
syndrome, commissural process in small pelvis, infertility
caused by obstruction in tubes, algodismenorrhea,
itch and craurosis of the vulva.

Exposed areas Frequency Duration LEDs' output

2 minutes
1. 50 Hz
at every point
2. 50 Hz 2 min
50 Hz,
3 min
3. on the 4th and 8th 50 mW
at every point
day of treatment
2 min
4. 50 Hz
at every point
0.5 min
5. 50 Hz
at every point

The course includes 10 daily procedures. A recurrent course can

be prescribed in 4 weeks. MIL-therapy can be prescribed only by a spe-
cialist, and conducted under his/her supervision. Self-usage of the
device can lead to unpredictable results.


Fig. 45
Exposed areas:
1. Uterine appaendages projection area.
2. Utrus projection area.
3. Crural vessels projection area
(irradiated only at the 4th and 8th day of the therapy).
4. Are of lumbosacral part.
5. Sole area.
Hyperplasia of endometrium.

Exposed areas Frequency Duration LEDs' output

2. 2 min
50 Hz
4. for every area
50 mW
0.5 min
3. 50 Hz
for an area

First five daily procedures are conducted, then, after a seven-

day-break this course is repeated. In two months another course of
MIL-therapy is conducted (10-12 daily sessions) according to the same
scheme with additional exposure of plantar surface of foot. Fig. 46,
area 3), 0.5 min for an area.


Fig. 46
Exposed areas:
1. Left subclavicular area.
2. Thymus gland projection area.
3. Plantar surface of foot.
4. Iliac regions on the left and right.
5. Area above the public region.
Climacteric syndrome.

Exposed areas Frequency Duration LEDs' output

1. 5 Hz 5 min
2. 5 Hz 2 min
3. 50 Hz 2 min
50 mW
4. 50 Hz 2 min
0.5 min
5. 600 Hz
for every area

The daily procedures are conducted in the first part of the day.
The course duration is 8-10 sessions. In a month there is a repeated
course according the same scheme. MIL-therapy helps to normalize
central regulation of endocrine system, notably increase psycho-emo-
tional status and improve patients life.



Fig. 47
Exposed areas:
1. Apex beat area.
2. Subclavicular vascular bundle on the left.
3. Liver area.
4. Pancreas area.
5. Paravertebral areas on the left and right at the waist level
(3r d and 4th lumbar vertebrae).
7.11. Urology.

Laser therapy has been already long used in urology.

Among a list of urological disorders which can be successfully
treated with laser therapy , there are some for which it is a contraindi-
cation. These are urelithiasis, polycystosis of the kidneys. In such cases
treatment is done only in medical institutions.
Acute and chronic prostatitis.

Exposed areas Frequency Duration LEDs' output

1. 5 min
1500 Hz 100 mW
2. for every area

Therapy is conducted when the urinary bladder is empty. Under

acute prostatitis MIL-therapy contributes medicines treatment only
after the 5th day. A recommended course includes 10 sessions. The pro-
cedures are carried out daily, at the same time. If required, a course can
be repeated in 4 weeks. Adenoma of the prostate gland is not a con-
traindication for the therapy, as adenoma is always accompanied by
prostatitis, treatment and elimination of the latter considerably
improves prostates function, thus alleviates adenoma, but MIL-thera-
py is to be supervised by an urologist.
This method is suggested by the Chair of Urology of Medical
Faculty in the University of Peoples Friendship.


Fig. 48
Exposed areas:
1. Pubis area.
2. The middle of perineum (between the scrotum and anus).


Exposed areas Frequency Duration LEDs' output

1. 2 min
50 Hz 50 mW
2. for every area

The MIL-therapy course consists of 10 daily procedures,

conducted once a day. If necessary, a recurrent course can be offered in
3 weeks.


Fig. 49
Exposed areas:
1. Area of the urethra, from the front.
2. Area of the urethra, at rear.
(according to V.I. Korepanov)

Exposed areas Frequency Duration LEDs' output

1. 100 mW
50 Hz 2 min
for every area 50 mW
3. 5 Hz

MIL-therapy is conducted daily, the course includes 7-8 sessions.

Treatment is conducted only when the urinary bladder is empty.


Fig. 50
Exposed areas:
1. Area above the pubis.(area of urinary bladder projection).
2. Lumbar-sacral part of the spine (on the left and right).
3. Projection of the crural vessels.


