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Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (Pmfby) : 1. Objectives

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- To provide insurance coverage and financial support to the farmers in the

event of failure of any of the notified crop as a result of natural calamities,
pests & diseases.

- To stabilise the income of farmers to ensure their continuance in farming.

- To encourage farmers to adopt innovative and modern agricultural practices.

- To ensure flow of credit to the agriculture sector.


The Scheme shall be implemented through a multi-agency framework by selected

insurance companies under the overall guidance & control of the Department of
Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare (DAC&FW), Ministry of Agriculture &
Farmers Welfare (MoA&FW), Government of India (GOI) and the concerned State
in co-ordination with various other agencies; viz Financial Institutions like
Commercial Banks, Co-operative Banks, Regional Rural Banks and their regulatory
bodies, Government Departments viz. Agriculture, Co-operation, Horticulture,
Statistics, Revenue, Information/Science & Technology, Panchayati Raj etc.

3. DAC&FW has designated/empanelled Agriculture Insurance Company of

India(AIC) and some private insurance companies presently to participate in
the Government sponsored agriculture /crop insurance schemes based on their
financial strength, infrastructure, manpower and expertise etc. The empanelled
private insurance companies at present are 1) ICICI-Lombard General Insurance
Company Ltd. 2) HDFC-ERGO General Insurance Company Ltd. 3) IFFCO-Tokio
General Insurance Company Ltd. 4) Cholamandalam MS General Insurance

Company Ltd. 5) Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Company Ltd. 6) Reliance
General Insurance Company Ltd. 7) Future Generali India Insurance Company Ltd.
8) Tata-AIG General Insurance Company Ltd. 9) SBI General Insurance Company
Ltd. 10) Universal Sompo General Insurance Company Ltd. The selection of
insurance company from amongst the empanelled insurance companies to act as
IA shall be done by the concerned State Government for implementation of the
scheme in their State. Such selection of IA shall be done from amongst the
designated / empanelled companies which shall be be initially pre-qualified ,
strictly on the basis of, experience, existence of infrastructure in the area and
quality of services like coverage of farmers & area, pay-outs in terms of quantum &
timely settlement thereof, willingness to do publicity & awareness campaigns etc.
The final selection of IA from amongst the pre-qualified insurance companies shall
be done based on the lowest weighted premium quoted by a pre-qualified company
for all notified crops within the cluster of districts


The existing State Level Co-ordination Committee on Crop Insurance (SLCCCI), Sub-
Committee to SLCCCI, District Level Monitoring Committee (DLMC) already
overseeing the implementation & monitoring of the ongoing crop insurance schemes
like National Agricultural Insurance Scheme (NAIS), Weather Based Crop Insurance
Scheme(WBCIS), Modified National Agricultural Insurance Scheme(MNAIS) and
Coconut Palm Insurance Scheme(CPIS) shall be responsible for proper management
of the Scheme. IA shall be an active member of SLCCCI and District Level Monitoring
Committee (DLMC) of the scheme.

The Scheme shall be implemented on an Area Approach basis i.e., Defined Areas
for each notified crop for widespread calamities with the assumption that all the
insured farmers, in a Unit of Insurance, to be defined as Notified Area for a crop,
face similar risk exposures, incur to a large extent, identical cost of production per

hectare, earn comparable farm income per hectare, and experience similar extent of
crop loss due to the operation of an insured peril, in the notified area.

Defined Area (i.e., unit area of insurance) is Village/Village Panchayat level by

whatsoever name these areas may be called for major crops and for other crops it
may be a unit of size above the level of Village/Village Panchayat.

In due course of time, the Unit of Insurance can be a Geo-Fenced/Geo-mapped

region having homogenous Risk Profile for the notified crop.

For Risks of Localised calamities and Post-Harvest losses on account of defined

peril, the Unit of Insurance for loss assessment shall be the affected insured field of
the individual farmer.


6.1. CROPS: The Scheme can cover all the Crops for which past yield data is available
and grown during the notified season, in a Notified Area and for which yield
estimation at the Notified Area level will be available based on requisite number of
Crop Cutting Experiments (CCEs) being a part of the General Crop Estimation
Survey (GCES).

6.2. NOTIFIED AREA: Notified Area is the Unit of Insurance decided by the State
Govt. for notifying a Crop during a season. The size of the Unit of Insurance shall
depend on the area under cultivation within the unit. For major crops, the Unit of
Insurance shall ordinarily be Village/Village Panchayat level and for minor
crops may be at a higher level so that the requisite number of CCEs could be
conducted during the notified crop season. States may notify Village / Village
Panchayat as insurance unit in case of minor crops too if they so desire.

7. FARMERS TO BE COVERED: All farmers growing notified crops in a notified area

during the season who have insurable interest in the crop are eligible.

7.1. COMPULSORY COVERAGE: The enrolment under the scheme, subject to

possession of insurable interest on the cultivation of the notified crop in the
notified area, shall be compulsory for following categories of farmers:

7.1.1. Farmers in the notified area who possess a Crop Loan account/KCC account
(called as Loanee Farmers) to whom credit limit is sanctioned/renewed for the
notified crop during the crop season.

7.1.2. Such other farmers whom the Government may decide to include from time to

7.2. VOLUNTARY COVERAGE: Voluntary coverage may be obtained by all farmers

not covered in 7.1 above, including Crop KCC/Crop Loan Account holders
whose credit limit is not renewed.


8.1. RISKS: Following risks leading to crop loss are to be covered under the scheme :-

8.1.1. YIELD LOSSES (standing crops, on notified area basis): Comprehensive

risk insurance is provided to cover yield losses due to non-preventable risks, such
(i) Natural Fire and Lightning
(ii) Storm, Hailstorm, Cyclone, Typhoon, Tempest, Hurricane, Tornado etc.
(iii) Flood, Inundation and Landslide
(iv) Drought, Dry spells
(v) Pests/ Diseases etc.

8.1.2. PREVENTED SOWING (on notified area basis):- In cases where majority
of the insured farmers of a notified area, having intent to sow/plant and incurred
expenditure for the purpose, are prevented from sowing/planting the insured crop
due to adverse weather conditions, shall be eligible for indemnity claims upto a
maximum of 25% of the sum-insured.

8.1.3. POST-HARVEST LOSSES (individual farm basis): Coverage is available

upto a maximum period of 14 days from harvesting for those crops which are kept
in cut & spread condition to dry in the field after harvesting, against specific perils
of cyclone / cyclonic rains, unseasonal rains throughout the country.

