DIN 4024 1 1988 04 01 Machine Foundations Flexible

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The document discusses requirements and design criteria for flexible structures that support machines with rotating elements.

The document distinguishes between table foundations, spring foundations, slab foundations, and platform foundations.

The document considers static and dynamic loads from the machinery, permanent and imposed loads on the foundation, effects of temperature, wind and earthquakes, vibration behavior, and natural frequencies and modes of vibration.

UDC 62-218 .2 :62-13 :001 .

4 DEUTSCHE NORM April 198 8

Machine foundations ~- DI IV
Flexible structures that support
machines with rotating elements 402 4
Part 1

Maschinenfundamente ; elastische Sttzkonstruktionen fr Maschinen mit rotierenden Massen Supersedes DIN 4024 ,
January 1955 edition .

In keeping with current practice in standards published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), a comm a
has been used throughout as the decimal marker.

The DIN 4024 series of standards currently comprises the following Parts :
DIN 4024 Part 1 Machine foundations ; flexible structures that support machines with rotating element s
DIN 4024 Part 2 (at present at the stage of draft) Machine foundations ; rigid structures that support machines wit h
periodic excitatio n

c In this standard, the term'load' is used for forces acting on a system from the outside ; this applies equally to compoun d
terms that include the component 'load' (cf . DIN 10r,0 Part 1) .

Pag e Pag e

1 Scope and field of application 2 5 .2 .3 Simplified representation 5

5.3 Natural vibration 6
2 Concepts 2
5 .3 .1 Natural frequencies and modes of vibration 6
2 .1 Vibration 2
2 5 .3 .2 Assessment of vibration behaviour on the basis o f
2 .2 Types of vibration
natural vibration 6
2 .3 Damping 2
5 .4 Analysis of vibration due to unbalance 7
2 .4 Action-effects 3
5 .4 .1 General 7
2 .5 Model 3
5 .4 .2 Foiced vibration 7
2 .6 Machinery 3
5 .4 .3 Natural modes of vibration 7
2 .7 Types of foundation 3
5 .4 .4 Equivalent-load method 7
3 Materials and ground 5.5 Analysis of transient vibration 7
3 .1 Reinforced concrete 5.5 .1 General 7
3 .2 Steel 5 .5 .2 Short-circuit 8
3 .3 Ground 5.6 Loads on the foundation and ground 8
4 Loads 6 Further design criteria 8
4 .1 Machinery 6.1 Design action-effects 8
4 .1 .1 General 6.2 Reinforced concrete foundations 8
4 .1 .2 Static loads 6.3 Steel foundations 8
4 .1 .3 Dynamic loads 6.4 Ground 8
4 .2 Foundation
4 .2.1 Permanent loads 7 Detailing 9
4 .2.2 Imposed loads 7 .1 Reinforced concrete foundations 9
4.2.3 Creep and shrinkage of reinforced concrete 7 .1 .1 Table foundations 9
4 .2 .4 Effects of temperature, wind and earthquakes 7 .1 .2 Spring foundations 9
7 .1 .3 Slab foundations 9
5 Design 7 .1 .4 Platform foundations 9
5 .1 General 7.2 Steel foundations 9
5 .1 .1 Objectives 7 .2 .1 Table foundations 9
5.1 .2 Static analysis 7 .2 .2 Spring foundations 10
5 .1 .3 Dynamic analysis 7 .2 .3 Platform foundations 10
5 .2 Model study 7 .2 .4 Corrosion protection 10
5 .2 .1 Principles
5 .2.2 Requirements Standards and other documents referred to 10

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Beuth Verlag GmbH, Berlin, has the exclusive right of sate for German Standards (DIN-Normen) . DIN 4024 Part 1 Engl, Price group 8
12 .90 Sales No . 0108

Page 2 DIN 4024 Part 1

1 Scope and field of applicatio n

This standard specifies requirements for steel or reinforce d
concrete structures that support mechanical system s
('machine foundations', for short) . Such mechanical sys-
tems are understood to be machinery with mainly rotatin g
elements, the foundations of which are capable of generat -
ing flexural vibration in at least one plane . For the purpose s
of this standard, a distinction is made among the followin g
types of machine foundation :
a) table foundations ;
b) spring foundations ; Figure 2 . Periodic vibratio n
c) slab foundations ;
2 .2 .2 Harmonic vibratio n
d) platform foundations .
Harmonic vibration is a periodic vibration process in whic h
The requirements specified here are intended to preven t a quantity, q, is a sinusoidal function of time (see figure 3) ,
the static and dynamic loads from transmitting unaccept- this being expressed by the following formula :
able vibration to the environment or causing damage to th e
machinery and its foundation . This standard establishes t
q( ) = 4 sin (wt + (po) (2 )
criteria for determining vibration behaviour, deals wit h ,where
design action-effects, and covers principles of constructio n r1 is the amplitude ;
based on experience to date with machine foundations .
w is the angular frequency based on the equatio n

2 Concept s w=-
= 2nf ;
2 .1 Vibratio n
ro o is the zero phase angle .
For the purposes of this standard, vibration is a process i n
which a mechanical quantity,q,varies as a function of tim e
(see figure 1), alternating at least once between a minimu m
negative and a maximum positive (peak) value .

