DIN 4024 1 1988 04 01 Machine Foundations Flexible
DIN 4024 1 1988 04 01 Machine Foundations Flexible
DIN 4024 1 1988 04 01 Machine Foundations Flexible
Machine foundations ~- DI IV
Flexible structures that support
machines with rotating elements 402 4
Part 1
Maschinenfundamente ; elastische Sttzkonstruktionen fr Maschinen mit rotierenden Massen Supersedes DIN 4024 ,
January 1955 edition .
In keeping with current practice in standards published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), a comm a
has been used throughout as the decimal marker.
The DIN 4024 series of standards currently comprises the following Parts :
DIN 4024 Part 1 Machine foundations ; flexible structures that support machines with rotating element s
DIN 4024 Part 2 (at present at the stage of draft) Machine foundations ; rigid structures that support machines wit h
periodic excitatio n
c In this standard, the term'load' is used for forces acting on a system from the outside ; this applies equally to compoun d
terms that include the component 'load' (cf . DIN 10r,0 Part 1) .
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Beuth Verlag GmbH, Berlin, has the exclusive right of sate for German Standards (DIN-Normen) . DIN 4024 Part 1 Engl, Price group 8
12 .90 Sales No . 0108
2 Concept s w=-
= 2nf ;
2 .1 Vibratio n
ro o is the zero phase angle .
For the purposes of this standard, vibration is a process i n
which a mechanical quantity,q,varies as a function of tim e
(see figure 1), alternating at least once between a minimu m
negative and a maximum positive (peak) value .
2 .3 Dampin g
2 .2 Types of vibratio n
Damping is a system characteristic by which kinetic energ y
2 .2 .1 Periodic vibratio n is dissipated and either irreversibly converted to othe r
Periodic vibration is a process in which the magnitude o f forms of energy, particularly heat, or conducted away to th e
a quantity, q, periodically varies with time (see figure 2) , environment .
this being expressed by the following formula : The forms of damping of concern are :
q(t) = q(t+nT) (i ) a) material damping,where the damping force is given by :
where n is a whole number and T is an increment of tim e
Po = (3)
The reciprocal of T, in s, is the frequency, f, in Hz .
Reinforcing steel, suitable for loads that are not predomi- f) loads due to the mass of the ancillary equipment an d
nantly static, shall be used formembers subject to dynami c the effective forces and moments (that act both verti-
loads ; the reinforcement of such members shall not b e cally and horizontally), e .g . thermal expansion, flo w
made from smooth reinforcing steel . forces and vapour pressure ;
g) thermal effects from the machine and its ancillary
3 .2 Stee l equipment.
Steel of at least grade St 37-2 as specified in DIN 17 100 shal l In the case of turbines, a difference in temperature o f
be used . 20K across the foundation cross section may b e
assumed, unless otherwise specified by the machin e
For the dynamic analysis, the static moduli of elasticity a s
given in DIN 18800 Part 1 may be assumed . Where precise
information about the damping characteristics is not avail - Erection loads are generally transient mass loads that d o
able, stiffness-related material damping may be assumed , not occur during normal servive, and include the load s
as well as a damping characteristic, h, equal to 0,02 . resulting from erection equipment and lifting gear .
For load cases that involve loading significantly higher tha n 4.1 .3 Dynamic load s
that during normal service, a higher damping factor may b e
assumed . The following are dynamic loads during normal service :
a) bearing forces (both vertical and horizontal), resultin g
from rotor unbalance, depending on the rotationa l
3.3 Groun d speed ;
For the dynamic analysis, the resiliency of the ground nee d b) periodic operating loads, resulting from the particula r
only be considered in special cases (cf . subclause 5 .2) , machine performance, that act on the foundation vi a
except for slab foundations, where the resiliency must b e the casing orthe bearings, e .g. forces at twice orsevera l
considered . It may, however, be advantageous to conside r times the rotational frequency of single-phase a .c .
the damping of the ground . machines or biowers,forces from the casing at twice th e
The dynamic characteristics of the ground (e .g . shea r mains frequency of a three-phase machine, or slip -
modulus and Poisson's ratio) can only be determined b y frequency magnetic forces from an induction machine ;
field or laboratory measurements . Since measured value s C) forces and moments that result from turning th e
tend to be widely dispersed, calculation of the dynami c machine on or off, or other transient situations (e .g .
loading should be based on limit values forthese quantities , those associated with the operation of shock convert-
which can be found in the relevant literature, [1] to [3] , ers or occurring during synchronization) .
