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Isometric Drawings

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Isometric Drawings

Isometric drawings are a means of drawing an object in picture form for better clari-
fying the objects appearance. These types of drawings resemble a picture of an object
that is drawn in two dimensions. As a result, existing AutoCAD commands such as
LINE and COPY are used for producing isometric drawings. This chapter will explain
isometric basics including how regular, angular, and circular objects are drawn in
isometric. Numerous isometric aids such as snap and isometric axes will be explained
to assist in the construction of isometric drawings.
Isometric drawings consist of two-dimensional drawings that are tilted at some angle
to expose other views and give the viewer the illusion that what he or she is viewing is
a three-dimensional drawing. The tilting occurs with two 30 angles that are struck
from the intersection of a horizontal baseline and a vertical line (see Figure A1).
The directions formed by the 30 angles represent actual dimensions of the object;
this may be either the width or depth. The vertical line in most cases represents the
height dimension.

Figure A1

Figure A2 is a very simple example of how an object is aligned to the isometric axis.
Once the horizontal baseline and vertical line are drawn, the 30 angles are projected
from this common point, which becomes the reference point of the isometric view.
In this example, once the 30 lines are drawn, the baseline is no longer needed and it
is usually discarded through erasing. Depending on how the object is to be viewed,
width and depth measurements are made along the 30 lines. Height is measured
along the vertical line. Figure A2 has the width dimension measured off to the left


30 line while the depth dimension measures to the right along the right 30 line.
Once the object is blocked with overall width, depth, and height, details are added,
and lines are erased and trimmed, leaving the finished object. Holes in isometric
drawings no longer appear as full circles but rather as ellipses. Techniques of drawing
circles in isometric will be discussed later in this chapter.

Figure A2

Notice that the objects in Figure A3 both resemble the object in Figure A2 except
they appear from a different vantage point. The problem with isometric drawings is
that if an isometric of an object is drawn from one viewing point and you want an
isometric from another viewing point, an entirely different isometric drawing must
be generated from scratch. Complex isometric drawings from different views can be
very tedious to draw. Another interesting observation concerning the objects in Fig-
ure A3 is that one has hidden lines while the other does not. Usually only the visible
surfaces of an object are drawn in isometric, with hidden lines left out. Although this
is considered the preferred practice, there are always times when hidden lines are
needed to clarify very complex isometric drawings.

Figure A3
Isometric Drawings 3


Figure A4 shows the current AutoCAD screen complete with cursor and grid on. In
manual drawing and sketching days, an isometric grid was used to lay out all lines
before the lines were transferred to paper or Mylar for pen and ink drawings. An
isometric grid may be defined in an AutoCAD drawing through the SNAP command.
This would be the same grid found on isometric grid paper.

Figure A4

The display screen in Figure A5 reflects the use of the SNAP command and how this
command affects the current grid display:
Command: SN (For SNAP)
Snap spacing or ON/OFF/Aspect/Rotate/Style <0.2500>: S (for Style)
Standard/Isometric <S>: I (for Isometric)
Vertical spacing <0.5000>: (Press ENTER to accept default value)

Choosing an isometric style of snap changes the grid display from orthographic to
isometric, shown in Figure A5. The grid distance conforms to a vertical spacing
height that you specify. As the grid changes, notice the display of the typical AutoCAD
cursor; it conforms to an isometric axis plane and is used as an aid in constructing
isometric drawings.

Figure A5

To see how this vertical spacing distance affects the grid, changing it to isometric, see
Figure A6. The grid dot at A becomes the reference point where the horizontal
baseline is placed followed by the vertical line represented by the dot at B. At dots
A and B, 30 lines are drawn; points C and D are formed where they intersect.
This is how an isometric screen display is formed.

Figure A6

The AutoCAD cursor has always been the vehicle for drawing objects or construct-
ing windows for object selection mode. Once in isometric snap mode, AutoCAD
supports three axes to assist in the construction of isometric drawings. The first axis is
the Left axis and may control that part of an object falling into the left projection
plane. The Left axis cursor displays a vertical line intersected by a 30-angle line,
which is drawn to the left. This axis is displayed in the illustration in Figure A7 and
in the following drawing:
Isometric Drawings 5

Figure A7

The next isometric axis is the Top mode. Objects falling into the top projection plane
may be drawn using this isometric axis. This cursor consists of two 30-angle lines
intersecting each other forming the center of the cursor. This mode is displayed in
Figure A8 and in the following drawing:

Figure A8

The final isometric axis is called the Right mode and is formed by the intersection of
a vertical line and a 30 angle drawn off to the right. As with the previous two modes,
objects that fall along the right projection plane of an isometric drawing may be
drawn with this cursor. It is displayed in Figure A9 and in the following drawing.
The current Ortho mode affects all three modes. If Ortho is on, and the current
isometric axis is Right, lines and other operations requiring direction will be forced to
be drawn vertical or at a 30 angle to the right, as shown in the following drawing:

Figure A9


Once an isometric drawing is completed, it may be necessary to change the grid,
snap, and cursor back to normal. This might result from the need to place text on the
drawing, and the isometric axis now confuses instead of assists in the drawing pro-
cess. Use the following prompts to reset the snap back to the Standard spacing. See
Figure A10.
Command: SN (For SNAP)
Snap spacing or ON/OFF/Rotate/Style <0.2500>: S (for Style)
Standard/Isometric <I>: S (for Standard)
Spacing/Aspect <0.5000>: (Press ENTER to accept the default value)

Notice that when you change the snap style to Standard, the AutoCAD cursor re-
verts to its original display.
Isometric Drawings 7

Figure A10


Choosing Drafting Settings from the Tools pull-down menu in Figure A11A
displays the Drafting Settings dialog box in Figure A11B. Here, in addition to Snap
and Grid, an Isometric area exists to automatically set up an isometric grid by click-
ing in the radio button next to Isometric Snap. This has the same effect as using the
SNAP-Style-Isometric option.