Exposed areas Frequency Duration LEDs' output

1 min
1. 50 Hz, then 5 Hz
at every frequency
2. 50 Hz 1 min 50 mW
2 min
3. 1500 Hz
on both sides

MIL-therapy is highly efficient when there is a neurogenic

disfunction of the urinary bladder. The therapeutic course is made
of 10 daily procedures. If required, a repeated course can take place
in 4 weeks.


Fig. 51
Exposed areas:
1. Area above the pubis.
2. Area of the solar plexus.
3. Area of the sacral bone, on the left and right (scanning method).
Chronic pyelonephritis.

Exposed areas Frequency Duration LEDs' output

3 min
1. 5 Hz
for every area
2 min 50 mW
2. 1500 Hz
for every side
3. 50 Hz 2 min

The course consists of 10-12 procedures, conducted once a day. If

necessary, it can be repeated in 4 weeks. Treatment with medicines is
prescribed by a specialist.


Fig. 52
Exposed areas:
1. Area of kidneys projection.
2. Area of lumbar-sacral part of the spine (scanning method).
3. Area of the solar plexus.

7.12. Endocrine systems disorders.

MIL-therapy is an efficient mean in the treatment of endocrine

disorders as a self-method, as well as in combination with traditional
drug therapy. For such diseases MIL-therapy can be prescribed only by
an endocrinologist, after thorough examination and constant bio-
chemical and clinical control in the course of the therapy.
Diseases of the veins in the lower extremities
under diabetes (diabetic angiopathy), trophic ulcers.

Exposed areas Frequency Duration LEDs' output

2 min
3. 50 Hz 1 min 50 mW
2 min
for an area

Course duration 10-12 procedures, conducted every other day.

Trophic ulcer area can be irradiated through a bandage with actoveg-
ene or solcoseryl ointment. Local drug therapy is seized when the
epithelium has started to cover the ulcer area. The area of the ulcer can
be irradiated with the following parameters:
ferquency 1500 Hz
duration 2 min, scanning method,
power 100 mW,
course duration 8 session, every other day.


Fig. 53
Exposed areas:
1. Area of trophic ulcer.
2. Subclavicular area on the left.
3. Area of thymus gland projection.
4. Area of inguinal vascular bundle.
Thyroid insufficiency (hypothyroidism) after autoimmune
thyroiditis in past , or partial resection of thyroid gland.

Exposed areas Frequency Duration LEDs' output

1. 1 min
2. for an area
50 Hz 50 mW
2 min

The procedures are carried out every other day, in the first part of
the day. Course duration 10-12 procedures. If therapeutic effect is
evident, the course is repeated in 3 months. Endocrinologists consulta-
tion is required.


3 4

Fig. 54
Exposed areas:
1. Projection areas of both lobes of the thyroid gland.
2. Areas on the right and on the left of the VII cervical vertebra.
3. Area of the liver.
4. Area of the pancreas.
Diabetes of the II type (non-insulin-dependent).

Exposed areas Frequency Duration LEDs' output

1. Exposure 2 min
for an area,
with gradual increase
2. to 5 min up to the
50 Hz 50 mW
4th-5th procedure

2 min

The procedures are done every other day, with course duration-
10-12 procedures.
A slight sugar increase in blood is observed immediately after the
first procedure in nearly all the patients. In 3-4 sessions the sugar con-
tent in the blood and urine decreases. Sugar content in the blood under
diabetes of the II type (either a patient takes different anti-diabetes
pills, or not) decreases 1.5-2 times on average, and depends on a
patients compensativeness. An amplitude decrease in daily fluctuation
of sugar content in the blood brought by MIL-therapy can be regard-
ed as a promising sign. MIL-therapy course can be repeated in 3-4
Attention! It is not recommended to irradiate the pancreas
through lumbar region due to possible stimulation over adrenal cortex
and contra-insular action of corticosteroids.


2 4

Fig. 55
Exposed areas:
1. Area of pancreas projection.
2. Area of liver projection.
3. Area of thymus gland projection.
4. Area of the left subclavicular vascular bundle.

7.13. Dentistry.

Inflammatory processes in:

-gums (paradontosis);
-periosteum (periostitis);
-mucous coat (stomatitis);
post-operative and traumatic injuries of the tissues in mouth.
Over-sensitiveness (hyperthensia) of enamel.