The major dynamic loads that result from malfunction are :
4 Loads a) an increase in the periodic bearing loads in the case o f
exceptionally high rotor unbalance caused, for example ,
4 .1 Machinery
by blade breakage or rotor distortion ;
4 .1 .1 Genera l b) terminal short circuit or loss of synchronization in th e
The machine manufacturer shall provide the following infor - generator or motor ;
mation : C) shock to pipes or fittings upon emergency shut-down .
a) erection loads ;
b) loads during normal service ; 4 .2 Foundatio n
C) loads during malfunction ; 4 .2.1 Permanent load s
d) service frequency and service frequency range ; The design values of the self-weight of the structure shall b e
e) any thermal effects of the machine or the ancillar y determined in accordance with DIN 1055 Part 1 .
equipment on the foundation .
4.2 .2 Imposed load s
The static and dynamic loads in each of the above case s
shall be given separately . Imposed loads need not be considered for the structure a s
a whole, but the individual members shall be designed t o
If the machine manufacturer requires the foundation to b e
carry particular imposed loads, these being the subjec t
of a particular stiffness, the above load information shall b e
of agreement among the machine manufacturer, the foun-
stated in the form of displacement values which are not t o dation designer and the client . Unless otherwise specified ,
be exceeded .
an imposed load of 5 kN/m 2 shall be assumed .
If vibration is to be restricted (to prevent damage to th e
machine .and its ancillary equipment), even in the case o f 4 .2 .3 Creep and shrinkage of reinforced concret e
malfunction, the manufacturer shall provide relevant limi t
Shrinkage of reinforced concrete shall be considered, a s
values .
set out in DIN 1045, and no allowance shall be made fo r
creep (cf . subclause 7.1) .
4 .1 .2 Static load s
The following are static loads during normal service : 4 .2 .4 Effects of temperature, wind and earthquake s
a) the mass of the rotors and the machine casing ; Where the effects of temperature, wind and earthquake s
need to be considered, refer to the relevant standards (e .g .
b) the mass ofthe condensers, depending on howtheyar e
DIN 1045, DIN 1055 Part 4 and DIN 4149 Part 1) .
erected and the amount of water they contain ;
C) the vacuum force in a turbine whose condensors ar e
connected to the turbine casing via compensator s 5 Desig n
(both vertical and horizontal) ; 5 .1 Genera l
d) the machine's driving and output moments that act o n 5 .1 .1 Objective s
the foundation via the casing (vertical pairs of forces) ; Machine foundations are intended to accommodate th e
e) friction loads on the bearing faces (predominantly hori- static and dynamic loads from the machine .They should b e
zontal), caused by the thermal expansion of the casing : designed on the basis of machine movement during normal
DIN 4024 Part 1 Pag
Where thermal effects are to be considered in the analysis Each model point (node) has up to six degrees of freedo n
of reinforced concrete foundations, the 2nd moment o f i .e. three translational and three rotational . The number o
effective cross-sectional area may be assumed to be equa l degrees of freedom that need to be considered in a parti c
to 0,3 1 . ular case cannot be specified here .
