Risk Based Process Safety Design
Risk Based Process Safety Design
Risk Based Process Safety Design
ioM osa ic C or p or a tion
A Systematic Approach
It is always possible to identify scenarios that would be catastrophic for the sys-
tem being designed. Process and emergency relief system (ERS) design does not
necessarily need to address the worst scenario someone can identify. A line must
be drawn (or a gray area defined) between likely scenarios and unlikely ones. For
example, a process might use substance chloride, which is known to react vigor-
ously with water. If water is not present at the site, there is no need to address
that reaction scenario in ERS design. If water is on-site, but is not used in the
same process as chloride there is still no need to address B in ERS design. If wa-
ter is not used in the same process as chloride, but they share a storage facility,
then, depending on the circumstances, it might make sense to include a chlo-
ride/water reaction scenario in ERS design.
Risk-based approaches
to decision-making have
gradually gained ground
in process safety.
Figure 1
Process Safety Design: Some Recent Regulatory Requirements and Industry Guidelines
In many cases, companies have been revisiting process design basis issues to meet recent regula-
tory requirements and industry guidelines. These include:
Process Safety Management (PSM) Rule. The Occupational Safety and Health Administrations PSM
rule, issued in 1992, addresses the process safety management of highly hazardous chemicals.
The rules process safety information, process hazard analysis, and pre-startup safety review ele-
ments address activities related to process design and documentation. Under the process hazard
analysis element, for example, regulated facilities must conduct a process hazard analysis and es-
tablish priorities for implementing risk-reduction measures. But while the OSHA rule requires hazard
evaluation and prioritization, it does not emphasize risk-based approaches to managing process
State Regulations. The OSHA PSM rule follows the regulatory lead taken by California, New Jersey,
and Delaware for the management of process hazards. In California, facilities that store acutely
hazardous materials (AHMs) must prepare a Risk Management and Prevention Program (RMPP) to
document how AHMs are handled to minimize the possibility of a release. The RMPP law states that
the RMPP shall be based upon an assessment of the processes, operations, and procedures of the
business, and shall consider the results of a HAZOP study . . . and an offsite consequence analysis.
From these studies, facilities develop risk assessments that guide risk mitigation and emergency
response planning.
Industry Guidelines
AIChE CCPS Guidelines. Since 1985, the Center for Chemical Process Safety, a part of the American
Institute of Chemical Engineers, has worked to promote process safety among those who handle,
use, process and store hazardous materials. CCPs publishes a series of publications covering the
full range of technical and management issues in process safety and design, including the forth-
coming ----- [Guidelines for Selecting the Design Basis for Process Safety Systems].
Responsible Care. Introduced in 1988, the Responsible Care program of the Chemical Manufactur-
ers Association requires each member organization to establish six key program elements, including
guiding principles, codes of management practice, and public advisory panels. Management prac-
tice codes include the Process Safety Code. Its four elements cover management leadership, tech-
nology, facilities, and personnel, emphasizing company objectives rather than specific prescribed
API/CMA Recommended
Recommended Practice 752. Issued in 1995, this recommended practice employs a risk-
based approach for management of hazards associated with location of process plant buildings.
Both flammable and toxic hazards are addressed as well as the frequency and consequences of
hazardous material releases. The intent is that the relative risk of individual buildings should be
identified and used in planning and projects that involve building changes.
Case Study
Reducing Mitigation Costs Using a Risk-Based Approach
A worldwide chemical manufacturer investigated best available technology options for risk
reduction in two processes and found that optimal results would require a $2.5 million capital
expenditure. Seeking a fresh angle on the technology and science of risk reduction, the com- A core design is defined
pany asked Arthur D. Little to help its technical staff explore cost-effective alternatives for reach-
ing an equalor superiorlevel of risk reduction. Working closely with the companys scientists by heat and material
and process engineers, we used a risk-based approach to develop and rank risk-reduction
measures and their costs. The approach, which included the evaluation of areas such as the
design basis for pressure relief system sizing, drew on recent advances in emergency relief sys-
balances and basic process
tem and mitigation design. controls.
After collaborating with the company team on the development of risk matrices for risk-
reduction alternatives, we helped present the alternatives to their senior management. The ma-
trices showed that the most significant risk reduction could be achieved at a cost of $200,000,
and that almost no further reduction could be achieved by spending additional money. The com-
pany immediately benefited from this work by achieving optimal risk reduction in two processes
for one-tenth of the original cost estimate. The study also provided documentation for meeting
new U.S. process safety management regulations. Most important, the savings increased the
capital available for technology upgrades and risk reduction in the companys other processes.