Figure A11A Figure A11B


Various methods exist to switch from one isometric axis mode to another. By default,
after you set up an isometric grid, the Left isometric axis mode is active (see Figure
A12). When you press CTRL+E, the Left axis mode changes to the Top axis mode.
Pressing CTRL+E again changes from the Top axis mode to the Right axis mode.
Pressing CTRL+E a third time changes from the Right axis mode back to the Left axis
mode, and the pattern repeats from here. Using this keyboard entry, it is possible to
switch or toggle from one mode to another.
The F5 function key also allows you to scroll through the different Isoplane modes.

Figure A12


Circles appear as ellipses when drawn in any of the three isometric axes. The ELLIPSE
command has a special Isocircle option to assist in drawing isometric circles; the
Isocircle option will appear in the ELLIPSE command only if the current SNAP-Style
is Isometric (see Figure A13). The prompt sequence for this command is:

Command: EL (For ELLIPSE)

Arc/Center/Isocircle/<Axis endpoint 1>: I (for Isocircle)
Center of circle: (Select a center point)
<Circle radius>/Diameter: (Enter a value for the radius or type D for diameter and
enter a value)

When you draw isometric circles using the ELLIPSE command, it is important to match
the isometric axis with the isometric plane the circle is to be drawn in. Figure A14
shows a cube displaying all three axes.
Try It! - Open the drawing file A_Iso Ellipse1. This drawing is similar to Figure
A14. Using the three isometric planes, construct ellipses with a diameter of 2.00
units using the X points as centers.
Isometric Drawings 9

Figure A13 Figure A14

Figure A15 shows the result of drawing an isometric circle using the wrong isomet-
ric axis. The isometric box is drawn in the Top isometric plane while the current
isometric axis mode is Left. An isometric circle can be drawn to the correct size, but
notice that it does not match the box it was designed for. If you notice halfway through
the ELLIPSE command that you are in the wrong isometric axis, press CTRL+E until the
correct axis appears.

Figure A15


Any isometric drawing, no matter how simple or complex, has an overall width, height,
and depth dimension. Start laying out the drawing with these three dimensions to
create an isometric box illustrated in the example in Figure A16A. Some techniques
rely on piecing the isometric drawing together by views; unfortunately, it is very easy
to get lost in all of the lines using this method. Once a box is created from overall
dimensions, somewhere inside the box is the object.
With the box as a guide, begin laying out all visible features in the primary planes.
Use the Left, Top, or Right isometric axis modes to assist you in this construction
process. See Figure A16B.

Figure A16A Figure A16B

You may use existing AutoCAD editing commands, especially COPY, to duplicate
geometry to show depth of features, as shown in Figure A16C. The OFFSET com-
mand should not be attempted for performing isometric drawings. Next, use the TRIM
command to partially delete geometry where objects are not visible. Remember, most
isometric objects do not require hidden lines.
Use the LINE command to connect intersections of surface corners. The resulting iso-
metric drawing is illustrated in Figure A16D.

Figure A16C Figure A16D

Try It! - Open the drawing file A_Iso Basic in Figure A16B. Continue copying and
trimming line segments until you achieve the desired results in Figure A16D.


Drawing angles in isometric is a little tricky but not impossible. The two-view draw-
ing in Figure A17 has an angle of unknown size; however, one endpoint of the angle
measures 2.06 units from the top horizontal line of the Front view at B, and the
Isometric Drawings 11

other endpoint measures 1.00 unit from the vertical line of the Front view at A.
This is more than enough information to lay out the endpoints of the angle in iso-
metric. You can use the MEASURE command to lay out these distances easily. The LINE
command is then used to connect the points to form the angle.

Figure A17

Before using the MEASURE command, set the PDMODE variable to a new value of 3.
Points will appear as an X instead of a dot, as shown in Figure A18A. Points may
also be set through the Point Style dialog box found in the Format menu. Now use
the MEASURE command to set off the two distances.
Command: PDMODE
New value for PDMODE <0>: 3
Command: ME (For MEASURE)
Select object to measure: (Select the inclined line at A)
<Segment length>/Block: 1.00
Command: ME (For MEASURE)
Select object to measure: (Select the vertical line at B)
<Segment length>/Block: 2.06

When using the MEASURE command, the measuring will occur at the nearest endpoint
of the line where the line was selected. Once the points have been placed, the LINE
command is used to draw a line from one point to the other using the OSNAP-Node
option (see Figure A18B).

Figure A18A Figure A18B

Try It! - Open the drawing file A_Iso Angle1. Use the previous figures as guides in
constructing the angle in isometric mode in Figure A18B. Notice that you may get
more points than needed. Draw the line from the nodes nearest the end of the line
you selected with the MEASURE command.


The same two-view drawing is illustrated in Figure A19. This time, one distance is
specified along with an angle of 30. Even with the angle given, the position of the
isometric axes makes any angle construction by degrees inaccurate. The distance XY is
still needed for constructing the angle in isometric. Use the MEASURE command to find
distance XY, place a point, and connect the first distance with the second to form the
30 angle in isometric. It is always best to set the PDMODE system variable to a new value
in order to visibly view the point. Points may also be set through the Point Style dialog
box found in the Format menu. A new value of 3 will assign the point as an X.