Figure 3 . Harmonic vibratio n

Figure 1 . Vibratio n 2 .2 .3 Transient vibratio n

Transient vibration is a temporary state during which th e
peak values or the duration of vibration are not stead y
(e .g .when the machine is turned on or off,when a vibratio n
The mechanical vibration quantities of concern are : process starts or ends, or during short-circuit) .

a) displacement (e .g . deflection, deformation) ; 2 .2 .4 Free vibratio n

b) vibration velocity ; Free vibration is that which results when a linear system i s
C) vibration acceleration ; excited once, i .e . any loads varying with time cease to act on
the system . This process involves system-related natura l
d) restoring forces and moments (associated with dis - modes of vibration and the associated natural frequencies ,
placement) ;
the lowest of which being referred to as the fundamenta l
e) damping forces and moments (usually associated wit h natural frequency.
vibration velocity) ;
f) inertia forces and moments (in proportion to the vibra- 2 .2 .5 Forced vibratio n
tion acceleration) ; Forced vibration is a state of vibration caused by externa l
g) external forces and moments ('excitation') . forces that vary with time .

2 .3 Dampin g
2 .2 Types of vibratio n
Damping is a system characteristic by which kinetic energ y
2 .2 .1 Periodic vibratio n is dissipated and either irreversibly converted to othe r
Periodic vibration is a process in which the magnitude o f forms of energy, particularly heat, or conducted away to th e
a quantity, q, periodically varies with time (see figure 2) , environment .
this being expressed by the following formula : The forms of damping of concern are :
q(t) = q(t+nT) (i ) a) material damping,where the damping force is given by :

where n is a whole number and T is an increment of tim e
Po = (3)
The reciprocal of T, in s, is the frequency, f, in Hz .

DIN 4024 Part 1 Page 3

or, when allowing for stiffness : 2 .6 .4 Balanced quality

The balanced quality of a system is a measure, Q, of the roto r
FD = kB c x (4) unbalance, expressed as Q = e Q,where a is the eccentric -
ity of the rotor (cf.VDI 2060) .
b) viscous damping,where the damping force is given by :
2 .6 .5 Driving momen t
FD =dvz (5 ) The driving moment is the torque at the input of a drive n
or, when allowing for stiffness : machine (e .g . a turbine) .

j'u = kvc,z (6 ) 2 .6 .6 Output momen t

The output moment is the torque at the output of a drivin g
The quantities used to characterize the damping are :
machine (e .g . a generator) .
a) damping factor (Lehr damping factor), D 1 )
dB 2 .6 .7 Vacuum forc e
D= (7 ) Vacuum forces are static loads that result when vacuum i n
2Sl c m
the condensor of a steam turbine is produced .
D C (8 ) 2 .6 .8 Terminal short circuit and loss of synchronisatio n
2 ~ m
Terminal short circuit and loss of synchronisation ar e
transient malfunctions that occur as a result of a rapi d
D= dv (9 )
2 c m change in the magnetic forces in the air gap of an electri c
machine .
2 m (10)
2.7 Types of foundation
2 .7.1 Machine support
b) logarithmic decremen t
A machine support is a flexible structure in the form o f
2rL D a slab or a configuration of beams on which the machin e
A= (11 )
1-D 2 systems rests and is anchored .

where, in equations (3) to (11) , 2 .7.2 Table foundatio n

S2 is the excitation frequency, A table foundation consists of a slab placed on props tha t
are usually arranged in pairs. The props usually rest on a
d, dv'), kn t) and kv are damping characteristics (quan-
tities with different units) , reinforced concrete base, the latter resting on the ground .
c is the elastic (spring) constant (of a 2 .7.3 Spring foundatio n
single-degree-of-freedom system) ,
A spring foundation is made up of spring elements, usuall y
in is the mass (of a single-degree-of - consisting of several prefabricated springs having defined
freedom system) , spring constants, and the supporting structure, which i s
z is the vibration velocity. defined as the structure beneath the spring elements ,
including the ground .
2.4 Action-effect s
Forthe purposes of this standard, action-effects are forces , 2 .7.4 Slab foundatio n
moments and quantities of displacement that occur as a A slab foundation is made from reinforced concrete an d
result of static or dynamic loading . rests directly on the ground .

2.5 Mode l 2 .7.5 Platform foundation

For the purposes of this standard, a model is a represen- A platform foundation is a construction that is made o f
tation of the actual mechanical system, used for the calcu - slabs or beams,on which the machine system directly rests ,
lation of essential system characteristics . Each possibl e and that is integral with a multi-storey structure .
independent displacement of a material point or a model
element, within a spatial configuration, is defined as a
degree of freedom . Where vibration in any one coordinat e 3 Materials and .groun d
influences vibration in other coordinates, the system may 3 .1 Reinforced concrete
be represented by several, mutually independent model s Concrete of at least strength class B25 as specified i n
('decoupling') . DIN 1045 shall be used .
For the dynamic analysis, the static moduli of elasticity a s
2 .6 Machinery given in DIN 1045 maybe assumed . Where precise informa-
2 .6 .1 Service frequency (rotational speed ) tion about the damping characteristics is not known, th e
The service frequency is the rotational speed under servic e damping factor, D, of the entire system (machine plu s
conditions, expressed in s -1 (or in min-1 ) . foundation) may be assumed to be 0,02. Where stiffness -
related viscous damping is a factor, kv should be selecte d
2.6.2 Service frequency rang e so that D is less than or equal to 0,02 at the highest calcu-
The service frequency range is the range of rotational lated natural frequency, f . (see subclause 5 .3) . For loa d
speeds under service conditions . cases that involve significantly higher loading than tha t
during normal service, a higher damping factor may b e
2 .6 .3 Excitation frequency assumed .
Excitation frequency is the frequency at which dynami c
loads act on the system . It is often the same as the servic e t ) in the relevant literature, the symbol0 is used forD,k or b
frequency. for dv, and V for kB .
Page 4 DIN 4024 Part 1