Exposed areas Frequency Duration LEDs' output

2 min
50 Hz 50-100 mW
1 min

Therapeutic course lasts 8-10 procedures. They are conducted

daily, in the first part of the day, if possible. The course can be repeated
after a 3-week break. If there is a special dental header, there should be
irradiated damaged area in the month (damaged tooth, gums, mucous
coat, etc.), instead of area 4, with the header at the frequency of
1500 Hz, duration 1-2 min, LEDs output 100 mW.


Fig. 56
Exposed areas:
1. Projection of pathology focus on the cheek.
2. Mandibular angle area on the same side.
3. Spinal process of the III cervical vertebra.
4. The terminal is held close to frontal teeth.
7.14. Dermatology.

Mil-therapy has been successfully used in dermatology for some

time. This application is based on its ability to improve the dynamics of
the treatment process, contribute to quicker recovery of the immune
system, normalization of neuro-humoral condition, edema, quicker
regeneration of the damaged areas.
This wide spectrum of positive effects brought by MIL-therapy
helps to obtain promising results when treating such a tough and resist-
ant to traditional treatment diseases as neurodermitis, eczema, psoriasis.
Viral dermatosis (herpes).
Eczema. Neurodermitis. Psoriasis.

Exposed areas Frequency Duration LEDs' output

5 min
1. 5 Hz
for an area
2 min
50 Hz for each area 50 mW
3. 1 min
1 min
4. 600 Hz
on each side
1 min
5. 1500 Hz 100 mW
over 10 sq .sm
5 min
6. 5 Hz 50 mW
for an area

The course is made of 10 daily sessions, one session in the first part
of the day. The course can be repeated in 4 weeks, if required. Up to 4
courses are allowed during a year. MIL-therapy should be combined
with traditional medicines application ointments, solutions, etc.
If there are cutaneous psoriasic or herpetic eruptions, these areas
should be irradiated at the frequency of 1500 Hz, during 1 min for each
10 sq.sm, power 100 mW.

2 3


Fig. 57
Exposed areas:
1. Cubital fossae areas.
2. Liver projection.
3. Pancreas gland projection.
4. Kidneys projection.
5. Area of the skin in damaged zone (use a scanning method).
6. Area of crural vessels projection.

7.15. Chronic anemia.

There is a significant increase in the efficiency of chronic anemia

complex treatment when MIL-therapy is applied (due to hematogene-
sis stimulation).

Exposed areas Frequency Duration LEDs' output

50 Hz 2 min 50 mW
3. 1500 Hz 1 min for an area 100 mW

Scheme of the therapy.

The first five procedures are conducted daily according to the

scheme given above. Then only the areas of inguinal vascular bundles
projections are irradiated every other day (see figure 58 area 3).
The 6th and 7th procedures are done at the frequency of 1500 Hz,
with power 100 mW, 2 min for every area.
The 8th, 9th and 10th procedures have the parameters of 1500 Hz,
100 mw, 5 min for each area.
In 3 months MIL-therapy course can be repeated, blood analysis
is required.


Fig. 58
Exposed areas:
1. Thymus gland projection.
2. Spleen projection on the left (between the front and middle axillary
3. Area of the inguinal vascular bundles.
7.16. Diseases frequent in childhood.

Over-saturation in medicines with an increased dependence on them

and allergic reaction, in-born enzyme defects with disturbed metabolism of
drugs, insufficient and costly traditional drugs treatment all lead to the
necessity to search for new, medicines-free ways to treat sick children, one
of such ways is being laser therapy. A childs organism has some peculiar
features which should be accounted for under any MIL-application.
A peculiar feature of a childs organism and diseases progression is
that a child requires a lower volume of laser energy for the same effect,
while over-dosage quicker leads to functional disorders. It should also be
taken into account that any functional biosystems, a cell as well as tissue,
operate at a very low energy level. Due to this, large volume of delivered
energy doesnt increase but oppresses the functioning of the system. (Bahr
F, 1986).
For children above 14 years MIL-therapy has the same parameters as
for adults. Treatment of any pathologies in children should be preceded by
an investigation.

