1099 Misc 1
1099 Misc 1
1099 Misc 1
PAYERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP 1 Rents OMB No. 1545-0115
or foreign postal code, and telephone no.
Company, Inc.
1234 Company Lane
2 Royalties
2017 Income
Atlanta, GA 30301
$ Form 1099-MISC
3 Other income 4 Federal income tax withheld
$ 9,632.00 $ Copy 1
PAYERS federal identification number RECIPIENTS identification number 5 Fishing boat proceeds 6 Medical and health care payments For State Tax
57-1234567 400-00-0123
$ $
RECIPIENTS name 7 Nonemployee compensation 8 Substitute payments in lieu of
dividends or interest
Jane Smith
Account number (see instructions) FATCA filing 13 Excess golden parachute 14 Gross proceeds paid to an
requirement payments attorney
$ $
15a Section 409A deferrals 15b Section 409A income 16 State tax withheld 17 State/Payers state no. 18 State income
$ $
$ $ $ $
Form 1099-MISC www.irs.gov/form1099misc Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service