The Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act
The Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act
The Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act
The MRTP Act, 1966 promotes and regulates developments in the urban area and well as areas having
potential of being urbanized. It is a comprehensive planning act with development functions. This Act
comes under one of the five basic trendsetter models of town and country planning in India and was
adopted subsequently by other states like Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Madhya Pradesh etc.
To make provision for planning the development and use of land in regions established for
that purpose and for the constitution of Regional Planning Boards.
To make better provisions for the preparation of Development Plans with a view to ensuring
that Town Planning Schemes are made in a proper manner and their execution is made
To provide for the creation of New Towns by means of Development Authorities;
To make provisions for the compulsory acquisition of land required for public purposes in
respect of the plans;
And for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid.
The Salient features of this act include the provisions for Regional Planning, Development plan, Town
planning Schemes and finally Implementation schemes such as Land Acquisition, Transfer of
Development Rights and Plot Reconstitution Techniques. The Finance Aspect (Finance account and
Audit) and the Governance for Plan Enforcement (Planning Authority) are available under this Act.
(a) allocation of land for different uses, general distribution and general locations of
land, and the extent to which the land may be used as residential, industrial,
agricultural, or as forest, or for mineral exploitation
(d) water supply, drainage, sewerage, sewage disposal and other public utilities,
amenities and services including electricity and gas ;
(e) reservation of sites for new towns, industrial estates and any other large scale
development or project which is required to be undertaken for proper development of
the Region or new town ;
(f) preservation, conservation and development of areas of natural scenery, forest, wild
life, natural resources, and land-scaping ;
(j) proposals for irrigation, water supply and hydro-electric works, flood control and
prevention of river pollution ;
(k) providing for the relocation of population or industry from over- populated and
industrially congested areas, and indicating the density or population or the
concentration of industry to be allowed in any areas
Every Regional plan shall be submitted to the State Government together with all connected documents,
maps and plans for approval. Before preparing any Regional plan and submitting it to the State
Government for approval, every Regional Board shall, after carrying out the necessary surveys and
preparing an existing-land-use map of the Region, or such other maps as are considered necessary,
prepare a draft Regional plan [and publish a notice in the Official Gazette and in such other manner as
may be prescribed, stating that the draft Regional plan has been prepared. Immediately after a Regional
plan is approved by the State Government, the State Government shall publish, in such manner as may
be prescribed by rules as is calculated to bring to the notice of all persons concerned.