For example, consider a company that has toxic-impact criteria limiting off-site
vapor cloud concentrations to a specific, quantified level of concern. By perform-
ing vapor cloud dispersion calculations (through a quantitative characterization
of the consequences of potential releases) the company can determine whether
specific loss-of-containment scenarios associated with specific failures exceed
the toxic impact criteria. If the scenario consequences do not exceed off-site
toxic impact tolerability criteria, then there is no need to continue with an analy-
sis of event likelihood or further risk quantification.
By performing vapor
cloud dispersion
calculations the company
can determine whether
Case Study specific loss-of-containment
Evaluating Risk Reduction Alternatives Using a Risk-Based Approach scenarios associated with
A facility belonging to a large chemical manufacture was producing a family of chemicals that
specific failures exceed the
react vigorously with water, generating corrosive and toxic by-products. The production process
utilized water-cooled heat exchangers for condensing and cooling the process streams. Given toxic impact criteria.
the hazard potential due to exchanger leaks, the facility had embarked of a program to reduce
the risk of such and event. However, they needed a way to determine which risk reduction op-
tion or combination of measures was the most effective.
Working closely with the companies operations and design engineers, we utilized elements of a
risk-based approach to determine the relative benefit of various risk mitigation alternatives. The
approach involved a qualitative estimate of the consequences of exchanger leaks, since almost
any size leak would result in an undesirable outcome. A quantitative determination of the likeli-
hood of such events for different risk reduction measures, was also conduced to establish the
relative benefit of the various options. The results were presented to a group of engineers and
managers, to allow them to decide which option would meet their risk tolerability criteria. The
company opted for the inherently safer solution of substituting a non-reactive coolant for water.
While the selected design approach was not the lowest capital cost alternative, there were off-
setting operating cost benefits in terms of less maintenance cost, down-time, and administrative
1. Identify failure scenarios. When designers have established a core process de-
sign, they can address things that can go wrongfailure scenarios that might re-
quire a process safety system. Process hazard analysis techniques and past ex-
perience provide information on possible failure scenarios.
5. Determine
Determine risk tolerability. Determining risk tolerability means asking Can
weand our stakeholderstolerate this level of risk? Guidance on tolerable lev-
els of risk can be gained from established risk criteria. If the criteria, when
applied, indicate a tolerable level of risk, then the design of the process or the
emergency relief system is satisfactory from a risk standpoint. If the criteria indi-
cate intolerable risk, the next Step is to reduce risk through further design.
Because attitudes about the tolerability of risks are not consistent, there are no
universal norms for risk tolerability. What your stakeholders view as a tolerable
risk will depend upon a number of factors, including the following:
The nature of the risk. Is it a voluntary risk, one that those who are at risk accept
as part of a choice? Or is it involuntary?
Who or what is at risks. Does it affect a single person or many people? What
about the surrounding environment? Is it an industrial landscape already altered
by past uses, or a pristine or prized natural setting? Are important water or other
resources at risk? Residential neighborhoods? Schools?
The degree to which the risk can be controlled or reduced. Process safety design
and especially emergency relief system design focus in large part on this issue.
Making the case for a tolerable risk requires that the methods supporting the
design basis be technically sound and defensible, clearly documented, and accu-
Past experience. Uncertainty regarding the risk impact influences the risk takers
tolerability. For example, the average person understands the risk of driving an
automobile but is uncertain regarding the risk of nuclear power generation.
Finally, attitudes toward risk change over time. Given all of these variables, how
does a company establish risk tolerability criteria that can effectively contribute
to decisions about the tolerability of certain consequences, likelihoods, and
Once a company has established specific risk criteria, they can be used to check
outcomes throughout the design process, at Steps 3, 5, and 8 of the approach
outlined above. This iterative approach builds consistency into the process and
increases the likelihood of making risk-based choices early in design--where they
Figure 4:
Representative Risk Tolerability Criteria
Threshold Impact Criteria for Fence or Property Line employ standard damage criteria,
such as toxicity, thermal radiation, or blast overpressure, together with consequence mod-
eling, to determine whether potential impact at the facilitys fence or property line exceeds
a tolerable threshold.
Single ver
sus Multiple Component Failures provide a qualitative approach to how many
component failures will be tolerated. For example, a company might choose to tolerate
event scenarios that require three independent component failures; to conduct further
analyis of event scenarios triggered by two failures, and not to tolerate events arising from
single failures.
Critical Event Frequency addresses event scenarios with a defined high-consequence im-
pact. Examples would be a severe injury, a fatality, critical damage to the facility, or im-
pacts on the surrounding community. Companies often use a range of threshold frequen-
cies for these scenarios, depending upon the extent and nature of potential worst-case
Risk Matrix criteria use qualitative and semiquantitative frequency and severity categories
to estimate the risk of an event. Events with a low risk ranking are considered tolerable.
