c 2008 The South African Breweries Ltd (SAB) FEMS Yeast Res 8 (2008) 10181036
Journal compilation
c 2008 Federation of European Microbiological Societies
Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
The yeast S. cerevisiae the main character in beer brewing 1019
behaviour is so distinct that the two main classes of beer The simplified graphical depiction of the beer production
types (ales and lagers) are based on the two yeast types. Ale value chain (Fig. 1) shows the start of the beer-brewing
yeast is genetically more diverse and, similar to weiss yeasts, process in the Maltings and the Brewhouse. The Maltings
ferments at higher temperatures (1824 1C) whereas lager represent the part of the process where barley is converted to
yeast is more conserved and ferments at lower temperatures malt via the malting process (steeping, germination and
(814 1C). Weiss yeast produces beer with spicy, clove, kilning). Two types of barley occur naturally (two- and six-
vanilla and nutmeg flavour notes due to the presence of the rowed) and the malting process activates the natural enzyme
POF gene (PAD1) (Meaden & Taylor, 1991). The volatile systems, which assists in the conversion of starch to fermen-
phenolic compounds such as 4-vinyl guaiacol are formed table sugars. Malt provides fermentable sugars, flavour and
through the decarboxylation of ferulic acid. The phenotypi- colour (dependent on the level of kilning). The Brewhouse
cal characteristics used to distinguish these yeast types represents the part of the process where the raw materials
include colony morphology, microscopic appearance (chain (malted barley, hops, cereals, adjunct and water) are con-
formation by weiss yeast), fermentation characteristics verted into a liquid medium called wort (Rehberger
(flocculation and flavour profiles), growth at 37 1C (ale and & Luther, 1995; Kunze, 1996; Goldammer, 2000a; Boulton
weiss yeasts) and utilization of melibiose (lager strains) and & Quain, 2006). This part of the process is essential because
the presence of the POF gene (weiss yeasts). Besides the its primary aim is to produce wort, which will be the nutrient
differences in phenotypical behaviour, the yeasts can also be source required for yeast growth and fermentation. It is a
distinguished using electrophoretic karyotyping of their rich source of nutrients, containing a mixture of amino
chromosomes (Casey, 1996). acids, carbohydrates, vitamins, inorganic ions and lipids
The Saccharomyces sensu stricto species complex (Vaughan- (Hammond, 1993; Bamforth, 2003). Additionally, the use of
Martini & Martini, 1998) contains some of the most im- hops provides bitterness and a hoppy note with the added
portant species for the food industry, namely, S. cerevisiae benefit of resistance to microbial spoilage due to the impact
(Meyen ex EC Hansen), the agent of wine, bread, ale and of iso-a-acids on Gram-negative bacteria (Simpson, 1993).
weiss beer, and sake fermentations, Saccharomyces bayanus However, some Gram-positive bacteria (Lactobacillus and
(wine and cider fermentations) and Saccharomyces pastoria- Pediococcus) have developed resistance to these acids and are
nus (EC Hansen), which is responsible for lager beer fermen- of particular concern in breweries (Sakamoto & Konings,
tation (Rainieri et al., 2006). Saccharomyces pastorianus (syn 2003).
Saccharomyces carlsbergensis) also contains hybrid strains Wort composition can vary due to the variability in raw
including lager-brewing strains, which are thought to origi- materials (Meilgaard, 1976; Gunkel et al., 2002; Van Nierop
nate from a natural hybridization event that occurred et al., 2006) and processing factors, with potential negative
between a S. cerevisiae strain and a non-S. cerevisiae strain, impacts on yeast performance. Furthermore, the increasing
probably a S. bayanus strain. The existence of two types use of raw materials for biofuel production has already
of genome in lager-brewing strains has been confirmed impacted negatively on raw material availability, price and
(Rainieri et al., 2006). The taxonomy of these industrially quality. The American Renewable Fuel Standard Program
important strains remains problematic and a generalized (US Environmental Protection Agency, 2007) will increase
term for brewing yeast (S. cerevisiae) is used in general in this the volume of renewable fuel required to be blended into
study. gasoline, starting with 4 billion gallons in the calendar year
FEMS Yeast Res 8 (2008) 10181036
c 2008 The South African Breweries Ltd (SAB)
Journal compilation
c 2008 Federation of European Microbiological Societies
Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
1020 E.J. Lodolo et al.
2006 and nearly doubling to 7.5 billion gallons by 2012. The QA management -- the checks and balances
exact ramification of increasing biofuel demands on beer towards the final beverage
brewing into the future is unknown and will require
innovative approaches to address potential shortages. QA equates with customer satisfaction and loyalty (Gryna,
This review will not address in detail the brewhouse 2001). Systems such as Hazard Analysis and Critical Control
process or the final stages of beer production such as Points (HACCP) and ISO 9000 exist to certify the compli-
filtration, packaging and pasteurization. Rather, the spot- ance of the manufacturers to good manufacturing practices
light falls on Cellars, where yeast is the main character, set (Kennedy & Hargreaves, 1997). HACCP is a preventative
against the backdrop of fermentation systems; quality assur- strategy based on the analysis of existing conditions by
ance (QA) management; propagation; fermentation; yeast identifying potential hazards to food safety.
handling (cropping, storage and pitching); and maturation. Ultimately, the brewer aims to produce a beer that will
satisfy the consumer time and again. To achieve this promise
to the consumer, the product needs to comply with its
Cellars specification (content, taste and appearance). Control of the
microbiological status of raw materials (water, cereals and
Fermentation systems
priming sugars), yeast, wort and plant sterility (fermenta-
Fermentation systems have evolved over time. The original tion vessels, process gases, postfermentation plant and
designs were based on yeast properties (top vs. bottom- containers) (Campbell, 2003) is essential to achieve this
fermenting yeast), beer style, tradition as well as availability quest. The challenges the brewer face are numerous. Differ-
of construction material (Boulton & Quain, 2006). The ent microbial contaminants can be present in different parts
types of fermenters range from open and closed squares to of the process due to changing environments (pH changes,
horizontal and vertical cylindrical vessels. The most popular aerobic vs. anaerobic nature, nutrient concentrations, etha-
fermenter style for batch fermentations is the cylindroconi- nol and CO2 concentrations). For a review of beer spoilage
cal fermenter where fermentations are conducted in en- organisms and the stage of the brewing process at which
closed vertical cylindrical vessels with cone shape bases they occur, refer to Vaughan et al. (2005). For a comprehen-
(cylindroconical vessels-CCVs). CCVs have become the sive discussion on beer spoilage organisms, in general, refer
preferred technology in modern breweries due to their lower to Rainbow (1981) and Back (2005).