Figure A19
Isometric Drawings 13

See Figures 1620A, 1620B, and the following prompt sequences to change the
point mode and measure the appropriate distances in the previous step.
Command: PDMODE
New value for PDMODE <0>: 3
Command: ME (For MEASURE)
Select object to measure: (Select the inclined line at A in Figure A20A)
<Segment length>/Block: 1.00
Command: ME (For MEASURE)
Select object to measure: (Select the vertical line at B in Figure A20A)
<Segment length>/Block: End
of (Select the endpoint of the line at X in the 2-view drawing in Figure A19)
Second point: Int
of (Select the intersection at Y in the 2-view drawing in Figure A19)

Line B is selected as the object to measure (see Figure A20A). Since this distance
is unknown, the MEASURE command may be used to set off the distance XY by iden-
tifying an endpoint and intersection from the Front view in Figure A19. This means
the view must be constructed only enough to lay out the angle and project the results
to the isometric using the MEASURE command and the preceding prompts. The result
is illustrated in Figure A20B.

Figure A20A Figure A20B

Try It! - Open the drawing file A_Iso Angle2. Use the previous figures as guides in
constructing the angle in isometric mode in Figure A20B. You can check the accu-
racy of your construction by comparing distances using the DISTANCE command on
the Front view of the two-view drawing and on the same line in the Isometric. The
values should be the same.


Constructing circles as part of isometric drawing is possible using one of the three
isometric axis positions. It is up to you to decide which axis to use. Before this, how-

ever, an isometric box consisting of overall distances is first constructed, as shown in

Figure A21A. Use the ELLIPSE command to place the isometric circle at the base. To
select the correct axis, press CTRL+E or F5 until the proper axis appears in the form of
the cursor. Place the ellipses. Lay out any other distances.
For ellipses at different positions, press CTRL+E or F5 to select another isometric axis
(see Figure A21B).

Figure A21A Figure A21B

Use the TRIM command to trim away any excess objects that are considered unneces-
sary, as shown in Figure A21C.
Use the LINE command to connect endpoints of edges that form surfaces and from
tangents of arcs to tangents of arcs on paralell planes, as shown in Figure A21D.

Figure A21C Figure A21D

Try It! - Open the drawing file A_Iso Ellipse2. Complete the isometric drawing
until your image is similar to Figure A-21D.


In some cases, it is necessary to cut an isometric drawing to expose internal features.
The result is an isometric section similar to a section view formed from an ortho-
graphic drawing. The isometric section differs, however, because the cutting plane is
usually along one of the three isometric axes. Figure A22A displays an orthographic
section in addition to the isometric drawing.
The isometric in Figure A22B has additional lines representing surfaces cut by the cut-
ting plane line. The lines to define these surfaces are formed through the LINE command
Isometric Drawings 15

in addition to a combination of Top and Right isometric axis modes. During this process,
Ortho mode is toggled on and off numerous times depending on the axis direction. Use
the TRIM command to remove objects from the half that will eventually be discarded.

Figure A22A

Once ellipses are trimmed, the remaining objects representing the front half of the
isometric are removed, exposing the back half. The front half is then discarded. This
has the same effect as conventional section views where the direction of sight dictates
which half to keep. For a full section, the BHATCH command with the angle set at 15
degrees is used to draw section lines on the surfaces being cut by the cutting plane
line, as in Figure A22C. Surfaces designated holes or slots not cut are not cross-
hatched. This same procedure is followed for converting an object to a half section.

Figure A22B Figure A22C

Try It! - Open the drawing file A_Iso Section. Use the previous figures as guides in
constructing the isometric section in Figure A22C.


Isometric drawings are sometimes grouped together to form an exploded drawing show-
ing how a potential or existing product is assembled (see Figure A23). This involves
aligning parts that fit with line segments, usually in the form of centerlines. Bubbles
identifying the part number are attached to the drawing. Exploded isometric drawings

come in handy for creating bill of material information and, for this purpose, they have an
important application to manufacturing. Once the part information is identified in the
drawing and title block area, this information is extracted and brought into a third-party
business package where important data collection information is used to actually track the
status of parts in production in addition to the shipping date for all finished products.

Figure A23

Assembly drawings show the completed part as if it were to be assembled (see Figure
A24). Sometimes this drawing has an identifying number placed with a bubble for
bill of material needs. Assembly drawings are commonly placed on the same display
screen as the working drawing. With the assembly alongside the working drawing,
you have a pictorial representation of what the final product will look like, and this
can help you to understand the orthographic views.

Figure A24
Isometric Drawings 17


tutorial E X E R C I S E
Figure A25

Purpose Layers
The purpose of this tutorial exercise is to use Create a layer called Object and assign this
a series of coordinates along with AutoCAD layer the color Green.
editing commands to construct an isometric
drawing of the plate in Figure A25. Suggested Commands
Begin this exercise by changing the grid from
System Settings the standard display to an isometric display
Begin a new drawing called Plate. Use the using the SNAP-Style option. Use absolute
Drawing Units dialog box to change the num- and polar coordinates to lay out the base of
ber of decimal places past the zero from four the plate. Then begin using the COPY com-
to two. Keep the remaining default unit val- mand followed by TRIM to duplicate objects
ues. Using the LIMITS command, keep (0,0) and clean up or trim unnecessary geometry.
for the lower left corner and change the up-
Whenever possible, substitute the appropri-
per right corner from (12.00,9.00) to
ate command alias in place of the full
(10.50,8.00). Perform a ZOOM-ALL after chang-
AutoCAD command in each tutorial step. For
ing limits. Use the GRID command and change example, use CP for the COPY command,
the grid spacing from 0.50 to 0.25 units. Do L for the LINE command, and so on. The
not turn the Snap or Ortho modes on. Check complete listing of all command aliases is lo-
to see that the following Object Snap modes cated in Chapter 1, Table 12.
are already set: Endpoint, Extension, Inter-
section, and Center.

