MERR123 Power System Stability
MERR123 Power System Stability
MERR123 Power System Stability
Lecture 1
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MERR123+2017B Quilumba Franklin - Homework 1
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In2000 the US National Academy of Engineering
(NAE) named Electrification (the vast networks
of electricity that power the developed world) as
the top engineering technology of the 20th
Beating automobiles (2), airplanes (3), water (4),
electronics (5)
Electricity has changed the world!
Forthe 21th century the winner could be
Development of a sustainable and resilient
electric infrastructure for the entire world 6
Power System Examples
Electric utility: can range from quite small, such as an
island(1), to one covering one of many countries (2).
(1) Galapagos, and (2)Ecuador, each operating at 60 Hz
Microgridscan power smaller areas (like a campus) and
can be optionally connected to the main grid.
Airplanesand Spaceships: reduction in weight is
primary consideration; frequency is 400 Hz
Ships and submarines
Automobiles: 12 Vdc standard; 360-376 V for electric
Battery operated portable systems 7
Simple Power System
Every power system has three major components
generation: source of power, ideally with a
specified voltage and frequency
transmission system: transmits power; ideally
as a perfect conductor
load: consumes power; ideally with a constant
resistive value
No ideal voltage sources exist
Transmission system has resistance, inductance,
capacitance and flow limitations
Loads are seldom constant
Simplesystem has no redundancy, so power
system will not work if any component fails
The BIG picture
Generation (13.8kV)
Transmission (138kV, 230kV, 500kV)
Subtransmission (46 69kV)
Distribution (6.3kV, 13.8kV, 22kV)
Load (0.12 138 kV)
Industrial customer, 23 138 kV
Commercial customer, 4.16 34.5 kV
Residential customer , 220/127, 120
240 V
Power Systems
Most complex system ever devised by man.
Theelectrical transmission grid can consist of
hundred (or even thousands) of substations to
which power plants, lines, transformers, and/or
consumers are connected.
Generatorsmust operate synchronously to
continuously balance the load.
function is to provide electricity to loads at a
desired quality with as few interruptions as
Power System Notation
Power system components are usually shown as
one-line diagrams.
17.6 MW -16.0 MW
28.8 Mvar -16.0 Mvar
59.7 kV 40.0 kV
17.6 MW 16.0 MW
28.8 Mvar 16.0 Mvar
Sector Elctrico
SNI - Generation over the years in percent
Sector Elctrico
Transmission &
Ring (mesh/loop)
network topology
Radial or weakly
mesh network
SNI - Demand over the years
Source: ARCONEL,
Estadsticas del Sector
SNI - Demand over the years in percent
Source: ARCONEL,
Estadsticas del Sector
SNI Demand Growth
Electric Utility Company
Brief History
of Electric
The Smart Grid
The term Smart Grid dates officially to the
2007 Energy Independence and Security Act,
Title XII (Smart Grid), USA.
Use of digital information and control
Dynamic grid optimization with cyber-security
Deployment of distributed resources including
Customer participation and smart appliances
Integration of storage including PHEVs
Development of interoperability standards
What is a Smart Grid?
The future energy system will be a complex
cyber- physical system comprised by different
domains interacting with interconnected
electrical power apparatus, through the cyber-
system used to manage it.
Interaction between Power Systems & ICT
Cyber-physical system:
Example: Wide-area control systems
WACS include an ICT platform that merges the input
measurement data and transforms it to a useful input signal
for controllable devices to perform a given function.
WACS consists of:
a number of PMUs;
a communication network;
a computer system PDC (aggregates and time-aligns data from
different sensors);
a real-time computer system (for control functions);
a physical component that varies electrical quantities following the
control function; and
using the GPS system for timing.
Anything else?
Integration of renewables
Integration of storage
Integration of energy systems
Integration of microgrids
Integration of electric vehicles
Smart building and smart cities
Internet of things
Power System Modeling
Much of class covers power system models.
An important quote to keep in mind is
Essentially, all models are wrong, but some are useful.
However, the approximate nature of the model must
always be borne in mind. G.E.P. Box, N.R. Draper,
Empirical Model-Building and Response Surfaces,
Wiley, 1987, p. 424.
Models are an approximation to reality, not reality, so
they always have some degree of approximation
Box went on to say that the practical question is how
wrong to they have to be to not be useful 30
Power System Modeling (contd)
A good part of engineering is deciding what is the
appropriate level of modeling, and knowing
under what conditions the model will fail
Always keep in mind what problem you are
trying to solve!
Generally, during power system stability
analysis, the emphasis is mainly placed on
modeling power generating units, but other
system components should be adequate
represented such as load.
Power System Time Frames
Power systems covers many different time
frames, with essentially no models valid for all of
to blackouts. 4000
On August, 10th, 1996, 4600 Simulated COI Power (initial WSCC base case)
customers in Western
Time in Seconds
North America. 33
The system lost its stability with
Model errors (contd)
increased oscillations, but the
post-fault simulation showed a
The simulation results showed very stable system.
more damping in the system
than the actual situation Various models were modified to
match the simulation results:
Pacific HVDC Intertie model
blocked turbine-governor models
made changes to voltage controls.
