Concure A99 TDS
Concure A99 TDS
Concure A99 TDS
Specification Clauses
Water retention efficiency of 90%. Complies to AS3799-
1998 Water based, acrylic concrete curing compound
Water based and environmentally friendly Provide a water based, acrylic emulsion concrete curing
compound to all newly placed designated concrete surface
Eliminates the need for damp hessian, sand or polythene areas.
The acrylic curing compound must achieve the following
Rapid film formation criteria:
Will not yellow in sunlight
Conform with: AS3799-1998
Water retention efficiency: 90% minimum
Seals concrete surfaces Volume solids content: 40% 1%
Accepts most after trades Concure A99 supplied by Parchem Construction Products
meets the above performance criteria. Application is in
Description accordance with the manufacturers instructions.
Concure A99 is a liquid acrylic emulsion membrane curing
compound, which when applied to fresh concrete dries to a Application Instructions
transparent film of high water retention enabling curing of the Stir contents thoroughly before using.
concrete by reducing loss of water from the concrete.
Spray Concure A99 evenly over the freshly laid concrete as
Design Criteria soon as possible after final trowelling just after the
disappearance of surface bleed water for maximum water
Concure A99 may be applied to the substrate at various coverage retention (approximately 1-2 hours depending on the ambient
rates to achieve the desired water retention efficiency, however temperature and atmospheric conditions).
AS3799 requires materials to be applied in a single coat
application at a coverage rate of 5 m/litre. If spray equipment is not available, apply with a soft brush,
broom or wide nap roller as soon as the concrete surface is
Application rate No. of coats Efficiency (AS3799) hard enough.
5 m/litre 1 >90% Apply to vertical surfaces immediately after the formwork has
been removed.
Test certificates are available on request.
Apply at an even coverage rate of not greater than
Technical Support 5 m/litre.
Parchem offers a comprehensive range of high performance, Ensure the concrete surface is completely free of stains, oils,
high quality repair, maintenance and construction products. In form coatings etc. to obtain good adhesion of Concure A99
addition, the company offers a technical support package to and to avoid discoloration or uneven surface effects.
specifiers, end-users and contractors, as well as on-site technical
assistance. Cleaning
Concure A99 should be removed from tools and equipment
with water immediately after use.
Limitations Estimating
Concure A99 accepts most after trades however please consult
your local Parchem office prior to application of Concure A99
to confirm suitability of after trades. In some instances we will Concure A99 20 litre: FC600909-20L
recommend removal of the Concure A99 by mechanical means
such as a light grind prior to applying subsequent material. Concure A99 205 litre: FC600909-205L
We do not recommend the use of direct stick timber or parquetry Concure A99 1000 litre: FC600909-1000L
flooring products over Concure A99.
Do not brush on to soft, wet concrete or render surfaces which
will be disturbed and thus prevent formation of the curing film. Concure A99: 5m2 / litre
Concure A99 should not be used as the curing compound for
any metallic based integral floor hardeners. Concure CR should Storage
always be used with these products to prevent rusting of the
aggregate. Shelf life
Concure A99 is a milky white stable emulsion. Do not use any Concure A99 has a shelf life of 12 months if kept in a dry store
material which has discoloured. Always first make a test trial in the original, unopened packs. Refer to the Use by Date
application for approval, before proceeding with the job. indicated on the packaging.
Important notice
A Safety Data Sheet (SDS) and Technical Data Sheet (TDS) are available from the Parchem website or upon request from the nearest Parchem sales office. Read the SDS and TDS carefully
prior to use as application or performance data may change from time to time. In emergency, contact any Poisons Information Centre (phone 13 11 26 within Australia) or a doctor for advice.
Product disclaimer
This Technical Data Sheet (TDS) summarises our best knowledge of the product, including how to use and apply the product based on the information available at the time. You should read
this TDS carefully and consider the information in the context of how the product will be used, including in conjunction with any other product and the type of surfaces to, and the manner in
which, the product will be applied. Our responsibility for products sold is subject to our standard terms and conditions of sale. Parchem does not accept any liability either directly or indirectly for
any losses suffered in connection with the use or application of the product whether or not in accordance with any advice, specification, recommendation or information given by it.
Sold under license from Fosroc International Limited. Parchem Construction Supplies Pty Ltd
Fosroc, Concure and the Fosroc logo are trade marks of 7 Lucca Road, Wyong NSW 2259
Fosroc International Limited, used under license. Phone: 1800 624 322
ABN 80 069 961 968
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Distributed in New Zealand by: Concrete Plus Ltd
23 Watts Rd, Sockburn 8042 Ph: 0800 657 156