Set a new polar tracking angle of 30 Specify next point or [Undo]: (Move your
through the Polar Tracking tab of the cursor up and to the right until the polar
Drafting Settings dialog box in Figure A angle tooltip reads 30 degrees and enter
26A. Make the Object layer current. Then 3.25)
Specify next point or [Undo]: (Move your
use the LINE command to draw the object
cursor up and to the left until the polar
in Figure A26B. Notice, in the prompt angle tooltip reads 150 degrees and enter
sequence, that the Direct Distance mode 5.00)
is used because of the polar tracking angle Specify next point or [Close/Undo]:
setting of 30. Also, be sure to turn Polar (Move your cursor down and to the left
mode on by clicking on the POLAR but- until the polar angle tooltip reads 210
ton in the status bar. degrees and enter 3.25)
Specify next point or [Close/Undo]: C
Command: L (For LINE) (To close the shape and exit the
Specify first point: 5.50,0.75 command)

Figure A26A

Figure A26B
Isometric Drawings 19

Copy the four lines drawn in Step 1 up a
distance of 2.50 units in the 90 direction
in Figure A27.
Command: CP (For COPY)
Select objects: (Select lines A, B,C,
and D)
Select objects: (Press ENTER to continue)
Specify base point or displacement, or
[Multiple]: (Pick the endpoint of the line
at A)
Specify second point of displacement or
<use first point as displacement>:
(Move your cursor up until the polar Figure A27
angle tooltip reads 90 and enter 2.50)

Connect the top and bottom isometric
boxes with line segments, as shown in
Figure A28. Draw one segment using
the LINE command. Repeat this process
using the LINE command at points C and
D, or use the COPY command and Mul-
tiple option to duplicate and form the re-
maining segments at C and D. Erase
the two dashed lines because they are not
visible in an isometric drawing.
Command: L (For LINE)
Specify first point: (Select the endpoint of
the line at A)
Specify next point or [Undo]: (Select the
endpoint of the line at B) Figure A28
Specify next point or [Undo]: (Press
ENTER to exit this command)
Command: E (For ERASE)
Select objects: (Select the two dashed lines
in Figure A28)
Select objects: (Press ENTER to execute this

Copy the two dashed lines in Figure A29
a distance of 0.75 in the 210 direction.
Command: CP (For COPY)
Select objects: (Select the two dashed lines
in Figure A29)
Select objects: (Press ENTER to continue)
Specify base point or displacement, or
[Multiple]: (Select the endpoint at A)
Specify second point of displacement or
<use first point as displacement>:
(Move your cursor down and to the left Figure A29
until the polar angle tooltip reads 210
and enter 0.75)

Copy the two dashed lines in Figure A30
a distance of 0.75 in the 90 direction.
This forms the base of the plate.
Command: CP (For COPY)
Select objects: (Select the two dashed lines
in Figure A30)
Select objects: (Press ENTER to continue)
Specify base point or displacement, or
[Multiple]: (Select the endpoint at A)
Specify second point of displacement or
<use first point as displacement>:
(Move your cursor up until the polar
angle tooltip reads 90and enter 0.75) Figure A30
Isometric Drawings 21

Copy the dashed line in Figure A31 a
distance of 0.75 in the 330 direction.
Command: CP (For COPY)
Select objects: (Select the dashed line in
Figure A31)
Select objects: (Press ENTER to continue)
Specify base point or displacement, or
[Multiple]: (Select the endpoint at A)
Specify second point of displacement or
<use first point as displacement>:
(Move your cursor down and to the right
until the polar angle tooltip reads
Figure A31
330and enter 0.75)

Use the FILLET command to place a cor-
ner between the two dashed lines at A
and B and at C and D in Figure
A32. Set the fillet radius to a value of 0
to accomplish this.
Command: F (For FILLET)
Current settings: Mode = TRIM, Radius =
Select first object or [Polyline/Radius/
Trim]: R (For Radius)
Specify fillet radius <0.50>: 0
Select first object or [Polyline/Radius/
Trim]: (Select line A)
Select second object: (Select line B)
Command: F (For FILLET)
Current settings: Mode = TRIM, Radius = Figure A32
Select first object or [Polyline/Radius/
Trim]: (Select line C)
Select second object: (Select line D)

Copy the dashed line in Figure A33 to
begin forming the top of the base.
Command: CP (For COPY)
Select objects: (Select the dashed line in
Figure A33)
Select objects: (Press ENTER to continue)
Specify base point or displacement, or
[Multiple]: (Select the endpoint at A)
Specify second point of displacement or
<use first point as displacement>:
(Select the endpoint at B)
Figure A33

Copy the dashed line in Figure A34.
This forms the base of the plate.
Command: CP (For COPY)
Select objects: (Select the dashed line in
Figure A34)
Select objects: (Press ENTER to continue)
Specify base point or displacement, or
[Multiple]: (Select the endpoint at A)
Specify second point of displacement or
<use first point as displacement>:
(Select the endpoint at B)
Figure A34
Isometric Drawings 23

Use the TRIM command to clean up the
excess lines in Figure A35.
Command: TR (For TRIM)
Current settings: Projection=UCS
Select cutting edges ...
Select objects: (Select the three dashed
lines shown in Figure A35)
Select objects: (Press ENTER to continue)
Select object to trim or shift-select to
extend or [Project/Edge/Undo]: (Select Figure A35
the inclined line at A)
Select object to trim or shift-select to
extend or [Project/Edge/Undo]: (Select
the inclined line at B)
Select object to trim or shift-select to
extend or [Project/Edge/Undo]: (Select
the inclined line at C)
Select object to trim or shift-select to
extend or [Project/Edge/Undo]: (Press
ENTER to exit this command)

Your display should be similar to Figure
Figure A36
Copy the dashed line in Figure A37 a
distance of 1.12 units in the 90 direc-
Command: CP (For COPY)
Select objects: (Select the dashed line in
Figure A37)
Select objects: (Press ENTER to continue)
Specify base point or displacement, or
[Multiple]: (Select the endpoint at A)
Specify second point of displacement or
<use first point as displacement>:
(Move your cursor up until the polar
angle tooltip reads 90and enter 1.12) Figure A37

