Box Pushing Paper

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Analysis, Design and Technology That Is Pushing Box Using

Land Transportation Implementation Cross (Bridge)
Lingampally Maithri Varun S.Manasa
Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor,
Department of Civil Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering,
Christu Jyothi Institute of Technology and Science. Christu Jyothi Institute of Technology and Science.

ABSTRACT: or road, for the purpose of providing passage over the

obstacle. There are many different designs that all serve
A tunnel is needed in the rail when a channel of God unique available to build it.
(railway under bridge) to cross the Channel technology, The branch of civil engineering which deals with design,
which is pushing for the expansion of existing railway construction and maintenance of bridges is known as
etc.BOX country program has been used. Work trajectory bridge engineering.
of rail transport, and to pay like it to be done without in-
terruption technology as compared with the conventional Classes of bridge crossing:
method box. Transportation infrastructure of a develop-
ing country like India is a key goal. Most of the transpor- The classes of crossing are
tation within the national and Indian Railways. Railway (a) River crossing
from Bombay to Thane introduced for the first time in (b) Viaduct: the Bridge across a deep valley which is
India in 1853. In 1951, it became one of the worlds lon- without perennial water is called a viaduct.
gest network to a single unit system, and as the Indian (c)Grade Separation: The Bridge built to cross another
Railways were nationalized. Each with its own headquar- route of communication passing at lower level is called
ters, the distribution of the number of all zonal railways grade separation.
in 2003, including 65,000 kilometers (40,000 miles) sta-
tion and track the path of 7500. 1.1. Components of bridge:
Sixteen area of 115,000 kilometers (71,000 miles) band The bridge structure may be divided into two major
. Sixty-eight is a great place for division. Bridge rail as parts:
well as road transport is the main link in the system. More (a) Sub-structure (b) Super-structure.
than 100 or 150 years, India has more than 1 million in
the moment. The service life of a few moments to have For example, a floor in a building from the roof resting on
outlived. Overall, the bridge before and after the monsoon the wall, and the same moment, platform support resting
rains are checked by railway officials. Bridge depending on a road to connect there. And along with this organiza-
on the situation, rehabilitation or reconstruction will be tion, supports a sub-structure and super-structure of the
found in the case of non-been. Any road and rail crossing communication path is called the formation of the institu-
a level crossing (LC) if there will be, whether natural or tional system.This sub-structure approach, and the foun-
high underground can be highly limited, other than that, a dation, pillars, piers and wing walls. Super structure fur-
bridge (Rob), the road under the bridge (Bridge), respec- ther includes the floor structure to support, and the road
tive or less., relative level depends on. surface, hand rails or parapet wall, etc.The main parts of
a bridge structure are:
a.Decking, consisting of deck slab, girders, trusses, etc.;
Definition of bridge: The design of the bridge bridge, and b.Bearings for the decking;
the bridge was built, the area where, depending on the c.Abutments and piers;
nature of the events of the different materials and used to d.Foundations for the abutments and piers;
make money. A bridge is a structure built to span physical e.River training works, like revetment for slopes for em-
obstacles such as a body of water, valley, bankment at abutments, and aprons at river bed level;

yuva engineers | DECEMBER 2015 Page 21

Volume No: 5 (2015), Issue No: 1 (December) ISSN No: 2320-3706
f.Approaches to the bridge to connect the bridge proper to
the roads on either side; and
g.Handrails, parapets and guard stones.

The components above the level of bearings are grouped

as super structure, while the parts below the bearing level
are classed as substructure. The portion below the bed
level of a river bridge is called the foundation. The com- Fig no: 3: PRECAST BOX SEGMENT
ponents below the bearing and above the foundation are
often referred as substructure. C. FRONT SHIELD:

II.METHODOLOGY It is fabricated for cutting action and to provide support,

A.THRUST BED: to prevent caving in of soil. The front shield which acts as
a cutting edge will be provided at the front of the first box
The thrust bed consists mainly of, (1) Thrust wall, Thrust unit to be jacked. This shield will be fixed to the RCC box
bed with pin pockets on bed, Keys for additional resis- through proper anchorage in the box walls with required
tance. The basic feature of the thrust bed is to provide projection from the face of the box. The end of the box
necessary resistance needed for the jacking operation. itself is cast in a slope with horizontal projection of re-
Thrust bed will have suitable pockets at different loca- quired length and the front cutting shield is provided with
tions for housing jacking pins designed for resisting the a projection of @ 1000mm or more as needed, covering
pushing force exerted by hydraulic jacks as the box is the entire periphery of the box. Thus the main feature of
being jacked through the embankment. The typical struc- the cutting edge is not only to cut the soil, also to retain
tural components of the thrust bed proposed to be adopt- the soil above the cutting edge.
ed for the project are shown in drawing no: THB-01-Ro.
Over the thrust bed 50mm screeding is to be provided
to get exact line, level of the bed for pushing operation.
At pockets locations precast cover block are provided to
cover the pin pockets during pushing operation.