Exposed areas Frequency Duration LEDs' output

0.5 min
3. 5 Hz 50 mW
for an area
0.5 min
6. 50 Hz from both sides 50 mW
(scanning method)

In-born imperfect development of gastrointestinal tract, intestin-

al infection are contraindications for MIL-therapy. Laser therapy is
prescribed under gastritis, duodenitis, colitis, disbacreriosis, in complex
therapy, and under pediatricians supervision. The course of treatment
is made of 10 daily procedures, one a day. If there is a need, up to 3
courses are allowed in a year. The following scheme is applied to chil-
dren at the age of 7-9 years, if older, exposure can be increased up to 1
min for each area, frequency 50 Hz, for area 6 frequency should be
changed to 1500 Hz, the power level remains thre same 50 mW.

1 3

6 5

Fig. 59
Exposed areas:
1. Area of the right hypochondium.
2. Area of epigastrium.
3. Area of the left hypochondium.
4. Iliac region on the right.
5. Iliac region on the left.
6. Paravertebral areas from both sides of lower-pectoral up to lumbar
part. (scanning method)

Allergic dermatosis.
Being a frequent case in paediatrics, this pathology is rooted in
inborn responsiveness altered by the allergy. In 80% of the cases it is an
inherited form of an allergic disease.

Exposed areas Frequency Duration LEDs' output

1. 1 min
15 sec
on both sides
3. 5 Hz 0.5 min 50 mW
4. 0.5 min
5. on both sides
6. 1 min

The course is made of 7 sessions. In 2 weeks MIL-therapy should

be done over cutaneous eruptions (2-4 zones during one procedure,
with exposure duration of 10-12 sec over one zone). After a two-week
break one more course should be conducted.
MIL-therapy is prescribed to children over 3 years old, in combi-
nation with enterosorbents, rice diet, fasting days.
MIL-therapy effect is mostly obvious in case of prior enterosorp-
tion aided to eliminate endointoxication (polifepan for oral and exter-
nal applications).



Fig. 60
Exposed areas:
1. Area of the left subclavicular vascular bundle.
2. Paravertebral areas on both sides of the VII cervical vertebra.
3. Thymus gland projection area.
4. Adrenal gland projection area.
5. Liver and pancreas projection.
6. Area of the right crural-inguinal vascular bundle.

7.17. Sport practice.

Swift rehabilitation for athletes after overloads and traumas.

MIL-exposure is received immediately after loading, then in 4-6
hours after it, in the zones of muscular tension. The frequency
applied 150 Hz, power 50 mW, duration 2 min for an area. In the
course of one session 4-5 areas are exposed, the next day there is con-
ducted one such procedure, but at the frequency of 50 Hz. Usually, 2-5
procedures of laser therapy are sufficient. The success of the therapy
can be boosted by a massage (after MIL-application).
To activate a productive psychological state
before competitions.

Exposed areas Frequency Duration LEDs' output

1 min
3. 50 Hz 50 mW
for every area

The areas shown should be exposed 30 minutes before



Fig. 61
Exposed areas:
1. Area of the VII cervical vertebra projection.
2. Area of thymus gland projection.
3. Area of kidneys, at the level of lower ribs.
4. Lumbar section of the spine (IV-V vertebra).
5. Area on the front-anterior surface of the calf,
four diametric fingers below the patella.

Stress, tiredness prevention, general improvement.

Exposed areas Frequency Duration LEDs' output

3. 1 min
5 Hz 50 Hz
4. for an area

A man should be MIL-exposed in the first ten-days of a month, a

woman-on the 5th-7th day of the cycle. MIL-prophylaxis course includes
10-12 procedures, carried daily in the first part of a day, if a patient
wishes it (black period of life, increased tiredness, flu outberak, etc.).
A repeated course can be conducted in 3 weeks, if necessary. No more
than 4 courses in a year.


Fig. 62
Exposed areas:
1. Area of the left subclavicular region.
2. Area of the VII cervical vertebra.
3. Area of the right hypochondium (liver).
4. Area of the kidneys.
5. Area of the V lumbar vertebra
6. Area on the front-anterior surface of the calf, four diametric fin-
gers below the patella.
Areas are irradiated in the sequence shown.
7.18. Cosmetology.

Skin booster.
Therapy should be preceded with specialists advice cosmetol-
ogist and laser therapist. Laser therapy should be conducted over a
clean skin.
Eyelids and neck can be exposed only by a specialist.
The areas shown in Fig. 63 should be irradiated as the arrows
show, and with a scanning technique.