As shown in Figure A38, copy the Specify second point of displacement or
dashed line at A to new positions at B <use first point as displacement>:
and C. Then delete the line at A us- (Press ENTER to exit this command)
ing the ERASE command. Command: E (For ERASE)
Select objects: (Select the dashed line at
Command: CP (For COPY) A)
Select objects: (Select the dashed line in Select objects: (Press ENTER to execute this
Figure A38) command)
Select objects: (Press ENTER to continue)
Specify base point or displacement, or
[Multiple]: M (For Multiple)
Specify base point: (Select the endpoint at
Specify second point of displacement or
<use first point as displacement>:
(Select the endpoint at B)
Specify second point of displacement or
<use first point as displacement>:
(Select the endpoint at C)
Figure A38

Use the TRIM command to clean up the
excess lines in Figure A39.
Command: TR (For TRIM)
Current settings: Projection=UCS
Select cutting edges ...
Select objects: (Select the two dashed lines
in Figure A39)
Select objects: (Press ENTER to continue)
Select object to trim or shift-select to
extend or [Project/Edge/Undo]: (Select
the vertical line at A) Figure A39
Select object to trim or shift-select to
extend or [Project/Edge/Undo]: (Select
the vertical line at B) Select object to trim or shift-select to
Select object to trim or shift-select to extend or [Project/Edge/Undo]: (Press
extend or [Project/Edge/Undo]: (Select ENTER to exit this command)
the inclined line at C)
Isometric Drawings 25

Use the COPY command to duplicate the
dashed line in Figure A40 from the end-
point of A to the endpoint at B.
Command: CP (For COPY)
Select objects: (Select the dashed line in
Figure A40)
Select objects: (Press ENTER to continue)
Specify base point or displacement, or
[Multiple]: (Select the endpoint at A)
Specify second point of displacement or
<use first point as displacement>:
(Select the endpoint at B) Figure A40

Use the COPY command to duplicate the
dashed line in Figure A41 from the end-
point of A to the endpoint at B.
Command: CP (For COPY)
Select objects: (Select the dashed line in
Figure A41)
Select objects: (Press ENTER to continue)
Specify base point or displacement, or
[Multiple]: (Select the endpoint at A)
Specify second point of displacement or
<use first point as displacement>:
(Select the endpoint at B) Figure A41

Use the LINE command to connect the
endpoints of the segments at A and B
in Figure A42.
Command: L (For LINE)
Specify first point: (Select the endpoint at
Specify next point or [Undo]: (Select the
endpoint at B)
Specify next point or [Undo]: (Press
ENTER to exit this command) Figure A42

Use the COPY command to duplicate the
dashed line in Figure A43 from the
endpoint of A a distance of 0.50 units
in the 210 direction. This value begins
the outline of the rectangular hole
through the object.
Command: CP (For COPY)
Select objects: (Select the dashed line in
Figure A43)
Select objects: (Press ENTER to continue)
Specify base point or displacement, or
[Multiple]: (Select the endpoint at A)
Specify second point of displacement or
<use first point as displacement>: Figure A43
(Move your cursor down and to the left
until the polar angle tooltip reads 210
and enter 0.50)
Isometric Drawings 27

Use the COPY command to duplicate the
dashed line in Figure A44 from the
endpoint of A a distance of 0.50 in the
330 direction.
Command: CP (For COPY)
Select objects: (Select the dashed line in
Figure A44)
Select objects: (Press ENTER to continue)
Specify base point or displacement, or
[Multiple]: (Select the endpoint at A)
Specify second point of displacement or
<use first point as displacement>:
(Move your cursor down and to the right Figure A44
until the polar angle tooltip reads 330
and enter 0.50)

Use the COPY command to duplicate the
dashed line in Figure A45 from the
endpoint of A a distance of 0.50 in the
30 direction.
Command: CP (For COPY)
Select objects: (Select the dashed line in
Figure A45)
Select objects: (Press ENTER to continue)
Specify base point or displacement, or
[Multiple]: (Select the endpoint at A)
Specify second point of displacement or
<use first point as displacement>:
(Move your cursor up and to the right Figure A45
until the polar angle tooltip reads 30
and enter 0.50)

Use the COPY command to duplicate the
dashed line in Figure A46 from the
endpoint of A a distance of 0.50 in the
150 direction.
Command: CP (For COPY)
Select objects: (Select the dashed line in
Figure A46)
Select objects: (Press ENTER to continue)
Specify base point or displacement, or
[Multiple]: (Select the endpoint at A)
Specify second point of displacement or
<use first point as displacement>:
(Move your cursor up and to the right Figure A46
until the polar angle tooltip reads 150
and enter 0.50)

Use the FILLET command with a radius of Select second object: (Select the line at D)
0 to corner the four dashed lines in Fig- FILLET
ure A47. Use the MULTIPLE command to Current settings: Mode = TRIM, Radius =
remain in the FILLET command. To exit 0.0000
the FILLET command prompts, press ESC Select first object or [Polyline/Radius/
Trim]: (Select the line at D)
to cancel the command when finished.
Select second object: (Select the line at A)
Enter command name to repeat: F (For Current settings: Mode = TRIM, Radius =
FILLET) 0.0000
Current settings: Mode = TRIM, Radius = Select first object or [Polyline/Radius/
0.0000 Trim]: (Press ESC to cancel this
Select first object or [Polyline/Radius/ command)
Trim]: (Select the line at A)
Select second object: (Select the line at B)
Current settings: Mode = TRIM, Radius =
Select first object or [Polyline/Radius/
Trim]: (Select the line at B)
Select second object: (Select the line at C)
Current settings: Mode = TRIM, Radius =
Select first object or [Polyline/Radius/
Trim]: (Select the line at C) Figure A47
Isometric Drawings 29