The static analysis of steel machine foundations ma y The numberof nodes required and the numberof degrees o
generally be limited to a determination of the suppor t freedom 'to be assigned to them depends on sever a
reaction, as the vibration load on such foundations is low. factors, including :
a) the geometry of the entire system ;
5 .1 .3 Dynamic analysis b) the type of vibration to be investigated (vertical, hor i
zontal or torsional) ;
Dynamic analysis of machine foundations serves to asses s
vibration behaviour and to determine the action-effect s c) the relevant frequency range ;
of the system under dynamic loading. It is to be based o n d) the calculation method selected .
a model of the entire system that has largely linear charac - If the system is symmetrical with respect to the vertical
teristics and several degrees of freedom . The metho d centre plane in the longitudinal direction, it will have sym
of assessment of the vibration behaviour (displacement) metric and antimetric natural modes of vibration that ca n
and of determining dynamic forces will depend on whethe r be calculated using models that represent each half o f
dynamic excitation forces are to be considered or not . the system . The relevant frequency range, .i .e. the range of
Where excitation forces are not considered, predicting th e natural frequencies that approaches the service frequency ,
vibration behaviour may be based on a comparison o f will affect the minimum number of translational degrees o f
the calculated natural frequencies of the machine with it s freedom that need not be considered .This number should
excitation frequencies, and then assessing the excitatio n be greater than twice the order of the highest natural fre-
potential of these natural modes . The action-effects ca n quency in the relevant frequency range .
then be determined by assuming analogous maximum dis - Damping maybe neglected when calculating natural vibra-
placement values based on the natural modes established . tion, but should be considered when calculating force d
Where excitation forces declared by the machine manufac - vibration .
turer are used in the calculation, or where such ar e Where it is necessary to consider the resiliency of th e
assumed, predicting the vibration behaviour and determin - ground (cf. subclause 3.3), the continuous resiliency ma y
ing the action-effects may be based on an analysis o f be represented by a number of springs .
forced vibration, in which case natural vibration is also to b e
determined .
5 .2 .3 Simplified representatio n
Dynamic analysis and consideration of the dynamic com- The foundation usualiydoes not need to be represented in a
ponent in subsequent calculations may generally b e spatial configuration . Rather, it may be represented b y
dispensed with if the mass of the rotating elements .is les s models of the individual components, one each for trans-
than one one-hundredth of the mass of the entire syste m lation and rotation in the two vertical planes and in the hori -
(machine plus foundation) . (Note that for platform founda- zontal plane, The rotational component may often b e
tions, the foundation is understood to comprise only thos e dispensed with .
members which are directly loaded .) Otherwise, in the cas e
of systems whose elements run at different rotational For consideration of horizontal vibration, the foundatio n
speeds,theirexcitation unbalance at any one speed mayb e may generally be assumed to be decoupled from the sup -
neglected if the sum of the masses of the individual ele- port and to be laterally retained by springs .
ments is less than one one-hundredth of the mass of th e For table foundations, the natural flexural vibration of th e
entire system . props maybe calculated separately from the entire system .
(12 )
E -1
is less than or equal to 50 (see figure 4), the n t -~
Ct ) f t = V I. f fm
- it maybe assumed that the flexural system is rigid fo r 2~n
For calculation purposes, this means that the resiliency , +--- f
cu, of the foundation, as well as the effect of its mass , ? 0,25 fB
can be neglected .
ft fB
C) The effect of the ground and that of the mass of th e Figure 5. Simplification c)
foundation may usually be neglected, provided one o f
the three following conditions is met (see figure 5) .
c t : The lowest natural frequency, f t , of the foundatio n 5.3 Natural vibratio n
plus machine (mass rrrn) on the spring support , 5 .3 .1 Natural frequencies and modes of vibratio n
where the foundation (mass nij is assumed to b e The natural frequencies ft to & and the modes associate d
rigid, is at least 20% lower than the lowest servic e with them shall be calculated in ascending order.
frequency, fn, .
