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Dr. Raymond Bernard

Republished 1998
CJbe'Book CT,-ee
c/o P.O. Box 724
Escondido, California 9203 3

. N.o more. baffling and perplexing character ever puzzled. hist;orians than that
- mysterious individual who 'suddenly appeared out of the unknown a~-. the .beginning 0

of tlie eighteenth. century, and, after fli ttering through .the . cou:rts of: Europe for
a par't. of_ this century, .then disappeared as mysteriously. a11 lie first
. appeared . Who he was,. where' he came from, what was his mission, and, whei;e_ he
, we.nt_ : .after he was last: seen, nobody knows or eveii ventures to: gue~s. He..;is a
perfect enigma.

-9~yi~sly.~f royal,b~rth, though not t;he last heir of the house of Rakoczy
as he.claimed, he. dealt-with the, crowned heads of Europe as equals,.and they
accepted him" as such,,cons:i.dering him both as friend and counsellor,.whetheI' it
was the unfortunate Louis:xv, whose the .guillo!;i11e he unsuccessfu:\,J;y
tried .to prevent, Emperor Frederick the-Great, who called him "the man who
n~ver dies," or the royalty. _He.mystified them all and kept .them won-
dering about his identity, which was.a constant subject of conversation_anc!.
wonder in the courts of Europe, as was also his age, which was suspected to be
much greater than his youthful appearance would indi.cate,
While. he.ased many names, which he changed to suit the occasion; that most
commonly assumed,though as.fictitious as the rest; was that.of Count: Saint-
Germain, the alchemical adept who was the marvei of Louis XV's court on the
f've of the French.Revolution, whose coming he predicted and at: which he .was
present, after his feigned-death in 1784.

In the following:. pages, we shall atts! to put together and reconstruct

the following.scattered fragments of the long and mysterious "life of .this adept,
which stai::ted .in the sixteenth .century and continued' on until the twentieth,
during whi_c_htime he used a series of n:ames; and- while his- true name is Fra::icis
T.t1dor, son of Queen Elizabeth andlast of the Tudors, the name unde:r.-which he was
known during the early part of his long life was that of Francis Bacon, since he
tias an, adopted .son of Lord. and I,ady Bacon, though his writings appeared under
many assumed, nllllles, as: Shakespeare,;. Christopher Marlowe, Spencer, Montaigne,
Eui:ton, Cervantes and others. Later. in, after hisfeigned death in
England and. passage to. the Continent, he adopted an enigmatfcal" style of writing
under various feigned,names, as Valentine.:Andraes;Comte de Gabalis,etc., in
order to conc:eal his.,ident;ity; and. from a philosopher,- poet and dramatist as he
was in, Ji:ngian~ he_ now became a Rosicrucian philosopher, .
~' . , . t

~ei:e. is a~widespread. belief. among .modem occult organ:i.aiatiC>I,lS; as ::t~e .

..l'heosop_hi~ Society and the "I'Ani" Movement, that Saint-Germai,n is still 0
as one of the great masters of these- orders; According to the Brazilian Theo-
sophical Society, he is now living in the Subterranean World __as a ..member of an
, . advanced civilizatio.n that :exists there. Charles A. Marcoux, of Subsurface
Research Center, 1311 West Cheryl .Rciad, Phoenix, Arizona, 'claims .to _have ,con.:
-...tacted h:i.m_ariawrot~ the _present thought: ''I want to _comment to you one thing
. which may . -
be of
concerning, .Count .Saint-Germain,
Such aparty ._ '..
has . ff
contacted. me ..on .several .occasions, at .least .he claimed to be C::ount Saint~rmain.
Barb:ara. Moore,. a Russian:-bor!l physician living irt England; claims .t:o 'have met. him
. some years ,ago, learning from _him the secret .of rejuvenation, as did _also the
famous Frenchwoman, Ninon de L'Enclos, who, at the age of 90, looked like a young
woman and was :so beautiful -that many suitors sought her hand in marriage. Iri
1933, .the head of a Co-Masonic in San Jose, Costa Rica, told the writer _that he
had received a letter from him, as theworld leader of this Order, coming from
carpathian Mountains. Manly Hhll, his biographer, also told the author that in
1925, Saint-Germain was seen at a Masonic convention in France. A French student
of Saint-Germain, Paul Masson, in 'a,letter to the writer dated December 12, 1959,

:;,i: :r:, - d!Regatding':the Countsaint"-Gennain., T'haaa :f;:'iend Ntcet'Fra~ce,.when

, :I.resided" there"ifi.''-1952;;.53 wh'o told me tliatwneif' he''studied itf"the: 'li'renct(Lycee
in his youth ''there ,tas in! his cla'ssc a remi,lrka'ole youn'g man''wh~se name\' believe
it :or not'"'w~s,'the'.'Comte de Stl-Germain. You probably knowt '.o(~coufi.~_;~ th,at
<<thete''iS'iio authi!rit:1C' record Of' Saint.:.Germain. 1 s death., . Hesimply d1iiai,peared from
t:her,l:iistotical French scene--he Who wascredited with having, single:!..1:tana'Ei'dly,
engineered the French Revolution! ,
.,. : .:>:':' !'~ 1 interested
:in, the. b:!.6graphy you, are writing abo~t Sia:!.nt::cermafr: and
only hopeyoiFwill not miss some of the' highljghtl':~f his career and his re- .
mai'kabli!aehievements such as hismastery of all the'Euro~ean language!>, which
:netspoke"fl:uently' and.without any'aceilt:; his bei~g one ol:;the be~t swordsme~ of
his day; his technique with the violin which was oniy equalled later;-, but never
SU1."passed, by'Paganini; and the fact'that he was a high adept is borne out by
.ample testimony to hisremarkabie"powers of- . mind.
~ -

''He could write two different letters at the same l:icie, using both han<la.
, (He could.}+110,,write the same le!=,ter with hand, each being, such, an exact copy
of the o,ther that when one was placed overthe other and,-'held up to a light; tbc,y
were foundto be identical, down to the ,last detail.) His. ,ability to repeat word
fer word the contents of a newspaper he had read several days before is positive
pi:':>of to my mind that he was an initiate of an occult school based on Orienttl
tE:achings. You may remember in Rudyard Kipling's 'Kim,' how the adept trained the
.youngsters' min4s and pow.ere of concentration by the., well-:known 'single glance'.
'pra::tic.e, ~ '.tlie ,same. technique wa11:used .by, the Japanese to develop the 'pictu::-e
holding\ abiliiy -0f,'.their. !3,p:les'during World War II and was later the found~tinn
for i:lie 'training giv~n the ,Russian master spies after the same war, and is the
key to, the remarkable succ~ss of
,their .espionage system.

"An a!fep,t in the 'single-glance' technique is. able to walk swiftly th:ro<igh
a roomful of peoplE;, and,in the few seconds 'it tak,es him to leave, he will have
gained ,i;11oughinformation of. a., most'.detai:led:kind,- which will' require him several
hours .of typ:!,ng tihen he, renders his report.', In this :brief insE~t' of time, h:?
will,haver in<;redij,ly enough:,,had enough:t:ime to impress on his f~iiermental,s?r.een,
foi: instance., tge entire,contents,of:adetter which-a mansitting":tn an armcJ:u;.,1.r
was s.i6wly 'reaJiug,' ii;:1caddition' to.,n.oting the detailed faciai features Sf k ~core
of persons in the room, the small details of their dress, etc, You may rememllcr
that. Roberi: ,,.HoudiuJ., in,.his ,autobiography,, successfully ,practiced ''this :single-
, .,gl,a~de':sy-a5eini:'1tf1th1s ;!l~ii. ~,.nd ri:i.~"i~ar.kable.ifeats of, clai'!Noy~ce:'iiid''te~J-
'' .g~.t!,ly, were_sil!\P!?:_;the i:es1,ll:t~_of !l,,t;r.a:l,11,ed.
mind; . : c .,. , ,. '' ' ::' :, .... '''
- - ,_,. . , .. , ... " - ~r:.u, ~ .. ;~ --~- f.t<~'l~- . :,. . '._:f ~~: ....... .,,.,, .. --~;,.~:;qot-.
_. '''.B1 the way, :a1q'.yo~ knq~:'t,hat there "ts a >:picture f'(j'.f,,Coutit:''Sain't~en,i's!n?
I-~-.~~, l?l;1 ~ei!tf iri ';the.!::Col,,le~iQn, itilN!W.~ork :City. [ft. 'was ~bf'.'f,;i.tian '\Yafnt,ed'
-~n,<!;is. e;1ti)iled 'Tbe, Po;lish ,.Rider.'' (Thi!!, picture.:ap'pearif in , the 'l:ro;it'{spiec;e:'of
t~: l,pqlcf91?1tediJ,Gabc.:1'i. which: Saint-Gernuiin, or: Fra'ric:rs'Biicon', 'whq 'd1mi:ifiom
: , <;~pan,: :S'ii the,, 1,Po,J,ish, R;;.'\ delivered :in a, series' bf 'di'Si::ciurses' i:cf Abb1l' '.
.': ;~aj:5:tionde Viilars) .,, IJ;,oght ,a, large: coi,y and''sent it"to Barliari"Mdor~:..~ ,
' 'Pa!::~l~ewa,' wh!:i;. had been-.wanting' it:,for some time.:: 'If :fou have sfienthis pictiJre,
yu' m,a.i
rej\(ember the h:j,gh chee.k penes:. Well, 1 do ilot'know of i!ny'c'6mmen't'on the
:m~f'ter e):ef having'. be.en, made by anyone~ This i~:, probably due to 'thf fa'ct, th~
Sa~n.t-Gri:main was presumed to have been' of: Polish ancestry, althou~i\jio re~r,r~ of
ti>~~s has ~ver, been fof;ld. But: llince: there is a large Slavic element i!i 'PoJ!l,n~, the
hi[,h d:wek hones of i SaiI1:;-Gewn8,in occasioned. no corum,;,nt.. , It ili'my:'cotrviction,'
- ,< ~, T

however, that Saint-Germain was not a European, but was .an Asiatic, probably
Tibetan or Mongolian. He was sent to Europe on a secret mission and with his
fantastically developed powers, mental and occult, he was to bring about the
downfall of an effete monarchy and effect an actual Renaissance of the free and
liberated human spirit, (Author's note: The writer does not agree with Mr. Masson
that Saint-Germain was of .Asiatic origin, for certainly his face shows no Mongolian
characteristics, which it should if he was of Tibetan or Chinese ancestry, In
fact, there is every reason to believe, as Madame Blavatsky says in her Isis
UnveiZed, when speaking about the "Pehling" or European who was the marvel of the
Tibetan lamasaries during the nineteenth century, when he resided there, that he
was an EngZishman, whose mastery of languages amazed everyone. Who else was he
than Francis Bacon, author of the Shakespeare plays?)

"He succeeded admirably in his outer work, as testified to this day by the
great democracy that France typifies, His inner work, however, will never be
known by the profane, as it deals with the occult and was manifested in the secret
schools of that time, notably those of the Freemasons. Cagliostro was one of
Saint Germain's disciples and went to Poland to learn the alchemical art (according
to Dr. Marc Haven). Later on, Cagliostro himself became very active in Free-
masonry and founded the 'Egyptian Rite of Freemasonry,'_opening the first lodge in
Lyons, France.

"I have all the information on this Secret Rite; and if you can read French,
you are welcome to read it In there you will find a description of the
rejuvenating elixir which Cagliostro used to restore youth to aging individualB,
I have all the details of this strange operation, which consists of an almost forty
dv.y fast, during which only distilled water was used as the only liquid, together
with an elixir called the 'Master's White Drops.' On the 33rd day, one will be
seized with a paroxysm of evacuation from all channels of one's body, together
with great perspiration through the pores of the skin. On the 35th day, one's
hair and skin will be shed, followed by the loss of all one's teeth. On the 37th
day, new skin will commence to form, and new teeth will start to grow. On the
40th day, a complete regeneration and rejuvenation will have been effected. The
book says that if one repeats this secret operation every fifty years, one's
physical immortality will be secured. Now that I am rereading this chapter on the
Cagliostro method of rejuvenation, it calls to my mind a similar treatment recom-
meaded for the Indian sage, Ghandi, and which was according to the ancient pre-
scription of the age-old Ayuvedic method of treating disease and restoring he~uth,
practiced in India since time immemorial. Ghandi never tried this treatment, but
I can note many points of resemblance between the Indian method and that of
Cagliostro." (Author's note: However, according to an article in the "New York
Times," this method of rejuvenation was successfully applied to an aging follower
of Ghandi under the guidance of a 178 year-old yogi, who was a specialist in this
science, who himself looked no older than a man of forty. The method started
with a 40 day fast to dissolve away accumulated deposits, as well as the use of
certain rejuvenating herbs employed since time immemorial by the Ayuvedic school
of medicine, including the famous Fo-ti Tieng, a variety of hydrocotyle asiatica,
which is believed to regenerate the endocrine glands.)

In the following pages, we shall consider the long life of the mysterious
individual who during the latter part of his long life used the name of Count-
Germain, who was believed in occult circles to be a "reincarnation" of Francis
Bacon, though, as clearly indicated by Udny in his "Later Incarnations of Francis
Bacon," it was a habit of Rosicrucian philosophers to undergo feigned deaths in on
country, only to later reappear in other countries under a new name and an al-
tered appearance. Thus did Bacon reappear in Europe as Count Saint-Germain, after
removing his goatee and altering his appearance.

Rather than present the biography of th:LsDlong--lived ai:iep,t in chronological
order,, .commencing with his .:birth as ithe son~of Queen Elizabe,th and -reviewing his
life as Franci_s Bacon, we will consider.,:the J.ater. Saint-"Germain phase of
his l:ife, .,after which :wew-iJ.l.consider :.his earlicer phase as author o:f the Shake-
speare plays., ... For, being- a mysterious individual, we are justified in employing
.. :the, method of retrogressive "tracing of identity;" .rather than 'thilt of:the
ordinary biographer. "
, ..

. . - . ' - ...
(Publisher Is Note: Charles', A. Marcoux," of Subsurface' Research Center,. as
mentioned in the beginning of this Foreword is now deceased. He died on
September 23, 1983.)


t L.

C HA P T E R 0 N E


Count Saint-Germain

Francis Bacon - Valentine Andreas - the Polish Rider - Comte de Gabalis -

Prince Rakoczy - Signor.Gualdi -.Count Saint-Germain: These-were various
aliases employed by the Man of Mystery to conceal his true origin as Francis
Tudor, Prince of. England, and rightful heir to the>English throne. Could'he have
preserved this secrecy in order to protecthis'.life from assassination by
aspirants for the English throne, knowing ..too weil the cupidity and. baseness of
those filled with such ambition,during his lifelong association with the English
Court and service as Lord Chancellor, which he depicted in the historical
Shakespeare plays he wrote?

Since h;ls royal birth was only too.apparent, andcould not be denied since
i.t was evidenced -by his entire ,make-up and :manner of speech and behavior, his
favorite _alibi was that he. was a prince, btit of a :Hungarian rather than English
rnyal house being the son of Prince Rakoczy, last heir of this royal line of
Transylv!!ia . With .this confession, he conveniently avoided ..further question:!.ng
and resulting embarrassment, withoiit denying the fact .that he was a dispossessed
prince and ..a throneless king--this throne being -in Hungary. rather than in England.

The most sympathetic book on this. enigma ti cal character who baffled arid con-
fused the.conventional.biographer, was that of the Theosophical writer, I'. CoopeT-
Oakley, The Comte de St. Germain, the Searet of Kings. In this book, as usual,
Saint-Germain receives kinder treatment by a woman biographer than by one of his
own sex.. Referring to. his complete mysteriousness; which baffled ev_eryone, she
quotes from the papers of Bentinck van Rhoon, dated April 18, 1760, who said:
"No one knew who he was,. a fact which did not astonish me in a country like
England, where t:here are practically no secret police, but which did astonish me
was that in France it was not.known either.11

Along the same line, Andrew Lang, in his.BistoriaaZ Mysteries, wrote, say..:
ing: ''I am not aware that he has anywhere left his trail in.official documents;
he lives in more or less legendary documents alone. He'isa will-o'-the-wisp of
the memoir writers of the eighteenth century. Wheneveryou'think. you have .a
chance. of finding him ingood authentic Statepapers, he gives you the slip."

Napoleon III, pu;zl~d . and interested by what' he had' heard about the s~cret
of the life of Count Saint-Germain, instructed one of his librarians to search
for. and collect all that could be found about him in archives and documents of
the latter part of the eighteenth:century. This was done, .and a great number of
papers,forming anenormous dossier; was deposited in the libr!l.ry .of.-the pre-
fecture of the police. The Franc:e-PrussianWar and the Commun~intervet1ed, and
the part .of the building in which the doss:l,er was kept was burnt. Magre, in his
Return of the Magi, comments on this saying:" "Thus once again an .. 'accident' up-
held the ancient law that decrees that the life of an adept must always .be sur-
rounded with mystery."

Until Gustav Berthold Volz conducted his exhaustive research in ..the nine-
teen-twenties, Count Saint - Germain remained the man of mystery whom Frederick
the Great candidly acknowledged him to be in his History of the Seven Years'
War, describing him as "one of the most enigmatical personages of the eighteenth

century," as Grillot de Givry also pronounced him to be in his Witaharaft, Magia
and AZahemy.
Mrs, Cooper-Oakley, convinced that Count Saint-Germain was still alive,
industriously followed his traces wherever she could find them; and as against
the idea that he is a legendary figure, records of him were found in the French.
National Record Office, the French-Record Office of Foreign Affairs, the Dutch
Palace Archives of Berlin, the Palace and State-Archives in Vienna and the State
Archives in Copenhagen.
As- to the mystery. of his origin.mid birth, as mentioned above, saint .. Germain,
to con_c;eal his secret, -claimed to be the eldest son of Prince Rakoczy of 'Transyl-
vania. In Paris,.he was "Saint.,.Germain;" in London, "The Marquis of the Black
Cross'.'; ;Ln Ubbergen he was Coun~:Surmount;. in Italy, .llcount-- Bellamare;" in --
Venice,- he was "Marqu-is de Montferrat;" in Pisa,-- he was "Chevalier Schoening;"
in. Get1oa he_ was .G~mei:al Soltikov; and at Nuremberg he was General Wi!lldone, a
Russian general, _which honor, was bestowed on: himby count Alexei Orlov; Supreme
Commander of the Russian Expedition in the Archipelage for his contribution to
the Russian war effort by providing for his fleet "Saint-Germain tea," later
known as Russian tell, a,herbal combination he originated which acted asa mild
laxative and wa11 considered --as:a universal panacea. He also used--the name of
Tzarogy ,,,_obviously an anagram,of Rakoczy,. under which name he sometimes' appeared.
Saint-Germain.was firstseen in 1710 in Vetiice,appearing then to the
-French ambassadress, Madame-de Gergi; as a man about 45 years of age; and.when
she later ..met him. in. Paris 50 :years -later,' he did-not seem a day older, leading
her to think that he was his son. She concluded that his remarkable preservation
of youth _was due- to his 11se of,_ a rejuvenating herbal elixir which- he gave her
at their .first meeting, and which also :preserved her youth, as we shall see
below. . - . ' '

Where Saint-Germain came fromwllen first seen in Venice, nobody knows. How-
ever, we find a hint in Jenning's Rosiaruaians-, Their Rites and Mysteries, in
which we fi_nd a- description of' an almost identical individual iti' Venice in 1687,
twenty--three year_s before, who used- cthe name of $.ignor Gualdi and_ who, when
questioned about his identity, immediately left town.: Like Saint-Germain, he was
an art connoiseur and had a collection of remarkable paintings. Manly Hall and
others suspect the identity of_the "so_ber signor, lie-was known,with Count
Saint-Germain. We can then trace him,-back to the Polish Rider who, in 1670,
delivered to Abb_e Monfaucon de Villars certain.,remarkable Rosicrucian discourses
which were published ~nder.the.tit:!,e of'lis, a book-that only a
genius. with unusual. intelligence and capacity_, to conceal his identity arid style
of writing could originate, and this was 46 years after his feigned death_in
England as Francis Bacon in 1624. .-~'-.

There_ exists ~tf a~tographed ietf~r in-his- hand preserved in the.- British'
Museum, which was dated )fovember 22; 1735,. prov;ng ..that he was then at The Hague,
Morin, Baron von Gleichen' s .sec;_retary, testified to meeting him in Holland in'
1739; On December 9, _1745,' Horace Walpole.-stat_ed that he was said to -have been
in London for two years~ __ This was .d.uring the rebellion of Charles Edward, the
Young Pretender, which led to Saint.:.Ger_main, who ,was under suspicion, being
apprehended, but he was later rele.ased when ii: was proven that he was 'innocent.
Concerning this incident, Walpole, in his letters, wrote:

"The other day, they seized an odd man who goes by the name of Count- Saint-
Germain. He has been here these two years, and will not tell who he i_s, or
whence,.butprofesses that he does not go by his right name. He sings, plays on
the violin wonderfully; composes, is mad, and not very sensible . The Prince of
Wales hos had unsatiated curiosity about him, but in Vain."

In England, Sa'int-Germain befriended the famous writer, Bulwer Lytton, whom
he instructedin Rosicrucianism, and who wrote his famous novel, Zanoni, with
Saint-Germain as the central character, whom he represented as a Rosicrucian
adept, an herbalist who possessed the secret of prolonging life.

According to Saint-Germain's own accounts, he was in India twice subse-

quentl,y to 1745; and a letter written by him in 1773 described th.e second of
these Journeys made in the company of Watson and Clive in 1755. . In this letter
he mentions having a son, ,who was probably Bacon's son who played an important
role in American colonization and in the early history'of Virginia. There are
confirmed rumors that.he had a retreat in the Himalayas to which.he periodically
retired. He was probably a practitioner of yoga and was seen'in yoga :postures
at certain occasions;

Who he was, where he came from, arid his ciriginremained a perpetual enigma
that puzzled Europe throughout the eighteenth century, Writing on "The Man of
Mystery" in her book, Myth of the'Magi,'E, M. Butler says On this point:
~ ''

"That so striking a personality should escape identification was a challenge,

since it represented a gap in contemporary knowledge which, like any other vc:f.d,
had to be filled. Saint-Germain obeyed this law of nature when he declared him-
self to be Rakoczy. Before that day dawned, he deepened the mystery. He would
describe his childhood in glowing colors, portraying himself with.a1arge suite,
wandering on splendid terraces in a glorious climate; as if (said th.e Baron
G.ieichen) he were heir to the throneof the kingof Granda at the t:i.ine of the
Moors. To Madame de Genlis, then a girl of fourteen, in the presence. of her
skeptical mother, he told a moving story of wandering through the forests at the
age of seven with a price upon his head, accompanied by his tutor and 1vearing a
miniature of the mother he was never to see again in.a bracelet .around his wrist,
To prove it, he showed the miniature. This false claim to royal blood (as the
child's mother took it tobe) might have been nearer the truth than she thought
were he .indeed a Rakoczy. (Author's comment: Here we have a concealed revela-
tion of his royal origin as the son of Queen Elizabeth, a "mother he.was never
to see again," since after his birth she turned him to Lady Bacon to raise as
her own son, to replace her own infant who died; andthe "price upon'his head"
referred to the fact that. he was a Prince of England, whicli, if pernii.tted to be
known, would result in his assassination by aspirants forthe throne. In sho"t,
he correctly described.himsalfas a,king denied his throne, without stating in
which country this throne existed.)

. "Disappea._ring from one country. to reappear in 'another without any kind of

explanation, lie certainly covered .the greater part of Europe in his early life-
time, and was .to .have gone much further. He himself claiined to have
been in India; others declared that he told them he 'hadbeen to Persia, Turkey,
Japan and China; in which ,country, according to a not very reliable memoir
writer, he had. refused to give any name at all. The wonderfully vivid descrj_p-
tions he gave of oriental.countries in his conversations lent the
belief that he was familiar with them.. '

"A strong tradition exists that he was an extremely powerful arid influential
initiate, who founded more than one sect and was connected with them all, Saint-
Germain himself told the Duke of Bouillon (evidently making fun of the incident) ..
that more than two hundred personsin Paris, belonging to a society presided over,
by the Duke of Bouillon, had desired his acquaintance because they believed him
to be a Master; and it is categorically affirmed that he was chosen as a repre-
sentative of the great Masonic Conference in Paris in 1785, a year after his

During the eighteenth century, Saint-Germain sojourned with theroyalty of
Europe and bore creden.tials to admit him into the most exclusive .circles of
European nobility. During the. reign of Peter the Great, he was in,Russia; and
from 1737 to 1742, in the court of the Shah of Persia as; an honored guest;
From Persia to France and from Calcutta to Rome, he was known and respected in
royal courts. We have mentioned that.Walpole knew him inLondoncin:1745 and
Cl;ve in India' fri, 1756... Madame d 1 Adhemar alleges ,she met him in .Paris in 1789,
five years after.his supposed death, while other-persons claimed'theyheld con-
versations with _him,in tl:iei,"early nineteenth century, and some in. the twentieth
century,. He was .'o~ familiar and. intima,te ,terms with :the::.C:rowned heads of Europe
and wa.s the hotiot;ed friend of many personages. of all nations.
Fre~erick the Great, Voltaire, MadSlll.e:de Pomp~dour, Rousseau and Chatham"all
knew him personally~ and rivalled each other in curiosity, as. to :the cirfgili of
this mystery man. Writing on Saint-Germain's multi-colored life, Una Birch, in
"The Nineteenth Century'' .(January., _J,901l).. wrot.e:

"He was a ijlccibite agent in Lond_on,. a"conspirator in St . Petersburg and an

alchemist and connoisseur of paintings in Paris, and a Russian general at Naples.
We find. him fiddling in the m_usic roi:>m,of V~rsailles, gossipping with Horace
Walpole in London, sitting: in Fre~erick the Great-' s library at Berlin and con-
ducting illuminfst meetings in caverns by.the Rhine."

In 1757; Saint;;Germain appeared in Pa~is and was .soon.received at.Court,

where he mystified everyone by his.incognit9 and possession of unusual.powers.
On this subject;, Butler;_in her book above referred to, writes:

"He was also such:a brilliant conver~a~ic,palist reconteur; so widely

traveled, so deeply read, so learned, so light--hearted, so urbane, and with all
so lavish and so splendid, _that he outshone ,even his own diamonds and_ sparkling
precious stones. Not only he at.tain to a prestige, fame and power unpara-
lleled in that cynical, skeptical.and sophisticated society, but he maintained
that position for a period of-three years. under.the eyes of the great arid'in the
penetrating rays .of ..the fierce. light that beats upon. a .throne. First. insinu-
ating himself into the. good graces .of l{adame. de Pompadour, he. made the conquest
of the king by virtue of. his ':lnhei:ent power to fascinate~ to -entertain, tocharm,
persuade and. convince. Louis 'YY, perennially in the last stages of boredom;
and hard indeed to astonish. or :.impress, was nevertheless taken out of himlelf
when this remarltable newcomer transformed one of his flawed diamonds.into a stone
without blemish, and worth more than three times-itsoriginal price.

"The man was obviously a wizard, and a most distinguished'. one at that.
Miracles_ of this type, however, bec_ame stale :by,repetition; arid it wiis 'one of the
secrets ci Saint-Germain's success that .he.aimed at' interestirig'the '.intellect
of his patroris quite as much as .arousing their emotions. : He made pu~ils of them,
one and a_ll. . Louis XV was. soon0whiling away his hours of elin'ui in a: laboratory.
fitted up for. that" purpofl.e at. Trianon... Like, everyone else who ever to:ok part. in
Saint-Germain's secret proce.sses, he. was. convinced that was bi'g'money, in
them, and that they were worth backing. He. assigned to' the inventor or' discov-
erer apartments in the castle of Chambord, so that he might perfect his inventions
to the incalculable_benefit of _t:heFrench:--dyeing industry and of the finances of

the kingdom, ..then in a parlous state.
The scintillating
.. . . .

star at Court, who was admitted to the petit soupe!!.Bof

. ..

the king and to the private apartments of .the favorite; t_he brilliant scientist
who was to revolutionize industry and stabilize finance; the wonderful sage.who
possessed the secret of perpetual rejuvenation and might perhaps impart it to a
chosen few, wielded (and indeed it was a foregone conclusion that he would) no
negligible influence in the political sphere. More than one member of the French

Cabinet consulted him about affairs of state and even acted upon his advice.
Saint-Germain was said to be responsible for the fall of the Controller General
of Finance, Etienne de Sillhoutte in 1759. He had made himself prominent enough
and trusted enough to be charged with a secret mission to the Hague in 1760 in
connection with overtures of peace with England which were in the .air at that

Saint-Germain's abilities as a statesman and diplomat seemed to have been

highly appreciated by Louis XV, as -were his achievement.s as a chemist and ennob-
ler of gems, which .led .Louis to give him a suite of rooms ,in his residence, where
he spent whole evenings at Versailles with the royal family, Tiring of the war
with England and.wishing to secretly negotiate peace, Louis selected Saint-
Germain as the ideal person to go to The Hague on a secret diplomatic mission to
the English representatives there, for. the purpose of arranging peace,

But since the mission had been entrusted to him without the knowledge of the
Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Due de Choiseul, and since the French ambas-
sador at The Hague, d'Affry, also had not been informed about it, when Saint-
Germain came there and sought to. execute Louis's orders, d 'Affrey .demanded a royal
order against him, for his arrest, which the weak-wil_led Louis did not refuse.

D'Affrey, accordingly, communicated. the order for his arrest to the Grand
Pensionary of, who broght it to the attention of the States-General
assembled under the presidency of .Bentinck. However, the latter, who was.a.
friend of Saint'-Germain, sent him,word of it in advance, so giving him time to
flee to England, where, however,.,he was not permitted to.remain and forced to
find refuge in Germany, Thus ended his effort to help. Louis and end the war
between England and France. But.though unsuccessful asa peacemaker-on this
occasion, due to the jealousy and opposition of Choisseul and d'Affrey, he was
more successful 1narranging a treaty of peace between Germany and Austria in
1761, and in the event.s in Russia, in which he took pert, which, in 1764, placed
Catherine on the throne.

Saint-Germain had .critics who misunde_rstood and maligned him, as he had

friends who appreciated him, like Louis XV. One of his critics was the DaniEh
statesman, Count Charles Wernstedt, who.,. writing in Silesia on Nove~ber 24,
1779, said:

"We have the notorious adventurer . He is the completest

charlatan, fool, rattle:;.pate, wind-bag and in a certain sense, swindler' that
the world has seen for many a long year. Our prince esteems and honors him \dth
all his might: 'and heart. In doi_rig so, he is fo'llowing his inborn inclination
for that type of person. II (Warnstedt was probably jealous of him.)

The French savant.Thiebault, in his "Souvenirs," however, was more syinpa-

thetic, though equally incredulous., when he said:

"The history of Count of Saint-Germain displays a cleverer and more cautious

adventurer (than Cagliostro) and nothing to offend the sense of honor. Nothing
dishonest, everything marvelous,never anything mean or scandulous."

Kauderbach, who had been both dazzled and puzzled by Saint-Germain at first,
on April 4, 1760, wrote from The Hague to Count Wackerbath-Salmour: ..
This Saint-Germain has told us so many gross and palpable fairy stories,
that one can 1isten to him. with nothing but disgust on a second occasion, unless
such braggings amuse one. This man couldn't deceive a child.of ten years, let

alone enlightened men. I regard him as an adventurer of the first water who is
at the end of his tether, and I shall be very much surprised if he doesn't end
The Danish statesman Count Bernstorff, in a private letter written in 1779,
"I was neither his friend nor:his admirer.;.! reserve my..jtidgm;nt,.but I
confess that I still incline strongly to.distrust a man whose personality remains
a perpettialriddle, who was forever making preposterous statements, continually
changing his name, .sometimes posing- as an adept;, at others as . a great gentleman
whom providence had-blessed more richly than most."

Voltaire, perhaps-sarcastically, wrote to his friend, Frederick the Great,

of him, "He is a man who never dies and knows everything." Frederick probably
got the .expression, "the man who never dies,11 from Voltaire, who undoubtedly
used it in a sarcastic sense, .. -

The Prussian ambassador in Dresden, Alverisleben/was another critic of

Saint-Germain, who; writing to Frederick on June 25, 1777, said:

"He is a highly gifted man with a very alert mind, but.completely without
judgment, and he has only gained his singular reputation by, the ..lowest and
basest ..flattery of which a man is capable, as well as by, his outstanding elo-
quence, especially if one lets oneself be carried away by.the fervor.and enthu-
siasm with which he can express hiinself. Inordinate vanity _is the mainspring
driving bis whole mechanism He is-stimulating and entertaining in society, so
long as he is only narrating. But as soon as he tries to develop his own _ideas,
his whole .weakness. shows itself. Btit woe to him who would contradict him,''

In sarcasm,.the Danish admiral Count Danneskjold, writing to Saint-Germain

from Amsterdam on April 27, 1760, said:

."I am well aware; Monsieur, that you are the greatest lord on earth," _

Prince Golizyn, the Russian ambassador in London, writing to Kaude-rback on

April 1, 1760, remarked:

"As. for me, I, like yourself, think hi1I1somewhat of a fool."

But. Saint-Germain had appreciators as well as critics among.the statesmen

of Europe. Bentinck von Rhoon, the Dutch statesman, on March 14, 1760, saidof
him: .

'"Yorke.spoke of him as being a very cheerful andvery polite man. 'His con-
versation pleased me very much, being exceedingly brilliant, varied 'and full of
detail about various countries he had visited. I was exceedingly pl_eased with
his judgment ,of persons and places known to me; his manners were exce'edingly
polite and went to prove that he was a man brought up in the best society;"

Sypesteyn, in his HistoriaaZ Memoirs, also writes of him appreciatively as


"Saint-Germain was in many respects a remarkable man; and whenever he was

personally known, he. left a favorable impression behind,' and the remembrance of
many good and sometimes noble deeds. Many a poor father of a family, many a
charitable institution, was helped by him in secret.,,Not one bad nor one dis-
honorable action was ever known of him, and so he inspired sympathy everywhere."

The Russian dramatist, Chekov, in his "Queen of Spades" refers to a book on
occult sciences written by Saint-Germain when in St, Petersburg early in the
eighteenth century, when he organized secret societies which probably played an
important role in bringing on the Russian Revolution, just as his Freemasonic
societies ,paved the way for. the French and American Revolutions .

. .In her Souveniros of Maz>ieAntoinette, the Countess D' Adhemar described the
Count as follows:.
11Itwas in l74-3 that the rumor spread that a foreigner, enonously rich,
judging by the magnifi'cence of. his jewelry, had jus't arrived at Versailles.
Where he came from, no one hasever been able to find out. His figurewas well-
knit and graceful, his hands delicate, his feet small and his shapely legs en-
hanced by well-fit.ting ,stockings. His netller:. garments, which fitted very closely,
suggested .a rare perfection of form. His smile showed magnificent teeth; a
pretty dimple,marked his chin. His hair was black and his glance soft and pene-
trating, And, oh, what eyes! Never have I seen their like; He looked about
forty-five years old. He was often to be met within the royal apartments, where
he had unrestricted admission at, the beginning ofl768."

Count Saint-Germain ,was ..recognized as an outstanding scholar of his day, so

usuallyoverlooked and disregarded by historians to suchari extent 'thet he has
become an almost mythicalfigure . His linguistic proficiency verged on the
supernatural for he spoke most modern languages, and many ancient and Oriental
. ones, without any accent and as only one born in :the respective countries would
talk. He spoke .German, English; Italian, ,Portugese ,'Spanish, French, Greek,
Latin, Sanskrit, Arabic and Chinese equally well; .and with such fluency that when
he visited. lands where these. languages were spoken,' he Was accepted as a native.

"Leprned," Wl:'ities one author.about him, "speaking every civilfzed language

admirab:ly, a great musician, an excellent chemist, he played the part of a
prodigy and played it to perfection. . Madame de Pompadour extolls the genius of
Saint-Germain as, follows:

A thoroughknowledge of all languages, ancient and modern, a prodigous

memory, erudition,. of which glimpses could be caught between the caprices of his
conversation which:was always amusing and occasionally very engaging, an inex-
haustible skill in varying the tone and subjects of his converse, in being
always fresh and in infusing the unexpected into the most trivial discourses
made a superb speaker. Sometimes he recounted' anecdotes .of. the court of
Valois or.of princes still ,more remote,withsuch precise accuracy in every
detail as almost tocreate .the illusion that he :had been an eyewitness of-what
he narrated. He. had traveled the whole world over,- and the king lent a w:l.liing
ear to the narratives.of his voyages over Asia and Africa.and to histales about
the courts of. Russia,' Turkey and Australia,. He appeared tobe more intimately
acquainted withthe.secret ofeach court.than the charge d'affairs of the king."

According to, our view that Saint-Germain was formerly Francis Ba,con, .son of
Queen Elizabeth, who spent .most of his time at the English court and was Lord
Chancellor under King James, we can understand not only his unusual understanding
of court etiquette and psychology, as displayed in the historical Shakespeare
plays. he. wrote, but also his extraordinary capacity to deal with the crowned
heads of Europe which he displayed during the eighteenth century, a talent which
is difficult .to acquire when not inborn as it was in his case. For he not only
treated kings on a.basis of equality, but possessed a natural royal bearing
which was not affected and immediately noticable wherever he went, which won for
him, without any special effort on his part, the friendship of European royalty.

This is what his biographer, Cooper-Oakley, meant when she referred to the
mystery of his "the secret of kings."

The follo:wing is an account of Saint-Germain's youthful appearance by those

who knew him: ''Saint-Germain is of medium. height and has elegant manners. His
features are r~gular; his complexion brown, his hair black; his face mobile and
full. of. genius; his carr.iage. bears the impress and the nobility common only to
the great, The Count dresses simply but with taste. His only luxury "Consists
of a large number of diamonds, with which he is fairly covered; he wears them on
every finger; 1md they are set in: hill snuffboxes and his watches. One evening
he appeared at court with shoe-buckles', which' Herr von Contaut, an expert: in
precious stones, .. estimated as worth 200,000 francs.
"- .-
. ''The Count Saint-Germain. accompanied on the. piano without. music not only
every. song but the ..most difficult aonaerti, played on various instruments
. Rameau was.much: impressed with the playing of thisdilettante, and especially
struck by his improvising.

