Leone2015 Centifuga Horizontal
Leone2015 Centifuga Horizontal
Leone2015 Centifuga Horizontal
PII: S0260-8774(15)00222-8
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2015.05.011
Reference: JFOE 8168
Please cite this article as: Leone, A., Romaniello, R., Zagaria, R., Tamborrino, A., Mathematical modelling of the
performance parameters of a new decanter centrifuge generation, Journal of Food Engineering (2015), doi: http://
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Mathematical modelling of the performance parameters of a new decanter centrifuge
Department of the Science of Agriculture, Food and Environment, University of Foggia, Via
rb Bowl radius
Cone half-angle
R2 Coefficient of determination
R2adj Adjusted R2
EF Modelling efficiency
H0 Null hypothesis
A new decanter centrifuge, called Eureka, of the pt generation was studied in two different
configurations (with and without water added) to evaluate its performance parameters.
Mathematical models were developed to predict the extraction efficiency and the oil content
in the husk, wastewater and pt as a function of the olive paste mass flow rate. The
suitability of the mathematical models of the performance parameters was evaluated using
various statistical parameters, such as the mean percentage error, the mean bias error, the root
mean square error, the modelling efficiency and the chi-square test. The models developed
The decanter was shown to be able to process olive paste with a high extraction efficiency
that, without water added, could reach 92.5%; sufficiently dry solids and olive oil clarified by
light solids were produced in both of the configurations studied. The decanter was also
demonstrated to be able to switch from one configuration to the other without stopping
1. Introduction
A decanter machine is a horizontal centrifuge that operates continuously to separate solid and
liquid fractions using centrifugal acceleration. The principal inner elements of a decanter
machine include a screw-scroll conveyor mounted concentrically within a bowl. These two
components allow for the mechanical separation of solids that are forced outside the bowl
from liquids (Anlauf, 2007; Letki, 2007; Records and Sutherland, 2001).
The fluid is pumped through a tube placed inside the bowl, which has an internal radius rb
and rotates at an angular velocity . Inside the bowl, the fluid reaches a high centrifugal
acceleration 2r that causes the solids to adhere to the bowl wall. The centrifugal acceleration
intensity varies with the radius and angular velocity of the bowl (Anlauf, 2007; Bell et al.,
2014; Leung, 2007; Records and Sutherland, 2001). The solids that settle around the internal
wall of the bowl are transported outside it by a scroll conveyor, which rotates at a different
angular velocity n respect to the bowl. The conveyors rotation permits the solids transfer
from the cylindrical bowl (i.e., pool section) to the wet and dry conical beach zones via the
solids discharge holes. (Records and Sutherland, 2001; Reif et al., 1990). The liquids flow in
the opposite direction to the solids towards the weir at the end of the cylindrical bowl. The
weir is placed at an optimum distance from the rotation centre (i.e., liquid level radius).
(Berk, 2013; Corner-Walker and Records, 2000; Madsen, 1989). For the fluid to be separated
into its two immiscible liquids constituents with different specific gravities and a solid with a
higher specific gravity than that of either liquid, the decanter is modified to have two liquid
weirs at two different radii: one close to the rotation centre for the lighter liquid and one
farther from the rotation centre for the heavier liquid (Bell et al., 2014, Letki and Corner-
Walker, 2003; Leung, 2007). To avoid cross contamination of the two liquids discharged
from the bowl, floodgates are placed on the external side of the bowl in the casing of the
The high versatility of decanter centrifuges has led to their widespread use in various
industrial applications. In the olive oil extraction industry, the decanter is the most important
mechanical innovation for separating the husk from the liquid phases (Altieri et al., 2013;
recent innovation of olive paste conditioning (Ayr et al., 2015; Catania et al., 2013; Leone et
al., 2014a; Leone et al., 2014b; Tamborrino et al., 2014a; Tamborrino et al., 2014b).
In the 3-phase decanter configuration (Fig. 1a), the olive paste is often conveyed to the
conical side of the bowl into the centrifugal extractor by a variable flow-rate cavity pump.
