Bartmoss St. Clair - CV & Resume

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Curriculum Vitae Bartmoss St.


Personal Bartmoss St. Clair

Information Czernyring 10
Heidelberg, 69115,
Maybachstr. 23
Hamburg, 22177
+49 171 628 7773
[email protected]

I am a US American with an inter-

national background; born in Heidel-
berg, Germany, and raised primarily in
the US. I moved back to my place of
birth to study physics and mathemati-
cs, then worked in diverse branches of
consulting, and even co-founded an IT
company. I currently reside in Heidel-
berg and Hamburg, and can often be
found in Berlin or Frankfurt. My num-
ber one passion is research and devel-
opment and presenting the findings in papers, presentations, videos, as a spokes-
person, or even training. I have a variety of experience such as technical consulting,
researching, and giving talks on subjects like nanotechnology, machine learning,
blockchain, knowledge extraction and knowledge management, as well as predi-
cting and forecasting future innovation modeled by physical possibility and eco-
nomic probability. I worked as a project manager, where I managed international
teams, both locally and remotely on IT projects. With this multifaceted experi-
ence, both practical and theoretical, I am the ideal candidate for cross-discipline
projects. My goal is to apply all of this experience as researcher and consultant.

Job Description Theoretical Computer Science Researcher

AI Researcher, Blockchain Researcher, Data Scientist
I use algebraic theories, such as algebraic information theory, combined with other
branches of mathematics to improve machine learning algorithms (computation
times, removing blackbox-based solutions such as from some neural network based
approaches, and overall improving upon data driven models), in addition to facili-
tate knowledge extraction into rule-based AI, analyze Blockchain and Blockchain-
like structures from storage and processing to cryptography, and much more.
Video explanation

Predictive Modeling Consultant For Innovation Research

Innovation Researcher and Consultant, Prediction and Forecasting Analyst
I employ diverse mathematics to analyze and make predictions using forecasting
methods for technological innovation both by analyzing past and current research
to identify technological possibilities and by modeling these technology trends eco-
nomically over time.
Example research paper

Research Recent
Bartmoss St. Clair, Machine Learning, Knowledge Extraction And Blockchain: The
Knowledge Engine, using algebras such as information algebra to more rigorously
describe machine learning algorithms, knowledge extraction, and blockchain like
structures to more compactly and optimally model data via probabilistic and po-
ssibilistic measures and to find the optimal informational content structure with
knowledge compression. The goal is to remove computational expensive solutions
while better improve upon other data modeling methods, which can then be processed
and stored on a blockchain-like structure to create a decentralized, public-private,
trusted knowledge engine. This research is also partially used in a white paper for
Blockchain For Science and The Living Knowledge Network projects as well as
general machine learning and knowledge management utilizing Blockchain techno-
logy. (2017).
Video - Introduction to machine learning, knowledge extraction and Blockchain at
the Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society

The Living Knowledge Network

Blockchain For Science

Dr. Snke Bartling, et al., Blockchain For Science (Open Science And Knowledge
Creation - A technical solution to the reproducibility crisis?), contributor on Blo-
ckchain for citizen science and crowd science projects (2017).
(A letter of recommendation can be provided)
Video How does blockchain technology work?

Blockchain For Science - Open Document

Blockchain For Science Website

Bartmoss St. Clair, How to Jump Start Bitcoin And Blockchains Future Impact
on Developing Economies in Africa Through The Economic Migrant Crisis (2017).
Read by many financial consulting companies, banks, and The Overseas Private
Investment Corporation.
Article And Model How to Jump Start Bitcoin And Blockchains Future Impact
on Developing Economies in Africa Through The Economic Migrant Crisis

Bartmoss St. Clair, Nanotechnology And Predicting The Future (Review of The
Current State of Nanotechnology And Making Future Predictions With A Discus-
sion of Forecasting Methods) (2017). The hottest trending research article five
weeks straight with readers from Microsoft eResearch, chairmen of the board for
IMF and Worldbank, and professors from all over the world. The predictions are
made by analyzing both physical limits of technology using possibility measures
and economic trends over time using probability measures as a combined foreca-
sting method.
Research Paper Nanotechnology And Predicting The Future

Video Nanotechnology And The Future: Introduction, Carbon Nanotubes, Pre-

dicting The Future

Video Future Innovation and Disruption From Biotech-Nanotech: How to make

future forecasting models and how to apply this to the economic and technological
future of the pharmaceutical industry for future drugs with CRISPR and botanics

Article The Future of Pharma: Disruption/Innovation From Current Biotech-

Nanotech And How to Forecast The Economic And Technology Predictions of
The Future (Future Nanotechnology - Economic Forecasting Methods - financial
forecasting of innovative and disruptive technology on established industries: ex-
plaining forecasting methods with a case study of nanotech in the pharmaceutical
industry to predict new markets and investment opportunities.)