costs (capital and operating), efficiency (decreased beer Undoubtedly, the essential foundation for quality is
losses, increased vessel utilization, CO2 collection and CIP sound hygiene practices. Hygiene refers to practices asso-
cleaning) and footprint (less area). The most favoured ciated with ensuring good health and cleanliness and can be
material for CCV construction is stainless steel. Its ideal broadly divided into cleaning (environmental and in situ)
properties include strength and rigidity, it is inert and and sanitization practices. The brewers task is to ensure that
corrosion resistant, cleanable, malleable and has good the equipment is as free from unwanted microorganisms as
thermal conductivity. is practically possible by applying hygiene practices. Thus,
Continuous fermentation systems found limited applica- the aim of the brewer is to sanitize equipment rather
tion in the brewing industry mainly due to its lack of than sterilize. Sterilization refers to the total removal of
flexibility and the serious consequences of break-down or unwanted microorganisms, including spores, whereas sani-
microbial contamination (Boulton & Quain, 2006; Inoue & tizing refers to reduction down to an acceptable level using
Mizuno, 2008). Pilot-scale studies on a 20-L reactor system readily available products and technology (Goldammer,
showed that it was feasible to produce lager beer with a 2000b). Cleaning technology has evolved into an automated
continuous, immobilized system. The main fermentation practice due to the automated nature of the modern brewing
was stable for more than 14 months both in fermentation process and the scale of the operations. Enclosed processing
efficiency and in flavour compound formation (Virkajarvi, plant equipment (vessels, piping, heat exchangers and
2001). The development of commercial immobilized reac- fittings) is cleaned using an automated cleaning in-place
tors has been of particular benefit when applied to rapid (CIP) process (Curiel et al., 1993; Cluett, 2001). The CIP of
beer maturation (Pajunen, 1995). However, independent vessels are generally conducted through spray balls or rotary
investigations to optimize different continuous fermenta- jets fitted to the top of the vessel. The solutions are pumped
tions systems met with mixed success, especially in achieving from a central CIP plant that holds water, caustic, acid
the required flavour profiles (Dragone et al., 2007; Inoue & and sterilant solutions (Cluett, 2001). Effective cleaning
Mizuno, 2008). Much more research and optimization of is achieved through the synergistic relationship among
continuous systems will be required before they can replace the four parameters time, temperature, chemical action
the current batch fermentation solutions in the brewing (concentration) and mechanical action (Boulton & Quain,
industry. 2006).
c 2008 The South African Breweries Ltd (SAB) FEMS Yeast Res 8 (2008) 10181036
Journal compilation
c 2008 Federation of European Microbiological Societies
Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
The yeast S. cerevisiae the main character in beer brewing 1021
QA measures are in place to verify the effectiveness of the broader yeast groups could be differentiated did not prove
CIP process. Traditional agar plating techniques using to be the case for lager strains. Differentiation of lager strains
selective cultivation media, such as WL actidione agar (for has been limited because the yeasts within the Saccharomyces
aerobic bacteria), Raka Ray for anaerobic bacteria and lysine sensu stricto group consist of closely related yeast that are
(as a sole nitrogen source) agar for selecting non-Sacchar- genetically conserved (Laidlaw et al., 1996; Montrocher
omyces wild yeast (Walker, 1998; Campbell, 2003), are still in et al., 1998). The capability to differentiate lager strains or
use. The use of swabs to verify cleanliness in selected areas variants of a strain differs dependent on the test. Some of
such as packaging halls can be combined with a beer these genetic tests include restriction fragment length poly-
microbial detection medium such as NBBs (Back, 2005). morphism (RFLP) gene mapping (Meaden, 1996), karyo-
Modern technology supported the developments of rapid typing, which identifies differences in chromosomal length
microbiological methods (Russell & Stewart, 2003) such as (Casey, 1996), amplified fragment length polymorphism
real-time PCR (Kiehne et al., 2005), multiplex PCR (Asano (AFLP) (de Barros Lopes et al., 1999) and PCR-based
et al., 2008; Haakensen et al., 2008) and ATP biolumines- methods on detecting the Ty transposon (Cameron et al.,
cence (Simpson & Hammond, 1989). The use of direct ATP 1979; Coakley et al., 1996). More powerful discriminating
analysis for the assessment of test surface cleanability and tools to characterize nine industrial yeast strains, by exam-
the effectiveness of CIP processes have been reported ining their metabolic footprints (exometabolomes) have
(Storgards et al., 1999; Stanley, 2005). been reported (Pope et al., 2007). They found that for some
The importance of hygiene practices cannot be overstated strains discrimination not achieved genomically was ob-
especially upon considering the main character of brewing. served metabolomically.
Fermentation is a microbiological process and as such the Determination of yeast quality related to fermentation
aim is to exclude unwanted microorganisms (bacterial, performance has been elusive. Viability (number of living
fungal or wild yeast) (Rainbow, 1981; Campbell, 2003). It is cells) was defined as a cells ability to bud and grow, however
essential for the brewer to maintain the integrity of the slowly (Bendiak, 2000). The commonly used viability tests
specific culture yeast used to produce the brands. Wild-yeast are based on the bright-field stains methylene blue (MB)
contamination (any yeast not deliberately used and under (Chilver et al., 1978) and methylene violet (MV) (Smart
full control Gilliland, 1971) will lead to inefficient et al., 1999) and the fluorescent dye 1-anilino-8-naphthale-
fermentations and flavour profile changes. The contaminant nesulphonic acid (MgANS) (McCaig, 1990). In the MB test,
Obesumbacterium proteus (Calderbank & Hammond, 1989) viable cells remain colourless whereas dead cells are stained
grows in wort and early fermentations and can be found in blue. The colourless leuco form is thought to be the result
yeast slurries with the consequence of easy recycling. This of the slow uptake of the dye into viable cells to be oxidized
organism not only produces the unpleasant off-flavour whereas the dead cells cannot exclude the dye or perform
dimethyl sulphide (DMS) but also reduces nitrate to nitrite, this reaction. MB is the most commonly used stain in the
leading to the formation of nitrosamines. Contaminants brewing industry although its reliability has been questioned
should thus be avoided to limit health risks (nonvolatile for viabilities below 90%. An alternative to MB was
nitrosamines), unpleasant off-flavours, pH changes and suggested with the use of MV, which contains fewer impu-
filtration problems. rities and should result in less subjective errors by the
In general, the QA verification of the culture yeast can be operator (Smart et al., 1999). MgANS differentiates dead
divided into microbiological status (free from contami- cells clearly by entering nonviable cells and binding to
nants), culture integrity (the absence of petites and var- cytoplamic proteins to generate yellow/green fluorescence
iants), culture identity verification (fingerprinting) and (McCaig, 1990). Unfortunately, the requirement for fluor-
quality (viability and vitality). Petites (mitochondrial re- escent microscopy has precluded it as a practical application
spiratory-deficient mutants/RD mutants) are the most in breweries.
commonly encountered brewing yeast variants and have Yeast vitality determination has historically been ham-
been reported to impact on fermentation (poor attenua- pered by the complexity of the test and the brewers
tion), flocculation and beer flavour components (Ernandes requirements for a test that is affordable, rapid, simple and
et al., 1993). For this reason, stringent specifications are set reproducible. Numerous reviews discussing the various pro-
to keep the % RD variants low, thus limiting their presence. posed methods have been published (Imai, 1999; Bendiak,
Petites are generally detected using the tetrazolium overlay 2000; Heggart et al., 2000). Vitality has been defined as the
technique (Ogur et al., 1957). capacity of yeasts to initiate metabolism rapidly after
Culture variant detection can be conducted using agar- transfer from a nutrient-poor to a nutrient-rich environ-
plating techniques [Wallerstein Laboratories Nutrient ment (Kaprelyants & Kell, 1992) the ability to endure stress
(WLN) agar, Casey & Ingledew, 1981] as well as molecular and still perform (Axcell & OConnor-Cox, 1996) and the
techniques (Smart, 2007). The relative ease with which the physiological state of the viable cell population (Smart,
FEMS Yeast Res 8 (2008) 10181036
c 2008 The South African Breweries Ltd (SAB)
Journal compilation
c 2008 Federation of European Microbiological Societies
Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
1022 E.J. Lodolo et al.
1996). Advances in technology afford science the opportu- accumulation of irreparable damage to intracellular compo-
nity to now study yeast population characteristics at a nents compromising cell integrity, leading to death and
cellular level. Flow cytometric measurement allows for the autolysis. Senescence is the predetermined cessation of life
analysis of single cells as the suspended yeast cells pass as a result of the genetically controlled progression from
the detector in a single stream. A laser beam is directed on youth to old age (Powell et al., 2000). Replicative senescence
the flow channel and detects cellular components using has been demonstrated in brewing strains. The mean life-
fluorescent probes. This technology has been applied to span is strain specific within the range of 1030 divisions
brewing yeast by numerous workers and has also been used (Powell et al., 2000). The experience of the brewers in the
to determine the physiological state during propagation past dictated the need for fresh propagations. The awareness
(Novak et al., 2007) or vitality determination before fer- of replicative senescence and strain-specific lifespan sup-
mentation (Lodolo & Cantrell, 2007). In this holistic vitality ports the rationale for this practice.