Reinforcing steel, suitable for loads that are not predomi- f) loads due to the mass of the ancillary equipment an d
nantly static, shall be used formembers subject to dynami c the effective forces and moments (that act both verti-
loads ; the reinforcement of such members shall not b e cally and horizontally), e .g . thermal expansion, flo w
made from smooth reinforcing steel . forces and vapour pressure ;
g) thermal effects from the machine and its ancillary
3 .2 Stee l equipment.
Steel of at least grade St 37-2 as specified in DIN 17 100 shal l In the case of turbines, a difference in temperature o f
be used . 20K across the foundation cross section may b e
assumed, unless otherwise specified by the machin e
For the dynamic analysis, the static moduli of elasticity a s
given in DIN 18800 Part 1 may be assumed . Where precise
information about the damping characteristics is not avail - Erection loads are generally transient mass loads that d o
able, stiffness-related material damping may be assumed , not occur during normal servive, and include the load s
as well as a damping characteristic, h, equal to 0,02 . resulting from erection equipment and lifting gear .
For load cases that involve loading significantly higher tha n 4.1 .3 Dynamic load s
that during normal service, a higher damping factor may b e
assumed . The following are dynamic loads during normal service :
a) bearing forces (both vertical and horizontal), resultin g
from rotor unbalance, depending on the rotationa l
3.3 Groun d speed ;
For the dynamic analysis, the resiliency of the ground nee d b) periodic operating loads, resulting from the particula r
only be considered in special cases (cf . subclause 5 .2) , machine performance, that act on the foundation vi a
except for slab foundations, where the resiliency must b e the casing orthe bearings, e .g. forces at twice orsevera l
considered . It may, however, be advantageous to conside r times the rotational frequency of single-phase a .c .
the damping of the ground . machines or biowers,forces from the casing at twice th e
The dynamic characteristics of the ground (e .g . shea r mains frequency of a three-phase machine, or slip -
modulus and Poisson's ratio) can only be determined b y frequency magnetic forces from an induction machine ;
field or laboratory measurements . Since measured value s C) forces and moments that result from turning th e
tend to be widely dispersed, calculation of the dynami c machine on or off, or other transient situations (e .g .
loading should be based on limit values forthese quantities , those associated with the operation of shock convert-
which can be found in the relevant literature, [1] to [3] , ers or occurring during synchronization) .
The major dynamic loads that result from malfunction are :
4 Loads a) an increase in the periodic bearing loads in the case o f
exceptionally high rotor unbalance caused, for example ,
4 .1 Machinery
by blade breakage or rotor distortion ;
4 .1 .1 Genera l b) terminal short circuit or loss of synchronization in th e
The machine manufacturer shall provide the following infor - generator or motor ;
mation : C) shock to pipes or fittings upon emergency shut-down .
a) erection loads ;
b) loads during normal service ; 4 .2 Foundatio n
C) loads during malfunction ; 4 .2.1 Permanent load s
d) service frequency and service frequency range ; The design values of the self-weight of the structure shall b e
e) any thermal effects of the machine or the ancillar y determined in accordance with DIN 1055 Part 1 .
equipment on the foundation .
4.2 .2 Imposed load s
The static and dynamic loads in each of the above case s
shall be given separately . Imposed loads need not be considered for the structure a s
a whole, but the individual members shall be designed t o
If the machine manufacturer requires the foundation to b e
carry particular imposed loads, these being the subjec t
of a particular stiffness, the above load information shall b e
of agreement among the machine manufacturer, the foun-
stated in the form of displacement values which are not t o dation designer and the client . Unless otherwise specified ,
be exceeded .
an imposed load of 5 kN/m 2 shall be assumed .
If vibration is to be restricted (to prevent damage to th e
machine .and its ancillary equipment), even in the case o f 4 .2 .3 Creep and shrinkage of reinforced concret e
malfunction, the manufacturer shall provide relevant limi t
Shrinkage of reinforced concrete shall be considered, a s
values .
set out in DIN 1045, and no allowance shall be made fo r
creep (cf . subclause 7.1) .
4 .1 .2 Static load s
The following are static loads during normal service : 4 .2 .4 Effects of temperature, wind and earthquake s
a) the mass of the rotors and the machine casing ; Where the effects of temperature, wind and earthquake s
need to be considered, refer to the relevant standards (e .g .
b) the mass ofthe condensers, depending on howtheyar e
DIN 1045, DIN 1055 Part 4 and DIN 4149 Part 1) .
erected and the amount of water they contain ;
C) the vacuum force in a turbine whose condensors ar e
connected to the turbine casing via compensator s 5 Desig n
(both vertical and horizontal) ; 5 .1 Genera l
d) the machine's driving and output moments that act o n 5 .1 .1 Objective s
the foundation via the casing (vertical pairs of forces) ; Machine foundations are intended to accommodate th e
e) friction loads on the bearing faces (predominantly hori- static and dynamic loads from the machine .They should b e
zontal), caused by the thermal expansion of the casing : designed on the basis of machine movement during normal
DIN 4024 Part 1 Pag

