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R RITSUMEIKAN 14th October, 2017

ToWhom It May Concern:

Greeting from Ritsumeikan University! I am writing to inform you of the release of application
guidelines for the 2018 Monbukagakusho Scholarship for Overseas International Degree-seeking
Students and International Research Students,

Ritsumeikan University has started its recruiting process for overseas scholars seeking to'study
at our university with the assistance of scholarships financed by the Japanese Ministry of
Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology(Monbukagakusho). These scholarships will
made available to students whose applications are approved by the Monbukagakusho, based on
recommendations from Ritsumeikan University. We here at Ritsumeikan University would be
pleased to recommend students from your university who wish to take advantage of this
opportunity to undertake postgraduate studies in Japan.

Information about this year's scholarship application processes, along with application
procedures and downloadable forms are available on our English website. Please direct your
university's students to the followingpage:


I would greatly appreciate it if you would inform your university's students about this
scholarship opportunity. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at the address below.
Thank you againfor your continued cooperation and partnership.


Professor Toshiaki YAMAI

Executive Director, Division of International Affairs
Ritsumeikan University , ,

<Contact Office>
International Center at Biwako-KusatsuCampus,Ritsumeikan University
1-1-1 Nojihigashi,Kusatsu, Shiga 525-8577JAPAN
Tel.+81-77-561-3946 Fax. +81-77-561-3956 Email: cger-bkc@st. I)
2018 University Recommended Monbukagakusho Scholarship and Top Global University
Project (SGU) Scholarship Application Guidelines for Overseas International Degree-seeking
Students (September 2018 Enrollment)
The following outlines Ritsumeikan University's recruiting and. application procedures for ~O18 University
Recommended Monbukagakusho International Student Scholarships and Top Global University-Project (SGU)
I. Recruiting Graduate Schools, Majors/Courses, Program Levels, Recruiting Numbers
, ' I

(1)'Recruitment for Host University Recommended Monbukagakusho Scholarship

Graduate School of Economics, Graduate School of International Relations, Graduate School of Policy Science,
Graduate School of Letters, Graduate School of Technology Management
Graduate School Maior Level Enrollment Limit Number Recruitea
Master's 50 AFew
Economics Economics
Doctoral 5 A Few
International Relations
Master's 60 A Few
International Relations
Doctoral 10 A Few
Master's 40 A Few
Policy Science Policy Science
Doctoral 15 A Few
Master's 70 A Few
Doctoral 20 A Few
Letters Master's 35 A Few
Informatics of Behavior
and Cultures Doctoral 15 A Few

Technology Management Technology Management

Master's 70 A Few -
Doctoral 5 A Few
Enrollment Limit includes alf a lication methods.
number recruited may b~IJower, based on number of applications and entrance examination results.

Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering,
Graduate School of Life Sciences
Graduate Enrollment Number
Major Course Program Level Limit Recruited

Master's 50 A Few
Mathematics Doctoral A Few
and Physics
Physics Doctoral A Few

Electrical, Electrical, Electronic and Master's 140 A Few
Electronic and Computer Systems;
Computer International
Science and Systems Program for
- Science and
Doctoral 8 AFew
Advanced Mechanical Engineering;
Mechanical Robotics; Master's 140 AFew
Engineering Micro Systems Technology;
and Robotics
- Doctoral 11 A Few
CiVIl and Disaster
Mitigation Engineering for
Advanced Historic Cities;
Architectural, Environmental Systems and Master's 120 KFew
Environmental, Civil Engineering; ,
and Civil Architecture and Urban
Engineering Design:
- Doctoral 15 A Few
Advanced Computer Science; Program for
Information Master's 200 A Few
Science and Information Human Information Science; Information
Engineering Science and Science and
Engineering Engineering
- Doctoral 15 A Few

Applied Chemistry; International

Biotechnology; Master's 150 A Few
Life Advanced Life Bioinformatics; ProlLam for
Sciences Sciences ife
Biomedical Sciences; Sciences
- Doctoral 15 A Few
* Enrollment Limit includes all a lication methods.
*Actual number recruited may b~IJower, based on number of applications and entrance examination results.
(2) Recruitment for Top Global University Project (SGU) Scholarship
Graduate School of Economics, Graduate School of Policy Science
Enrollment Number Recruited
Graduate School Major Level Limit
Economics Economics Master's 50 A Few
Policy Science Policy SCIence Master's 40 AFew