"The Count paints 'beautifully in oils,but that"which makes his paintings

so remarkable is a particular color, a secret, which he has discovered, and
which lends ,to the painting. an extraordinary brilliance; . Vanloo, who never tires
in. his admiraJ;ie>n of. te, surprising coloring~ has often requested. the Count to
let him participat~ .in. the secret, . The latter, however, will not divulge it.
II :. . . - , - -. : : :; .
One can, I .think, well. assert that a portion of his miracles is due to his
knowledge of physics and chemistry, in which sciences he is :well grounded. At
all events it is palpable .that his knowledge has laid the seeds for him of sound
good health; a .life which will, or which has, overstepped ,tlie ordinary time
allotted to men; and has also endowed him with the means of preventing the
ravages of time from affecting. the body. Among .other statements concerning the
Count' s astounding qualities, made to the Favorite by Mme,.'de Gergy after her
first meeting wit;h the Crunt, after a lapse of years, was ,that during her first
stay i.n Venice, she received from him an elixir which for fullya quarter of a
century, preserved unaltered the youthful charms she possessed at 25. Elderly
gentlemen,whom Madam';! de Pompadour questioned concerning this peculi'ar incident,
gave the assurance tlia~ the standing_still of. time in the aging and preservation
of the youthful appear.ance of Mme. d.e Gergy, {lupported by the-testimony of these
old men, wo.uld make it ap~ar stilf more probable,"

In the realm of music, he wasa'master. While at Versailies, he gave con-

certs,on. the violin least once'duringhiseventful life, he conducted a
symphony orchestra without, a score ., .In London his inusical compositions were
published, .including his ,earliest English song, "Oh, Wouldstt''.rhough Know What
Secret, Charms," In 17~0 he composed a ,great, many new songs'; :Snd in 1780 a set
of solos for. the. violin, ..., It, was .said of him: "He was an industrious and
capable artist,and,attracted a great deal of fashionable attention'to himself,
both as composer and executant,fl He played excellently several musical instru-
ments. It is. ge,nerally, agreed he was ,I!, musician of note, both as a concert per-
former, whose improvisations and playing were ,not only praised by the Frerich
composer, Rameau; but were found among .the papers of Tschaikovsky at the time of
his decease. The, ,incident of the great Russian .composer getting possession of
his compositions was related in the following description of his stay in Russia:

"At St. Petersburg, Saint-Germain lived with Count ROtari, the famous
painter, who was the painter of the beautiful portraits which are in the Peter-
hof Palace. Saint-Germain was a splendid violinist. He 'played like an
orchestra.' N, Pyliaeff has seen (he cannot remember where now) a piece of music,
some air for the harp, dedicated to Countess Ostermann by Saint-Germain's own

hand signed. It is bound beautifully in red maroquin. The date is about 1760.,,
About the music signed by Saint-Germain, N. Pyiaeff now recollects that it
belonged to him himself. He. bought it at some sale and had it for some time.
Then he gave it- to the famous composer Peter Tschaikovsky as a present. lt must
now be among Tschaikovsky's papers. But since the great musician had little
order, Pyiaeff thinks it very unlikely that it could be found."

The .Count was ambidexterous to such an extent that he could -write the same
article with both hands simultaneously. When the two. pieces' of.paper were
afterwards placed one. upon the other; with the light behind them, the writing on
one sheet exactly covered the writing of the other.. He could. repeat pages of
print. on one reading. _To p.rove that _t:he two lobes of his brain could work inde-
pendently' he wrote alove tetter with his right hand and a of mystical
verses with his left, Also he sang beautifully.

J, Cooper-Oakley~ in her biography of Saint-Germain, referred to:above,

who was the most uncle1:st~ndingcif his-admirers, said of him:
ff _""'. .' . : -
Among the. strange mysterious beings with whom the eighteenth century was
so richly ..endowed, no has_ commandeci such comment and attention
than the mystic. who. was known by the_ name of Count-Germain. A hero of romance,
a charlatan, a.swindler.and an adventurer, rich andvaried were the -names that
were showered on him. Hated by the man,. loved and reverenced:-by. the :few; time
has not lifted the veil which screened his true mission from the vulgar specu-
lat_ors _of the period. Then, as now, the occultist was dubbed ~harlatan by the
ignorant; only and women here and there realizedt:he power of which he
stood possessed. The friend and co_uncillor of kings and princes, .enemy- to
ministers who were skilled in deception, he brought his.great knowledge to help
the West, to stave off .in some smal,l measure the storm clouds that weregathering
so thickly around some na.tions. Alas! ;_!!is. words of warning fell on deafened
ears, and his advice _went all unheeded.'.'
Madame Blavatsky, ~nether of Saint:..Germain s women appreciators, denounced
the claim that he was an adventurer by saying: "Do charlatans: enjoy the confi-
dence and admiration of the .cleverest statesmen and nobles.,of Europe for long

In honcir of Saint-Germain, whose picture, as Prince Rakoczy, he placed on

the frontispiece of his $100 book_ on Rosicrucianism, Alchemy,.Masonry and other
occult sciences, Manly Hall writes:
; r,

"When asked once abciut himself, he. replied -_that his father. was the .Secret
Doctrine and his mother. the Mysteries. St. Germain was thoroughlyLconversant
with the principles cif Oriental concentration, upon several occasions having been
seen seated with his feet crossed and hands folded in the posture of a Hindu: ''
Buddha. He had a retreat in the Himalayas to .which he retir.ed:.per:Lodi'cally from
the world. On one occasion, he declared that he would remain in -India for
eighty~five years and then return to the sceq.e of. .his European .labors .. : At
various times he admitted that he was oj,eying the orders of a .power -higher and :
greater than himself. Wha,~ he did not saywas ,that this superior power was the
Mystery School which had sent him into the world to accomplish a:definite mis-
sion, The Comte de St. Germain and Sir Franc:Ls Bacon are the two greatest emis-
saries sent into the world by the Secret Brotherhood in the last thousand years.
(Hall here evidently fears to admit that they were both the same individual, in
spite of the fact that in other writings he refers to Bacon's feigned death and
mysterious disappearance. Could such a brilliant mind, which produced both the
works that go by his name and the Shakespeare plays, plus countless other lit-
eratary masterpieces under different fictitious names, suddenly cease all

activities as his generally believed by those who accept the fact that his death
in 1624 in England was feigned, since he was not later found in his grave?
Could he have vanished completely and abandoned the work he labored with a new
appearance, seeking to realize ideals he had 'formerly presented in literary,
philosophical and dramatic form?)

"The principles disseminated by the Comte de St,-Germain were undoubtedly

Rosicrucian in origin: and permeated with the doctrines of the Gnostics; . The
Comte, was..the:moving spirit of Rosicrucianisni duririg the eighteenth ce_ntury--
possibly the actual head of the order;.-and is'suspected of being the great power
behind the French Revolution. . There is a:lso reason to believe that Lord Bulwer
Lytton's famous novel, Zanoni, was actuallyconcenied with the life andactivi-
ties of St. Germain. -He is generally regarded as an important figure in. the
early activities of the Freemasons."

According to Butler, the reading ofZanoni made agreat impression. on Madame

Blavatsky and constituted the germ of the Theosophical movement that she later
started. The central figure of this book is a Rosicrucian adept who possessed
a deep knowledge of the:.rejuvenating power of herbs and the art ofprol~ngtng
life, and.who.played an important role in'the Frerich Revolution--so who else
could this have been but Saint-{;eI'll!ain, whom its author; Bulwer Lytton, knew
personally? .:Concerning Saint-Germain, Manly Hall writes further in a manner
that could ,well apply to Francis Bacon: ..

"Against the background of ignorance and purposeless pedantry stands out

sharply and clearly.the luminous personality of the Comte de St. -Germain. Master
of the old wisdom, .wise in forgotten,truths; proficient in'all the curious arts
of antiquity,learned beyond any other nian of the modern world, the mysterious
_ComtElpersonified --in his own incredible-achievements the metaphysical traditions
of fifty -centuries. A thousand times'the qu.estions have been asked: Where did
St.-Germain secure his astonishing knowledge.of natural law? How did he per-
petuate himself from century to century, defying the natural corruption which
brings prince, priest and pauper alike to a common end? St. Germain was the
mouthpiece and representative of the, brotherhood of philosophers which had des-
cended unbroken.line from,the hierophantsof Greece and Egypt. He had
received the Logos. By his wisdom he had confounded the elders. The life of
one man puts to naught the scholastic smugness of two thousand years."

This ,seems to be'exactly what Francis Bacon, founder' of modern science and
inductive and experimental philosophy, who liberated human thought from nearly
two thousand years of sterile Aristotelian scholasticism, had accomplished.
After his .feigned ,death in England, Bacon appeared iri Europe as .1eade_r of: the .
Rosicrucianand Freemasonic movementshe previciue,ly started in his hoine country.
Atter la.boring during :cthe seventeenth and. eighteenth centuries iri '.Europe, at the
beginning of. the .nineteenth 'century, he departed for the -Far East, where he re-
mained during .th:ts,.-century. Bacon and saint;;:Germain were the same' man at two
different states of his long life. While he was able to alter 'his. appearance,
his stature, which was much more difficult to. alter, remained unchanged; _and
this constitutes telltale evidence of his identity unde.r his two successive
appearances during .the three centuries of his known life, the sixteenth, seven-
teenth and eighteenth.,


.. . ...

Bulwer Lytton, when he desb:ib~d Saint-:Germain in his philosoph;!.cal, novel,

Zanoni; referred to.him a~ both a and a herbaiis.t who had pro-
found knowledge of the occult'virtues of herbs, by which knowledge ..he. achieved
his apparent miracles~ including the indefinite.prolongati~n of.yQuth.and life,
wh:fcfi was one of' the great goals' of the Rosicrci.ans, who were c;al:J.~d,.,the,. ''long-
livers." He was believed by all to possess a mysterious herbal elixir, by means
of which he preserved his youth and ..prolonged his li.fe ..

Saint.:,;Germaiii 1 s medical knowle' of.\e~bali~ was ,held in high estiinatio.n

by his admirers; and "Saint-Ger:main. tea" ,st:i.11. bears his name as a r,e_cot'.d of
this'fact.' It isa mild laxative anq contains:1;1ezi.'na; and was i;egard~,as a.
panacea since it purift'es the intestines. arid over"comes autointoxication which is
the basicIf cause' of most ' -
"disease; Aiii'we
. .. .
._, '
' .' -, -.
.- .. -~ -
it . was ,later
called Rus-sian tea," 'because durii;,g the){ussian expediti?n t_o,t)le Archipe'lago,
it was supplied by him in bulk to'the freet, helping keep the men well, whereas
otherwise, climatic adversities would probably .make them sick. For this service
he was made "a Russian generai who 'called. J:iiiiiseff General Welldoi;te,, .a t!ame .which
probably referred to biscoritribution to tlie Russian navy .. He wore the official
uniform of a- Russian general when he 'met hts friEi'~d, Count Orloff, supreme com-
. mander .of the.. exped.ition,.
' '
,. '. ,.
. .,
. .. .

Saini:2.:Gtrmain' s f aie' as' a 'herb~list w~s, ho~ever ,. due not only .to his. laxa-
tive tea, but to his mys.t'erious' rejuvenating. elixir which he used himself,and
which he guarded iri sec:te'cy .' This was considered to constitute the secret of his
perpetual youth, as indicated by his experiment with Madame de Gergy ..who. remained
unchanged' for fifty years between her first meeting with him in Venice in 1710
and their later meeting"in .Paris a half a centm::y later, as. cj.;l.dthe: Count him-
self. When Madame de. Gergy first met. him', in 1710, h9 looked like a man of ..
forty-five~ and when she met him fifty years later, he.looked not a day older.
Word,spread; a'iid his secret cif_perpetual youth was, th9n attributed to.his pos-
session of a marvelous rejuvenating herbal ..'~lixir, whicl:i was the coveted secret
of the alchemical philosophers of whom he was .supposed ,i:o be a leading -adept,
if not their grand master.

Those who knew him intimately believed that. his pEirennial youth was not
natural but"due to his:possession. of a great secret; and this secret was his
possession cif the fabled Elixir of L;l.fe of the Rosicrucians, by means of which he
was able to resfst :.the -~a\iages cif time an\i remain' unaff,ected by its. passage
through: the centuries, from the sixteentl\ when he ,wa_s born ,until the twentieth,
when he was rast 'see_ri,. as youthful and ,vtgorous ,as ever, . : Jennings, iri his book
on the Rosi'crucians,-- menti_ons such, a' .herbal elixir as one of the secret possess'-
ions Of ,this order' of sag~!S., which, w!).en once given to an old woman, caused her
to become young again and to manifest all the symptoms and traits of a young'
woman. A similar rejuvenation probably occurred in the case of the aged Madame
de Gergy, who appeared.l;ike a young woman de to her fifty years' useof'Saint-
Germain's - rejuvenating.
.- ' .

Another woman who'.wa~ .rejuvenated by Saint-Germain, or rather preserved in

a state of continued youth from her girlhood until the age of ninety, when she
was so youthful and beautiful that many.suitors sought her hand, riot knowing her

real age, was the celebrated Frenchwoman, Ninon de L'Enclos, who met Saint-Germain
when she was young. He offered her the choice amonc three gifts: the gift of
wealth, the gift of beauty and the gift of perpetual youth, She wisely chose the
1atter gift, since it bestows on one the other two. He then imparted to her his
Great Secret, the secret of remaining young.forever. This probably consisted in
the .same rejuvenating herbal elixir that he gave Madame de Gergy many years
before. Just as it preserved the youthful appearance that the Madame had in her
twenties, when he later met her in her seventies fifty years later, enabled
Nitiori de~L'Enclos, when she was"fifty, to looi.c' a girl of 18; and preserved
her in the same youthful state 'fer forty years longer, until she.:was 90, when she
looked so young and beautifui the~ her. own nephew fell in 1ove ,:ith .her somadly
that he'was _on the verge of comm:!.tting guicide; . But he was only cu f!IIIO!lg many
desperate suitors "who sought. her hand.

Just what did Saint-Germain give Ninon de i' Ericlos that kept her young at
the age of 90? It was such a powerful rejuvenator that it is said,,that when one
takes it, one's teeth and hair fall.out and are re,,laced by new.perfect teeth and
new hair of natural color. Since it is so p<iierfu': ln ite: actiorii most. people
who have tried it got frightened and discont~_'.lued. ~-,3 use. !iOWE;ver,,::.::.
they .had
persevered, as Nirion did, they would probably flnd ~,iat''s marvelous.
herbal elixir would make them young again as it kept Madim=de Gergy. ':nd _Ninon.
de LI Enclos young; and as it kept himself young. '

Manly Hall no.tes that Saint-Gertnl!iri gave much attention tothe J;eju;,,.e.nating
properties of mandrake;known as "the ~rb of the sor6erers," since they used it
to restore youth. In .the book; Thl Mystic' MaridPake,<'. is mention. of a :
Rt:ilsian gentleman in his 70' s who looked no older tlia'n a n:an of.. forty.. Investi-
gation revealed that he was a steady user of rejuvenating herb which, like
Saint-Germain's tea, acts as an intestinal clea_nser, only more powerful in its
action. It is similar to giriseng, the rejuvenating herbc the, Chinese, which,
dt,e to its manlike appearance, l:i.'i<e
. . mandrake,
has been cal led tl,a
. . ."man
' . .

The yogis of India use hydrocotyle asiatica; especially.its potent variety

known as fo-ti tieng, for purposes of prolonging youthful vigor of body and;.
brain. Could Saint-Germain have learned about this herb during his visit to.
India and did he include it in his rejuvenating elixir? And since he.spoke.
Chinese and is claimed to have vi3itedChina; did he not _knowaP,out therejuve-
nating:power of ginseng arid have :i.ricluded this herb too? As a herbalist and an
expert in the art ofrejuvenation, he pr.obablymade a special study ..of the re-
juvenating herbs of'the Far East when he visited the Orient,

Modern endocrinologists are agreed that the endocrine glands hold.the secret
of youth . They are vigorous inyouth and their degeneration in later,years
brings on senility . If these glands may be vitalized aricj ,regenerated .by .the
.. action of certain herbs, as ginseng, which seems to be ari activator. of the gonads
and t9 prevent sterility, then these herbs should tend to produce rejuvenation.
It is probable that Saint-Germain gathered from all parts of the world rejuve- herbs that .accomplish just this and combined them into a super potent
herbal el_ixir for the purpose of preserving and restoring youth. For a detailed
description of these rejuvenating herbs, read the writer's book.Herbal, EZur:irs of
Life. .

A third woman who met Count Saint-Germain and was rejuvenated was the Russian
born physician, Barbara Moore-Pataleewa, a specialist in rejuvenation who studied
with the physiologist, Boglemetz. She based her method by which she resisted the
aging process on her interpretation of the fact that the Count was.never seen to
eat, even at royal dinner tables, when he. diverted his host's attention from this
fai:t by his endless anecdotes and brilliant conversation: After living on a

strictly vegetarian diet of raw foods, Barbara lived for nine years on dandelion
juice and then on water and honey for many years, taking no solid food. During
this time, she displayed remarkable energy in mountain climbing for a
time. Lately she came first in long distance races which are now a fad in
England. Her method of rejuvenation seemed to consist in conservation of digest-
ive energy ordinarily wasted in the digestion, assimilation and excretion.of ex-
cessive and unnecessary foods. She claims that both proteins.and.starches are
entirely unnecessary.
From the above it appe.ars that Saint-Germain found more open-,minded followers
among women than !illlOngmen, just as his most: sympathetic.biographer, Cooper-
Oakley, was a woman, as. also was E. M. Butler, whose deep sympathy for him is
hidden behind a superficial cynicism that her academicpositionas a Cambridge
professor requires.
Willemans, in his History of Roaiaruaianiam, wrote about Saint-Germain as

"According to the testimony of all who knew Saint-Germain intimately, he has

left the reputation of being a marvelous person. In .the. ordinary man he awakened
distrust. A curious detail of his life is that he never ate in the presence of
others . Thanks to his complet~ chastity and to the use of his 'Elixir of Life,'
he presented features astonishingly unchanged. Except toward the,end of his life,
he seemed no older than a man of forty years."

The general opinion of the time.was that Saint-Germain was several centuries
of age. Questioned about this by Louis XV, Saint-Germain replied: "Sire, I
sometimes amuse myself, not by making it believed, but by allowing it to be be-
lieved, that I have lived in ancient times." On this statement, Wittemans com-
ments: "This amusement was, .nevertheless, more active than passive, for his con-
temporaries related that he gave all kinds of narrations about past centuries,
as if he had lived in them."

Saint-Germain's .physical perfection .. and. perpetual youth was probably due to

his very strict. diet, as yell .as his marvelou.s herbal elixir, plus his violable
chastity and his diet ..or. lack of diet. He is. generally regarded as being a
strict vegetarian who ate :no Jlleat an.d. drank no wine; and never deviated from
these principles as. did tnii ill-fa.ted Thomas Parr, the .English vegetarian who,
when over 150 years of age and in perfect health, partook to his palace to dine
with him, paying with .his ..lj,l:e for this transgression. Saint-Germain was smarter,
for by his brilliant conversation an/i fascinating anecdotes he was able to divert
the mindof his royai'host'ftom . the fact that he. ate and drank nothinaD of the
lavish spread placed before him;

One writer said of him, "He always dined alone and very simply. His wants
were very few. It was impossible while at Anspach to persuade him to dine at the
Prince's table." However,. since nobody ever sa~ him di,ne, there is no proof
that he ate at alL Was he one of those long-lived adepts who lived without eat'-
ing, a state achieved by some long-lived yogis in the Himalayas? (These yogis
are claimed to live without eating, drinking, def.ecating or urinating. Barbara
Moore-Pataleewa, the Russian woman physician r~ferred to above as abstaining from
solid food for years, found that her stomach contracted to nearly the size of the
rest of the alimentary canal., so that intake of solid food became impossible,
while intestinal excretions were reduced to the point of disappearance. The
resulting conservation of glandular secretions, hormones and other vital substances
ordinarily lost in the intestinal excretions are believed to have been a major
factor responsible for the rejuvenating effects of fasting over shorter or longer
All of Saint-Germain's biographers are agreed on the point-that he was never
seen to eat. When invited to the most sumptuous repasts at the tables of kings,
Saint-Germain resolutely refused to eat any food.

Saint-,Germain is described as looking like a man of middle age, or at least

seeming so,even if much.older, due .to his possessing the secret of eternal
youth, the . .goal of the ..alchemical philosophers of whom he was supposed to have
been an outstanding adept, His face was devoid of wrinkles; and he was free from
any physical infirmity, enjoying at all times perfect and undeviating he~th.
That he formerly wore ca goatee when. he was Francis Bacon, but shaved it to conceal
his identity when he adopted the name of Count Saint-Germain/ is 'indicated by _the
fact that once; after a period of confinement, when Casanova visited him, he
found him with a partly regrown beard. .,

In Hermippus Redivivus: Or the Sage's Triwnph Over Old Age and Death, pub-
lished. in London in 1749 and translated by John. Campbell from the 'Geiman of Dr,
Cohausen, we read.the following which sheds much light on the Man of Mystery,
who was a Rosicrucian_ adept, or rather the true founder of the order:

0 The ~depts ~r~ obliged to conceal themselves for the sake of safety, and ...
having power not only. of prolonging their lives, but also of renovating theit'_
bodies, they. take care to-use it with the utmost discretion, and instead of.inaking
a display of this prerogative, they manage:it with the highest secrecy-!..:the true
cause of the world's being so much in:doubt about this matter. Hence it' comes to
pass that through an adept is possessed of greater wealth than is contained in
the m:Lnes of Peru,, yet he.always lives in so moderate a manner, as to a:void all
suspicio.n, and so :is never: to be discovered~ unless by sonie unfortt.inati? accident."

In_ ,this same book,. the following account is given of such an adept,- who .went
by the name of Signor Gualdi, but who was really Count Saint-"Germain:

"There happened in the year 1687 an odd accident at Venice, that made a
great stir then, and which I think deserves to be rescued from o_blivion_. The
great freedom-and ease witnwhich all persons, who make a good appearance, live
in that city, is known sufficiently,- to all who are acquainted with it. Such
will not .therefore be surprised that a stranger, who went by the nal!le of.Signor
Gualdi, and who made a considerable figure there, was admitted into the best
company, though n9body knew. who or what he was, He remained at' Venice some
months, an_d three. things were remarked in his conduct. The first was that he
had a small collection of fine. pictures; which he readily showed. to a:iYbody ,that
desired it;., the next, that he was perr~ctly versed _iii.ail arts a,nd,.scienc~!!, and
spoke on every subject with'such readiness and sagacity, as astoni$hed all who
heard him; and it was in the third place observed; that henever wrote or re-
ceived any letter; never desired any. credit, or made use of bills oLexchange, but
paid for. everything in .-ready .money, and lived decently
. .. .
though ,,_
not in; ~plendor,
' ,,.. .

"This gentleman met one day ata 'cciff~e-house wi~h a Venetian nobleman, who
was .an extraordinarily good judge of pictures; He had heard of, Signor Gualdi' s
collection, and expressed his satisfaction, by.telling.him, that,he had never seen
a finer considering, .the number of pieces: of which :l.t consisted, he cast his eye
by chance over the chamber door, where hung a
picture of 'this stranger. The : ..
Venetian _looked upon it, and then 'upon him. 'This picture was drawn for you,
Sir'? he said to Signor Gualdi, to which the other made no answer, but made a low
bow. 'You look,' continued the Venetian, 'like a man of fifty, yet I know the
picture. to be of the hand of Titian, who was been dead one hundred and thirty
years. How is this possible?'

'"It is not easy,' said Signor Gualdi gravely, 'to know all things that are
possible; but there is certainly no crime in my being like a picture drawn by

"The Venetian easily perceived by his manner of speaking that he had given
the stranger offense, and therefore took his leave. He could not forbear speak-
ing of this in the evening to some of his friends_, who resolved to satisfy them-
selves by looking upon the picture the next day. In order to have an opportunity
of doing so, they went to the coffee-house about the time that Signor Gualdi was
wont to come thither; and not meeting with him, one of them who had often con-
versed with him went to his lodgings to inquire after him, where he heard_that he
had set out an hour before.for Vienna. This affair made a great noise,.and found
a place in all- the newspapers of that time."

According to Manly Hall, this 'sober' Signor Gualdi was none other. than Saint-
Germain, who, 23 years later, was seen in Venice again by Madame Gergy in 1710.
It is well known that he was an art collector and painter himself, whose art
collection enriched the halls of the French king with his pictures, including
paintings by Valasquez and Murillo.

Jennings, in his The Rosiaruaians, Their Rites. and

Mysteries, gives a
ferent version of the above incident, Signor Gtialdi invited a friend and his
beautiful young daughter to look at his art collection, Struck by h:(s youth and
beauty and ignorant of his age, the young lady was infatuated with .him, which
reminds one of a similar incident'described by Bulwer Lytton in Zanoni.

Jennings gives the following account of Signor Gualdi:

"A stranger who arrived in Venice one summer, toward the end of theseven-
teenth century, and who; took tip his residence in one of the best sections of the
city, by the considerable figure which he made, and through his own manners, which
were polished,.composed and elegant, was admitted.into the best company--this
though he came with no introductions, nor did anybody exactly know who or what he
was. His figure was exceedingly elegant and well-proportioned,. his -face oval and
long, his forehead ample and pale, and the intellectual faculti_es were surpris-
ingly brought out, and in distingu:l.shed prominence.. His hair was long, dark and
flowing;. his smile inexpressibly fascinating, yet sad; the deep light of -his eyes
seemed laden, to the attention of those noting him, with the sentiments and. ex-
periences. of all the historical periods. But his conversation,. when _,he chose to
conver_se,. and his attainments and knowledge, were mar'velous; though -too much, yet
not with an ostentatious reticence. He went by the name of Signor Gualdi and was
locked upon as a plain interesting character; in short, one to make an observer
speculate concerning him.

"This gentlema~ remained at Venice for scime toni:hs,:and was known by the
name.. of 'The Sober Signor'' among the common people, on account of the regular! ty
of his life, the composed simplicity of his manners, and the quietness of his
costume; for he always wore dark clothes and those of a plain, unpretending style.

"Signor Gualdi met, shortly after his arrival at V~nice one day, at the cof-
feehouse _which he was 'in the habit of frequenting, a Venetian nobleman of sociable
manners, who was very fond of art, and this paid used to engage in sundry dis-
cussions; and they had many conversations concerning the various objects and pur-
suits which were interesting to both of them. Acquaintance ripened into friendly
esteem; and the nobleman invited Signor Gualdi to his private house, whereat--for
he was a widower-~Signor Gualdi first met the nobleman's daughter, a very beau-
tiful young maiden of eighteen, of much grace and intelligence, and of great
"The nobleman's daughter was just introduced at her father's house from a
convent, or pension, where she had been educated by the nuns. This young lady,
in short, from constantly being in his society, and listening to his interesting
narratives, gradually fell in love with the mysterious stranger, much for the
reasons of Desdemona; though Signor Gualdi was no swarthy Moor, but only a well-
educated gentleman--a. thinker rather than the desirer to be a doer. At times,
indeed, his countenance seemed to grow splendid_and,magical_ in expression; and he
boasted certainly wondrous.discourse; and a strange:and weird fascination would
grow up about
.. .
as it. were, when he became more
than usually pleased, communi-
cative and animated.

"Altogether, when you were thinking ab<lpt him, he seemed- a puzzling person,
and of-rare gifts; though when mixing only with the crowd, you would scarcely
distinguish him from the crowd; nor would you observe him, unless there was some-
thing romantically akin to him in_you excited by his talk, He was eventually
suspected of being one of the_ strange people, or Rosicruciani:,, or Ever-Livers,.
of -whomwe are treating; This was from mysterious circumstances afterwards in
relation to _him, and which ar~ in print,"

Then follows a description of the visit of-the father-and the young lady to
his art collection and their being struck by a painting placed in an inconspicu-
ous place 'riear the door, .w1lich .bore a distinct likeness to Saint-Germain, though
it was evidently the work of an old master and __done over a century ago. - When his
attention was calied to tl:iis painting, he 'became 'embarrassed and excused himself.
and was no -longer seen 5.,Ii tha_t town, much to t_he sorrow of the young lady,'

According to Madame de Pompadour, Saint-Germain.claimed to possess' the secret

of eternal youth, which enabled him to pass through the centuries withol!t ageing,
It was for this reason that_ Frederick the.Great called him 11the man who::never
dies." This belief in his immortality, which was quite widespread, was
supported:by his youthful appearance in spite of his incredible and unknown age,
which_ he never ..revfa1cd to anyone, always evading a direct answer to: this ques-
tion -wheu asked. The octogenarian Madame de Gergy, widow_of the French ambassa.:
dor in Venice, as we have already indicated, declared she had seen the Count
there in 1710, looking about forty-five years of age, and when she met him in
Paris fifty years'later, he looked not a day older; and. she .naturally supposed
him to be his own son. And we have also referred to- the fact that she too --
thanks to -the rejuvenating .herbal elixir which Saint-Germain had given'her ;hen
they first met, also preserved her youth during .this period. We quotethe:fol-
lowing account-of this incident from one of the earliest records about Saint-
Germain (records about him extet1cling_from1710; when he was first seen in Venice
until 1822, when last seen, prior ~ohis departure forTitet):

"There appeared at the Court (of Louis XV) in these days a very extraordi-
nary man, who called himself Count Saint-Germain. -At first he,distinguishecl-him-
self through his cleverness and great diversity of talents ~.but in another res ..
pect he soon aroused the greatest astonishment. .. - _ _' - _

"The old Countess de Gergy, who fifty years earlier had accompanied her hus-
band to Venice, where he had the appointment of ambass_ador, lately met Saint-
Germain cit -Mme. de Pompadour 1 s. For some time she watched the s.tranger with
signs of the greatest surprise, i~ which was mixed not a little fear. Finally,
unable to control her excitement, she approached the Count more out of curiosity
than in fear.

''Will you have the' kindness to tell me," said the Countess "whether your
father was in Venice in the year 1710?" - '

"No, Madame/' replied the Count unconcerned. "It is very much longer since
I lost my father, but I myself was living at the end of the last and the begin-
ning of
- :
I had the
honor to pay you court then, and you were k:.nd
. n
enough to admire a few Barcaroles of my composing which we used to sing togetner.

''Forgive me, but that is impossible. The Count Saint""Germain I. knew in

those days was at least 45 years old; and you, at the outside, are that age at
present," the countess replied. "Fifty years ago," she continued, "I was am-
bassadress at Venice, and I remember seeing you there looking just as you do now,
only somewhat riper in age perhaps, for you have grown younger since theri."

Bowing low, the Count answered

._ .
with dignity: "I have ,,
always thought myself
happy in _being able to make myself -agre~able the ladies.
- . II
Madame de Gergy_ continued: "You then called yourself the Marquis Ballet ti

The Count bowed again and replied: "And Countess de Gergy's memory is still
as good as it was fifty years ago."

The Countess smiled and said: "That I owe to an el;Lxir you gave me at our
first meeting. You are really an extraordinary man."

The Count assumed a grave expressi~n and said: "Did this Marquis Balletti
have a bad reputation?"

"On the contrary;" :replied ,._the Counte~s, "he was in very .good society.".
, .
The Count shrugged shoulders ex,prei;;s_ively. saying, "Well, as no one ccm-
plains of him, I adopt .hin1willii;t,gly as my grandfather."

Since Count Saint-Germain could not explain to her how he could be the s;,c'le
person and not his own father, _he avoided further discussion on the suJ:,ject by
remarking with a smile, "Madan,e; l'. am very :qld, ;;

"But then you :must

. . -
be. nearly
; . ':.-. . ;:
.a hundred years.- . old/'.
'.J ... . . ' .
thE\ Countess.
- ., - ;_ - I - ~-: '. :"

"That is not il!lpossiblew iiiis /he Co;urit:,'s. enigmatica.J, <reply ..

Countess d 'Adhemar was present during 'the e~tire conversation and voucheG
for its accuracy in every .detail.

Other .evidences of Sai~t-Germain' s

great age are affm:ded by ,the memoirs of
Madame de Haus set, lady..:in..:waitirig to Madame de Pompadour,: who w::ote down, the
ensuing conversation _that 'took place between the Madame a,;J the Cn,.mt, when she
took. the opportunity' to que&tion 11im about his age, ,~uesti,,,;., as usual., he
cleverly avoic,~d answering. The incident occurred when S;,.:nt-Gc-c:ain'vas de:>
cribing historical events of the remote past with a vividn-:ss wl-:l.c.h made .. even the
most incredulous believe that he must have been an eye-witness o: what he des-
cribed. Referring to this fact, Nadame de. Pompadour. laugh"d ana asked, "Appar-
ently you have seen it all yourself?"

fl .
To this t h e Count replied: I have a very-good memory, an(:. have.studied
French histo1;y in detail. I sometimes amuse myself not by making people believe,
but by al-l-ounng them to believe that I have lived in the oldest times;"

"Still you never.say how old you really are, and you claim to be vety old"
replied the Madame, adding, "The Countess de Gergy, who was ambassadress fifty'

years ago, I believe in Venice, declared that she knew you then looking just as
you do now."

"It is perfectly true, Madame, that I made the acquaintance of the Countess
de Ge:tgy a: long time ago," the Count replied.
"" . - .. ' .. . t1
"But according to her, you must be over a hundred years old now, the Madame
said. ~

"Tha.t is not impossible,"he replied laughing, "but; as I admit, it is even

more possible that the revered lady is talking nonsense."

Itwas through.such subterfuges and evasions thathe perpetually.avoided any

definite statement about his age and kept his secret intact, to the consterna-
tion.and wonderment of his inquirers. It was answers like he gave to.Madame de
Pompadour that led Gustav Bord to write to Saint~Germain that "he allows acer-
tain my'.ltery to hover about him, a mystery which awakens curiosity and sympathy.
Being a virtuoso in the art of misleading, he says nothing that is uritrue, but he
knows how (by silence rather tha;:i by learned discussions) to let people believe
the mis':aken legends that are current about him. He has the rare gift of. remain-
ing silent and profiting by it'."

Let . us now return ~

de Hausset's story.
11 . . :. - . ~ '
You gave Madame de Gergy," pressed Madame de Pompadour; "an elixir sur-
prising in its effects, She claims that for a long .time she appeared .to no
older than twenty-four. Why should you riot give some t:o the king?""

Saint-Germain allowed an expression of fegne.d terror to spread over hi.s

face, said, "Ah, Madame, I should be mad inceed to take it into my head to g:~ve
the king an unknown drug."

The following is an example ofthe mischievous and enigmatical manner with

which Saint-Germain kept everyone guessing about his age:

"These silly Parisi~s," he once told Gleichen, "belie\ie that I am 500 years
old, and I confirmed them in that belief, for I see that they get a. lot of
pleasure out of it{ Not but what I am immeasurabiy older than I appear." (From
Gleichen I s "Souv.enirs, ". which was first published in _1_818.)_

As for the far-fetched and exaggerated claims circ~latin:g to the fact that
S.aint-Germain pretended to have been present at the Countj.l of Nicea., and to
have, conversed with Christ, etc.,' these orig':1.nated in .im impersonat<;ir_ nicknamed
Lord Gower, who introduced himself to Parisian society :as _Count Sain't Germain,
and they were not made by the real Saint-'Germain, who, be:c_ause of his. unchanging
youth down througn the centuries, was beli_eved to poss_efls the philosophe:i:'s stone
and the Elixir of Life,- and from this developed puerile: aiie.cdote.s of old ladies
taking too much of the Elixir and becoming 11 ttle girls',,Jiabies or even embryos,
. _,' - .

The following conversation is reported -between Saint~Germain and.:Count~ss

de Genlis, then a child of ten:

"One evening, at a party, Saint'-Germain accompanied several Italian airs

for the young Countess, afterwards so celebrated under of Countessde
Genlis, then aged ten years.

"When she finished singing, the Count said to her: 'Iri five or six years,
you will have a very beautiful voice, which you will preserve for a long time.
In order to perfect its charm, you should also preserve your beauty, This Wil.l
be your happy fate between your, 16th and 17th yeaF, 1

"'But, Count,' answered the child, while allowing her pretty fingers to
glide over the key.s, 1 .tha:t.:does ,llo,t ,l._ie;::i:n.;p~' s;,p,q~er,, \;::,

"'O yes,' answered the Count carelessly, 'only tell me whether it would give
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S&int-Get'lllain's illimitai>le wealth, without any apparentsource of-income

and without dealing with banks or bankers, was a puzzle. He must be an alche~
mist who possessed the secretof' the transmutation or' ~tals and thecartificial
. creation of _gold out of baser metals. For nearly a century, he consorted at the
royal courts of' Europe' and though i,ithout' any. external source of income, he
abounded with gold and was adorned with an array of precious diamonds and gems were a small part of his private collection, and were the talk of all
Europe;f J J.t" h:1.s'baitquets,' guests were served witli announcement: eardsc studded With
. diamonds of prei::iousval\Je, since he traveled continually and had no landed
. property'br'" inheritance (for he was not really heir ti:> the 'toyar- house of 1\akoczy
as he preteudeci); and ~s origin and faniily were unknown, . the souTce of his bound-
less wealth;;,;;,:in s'pite ot his being without income and received;nothing from banks
--was a mystery to all, leading to the belief that he was an alchemist,

Saint-Germain was believed to be able to transmute mercury into gold, which

modern scientists are now able to do by means of the cyclotron, or atom-smashing
.machine. If he was not able to make gold from baser metals, there would be no
explanation of the source of his unlimited wealth. He was not only credited with
.the power of making gold but to possess a secret process by which he was able to
improve the quality of diamonds and precious stones, so that they were worth
many times their original value. Louis XVwas particularly interested in this
achievement of his, for he saw in it a way to vastly increase his wealth,
Saint-Germain's large collection of jewels and precious diamonds, according
to BaronGleichen, included an opal of monstrous size, as large as an egg, It is
claimed that through his secret knowledge of chemistry that he was able to change
stones that he put on the place-cards of his banquets were claimed to have been
worth thousands of dollars each.

