10. Pay Scale & Promotions. The promotion from Sub Lieutenant to Commander is on 2
time scale basis and thereafter on selection basis subject to fulfilment of requisite 3
service condition. The Pay Scale and promotion criteria is as follows:-
SUB LIEUTENANT PB-3/15600-39100 5400 6000 6
LIEUTENANT PB-3/15600-39100 6100 6000
LIEUTENANT CDR PB-3/15600-39100 6600 6000
COMMANDER PB-4/37400-67000 8000 6000 Total: ............ ............. .........
CAPTAIN PB-4/37400-67000 8700 6000
10. Appeared / Did not appear in SSB earlier for Navy/ Army/ Air Force: Yes/No
COMMODORE PB-4/37400-67000 8900 6000
(If Yes-Give details)
REAR ADMIRAL PB-4/37400-67000 10000 NIL
11. List of Documents Attached:-
VICE ADMIRAL PB-4/37400-67000 12000 NIL
(a) .............................................................................................................
11. Allowances (as applicable). The rates of allowances applicable to officers (b) .............................................................................................................
are as follows:- (c) .............................................................................................................
Allowances To whom granted Rate Per Month (pm) (in Rs) DECLARATION
Instructional All Officers posted as Instructor 1800/pm 12. I, hereby, declare that I am an unmarried male, governed by nationality conditions as
laid down by the Govt of India and have never been debarred from appearing at
Marcos Qualified As Marcos 9000-14000/pm
any examination. I have neither been arrested/ prosecuted and convicted by a
Diving Clearance/Ships Diver 800/400/pm criminal court nor have been involved in any other case registered by the Police.
Sea going All Naval Officers Serving 4200-5200/pm on 13. I, hereby, solemnly declare that all the statements made in the above application are
Onboard Ships basis of Rank true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
(Sailing Only) 14. I fully understand that in the event of any information being found false or incorrect,
Uniform All Officers 16000 (Initial grant) & appropriate action can be taken against me.
5000 (Every 3 Yrs) Place : ........................ Signature................................
Hard Area All Officers posted in Hard 25% of basic Pay Date : .......................... Name of the Applicant.............
Area as declared by Govt.
House Rent All Officers not provided Govt. 10-30 % of (Pay
Accommodation Band +Grade Pay +MSP) The terms and conditions given in this advertisement are subject to
change and should, therefore, be treated as guidelines only
Transport All Officers 1600-3200 ( + DA thereon)
Details are also available on website :