Exposed areas Frequency Duration LEDs' output

1. 2
2. The first five
sessions 1500 Hz, 1 min 50 mW
3. the next five 5 Hz on every side

The course is made of 10 procedures, conducted daily, or every

other day. No more than 4 courses in a year.


4 2

Fig. 63


MIL-therapy is an optimal therapeutic action produced by three

physical factors (IR radiation from light-emitting diodes, short-pulse
IR radiation by lasers, and constant magnetic field), their parameters
and combinations scientifically proved and verified by extensive exper-
imental and clinical research. In the long-term investigation conducted
by Russian and foreign scientists MILTA-F apparatuses have been
found safe both for a patient, and a doctor.
MIL-therapy, due to its influence over sub-cellular and cellular
level of the tissues, is practically a universal tool in complex therapy of
the majority of diseases. This leads to the reduction of required medi-
cines (an organisms sensitivity to these shows a significant increase
under MI-therapy), an increase in efficiency of reparatory processes in
am organism, reducing recovery period. When MIL-therapy is includ-
ed in a complex treatment, the therapeutic efficiency reaches 83-92%,
for some diseases.


1. Alexeyeva N.V., Osnovina I.P., Cheida A.A. New methods in MIL-

therapy of gastroduodenal ulcer./Second Russian Scientific-Prac-
tical conference on MIL-therapy Quant electronics in medicine
and biology.-M.,1996.-pp.57-59.
2. Babushkin G.B. at al..\, The results of 10-year application of laser
in the therapy of ischemic heart disease/Psy. Medicine 1993. V3,3-
4, pp.55-58.
3. Gamalea N.F. lasers in experiment and clinical practice. Moscow.
4. Genkin M.R. Mil-therapy in dentistry. Methodical guidance for
practitioners. PKPGIT . Moscow. 1997.
5. Dmitriev A.E. at al. Laser therapy of stomach and duodenal ulcer//
Clinical medicine. 1991. V.694, pp.85-87.
6. Evstigneyev A.R. at al. Lasers in biomedicine. /Results of scientif-
ic-practical conferences and seminars in 1996.
7. Illarionov V.E. Ways and methods of laser therapy procedures. Ref-
erence book. Moscow. 1994.
8. Korepanov V.I. Laser sport medicine. Moscow. 1996.
9. Korepanov V.I. Laser therapy manual in two volumes. Moscow.
10. Korepanov V.I. Laser therapy in neurology, artrology, relieve form
pain syndrome. Moscow. 1995.
11. Korepanov V.I. Laser cosmetology for face and neck. Moscow .
12. Methodical quidance on the application of magnet-IR-laser appa-
ratus for quantum therapy RIKTA (edited by Yu.B. Heifitz.
Moscow: PKP GIT, 1999).
13. Polonsky A.K. at al, Therapy for arrhythmia under ischemic heart
disease, in test: AS 181 6458, 11 October 1992/23.05.93. Bul-
letin 19.

14. Application of therapeutic-diagnostic magnet-IR-laser apparatus-
es of MILTA-type in medical practice. Doctors manual in two
volumes. Part 1 (MIL-therapy), Part 2 (MIL-reflex therapy).
Compiled by V.A. Builin, candidate of Medical Sciences, J.V. Alex-
eyeva, MD., G.A. Antonova, C.M.S, V.F. Balakov, C.T.S, A.N.
Sheina. M.D.
15. Application of magent-IR-laser therapeutic apparatus with in-
built photometer MILTA-F in medical practice: Methodical
guidance/compiled by V.A. Builin/M., 1998.
16. Lasers in clinical medicine. Doctors manual /edited by
Pletnev/M., 1996.
17. Laser and magnet-laser therapy/edited by Polonsky A.K./
Moscow, VNIIMI, 1985.
18. Skobelkin O.K. Low-level lasers in clinical practice. Moscow, 1997.
19. New directions in laser medicine/Readings of international confer-
ence in Moscow, 1996/ edited by Skobelkin O.K.
20. Tkhorzhevskaya T.V. Magnet-laser therapy in complex treatment
of chronic bronchitis, aggravation stage.: Thesis, Moscow. 1997.