The number of natural frequencies and modes to b e
C2: The lowest natural frequency, f,, of the entire sys- established shall be selected so that the highest natura l
tem,assumed to be a rigid bodyvibrating on flexibl e frequency calculated is at least 10%higherthan the servic e
ground,is at least 20%lowerthan the lowestservic e frequency. This requirement may be dispensed with in th e
frequency, f,,, . , case of foundations for machines with high service frequen -
C3: The lowest natural frequency, f t , of the foundation a s cies (i.e . where fn, > 75Hz) ; however, depending on th e
such,assumed to be rigid, is at least 25%lowertha n analysis model, the number of natural frequencies to b e
the lowest natural frequency, fB , of the foundatio n calculated, n, shall comply with the following :
as such, assumed to be rigid and on flexible ground . a) n =10 for two-dimensional models in which onlyvertica l
displacements are considered and in which symmetri c
l and antimetric vibration are not decoupled ;
b) n = 6 for two-dimensional, symmetrical models in whic h
Mode l onlyvertical displacements are considered and in whic h
E I symmetric and antimetric vibration are decoupled.
Ct C2 C3
r. i . 5 .3 .2 Assessment of vibration behaviour
on the basis of natural vibratio n
An assessment of the vibration behaviour of a machin e
foundation, in respect of the objectives given in sub -
---------- --- - - - clause 5 .1 .1, may, as a simplification, be based on the rela -
When calculating ft and
tionship of the natural frequencies, fn, to the servic e
f2, E I shall be assume d
frequencies, fm .
to approach infinity.
If both conditions land 2below are met for each decouple d
model, subsequent analysis may be dispensed with ,
1. First order natural frequency
ft z 1,25fm (13 )
.~ ~.
\ r~' f3
`'~ - - -~ When calculating fn,with ft s 0 8 fn,
1 (14 )
larger than 2, c ; shall be 2. Higher order natural frequencies
assumed to be zero . a) Higher order natural frequencies that approach th e
service frequency :
A S 0 . 9 -/m
and (15 )
Figure 4 . Simplification a) fn + 1 Z 1,1 f m
b) if condition 2a is not met,it shall suffice that fn is less the two adjacent natural frequencies, provided that they li e
than f,,, where n is equal to 10 or 6 (cf. sub - within the specified range and that the magnitude of th e
clause 5.3 .1) . excitation force is kept constant .
Where conditions 1 and 2 are not met, a more precis e 5.4 .3 Natural modes of vibratio n
assessment of vibration behaviour can nonetheless b e if calculating the displacement can be dispensed with, th e
attained by analyzing the excitation potential of the natura l forces may be determined on the basis of the natura l
modes of vibration . For this purpose, the highest natura l modes of vibration adjacent to the service frequency, thi s
modes, assuming they lie within the frequency rang e being intended to simplify the analysis that would be re-
defined by conditions 1 and 2 above, may be analyzed fo r quired for forced vibration . On the basis of the natura l
the magnitude of the relative displacement, xi , ,, at th e modes and the associated action-effects, for each membe r
bearings, i, of the machine shaft . Each natural mode ofvibra - that incorporates a bearing, maximum amplitudes an d
tion shall be checked separately for each bearing, i, for ful- forces for the operative and malfunctioning states shall b e
filment of the following condition : assumed, and the forces obtained by conversion . Fo r
I 2
<3 (16)
members that do not incorporate bearings, the action -
effects shall be determined by superimposing load dis -
1 fn - f m placement curves .
If this condition is not met, then forced vibration shall b e The following amplitudes, effective at the bearings, may b e
analyzed in accordance with subclause 5.4 . assumed for the particular machine. group in accordanc e
Note that analysis as specified in subclause 5 .4 is recom- with VDI 2056 .
mended for steel/concrete composite foundations fo r a) Operative stat e
machines whose service frequency, f m, is less than 75 Hz o r The value associated with the operating frequency fo r
where fm is greater than f,, (where n is equal to 10 or 6 a s the assessment criterion given in VDI 2056which is on e
given in subclause 5 .3 .1) . grade higher than that guaranteed by the manufacture r
shall be taken as the amplitude under service condi-
tions at the particular bearing .