In confirmation of the current belief that Saint-Germain's wealth was self-

created through alchemical processes, Casanova telates an incident in which
Saint-Germain changed a p,ielvesol piece into one ofpure gold. When Casanova
distrustfully remarked that he felt sure that Saint-Germain substituted one coin
for the other, the latter 'I'.eplied: "Those who are capable of entertaining doubts
of my work are not worthy to speak to me." And he bowed the Italian out,

Another meeting with Casanova occurred when the latter came to visit him in
Belgium, He found him confined in a house which he did not leave for a consider-
able period of time, while engaged in chemical experiments and in the preparation
of herbal elixirs. The details of this visit were as follows. On arriving in
Belgium, Casanova saw some grooms walking spirited horses back and forth, He
asked the groom to whom the fine animals belonged and was told: "To the Count
Saint-Germain, the adept who has been here a month and never goes out. Everybody
who passes through the place wants to see him, but he makes himself visible to
no one."

This was sufficient to excite the curiosity of Casanova, who wrote request-
ing an appointment. He received the following reply: "The gravity of my occu-
pation compels me to exclude everyone, but in your case I will make an exception,
Comewhenever you like, and you will be shown in, You need not mention my name
nor your own. I do not ask you to share my repast, for my food is not
to. ot;her11, to yeu least of,.alL-, if, yo.Ur. appetite iS' what "1:tc'lilsed t~ be," (This
. migqt' contr/ict t:he idea that he lived -without eatin~ though it" does- not prove
. e;~~r the :i;-~vers.~~;/ .: , .,; . ~./\, \ ,, ''" _ , ,. , . ~:
At nine o'clock, Casanova called and found that the Count had grown a beard
. twQ .. inches. long .. ,.mien ~l!Banova told him that: he-suffered from an acute disease,
''the. eoiiit inv~te~- him tQj 1,"emainfor. treatment; saying hewould.,jirepare fifteen
piil.s~ Which in,, three,,qays,,wgulfi; res tore: thee I tali an ,to perfect'. health, ... .
,-_. ',' _\ .:... -~~- .i.c~-- ;:r '.'"'.:,_;,'. .. ~
... ..- ,,_;_,. :_.,: :~ . _ + ::_j _.
:.... :. It'..was _a !;!)mm.onbel:l11l: ,in t;he .eighteenth: century that Saint..:Germa:l.ti'"possessed
an alchemical powder which could transmute baser metals into gold; -wr:ttitigs:of
his contemporaries credit him with having accomplished the feat of transmutation
,,on. two: oct;as~OI!S,,_ ..Tlie Tu!rqu:f,.s_:de_Valbelle,.r,,,satnt.;.'Ge1hirain in- his labor-
. atory, found ...the alchemi~t,buli!Y. witlLltis'.'.furnaces; c.Heasked the Marquis'foi''a
. s:1.1.ver.. six-franc piece,:ag(\,i::CQV.ering it with ,a ,black, Substance~ exposed ft:to
the, heat of -a sma:j.l,,fla,uie,: :,M.-.4~:,Y1;1lbel.lii::saw.the '>coin change: color until it'
... t;ui'ned ,briglit:red . "So~,mintes after,,when-,i.thad,,cooled a;J:ittle, the"adept
--took it :out. ~f .the cc>.Ql:t,l)g yessel .and ,;returned :it to. the Marquis, ,Thepiece :was
. no_ lQnge,r Ailver .but ()f tb.e~-.pul."est.igoldL>'.'.Transm~tad.on ,had been compfefe. ::The
CRu'fl~ss d 'Adhe!ll8r, had ._possession .o.f .this coin. until: 1786 when .it was sto.len 'from
her,_-~e:;~t;:~\ \ _ _::, . "/' _-'~, x.; :'.' _.. , : ;'...,' - ' ., ''' ,: _. ,,~,;:;
One author tells us that Saint-Germain always:.lattrioi.i'tecFliis 'knowfedgEf'of
occult chemistry to his sojourn in Asia, In 1755 he went to the _East again for
thec:s.e,cond, tinie, :Wt:i;t:',-Count:..von,Lamberg:, he. sa'id~ "I .'am lnd'~bted for my
knowledge of:,.meJ.ting,~jewels, to. my.second journey, 'to< Indta. "<:His sldlFin :chem-
ist.rY; e~bled lli.m_.
t;o,,_p~epare. cosmenci:c:s.which won him:the favor of the_ ladies of
the, ,French c~rt, ,tbe di.scovezy.,.of :new,methods: of tanning and dyeing;- the en-:
nobiing"of precious gems, etc. . ,.. . ,:. . .

,.. S_a.1n;.-G~,rma;l.11.:'
s tame,an alchemist, whichwas' bel1.eved to l;>e:'the s,~cr~t of
.his reuiarkal;>le an(L apparently inexhaustible wealth',:' while without: anj-: _apJ:>ai:ent
source ot income, ,led, courtiers. with depleted fortunes at_ the c<>uft of Louis ,cv
to e,nvis:f,on magnificent,_.multiplication- of their' gold:by his. aid'; while gi;andames
of. uncertain ag~;l had ,di:e!lllls , of youth restored' by his' ii.bled' elixirs. He',pos~_;;
essed. and 'aisi:,::ibuted~~ge l!lOSt' precious and priceless gems 'which :l.t W/lS 'l:ie,!ieved
he had the powej;,j;o _,llllitecc>Ut of, common-stories' by his secret 'knowledge of 'chemistry,
Madame de Pompadour said: "This singular man passed for being fabulously rich,
and he distributec;l diamqp.ds. ~4 jewe],s with,-:,astonishing:iliberal:l.ty.''' :.
. -:
.. .:,-.._\'., .:_.::.,::':,-
c .: .. ;_ c:'. .; :::i. :~,_u' ._?:"'f;r_,;:.::::--:.~":;"';~ ~::~ >_.

.-... ., Among _tn,ostf,tr~o :b,el.,:teved in Saint-Germain's .<.capaci t:y as -atl ' fil,ch_emist W,8:8. r
tl'ie Hamburg .af!Jo.~.t.~;D~sser;, who, . on :October ~23;: ,1778;:"wrote ,-'tfo _Baron U:ffel t.
judge of ,the,Qciur.t .of ,App,ell).-,in Cell;e;::hoth Freemasons;',.in'the following inanner
about t~~-~i~~~ A~.:'di~cov~r~~: . ;;:si
~/' .,,,::,/'.,,: '.,;,\.:~:.,:~
, . I'~. g~V.!!;)our -~~elJ,.ency news, of 'phenomenorif A mai:ii~~i1-
;:(,ng himirl!!f. Sai;t-,Germain,, .whp _refusef!.,,ct.o.-makeknown:'hisorfgins ;'"ii:i"'loagin1f'ii!-lre
'in the, _hotel _l<aiserhof,. He ;JJvel! in;cstyle.:. and yet henevei- ':receives any of' crec;lit: ..He :writes-day 81:\d,ru,ghr,, carries on a 'correspondence with the
greate~t;_._cro~ed h~~i:ls. _but dc>es; not. care to mix in soci~'ty. except 'that' of th~
Countess:, Bt:nttnck)1rid the,French mini}lters. r,It is very diffieult' to ge~. to knt:iw
him; ' He is an 'ama,teur: in the natural sciences, has studied naturef and' it is
thanks to the knowledge he 'tias'received that he is now 182 years of age and looks
like a man of forty, In the .. strictes.t confidence, .he told a-friend of.mine that
he possessed certath drops by whlch,he. achieves. all. his re11i.ilts; _even,the trans-
. mutation of 'meta~s .. In' hls'' presence he . tr'!nsf<>;me( a .~opper coin. intO"cthe: finest
silver, !)oar lea~her into the best English. variety,. -and ,semi-precious ..stones into
.. diamonds. At the same;time,, he is .continually alone and by .no means expansive.

e,He has. a ~erf1uitt of~al:l, ld.nds of. golddU1d silver coins', which: 106\\:'ilil if~
... :they .had: jst beea,mint~d, ~:.And yetihe ,gets no remittances from' anyone; lior has
he any introductions t~ the merchants. How does all this come-about? Ctiuld. it
be that this man is one of those whom we have been seeking?" . ,
11 tr.::..:~:: :J:./
~:-_::c.:-: JJ ~ :_,:.; ~-:-- .1::::_ l , .. :~: ~ ~- - C -:~. . .
,,:,,.:, ,.Th!lll: did;ione: Freemasomiwri te,to another,
2~ "Without any enceuragement;of '.Saint-
::GeJ:D.l!l!n~d;~,::-~egend,,.ofr hisladeptshipc grew. 'It :ts'.:said that lie::took p~rt 'i.ri';-
Vienna in;; _l:hetfoundation: of .. the: Society: of-Asiatic Brothers and" thec,Kiiights &f
Light, and that he was also partly responsible for the group in France_known as
.. ,,-:the,,Phllalethes~ of which thePrinceof-Besse, Condorcet and Caglioiit:ro-wE!re said
,,tQ-b~:.members.- .. s,:> .. ,- .,,, , .... ,,, .. _,:..
_ ! ..... :..J_-_"'ic
;;,: - . .~j , .
,/, c ,.~ot,onlycdid'Sai,nt'-Germain: knowctbe. secret of the transmutiitionof metals,
,but,also _of .increasing the size and brilliance of 'pearls arid diamond's.' Graft
){arl Coblens wr-0te:,on April .6, ~1763, to Kaunitz ..thaf,he admired him, whert: he met
him at Brussels; not :only for. the .,tranSlfilitatfon -of iron 'into gold', 'which' he
~~h+eved, but .also for' the :preparation ,Of;dyes, colors' for paintfiig 'and leather.;lnt-~ermain er~cted factories :ill'.:whioh '.his. new processes of dyeing :were applied,
.<me at- Tcmrnai, for _the ,dyeing of silk, aoiool =and wood; and for 'the 'l\reparation of
' '. c.SCr!ffilc:l,~ss
colors . and. :another, later itVGei:many with 'the cooperat:lb~ of Prinbe
Charles of Hesse, for the dyeing of silk and other fabrics, thus :laying<the',
foundation for the great modern industry of colored materials. The evidence for
his. ski_ll. ,in c,lleJl!:l.~,try-_:f;s-
,indi,sputable.-,, ;,;;:,- . '''
- .. >
J --

, H -In ,th~:: field of medi.cine, he compounded -a herbal elixir, w~ch he distributed

. $ratuitt>1Js1y to the poo:r., and,' bymeans. of, which, upon 'the tes~imony,o~: P:z::ince
- Charles of Hesse,. he: prolonged,his: own life-. It fs-.claimed that .Mesm_er}erived
hi,s, theory, o_f, animl;ll magnetism. from: Sain t-Germafn; with whom he- s_tudied ,;when the
latter was in Vienna. '.. ' ' ~ "'

....... . If ,Saint-Germain was once F,rancis Bacon, who,.founded Rosicfucianism and Free-
'-mjisqn:ry, in,England; under the. name of the Society of Rosicrusse Freemasons, then
we may suppose that he_,con_tinued t9, develop. the work'of. these- societies. when he
l,lS~~ed the_ iuim~,<>fAai'!lt-~erma:in,, in:fact, as their leader. 'That Wa!'exactly
!ff:.he did, _sta:z::tipg ;_w:l,th,.J:he,,Rosicrucian Manifestoes which>he isiled. und~r,; ~he
I!~ 7~Qf J7, ,1~:i:eas, in: Gerlll,l.n;i,;;.while,still: in,, England 'tlhder the .name}, .
Francis Bacon dring
.. :.:.-i: :_. ,; '._ . . ,.:. . .
..the .first .quartE!r,,of, the:
.. '.,.- - ., ., .
," ,

:' Ma:nly Hall .says :that S~,i~-~-Ge~ain ;a~ :,;n important figure' in 'the early his-:-
tory of Freemasonry, just as he was its founder when he was Francis Baco.n, as
claimed bY,,,:,e. This is:indicated in the book, Bhri~e.sfear:,~/~Founiier of.F':r,ee-
mason:ry;, by,_Bac_qn'.,Ill., ~iographer, Dodd: who :shows that" the Shakesp~are ,plays .are
, ~ufJ,,:of, Masq_aj,c:_ SY!J)bQ,1;,i.ijmand were evidently wri tteli 'bi a Fre~a'!,~tj:'; ':l.f, ,nc/t )'y
'the founder of Freemasonry, Francis Bacon. Dodd claims' that' the 'unknown author
of the Shakespeare plays, who was Francis Bacon, purposely put .them, in
. ,cryv_tic form,, _t;!ie essenei:a:l symbolism of Freeniason:ry, proV:l.ng_tiiii.t thei;r. author
.. :wai.. a Fr~emason,~nd .und-0ubtedly the founder of'.theorder;" Iri Mrs.Henry J'ot:t;s
- - _b~ok.,, Fruncie Ba(!on and Hie Searet Soaiety ," she points out that Baon was ,the
., 'foni:ier ~f bo~h ,F.r!!emasQllry and RosicrucianiSlli,' which. were. origfn,~Jly a. 'si,t1gle
organizc1t;ion,,who,se. aims .of political refo_rm throu_gh the rep}.acement of, the, in~
._,,siit;.ution of, mf>_Illll'."chy, by the new system-of1.democracy were hidden benind ..the mask
"'o'f.a +iterary soci,ety,; known' as thatc pf the Rosicrtisse~Friie'nia'sons'.' ; :. .,_,_ . , '
~ ,.:;_.;:, ..~...-~~~>.. '...J~. ~-~ ' , .
.....:. :~--. :_ ;::~- -~ ... :-:.,i' .. _.; ''.:..i;".,.:\;',.:.:,; :'.. .. :~;

- Inc his The'Enigma of t'he 1/osiaruaians; Manty Ball '.i;howfi;that Francis Bacon
was the-'originatorl of this society' which did not antedate the. sixteenth century'
and was originally united wii:hFreemasonry as the Rosicrusse Freemasons, the word
- '
"Rosicrucian" comingc,from: the royal einblein
. ~
of the House .
of .Tudor
' ,. ' of which Francis
Bacon, whose real,name was Francis'Tiidor, son of Queen Elizabeth, was the last

surviving -
member, which y11.s the rose
< C - - -a
an<l the cross.,,, - -

:.Hali ~tates th~t ther~ were no. Rosicrucians or any 'socie~y by this -name
before}ranc~s .B!lcon, originated the.,or<l~i:: as 11.,,F.reemasonic org~aticm, nor can
any modern society bearing,.the name '.'Roi,icruclan'.' "claim descent,from--any,11.n~rior
. fratimity.' For Ro~icrugianism was Fran,{(s :B~co~i}~,creat:i.on, 'He ,.~:i.g;,nated .the
, word; : :tt existed in,. its ,o.r.iginal form only sq._lf:!~g,.a~ .,it w11s his,_exp,ress:l,on;..:.and
the claims c;,f tlj.~-~nf,Rosic,ucian s_ocietie~~tb!lt ~pr,ang.up late;recla,jmjng-_des-
cent froin a !.upposeq. original secret- sect .are ..not>substa,:itiated. Jlo~ltreutJ!:,
the iegendai:y founder. of 'die order' was miireiy one of, Bacon Is symbolic- repre- ..,.
sentations, since. hiii~orically he. never existed,
~ -"'--'" .. ,. - ,. .
. '.--..-:., . , },.- .. -._ -~, .. '-~ ' C) ;, _ , .j_'~ ,; ._, ... ~~- : . .,. -, .:i '
". Tl).a:t Christian Rqs~ml,<reutz was a'<>.f 'Francis Bacon, its. true .fout1p~r;
who was the autho:i:'if tliEi Rosicrucian Manirestoes, 'i:he "Co~fessio'f'and "Fama
Fratemitatia,11 which .he S!,!nt to Germany and ,wl:lich .were published in 161_5 by
Valet!t.ine_.Andreas, .a)~Jiiuiari theolOS;i;llH- W~~e, .i)_~- ,hi: \u;ed in,connec'tion w:J.1:lJ.
Rosic1;1Jcian writi,n~s, ~s in~~<;;.te<l. by the J~_llo:wi:I?,&!!ft_11;; ;Wittemans, _in
his Hvetory of the 'Ros1,az,u<nans , ..who, speajdng_ pf, ,CJJ,,i~tian ~<:>senkreutz, ,_sa.ys
. _ ..
he -,was
- . '
"known- ii:l'his
,', - .
) .. '
"as ...,Sir -.l.
.... ,
. -
and, as,
. ~

Saint~Gernis1in, and was 'the gr.ea~ initiator :of the ,West, ~.He has. -qpened,.the portals
of initi~tion to. ):lie'}iee~~S J~t:;,~~;,te:dc truth. ,~~S_a;Cls_e.ator o:trth.e ex:pel'i-
ment:al ,met.hod_; h~ 1 li_a~.led scien!!e, int:oc 1quJF~ n~w WB:YS,,:;;]Jnally,,;he foun~d a
soctety, F_reemas_onry, intended .to .be. a pai:v,iSH}f .the Myste_.::l;es, .a _school. of-, ...
br9therhopd and :rcjJ;era,t1ce, .. In spite iany;diff}cultie~,, .obstacles and partial of
d.ef_e;ats, the Order of Rosicruc~ilfts')1acl,, in 3:arge meaJur_e,c accomp_l.-:l;s_!1ed its, task
when the French R'evolutiori. brok'e out, . The.:order: of f.t:eemasons.:.:wh_iS,h.,ha_d -re- ..
ceived. thf spiritual heritage f,r'om,th~ Ros:l.crpci'ans, counted at tpt;,,enci qf_.the
eightee!}th ~entury .lJ7 ,}7S act! ye, lodges: 'distr.ibuted :thr()ugh_,.the_-~tii;e w0crld,
with about 21, 3_90,,00.0,: )liefube_rs, . Mi19()nry>wa,s tii,e,. only institution in that time
aspiring to truth; science and justice, whence emerged in r_eality,-a: new soci~ty, 11

That Count Saint-Germain was the secret leader of Freemasonry duringthe

eighte~th century; contiriuing the work lie collllllet1cei:Las: Frapcis Bacqn, ,ohen
founder of:the order, ,ts indj,cated by hisattending many Ma~cmic conventiQns.
Maags of London offered by _sale.aMasonicminute pook in which the signatures,of
Count Saint-Germai~ a~d Marquis de Lafay~tte bothappear~ .)!any of t:he.itius-
trious persons.with whomthe. Count associated were Freemasot1s, as were the Found-
ing Fathers of the iunetican Republic,' including Wash:l.ngtcm; Franklin and others.
Franklin published abool( on Freemasonry. 'Referring to his Freemasonic activi-
ties, Wittemans again.writes:
-;,.: ., - - - - r
,, . 'ti'-:~ .. . . . ., .. :o.-.::.-,_:_. ,_ .. -
. ... Saint-Germain had n()t only chos_en E4rope, .wher.e .,he resided iil :nearly ..evecy
countcy, as a theater for. his operations; he.aiso. went_ to-Africa and .tw'ice to ..
. India; working for the accomplishment .Qf a .fixed .plan for helping .the world,,.:.:
which. did ijc:ii:'understand hiin, doiiig~good .everywhere and envincing. an inexha'.usti;_
ble charity. f ,:.' ' , .... " . c,.,
-- -~;.r_

. From the. time th;~: .he wrote the Rosicrucian -Manifestoes and issued 'them
thrqugh valentine Andre;as in Germany in 1616, eight years before his feigned
de_ath in England,.and-passage to the Continent, Francis Bacon was t!'ie moving
spirit of Rosicrucianism,.during ..the eighteenth' century, as -he was ii:s founder
during the seventeenth,: as~ ~ell .as -the leader of:, Freemasonry. He is suspected
of having b_een the. great power ..behind.-the ,French Revolution, which his secret
soc;ieties brought on, though. intenciing: it to: lead to idealistic reformation of
society and n9t to a,.l;leign of Terror.

That )aint-Germain, w;.s an important figure in Freemasonry and probably the

secret chief of the society is indicated by the fact that he raised Prince Charles

Alexander of Lorraine, then Governor-Genera1of the Austrian Netherlands, the
protector of Freemasonry in Belgium,. to the grade of Knight of the Rose-Croix.

Saint-Germain is said to have taught his philosophy at :11asoni.c 'assemblies;

and by both 'Freemasons and Rosicrocians he was regarded as their cominon chief.
As'he was ..tne'leader of Freemasonry,'so hewa:s the moving spirit ofRQsicrucian~ ...
ismduring the eighteenth century' who strove to bring about unity among. the dif- '
ferent Rosicrucian organizations that sprang upin the eigtiteenthcentury. He
was present-at the Masonic Convention of Feb. 15, 1785: at Wilhelm$bad, and there
endeavored 'to.reconcile the Rosicrucians with the Illuminati, the.Kabba!:Lsts and
the Humanitarians, He was also in touch with the chief ..Rosicrucian orders in
Germany-and Austria at this time, particularly with the.Asiatic _Brothers. and the
Knights (?f Light, as well aS ..with the'~rtinists of P11iis.and with the Templars.

In evidence that Saint-Germain, or, as' he was preyiously calied ~ Francis

Bacon; was the true founder of Rosicrucianism, who was symbolically repre,iiented
tinder the form of theillythical figure of Christian Rosenkreutz; is the statement
in the Rosicrucian Manifestoes that:'he was born in 1378 ana lived: 106:years,
which meant that he died in.1484. It'is claimed that when his tomb was opened
. 120 years later, it was found -to contain the works ..of Paracelsus, which .is im-
possible, since the Tatter was born 10 1493,and hence his writings could not
have gotten into the -tomb of a. man who. died nine years previously. _This would
indicate that the story of Christian Rosenkreutz was allegorical, not historical,
as pointed out by Manly Hall in his The Enigma of the Roaiarua_ians, in which he
points out that all attempts of niodern' SCi'-called Rosicrucian societies to trace
their descent to an ancient Rosicrucian order are ;llnsupported by facts. For; as
we have already indicated, Francis--' Bacon, last" of the Tudors, whose royal in-
signia was the rose and the cross,- was the first Rosicrucian, 8Ild the rose and
the. cross was his personal emblem and was never used by any secret society or
occult order previously.

In the light of the above, the mysterious book that appeared at about the
same time as the Rosicrucian 'Manifestoes, The Chemiaat Wedding of Christian Roaen-
kreutz, which was pi,iblished by Valentine Andreas in Germany: while Fqmcis Bacon
was still in England, was undoubtedly.a product of _Bacon's _secret society. This
book was first published in Strasbourgh in 16:J.6, a year after:the,appearance of
the Mariifestoes, though Wa_ite claims its original draft was. written in 1602-3,
.but did not come to liglit'until 1661, when published as aBaconian-revision.

The Rosicrucian Manifestoes were a logical continuation of the work for

political reform that Bacon initiated when he wrote _t:he ~hakespeare plays with
the ..aim of destroying in the pub~iC mind the belief in: the divine right of _k!ngs
and the 'adoration of royalty and the monarchial inst'itution, :tuorder. to. psycho-
logically prepare the world for the "democratic revolution which was the aim of
his ,Rosicrucian-Freemasonic societies'''to usher in. The Manifestoes first an-
nounced publically the ideals of the French and American Revolutions: Liberty,
Fraternity and Equality, which later led to the Paris Commune and the Russian
Revolution. These ideals became the cry of ..the French revolutionists, but un-
fortunately the terrorists took.over and what started under the banner of ideal-
ism by Saint_;Germain's.secret_Freemasonic Societies was converted into the bloody
massacre of the Reign of Terror which he labored so long at the French court to
prevent, l>ut failed in the attempt. Thus his plans -for the inauguration of a new
democratic age, fpr which he worked for over a century, namely, to overthrow
monarchy and replace it by a new political system based on the ideals of human
freedom and equality, were temporarily thwarted as the Reign of Terror was
followed by the Napoleonic regime; and in place of a frivolous king, there came a
power-mad militarist who_.did not hesitate to plunge Europe- into bloodghed to
realize his vain ambitions.
.. Saint-Germain foresaw the bloody 'Reign of 'l'error and though he was the
power _behind the French Revolution, "he tried his best to save his royal friends
from suffering, since he felt a personal respoiisibili'ty for the events that .
were to ei:isue.: -In 1774 he,gave serious warnings not only to countess.d'Adheinar,
the friend of Marie Antoinette, and to the Count de Maurepas/wliom he called "a
frivolous and incapable minister," but also directly to the Queei:i, predicting
to her the- aI1archy that would lead to the' overthrow of royalty; tf waf:l :after
his supposed ,death. at Eckiarnfo!ide in Schleswig'fn :1784 that he showed. hims.elf to
the unfortunate Marie Antoinette and others on several occasions and was immedi-
ately recognized. He again warned Marie Antoinette in 1788, stating tba.t the
Bourbons would be swept from all the thrones~ revolution was going to break out,
would give place, under the ensuing dictatorship of political orators, to a
debt of several billions.

On the eve of the Revolution, he showed himselfto the Count de Maurepas,

Minister of Louis XV, who declined to let him see. the king, and to.whom he made
the following prophetic pronouncement:

"In opposing yourself to my seeing the monarch,.you are.wrecking the mon-

archy; for I have but a limited time to give to France,_and when past,
I shall not lie seen :here again unti1 three generations have j;one down to ,the
grave. I told the .Queen .all .. that I -am permitted to' tell hiar(my revelations to
the king would have been more complete ! have nothing to.reproach.myself with
when horrible anarchy devastates France. Expei:f\'io homage from posterity,
frivolous and incapable minister. You will _be ranked atl\Ong _those. wh_o cause the
II .
_ ruin_,o f ,empires . -.

, T_hus did s.aint-Germain, the- secret power behind the French aevolut_ion, fore-
see and predict events that were to happen since he was in intimate touch with
those who were to bring them to pass, who were the members of .his secret so-
cieties which precipitated the revolution. His' statement thaf France would not
see him for three generations agrees with another prophecy he made about his dis-
appearing ...from Europe early in"the'nineteenth century and not reappearing .for ,85
years,. which prediction .he fulfilled::by his d:ip Tibet, where. he spent mc,st
of the _nineteenth .century during which he was absent from the. European scene. of
his forQ1er operations.-.
. . .. ,. -1
-. ,. ..,.. C

Saint-Germain tried his best to save the lives of __,his friends;, Loui13 XY and
Marie Antoinette, ' the ,guil'lci'tine !if advising 'them .to _flee and save them-
selve~ from t!ieiJ:- fateat a time when "the possibility of z.evolutiqll 13eem.ed:C:
remote. 'iHs warnings, however, fell -on deaf' ears;"'lind the 'royaf couple ended
their on the guillotine because they failed to heed it. Had Louis XV
profited by Saint-Germain'.s prophetic warnings, _the loss_.of h,is, head and the
Reign of Terror. might:,have: been:-averted. '' 0 ' ' . , -:: ;: . :: , '
f _ . '_f; -, [. .;..,: ., . :>:.. ":. _; ':,;I.I-~ : :

Saint.;.Germain also predicted the various . polit:lcal and. social changes that
would occur in France, from the time of the Revolu.tion to .. the Napoleonic Era,
indicating that he was~well acquaitlted.with''ttie' :1.nterna.l:politi~s of this nation
and of the impenditlg storm, which he 0 int:ended to be. thf o:1.rth~pangs of the birth
of a new democratic era which his society societias work~cl' to realize and which
he hoped to make as bloodless as possible. '' ~-

Marie Antoinette was much disturbed by the .direfui' nature .of.- Saint-Germain's
prophecies and que~tioned Madame'd 'Adhemar as to her opinion of their signifi-
cance. Madame replied, "-'they are 'dfsinaying, but certainly they cannot affect
your Majesty."

Madame d'Adhemar also recounts a dramatic incident. Saint--Germain "Offered
to meet the_ good lady at the Church of the Recottets about the hour of eight
o'clock mass. Madaine went to the her sedan chair and re-
cC>rded the following conversation between herself and the adept, who then
prophesied the. coming of the French Revolution as follows:

SAINT-GERMAIN:."I am Cassandra, prophet of evil, Madame, he who sows the

wind reaps the whirlwind. I can do nothing . My hands are tied by a stronger
power than myself."

MADAME:"Will you see the Queen?II,

SAINT-GERMAIN: "No, she is doomed."

MADAME:"Doomed to what?"

MADAME:"And you - you too?_."

SAINT-GERMAIN: "Yes-like Cazotte . .the palace. Tell the Queen

to take heed of.herself, that this day wil,l be fatal,to her."

MADAME: "But M. de Lafayette?, "

SAINT-GERMAIN: "A balloon inflated with wind. Even now, they are settling
what to do with him, whether he shall be an instrument or a victim. By noon all
will be decided. The hour of repose is past, and the decreesof Providence must
be fulfilled."

MADAME: "'What do they want?"

SAINT-GERMAIN: "The complete ruin of the Bourbons.'. Tl)ey will expel them
from'all thrones they occupy'and,in less. th!Ul a;century,'they will return in all
their different.branches_ to the. ranks.of private citizens. France as a kingdom,
empire and mixed government will. be tormented, agitated, torn. From the hands of
class. tyrants, she will pass to those who are ambitious and without merit."

-Madame d 'Adhemar, who prese~ed man:it:a.n~cdo~tes-of. the life of this "wond_er

man11 copied from one of Saint-Germain's aetters the. following prophetic verse
the downfall o~_tlie_French
. _, - ' ';
,. ,

"The time is fast approachi11g when:imprudent- France,

Surrounded by misfortune she might have spared herself,
Will call to mind _such hell as Dante-: painted,
Falling shall we see sceptre, c_enser., scales,
Towers 'and'escutcheons, even,.the white.flag,
Great streams of blood are _flowing in each:town;
Sobs only do I hear,.and exiles see.
On all sides civil discord loudly roars
And uttering cries, on all sides virtue flees
As from the Assembly votes of death.arise.
Great God, who can reply to murderous judges?
And on what brows august I see the swords descend!"

The seed that Saint-Germain, as Francis Bacon, planted when he wrote the

historical Shakespeare plays with the object of preparing the public mind for
the democratic revolution, and which his secret Rosicrucian and Freemasonic
societies nurtured, thus came into blossoming in thepolitical revolutions that
swept through Europe, during the latter part of: the eighteenth century, causing
the thrones of kings to totter andthe rise of .modern democracy as a new political
doctrine of which he was the master-mind and which his Freemasonic societies
labored to realize. This achievement was the underlying motive of his whole life
and :varied. activities in the courts of :Europe. The United States of America, its
Declarati,;,n of Independence and.Constitution, were creations of .his Masonic fol-
lowers who were the fo.unders of this nation, of which .he was ..'.the t:rue,father, as
he was the father of modern. democracy in. general. .'.The Masonic symbols .still.
found on the American dollar is mute evidence of the fact that:Freemasonry;:.
which order he first establ.ished, to which George Washington,.Benjami1i Franklin
and other Founding Fathers belonged, was the power:.behind the American Revolution
and the founding of American democracy.

Just as Francis Bacon, in his, "New Atlantis'/ predicted: in the sixteenth

century t_he rise of a new -scientific civilization :and its inventions; ,as "the
submarine, airplane, automobile, etc., so later as.Saint-Germain, in theeight-
eenth century,,. he predicted the , coming of steam locomotion and the'. steamship;
Once, while holding a;discussion with some Masonic followers, he suddenly-,left,
saying he had to go to Germany to prepare for. these inventions; and he also pre-
dict_ed his. journey to the .liimalayas at the beginning of the following century,
and that he would remain there exactly eighty-five years. Franz Graeffner, iri
his ReaoZZeations of Vienna, recalls the incident above described as follows:
Ii . _ . . . _,,, -- ;.: .:. . . . . . -- ._ . . ; '. . . ,, . . . : . .
Saint-Germain then gradually .passed into a solemn mood. For; a few seconds
he became .. rigid as a statue; his eyes; which were,,always exprei;,sive,, beyond.words,
became dull and colorless . Prese.ntiy, however, his whole being became re-
animated .. He inade a movement with his hand as if in signal of .. departure, then
"' I; do n.ot visit me. Once again you will me .. To~rrow night
I am off. I am much needed in Constantinople; then in England, there to prepare
two inventions which you will have in the next century--trains and steamboats.
These. will be needed Germany. The seaspn_s will gradually change--first the
spring then the summer. It. is the. gradual cessation of time itself, as the
announcement of the end of: ,the'. cycle. , I s~e it, ali, .. Astrologers and meteorolo-
gists know; nothing, believe ll/l!! One needs to ave, stu.died the Pyramids,: as I
have studied. Toward the end of this century. I shall,,!lisappear out of Europe. and
betake myself to 'the region of the Hima!ay?s.,. I.w:ill rest. I must rest. eighty-five
years will,. people.again
. . set 'eyes . Farewell.'"




The last days of Saint-Germain's long life.were divided.between hisex-

. perimental research work in alchemy while residing at the estate of his disciple,
prince Charles ofHesse; and the mystery school at Schleswig,
where ..philosophical,and political problems were under discussion. The following
fact~ are known about his last days, prior to.his feigned death in 1784, while
stayingwith Prince Charles, which occurred exactlyl60:years.after his feigned
death in England in 1624:when he was known as Francis Bacon:.

The last days of his known life were divided between a stay at the home of
the Margrave of Brandenburg-:Anspach and that of .Prince Charles of Hesse-Cassel.
J;t,was at Triesdorf that he met, :and .was invited:by,the Margrave to lodge with
him, at which time.he introducedhimself as a Russian general, .Graf Tzarogy,
which invitation he accepted on condition that he may :live his own way in his own
apartment, quietly and at peace. .He desired no. servant :and dined as simply as
possible in his own room which her seldom left. His needs were extremely few;
and he.avoided all general society~ It was impossible to persuade him to dine at
the Margrave's table.

One day he showed the Margrave an invitation he received from hi~_friend,

Graf Alexis Orloff, a Russian general, whoni'heliad formerly met in St; Petersburg
in 1762, dur:1:ng his .stay in Russia. under the reign of Peter 'III, having left
there when Catherine II came to the 'throne. Orloff had just returned from Italy
and wanted to meet him at Nur~nburg, whiie passing through. The Margrave and
Graf Tzarogy went to Nurenburg, where Orloff met him with open arms. At this
time he appeared to his host for. the first time in the uniform of a Russian
general . Concerning this pha:se:of his life, Butler, in her book previously re-
ferred to,. says: ,

-"The interest thus aroused in the Margrave .developed into a friendly patron-
age which, as so often with Saint-Germain's relationships/ held elements of dis-
cipleship with it. Althoughindefatiguably experimenting 1flith dyes and skins,
and always urging those around him to do the same on the principles he'laid'down,
and although also trying to.interest his patron in the financial aspec~s of these
experiments, he was a quiet, courteous,' considerate and'very retiring guest at
the castle of Triesdorf, where'he was given rooms on the ground fioor. He would
emerge in the evening to converse enchantingly and sometimes mysteriously, but
would never consent to be present at the table of his host; for the diet to
which he seemed to have adhered to so religiously throughout his life did not
admit of meals in public. His needs were the simplest and his circumstances
greatly reduced. He then went under the name of Count Tzarogy, under which
that his real name was Prince Rakoczy, prior to the confession that he was the
last of that royal and unhappy line.

"However, the Margrave found that this claim was not substantiated, for,
during a journey to Italy the following year (1775), the Margrave was full of
the story of the recluse of Triesdorf and began to put questions about Rakoczys,
only to be told that all three were dead; and that the mysterious visitor was
the notorious Saint-Germain, son of a tax-collector of San Germano, an adventurer
and worse, fooling the world under one alias after another. The disillusioned
Margrave sent Gemmingen to confront the guest on his return, but the former could
not shake him. He owned to all the aliases except Soltikov, but stuck to the
story of being Rakoczy, and declared that he had adopted different names to throw
off the. scent the enemy pursuing him as. the pretender .to the Transylvania throne."
(Author.' s note: He might have more .prop.erly said the English throne.) . He also
duly maintained that whatever name he. had.from time to time adopted, he had never
disgraced any of them, Volz says:

"As long as he. was connected with the Margrave, :he never. uttered a s:i.ngle
wish, never received anything of .. the slightest value, never interfered in any-
thing that did not concern him, ,With his extremely eimple mode of life, his
wants were very limited. When he had.:money,: he shared it with. the poor,"

:Saint,-Germain's stay.withthe Margrave came to an end after the latter's re-

turn from Italy, refusing to communicate with him except through Gemmungen,and
demanding his letters.back, His guest.surrendered a11 except one, which he sa:i.d
he had given to Orloff; and. refusing the offer to stay quietly at Schwabach, he
made off into the unknown.

Three years later, in 1779, Saint-Germain appeared in Schleswig to.his

friend, Prince Charles of Hesse-Cassel, a well-known Freemason, who became his
patron::and invited him' to stay'with him at his home at Eckernforde; Unintel:'ested
atthe outsetin Saint-Germain's inventions in improving the arts of dyeing,
smelting, ennobling metalsand purifying precious stones, he wasgradually won
overby his earnestnessand became his pupil like Louis XV. When 'he first came
to Schleswig; saint-Germain.said -he was eighty-eight years of age, saying.he was
the son of Prince Rakoczy and that -he had been educated in the house of the last
of. the Medici. Prince Charles believed 'him implic;!.tly and fitted him up a
fac,tor.y at Eckernforde,: while paying a doctor named Lossau a handsomti annu~l in-
come to dispense his guest's medical,

In conversation.with his patron, Saint-Germain showed himself to be an

avowed mater:l.alist, whose great aim was to benefit humanity. He pronounced him-
self an atheist, opposed.Christianity and spoke in derogatory terms of Jesus;
but when.he realized that. this distressed hisfriend, he proni:1.sed never tq. touch
upon the topic again.

It is claimed that he died at Eckernforde on FebruarY. 27, 1784, after con-

tracting rheumatism due to the damp rooms in which he lived there, causing his
health to. fail noticeably; and was buried there on the second of March,. his death
havip.g been entered in the parish register; It was a great loss and grief to ..
the Prince of: Hesse-Cassel, :.who,in his "Memoirs," wrote:

"He was perhaps one of'the greatest ~ages who has ever lived. He loved
humanity; he desired money only in order. tCl give: to the. poor.' He: even loved
animals, and his heart was occupiedonlywith the happiness of others . He be--
lieved he could.make mankind happy'by pr&curirig for them new pleasures,.lovelier
cloths and colors; and glorious colors cost aJ.inost nothing. I have never known
a man with a clearer mind, and at the same time he was possessed of a learning~
especially in history, that I have rarely found. He had been in all the countries
of Europe but France seemed to be the land which he loved best .", .