Graduate School of Science and Engineering

Graduate Level Enrollment Number
Major Course Program Limit Recruited
Mathematics Mathematics Master's 50 AFew
and Physics
Electrical, Electrical, Electronic and
Electronic and Master's 140 A Few
Computer Systems;
. Computer
Science and Advanced Mechanical Engineering; Program for
Engineering Mechanical Robotics; Science and Master's 140 AFew
Ex:rineering Micro Systems Technology; Engineering
an Robotics
Civil and Disaster
Advanced Mitigation Engineering for -
Architectural, Historic Cities;
Environmental, Environmental Systems and Master's 120 AFew
and Civil Civil Engineering;
Engineering Architecture and Urban

II. Eligibility Requirements

1. Master's Programs
Applicants for Master's programs must meet the application requirements and conditions for Overseas
International Degree-seeking Students and Top Global University Project (SGU) Students as determined by
the Monbukagakusho, must be nationals of a country that has diplomatic relations with Japan (Applicants
who possess Japanese nationality at the time of application are not eligible), and must meet at least of one of
the following conditions:
(1) Persons who have completed a 16-year education program outside of Japan or who are expected to complete such a
program before being enrolled in the graduate school .
(2) Persons who have graduated from a Japanese university (*1)
(3) Persons who have completed (*2) a degree program of 3 years or more (5 years or more for those who would enroll
in a Doctoral program in the fields of medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, or veterinary medicine) and received a bachelor's
degree or the equivalent at a university or other institution outside of Japan (*3), or who are expected to complete
such a program prior to enrollment in a Ritsumeikan Universitygraduate school. . .,
(4) Persons who have been recognized as having an academic ability equal to or higher than university graduates by
Ritsumeikan University's graduate schools as a result of an individual preliminary screening and who have reached
22 years of age or who will reach 22 years of age before being enrolled m the graduate school (*4)
*1 As designated by Article 83 of the School Education Act
*2 Limited to those whose overall academic research and education have been evaluated by an individual authorized
by that country's government or appropriate related institution, or an individual designated by the Monbukagakusho
who meets these standards.
*3 Including those who completed a distance learning degree program of a university outside of Japan while in Japan,
and those who completed the same at designated educational facilities according to the educational system of the
respective university's country.
*4 Applicants who believe they meet criteria (4), above, must contact the International Center at BKC no later than the
day before the application period begins III order to undergo an individual review to determine whether their
academic ability ISequal to or higher than a university graduate.
In addition to the reguirements above, applicants must have the requisite language abilities to understand course
. - ;

materials at their desired graduate school.

2. Doctoral Programs
Applicants for Doctoral programs must meet the application requirements and conditions for Overseas
International Degree-seeking Students as determined by the Monbukagakusho, must be nationals of a
country that has diplomatic relations with Japan (Applicants who possess Japanese nationality at the time of
application are not eligible), and must meet at least of one of the following conditions:
(1) Persons who have been awarded a master's degree or professional degree as defined by Japanese law, or equivalent
Ill. Screening Method
Applicants will be screened based ~msubmitted application documents. Fo:eign language tests, written exams and
interviews may also be conducted If determined to be necessary by the desired graduate school.
* This screening will determine permission to enroll in Ritsumeikan University's graduate schools as an Overseas
International Research Student, only. If applicants are successful in this initial screening: Ritsumeikan
University will recommend them to Monbukagakusho. Monbukagakusho will make the final determination as to
whether or not to award the applicant a scholarship, based on their own, separate screening.

