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a Headline
is aKappel
Propellers Radical Fuel Savings
Highest Propulsive Efficiency
Larger Fuel Savings
Enhanced Ship Value
Reduced Pressure Pulses
Increased Comfort

Odfjell chemical tanker nineteen 37,000/40,000 DWT vessels are retrofit upgraded with Kappel propeller blades

2 MAN Alpha Kappel Propellers

MAN Alpha Kappel Propellers
Unique FPP and CPP designs for higher efficiencies

MAN Diesel & Turbo is proud to present the fuel-saving Kappel propeller programme,
which has been developed on the basis of J. J. Kappels unique blade tip design.
As a result, the state-of-the-art MAN Alpha Kappel series are efficiently covering
propulsion power requirements of the full controllable pitch propeller (CPPs) range
and fixed pitch propellers (FPPs) from 4 MW and upwards.

Tailored designs and optimised blade configurations combined and integrated with
e.g. rudder bulbs, fairing cones, ducts and flow guiding devices contribute even
further to energy-efficient operation with reduced impact on the environment.

Our propeller and propulsion experience accumulates to more than 7,000 deliv-
ered units. Today's Kappel design benchmark, which was originally
inspired by nature and adapted by aviation is now sailing the seven seas.

Geometrically, the Kappel propeller design is characterised by non-planar lifting

surfaces and blade geometry with curved mid-chord line, by which the blade profile
can be better aligned to the complex flow patterns in the wake field. MAN Diesel
& Turbo has thus taken the full mastering step into advanced 3D design processes.

MAN Alpha Kappel Propellers 3

Kappel Designs Increase Propulsive Efficiency
Hydrodynamic competences take the lead

For maintaining and developing MAN Diesel & Turbo's position in the propulsion
forefront, many resources are invested and the latest advanced design tools in-
cluding special hydrodynamic codes, CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) and FEM
(Finite Element Methods) are deployed. To verify our calculations and prognoses,
we cooperate with the world's leading test tanks and research institutes.

Operational advantages Hydrodynamic design characteristics

Increased propulsive efficiency is converted into sav- Reduced tip vortex and energy loss due to the
ings via lower fuel consumption, reduced exhaust gas Kappel blade geometry.
emissions or might be exploited as higher thrust for Maximised efficiency with due respect to controlled
increased ship speed at a given engine output. cavitation, pressure impulses, vibration and noise.
Wake-adapted designs with pitch, skew, rake, in-
Hard benefits of the Kappel propellers alone clination, area-ratio and blade number parameters
Efficiency increased by up to 3-6% (higher values are balanced and optimised.
on retrofit upgrades). The shape of the hub is also flow-optimised and
Lower propeller-induced pressure impulses. reduced in size resulting in a low drag.
Better performance in off-design (CPP). As always, the propeller designs are customised to
the individual ship application and mission profile.
Propeller fluid flow, pressures and velocities are cal-
culated in the '3D room'.

Fuel saving indications with reduced emissions

Panamax bulk carrier (65,000-82,000 DWT)
14.5 knots ~ 380 tonne/year.
Aframax tanker (85,000-105,000 DWT)
15 knots ~ 540 tonne/year.
Ro-Ro vessel (5,000 -6,200 lane mtr)
22 knots ~ 1,290 tonne/year.
Container vessel (10,000 TEU)
24 knots ~ 2,330 tonne/year.

Retrofit and upgrade solutions often offer even larger

Kappel propeller surface pressure distribution and streamlines fuel saving potential.

4 MAN Alpha Kappel Propellers

Laura Mrsk one of two L-class 4,258 TEU container vessels retrofit upgraded by 8.6-metre four-bladed Kappel propellers

Tank testing
Model testing of specific hull and propeller models
is still a crucial tool for developing ships and propel-
lers, optimising and verifying their performance e.g.
by means of towing tests, self-propulsion tests and
cavitation tunnel tests.