The mock funeral of .Francis ~aeon and his departure for Germany was followed
by another feigned death of'this same eriigmatical individual over a century and
a half later, under the name of Count Saint-Germain, For while it is generally
believedthat Saint-Germain.died on the estate of Prince Charles of Hesse-Cassel
in 1784, according to Manly Hall, "The strange circumstances connected with his
passing lead us to suspect that it was a mock.funeral .similar to that given the

English adept, Lord Bacon." This is indicated by the following report about his
passing: II Great uncertainty and vagueness surround his latter days, for' no con-
fidence can be reposed in the announcement of the death of one 'illuminate by
another, for:, -as is,well known, all means to securethe end were in their code
justifiable, and it may have been-to the interests of the society that Saint-
Germain should have been thought dead."

,On this. s1,1bject,,Madame Blavatsky remarked::. "Is it not absurd to suppose

that if hereally.died at the,.time and place mentioned, he would have been laid
in .t:he gr<>undwithout,. the. pomp and ceremony., the official supervision,, the police
registration, whichattend the funerals of men of his rank and notoriety? Where
are these data? He passed out of public sight more than a century ago, and posi-
tive-proof that:he:was living several.years after. 1764. He is.said tohave had a
most imp9rtant p:rivate conference with the. Empress of Russia in 1785.or 1786. and
to have,appeared to the. P,rincess,.of Lambelle. when she stood before the Tribunal,
a few-,moments before, 1;1hewas struck. down with a,. bullet, and a butcher-boy- cut off
her head; and to Jeanne Dubarry, the mistress of LouisXV, as she waited on her
scaffold at Paris for the stroke of the guillotine in the Days of Terror of

. Though the church register at Eckernforde shows. that Saint,.-Germain died in

that town while-.!: gu,est of Charles df Hesse, .. his protector and disciple, he:was
nevertheless ,seen by many people. and in many places since, both during the.:riine-
teenth century and during_the ~arly part of the twentieth century. His presence
was reported at a Masonic convention in Paris. and Wilhemsbad in . .1785, on the
authority of d.istinguished historians;. And in 1788;. Count de Chalons declared to
Countess d'Adhemar tha.t, on returning from his embassy 'in,Venice, ,he had talked the Plaza of St. Mark late on the night.of his.departure as ambassa-
dorto Portugal.

.The Countess d' Adhemar wrote ,.in -her memoirs that she had talked more than
six times with the Count since'1784. The first time occurred in 1785 in Paris,
at a chapel of the Franciscans, aft-er he had _written .her .to give her new warn-
ings concerning the dangers that awaited the royal couple. He then repeated ti,
her orally that the downfall o'f the monarchy had become inevitable; and he.fore-
told the triumph and also the rapid fall of the Due d'Orleans. At the end of the
long conversation which she then had with him, she asked him when she would see
him again . He replied;. "Five times _more."

This pred_iction was fulfilled. One year before her death,, the Countess
wrote, in a note dated May 12, 1821_: "I have again seen Saint-Germain, and to
my greatest amazement, at the death of the Queen (October 16, 1793), at the
coming of the 18th Brumaire (Nov. 9, 1799), on the morning of the death of Due
d 'Enghein (March 15,. 1804); in the morith.of .January, 1815.,. and. on the eve. of, the
murder of the Due de 1ierri . (1820).". This made five times that she saw: him' after
his.supposed death in 1784, just as he predicted.she would, After recounting
Saint-Germain's five posthU11ous appearances, the Countess added, ''I. await the.
sixth visit when God wills."

The Encyclopedia Brittanica.stated that Count Saint-Germain have

attended a Masonic conference several years after his death had been reported.
Andrew Lang is among those who doubt that Saint-Germain really died in 1784 as
officially supposed, writing: 11Did Saint-Germain really die in the palace of
Prince Charles of Hesse about 1780~85? Did he, on the ot:her hand, escape from
the French prison where Grosley thought he saw him during the Revolution? Was he
known to Lord Lytton about 1760? . Is he the mysterious Muscovite adviser of the
Dalai Lama? Who knows? He is a will-o '-the-wisp of the memoir-writers of the .
eighteenth century." (Bisto:r>iaai Mysteries) ,

After his feigned death, Saint-Germain disappeared from the European stage
as mysteriously as he appeared, and as he vanished from England after his feigned
death in J.,624, leaving behind the priceless, heritage of his philosophical works
and the __Sllakespeare plays. Nothing is known with positive certainty about where
~. w,ent: _after he left,the,,house of Prince Charles, Having accomplished h:l.s mis-
, sion, he vanished. Ji'rom, the "Memoirs de Mon Temps." of Charles of Hesse,,,we-'gain
certain particulars concerning the last years before thedisappearance of the
adept. Charles was deeply interested in occult and Masonic mysteries, -~d a
sec;iret.society;,of_which'he.was theleading.spirit, held.occasional meetings on
.~is, estate, -After.st1Jdying: fragments left by Ch11-rles, Cagliostro believed he was
initial;ed_into Egyptian.-Freemasonry by Saint-Germain, who attended some of'these
meet:!-ngs, and )1e confided:_inore in Charles than in others he is reported to have
known,: ConcerningSaint-Germain's reappearances.after his supposed-death in
,,,.1784, Butler writes: '

, .. :"Ifhe ever said (which is doubtful) : that ,-his approaching dissolution was in
reality a preparation f0:ra forthcoming rejuvenation, he was.talking'more like an
adept and a sage,thana. mystery-manger . According to Luchet (avery suspect
source) his miraculous ascension was proclaimed at the moment of his burial.
A journal,published in .1785,declared that many. still believed he was alive, and
. would soon .ap_pear amongst. them, The Freemasons .seem to. have beeri of the same
opinion, since they called him to , the .Conference in 1785. Madame de Genlis
maintained she saw,:him !n_-,Vienna in 1821."
. s
. In 1845, in_ memoi-r~ emanating from Vienna, more about. SS:int-'Gertnain'' s post-
. humous life is related,. in the form of. a prophecy the sage made to Franz Graff er,
the author, which we have:quoted before, predicting his -voyage tothe Himalayas
. and his eighty-five. yeai:: residence. in the Far East, which prediction, according
to Madame ~lavatsky ,c who: !'as at the time, was fulfilled . She was one_ of'
his Jiiost out_standing admirers. Bu-tler believes that he was the inspiration of
her Theosophy and-.~he only.-.real one:in its Pantheon.of Masters. Concerning hiin
she wrote: ..:"The ColJ/.te de Sa_int:,.Germain. was:.certainly' the greatest Oriental
Adept Europe has seen dur;tng the last centuries:"Whilethere is no evidence:.
that Blavatsky met him, Butler claims that it was Saint-Germain, under the figure
of Lytton's Zanoni that made a powerful impress on her and influenced her future
life .

. But Zanoni was. not the only. one, of lladame Blavatsky~s indirect contacts
with saint-Gel:Illain. Another, occurred when she traveled .to Tibet -iri the latter
part of 'the ninete~nth century, when she :heard rumors,of :the arrival there, earl-
. 1er in the ceritury;8f an Englishman whose unusual mastery over languages made
him the marvel of the lamaseries. He.was have mastered and
.. joined the '
'.. -
. .
Khelan. T.his
.' '
'.. led t~ ,Andiew Lang's
question, previously quoted, as to whether he was the mystei::iqus .. adviser who then
appear-ad to the Dalai Lama. 1n her Ieie unvei'[:ea;.,Madame Blavatsky ,writes' -on this
subject:: " : :. ,i
---.:..' : ' I., ..

''Who has not heard 'if \he H~utokt~u e>f Hl.gher. Tibet? T!i,e .Br:0,therhood iof

Khelan' was' famoos throughout' the land; and one of_ the most famous of the 'Br.others'
was a Pehling (an Englishman) who had arrived one day during the early part of the
nineteenth century from the West. He spoke, evecy, language,. inclu_cling Tibetan, and
knew every art -a~d science,' says the ti:a,ditioh .. His sancd.ty, apd .the phenomena
produced by him, caused him to lie proclaimed' a'Shaberon after a ;esidence. of a
few years. His memory lives to the present day' among the Tibetans, J:mt. his name
is a secret-.with the Shamberons alone."' (Concerning this,
Udt\Y, author of .Later Incarnations -of Fz>anaie:Bacon, says: "'):'he name of .this .
mysterious European.(for that is what Pehling really'.means) need be no.s~cret for
those.who know that that great-man; Count Saint-Germain; went to'the

about 1800. ")

The identity of .this Mysterious-European visitor to Tibet- during the early

p_art: of the nineteenth. century with Francis Bacon and 'Count Saint-Gerinain is
indicated by the fact that all three possessed unusual., command over' languages'
and !knew-evecy art and science. I . On this point, Udny; 'in his Later Incarnations
of,Francis,.Bacon, writes:
-"This alone is;. almost enough to:.identify. him with Saint:..Germain; of whom we
read,in The,Comte,deSaint Germain: "The Countspeaks.French, English; Italian,
Spanish, -and. Portuguese equally perfectly, so.much so.that when he converses
with, any of'. the inhabitants of the. above countries, in- their mother tongue;'' they
were una,l:,le:.i:o. discover the slightest foreign accent. <The learned and the
Oriental scholars have proved the knowledge of the Count St . Germain. 'The former
found him more apt in the language of Homer and Virgil than themselves;with the
l_atter. he spoke, Chinese. and Arabic in such- a manner as to' show them
t_hat he .. had $ome ,lengthy stay ,in. Asia,, and :that the' languages of the East were
but poorly learned ;in .the, colleges of Louis the .Great and Montaigne;"

I.f Saint-Germain .was alive during. the nineteenth century, inost of which time
was spe_nt in Tibet;where he certainly musthave perfected himself in. theart of
rejuvenation in: which Tibetan yogis: and lamas are, certainly he should
be alive, youthful and healthy in the ,twentieth century as well. Many hold the
belief that he is still alive and some claim to have seen him, spoken to him
. received :lett!!-rft.trom him, .or received other types. of communication. Manly Hall,
one of the greatest students of. his biography, stated that Saint-Germain was
seen_ at a Masonic convention in France as late as 1925; and eight yearsl'ater,
the head of a. Co-Masonic: society in San Jose; :Costa Rica, told the "1-/:iter that he
had received .a letter f'rOm him and. that he was, the world head of this order,
coming from the Carpathian Mountains . Barbara,Moore'-'-Pataleewa,a Russian physi-
ci_an .residing in England and a specialist in rejuvenation; claims she once met
him person~lly-, as Ninon de L' Enclos, whom he taught his secret of the preserva-
tion of.youth,_enabling her. to a young womanat the age of'ninety, had
... done previously'.-- ., '

There is a widespread belief among Theosophists and other occult societies

that Saint-Germain is still living. Mrs. Ballard, founder of the ''I Am". move-
ment, .claims to have received communications from 'him as the teacher of her
order, The Theosophical wr.iter, Leadbeater, in -his bocik, The Mastrirs and the
Path, .j!u9lished in 1925; describes, .
as follows a personal: meetit1g w~th him in .Rome:
- . . . '. - ' ~.' . ..

"The other adept whom I had ,.the privilege o_f encountering physicall;: was the
Master, the Conife de St. Germain, called sometimes Prince Rakoczy, I met him
,.under quite ordinary circumstances (without any previq~s appointment, and, as
though by chance)''walking down the Corso in Rome, dressed just as any Italian.
gentleman might be (Author's note: This reminds one of his previous guise as
Signor Gualdi over two hundred years previously,) ...He ,took m~- UP. into the gardens
of the Pincian 'Hill, and we sat for. inore th~n'. an hour. talking ab.o.ut . the .(ThE!o- .
sophical) society,and i'ts work.

"Though he is' not especially talLjAuthor' s note: Correct, since both

Francis Bacon and Saint~Germain were ralher short in stature), he has the ex-
quisite courtesy and dignity of a, grand seigneur o{ tht/ eighteenth century. We
feel at' once that he belongs to a v~ry old and .(Author's note: The
House of Tudor/ as_son. of Queen Elizabeth). His eyes are large and brown, and
are filled with tenderness and humor, thgugh there is in thema glint.of power, .
and the splendor of his presenc~ impells_ men to make obeisance. His- face is
olive-tanned; his close cut brown hair :i.s parted in the center and brushed back
from the forehead, and he has a short and pointed beard. (Author's note: as he
had when Francis Bacon, though he shaved it as Saint-Germain.) Often he wears
a dark uniform with facings of good lace--often also a magnificent red military
cloak--and these accentuate his soldier-like appearance. (Author's note: We may
recall that he appeared in the-uniform of a Russian general when he met Orloff
in Nurenburg.), He usually resides in an ancient castle in Eastern Europe, that
belonged to his family for\ ~enturies,: (Author's note: Probably in the Carpathian
Mountains from where the letter was sent that the head of the Co-Masonic Society
in San Jose, Costa Rica, received.)

. "Master the Col!l,te.~e _St.. Germain (was) known in history in the eighteenth
century, whom we, sometimes call Mas,ter Rakoczy; as the last survivor of .:the royal
house. : (Author.'.s :note: , .Fal_se, as this .was Saint-Germain's subterfuge to conceal
his identity as Prince. of EIJ.gland.) .Jie was Francis Bacon, Lord Verultiin .iri the
seventeenth cent:ury. ,,He is,.also.:much.concerned with the political situation in
Europe .and the of modern physical science." (Author's note: ;Bacon's in-
ductive philosophy gave rise to the development: of tne modern scientific era in
place of the medieval age wnich preceded it, while his Freemasonic' activities,
terminating in the French Revolution, gave birth to modern democracy. f
...... -Commenting _on Leadbeater's statements,. E. M, Butler, in her book already re-
ferred _to, says: '
II . .. - . . - ' ~ ' .
. .It would .. be ahard heart indeed which could not rejoiceat this apotheosis
of Saint-Germain by which he has regained, and more than regained, his pristine
splendor at the Court of Versailles For indirectly he was himself very largely
responsible.for the Theosophical Movement. The vitality of his personality after
deat;h :Led to a further life in literature; for he was no other than the. title-
hero of Bulwer Lytton' s novel Zanoni. This fell in Madame Blavatsky's harids
fairly early in her career; it affected her profoundly, and the fact that .Zanoni
was . rea:Lly Saint-Ger.main. was probably. well known in th.e circles in 'which she
move.d, .. Hence her identification of the .latter- with one of the Adepts; since .it
is in this guise ,that Bulwer Lytton portrayed ..J:iim."

.. : If Saint-Germain,~s still alive,. the question arises .as to where he is .

Couid he be in the Himalayas as a member of the "Great White Lodge" of Theosophi-
cal Masters, of whom he is considered one? .Tha_t _wo_uldbe a very; dangerpus place
-to ,be now. in view of the heavy fallout over the :entire Himalayan i::eg:!-on.produced
by .Ru.ssian hydrogen bomb,explosions in nearby Siberia. Certainly it would be.a.
poor way: to further extend his longevity to breathe radioactively containiriated.
air .
- . . .: '....
.. .-._:-.: (. :--.
There would seem. to be much more logic in the claim that he has entered the
Sub.terranean World to escape both from radioactivity and other disadvantages of
the earth's surface as well as once and for all enjoy peace of mind and live with-
out. fear that ..his life might be endangered by some pretender to the English
throne we-re his great sticret revealed. that he was a son: of Queen ~lizabeth, and. ,
therefore a legitimate Prince of England .. Now he can live in peace and no ..longer
have .to travel from place to place under assumed names; The Brazilian Theosophi-
cal Society, which has a large temple dedicated to "Agharta" (the Subterranean
World) at Sao Lourenzo, Minas Gerais, Brazil, maintain that Saint-Germain .is now
living in.the Subterranean World together with other great masters. Charles A.
Marcoux, of SubsurfaceResearch Center in Phoenix, Arizona, who has devoted
twenty years to searching for an entrance to the Subterranean World, wrote. to the
author some time .ago: "I want to comment concerning one thing J;hat may. be of
interest, pertaining to Count..:.Germain. Such a party has contacted me on several
occasions, -at least he claimed to be Count Saint~Germain. As you may know, the.
"I Am" movement claims to have gotten all their information from Saint-Germain,
which corresponds with some of my findings."


: J
The interesting information contained in this chapter was supplied by a
pro_found :student of Saint-Germain, Paul Masson; an American resident :'in Brazil.
,The 1fC)llowing will explain :why Mr. Masson: considers Count Saintc;.Germain . as: the
. inastermind be_himL the ,French Revolution; as well as the American Revolution-~ .
which g~ye ,birth,to modern democracy. This :great achievement" was accomplished by
the .air _of hi.s Freemasonic and Rosicrucian soci-eties wh'ich -he :founded in England
when _he was Francis Bacon. He.. wrote :-the.:ShakEispeare plays -to destroy in 'the
public mind the belief- ,in the .. d:l.vine. r:l.ght of kings and to prepare it for -the
Democratic Revolution which caused the thrones of Europe's-kings to totter and to
be' replaced by, republican 'governments.

In ,support of his_ -claim that. Saint-Germain "single-handedly" engineered the

French Revolution, by the aid of his secret societies, though he never intended
that the terrorists take over, Mr. Masson supplied the following interesting
evidence in a,letter-to. the wri~er_ on. Dec. 28th, ;L959, which included many other
interesting facts,about the great Rosicruc; adept. -- '

. Spe~king about a friend he knew in,_Fran,ce who claimed that when he went to
schoolttiere,was a feilow~$tude?t:in hi~. classcalled Comte de Saint-Germain,
Mr. Masson says:. ~--. .....,.

-"Regarding the statement friend in,Nice that he nad' a fellow-student

in his .class named. the Comte de.Saint-Germain, this struck me as very strange.
Unfortunately, I could get no fvrther information from-my friend; because he
knew nothing of the historical Saint-Germain whom we know. My friend was not a
student of occultism,. and beyond. ,t_he statement he made, he cotild<add nothing
further._ _

.:: "Your 'stateinent: that Salnt-Germaili' s

secret ~ocieties brought on the French
Revo-liit;ioti mei:eiy .confirms the oni( t made -about Saint-Germain's, work; - He:was
indefetigable in'the .creation '~f. Masonic lodges' all over.Europe. His work.was
to''ifberate the' human spirit from centuries of mental oppression. The Jesuits
were his bitter enemies. Is it a mere coincidence that the Jesuitical Order was
suppressed in 1775 and remained outlawed for:, the,next,fortyy-ears'I'- I hol,f it
was Saint:::.Germaih' s work . Carl Ramus says: - J,'
.;, '\:?f;'.:'". . :__
., ,:. _ .. ..:--.. . "\ :.. .
. .. .., _-'._Saint-G~rtn-ain ...travel_ ed much t)lroug_h.ou_t :Eu,rop,_e,_an_
...d._ even made_, two journeys
to visit the. Shah of Pe'rsia. A. concrete part of !:tis work .appears, tQ have been
the founding of Masonic lodges in many c~ ties,. a .wor~. far mqre difficult , than
now, and in some countries only possible.through the personal favor--heenjoyed
in royal circles. '

"Saint-Germain had a triple work to perform. -The first ..was work with
individuals who were to be initiated in .the inner mysteries according to their
spiritual development, after which _-they would in turn help ,Saint-Germain. Thus
C~gliostro, his most famous pupil, 'founded lodges of Egyptian Freemasonry.
Another of Saint-Germain's pupils was said to be Friedrich Anton Mesmer; and his
special work was to stimulate interest in occult medicine and mesmerism. Mesmer
founded an occult society known as the "Order of Universal Harmony,"

"Secondly, his work was with the intellectual class, and he did this in the
most thorough manner possible by virtually creating armies of freemasons. These
intelligent men, whose previous creed-incrusted minds had been magically trans-
formed into keen men of speculative thought and logic, by the power of the
Master, were the leaven which gradually transformed the entire intellectual
climate of France, first giving rise to the 'Encyclopedists,' whose contributors
were such famous men as Voltaire, Rousseau, Grimm, Holbach, Duclos and other
famous men, and then like a veritable mental tidal wave, overwhelmed the rest of
the country, to the gaping astonishment of the neighboring countries, England,
Germany and Italy. The Vatican, with its tens of thousands of servile agents,
found itself powerless to stem the rising intellectual tide of freedom, and found
itself compelled to issue anathemas against the new order and excommunicate all
those who became Freemasons. One man, if man he was, did it; and it was Saint-

"His third work, and probably the most important, was with the schools of
esotericism, such as the Orders of Illuminati and the Rosicrucians. Profane
history can give us no account of his activities in this field, beyond the
merest guesses and speculations of those who knew nothing of the work he did.
But, as his activities in this special sphere increased, there spring up spurious
'orders,' also calling themselves Rosicrucians and Illuminati (the latter being
the Machiavellian creation of an obscure German professor in a small German
university). His well-conceived scheme was to dangle before the Freemasons of
Germany the hope of occult powers and knowledge by joining his Order. Professor
Weishaupt, for that was his name, was so successful in his endeavor, far beyond
his wildest dreams, that his 'adepts' numbered in the hundreds of thousands of
the upper-class Germans, and to a lesser extent, in the rest of Europe. Finally,
as his crowning achievement, even Frederick the Great, King of Prussia, applied
for admission to his Order, to whom he made clear his stupendous scheme, which
was to control Freemasonry, bring on a bloody revolution in France and then con-
quer the country in a bloodless coup. Frederick the Great put a stop to this
colossal plan. t<Jhy? Because the King of Prussia was an initiate and a very good
friend of Count Saint-Germain, a true Freemason, and kept his vows, made in all
of Saint-Germain's lodges, to revere life and abide by the high moral standards
which the lodges inculcated.

"The spurious occult societies exist to this very day. In 1928, I made an
effort to contact the real Rosicrucian Society, when I was in the United States.
In less than six months, I unearthed eight Rosicrucian societies and orders, all
of them claiming to be the genuine one. I know of only two of them that are
still functioning, i.e., the AMORC(Lewis Spencer's very, very spurious order),
now carried on by his heirs, and the Max Heindel Rosicrucian Society. Max
Heindel, by the way, was a disciple of Rudolf Steiner, the Theosophist, and
broke away from his teacher to find his own order. Was Steiner a true Rosicrucian,

"I read Comte de GabaZis when I was a mere boy, and did not understand any-
thing about his Sylphs, Undines and Salamanders. I learned later, however, that
one must have the key in order to read the book correctly. I know an 'adept'
who has this key, and who, by the way, knows more about Saint-Germain than
probably anyone living in the Western World. When I meet him again, I shall ask
him for more information on the subject. By the way, Bulwer Lytton's Zanoni,
the biography of a great adept, I hold is a popular account of many of Saint-
Germain's activities in the eighteenth century. Zanoni, in the book, is a high
Rosicrucian adept, together with his friend and senior, the adept Mejnour. But
why should Bulwer Lytton know anything about Saint-Germain that others do not
know? Simply this: Lord Lytton's father founded an occult order in England and
knew intimately many of the European initiates of the time. In one of his books,

The Coming Raae, Bulwer Lytton mentions a subterranean country inhabited by an
advanced race which can control a secret. power which Bulwer calls 'Vril.' You
have probably read the book. In his Strange Story Bulwer gives an account of a
black magician who .had found the secrets of mixing certain herbs which completely
rejuvenate the body."



An:Account of Saint.,.,Germain's Early.Lifein,England

We shall, 11ee..h'e:fe that Saint-Germain was' not only the leader of Freemasonry
and Rosicrucianism inEurope during the eighteenth century, but he was the
act1.1,al founder. of, .'these Orders: during the sixteenth, when he was known as Francis
Bacon,. before his. flrl.gned _death in England and his traveling to Germany;_ where
he wrote under the .name-:of Valentine Andreas;>a'nd to whom.he sent -the Rosicrucian
Manifestoes,cfor publication some nine years before his :supposed death in 1624.

FranciS/-Bacon (under which name ,we shall refer to Co\int Saint;..Germain dur-
.ing of this was undoubtedly of 'the greatest geniuses who
.. 11-'ved,during the. past:thousand years;, Born at the close of the :Medieval Age,
which was: anoutgrowth of the,experimental method, he originated as part of the
inductive, philosophy of his i'Novuui Organum," which revolutionized human thought,

...Parallel to, his contributions to science and philosophy were"' his
literary creations under various feigned names, most famous among which was that
of Shakespeare, which created the Elizabethan Renaissance in literature. And in
. add.i.tion, he.was the founder of a- new political system which: we call democracy,
which he. ushered in,.,through. th~.-work--of. his se.cret:Freemasonic and Rosicrucian
societies,. which he founded and of which .he was: the leader.. And. in addition, he
was an alchemical ~ept ~ho, iossessed the secret of,everlasting youth that en-
abled him to live on long after his contemporaries, who believed .him dead, dis-
app~ed . ;: He wai; tp.en reborn; Phoenix-like, in Europe as Count Saint-Germain,
to.lead the,!lecret_societ;ies,he originated whenhe was Francis Bacon. Here are
the. highlights ii:i the life~history of this Man of Mystery:
He was the son of Queen.Elizabeth and her legitimate husband,.E~lof
Leicester, whose true name was Francis Tudor, Prince of Wales and heir to.the
English throne. The royal insignia of the House of Tudor, of which he was the
111,l;lt;jSUl:.Vivingmember;,waS'.'the:Rose,and tiie'Cross. ' He Used this iaie:i: 'aiia
pet;sonal'emblem.' the secret society he estiililished, or:!,gii:ialiy
known al!fthat :.Of:::,the'Rosicrusse-Freemaiions, . . ,.
,;:: '
~- - . - : ""' . , ' I : ~- : '
.,::., .The: :above facts ..w111 explain the mysterious secrecy that saint.;.Gerinidn
. _ma_:!._nta,ined regarding" his origin and parents; For he had a"..sw~'rd of Damocles
_hai:iging.ove:i; h-is .head 'by a thin string, for should it_ become known that he was. a
. Prince of England, his life would be endangered by aspirants for the throne who
would prefer to see him out of the way.

.His mother~ Queen 'Elizabeth, turned him over to L~y Bacon; aftet' he was
born,. iti 'place of Qer own infant who died; :and he was .raised as ,her own' child
and called Ft'ancis 'Ba,ccin,' later Francis Viscount $_t. Alban . ,

He wrote the Shak_espeare plays ;hile a young struggling lawyer, which

brought him a revenue he badly needed.: He was '.i:he genius who creat.ed most out-
standing literary masterpieces of the Elizabethan period; and it was he who gave
the English language its present form through his chief works, the plays. he wrote
which_appearedunder the name of Shakespeare, and the King James translation of
the Bible,' which he edited.

Regarding his editing the translations of the King James version of the
Bible in 1616, after fifty-four learned men prepared them, he was commissioned
by James to do this job, which he did to perfection, putting these translations
together and editing them in his own matchless style

In addition to the Shakespeare plays, he alsc:, wrote the plays of Christopher

Marlowe, which -many-authorities :have a common authorship and
some drew the erroneous conclusion that Marlowe wrote the plays of Shakespeare.
Among his other anonymous literature productions were Spenser's "Fairie Queen,"
_Montaigne's -"Essays," cBurton' s- ':'Anatomy of Melancholy" -,and '.Cervantes' "DonQuixote
.., . f; '..,..~, ~: :.. J_,.::: :

,-- H_e.fq1.1nded Freemasonry ati<VRo!;licrucianism as :secret- societies, for -political

and i:eligic:,u_s,:reform; After his ;feigned death in :Etigland_,:{n 1626, at -the"age of
. -6~,,),ilc~ other ,_Illuminated Bro.thersi 'lie,-reappeared iti ._another :part' of the:world
(Ge_~any), :w:l:J.erehe .,cqntinuec! bl-,. wo:rk,.for, humanity :unde:c,;a: >new:name,(Valentine
Andreas). In a rare print by Valentine Andreas, published twenty years after his
b,urial as -Bacqn,_ -he :[,s depic.t;ed wi:th _a long. beard a.t the age ,-of"BO; in,place of
the goatee. J1e wore-, in England. - (Later as_ -Cbtin:t Saint;.,Germain he was :beardless.)
His,. bur},al pl!!,ce. iin _England was never, found/,- -U_ndertl:J.ti.n;ime--of, :Valentine !Andreas ,
he wrote ,the ,Rosicrucian Mani_festoes 'wnich he 'secret1y-;sent: to: ..Germany :to bepub-
'iished t;li.ete i~.-li>l~-, -nine -years befori:i''his feigned death and:depaiture fl:1r' the
continent. When he reached there, he continued to issue his writings under the
. same, name. He wa~ the mythical Chri!i!t'i'an .Roseiilcreut:z, :the -.supposed founder of
""'s cruc , - i an1sm.- .,. . . - -_ - - - .,_.. ,:!fl:.:
, -- - -' -- - - -"'- --- '.,. -- - - ''<> 0 ',-, - -
! ' . . .::~;a'"'
. ;:,
. . . - .. , . ~' r _:_ \,"1 - i...'., - "'.'
From Germany he traveled to -western:.Europe as the "Polish R'ider;" a painting
of, Still preserv.ed:;'in a N'ew Y;,rk ,ar.t collection,-, and''who; i in 1670,' 'deliv-
ered to .. Abbe.-Moilfaucon de Vil'iarscet-\~~'.occu}-t:\B.s'courses which were- 'subse~
quently. publiished- in. 1742 'Under:! the n~- of. ''Comte':de Gabali's .-"--
.,. ; . t~:, . J( ,.;....v-. ,_.:,
.. ' ,_ '.'.' , .' .,:~:\'r.;~-,.;,;.~~~;-~:1:::~--:,_
<. ; .~-.: .., ,. . '
: He.,later,,used: the:name of the devout'pririce Francis Rakoczy of-the 'royal'
house-Qf Tran!;lylvania, .!'il'hciunaii!riietit: a feigned dea1;h'in 1-735, 'and whc/was;' of''"
course, a distinct individual. In t:heclatter-'part'of the seventeenth'cetitury', -
Bacon appeared in Venice as Signor Gualdi; and in 1710 again as Count Saint-
Germain, ,~t,.ich Il~E! he,;1Jef8ined Lthrdughout: __tlii!"., ent:t'.lfy,' though using other names
as,we~;; ~s;the.~c 7~8~:~;ire,;~1'.r;~.;,:i)::_:,: .-., \.::;!;[:'.
:: ._'... _h_''\:,.;-
,.P1?-:,.Feb,ruary,?7.,1!84,,, he went: thro'ugh' anothet/re::i'.gned ,death ~t iEckernforde,
under ,,;be name ~f,_Coun.f Saint-Germain "1lr1'1Ei"vis':fiting'his disciple 'and friend;,
Prince 'Charles of Hesse-Cassel. As in,-the,,case.ofJli-ls
.... ....... - . lbur:iaL as.
- ' , .

his grave was later found to be empty. A year later, in 1785, he was seen attend-
ing a Masoni_!; ,_<::o_~erence, ,. Later, in 1~21, ,Cqun_te_s_11 ;a' Adhemar: saw ,him ,in :Nienna
_prio(, ~o his -4ipa~:ture for Tibet, _where he._;,SP.e.nt.l!IO!;lt, of .the ;nineteentlt-"c:ierlttiry.
He later 1,eturiied. anf wi1.s seen as late ,as ,1!)25, ,a,;, ,_i;i.:Masonic- convention -1n -Fiaiic~,
ac,corjiJp.~(. t~ _his biog_rapher and admirer, ~nly ,Hall. , _ , , _ , ::i _r< ,
C O / - C - , . '< :,_.,: >l t_:( ,',;
L,, ~
Sir Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, Viscount of St. Albans, Lord High Chan-
cellor of England, was the legitimate child of a seci:et. ma;i:iage c:,J:,.Qu,eenEliza-
beth and her favorite, -Reibert Dudley, Earl of Leic:est:er:.-, H~s ''youqger -broth~r was
the ill-fated Earl of<Essex, Robert 'De\rereux, whose ambitions tci _the crpwn were
founded on more than vain: 'pretense;- ,'Bacon's father, the'.":i!:ai:l 'cif Leicester, was
poisoned, if not with the consent, at least with the_ knowledge of. his ._wife, Queen -
Elizabeth, The' true' name of 'Fr'ancis ':sadm,. th~refore, was' F,rancis Tu~or , P-rince
of Wales, and the legitimate heir to, the_ crown o_f E_ngland.

One of tti~ ~est. i;fc:,rmative worlcs on B~con' s parentage is a book by Alfred

Dodd entitled; The Marriage of Elizabeth Tudor. Being an exhaus-tiveinquiry into
her alleged marriage with the Earl of Leicester and the Births of her Two Sons,

Francis Bacon and the Earl of Essex; An historical research based on one of the
themes in 'Shakespeare's Sonnets'."

Writing on the relation of "The Virgin Queen" who was "a secret wife and
mother" and "Francis Bacon, the las.t of the Tudors," Dodd writes: "The fact of
Francis Bacon's parentage--the legi.timate son of Queen Elizabeth and therefore
the legal heir to the Throne--is indubitable, it is, not only by a
mass of circumstantial evidence but' by such di,r.ect te$timciny as Leicester's
letter to Phillip of Spain, which Mme. Devente von Kuriowdiscovered among the
Spanish State Archives, begging Phillip to use his influence with the Queen
Elizabeth to secure his public.acknowledgement as Prince Consort."

Dodd found the story of Baco.11's parentage concealed in the.Shakespeare Son-

nets, whichhave been especially rearranged in an unnatural order, but when they
are properly arranged in their correct sequence, the. acrostic message of Bacon's
royal ancestry is clearly revealed. On this subject, Dodd writes: I
"I was given to understand that. the Sonnets constitute.a Diary of Emotion--
touching many themes--the writer being Francis Bacon. Some'..of the themes .dealt
with state matters and royal secrets. They were therefore issued, under, a, pen
name to veil his identity: William Shake-f!peare.: The Sonnets were,mixed
according:to a definite plan, and I was shown the correct order. There was pur-
poseful confusion to save their suppression by.the Censor, their true meaning
being obscured.

"The most startling revelation was the assertion'that.Francis Bacon was

the concealed son of Queen Elizabeth Tud~r, :~ho had.been. privately married .to
Robert Dudley, Earl ':of' Leiceste.r and by him had . two sons; known to hifltory. as.
Francis Bacon and the Earl of Essex, the younger. son ... Readers ,of :the appended
Sonnets will find several cantos written by the eldest concealed son craving for
royal recognition from his mother, the Queen. The stc,ry is_told also of the
tragedy of Sussex and the part played by the principies:: the mother and her two
sons."- - -

Mrs. E. Gallup, in her "Bi-:lateral Cypher of Francis Bac,:m," says that

Elizabeth married Robert, 'Earl of'Leicester, and had two sons, Francis Tudor,
named Francis Bacon, and Robert Earl of Essex, who tried to get rid of his
mother/ Elizabeth'; and: become King of 'England, for which reason, s.he executed him
. When.Francis'Bacon discovered the conspiracy that wa_sbeing wrought against
his father, who was poisoned with his mother's knowledge and consent, and also
against his brother Essex, by his own mother, Elizabeth, under the influence of
Cecil, his respect for her was destroyed; and her previous regard for him turned
into bitter hatred; and'hence forth, she refused to.recognize his abilities and
. literary genius, which immortalized her name in the history of.literature because
of the works produced during her reign~

There is a remarkable resemblancebetween the pictures of Francis Bacon and

his brother Earl of Essex, and of both of them to their father, Earl.of
Leicester. Their pictures also show a marked resemblance to their mother, Queen
Elizabeth, On the other hand, there is _no resemblance between the physiognomy
of Francis Bacon and that of Lord and Lady Bacon, his foster-parents.

In Alfred Mudie's The Self-Named William Shake-Speare, it was stated that

when Queen Elizabeth was only a princess, she was imprisoned in the Tower by her
sister, Queen Mary, at the same. time as her favorite, Robert Dudley, later Earl
of Leicester, was also imprisoned, in 1559. She is said to have secretly married
Dudley in the house of Lord Pembroke, after the death of Dudley's wife, Amy

Robsart. The children born of this marriage were Francis Tudor., called Francis
Bacon because given to Lady Bacon after birth and raised by her, and the Earl
of Essex.

Queen Elizabeth' had threatened Francis' death if he ever divulged .. the :fact
of his being her son:, which she had angrily confessed to him when he had greatly
displeased her. He was then about_ .fourteen years of age, and all the witnesses
of the Earl: of Leicester's 'sectet marriage with her were dead, and all demon-
strating papeirit had been destroyed.

It was the intention of the queen to dispose of the child, Francis, but the
entreaties oj: her faithful councilor, Sir Ni~holas Bacon, caused,, her l:0;deflect
from this' : Since, at the time of_ Fr~ncis', birth,. Lady, Anne Bacon_ "-'as
also confined/ but with. a:
child who was born. dead, Francis was substituted for
Anne's dead son and_ was raised by her without knowledge __of his 'true parentage.

Francis Bacon was therefore the adopted name of Francis Tudor, son of Queen
<'Elizabeth, who was' raised by Lady Bacbn_ as.her ciwri .sim, While Eliz11bet;l,l.had
,much-affection for the. child', she'was.forced_byher positionto conce11l her
interest lest' this a:waken: suspie'ion 'that could' cau!3e the life of her,.child to
be endangered by:rival aspirantsfor the throne, in,became.known that he
was really . a Prince
- --~
of. . England.
. . ,.

There exists in the British Museum an engraving depicting the confinement of

Queen Elizabeth. As was customary at a royal birth, the.entire court was present,
but they were bound: t:cFsecrecy. concerning the event ..on pain of dea~h. This was
kept as a state'secret.' Lat:er:Francis' Bacon 'discovered it, but he too feared to
openly express this secret_;' though~ _as Dodd i;;ci. convincingly shows, he concealed
:it in Shakespeare Sonnets whichhe wrote. -

The Queen and the Earl of Le'icester_were-~irried.privately .four mOttths prior

to the birtb' of their child. At i:he age of fifteen, Francis accidentally learned
the secret of his birth and was sent to France in the entourage of the French
court. He then visited the very scenes which he la.ter immortalized in the
Shakespeare plays during his trip.'to Spain and Italy, vi:;;itiI\& Verona, Padua and
Florence. While 'at the Frerich court, he fell in love with Marguerite of Navarre
who was then taking steps to be divorced from her l,usliand; arid to the_ end- of his
life, he:bitterly regretted the loss; He latei'wrote "Romeo and Juliet" as an
autobiography of this experience, just as uHamlet'.'. (the _philosopher-:-pr;l.nce) was
equally autobiographicaL ..

