Rates of Depreciation
Rates of Depreciation
Rates of Depreciation
(for income-tax)
Block of assets Depreciation
allowance as
percentage of
written down value
AYs AY 2006-
2003- 07
04 to onwards
1 2 3
I. BUILDING [See Notes 1 to 4 below the Table]
(1) Buildings which are used mainly for residential purposes 5 5
except hotels and boarding houses
(2) Buildings other than those used mainly for residential 10 10
purposes and not covered by sub-items (1) above and
(3) below
(3) Buildings acquired on or after the 1st day of September, 100 100
2002 for installing machinery and plant forming part of
water supply project or water treatment system and
which is put to use for the purpose of business of
providing infra- structure facilities under clause (i) of
sub-section (4) of section 80-IA
(4) Purely temporary erections such as wooden structures 100 100
Furniture and fittings including electrical fittings [See Note 5 15 10
below the Table]
Year 1 5 Actual
Year 3 10 Estimate*
Year 6 20 Estimate*
Year 7 23 Estimate*
Year 8 27 Estimate*
Year 9 31 Estimate*
Year 10 34 Estimate*
Year 11 38 Estimate*
Year 12 41 Estimate*
Year 13 46 Estimate*
Year 14 50 Estimate*
Year 15 53 Estimate*
Year 16 57 Estimate*
Year 17 60 Estimate*
Total 600
'*' will be actual at the end of financial year.
Based on this the charge for first year would be Rs. 4.16 Crore (approximately) (i.e. Rs. 5/Rs.
600 Rs. 500 Crores) which would be charged to profit and loss and 0.83% (i.e. Rs. 4.16
Crore/Rs. 500 Crore 100) is the amortisation rate for the first year.
Where a company arrives at the amortisation amount in respect of the said Intangible Assets
in accordance with any method as per the applicable Accounting Standards, it shall disclose
the same.]
4. The useful life or residual value of any specific asset, as notified for accounting purposes
by a Regulatory Authority constituted under an Act of Parliament or by the Central
Government shall be applied in calculating the depreciation to be provided for such asset
irrespective of the requirements of this Schedule.
5. Subject to Parts A and B above, the following are the useful lives of various tangible
Nature of assets Useful Life
I. Buildings [NESD]
(a) Buildings (other than factory buildings) RCC Frame Structure 60 Years
(b) Buildings (other than factory buildings) other than RCC Frame 30 Years
(c) Factory buildings -do-
(d) Fences, wells, tube wells 5 Years
(e) Others (including temporary structure, etc.) 3 Years
IX. Railways sidings, locomotives, rolling stocks, tramways and railways 15 Years
used by concerns, excluding railway concerns [NESD]
X. Ropeway structures [NESD] 15 Years