Inside the bowl, the two liquids (i.e., oil and vegetable water) are discharged through two
different liquid weirs placed on the same side of the bowl (i.e., the cylindrical side), whereas
the solids are discharged through husk holes placed on the opposite side of the bowl (i.e., the
conical side).
Three-phase sedimentation is possible due to the addition of warm water (at the same
temperature of the olive paste) to the paste inlet at a variable percentage of 10-30%. The
addition of water creates a significant flow of wastewater, that requires careful disposal along,
and husks at 50-55% humidity (Dermeche et al., 2013; Pastore et al., 2014; Salvador et al.,
In the 2-phase configuration, the decanter (Fig. 1b) is pre-set with only two outlets: one for
the oil and the other for the wastewater and husk together. Generally in this configuration, the
olive paste is fed from the cylindrical side of the bowl. Two-phase separation can be
performed without the addition of process water. In this process, the final products are olive
oil and husks at 65-70% humidity (Alburquerque et al., 2004; Baccioni and Peri, 2014;
Dermeche et al., 2013; Roig et al., 2006). An important advantages of this type of decanter is
the absence of wastewater, the absence of the process water added and the different olive oil
quality compared the 3-phase separation; however, the husk is significantly moister than the
3-phase decanter husk, which represents a significant disadvantage in terms of disposal costs
and natural resources. Often in order to reduce the humidity, the wet husk is processed again
in a 3-phase decanter, until to obtain husk with low humidity and wastewater. The latest
generation of decanter features innovative geometry, with a longer cylindrical portion of the
bowl, shorter conical sections compared to than those in the traditional geometry, and a
special baffle that ensures greater product performance (Altieri, 2010; Amirante et al., 2010;
Today, decanters used in the olive oil extraction process have specific configurations for 2- or
3-phase operation, and their configuration is not interconvertible from one to the other. Some
olive oil machines manufacturers produce decanters that can operate in 2- or 3-phase
configurations, depending on what adjustments are made. In this case, however, switching
between 2- and 3-phase operation requires stopping the decanter, removing its protective
casing and manually closing the heavy-liquid weirs. This manual operation is difficult during
This study was designed to model the process parameters of a new type of decanter (Eureka,
Barracane s.r.l., Modugno, BA, Italy), specifically, those of the recent generation of decanter
called pt. To date, only three papers have been published on this topic, those by Altieri et
al. (2013), Tamborrino et al. (2015), and Caponio et al. (2014). The authors previously
investigated the performances of two different types of decanter: Megala 450 and Megala
650, Barracane s.r.l., Modugno, BA, Italy. The new model examined in this study, called
Eureka, utilizes mechanical changes to perform two different 3-phase processes: one with
water addition (3-phase-WA), which is similar to the 3-phase decanter previously described,
and one innovative configuration without water addition (3-phase-WW). This decanter is new
and innovative for two different reasons: (1) it uses an innovative 3-phase-WW configuration,
separately discharging olive oil, husks rich in heavy solids at 50-55% humidity and a new by-
product called pt, which contains wastewater enriched by soft solids without pit
fragments with semi-solid consistency; and (2) the new decanter is the only olive oil decanter
that can switch from one configuration to another without stopping the machine. The latter
feature allows for the modulation of by-product characteristics according to the requirements
for disposal or opportunities for their recovery. The pt could represent a by-product having
cheap cost if coupled with improving technologies for the production of biogas or for human
or animal feeding. In addition the absence of the wastewater will avoid its disposal costs.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the performance of the new decanter, to define the
best process parameters and to characterize the composition of the husk and wastewater/pt
Finally, modelling of the decanter performance parameters was made. The modelling will
allow for predictions of changes in the decanter's extraction efficiency and in the composition
of the husk and wastewater/pt as a function of the set olive paste mass flow rate (Mp) and
All tests were performed in the 2014 crop season in continuous mode without stopping the
decanter using a homogeneous batch of olive fruits of the cultivar Coratina (Olea europaea
L.) with a maturity index of 1.4 (IOOC, 2001). Different mass flow rates and different n
values were used. Additionally, three different wastewater/pt discharge radius rwp were set.