IV. Application Procedures

1. Documents to be submitted. All application documents must be submitted together.
(1) Ritsumeikan University Graduate Application Sheet (University designated form)
(2) Application for Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho:MEXT) Scholarship (Monbukagakusho designated
(3) Application Questionnaire (University designated form)
(4) Field of Study and Study Program (Monbukagakusho designated form)
(5) Letter of Recommendation by the dean, or person of higher position, at the applicant's school or institution
(Must be addressed to the "President ofRitsumeikan University, Japan")
(6) Official certificate of grades from most recent academic institution attended (Undergraduate or Graduate
degree program)
*MUST state number of credits and the year/period of credit acquisition for each course undertaken.
*MUST include, or be accompanied by a certificate that shows a clear explanation of all possible levels used
in grade evaluation (i.e. A, B, C, D, Fail, etc... ).
(7) Official certificate of graduation or expected graduation or of program completion or expected program
completion from most recent academic institution attended (Undergraduate or Graduate degree program)
(8) Records from most recent university indicating superior academic achievement with clear indicator of
outstanding performance (e.g. GPA, grades and criteria, or individual rank order)
(9) Abstract of thesis written for most recent academic degree awarded, etc...
*The abstract MUST be a concise surnrnary (i.e. 1 page maximum) of your most recently written thesis, or of
your graduation project or a term paper, etc... if you did not write a thesis.
(10) Copy of passport page containing the.applicant's name and date of birth or a copy of your family register or
residence certificate, etc.(applicants in possession of a passport must submit the passport page copy)
(11) Copy of documentation showing objective proof of level of linguistic ability

For Proof of English Ability

Submit a grade certificate from an English Language Ability Test (Score reports must be from one of the
following: TOEICListening and Reading, TOEFL iBT,or IELTS. Copies are acceptable).
*Test must have been taken in the two-year period preceding the application deadline to be acceptable.
Applicants who cannot submit a score certificate from one of the tests above must submit an original,
certificate of English language ability level, or a formal letter stating as much, issued by either their current
university, or, if they have graduated, from their alma mater.
*Certificate must have been issued within the two-year period preceding the application deadline to be
*In principle, applicants who intend to submit this form of certificate must consult with the Ritsumeikan
University International Center at BKC in advance.

For Proof of Japanese Ability

Submit score reports from the "Japanese as a Foreign Language" score from the Examination for Japanese
University Admission for International Students (EJU), or the Japanese Language Proficiency Test.
(Copies are
*Test must have been taken in the two-year period preceding the application deadline to be acceptable.
Applicants who cannot submit a score certificate from one of the tests above must submit an original,
formal certificate of English language ability level, or a formal letter stating as much, issued by either their
current university, or, if they have graduated, from their alma mater.
*Certificate must have been issued within the two-year period preceding the application deadline to be
acceptable. ,_
*In principle, applicants who intend to submit 'this form of certificate must consult with the Ritsumeikan
University International Center at BKC in advance.
(12) Certificate of health (University designated form, or form with identical contents)
(13) Three (3) passport-quality photographs, (4.5 em tall x 3.5 em wide, front-facing, photos taken within 6
months of application and showing applicant from chest up, with name and nationality must be entered on the
(14) PDF copy of !C~$~~ruE.~Ti1Iffi1rm~~ (Graduates of Chinese Universities, only) or PDF copy of 9:~
a~~~iHf**~ru~15-(Current Students at Chinese Universities, only) (*Students who attended or are attending
universities in Taiwan, Hong Kong or Macau need not submit these forms.)

2. Important Information Regarding Application.

(1) All submitted documents should be printed in Japanese or English on A4-sized paper by word-processing
software. Documents submitted in any language other than Japanese or English must have Japanese or English
translations attached.
(2) On all documents, name and date of birth must be written exactly as it appears on your passport.
(3) All application documents must be submitted together by international express mail to the address listed
below and arrive before the application period ends.
(4) Submitted documents will not be returned for any reason.
(5) Ifit is determined that your application documents contain any deliberate falsifications or forgeries, your
application will not pass the examination

3. Application Period:
Monday, October 23, 2017 -Monday, December 4,2017.
All application documents must arrive during the application period.
Documents postmarked by the cut-off date that arrive late will not be accepted.
Applications by email, fax, or walk-in will not be accepted.

4. Application Mailing Address:

Please send documents by express post (EMS, FedEx, DHL, etc.) to:

Ritsumeikan University International Center at BKC, Admissions Team

1-1-1 Noji-Higashi, Kusatsu, Shiga, Japan 525-8577
Phone: +81 (0)77-561-3946 Fax: +81 (0)77-561-3956

V. Notification of Enrollment Permission:

Initial Enrollment Permission Results Release: Friday, February 2,2018
Final Enrollment Permission Results Release: Mid-July, 2018
* Applicants who are granted Initial Enrollment Permission are not guaranteed to be awarded the scholarship.
* Applicants who are granted Initial Enrollment Permission by Ritsumeikan University will be sent a Conditional
Letter of Enrollment Permission to the address on their Ritsumeikan University Application Sheet. Ritsumeikan
University will also recommend their applications to the Monbukagakusho for scholarship.
* Ritsumeikan University recommended applicants who pass Monbukagakusho's final screening will be informed of
their results and receive a final notification of Enrollment Permission from Ritsumeikan University by mail.
* Applicants who do not pass Monbukagakusho's final screening will not meet the eligibility criteria to emoll as
Overseas International Research Students at Ritsumeikan University.
* Waitlisted candidates from Ritsumeikan University's Initial Enrollment Permission screening will be notified of
their status on the results release date as well. Ifwaitlisted candidates are later elevated and granted Enrollment
Permission, they will be informed separately, by the date specified on the waitlist notification.

