Biodata Tuanku Imam Bonjol

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Biodata Tuanku Imam Bonjol

Name: Muhammad Shahab

Date of Birth: 1772, Bonjol, West Sumatra, Indonesia
Died: 6 November 1864, Minahasa
Nationality: Minangkabau
Parents: Bayanuddin (father), Hamatun (mother)

Indigenous to the contention of the Padri or religious people also involves Tuanku Imam Bonjol. The
vicar tried to clean the religious teachings of Islam which has been widely distorted in order to be
returned to the pure teachings of the Islamic religion.

At first the onset of the war was based on a desire among clerical leaders in the kingdom
Pagaruyung to implement and enforce Sharia Law in accordance with the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah
who cling to the Qur'an and Sunnah-sunnah Rasullullah Allaah alaihi wasallam. Then the leader of
the clergy who joined the Tigers nan Salapan ask my lord to invite Yang Di-Pertuan Lintau
Pagaruyung along with Indigenous tribe to abandon some habits that are not in accordance with

In some negotiations there is no agreement between The Padri with Indigenous People. As it was in
several villages in the kingdom Pagaruyung volatile, and until tribe Padri led Tuanku Pagaruyung
Pasaman attacked in 1815, and fighting broke out in Koto Tangah near stone cage. Sultan Arifin
Muningsyah forced to flee from the royal capital to Lubukjambi.

On February 21, 1821, the Indigenous formally cooperate with the Dutch East Indies government
fight the Padri in the agreement signed in Padang, as compensation for the Netherlands got the right
of access and control over the territory darek (inland Minangkabau). The agreement was also
attended by the rest of the family dynasty Pagaruyung under Sultan Alam Tangkal Bagagar already in
Padang that time.

Resistance conducted by Padri forces are strong enough so it is very difficult for the Netherlands to
defeat it. Therefore the Netherlands through the Governor General Johannes van den Bosch invites
Padri tribe leader who at that time was led by Tuanku Imam Bonjol to terms with intimation Masang
Treaty in 1824. But then this agreement is violated by the Dutch by attacking villages Sikek Clever.

In 1833 the war turned into a war between the Indigenous and the Padri against the Netherlands,
both parties shoulder to shoulder against the Netherlands, Parties who originally opposed finally
united against the Netherlands. At the end of remorse appears consciousness, invited the
Netherlands in conflict precisely miserable Minangkabau society itself.
Merging of the Indigenous and Padri begins with compromise known as plaque Peak Pato in Tabek
Patah who embody the consensus Indigenous basandi Syarak (Adat based on religion).

Assault and siege of the fortress Padri in Bonjol by the Dutch from all directions for about six months
(16 March to 17 August 1837), led by generals and officers the Netherlands, but the soldiers who are
mostly indigenous people consisting of various ethnic groups, such as Javanese, Madurese, Bugis,
and Ambon.

3 times the Netherlands to replace the commander of the war to seize Bonjol, which is a small
country with a fortress of clay in the vicinity surrounded by moats. It was only on August 16, 1837,
Fort Bonjol can be mastered after a long siege.

In October 1837, Tuanku Imam Bonjol was invited to Palupuh to negotiate. Arrived in the area he
was arrested and exiled to Cianjur, West Java. Then transferred to Ambon and finally to Lotak,
Minahasa, near Manado. In the last place that he died on November 8, 1864. Tuanku Imam Bonjol
buried at

At first the onset of the war was based on a desire among clerical leaders in the kingdom Pagaruyun

In some negotiations there is no agreement between The Padri with Indigenous People. As it was in
several villages in the kingdom Pagaruyung volatile, and until tribe Padri led Tuanku Pagaruyung
Pasaman attacked in 1815, and fighting broke out in Koto Tangah near stone cage. Sultan Arifin
Muningsyah forced to flee from the royal capital to Lubukjambi.

On February 21, 1821, the Indigenous formally cooperate with the Dutch East Indies government
fight the Padri in the agreement signed in Padang, as compensation for the Netherlands got the right
of access and control over the territory darek (inland Minangkabau). The agreement was also
attended by the rest of the family dynasty Pagaruyung under Sultan Alam Tangkal Bagagar already in
Padang that time.