service (i .e . the minimum performance requirements to b e 5 .2 Model stud y

satisfied), and to prevent unacceptable vibration fro m 5 .2 .1 Principle s
being transmitted to the environment.This can be assesse d
A model is intended to facilitate analysis of the vibrat i
on the basis of the vibration amplitudes of rotors, especiall y
at the bearings, and the associated vibration and forces . behaviour of the entire system (machine plus foundati c
The system is represented by a linear-elastic model hav i
Any effect that malfunction has on the foundation shall no t distributed or concentrated masses on spring supports .T
impair subsequent machine performance under servic e excitation source,as well as system characteristics suc h
conditions . mass, stiffness and damping, are to be included so as
To verify compliance with these general requirements, a permit a sufficiently accurate assessment .
static and dynamic analysis shall be made, instead of calcu -
lations . 5 .2 .2 Requirement s
The model usually consists of beam elements in whi p
5 .1 .2 Static analysi s shear and torsion deformation have been accounted f
Rotation inertia maybe neglected . In the case of reinforce
The static analysis of machine foundations, i .e . analysis o f
concrete, the 2nd moments of area of the cross-sectio n
the action-effects of the system under static loading, shal l areas may be determined for the cross section exhibiti r
be based on specified load cases (cf .subclause 6 .1) for th e no cracks (state 1) . The distribution of mass may eit h
machinery (cf. subclause 4 .2.1) and for the foundatio n be represented realistically, or the mass assumed to t
(cf. subclause 4 .2) . Since such an analysis is the same a s distributed at different points . It should be noted, howeV E
that made for similar structures, it is not dealt with here .
that if calculation is based on distributed masses, t h
Compliance with any limit displacement values specified by required accuracy can be achieved with substantially few (
the machine manufacturer under defined load condition s degrees of freedom than with concentrated masses . I
(cf. subclause 4 .1 .1) shall be verified . the case of reinforced concrete foundations, the machi n
In the case of machine foundations made from reinforce d shaft and casing may usually be seen as static ; for ste (
concrete, deformation due to creep may be limited b y and steel/concrete composite foundations, a more preci s
means of a suitable structural design (cf . subclause 7.1) . analysis should be made .

Where thermal effects are to be considered in the analysis Each model point (node) has up to six degrees of freedo n
of reinforced concrete foundations, the 2nd moment o f i .e. three translational and three rotational . The number o
effective cross-sectional area may be assumed to be equa l degrees of freedom that need to be considered in a parti c
to 0,3 1 . ular case cannot be specified here .
The static analysis of steel machine foundations ma y The numberof nodes required and the numberof degrees o
generally be limited to a determination of the suppor t freedom 'to be assigned to them depends on sever a
reaction, as the vibration load on such foundations is low. factors, including :
a) the geometry of the entire system ;
5 .1 .3 Dynamic analysis b) the type of vibration to be investigated (vertical, hor i
zontal or torsional) ;
Dynamic analysis of machine foundations serves to asses s
vibration behaviour and to determine the action-effect s c) the relevant frequency range ;
of the system under dynamic loading. It is to be based o n d) the calculation method selected .
a model of the entire system that has largely linear charac - If the system is symmetrical with respect to the vertical
teristics and several degrees of freedom . The metho d centre plane in the longitudinal direction, it will have sym
of assessment of the vibration behaviour (displacement) metric and antimetric natural modes of vibration that ca n
and of determining dynamic forces will depend on whethe r be calculated using models that represent each half o f
dynamic excitation forces are to be considered or not . the system . The relevant frequency range, .i .e. the range of
Where excitation forces are not considered, predicting th e natural frequencies that approaches the service frequency ,
vibration behaviour may be based on a comparison o f will affect the minimum number of translational degrees o f
the calculated natural frequencies of the machine with it s freedom that need not be considered .This number should
excitation frequencies, and then assessing the excitatio n be greater than twice the order of the highest natural fre-
potential of these natural modes . The action-effects ca n quency in the relevant frequency range .
then be determined by assuming analogous maximum dis - Damping maybe neglected when calculating natural vibra-
placement values based on the natural modes established . tion, but should be considered when calculating force d
Where excitation forces declared by the machine manufac - vibration .
turer are used in the calculation, or where such ar e Where it is necessary to consider the resiliency of th e
assumed, predicting the vibration behaviour and determin - ground (cf. subclause 3.3), the continuous resiliency ma y
ing the action-effects may be based on an analysis o f be represented by a number of springs .
forced vibration, in which case natural vibration is also to b e
determined .
5 .2 .3 Simplified representatio n
Dynamic analysis and consideration of the dynamic com- The foundation usualiydoes not need to be represented in a
ponent in subsequent calculations may generally b e spatial configuration . Rather, it may be represented b y
dispensed with if the mass of the rotating elements .is les s models of the individual components, one each for trans-
than one one-hundredth of the mass of the entire syste m lation and rotation in the two vertical planes and in the hori -
(machine plus foundation) . (Note that for platform founda- zontal plane, The rotational component may often b e
tions, the foundation is understood to comprise only thos e dispensed with .
members which are directly loaded .) Otherwise, in the cas e
of systems whose elements run at different rotational For consideration of horizontal vibration, the foundatio n
speeds,theirexcitation unbalance at any one speed mayb e may generally be assumed to be decoupled from the sup -
neglected if the sum of the masses of the individual ele- port and to be laterally retained by springs .
ments is less than one one-hundredth of the mass of th e For table foundations, the natural flexural vibration of th e
entire system . props maybe calculated separately from the entire system .

Page 6 DIN 4024 Part 1

The following simplifications are permitted for the calcula-

tion of vertical vibration .
a) Where the flexural strength of the spring-supporte d Co
system is high relative to the stiffness of the spring sup - Model
ports, i .e . where m
13 . 1

(12 )
E -1
is less than or equal to 50 (see figure 4), the n t -~
Ct ) f t = V I. f fm
- it maybe assumed that the flexural system is rigid fo r 2~n

calculation of the natural frequencies generated b y f

the spring supports, o r >02fm
- the spring supports maybe neglected forcalculatio n
of higher natural frequencies . t CB
b) In the case ofspring foundations,where the stiffness, cu , C2) fj= 2-n fm
m,m ft
of the supporting slabs, beams or other supports is a t ~ f
least ten times the stiffness, cF, of the spring elements ,
i .e. where CUICF is not less than 10, then the foundatio n
may be assumed to be separate from the support and t o
consist of a configuration of beams resting on sprin g ~, 1
elements .
C3) fj = 2-I-~
fB= 2; n

