InterNACHI Success Book
InterNACHI Success Book
InterNACHI Success Book
A Publication of the
International Association of Certified Home Inspectors
This manual is designed to help inspectors create, sustain and grow their companies. For both business
veterans and those who are just starting out in the inspection industry, this book will help guide you
through the step-by-step process of setting up a business that's both ethical and profitable.
Good marketing is the foundation of a solid business, and this publication outlines tried-and-true
techniques for performing easy marketing tasks that will distinguish you from the competition, as well as
tips on how to court and secure high-end inspections that will put you on another level of earning.
Nick Gromicko
Kate Tarasenko; Ben Gromicko; Chris Morrell; Mark Cohen, Esq.;
Joseph Ferry, Esq.; Kenton Shepard; Michelle Thakur; and Kelsea Lewis
Kate Tarasenko/Crimea River
Levi Nelson; Erica Saurey; Erik Gromicko; and Chris Krowiak
Preface 3
When I was a boy back in the 1990s, my dad, Nick Gromicko, would take me with him on his home
inspections around Philadelphia. For most boys my age, going to work with their dad is a lot of fun. It was
thrilling for me to be appointed as my dads helper. I wasnt exactly sure what a home inspector did, but I was
going to learn everything about it that I could so that I could be one, too, when I grew up.
It was during these exciting excursions that I was able to witness that there were different people who were at
these appointments for different reasonsreal estate agents, home buyers, and home sellers. They all seemed
friendly, but anxious. They followed my father as he made his way through the house, watching his every
move, and hanging on his every word. I knew that they were looking to him for information, but I could
also sense that they were hoping for his reassurance, too. At the end of the appointment, whether he gave
them good news or bad, these people seemed extremely grateful, shaking my dads hand and thanking him
profusely for telling them things that apparently no one else had.
On our rides to and from these appointments, I was filled with questions I wanted to ask and observations I
wanted to share, just as any boy would. The first question I remember asking my dad was whether he was the
only home inspector, or if there were others like himpeople who did what he did. He confirmed that there
were others. So, although my regular interrogations over the years about his process were informed by the
fact that he represented an entire profession, I continually peppered him with questions to find out in what
ways his methods were superior to those of other home inspectors.
One of my earliest observations was that he always spent a lot of time and took such great care with
everything related to his job. He washed his truck at the end of the day, and charged his flashlight batteries.
He confirmed his appointments the night before. And he checked his gear again in the morning. Once we
arrived at the appointment, he carefully organized his tools and supplies in his pockets and tool belt, and
then greeted his clients enthusiasticallyall at what seemed like a breakneck pace, although he always
looked relaxed and had a smile on his face. I followed him closely while he then methodically worked his way
through the house, knowing where to find exactly what he was looking for.
All his energy and daily momentum made me realize early on that because he worked on his own, without a
boss telling him what to do, my dad had to have developed his own reliable structureand maybe even some
secretsfor his success. And I was determined to learn what they were.
I remember when he figured out how to create his reports using the photos hed taken during his inspections
with his new digital camera. He was very excited, he told me, because he was the only home inspector in
the area whose reports had integrated photos with the text. It was such a simple thing, and yet even I knew
that it was specialthat it was exactly what an inspection report should be, both descriptive text and actual
pictures of the property. I asked him if there was a way that other inspectors could create their reports with
photos as easily as he did. No, not yet, he replied.
As I began using our home computer for school assignments and hobbies, I became aware of the various
types of newsgroups forming online. It wasnt too hard to find others connected to the Internet who shared
my interests. Although the early online forums were bare-bones, it was a revelation to me to be able to float
my questions out into the ether and eventually find someoneand usually several someoneswilling to
answer me with clear instructions and helpful advice. I remember asking my dad if there was something like
that for home inspectors. I had accompanied him on enough inspections by then to know that every house
was different, and a lot of them had unusual and unique problems.Was there one place on the Web where
inspectors could find each other and ask for help and support if they needed it? No, not yet, he answered.