Use the COPY command to duplicate the
dashed line in Figure A48. This will
begin forming the thickness of the base
inside the rectangular hole.
Command: CP (For COPY)
Select objects: (Select the dashed line in
Figure A48)
Select objects: (Press ENTER to continue)
Specify base point or displacement, or
[Multiple]: (Select the endpoint at A)
Specify second point of displacement or
<use first point as displacement>: Figure A48
(Select the endpoint at B)

Use the COPY command to duplicate the
dashed lines in Figure A49. These lines
form the inside surfaces to the rectangu-
lar hole.
Command: CP (For COPY)
Select objects: (Select the dashed lines in
Figure A49)
Select objects: (Press ENTER to continue)
Specify base point or displacement, or
[Multiple]: (Select the endpoint at A)
Specify second point of displacement or
<use first point as displacement>: Figure A49
(Select the endpoint at B)

Use the TRIM command to clean up excess
lines in Figure A50.
Command: TR (For TRIM)
Current settings: Projection=UCS
Select cutting edges ...
Select objects: (Select the two dashed lines
in Figure A50)
Select objects: (Press ENTER to continue)
Select object to trim or shift-select to
extend or [Project/Edge/Undo]: (Select
the line at A) Figure A50
Select object to trim or shift-select to
extend or [Project/Edge/Undo]: (Select
the line at B)
Select object to trim or shift-select to
extend or [Project/Edge/Undo]: (Press
ENTER to exit this command)

The completed isometric is illustrated
in Figure A51. This drawing may be
dimensioned with the Oblique option of the
DIMEDIT command. Consult your instructor
if this next step is necessary.

Figure A51
Isometric Drawings 31


tutorial E X E R C I S E
Figure A52

Purpose Layers
The purpose of this tutorial exercise is to Create a layer called Object and assign this
use a series of coordinates along with layer the color Green.
AutoCAD editing commands to construct
Suggested Commands
an isometric drawing of the hanger in Fig-
ure A52. Begin this exercise by changing the grid from
the standard display to an isometric display
System Settings using the SNAP-Style option. Remember,
Begin a new drawing called Hanger. Use both the grid and snap can be manipulated by
the Drawing Units dialog box to change the the SNAP command only if the current grid
number of decimal places past the zero value is 0. Use absolute and polar coordinates
from four to two. Keep the remaining de- to lay out the base of the hanger. Then begin
fault unit values. Using the LIMITS command, using the COPY command followed by TRIM to
keep (0,0) for the lower left corner and duplicate objects and clean up or trim un-
change the upper right corner from (12,9) necessary geometry.
to (15.50,9.50). Perform a ZOOM-ALL after Whenever possible, substitute the appropri-
changing Limits. Use the GRID command and ate command alias in place of the full
change the grid spacing from 0.50 to 0.25 AutoCAD command in each tutorial step. For
units. Turn Snap mode off; turn Ortho example, use CP for the COPY command,
mode on. Check to see that the following L for the LINE command, and so on. The
Object Snap modes are already set: End- complete listing of all command aliases is lo-
point, Extension, Intersection, Center. cated in Chapter 1, Table 12.

Make the Object layer current. Then set Specify next point or [Undo]: (Move your
the SNAP-Style option to Isometric with cursor up and to the right and enter
a vertical spacing of 0.25 units. Press 5.00)
CTRL + E or F 5 to switch to the Top Specify next point or [Undo]: (Move your
Isoplane mode. Use the LINE command to cursor up and to the left and enter 3.00)
Specify next point or [Close/Undo]:
draw the rectangular isometric box rep-
(Move your cursor down and to the left
resenting the total depth of the object
and enter 5.00)
along with the center-to-center distance Specify next point or [Close/Undo]: C
of the holes and arcs that will be placed (To close the shape and exit the
in the next step. See Figure A53. command)
Command: SN (For SNAP)
Specify snap spacing or [ON/OFF/Aspect/
Rotate/Style/Type] <0.50>: S (For
Enter snap grid style [Standard/Isometric]
<S>: I (For Isometric)
Specify vertical spacing <0.50>: 0.25
Command: (Press CTRL+E to switch to the
Top Isoplane mode)
Command: L (For LINE)
Specify first point: 6.00,0.50 Figure A53

While in the Top Isoplane mode, use the Command: EL (For ELLIPSE)
ELLIPSE command to draw two isometric Specify axis endpoint of ellipse or [Arc/
ellipses of 0.75 and 1.50 radii each in Fig- Center/Isocircle]: I (For Isocircle)
ure A54. Identify the midpoint of the Specify center of isocircle: @ (For the last
inclined line at A as the center of the point)
Specify radius of isocircle or [Diameter]:
first ellipse. To identify the center of the
second ellipse, use the @ option, which
stands for last point and will identify the
center of the small circle as the same cen-
ter as the large circle.
Command: EL (For ELLIPSE)
Specify axis endpoint of ellipse or [Arc/
Center/Isocircle]: I (For Isocircle)
Specify center of isocircle: Mid
of (Pick the midpoint of the line at A) Figure A54
Specify radius of isocircle or [Diameter]:
Isometric Drawings 33

Copy both ellipses from the endpoint
of the inclined line at A to the end-
point of the inclined line at B in Fig-
ure A55. Be sure Snap is turned off.
Command: CP (For COPY)
Select objects: (Select both ellipses in
Figure A55)
Select objects: (Press ENTER to continue)
Specify base point or displacement, or Figure A55
[Multiple]: (Select the endpoint at A)
Specify second point of displacement or
<use first point as displacement>:
(Select the endpoint at B)

Use the TRIM command to delete segments
of the ellipses in Figure A56.
Command: TR (For TRIM)
Current settings: Projection=UCS
Select cutting edges ...
Select objects: (Select dashed lines A
and B)
Select objects: (Press ENTER to continue)
Select object to trim or shift-select to Figure A56
extend or [Project/Edge/Undo]: (Select
the ellipse at C)
Select object to trim or shift-select to
extend or [Project/Edge/Undo]: (Select
the ellipse at D)
Select object to trim or shift-select to
extend or [Project/Edge/Undo]: (Press
ENTER to exit this command)

Copy all objects in Figure A57 up the
distance of 0.25 units to form the bottom
base of the hanger. Pressing CTRL+E or
F5 can activate the Right Isoplane mode.