approach, the capacity of the yeast population to perform Traditionally, propagation is a stepwise aerobic process
once it is introduced into production wort is measured with incremental changes in volume and temperature
(Lodolo & Cantrell, 2007). Yeast response to the environ- (Andersen, 1994) and can be divided into laboratory propa-
ment is determined using flow cytometry to measure DNA gation and brewery/plant propagation. The main purpose of
concentration changes relative to nutrient limitation or plant-scale propagation is to provide favourable conditions
natural antimicrobial inhibitors in the wort (Van Nierop for yeast growth. Thus, the requirements of propagators are
et al., 2006). hygienic design, sufficient oxygen supply to maintain an
The advent of consumer demand for novel products aerobic environment (including mixing) and sufficient
requires additional rigour in hygiene practices due to nutrients (amino acids, carbohydrates, vitamins and inor-
compositional changes in these new brands. The composi- ganic ions). The laboratory stage is initiated from the stored
tion on balance can result in an increased microbiological culture (cryovial or slope), which is typically inoculated into
risk due to pH changes, low alcohol or low-hopped beers or 15 mL and then transferred to 200 mL, with the final stage in
products with higher residual sugar concentrations at the the Carlsberg flask (Andersen, 1994). Various plant propa-
end of fermentation. Appropriate QA methodologies need gation systems are in use today. The design considerations
to be in place to enable verification of these novel beverages. include the yield required (terminal yeast count in propa-
gator) and the target inoculation count required for the first
fermentation. Based on these factors, scale-up ratios can be
designed, resulting in propagation vessels of incremental
Propagation is a stepwise, aerobic process where the brewing sizes.
strain of choice is removed from storage to be grown such One disadvantage of propagation plants is the relatively
that sufficient cell numbers, free of contaminants and of the high cost, and alternative approaches are therefore of inter-
desired physiological condition, are obtained to adequately est. Of these alternative approaches, the use of dried yeast or
inoculate (pitch) the zero-generation fermentations (Voigt fed-batch (assimilation technology) is advocated.
& Walla, 1995). Culture maintenance methodologies have Initial investigations into the application of dried yeast
also evolved over time considering the initial exclusive use of showed that under comparable conditions, the same strain
agar slants that developed into alternative methods of of yeast performed similarly when it was dried or fresh
storage in liquid nitrogen at 196 1C (Wellman & Stewart, (Muller et al., 1997). However, separate investigations found
1973) and cryovials at 70 1C (Hulse et al., 2000). The use that ale yeast strains, which exhibited similar results both in
of storage methodology depends on sample integrity pre- dried and in fresh states, did not appear to be affected to the
servation, ease of use and transport implications. same extent as the lager strains (Finn & Stewart, 2002).
Investment in the propagation process is required despite Furthermore, dried lager yeast samples showed character-
the availability of excess yeast, because serial repitching istics different from those of the identical fresh samples, in
and cropping result in the deterioration of the yeast. This terms of flocculation and haze formation. The average
deterioration could be hygiene related (cross-contamination viability of dried yeast was 2030% lower than that of freshly
with other brewing cultures, wild yeast or bacteria), selec- propagated yeast, impacting on haze and foam stability
tion of crops with specific characteristics (trub enriched, (Finn & Stewart, 2002).
increased flocculance, age and cell size) and yeast quality Another alternative advocated is the use of assimilation
related (genetic changes, petite mutants and physiological technology/fed-batch yeast propagations (Thiele & Back,
changes due to stress). Stresses imposed on the yeast during 2007). The process is based on maintaining cells in the
fermentation and yeast handling can lead to cell death logarithmic phase by leaving a certain quantity of yeast
(Powell et al., 2000). Two pathways have been identified: suspension in the tank after removal of assimilated yeast,
necrosis and senescence. Necrosis was defined as the followed by topping up with fresh wort. The implementation
c 2008 The South African Breweries Ltd (SAB) FEMS Yeast Res 8 (2008) 10181036
Journal compilation
c 2008 Federation of European Microbiological Societies
Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
The yeast S. cerevisiae the main character in beer brewing 1023
of assimilation technology/fed-batch yeast propagations in ionic strength, osmolality, pH, rheology of suspending
many commercial plants demonstrated certain advantages. medium, temperature and zymolectins) (Speers & Ritcey,
Because of the uniform high yeast vitality, fermentation 1995; Verstrepen et al., 2003; Strauss, 2005).
times are shorter, pH drop proceeds faster and concentra- The changes in flocculation patterns can negatively im-
tions of diacetyl and other unwanted fermentation by- pact the brewing process in two ways. Poor flocculation
products are lower. The risk of contamination also decreases results in elevated cell numbers which impacts on filtration
due to high yeast vitality. The resulting beers are character- of beer. Conversely, premature yeast flocculation (PYF) is
ized by uniform, good beer quality and less foam-negative the early flocculation of cells during fermentation in the
compounds (Thiele & Back, 2007). presence of high sugar concentrations. This results in high
residual extract, lower ethanol and other quality concerns
(Van Nierop et al., 2006).
The lectin type cellcell interaction (Miki et al., 1982) was
Fermentation is the cumulative effect of the growth of yeast proposed to explain flocculation although cell surface hy-
on wort, ultimately resulting in the spent growth medium, drophobicity (Straver et al., 1993) has been identified as the
beer. Fermentation is the magic early mankind saw. second major factor responsible for flocculation onset. This
A typical lager fermentation requires around 12 days to observation was further supported by the accumulation of
complete and therefore causes a bottle neck in the process. hydrophobic carboxylic acids i.e. 3-hydroxy (OH) oxylipins
The design of breweries compensate for this bottle neck by on cell surfaces during flocculation onset (Strauss et al.,
increasing fermenter size as well as the number of fermen- 2006).
ters. CCVs provide the solution due to their small footprint During fermentation the propagated yeast or cropped
and ideal construction material (stainless steel). yeast from a previous fermentation is inoculated into the
Although science has provided a solid understanding of wort. The CCVs generally feature entry/exit mains, sampling
the biochemical processes (Florkin, 1972), fermentation points, thermometer pockets, automatic temperature con-
management remains an art of balancing yeast growth and trol (cooling jackets with a coolant), antivacuum relief valve,
metabolism such that the desired flavour compounds are CO2 exhaust, CIP inlet and a man way door. Some con-
formed within the required process time. A successful out- straints of CCVs are mixing efficiency, maximum height to
come is dependent on the use of a highly viable/vital, pure diameter ratios and homogeneous temperature control
yeast strain of choice. The process control parameters such (Knudsen, 1978).
as sufficient nutrient supply, correct inoculation (pitching) The fermentation process initiates with the utilization of
rate, optimized dissolved oxygen (DO) addition and tem- glucose in the glycolytic pathway to pyruvate, the major
perature control assist in controlling yeast growth rate and branch point between the fermentation process and the
extent. Typically, oxygen is the growth-limiting nutrient and citric acid cycle (Krebs cycle). During fermentation, a net
serves as a fermentation control point. Overall balance in of two ATP molecules are formed as pyruvate is converted
growth (nutrient uptake and by-product release) is required via acetaldehyde to ethanol and carbon dioxide. The carbon
for consistent, brand-specific beer quality. dioxide formed during fermentation can potentially have a
Yeast flocculation characteristics dictate the fermenter negative or a positive impact on overall brewery perfor-
design. Ale yeast (top yeast) exhibit flotation and have the mance. The potential negative impact has been observed
ability to trap CO2 bubbles to form a yeast head at the top when yeast exhibits poor fermentation performance.
