Course: practicum 2b
Learning Outcome (ADEC code and words): - Students will be able to recognize the initial sound of the letter "Ff
- Students will be able to identify the letter F in alphabet .
- Students will be able to recognize and write letter F.
- Students will be recognize the words that start with letter F.
Resources (what materials/equipment will you and Preparation (what do you need to make or check before
the students use? Be specific) class?)
Circle time:.
Time: 10 min
Greeting the students and ask them about the weather and the day and date) , remind them the rules of the
Revision of letters Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee
Introduction to the letter Ff vocabulary and sound.
( How are you all ? ) , ( How is the weather today ?) , ( How many days in the week ?) , ( what was the first
letter we took ? ) , (Who can give words that start with letter f ) .
Teacher do : give each child in the group one small white board and marker to write letter f .
Teacher do : she will give all of the group one big picture of flower and different flash cards with
different words .
Students will discover and search for the words that start with letter f and they will stick it in the
Teacher do : I will give all of the group one pic picture of the flag of the uae and colors of uae .
Student will put the uae flag colors in their finger and they will print it in the pic of the uae flag.
Teacher do : I will give each child in the group picture of letter f and play dough .
Students will create with the play dough letter f and they will stick it on the letter f .
Extra activity : I will give the all of the children small flashcards with letter f and pictures . students should
fix the picture . (buzzle )
Whole Closing
Time : What's the name of this letter?
10 min What's the initial sound of letter e?
Activity : mix up the fishes with different letters they have to pick up the fish that with letter f , a , b ,c ,d ,e