5 .4 Analysis of vibration due to unbalanc e
b) Malfunctioning stat e
5.4.1 Genera l The amplitude in the case of malfunctioning shall b e
If the vibration behaviour cannot be adequately assesse d assumed to be six times that values used for the opera -
using the methods given in subclause 5 .3, an analysi s tive state .
of forced displacement as set out in subclause 5 .4.2 i s
required on the basis of the excitation forces declared by 5.4.4 Equivalent-load metho d
the machine manufacturer . In the absence of such informa- in the case of slab- or beam-type foundations of simpl e
tion, the forces as determined in accordance with sub - geometry, the dynamic analysis may be simplified b y
clause 5.4 .2 may be introduced in the calculation .The dis - assuming equivalent static loads, based on the unbalanc e
placement values thus obtained may then be compare d during the malfunctioning state, so that results err on th e
with the data given by the manufacturer, if any, or with th e safe side for the operative state .
values obtained in accordance with subclause 5 .4 .3, takin g Starting with a balanced quality, e Q, equal to 2,5 mm/s fo r
the operative state and, If necessary, the malfunctionin g the relevant machine group (see VDI 2060) in the operative
state, into account. state, a balanced quality equal to 38 mm/s is assumed ,
The forces due to unbalance, in both the operative and mal - which is six times that of the next highest grade . The un-
functioning states, may be determined in accordance wit h balance force, K, is then a function of the rotor weight force ,
subclause 5.4 .2, 5 .4.3 or 5 .4 .4 . L, and the operating frequency, fm, so that
assumed that the action-effects determined for the mal - 1: Static loads during erection .
functioning state in accordance with subclause 5 .4 als o 2: Static loads during normal operation .
account for the loads that occur during transient vibration , 3: Dynamic loads during normal operation .
i .e. these need not be analyzed separately .
4: Loads resulting from malfunction or short-circuit .
In the case of electric machines, however, there are certai n
rare malfunction states (e .g. terminal short-circuit, main s Load cases M, B and S below shall be established, fro m
short-circuit followed by shut-down, or loss of synchronisa- which the loads relevant to design can be derived ;
tion) that can result in very large antimetric loads on th e M : load condition 1 ;
system which are transmitted to the foundation via th e B : load conditions 2 and 3 ;
machine casing . A two-pole terminal short-circuit in a n
S: load conditions 2 and 4 .
electric machine running at a high speed of rotation is to b e
considered representative for such loads . Analysis of th e Note that the action-effects from dynamic loads in vertica l
resulting action-effects is described In subclause 5,5 .2. and horizontal directions need not be taken as actin g
simultaneously ,
5 .5 .2 Short-circui t The resonance of those members for which, in the analysis ,
The short-circuit moment affects the foundation via th e no dynamic loads could be established because of an in -
generator or motor casing in the form of opposite pairs o f adequate model, shall be accounted for by assuming a n
vertical forces, the moment vector being parallel to th e equivalent vertical load equal to 100% of the permanen t
shaft axis . The resulting displacements and loads can b e load for load case S .
calculated as a function of the excitation/time relationshi p
or by using the equivalent-load method .
Where the machine manufacturer has not specified th e
6.2 Reinforced concrete foundations
short-circuit moment, Mk, as a function of time, analysi s The design of reinforced concrete foundations shall be i n
may be based on the following equation for three-phas e accordance with DIN 1045 .
machines : Load cases M and S
Mk (t) 10 MO (e-vo,4 sin O N t etro,4 -sin 2Q N t Loads shall be assumed to be predominantly static, a yiel d
-etuo,15) 2 (20) strength of up to 420MN/m 2 of the reinforced concret e
- Mo (f
being used in the calculation .
wher e
Load case B
M O is the resulting nominal torque from the actual powe r
generated ; The specifications relating to loads that are not pre -
dominantly static shall be taken into account. It shall b e
O N is the mains frequency (not always the same as th e
verified that the amplitude of concrete compressiv e
operating mains frequency) ;
stresses due to coexistent flexure and longitudinal force s
t is time, in s . does not exceed 0,33 R and that the shear stresses do no t
For determining forced vibration, the natural frequencies lie in shear range 3 .
