Blaming by Naming
Blaming by Naming
Blaming by Naming
Reprinted from SOCIAL WORK Volume 37, Number 1 January 1992 Issue 1
Codependency is a popular term for describing Any label that includes more than half the
an expanding population of individuals. This population raises serious clinical questions. An
concept, originally identified by drug and alcohol immediate concern is applying the concept of
counselors, was formulated to describe those codependency to battered women. Calling a
individuals who make relationships with substance woman who is living with a batterer a codependent
abusers, enable them, and fail to leave them even is tantamount to victimizing her again. The prefix
after it becomes clear that the relationship is a co implies shared responsibility for the behavior
damaging one (Rockland County Department of of another, as in coconspirator, coauthor, and so
Mental Health, Alcohol and Substance Abuse forth. Codependency implies shared responsibility
Services, 1989-1990). It appears as if the partners for the abuse, which directly opposes an important
of the substance abusers have a peculiar addiction; segment of the work with battered women -
that is, they are addicted to a person who has an clarifying that women are not responsible for the
addiction. The codependent analysis indicates that violent behavior of their abusers (Frank &
these people seem to need to be with someone (an Houghton, 1987).
abuser) who does not function in a healthy way One can readily see how the codependent label
and cannot or does not meet the codependent might be used to diagnose or explain the situation
persons needs. of a woman who is being abused and does not
The problems of codependent individuals are leave her partner. The implication here is that if a
defined as clearly rooted in deficits of early woman were healthy, she would not be coupled
nurturing, such as abusive or neglectful parenting with an abuser. Codependency suggests that her
(Rockland County, 1989-1990). For example, staying is caused by some early deficit, first in her
codependent behavior seems to be found among environment and then, as a result, in herself. It
many adult children of alcoholics. intimates that a woman finds or even seeks out a
From the original notion that people who violent partner whom she may continue to try to
marry and remain with substance abusers have please, change, and protect, and whom she may not
their own illness, the concept of codependency is leave.
beginning to enlarge (Rockland County, 1989- Research on battered women makes it clear
1990). It is now an ever-widening theory that is that any woman-whether she had alcoholic or non-
commonly used to describe anyone who is coupled drug-abusive parents, is privileged or
with an abusive partner. The current definition of impoverished, has or lacks self-esteem - can find
codependency reads: a pattern of painful herself with an abuser. Having a good childhood
dependency on compulsive behavior and approval is not an insurance policy against coupling with an
seeking in order to gain safety, identity and self- abuser (Schulman, 1979).
worth (Rockland County, 1989-1990). This Most men who assault their partners know that
includes all who are coupled with anyone who is they can, and they have done so, often for years,
viewed as an addict or as compulsive. Then does it with complete immunity. Most men who abuse
also include any person in a marriage that is less their partners believe that it is justifiable and
than adequate? Are all who stay in these appropriate. Women brought up in the same
inadequate marriages, where their needs are not atmosphere share these beliefs.
met, codependent? Societally and culturally, mens abuse of
Frank, P. B., & Houghton, B. D. (1987). Confronting the batterer: A guide to creating the spouse abuse educational
workshop. New York: Volunteer Counseling Service.
Pence, E. (1985). Criminal justice response to domestic assault cases: A guide for policy development. Duluth, MN:
Domestic Abuse Intervention Program.
Rockland County Department of Mental Health, Alcohol and Substance Abuse Services. (1989-1990). Volunteer
Counseling Service training seminars, New York.
Schulman, M.A. (1979). A survey of spousal violence against women in Kentucky. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government
Printing Office.
University of the State of New York, State Education Department. (1982). Addressing domestic violence: A guide for
school personnel. Albany, NY: Author.
U.S. Department of Justice. (1983). Report to the nation on crime and justice: The data. Washington, D.C.: US.
Government Printing Office.
Phyllis B. Frank, MA, is Director, VCS Community Change Project and Assistant Executive Director, Volunteer
Counseling Service of Rockland County, Inc.
Gail Kadison Golden, EdD, MSW, is Clinical Director, Volunteer Counseling Service of Rockland County, Inc., 77
South Main Street, New City, NY 10956. Accepted October 17, 1990