8.1.4. LOCALISED CALAMITIES (individual farm basis): Loss / damage

resulting from occurrence of identified localized risks i.e. hailstorm, landslide, and
Inundation affecting isolated farms in the notified area.

8.2. EXCLUSIONS: Risks and Losses arising out of following perils shall be excluded:-

War & kindred perils, nuclear risks, riots, malicious damage, theft, act of enmity, grazed
and/or destroyed by domestic and/or wild animals, In case of PostHarvest losses the
harvested crop bundled and heaped at a place before threshing, other preventable


In case of Loanee farmers under Compulsory Component, the Sum Insured would
be equal to Scale of Finance for that crop as fixed by District Level Technical
Committee (DLTC) which may extend up to the value of the threshold yield of the
insured crop at the option of insured farmer. Where value of the threshold yield is lower
than the Scale of Finance, higher amount shall be the Sum Insured. Multiplying the
Notional Threshold Yield with the Minimum Support Price (MSP) of the current year
arrives at the value of sum insured. Wherever Current years MSP is not available,
MSP of previous year shall be adopted. The crops for which, MSP is not declared, farm

gate price established by the marketing department / board shall be adopted.

Further, in case of Loanee farmers, the Insurance Charges payable by the farmers
shall be financed by loan disbursing office of the Bank, and will be treated as additional
component to the Scale of Finance for the purpose of obtaining loan.

For farmers covered on voluntary basis the sum-insured is upto the value of
Threshold yield i.e threshold yield x (MSP or gate price) of the insured crop.


10.1 The Actuarial Premium Rate (APR) would be charged under PMFBY by IA.
DAC&FW/States will monitor the premium rates considering the basis of Loss
Cost (LC) i.e. Claims as % of Sum Insured (SI) observed in case of the notified
crop(s) in notified unit area of insurance (whatsoever may be the level of unit
area) during the preceding 10 similar crop seasons (Kharif / Rabi) and loading
for the expenses towards management including capital cost and insurers margin
and taking into account non-parametric risks and reduction in insurance unit size
etc.. The rate of Insurance Charges payable by the farmer will be as per the
following table:
S.No Season Crops Maximum Insurance
charges payable by farmer
(% of Sum Insured)
1 Kharif Food & Oilseeds crops (all 2.0% of SI or Actuarial rate,
cereals, millets, & oilseeds, whichever is less
2 Rabi Food & Oilseeds crops (all 1.5% of SI or Actuarial rate,
cereals, millets, & oilseeds, whichever is less
3 Kharif & Annual Commercial / Annual 5% of SI or Actuarial rate,
Rabi Horticultural crops whichever is less

10.2 The difference between premium rate and the rate of Insurance charges payable

by farmers shall be treated as Rate of Normal Premium Subsidy, which shall be
shared equally by the Centre and State.

10.3 AIC shall calculate LC premium rates (till an Independent Agency/TSU takes
over) based on latest available yield data in month of February for Kharif crops
and August for Rabi crops as per requirement of the States and shall provide to
DAC&FW/Concerned States before invitation for premium bidding.

10.4 State Govt. would invite all the empanelled insurance companies to quote their
actuarial premium rates for the notified crop(s) in the notified insurance unit
area, Indemnity Level, Threshold Yields, Sum Insured etc. as indicated by the
State for the season.

10.5 For more effective implementation, selection of Implementing Agency (IA) may
be made through adopting the cluster approach under which bunch of about
15-20 good & bad districts / areas with reference to risks will be bid out. This will
facilitate the uniform distribution of the risks among the participating insurance
companies and will avoid selection of districts / areas according to companys
choice. In case of smaller States, the whole State shall be assigned to one IA.
This is also expected to take care of districts which have traditionally had high
actuarial premiums for crops due to high risk. Selection of IA may be made for
at least 3 years.

10.6 The designated / empanelled companies participating in bidding have to bid the
premium rates for all the crops notified / to be notified by the State Govt. and
non-compliance will lead to rejection of companys bid.

10.7 The insurance coverage in terms of number of farmers & hectare-age should be
at least at the previous season's level.

Risk will be shared by IA and the Government as follows:

The liability of the Insurance companies in case of catastrophic losses computed at

the National level for an agricultural crop season, shall be upto 350% of total
premium collected (farmer share plus Govt. subsidy) or 35% of total Sum
Insured (SI), of all the Insurance Companies combined, whichever is higher.
The losses at the National level in a crop season beyond this ceiling shall be
met by equal contribution (i.e. on 50:50 basis) from the Central Government
and the concerned State Governments.


The State/UT Govt. will plan and conduct the requisite number of Crop Cutting
Experiments (CCEs) for all notified crops in the notified insurance units in order to
assess the crop yield. The State / UT Govt. will maintain single series of Crop
Cutting Experiments (CCEs) and resultant Yield estimates, both for Crop
Production estimates and Crop Insurance.

Crop Cutting Experiments (CCE) shall be undertaken per unit area /per crop, on a
sliding scale, as indicated below:

Sl. INSURANCE UNIT Minimum no. of CCEs required to be

No. done
1. District 24
2. Taluka / Tehsil / Block 16
3. Mandal/Hobli/ Phirka / Revenue 10
4. Village / GramPanchayat/Patwar- 4 for major crops, 8 for other crops

However, a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) comprising representatives

from Indian Agricultural Statistical Research Institute (IASRI), National Sample Survey
Organization (NSSO), Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare (GoI) and
implementing agencies shall dispose/decide the issues relating to CCEs and all other
technical matters. Inputs from RST/satellite imagery would also be utilized in
optimizing the sample size of CCEs.

Use of Mobile Phone Technology to improve Yield-data Quality & Timeliness

It has been felt that process of CCEs currently being conducted for estimating yield is
lacking in reliability and speed which affects the claims settlement. There is a need to
have good quality, timely and reliable yield-data. For addressing this problem,
video/image capture of crop growth at various stages and transmission thereof with CCE
data on a real time basis utilizing mobile communication technology with GPS time
stamping, can improve data quality, / timeliness and support timely claim processing and
payments. States and insurance companies shall utilise this technology for the purpose.

The cost of using technology etc. for conduct of CCEs etc will be shared between
Central Government and State/U.T. Governments on 50:50 basis, wherever necessary,
subject to a cap on total funds to be made available by Central Government for this
purpose based on approximate cost of procuring hand held devices/Smart phones and
other related costs.