For calculation purposes, this means that the resiliency , +--- f
cu, of the foundation, as well as the effect of its mass , ? 0,25 fB
can be neglected .
ft fB
C) The effect of the ground and that of the mass of th e Figure 5. Simplification c)
foundation may usually be neglected, provided one o f
the three following conditions is met (see figure 5) .
c t : The lowest natural frequency, f t , of the foundatio n 5.3 Natural vibratio n
plus machine (mass rrrn) on the spring support , 5 .3 .1 Natural frequencies and modes of vibratio n
where the foundation (mass nij is assumed to b e The natural frequencies ft to & and the modes associate d
rigid, is at least 20% lower than the lowest servic e with them shall be calculated in ascending order.
frequency, fn, .
The number of natural frequencies and modes to b e
C2: The lowest natural frequency, f,, of the entire sys- established shall be selected so that the highest natura l
tem,assumed to be a rigid bodyvibrating on flexibl e frequency calculated is at least 10%higherthan the servic e
ground,is at least 20%lowerthan the lowestservic e frequency. This requirement may be dispensed with in th e
frequency, f,,, . , case of foundations for machines with high service frequen -
C3: The lowest natural frequency, f t , of the foundation a s cies (i.e . where fn, > 75Hz) ; however, depending on th e
such,assumed to be rigid, is at least 25%lowertha n analysis model, the number of natural frequencies to b e
the lowest natural frequency, fB , of the foundatio n calculated, n, shall comply with the following :
as such, assumed to be rigid and on flexible ground . a) n =10 for two-dimensional models in which onlyvertica l
displacements are considered and in which symmetri c
l and antimetric vibration are not decoupled ;
b) n = 6 for two-dimensional, symmetrical models in whic h
Mode l onlyvertical displacements are considered and in whic h
E I symmetric and antimetric vibration are decoupled.
Ct C2 C3
r. i . 5 .3 .2 Assessment of vibration behaviour
on the basis of natural vibratio n
An assessment of the vibration behaviour of a machin e
foundation, in respect of the objectives given in sub -
---------- --- - - - clause 5 .1 .1, may, as a simplification, be based on the rela -
When calculating ft and
tionship of the natural frequencies, fn, to the servic e
f2, E I shall be assume d
frequencies, fm .
to approach infinity.
If both conditions land 2below are met for each decouple d
model, subsequent analysis may be dispensed with ,
1. First order natural frequency

ft z 1,25fm (13 )
.~ ~.
\ r~' f3
`'~ - - -~ When calculating fn,with ft s 0 8 fn,
1 (14 )
larger than 2, c ; shall be 2. Higher order natural frequencies
assumed to be zero . a) Higher order natural frequencies that approach th e
service frequency :
A S 0 . 9 -/m
and (15 )
Figure 4 . Simplification a) fn + 1 Z 1,1 f m

DIN 4024 Part 1 Page 7

b) if condition 2a is not met,it shall suffice that fn is less the two adjacent natural frequencies, provided that they li e
than f,,, where n is equal to 10 or 6 (cf. sub - within the specified range and that the magnitude of th e
clause 5.3 .1) . excitation force is kept constant .
Where conditions 1 and 2 are not met, a more precis e 5.4 .3 Natural modes of vibratio n
assessment of vibration behaviour can nonetheless b e if calculating the displacement can be dispensed with, th e
attained by analyzing the excitation potential of the natura l forces may be determined on the basis of the natura l
modes of vibration . For this purpose, the highest natura l modes of vibration adjacent to the service frequency, thi s
modes, assuming they lie within the frequency rang e being intended to simplify the analysis that would be re-
defined by conditions 1 and 2 above, may be analyzed fo r quired for forced vibration . On the basis of the natura l
the magnitude of the relative displacement, xi , ,, at th e modes and the associated action-effects, for each membe r
bearings, i, of the machine shaft . Each natural mode ofvibra - that incorporates a bearing, maximum amplitudes an d
tion shall be checked separately for each bearing, i, for ful- forces for the operative and malfunctioning states shall b e
filment of the following condition : assumed, and the forces obtained by conversion . Fo r

I 2
<3 (16)
members that do not incorporate bearings, the action -
effects shall be determined by superimposing load dis -
1 fn - f m placement curves .
If this condition is not met, then forced vibration shall b e The following amplitudes, effective at the bearings, may b e
analyzed in accordance with subclause 5.4 . assumed for the particular machine. group in accordanc e
Note that analysis as specified in subclause 5 .4 is recom- with VDI 2056 .
mended for steel/concrete composite foundations fo r a) Operative stat e
machines whose service frequency, f m, is less than 75 Hz o r The value associated with the operating frequency fo r
where fm is greater than f,, (where n is equal to 10 or 6 a s the assessment criterion given in VDI 2056which is on e
given in subclause 5 .3 .1) . grade higher than that guaranteed by the manufacture r
shall be taken as the amplitude under service condi-
tions at the particular bearing .
5 .4 Analysis of vibration due to unbalanc e
b) Malfunctioning stat e
5.4.1 Genera l The amplitude in the case of malfunctioning shall b e
If the vibration behaviour cannot be adequately assesse d assumed to be six times that values used for the opera -
using the methods given in subclause 5 .3, an analysi s tive state .
of forced displacement as set out in subclause 5 .4.2 i s
required on the basis of the excitation forces declared by 5.4.4 Equivalent-load metho d
the machine manufacturer . In the absence of such informa- in the case of slab- or beam-type foundations of simpl e
tion, the forces as determined in accordance with sub - geometry, the dynamic analysis may be simplified b y
clause 5.4 .2 may be introduced in the calculation .The dis - assuming equivalent static loads, based on the unbalanc e
placement values thus obtained may then be compare d during the malfunctioning state, so that results err on th e
with the data given by the manufacturer, if any, or with th e safe side for the operative state .
values obtained in accordance with subclause 5 .4 .3, takin g Starting with a balanced quality, e Q, equal to 2,5 mm/s fo r
the operative state and, If necessary, the malfunctionin g the relevant machine group (see VDI 2060) in the operative
state, into account. state, a balanced quality equal to 38 mm/s is assumed ,
The forces due to unbalance, in both the operative and mal - which is six times that of the next highest grade . The un-
functioning states, may be determined in accordance wit h balance force, K, is then a function of the rotor weight force ,
subclause 5.4 .2, 5 .4.3 or 5 .4 .4 . L, and the operating frequency, fm, so that

