This document provides an inventory list of food and beverage supplies at Prime Villas as of the end of April 2017. It includes 43 items with details on quantities, units, brands, prices, and total prices. The total value of supplies on hand was Rp 1,640,535. Items included fruits and vegetables, meat, breads, spreads, sauces, seasonings, and beverages.
This document provides an inventory list of food and beverage supplies at Prime Villas as of the end of April 2017. It includes 43 items with details on quantities, units, brands, prices, and total prices. The total value of supplies on hand was Rp 1,640,535. Items included fruits and vegetables, meat, breads, spreads, sauces, seasonings, and beverages.
This document provides an inventory list of food and beverage supplies at Prime Villas as of the end of April 2017. It includes 43 items with details on quantities, units, brands, prices, and total prices. The total value of supplies on hand was Rp 1,640,535. Items included fruits and vegetables, meat, breads, spreads, sauces, seasonings, and beverages.
This document provides an inventory list of food and beverage supplies at Prime Villas as of the end of April 2017. It includes 43 items with details on quantities, units, brands, prices, and total prices. The total value of supplies on hand was Rp 1,640,535. Items included fruits and vegetables, meat, breads, spreads, sauces, seasonings, and beverages.
Periode : Per End of Apr 2017 NO ITEM On Hand Unit BRAND PRICE Total Price REMARK 1 Semangka 5 Kg Rp 7.500 Rp 37.500 2 Wortel 0,4 Kg Rp 15.000 Rp 6.000 3 Kentang 3 Kg Rp 20.000 Rp 60.000 4 Onion 1 Kg Rp 18.000 Rp 18.000 5 Beras Kg Rp 13.500 Rp - 6 Sosis Ayam 4,1 Kg Rp 65.000 Rp 266.500 7 Orange Jus 3,5 Gln Rp 43.000 Rp 150.500 8 Minyak Bimoli 2 Ltr Rp 13.720 Rp 27.440 9 White Bread 25 Pcs Rp 900 Rp 22.500 10 Croissant Coklat 11 Pcs Rp 2.000 Rp 22.000 11 Danish 8 Pcs Rp 2.000 Rp 16.000 12 Muffin 21 Pcs Rp 1.000 Rp 21.000 13 Kol Putih 1 Kg Rp - 14 Tomat 1 Kg Rp 12.000 Rp 12.000 15 Timun Jepang 1 Kg Rp 10.000 Rp 10.000 16 Leek Kg Rp 25.000 Rp - 17 Mi Atom Bks Rp 8.000 Rp - 18 Susu Ultra Ltr Rp 16.500 Rp - 19 Kerupuk Udang 0,5 Bks Rp 50.000 Rp 25.000 20 Telor 83 Pcs Rp 1.270 Rp 105.410 21 Ligent 0,4 Gln Rp 58.699 Rp 23.480 22 Pineaple Jam 40 Pcs Rp 1.402 Rp 56.080 72 Pcs/Box 23 Strawberry Jam 6 Pcs Rp 1.402 Rp 8.412 72 Pcs/Box 24 Butter 73 Pcs Rp 1.730 Rp 126.290 25 Saos Sambal ABC 0,5 Galon Rp 110.999 Rp 55.500 26 Saos Tomat ABC 0,5 Galon Rp 79.500 Rp 39.750 27 tepung terigu 0,5 Kg Rp 8.450 Rp 4.225 28 Pepaya 3 Kg Rp 6.000 Rp 18.000 29 nanas 8 Pcs Rp 7.000 Rp 56.000 30 Garlic 0,4 Kg Rp 40.000 Rp 16.000 31 Bacon 1 Kg Rp 90.000 Rp 90.000 32 Kecap Manis ABC Gln Rp 111.850 Rp - 33 Creamer Sachet Pcs Rp 350 Rp - 34 Tea Bag 62 Pcs Rp 400 Rp 24.800 35 Sugar Sachet 350 Pcs Rp 213 Rp 74.550 36 Coffe 0,5 Kg Rp 66.500 Rp 33.250 37 Gula pasir 3 Kg Rp 16.000 Rp 48.000 38 Teh sariwangi 53 Pcs Rp 205 Rp 10.865 39 Fruit Syrup 0,5 Btl Rp 50.000 Rp 25.000 40 Paprika 0,5 Biji Rp 50.000 Rp 25.000 41 Salt Sachet 185 Pcs Rp 60 Rp 11.100 250/Bal 42 Pepper Sachet 260 Pcs Rp 80 Rp 20.800 250/Bal 43 Nescafe Sachet 126 Pcs Rp 584 Rp 73.584 60 Pcs/Bal Total Rp 1.640.535