The olive oil discharge radius was the same in all tests and was equal to 274 mm, which
represents the distance from the oil discharge weir to the bowl rotation centre. Two test
conditions corresponding to the two different decanter settings (3-phase-WA and 3-phase-
WW) were compared. For each test condition, seven different mass flow rates performed in
triplicate were considered. The minimum and maximum mass flow rates were chosen near the
minimum and maximum flow rate acceptable for the decanter used.
The n were chosen on the basis of mass flow rate values used for the experimental tests,
taking also in account the decanters project specifications whose associate a specific n
value for each mass flow rate value. For 3-phase-WA condition, warm process water (14.4%
of olive paste mass) was added. Table 1 describes the experimental plan.
To calculate the mass flow rates in the input and output components of the decanter, olive
paste, olive oil and wastewater/pt mass flow rates were measured experimentally during
According to the experimental plan, mathematical models were defined for the prediction of
extraction efficiency (E), residual of olive oil in the husk (Oh), residual of olive oil in pt
(Op) and residual of olive oil in wastewater (Ow), based on Mp. The definition of the
mathematical models involved two steps: training and testing. For training in each decanter
configuration, a set of the 21 experimental parameters mentioned above (i.e., seven different
Mp values replicated three times) were experimentally determined and used for the definition
of the equations that best fit the parameter values versus Mp. The models determined were
validated during testing using a set of 24 parameters for each decanter configuration
considered (i.e., twelve different Mp values replicated twice). Using the mathematical models
determined in the training step, the parameters E, Oh and Ow for the 3-phase-WA
configuration, and E, Oh and Op, for the 3-phase-WW configuration were calculated and
compared to the corresponding experimental values to determine the models goodness of fit.
In the training step, the duration of each test was approximately 60 minutes, the first 10
minutes of which was used for decanter stabilization. For the validation step, the duration of
each test was approximately 30 minutes, the first 5 minutes of which was used for decanter
stabilization. In all tests, the olive paste was conditioned in a group of open malaxer machine
connected in series, for 60 minutes at 27 C. In order to have the same malaxation time for
each mass flow rate chosen, the number or the fill volume of the malaxers used for each test
was varied.
The olive oil extraction plant was equipped with an olive cleaning system consisting of a leaf
removing machine (model Tornado, Clemente and C. Snc, Altamura, Ba) and a washing
machine (model Ocean 3, Clemente and C. Snc, Altamura, Ba). The washed olives were
conveyed to a hammer crusher (model Frangolea, Barracane s.r.l., Modugno, BA, Italy), and
then to a group of five malaxer machines (model Gramola 3000, Barracane s.r.l., Modugno,
BA, Italy) connected in series and having a capacity of 2200 kg each one. After malaxation,
the olive pastes were conveyed to the decanter by a cavity pump. For the solid-liquid and
s.r.l., Modugno, BA, Italy) and vertical plate centrifuge (mod. Matic 3000, Barracane s.r.l.,
The new model of decanter centrifuge, Eureka, is able to operate in the two different
In the 3-phase-WA configuration (Fig. 2a), the decanter discharges olive oil, husks (i.e., rigid
and soft solids) at 50-55% humidity and wastewater, whereas in the innovative 3-phase-WW
configuration (Fig. 2b), the decanter discharges olive oil, husks (rich in rigid solids) at 50-
55% humidity and pt consisting of wastewater and soft olive solids. The pt has a semi-
solid consistency.
The decanter is also able to operate in a third configuration. By combining the pt and husks,
A schematic representation of the Eureka decanter centrifuge model with dimensions and
operating parameters is shown in Fig. 3; the corresponding details are listed in Table 2.
The bowl and screw were connected to two different electric motors with 45 and 30 kW of
The decanter was equipped with an automatic system controlled by an operator, who could
adjust the n value. By controlling the inverters of the two electric motors of the bowl and
screw, the system regulates the rotation speeds until they reach an established n value.