13.1. Three levels of Indemnity, viz., 70%, 80% and 90% corresponding to crop
Risk in the areas shall be available for all crops.

13.2. The Threshold Yield (TY)shall be the benchmark yield level at which
Insurance protection shall be given to all the insured farmers in an Insurance

13.3. The Threshold Yield for a crop in an Insurance Unit shall be based on average
yield of last seven years excluding two years of declared calamity if any,
multiplied by the level of indemnity of the area.


The time-lines for coverage, submission of yield data, price data etc. shall be decided
by the SLCCCI strictly keeping in mind the onset of monsoon, sowing period, crop cycle
The seasonality discipline shall be same for loanee and non-loanee farmers.
The cut-off date is uniform for both loanee and non-loanee cultivators. Keeping in view
the prevailing agro-climatic conditions, rainfall distribution/irrigation water availabilities,
sowing pattern etc. the SLCCCI, in consultation with the insurance company shall fix
seasonality disciplines of the coverage and other activities in such a way that it doesnt
encourage adverse selection or moral hazards. Broad seasonality discipline is given in
the chart below. State wise details of seasonality will be provided in the Operational
Guidelines to be issued by DAC&FW.

S.No. Activity
Kharif Rabi
1 Issuance of Administrative February August
Instructions by Government of India
2 Conduct of SLCCCI meeting to decide March September
for notification of Crops and Notified
areas, limits of Sum Insured and
adoption of Level of Indemnity etc.
3 Loaning period (loan sanctioned) for April to July October to

Loanee farmers covered on December
Compulsory basis.
4 Cut-off date for receipt of Proposals of 31th July 31st December
farmers (loanee & non-loanee).
5 Cut-off date for receipt of Declarations Within 15 working Within 15 working
of Loanee farmers covered on days for loanee days for loanee
compulsory basis & non-loanee farmers and seven farmers and
farmers covered on Voluntary basis working days for seven working
from Bank branches to Respective non-loanee farmers days for non-
Nodal Offices. after cut-off date loanee farmers
after cut-off date
6 Cut-off date for receipt of Declarations Within two working Within two
of farmers covered on Voluntary basis days after receiving working days after
from designated Insurance Agent(s) to declaration/ receive
Insurance Companies premium. declaration/
7 Cut-off date for receipt of Declarations Within seven Within seven
of Loanee farmers covered on working days from working days from
compulsory basis & non-loanee receipt of receipt of
farmers covered on Voluntary basis Declarations by the Declarations by
from Respective Nodal Offices of Respective Nodal the Respective
Banks to Insurance Company Offices of Banks. Nodal Offices of
8 Cut-off date for receipt of yield data Within a month Within a month
from final harvest from final harvest



15.1. Yield losses at Notified Area level: Once the Yield Data is received from the
State/UT Govt. as per the prescribed cut-off dates, claims will be processed,

approved and settled by IA.
15.1.1. If the Actual Yield (AY) per hectare of the insured crop for the defined area [on
the basis of requisite number of Crop Cutting Experiments (CCEs)] in the
insured season, falls short of the specified threshold yield(TY) Yield (RY), all
the insured farmers growing that crop in the defined area are deemed to have
suffered shortfall in their yield.

15.1.2. The Scheme seeks to provide protection against such contingency to all insured
farmers of an Insurance Unit.

15.1.3. Claim Pay-outs based on Yield losses shall be calculated as per the following


15.2. Assessment of prevented Sowing: The adverse weather conditions shall be

defined in the notification and shall be captured by notified weather station/s in the
District. The extent of claims payable will be decided on the basis of weather data
recorded at the notified weather station/s for the purpose. The crop-wise scale of
payment, upto a maximum of 25% of Sum Insured shall be worked out by IA based on a
notified pay-out structure on the occurrence of pre-declared events such as month-wise
deficit in aggregate rainfall during a specified period assessed through Reference
Weather Stations tagged for the Notified / Group of Notified Area. The insurance
coverage shall cease to operate for the crop in the notified area. The cover is available
during Kharif season for recognised rain-fed areas and crops. The data provider will be
notified by the SLCCCI.

15.3. Localized Calamity Loss Assessment:

15.3.1. Loss assessment and modified indemnity procedures in case of occurrence of

localized perils, such as hailstorm, landslide, flood, and inundation shall be for a cluster
of affected farms or affected village and the settlement of claims, if any, will be each
insured farmer covered under assessment.

15.3.2. The District Administration will assist IA in assessing the extent of loss.

15.4. Post-Harvest Loss Assessment:

15.4.1. Loss assessment and indemnity procedures in case of occurrence of Post-
Harvest Loss shall be for a cluster of affected farms or affected village and the
settlement of claims, if any, will be each insured farmer covered under assessment.
15.4.2. The District Administration will assist IA in assessing the extent of loss.

15.5. On-Account Payment of Claims due to Mid-Season Adversity:

15.5.1. In case of adverse seasonal conditions during crop season viz. floods,
prolonged dry spells, severe drought, unseasonal rains, IA in consultation with
concerned State Government/UT based on agro meteorological data/ satellite imagery
or any other proxy indicator will decide about crops/ areas for which on account
payment will be made, not exceeding 25% of likely claims.

15.5.2. Appraisal of mid-season adversity and quantum of on-account payment will be

established jointly by Government of India/concerned State Government/UT and IA.

15.5.3. On account payment will be implemented only in those districts/notified areas

where such proxy indicators can be established and will be considered for payment and
only if the expected yield during the season is likely to be less than 50% of normal yield.

15.6. IA shall process the claims liability assessed as per above mentioned
methodology and approve the claims.


16.1. For coverage through Banks:-The claim amount along with particulars will be
released to the individual Nodal Banks. The Banks at the grass-root level, in turn,
shall credit the accounts of the individual farmers and display the particulars of
beneficiaries on their notice board. The Banks shall provide individual farmer
wise details claim credit details to IA and shall be incorporated in the centralised
data repository.
16.2. For coverage through other insurance intermediaries: The claim amount will
be released electronically to the individual Insured Bank Account.