VI. Enrollment Procedures

(Successful applicants will be given detailed instructions once their results have been determined.)

VII. Monbukagakusho Scholarships for International Students System

(1) This application procedure will be conducted in accordance with the 2018 Monbukagakusho Scholarship
Application Guidelines for University recommended Overseas International Research Students, to be finalized
around December 2017. Successful applicants will be recommended by Ritsumeikan University to
Monbukagakusho for scholarship awards.
*This application period is being held in advance of the Monbukagakusho's official release of application
(2) For details on Monbukagakusho International Student Scholarships, please see the Monbukagakusho homepage.
(3) Overseas International Research Students who wish to become regular, degree-seeking students must meet the
standards for entrance into the degree-seeking program and display superior academic achievement as indicated
by grades achieved in order to pass Monbukagakusho's strict evaluation to extend their scholarship to cover their
degree-seeking program. Even if applicants meet the requirements, there is no guarantee that all applicants will
.I be granted scholarship extension.
2018 University Recommended Monbukagakusho Scholarship
Application Guidelines for Overseas International Research Students
(non degree-seeking students) (September 2018 Enrollment)

The following outlines Ritsumeikan University's recruiting and application procedures for 2018 University
Recommended Monbukagakusho International Student Scholarships.
Overseas International Research Students are students who do not intend to acquire academic credits or a degree, but
rather intend to conduct research within Ritsumeikan University's facilities and receive research guidance from its
* It is possible for an Overseas International Research Student to extend the award duration of their scholarship and
progress into a Degree-seeking program if they possesses a desire to do so and fulfill certain requirements, of which
maintaining high grades is particularly important, and pass the Monbukagakusho's strict review. Meeting all
requirements, however, does not guarantee that every request for scholarship extension is approved.

I. Recruiting Graduate Schools, Major Fields, Program Levels and Recruiting Numbers

(iIJJLI,ltc School \LIJLll Lev cl RCLI L1llcd :\ umber

Master's A Few
Economics Economics Doctoral AFew
Master's A Few
Sociology Applied Sociology Doctoral A Few
Master's AFew
International Relations International Relations Doctoral A Few
Master's A Few
Policy Science Policy Science Doctoral AFew
Master's A Few
Humanities Doctoral A Few
Letters Informatics of Behavior and Master's AFew
Cultures Doctoral AFew
Language Education and Language Education and Master's A Few
Information Science Information Science
Core Ethics and Frontier Core Ethics and Frontier Integrated Doctoral A Few
Sciences Sciences
Master's A Few
Technology Management Technology Management Doctoral A Few
*Research Students' scholarship penod will be determined by Monbukagakusho.

II. Eligibility Requirements

1. Master's Level Programs and Master's level entry to the Integrated Doctoral Level Program in the
Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences
Applicants for Master's level programs or Master's level entry to the Integrated Doctoral Level Program in the
Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences must meet the application requirements and conditions for
Overseas International Research Students as determined by the Monbukagakusho, must be nationals of a country
that has diplomatic relations with Japan (Applicants who possess Japanese nationality at the time of application are
not eligible), and must meet at least of one of the following conditions:
(1) Persons who have completed a 16-year education program outside of Japan or who are expected to complete such a
program before being enrolled in the graduate school
(2) Persons who have graduated from a Japanese university (*1)
(3) Persons who have completed (*2) a degree program of 3 years or more (5 years or more for those who would enroll
in a Doctoral program in the fields of medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, or veterinary medicine) and received a bachelor's
degree or the equivalent at a university or other institution outside of Japan (*3), or who are expected.to complete
such a program prior to enrollment in a Ritsumeikan University graduate school.
(4) Persons who have-been recognized as having an academic ability equal to or higher than university graduates by
Ritsumeikan University's graduate schools as a result of an individual preliminary screening and who have reached
22 years of age or who will reach 22 years of age before being enrolled in the graduate school (*4)