The olive oil discharge radius (ro) and waste water/pt discharge radius (rwp) can be
regulated manually without stopping the machine by two different adjusting screws that act
on two mechanical systems that define the position of the exit holes of the wastewater/pt
and oil, changing their distance from the bowl rotation centre.
The experimental tests were conducted using five different mass flow rate values. To rapidly
set the mass flow rate required in a specific test condition, the authors have determined the
correlation existing between the cavity pump motor frequency and the mass flow rate. For
this purpose, an electronic welting system was used. In the experimental tests, seven mass
flow rates were used, which produced seven set frequencies. For each seven frequencies, the
exact mass flow rate was calculated by measuring the time required to welt 500 kg of olive
welting system; otherwise, the husk mass flow rate was determined indirectly based on the
abovementioned parameters. The process water added was measured using a digital flow
A mass balance of the inputs and outputs was performed to calculate the decanter extraction
The mass balance was calculated by considering the following parameters: Mp, the olive
paste flow mass rate (kg h-1); Mo, the olive oil flow mass rate (kg h-1); Mw, the process water
flow mass rate (kg h-1); Mwp, the wastewater/pt flow mass rate (kg h-1); and Mh, the husk
flow mass rate (kg h-1). Mh was calculated based on the other terms using the following
Mh = Mp + Mw Mo Mwp (1)
Mh = Mp Mo Mwp (2)
E 100
2.6. Sampling
For each test, olives were sampled and stored at +1 C until analysis. The olive oil, husk,
wastewater and pt were sampled at regular time intervals of 5 minutes and stored at +1 C
until analysis.
The total oil content was determined using 30 g of olive paste, husk, pt and using 50 g of
wastewater, for each test condition considered. All samples were previously dehydrated until
they reach a constant weight. Each sample was extracted with hexane in an automatic
extractor (Randall 148, Velp Scientifica, Milano, Italy) according to the analytical technique
described by Cherubini et al. (2009). The sample was initially subjected to an immersion
phase at 139 C for 60 min; the porous container of the sample was immersed directly in the
boiling solvent. The sample was then subjected to washing at 139 C for 40 min; the sample
container was then removed from the solvent and reflux washed. The final part of the process
was solvent recovery, which was conducted at 139 C over a period of 30 min. The results
An Mp value of 5640 kg h-1 was used to determine the composition of the olive, husk, pt
and wastewater by sampling them from the decanter during the experimental test. The process
To determine the water and oil contents, the procedure described in Chapter 2.7 was used.
To determine the amount of rigid solids present, 200 g aliquots of olive paste, pt and
wastewater were weighed and placed into Imhoff cones to separate the soft solids from the
rigid solids (i.e., pit fragments). The obtained pits were washed with hexane to remove oil
residues and then dried in a ventilated oven at 105 C until a constant weight was reached.
The mass of soft solids was obtained by subtracting the masses of oil, water and rigid solids
All experimental data were analysed using an analysis of variance (ANOVA) and a post-hoc
Kurskal Wallis test via the Statistical toolbox of Matlab (Mathworks, Inc., Natik, MA,
The performances of the proposed mathematical models were evaluated using the following
statistical parameters:
- chi-square (2).