5 .4 .2 Forced vibratio n K-1,2 L 50 (17)

If information on forces due to unbalance (in the operativ e
and malfunctioning states) has been provided by th e The static equivalent load, F, is a function of the frequenc y
machine manufacturer, they may be used to establis h ratio,
displacements and forces using the model formed to deter -
n (18 )
mine natural frequencies, following the principles set out
where f n is the nearest natural frequency in the plane bein g
In the absence of such information, the forces may be cal -
considered, so tha t
culated in accordance with VDI 2060, on the basis o f
balanced quality, as follows . 1
F= I K, (19 )
a) Operative stat e I1__
The balanced quality shall be assumed to be one grad e
with F a maximum of 15 K .
lower than that for the relevant machine group as speci -
fied in VDI 2060 . F shall then be assumed to act at the bearings according t o
the rotary mass component.To determine the action-effects ,
b) Malfunctioning stat e an equivalent system should be used that has fixed bearing s
The forces due to unbalance shall be assumed to be si x at the nodes of the natural modes of vibration being Investi -
times the value established for the operative state .
gated .The signs (+or-) of the equivalent-load componen t
The excitation forces shall be analyzed for each bearing , of the bearings should be selected to produce the maxi -
taking into account the balanced quality selected, th e mum possible amount of deformation within the system .
service frequency as the excitation frequency, and th e
rotary mass component .As a simplif!cation,since the phase 5 .5 Analysis of transient vibration
pattern of the excitation forces is unknown, the forces at
the bearings may first be assumed to be unidirectional , 5.5.1 General
and then to act in opposite directions . If the natura l Transient vibration that can affect the balanced quality o f
frequencies lie within the range of 0,95 to 1,05 f m ,the exci- the system may occurwhen the machine is turned on or off,
tation frequency may be assumed to be shifted to either of or during certain other transient operative states . It may be

Page 8 DIN 4024 Part 1

assumed that the action-effects determined for the mal - 1: Static loads during erection .
functioning state in accordance with subclause 5 .4 als o 2: Static loads during normal operation .
account for the loads that occur during transient vibration , 3: Dynamic loads during normal operation .
i .e. these need not be analyzed separately .
4: Loads resulting from malfunction or short-circuit .
In the case of electric machines, however, there are certai n
rare malfunction states (e .g. terminal short-circuit, main s Load cases M, B and S below shall be established, fro m
short-circuit followed by shut-down, or loss of synchronisa- which the loads relevant to design can be derived ;
tion) that can result in very large antimetric loads on th e M : load condition 1 ;
system which are transmitted to the foundation via th e B : load conditions 2 and 3 ;
machine casing . A two-pole terminal short-circuit in a n
S: load conditions 2 and 4 .
electric machine running at a high speed of rotation is to b e
considered representative for such loads . Analysis of th e Note that the action-effects from dynamic loads in vertica l
resulting action-effects is described In subclause 5,5 .2. and horizontal directions need not be taken as actin g
simultaneously ,
5 .5 .2 Short-circui t The resonance of those members for which, in the analysis ,
The short-circuit moment affects the foundation via th e no dynamic loads could be established because of an in -
generator or motor casing in the form of opposite pairs o f adequate model, shall be accounted for by assuming a n
vertical forces, the moment vector being parallel to th e equivalent vertical load equal to 100% of the permanen t
shaft axis . The resulting displacements and loads can b e load for load case S .
calculated as a function of the excitation/time relationshi p
or by using the equivalent-load method .
Where the machine manufacturer has not specified th e
6.2 Reinforced concrete foundations
short-circuit moment, Mk, as a function of time, analysi s The design of reinforced concrete foundations shall be i n
may be based on the following equation for three-phas e accordance with DIN 1045 .
machines : Load cases M and S
Mk (t) 10 MO (e-vo,4 sin O N t etro,4 -sin 2Q N t Loads shall be assumed to be predominantly static, a yiel d
-etuo,15) 2 (20) strength of up to 420MN/m 2 of the reinforced concret e
- Mo (f
being used in the calculation .
wher e
Load case B
M O is the resulting nominal torque from the actual powe r
generated ; The specifications relating to loads that are not pre -
dominantly static shall be taken into account. It shall b e
O N is the mains frequency (not always the same as th e
verified that the amplitude of concrete compressiv e
operating mains frequency) ;
stresses due to coexistent flexure and longitudinal force s
t is time, in s . does not exceed 0,33 R and that the shear stresses do no t
For determining forced vibration, the natural frequencies lie in shear range 3 .
shall be taken to be at least 1,2 times the mains frequency . If, however, the dynamic loads during normal operatio n
Where the natural frequencies of antimetric natural mode s (loading condition 3) are multiplied by a coefficient allow-
of vibration lie within the range of 0,95 to 1,05 O N , the exci - ing forfatigue of 3 or more,analysis may be based on load s
tation frequency (i .e . mains frequency) shall be shifted t o which are predominantly static, in which case the restric -
these natural frequencies for calculation purposes . tions stated above foramplitude and shearstresses may b e
Loads from short-circuit may also be determined in a simpli - ignored .
fied manner by the equivalent-load method, for which a valu e Load case S
that is 1,7 times the maximum short-circuit moment i s
Where the loads due to unbalance as a result of malfunc-
assumed . If the machine manufacturer has not specified th e
tion are multiplied by a factor of at least six times thos e
latter,the maximum value of Mk may be assumed to be 12 Mo.
during normal operation, analysis of load case B may be
5 .6 Loads on the foundation and groun d dispensed with .
The effects of dynamic loads during normal operation an d
due to malfunction shall be considered when designing th e 6.3 Steel foundations
foundation and for the analysis of earth pressure . Verifying the strength of steel foundations may usually b e
If the equivalent-load method is used for analyzing the sup - dispensed with .
port reaction, it may be assumed that counteracting mas s In exceptional cases, a general stress analysis as specifie d
forces contribute to maintaining equilibrium . in DIN 18 800 Part 1 as well as a stability analysis as speci -
If the foundation has been assumed to be decoupled from fied in DIN 4114 Parts 1 and 2 shall be made for load cases M ,
the ground in one ormore planes forthe purpose ofdynam- B and S .Such is required in any case forprops .ln this regard,
ic analysis (cf. subclause 5 .2), then the maximum desig n the permissible loads specified for load case H shall b e
values of the dynamic support reaction in the relevant plan e taken for cases M and B, and those specified for load cas e
may be taken as the equivalent loads . For analysis of eart h HZ, for case . S. Furthermore, analysis of load case B shal l
pressure, the loads due to malfunction may be neglected . include a service strength analysis using load group 86 a s
specified in subclause 4 .4 of DIN 4132, February 198 1
In the case of spring foundations, the isolating function o f
the spring elements is usually so great that the dynami c edition .
loads on the foundation during both normal operation an d Where .the loads due to unbalance as a result of malfunc -
malfunction can be neglected . tion are multiplied by a factor of at least six times thos e
during normal operation, analysis of load case 8 may b e
6 Further design criteri a dispensed with .
6 .1 Design action-effect s
By superimposing the peak values obtained from static an d 6 .4 Ground
dynamic analysis, the following loading conditions shall b e Determination of the permissible loading of the groun d
considered . shall be in accordance with DIN 1054 .
DIN 4024 Part 1 Page t