*1 As designated by Article 83 of the School Education Act

*2 Limited to those whose overall academic research and education have been evaluated by an individual authorized
by that country's government or appropriate related institution, or an individual designated by the Monbukagakusho
who meets these standards.
*3 Including those who completed a distance learning degree program of a university outside of Japan while in Japan,
and those who completed the same at designated educational facilities according to the educational system of the
respective university's country.
*4 Applicants who believe they meet criteria (4), above, must contact the International Center at BKC no later than the
day before the application period begins in order to undergo an individual review to determine whether their
academic ability is equal to or higher than a university graduate.
In addition to the requirements above, applicants must have the requisite language abilities to understand course
materials at their desired graduate school.

II Language of
Graduate School Language of Instruction Graduate School Instruction
Economics Japanese or English Letters ' Japanese

Language Education and

Sociology Japanese Japanese
Information Science

International Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences

Japanese or English Japanese
Relations (Master's level equivalent)

Policy Science Japanese or English Technology Management Japanese

2. Doctoral level programs and Doctoral level entry to the Integrated Doctoral Level Program in the Graduate
School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences
Applicants for Doctoral level programs or Doctoral level entry to the Integrated Doctoral Level Program in the
Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences must meet the application requirements and conditions for
Overseas International Research Students as determined by the Monbukagakusho, must be nationals of a country
that has diplomatic relations with Japan (Applicants who possess Japanese nationality at the time of application are
not eligible), and must meet at least of one of the following conditions:

(1) Persons who have been awarded a master's degree or professional degree as defined by Japanese law, or equivalent
(2) Persons who have been awarded a degree equivalent to a master's degree or professional degree, as defined by
Japanese law, abroad or who are expected to be awarded such a degree before being enrolled in the graduate school
(3) Persons who have been engaged in research activities at a university or research institute for at least two years after
graduating from a university or its equivalent and who have been recognized by Ritsumeikan University's graduate
schools as having an academic ability equal to or greater than holders of a master's degree (the 1989 Notification of
the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture No.1 18) (*1)
(4) Persons who have been recognized by Ritsumeikan University's graduate schools as having an academic ability equal
to or higher than holders of a master's degree or professional degree, as defined by Japanese law, as a result of
individual preliminary screening and who have reached 24 years of age (*2)

*1 Applicants who believe they meet criteria (3), abov-e, must contact the International Center at BKC no later than the
day before the application period begins in order to undergo an individual review to determine whether their academic
ability is equal to a master's degree holder.
*2 Applicants who believe they meet criteria (4), above, must contact the International Center at BKC no later than the
day before the application period begins in order to undergo an individual review to determine whether their academic
ability is equal to a master's degree or professional degree holder.

In addition to the requirements above, applicants must have the requisite language abilities to understand course
materials at their desired graduate school.

Economics Japanese or English Letters Japanese

Sociology Japanese Japanese

International Relations Japanese or English Technology Management Japanese or English

Policy Science Japanese or English

3. Important Notes , '

(1) If you have any concerns about foreign education equivalence, your particular degree, or calculation-of-years of
schooling described in (1) or (2) above, please contact the International Center at BKC no later than theday before
the application period opens,

Ritsumeikan University International Center at BKC, Admissions Team

1-1-1 Noji-Higashi, Kusatsu, Shiga, Japan 525-8577
Phone: +81 (0)77-561-3946 Fax: +81 (0)77-561-3956