Resistance conducted by Padri forces are strong enough so it is very difficult for the Netherlands to
defeat it. Therefore the Netherlands through the Governor General Johannes van den Bosch invites
Padri tribe leader who at that time was led by Tuanku Imam Bonjol to terms with intimation Masang
Treaty in 1824. But then this agreement is violated by the Dutch by attacking villages Sikek Clever.

In 1833 the war turned into a war between the Indigenous and the Padri against the Netherlands,
both parties shoulder to shoulder against the Netherlands, Parties who originally opposed finally
united against the Netherlands. At the end of remorse appears consciousness, invited the
Netherlands in conflict precisely miserable Minangkabau society itself.

Merging of the Indigenous and Padri begins with compromise known as plaque Peak Pato in Tabek
Patah who embody the consensus Indigenous basandi Syarak (Adat based on religion).

Assault and siege of the fortress Padri in Bonjol by the Dutch from all directions for about six months
(16 March to 17 August 1837), led by generals and officers the Netherlands, but the soldiers who are
mostly indigenous people consisting of various ethnic groups, such as Javanese, Madurese, Bugis,
and Ambon.

3 times the Netherlands to replace the commander of the war to seize Bonjol, which is a small
country with a fortress of clay in the vicinity surrounded by moats. It was only on August 16, 1837,
Fort Bonjol can be mastered after a long siege.

In October 1837, Tuanku Imam Bonjol was invited to Palupuh to negotiate. Arrived in the area he
was arrested and exiled to Cianjur, West Java. Then transferred to Ambon and finally to Lotak,
Minahasa, near Manado. In the last place that he died on November 8, 1864. Tuanku Imam Bonjol

buried at the site. Biodata Tuanku Imam Bonjol

Name: Muhammad Shahab
Date of Birth: 1772, Bonjol, West Sumatra, Indonesia
Died: 6 November 1864, Minahasa
Nationality: Minangkabau
Parents: Bayanuddin (father), Hamatun (mother)

Indigenous to the contention of the Padri or religious people also involves Tuanku Imam Bonjol. The
vicar tried to clean the religious teachings of Islam which has been widely distorted in order to be
returned to the pure teachings of the Islamic religion.

At first the onset of the war was based on a desire among clerical leaders in the kingdom
Pagaruyung to implement and enforce Sharia Law in accordance with the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah
who cling to the Qur'an and Sunnah-sunnah Rasullullah Allaah alaihi wasallam. Then the leader of
the clergy who joined the Tigers nan Salapan ask my lord to invite Yang Di-Pertuan Lintau
Pagaruyung along with Indigenous tribe to abandon some habits that are not in accordance with

In some negotiations there is no agreement between The Padri with Indigenous People. As it was in
several villages in the kingdom Pagaruyung volatile, and until tribe Padri led Tuanku Pagaruyung
Pasaman attacked in 1815, and fighting broke out in Koto Tangah near stone cage. Sultan Arifin
Muningsyah forced to flee from the royal capital to Lubukjambi.

On February 21, 1821, the Indigenous formally cooperate with the Dutch East Indies government
fight the Padri in the agreement signed in Padang, as compensation for the Netherlands got the right
of access and control over the territory darek (inland Minangkabau). The agreement was also
attended by the rest of the family dynasty Pagaruyung under Sultan Alam Tangkal Bagagar already in
Padang that time.

Resistance conducted by Padri forces are strong enough so it is very difficult for the Netherlands to
defeat it. Therefore the Netherlands through the Governor General Johannes van den Bosch invites
Padri tribe leader who at that time was led by Tuanku Imam Bonjol to terms with intimation Masang
Treaty in 1824. But then this agreement is violated by the Dutch by attacking villages Sikek Clever.

In 1833 the war turned into a war between the Indigenous and the Padri against the Netherlands,
both parties shoulder to shoulder against the Netherlands, Parties who originally opposed finally
united against the Netherlands. At the end of remorse appears consciousness, invited the
Netherlands in conflict precisely miserable Minangkabau society itself.