of fermentation vessels where the yeast can be scooped off. Carbon dioxide is toxic to the yeast cell and efficient
CCVs are ideally suited to lager strains (bottom yeasts) nucleation from the fermenting wort is required to mini-
because the cells clump together, resulting in flocs that mize impacts on yeast (Kruger et al., 1992). Supersaturation
sediment from the medium to settle in the bottom of CCV of carbon dioxide due to poor pressure release in fermenters
cones. This strain-dependent phenomenon is termed floc- exacerbates the toxic effects. One practice advocated is
culation (Speers et al., 1992; Verstrepen et al., 2003) and the use of cloudy wort rather than clear wort with the
evidence exists that a number of FLO genes play a role potential proposed benefits of lipid material and carbon
(Teunissen & Steensma, 1995). Various factors affect floccu- dioxide nucleation sites (OConnor-Cox et al., 1996b; Stew-
lation. They are factors that affect FLO gene activity (nutri- art & Martin, 2004). However, a negative impact of cloudy
tion, temperature, ethanol and other); the genetic wort on fermentation performance and product quality was
background of the specific strain (sensory mechanisms, demonstrated. It was argued that better process control can
transcription and translation of FLO genes, incorporation be achieved by rather supplying the DO requirements for
of proteins in cell walls) and factors affecting cellcell optimal lipid formation and to provide nucleation sites with
interactions in floc formation (agitation, calcium concen- the addition of yeast stimulants (OConnor-Cox et al.,
tration, carbohydrate concentrations, cell shape and size, 1996b). The recovery of carbon dioxide from fermenters
FEMS Yeast Res 8 (2008) 10181036
c 2008 The South African Breweries Ltd (SAB)
Journal compilation
c 2008 Federation of European Microbiological Societies
Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
1024 E.J. Lodolo et al.
has been weighed against the capital expenditure of fitting a has been characterized and three maltose utilization genes
recovery plant. However, the global concern regarding the (MAL genes) are involved (Walker, 1998). The expression is
control of gas emissions into the atmosphere and the regulated by maltose induction and repressed by high
availability of carbon dioxide for beverage carbonation glucose concentrations (41% w/v) (Stewart, 2006).
makes carbon dioxide recovery a more viable option with Different carbohydrate ratios have been shown to affect
positive ramifications for a brewery. fermentation performance negatively, particularly in worts
The performance of yeast during fermentation will be where glucose is the predominant carbohydrate. Separate
considered in more detail under the topics: carbohydrate investigations provide some explanation of the underlying
utilization, nitrogen uptake, mineral requirements, oxygen mechanisms impacting negatively on yeast. Exponentially
effects on yeast metabolism, mitochondrial roles and petites, growing cultures under fermenting conditions with glucose
flavour formation and beer sulphur components. as the carbon source (YPD, 1% yeast extract, 2% peptone,
2% glucose) or under respiring conditions with glycerol
(YPG, 1% yeast extract, 2% peptone, 3% glycerol) were
Carbohydrate utilization
challenged with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) for 45 min. There
The two major nutrient classes impacting brewing yeast was a marked increase in protein damage in cells grown in
performance are carbohydrates and nitrogenous com- YPD with a moderate increase in protein carbonyls for cells
pounds. Assimilation of the individual nutrients is depen- growing in YPG (Cabiscol et al., 2000). The work on calorie
dent on the yeast response to the various components. restriction (CR) is of particular interest because CR is known
Brewing strains can utilize various carbohydrates (glucose, to extend lifespan. Imposing moderate CR in S. cerevisiae by
sucrose, fructose, maltose, galactose, raffinose and malto- reducing the glucose concentration from 2% to 0.5% in rich
triose), with the major distinguishing difference between ale media has extended the replicative lifespan (Easlon et al.,
and lager strains being the capability of lager yeasts to 2007). These findings were further supported when cultures
ferment melibiose. The generalized sugar uptake pattern growing in maltose and glucose media were compared and
initiates with sucrose, which is hydrolysed, causing an yeast exhibited higher viabilities in maltose than in glucose
increase in glucose and fructose concentrations. The uptake media (Stewart, 2006). The impact of carbohydrate ratios on
then follows the route of simplest sugars (the monosacchar- yeast fermentation performance is thus a matter that requires
ides glucose and fructose) first, followed in increasing order careful consideration by the brewer.
of complexity by disaccharides (maltose) and trisaccharides One option a brewer has to address plant capacity
(maltotriose) excluding maltotetraose and other dextrins constraints is to ferment at higher gravities. However, high-
(Boulton & Quain, 2006; Stewart, 2006). gravity worts (4161P) exert a negative effect on fermenta-
Fructose and glucose are transported across the cellular tion performance. Although elevated osmotic pressure was
membrane by common membrane transporters in a facili- identified as the major negative influence, the dilution of
tated diffusion process (Zimmermann & Entian, 1997). Two other essential nutritional factors such as amino acids also
glucose uptake systems are recognized: low-affinity (consti- contributes towards poor fermentation performance. Global
tutively expressed) and high-affinity transporter, which is gene analysis studying the osmotic stress response during
repressed in the presence of high glucose concentrations. anaerobiosis showed that the osmotic stress response en-
Catabolite repression (inactivation of the high-affinity compasses the presumed oxidative stress response. Anaero-
transport system) has been shown to occur only in fermen- bic cells adapted faster due to the high intrinsic glycerol
tative yeast strains. The affinity of the glucose carrier production (Krantz et al., 2004). This highlighted the role of
towards its substrate may not only depend on the availability the high-osmolarity glycerol (HOG)-signalling pathway
of glucose but also the presence of oxygen and the growth (Hohmann, 2002) in cellular adaptation to hyperosmotic
rate and energy status of the cell (Walker, 1998). shock. Tolerance to stress, including osmotic pressure, is
Maltose is the major sugar of wort, accounting for associated with accumulation of trehalose. Evidence of
5055% of the total carbohydrate content of wort compared trehalose accumulation under osmotic stress conditions
with 1014% for maltotriose. The maltose uptake mechan- was demonstrated in lager yeast fermentations using very
ism involves two systems: an energy-dependent maltose high gravity wort (up to 251P) (Majara et al., 1996).
permease (ATP converted to ADP) which transports the
maltose intact across the cell membrane, and maltase
Nitrogen uptake
(a-glucosidase), which hydrolyses maltose internally to yield
two units of glucose. Maltotriose has an independent One of the major functions of malt is to supply assimilable
energy-dependent permease for intact transport but shares nitrogen sources to the yeast. The main sources of nitrogen
the a-glucosidase, which hydrolyses maltotriose to yield in wort are amino acids, ammonium ion and some di- and
three units of glucose. The high-affinity maltose transporter tripeptides. The majority of wort-free amino nitrogen
c 2008 The South African Breweries Ltd (SAB) FEMS Yeast Res 8 (2008) 10181036
Journal compilation
c 2008 Federation of European Microbiological Societies
Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
The yeast S. cerevisiae the main character in beer brewing 1025
(FAN) is utilized by yeast for protein formation (structural levels by Inositolphosphosphingolipid phospholipase C
and enzymic) required for yeast growth (Pierce, 1987) and (Isc1p) (Almeida et al., 2008). Isc1p require magnesium for
other functions such as osmoregulation (Hohmann, 2002). optimal activity and is posttranslationally activated by
The level and composition of wort FAN also has a huge translocation into the mitochondria (Almeida et al., 2008).
