MTC For Bolts

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ingBo ZhongJiang High Strength Bolts Co, Ltd Ades drerg Lo Too No te Seeoceuer Foc tesswsosooer? ‘ies: "wharf com TEST CERTIFICATE CONFORMING TO BS EN 10204: 3.18, areo 20082014 MATERIAL ‘ASTM A307 CCERTIRCATE No 14434124207 Grade a rooucr HEX BOUT Sie 318" 1€UNC x 1-12" CUSTOMER M/S WOLOUF TRADING EST, QUANTITY. ‘0,000 ees OnDeRNO WTENnet69 FINISH HOT O} GALVANIZED MARION AGT CHEMICAL ELEMENTS (4) Eanes —ex Ti aa [MECHANICAL PROPERTIES ‘TesteD size frew Siig [Aas leranoano rest aepoat | —ox oe ‘ox “3 ‘inension nection: Good ‘oatng Speccaon = ASTw ATES CL C™ ‘Vial Inspacten : Good Cosing Thickness: 67 microne( AVG) Remarks: 4 Materia! described on this document has been Inspected under the parameter set forh ‘nd fi to bein conformence wit the physica requirement dicated by the ordered speciation, 2. Country of Origin : CHINA 53. We, hereby, certificate hat our products does not include any Mercury on the ceificate, ‘Signed on Behalf of Ningbo Zhong Hh Strength Bok Co Lt aa ‘NingBo ZhongJiang High Strength Bolts Co., Ltd At XUrgTang Lo Tuo Neg ‘Zedarg che re seesreeessosr7 Foc 1208740890877 Wee “won aomangtn 20 ‘TEST CERTIFICATE CONFORMING TO BS EN 10204:3.18 paTeD oso.2014 MATERIAL ASTM A186 ‘CERTIFICATENO “451120065 Grade 2H PRODUCT HEAVY HEX NUT SE ‘3 16UNC. CCUSTOWER MS WOLOUF TRADING EST. DAMMAM QUANTITY ‘40000 Pes, ORDER NO WTENaNaot2 FINISH HOTOIP GALVANZED MARKING AB 24 eaT No. sxoyes602 (CHENICAL ELEMENTS (% mao ei x i Pe a MECHANICAL PROPERTIES (re “pasie | Var ‘TESTED SE Frew Ta co [stanonao irestacport | ox a Mero. Sabla Dimerson specon: Gans Coating Speciesion: ASTIUAYES CL. Vu ngecion Cond Costing Thera «60 icone (AVG) Remar: 1 Motel described cn this document has been Inspected and fio be in conermance with ‘he physical requlements dated by ordered speticatons. 2 County of Orn CaN ‘3 We, hereby, ceriens that ou produts does net Ide ary Mercury on he cei. Sioned on Behat of Nngo Zhonguiang High Strength Bot Co, Lt, \ ingBo ZhongJiang High Strength Bolts Co., Ltd ‘ce: ngTarg io Tue Ngo esara.cine ee seesreosesosrt Foc ‘ensraeasoer? Web: “shennan cm ‘TEST CERTIFICATE CONFORMING TO BS EN 102041991 3.18 aTeD 2ooa2014 MATERIAL ASTIFAS6 CeTnicare no 141491124088 Grade TyPE1 provucT FLAT WASHER. Size 3" CUSTOMER —MISWOLOUF TRADING EST. QUANTITY 26,000 Pcs ORDERNO — Wresyr4res FINISH HOT DIP GALVANZ=D MARKING FASE AB ext Wo: suse (CHEMICAL ELEMENTS (4) ———E—————————— oe a sec te ‘as —[ 025 | 076. ue 35 Tows_| ass | “985 —[ 90s | 0a [ierarome “| “97 [a9 [ars [nso [oes | 9g2 [92 [ost MECHANICAL PROPERTIES ee EST REPO TesTED size fnew Sie ca Isravoano lrest neront_[— ox | “ox 1 ox | oe oe [ok ‘inension pecan: Gos ‘Catng Spstcaion- AST ATSS CL © iu iepocten: Good Coating Thickness" 64 mons (AVG) Remarks! 1, Material deserbes on this document has been inspected under the parameter eet forth {and find tobe n conformance wih te physical requirement dated by the ordered speciation 2. County of Origin: CHINA 5. We, hereby, ceticte that our products doesnot inchide any Mercury on the certificate ‘Signed on Behalf of NingBo Zhongulang High Strength Bott Co, Lia

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