Command: (Press CTRL +E To switch to

the Right Isoplane mode)
Right Isoplane
Command: CP (For COPY)
Select objects: (Select all objects in Figure
Select objects: (Press ENTER to continue)
Specify base point or displacement, or
[Multiple]: (Select the endpoint at A) Figure A57
Specify second point of displacement or
<use first point as displacement>:
(Move your cursor up and enter a value
of 0.25)

Use the ERASE command to delete the
three dashed lines in Figure A58. These
lines are not visible from this point of view
and should be erased.
Command: E (For ERASE)
Select objects: (Select the three dashed
lines in Figure A58)
Select objects: (Press ENTER to execute this
Figure A58
Isometric Drawings 35

Your display should appear similar to the
illustration in Figure A59. Begin par-
tially deleting other objects to show only
visible features of the isometric drawing.
Check that the snap has been turned off
to better assist in the next series of opera-
tions. The next few steps refer to the area
outlined in Figure A59. Use the ZOOM-
Window option to magnify this area. Figure A59
Command: Z (For ZOOM)
Specify corner of window, enter a scale
factor (nX or nXP), or
Scale/Window] <real time>: (Pick a
point at A)
Specify opposite corner: (Pick a point
at B)

Carefully draw a line tangent to both el-
lipses. Use the OSNAP-Quadrant option
to assist in constructing the line. See Fig-
ure A60.
Command: L (For LINE)
Specify first point: Qua
of (Select the quadrant at A)
Specify next point or [Undo]: (Pick the
polar intersection at B)
Specify next point or [Undo]: (Press
ENTER to exit this command) Figure A60

Use the TRIM command, select the short
dashed line as the cutting edge, and select
the arc segment in Figure A61 to trim.
Command: TR (For TRIM)
Current settings: Projection=UCS
Select cutting edges ...
Select objects: (Select the dashed line at A)
Select objects: (Press ENTER to continue)
Select object to trim or shift-select to Figure A61
extend or [Project/Edge/Undo]: (Select
the ellipse at B)
Select object to trim or shift-select to
extend or [Project/Edge/Undo]: (Press
ENTER to exit this command)

The completed operation is in Figure A62.
Use ZOOM command and the Previous option
to return to the previous display.
Command: Z (For ZOOM)
Specify corner of window, enter a scale
factor (nX or nXP), or
Scale/Window] <real time>: P (For
Previous) Figure A62

Use ZOOM-Window to magnify the
right half of the base in Figure A63. Pre-
pare to construct the tangent edge to the
object using the procedure in Step 8.
Command: Z (For ZOOM)
Specify corner of window, enter a scale
factor (nX or nXP), or
Scale/Window] <real time>: (Pick a
point at A)
Specify opposite corner: (Pick a point at B) Figure A63
Isometric Drawings 37

Follow the same procedure as in Step 8
to construct a line from the quadrant point
on the top ellipse to the polar intersec-
tion on the bottom ellipse. Then use the
TRIM command in Step 9 to clean up any
excess objects. Use the ERASE command
to delete any elliptical arc segments that
may have been left untrimmed. (See Fig-
ure A64.) Figure A64

Zoom to the Previous display. Use the
TRIM command to partially delete the el-
lipses in Figure A65 to expose the thick-
ness of the base.
Command: TR (For TRIM)
Current settings: Projection=UCS
Select cutting edges ...
Select objects: (Select dashed ellipses A
and B)
Figure A65
Select objects: (Press ENTER to continue)
Select object to trim or shift-select to
extend or [Project/Edge/Undo]: (Select
the lower ellipse at C)
Select object to trim or shift-select to
extend or [Project/Edge/Undo]: (Select
the lower ellipse at D)
Select object to trim or shift-select to
extend or [Project/Edge/Undo]: (Press
ENTER to exit this command)

Use the COPY command to duplicate the
bottom base and form the upper plate of
the hanger as shown in Figure A66. Copy
the base a distance of 4 units straight up.
Command: CP (For COPY)
Select objects: (Select all dashed objects in
Figure A66)
Select objects: (Press ENTER to continue)
Specify base point or displacement, or
[Multiple]: (Select the endpoint of the
ellipse at A)
Specify second point of displacement or
<use first point as displacement>:
(Move your cursor up and enter a value
of 4.00) Figure A66

Use the COPY command to duplicate the
inclined line at A the distance of 2.50 units
to form the line represented by a series of
dashes in Figure A67. This line happens
to be located at the center of the object.
Command: CP (For COPY)
Select objects: (Select the line at A)
Select objects: (Press ENTER to continue)
Specify base point or displacement, or
[Multiple]: (Select the endpoint at A)
Specify second point of displacement or
<use first point as displacement>: Figure A67
(Move your cursor up and to the right
and enter 2.50)
Isometric Drawings 39

Duplicate the line represented by dashes
in Figure A68 to form the two inclined
lines at B and C. These lines will be-
gin the construction of the sides of the
hanger. Use the COPY command along with
the Multiple option to accomplish this.
Command: CP (For COPY)
Select objects: (Select the dashed line in
Figure A68)
Select objects: (Press ENTER to continue)
Specify base point or displacement, or
[Multiple]: M (For Multiple)
Specify base point: (Select the endpoint at
A) Figure A68
Specify second point of displacement or
<use first point as displacement>:
(Move your cursor up and to the right Specify second point of displacement or
and enter 1.25) <use first point as displacement>:
Specify second point of displacement or (Press ENTER to exit this command)
<use first point as displacement>:
(Move your cursor down and to the left
and enter 1.25)