impact on higher alcohol, ester, vicinal diketone (VDK) and Magnesium is the most abundant intracellular divalent
H2S formation due to the role of amino acid metabolism in cation in yeast where it acts primarily as an enzyme cofactor
the formation of these flavour compounds (Pierce, 1987; and a correlation has been demonstrated between cellular
OConnor-Cox & Ingledew, 1989). Conditions that stimu- Mg21 uptake and alcoholic fermentation in industrial
late fast yeast growth (high temperature and high DO strains of S. cerevisiae (Walker, 1998). Trace levels of zinc
concentrations) will lead to high FAN utilization, which are essential for the structure and function of 4300
can lead to flavour imbalances. Amino acids are utilized by enzymes such as alcohol dehydrogenase (the terminal step
yeast in a sequence that appears to be independent of the in alcoholic fermentation) and the critical component of
fermentation conditions. Based on this observation, the structural motifs such as zinc fingers. In S. cerevisiae, zinc
wort amino acids were catagorized into groups (Pierce, homeostasis is regulated by the controlled activity of zinc
1987). However, this uptake pattern may be strain depen- uptake transporters in the plasma membrane and transpor-
dent (Kruger et al., 1991). Group A amino acids are utilized ters responsible for intracellular zinc compartmentalization.
first (arginine, asparagine, aspartate, glutamate, glutamine, The activity of these transporters is regulated at both
lysine, serine and threonine), followed by the slower disap- transcriptional and posttranscriptional levels in response to
pearance from wort of Group B amino acids (histidine, zinc (Eide, 2003).
isoleucine, leucine, methionine and valine). Group C amino Analysis of fermentations using defined media experi-
acids (alanine, glycine, phenylalanine, tyrosine, tryptophan mental fermentations showed that yeast fermentation per-
as well as ammonia) are only absorbed after the complete formance depended on complex interactions between
removal of group A amino acids. potassium, magnesium and calcium (Chandrasena et al.,
Group D contains only proline, which is poorly utilized. 1997). Statistical modelling based on wort composition
It has no free amino group and therefore cannot be could prove to be a useful tool to predict yeast performance;
transaminated. The uptake of the amino acids requires a however, the malt wort fermentations failed to match the
number of permeases, some specific for individual amino model predictions, indicating the influences of other com-
acids and a general amino acid permease (GAP). Uptake is ponents in brewers wort. The true complexity of wort
subjected to nitrogen catabolite repression (Grenson, 1992) composition, and all the factors that contribute towards its
and is active, requiring energy (Hinnebusch, 1987). unique properties to support brewing yeast fermentations, is
still not fully understood.
Mineral requirements
Oxygen effects on yeast metabolism
Minerals are required in the micromolar or the nanomolar
range as trace elements necessary for growth (Jones & DO supply to brewing yeast fermentations is necessary
Greenfield, 1984). In nature, the trace minerals can be found to achieve balanced fermentations resulting in the desired
in wort in levels adequate for fermentation performance. end product (Kirsop, 1982; Lodolo, 1999). Molecular
However, the advent of higher gravity fermentations and oxygen has multifaceted roles in yeast physiology (Fig. 2)
poor barley crops can result in wort deficient in these and various genes are differentially expressed in response to
minerals. For the purpose of this review, only the trace different oxygen environments to regulate cellular metabo-
elements calcium, copper, iron, magnesium and zinc will be lism (Zitomer & Lowry, 1992). In addition to differences in
discussed. The roles of these trace elements are diverse as is gene expression under aerobic and anaerobic growth condi-
demonstrated by the selected examples below. The signifi- tions, cells respond to decreases in oxygen tension. These
cance of calcium uptake in yeast lies in the multifunction genes (hypoxic genes) are induced at low oxygen tension
roles as a second messenger in the modulation of growth (DOT) and are repressed by haeme, which serves as an
and metabolic responses of cells to external stimuli. Calcium intermediate in the signalling mechanism for oxygen levels
also plays a crucial role in flocculation although the exact in yeast cells (Zitomer & Lowry, 1992). The biosynthesis of
function is still debateable. Copper and iron act as cofactors haeme requires oxygen, and the supply of oxygen to yeast
in several enzymes including the redox pigments of the cells at the start of fermentation has a primary role in its
respiratory chain. Iron is required as a building block for biosynthesis.
haeme formation (Abbas & Labbe-Bois, 1993). Iron was Secondly, oxygen is an essential nutritional element for
further implicated in cellular redox homeostasis, oxidative the biosynthesis of ergosterol and unsaturated fatty acids
stress resistance and lifespan through the modulation of iron (UFA) (Rattray et al., 1975). The sterols and UFA are
FEMS Yeast Res 8 (2008) 10181036
c 2008 The South African Breweries Ltd (SAB)
Journal compilation
c 2008 Federation of European Microbiological Societies
Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
1026 E.J. Lodolo et al.
Amino acids,
Respiratory inorganic ions
Haeme Activated genes
Oxidative damage
Palmitoleic acid (C16:1)
Unsaturated lipid
(oxygen credit) Oleic acid (C18:1) Membranes
Pro-mitochondria Mitochondria
Ethanol, CO2,
carbonyls, fusel
alcohols, esters,
fatty acids,
sulphur Fig. 2. Graphical summary of the multifaceted
compounds anabolic roles of oxygen in yeast metabolism.
incorporated into the membrane bilayer structure (Prasad & were also noted after a significant lag period. Furthermore,
Rose, 1986) of growing cells. Cell membranes support anaerobically grown cells showed a rapid loss in viability on
cellular function because the uptake of nutrients occurs exposure to oxygen while aerobically grown cells were
across this natural barrier (Walker, 1998). Yeast that is not unaffected. They concluded that the toxic effect of oxygen
provided with an adequate oxygen supply will possess was due to superoxide (or species derived from it) and that
inferior membranes with a reduced transport capability SOD1 played a role in protecting the cells. Other workers
and a reduced ability to withstand osmotic stresses and high (Corson et al., 1999) also demonstrated that the absence of
exterior ethanol levels (Piper et al., 1984). the predominantly cytosolic SOD1 caused vacuolar frag-
The potential negative impact of oxygen is founded on mentation in S. cerevisiae. The vacuole is reported to be a
the knowledge of the numerous metabolic processes that can site of iron storage and iron reacts with ROS to generate
lead to reactive oxygen species (ROS) such as H2O2 and toxic side products such as the hydroxyl radical. Their
hydroxyl radicals (OH ) (Halliwell & Gutteridge, 1999). The findings supported the hypothesis that oxidative stress alters
ROS are able to oxidize nucleic acids, proteins, lipids and cellular iron homeostasis, which in turn increases oxidative
carbohydrates affecting membrane activity and cellular damage.
functions important for viability (Manon, 2004; Belinha The potential negative impacts of oxygen on brewing
et al., 2007). Oxidative damage is prevented by antioxidant yeast necessitate optimization of the DO requirements.
defences, such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, These include the amount of oxygen to supply at the correct
peroxidases and glutathione. When, on balance, the ROS time (OConnor-Cox & Ingledew, 1990; Lodolo, 1999).
levels exceed the antioxidant capacity, cells undergo an Owing to capacity requirements, fermenter tank volumes
oxidative stress that has been linked with ageing (Santoro & exceed brewhouse capacity, thereby necessitating fermenter
Thiele, 1997). The importance of optimized oxygen supply filling with multiple brews. Various strategies have been
is supported by the scientific evidence of the impact of ROS followed to achieve the optimized DO concentration at the
on chromosomal rearrangements and cell death (Ragu et al., right time by applying different DO concentrations/brew
2007). Furthermore, evidence exists around the central role (Yokoyama & Ingledew, 1997; Jones et al., 2007).