Bartmoss St. Clair, Research Consulting on Vetting Spherical Graphite Nanote-

chnology: Material Properties, Applications, and Production Process (2017, Great
Lakes Graphite Inc.)
(A letter of recommendation can be provided)

Bartmoss St. Clair, A Mathematical Theory of Knowledge (Knowledge Extraction
On Machine Learning Algorithms To Manage Knowledge With Algebraic Informa-
tion Theory, Dynamical (Ergodic) Systems, And Fuzzy Mathematics)
This is the most current research which is being written into several papers, in-
cluding a general research paper that mathematically proves through information
algebras and mappings that machine learnable data sets can be mapped to an
optimal set and operator based structure for a deep connection between both ma-
chine learning and rule-based AI expert systems artificial intelligence branches to
extract, store, process, and manage knowledge.

Bartmoss St. Clair, Calculating Time Series Signal Complexity Via Shannon En-
tropy, KS Entropy, And KL Divergence Measures to Model Necrotic Effects on
Large Neural Networks

Bartmoss St. Clair, Application And Cost Analysis of Nanomaterials in The Aeros-
pace, Battery, Semiconductor, Construction, And Nuclear Engineering Industries
(Great Lakes Graphite 2017-2018)

Bartmoss St. Clair, Knowledge Engine (Building a Knowledge-base Using Machine

Learning Knowledge Extraction Through Fuzzy Concept Parsing Classification Al-
gorithms Into Complex Rule-based Advanced Expert Systems)
Video - The Knowledge Engine

Bartmoss St. Clair, Analysis of The Future of The Pharmaceutical Industry in

Supplement Engineering With CRISPR Biotechnology (2017)
Video Summary on analysis of the future of pharma and how to make future


Article Summary on analysis of the future of pharma and how to make fu-
ture predictions

Job experiences Current 2017

Machine Learning And Blockchain Researcher for Blockchain For Science
and The Living Knowledge Network.
(A letter of recommendation can be provided)

Spokesperson for Great Lakes Graphite Inc.

(A letter of recommendation can be provided)
Video Spokesperson Video for Great Lakes Graphite

Nanotechnology Research Consultant for Great Lakes Graphite Inc. on grap-

hite based nanomaterials.
(A letter of recommendation can be provided)

Innovation, Disruption and Nanotechnology Adviser to the Board of Di-

rectors For Great Lakes Graphite Inc.
(A letter of recommendation can be provided)

2014 2016
Co-founder, developer and General Manager at Blue Wave UG managing,
designing, developing frontends for both websites and apps in JavaScript, ge-
neral programming, legal contracts writing, sales, marketing, business logic,
computational linguistics, machine learning, etc.
Examples of projects include:

Project manager and head IT consultant on computational linguistic plat-

form to automate content governance for banks using example crawlers for
machine learning with rule-based AI knowledge extraction to generate tem-
plates and advanced conceptual branching statistical models to match word
concepts based on distance of words conceptually, parsing, etc. in English,
Spanish, French, Portuguese, and Arabic for probabilistic disambiguation of
sentence/phrase/paragraph meaning to improve classification and run less
computationally expensively using fuzzy rule based AI (most material and
descriptions need to be held by NDA, including the names of the banks,
however upon request, Dr. Andrew Edmonds can be contacted for further
information or references on the project).

Developer on a JavaScript based 3D website which was combined with dri-

vers written primarily in Java as well as many open source libraries in C++
to run a Kinect on a self-built rear-projection display that could update in
real time interactions between users on the site and the installation without
the need of a backend.

Video Web-based 3D interactive touch screen projector

Keynotes Speaker and UI/UX designer and developer for the launch of a
native iOS app and a web-based app which was coded mostly in AngularJS
to support the Service as a Product business model.
Video connect Keynotes The Freelance Economy: Service as a Product

Speaker on iOS app development in German on the possible future of native

iOS app design by taking advantage of updates in Xcode and utilizing the
full features of the iPad Pro.
Video Die Zukunft von iOS Apps: Wie das iPad Pro das App Design bee-
influssen wird

Frontend designer and backend project manager for a native iOS app which
had a Ruby on Rails with MongoDB backend.
Video Overview for Fitness

For more examples or a walk through of the apps themselves from fron-
tend design to the coding, please contact me.