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND SPECIAL TERMS.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
FOREWORD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
MAGNET-LASER THERAPY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
DEVICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Indications for MIL-therapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Main technical parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Design and principle of operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
5. SAFETY MEASURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
6. WORK ORDER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
7. MAIN PRINCIPLES FOR MIL-THERAPY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Method of exposure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
7.1. Surgical disorders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Peritonitis. (a localized form). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Slow-healing and non-healing wounds, trophic ulcers. . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Erysipelatous inflammations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Clean wounds and fresh post-operative scars. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Burns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Contusion.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Purulent disorders of soft tissues. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Purulent wounds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
7.2. Diseases of the joints. Traumas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Wrist joint and articulations of hand. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Shoulder and elbow joints. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Epicondilitis (tennis elbow). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Knee and ankle joints, articulations of the foot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Pelvis joint. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Spinal column disorders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Osteochondrosis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Traumatic periostitis. (injury of the periosterum).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Inflammatory process in a tendon (tendovaginitis)
and muscles (myositis). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Arthrosis of temporomandibular joint. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Cancaneal spurs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Traumatic injuries of bones and tendons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
7.3. Diseases of the veins in the lower extremities.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Postthrombophlebitic syndrome (acute state). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Atherosclerosis endarteriitis. Obliterating endarterritis. . . . . . . . . . 54
Varicous dilation of lower extremities veins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Raynauds disease.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
7.4. Neurology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Radiculitis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Facial nerve neuritis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Trifacial neuralgia.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Stroke consequences. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
7.5. Diseases of nose, ear and throat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Antritis (sinusitis). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Tonsillitis, laryngotracheitis, pharyngotracheitis.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Rhinitis (catarral, purulent, vasomotor),
exacerbation of chronic atrophic rhinitis). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Adenoid vegetations (I-II stages). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Acute catarral otitis. Otopyosis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Menieres disease. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
7.6. Cardio-cascular diseases. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Ischemic heart disease.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Hypertensive disease (I-II class). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Arterial hypertension. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Symptomatic arterial hypertension. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Hypertensive disease (second treatment method). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Stable stenocardia (I-IV functional class), stenocardia at rest
(first attack, progressing stenocardia).
Extrasystoli arrhythmia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Rhythm disturbance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
7.7. Pulmonology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

Acute and chronic bronchitis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Chronic obstructive bronchitis in the exacerbation stage. . . . . . . . . 92
Bronchial asthma. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Acute pneumonia.Chronic pneumonia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
7.8. Diseases of the gastro-intestinary tract. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Gastric and duodenal ulcer.Gastritis, duodenitis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Chronic cholecistitis.Diskinesy of bile duct. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Chronic colitis (non-specific). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Chronic pancreatitis.Insuline-independent diabetes.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
7.9. Proctology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Hemorrhoid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Anal fissures.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
7.10 Gynecology.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Salpingitis, oophoritis, chronic salpingo-oophoritis with pain
syndrome, commissural process in , infertility caused by
obstruction in tubes, algodismenorrhea, itch and
craurosis of the vulva.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Hyperplasia of endometrium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Climacteric syndrome. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
7.11. Urology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Acute and chronic prostatitis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Uretritis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Cystitis. (according to V.I. Korepanov) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
Enuresis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Chronic pyelonephritis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
7.12. Endocrine systems disorders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Diseases of the veins in the lower extremities under diabetes
(diabetic angiopathy), trophic ulcers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Thyroid insufficiency (hypothyroidism) after autoimmune
thyroiditis in past , or partial resection of thyroid gland. . . . . . . . . . 128
Diabetes of the II type (non-insulin-dependent).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
7.13. Dentistry.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Inflammatory processes in:-gums (paradontosis);
-periosteum (periostitis);
-mucous coat (stomatitis);
post-operative and traumatic injuries of the tissues in mouth.
Over-sensitiveness (hyperthensia) of enamel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
7.14. Dermatology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Viral dermatosis (herpes).Eczema. Neurodermitis. Psoriasis. . . . . . 134
7.15. Chronic anemia.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
7.16. Diseases frequent in childhood. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Gastroenterology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Allergic dermatosis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
7.17. Sport practice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
Swift rehabilitation for athletes after overloads and traumas.. . . . . 142
To activate a productive psychological state before competitions.. 142
Stress, tiredness prevention, general improvement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
7.18. Cosmetology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
Skin booster. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
CONCLUSION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
ASSORTED LITERATURE: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
TABLE OF CONTENTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151


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