Rear shield fabricated from mild steel will be fixed on

rear end of the first unit of the box. This shield will be
fixed to the RCC box through proper anchorage in the
Fig no: 1: THRUST BED box walls and slab with a projection of 400 to 600 mm.
covering entire periphery of the box at the time of casting
B.Box Casting and Pushing: of the box. It is provided by anchoring steel plates on the
face of bottom slab of RCC box to suitably distribute the
The RCC Box is cast in segments of convenient lengths jacking load.
of Total pushing length.
The Box section is designed as per IRS / IRC codes
of practice for loading. Concrete grade normally kept as

Fig no: 5: REAR SHIELD

Fig no: 2: PRECAST BOX

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Volume No: 5 (2015), Issue No: 1 (December) ISSN No: 2320-3706

E.PIN POCKETS: A close monitoring is done of the jacking pressure for

different jacks through maintaining correct distribution
Pin pockets of 0.5m x 0.50m x 0.6m size are provided of hydraulic pressure from power pack to ensure recti-
at suitable spacing for jacking arrangements. The sides fication if any misalignment of box unit during jacking
of pin pockets are provided with 6mm thick M.S.Plate to operation. As per specifications, while the pushing of first
take the thrust. segment is in progress, required no of boxes will be con-
structed so that they are available for pushing operation
The pin pockets are then filled with sand and small layer and continuous pushing can be carried out. Other seg-
of screed concrete is placed on them to get smooth sur- ments of box units, the same will be shifted on the line of
face for casting of Box . alignment of the pushing on thrust bed. These segments
of the boxes will be positioned in line and level of box
already pushed, by suitably operating the hydraulic jacks
and joined to the first segment through the rear shield to
form the intermediate jacking station (IJS)> The IJS also
enables pushing of individual units one by one by tack-
ing reaction against the rear units, thus reducing the total
Fig no: 6: PIN POCKETS jacking force needed at a time. For pushing of first box,
second box will be hold at rear by pins and jacks will be
provided at intermediate jacking stations.

The technique of box jacking consists of construction III.RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS:
of an RCC thrust bed with necessary jacking pin holes.
Steel flats are embedded in the thrust bed over which the This report contains design of Thrust Bed for precast RCC
boxes will be cast in units and will be jacked by applying single box to be pushed inside the embankment for Pro-
pressure through hydraulic jacks which takes reactions posed Widening of existing RUB, at Chityala village,near
against the jacking pins inserted in the pin holes left in Choutuppal in Nalgonda district, on either side of exist-
the thrust bed. ing RUB with Box of size 7.5 x 5.5 mt at Railway Km

Phase I

RAIL LEVEL =108.907

SIZE OF BOX (2) =7.500X5.650
TOP OF BOX=107.657
The front unit will be provided with a cutting edge (front TOP OF THRUST BED (TOP OF SCREED) =100.507
shield) and the subsequent units will be provided with EARTH CUSHION (FROM TOP OF BOX) =0.575
intermediate jacking stations at their junction points. To THICKNESS OF TOP SLAB=0.750
facilitate jacking and to prevent dragging of the soil, drag THICKNESS OF BOTTOM SLAB=0.750
sheets / epoxy coating will be provided on top of box THICKNESS OF WALL: OUTER WALLS=0.750
unit to be pushed to minimize disturbance to top cush- OUT TO OUT WIDTH OF BOX=9
ion. Before actually starting the jacking operation, exca- OUT TO OUT HEIGHT=7.150
vation near front shield will be done for 200-300 mm. TOTAL PUSHING LENGTH=22
length keeping the front shield top well embedded in the NO OF SEGMENTS=2
embankment soil at all times. Excavated soil then be re- LENGTH OF FIRST AND SECOND
moved and box will be pushed by jacks slowly in the gap SEGMENTS=11.00
created. The box will be pushed by hydraulic jacks oper- THICKNESS OF THRUST BED=0.750
ated by power pack. This operation of jacking will be con- CONCRETE GRADE=M25
tinued by adding suitable steel packing boxes and plates STEEL GRADE Fy=500
between jacking pins and hydraulic jacks till the next row BULK DENSITY OF SOIL=2.10 T/mt3, taken on con-
of the pockets in thrust bed is exposed. The jacking pins servative
will then be inserted in these pockets and pushing will
be continued till the first segment of box is completely
pushed in the embankment.