Acreage discrepancy

Some areas in the past have reported excess insurance coverage vis--vis planted
acreage, leading to over insurance. Ideally the discrepancy should be handled at farm
level to protect the interest of farmers with genuine insurance coverage. However, in the
absence of digitized farm records on a GIS platform, it would be cumbersome to
physically verify each farm. For the time-being, it is to be addressed as follows:

- Wherever the acreage discrepancy is likely, the acreage insured at IU level shall be
compared with average planted acreage of past three years, and the difference will be
treated as excess insurance coverage.
- Sum insured may be scaled down in the ratio the average of three years actual
planted acreage bears to the insured acreage for the given crop.
- Claims shall be calculated on the scaled down sum insured
- Premium shall be retained by the insurance company for the portion of sum insured
scaled down.

Once the individual farms (plots / survey numbers) are digitized and available on a GIS
platform, it is possible to overlay the crop cover as derived using satellite imagery on the
GIS platform to identify the crop and estimate the cropped area on each farm. This should
lead to identifying the acreage discrepancy at individual farm level.


17.1. Government of India shall issue operational guidelines and modalities, which may
be appended from time to time, for implementation of the scheme provisions with
detailed steps and processes involved, terms and condition applicable, roles and
responsibilities of various agencies involved in execution of the scheme and roles
and responsibilities of other related stakeholders.
17.2. These operational modalities shall be considered as part of the scheme.
17.3. The scheme may be reviewed periodically and additions, deletions and
modifications of the provisions may be done as deemed necessary.
17.4. During each crop season, the agricultural situation will be closely monitored in
the implementing States / Union Territories. The State / UT Department of
Agriculture and district administration shall set up a District Level Monitoring
Committee (DLMC), who will provide fortnightly reports of Agricultural situation
with details of area sown, seasonal weather conditions, pest incidence, stage of
crop failure (if any) etc.
17.5. The operation of the Scheme will be reviewed annually, and modifications as
may be required would be introduced. Periodic Appraisal Reports on the Scheme
would be prepared by Ministry of Agriculture, the Government of India /
Implementing Agency.


18.1. Adequate publicity needs to be given in all the villages of the notified districts/
areas. All possible means of electronic and print media, farmers fair, exhibitions
including SMS messages, short films, and documentaries shall be utilized to create and

disseminate awareness, benefits and limitations of the Scheme among the cultivators
and the agencies involved in implementing the Scheme. Agriculture/Cooperation
Department of the States in consultation with IA shall work out appropriate Plan for
adequate awareness and publicity three months prior to the start of coverage period.

18.2. IA shall also assist the State Government/ UT in capacity building for effective
implementation of the scheme and organize training workshops/sensitization
programme for various stakeholders.


19.1. PMFBY is a replacement scheme of NAIS / MNAIS, and hence exempted from
Service Tax liability of all the services involved in the implementation of the scheme.


DAC&FW shall carry out pilots in select areas, in collaboration with various States/UTs,
national and international research organisations / institutes, IMD, insurance companies,
reinsurers etc. to make use of available technology in the fields of remote sensing, aerial
imagery, satellites etc. that can help in acreage estimation, crop health / loss estimation,
quicker yield estimation etc. with reduced manpower & infrastructure. With development
of number of satellites with high resolution images orbiting the Earth, there have been
great improvements in satellite imagery products. It has been reasonably proven the
satellite imagery can help in demarcating the cropped areas into clusters on the basis of
crop health. This feature can be successfully used to target the CCEs within the
Insurance Unit (IU). Thus satellite imagery can help in smart sampling of CCEs. While
an IU with heterogeneous crop health may need standard sample of CCEs, for eg. 4
CCEs per Village / Village Panchayat for major crops, the more homogenous IU may
need a lower sample size, say 2 CCEs. This is expected to minimize the total CCEs
needed by about 30-40%. States should progressively adopt this technique in generating
yield estimates.

After proven strong correlation between RST / Satellite Imageries results and yield
estimates through CCEs, States may use the technologies in estimating the crop yields at
IU level, subject to the satisfaction of Central and State Governments and insurance
companies with the accuracy of the yield estimates to service the claims.

20.1. The integrity of CCEs will be verified by use of GPRS enabled Mobile phones
with cameras/smart phones. These phones will also help in addressing the problem
of area discrepancy by capturing pictures of standing crops and will also help in
quicker, accurate estimation of yields.
20.2. Such technologies, after due consideration of pilot results by the Government
shall be included in the Scheme.
20.3. All state government shall use technology initiatives in the conduct and
supervision of CCEs to provide the yield data with minimum delay to IA for quick
processing of the claims. The state governments shall also use technology
initiatives in the reporting of loss reports for on-account claim settlement, Claim
intimations for Localized calamity and Post-Harvest losses.
20.4. A centralized repository shall be maintained. Appropriate application (web based,
app based etc.) would be developed by NIC. The State Government, IA, Banks,
Insurance Intermediaries shall use this applications for inputting various operational
data like notification related data, individual farmer wise insurance coverage and
claims details, crop loss details etc.


State Governments will review the performance of the scheme after one year and
point out corrections, if any, required in any of the provisions of the scheme to
Govt. of India.

Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme (WBCIS):-

The structure of farmers premium under WBCIS will be at par with the
proposed PMFBY. Also, the Criteria of selection of Implementing Agency and
area allocation will be same as PMFBY.

Existing Premium Subsidy Structure

Sr. Premium Slab Subsidy by Central and State Government on 50 : 50 basis
No. and premium payable by farmer
1. Upto 2% No subsidy.

2. > 2 - 5% 25% subsidy subject to minimum net premium of 2%

payable by farmer.
3. >58% 40% subsidy subject to minimum net premium of 3.75%
payable by farmer
4. > 8% 50% subsidy subject to minimum net premium of 4.8% and
maximum net premium of 6% payable by farmers.

Revised Premium Subsidy Structure

The rate of Insurance Charges payable by the farmer will be as per the following table:

S.No Season Crops Maximum Insurance

charges payable by farmer
(% of Sum Insured)
1 Kharif Food & Oilseeds crops (all 2.0% of SI or Actuarial rate,
cereals, millets, & oilseeds, whichever is less
2 Rabi Food & Oilseeds crops (all 1.5% of SI or Actuarial rate,
cereals, millets, & oilseeds, whichever is less
3 Kharif & Annual Commercial / Annual 5% of SI or Actuarial rate,
Rabi Horticultural crops whichever is less

Unified Package Insurance Scheme (UPIS)
1. Nature of the Scheme:

1.1 Unified Package Insurance Scheme aims at providing financial protection to citizens
associated in agriculture sector, thereby ensuring food security, crop diversification and
enhancing growth and competitiveness of agriculture sector besides protecting farmers
from financial risks.

