"A Study of Working Capital Management in NTPC": Project Report
"A Study of Working Capital Management in NTPC": Project Report
"A Study of Working Capital Management in NTPC": Project Report
Session ( )
Submitted By
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Roll. No:
Under the supervision of:
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Institute of Management
(Approved by AICTE, Min. Of HRD, Govt. of India)
This is to certify that the research project work titled, Working Capital
and Ratio Analysis of Supertech Private Limited has been completed
by Ms. Jyoti Yadav under the guidance of Ms. Amita Gupta, Advance
Institute of Management, Ghaziabad.
According to my best knowledge the work is original and has not been
submitted anywhere else for the award of any other degree or diploma.
hereby declare that this research project report work entitled Working Capital and Ratio
Analysis of Supertech Private Limited is the outcome of my own research and prepared by
me and the same has not been submitted to any other university or institute for the award of any
I also declare that the institute as well as the guide is not liable for any kind of misrepresentation
in the report. I understand that if the report is found copied or violation of Intellecture Property
Successful completion of this project work would not have been possible without the invaluable
advice and assistance of many people, which includes Ms. Achal Aggarwal (Senior HR
Executive- Supertech Pvt Limited). I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all of my
teachers, for their valuable guidance and endless support throughout this project. Their extensive
and professional knowledge of the field provided this assignment with a solid backbone. Their
continuous encouragement and tireless teaching made it possible for this thesis to blossom.
Throughout the course of this project, all of my teachers have provided continuous support. The
extensive academic advice and suggestions provided Ms. Amita Gupta (Lecturer), Advance
Institute of Management, Ghaziabad. has also ensured the quality of this work.
Finally, I would like to thank my friends. Their help in the final stages and in the submission of
this work was instrumental in helping me achieve deadlines which would otherwise have lapsed.
Jyoti Yadav
ROLL.NO.- 9296512
The purpose of this report is to explain what I did and learned during my internship period with
Supertech Pvt Ltd. The report is also a requirement for the partial fulfillment of Master of
Business Administration internship program. The report focuses primarily on the assignments
handled, working environment, successes and shortcomings that the intern did encounter when
handling various tasks assigned to by the supervisor. Because the various parts of the report
reflect the interns shortcomings, successes, observations and comments, it would be imperative
that the recommendations are also given. Therefore the report gives a number of comments and
recommendations on the internship programme. It is hoped that this report would serve as a
Company Certificate
College Certificate
Chapter-1 1-6
Executive Summary
Chapter-2 7-13
Chapter-3 14-30
Company profile
Organization chart
Industry Profile
Chapter-4 31-65
Working Capital Management & Ratio Analysis
Chapter-5 66-70
Research Methodology
Research Design
Sampling Design
Methods of Data Collection
Chapter-6 71-97
Data Analysis & Interpretation
Ratio Analysis
Chapter-7 98-99
Chapter-8 100-102