7 Detailin g 7.1 .2 Spring foundations

7.1 Reinforced concrete foundation s 7.1 .2 .1 Machine suppor t
7.1 .1 Table foundation s Subclause 7.1 .1 .1 shall apply for the machine support o
spring foundations .
7.1 .1 .1 Machine support (slab )
Steel plates should be fitted to the underside of the su p
The machine support shall not be joined to the rest of th e
port, above the spring elements .
building in which the foundation is to be erected .
In orderto achieve the most uniform creep behaviourat th e 7.1 .2 .2 Spring elements
bearings, cross sections shall be selected so that nearl y Spring elements usually consist of a number of individua l
identical displacements occur at the bearings directly sub - springs which have defined stiffness in both the vertical an d
jected to concentrated loads under the self-weight of th e horizontal directions .
machine and slab .This same principle shall also be applie d The spring travel shall be higher than that calculated an d
to ensure equal displacements at the rotor bearings rela- should be half as large as the deflection due to the self
tive to the machine casing . weight of the system .
All structural members shall be reinforced throughout,eve n The spring element shall be prestressabie to permit its
if this is not required by the design . Links shall preferably b e removal during operation without the machine suppor t
used as shear reinforcement . being lifted .
Anchorages and recesses shall be arranged so that th e Dampers,which are capable of acting in all directions and o f
reinforcement, in its main loading direction, is not adversely accommodating thermal expansion, may be connected i n
affected . parallel to the spring elements in order to prevent move-
The slab shall be cast in concrete without constructio n ment of the machin e ,support under accidental loading con -
joints, the concreting operation being carefully prepared , ditions .
for example , 7.1 .2 .3 Supporting structure
a) by using retarding agents for placing the concrete i n Regardless of the material used for the machine support ,
layers ; the supporting structure may be made from either rein -
b) by providing foradequate quantities of concrete mixin g forced concrete or steel . It maybe a part of the building i n
components and transport capacity ; which the machine foundation is to be erected .
C) by using well-supported formwork when the concrete i s The spring elements may be concentrated (e .g . on props )
not placed centrally ; ordistributed (e .g . on beams) .The zone in which they are t o
d) by keeping the joints between props and slab thor- be erected, particularly in the case of props, should be
oughly clean . designed so that further elements can be added later .
If the base or other supporting structures are to be con- 7.1 .3 Slab foundation s
creted later, the connecting joints shall be cleaned an d Subclause 7.1 .1 .1 shall apply for the machine support of sla b
prepared to ensure an adequate bond, this also applyin g foundations.
for the concrete topping . Concrete toppings about 20 cm i n
thickness shall be reinforced and be joined with the founda - 7.1 .4 Platform foundation s
tion by means of projecting reinforcements . It is rarely possible to predict the dynamic behaviour of a
platform foundation, owing to the interaction between i t
7.1 .1 .2 Props and the building in which it is installed,this interaction bein g
Props shall not be joined to the rest of the building in whic h very difficult to measure . Therefore, platform foundation s
the foundation is to be erected, except for lightweight ele - are generally used only for small machine systems . In cas e
ments, which may be fastened directly to the props b y of doubt, it should be possible to separate the foundatio n
means of flexible intermediate layers to prevent vibrator y from the surrounding structure, should it prove inappropri -
effects . Reinforced concrete intermediate platforms shal l ate.
be erected on the base with their own props .
The cross section of the props shall be selected so that , 7.2 Steel foundation s
under permanent load, roughly the same compressiv e 7.2 .1 Table foundation s
stresses are induced in all props . For longitudinal reinforce- 7.2 .1 .1 Machine support (slab)
ment of props, the percentage of reinforcement shall be a t The machine support shall not be joined to the rest of th e
least equal to 0,8.The reinforcing bars shall have a diamete r building in which the foundation is to be erected .
of at least 10 mm .
Steel foundations shall only be made from fully welde d
The props shall be concreted without joints . members or those having slip-resistant joints with high -
71 .1 .3 Bas e strength bolts, such as GV or GVP joints as specified i n
The base should be separated by a joint from other parts o f DIN 18 800 Part 1 .
the building in which the foundation is to be erected . It s Where the machine manufacturer has not specified partic -
thickness should be about one-tenth of its length . ularstiffness requirements for the foundation,the followin g
The self-weight of the base, including the loads from inter - minimum requirements should be maintained .
mediate platforms and concrete toppings, should b e E 1
a) The average relative stiffness of the machine sup -
selected to be about the same as the loads from th e G
machine support with the machine, the loads from con- port in the longitudinal direction should be about twic e
densor and props being disregarded here .To prevent differ- as large as the average relative stiffness of the shaf t
ences in settlement, all permanent loads (excludin g assembly.ln the above formula,G is the permanent loa d
vacuum forces) should act on the centre of gravity of th e on the machine support due to its self-weight, that of
base area . the machine, and that of the shaft, respectively .
The mass of reinforcement by base volume should be a t b) The stiffness of the girders, E 1, which are subject t o
least equal to 30 kg/ m 3 part of the reinforcement shall b e direct loading from the machine, should be as large a s
arranged in a spatial configuration . possible, and be at least one-fifth of the stiffness of th e
When placing the concrete, vertical joints shall be avoided . machine support in the longitudinal direction .