of the hydroperoxyl (HO2) radical and its role in mediating Alternative means to supply yeast with oxygen includes
toxic side-effects during aerobic respiration (De Grey, 2002). the aeration of yeast slurries before pitching (Fujiwara &
Clarkson et al. (2004) studied the effects of a sudden Tamai, 2003). The underlying molecular mechanisms trig-
transition from aerobiosis to anaerobiosis (including the gered by aeration under nutrient-lacking conditions were
reverse) and found the most significant change in the specific analysed. Higher hypoxic repressor gene (ROX1) transcrip-
activity of copper, zinc-SOD (SOD1), which showed a rapid tion levels resulted with increased aeration. The expressions
increase in activity on transition from anaerobiosis to aero- of the D-9 fatty acid desaturase gene (OLE1) transcription
biosis. Increases in citrate synthase and manganese-SOD levels were initially depressed but then increased with
c 2008 The South African Breweries Ltd (SAB) FEMS Yeast Res 8 (2008) 10181036
Journal compilation
c 2008 Federation of European Microbiological Societies
Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
The yeast S. cerevisiae the main character in beer brewing 1027
increased aeration. The ratio of unsaturated fatty acids to mitochondrial morphology (Contamine & Picard, 2000).
total fatty acid composition increased with increased aera- Brewers have historically ignored mitochondrial functions
tion. The findings suggested that aeration of the yeast- due to the Crabtree-positive nature of brewers yeast
containing medium, even under nutrient-lacking condi- (OConnor-Cox et al., 1996a; Walker, 1998). The Crabtree
tions, stimulated oxygen-signalling pathways (Fujiwara & effect refers to the repression of respiratory activity by
Tamai, 2003). glucose (respiratory bottleneck) under aerobic conditions
and the focus was thus on the fermentation pathway.
However, the additional evidence related to mitochondrial
Mitochondrial roles and petites
function and process impacts due to the presence of petite
Oxygen is also required for the differentiation of promito- mutants requires the brewers attention. QA efforts thus aim
chondria to mitochondria (Plattner et al., 1971; OConnor- to minimize the presence of petite mutants to avoid
Cox et al., 1996a). Many key metabolic functions (such as potential negative performance effects such as sluggish
the activity of manganese-SOD, the synthesis and oxidation fermentations, reduced yeast growth, changed flocculation
of fatty acids and the synthesis of some amino acids) can and altered flavour profiles (Ernandes et al., 1993).
only take place in partially or fully developed mitochondria
(Guerin, 1991). Mitochondria play a role in ethanol toler-
Flavour formation
ance (Aguilera & Benitez, 1985; Costa et al., 1997) and
functional mitochondria give rise to increased cell viability The unique flavour profiles of beer can largely be attributed
under extreme conditions of stress (Jiminez & Benitez, to the biochemical activities within the yeast cell during
1988). It is also known that alterations in mitochondrial fermentation. The flavour compounds are intermediates in
membranes lead not only to respiratory deficiencies but also pathways leading from the catabolism of wort components
to changes of the cell surface (Zaamoun et al., 1995). (sugars, nitrogenous compounds and sulphur compounds)
Additional links between cell surface changes and mitochon- to the synthesis of components required for yeast growth
drial functionality were reported where 3-hydroxy oxylipin (amino acids, proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, etc.) (Fig. 3).
formation was inhibited by the addition of acetylsalicylic The yeast-derived flavour-active compounds can broadly be
acid (Strauss et al., 2007). The link between mitochondria listed as ethanol, CO2, carbonyls (aldehydes/ketones), high-
and oxygen metabolism becomes more interesting if one er/fusel alcohols, esters, vicinal diketones (VDK) (diacetyl
considers ferrochelatase. This mitochondrial inner mem- and pentanedione), fatty and organic acids and sulphur
brane-bound enzyme catalyses the incorporation of ferrous compounds. Ethanol and carbon dioxide are the primary
iron into protoporphyrin, the last step in protohaeme by-products formed during fermentation as indicated in
biosynthesis (Abbas & Labbe-Bois, 1993). Fig. 3.
The role of mitochondria in ageing is becoming more Carbonyls (aldehydes and ketones) contain a functional
apparent. The mitochondrial transmembrane proteins en- group composed of a carbon atom double bonded to an
sure longevity and mitochondrial DNA are required for oxygen atom. Aldehydes are formed during wort prepara-
oxidative stress. Analysis of proteins that are oxidatively tion (such as Maillard reactions and lipid oxidation) and as
damaged showed that, besides some cytosolic proteins, part of the anabolic and catabolic pathways for higher
mitochondrial proteins such as E2 subunits of both pyruvate alchohol formation during fermentation. Acetaldehyde is
dehydrogenase and a-keto-glutarate dehydrogenase, aconi- the major aldehyde to consider due to its importance as an
tase and heat-shock protein 60 were the major targets intermediate in the formation of ethanol and acetate.
(Cabiscol et al., 2000). Furthermore, Spanish researchers Acetaldehyde has a flavour threshold of 1020 mg L 1 and
demonstrated that glutaredoxin GRX5 localized in mito- its presence in beer above the threshold value results in
chondria protected S. cerevisiae cells against oxidative grassy off-flavours (Meilgaard, 1975). However, many
damage by enzymes containing FeS clusters (Rodrguez- tasters can detect this compound at much lower levels.
Manzaneque et al., 2002). Numerous VDK can be present in beer but the most
Instability of the mitochondrial genome (mtDNA) leads important when considering beer flavour is diacetyl (2,3-
to the formation of petite mutants. Mutations in nuclear butanedione) and 2,3-pentanedione. They both impart a
genes involved in mtDNA metabolism (replication, repair butterscotch aroma but the flavour threshold of diacetyl
and recombination) can cause a compete loss of mtDNA (0.15 mg L 1) is sixfold lower than that of 2,3-pentanedione
(rho0 petites) and/or lead to truncated forms (rho ) (Con- (0.9 mg L 1) (Meilgaard, 1975). VDK formation is linked to
tamine & Picard, 2000). Mutations that increase mtDNA amino acid metabolism (Boulton & Quain, 2006). Wort
instability act indirectly and they lie in genes controlling deficient in valine results in elevated diacetyl levels and
diverse functions such as mitochondrial translation, ATP similarly wort deficient in leucine result in increased 2,3-
synthase, iron homeostasis, fatty acid metabolism and pentanedione. Contaminants such as Lactobacillus and
FEMS Yeast Res 8 (2008) 10181036
c 2008 The South African Breweries Ltd (SAB)
Journal compilation
c 2008 Federation of European Microbiological Societies
Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
1028 E.J. Lodolo et al.
Sugars Sulphate
H2S & SO2
Organic Vicinal
acids diketones
Fatty acyl Higher/fusel
Fig. 3. Interrelationships between the main
acids Esters metabolic pathways contributing towards
(ethyl acetate)
flavour-active compounds in beer (adapted from
Lipids Hammond, 1993).