Individual Risk Criteria consider the frequency of the event or events to which an individual
might be exposed, the severity of the exposure, and the amount of time for which the indi-
vidual is at risk. While no consensus exists on appropriate thresholds, a maximum risk to Risk managers and
the public of 1 x 10-5 fatalities per year is not unusual among companies that use these
criteria. environmental managers at
Societal Risk Criteria can be used instead of or in addition to individual risk criteria and many companies face
provide a more detailed evaluation of the distribution of risk. In other words, societal risk
criteria explicitly address both events with a high frequency and low consequence and unremitting pressure to run
events with a low frequency and high consequences. This class of criteria can be useful to
companies that have recently experienced an adverse event and cannot tolerate another, their activities lean and
no matter how small its likelihood.
control and justify costs.
Risk Matrix and Cost Threshold can account for the risk reduction level provided by a de-
sign enhancement and its cost. In cases where the benefit of a risk reduction step is large
and its cost is small, the way forward is obvious. But most design situations are not that
simple, For example, an enhancement or alternative that reduces a high risk to a medium
risk and costs $15,000 may be considered feasible and effective, as might an alternative
that costs $450,000 and reduced a high risk to a low risk. In these situations, a risk matrix
and cost threshold with definite rules can help clarify decision-making.
When deciding among the hierarchy of mitigation options, designers should avoid
the pitfall of project mentality, i.e., focusing only on minimizing capital cost. As
Figure 5 suggests, inherently safer approaches may have higher initial invest-
ment, however, the cost of maintaining an active system to obtain an equivalent
level of risk reduction can be significant. Therefore, the correct approach should
be to consider the life-cycle cost of the design options, before making the final
Inherently safer
approaches may have
Inherently Safer design solutionseliminate or mitigate the identified hazard by
using materials and process conditions that are less hazardous. For example, higher initial investment,
faced with the hazard posed by a flammable solvent, designers might seek to however, the cost of
substitute water. When large inventories of hazardous intermediates increase
risk levels, there may be a way to reduce or eliminate these inventories. maintaining an active
Passive design solutions offer a high level of reliability by operating without any system to obtain an
devices that sense and/or actively respond to a process variable. Examples of equivalent level of risk
passive design solutions include incompatible hose couplings for incompatible
substances and process components, equipment designed to withstand internal reduction can be
deflagration and other very high-pressure hazards, and dikes that contain haz- significant.
ardous inventories with a bottom sloping to a remote impounding area.
Choosing among these types of solutions is not simply a matter of selecting the
most reliable approach. Inherently safer and passive solutions tend to offer high
reliability and low operating costs, but may involve an initial cost that does not fit
with the budget or business plan for the process. Active and procedural solutions
cost less to begin with, but typically involve higher operating costs and are less
reliable (See Figure 6)].
Consider the case of a company that was handling a very energetic substance Involving a person in the
with a highly hazardous reaction. The company had faced incidents with the sub-
stance and was now reviewing two options for reducing the risk posed by the sub-
safety solution means
stance. The first, total containment of the substance in a vessel rated to withstand incorporating human
a maximum pressure level of 1,200 psi, was an inherently safer approach. How-
ever, the cost of this vessel was very high. Furthermore, using such a vessel factors in the analysis.
meant having it sit continually within the facility at a very high pressurea hazard
in and of itself.
The second option was to construct a catch system and allow the reactor to acti-
vate an emergency pressure relief system. This required a reactor vessel with a
lower pressure rating and a large vessel to be used as a catch/quench tank. While
this approach was less expensive, it required the facility to deal with the potential
of a hazardous effluent and to address the reliability of the release system. This
option was found to provide a tolerable risk level and a lower cost of implementa-
ost-Effective Risk Reduction
ioMosaics Consulting
Facility Siting
Risk Assessments
Structural Dynamics
Dr. Melhem is an internationally known pressure relief design, chemical reaction systems,
and fire and explosion dynamics expert. In this regard he has provided consulting and design
W E RE ON THE WEB : services, expert testimony and incident investigation support and reconstruction for a large
WWW .IOMOSAIC . COM number of clients.
93 Stiles Road Dr. Melhem holds a Ph.D. and an M.S. in Chemical Engineering, as well as a B.S. in Chemi-
Suites 103 and 104 cal Engineering with a minor in Industrial Engineering, all from Northeastern University. In
Salem, New Hampshire 03079 addition, he has completed executive training in the areas of Finance and Strategic Sales
U.S.A. Management at the Harvard Business School.
Phone: 603.893.7009 x100 R. Peter Stickles is a consultant with ioMosaic Corporation. He focuses on the development
and implementation of quantitative risk assessment and emergency relief systems design
Fax: 603.893.7885 and has been a lead contributor on many hazard and operability studies involving major pet-
Email: [email protected] rochemical and energy facilities in Europe and North America.