(2) All applicants currently who apply under the condition of "expecting" a degree award to meet the eligibility
requirements and are granted permission for enrollment under this application procedure must meet the
requirements above by September 25, 2018, the day before enrollment, or they will not be granted admission to
Ritsumeikan University (it is not possible to enroll at Ritsumeikan University under the condition of "expecting" a
prerequisite degree award.
(3) International Research Students in the Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences who wish to become
regular, degree-seeking students at the conclusion of this period of enrollment as an Overseas International
Research Student and meet the requirements for Doctoral admission may apply for entry into the integrated
doctoral level program as a third-year student.
(2) Persons who have been awarded a degree equivalent to a master's degree or professional degree, as defined by
Japanese law, abroad or who are expected to be awarded such a degree before bemg enrolled in the graduate school
(3) Persons who have been engaged in research activities at a university or research institute for at least two years after
graduating from a university or its equivalent and who have been recognized by Ritsumeikan University's graduate
schools as having an academic ability equal to or greater than holders of a master's degree (the 1989 Notification of
the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture No.118) (*1)
(4) Persons who have been recognized by Ritsumeikan University's graduate schools as having an academic ability equal
to or higher than holders of a master's degree or professional degree, as defined by Japanese law, as a result of
individual preliminary screening and who have reached 24 years of age (*2)
*1 Applicants who believe they meet criteria (3), above, must contact the International Center at BKC no later than the,
dar. before the application period begins in order to undergo an individual review to determine whether their academic
ability is equal to or greater than a master's degree holder.
*2 Applicants who believe they meet criteria (4), above, must contact the International Center at BKC no later than the
dar. before the application ~eriod begins in order to undergo an individual review to determine whether their academic
ability is equal to a master s degree or professional degree holder.
In addition to the requirements above, applicants must have the requisite language abilities to understand course
materials at their desired graduate school.
I Lanuuaue of
Graduate SChUlll I .ll1g11agc llt lnstrucuon , Graduate School Instruction
Economics Japanese or English Science and Engineering English
internatIOnal Relations Japanese or English Information SCience and Engineering EngflSh
Policy Science Japanese or English Life Sciences English
Letters Japanese Technology Management Japanese or English

3. Important Notes
(1) If you have any concerns about foreign education equivalence, your particular degree, or calculation of years of
schooling described in (1) or (2) above, please contact the International Center at BKC no later than the day before
the application period opens.
Ritsumeikan University International Center at BKC, Admissions Team
1-1-1 Noji-Higashi, Kusatsu, Shiga, Japan 525-8577
Phone: +81 (0)77-561-3946 Fax: +81 (0)77-561-3956
(2) All applicants currently who apply under the condition of "expecting" a degree award to meet the eligibility
requirements and are accepted under this application procedure must meet the requirements above by September 25,
2018, the day before enrollment, or they will not be granted admission to Ritsumeikan University (it is not possible
to enroll at Ritsumeikan University under the condition of "expecting" a prerequisite degree award.

III. Screening Method

Applicants will be screened based on submitted application documents.
Foreign language tests, written exams and interviews may also be conducted if determined to be necessary by the
desired graduate school.
* This screening will determine admission to Ritsumeikan University's graduate schools only. If applicants are
successful in this initial screening, Ritsumeikan University will recommend them to Monbukagakusho.
Monbukagakusho will make the final determination as to whether or not to award the applicant a scholarship,
based on their own, separate screening.

IV. Application Procedures

1. Documents to be submitted. All application documents must be submitted together.
(1) Ritsumeikan University Graduate Application Sheet (University designated form)
(2) Application for Japanese Governrnent (Monbukagakusho:MEXT) Scholarship (Monbukagakusho designated
3~ Application Questionnaire (University designated form)
4 Field of Study and Study Program (Monbukagakusho designated form)
~5 Letter of Recommendation by the dean, or a person of equivalent or higher position, at the applicant's school
or institution (Must be addressed to the "President of Ritsumeikan University, Japan")
(6) Official certificate of grades from most recent academic institution attended (Undergraduate or Graduate
degree program)
*MUST state number of credits and the year/period of credit acquisition for each course undertaken.
:MUST include, or be accompanied by a certificate that shows a clear explanation of all possible levels.used
m grade evaluation (i.e. A, B, C, D, Fail, etc ... ). ' ,
(7) Official certificate of graduation or expected graduation or of program completion or expected program
completion from most recent academic institution attended (Undergraduate or Graduate degree program)
(8) Records from most recent university indicating superior academic achievement with clear indicator of
outstanding performance (e.g. GPA, grades ana cnteria, or individual rank order)
(9) Abstract of thesis written for most recent academic degree awarded, etc ...
*The abstract MUST be a concise summary (i.e. I page maximum) of your most recently written thesis, or of
your graduation proj ect or a term paper, etc ... if you did not write a thesis.
(10) Copy of passport page containing the applicant's name and date of birth or a copy of your family register or
residence certificate, etc. (applicants in possession of a passport must submit the passport page copy)
(11) Copy of documentation showing obj ectrve proof of level of linguistic ability

For Pro~f of En~lish Ability

Submit a grae certificate from an English Language Ability Test (Score reports must be from one of the
following: TOEIC Listening and Reading, TOEFL iBT, or IELTS. Copies are acceptable).
"Test must have been taken in the two-year period preceding the application deadline to .be acceptable .
Apphcants who cannot submit a score certificate from one of the tests above must submit an original,
certificate of English language ability level, or a formal letter stating as much, issued by either their current
university, or, if they have graduated, from .heir alma mater,
*Certificate must have been issued within the two-year period preceding the application deadline to be
*In principle, applicants who intend to submit this form of certificate must consult with the Ritsumeikan
Umversity International Center at BKC in advance.