Merging of the Indigenous and Padri begins with compromise known as plaque Peak Pato in Tabek
Patah who embody the consensus Indigenous basandi Syarak (Adat based on religion).

Assault and siege of the fortress Padri in Bonjol by the Dutch from all directions for about six months
(16 March to 17 August 1837), led by generals and officers the Netherlands, but the soldiers who are
mostly indigenous people consisting of various ethnic groups, such as Javanese, Madurese, Bugis,
and Ambon.

3 times the Netherlands to replace the commander of the war to seize Bonjol, which is a small
country with a fortress of clay in the vicinity surrounded by moats. It was only on August 16, 1837,
Fort Bonjol can be mastered after a long siege.

In October 1837, Tuanku Imam Bonjol was invited to Palupuh to negotiate. Arrived in the area he
was arrested and exiled to Cianjur, West Java. Then transferred to Ambon and finally to Lotak,
Minahasa, near Manado. In the last place that he died on November 8, 1864. Tuanku Imam Bonjol

buried at the site. Biodata Tuanku Imam Bonjol

Name: Muhammad Shahab
Date of Birth: 1772, Bonjol, West Sumatra, Indonesia
Died: 6 November 1864, Minahasa
Nationality: Minangkabau
Parents: Bayanuddin (father), Hamatun (mother)

Indigenous to the contention of the Padri or religious people also involves Tuanku Imam Bonjol. The
vicar tried to clean the religious teachings of Islam which has been widely distorted in order to be
returned to the pure teachings of the Islamic religion.

At first the onset of the war was based on a desire among clerical leaders in the kingdom
Pagaruyung to implement and enforce Sharia Law in accordance with the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah
who cling to the Qur'an and Sunnah-sunnah Rasullullah Allaah alaihi wasallam. Then the leader of
the clergy who joined the Tigers nan Salapan ask my lord to invite Yang Di-Pertuan Lintau
Pagaruyung along with Indigenous tribe to abandon some habits that are not in accordance with

In some negotiations there is no agreement between The Padri with Indigenous People. As it was in
several villages in the kingdom Pagaruyung volatile, and until tribe Padri led Tuanku Pagaruyung
Pasaman attacked in 1815, and fighting broke out in Koto Tangah near stone cage. Sultan Arifin
Muningsyah forced to flee from the royal capital to Lubukjambi.

On February 21, 1821, the Indigenous formally cooperate with the Dutch East Indies government
fight the Padri in the agreement signed in Padang, as compensation for the Netherlands got the right
of access and control over the territory darek (inland Minangkabau). The agreement was also
attended by the rest of the family dynasty Pagaruyung under Sultan Alam Tangkal Bagagar already in
Padang that time.

Resistance conducted by Padri forces are strong enough so it is very difficult for the Netherlands to
defeat it. Therefore the Netherlands through the Governor General Johannes van den Bosch invites
Padri tribe leader who at that time was led by Tuanku Imam Bonjol to terms with intimation Masang
Treaty in 1824. But then this agreement is violated by the Dutch by attacking villages Sikek Clever.

In 1833 the war turned into a war between the Indigenous and the Padri against the Netherlands,
both parties shoulder to shoulder against the Netherlands, Parties who originally opposed finally
united against the Netherlands. At the end of remorse appears consciousness, invited the
Netherlands in conflict precisely miserable Minangkabau society itself.

Merging of the Indigenous and Padri begins with compromise known as plaque Peak Pato in Tabek
Patah who embody the consensus Indigenous basandi Syarak (Adat based on religion).

Assault and siege of the fortress Padri in Bonjol by the Dutch from all directions for about six months
(16 March to 17 August 1837), led by generals and officers the Netherlands, but the soldiers who are
mostly indigenous people consisting of various ethnic groups, such as Javanese, Madurese, Bugis,
and Ambon.

3 times the Netherlands to replace the commander of the war to seize Bonjol, which is a small
country with a fortress of clay in the vicinity surrounded by moats. It was only on August 16, 1837,
Fort Bonjol can be mastered after a long siege.