These statistical analysis allowed for the detection of differences between the experimental
data (Pexp,i) and the model estimates (Ppre,i). These parameters can be calculated as follows:
1 Pexp,i Ppre,i
MPE 100
N i 1 Pexp,i
MBE Ppre,i Pexp,i
N i 1
1 2
RMSE Pexp,i Ppre,i
N i 1
2 2
Pexp,i Pexp,ave Ppre,i Pexp,i
EF i 1
i 1
Pexp,i Pexp,ave
i 1
Pexp,i Ppre,i
i 1 Ppre,i
For the chi-square test (2), the significance level was set to p<0.05, the number of degrees of
freedom was N-1 and the null hypothesis of independence (H0) was that there are no
significant differences among the performance expected and the observed parameters
The experimental plan investigated variations in Mp and n to test the decanter behaviour and
to evaluate the decanters performance parameters. The values of Mp were set based on the
frequency (f) variation in the cavity pump motor used to feed the decanter, whose values are
reported in table 3. The correlation between f and the Mp measured experimentally resulted
The performance results obtained are summarized in Table 3 and Figures 4-9 shows the
corresponding trends. Figures 4, 6 and 8 show the trained prediction models for E, Oh, and
Ow versus Mp for the 3-phase-WA configuration, respectively; figures 5, 7 and 9 show the
trained prediction models for E, Oh, and Op versus Mp for the 3-phase-WW configuration,
respectively. The model that best fit the experimental data was the second-order polynomial
model. The goodness of fit results are shown in Table 4. All models worked well on the
training dataset. In fact, the Radj values were near 90%, with the unique exception for 3-phase-
WA condition showing and Radj of 0.78%, and the RMSE was lower than 0.02 for all
parameters; the SSE values were also low. Higher SSE values were recorded near 1.38 x 10-3,
mathematically trained model in the validation step. For each parameter considered, the
predicted and experimental data series were subjected to the 2 test to reject the null
hypothesis. All data series showed a 2 value significantly lower than those in the 2 table
(2tab = 35.17), considering that the number of degrees of freedom was equal to 23 and that
p<0.05. Thus, the data series were not significantly different, and good correlations were
observed between the predicted and observed parameter values. High values of EF were
recorded ranged 89-98%. Additionally, the MPE and MBE values resulted low, confirming
the good generalization of the mathematical models for predicting the considered parameters
based on Mp. Figs. 10 and 11 show the predicted versus the observed values of E for the 3-
phase-WA and 3-phase-WW conditions, respectively; the R2 values were equal to 0.89 (R2adj
= 0.88) and 0.91 (R2adj = 0.89), respectively, indicating good correlation. This finding was
also confirmed by the low RMSE value, equal to 0.45 and 1.01, respectively.
By analysing the data gathered in Table 3, it is possible to conclude that in the 3-phase-WA
In the 3-phase-WA configuration, the efficiency remained stable for a range of flow rates
greater than that of the 3-phase-WW configuration. In addition, comparing the efficiency
trends of the two configurations decanters (Fig. 12), the values of the 3-phase-WW
Mp near 7500 kg h-1; from 7500 kg h-1 to 9000 kg h-1, significant differences were not
observed, and above 9000 kg h-1, the value of E for the 3-phase-WA configuration was
observed to be significantly higher than the value of E for the 3-phase-WW configuration.
al. in 2015 on a Megala 650 decanter, which is part of the pt generation of decanters but
required the addition of 7-9% water added into the olive pastes. In addition, as reported in a
The results of E are also confirmed by the values of oil content in the husk and
wastewater/pt for the two different configurations, reported in Table 3. The oil content in
the husk increased significantly when either low or high Mp were used but decreased
significantly when intermediate Mp values were used. For both configurations, a significant
increase in oil content in the wastewater and pt between low and high Mp was observed.
Fig. 13 shows that the use of water in the 3-phase-WA configuration enhanced the separation
The opposite situation was observed for the 3-phase-WW configuration, in which the absence
of water worsened the separation of olive oil from the pt (Fig. 13). Consequently, the oil
lost in the husk in the 3-phase-WW configuration was lower than the oil content in the husk
Table 3 shows water content in the husk (Hh) and water content in the waste water (Hw)/
For these parameters, no significant changes in humidity were noted, except for the Hw value.
observed, whereas there were significant differences between Hw and Hp based on mass flow
rate (Fig. 16). This finding demonstrates that 1) the addition of process water to olive paste
does not create a significant increase in Hh between the two configurations and 2) the process
water added into the decanter is necessary to improve the sedimentation of the light solids
from wastewater. Using the 3-phase-WA configuration, the addition of process water allows
for better sedimentation of light solids from the wastewater to the husk, whereas the 3-phase-
WW configurations lack of added process water does not allow for efficient sedimentation of
Finally, it is noted that switching between the two configurations occurred in both directions
in less than one minute which was accomplished by adjusting the radius of the
wastewater/pt weir using a manual tool and opening the process water valve. Additionally,
switching between the two configurations occurred without stopping the machine.