The cover will be for one full year except for Crop Insurance (which will be bi-annual
separately for Kharif and Rabi seasons) renewable from year to year. The scheme
would be offered / administered through AIC & empanelled General Insurance
Companies willing to offer the product on similar terms with necessary approvals and
allocation of area on pilot basis.

The Loanee farmers will be covered through Banks/Financial Institutions whereas non-
loanee farmer shall be covered through banks and/or insurance intermediaries.

a) This policy is designed to take care of the insurance needs of farmers associated
with agriculture activities. This policy provides yield based crop insurance to the
farmer based on his ownership rights of land and sown crop.
b) It covers both the personal assets of the farmer like the dwelling & its contents
(Fire), the other assets which help him in earning his livelihood such as
Agricultural Pump Sets, and Agriculture Tractor owned by farmer.
c) The policy also provides protection to farmer and his/her family members in case
of the Accidental Death / Disablement, accidental insurance protection of
farmers school/college going children and provisioning of education fee to the
students in case of death of parent.
d) Life insurance protection to the farmer and his/her family members.
e) The policy will be issued for a period up to 1 year.

Salient Features and Benefits:

1. The farmers package policy will be underwritten by the General Insurance

Companies empanelled by DAC&FW under crop insurance programmes and/or
designated by this Department or through GIC Companies having tie-up with
concerned F.I./Banks for non-crop sections of the policy.
2. The policy contains 7 Sections. Crop Insurance is mandatory. However, farmers
have to choose at least two other sections also to avail the applicable subsidy
under crop insurance section.
3. In case of crop insurance, applicable Farmers share of premium ranging
between 1.5% to 5% based on their insured crops is payable by farmer & in case
Actuarial premium is more, the Government will provide subsidy equivalent to
the difference between Actuarial premium and premium paid by farmer. The crop
insurance is based on area approach whereas all other sections are on individual
4. If the farmers already availed any insurance policy of similar nature and sum
insured not less than as mentioned in the policy than they would be exempted
from taking such section(s). However details of such policy would be provided in
their proposal form.
5. The rates above are indicative & subject to the concurrence of the insurers.
6. Sum Insured and premium rates are provisionally taken and may change
according to the risk(s).
7. The detailed section wise tentative sum insured and applicable premium for the
farmer(s) are in the proposal forms enclosed at Annexure-I
8. The above premium rates are without service tax which is likely to be exempted.

The Section wise details of the scheme are as under:


CROP INSURANCE :- PMFBY/WBCIS/ State can choose any of these two



The indemnity under this section is based on declared sum insured basis (first loss
The Company will indemnify the Insured in respect of loss of or damage to the
Contents/Buildings whilst contained in the insured premises by:
a) Fire, Lighting, Explosion of gas in domestic appliances,
b) Bursting and overflowing of water tanks, apparatus or pipes,
c) Aircraft or articles dropped therefrom,
d) Riot, Strike, or Malicious Act,
e) Earthquake, (Fire and / or Shock) Subsidence and Landslide (including Rockslide)
f) Flood, inundation, storm, tempest, typhoon, hurricane, tornado or cyclone.
g) Impact damage


The Company shall not be liable in respect of:

a) Loss or damage by burglary and / or housebreaking or theft where any member of
the insureds family is concerned as principal or accessory.
b) Loss of or damage to articles of consumable nature.
c) Loss of or damage to money, securities, stamps, stamp collections, bullion,
livestock, motor vehicles and pedal cycles.
d) Loss of or damage to deeds, bonds, bills of exchange, promissory notes, shares and
stock certificates, business books, manuscripts, documents of any kind, unset
precious stones and Jewelry and Valuable.


Personal Accident Insurance

(Coverage as per Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana)


The scheme will be a one year cover, renewable from year to year, Accident
Insurance Scheme offering accidental death and disability cover for death or disability
on account of an accident. The scheme would be offered / administered through
Public Sector General Insurance Companies (PSGICs) and other General Insurance
Companies willing to offer the product on similar terms with necessary approvals and
tie up with Banks for this purpose. Participating banks will be free to engage any such
insurance company for implementing the scheme for their subscribers.

Scope of coverage: All savings bank account holders in the age 18 to 70 years in
participating banks will be entitled to join. In case of multiple saving bank accounts
held by an individual in one or different banks, the person would be eligible to join the
scheme through one savings bank account only. Aadhar would be the primary KYC
for the bank account.

Enrollment Modality / Period: The cover shall be for the one year period stretching
from 1st June to 31st May for which option to join / pay by auto-debit from the
designated savings bank account on the prescribed forms will be required to be given
by 31st May of every year, extendable up to 31st August. Joining subsequently on
payment of full annual premium may be possible on specified terms. However,
applicants may give an indefinite / longer option for enrollment / auto-debit, subject to
continuation of the scheme with terms as may be revised on the basis of past
experience. Individuals who exit from the scheme at any point may re-join the scheme
in future years through this modality. New entrants into the eligible category from year
to year or currently eligible individuals who did not join earlier shall be able to join in

future years while the scheme is continuing.

Benefits: As per the following table:

Table of Benefits Sum Insured

a. Death Rs. 2 Lakh
Total and irrecoverable loss of both eyes or loss of use of
b. both Rs. 2 Lakh
hands or feet or loss of sight of one eye and loss of use of
hand or
Total and irrecoverable loss of sight of one eye or loss of
c. use of Rs. 1 Lakh
one hand or foot

Premium: Rs.12/- per annum per member. The premium will be deducted from the
account holders savings bank account through auto debit facility in one installment
on or before 1stJune of each annual coverage period under the scheme. However, in
cases where auto debit takes place after 1st June, the cover shall commence from the
first day of the month following the auto debit.

Eligibility Conditions: The savings bank account holders of the participating banks
aged between 18 years (completed) and 70 years (age nearer birthday) who give
their consent to join / enable auto-debit, as per the above modality, will be enrolled
into the scheme. In case of Joint Account holders, both the account holders are
eligible to join on payment of premium for each account holders.

Master Policy Holder: Participating Bank will be the Master policy holder on
behalf of the participating subscribers. A simple and subscriber friendly
administration & claim settlement process shall be finalized by the respective
general insurance company in consultation with the participating Banks.