shall be taken to be at least 1,2 times the mains frequency . If, however, the dynamic loads during normal operatio n
Where the natural frequencies of antimetric natural mode s (loading condition 3) are multiplied by a coefficient allow-
of vibration lie within the range of 0,95 to 1,05 O N , the exci - ing forfatigue of 3 or more,analysis may be based on load s
tation frequency (i .e . mains frequency) shall be shifted t o which are predominantly static, in which case the restric -
these natural frequencies for calculation purposes . tions stated above foramplitude and shearstresses may b e
Loads from short-circuit may also be determined in a simpli - ignored .
fied manner by the equivalent-load method, for which a valu e Load case S
that is 1,7 times the maximum short-circuit moment i s
Where the loads due to unbalance as a result of malfunc-
assumed . If the machine manufacturer has not specified th e
tion are multiplied by a factor of at least six times thos e
latter,the maximum value of Mk may be assumed to be 12 Mo.
during normal operation, analysis of load case B may be
5 .6 Loads on the foundation and groun d dispensed with .
The effects of dynamic loads during normal operation an d
due to malfunction shall be considered when designing th e 6.3 Steel foundations
foundation and for the analysis of earth pressure . Verifying the strength of steel foundations may usually b e
If the equivalent-load method is used for analyzing the sup - dispensed with .
port reaction, it may be assumed that counteracting mas s In exceptional cases, a general stress analysis as specifie d
forces contribute to maintaining equilibrium . in DIN 18 800 Part 1 as well as a stability analysis as speci -
If the foundation has been assumed to be decoupled from fied in DIN 4114 Parts 1 and 2 shall be made for load cases M ,
the ground in one ormore planes forthe purpose ofdynam- B and S .Such is required in any case forprops .ln this regard,
ic analysis (cf. subclause 5 .2), then the maximum desig n the permissible loads specified for load case H shall b e
values of the dynamic support reaction in the relevant plan e taken for cases M and B, and those specified for load cas e
may be taken as the equivalent loads . For analysis of eart h HZ, for case . S. Furthermore, analysis of load case B shal l
pressure, the loads due to malfunction may be neglected . include a service strength analysis using load group 86 a s
specified in subclause 4 .4 of DIN 4132, February 198 1
In the case of spring foundations, the isolating function o f
the spring elements is usually so great that the dynami c edition .
loads on the foundation during both normal operation an d Where .the loads due to unbalance as a result of malfunc -
malfunction can be neglected . tion are multiplied by a factor of at least six times thos e
during normal operation, analysis of load case 8 may b e
6 Further design criteri a dispensed with .
6 .1 Design action-effect s
By superimposing the peak values obtained from static an d 6 .4 Ground
dynamic analysis, the following loading conditions shall b e Determination of the permissible loading of the groun d
considered . shall be in accordance with DIN 1054 .
DIN 4024 Part 1 Page t
The points at which forces are introduced, particularly thos e 7.2 .1 .3 Bas e
at the prop connections and the bearing faces, shall b e Subclause 7.1 .1 .3 shall apply for the base of steel fou l
carefully designed . When prestressed bolts are used fo r tions .
machine attachment, It shall be ensured that they ca n
accommodate the loads resulting from prestressing .
In general,the cross sections used need only be resonance - 7.2.2 Spring foundation s
free at the machine bearings or pipework connections . It is , Subclause 7.2 .1 .1 shall apply for the machine suppo r
however, recommended that the cross section of upperbo x spring foundations, subclauses 7.1 .2 .2 and 7.12 .3 apply
girders be highly tuned, this being a requirement fo r fqr the spring elements and the supporting structure .
machines having an operating frequency of less than 75 Hz ,
Previous editio n
DIN 4024 : 01 .55 .
In comparison with the January 1955 edition of DIN 4024, the following amendments have been made .
a) Title and DIN number have been changed .
b) The standard has been completely revised to bring it into line with the state of the art .
2) Issued by the Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (Society of German Engineers), D-4000 Dsseldorf 1 ;
obtainable from Beuth Verlag GmbH, Burggrafenstra9e 6, D-1000 Berlin 30 .