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DP Guide LSH 3 - 06 Email General

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March 2006
Table of Contents
A. Overview and description 2

B. Typical Component Bill of Materials 3

B-1 Illustration of Axis 3 and Axis 6 assemblies 3
B-2 LSH DRESSPACK bill of material 5

C. Mounting Components Instructions 5

C-1 Axis 3 to 6 mounting instructions 6

D. LSH DRESSPACK Adjustment and Optimization 7

D-1 Bracket adjustment axis 6 9
D-2 Bracket adjustment axis 3 10
D-3 Termination 11

E. Final LSH DRESSPACK Inspection 12

E-1 LSH DRESSPACK check off sheet 13
E-2 LSH DRESSPACK quality control tags 13

F. Preventive Maintenance 14
F-1 Preventive maintenance schedule 14
F-2 Sub-component replacement 14

G. Tightening torques 15

H. LEONI Contact Information 15

DP Guide LSH 3_06 1

A. Overview and description

This document gives an overview of the LSH DRESSPACK developed by LEONI for
various robotic applications.

The purpose of the LSH DRESSPACK is to carry the air, water and electrical supplies
to and from the robot end-effector. The end-effector can be a gripper for handling
parts, a spot welding gun or a combination of these.

The following information is provided to help identify common LSH DRESSPACK

components along with application specific variations, mounting, adjustment,
optimization and preventive maintenance procedures.

This reference is a useful orientation to the LSH DRESSPACK system and will assist
you in understanding the terminology used in this document.

DP Guide LSH 3_06 2

B. Typical LSH DRESSPACK Components
B-1 Illustration of Axis 3 and Axis 6 assemblies

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1. J6 clamp assembly
a. Clamp
b. Index plate
c. Tube clamp
2. J6 face plate clamp
3. J6 trumpet assembly
a. Trumpet
b. Half shell
c. Star separator
4. Protection donut (4 shown)
5. Corrugated tubing
6. LSH assembly (Linear Spring Housing)
7. Spare component clamp (2 shown)
8. LSH mount plate

DP Guide LSH 3_06 3

The LSH assembly includes:




9. Internal trumpet
10. Compression spring
11. Protection donut
12. Oval protection donut with star separator

DP Guide LSH 3_06 4

B-2 LSH DRESSPACK bill of material

Line LEONI Description / Part Number Qty Application

1a Clamp B00761-00-18 1 All
1b Index plate B00730-00-04 1 All
1c Tube clamp B00124-02 1 All
2 FP.F(xxxx) 1 All
3a Trumpet B00761-00-27 1 All
3c Star separator NTKKSB-70B(xx) 2 All
3d End cap B00795-00 1 All
4 Protection donut B00781-24 4 All
5 Corrugated tube M70BU 6 All
6 Housing Right B01900-03-01 1 All
8 LSH mount plate LSHMNT-(xx) 1 All
9 Internal trumpet B00781-34 1 All
10 Compression spring NDF-N2667-0650 1 All
11 Protection donut w/star separator 1 All
12 Oval protection donut B00781-03 1 All
Umbilical (application specific) 1 Servo Transgun
Umbilical (application specific) 1 Transgun
Umbilical (application specific) 1 Handling

(xx) Actual part number is application specific

C. Mounting Instructions
Section B-1 offers an overview of the basic mounting components used to support the

Mounting bolts must use lock-washers and a service removable thread lock (Loctite
243) at a minimum. Mounting component bolts that are not adjustable shall be secured
with a flat washer, lock washer and permanent thread lock (Loctite 262). It is important
that torque requirements are followed based on the torque specifications listed in

DP Guide LSH 3_06 5

Section G. Mounting bolts that screw directly into either the robot or supplemental
tooling shall use a proper thread engagement of 1.5 to 2.0 times bolt diameter.

C-1 Axis 3 to 6 Mounting Instructions

Refer to project bill of materials for drawing, preferred location and component list. A
typical bill of material is shown in section B-2.

Figure 1 Figure 2

LSH DRESSPACKs are delivered pre-assembled for axis 3 to 6. See figures 1 and 2 for
a typical axis 3 to 6 LSH DRESSPACK mounted on a robot. This common dress, over
the center of the robot, is designed to mount the same for material handlers, weld guns
and dual end effectors.

General mounting instructions:

1. Attach LSH mount plate to the top of axis 3 on the robot using (4) M10
bolts to the robot
2. Attach LSH housing assembly to the LSH mount plate. See figure 1 and
review torque requirements per section G.
3. Attach axis 6 face plate assembly to robot face plate per figure 2.
4. Lock J6 clamps and adjust J6 clamp assembly per section D.