Termination of cover: The accident cover for the member shall terminate on any of the
following events and no benefit will be payable there under:
1) On attaining age 70 years (age nearest birthday).

2) At the time of renewal, closure of account with the Bank or insufficiency of
balance to keep the insurance in force.
3) In case a member is covered through more than one account and premium is
received by the Insurance Company inadvertently, insurance cover will be
restricted to one only and the premium shall be liable to be forfeited.
4) If the insurance cover is ceased due to any technical reasons such as
insufficient balance on due date for renewal or due to any administrative
issues, the same can be reinstated on receipt of full annual premium, subject
to conditions that may be laid down. During this period, the risk cover will be
suspended and reinstatement of risk cover will be at the sole discretion of
Insurance Company.
5) Participating banks will deduct the premium amount in the same month when
the auto debit option is given, preferably in May of every year, and remit the
amount due to the Insurance Company in that month itself.


The scheme, subject to the above, will be administered as per the standard procedure
stipulated by the Insurance Company. The data flow process and data proforma will be
provided separately.

It will be the responsibility of the participating bank to recover the appropriate annual
premium from the account holders within the prescribed period through auto-debit

Enrollment form / Auto-debit authorization in the prescribed proforma shall be obtained

and retained by the participating bank. In case of claim, the Insurance Company may
seek submission of the same. Insurance Company reserves the right to call for these
documents at any point of time.

The experience of the scheme will be monitored on yearly basis for re-calibration etc.,

as may be necessary.

Appropriation of Premium:

1) Insurance Premium to Insurance Company: Rs.10/- per annum per member

2) Reimbursement of Expenses to BC/Micro/Corporate/Agent : Rs.1/- per annum
per member
3) Reimbursement of Administrative expenses to participating Bank: Rs.1/- per
annum per member

The scheme is liable to be discontinued prior to commencement of a new future renewal

date if circumstances so require.


Agriculture Pumpset Insurance (Upto 10 Horse Power)

The Insurance covers the Centrifugal pump sets (electrical and diesel) upto 10
Horsepower capacity which are used for agricultural purposes only.

a) Fire & lightning
b) /Burglary (due to violent forcible entry provided the pump set is kept in a locked
c) Mechanical / electrical
d) Riot, Strike, malicious damage


a) Normal wear & tear, gradual deterioration due to atmospheric condition or otherwise.

b) Wilful act or gross negligence of the Insured or his representatives.
c) Faults existing at the time of commencement of insurance and known to the Insured
or his representative.
d) Loss or damage for which the manufacturer or supplier of property is responsible
either by law or under contract.
e) Cost of dismantling, transport to workshop and back as also cost of re-erection.


In the event of any occurrence which might give rise to a claim under this Section, the
Insured shall -
a) immediately notify the Policy issuing Office of the Company by telephone or
telegram as well as in writing giving an indication as to the nature and extent of loss
or damage.

b) take reasonable steps within his power to minimise / restrain the loss or damage
of liability.
c) preserve the damaged or defective parts and make them available for inspection by
an Official or Surveyor of the Company.
d) furnish all such information and documentary evidences as the Company may
e) the Company shall not be liable for any loss or damage on which notice and
completed claim form have not been received by the Company within 14 days of its

The liability of the Company under this Section in respect of any item of property
sustaining damage for which indemnity is provided, shall cease if the same item is kept
in operation without being repaired to the satisfaction of the Company.



As per the provisions, terms, exceptions, conditions and endorsements as per standard
Motor Policy.

Covers the insured against loss or damage to the Agriculture Tractor by fire, explosion,
self-ignition or lightning, burglary, housebreaking, theft, riot and strike, earthquake, fire
and shock, inundation, typhoon, hurricane, storm, tempest, cyclone, hailstorm, frost,
landslide/rockslides by accidental external means, malicious act, terrorism activity while
in transit by road, rail, inland waterway. Also provides coverage against death or
permanent disablement of the driver, due to an accident while driving the Tractor
insured during any one policy period.

Legal Liability to Third Parties: - Compensates for death/ bodily injury to third parties up
to in the event of tractor being involved in an accident as per M.V. Act, 1988.



Schedule of Benefits (for Parent/ Student): SI per student

1. Accidental death: Rs. 50000 (parent/student)
2. Permanent total disablement: Rs. 50000 (student)
3. Loss of one limb/Eye: Rs. 25000 (student)
4. Accidental hospitalization: Rs. 5000 (student)

In case of death of Father or Mother, the Claim amount to be converted into FD in

the name of student till attainment of adulthood.

Part 1

A) If at any time during the currency of this policy the parent / guardian/ student
named in the schedule shall sustain any bodily injury resulting solely and directly
from accident caused by external violent and visible means and if such injury
shall within six calendar months of the occurrence be the sole and direct cause of
death or total and irrecoverable loss of two limbs or two eyes or 100%

Permanent Total Disablement (permanently totally and absolutely disable the
parent /guardian from engaging in any employment or occupation of any
description whatsoever) then the company shall pay to the insured Student or
parent / guardian as the case may be the capital sum insured stated in the

B) In addition to the above benefit mentioned under (A) (if liability is admitted under
clause A above) the student shall be reimbursed for the unexpired period of
study, the tuition fee, development expenses, boarding and lodging charges and
other insured expenses (excluding payments made prior to accident and / or
overdue payments as on date of accident) on actual basis subject to the
maximum limits as stated in the schedule of benefit.

Part 2&3

If at any time during the currency of this policy the insured Student shall sustain any
bodily injury resulting solely and directly from accident caused by external violent and
visible means and if such injury shall within six calendar months of the occurrence be
the sole and direct cause of death or total and irrecoverable loss of two limbs or two
eyes or 100% Permanent Total Disablement (permanently totally and absolutely disable
the insured student from engaging in any employment or occupation of any description
whatsoever) then the company shall pay to the parent / guardian or insured Student as
the case may be the capital sum insured stated in the schedule of benefits. In case of
death of both student and the parent / guardian named in the schedule of the policy
resulting solely and directly from same accident caused by outward, violent and visible
means, within six calendar months of its occurrence then the company shall pay the
legal heir of the parent / guardian sums stated in the schedule.