- rcUnder no conditions would. 'the Queen. be induced to. ~cknowledge Francis pub-
licly as her son and_.heir'to the throne, .arid all such attempts failed. Accord-
ing to unofficial reports, he was cciinpe:lled to keep the knowledge a secret at., the
peril of his life and to swear that. he would make n<;>cl.aim to the throne.

The Queen's intimacy with Leicester resulted in another. child known to

history as thi{Earl ofLEssex: The two men knew each other as brothers; and an
examinati-0n of their photogr_aphs shows a marked resemblance to other and
also ,to their father, Earl.of Leicester. (On the other hand, .there is no re-
semblance between the physiognomy of Francis Bacon and that of Lord or Lady Bacon,
his foster-parents, But between the pictures of Bacon and his mother, Queen
Elizabeth, there is a strong resemblance also.)

The two heirs of the throne agreed between them that if ever Essex should
be acknowledged King of England, Francis should have a free hand to devote him-
self to his literary and philosophical activities and ideals. When Essex was
condemned for treason, Francis had no fear that his brother would actually go to

the block. The Queen had promised that if Essex would return her ring, which he
had in his possession, she would refuse to sign the death warrant, But the ring
did not come. The ministers pressed the Queen for her signature, As a matter
of fact, Essex had sent the ring, .relying on the Queen's promise; but the Coun-
tess of.Nottingham kept it back, and so caused the death of Elizabeth's son, On
her death bed, the Countess sent for the Queen and confessed her guilt. ,. It is a
matter of record that the horrified and enraged Queen shook the dying woman on
her bed, screaming at her: "God may forgive you, but I never can." For his.-
torians to declare that Essex was the Queen's lover is absurd. All the facts
point to this: That the love of Elizabeth for Essex was that of a mOther for a
spoiled child . False pr.ide on the part of each led to tragedy in their lives.
Elizabeth signed the death warrant for Essex, and her son was executed for.
treason, When Elizabeth realized the error of her actions,- she collapsed and
died shortly afterwards from grief.

The tragic significance of. the celebrated case of treason brought by the
crown against the Earl of Essex becomes more understandable when we realize that
Elizabeth forced Francis Bacon to prosecute his own brother, lier son. Bacon
never would have consented todo this had.he not been given the most solemn
assurance that Essex would be pardoned in the end,

He did not like the job of having to prosecute Essex, but he did so because
he believed his mother, the Queen, would refuse to sign the death warrant, for
his brother. But he misjudged. She did, His brother was executed by the order
of his mother! This perfidy Bacon added to his list of injuries, the record of
which he incorporated in his secret cipher story hidden in his Shakesperian
writings. When he discovered the conspiracy that was being wrought against. him,
his brother and his father by Elizabeth, under the influence of Cecil, his res-
pect for his.mother.was,destroyed, and her .-egard for him was turned to
hatred, and henceforth she refused to recognize his abilities.

Queen Elizabeth had a violent temper and in one of her f_its of r.ige, she in-
advertantly revealed to Bacon the truth about his royal parentage, the knowledge
of which altered the entire course of his life. He believed that before her
death Elizabeth would acknowledge him; and it was with this hope that he aspired
to the hand of Princess Marguerite of Navarre. '

From his earliest years, Bacon was in frequent contact with the.Elizabethan
Court and with his mother, Queen Elizabeth, She is known to. have had a special
fondness for the child, whom she affectionately called her '.'little Lord Keeper,11
As a young boy, .Bacon exhibited unusual intellectual precocity, and when yet in
his early teens, had a thorough grasp of classical and modern literature in ...
various languages, and evinced an interest in the drama and stage. A masque .
which he had written was performed before the queen'and' her court by a company of
youthful players under Bacon's leadership, Later, as a young lawyer, he per-
formed the masques he wrote, which was then a common practice for his colleagues
to do, at Gray's Inn, where Shakespeare's troupe also had a performance, .The two
men met, made an agreement~ and henceforth Bacon's dramatic liritings were turned
over to Shakespeare, to be performed by him under his .own name, while Bacon, a
struggling young lawyer who was then in financial straits, was given a badly
needed royalty from the plays he wrote, _which. Shakespeare acted.

Bacon was educated at Oxford. By his sixteenth year, he became so dis-

satisfied with the scholastic doctrines of this institution that he requested
that he be removed on the grounds that there was nothing.further that the uni-
versity could teach him, He was the cause of constant embarrassment and bewilder-
ment to his professors who found it impossible to cope with his brilliant in-

Almost immediately after he left Oxford, Bacon was attached to the suite of
the ambassador to France and resided some time on the continent. As we have
mentioned above, it was during this time that he developed an infatuation for
the Princess Marguerite of Navarre. The policies of state prevented the marriage,
and Bacon, broken-hearted, returned to England. Though he later married,
Marguerite _remained to the end the one great love of his life.

Finding life of.a courtier unbearable, Bacon established himself at Gray's

Inn at London, and set himself up as a lawyer. Although possessed of legal
brilliance, he had great di.fficul ty to.:secure patronage and recognition, and
years of struggle followed, as if fate conspired to :force obscurity upon him.
Though id_ealized by Elizabeth. as a child, he was ignored by her when he grew up,
though for many years,-for some mysterious reason the world failed.tounder-
stand, he was a "Queen's pensioner" and lived income received.from Eliza-
beth. It was not until his mother's death in 1603 that his fortunes improved,
and he. was permitted to advance to his rightful position in the English court.

During th~se years of obscurity,. Bacon spent much time on the study of law,
in which he b,ecame a recogl'!j_zed .authority, . publishing a number of legal tracts
and laying the foundation for our present system of legal jurisprudence. He
also devoted himself to lit2rary work, i;.,riting the Shakespeare plays with a view
to introducing his ideas. ip. a form ,appealing to the masses, while to scholars
he pre~ented his ideas in.philosophical works, his first printed book of this
type, the Essa:ys, being still rega~ded as one of _the great books of English

When James I ascended the, Bacon received the advancement he justly
deserved. He was first knighted, then given the Barony of Verulam and finally
. was creat.ed Viscount St. Albans. He reached the peak of his public career when
he was riamed Chancellor of England; the highest honor that could be conferred on
him by the king. As Lord Chancellor, Bacon became what destiny had originally
ordained him to be, but which his mother prevented, the virtual ruler of England
and the most powerful !llan in the realm.

nuring_ these years of political advancement, mariy of h:i.s most

flowed from his pen, ..including the Advancementof Learning and his masterpiece,
Novum Organum, a new instrk"!lent of reason which made possible the birth of modern
science, invention and civilization. These works revolutionized human thought
and won for Bacon .the.justly earned titl.e of "the.father of.modern science." He
was regarded as a .rebor11 Plato in whom all learning was complete; and the excel-
lence of his literary sfyle was.matched by the brilliance of his scholarship and
erudition .. Even the records of his court pleadings and misdellarieous l_egal
papers possessecI unexcelled literarY. 'style. His prose was po_etic, each word
carefully chosen and every phrase beautifully rounded. It was -iu. tribute to his
literary skill that King James translation of the .Bible when this was delivered
to him by the translators .

During this period of political prominence, Ba.con .found his opportunity to

practically realize his dream of an utopian commonwealth in America, where he
hoped to establish a new system of government, different from the monarchial one
of which he was then the head, and based on the principles of. democracy, of which
idea he was the originator and propagator, which he sought to accomplish through
the secret.societies of Freemasonry which he organized and of which he was the
leader. Bacon initiated various colonization groups that went to the New World
to establish there his scheme of a New Civilization based on. the ideals of his
New Atlantis. On this subject, Manly Hall remarks: ''"Among hi~ numerous
activities, Lord Bacon was responsible for the distribution of land grants in the
new world of America. It was his task to divide this territory among certain

noble families of England.

The New kt?,antis, one.of the most idealistic fragments of his writings, is
believed,to have been inspired by his vision of.the opportunities of the New
World . Here the.Platonic empire of the philosophic_ elect could be re-established
and men. could.livetogether in-a-camaraderie of knowledge. "Among those who
went forth to the New World to establish colonies of the realized New Atlantis
was Bacon,' s own son; who" led a ccffonization group. to Virginia, where he achieved
prominence as a leader in this field.

At an early age, Francis became imbued with the New Lea_rning then spreading
from Greece to .Italy andFrance. He then conceived the idea of teaching to the
common people, through the medium of the drama, the cardinal virtues in great
epics of passion-similar in principle to the way truths were presented to
the masses in myths, which embodied the wisdom of the ancients. And while he
wrote for the masses the plays that bore the name of Shakespeare, at the same
time he created.theimmortal philosophical works that inaugurated a new era in
human thought, which bore the name of Francis Bacon. Thus he lived a double life
as a dramatist under a pen name and a philosopher under his real name, though
even this was notreal, for his true name was Francis Tudor, Prince of Wales,
last in the lirie of Tudors, theroyal house of England, who was the rightful .
heir to the English throne,

In Elizabethan days, the language of culture was Latin. There was virtually
no English language save barbarous country dialects. The customs and manners.of
the people were rude and coarse; Francis Bacon set upon.himself _to accomplish
the Herculean.task of giving England a language, building up a vocabulary and re-
fining the ethical standards of thei masses. He spent all the money he could make
. in his profession as a lawyer to further his huinanitarian aims; as did also Lady
Bacon, his foster'-mother and Anthony Bacon, his foster-brother, who were- fired.
with the same ideals. This hidden work was that of the secret societies of
fraterntties. he established among his friends and followers.

Thus Bacon played to perfection at the same time the,role. of. a philosopher,
a political ruler (as Lord Chancellor), a great scientist and a literi!lry genius,
which won fo.r- him the title of "the noblest birth of time." But if was inevita-
ble that so brilliant and-humanitarian a man should have many enemies, .and
persons envious of him, especially in a day of treasons and stratagems. Indeed
it would have been a miracle if he escaped persecution, even though at this time
he was considered as the straightest man in the House of Commonsby all the Free-
holders of England.

At James' first parliament, he _was returned by two constituences, always a

rare honor. It-was .atribute to his virtue and ability, which were universally
.recognized. At fifty-one he was made Attorney-General, and then successively,
Lord Keeper, Lord Chancellor, and a Peer of the Realm. He held . the office of
Lord Keeper for three years, and at the age of sixty he was created Viscount
St, Alban. Yet withinthree years after receiving this honor, England's greatest
Chancellor .fell-~a .catastrophe so surprisingly dramatic that its equal can only
be found-in the Shakespearian tragedies.

It is a tangled tale of the deceit, hypocrisy and corruption rampant in_ the
Court. Lord.St. Alban was falsely accused oftaking bribes and perverting the Chancery Division by his political enemies who wanted to get rid
of him,. who coveted his position and who despised his uprightness and intellectual
genius. Bacon was so taken aback by this plot against him that his health was
broken as a result. (However, he later recovered.)

The result was the famous bribery trial in which the Lord Chancellor's
power was broken. He was found guilty by a jury of his peers, or, more correctly,
by a jury of jealous men who feared his power. Yet until this trial, Bacon's
record showed him to be a model of honesty; and the Enoycilopedia Brittanioa,
summing up the case, states definitely that a review_ of Bacon '.s entire legal
career does not indicate that any decision.which he ever-made was.influenced by
personal motives or personal advantage, and his decisions,could be sustained by
any modern court" of law as just and equitable_, and brilliantly arrived at.

The court that convicted Bacon stripp~d him of his estates and honors, but
these were to him by .the king himself, who also forgave .the fines im-
posed by the court. It has been said that he never again sat in Parliament, but_
this is disputed. During the latter years of. his life in Engw.nd, he was called
back on at least one occasion when his judgment and knowledge were. considered
necessary for the preservation of the State.

Enjoying the respect of his kind and honored throughout.Europe for his
scholarship, Bacon retired to his estate at Gorhambury and devoted the remainder
of his known life to scientific and literary pursuits~ King.:James declared in a_
letter to Bacon that as great as were his services to the State, his benefits to
mankind havebeen still greater. _It was indeed fortunatethat he retired from
politics to have more time to complete his priceless contributions to human

When the false accusations of bribery were brought-against him, Bacon.pre-

pared his defense. The King, full of fear of ruin and revolution, begged him
to plead guilty 1est the throne be jeopardized, _and finally commanded him to
enter a plea of guilty. Bacon submitted. To humiliate him, Bacon's enemies
demanded that he plead each par-ticular charge leveled against him. As
there was no way of escape, he could not draw back. The truth is that Lord
St. Alban pleaded guilty to technical carelessness only, not to crime; carless,;.
ness, too, when he was new to the office, his registrars, his secretaries and
his clerks.

After his fall, Bacon's enemies took over power. 'Dissatisfied suitors were
encouraged to secure a reversal of. his judgments, and attempts were' made to set
aside his verdicts, though not one was reversed, and they stand sound inlaw
and in fact today as they did 'originally. _That alone should acquit Bacon from
the common verdict pailsed by elementary history books.

A, socially and politically, and in financial ceverses, Bacon

turned to his literary work. Within five years he turned out work after work of
prose, philosophy and numerous secret works j:hat. _appeared under assumed names.
He compiled the"Shakespearian Folio and published it,secretly so should
not be tarnished by his personal disgrace. , . He also completed his personal poems,
Shakespeare' e Sonnets,. which contain the secret of his true personality; his
royal birth, and the unknown history of. his life. These sonnets were first sold
only to the Brothers of the Masonic and Rosicrucian orders, of which he -was
founder and leader. He requested the Brothers not to divulge the secrets of his
b.irth, life and death. Ben Jonson believed in his innocence. A note is extant
of Bacon's interview with the King in which Bacon declares that he is ready to
make an oblation of himself for the King. It is believed that he assumed the
name Shakespeare as a penname taken from the Goddess Pallas Athene--the Shaker
of. the Spear of Knowledge at the Serpent of Ignorance--but it is more probable
that the name was derived from _the-actor to whom he turned over his plays for
their production and under whose name_they appeared.

Francis Bacon played an important role in many other activities. He was the

founder of the Royal Society for Science. He was deeply interested in the col-
onization of the New World. It is due to him that the Atlantic seaboard was
English rather than French or Spanish. He influenced profoundly English prose
through his Essays, English philosophy through his philosophical books, _including
The New AtZantis, Novum Organum, The Advaneement of Learning, etc., and English
literature through his various literary creations that appeared under the names
of Marlowe, Shakespeare and others, He organized the Rosicrosse Literary Society
that helped him in all his literary undertakings, "his literary compeers by
night," which handled the publication of his works under the namesof Shakespeare
and operated their own printing press, which used as its seal the double letters
A, which we find hidden in the frontpieces of various Shakespearian works that
it published. interesting to note that similar pictorial symbols appear
in front of the Kirig James translation of the Bible and the first Folit> of the
Shakespearian plays; indicating a common Baconian authorship.

Concerning Francis Bacon as the founder of the Royal Society, I. D'Tsraeli's

"Second Series of Curiosities of Literature and Sacred History" says that Francis
Bacon founded the Royal Society, which was in working order before the Charter
was granted by Charles I. A history of the Royal Society by two of its officials
says it began in 1616, the year of Shakespeare's death. It is interesting to
note that the Royal Society refuses to allow a perusal of some of its papers,
and the place where the Rawley-Manuscripts are kept is a secret, also the place
and circumstances of Bacon's death and burial place are unknown ge_nerally.

No nobler humanitarian has blessed mankind with his gifts during the past
two thousand years than Francis Bacon, yet no man has been more misunderstood
and slandered. Pope called him the "greatest, wisest and meanest of mankind"--
but how could the greatest and.wisest also be the meanest? It is claimed that he
was ungrateful to his brother, Essex, by persecuting him for treason, but he was
ordered by Elizabeth to do this, in spite of his entreaties to be relieved. The
Queen insisted, and assigned to him in the first trial--despite his protests and
pleading in Essex's behalf--that part of the arraignment which had_ to do with
Essex's followers hiring players to play the Shakespeare play of Richard II, which
infuriated Elizabeth, who regarded it as seditious, and she wanted to find out
who was the real author. If Bacon refused to perform an official duty, he would
have been forced to admit his own part in the conspiracy, confess his authorship
of Richard II and the other Plays, and-go to the block with Essex. This would
not help Essex, his brother, for whose life he pleaded with the Queen, his mother.

Next it was claimed he accepted bribery, confessed to it and was convicted

of bartering out justice for money. There is-evidence that some of his subordi-
nates accepted bribes, but he distinctly denies -that he accepted any, or received
any. The reason for his -downfall was an unscrupulous man named Buckingham, the
King's favorite, who saw an opportunity to sell Bacon's position to the highest
bidder, and so prevailed on the king to depose him. Not to plead guilty might
have meant imprisonment-and perhaps_the block.

Says Donnelly, in The Great Cryptogram, "He bowed his neck to the storm
which he could neither avert nor control; biding his ume, he took his secret ap-
peal to 'foreign nations, the-next ages and to his own countrymen after some time
be passed. And he turned patiently-away, with the burden of a great _injustice
and a mighty sorrow upon him, and devoted the last five years of his life to
putting forth in works unequalled since the globe first rolled on its axis."

Denied his rightful kingdom--England--though a legitimate heir to the crown,

Bacon resolved to build an empire of his own, the New Atlantis, a new civilization
to arise on the American continent. In this book he described his ideal civili-
zation which he hoped to create, which would be free from the intrigues and

corruption of English royalty, and would be founded on liberty, equality and
fraternity, and on the rule of a society of wise men and philosophers, 'Io.
achieve this -goal, Bacon founded Freemasonry, whose object it was .to destroy the
very monarchy to whose accession he was denied, and to replace it by a demo-
cratic system of government. Through his secret societies, Bacon (who later
appeared in Europe as Count Saint~Germain).created the ideals of the French
Revolution (whichwere destroyed by the Reign of Terror), but in America his
Masonic societies were more successful in instituting a new system of_democratic
government and a new civilization which was an attempt to put into practice
Bacon's sociological philosophy which he.previously outlined in his NewAtiantis.
Not only did Bacon.send his son to Virginia as a leader to. establish his
father's Ideal Commonwealth in the New_World, b_ut there is reason t;o believe.
that Bacon. himself came later, (Was he the mysterious "Philosopherll who was
friend and teacher to George Washington and Benjamin Franklin, both Freemasons
and Rosicrucians, who was the designer of the American flag; and was he the
Mystery Man who suddenly appeared in Independence Hall on 'July 4, .1776, when he
delivered an oration that encouraged.the fearful men there present to sign the
Declaration of Independence?)

Bacon was resolved that in Amer.ica he would create a new civilization free
from the corruption of monarchial England; and. he resolved to dedicate his life
to this goal. He first prepared peoples' minds for the democratic revolution
through the historical Shakespeare plays he wrote, which belittled and ridiculed
the institution of monarchy and belief in the divine right of kings, while in
his New At7,antis_he presented his vision and plan of a new civilization ruled by
scientists and sages, which ideal he hoped to realize in America. Writing on
the subject of Bacon's unjust treatment by his mother, Elizabeth, and his resolve
to avenge himself by abolishing monarchy and replacing it by a new political in-
stitution:, now called democracy, to be established on the American continent in
whose colonization he was so much interested, Manly Hall, in his Franais Baaon,
the Conaea7,edPoet, says: ,

"His youthful mind, saddened and outraged by the injustice of.which he was
the victim, took on a certain bitterness and melancholy. He resolved- to dedicate
his life to several purposes grounded in his own affairs, First, if he could
not_gain his crown, he would build an_ empire .of his own, an empire of. secret
learning that should ultimately confound the corruptions of the great., Second,
the true story of his life should not perish, but should. be preserved to
posterity as a human document and as a witness to his real estate. Third, he
would discover devious means to prick the consciences of those responsible for
the murder of his father (Earl of Leicester),and the tragedy which overtook his
own life;" (The "human document" to which Manly Hall refers is t_he cipher story
hidden in the Shakespeare plays and sonnets, which will be described below.)

Disappointment, 'bitterness and sadness turned Bacon, a child of royalty, to

realize the sufferings of others, and to devote his life to humanitarian reform
for th_e improvement of mankind, and to overcome the corruption of English mon-
archy, _to which goal he dedicated his historical-Shakespeare plays, In philoso-
phy and learning, Bacon found a solace for the sorrows of his life, which, free
.from dissipations, was dedicated, like a true king, to the welfare of his people
and _of a:11 humanity. A king he was born, arid a king he was resolved to live and
die, whether recognized as such or not . He desired to be remembered not by his
birth, but by his merit and the good he did for the human race and by his per-
sonal accomplishments in literature, science, philosophy and political reform.

Denied his right to become King of England, Bacon plunged into learning and
became a living repository of learning. Says Manly Hall:

"He saw himself a man of destiny. In creating his kingdom upon Mount
Parnassus, Bacon drew about himself many of the most brilliant minds of his time.
These men, knowing the truth, were his willing servants and instruments, not
because they respected his royal birth, but because they respected even more his
exceptional qualities. Thus, even at Gray's Inn, he held court, and here he
later laid the plans for his secret society and his philosophical empire, an
empire of dreamers, :Creators, artists_, poet$ !Ind scholars,

"Bacon corresponded with the best _thinkers of his .. day in other countries,
and everywhere he was acknowledged as the intellectual leader of' his -time. He
was the head and inspirer of a society of writers who, under him, created all
that was great in Elizabethan literature,.the best of which was written-either by
himself (under the-assumed name of some -lesser writer (as Christopher Marlowe),
or even an actor ..(as was the case with Shakespeare) or: by others working under
his direction and inspiration, It was,this- secret group that published the
original editions of Bacon's library, manuscripts, and the debris of his literary
workshop, which included the original _drafts of the Shakespeare plays, which to
date never were discovered."


.Francis Bacon was undoubtedly the greatest genius .that the modern world has
ever known. Our indebtedness to this great benefactor of humanity cannot .be
overestimated. While it is generally admitted that he ushered in the modern
scientific age, his secret work of political reform that led to the birth of
.. democracy and the downfall of monarchy is hot so generally known,nor his
literary achievements under the name of Shakespeare and other masks'lie us~d.

,, To.him we owe all that differentiates-the present scientific and democratic

age. from the medieval, monarchial one cthat preceded it. He not only prbphesied
the coming of most of ciur inventiolis~'-the steamboat, steam engine, airplane',
submarine,. etc., in his New At'lantis. but, i!l his Novum'Organum,. he gave to man-
kind the inductive, experimental method of: research bi- which mod-ern science. and
. invention became- possible..

All that we denote by the words "progress" and "civilization" today we owe
to him. He first turned the minds of speculative thinkers, formerly occupied
With scholastic disputes, to the empirical study of nature and to control over
her forces for the good of mankind. Two words form the key of his philosophy--
utility and progress--said Macaulay. He sought the "multiplying of human enjoy-
ments and the mitigation of human sufferings." The aim of this great humani-
tarian was "the relief of man's estate." Macaulay writes:

"Ask a follower of Bacon what the new philosophy has effected for mankind,
and his answer is ready: 'It has lengthened life; it has mitigated pain; it
has extinguished diseases; it has increased the fertility of the soil; it has
given new security to the mariner; it has furnished new arms to the warrior; it
has spanned rivers and estuaries with bridges of forms unknown t@ our fathers;
it has guided the thunderbolt innocuously from heaven to earth; it has lighted
up the night with the splendor of the day; it has extended the span of human
vision; it has multiplied the power of the human muscle; it has accelerated
motion; it has annihilated distance; it has facilitated intercourse, correspond-
ence, all friendly offices, all dispatch of business; it has enabled man to
descend to the depths of the sea, to soar into the air, to penetrate securely
into the noxious recesses of the earth, to traverse the land with cars that
whirl along without horses, and the ocean with ships which sail against the wind."

In short, Bacon ushered in a new age; he brought the medieval age to a close
and brought into being the modern age of science, which he intended for the
benefit of humanity. Before his time, philosophy was an abstract quest for
truth; it disdained to be useful and preferred to be stationary. But Bacon's
practical inductive philosophy turned human powers of perception and understand-
ing to external nature, to the mastery of the forces of nature for the good of

Taine says of Bacon: "When he wished to describe the efficacious nature of

his philosophy by a tale, he delineated in The New Atiantis, with a poet's bold-
ness and the precision of a seer, almost employing the very terms in use now,
modern applications, and the present organization of the sciences, academies,
observatories, air-balloons, submarine vessels, the improvement of land, the
transmutation of species, regenerations, the discovery of remedies, the preser-
vation of food."

Donnelly speaks of "the great conflagration of science, kindled by his

torch," and adds: "How grandly does he prefigure the station which he will

occupy in the judgment of .posterity when he says that the man who shall kindle
that light "would be the benefactor indeed of the human race, the propagator of
man's empire over the universe, the champion of liberty, the conqueror and sub-
duer of necessities."

"He tried to hurry up aivi'lization. He sought to use the royal power to

give the seventeenth century the blessings of the nineteenth . Hi_s heart thirsted
for the good of mankind. He saw in h:1:smi'nd' s eye things: akin to the marvels of
steam and electricity." He foresaw airships, submarines,' lifepr~serv.ers, the
telephone, microphone, patent-rights, quarantine, the microscope; he anticipated
Roemer's discovery of time being required for the propagation of light, Newton's
law of gravitation 1
and'Darwin s variation of the species. 'Nicolai claims Bacon
was the founder of Freemasonry. '

No man ever lived upoil earth who had nobler aims than Francis BJicon. He
stands at the portal of tlie opening civilization of modern times, a,.sublime
figure--his heart filllof love for mank:l.i:id,h:l.s busy brain teeming with devices
for the benefit of man; the most far-extending human work.ever set afoot on the
planet. He said: "I-am a servant of posterity; 'for these things require some
ages for the ripening of. them," adding: "Always desiring, with extreme fervency,
to have that which was never yet attempted, now to be not attempted in vain, to
"The endto release men out of their necessities
. . . .
and miseries."
' ' : - ; :
Macaulay said:

which Bacon proposed for himself was the multiplying of human enjoyments
and the mitigation of human sufferings./;This was .the object of his speculations
in .every department of science--in natural philosophy, in legislation, in poli-
tics, in morals."

Francis Bacon was not only the greatest figure in the history of modern
philosophy and science, but English literature, for it was he who was the
fountain-head of the Elizabethan Renaiss.ance through his writings which _appeared
under the name- of Shakespeare and other pen names he assumed, as Christopher
Marlowe, etc .:

But what is less known was his secret work for political reform, which gave.
to the modern world the ideals of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity, which in-
spired the American, French and Russian Revolutions and the Declaration of Inde-
pendence, after he first prepared the public mind for the democratic revolution
by destroying the belief in the Divine Rigb.'t of Kings, which he did by the his-
torical Shakespeare plays he wrote, in he depicted kings as only human and
often worse than human.

Bacon was not, however, a mere dreamer and,theorist, but was also a man of
action. He was not content to play the role of a.prophet, as he did.when he
wrote his New Atlantis, describing a future i;cientific .civilization .to arise a
few centuries later,: but he wished to realize his Utopian dream Qn the shores of
the virgin continent to the west, whose colonization he fostered while he was
Lord Chancellor under King James. Here he hoped to realize his Masonic ideal of
a new civilization ruled by sages, which he envisioned in his New Atlantis.

Bacon was the first of the Utopians to resolve to create an ideal society as
a living reality, rather than as a mere philosophical ideal. In America he
wished to find a new social order in which all men will be free from the in-
trigues and corruption of English royalty and from domination by church and state,
a democratic society of free men based on the principles of liberty, equality and
fraternity, ruled not by monarchs and despots but by sages and philosophers.
To realize this grandiose scheme of creating a new civilization and a new
system of government, different from what the world had ever seen, at the

beginning of the seventeenth century, Bacon organized a .secret society of intel-
lectuals called the society of Rosicrusse-Freemasons, which was a society dedi-
cated to political reform concealed as a literary society for 1ielf-protection.
It is acknowledged that he was the founder of Freemasonry, whose purpose it was
to free mankind from bondage to the medieval political and religious institutions
that formerly enslaved it--the monarchies of Europe, headed by the papacy.

It was a Herculean struggle against the greatest p9wers.of the day, which
only a hero could und'ertake. And against almost insuperable odds, this great
humanitarian prpved victorious--giving. us today our heritage of political and
religious freedom. Though his ideals of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity, which
he first gave to the world in the Rosicrucian Manifei;toe$ he wrote and issued
under the name of Valentine Andreas were temporarily., destroyed by the Reign of
Terror and Napoleonic regime that followed the French Revolution which they pre-
cipitated, in.America his Masonic societies were more successful increating a
new system of demncratic government and a new society in which the ideal of
human freedom and the rights of the commonman was. permanently established.'

Bacon sent his son to Virginia as an.early colonizer to help establish his
father's Ideal Commonwealth in the New World. His nameis known in the early
history of our c~untry.

The King Jamel;! translation of the Bible and the Shakespeare, Plays, the two
greatest masterpieces of the English language, which did so much to make this
language'what it is, were both the c.reations of Francis Bacon; and while his
editorship of the Bible, on request by James, of whomhe was Lord Chancellor, is
easier to understand, his authorship of the Shakespeare Plays is not generally
admitted. Yet literary productions reveal themselves by their unique
superior excellence to have h1c1d a conunon author.

, In 1609, the translators of the Bible .from Latin into English handed their
work over to King James; and in 1610, he returned 'it to them completed. As
James was incapable of writing anything of literary value, who edited these
translations while they were in his han9s?

" Smedley, in. his Mystery of Francis Baoon, answers this question as follows:
James had an officer of State at that time of "hom a contemporary biographer
wrote that 'he had the contrivance of all King James' designs until the match
with Spain (1617). It will eventually be ..proved that the whole scheme of the
Authorized Version of the Bible was Francis Bacon's. He was an ardent student
not only of the Bible, but of the early manuscripts. St. Augustine, St. Jerome
and writers of theological works were studied by him with industry. He left his' many 'copies of the Bible and in scores.of theological works.
The translation must have been a work in which he .took the deepest interest, and
which he would follow from stage. When.the last stage came, there was
only one writer of the period who was capable of turning the. phrases with the
matcheless style which is the great charm of the Shakespeare plays. Whoever
the stylist was, it was to him that James handed over the. manuscripts .which he
received from the translators."



We shall present evidence in this chapter to prove that the man who acted
the Shakespeare plays was not the man who wrote. them. To.:differentiate the true
author of the Plays from the man who produced them, we shall spell the name of
the latter Shakspere, as it appears on his will, and the true author of the Plays
as Shakespea:ee, as it appears on the titlepages of the quartos and folios of the
Plays. This:difference. in spelling has been disregarded by most Shakespearian
students as an insignificant error, but in reality it has. utmost significance,
for it serves to differentiate betweentheaator of the Plays and their true
author .
There is a yawning gap between the dramatic author of the Shakespeare plays
and the actor from Stratford, a gap which no s_cholar has ever bridged. The
au_t_hor of the _Plays and Sonnets passing under~ Shakespeare's name represented the
sum of the learning of his _time,. a man: well versed in matters of statesmanship,
in court etiquette, in history, in law,_. in naviga_tion, in philosophy, in foreign
languages, in natural science, held revolutionary views in medicine, was keenly
interested in morbid psychology and was a scholar of the Bible.

On the other hand, the actor, William Shakspere, was an untaught, ignorant,
unlearned man, a drunkard and profligate. He was the child of an illiterate
family. Neither his father nor mother knew how to read or write, and never did
his children. His father, JohnShakspere, a councilman of.Stratford, had to
sign official documents with a mai:k. His daughterJtidith,at theage of 27, was
still illiterate and could not sign her name except with a cross.

There are in existence but six known examples of handwriting. _All are sig-
natures and three of them in his will. In the opinion of those who have studied
their scrawling, uncertain letters, they indicate that the writer was unfamiliar
with the use of the pen, and that either he copied a signatureptepared for him
or his hand was guided while he wrote. :This is reasonable to believe in view of
the very scanty education he received and _the absence of books in Stratford,
where he -spent his youth.

Shakspere' s family 'was totally uneducated. He was the first 1rif "ii:i.s family
who could read or write. His father and-motlier, grandfathers and grandmothers,
aunts :and cousins :.,;:all signed tlleir names with crosses.

William Shakspere was born in the little village of Stratford-on-Avon in

1564; Stratford 'has been called a "bookless neighborhood." His ed~c;11tion, if
he received any at all (which some writers doubt) was the most elemexi't:ary and did
not go beyond the three R's. However; according to Manly Hall, "literally and
fa.ctu_ally, it is exceedingly doubt_ful 'that 'any school ,existed in Stratford until
after Shakspere' s death, and th.ere ii, no proof of any kind that. William Shaks-
pere learned to read or write wh:1, Stratford, or,- for that matter, anywhere

It is generally ,admitted that Shakspere was a man without education and

without learning. Pope speaks of him as ''a man of no education." Voltaire
called him ."drunken savage ." Ben Johnson said that he possessed "small Latin and
less Greek," while Fuller said that "his learning was very little.Ii Richard
Grant White wrote that Shakspere was regarded, even down to the time of Pope, as
a bewitching but untutored and half-savage child of nature." He was looked upon

as a rustic-bred bard who sang as the birds sing, a greater Burns.

Rev. John Ward, Vicar of Stratford, writing forty-seven years after

Shakspere's death, and-speaking of,the tradit:l.ons of.his village, said, "I have
heard that Mr. Shakespeare was a natural wit, without any art at aZZ." Seventy
odd years after Shakspere's passing, Bentham, in his "State of the English
Schools' and Churches'.' wrote: .. "William Shakespeare was born at: Stratford in
Warwickshire.' His: learning was very little, and ::therefore it is more aimatter of
wonder. that he, should be a very, excellent poet,''

Did WilliamShakspere possess sutha vast amount of informationaswas

necessary in order to write the: plays attril;mted to his authorship? If so,: how
did. he acquire it? . There. is. nothing in his life to indicate that he was fitt.ed
or qualified to. possess such education or -knowledge; Only a miracle Could. ex:..
plain the discrepancies between his life and his supposed works. We havemen-
tioned that his family was uneducated and illiterate, that his father could not
read or write,: and that all members of his family signed their names with
crosses, he being"the only one able t:o sign his sig:o.ature. The whole p'opulation
of:,Stratford were densely ignorant; and,c,as Hiliwell-Phillips said, ::he village
was.1'.bookless." Their lives were coarse-;--barren and filthy. "It would indeed
by amiracle," writes Donnelly, "if out of this vulgar, dirty, illiterate family
came the greatest genius that has adorned the annals of the human race. tt' is
possible. It is scarcely probable."

There was nothing in the life of the actor, Shakspere, pointing to" outstand-
ing mental qualities which distinguished him from his fellow citizens; "He died
in adrunken brawl. No't one of tne many brilliant men of his age' made mention
of ..the.:fact. thatthey. knew him,,or were on-friendly terms, with him or
that they
honored him.,as a man. of letters. No historian has explained how the Stratford
actor, who early deserted his,wife and family( talking but,his l;'arwickshire dia-
lect which was not understood in London, after coming there, could produce after
a short the capital, such finished and flawless literary master-
pieces as the plays .that, go by his name.
. . .:.I;,' . -., .. <". '.'

. Shakspere .died in Stratford _in 1616. without a single book in his possession,
rior a man<;1scri!l.t he had .writ~en, nor :original copies o{ plays he later perfected.
Concerning his will, which mentioned the articles of clothing he-left behind but
not anybooks in his possession, Mark Twain comments: .."It. is eminent:ly,and con-
spicuously a businessman's will, not a poet's. It mentioned not a
single book
. ~ooks. were much more .precio1,1s than sworsls and si,lver-gilt bowls and. se1=.ond-best
beds ,in_ those day~,.)44 w!1eri a departi~g person owned one h_e'gave :i.t. a :i!igh c,;
place in.his will. The will mentioned,,not ,a play,_ not a .poem,c:.rnot an u11finished
literary work, not a scrap of manuscript of any kind.,,.
. : - .,,

M~i, poets died poor, .but th;l.s is. th~ oniy one in.!1isto~y-that d:Led this,
poor; .0:thers all left literary remains b~hind, but this one d:ld not. '.

The facts concerning Shakspere' s :li.fe'. are very meager. The chief inci_dents
known of .his youth .were his becoming a butcner ''s apprentice at a young age,' his
lying unconscious all night. in the fields in a state of inebriation arid his
deer-steal:lng on the property of Sir Thomas Lucy, who had him whipped. In ordcer
to revenge himself, he composed the following rude and vulgar ballad about Sir
Lucy, which. only redoubled the prosecution against him, so much so that.he was
forced _to leave his employment and family and shelter himself in London. Even
though it is supposed to have been his first poetic attempt, how the writer of
the following could be iden_tified with the writer of the Shakespeare plays, is

"A parliament member, a justice of peace
At home a poor scare-crow, at London an asse,
If lowsie is Lucy, as some folks miscalle it,
Then Lucy is lowsie whatever befall it,
. He thinks himself great
Yet an ass-is his state;
We allow by hisears but with asses to mate;
ILLucy. is lowsieas some folks miscalle it,
Sing lowsie Lucy whatever-befall it.

Shakspere's youth was not spent in the atmosphere of libraries and books,
but at drinking-bouts. After an affair with a young lady, Anne.Hathaway, as the
result of,which-she became pregnant; the two families got together and decided
that in deference to public'opinion, it would be appropriate for Willy and Anne
-to marry prior to.the,birth of the-child. Shakspereunwillingly consented, but
at the first opportunity left her and her child without support, and fled to
London to join a band of ..vagabonds and adventurers who gathered around the_ play-
houses, Here he eked.out-his existence by holding borses' heads outside the.
theater, in the company of ruffians, thieves, apprentices; pimps and prostitutes
--stormy, dirty, quarrelsome lot that gathered there. He organized a group of
assistants who. were afterwards known as 0 Shakspere' s boys." Gradually' he worked
his way up to become a callboy, and later an actor.

After a number of years in London, Shakspere returned to Stratford with

plenty of money, and bought one of the best houses in the town, becoming a
practical businessman . Among his. business activities was brewing (for. which, on
one occasion, known to -have: bought a considerable quantity of hops) which
business he carried on in his residence at New Place, He was also a usurer; and
there are records-of the. assumed author of,The Merchant of Ven-z'.aesuing a local
townsman for the loan of -two shillings which he failed to return. In 1604,
Shakspere sued Philip Rogers, ..according to court records, several bushels of
malt sold him at various times. He also attempted to enter the gentry under
false pretenses.

The closing years of his life were uneventful except for some participation
in local politics. And as the first recorded fact in reference to the Stratford
boy was a drunken bout in which he-lost consciousness, and'lay out in the fields
all night, so the history of his life terminates in the same event, for he died
in a barroom brawl.