Freelance consultant at Falk & CO for English, group dynamics, creative
communication consulting, and technical consulting for tax and finance in

Freelance consultant at Westinghouse Electric Company in Mannheim for

English, marketing/image, group dynamics, creative communication consul-
ting, and technical consulting for nuclear physics.

2011 2013
Freelance consultant at Melchers Rechtsanwlte Partnerschaftsgesellschaft
law firm for legal English for contract law, tax law, and criminal law.

2014 2016
Volunteer at German Red Cross (DRK).

2012 2013
Consultant for the NPO development charity organization Medizinische No-
thilfe Mali eV with Christoph Krueger.
Video connect Power Talks - Dr. Boubacar Dicko

2008 2012
English Docent at the DAI (DeutschAmerikanisches Institut) in Heidelberg
for advanced business and university level English courses.

2010 2014
Physics at Heidelberg University specializing in advanced theoretical atomic
quantum mechanics and relativistic quantum mechanics (quantum field the-
ory), differential geometry, and tensor calculus.

2009 2010
"Studienkolleg" at Heidelberg University for mathematics, physics, and com-
puter science.

Advanced German language courses at "The Max Weber Haus" Heidelberg

Computer skills Operating Systems Expert

Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS

Servers and Databases Basic

Apache2, OpenSSH, NFS, MongoDB, MySQL

CMS Expert
WordPress and TYPO3

Programming, scripting/markup languages Expert to Intermediate

R, HTML, CSS, XML, JavaScript, jQuery, AngularJS, LATEX(this CV is cu-
stom made in LATEX)

Programming, scripting/markup languages Basic

MATLAB, Xcode (Objective C), Bash, PHP, Ruby on Rails

Software Expert
Microsoft Office/Open Office/Apple Office (Pages, Numbers, etc.), Adobe
Illustrator/Inkscape, Adobe Photoshop/GIMP (basic), Ableton/Beat Ma-
ker Pro/Garage Band, Goldwave/Audacity, Final Cut Pro/iMovie, Brackets,
GIT, Origin, Maple, Mathematica, LabView
Practical Computer Science Expert to Intermediate
RESTful API programming, data science and structuring, computational
linguistics, machine learning in R, expert systems

Information Theory Deep understanding of information theory from Shannon
(A Mathematical Theory of Communication), etc. and Algebraic Information
Theory. Informational entropy probability distribution calculations (Shan-
non Entropy), KL-Divergence, and lower bound KSEntropy calculations,
information content, possible and probability measures in information alge-
bras, machine learning, etc.

Dynamical Systems/Ergodic Theory Complex systems that evolve over ti-

me and can be chaotic, used to write approximation algorithms for time
series data. In conjunction with Information Theory (Kolmogorov-Sinai) for
modeling the complexity of dynamical systems also using Eckmann-Ruelle
Entropy. Time series granulation to create partitions of a discrete phase spa-
ce evolving over time which I have personally mathematically proven that
the lower bounds of the KS-Entropy calculated using a fuzzy set entropy
algorithm (fSampEntropy) is actually the best approximation equivalent of
Shannon entropy averaged over time of the unified phase space of the indivi-
dual states of the probability distribution. This has applications to improve
machine learning by finding the maximum theoretical correlated information
density among other uses.

Fuzzy Logic Advanced understanding of fuzzy logic and fuzzy mathematics, from
a practical standpoint of writing expert system rules and sets, knowledge
extraction of fuzzy sets and rules for classification in machine learning in R,
to a deep theoretical knowledge of the mathematics behind fuzzy (or rough)
sets, propositional rules, and calculating the degree of truth (confidence, sup-
port, lift, etc.), fuzzy lattice algebras, etc.

Mathematics Algebra, analysis (real and complex), linear algebra, tensor calculus,
differential geometry (Riemann geometry), probability and statistical mecha-

Physics Theoretical and experimental classical mechanics, theoretical and expe-

rimental quantum mechanics, theoretical relativistic quantum mechanics and
quantum field theory, experimental and theoretical atomic physics, theoreti-
cal general relativity

Native language English
Fluent German
Basic Arabic

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