Pediococcus can produce diacetyl. Brewers use the ratio of understanding of the molecular mechanisms. The metabolic
diacetyl : pentanedione to gain an indication of whether purpose for higher alcohol formation is not clear and may
elevated diacetyl concentrations are due to contaminants or appear wasteful. However, Quain & Duffield (1985) pro-
fermentation by-products. posed that similar to glycerol, these metabolites form part of
Higher/fusel alcohols contribute to the overall beer fla- the overall cellular redox balance. Interestingly, the yeast
vour character and can be synthesized by two routes via plasma membrane is well adapted to the use of glycerol as an
a-keto/2-oxo-acids (Fig. 3). The first anabolic pathway is osmolyte and cellular glycerol content is controlled at the
synthesis from wort carbohydrates via pyruvate, whereas level of export (Hohmann, 2002).
the second catabolic process is as by-products of amino Ester formation is closely linked to lipid metabolism and
acid metabolism (Ehrlich pathway) (Ayrapaa, 1968). The growth and is a product of fermentation. Over 100 different
Ehrlich pathway describes the conversion of branched esters resulting in the floral/fruity aromas in beer have been
aminoacids to fusel alcohols by three enzymatic steps identified (Meilgaard, 1975). Two potential routes for ester
(transamination, decarboxylation and reduction). However, formation have been recognized. These are the reaction
the molecular mechanisms of the genes encoding the between an alcohol (such as ethanol) or higher alcohols
enzymes involved in the pathway remain unclear. Genome- with a fatty acyl-CoA ester (Nordstrom, 1963) and by
wide gene analysis of yeast expression profiles during flavour esterases working in a reverse direction (Soumalainen,
formation when cultivated on L-leucine and ammonia 1981). Different alcohol acetyl transferases (ATF genes) have
revealed a group of 117 genes that were more than twofold been identified and the expression of the gene is required for
up- or downregulated (Schoondermark-Stolk et al., 2006). ester formation (Lyness et al., 1997). Evidence from gene
The gene expression groups consisted of genes encoding disruption and expression analysis of members of the ATF
proteins involved in amino acid metabolism. It was con- gene family indicated that different ester synthases are
cluded that amino acid metabolism pathways, other than involved in the synthesis of esters during alcoholic fermen-
the branched chain amino acids (BCAA) pathway, play tation. Control mechanisms that underpin the oxygen-
significant roles in the formation of volatile compounds. mediated regulation of ATF1 gene transcription appear to
Regarding the second step of the Ehrlich pathway, ARO10 be closely linked to those involved in the regulation of fatty
(phenylpyruvate decarboxylase gene) with a broad 2-oxo acid metabolism (Mason & Dufour, 2000). Some common
acid decarboxylase activity, was strongly induced and PDX1 esters that impact on beer flavour are ethyl acetate (fruity/
(pyruvate dehydrogenase complex protein X) showed a solvent), isoamyl acetate (banana) and ethyl caproate
significant increase in gene expression during flavour for- (apple/aniseed).
mation (Schoondermark-Stolk et al., 2006). These and other The presence of over 110 organic or short-chain fatty
genes are now under investigation to fill in the gaps in the acids has been reported (Meilgaard, 1975). They are derived
c 2008 The South African Breweries Ltd (SAB) FEMS Yeast Res 8 (2008) 10181036
Journal compilation
c 2008 Federation of European Microbiological Societies
Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
The yeast S. cerevisiae the main character in beer brewing 1029
from wort as well as during the course of fermentation, in H2S compared with SO2 production in response to
particularly from pyruvate or from the repressed tricar- nitrogen levels in wort. It was found that, although H2S
boxylic acid cycle. Organic acids (such as pyruvate, citrate, and SO2 production are closely linked biochemically, envir-
malate, acetate and succinate) impart sour flavours and onmental conditions can have different effects on their rate
contribute towards the lowering of pH during fermentation. of formation (Duan et al., 2004).
The two critical oxo-acids (a-acetolactate and a-acetohy- DMS can arise via two routes: the first from the thermal
droxy acids) are of particular interest due to their roles as degradation of S-methylmethionine (SMM) during wort
precursors of diacetyl and 2,3-pentanedione, respectively boiling and the second via the reduction of dimethyl
(Fig. 3). sulphoxide (DMSO) by yeast during fermentation (Anness
Chen (1980) investigated the presence of free fatty acids & Bamforth, 1982; Dickenson, 1983). The final DMS con-
in wort and beer and concluded that long-chain fatty acids centration in beer is the result of DMS present in wort at
in wort (palmitic, linoleic, stearic and oleic) were assimi- pitching, DMS formed from reduction of DMSO during
lated by growing yeast whereas the short-chain fatty acids in fermentation and DMS lost by CO2 stripping during
beers were released by-products from lipid synthesis. The fermentation. Thus, the aim of the brewer is to manage the
short-chain fatty acids are generally undesirable due to their process such that these unpleasant sulphury flavours are
impact on taste and foam. minimized in the final product.
The main sulphur components impacting on beer flavour The various yeast management processes that include me-
are sulphur dioxide (SO2), hydrogen sulphide (H2S), di- chanical or physical treatment of yeast are collectively called
methyl sulphide (DMS) and mercaptans (Van Haecht & Yeast Handling (OConnor-Cox, 1997, 1998a, b; Kennedy,
Dufour, 1995). The two main compounds that are influ- 2000). The modern yeast handling circuits are designed for
enced by yeast metabolism are H2S and SO2 (Fig. 3). the movement of yeast from one vessel (fermenter) to be
Reduced sulphur is an essential constituent of proteins pitched in the next. During the yeast handling cycle (Fig. 4),
(sulphur-containing amino acids such as cysteine and the brewing yeast (slurry) is recovered (cropped) with the
methionine), coenzymes (CoA, biotin, thiamine and pyr- use of cropping pumps (OConnor-Cox, 1997) from the
ophosphate) and other cellular metabolites (glutathione, cone of the cylindroconical fermentation vessel (FV) after
sulphides and thiols). Radiochemical tracer experiments the fermentation process. During fermentation the nutrients
showed that all of the SO2 formed during fermentation is were utilized and the major metabolites (ethanol and CO2)
derived from the inorganic sulphur source, sulphate, in were formed. The yeast crop is thus exposed to various
wort. SO2 production during fermentation should be con- stresses that include fluctuations in DO concentration,
trolled due to possible negative flavour impacts. However, carbon dioxide, pH, pressure, ethanol concentration, nutri-
sulphite can function as an antioxidant and can react with ent limitation and temperature (Heggart et al., 1999; Gibson
stale-tasting carbonyls (acetaldehyde and trans-2-nonenal) et al., 2007). A certain percentage of the crop is scrapped due
to form flavour-inactive carbonyl-sulphite adducts. to the presence of older or dead cells sedimenting in the cone
Regulation of sulphur metabolism involves feedback
inhibition and gene repression. The sulphur amino acid
biosynthetic pathway was investigated by Thomas & Surdin-
Kerjan (1997) and reviewed in wine yeast (Swiegers &
Pretorius, 2007). S-Adenosyl-methionine (AdoMet/SAM)
has a central role as a cofactor in numerous reactions as well Fermentation
screen the formation of H2S and SO2 in the industrial setting Yeast recovery
(Acid Wash)
(Duan et al., 2004). Both compounds were produced in
greater quantities by yeast when grown in the presence of
increasing concentrations of cysteine. Methionine repressed Dilution water Yeast collection Waste yeast
the cysteine-induced increase in the H2S production but had Fig. 4. The main activities during lager yeast handling (cropping,
no effect on the formation of SO2. Differences were also seen storage and pitching) in CCVs.