Scaling method
Scaling of unconventional propeller designs is not
standardised, but we apply scaling according to the
ITTC and actual test tank recommendations, validat-
ing the unique benefits of the Kappel design.
Tank testing: Kappel propeller with hub cap fins propelling a
container vessel. Photo by CTO Gdansk

MAN Alpha Kappel Propellers 5

High Propeller Performance and Low Noise
Kappel designs reduce the trade-off

Compared to conventional propeller designs laid out aggressively for increased

efficiency with acceptance of some noise, the advanced and unique Kappel tip
geometry rewards both on high efficiency and low pressure pulses.

Kappel blade geometry reduce tip loss Increased efficiency and performance
Tip vortices are formed due to the difference in pres- The minimised flow over the blade tip and the outer
sure between the pressure and suction sides of region of the Kappel propeller geometry retain high ef-
the propeller as the water will move from the high ficiency increasing the total efficiency of the Kappel
pressure area to the low pressure area. The pres- propeller compared to conventional propellers.
sure on both sides near the tip will therefore equal-
ise, and the efficiency of the tip region will decrease. Pressure pulses reduced low noise
In addition to higher efficiency, especially for high-
Small tip vortices create less drag loaded propeller blades, the Kappel designs generally
Tip vortices are tubes of circulating water that are ensure reduced noise levels. For similar reasons, si-
formed at the tip when the propeller generates thrust. lent Kappel propellers are also applied for submarines
Compared to a conventional propeller a Kappel pro- with lowest acoustic signatures and surface ships
peller's reduced flow over the tip and smaller tip vorti- employing stealth technology.
ces reduce the drag.

Kappel blade profile pitch, skew, rake and inclination pitch Tip vortices conventional blade versus Kappel blade

6 MAN Alpha Kappel Propellers

Front Njord one of six 156,840 DWT Suezmax tankers retrofit upgraded and propelled by 9-metre three-bladed Kappel propellers

Hull pressure amplitudes Delta P [kPa]

P1 P2 P3 P4






1. Harm. 2. Harm. 3. Harm. 4. Harm. 5. Harm.

CFD visualisation Kappel propeller self-propulsion simulation Very low pressure pulses for Kappel CP propelled RoPax ferry

MAN Alpha Kappel Propellers 7

Sturdy Kappel Propeller Designs
Mechanical robustness and safe handling

The proven MAN Alpha propeller reliability and durability have always been very
high, and the Kappel generation of CPPs and FPPs follow that philosophy. The hubs
and blades are designed and optimised with due consideration to impact loading,
torque, material properties and weight.

Mechanical design characteristics

Robust approach with ample design margins. Ice loadings include the influence of ice milling on
The specified standard propeller material is G-CuAl- the complete system's torsional response.
10Ni. Other materials are available upon request. Compact hub/blade root design and low weight
Material fatigue levels are calculated for a 30-year ensures well-balanced load distribution.
lifetime, considering all possible external loadings Optimised for reduced material stresses during
in service. normal operation and extreme loads.
Designed for ice operation according to the newest Shock resistant component designs may be ana-
IACS and FSICR ice class notations. lysed and documented to military standards.

Von Mises stresses at blade roots in wake field, normal loading Design processes based on advanced mechanical analysis

8 MAN Alpha Kappel Propellers

Hub design and shipyard handling
For retrofit upgrading, propeller hubs can be de-
signed and customised to fit the existing tail shafts
with respect to blue-fitting standards, push-up di-
mensions and use of the existing propeller shaft nut
and cover cap.

For both newbuilding and retrofit installations, cus-

tomised flange-to-flange assembly solutions are
available for propellers and tail shafts. In case of re-
stricted space and limited distance to rudder and aft
ship equipment, this concept offers fast and easy
shipyard handling of propeller hub and shaft assem-
bly and disassembly.

Kappel fixed pitch propeller

6.9-metre diameter for a 105,000 DWT crude oil carrier

MAN Alpha Kappel Propellers 9

Kappel Propeller Layout Packages
Hydrodynamic integration and optimisation

Tailored aft ship systems and optimised Kappel propellers can be designed in com-
bination with MAN Alpha rudder bulbs, fairing cones and propeller hub cap fins
for integration with special rudder designs and flow-guiding devices.

