TRX Stacked Microstrip Patch Antenna With High Isolation
TRX Stacked Microstrip Patch Antenna With High Isolation
TRX Stacked Microstrip Patch Antenna With High Isolation
AbstractThis paper presents the use of a double spur-line band spur-line resonator called spiral defected microstrip structure
rejection filter (DSL-BRF) to improve port-to-port isolation of a (DMS) was introduced into the feeding lines of a dual-
TRx stacked microstrip patch antenna. The simple DSL-BRF has operation single microstrip patch antenna to improve the port-
two different sideband suppression characteristics by tuning the to-port isolation. The authors achieved significant isolation
separation between the end points of two spur-lines. A simple improvement in narrowband.
TRx stacked microstrip patch antenna designed to operate at Ku-
band with downlink frequency band of 12.25 ~ 12.75 GHz and In this paper, we introduced a TRx stacked microstrip patch
uplink frequency band of 14.0 ~ 14.5 GHz had inherent isolation antenna with improved isolation using simple DSL-BRFs.
of 17 dB within TRx-band. Isolation performance of the antenna Unlike the similar design in [5] where they achieved isolation
was improved by more than 13 dB for Rx-band and 16 dB for improvement in narrow bandwidth, we obtained high isolation
Tx-band after introducing DSL-BRFs into Tx- and Rx-feed performance in wider bandwidth. The filter structure and its
networks, respectively. Because the DSL-BRFs are compatible to integration into the antenna structure are given in section II.
be embedded in 50-Ohm transmission lines, the TRx antenna The simulation results followed by conclusion are discussed in
with filters are remained as in same size as the antenna without the later sections.
Keywords - High isolation; band rejection filter; TRx stacked
microstrip patch antenna
The isolation performance of a rectangular patch antenna is
inherently decreases as parasitic patches are attached. Fig. 1 (b)
shows the isolation performance between two ports at
orthogonal edges of a microstrip patch antenna (Fig. 1(a)) for
I. INTRODUCTION single patch and stacked patch cases.
Antennas for bi-directional communication have gradually
been becoming smaller and lighter to meet the varied
requirements arising from diversification of the communication
environment [1]. Rectangular microstrip patch antennas have
not only low profile, light weight, easy and inexpensive
manufacturability, but also they can provide inherent isolation
of more than 30 dB (but in narrowband) between orthogonal
edges; therefore rectangular microstrip patch antennas can be
used as TRx antennas with dual frequency and dual
polarization. For wideband application, parasitic patches are (a) (b)
Fig 1. Isolation performance between two ports. (a) TRx microstrip patch
often stacked over the exciter, but stacking parasitic patches antenna (b) simulated isolation performance
dramatically decreases its isolation performance. Inadequate
isolation would cause failure for the sensitive Rx channel since In order to improve the isolation performance of a TRx
Tx signal in a transceiver is usually very strong due to a high stacked microstrip patch antenna, we introduce a dual spur-line
power amplifier (HPA) [2]. Therefore, poor isolation of a band rejection filter (DSL-BRF) into the TRx feed networks of
stacked microstrip patch antenna prohibits the direct integration the antenna. The DSL-BRF consists of two spur-lines
with active microwave components to form low-cost embedded in a microstrip line in an opposite direction, and this
transceivers without embedded filters. filter structure was proposed in our previous work, [6]. The
simple DSL-BRF has two different sideband suppression
To improve the TRx port-to-port isolation of patch characteristics by changing the distance between the end points
antennas, defected grounded structures (DGSs) and of two spur-lines. Fig 2 (a) shows the DSL-BRF with left
electromagnetic band-gap structures (EBGs) have been sideband rejection characteristic while Fig 2 (b) shows the
proposed in [3] and [4], respectively. However, DGSs suffer DSL-BRF with right sideband rejection.
from increase in back radiation, and EBGs have complicated
design and fabrication due to the multilayer structure. In [5], a
[1] Noh, H.-S.; Park, U.-H.; , "Three-stacked microstrip patch array antenna
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[2] Y. Tao, Z. Shen, and G. Liu, "Dual-band Ortho-mode Transducer with
Irregularly Shaped Diaphragm," Progress In Electromagnetics Research
Letters, Vol. 27, 1-8, 2011
[3] Younkyu Chung; Seong-Sik Jeon; Ahn, D.; Jae-Ick Choi; Itoh, T.; ,
(a) (b) "High Isolation Dual-polarized Patch Antenna using Integrated Defected
Ground Structure," Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, IEEE
, vol.14, no.1, pp. 4- 6, Jan. 2004
[4] Inclan-Sanchez, L.; Vazquez-Roy, J.-L.; Rajo-Iglesias, E.; , "High
Isolation Proximity Coupled Multilayer Patch Antenna for Dual-
Frequency Operation," Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Transactions
on , vol.56, no.4, pp.1180-1183, April 2008
[5] Fallahzadeh, S.; Bahrami, H.; Akbarzadeh, A.; Tayarani, M.; , "High-
Isolation Dual-Frequency Operation Patch Antenna Using Spiral
Defected Microstrip Structure," Antennas and Wireless Propagation
Letters, IEEE , vol.9, no., pp.122-124, 2010
[6] Eom, S. Y. and Hong, I. P., A Novel Band Rejection Filter of
(c) (d) Transmission Line Type using Double Spur-lines Microwave and
Fig 6. Simulated radiation patterns: (a) E-plane at 12.5 GHz, (b) H-plane at Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 52, Issue 8, pp. 18801883, Aug 2010
12.5 GHz, (c) E-plane at 14.25 GHz, and (d) H-plane at 14.25 GHz
Enhancement of the port-to-port isolation of a TRx stacked
microstrip patch antenna using simple DSL-BRFs was
presented in this paper. The DSL-BRFs with the Rx- and Tx-
band rejection characteristics were embedded into 50-Ohm
transmission lines of Tx- and Rx-feed networks, respectively.
With the usage of DSL-BRFs, the stacked microstrip patch
antenna obtained isolation improvements of at least 13 dB and
16 dB at Rx- and Tx-bands, respectively. Depending on the
link budget of a TRx system, the antenna structure with the
simple DSL-BRFs can be used for short-range communication
without the use of expensive and bulky front-end filters.
Moreover, the DSL-BRFs are more promising in a planar array
As a future work, we will fabricate the prototype antenna
with and without the filters in order to verify the simulation
results given in this paper.