FEMS Yeast Res 8 (2008) 10181036
c 2008 The South African Breweries Ltd (SAB)
Journal compilation
c 2008 Federation of European Microbiological Societies
Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
1030 E.J. Lodolo et al.
(Powell et al., 2003, 2004). Seeding a fermentation with yeast The aim of the warm maturation process is to reduce
consisting mainly of aged yeast would result in an extended flavour-active components such as diacetyl and, to a lesser
lag phase whereas if the crop consisted mainly of newly extent, 2,3-pentanedione. The presence of the diketones at
budded virgin cells the time taken to reach the critical size levels higher than the flavour threshold is generally not
required for the onset of division would result in a delay in acceptable in lager beer styles due to the butterscotch aroma.
the onset of growth (Powell et al., 2000). It is, therefore, High levels of diacetyl at the completion of fermentation are
essential that yeast handling practices in a brewery do not not limited to imbalances during fermentation perfor-
select for yeast populations enriched in very young or aged mance. Other factors such as Pediococcus contaminations
cells. (Sarcina sickness) and the presence of respiratory-deficient
The remainder of the crop is collected into a collection petite mutants can contribute to increased diacetyl con-
vessel, where it can be treated with dilution liquor in order centrations (Ernandes et al., 1993). Additionally, the initial
to decrease potential negative impacts of ethanol toxicity valine concentration of wort (between 130 and 140 mg L 1)
(Van Uden et al., 1983; Lentini et al., 2003; Thiele & Back, was found to contribute to the total diacetyl profile with
2007). This recovered yeast is then stored until it is required longer transition phases and the second maxima that
for fermentation. Should the yeast crop be older than the occurred later (Petersen et al., 2004). This resulted in
required generation (numbers of cycles used) or fail QA extended diacetyl reduction times.
tests, then the crop will go to waste (scrapped) and freshly The removal of diacetyl is the rate-limiting step in the
propagated culture will be required. maturation of beer. Brewers use various strategies to manage
Cropping, storage and pitching of yeast need to support diacetyl profiles in beer. The general practice is to hold the
QA targets of correct strain integrity, phenotypical homo- fermenter at higher temperatures (relative to the fermenta-
geneity (flocculence, metabolism and age), freedom from tion temperature) to allow for the decarboxylation of
contamination and high viability or vitality. Nonadherence a-acetolactate to diacetyl. The yeast then reduces diacetyl to
to good practice (cold storage at 4 1C, effective agitation for the less flavour-active products acetoin and butanediol.
homogeneity, atmospheric pressure, effective cleaning and Other strategies include fermentation control to limit the
sterilization) will lead to deterioration in crop condition final diacetyl concentrations, the use of immobilization
with a concomitant impact on fermentation performance technology (Yamauchi et al., 1995; Moll & Duteurtre, 1996)
(Pickerell et al., 1991). and the use of enzymes such as a-acetolactate decarboxylase,
Acid washing of pitching yeast to eliminate bacterial which transforms a-acetolactate directly to acetoin without
contaminants with bactericidal substances such as phospho- the formation of diacetyl (Yamano et al., 1995).
ric acid is a common practice in many breweries (Cunning- The cold part of the maturation process ( 2 1C) aims at
ham & Stewart, 1998). The typical procedure requires a improving the colloidal stability of beer such that no haze
reduction in pH to a value of pH 2.22.5 for a few hours at will develop over time. Factors that play a role are glucans
a temperature below 4 1C. However, the disadvantages of this excreted by yeast during stressful fermentations as well as
process are that it may not kill all bacteria and it may protein and polyphenol (tannin) complexes that are formed.
negatively impact the yeast condition. Reports related to an These can result in visible haze that may not be attractive
approximate sixfold decrease in cell viability (Van Bergen & from a consumers perspective. At 2 1C, insoluble pro-
Sheppard, 2004) and changes in cell surface charge and teintannin complexes precipitate and are then removed by
hydrophobicity (Wilcocks & Smart, 1995) indicated the the subsequent filtration process before packaging. Typical
potential dangers of this practice even when applied cor- bright beer haze requirements after filtration are 0.51 EBC
rectly. Incorrect use (acid hot spots, elevated temperatures as measured at 901 scatter. The final product is now ready to
and extended exposure periods) will lead to increased yeast proceed to packaging, the final step to ensure delivery of this
damage impacting on fermentation performance. intricate beverage to the consumer.
c 2008 The South African Breweries Ltd (SAB) FEMS Yeast Res 8 (2008) 10181036
Journal compilation
c 2008 Federation of European Microbiological Societies
Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
The yeast S. cerevisiae the main character in beer brewing 1031
fermentation (Olesen et al., 2002). However, the application based on years of investigations to understand the require-
in lager yeast was hampered by the availability of lager yeast- ments of yeast and how best to treat the yeast for enhanced
specific arrays, which have a more complex genetic back- performance and balanced flavour production. The various
ground than S. cerevisiae (Kobayashi et al., 2007). Future aspects discussed under cellars (hygiene requirements, pro-
developments in this field can provide clarity regarding the pagation, fermentation and yeast handling) showed that the
best brewing practices to optimize yeast performance during multifaceted process has various interlinked factors that
propagation, yeast handling and fermentation. The impact need to be considered in the design of economic and
of wort composition fluctuations on yeast performance effective brewing processes. The reward for careful planning
remains a complex area. The identification of specific gene and optimization, based on the requirement of the main
activities linked to wort compositional changes will allow for character S. cerevisiae, ultimately results in an enjoyable and
more directed research. The recent developments in meta- refreshing beverage.
bolomics have shown that future developments have the
potential to not only differentiate but also effectively select
brewing strains for new brands.
Progressive developments in yeast genetics and molecular
biology of laboratory cultures provided the scientific basis We thank the SABMiller directors for permission to publish
for genetic manipulation of industrial strains. Examples of this work and the ISSY committee for the invitation to
genetic transformation of brewing yeast include introduc- present.
tion of the maltose-permease gene, glucoamylase from S.
cerevisiae var. diastaticus, yeast flocculation genes (FLO1),
bacterial acetolactate decarboxylase (ALDC) to bypass dia- References
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Quain, 2006). However, the initial upbeat predictions of the yeast ferrochelatase. Identification and functional analysis of
amino acid substitutions that increase Vmax and the KM for
future application of genetic engineering in the brewing
both substrates. J Biol Chem 268: 85418546.
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tolerance of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Arch Microb 142:
media interest make it a nonviable option in the highly
competitive global market. Fortunately, the opportunity to Almeida T, Marques M, Mojzita D et al. (2008) Isc1p plays a key
exploit S. cerevisiae as a model eukaryote is not lost (Goffeau role in hydrogen peroxide resistance and chronological
et al., 1996). The intrinsic advantages of this eukaryotic lifespan through modulation of iron levels and apoptosis. Mol
experimental system are used to understand the underlying Biol Cell 19: 865876.
molecular mechanisms of ageing (Belinha et al., 2007) as Andersen A (1994) Yeast propagation plants development in
well as diseases that plague mankind (Czabany et al., 2007). relationship to history, process and construction. Tech Q
Thus, besides providing mankind with pleasurable bev- Master Brew Assoc Am 31: 5457.
erages to consume, yeast also serves as a model system to Anness BJ & Bamforth CW (1982) Dimethyl sulphide a review.
find cures for human diseases. J Inst Brew 88: 244252.
Asano S, Suzuki K, Ozaki K, Kuriyama H, Yamashita H &
Kitagawa Y (2008) Application of multiplex PCR to the
Conclusion detection of beer-spoilage bacteria. J Am Soc Brew Chem 66:
Not only is S. cerevisiae the main character in the beer- 3742.
brewing process but yeast also has the centre stage role in Axcell BC (2007) R&D in brewing: the importance of
underpinning knowledge. Proc Eur Brew Conv 31: 173.
other biotechnological industries benefiting mankind (alco-
Axcell BC & OConnor-Cox ESC (1996) The concept of yeast
holic beverage production, bread baking, fine chemicals and
vitality an alternative approach. Proceedings of the 24th
bioethanol). The earlier predictions that yeast fermentation
Convention of the Institute of Brewing (Asia Pacific Section).
for the production of bioethanol as a replenishabe energy Singapore, pp. 6471.
source is being realized because industry is now embracing Ayrapaa T (1968) Formation of higher alcohols by various yeasts.
this technology. The main difference between bioethanol J Inst Brew 74: 169178.
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