Kappel design for perfect synergy with Nature of propeller optimisation parameters
Efficiency Improving Devices (EIDs) Lower rotational speed and larger diameter.
MAN Diesel & Turbo masters a vast number of disci- Propeller blade number optimisation.
plines in relation to optimisation of aft ship parameters Lower pressure impulses allow smaller clearance
and special installation requirements. The perfec- to the ship's hull and offer the deployment of an
tioned layout and hydrodynamic propeller integration even larger propeller.
are always optimised with the ship's hull and any flow-
guiding devices placed before the propeller, e.g. pre- Efficiency benefits of Kappel propellers and
swirl and wake equalising ducts, pre-swirl fins and EID combinations
vortex generators. At the propeller hub, a fairing cone Kappel propeller alone
or propeller hub cap fins can be deployed. Aft of the efficiency increased by up to 6%.
propeller, the optimisation can include high-efficiency Kappel propeller with MAN Alpha Rudder Bulb
rudders, integrated rudder bulbs, post-swirl fins or efficiency increased by up to 9%.
similar. Kappel propeller with Mewis Duct
Tank test results and real-life operations show that efficiency increased by up to 11%.
the integration of Kappel propeller designs perform in Kappel propeller with Mewis Duct and MAN Alpha
beneficial synergy with Efficiency Improving Devices. Rudder Bulb efficiency increased by up to 12%.

and even more for retrofit upgrade solutions.

Flow separation between rudder and propeller hub creates drag Uniform flow without separation creates improved thrust ahead

10 MAN Alpha Kappel Propellers

Hegh Target worlds largest and one of six +8,500 ceu Pure Car and Truck Carriers propelled by 7.2-metre three-bladed Kappel propellers

Kappel FPP with propeller hub cap fins. Kappel FPP, pre-swirl and wake equalizing Kappel CPP, pre-swirl and wake equalizing
Application example: Bulk carriers and similar duct. Application example: Suezmax tankers duct, rudder bulb and fairing cone: Chemical
'medium-body' vessels operating at medium and similar 'full-body' vessels operating at tankers and similar 'medium-body' vessels op-
service speeds slow to medium service speeds erating at medium to higher service speeds

MAN Alpha Kappel Propellers 11

Quality Control and Production Partners
No compromise proven suppliers

Propeller manufacturing accuracy Highest MAN standards

The International Standard Organisation has intro- Like the extensive and advanced production of MAN
duced a series of manufacturing standards accord- Diesel & Turbo's diesel, gas and dual-fuel engines,
ing to ISO 484, from which different accuracy classes turbomachinery, gas turbines, steam turbines, com-
can be selected by the customer. As per MAN Diesel pressors and turbochargers including the genuine
& Turbo standard, propellers will be manufactured after-sales spare parts the MAN Alpha Kappel pro-
and customised with 'high accuracy' class I toler- pellers are also produced only by high-end foundries
ances and finished with a surface roughness accord- and propeller manufacturers. The specialist supply of
ing to class S 'very high accuracy'. Extra dimensional MAN Alpha Kappel propellers is characterised by:
checks will be performed for Kappel propellers.
Class approval by all major classification societies.
A thoroughly monitored pattern-building and cast-
ing process from start to finish.
High-quality castings finished machined.
A selected bronze-alloy material G-CuAl10Ni with
perfect casting, machining and fatigue properties.

12 MAN Alpha Kappel Propellers

Propeller and shaft connection
The installation with propeller and shaft taper con-
nection, fitting procedure and blue fit test are core
competencies of skilled and experienced shipyard
specialists. When it comes to general procedures and
handling requirements, Kappel FPPs are similar to
other conventionally designed fixed pitch propellers.
Basic instructions for the propeller and shaft fitting are
available both for the horizontal shaft method and the
vertical shaft method.