The J6 clamps should be setup as close to the robot arm as possible without the
umbilical coming in contact with the robot or peripheral equipment. See figure 2 and

DP Guide LSH 3_06 6

refer to section D LSH DRESSPACK Adjustment and Optimization for instructions on
adjusting the LSH DRESSPACK system.

LSH mount plate is mounted with 4 bolts directly to the robot on the top or side of axis
3. See section G for proper torque specification. Be sure to use the proper thread
engagement, washer / lock washer arrangement and thread lock as stated in the
beginning of this section.

Axis 6 face plate clamp mounts directly to the robot face plate or to a tool adaptor plate,
depending on the robot model. The face plate clamp is fully adjustable to meet
programming requirements. This is typically mounted in a standard position and
adjusted as the programs and tooling are introduced to the automation station. Note
that the service removable thread lock is not applied during the mounting stage of
installation. See figure 2 as an example of the face plate clamp mounted into position.

Figure 3

D. LSH DRESSPACK Adjustment and Optimization

The umbilical is designed to withstand some rubbing on smooth areas of the robot or
surrounding environment. If the umbilical has to rub, try to pick the smoothest areas
and with the least amount of pressure possible. Position the protection donuts in the
areas that experience the most abrasion. See figure 4. Always keep the umbilical from
touching sharp edges of the tooling or vehicle body. The optimum bend radius should

DP Guide LSH 3_06 7

not be smaller than 5 x D (D = umbilical diameter). See the illustrations in figures 5
and 6.

Figure 4

Example of minimum bend radii for common LSH DRESSPACKs:

Package Umbilical Optimum Minimum

Diameter Bend Radius
Material Handling 1.9 9.4
Weld 2.7 13.5
Servo Weld 2.7 13.5

Figure 5 Figure 6

Figures 5 and 6 are examples of measuring the minimum bending radius. Figure 5
illustrates an umbilical that is equal to the optimum bending radius. Figure 6 shows an
example of exceeding the minimum bending radius.

DP Guide LSH 3_06 8

Taking into account all trajectories as well as the surrounding environment, the bracket
assemblies shall be positioned to avoid contact with cutting edges, rubbing and
interference with other robots and adjacent equipment.


Figure 7

The LEONI umbilical color system provides visual reference to the target operating
range and the umbilical extension limit. During all trajectories, the white and or yellow
indicator stripes shall be visible. If the red indicator stripe is visible exiting the LSH box,
the program shall be stopped and adjustments must be made to axis 3 or axis 6
mounting locations. See sections D-1 and D-2 instructions on these adjustments.

Once the LSH DRESSPACK system is finalized for a given program, tooling or robot
program changes made thereafter may require further adjustment to the brackets and
or umbilical. Failure to do so could result in excessive stress to the system or collision
with surrounding equipment.

D-1 Bracket Adjustment Axis 6

The J6 clamp assembly and face plate clamp are adjustable to meet programming
needs. At axis 6, the face plate clamp (FP.Fxxxx) can be rotated 360 to find a safe
place to run during the program. See figure 2 as a typical face plate clamp mounted to
axis 6. The tube clamp / trumpet assembly can be adjusted for pitch and angles and
should be locked into position once the proper trajectory is obtained. It is necessary to
have all components on Axis 6 locked down with no movement.

DP Guide LSH 3_06 9

Axis 5 Axis 4 Axis 6

J5 +90 J4 +240 J6 +360

J4, J5, J6 0
Fry Pan set
at 12:00 on J6
J5 -90 J4 -240 J6 -360
If Fry Pan set
at 9:00 or 3:00
on J6 range
would increase
for J5
Figure 8

Figure 8 shows the amount of independent axis rotation that is possible without
significant adjustment. The basic adjustment required is the rotation of the face plate
clamp and the adjustment of the tube clamp assembly.

D-2 Bracket Adjustment Axis 3

The LSH box assembly on Axis 3 is also adjustable (see figure 9). It can be mounted
sideways, forward or on the back of axis 3 of the robot. This allows freedom to obtain
the best run for the umbilical.

DP Guide LSH 3_06 10

Figure 9

D-3 Termination

Termination of hose and cables is the final step in adjustment and optimization of the
LSH DRESSPACK. This is to ensure adequate hose and cable lengths for the various
trajectories used for each robot motion. Termination is important to minimize lengths
that could catch on tooling or parts. Polyurethane straps (LEONI EPS p/n STRAP16) or
plastic tie wraps can be used to secure hose and cables exiting the umbilical to the final
termination point.