When Shakspere died he left no. books and no library.. If he did there is
not the slightest trace of it, for.his will makes no mention of it. The man who
wrote the Plays would have loved his library and would have remembered it to' his
last hours. He could not have forgotten his Plutarch,. Ovid, and Homer to re-
member in his will his "second best bed with the furniture," his "bred silver and
gilt bole," his "sword" and his "wearing apparel." The man of Stratford forgot
his Homer and Plato, but his mind dwelt lovingly, at the edge of his grave, on
his old breeches and second-hand bed clothes. However, according to some
writers, this is not surprising, for, since he never owned a single book, he
could not have left any. According to Donnelly, "There is no evidence that
Shakspere possessed a single book."

The man who was supposed to have been the greatest literary genius in modern
times passed on leaving no letters, no books and no library, making no mention of
such in his will. Nor does there remain any evidence of the debris of his work-
shop, and no original copies of the Plays.

There can be little doubt that the man who wrote the Shakespeare plays in
contradiction to the person just descril:>ed, was the most eminent scholar of his
day, well versed in the literature of classical and modern times. The plays in-
dicate that their author read Greek and Latin authors in the original. The
greater part of the story of Timon of Athene was. taken from the untranslated
Greek of Lucian, according to Holmes; while White. claims that the Plays show
forty per cent Romance or Latin words. Knight notes that the three Roman plays
show a profound understanding of the ~hole-range.of Roman history. Moreover,
the Plays show that their author was..a classical scholar who. had read Sophocles,
Ovid, Horace, Virgil, Lucretius, Euripides, Aeschylus and other Greek and Latin
writers. Some see evidence in the Plays that their author was a close student
of Plato.

In addition to scholarly knowledge of: classical literature, .there is evi-

. dence that the writer of the Plays was .well versed the languages and litera-
ture of France, Italy and Spain. Another ,.fact of interest is that evidences of
scholarship mark.the earliest as well as the latestworks of the great poet.
White says that the early.plays show "a man fresh from academic studies." On
this point, Donnelly, in his The Great Cryptogr,am, a voluminous work devotedto
proving.the Baconian authorship of the Plays, writes:

"The author of the Plays, whoever he may have been; was- unquestionably a
profound scholar and. most laborious student . He had read in their own tongues
all the great, and some of the obscure writers of antiquity; he was familiar
with the languages of the principal nations-of Europe; his mind had compassed all
the learning of his time and of preceding ages; he .had pored over the pages of
French and. Italian novelists; he had read the philosophical utterances of the
great thinkers of.Greece i;.nd Rome; and he had closely considered the narrations
of the explorers who were just laying bare .the secrets of new islands and conti-
nents. It has been justly said that the plays could not have been written with-
out a library, and cannot, today be studied.without one.: To their proper eluci-
dation, the learning of. the whole world is necessary. Goethe says of the writer
of, 'He drew a sponge over the table of human knowledge ' Did William
Shakspere possess such a vast mass of information7--could he have possessed it?"

The answer is clearly, "No." There is nothing in the life of William

Shakspere known that indicates that he was fitted or q1,1alified to. possess such
education or knowledge. Only a miracle could explain the.discrepancies between
his life and his supposed works.

The Plays indicate that their author had traveled widely and was familiar
with the customs, social conditions, geography .and politics of innumerable
countries, but there is no record that Shakspere ever left Englancj prior to
writing the Plays.

The Plays could only have been written by a lawyer, or by one whp had a
legal training and profound knowledge of academic law, both theore.tical and
practical. There is nothing to indicate that Shakspere had such training.
Francis Bacon was a lawyer.

The Plays were written by one who had intimate knowledge of the court of
England, court usage and the psychology of aristocracy; but it is extremely un-
likely that the Stratford boy had any such knowledge or intimate contact with a
sphere so far from his own.

The author had an exceptional grasp of the great philosophies of the world,
especially the Platonic and Aristotelian, and was himself a proficient inter-
preter of philosophical systems. There is no reason to believe that Shakspere

had such erudition.

The author of.the Plays must have possessed a large library and had con-
stant .access to such reference material for his literary labors. But there is no
proof that William Shakspere ever owned:a singl~ book

. .The author of the Shakespearian plays had revolutionary political opinions

and views of governmental reform. A humble actor or playwrite could not be ex-
pected to have such views in those days.

. It is clear that some unknown scholar whose learning was encyclopedic and
whose station and personal tastes fitted. him for such a work was t.he creator. of
the Plays. The only scholar cif this type who lived in England at this time was
Francis Bacon.

There is every reason to believe that the author of the Plays was a man of
large learning; ,that he had. read and studied ,Hqmer,, Sophocles, Euripides,
Horace, Virgil, Lucretia, St_at;ius., Catullus, Seneca,. Ovid:, Plautus; Plutarch,
Boccaccio arid an innumerable number of French, Spanish.and Danish writers; and
since there were no public li.braries in .that day to which he could resort, he
must have possessed a large library and have gathered around him a literary
store commensurate with his own intellectual a,ctivity, Yet there is no evidence
thai: Shakspeie had, such. a library, for if he did, ...he would have surely mentioned
it in his will. . . ... -

Another unusual circumstance i~ the fact that the great literary genius
should ha'.l".epe_rmitt_ed hi.s daughter, Judith, to have grown :-tPand reached the age
of twenty-'seven wi thoUt knowing how to read or write. On this -point, l)onnelly,
in his book, The Great Cryptpgram, writes: " .not surprising that William
Shakspere, poacher,.:, vagabond, actor, manager, brewer, moneylender,
land:-grabber, should.pj,>rmitone of his two children to grow up in gross ignorance,
but it is beyond the compass of the human mind to. believe that theauthor- of
.. .
and Lear
'~ ~

Another matter difficult to understand is :how the Stratford boy, "coming

from a backwa,rd town ,-which had no libraries and where he had no access to books,
and arriving. in: London, where he. became :a horse-holder; could have suddenly ac-
quired the tremendous learning which the author of the Plays certainly possessed.
Therewas his new London surroundings.that-eveii remotely resembled
Greek, Latin; French, Italian, Spanish and Danish literature and studies, or
medical, musical .and philosoph;!.cal- researches. Neither"did he come to London
with .such acquirements .from ,his, Stratford backgi:,ound, where nis lie \.ta:s spent .in
a reckless, improvident, dissipated .and degraded manner, in saloons rather .than
in libraries, From all available records, the young Shakspere is not r_epreSented
as a studious youth who spent his boyhood in .a garret' devouring the works of the
classical authors, and dwelling in a world: of thought :and high aspirations,: but
his bciyhood was. spent, as_ butC!).er-boY, a deer-stealer and. in the company of .
drllnkards . There is not. a single tradition to- ind'icate any element. of studious-
ness in the boy.'s. character--:a fact which is unusual in tlie biographies' of
geniuses, all of whom,.demonstrated: their superior mental traits in their youth,
Commenting on this fact, Donnelly writes:

"Only a miracle.of studiousness could have-acquired, in a few years, upon a

basis of total ignorance and bad habits, the culture and refinement in the earl-
iest plays; and but a few years elapsed between the time when he fled scorged
from Stratford and the time when -the plays began to appear, in his riame, in
London. But plays, now believed to have been written by the same hand that wrote
the Shakespeare plays, were on the boards before he left Stratford. The twins,

Judith and Hamnet, were born in February, 1585, Shakspere being then not yet
twenty-one years of age; and we will see hereafter that Hamlet appeared for the
first time in 1585 or 1587. If he had shown anywhere in his career such a trait
of immense industry and scholarly research, some tradition would have reached us
concerning it. We have traditions that he was the father of another man's son
(Sir William Davenant); and we are told of a licentious amour in which he out-
witted Burbage; and we hear ofwet.:.combats ina tavern; but notone word comes
down to us of books, ofstudy, of industry, or art."

The author of the Plays was a lawyer, a poet, a philosopher, a scientist,

and a.reformer; and Francis Bacon was a1awyer; a poet, a philosopher, a scien-
tist and reformer. Bacon had "learning;industry, ambition for immortality,
command of.language'in all itsheights and depths;a:he power of compressing
thought into condensed sentences; wit, fancy, imagination, feeling arid the
temperament of a genius..

Itis an interesting fact.that Stratford-on.:.A'von was never the

Plays, while St; Alban's, Bacon's home, is mentioned many times, indicating that
the author had. more intimate '1iersonal acquaintance with this region than with
Stratford. The historical plays center around _S.t. Alban's as the .common center.

The.Plays .indicate that their author wasan aristocrat whod~spised the

class to which Shakspere belonged. He waii also a philanthropist, which Shakspere
was not, His writings indicated that he belonged to the Essex fraction, and
disliked Coke, Cecil and Queen Elizabeth,. as did Francis Bacon.

Bacon regarded the drama as a great potential instr,ument for goo.d. He said,
"Dramatic poetry is history made visible. 0 He hoped throughthe drama to pre-
pare the public'inino for 'the advent of a new (democratic) era, which his secret
Freemasonicsocietiesweie actively engaged inbringing into.manifestat'ion.
Accordingly, Bacon took part in the-preparation of many plays and masks for the
entertainmentof the:court, some of which were acted by Shakspere's company of
players. This he did while a young struggling lawyer when stricken wfth poverty,
in order to earn some money. His foster-mother, Lady Bacon, disapproved of her
. son writing plays, which was 19-oked down upon as something.unworthy of his
t.alents. This was one reason why he concealed this fact. by writing under
{lssumed.names. But there was amuch more important reason why he concealed this
fact,,namelyhis.fear of persecution by Elizabeth for'his indirect criticism.of
the English government
- . .
whic4 the his tori cal Shakespeare plays veiled. -

. Bacon was oppo., royal despotism, He showed, as leader :of the people
in the House of. Commons, tqat he. was. ready to cuse the''powei: of Parliament to .
restrain the unlimited arrogance of the. crown .,il:e'.saw that one great obstacle
to J,iberty .was the .populaI" idea of the divine right of kings. We cari Iiardly
believe today. the full force of that .sentiment as it theri existed. ~ence, .in. the
Plays, he labors: to reduce the king .to the level of other men, or bel,ow; them; :
He represented as a cowardly knave, a truckler to a foreign power, a would-
be murderer, and an altogethe.r. worthless: creature. Richard II, he represented
as little better--a frivolous, weak-witted, corrupt, sordid, dishonest fool.
Surely this must have sounded strangely in the ears of a London audience of the
sixteenth century, who had been taught to regard the king as anointed of Heaven
and the actual vice regent of God on earth, whose very touch was capable of
working miracles in the cure of disease. And the Play concludes with the murder
of Richard.

Then came Henry IV, usurperand murderer, who confesses his own crooked-
ness, and establishes a dynasty on the murder of Richard II. His son, Henry V,
is the best of the lot--he is the hero-king, but even he rises out of a shameful

youth; he is the associate of the most degraded; the companion of profligate
men and women, of highwaymen and pick-pockets. In.his mouth the poet puts the
declaration of the hollowness of royal pretenses.

In the Shakespearian play of Richard III, he depicted,.him as a horrible

monster,'a wild beast,-~ liar, perjurer; murderer, a remorseless, bloody, man-
eating tiger of the jungles.

In Henry VIII, we have a king who divorced a sa:1,nted, marry a frivo-
lous woman under the doinination of the incitements of se.nsual passion.

In short, throughout the Shakespeare plays, Bacon tried to teach

the common people t:hat kings were 'no'thing inore than men, made f,rom, the. same clay
and ruled by the same passions, that heaven did not ordain them nor protect
them; and that a king ha,s no right to_ hold his throne -any longer. than he behaves
himself; ' Was this not a revolutionary idea to _put: in that day? ,.These
Plays had the hidd.en purpo~e of educating the English people and p_reparing them
for the day whencharles
" - . '
I was_brought: to trial:and
r '.' ;
the scaffold.

Histories of' the English, KiilgS 11 led to the Revolution, and to constitutional
government in place of,spQtism and led tothebirth_ of a new dem-
ocratic: age, which was ushered.'in'by Bacon's.Freemasonic Society, It is.clear
that the Plays were writ:t:en .by a humanitarian an(,political reformer and not
simply by a poet.

It is interesting to note_ that the Shakespeare._ plays_ a.ppeared when Bacon was
"poor and working for br.ead"; .and that after he obtained place. and wealth, .they
ceased to be produced, although Shakspei:e si:ill l:J_v~d in_ Stratford and continued
to be there for tenyears more. One_ reas.on why Bacon kept -hii,,. authorship of the
Plays secret, besides the fact that his life,.would ..-be in danger were their real
seditious purpose discoiered, was that he aspi'.red to the -position his foster...:
father, Nicholas Bacon, held as Lord Chancellor of the kingdom; and if he was
known to have been the autqor .of the Play.s, this would have stood in the way of
his political aspirations,. : '

Another fact should be_ b:orne in.mind. Francis Bacon was greedy for know-'
ledge. He ranged the whole amphitheater of human learning. From Greece, from
Rome, from Italy, from France, From Spain, from the early English writers, he
gathered facts and .thp"1ghts. He.:.I:iad:,his Promus, his. commonplace--book of notes.
His writings team with quo.tations.:from the poe_ts.: And yet not once does he
refer to William Shakspere or the Shakespeare writings!.: - The-man of Stratford
acted in one.of the Plays that go by his name, and.on the same -night, in'the same
place, is presented _a.!'mask" writteil by Bacon. We thus :have the two men under
the. same roof, at the same, time, , engaged in the'' same kind of work; Shakespere
the actor and.Bacon the mask-writerthus rubbed elbows; but neither seemed to.
know the other. . Lando.r said: "Bacon 11 ttle knew or' suspected that thete was
i:lien existing (the only one that ever did exist) his superior in intellectual
kaowledge"--tbat is, granted.that Shakespere did write the plays that go by his
name, which he did not!

Bacon wrote the plays when he.was in dire financial circumstances as a poor
lawyer. It was customary for impecunious lawyers in that age to earti money by
writing for the stage. While quite young, Bacon assisted in gettirtg up a play
for his law school, at _Gray's Inn, if he did not write the:greater part of it.
It was called "The Comedy of Errors," which then appeared at -Gray's Inn for the
first time, and was acted by Shakespere's company. Bacon and Shakespere then met
each other, since they were both on .the boards_of Gray's Inn at the same time,
once as writer of the play which the other directed.

After th'is meeting with Shakspere, Bacon decided to use him as a maskJor
other .plays he wrote, which permitted him to freely express his revolutionary
ideas without endangering his social and political aspirations by so doing; and
at the same time it enabled him to keep out of p_overty. Hence his cooperation
with Shakspere, in this manner, had everything in.its favor.

That Shakspere could not have written the Shakespearian plays is.indicated
by the fact that the appearance of the Plays antedated. !}is coming. to.London,
which is -believed to have occurred in 1587. ' Yet that high authority, Richard
Simpson, ,in his "School' of Shakespeare," showed that 'the Shakespeare plays started
to appear in 1585! In other words, while Shakspere was still living .in Stratford,
in the year his twinswere borri, plays under the name of Shakespeare started
appearing in London.

Are we to believe that in that "book:Less neighborhood," the butcher.' s ap-

prentice between his whippings, deer-stealing an<l beer-guzzling, was writing
plays for the stage? That would be a miracle _ineed. In 1587, ,the very year
when he.came to London.and while he w'~s probably_hold;l.ng_horses at the.front door
of the theater;shakespeare'splay of.Hamlet was l>eing 'acted; and.was believed
by other playwrights to.have been composed_l>y some Zcn,;yer. And not only did
the plays: attributed to Shakespeare first make their appearance while he .was in
Stratford, whipped and Sir Thomas Lucy; and subsequently while he
was a groom for the visitors at the playhouse, but at the same time, we are
told, he not only supplied his own theater, but, with extraorc;linary fecundity,
he furnished plays .to every company of actors. in London! Is it possible that
while employed. as a call-boy in one company, he. furnfshed plays to. other and
rival companies? Would his profits not have,.lifted him above the necessity of
acting as a groom or call-boy if he had done -so? : Is it ..not more, that
the "lawyer" mentioned above; as 'a1i:'thor of Hamlet, also supplied other theaters
with his voluminous literary productions?

While some claiin that Shakespeare was "prodigiously active prior to 1592"
as does the distinguished scholar, Simpson, other commentators claim that he did
not appear as an author until 1592! Either he was a menial when his plays were
acted all over London, or he was.. not the author of' them,. appearing as they did
before 1592!

Now,.another. dilemma confronts us--for notonlyisShakespere s11pposed to

have written plays.acted on the London.stage.before he came to londoti, when he
was whipped as a deer.:.stealer,-'butafter he returned to Stratford, ~ith ample.
leisure. and the opportunity to make money by writing more plays,., he never wrote
a single one,but_instead is known only to have engaged in such things as suing
his neighbor for a few shillings for malt. sold, ,while he, who, we are le<l to' be-
lieve, .was the m<>stfecund.o:f: human intelligences, remained idly in his native
village, writing nothing,. doing nothing, vegetating for five to ten years among
much-heaps a.rid filthy ditches,
until he died in: a drunken brawl.

Could the author of Hamlet and King Lear--the profound, scholarly philoso-
pher, be capable of such mental suicide, such a living death, during five or
ten years, during which time he did not write a single play, not a letter, not a
syllable, nothing but three ignorant-looking signatures to a wi11, when his hand
seems to have be.en guided by his lawyer, since the testator, unaided, did not
seem capable of writing his. own name, and in which document he mentioned his
bedclothes, but not asingle book?.

Another singular fact, from 1592 to 1598 eight editions of plays which now
go by the name of Shakespeare were published, without his name or any other name
on the title-page. Romeo and Juliet, Riaha:rd II, and Riahard III, all printed
in l597, were all without the name of Shakespeare or any one else on-the title
page. It was not until the publication.of Love's Labor.Lost in 1598 that.we
find his name set forth as having a connection with the play; and even then he
does not claim to be the author of it, The title-page reads:

"As it was presented before her Highness this las.t Christmas. ,Newly cor-
rected and augmented by W. Shakspere."
: . : - .. . :_ . ....
During the same .year .the. tragedy of Ri_chard :II is published, and the name
of William shakespeare appears as _the authC>r,

In his voluminous work, The Great Cryptogra,n, .Ignatius. DonnR:lly lists hun-
dreds of identical expressions, identical metaphors, identical opinions, identical
quotations, identical use of. unusual ;worps, studies, identical errors,
identity of character, andident:ities between the author of Shakes-
peare's plays and Bacon's writings, covering almost 200 pages.

Donnelly says:. '.'.Bacon was ravaging all time, and searching the face of the
who~e, e.arth for gems of thought and expression, and here in these Plays was a
veritable Golconda of jewels under his very nose, and he seems not to have known
it. . ' . ' '

Perhaps 't:tie. greatest revelation of the Baconiat) authorship of the plays is


the Northumber-land House Manuscrip,t. In 1867, there was discovered in the. lib-
rary of Northumberland House, in London; a remarkable manuscript, containing cop-
ies of several papers written by Francis Bacon. It was found in a box of old
papers which had long remained undisturbed. There is a title-page, which embraces
a table of contents of the volume,.and this contains. the names of writings un-
questionably Bacon's, but also the names of .plays which are supposed to have been
written by Shakspere. But only part of the manuscript volume remains, and the
portions lost embrace the following pieces ennumerated in the title-leaf:

Orati.ons,.at Graie' s Inns revells

Queen Mat
By Mr. Francis Bacon ..
Essaies by the same author
Richard the Second
Richard the Third
Asmund and Cornelia
Isle. of Dogs .
by Thomas Nash, inferior places,
Judge Holmes, in 'The Author-ship of Sna.k~spedz.e; commenting on this says:
"Among these scribJ;Iings, besides the. ,name..of Francis Bacon several times, the
name of William Shakespeare is written eight or nine t:1.mes over. "We may note
that the name ofWilliam'Shakespeare is spelled as. in the.published quartos and
not as the man himself spelled it as Shakspere . While we find this name in Bacon's
private papers, we find no me.ntion of it in his published writings to indicate
that he knew William Shakespeare ever existed."

It is clear that Francis Bacon possessed all the literary qualifications re-
quired to produce the dramatic work1e.attributed to the actor, William Shakspere,
Contrary to the popular opinion that Bacon was only a prose writer of philosophical
works; it is a fact that he was a poet. Among the acknowledged writings of Bacon
is a poetic paraphrase of some of the Psalms. He is also known to have been the
author of a poem entitled The WorZ.d's a BubbZ.e. In a letter to a friend, Mr.
Davis, he beseeches him "to be good to oonceaZ.edPoets." In his Appendix to Stow' s

Annals, Howes lists in order of prominence the poets that flourished in the time
of Queen Elizabeth. He not only mentions Bacon's name on the list but gives it
preference. to .that of William Shakespeare. By George Wither, 'Bacon. was called
the "mountain of the muses," There are some references to Bacon's poetic
abilities; this is s.tat.ed in Manes Veruliamiani, a collection of posthumous
tributes to Bacon.' s memory.

Now it is curious that a man who was ranked as a poet above Shakespeare by
a historian of :the times should. have left no important poetic works; -The..answer
to this riddle becomes clear when we consider that while Bacon published 'anony-
mously or under a pseudonym. Significant is the phrase by Ben Jonson that faces
the title page of. t.he early Shakespeci:!'e Folios:
." . ; - -. ' ). ReSder Leoke.
Not on his' Picture/ but his booke;"

Writing on the relation between Bacon, the author,.and WilliBlll. Shakspere,

the actor, Matily Hall, in his book above referred to, writes: "A:inongthe grist 0

that came from Bacon's .milF was a certain country" bumpkin,' one Willy Sh:S.kspere.
This ambitious lad froin the shires arrived in London penniless and unknown; but
with an obliging temper. Such qualities suited Bacon's plans to a nicety, Here
was a youth who longed for fame and lacked the qualities of greatness, a would-
. be actor whose opinion no one would 'take too seriously an'obscure mouthpiece. not
worthy of being tried for treason even if guilty of something which resembled it.
Always it has been the privilege of mountebanks to laugh at kings; but for court-
iers, such hilarity is fatal.

"SoWilly Shakspereemerged in.print as William Shakespeare. He became.the

symbol of Pallas Athena, the goddess of wisdom who.brandished her spear ag1;1inst
the dark creatures
of the world. of ignorance and fear.

"It is quite improbable that Francis Bacon alone and unaided produced all
the plays published under the name of William Shakespeare or later attributed to
him. They were the product of Bacon's Parnassian empire, gathered, arranged,
and vitalized by.his personality, andeach directly related to some problem of
Bacon's complex mental nature, Many of the plays were drawn from older sources
or compiled from fragments of contemporary dramas, but.each was reclothed and
repurposed, and each contained the secret story of Bacon's life and tragedy."

In 1902, there was published "A Judicial Summing Up" on the Shakespeare-
Bacon Controversy by Lord Penzance, a judge of the High Court of London. He
wrote as a judge, impartially summing up a case for the,jury as to whether
Shakespeare was the authorof the plays published in the fir13t folioin 1623,
He. says this is -the first thing to be decided before going into the question
whet.her .Bacon was the. author,' He ends by quoting parallel passages from Bacon
and the ,Shakespeare plays, which he says "is in niy own opinion the most important bearing on the probability that these plays .came in truth from .the hand
of Francis Bacon." This summing-up destroys any reasonable doubt that William
Shakespeare wrote the plays.

Concerning the actor Shakspere, he says that "excluding five signatures of

his, there is not a single.scrap of his in existence." None of t;he
plays were entered at the Stationers Hall, as required by law, in the name of
William Shakespeare or by anyone in his behalf. As additional evidence that
Shakespeare could not have written the plays, but rather that he was an ignorant
man, is the fact that .,,there is no mention in Shakespeare's will of any manu-
scripts, print of any play, or of any books." Also the folio of 1623 appeared
seven years after his death in 1616, without any authority from Shakespeare or

his executors or any of his family, which would indicate that perhaps the real
author of the plays, who was interested in preserving them, was responsible for
the appearance of the folio.

Also, Judge Penzance points out that the folio contained some twenty .addi-
tional plays never before published, some of them neve_r having been heard of
before, which would. indicate that the writer of both the known plays and. these
new ones must have been someone else than Shakespeare, who was then dead for some
years. He adds, "It: has been made plain and cannot be disputed that: William
Shakespeare was in truth, when he left home for London, an almost uneducated man .
That these marvelous dramas should have been written by. a man of deficient
education is of course: absolutely beyond. the reach of- possibility In the year
1587 William Shakespeare fled from Stratford an ignorant youth, destitute of
scholarly attainments, and_ by .the year 1593 his name was attached to plays teem-
ing with erudite learning ;But the studies and labors of the man who wrote these
plays does not stop here. . He had made himself. competent to read and appreciate
the Italian and French languages, as well as Greek and_ Latin." To believe that
the Stratford ignoramus who knew "little Latin.and less Greek" could have
_written these intellectual masterpieces, says Judge.Penzance, makes_"a consider-
able demand on your c:redul:j.t_y/'

The judge goes on to say, "The writer of the.Shake~peare plays had "a know-
ledge so perfect and intimate of Englishlaw that he was never incorrect and
never at fault." This is in accordance wi-th the fact that their author, Francis
Bacon, was a lawyer. Lord Campbell,, another English judge, .in his "Shakespeare's
Legal Acquirements," emphasizes the same point, saying that Shakespeare "uni-
formly lays down good law." But there is no evidence that the Stratford youth
ever worked in a law of_fice, and. even the supporters of Shakespeare admit that the
idea of his ever having been a 1aw clerk has been."blown to pieces."

Lord Penzance, after impartial and thorough investigation of the question
whether Sha~espeare or Bacon wrote the Shakespeare plays, disposes of the theory
that the actorwrote them; and is convinced that Bacon did. His high.position
in the intellectual world.and impartiality as a judge gives strong support to the
Baconian theory.

G. White, in his Life and Genius of Shakespeare,:-.after quoting a list of

eminent Engli_shmen at the time he lived, says "there is no proof whatver that
he was personally" known to them or _to any ot_hers of less note among the states-
men, scholars, soldiers and artists of his- day . " White includes Bacon. Ben
Jonson also gives a list of prominent wits of his time, but omits Shakespeare,
though including Bacon.

. When Bacon died_ "(or rather, t1f1derwent a f~:j.gneci death prior to his departure
for Germany, where he continued his work for,humanity under the name of Valentine
Andreas), the greatest scholars of the day united to acclaim him the greatest
poet that l.ver lived . Did theysay this J?ecause they knew he.had written.the
Shakespeare plays? They must have known. this, since, under the, name of-:Francis
Bacon, he wrot~ no poetry except for one o:r" two translations .. '. But Bacon himself
never revealed the secret of.his authorship.of the Shakespeare plays except in
the cipher story hidden in the plays themselves, ,just as he never admitted that
he was a princ:e of _the House of .Tudor and heir to the English throne.

The above evidence should convince any unbiased reader that Francis Bacon was
the true author. of the Shakespeare plays;_ and that this is not a matter of mere
belief, but is supposed by indisputable evidence, which we will now summarize:

1. Edwin Reed, the English scholar, has pointed out 885 parallelisms in the

Baconian works and the Shakespeare plays including ide;;itical expressions that
only the same author could write.

2. Only five badly written signatures of Shakspere are extant. The de-
tails of his life before he left Stratford and after his retirement are unbe-
lievably petty, There is not one sign of interest by him in the Plays, -There indication of love of literature or culture. Itis extremely unlikely
that. this uneducated, unlearned actor, who knew "little tat:!.n and less Greek,"
could have been the author of these literary masterpieces which a scholar char-
acterized as "written in the most courtly, refinedand classical English, replete
with learning, full of evidence of wide reading, dealing with aristocratic life
and manners, and.instinct with poetry of the very highest order.

3. Shakespearian scholars admit'that the plays show knowledge of Neo-

Platonic philosophy, are. full of Masonic syinbols, knowledge of the ancient world,
.and ,an extraordinary vocabulary. Referring to the disparity between the known
character of the .uneducated Stratford actor and that required for authorship .of
the plays, William H. Furness, one of the greatest Shakespearian scholars that
ever lived, said "I have never been able to bring his Life and his Plays within
a planetary space of each other." The plays and sonnetsihowever, harmonize
perfectly with the life, character, attainments and learning of Francis Bacon.

4. The ornament placed at the head of: the Sonnets in the Quar~o is also
found in Francis Bacon's works, in the Shakespeare plays and in the King James
version of the Bible. It is a specimen of Rosicrucian symbolism which at the
same time reveals Bacon's true ideriti ty, ...

5. De Augmentis, published at Leyden in 1645, contains afrontispiece

which is a pictorial allegory. Bacon is seated before a table pointing with the
forefinger of one hand to an open book, The other hand restrains a figure clad
in a skin that is struggling.toreach a temple at the top of a nearby hill,
Bacon is here represented as the author of two works--one open and acknowledged,
the other enigmatical,. dramatic and unacknowledged. The figure clad in the
beast's skin struggling to reach the Temple of th.e Mysteries is the Muse of

6. The head-ornament of The Tempest in the Great Folio and.that of the

ovum Organum are the same, thus externally indicating the close connection between
the. two books: the one inaugurating the "Inventor of Things in Nature," and the
other the "Inventory of Hllllll1-n

7; That ciphers were popular in Queen Elizabeth's day is well known. At

least five of the ciphers that Bacon used have been_deciphered. These ciphers
are. 9,iscovered profusely scat-tet'ed through --the plays, sonnets and ornaments, re-
_vealing his name and identity, also 0 hisposit:!.oninthe two brotherhoods of the
Freemasons and Rosicrucians. In Ignatius Donnelly's Great Cryptogram, . the .
secret story of Bacon's life is revealed, obtained from the cipher message hid-
den in.the Shakespeare Folio, describing his authorship of the plays which he
turned over to the actor Shakspere how Queen .Elizabeth.was shocked by the sedi-
tious nature of his King Riahard III and, suspecting that this play was not
. written by its actor, ordered Shakspere to bearrested in order to learn from
him, under torture, who was the real author or these seditious plays and to exe-
cute him for treason. Bacon found out about this and lost all hope, believing
it meant his doom; and in desperation, he.wished to commit suicide by taking rat
poison. However, he saved himself by sending a messenger tc Shakspere, telling
him to immediately flee to Holland, which he did, and so the secret was kept.
All this was deciphered by Donnelly from the hidden cipher message in the Shake-
speare folio, whose code he learned.

8. Since the real purpose of the historical Shakespeare plays was to over-
throw the English crown and replace monarchy by democracy by lowering popular
respect for the divine rights of royalty, the danger of it becoming known that
Bacon was the real author of the play!! was so great that Bacon's concealment of
his identity is readily understood, In-1530 PressCensorship was established and
continued until 1594. If by chance anything to which her Majesty took exception
happened to find its way into print, the unhappy printer, if he was not broken
on the rack or ..his feet 11mashed. into a bulk with boots, had his hands cut off
and the stumJ?s.. seareq with.::ahot iron, according toHarold.Bayley,
... r

9: A m~ st .inter~sting piece of di~ect: evidence of the Baconian authorship

of the Shakespea:i;.e ,Pl!l,ys. 4!>.the. ~hakespeare monument in Westminster Abby which
had been _erect'ed .by...~ope. .The -st,11tue is graced with the head of Fran.cis .Bilcon~
the stockings 'are eng11_aved.with the Tudordloses and a Crown, the lace wotk Ori.
the ruffs_ .of . the, .sleey~. is ~ exact. repetitio.n of the .ruff worn by Queen: El_i~a-
betll. Between his !.eet :the, Sonne.t .initials T. T. The fingers of the. statue
point to the Queen at the side. The place of honor in front is given to a beau-
tiful youth--a crowned Prince--young Francis Bacon as in the Hilyward Minia-
tui;.e .(fo1,1nd in Q1,1een,Elizabeth\s prayer book), On the left:: side is the figure of
the Queen's.seconl~~n, the-Earl of Essex; and the Queen's husband, tl;ie Earl of
Leicester. . ,.

.Commenting. 6n. this moiiiim~nJ:, Alfred Dodd, the greatest modern authority on
the Shakespeare-Bacon controversy, said: "Think you that the Abbey authorities
would .have allowed all this. apparently ineaningless foolery if they had not known
to whom. the' Shakespeare Monument was actually being erected_ ....-t'o'Lcird ..St . Alban,
a Prince of .the :Ho1,1seof Tudor?, Not .likely.; .Tlie High Dignitaries kriow.the.
truth as a State .Secret. ,And it is known today in the highest qarters. 11 ...
- - ..- . . . ; _;'.:.: ..... .
~ ;; .

. Like the s.~ord ~f Dampcles, the dread secret of his royal birth hovered over
Fre,ncis Bacon's head,. for the. moment it was revealed, and jealous .!lSpirarits for
the Throne learned of it, .his. head would not rest on his shoulders any longer but
at the foot of. the choppi_?-g--block,.. Too.: great interests were involved and for
this reason, he was''forced to maintain strict secrecy, both as regards his author-
ship of the seditious_ historical Shake.speare pl,11ys (a true account of-wliich is
given in the Cipher Sl:ory. fii'the pl.!lys): and his later political activities in
Europe under the name{ of. Count,. Si3-:Lnt-:-Germain.
' I

;- .. ,
,rp ..,. .... __

, .





Revealing Francis Bacon:As Their'True Author

Francis J~acc>n'!)ad no intention of being. lost'tO the world beneath his own
pseudonym, Will,iam Shakespeare. He .was determined that future ages may discover
the secret at a time when its revealment would not menace his personal safety as
it would_ in _his own,day, So he had :recourse to cryptograms} ciphers and acros-
tic!i.~ which were an .important part of the statesmanship of 'his time and in which
he wils an expert. _Each prince and,:petty noble 'had a private cipher to use in
the a\Jl!d.nis_tration of his political: affairs. Bacon decided to put into :the
Shake.speare: plays a cipher story telling their true origin.;-which would be for-
evei: h.:l,dden from the eyes of the profane but able tcibe read by those who had the
_in~e11igence to dec_ipher it.

' In liis Advancem~nt of L!Ulrniaj, Bacon not only: acknowledged his interest. in
ciphers,~ but set .forth one of the" most. complicated: systems ,of ciphers ever de.:.
vised~ wftich he himself developed and perfected while still a youth of sixteen.
So he decided to tell his secret story in cipher language and to include it in
his __
pla~s whicg_h~_.,.tured over to the actor, Shiikspe:re;

. . :,ru.:thisway his great secret could. be preserved from those unworthy to

read H: 'and be 1earned.only by those with sufficient,ingenuityto decodeit.
Thus he ke,pt inviolate his momentous secret--that of.:liis royal, birth as the last
of the Tudors-.;which .hung .over. ,his head .like the sword of Damocles, threatening
his life"arid liberty.from.the day of his birth as the son of Queen Eliza~eth to
his subsequent departure for. the .beginning of the nirieteentl:i century,
when he: was known as Count Saint;-Germain, where, he said, he could finally .-"rest,"
no longer haunted by the. fear that- his secret might become known, fall into .. the
hands,'of jealous aspirants for the .English throne and endanger his life, .
- ' ' .. ;

For not only his own life, but that of his fr:l.ends_ w_al;l.involved in the.pre-
servation of this.' secret--especially since he was surrounqed spiel!! ..and ene-
mies, well aware that the prize of an empire was at stake, arid willing to use
any means necessary to forward their ambitions. The execution and death of Sir
William Raleigh, who was hanged, drawn and quartered after an appropriate pro-
logue of torture, foretold the fate that could any day befall Bacon himself
were his secret made known, and warned him of the necessity to be as cautious as
possible to guard his supreme secret at all costs and by all efforts, if his
life was to be preserved and humanitarian dreams of a better world realized.

For Raleigh was not executed because of his depredations against the King
of Spain, but because he was a member of Bacon's secret society, which played
such an important role in the overthrow of monarchy and its replacement by a
republican system of government, which Bacon hoped to realize across the Atlantic
through the colonization of America in which Raleigh played such an important
role. Every effort was made to torture Raleigh into naming his associates in
his secret order, of which Bacon was the head, but he bravely died without

For, though he was Lord Chancellor of England, Bacon was then the leader of
a Freemasonic secret society of intellectuals devoted to the replacement of the
very monarchial government of which he was then the head, by a new political sys-
tem of democracy, which was his original conception and .whose ideals of Liberty,
Equality and Fraternity he expressed first in the Rosicrucian Manifestoes, which

he issued through Valentine Andreas in Gennany in 1615.and the Declara-
tion of Independence, which Thomas. Jefferson penned and whose signing he encour-
aged in 1776, Writing on Bacon's secret order and the necessity to preserve its
safety by the. use of, ciphers, Manly Hall writes:

, "Imagine the moral force -0f ;f!.Il_invisible ititangible "Organization which

could not be discovered_, -but; whi<;h constantJy was .activ:e beneath the surface of
what appeared to -be a placid state of affairs. The ciphers appeared in numerous
books by reputabJ,.e and conservative write.rl3 . : Nothing .could be proved against
any of them, but they a.mysterious band of avengers who.knew they
could not .be tried -for their -knowledge w;lt~l)t exposing J:oo many persons to the
throne." - -- -

Bacon, in his Essa:i;-s, writing of "of ifrmulation and Dissimulation, II ex-

pressed very clearly what he 1.ater had to. do in order to conceal the great
secret of his royal bfi:tii while appearing, ::i:n the. cou:r-1'~cC>fEurope under the. name
of Count Saint-Germain and_ other. names:

"He that wo~ld. be secre~ in!,ls_tbe a dis~em\,ler itt,some degree.-,:. Fo-r-~en will
so beset a man with questions and draw him on and pick it out of him that, with-
out an absurd sile_nce-. he mus_t show an inclination one ..way,. or if he: does not,
they may gathe_r as: \:nuch by his sile~_ce as by)ifs ;speech;, No one can pe secret
except to give h:!,iilself
. ' .-.a little. scope of dissimu.lation.
. . ~
,., .