Table 6 show the results of the solid/liquid composition of the input/output of the decanter
From the 3-phase-WA configuration to the 3-phase-WW configuration, the percentage of soft
solids shifted from 12.8% in the wastewater to 18.2% in the pt and increased the percentage
of the rigid solids in the husks (from 28.9% to 33.6%). In addition, no differences in the soft
solid contents in the oil between the two configurations were observed, and no rigid solids
were found in the pt. These results indicate that (1) the absence of added water does not
compromise the clarity of the oil obtained from the solids and (2) the absence of added water
and the optimization of the process parameters of the decanter do not compromise the rigid
solid sedimentation that flows in the husks that do not leave a residue in the pt.
Finally, it is important to emphasize that between the 3-phase-WA configuration and the 3-
phase-WW configuration, average water savings amounting to 14% of the weight of the
Due to the strict laws for the disposal of mills wastewater, to the regularly changing rules,
increased disposal costs, and environmental problems combined with the development of new
technologies for biogas production from wastes, millers require decanters having high
flexibility configuration (with/without process water added) and ability to modulate the
Satisfying this last point would allow millers to modulate wastewater composition based on
its intended use without stopping the decanter. Currently, the typical decanter used for virgin
In this study the decanter Eureka developed show excellent quantitative performance and can
run in two configurations (i.e., with and without added water) with high extraction efficiency,
producing solids sufficiently dry and olive oil clarified by light solids. Additionally, it is
possible to switch from one configuration to the other without stopping the machine. For
currently be disposed of into soil according to local regulations with consideration of disposal
costs. Instead, in the 3-phase-WW configuration without added water, the decanters
discharge pt could be used for the production of biogas or other uses, which could be
valuable. This configuration would also avoid the cost of disposing of wastewater.
the olive paste mass flow show excellent generalization capabilities and would be useful to
determine the efficient use of a decanter. This permits to rapidly adjust the decanters settings
This type of decanter is an important mechanical innovation that could convert wastewater
with no current economic value to a by-product with economic value when coupled with
improving technologies for the use of pt for the production of biogas or for human or
animal feeding. This new process could avoid or significantly reduce the influence of
The authors would like to acknowledge the support of BARRACANE S.r.l. and their
technical staff, who provided insight and expertise that significantly improved this study.
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Fig. 2: Scheme of decanter model Eureka, Barracane s.r.l.: 3-phase-WA configuration (a) and
Fig. 4: Plant extraction efficiency versus olive paste flow mass rate, 3-phase-WA
Fig. 5: Plant extraction efficiency versus olive paste flow mass rate, 3-phase-WW
Fig. 6: Oil content in the husk versus olive paste flow mass rate, 3-phase-WA configuration.
Fig. 7: Oil content in the husk versus olive paste flow mass rate, 3-phase-WW configuration.
Fig. 8: Water content in the wastewater versus olive paste flow mass rate, 3-phase-WA
Fig. 9: Water content in the pt versus olive paste flow mass rate, 3-phase-WW
Fig. 10: Extraction efficiency observed versus predicted values, 3-phase-WA configuration.
Fig. 11: Extraction efficiency observed versus predicted values, 3-phase-WW configuration.
Fig. 12: Extraction efficiency versus olive paste flow mass rate based on post-hoc test;
Fig. 13: Oil content in the waste water/pt versus olive paste flow mass rate based on
Fig. 14: Oil content in the husk versus olive paste flow mass rate based on statistical
significance test.
Fig. 15: Water content in the husk versus olive paste flow mass rate based on statistical
significance test.