For Proof of Japanese Ability

Submit score reports from the "Japanese as a Foreign Language" score from the Examination for Japanese
University Admission for International Students (EJU), or the Japanese Language Proficiency Test.
~~~ , '
are acceptable)
*Test must have been taken in the two-year period preceding the application deadline to be acceptable .
Applicants who cannot submit a score certificate from one of the tests above must submit an original,
formal certificate of Japanese language ability level, or a formal letter stating as much, issued by their
current university, or, if they have graduated, from their alma mater.
*Certificate must have been issued within the two-year period preceding the application deadline to be
*In principle, applicants who intend to submit this form of certificate must consult with the Ritsumeikan
University International Center at BKC in advance.
(12) Certificate of health (University designated form, or form with identical contents)
(13) Three (3) passport-quality photographs, (4.5 em tall x 3.5 em wide, front-facing, photos taken within 6
months of application and showing applicant from chest up, with name and nationality must be entered on the
reverse) .
(14) PDF copy of ~1f$~~ruHfHI;T71mHiIi~~ (Graduates of Chinese Universities, only) or PDF copy of ~1f
$~~tE~~ruE~l1f(Current Students at Chinese Universities, only) (*Students who attended or fire attending
universities in Taiwan, Hong Kong or Macau need not submit these forms.)

2. Important Information Regarding Application.

(1) All submitted documents should be printed in Japanese or English on A4-sized paper by word-processing
software. Documents submitted in any language other than Japanese or English must have Japanese or English
translations attached.
(23) On all documents, name and date of birth must be written exactly as it appears on your passport.
( ) All application documents must be submitted together by international express mail to the address listed at
"4." below and arrive before the application penod ends.
(45) Submitted documents will not be returned for any reason.
( ) If it is determined that your application documents contain any deliberate falsifications or forgeries, your
application will not pass the examination

3. Application Period:
Monday, October 23, 2017 - Monday, December 4,2017.
All application documents must arrive during the application period.
Documents postmarked by the cut-off date that arnve late will not be accepted.
Applications by email, fax, or walk-in will not be accepted.

4. Application Mailing Address:

Please send documents by express post (EMS, FedEx, DHL, etc.) to:

Ritsumeikan University International Center at BKC, Admissions Team

1-1-1 Noji-Higashi, Kusatsu, Shiga, Japan 525-8577
Phone: +81 (0)77-561-3946 Fax: +81 (0)77-561-3956

V. Notification of results
Friday, February 2,2018
* Applicants who pass Ritsumeikan University's screening will be sent a letter of acceptance to the address on their
Ritsumeikan University Graduate Application Sheet. Ritsumeikan University will also recommend their applications
to the Monbukagakusho for scholarship.
* Passing Ritsumeikan University's screening does not guarantee that an applicant will be granted a scholarship from
* Waitlisted candidates from Ritsumeikan University's primary screening will be notified of their status as well. If
waitlisted candidates are later elevated to passmg status, they will be mformed separately, by the date specified on the
waitlist notification.

VI. Admissions Procedures

(Successful applicants will be given detailed instructions once their results have been determined.)

VII. Monbukagakusho Scholarships for International Students System

(1) This entrance examination will be conducted in accordance with the 2018 Monbukagakusho Scholarship
Application Guidelines for University recommended Overseas International Students, to be finalized around
December 2017, and the Top Global University Project Scholarship Application Guidelines for University
recommended Overseas International Students, to be finalized around April 2018. Successful applicants will be
recommended by Ritsumeikan University to the Monbukagakusho for scholarship awards.
"This application period is being held in advance of the Monbukagakusho's official release of application
(2) For details on Monbukagakusho International Student Scholarships, please see the Monbukagakusho homepage.

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