Part 4

Subject to the terms, conditions & exclusions the Company undertakes that if during the
period stated in the Policy any insured student contracts any disease or suffers from
any illness or sustains any bodily injury through accident, and takes treatment at any
Nursing Home/Hospital in India as an inpatient, the Company will pay to the Insured
Person such expenses as are reasonably and necessarily incurred subject to the limits
prescribed but not exceeding the Sum Insured in any one period of insurance stated
against that person in the policy.


(as per Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojna (PMJJBY)

1. Death Cover : Rs. 2,00,000 per member
2. To be provided by Life Insurance Companies


a) In these Rules, the following words and expressions shall unless repugnant to the
context, have the following meanings:-
for the Savings Bank Account Holders of BANK.

c) THE RULES" shall mean the Rules of the Scheme as set out below and as
amended from time to time.
d) THE MEMBER shall mean a Savings Bank Account Holder who has been admitted
to benefits of the Scheme and on whose life an assurance has been or is to be
effected in accordance with these Rules.
e) TERMINAL DATE shall mean in respect of each Member the Annual Renewal
Date following the date on which member completes the age of 55 or the member
closes his account with the Bank or discontinuance of premium payment whichever

is earlier.
f) THE ASSURANCE shall mean the particular Assurance to be effected on the life of
the Member.
g) THE BENEFICIARY shall mean the person or persons who has/have been
appointed by the Member as Nominee and whose name or names have been
entered in the Bank Records.


The savings bank account holder of the participating banks aged between 18 years
(completed) and 50 years (age nearer birthday) and who have given the consent to
join the scheme during the enrollment period are eligible to join the scheme.


Age as recorded by the Bank as per the Age Proof submitted by the Savings Bank
Account holder.


Satisfactory evidence of health as required by the insurance company shall be

furnished by every eligible member, at the time of his entry into the Scheme, after
the Enrollment Period, as incorporated in the Consent-cum- Declaration Form for
joining the scheme.


Premium to be deducted from members SB Account. The premium is Rs.330/- plus

Service Tax (if payable) irrespective of date of entry i.e. during enrollment period or
after that date during the first year. Renewal premium is chargeable as per the rate
decided from time to time on Annual Renewal dates.


An assurance of Rs.2,00,000/- on death of the insured member is payable to the


Upon the death of the Member prior to Terminal Date, the sum assured under the
Assurance shall be payable to the nominated Beneficiary, provided the assurance is
kept in force by payment of premium for that member.


The Assurance on the life of a Member shall terminate on an Annual Renewal Date
upon happening of any of the following events and no benefit will become payable
thereunder:-On attaining age 55 years (age nearest birthday) on annual renewal

Closure of account with the Bank or insufficiency of balance to keep the insurance in


If the insurance cover is ceased due to any technical reasons such as insufficient
balance for payment of premium on due date of renewal, the same can be reinstated
after the grace period on receipt of premium and a satisfactory statement of good


The benefits assured under the Scheme are strictly personal and cannot be
assigned, charged or alienated in any way.


The Bank or Insurance Company reserves the right to discontinue the Scheme at

any time or to amend the Rules thereof on any Annual Renewal Date subject to
giving one months notice. Any amendment to the Rules of the Scheme will be done
based on mutual agreement between Insurance Company and Bank.


All Assurances issued under the Scheme shall be Indian Contracts. They will be
subject to Indian Laws including the Insurance Act, 1938 as amended, the Income
Tax Act, 1961 and to any legislation subsequently introduced. All benefits under the
Scheme arising out of death of any Member shall be payable in Indian Rupees.


Every notice and communication to the Company required by this Policy shall be in
writing to the Policy issuing Office of the Company.

This Policy shall be void and all premium paid hereon shall be forfeited to the Company
in the event of misrepresentation, misdescription or non-disclosure of any material

Reasonable Care:
The Insured shall take all reasonable steps to safeguard the property insured against
any loss or damage. The Insured shall exercise reasonable care that only competent
employees are employed and shall take all reasonable precautions to prevent all
accidents and shall comply with all statutory or other regulations.

Cancellation: (Except Sections-1,3&8- PMFBY/WBCIS, PMSBY & PMJJBY)

The Policy may be terminated at the request of the Insured in which case the
Insurance Company will retain the premium for the period this Policy has been in
force at the short period scales of rates, subject to the retention of minimum

premium of Rs. 100 by the Insurer. No refund of premium shall be made if a claim is
reported in the policy.
The details of the cancellation procedure are as per guidelines.

Claims Procedure:

i) The Insured shall upon the occurrence of any event giving rise or likely to give rise to
a claim under this Policy:
a) In the event of theft lodge forthwith a complaint with the Police and shall take all
practicable steps to apprehend the guilty person or persons and to recover the
property lost.
b) Give immediate notice thereof to the Company and shall within Fourteen (14)
days thereafter furnish to the Company at his own expense detailed particulars of
the amount of the loss or damage, together with such explanation and evidence
to substantiate the claim as the Company may reasonably require.

ii) If the Insured or member of the Insureds family comprising the Insureds spouse
and children shall die, notice of death shall be given by the legal representative(s)
forthwith. All certificates information and evidence whether from a Medical Attendant
or otherwise required by the Company shall be furnished at the expense of the
Insured or his legal representatives and shall be in such form and of such nature as
the Company may prescribe..
iii) The Insured shall upon the occurrence of any event giving rise or likely to give rise
to a claim under the Policy give immediate notice thereof to the Company and shall
forward to the Company forthwith every written notice or information of any verbal
notice of claim and shall send to the Company any writ, summons or other legal
process issued or commenced against the Insured and shall give all necessary
information and assistance to enable the Company to settle or resist any claim or to
institute proceedings. The Insured shall not incur any expenses in making good any
claim without the prior consent of the Company and shall not negotiate, pay, settle,
admit or repudiate any claim without such consent.

In the event of any loss damage liability or expenses covered by this Policy there shall
be any other insurance covering the same loss damage liability or expenses, whether
effected by the Insured or not this Policy shall pay only so much of the excess of such
loss damage liability or expenses as is not recoverable under such other insurance
subject always to the limitations of this Policy.

If any claim under this Policy shall in any respect be fraudulent or if any fraudulent
means or devices are used by the Insured or any one acting on the Insureds behalf to
obtain any benefit under this Policy, all benefits under the Policy shall be forfeited.