In his' book Shakespeare, Creator of Freemasoniy; Alfred Dodd clai~s= that the
man who wrote the Shakespeare plays was t_he fpunder of Freemasonry, which order
he-estaolished in England in' 1:717 and'wrote the.ritual of the order . In.a
latter book, Dodd states that this "man wa~Francis -Bacon. ..Dodd- wri..tes: ~ "Brother
Vibert has stated that' our .Legend_ say$ f~ilt' Masonry came froin, France in -st.-_
AZ.ban's time.' So it did. 'l'here was a medieval St . Alban of. A.D . 303 and_ an
'E7-izabethan St. A7-ban'of 1560~1626; Both were MARTYRS." It is clear that the
"Elizabethan St. Alban" was Sir Francis Bacon, Viscount of St, Albans.

In his book above referred to,'Dodd 'writes that the: great Shake.speare .Folio
of 1623 openly proclaimed .for the first time in print, for' all who were- able .to
-read -and ..understand tha't "there:lived a-man who:wasa Freemason and who was the

AUTHORof the plays."_ Dodd says::- "Students'-'of the Elizabethan era are fully
aware o{ tne fact that:some sort :of mystery veils the -life- of Will:i:am Shakespeare.
The average man knows nothing cif .his persciliality;. iNo'onEf'has jet s_uggestecI that
a part _at ..ieast :.of this. 'mystery' was due 'to the fact that William :sliakespeare
was a Freemason, .the center of a Ring :,of Rosicross'e~Maf!otJ,s, and_ that he purpose-
ly seems to have -lived his , life as. though his mcitt;o was 'By the MIND alone shall
!._be seen.' And in the Sonnets he: writes along .tlie' same ,vein wheti he says:
c' \,

ft ' . . .. . ' ' . . . . ,, . . .

Forget me - Let-. my name be
. :._.
buried where my oody
.. is,

And live no more to sname, nQr me, _nor:


-. For 'r''am .shamed,, ,You ln me can .othing worthy prov.e.":

' .. ' " - (SonnE;t LXXII - 149}, .,

Alfred Dodd continu_es: "Wilen Freemasonry emerged in -17-17, the heads of the
emergence who were "the successors of .. the, Elizabethan Rosicrosse and who had the
secrets handed down to them. were desperately- 'anxious that the name of the Founder
should not be associated with the genesis of t)le \)rder, lest controversy arose
on a personal issue and the 'emergence of the ethical cult. was killed in the open
thoroughfares of the world by bitter attacks on the personality of the Creator by
self-constituted champions of morals, theology ana state !)olicles.

"The Founder's 'name' had been buried out of sight under a mass of extran-
. eous speculations ;Shakespeare was necessarily a CONCEALED MAN."

In a later book, Dodd admits that this "founder's name" was Francis Bacon.
He writes: "Francis Bacon was the creator of modern Freemasonry, the Rituals
of the Craft arid.Higher Degrees, and the Founder of the Fraternity as an organi-
zation:~ See Shakespeare, Creator of . Freemasonry .
by-'the author."
-. . .

.Would Bacon, who loved the children of his brain, consent that the immortal
honors whichbelonged to him be heaped'upon anunworthy imposter, the ignorant
actor William Sha:kspere; and, since he was a master in the art of 'cipher
writing, would he not embody in these immortal dramas that he wrote a hidden
message in cipher form to tell posterity their real authorship?
. - . .
This thought recurred''ftequeritly to Ignatius DonneUy ;. author of the vo}:..
uminous work on the Bacoriiari authorship of die Shakesp_eare plays,' The Great
Cryptogram. After he became convinced that: Bacon,' cipher expert,' was ehe real
author of the plays, he kept wondering whether their author. had not. embodied a
concealeci message :in them/ revealftig his real ident::i.ty. .. '
,, . . :' . .
One day he opened a" book belorfging to one of' his ch:il~re~, callid .$1/ery
Boy's Book, in which he found a chapter devoted to "Cryptography" i:>r"
writing. He chanced on .i:he sentence; "The' most' famous and complex cipher per-
haps ever written was by Lord Bacon .. It was arranged in the follow~ng manner "

Then the following ideas came th~ough_his mind: . 1. Lord Bacon wrote the
plays. 2. He loved them and could not desire. to dissc,:c:i.ate himself .from.
. 3.-- He knew their' inest:imable greatness. 4 . Lora Bacon.dealt in ciphers;, he
invented c~phers; and c:j.phers of exquisite subtlety and,cunning . Then followed,
like a flash, this thought: "Could Lord Bacon have put a cipher in the ._Plays?"

Basil Montagu in his Life ofBacon mentions that in his youth "he prepared
a work. upon ciphers, which.,he ..afterward publ:!,shed." Bacon wrote: ':'As for
writingi it is. to be performed either by a common alphabet (which is used 'J?y
everybody)' a seare.t and private one, agreed upon 'by the:particular person,
which tlley call cipher." Tliis quotation appeared in Ba.con's "De Augmentis,"
where):1e'expounds .h:i.s.~cipher system .of conveying .a hidden message within an ex-
plicit')me, After ..reading these _statemen:ts by .Bacon and knowing he was 0 a cipher
expert; Donnelly concluc(ed: .. "What w-ould be more,natural than that -liei 'the
cipher.;;maker, should. not place in ,the Plays ,i;i cipher.story, to be read when the
tempest thatwasa.pout to assail civilization had passed away--the Plays sur-
viving; for 'they were' he tells us. to .live w..hen '!marble' and' the gildedmonu.:.
men ts o'f ptin'cess' had perished.:.-even to the general judgment. If he was right;
if the Plays were inde_ed as ..imperishable as ,.the verses of Homer, they must
necessarily Be the'subject of close study by generations of critics and com-
mentators; and sooner __ or latei:: .some one w-0ul,d .pierce the_.veil' and read the
acromatic and enigmatical story enfolded in them. Then would he be justified to
the world by that internal narrative_, reflecting on _kings, princes, prelates
and peers, and not to' be' published in his own day; not to be uttered without
serious penalties to his kinsfolk, his family, his very body in the grave.
Then, when his corpse was dust, his __blood extinct, or. diluted to, not,J;ling_!less in
the course of generations;<fhen, when all. v.anii:ies of. rank and state. a_nd._pro.:--.
fession and :family were obliterated;' when his memory arid name ,were as .a subli-
mated Spirit; then 'in the next'a.ges, 1 'when some time had been_p'assed;' he
would, t~rough the cip_her narrative, rise anew from the grave.

"So the life that died with shame

Would live in death with glorious fame."
(Much Ado About Nothing, ii, 3)
"That can not be called improbable what has happened. If I had not fallen
upon the cipher, some one else would. It was a.mere question of time, with all
time in_which to answer it."

Donnelly therefore i;ead Shake.speare' s plays over again with the view. of
finding a cipher in them. He searched in vain through ordinary editions of the
Plays, but could find no cipher to make _any_sense; He then came to the conclu-
sion that. the common.editions of the Plays may have been altered and corrected
by commentators, and a change of word might throw out the whole count.- He then
decided to get a facsimile copy of the great Folio of 1523. Finally he obtained
_it. It was a stupendous W9rk. He said: '..'It seems to me that the labors of
Champollion de Jeaune and Thomas Young, in working out Egyptian hiereoglyphics
from the trilingual inscription on the Rosetta f!tone, were sfmple compared with
the task I had undertaken." "Finally, after a laborous search, Donnelly found
the cipher, revealing a hidden story which historyaare not mention.". "A cipher
story," he says, "implies a __ secret story, and a secretstory cannot be one already
blazoned on the pagesof history." He.writes: "One can fancy Francis Bacon
Sitting at the play;...-in the background.;;'-withhis hat over his eyes'--watching
Elizabeth and Cecil, seated, as wa~ the custom, onthestage, enjoying and laugh-
ing over some comedy, little dreaming that the internal fabric of the play told,
in immortal words, all the darkest passages of their own .
the midst of wit rollicking laughter, for the entertainment ofall future ages.

Let us now consider the Cipher Narrative that Ignatius Donnelly discovered
in the Shakespeare plays, not by any chance orimagination combination of words,
but by a_ carefully planned out and executed cipher_message embodied in the plays,
which defies the laws of chance.

The cipher story tells us of a great court excitement "over the so.,-d1lled
Shakespeare play of Richard II; of an attempt on the part of the Queen to find
out who was the real author of the play, of her belief, impressed on her by the
reasoning of Robert Cecil, Francis Bacon's cousin, that the purpose of the play
was treasonable and that the unfortunate Richard was intended to incite to civil
war and to lead to her own deposition and murder. The Cipher also tells us that
she sent out posts to find and arrest Shakespeare, intending to put him to the
torture--or "the question" as it was called in _that day--and compel _him to re-
veal the name of the man for whom, as Cecil alleged, he was but a mask; and it
also tells how this result was avoided by getting Shakespeare out of the country
and beyond the seas.

Now we note that this seditious play, ..which depicts. the deposition and kil-
ling of a misgoverning king, had direct reference to Queen Elizabeth ... It must be
remembered, that no man would dare, in that.age,_oi: in any age under a monarchy,
to openly advocate or justify the murder of kings; but the ignorant.were taught,
as Bacon said, more by their eyes than by their judgment; andwhat they saw in
the play was a worthless king who-had misgoverned his countrydeposed and slain.
A mighty suggestive lesson, it might have been, to a large body of worthy.people,
who thought Elizabeth had also misgoverned her country; and had lived too long
already, and who hoped great things for themselves from the coming in of James.

Now a certain Hayward.had _put forth, in a pamphlet, a prose history of the

same deposition, which he dedicated to Essex, for which Elizabeth had him arrested
and he was threatened .with torture. If, then, she believed, as there is evidence
that she did, that .King Richard II was treasonable, that she was represented
therein by the character of King Richard Ii, and that his fate might be .her.fate,
if the conspirators triumphed, what was more natural than that she would try to
have Shakespeare locked up and submitted to the same treatment -as she contemplatec

, . ' .
for Dr. Hayward? For certainly th~ offense of the scholar, who merely ~ote a
sober prose history of Richard's life for the perusal of scholars,_ was :Lnf:i:"-
nitely less than the crime of the man who had set forth, in gorgeous colors,
upon a. public stage, and had represented the,.deposition and killi!1g of a king,
night after 'light, before the very eyes of. Swarming a1,1dexulting ,thousat1ds ! And
if, as we.shall see, the Queen thought that Hayward was' not the real author of
~is history ;.,but merely,a cover for someone else, why may she not have conceived
.the same idea about Shakspere and:his play? ''Why was Shakspere not',arres1:ed?
the cipher story tells the reason;

Now we .may. note that .the _second edition of Riaha!>d II, printed . :in 1598,. with
. the sceneof.the.depoeiing of King Ricl!ard left out, was the first,one that bore
the. riame of William Shakes'Peare on the_title-l'age. Why should Shakes'Peare's _
name first a'P'Pear; as tjle author of a1,1yone of the Plays, ,Ul'Oil the title-leaf: of
a '!'lay ._which was the deposition scene left '.Out, unless the writer of the P.11/Y
knew that it was seditious? And note that the l'laY bears the name of 11 Shake7
Sl'eare," not that of the man of Stratford who always signed his name as Shaksl'ere.
Was it not because. of the treasonable nature of the' 'Play that the ;eal author.:
allowed Shaks'!'ere. this hole to re'ti:eat .into? Was it not that _he might be able to
say, "I never wrote~ the Plays; that is not my name. . My name is_ Shakspere, not
Shake-speaz>e?"The.Cipher narrative explains all this.

,Now we may .note .. that Essex was arrested for treason, and one of the charges
against him was the fact that he. hired actors to play King Richard II, and that
Bacon was then assigned the very job of hiring the actors to enact .the depo-
sition and murder of.King Richard II; as well as to prosecute Essex, his friend,
for having had Shakespeare's play acted. As the Cipher story reveals, this was
the wotk of,.Cecil, who. knew that .Bacon. was the author of the play and that he
snared in the conspiracy; and so gave him the choice of either taking
grading work on his_. hands, of prosecuting his best friend for assisting in the
production of the play he wrote, or of going to the scaffold with him. If such
was the_i:ase, it was the climax of.Cecil's revenge on the man who represented him
on the stage as Richard III. sedition was_.in_ the_ air at that time, and that the theater was the main
medium through which it was accomplished,.is indicated by the fact that in 1597
an order _was given by _the. Queen's Council to tear down and destroy. aZZ the. thea-
ters of London because one Nash, a play-writer, had in a play called The IsZe of
Dogs brought matters of state upon the stage; and Nash was thrown into prison.
The period from 1597 to 1599, the very time when King Riahard II appeared, was
full of plots and conspiracies' against the Queen and Cecil~ and in favor of King
James andEssex; and the playof Richard II was used as aninstrumentality to
play upon the minds or
men and prepare them :tor revolution.

There is reason .to believe that the Queen and court were aware of these
-facts and that the. writer of Riahard II should have been regarded in the same.
mat1Uer as Dr. Hayward,'who was arrested. And if,. as the Cipher story shows, the
Queen orde_red the arrest of Shakspere, who fled the country in time, why do we
not have historical records of this fact? It must be remembered that in the eyes
of his contemporaries, Shakspere was a very insignificant man whose whole life
is veiled in the_ densest obscurity. There are no allusions to his.coming and
going; and hence we have his biographers arguing that .he must have gone with his
company to_Scotland, and other_ places, while there is not the slightest evidence
whether he did_ or did not. 'The only fact about him of which we are positive is
the date of his. death.

And if Shakspere and Francis Bacon and the play of Riahard II were all

simply incidents in a furious contest be.tween the Cecil faction and the Essex
faction to rule England; if they were pawns on the checkerboard of court ambi-
tion, we can understand that at one time Essex' star may have been obscured and
Cecil s in the ascendant, ..that Cecil may have filled the Queen with suspicions
causing her to order. the arrest of Shakespere, at about the .. same. time that the
Council issued the order to tear down all the play-houses in London;while at
another time Essex, who was.the Queen's favorite, as he was young and handsome,
may have come back in her favor, and Shakespere could have returned from abroad,
after the, Bacon, confessed that he had meant nothing by the play,
which was historical.. Now.let us consider th.e Cipher story, which Donnelly dis-
covered in the Plays; and which was not something he read into them, but which
exist there for anyone. to find if they foZ_low the cipher code. which he presents in
his book.

. . . .



.But when poor King Richard fell a corps~ at Pomfr~t, under uncounted blows,
they made the most fearful noise; and again it broke forth; it seemed as if-they
would never stop. The play shows the,victory of the rebels o'er the anointed
tyrant; and by this Ripe he.has blown the flame of rebellion almost into open war.
The well,-known plays have even made the.most .holy matters of religion, which all
good inen sincere respect,. subjects for laughter; their aim being, .it is
supposed, to thus poison the mind of the.still discordant, wavering multitude.
They mean in this covert way to make a rising and flood this fair land with blood,
so. that
not only .their bodies,
but ..their souls,
. ,.
be damned.

. The sullen old jade doth listen with_the ugliest frown-upon her hateful
brows, too enraged to speak; but rising up and starting forward, took.Hayward by
his throa.t and choked him. He took to his, heelll and was running off in the
greatest fright, but ~he old jade struck .my poor young friend a fearful blow.with
the steeled end of .the great crutch, and again and ,.igain. His limbs being now
so weakened by imprisonment and grief, he is. not able. to stand .the force of the
blows the hinges of his joints gave way under him; and he fell bleeding on the
stones. Cecil said to him, "Come speak out, why didst thou put the .name of my
the Earl. upon ,-.the. title-leaf
.. . . .
off this
. ' '
' .
On hearing .the name
. ff
of my
noble Lord, her Grace was not able to .restrain .her passion any longer" . Thy
hateful looks and the wh{t:eness in thy cheek is apter than thy tongue to tell
thy nature. 11 : c


Cecil said that Marlowe or Shakspere never writ a word of them. It is plain
he is stuffing our ears with false .reports, and lies this:many. a yea.r. He is a
poor, dull, ill-spirited, greedy creature and but a veil for so111eelse, who had
blown up the flame of rebellion almost to war against your Grace. as a royal ..
Tyrant. I have a suspicion. that my kinsman Is servant, Harry Percy (Francis
Bacon's servant), 'was the man to whomhe gave every night the half of what he
took through the day at the gate; Manyrumors are on the tongues of men that my
cousin (Francis Bacon) has prepared 'not only th.e Contention between York and
Lancaster and King John and this play," but other plays which are put forth at .
first under the'name of Marlowe and now go abroad as prepared by Shakspere.


He is the sone of a poor peasant who yet followed the trade of glove
making in the hole where he was born and bred, one of the peasant townsof the
west. And there are even rumors that both Will and his brother did themselves
follow that trade for some time before they came here.

He goes one day with ten of his followers, did lift the water- gate ' of the
fish pond off the hinges and turns the water out from the-pond, froze all the
fish and girdles the orchard. They drew their weapons and oiight a bloody fight
for an hour, not stopping even to breathe. He left his poor young jade big with
child And while we were thus busily engaged, my Lord and some of his followers
set upon us. Shakspere has killed many a deer. The body of the deer was indeed
half eaten. He found it lying by the foot of a hill. We fought a hot and
bloody fight. The pursuers followed him and took him prisoner. Percy and the
rest of our men fled. My Lord struck his spur up to the rowell against the
panting sides of.his horse and ran him down.

My Lord was furious. He drew his pistol and shot him, and, as ill luck
-would have it, the ball hit himon the forehead, between the eyes. He fell upon
the'earth. They thought at first, from his.bloody appearance and the whiteness
of his cheek, that he was dead. The ball made the ugliest hole in his forehead
I ever saw. He lies quite still. His. wounds are stiff from the cold. He hath
beaten one of the keepers o'er the head; sides and back, with the blunt edge of
a stick, tillit breaks; or he fell down to the earth under the heavy weight of
his blows. Why, he is dead.

His Lordship then stopped his horse and said, Heis in a faint. Bend down
and put your ear against his heart, to see if he is yet living. He stooped down
to listen and found that his heart still beat. He lay quite still for a good
while. At last the ragged young wretch drew a low sigh and commenced gasping
for breath. But it seemed his injuries were only flesh Wounds. All our men as
soon as they saw that .he was taken prisoner or slaine, in the greatest fear of
being .apprehended, turned and fled away from the field, into the shadows, with
speed swifter than the speed of arrows. Fear of being apprehended, my Lord ~ho
had, in the meantime, followed the others, came up. He tells them to make
.a prisoner. After quenching the fire, the flames of which even yet burned, my
Lord tells them to make. a litter and lift the corpse up.

He scraped the blood away from qis_face. He remembered the rascally knav:e
well; there was not a worse in the barony . The whorson knave was, at this time,
about twenty; but his beard is not yet fledged; there is not yet a hair .. on his
chin; it is smooth as my hand. He was almost naked; without shirts, cloak or
stockings. He doth wear nothing but a cap; hie., shoes out at the heels, short
slops, and a smock on his back, out at the elbow; and not overclean. The truth
is, he lived, at .this time, in great infamy.

I sent a short time since, your Majesty, for my Lord, Sir_ John, the noble
and learned Bishop of Worcester, a good sincere and holy man; and had a talk
with him; and I gave him the scroll. I ventured to .tell him my suspicion that
Master Shakspere is not himself capable enough and hath not knowledge enough to
have writ the much admired plays that we all rate so high, and which are supposed
to be his; and which ever since the death of Marlowe have been put forth in his
name. And it is rumored that every one of them was prepared under his name by
some gentleman. His Lordship advised that the best thing .we-could do is to make
him a prisoner and, as soon as he is apprehended, bind him with iron, and bring
him before the Council; and it is more than likely the knave would speak the
truth and tell who writ it. But in the event that he lied about the matter, your

Grace should have his limbs put to the question and force him to confess the

He is, I hear, at present. very sick; he repents, in sack-cloth-and-ashes,

the lechery of his young .days. His purse is well H.Iied from the gold he derives
from the Plays. The Playsare much admired and draw great numbers and yield
great abundance..c>f. fruit, in .the forms of groats and.pence. It is thought he will
. buy all the land_ appertinent to New Elace. We know him .a .butcher's rude and
vulgar .apprentice,. and it was in our opinions not likely that be writ' them; he i.s
neither.witty nor learned enough. The subjects are far beyond bis ability. It
is even thought that your cousin of St. Albans writes them

.. .:He ,cannot last .loI!g, His .poor; it' was my presurmise that he
is. blasted. w,itb that :!iread disease, the 1nost incurable malady; ,His '.1.ooks prove
it. One day I did chance to meet him and, although I am well acquainted with him,
I would not have known him. The transformation was so great. He is not more
than thirty. thr!!e;yet be is, in bis :youth; written. down old with the characters
of age. His cheek is white, bis voice hollow, his hand ary, bis hair grey, and
bis step feeble; and bis bead wags as be walked. There is a beastly wound new-
healed on ,the side of bis neck,. and a great wen .of.fall, sometbing'liketbe King's
evil, wb:(~h .ev:ery _day :grows ..greater and his strength more feeble. He is flatter-
ing. himself .with t_he hope -and expectation that he will get well. It is eating
. away his. l_ife,: and he cannot. escape the grave.

.Although he is not yet thirty_:three; .his back is stooped arid his hair and
. beard are turned white.'. :And one' would take him by' llis looks to' be an old man.
Re had great bunches. as big as my fist upon the sides of his throat and under his
chin .. I. heard say hec:was,very si:c:k ins the-care of'~( physician. His health is
very flaeble .md. his step ..unfirm. He is troubled-with several dangerous dis-
eases; he if> ..subject to.the gout in. his: great toe; and I hear moreover he hath
fallen,into co~sumption

. ,And-it.;ts thought he must.have that dreaded disease they call the French,
which is one of the most incurable of all diseases;there is, in truth, no remedy
for it. It seems to draw all the substance out of one and leaves. o~Y, .emptiness
and weariness. . It was, I heard say, ,brought hither '.iri the reign of .:King Harry,
the father of the present Queen, in fifteen hundred and fifteen, .. In;_the war
against the French, our soldiers entered Holland and the Low Countries . They
fortify the town of Gangate. Our. for.ces take it after a hard fight.. Our men
become too familiar with .the women of 1;:he place. And when \:he King and his forces
marched back to England, they brought it along with.them. It. hath made,sad
destrti.ct:fon amon_g thE1_poor lewd people _c,f ,,this town.


For I have seine_;tinies seeri him in his yoth caper it about with a light heart,
halloing.and singing by the hour, and in tpe :raggede!i.t apparel, and almost naked.
A bold, forward, and most vulgar boy.' A gross fat untaught rogue, full of his
own beas.tly desires. A glutton, rather over-greedy than choice. With his quick
wit and _his big belly, weighing two hundred pounds, a great glutton;

He is.extraordinarily fond of the bottle. But.I must confess there was some
ho.nor in the villain; he hath a quick wit, and a great belly; and indeed, I made
use of him, with the assistance of my brother-, as the original. model from which
we draw the characters of Sir John Fals'i:affe and.Sir Tobe. To.see him caper with
his big round belly. It draws together to the playhouse yards, such great mus-
ters of people, far beyond my hopes and expectations, that they too in at least
twenty thousand marks. It pleases her Majesty 11111ch more than anything else in

these Plays. It seemed to grow in regard every day. It supplies my present
needs for some little time.

He is wise enough to save his goats and buy an-estate of lordship. I heard
that my Lord the German Minister says it was well worth coming all the long way
to. England to see his part of Sir John ..alone, in this-play the Merry Wives of
Winds_or. He said: . I .telL:thee,, the man: that could conceive such a part as 'this,
and draw it so well, .should-be immortal Hefled-to<Loridon to''scape' ftomim-
prisonment . He lent money at a big rate upon-a commodityof 'paper with security
. enough. .... -
:--' ~- .:,__
He had fallen into all sorts of evil courses with drinking wassail.and
gluttonry. 0 , He :kills_ many a deer; here and 'rabbit,- hunting o'nights iri v1_le, low,
rascally company. Will and .his 'brother are aa pair of most pernicious --villains.


Cm_,hearing this heavy news,., I was o' erwhelmed with a flood of fears and
shame. I _saw plainly all the perils of,my situation; I knew very w~I1 t_hat if
Shakspere was apprehended,' hea,will: be as clay, or rather tal'low, in the hands of
that crafty fox, my cousin Cecil. . .It.- was ten to one the whor'son knave' will tell
in self-defense and for his own security that the play of Measure for Measure,
that no_ble compositi.o.n, thi;! play of King Riaha:i>dthe Second, perceived- much in
these plays that- satisfied me that his p1,1rpose is the destruction-of the Christ-
ian religion. (the Cipher is, here incoherent) great and much: admired plays work
gentlemen pagan language most, choice. No equal in England.since the time of
Go~er; Enough bra:in power.: ..King Richard .the third;. All my hopes of rising to in the wereblasted; I am riot an'impudent man that.will
face out a disgrace with an imprudent cheek, sauciness and boldness would humble
my father's proud and most honorable name in the dust and send his widow with a
broken heart to the:grave, to think that I should lllake a mockof the Christian
religion. Hanged like. a. dog for the play of Richard the Second.



Her grace is furious and hath sent. out several -horsed, una.rmed posts to
find Shakspere under the lead of my Lord of SJ:i,rewsbu_ry. Will divided his forces
in three divisions. This thing must stop; _:Between you arid. your craft_y _old
father, with your smooth toligues; you are stuffingmy eats with. continual lies
and false reports in many a year. Royal rage. Commenced to. rebuke him in,lan-
guage stern and fearful, which wound the ears of them who listen to it; for a
worse tongue is not upon the earth. To ride with the speed of the wind-through
all th_e peasant-towns of the west. Make great ciffers _to the man who brings them
.in, dead or alive. This woe-begone hateful, fat _creature h,as been a mask known
since a child .. Strangest tale iri' the world; not to _be believed. A lot of lies.
Cecil your. cousin/ thy kinsman I s, the old termagant plays. Tetins of grace,
pardon and reward and all of them if he will tell the name of the man who-fur-
nished him with this play and the rest of these plays . But if, on the contrary,
he means to lie.about it and play the fool, they will have to bear the sink upon
their own heads. Fat fellow. Royal maiden is in a great rage. Swear should
die a bloody death. Let him be imbowelled. Make a carbonado of him. Spared
favors. Save our life fortune. No dally. Send out posts. Find
Shakspere, Reward, offers, march.

The balance of the cipher cannot be given here, and is as follows.- The
crafty Cecil directed the officers that when they found Shakspere, they were to
work upon him in every way possible--by appeals to his cupidity, his ambition,
and his terror of being burned alive--to tell the real author of the Plays, and
especially of that dangerous play which represented the deposition and murder of
an unpopular King,-and. the execution of those councillors who stood to him in
the_ same relation to which Cecil stood to the Queen.

Bacon, finding this out and- to avoid shame to his dead foster-father and his
living foster-mother, was contemplating taking his life by rat poison (ratsbane)
and thus escape from shame~and disgrace, a:nd sa:ve his family's name from ignomy
through his trial and execution as a traitor and infidel. As he convicted his
own brother, Essex, by order of his mother, so now he would meet a similar fate.
But he would rather end his life than let that-happen; The cipher story then
continues to relate the ensuing events.

It was a pitiful and terrible story, told with great detail,,: Bacon sacri-
ficed himself, or intended to, to save his family and_ the good name of his_legal
ancestors from the disgrace of his trial and execution at, Smithfield as a traitor
to his Queen. He took ratsbane to-end- his life and prevent shame to the memory
of his great father, Sir Nicholas, and the then living Lady Bacon, :to' whom he
owed so much. The cipher story tells about his terrible sufferings' that followed.
After receiving the shocking news about Elizabeth's discovery that his play
Riehard II was seditious:_and her determination to find out its author by arrest-
ing Shakspere and puttinghim_under torture,- Bacon swallowed rat poison, lost
consciousness for .a time, and fell in the orchard and cut his head on a stone.
He thought, in his dreadful mental_excitement and-agony, that the spirits of his
dead ancestors appeared and urged him to die. Then-came a young gentleman who
was visiting the house at St. Albans, who went into the orchard and stumbled
over Bacon's body. He thought at first it was a dead deer. And when he found it
was a man, he drew _.his -sword in great terror and asked who ii: -was; and what he
was doing there; and finally ran into the house and returned, followed-by Harry
Percy and the whole household, who came running.

Then we have Bacon -resolved to keep -quiet and counterfeit death, so as to

allow the deadly drug, "which like a poisonous mineral doth gnaw t-he inwards" to
do its work, rejoicing to think that in a little while he will be beyond the
reach of Cecil's envy and the Queen's fury. Then we have the recognition by
Percy that it is "our young master"; and the lifting up the body and carrying it
into the house and to his room. Then follows the wiping of the blood from his
face, the undressing of him, taking off "his satin cloak and silken slops" and
sending for the doctor who was the village apothecary, who refused to come because
Bacon owed him a bill.

Essex arrived to warn Bacon of his great danger; and observing that the doc-
tor would not come, threatens to have his ears cut off, The doctor came and pro-
nounced it a stroke of apoplexy. Meanwhile, Bacon who had taken a double dose of
the poison, vomited it out, and his life is saved.

Percy is sent at once in disguise to Shakspere to get him to leave the

country. He finds him in his bedroom with windows all shut, according to the
medical treatment of that age, sweltering in a fur-trimmed cloak. He was greatly
emaciated from the terrible disorder that afflicted him. Percy told him the news
and urged him to fly. Shakspere refused. Percy saw that Shakspere intended to
confess and deliver up his "Master Francis" to save himself. Percy was prepared
for such a contingency and told him that who was the ostensible author
would suffer death with the real author and asked him: Did you not share the
profits; did you not strut about London and claim the play was yours, and did you

not instruct the actor who played Richard II to imitate the peculiarities of
gesture and speech of the Queen, so as to point the moral of the play: that she
was as deserving of desposition as Richard II? And do you think, said Percy,
that the man who did all this can escape punishment?

When Shakspere saw, as he. thought, that he could not save himself-by betray-
ing Bacon, he consented to fly. Then followed a stormy scene. Mrs: Shakspere
hung upon her husband's neck and wept; his sister, Mrs. Hart, bawled; her child-
ren howled and- the brother Gilbert, who was drunk, commenced an assault oriHarry
Percy.a?d drew a rusty old sword on.him. Harry picked up a bung-malletand
knocked .him down, and threw him down stairs into a malt cellar. Then bedlam was
let loose

.. .In the midst of the uproar entered Susannah, who at once quieted the tempest.
He wonders "how so sweet a blossom could grow from so corrupt a root." When she
heard Percy's story, she advised her father to fly. Mrs. Shakspere still insis-
ted her husband w~s too sick to travel. Percyreplied that a sea voyage would do
him goC>d: and they would go to Holland. and then to France, and that-"Master
Francis" was acquainted with the family of Montaigne, and they could.visit there;
and meanwhile, Essex would; as soon as the Queen's rage subsided, int-ercede for
him, and_ he,could come back improved in health,. to enjoy his.wealth, while if he
remained he would forfeit both life and fortune;

Percy said he had. a boat ready, now unloading in London; and they could get
them in time to sail.. The night was.stormy and dark; and-there would'be noone
to notice their flight in disguise. Convinced of these ..arguments, Shakspere
told his_wife to get supper ready and, to bring him an.old suite of leather jer-
kins which he wore as a butcher's apprentice; and he proceeded to array himself
in these.
- ,-. -

Then follows an account of sick Shakspere '.s journey across the sea; While
Cecil could not_prove his case against Bacon without the presence of Shakspere,
it became apparent to the Queen that the actor had received warning of the
danger from someone in the court; and it might have been that facts enough came
out to convince the Queen of-Bacon's guilt; and from that time on, he could not
rise to any of:fice of trust during Elizabeth's reign.

!- .


. .

Shakespeare was ~nly on~-~f the masks of the universal genius, Francis .Bacon
--prince of philosophers, prince of scientists, prince of the political reform-
ers, prince of .poets and Prince _of England. He had many other masks under which
he inaugurated the Elizabethan Renaissance of literature in England, putting forth
his prodigious literary productions in rapid succession under various names.

Among these we find.a host of plays, many of whichwere attributed t~ the

pen of Shakespeare, whose. authorship is unknown. Bacon th~ stage as the
means of .putting forth his message to humanity and to prepare the public mind for
the democratic revolution which was his great aim and the goal of the secret
societies for political reform (Freemasonry ;and Rosicrucianism) .which he founded,

Among these other works whose authorship is under question are fifteen
dramas, some not included among.the ShakespearePlays, yet which are attributed
by commentators to the ..same hand as wrote the Plays .. Many of._these are ,included
in more complete editions. of. Shakespeare's Plays. Of these,. all except two were
published _in Shakspere's. l:ife-,~lme,,in nearly every instance with the. name of
William Shakespeare on the .title-page. There is the play, The Me?Ty Devil. of
Edmonton, announced as .the of. Shakespeare and Rowley, and The Two NobZ.e
Kinsmen, written by Shakespeare and Fletcher.

In other words, the genius we call Shakespeare is found dissociated with the
man Shakspere and writing. a vast number of plays which the pl_ay-actor had nothing
to do' with. For instance, Fair .EZ.m,which appeared in 1587 ,.while Shakspere held
horses at the door of the playhouse, as well as other plays which are now believed
to be written by the. Shakespeare pen, were never associated w; Shak.spere' s
name during his lifetime. This is. compa.tible with the. theory that a solar of
vast intellectual productivity" as Bacon flooded the stage of London with plays--
to make money--for years before Shakspere left Stratford. utterly incon-
ceivable how the man who left nothing behind him to show.evidence of any mental
productivity (except his a,lleged plays) arid who dwelt.during the:last years -of
this life at Stratford in' utter torpidity of mind, could have produced this array
of unclaimed dramas.

Donnelly presents evidence thatthe plays of Christopher Marlowe were,written

by Francis Bacon, which is in accordance with the cominon belief that the plays of
Marlowe a_nd those of Shakespeare had a common authorship, including a. group of
plays which are claimed alternately for both .Marlowe and Shakespeare. So ,similar
are the style and<productions of these two men that Donnelly remarks: "As-if
bountiful Nature; after.waiting for five.thousand years to.pioduce,a _Shakespeare
had been delivered of twins i_n that year of. grace, 1564!" The twins were 'Shake-
speare and Marlowe.

Like the actor Shakspere, Marlowe was a drunkard. and died in his. twenty-ninth
year, as Shakspere did, drunken.. He was a licentious, depraved creature who was
about to be arrested for blasphemy, and escaped the gallows or the stake by being
killed in a d_runken brawl, "stabbed to death by a bawdy serving man rival of his
in his lewd love." It is as inconceivable that such a type of person could have
been a literary genius than the equally degenerate Shakspere; and it is more than
probable that both were masks to conceal the true genius, Francis Bacon, who was
the common author of writings that appeared under both their names.

In evidence of this theory is the.curious fact that Shakespeare stepped
upon the boards as a dramatic writer just at the time when Marlowe stepped off.
Marlowe was slain in 1593 and the first appearance of a Shakespeare play was on
March 3, 1592--that of Henry vr. But there are high authorities, as the Enay-
aZopedia BX'ittaniaa, who claim that Henry VII was written by Marlowe. Swinburne
marveled at the i::apacity of Shakespeare to imitate the style of Marlowe as he
:d:[d when he wrote Hen:r>yVI.
. ) .

Dotuielly' also claim$ that Bacon was .the author. of Montaigne's ,Essqys . : His
reason for sending this a.gnostic, anti.:..religious writ:ing to his French friend,
Montaigne, tcibe publisheci'in another 'country, in another'language arid under
another name, was because it was impossible for him to express.r;uch irreligious
thoughts 'in his own country' as this wpuld be ;considered 'a blaiiiphemy': to his '
French friend; to 'hetranslated into French and published unde:r,,his. iuhne, hoping
that they' wciuld then come back to ..England !lnd not arouse the same feeli,ngs they
would have if it we,re known that an Englishman wrote them. - Montaigne'was .a.'per-
sonal friend of Bacon 'and visited: him in 'England. Bacon's brother, Anthony;
visited Montaigne in France.

In evidence o.f the fact that Montaig~~ was not: the author o.fthe essays that
were publishea under his name, which wet:!!, sent him by Bacon, was, the fifct 'that
he wrote nothing- else of significance;;. f~r if he/ really' an; author ,'and thinker
he would not have limited his literary' productions; to. a. s,ingie.,writing. 'Also it
is, impi"o\)able that Montaigne wrote the Essays; sJnce be, was a d_evout Catholic,
. while the Essays. wi!re 'the production of a, :skep.tic,. as Ba.con was;' : As a mat~er .of
fact, they represented condensed utterances from his own essays, as well as from
his Advancement of Learning, which he published later.
' . r. . . - .. ' ~ .

Bacon, writing. on the Bacoii:i:an: a~thorship of Montaigne's E,ssays. say's: ."The

o~ject as 1 ta~e ,it,. of his concealing the autho,J::S(lip' of this rema,:.kable book
( The Advancement .of Learning") .was that he might. utter,., under .the m:<1skof old.
age and of 'Frenc,h license of speech, opinions which. would' have beer{ condemned
as. utterly unbecoming for a younger man, ,.a.n :Englishman, and ,of l'urit'an :family,."
f.) . ' ! =~
conmienting on this subject, Donnelly remarks: ,:"We are brou,Sht.face to face
with 'this dileinma: e;l.ther Francis Bacon wrote the 1'E.ssays" of Montaigne, .ot ...
Francis Bacon stole. ,;i_''great many of his. nobiest .thoughts, and. tl)e whole .scheme. of
his philosophy from Montaigne; But Bacon was a complete man; he.exp~nded.iiito a
hundred fields of human labor. Montaigne did nothing of any"consequence to the
world but publish these essays; ergo, the great 1:houghts came.pot frolJ\.Montaigne
to 'Bacon,' but from Bacon to Montaigne." . . . ,.. . ,, ,. . ..
'- . . -~
. . .. .. . ' -- ... ~:.; - .... -: !-, .. , . __ .. _,; f ... ;. .
Donnelly further' cla!ins that Bacon wrote The)lrzatomy 'of f1e7,ana7io7,y .by. .
Burton.,, ,Like M6ntai&i;i.e' Burton wrote not~ing' except this' bci0,1<;,whicii ;4ppeared, .
about 1600. It was writ'ten at' the' melanclioly end,' of Bacon's: life,'. so full of
personal disappointlllents:. In this book, 'we f!nd a .rough preliminarr sketch of
Bacon's later bciolt, The Neu!AtZantis. In.The Anatomy of Me'Zaijq7ioZy,we find
the following remarkable confession of its true author, Francis Bacon:

"I will,' to satisfy and please myself, make a Utopia.of mine own;, a.New
AtZantis, a: poetical"commonwealth of mine own, iri which I .will freely domineer,
build citi:es, make laws,
statutes, as I live . myself. Why may' 'I not?"

