Kappel Propellers - 2016 06 27 - Screen 1510 0229 00ppr
Kappel Propellers - 2016 06 27 - Screen 1510 0229 00ppr
Kappel Propellers - 2016 06 27 - Screen 1510 0229 00ppr
a Headline
is aKappel
Propellers Radical Fuel Savings
Highest Propulsive Efficiency
Larger Fuel Savings
Enhanced Ship Value
Reduced Pressure Pulses
Increased Comfort
Odfjell chemical tanker nineteen 37,000/40,000 DWT vessels are retrofit upgraded with Kappel propeller blades
MAN Diesel & Turbo is proud to present the fuel-saving Kappel propeller programme,
which has been developed on the basis of J. J. Kappels unique blade tip design.
As a result, the state-of-the-art MAN Alpha Kappel series are efficiently covering
propulsion power requirements of the full controllable pitch propeller (CPPs) range
and fixed pitch propellers (FPPs) from 4 MW and upwards.
Tailored designs and optimised blade configurations combined and integrated with
e.g. rudder bulbs, fairing cones, ducts and flow guiding devices contribute even
further to energy-efficient operation with reduced impact on the environment.
Our propeller and propulsion experience accumulates to more than 7,000 deliv-
ered units. Today's Kappel design benchmark, which was originally
inspired by nature and adapted by aviation is now sailing the seven seas.
For maintaining and developing MAN Diesel & Turbo's position in the propulsion
forefront, many resources are invested and the latest advanced design tools in-
cluding special hydrodynamic codes, CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) and FEM
(Finite Element Methods) are deployed. To verify our calculations and prognoses,
we cooperate with the world's leading test tanks and research institutes.
Tank testing
Model testing of specific hull and propeller models
is still a crucial tool for developing ships and propel-
lers, optimising and verifying their performance e.g.
by means of towing tests, self-propulsion tests and
cavitation tunnel tests.
Scaling method
Scaling of unconventional propeller designs is not
standardised, but we apply scaling according to the
ITTC and actual test tank recommendations, validat-
ing the unique benefits of the Kappel design.
Tank testing: Kappel propeller with hub cap fins propelling a
container vessel. Photo by CTO Gdansk
Kappel blade geometry reduce tip loss Increased efficiency and performance
Tip vortices are formed due to the difference in pres- The minimised flow over the blade tip and the outer
sure between the pressure and suction sides of region of the Kappel propeller geometry retain high ef-
the propeller as the water will move from the high ficiency increasing the total efficiency of the Kappel
pressure area to the low pressure area. The pres- propeller compared to conventional propellers.
sure on both sides near the tip will therefore equal-
ise, and the efficiency of the tip region will decrease. Pressure pulses reduced low noise
In addition to higher efficiency, especially for high-
Small tip vortices create less drag loaded propeller blades, the Kappel designs generally
Tip vortices are tubes of circulating water that are ensure reduced noise levels. For similar reasons, si-
formed at the tip when the propeller generates thrust. lent Kappel propellers are also applied for submarines
Compared to a conventional propeller a Kappel pro- with lowest acoustic signatures and surface ships
peller's reduced flow over the tip and smaller tip vorti- employing stealth technology.
ces reduce the drag.
Kappel blade profile pitch, skew, rake and inclination pitch Tip vortices conventional blade versus Kappel blade
P1 P2 P3 P4
CFD visualisation Kappel propeller self-propulsion simulation Very low pressure pulses for Kappel CP propelled RoPax ferry
The proven MAN Alpha propeller reliability and durability have always been very
high, and the Kappel generation of CPPs and FPPs follow that philosophy. The hubs
and blades are designed and optimised with due consideration to impact loading,
torque, material properties and weight.
Von Mises stresses at blade roots in wake field, normal loading Design processes based on advanced mechanical analysis
Tailored aft ship systems and optimised Kappel propellers can be designed in com-
bination with MAN Alpha rudder bulbs, fairing cones and propeller hub cap fins
for integration with special rudder designs and flow-guiding devices.
Kappel design for perfect synergy with Nature of propeller optimisation parameters
Efficiency Improving Devices (EIDs) Lower rotational speed and larger diameter.
MAN Diesel & Turbo masters a vast number of disci- Propeller blade number optimisation.
plines in relation to optimisation of aft ship parameters Lower pressure impulses allow smaller clearance
and special installation requirements. The perfec- to the ship's hull and offer the deployment of an
tioned layout and hydrodynamic propeller integration even larger propeller.
are always optimised with the ship's hull and any flow-
guiding devices placed before the propeller, e.g. pre- Efficiency benefits of Kappel propellers and
swirl and wake equalising ducts, pre-swirl fins and EID combinations
vortex generators. At the propeller hub, a fairing cone Kappel propeller alone
or propeller hub cap fins can be deployed. Aft of the efficiency increased by up to 6%.
propeller, the optimisation can include high-efficiency Kappel propeller with MAN Alpha Rudder Bulb
rudders, integrated rudder bulbs, post-swirl fins or efficiency increased by up to 9%.
similar. Kappel propeller with Mewis Duct
Tank test results and real-life operations show that efficiency increased by up to 11%.
the integration of Kappel propeller designs perform in Kappel propeller with Mewis Duct and MAN Alpha
beneficial synergy with Efficiency Improving Devices. Rudder Bulb efficiency increased by up to 12%.
Flow separation between rudder and propeller hub creates drag Uniform flow without separation creates improved thrust ahead
Kappel FPP with propeller hub cap fins. Kappel FPP, pre-swirl and wake equalizing Kappel CPP, pre-swirl and wake equalizing
Application example: Bulk carriers and similar duct. Application example: Suezmax tankers duct, rudder bulb and fairing cone: Chemical
'medium-body' vessels operating at medium and similar 'full-body' vessels operating at tankers and similar 'medium-body' vessels op-
service speeds slow to medium service speeds erating at medium to higher service speeds