The Company may at its option reinstate/replace or repair the property or premises lost
or damaged or any part thereof instead of paying the amount of the loss or damage or
may join with any other insurer in so doing but the Company shall not be bound to
reinstate exactly or completely but only as circumstances permit and in reasonably
sufficient manner and in no case shall the Company be bound to expend more in
reinstatement than it would have cost to reinstate such property as it was at the time of
occurrence of such loss or damage and not more than the Sum Insured by the
Company thereon.

If the property hereby insured shall at the time of any loss or damage be collectively of
greater value than the Sum Insured thereon, then the Insured shall be considered as
being his own insurer for the difference, and shall bear a ratable proportion of the loss
or damage accordingly. Every item insured, if more than one, of the Policy, shall be
separately subject to this condition.

Grievance Redressal Mechanism

To address any grievance/ complaint under the scheme, a committee consisting of

District Agriculture Officer (Nodal Officer), representatives of implementing insurance
company and bank/ financial institution shall be constituted. The working of the
grievance committee will be monitored by District Level Monitoring Committee (DLMC)
under the chairmanship of District Magistrate.

Observance of Terms and Conditions:

The due observance and fulfillment of the terms, conditions and endorsement of this
Policy in so far as they relate to anything to be done or complied with by the Insured
shall be a condition precedent to any liability of the Company to make any payment
under this Policy.


The Company shall not be liable in respect of:

1. Loss or damage, liability or expenses whether directly or indirectly, occasioned by

happening through or arising from any consequences of war, invasion, act of foreign
enemy, hostilities (whether war be declared or not) civil war, rebellion, revolution,
insurrection, mutiny, military, or usurped power or civil commotion or loot or pillage in
connection herewith.
2. Loss or damage caused by depreciation or wear and tear
3. Consequential loss of any kind or description.
4. a) Loss or damage directly or indirectly caused by or arising from or in consequence
of or contributed to by nuclear weapons material.
b) This Insurance does not cover loss or damage directly or indirectly caused by or
arising from or in consequence of or contributed to by ionising radiation or
contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste
from the combustion of nuclear fuel. For the purpose of Condition 4 (b) only
combustion shall include any self-sustaining process of nuclear fission.


Address of Policy Issuing Office-----------

Policy No.

Proposers Name:
Period of Insurance (both days inclusive):
Address: From -------- To-----------

N SUM as %
o. of sum
1 3
1. Crop Presuming average holding of 1.5 60000 Farmers Rs. 1500
Insurance hectare with tentative Sum Insured of (Rs.30000 premium (approx)
(Yield & Rs. 20000 per hectare per season of each liabilities
Area Khasra No. .. Village.. season) 2.5%
Based/Inde average
x based)
2. Fire & A. Residential Building (covered
Allied Perils on first loss basis) Rs.25000 Rs. 20
(covered on Sum Insured up to: Rs. 50000 Rs. 40
First loss Rs.75000 Rs. 60
B. Rs.10000 Rs. 10
Household Contents Rs. 20000 Rs. 20
(Excluding Jewelry) Rs.30000 Rs. 30

3. Personal Name/ Age / Dt. Of Name of

Accident Occupation birth Nominee
as per
Benefits (per member):
1. Accidental death: Rs. 200000 Rs. Rs. 12 per
2. Permanent total disablement: Rs. 200000 member
3. Loss of one limb/Eye: Rs. 100000
4. Applicable to Age group 18-70
years only

4. Agriculture Pump Driving Unit
Make Electric Diesel
Type Make Make
Section HP HP
Delivery Yr.of make Yr. Of Make
Sl.No. RPM RPM Rs. 25000 1.75% Rs. 438
Yr. of Sl.No. Sl.No.
Amp No. of

5. Agriculture Cover required: Third Party / Insureds

Tractor Comprehensive declared
value Third
Gr Party Rs. 2730
os (Variable Cover
Re s however, As per
Engine Year
gn. Type ve presumed IRDA
No. Mak of
Mar of hic Rs. 5 Lakh
Chassi e Manuf
k& Body le for Comprehe
s No. acture Rs. 6500
No. we premium nsive
igh computatio Cover
t n) (1.30%)

6. Student Name of Age / Dt. Of Name of

Safety Student Birth Nominee
Benefits (for Parent/ Student): SI per
1. Accidental death: Rs. 50000
(parent/student) Rs. 50000 Rs. 75
2. Permanent total disablement: Rs.
50000 (student)
3. Loss of one limb/Eye: Rs. 25000
4. Accidental Hospitalization: Rs. 5000
In case of death of Father or Mother, the
Claim amount to be converted into FD in
the name of student till attainment of
7. Life Name/ Age / Dt. Name of Rs. 330
Insurance Occupatio Of birth Nominee 200000 per
(as per n member

Jyoti Bima
1. Death Cover : Rs. 200000 per member
2. To be provided by Life Insurance companies
NOTE: The liability of the Company does
not commence until the proposal has been Total Premium ( *including Rs. 5145*
accepted by the Company and full premium Third Party cover forTractor)

I/We hereby declare that the particulars contained herein are true and
correct and that no material fact has been withheld, mis-stated or misrepresented
and also that this proposal-cum-schedule form part of the companys standard
policy and shall be the basis of the contract between me/us and insurance
company. I / We further declare that the sum Insured herein represent the full
value of the property / persons / animals / birds / carts described herein.
Assignment clause
I ----------------------do hereby assign the money payable in the event of my
death by ------ to ------------------ further declare that his receipt shall be sufficient
discharge to the Company.

Place: Signature of the Proposer

Date :

1/19/16 Cabinet approves New Crop Insurance Scheme Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana A boost to t

Press Information Bureau

Government of India
Ministry of Agriculture
13-January-2016 17:08 IST
Cabinet approves New Crop Insurance Scheme Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana A boost to the farming sector



In case of annual commercial and horticultural crops, the premium to be paid by farmers will be only 5%. The
ii) There is no upper limit on Government subsidy. Even if balance premium is 90%, it will be borne by the



No Feature
[1999] [2010]

1 Premiumrate Low High

2 OneSeasonOnePremium Yes No Yes

3 InsuranceAmountcover Full Capped Full

4 OnAccountPayment No Yes Yes

Hailstorm Hailstorm
5 LocalisedRiskcoverage No Landslide

6 PostHarvestLossescoverage No cyclonic+unseasonal

7 PreventedSowingcoverage No Yes Yes

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1/19/16 Cabinet approves New Crop Insurance Scheme Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana A boost to t

8 No Intended Mandatory

9 Awareness No No



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