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Volume No: 5 (2015), Issue No: 1 (December) ISSN No: 2320-3706

Hence earth pressure at top of
box=0.58x0.3344x2.10=0.404 t/
Earth pressure at the bottom of box: ht=0.58+7.15=7.73
FIG:9: CROSS SECTION OF BOX TO BE PUSHED Earth pressure at bottom of the
3.1.2: DEAD LOADS Hence total earth pressure on wall=0.50(0.40+5.43) VERTICAL LOADS x7.150=20.840t/m
Hence total load on wall=20.840x11.00=229.24T
As normally in railways, total weight of 6750kg/m in-
cluding track to be taken IV.CONCLUSION AND SCOPE OF FUTUR-
Hence for total no of tracks=1x6750=6750 kg/m WORK:
Total weight of P.way on top of box unit-=6750x 11(length 4.1: CONCLUSION :
of box unit)=74250 kgs=74.25T
EARTH FILLING CUSHION: With the box pushing technique, there is no interruption
=0.575X2.1=1.208 T/mt2 to the traffic moving around.
So total UDL on top of slab of box will be=1.208x9(o/o Better quality control due to the provision of precast
width) x11=119.54T boxes.
HENCE TOTAL WEIGHT AT Quantities will be less as compared to the conventional
TOP=74.25+119.54=193.79 T method of construction.
The cost of construction is less as compared with the LOAD ON BOTTOM SURFACE conventional method.

=load on top +self weight of box 4.1.1: Precast box:

WEIGHT OF BOX=9.00X0.750X2X2.50=33.75
WEIGHT OF VERTICAL For the 7.5m span, we got the wall thickness as 750mm.
WALLS=5.650X1.50X1X2.50=21.19 For 6.4m clear height, we got the wall thickness as
HAUNCHES=4.00X0.15X0.075X2.50=0.11 750mm.
WEIGHT OF ONE SEGMENT =55.05X11=605.55 T 4.1.2: Thrust bed:
LOAD ON BOTTOM SURFACE=193.79+605.55=799.3
T We have provided thickness of thrust bed 750mm for EARTH PRESSURE: From bottom of the box length of box 11m.
Soil parameters = 28.00 The reinforcement details of precast box (tunnel), thrust
= 9.33 bed is shown in the Drawing sheet.
Active earth pressure co-efficient ka 0.3344 Various unexpected situations are likely to occur during
[B] EARTH PRESSURE [Ref: cl 5.7 of IRS code for the box pushing operations. Since the safety of running
sub str. & Foundation] trains is directly affected, proper planning and implemen-
tation is essential for smooth completion of work. Ad-
vance analysis of site, likely problems that may arise and
planning to tackle the same will help the executive for
speedy and safe completion of the work.

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Volume No: 5 (2015), Issue No: 1 (December) ISSN No: 2320-3706

4.2: Future scope of work: 5.Sridharan A, (2000), Fly ash characterisation., Pro-
ceedings in AICTE ISTE shot term training program
This was done for present need, for future expansions on Ground Improvement Techniques, S.J.C.E. Mysore.,
box can be extended cast-insitu as there are no tracks, pp AS17-AS33.
thereby it can be done simpler & easier way, instead of
present box pushing technique. 6.Sridharan A, Pandian N.S., Rajasekhar C., (1996),
The present work done is on RCC box, prestressed con- Geotechnical characterisation of pond ash., Ash ponds
crete can also be done, thereby the reinforcement can be and disposal systems, Naroasa publication, pp 97-110.
reduced greatly, and cost of PSC is more.
7.Sridharan A, Pandian N.S and Srinivas Rao P., (1998),
REFERENCES: Shear strength characteristics of some Indian fly ashes.,
Ground improvement., Thomas Telford, London, U.K.
1.Narasimha Rao A.V., (1999), Characteristics of Fly
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