Page 10 DIN 4024 Part I

The points at which forces are introduced, particularly thos e 7.2 .1 .3 Bas e
at the prop connections and the bearing faces, shall b e Subclause 7.1 .1 .3 shall apply for the base of steel fou l
carefully designed . When prestressed bolts are used fo r tions .
machine attachment, It shall be ensured that they ca n
accommodate the loads resulting from prestressing .
In general,the cross sections used need only be resonance - 7.2.2 Spring foundation s
free at the machine bearings or pipework connections . It is , Subclause 7.2 .1 .1 shall apply for the machine suppo r
however, recommended that the cross section of upperbo x spring foundations, subclauses 7.1 .2 .2 and 7.12 .3 apply
girders be highly tuned, this being a requirement fo r fqr the spring elements and the supporting structure .
machines having an operating frequency of less than 75 Hz ,

7.2 .1 .2 Prop s 7.2 .3 Platform foundations

Props shall not be joined to the rest of the building in whic h Subclause 7.1 .4 shall apply for steel platform foundati c
the foundation is to be erected, except for lightweight ele-
ments, which may be fastened directly to the props b y
means of flexible intermediate layers to prevent vibratory 7.2 .4 Corrosion protection
effects . Heavy intermediate platforms shall be erected o n For steel foundations installed in closed, well-heated b L
the base with their own props. Ings, It is generally not required to provide internal c o
Since the vibration behaviour of props varies according t o slon protection (e .g . for hollow cross sections) .
the type of connection orjoint used,this shall be allowed fo r Where corrosion protection is necessary, thespecificatl (
in the design . given in the DIN 55928 series shall apply .

Standards and other documents referred t o

DIN 1045 Structural use of concrete ; design and constructio n
DIN 1054 Permissible loading of subsoi l
DIN 1055 Part 1 Design loads for structures ; materials to be stocked, construction materials and structural memb e
self-weight and angle of frictio n
DIN 1055 Part 4 Design loads for structures ; imposed loads ; wind loads on structures not susceptible to vibratio n
DIN 4114 Part 1 Structural steelwork ; safety against buckling, overturning and bulging ; design principles
DIN 4114 Part 2 Structural steelwork ; safety against buckling, overturning and bulging ; constructio n
DIN 4132 Structural steelwork ; design and construction of craneway s
DIN 4149 Part I Buildings in German earthquake zones ; design loads ; design and construction of conventional buildi n
DIN 17 100 Steels for general structural purposes ; quality standard
DIN 18800 Part 1 Steel structures ; design and constructio n
DIN 55928 series Corrosion protection of steel structures by organic and metallic coating s
VDI 2056 Evaluating the mechanical vibration of machines 2 )
VDI 2060 Evaluating the balanced condition of rotating rigid bodies 2)
[1] Grundbautaschenbuch (Foundation Engineering Handbook), 3rd ed., Part 1, section 1 .14 : Lorenz/Klei n : Bodendynamik u
Erdbeben (Soil dynamics and earthquakes), Berlin : Ernst & Sohn, 1980.
[2] Haupt, W. Bodendynamik (Soil dynamics), Braunschweig, Wiesbaden : Vleweg, 1986.
(3] Studer, J . ; Ziegler, A . Bodendynamik (Soil dynamics), Berlin : Springer, 1986 .

Previous editio n
DIN 4024 : 01 .55 .

In comparison with the January 1955 edition of DIN 4024, the following amendments have been made .
a) Title and DIN number have been changed .
b) The standard has been completely revised to bring it into line with the state of the art .

International Patent Classificatio n

E 02 D 27/44
E 02 D 31/08
F 16 M 1/'0 0
F 16 M 13/0 0

2) Issued by the Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (Society of German Engineers), D-4000 Dsseldorf 1 ;
obtainable from Beuth Verlag GmbH, Burggrafenstra9e 6, D-1000 Berlin 30 .

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