Then through a 'acizen pages we find the expression of similar :ideas as 'Bacon
later worked out in his
book -- The 1:
New Atlantis.

Some students of Bacon's unknown literary productions which appeared under

the masks of other supposed authors claim that Spenser's Faire Queen and

Cervantes' Don Quixote were also his creations. In evidence of this is the fact
that these two books, like Montaigne's Essays and Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy
were the only literary productions of any value by their alleged authors. As
Bacon sent the "Essays" to. Montaigne for translation and publication in French,
so it is possible that he sent "Don Quixote" to soldier-prisoner Cervates, who
did not seem to be a man of high intelligence, for translation and publication
in Spanish.

Among other works attributed to Bacon's authorship are Comte de Gabalis,

about which we willspeak'below.




Much mystery surrounds the death of Bacon. Several contradictory stories

are current. According to one account, he died from quinsy of the throat re-
sulting from a curious ,and.unbelievable accident--,"His Lordship caugtrtcold
while plucking a frozen chicken!" (This is obviously a-lie.) There are also
contradictory stories as to where he died, and at least three locations are
given. A monument to him stands in the Church at St. Albans, and this has been
supposed to mark his tomb. It bears the epitaph which, when translated, reads,
"Let compounds be dissolved." His secretary is buried at the base of the statue.
It is believed that this.was a feigned death, since a book bearing his picture
as a living person was published in Germany about twenty years later. In his
will, Bacon left-his good name to "other nations and other times, and to his
own nation after a certain time had passed."

There is evidence that Bacon never really died at the time he was supposed
to, but instead passed through a feigned death--in fact the first iu A series
of feigned deaths, starting as Francis Bacon and ending as Count Saint-Germain.
On this subject Manly Hall writes: "According to the various ciphers, Lord
Bacon did not die at the time nor under the circumstances historically recorded.
It is remarkable, to say the least, that the funeral of so great a man should
have been marked by such complete obscurity. There is no record that his lord-
ship lay in state, or that his remains were accorded any of the dignities which
his position and honors deserved. The confused and contradictory accounts of
his last illness and the uncertainty surrounding even the place of his death are

"Feeling that his usefulness in England had ended and that his enemies ul-
timately must discover his secret and attempt to thwart his purposes, his lord-
ship resolved to retire to the continent under the protection of a mock funeral.
There is in the British Museum a small woodblock print of crude execution de-
picting Lord Bacon with his well-known beard, hat, and ruff, but otherwise
arrayed in the costume of a fashionable court lady, stepping mincingly in high-
heeled slippers from the map of England onto the map of Europe.

"Bacon's life after his mock funeral in 1626 is exceedingly difficult to

reconstruct. He moved under a series of aliases that defy ready penetration.
The consensus of research to date indicates that he lived for some twenty years
working with his secret society as its hidden master."

There seems to be a conspiracy of silence about Bacon's burial place and

much mystery surrounds it. His tomb is still unknown; and even if found, he is
certainly not in it. The following personal friends report his death at their
four different houses: Dr. Fuller, historian; Dr. Sprat, first president of the
Royal Society; Dr, Allis, second president; and Dr. Rawley, Bacon's chaplain and
amaneuensis. One says he died at the house of Lord Arundel at Highgate; another
at his friend's, Dr. Parry in London; a third at his cousin's, Sir Julius Caesar
at Muswell Hill and a fourth at the house of the physician Dr. Winterbourne.
Nothing was recorded of a funeral; and there are doubts that it took place,
which is strange, considering Bacon's universal fame, achievements and respect.
Some speak of a mock-funeral followed by his departure for Germany.
The Dictionaxy of National Biography says that Francis Bacon was born at
York House on January 21, 1561, as the son of Lord Keeper Bacon and his wife Ann.

He died at Lord Arundel's house on April 9, 1626 as the result of a chill or
. bronchitis, and was buried at St. Michael's Church, St. Albans. However, when
his tomb was examined by his successor, the second Lord Verulam, it was found to
be empty! Udney says he had a feigned death, the customary practice of philoso-
phers in order to conceal their identity-by disappearing from one part of the
world and reappearing in another.part under a new name and appearance. ~e shall
see later that Bacon has two subsequent feigned deaths, as Prince Rakoczy and as
Comte de St. Germain. .

However, the conventional view concerning Bacon's death expressed by The

Diationary of National Biography isquestioned by Burr in his Light on Free-
masonry, Lord Baaon Its Founder who says: ''Nothing. is known of Lord Bacon's
funeral or of his place of burial,!' Adding,"Evidence has been recently brought
to light that Bacon's.executors refused.or delayed to act, and after 15 months,
letters of administration were given to.two of his creditors. His debts were
22,371 pounds and. his assets 7000 pounds,

Burr quotes from-a letter of Mrs, C, M. Pott to him in 1898, that she had
been seen the iate Earl of ,.Verula in England who told. her that all he knew about
Bacon's.burial was.that he was-not buried in the vaults under the Church of
St, Michael's as he and others had.made a thorough examination before-the crypt
was bricked up. One of the_posthumous elegies written by Bacon in Germany in
Latin, refers tQ his, being 80 years of age at the time.

Mrs. Henry Pott, . in Franaie Baaon and his. Searet Soaiety, published in
London in 1911, says about Bacon's mysterious death: "In 1626 he died to the
world--retired, and by of many friends, under many names and disguises,
passed to many places . A:s' a recluse, .he lived a life -of study, revising a mass
. of works published. under his pen names, enlarging and adding to their number.
They form the standard literature of the 17th century. Collation of many works
and many editions led and gradually forced the present writer into the belief
that our Francis lived to a very great age; that he was certainly aliveand work-
ing in 1640, and that evidence spoke in favor of his being still influencing his
Society in 1662. Some years after these conclusions had been reached and com-
municated to some very learned. German correspondents, one wrote recalling this
correspondence, and mak;lng this clear and positive statement: Francis St. Alban,
the 'Magus,' the .'Miracle Man,' died at .the age of 106-7 in the year 1668." A
portrait was also sent representing him in Geneva with gown and shortened hair,
as he appeared when he retired frf)m the old age figures as .the counterfeit pre-
sentment of the Rosicrucian Father, ''Johann V.alentine Andreas," at the: beginning
of a work passing under his pseudonym.

"We have, as yet, no reliable information as to the death of Francis St.

Alban, or.Father or Peter X. We have no record of-any.person.who witnessed his
death, or who attended the funeral. We are ignorant as to where he was buried."

Mrs. Pott does not give the name o.: address ofher correspondent.{)rwhere
Bacon was buried or any evidence in 1668 any stronger than ofhis-death in 1626,
If Bacon really died in.1668, he could not have been Saint-Germain, who is said
to have lived from 1710 to 1780 or -1785, but since Mrs. Pott admits there was no
evidence of his death, there is every probability that after being last seen in
Germany he traveled west as the mysterious "Polish Rider" who was the author of
Comte de Gabalis and later appearing in Venice, in 1710, as Count Saint Germain.
This remarkable adept evidently was a master of the art of rejuvenation and pro-
longing life,

E. Francis Udny, in his Later Inaarnatione of Franais Bacon, traces his

history after he left England. The author was careful to use the word "incarna-

tions" not "reincarnations," which supports his statement about the habit of
great_ adepts to app.ear to die in one part of the -world only to reappear in other
places_ under new names, in order to, conceal their identity. Thus Bacon re-
appeared in Europe as Count Saint-Germain, his true'name being kept an inviolable
_se_cret for rea!;lons of personal security, When Cross examined his favorite _sub-
terfuge.was-to say .that he was an heir of -the royal' house of Rakoczy in Transyl-
_-_vania,. a, prince denied his throne . This latter: statement was correct, except
that the throne he was denied did not exist in Hungary but in England

. For .certain mysterious reasons, the later names assumed by Francis Bacon
after his feigned death in England, when he reappeared on the Continent, have
always been.a closely.guarded secret;cand since he was an uncrowned king of
England _whose life might be imperilled: were, his true ideilti ty made known, we can
. undE!rstand the reasons for this.secrecy, which he insistedthat members of his
secret orders strictly observe, And in order to' safeguard.the suspicion~that
Francis Bacon and Count Saint-Germainwere the same individual at two different
periods of his long life arose the theory that Saint-Germain was a reincarnation
of Bacon, now held by the Rosicrucians in San .'Jose; California. This is ob-
. viously impossible, as. the historical facts will reveal> It would. have been
possible if Bacon. really died. in England: at . the time he was supposed to ._have
died, but not if he. passed through a feigned death and reappeared in''Europe _,
under- another name or rather many o.ther names', Since when Count Saint-Germain
came upon the European scene in 1710; he looked like a-man who was 40 to 45 years
of age, and since Bacon continued to live a long life after his mock funeral in
England in 1624, the theory-of reincarnation must _be discounted.

Prince Udny; in his' book referred to above. shows pictures of _Bacon,, .

Rakoczy: and Count Saint-Germain, and claims that ea_ch' was a dif_ferent "incarna-
tion" in a very ambigious sense, forsince Saint-Germain and Prince Rakoczy were
contemporaries (Saint-Germain having been first seen' in Venice in 1710, while
Rakoczy, who was alive at this time, did not pass through his feigned death
until 1735), certainly Saint-Germain could not have been a'"reincarnation of
Rakoczy,,any more than he could have been a-reincarnation of Bacon, who left
Germany in 1670 as the "Polish Rider" two years after his' supposed death in 1668,
and, after delivering the discourses of the Comte de Gabalis to AbbeMonfaucon
de_ Villars,_ continu_ed,to, live under. the names of Rakocz)", Signor Gualdi; and
Count Saint-Germain,, And since when Countess de Gergy saw him in 1710, he looked
45 years of age, though he.was probably much older,he could not have beeii' able
.to reincarnate, so. rapidly from the body, of Bacon: as the Polish Rider into _that
of Count Saint-Germain; who claimed he was a member of the royal housE!_(if
Rakoczy, who was educated by the Medicis.

Udny claims that the belief that Saint-Germain was the son of'Prince Rakoczy
of Transy,lvania is erroneous, because, due to his age~:he could not have been
other than the Princehimself,.who was known to have-been a profound philoso-
pher. And since, as Udny claims, he passed through a "philosophical death" as
Francis Bacon in 1626, as Francis Rakoczy in 1735 and as Count Saint-Germain in
1784, it,is clear that the various "incarnations'but rather feigned deaths and
reappearances under the new names in other countries, which is what "philosophi-
cal death" which he mentions in. his Comte de Gaba"lis (referring to his depar,ture
from England after his .supposed burial and reappearance in Cermany, using _the
name of Valentine-Andreas), implies. It is well known that many members of
European secret societies had feigned deaths to conceal their identity, after
reappearing in other parts of the world with a changed appearance and_ a 'new name.
That was what Francis Bacon, Prince of England, did when he reappeared in the
courts of Europe under the name of Count Saint-Germain.

Manly Hall, one of the greatest modern authorities on Saint-Germain, whose

identity with Francis Bacon he realizes but dares not openly declare, except in
vague hints, as if it is some dread secret that it is forbidden to reveal, re-
marks that he "was so near a synonym for mystery. that the enigma of his true
identity was as insolvable to his contemporaries as-it has been to later in-
vestigators.ff But, after reading this book, the writer hopes that this mystery
will be solved in the reader's mind. Saint-Germain'was not a "later incarnation
of Francis Bacon" as claimed by Udny and Manly Hall (though in the same breath
both admit the possibility ..of physical continuity .of the same personality through
a series of feigned deaths), but.was the same man at two different stages of his
unusually long life--unusual for the .profane but notfor the alchemical adept.

It is the writer's conviction that Francis.Bacon.never died, since his

grave was found empty after his burial; and that therefore .his lai:er appearance
as Saint-Germain was not aresult of reincarnation but of altered name .and
appearance. Saint-:Germain was. none other than Bacon with his beard removed,
who, as an uncrowned king of England, would. not be safe were this
secret revealed, which would open him to attack by other.aspirants for the throne,
whose moral scruples were not higher than those. of the characters he described
when he wrote the historical Shakespeare plays, the reasons for secrecy and
change of names was obvious, for it gave him a degree of freedom of action he
otherwise would not have. . How long would his life be safe were it known who he
really was? Like the sword of Damocles, this dread secret hovered over him
throughout his life down through the centuries and explains the mysteriousness
that surrounds him and why, in spite of the general belief in his royal birth
and his own occasional allusions to it, he consistently refused to reveal his
true origin and identity, which his natural bearing and manner of dealing with
the crowned heads of Europe unmistakably reveals to the careful observer.

Another of Bacon's masks was that of Prince Francis Rakoczy of Transylvania,

which was his favorite subterfuge as Count Saint-Germain when questioned about
his true name and origin. This name. he assumed after that of Comte de Gabalis
and both before and after he used the name of Count Saint-Germain, Regarding
the claim that Bacon assumed the name of Prince Rakoczy prior to his appearance
as Count.Saint-Germain, the following members of the Rakoczy line in .Transylvania
are recorded in the EncycZopedia Brittanica:

George I (1591-1648)
George II (1621-1660)
Francis I (1645-1676).
Francis II (1676-1735)

. .. Since Mrs. Pott believes that he "died" in 1668; it was probably at this
time that he lost his prior identity as Bacon and Andreas and went t:o.southeast-
ern Europe where he used the ,name of Francis II, Princ.e of Transylvania, inter-
changably with. that of Signor Gualdi_ and Count Sa:i.nt-'Germain, finaily using
chiefly the latter and resorting to the Rakoczy name only when cross-examined as
to his origin and real name.

To claim that he was a last surviving member of. an extinct small royal house
in Hungary was a very convenient manner of putting questioners off the track, in
view of the fact that he evidently wasof royal breeding by his appearance and
mannerism which would require some kind of explanation. So, just as he pre-
viously used the name of Valentine Andreas, a living German theologian--and prob-
ably.with his consent and .cooperation--so he later used the name of Francis II,
Prince of Transylvania, who was also living until 1735, when he underwent a
feigned death, after which it was much easier for Saint-Germain to claim he was a

It is probable that just as Saint-Germain secured the consent of Valentine
Andreas to use his name, so he obtained from the retired Prince Rakoczy before
his feigned death, in 1735, though detection. of an imposter using his name would
be.very embarrassing for the Prince. Theosophists still call Saint-'Gennain
"Master'R," or Rakoczy, unaware of the fact that both'Saint-Germain and Prince
Rakoczy -were contempora;ies and probably friends.

In 1615, whileresidiil.g in E11.gland, Bacon.sent to Valentine Andreas his

Rosicrucian d_isciple in Germany,. the '-'Confessio" and IIFruna Fratern:i.tatis,"
otherwiseknowrias.the Rosicrucian Manifestoes, which he issued'underhis name
and which had a powerful influence on European thought since they first l?ropar-
gated the ideals of the French and American Revolutions: L1berty, Equal':tty and
Fraternity . The AZchemiaaZ Marriage, another Rosicrucian work that Bacon. simi-
larly publ:1,shed and spread through, Valentine Andreas at about the'saine as
the Rosicrucian Manifestoes . . Later, when he: came to Germany, he continued to
issue his writings while using Andreas as. his mask.,

At -about 1670, Bacon decided t~ travel westward;> and appeared as the frunous
Pol:1sh Rider who.delivered a series: of discourses to Abbe Monfaucon de Villars;
that the Abbe later. published. as a mysterious book, Comte de GabaZie, - first
appeared anonymously apd which was subsequently reprinted in''l715{.1742 and .
later in 1910, which edition had a picture of-the Polish Rider:on_the front:i.s 7
piece, repre~ented as being the nknown author who crune from the direction ,.of
The 1742 edition contained the nrune.of Abbe Monfaucon de Villars as the
author, _In the l.910 edition, there appeared:an.account of the life of tlie Abbe,
who is supposed to have been assassinated in 1673, three years after the book
first appeared. Like many .of. his craft, however, the true-place of his burial
is unknown. Perhaps he only "pretended to .die, as is the way of Philoifop_hers.,
who feign death in one place only to transplant themselves' to another," as the
book says.

Concerning the enigmatical. pass_ing of Francis Bacon, Rawley in: his Re-~eci-
tatio, published in 1670, two years after his second feigned death and the year
when he left Germany and appeared in western Europe as the Polish Rider, just.
Francis Bacon "made a holy and humble retreat to the cool shades of rest, where
he remained triumphant over fare and fortune, till heaven was pleased tosummon
him to a more glorious and triumphant rest," which means that after'he left
England he made his retreat in Germany, to commence anew, under thenaine of Val-
entine Andreas, the work he commenced in England under the equally fictitious
nrune of Francis Bacon, since his true . nrune was,:F.rancis Tudor;- Prince of'England.
' . ..... .

Since Bacon appeared ..Western Europe to .-Abbe Monfaucon de Villars in: 1670
as the myster:l.ous Polfsh Rider, we can well unde_rstand the origin of the belief
that in 1668; two years .before, he died in Germany, since he probably left and
disappeared at this time, jtist as 44 years previously, 1624, he disappeared
from England, when he was supposed to have died. As the Polish Rider, he trav-
eled westward from Germany, which he left in 1668; and two years later/in 1670,
he visited the Abhei'Monfaucon de Villars and. delivered the discourses of the
Comte de GabaZie, He appeared to be about. 40 years of. age, though he really was
much more. This means that his "death" in 1668, referred to by Mrs; Pott, was
as feigned as his death in 1624 in England, for if he died in 1668, he could not
have delivered the discourses of the Comte de GabaZie to Abbe.Monfaucon de
Villars in 1670.

The Polish Rider then went southeast and probably crune to Hungary to visit
Francois Rakoczi II, member of the royal house of Transylvania, who was crowned

by that title by his barons, though he never actually reigned. He probably re-
vealed to him his great secret, namely that of his royal birth in England, and
begged him to permit him to use him as a mask, as he- formerly used the actor
Shakspere and the German theological, Valentine Andreas, to which Rakoczi, who
was a devout man, an idealist and philosopher, consented, giving him the right to
use his name as the occasion demanded.

From that time onward, we- find Bacon, now known in Italy, where he was known
as Signor Gualdi-and later as Count Saint-Germain, using the name of Prince
Rakoczi from time to time, as he did in Leipzig in 1777, according to George
Hezekiel, and at times changing it to Graf Tzarogy, which was an anagram for
Ragotsy (Rakoczy),

Thus there were two Prince Rakoczys living simultaneously, who spent much of
his time in a monastery near Paris, hidden from the world; andtheother his
counterfeit, Bacon-or Saint-Germain, which may have been an embarrassing situa-
tion for both when this fact was discovered, which was relieved by the feigned
death of Rakoczy in 1735, concerning which we quote from the book, F:r>ancois
Rakoazi II, Prince of Transyl.vania," which gives details of the events preceding -
the Prince's death, with extracts from letters -of a certain Clement Mike, who was
evidently devoted to him and was with him to the end. Mike's account is as
follows: "God made us orphans at three o'clock in the morning" (Good Friday, the
8th of April, 1735)" by taking from us our dear Master and Father. The body was
all ready to lie in state in a palace where for three days a religious service
was held. All could see .the body; at one time there.were thirty Turks present;
but, in spite of .that, people do not believe that the Prince is dead. They say
that someone else was dressed up on his clothes and that he himself is gone
away. How I wish it were true!"

In this 1742 edition of the book which bore- the name of Comte de GabaZis,
appeared a commentary which opened with the following explanation of the origin
of the book: "Paracelsus says of the practice of Philosophy: 'This Art is
taught by Gabalis (the spiritual perception of man).' These words inspired the
title_of the Comte de GabaZis, which veiled the identity of the great teacher
from whom the instructions contained in these discourses was received. - The Comte',
true name will be widely recognized." His true name at this time was Francis
Bacon, a secret_which could not be revealed.
Commenting on the above introductory statement in the Comte de GabaZis, E. F.
Udny, in his Late:r>Inaa:r>nations of F:r>anaisBacon, remarks: "It will indeed. Who
else can he be than Francis Bacon, Vicou11t St. Alban, who did not really die till
1668, two years before the Discourses were first printed?" But Manly Hall,
writing on "The Ma.n Who Does Not Die,,; in an introduction to his.Tlze Most HoZy
Trinosophia, by Count Saint-Germain, says: "There: is a tendency amo~g mystical
writers to connect him with the mysterious Comte de Gabalis who.appeared to Abbe
Villars arid delivered several discourses. Now if the author of the Comte de
GabaZis was Francis Bacon, according to Manly Hali, if both are true, ,the conclu-
sion is obvious that both Bacon and Saint-Germain were one and the same person.

The author of the Comte de GabaZis, hinting at what he dared not express,
mentions a feigned-death, of a man changing his name, and to a certain extent his
personal appearance, and reappearing in some other part of the world as a differ-
ent character; and of whom could he be speaking other than himself? In this book
we read: -

"In the higher degrees of- the Order,-a Philosopher has power to abandon one
physical body no longer suited for his purpose; and to occupy another previously
prepared for his use. This transition is called an Avesa, and accounts for the

fact that many Masters known to history seemingly never die. The Comte de
Gabalis is himself a noteworthy example of this temporal immortality." To every-
thing there is a season, and a time for every purpose under the heaven; a time
to be born and a time to die; a time to plant and a t.ime to pluck up that which
is planted" (Ecclesiasties III, land 2),

Udny comments on this: "None is better qualified to speak on this subject

than the anonymous author of the abovepassage who .was himself the Comte de
Gabalis, giver of .the instructions contained in the Discourses on which he is
commenting. He is also an exalted Brother of the "Order of Philosophers" and has
in his own person carried out three mysterious deaths--as Bacon in 1626, as
Rakoczy in 1735, and as Saint-Germain in 1784. In all three cases, he was care-
ful to leave behind no actual proof that he was still living in the world,"

The writer does not agree with Udny in claiming that he passed through a
feigned death in 1735 as Prince Rakoczy, It was.Rakoczy himself, a distinct
individual, who did so. The only feigned deaths that Bacon had washis "death"
in England in 1624, perhaps his "death" in Europe in 1668, and his later feigned
death as Saint~Germain in 1784, 160 years later. His calling himself Rakoczy
has nothing to do with the death of the real Rakoczy, feigned or otherwise, in
1735, at.which time Saint-Germain was active in European affairs under the
latter name, using thename Rakoczy only occasionally to conceal his origin as
son of Queen Elizabeth and heir to the English throne.

Again in 1784 we find another feigned death of a mysterious individual who

went by the name of Count
Saint-Germain, concerning him Gustav Bord said,. "He '

misled people by silence up to his last hour, and his devotedfollowers allow
him to do so still, as it were from the tomb making him arise from .it and to live
again, and to go about even in our own day."

Udny writes that between 1713 and 1717 we find Rakoczy living near Paris;
and he identifies him with Count Saint-Germain and Francis Bacon. But this can
not be, because in 1710 he was seen in Venice and used the name of Count Saint-
Germain. It must, therefore, have been the real Prince Rakoczy who, lived.near
Paris at this time. The quoted from a letter by the Duchess of
Orleans, written at this time, quoted in Francois Rakoczy, Prince de Transyl-
vania: "The Prince Rakoczy is living about five or six leagues from Paris in a
house of monks, who are called. Camaldules and whose rule of life is almost as
strict as tha.t of Charteux. He lives with them as though he were one cif them,
takes part in their prayers and vigils, and fasts frequently." The Duchess des-
cribes him as follows: "He (Rakoczy) is a splendid man and intellectual. He
has read much and has knowledge on all subjects.". It is probable that Saint-
. Germain knew Rakoczy, since their manner. of .living were not. far apart; and that
Rakoczy,.whci lived in retirement, use his name.''..Also, to pre-
vent difficulties arising from Saint-Germain.induced him to undergo a feigned
death in 1735. Of course these are only the writer's conjectures, for which he
cannot offer any definite proof.

It is, ho~~ver, true that Saint-Germain openly appeared in Leipzig in 1717

as Prince Rakoczy and was also known as Graf Tzarogy, a Russian general which
name was merely an anagram for Ragotzy (Racoczy).

In addition to his claiming that he was really a prince of the line of

Rakoczy, in order to conceal his true origin, was the parallel legend he fos-
tered that he was raised by the Medicis. His admirer, Prince Charles of Hesse,
evidently believed both of these pretenses of his, as indi.cated by his statement:
"This House (Medici), as is well known, was in possession of the highest

knowledge from them; but he claimed to have learned that of Nature by his own
application and researches. He thoroughly understood herbs and plants and had
invented the medicines of which he constantly made use, which prolonged his life
and health . I still have all his recipes,. but the physicians ran riot against
his science after his death. There was a physician, Losseau, who had been an
apothecary, and to whom I gave 1200 francs a year to work at. the medicines which
Count Saint-Germain taught him, among others chiefly his tea, which the rich
bought and the poor received gratis."

Caesar Cantu, librarianof the great library of Milan, in his historical

work, niustrati Italaniani, wrote: "The Marquis of San Germano appears to have
been the son of Prince Rakoczy of Transylvania; he was also much in Italy; much
is recounted of his travels in Italy and Spain; he was greatly protected by the
last Grand Duke of Tuscany, who had educated him." It was also said that he was
educated at the University of Siena. Mme. de Genlis, in her memoirs, mentions
having heard of him in Siena during a visit she paid to the town. It was claimed
that he was a protege of the last Medici. Howevef, it is probable that this
claim, like the one that he was a Rakoczy, was false and was a subterfuge of his
to conceal his true origin and identity.

From the above evidence, it is clear that Francis Bacon, author of the
Shakespeare plays, did not die at the time when he was supposed to have in 1626.
Feigned death was a common practice among a group of philosophers of a certain
order to which he belonged and of which he was the leader. The burial place of
Francis Bacon has never been divulged, since it was unknown; and it was unknown
because it did not exist. While he was supposed to have died in 1626 at the age
of 65, it is significant that a rare print made in Germany by Valentine Andreas,
who was author of certain Rosicrucian tracts of profound influence in their time,
appeared to be a portrait of Lord Bacon at the age of 80, fifteen years after his
feigned death in England at the age of 65. He had now grown a long beard. The
picture depicts a helmet, four crosses and the St. Andrew's cross, and the arms
of St. Alban's town. These symbolized the fact that Bacon was residing in
Germany, directing the work of the political and philosophical fraternity which
he originated in England during the previous century and which was known as the
society of Rosicrusse-Freemasons.

We may divide Bacon's long life into the following chronological periods:

1561: His birth as Francis Tudor, son of Queen Elizabeth.

1561-1624: His life as Francis Bacon in England.
1624-1670: His residence in Germany after his feigned death and departure
from England in 1624, during which he issued his writings under
the name of Valentine Andreas.

1670: His departure from Germany as the Polish Rider and appearance in
western and southern Europe.
1687: His appearance in Venice as Signor GualdL
1710: His reappearance in Venice as Count Saint-Germain.
1710-1784: His labors in Europe as Count Saint-Germain, devoted chiefly to
political activity, terminating in his feigned death in 1784.
1822: When he was last seen in Europe, prior to his departure for
Tibet and 85 years' residence in the Far East.

1925: His reappearance in the.West when seen at a Masonic con-
vention in France in this year.
1933: His sending a letter to the head of a Co-Masonic Society in
San Jose, Costa Rica.
1960: Probably still living.



Throughout his life, francis Bacon's fondest hope was the creation of a
Utopia across the Atlantic, the realization of his "New Atlantis" in the form of
a society of free men, governed by sages and scientists, in which his Freemasonic
and Rosicrucian principles;would govern the social,. political.and economic life
.of the new nation. It wafl for this reason.why, as Lord.Chancellor, he took such
an active interest in the colonization of America, and why he sent his son: to
Virginia as one of, the early colonists. For it was in America, through the pen
of Thomas Paine and:. the writings of Thomas Jefferson, as well as. through the
revolutionary activities of his many.Rosicrucian~Freemasonic followers, most
prominent among whom were George Washington and Benjamin Franklin, that he hoped
to create a new nation dedicated tci his political philosophy.

In his Secret Destiny of America, Manly Hall, Bacon's most understanding

modern .scholar, refers to the appearance in America, _prior to the signing of the
.Declaration of Independence in 1776, of a mysterious Rosicrucian philosopher, a
strict vegetarian who.ate only foodsthat grew above the ground, who was a
friend and teacher of Franklin and Washington and who seemed to have played an
important role in the founding of the new republic. Why most historians failed
to mention him is a puzzle, for that he existed is a certainty.

He was known as the "Professor." -Together.with Franklin and Washington, he

was a .member of the committee selected by the Continental Congress in 1775 to
create a design for the American Flag. The design he made was accepted by the
committee .and given to Betsy Ross to execute into the .first .modeL
A year later, on July 4, 1776, this mysterious stranger, whose name nobody
knew, suddenly appeared in Independence Hall and delivered a stirring address to
the fearful men there gathered, who were wondering whether they should risk
their lives as traitors by affixing their names to the memorable document which
Thomas Jefferson wrote and of .whose ideals Francis Bacon, founder of Freemasonry
and Rosicrucianism, was the. true originator.

.The flag unfurled at Cambridge, Mass~ in 1775, which the Professor designed,
symbolized the union of the colonies; it was cal-led -the Grand Union Flag, and
its dja!sign was as follows: In field of the upperleft-handcornerwas
the white diagonal cross of St. Andrews. _ Imposed on this was the Red Cross;
which wi;is given the name of St. George. The thirteen stripes, seven of red and
six of.white, alternating in the flag, represented the thirteen colonies.

The flag was usef for some time, but owing to its similarity with the
Britiflh flag; which supposedly symbolized the unity of England and Scotland, con-
siderabl_e controversy arose over it.. In order overcome this objection, in
1776 it was decided to design another flag which would follow the spirit of the
original design; and the inverted triangle over the upright triangle, generally
known as the ..St. Andrew's Cross, a Masonic symbol of Kabbaliseic origin and de-
noting that the originator of the flag was a Freemason and Rosicrucian, was pre-
served by using asix-pointed star, placed in irregular fashion on-a blue back-
ground in the form of a new constellation,

When General Johnson and Doctor Franklin visited Mrs. Elizabeth Ross, other-
wise known as Betsy Ross, to get her cooperation in making the flag, the five-
pointed star appealed to her as being more beautiful than the six-pointed star
of the Professor's original design which the committee accepted. Hence, out of
deference to her sense of beauty, the five-pointed stars were used instead, and
thirteen of them were placed in a circle on a blue field with the standard seven
red and six white stripes completing the flag.

This sample flag was made just before the Declaration of Independence, al--
though the resolution endorsing it was not passed by the Continental Congress un-
tiLJuly 14, 1777,

A.second time did this mysterious stranger, the "Professor,"whose name and
origin was.unknown, pay a vital role in American history. This time it was at
the signing of: the Declaration of Independence; .. It was on June 7, 1776, that
Richard, Henry Lee, a delegate from Virginia', offered in .congress the first resolu-
tion declaring that the United Colonies were, and of right:ought to be, free and
independent states. Soon after Mr, Lee introduced his resolution, he was taken
sick and returned to his home in Virginia~.whereupon onJurte 11th, 1776, Thomas
Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin .Franklin, Roger Sherman and Robert Livingston
were appointed as a committee to prepare a formal Declaration of Independence.

On.the first of July,. 1776, the committee made its report to Congress. On
the second of July; Lee's resolution was adopted in its original words. During
the third of July,. the formal Declaration of Independence was reported by the
committee lmd debated with great enthusiasm. The discussion was resumed on the
fourth, Jefferson having been elected as chairman of the connnittee.

On July 4th, there was great suspense throughout the nation. Many were ad-
verse to severing the ties with the mother country; and many fe,ared the vengeance
of the king and his armies. !-'.any battles had been fought already, but no
decisive victory had been won by the.rebel colonists. Each man in the Continen-
tal Congress realized as Patrick Henry did that it was either Liberty or Death,
A rash move could mean death. After all, they were not free but subjects of a
king who considered. them as rebels and could punish them accordingly; Tbey could
be convicted for treason and put to death.

Just what connection did the mysterious stranger wh,, designed the American
flag and encouraged the .signing of the Declaration of Independence have t'o
Francis Bacon or Count Saint-Germain? Writing on this subject, Manly Hail says:

"Many times the question has been asked,. Was Francis Bacon's vision: of the
"New Atlantis" a prophetic dream of the great, civilization which was so sooi:i to
rise upon the soil of the New World? It cannot be doubted that the secret so-
cieties of Europe conspired to establish upon' the American continent '' a new
nation conceived in liberty and' dedi'cated, to the' proposition that all 'tnel'.),
created equal.' Two the'early historyof the United Statesevidence
the influence of that secret body, which has so long guided the destinies of
peoples and religions. By them nations arecreated as vehicles for the.promul-
gation of ideals, and while nations are true to these ideals they surviv:e;when
they vary from them, they the Atlantis of old which had ceeased to
'know the gods,'"

In his admirable little treatise, "Our Flag," Robert .Allen Campbell revives
the details of an obscure, but most important, episode of American history~-the
designing of ,the Colonial flag of 1775. The account involves a mysterious man
concerning whom no information is available.other than that he was on'familiar
terms with both General Washington and Dr. Benjamin Franklin. The following des-
cription of him is taken from Campbell's trea.tise:

"Little seems to have been known concerning this old gentleman; and in the
materials from which this account is compiled, his name isnot even once men-
tioned, for he is uniformly spoken of or referred to as 'the Professor.' He was
evidently far beyond'his threescore,an:d ten years; and he often referred to his-
. torical events of more than a century previous just as if he had been a living
witness to their occurrence; still he was erect, vigorous and active--hale.,
hearty and-clear"-mlnded, as strong and 'energetic every 'way as' iri the prime of
life. He was tall, of fine,figure, perfectly easy, very dignified in his' man-
ners., _being .at once courteous, gracious arid commanding. He was, for tholle i;:l,mes,
and considering the .customs of the colonists, very peculiar iii l\is mE!thod of
living; for,:flesh, fowl or fish; he never used for-food any ,'green
thing'- any roots' or anything unripe; he drank no liquor; wine 'or ale; but con-
fined his diet to cereals and' their products;- fruits that were rip'ened on the .
stem in the sun, nuts; mild tea and' the sweet'of honey', :sugar arl,i"'inolasses.

"He was well educated, highly cultivatei, of extensive as weli as varied in-
formation,_ and .very .studious. He spent considerable of his time in the patient
and. persistent scanning of. a number of very rate' old books an:;i 'ancient mami-
scripts- which he seemed to be deciphering, tratisiat'ing''orrewriting. These
books. and manuscripts. together with his own writings,- 'he' never showed 't'o _any-
one; and he .did not even- mention them in his cotiv'ersations: with the family, ex-
cept in the most casual way; and he always locked them up carefully in a large,
old-fashioned, cubically shaped, iron-bound, heavy oaken chest, whenever he left
his room, even for his meals. He took long and frequent walks alone, sat on the
brows of the neighboring hills, or mused in the midst of the green and flower-
gemmed meadows, He was fairly liberal--but in no way lavish--in spending his
money, with which he was well supplied. He was a quiet, though a very genial and
very interesting member of the family; and he was seemingly at home upon any and
every topic coming up in conversation. He was, in short, one whom everyone would
notice and respect, whom few would feel well acquainted with, and whom no one
would presume to question concerning himself--as to whence he came, why he tarried
or whither he journeyed."

"By something more than a mere coincidence, the committee appointed by the
Colonial Congress to design a flag accepted an invitation to be guests, while at
Cambridge, of the family with which the Professor was staying. It was here that
General Washington joined them for the purpose of deciding upon a fitting emblem.
By the signs that passed between them, it was evident that General Washington
and Doctor Franklin recognized the Professor, and by unanimous approval, he was
invited to become an active member of the committee. During the proceedings
which followed, the Professor was treated with the most profound respect and all
his suggestions immediately acted upon. He submitted a pattern which he con-
sidered symbolically appropriate for the new flag, and this was unhesitatingly
accepted by the six other members of the committee, who voted that the arrange-
ment suggested by the Professor be forthwith adopted. After the episode of the
flag, the Professor quickly vanished; and nothing further is known concerning him.

"Did General Washington and Doctor Franklin recognize the Professor as an

emissary of the Mystery School which has so long controlled the political desti-
nies of this planet? Benjamin Franklin was a philosopher and a Freemason--pos~
sibly a Rosicrucian initiate. He and the Marquis de Lafayette--also a man of
mystery--constitute two of the important links in the chain of circumstance that
culminated in the establishment of the original thirteen American colonies as a
free and independent nation. Dr, Franklin's philosophic attainments are well
attested in Poor Riaha:t'd's Almanac, published by him for many years under the name
of Richard Saunders. His interest in the cause of Freemasonry is also shown in
his publication of Anderson's Constitutions of Freemasonry

"It was during the evening of July 4,. 1776, that the second of these
mysterious episodes occurred. In the ol.d State House in Philadelphia, a group
of men were gathered for the momentous, task.9f.severing the tie between the old
country and. the. new . It was a grave moment,. and not a few of those present
feared that their.lives would be the f9rfeit for their audacity . In the midst
of the de.bate. a fierce voice rang out .. The ..debaters. stopped and turned . to look
upori the 11tranger . Who was this.mat! wh(! _had suddenly ,appear.ed ,in: their midst
and had transf.ixed them with his oratory? They had never seen.him before, none
'"itnew'when he Ii.adentere.d; but his tall form ,and pale face filled. them with awe.
His voice ringing with .a holy zeal, t:he stranger, stirred ;.them. to their very
souls. His. c;losing-~words rang through the building, 'God has given'lmerica to
be free!' .As the, stranger .sank a .chair, exhauste.d, a wild' enthusiasm burst
forth. Name:after name was placed ,upon .. the :parchment: the Declaration of In-
deperi~ence w<!i; signe4. , But where was t_he mi;m who had. precipitated :the :a'ccomp-
lishment of this task--who had lifted for a moment the veil from the
eyes of the assemblage and revealed_ ,to,:t.i\em a .Part at least. of the great:' purpose
for which the new nation was conceived? .. He. had disappeared, nor was. he, ever
seen or his identity established: Tpis episode . parallels others.of a'. similar
kin:c(,recorded by. .ancient h:l.storiaI!S at,tendant, upon the founding of every new
nat:!pri; Are they coincidence, or do i:hey _indicate .that the divine wisdom of the
ancient mysteries still is present in the world, serving it-did of



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