Use the COPY command to duplicate the
two dashed lines in Figure A69 straight
up at a distance of 3.75 units. Use the
Polar coordinate mode to accomplish this.
Make sure the Polar mode is turned On.
Command: CP (For COPY)
Select objects: (Select both dashed lines in
Figure A69)
Select objects: (Press ENTER to continue)
Specify base point or displacement, or
[Multiple]: (Select the endpoint at A)
Specify second point of displacement or
<use first point as displacement>: (Pick
the Polar Intersection at B) Figure A69

Use the LINE command along with the
OSNAP-Endpoint option to draw a line
from endpoint A to endpoint B in
Figure A70.
Command: L (For LINE)
Specify first point: (Select the endpoint at
Specify next point or [Undo]: (Select the
endpoint at B)
Specify next point or [Undo]: (Press
ENTER to exit this command)
Figure A70

Use the COPY command and the Multiple
option to copy the dashed line at A to
B, C, and D in Figure A71.
Command: CP (For COPY)
Select objects: (Select the dashed line in
Figure A71)
Select objects: (Press ENTER to continue)
Specify base point or displacement, or
[Multiple]: M (For Multiple)
Specify base point: (Select the endpoint of
the vertical line at A)
Specify second point of displacement or
<use first point as displacement>:
(Select the endpoint of the line at B)
Specify second point of displacement or
<use first point as displacement>: Figure A71
(Select the endpoint of the line at C)
Specify second point of displacement or
<use first point as displacement>:
(Select the endpoint of the line at D)
Specify second point of displacement or
<use first point as displacement>:
(Press ENTER to exit this command)
Isometric Drawings 41

Use the ERASE command to delete all
lines represented as dashed lines in Fig-
ure A72.
Command: E (For ERASE)
Select objects: (Select all dashed objects in
Figure A72)
Select objects: (Press ENTER to execute this

Figure A72

Use the TRIM command to partially delete
the vertical line in Figure A73. The seg-
ment to be deleted is hidden and not
shown in an isometric drawing.
Command: TR (For TRIM)
Current settings: Projection=UCS
Select cutting edges ...
Select objects: (Select the dashed objects at
A and B)
Select objects: (Press ENTER to continue)
Select object to trim or shift-select to Figure A73
extend or [Project/Edge/Undo]: (Select
the vertical line at C)
Select object to trim or shift-select to
extend or [Project/Edge/Undo]: (Press
ENTER to exit this command)

Use the TRIM command to partially delete
the vertical line in Figure A74. The seg-
ment to be deleted is hidden and not
shown in an isometric drawing.
Command: TR (For TRIM)
Current settings: Projection=UCS
Select cutting edges ...
Select objects: (Select the dashed elliptical
arc at A)
Select objects: (Press ENTER to continue)
Select object to trim or shift-select to
extend or [Project/Edge/Undo]: (Select Figure A74
the vertical line at B)
Select object to trim or shift-select to
extend or [Project/Edge/Undo]: (Press
ENTER to exit this command)

Use the TRIM command to partially delete
the inclined line in Figure A75.
Command: TR (For TRIM)
Current settings: Projection=UCS
Select cutting edges ...
Select objects: (Select the dashed lines A
and B)
Select objects: (Press ENTER to continue)
Select object to trim or shift-select to
extend or [Project/Edge/Undo]: (Select
the line at C)
Select object to trim or shift-select to Figure A75
extend or [Project/Edge/Undo]: (Select
the line at D)
Select object to trim or shift-select to
extend or [Project/Edge/Undo]: (Press
ENTER to exit this command)
Isometric Drawings 43

Use the TRIM command to partially delete
the objects in Figure A76. The segments
to be deleted are hidden and not shown
in an isometric drawing. Use ERASE to
delete any leftover elliptical arc segments.
Command: TR (For TRIM)
Current settings: Projection=UCS
Select cutting edges ...
Select objects: (Select the dashed lines A
and B)
Select objects: (Press ENTER to continue)
Select object to trim or shift-select to Figure A76
extend or [Project/Edge/Undo]: (Select
the line at C)
Select object to trim or shift-select to
extend or [Project/Edge/Undo]: (Select
the elliptical arc at D)
Select object to trim or shift-select to
extend or [Project/Edge/Undo]: (Select
the ellipse at E)
Select object to trim or shift-select to
extend or [Project/Edge/Undo]: (Select
the elliptical arc at F)
Select object to trim or shift-select to
extend or [Project/Edge/Undo]: (Press
ENTER to exit this command)

The completed isometric appears in Fig-
ure A77. This drawing may be dimen-
sioned with the Oblique option of the
DIMEDIT command. Consult your instruc-
tor if this next step is necessary.

Figure A77

As an extra step, convert the completed
hanger to an object with a rectangular hole
through its center in Figure A78. Begin
by copying lines A, B, C, and D a
distance of 0.25 units to form the inside
rectangle using polar coordinates. Since
the lines will overlap at the corners, use
the FILLET command set to a radius of 0 to
create corners of the hole. Use the LINE
command to draw the inclined line E
at a 150 angle. Use Polar intersection to
connect the E to C and complete the
new version of the hanger.

Figure A78
Isometric Drawings 45


Directions for Problem A1:
Construct an isometric drawing of the object.


problem E X E R C I S E S
Directions for Problem A2:
Construct an isometric drawing of the object. Begin the corner of the isometric at A.


Directions for Problems A3 through A17:

Construct an isometric drawing of the object.


Isometric Drawings 47





Isometric Drawings 49




Isometric Drawings 51





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