What is all of this about?
To ensure stable operation of the power system,
it is necessary to analyze the power system
performance under various operating conditions.
Analysisincludes studies such as power flow and
both steady-state and transient stabilities.
Toperform such studies requires knowledge
about the models to represent the various
components that constitute an integrated power
Static versus Dynamic Analysis
Statics versus dynamics appears in many fields
Anequilibrium point is a point at which the model is not
Real systems are always changing, but over the time period of
interest an unchanging system can be a useful approximation
Staticanalysis looks at how the equilibrium points change
to a change in the model
Power system example is power flow
Dynamicanalysis looks at how the system responds over
time when it is perturbed away from an equilibrium point
Power system example is transient stability 39
Slow versus Fast Dynamics
Keyanalysis question in setting up and solving models is to
determine the time frame of interest
Values that change slowing (relative to the time frame of
interest) can be assumed as constant
Power flow example is the load real and reactive values are
assumed constant (sometimes voltage dependence is included)
Values that change quickly (relative to the time frame of
interest) can be assumed to be algebraic
A generator's terminal voltage in power flow is an algebraic
constraint, but not in transient stability
In power flow and transient stability the network power
balance equations are assumed algebraic 40
Power Flow versus Dynamics
Thepower flow is used to determine a quasi
steady-state operating condition for a power
Goal is to solve a set of algebraic equations g(x) = 0
Models employed reflect the steady-state
assumption, such as generator PV buses, constant
power loads, LTC transformers
Dynamic analysis is used to determine how the
system changes with time, usually after some
disturbance perturbs it away from a quasi-steady
state equilibrium point.
Positive Sequence versus Full Three-Phase
Large-scaleelectrical systems are almost exclusively three-
phase. Common analysis tools such as power flow and
transient stability often assume balanced operation
This allows modeling of just the positive sequence though full
three-phase models are sometimes used particularly for
distribution systems
Course assumes knowledge of sequence analysis
applications, such as electromagnetic transients
(commonly known as electromagnetic transients programs
[EMTP]) consider the full three phase models.
Course Coverage
Course is focused on the analysis of the dynamics and
stability of high voltage power systems
Some consideration of general solution methods, some
consideration of power system component modeling in
different time frames, and some consideration of using
tools to solve example larger-scale power system problems
Courseseeks to strike a balance between the theoretical and
the applied.
PowerWorld Simulator Overview
Used for power system analysis and visualization
Runs in Windows
Download free 42 bus educational version at
Start getting familiar with this package, particularly
the power flow basics.
Free training material is available at
[1] M. Eremia and M. Shahidehpour, Handbook of Electrical Power System Dynamics:
Modeling, Stability, and Control. John Wiley & Sons, 2013.
[2] P. W. Sauer, M. A. Pai, and J. H. Chow, Power System Dynamics and Stability: With
Synchrophasor Measurement and Power System Toolbox. John Wiley & Sons, 2017.
[3] K. R. Padiyar, Power System Dynamics: Stability and Control. Anshan, 2004.
[4] A. A. Sallam and O. P. Malik, Power System Stability: Modelling, Analysis and
Control. Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2015.
[5] L. L. Grigsby, Power System Stability and Control, Third Edition. CRC Press, 2012.
[6] J. Machowski, J. Bialek, and D. J. Bumby, Power System Dynamics: Stability and
Control. John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
[7] P. Kundur, N. J. Balu, and M. G. Lauby, Power system stability and control. McGraw-
Hill, 1994.
[8] J. D. Glover, T. Overbye, and M. S. Sarma, Power System Analysis and Design.
Cengage Learning, 2016. 46
F. Milano, Smart Grid Simulation, IEEE ISGT Latin America, Quito,
Ecuador, 19th September 2017.
T. Overbye, Power System Dynamics and Stability Lectures, Spring 2016.
T. Overbye, Power System Analysis Lectures, Fall 2016.
P. W. Sauer, M. A. Pai, and J. H. Chow, Power System Dynamics and
Stability: With Synchrophasor Measurement and Power System Toolbox.
John Wiley & Sons, 2017.
A. A. Sallam and O. P. Malik, Power System Stability: Modelling,
Analysis and Control. Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2015.
J. D. Glover, T. Overbye, and M. S. Sarma, Power System Analysis and
Design. Cengage Learning, 2016.
Homework Assignments
Project 1: Watch Nikola Tesla documentary available at
Write down the main ideas in one side of a single sheet of paper
Homework 1: Read the following paper and write down a
summary in a single sheet of paper (10/28/2017)
P. Kundur et al., "Definition and classification of power system
stability IEEE/CIGRE joint task force on stability terms and
definitions," in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 19, no.
3, pp. 1387-1401, Aug. 2004.
Homework 2 available in dropbox folder (11/4/2017)
Thank You
Thank You 51