In October 1837, Tuanku Imam Bonjol was invited to Palupuh to negotiate. Arrived in the area he
was arrested and exiled to Cianjur, West Java. Then transferred to Ambon and finally to Lotak,
Minahasa, near Manado. In the last place that he died on November 8, 1864. Tuanku Imam Bonjol

buried at the site. Biodata Tuanku Imam Bonjol

Name: Muhammad Shahab
Date of Birth: 1772, Bonjol, West Sumatra, Indonesia
Died: 6 November 1864, Minahasa
Nationality: Minangkabau
Parents: Bayanuddin (father), Hamatun (mother)

Indigenous to the contention of the Padri or religious people also involves Tuanku Imam Bonjol. The
vicar tried to clean the religious teachings of Islam which has been widely distorted in order to be
returned to the pure teachings of the Islamic religion.

At first the onset of the war was based on a desire among clerical leaders in the kingdom
Pagaruyung to implement and enforce Sharia Law in accordance with the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah
who cling to the Qur'an and Sunnah-sunnah Rasullullah Allaah alaihi wasallam. Then the leader of
the clergy who joined the Tigers nan Salapan ask my lord to invite Yang Di-Pertuan Lintau
Pagaruyung along with Indigenous tribe to abandon some habits that are not in accordance with

In some negotiations there is no agreement between The Padri with Indigenous People. As it was in
several villages in the kingdom Pagaruyung volatile, and until tribe Padri led Tuanku Pagaruyung
Pasaman attacked in 1815, and fighting broke out in Koto Tangah near stone cage. Sultan Arifin
Muningsyah forced to flee from the royal capital to Lubukjambi.

On February 21, 1821, the Indigenous formally cooperate with the Dutch East Indies government
fight the Padri in the agreement signed in Padang, as compensation for the Netherlands got the right
of access and control over the territory darek (inland Minangkabau). The agreement was also
attended by the rest of the family dynasty Pagaruyung under Sultan Alam Tangkal Bagagar already in
Padang that time.

Resistance conducted by Padri forces are strong enough so it is very difficult for the Netherlands to
defeat it. Therefore the Netherlands through the Governor General Johannes van den Bosch invites
Padri tribe leader who at that time was led by Tuanku Imam Bonjol to terms with intimation Masang
Treaty in 1824. But then this agreement is violated by the Dutch by attacking villages Sikek Clever.

In 1833 the war turned into a war between the Indigenous and the Padri against the Netherlands,
both parties shoulder to shoulder against the Netherlands, Parties who originally opposed finally
united against the Netherlands. At the end of remorse appears consciousness, invited the
Netherlands in conflict precisely miserable Minangkabau society itself.

Merging of the Indigenous and Padri begins with compromise known as plaque Peak Pato in Tabek
Patah who embody the consensus Indigenous basandi Syarak (Adat based on religion).

Assault and siege of the fortress Padri in Bonjol by the Dutch from all directions for about six months
(16 March to 17 August 1837), led by generals and officers the Netherlands, but the soldiers who are
mostly indigenous people consisting of various ethnic groups, such as Javanese, Madurese, Bugis,
and Ambon.
3 times the Netherlands to replace the commander of the war to seize Bonjol, which is a small
country with a fortress of clay in the vicinity surrounded by moats. It was only on August 16, 1837,
Fort Bonjol can be mastered after a long siege.

In October 1837, Tuanku Imam Bonjol was invited to Palupuh to negotiate. Arrived in the area he
was arrested and exiled to Cianjur, West Java. Then transferred to Ambon and finally to Lotak,
Minahasa, near Manado. In the last place that he died on November 8, 1864. Tuanku Imam Bonjol

buried at the site. Biodata Tuanku Imam Bonjol

Name: Muhammad Shahab
Date of Birth: 1772, Bonjol, West Sumatra, Indonesia
Died: 6 November 1864, Minahasa
Nationality: Minangkabau
Parents: Bayanuddin (father), Hamatun (mother)

Indigenous to the contention of the Padri or religious people also involves Tuanku Imam Bonjol. The
vicar tried to clean the religious teachings of Islam which has been widely distorted in order to be
returned to the pure teachings of the Islamic religion.

At first the onset of the war was based on a desire among clerical leaders in the kingd

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