For both methods, general recommendations are giv-

en on personal safety precautions including neces-
sary tools, instruments, gauges, crane and lifting gear
and the actual grinding procedures, blue fit test and
the acceptance criteria of MAN Diesel & Turbo and
major classification societies. Documentation material
for the actual plant will be delivered, including propel-
ler lifting instructions, pull-up diagrams and marking

For Kappel CPP blades similar detailed installation

instructions will be delivered on lifting tools, fitting of
blade seals, lifting and fitting of blades and blade
bolt tensioning procedures.

Partners for propeller manufacturing

From the pool of MAN Diesel & Turbo's selected sup-
pliers and manufacturing partners, we are cooperat-
ing with proven and well-established organisations
mainly in Europe and Asia. To ensure the highest level
of safety, availability and continuity, all suppliers are
quality-screened, audited and approved via MAN Die-
sel & Turbo's extensive supplier verification system.

MAN Alpha Kappel Propellers 13

Kappel Propeller Upgrade, Retrofit and Repair
Worldwide after-sales service

Kappel propeller upgrade and retrofit solutions Tailored exchange deals

Take advantage of new high-efficient propeller designs, Exchange agreements with blades only for CPPs and
matching e.g. new requirements or changed operat- complete FPP mono-blocks are offered. Everything
ing profiles for your ships. Kappel solutions are of- designed and manufactured to match existing propel-
fered also for non-MAN Diesel & Turbo designed CPP ler hubs and shafts and scheduled vessel dockings.
and FPP equipment. Attractive investments are avail-
able ranging from relative simple propeller upgrades Derating and slow-steaming packages
to more advanced integration of further aft ship Effi- Complete solutions jointly optimised with new engine
ciency Improving Devices and complete derating and power/speed layout:
slow steaming packages with e.g. re-gearing of shaft New Kappel propeller blade designs.
alternators or Variable Frequency Drive. Possible reduced blade number for higher efficiency.
Engine performance optimisation and turbocharger
Fuel savings and short payback time matching at new operating area.
In retrofit situations with derating and slow steaming Upgrade and re-gearing of shaft alternator systems
packages including upgrading from older or conven- or Variable Frequency Drive installation.
tional propeller designs to new Kappel designs large Possible modified shafting and shaft alignment.
gains up to and above 20% have been realised. As New torsional vibration calculations (TVCs).
a result, the effective payback time is short and may Check of possible barred ranges.
be shortened further when existing propeller materials New technical files.
can be part of an exchange agreement.

14 MAN Alpha Kappel Propellers

PrimeServ's worldwide service support
With more than 150 PrimeServ service stations and
service partners worldwide, plus a growing network
of PrimeServ Academies, the MAN Diesel & Turbo or-
ganisation is highly committed to expanding and de-
veloping the most efficient and accessible after-sales
organisation in the business.

The PrimeServ competence is characterised by

Retrofit and upgrade feedback from operation Delivery of high-demand spares within 24 hours.
"A fuel saving of 15-20 kg per nautical mile is nice when Fast, reliable and competent customer support.
you are sailing 1,400 miles per week" says Richard Berg- Ongoing training and qualification of personnel.
Larsen, Director Fleet Management, DFDS Seaways. Global service, open 24/7, 365 days a year.

Repair of Kappel propeller blades

The stress pattern for Kappel blades is similar to or-
dinary blade designs and allows for repair in the tip
region according to the IACS W24 repair norm.

MAN Alpha Kappel Propellers 15

All data provided in this document is non-binding. This data serves informational
purposes only and is especially not guaranteed in any way. Depending on the
subsequent specific individual projects, the relevant data may be subject to
changes and will be assessed and determined individually for each project. This
will depend on the particular characteristics of each individual project, especially
specific site and operational conditions. CopyrightMAN Diesel & Turbo.
1510-0229-00ppr Jun 2016 Printed in Denmark

MAN Diesel & Turbo

Niels Juels Vej 15
9900 Frederikshavn, Denmark
Phone +45 96 20 41 00
Fax +45 96 20 40 30
[email protected]

MAN Diesel & Turbo a member of the MAN Group

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