DP Guide LSH 3_06 11

Figure10 Figure 11

It is recommended to use Push-Lok style hose barbs (heavy barb) with LEONI EPS
polyurethane hose (see figure10). LEONI EPS hose is designed to be dry mounted to
fittings. A LEONI EPS hose tool is available for easy installation of hose fittings,
reference part number EPS 1269 as shown in figure 11. Lubrication of fittings is not
recommended. When the hose is used for transferring oil, or the fittings were
lubricated during installation it is necessary to use a hose style clamp.

E. Final LSH DRESSPACK Inspection

Once final adjustments have been made, inspect all components to ensure that the
bolts and nuts are securely tightened and appropriate thread lock has been applied.
Refer to section G for bolt torque and thread lock requirements.

Paint mark all bracket and mounting positions. Once the robot goes into production this
procedure will allow the maintenance crew to visually observe movement in the
umbilical or bracket assemblies. This will also give a reference position if replacement
becomes necessary.

Section E-1 illustrates the LEONI EPS Robot check off sheet that is used to verify each

DP Guide LSH 3_06 12

E-1 LSH DRESSPACK Check Off sheet

Parameter Home Tip Tool Job #1 Job #2 Ship

Dress Change Position
Contact w/ sharp edges

Contact w/ environment

Contact w/ robot

Bending radius

> or = to 13.5

Excessive tension on J6
corrugated tube

Length adjustment

Mounting secure

Termination J3

Termination J6

E-2 LSH DRESSPACK Quality Control Tags

LSH tag Cable assembly tag

DP Guide LSH 3_06 13

Section E-2 illustrates the quality control tag which is secured to the LSH box and to the
J3 end of the cable assemblies. The serial number indicates that each component and
umbilical system has been electronically checked for continuity, shorts and high voltage
resistance testing.
F. Preventive Maintenance

Preventative maintenance can greatly enhance the performance and life expectancy of
the LSH DRESSPACK components. As each robot performs different trajectories the
stress and cycling fatigue applied to each LSH DRESSPACK is unique. Therefore it is
difficult to predict a set maintenance schedule. We have listed, based on an installed
base of over 40,000 robots worldwide a suggested preventative maintenance schedule.
Those who work closely with the subject automated equipment are the best to adjust
the suggested preventative maintenance schedule.

F-1 Suggested Preventative Maintenance Schedule

Items Service 3 Month .5Y 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5Y
Time Check Y Y Y Y Y
1 Verify paint marks and no .10 hours X X X X X X X X
movement has occurred
2 Check donuts .10 hours X O X X X X X X
3 Remove weld splatter .25 hours X X X X X X X X
4 Check for external damage .10 hours X X X X X X X X
to corrugated tubing
5 Check all connectors and .10 hours X O O X O O X O
6 Replace weld power cable 1.0 hours O O O O X O O O
7 Replace communication .50 hours O O X O X O X O

Y = year
X = suggested
O = not required

F-2 Sub-Component Replacement / Repair

In an emergency situation a replacement component can be strapped to the outside of

the LSH box until the maintenance team has time to correct the problem per the
instructions listed below. The LSH box has provisions to clamp cables on the housing.
When strapping a spare hose or cable assembly to the outside of an umbilical you
should be aware of rubbing or contact points on the umbilical and try to avoid these

DP Guide LSH 3_06 14

areas. LEONI EPS can supply you with sub-component part numbers for each of your

All LSH components can be replaced within the umbilical without removing the umbilical
from the robot.

Donuts and corrugated tubing are considered wear components. Per the suggested
preventative maintenance schedule, these items should be inspected and replaced as
required. The corrugated tubing can be spliced using a connection donut (p/n B00781-

G. Tightening torques
Bolt Fractional Metric Tread lock Where used
Size Requirements Requirements Requirement
Lbs Ft N-m s
M5 x 25 Hand tight Hand tight n/a Protection donut
M8 x 20 15 20 262 LSH housing to J3
mount plate
M8 x 45 20 27 243 Tube clamp
M8 x 30 20 27 243 Index plate to tube
M10 x 15 11 15 243 Single bracket to index
M8 x 40 8 11 243 Single bracket
M8 x 30 33 45 Fry Pan
243 FPF3160 & 3190
M10 x 67 91 J3 Adaptor plate to
30** 262 Robot

** Optimum thread engagement shall be approximately 1.5 to 2.0 times bolt diameter
H. LEONI Contact Information
LEONI Engineering Products & Services, Inc.
2505 Industrial Row Drive
Troy, Michigan 48084

Ph: 248-655-1900
Fax: 248-655-1905

DP Guide LSH 3_06 15

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