Experimental Study of Thrusts of A Cylindrical Linear Synchronous Motor With One or More YBCO Bulk Magnets As The Excitation System
Experimental Study of Thrusts of A Cylindrical Linear Synchronous Motor With One or More YBCO Bulk Magnets As The Excitation System
Experimental Study of Thrusts of A Cylindrical Linear Synchronous Motor With One or More YBCO Bulk Magnets As The Excitation System
AbstractThe thrusts of a cylindrical linear synchronous motor [7] in Japan and Yen et al. [8] in China used HTS windings as
with one or more YBCO bulk magnets as the excitation system the dc excitation system of the linear synchronous motor to im-
were measured for the first time and are presented in this paper. prove performance. Compared with the HTS winding, the same
The YBCO bulk magnets are cylindrical with a diameter of 30 mm
and a height of 18 mm. The armature of the motor is three volume of HTS bulk has a stronger magnetic field; therefore,
phase and made of copper wire coils. The inner diameter of the it is necessary to research linear synchronous motors with an
armature is 40 mm. At the temperature of 77 K and a radial gap excitation system made of HTS bulk magnets. Takahashi et al.
of 5 mm between the armature and the excitation system, with [9] in Japan developed a double-sided linear synchronous ac-
a charging magnetization current of 40 A for one YBCO bulk tuator with two YBCO bulk magnets as the excitation system.
magnet and the RMS value current of 10 A for the armature coils,
a peak thrust of 27.2 N was measured. Effects of armature current, The aforementioned HTS linear motor studied by Pina et al. in
charging magnetization current, running time, and magnetizers Portugal also used a YBCO bulk magnet as the excitation sys-
were also studied. When the excitation system had two or three full tem [6]. In addition, Li et al. in China also studied this field [10].
magnetized YBCO bulk magnets and magnetizers between them, The aforementioned papers are all about flat linear mo-
the thrust was nearly two or three times as strong as the thrust of tor, and there is only a few research about cylindrical lin-
one YBCO bulk magnet under the same conditions.
ear motors. However, a cylindrical linear motor is widely
Index TermsCylindrical linear synchronous motor, thrust, applied under limits, such as oil pumps and machine tools.
YBCO bulk magnet. Therefore, the research about HTS cylindrical linear motor is
meaningful. In the past, only Oswald et al. and Kellers et al.
I. I NTRODUCTION in Germany designed and tested cylindrical linear motors, in-
cluding an HTS wire-wound armature and a conventional mover,
A S the high-temperature superconducting (HTS) technol-
ogy can make motors more efficient and compact, it
has been applied to motor technology quickly. In the field of
respectively [11][14]. In the HTS wire-wound armature, the
problem of ac losses also exists. However, Oswald et al. pro-
posed that we can use HTS materials as the excitation system
rotating motors, the research results have proved their supe-
of the cylindrical linear synchronous motor [11].
riority [1][3]. Linear motors aim at higher efficiency; thus,
Our design is similar to Oswald et al.s ideas. In the design,
HTS technology becomes more important in high-thrust linear
the motor includes a cylindrical three-phase linear armature
motors [4], [5].
made of copper wire coils and an excitation system made
Nowadays, HTS linear motors have a variety of different
of one or more YBCO bulk magnets. In the experiment, we
designs. Kim et al. [4] in Korea and Pina et al. [6] in Portugal
magnetized YBCO bulk magnets and submerged them in an
researched on using BSSCO wire instead of copper wire to
adiabatic container filled with liquid nitrogen. The adiabatic
make the armature of the linear motor. Such designs have
container was placed inside the cylindrical three-phase linear
greatly reduced the volume of the armature, but the problem
armature. When we used only one YBCO bulk magnet, mag-
of ac losses affects the performance of the motor. Kusada et al.
netizers, which are pieces of iron, could be placed on the seed
surface, the nonseed surface, or on both, and we could study
the changes in thrust under different conditions. When we used
more than one YBCO bulk magnets, there were magnetizers
Manuscript received December 22, 2013; revised May 2, 2014 and June 20, between adjacent YBCO bulk magnets, and we can measure
2014; accepted July 10, 2014. Date of publication July 22, 2014; date of current their total thrust. Thrusts were measured when the excitation
version November 26, 2014. This work was supported in part by the Key system is in static state, and from the thrusts, we can determine
Program of the National Natural and Science Foundation of China under Grant
U1234203. This paper was recommended by Associate Editor P. J. Masson. the performance of our motor. This paper will serve as the
The authors are with the School of Electrical Engineering, Southwest foundation of the research on large-scale HTS cylindrical linear
Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China (e-mail: [email protected]). motors in the future. Because the armature is made of copper
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. wire coils and the excitation system needs to be cooled down to
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TASC.2014.2341182 77 K only, the costs are relatively low.
1051-8223 2014 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
Fig. 4. Peak trapped magnetic fields and peak thrust experienced by the
YBCO bulk magnet when the RMS current Iac = 10 A at different charging
magnetization currents Idc .
Fig. 8. Excitation system containing two and three YBCO bulk magnets (in
Fig. 7. Peak thrust experienced by the YBCO bulk magnet when the charging
magnetization current Idc = 40 A at different RMS currents Iac .
on the seed surface or the nonseed surface of the magnetized Wanqing Duan was born in Shaanxi, China, on April 23, 1984. He received
YBCO bulk magnet, peak thrust increased by less than 10%. the B.E. degree in electronic science and technology from Southwest Jiaotong
University, Chengdu, China, in 2006. He is currently working toward the Ph.D.
However, if two magnetizers were placed on the two surfaces, degree in theory of electrical engineering and new technology at the School of
peak thrust increased by about 15%. While the excitation Electrical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University.
system had two or three fully magnetized YBCO bulk magnets, His research interests include superconducting electromotor and numerical
analysis of electromagnetic fields.
the thrusts were also measured. Because only the excitation
system made of YBCO bulk magnet replaced the conventional
one and needed to operate at 77 K, the manufacturing and Zhongming Yan was born in Zhejiang, China, on July 12, 1982. He received
operating costs of the current design of HTS cylindrical linear the Ph.D. degree in theory of electrical engineering and new technology from
Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China, in 2013.
synchronous motor may be low. He is currently with the School of Electrical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong
University. His research interests include superconducting electromotor and
numerical analysis of electromagnetic fields.
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