Fig. 16: Water content in the waste water/pt versus olive paste flow mass rate based on
Parameter Value
Bowl rotation speed ( ) 1900-2380 rpm
Central pinion shaft speed () 600-1350 rpm
Differential speed (n) 9-30 rpm
Length of the bowl cylindrical section (cyl) 1514.0 mm
Length of the bowl conical section (con) 1335.0 mm
Bowl radius (rb) 325.0 mm
Solis discharge radius (rs) 125.5 mm
Oil discharge radius (ro) variable
Wastewater/pt discharge radius (rwp) variable
Cone half-angle () 8.5
Tab. 3. Decanter performance data
(kg h-1) (Hz) (kg h-1) (kg h-1) (kg h-1) (kg h-1) (kg h-1) (%) (% w.m.) (% d.m.) (% d.m.) (%) (%)
1 3
3480 21.40 501 630 2089 1262 - 87.3 0.8 ab 4.0 0.1 a 9.2 0.3 a 3.1 0.7 e 56.4 1.4 a 90.2 1.8 a
1 3
4591 28.85 661 840 2573 1839 - 88.8 0.7 a 3.1 0.1 b 7.1 0.2 b 12.0 0.2 d 56.3 0.8 a 87.5 1.7 ab
1 3
5640 36.30 812 1050 2965 2437 - 88.9 0.5 a 2.6 0.1 c 6.0 0.1 c 14.1 0.4 c 56.5 1.2 a 85.1 2.2 ab
1 3
6868 43.35 989 1253 3245 3359 - 88.1 1.1 ab 2.4 0.1 d 5.2 0.1 d 16.2 0.4 b 53.4 1.6 a 84.6 1.5 b
1 3
8040 50.40 1158 1470 3682 4046 - 87.8 1.3 ab 2.6 0.1 c 5.5 0.1 cd 18.6 0.4 a 53.0 2.0 a 83.9 1.2 b
1 3
8728 55.20 1257 1546 3973 4466 - 85.6 1.1 bc 2.6 0.1 c 5.5 0.1 cd 19.3 0.6 a 52.8 1.2 a 83.4 2.5 b
1 3
9480 60.00 1365 1685 4409 4751 - 84.5 0.7 c 2.7 0.1 c 5.8 0.1 c 19.8 0.5 a 53.4 1.2 a 83.3 2.5 b
2 4
3480 21.40 - 670 1629 - 1181 91.4 1.1 ab 2.4 0.1 b 5.2 0.3 a 19.0 0.8 c 54.0 1.4 a 78.4 2.0 a
2 4
4591 28.85 - 890 2115 - 1586 92.5 1.0 a 2.1 0.1 c 4.5 0.1 b 18.6 0.8 c 53.7 2.6 a 77.9 0.9 a
2 4
5640 36.30 - 1085 2555 - 2000 92.2 1.4 a 1.8 0.1 d 3.9 0.1 c 19.8 0.9 c 53.4 1.9 a 77.3 2.9 a
2 4
3-phase-WW 6868 43.35 - 1290 3149 - 2429 90.1 1.3 ab 1.6 0.1 e 3.4 0.1 d 23.1 0.9 b 53.2 2.0 a 77.1 1.0 a
2 4
8040 50.40 - 1480 3796 - 2764 88.3 1.2 b 1.9 0.1 d 4.1 0.1 bc 23.8 0.9 b 53.5 0.8 a 76.9 2.0 a
2 4
8728 55.20 - 1550 4091 - 3087 84.9 0.9 c 2.4 0.1 b 5.1 0.2 a 26.2 1.0 a 52.9 1.7 a 76.7 2.5 a
2 4
9480 60.00 - 1640 4542 - 3298 82.3 0.9 c 2.7 0.1 a 5.8 0.2 a 27.0 0.9 a 53.2 2.1 a 76.3 2.7 a
Equation coefficients
Parameter Decanter
(y) configuration y p1 (Mp)2 p2 Mp p3
p1 = -3.15E-09
p3 = 7.87E-01
p1 = -4.82E-09
p3 = 8.09E-01
p1 = 2.29E-09
p3 = 1.84E-01
p1 = 2.18E-09
p3 = 1.24E-01
p1 = -5.17E-09
p3 = -2.14E-01
p1 = 1.58E-09
p3 = 1.85E-01
Parameter MPE MBE EF RSME 2 cal
Tab. 6. Mass balance of decanters input and output materials, calculated considering Mp of 5640 kg
Input Output
* Mw=812 Kg h-1