Post Foundational Cosmopolitanism

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Book Reviews


While Burnheim is sceptical of any attempt to being critical, without being entirely dismissive
impose coherence on the political system, he of mainstream names in contemporary cosmo-
acknowledges that different policies must be politanism, such as David Held.
compatible (p. 127). A second consequence is that the book can
Perhaps it is a failure of imagination on my become repetitive. While the first chapter by
part, but I am not convinced that a demarchic Mark Wenman provides a lucid summary of
system would improve policymaking. Still, post-foundationalism in political theory, the fol-
there is little to be lost by trying it. Moreover, lowing chapters tend to rehearse definitions of
even if ultimately rejected, this manifesto illus- post-foundationalism anew while mounting
trates the potential for the radical reform of familiar critiques of liberal democratic cosmo-
existing political systems. politanism. However, this is perhaps to be
excused in an edited volume that aims at facili-
Ben Saunders tating a coherent discussion, especially one
(University of Southampton) whose authors believe in the political signifi-
The Author(s) 2017 cance of various acts of defining and grounding.
Reprints and permissions: The book also redeems itself in this regard, as
DOI: 10.1177/1478929917689958
it features chapters on thinkers whose works,
while being a source of inspiration for the intel-
lectual left, are rather novel within the context of
Re-Grounding Cosmopolitanism: Towards this volume. Vronique Pin-Fats chapter
a Post-Foundational Cosmopolitanism attempts to arrive at a post-foundational sense of
by Tamara Caraus and Elena Paris (eds). humanity with Wittgenstein, Stephen Connellys
Abingdon: Routledge, 2016. 276pp., 90.00 (h/b), chapter on Spinoza and Samuel Chambers inno-
ISBN 9781138913349 vative reading of cosmopolitan pedagogy through
Rancire and Nussbaum are especially stimulat-
This book is a valuable contribution to the bur- ing while being generally accessible.
geoning literature on radical cosmopolitanism, Overall the book achieves a coherent and
seeking to explore the cosmopolitan potential of engaging discussion of radical cosmopolitanism
radical and agonistic political theories (p. 6). The from a post-foundational perspective while
premise of the book is the post-foundationalist managing to host alternative philosophical
view that the social world is characterized by approaches. Any reader who is interested in a
incessant yet ultimately unsuccessful attempts radical interpretation of cosmopolitanism or who
at constructing foundations which sooner or later is generally sympathetic to post-foundational
crumble (p. 184). In other words, the book thought will appreciate this work.
acknowledges both that there is no final
Burc Kostem
Archimedean point from which to ground society
(Bilkent University)
and that there nevertheless will be conflicting
attempts to do so. Hence, power is primary to our The Author(s) 2017
Reprints and permissions:
understanding of society. With this insight in
DOI: 10.1177/1478929916687776
mind, the book critically rearticulates the founda-
tions of cosmopolitanism while generally
advancing a more or less radical democratic
agenda. The chapters of the book are structured in Democracy: A Life by Paul Cartledge. Oxford:
three parts: Grounds, Ontology and Politics. Oxford University Press, 2016. 416pp., 20.00
As an unintended consequence of its post- (h/b), ISBN 9780199697670
foundational focus, large sections of the book
are devoted to discussing the work of thinkers Paul Cartledge is an authority on the subject of
such as Badiou, Heidegger, Lefort and Marchart, Athenian democracy and the part of the book
which could potentially frustrate a reader who is that deals with popular government in ancient
generally interested in cosmopolitanism but Greece is informative, solid and full of inter-
lacks a specific knowledge of these thinkers or esting facts. The fundamental argument of the
alternatively a commitment to radical democ- book is in the best sense of the word
racy. Nevertheless, several chapters and espe- Aristotelian. The famous philosopher, whom
cially Oliver Marcharts own chapter succeed in Cartledge quotes extensively, noted in The

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