It also occurred to me during this time that home inspectors probably needed classes or some type of
instruction on how to inspect homes, just like I needed to attend classes in the various subjects I had to
learn in order to graduate. I asked my dad if there was a special place where inspectors could go to learn
How to Run a Successful Home Inspection Business 4
about houses and the home inspection process. Was there even a place online where they could learn all they
needed to know? "No, not yet," he said.
When my dad created his own logo for his own brochures and business cards, I was impressed by how
professional-looking they were. They really made his business stand out. I wondered out loud if there was a
way that other inspectors could get these items made so that they could look as professional as he did. Again
he told me, "No, not yet."
Through the years, my questions became even more specific and sophisticated. What about commercial
propertieswas there some protocol for inspecting them? I continually asked my dad if we had this or that
for home inspectors to make the inspection process easier, faster, safer, and more standardized, as well as
modern and as cutting-edge as possible. He never said, No. He always answered, No, not yet.
As my dad founded and built the world's largest trade association for inspectors, I heard No, not yet
become Yes, we have that at InterNACHI."
Ive been witness to his dedication to innovation for the benefit and betterment of home inspectors and an
industry that has been more than just his career.
Im honored to present his latest edition of How to Run a Successful Home Inspection Business. This new
expanded version is filled with groundbreaking tips and advice that every residential and commercial
property inspector should embrace. If there was ever a how-to manual for starting an inspection business
and making it succeed beyond your greatest expectations, this book is it. Its the industry bible, plain and
Nikolai Gromicko, Owner
Inspector Outlet
Foreword 5
I often see inspectors marketing when they have extra money, and not marketing when money is tight. This is
upside-down thinking. Your marketing decisions should not be based on your cash flow.
Some inspectors say things like, Ive been slow this month, so Im not going to spend much on marketing.
This strategy causes the inspectors worst fear to become reality.
If you arent inspecting today, work on building your business.
Regardless of the current state of your inspection business, youve come to the right book. In it, youll find
straightforward talk and more than 200 tips you can implement TODAY that are designed specifically for
inspectors who want to dominate their market, raise their fees without regret, and build and sustain the type
of business that will make them the envy of the local competition, as well as the firstand lastinspector
their customers call.
Nick Gromicko, Founder
How to Run a Successful Home Inspection Business 6
Table of Contents
Preface 3
Foreword 5
Introduction 14
Brochures 35
The Goal of a Brochure 35
Synergy 36
Bad Brochures Un-Sell 36
Table of Contents 7
Manufacturers Brochures 36
Delivering the Message 36
Headlines 36
Nothing to Brag About 37
Words That Sell 37
Your Photo 38
Other Photos & Images 38
Dont Be Silly 38
Captions 38
Testimonials 38
Dont Preach to the Choir 39
Make Them Want You 39
Breathing Room 39
Insurance 40
My Promise 40
Certifications & Affiliations 40
Contact Information 41
Placement of Your Company Name 41
Help Them Read 41
Fonts 41
Spelling 41
Size Matters 41
Paper 41
Ink 42
More Than One Weapon 42
How Many? 42
So Sad 43
You Dont Have to DIY 43
Marketing to Professional Marketers 43
What Makes You So Special? 43
Websites 48
Dont Be Shy 48
Nailing Down Your Website Name 48
Your Website Isnt About You 49
Your Website Is Not a Brochure 49
Your Website Is Not a TV 50
Your Website Is Not a Magazine 50
Your Website Is Not a Building 50
Your Website Is Not a Newspaper 50
An Inspectors Website Should Have Only One Lone Goal 51
Your Website Is a Series of Billboards 51
How to Run a Successful Home Inspection Business 8
Bring a Treat for the Kids If the Prospect Has Children 108
Pass 109
No-Shows 109
When You Get the Inspection 110
Marketing on the Job 110
Writing the Agreement and Report 112
Inspection Reports: Engage Your Senses 112
Digits and Hyphens 115
Farther vs. Further 116
Three Photos Every Inspector Should Include at the End of the Report 116
What Happens When Your Inspection Report Gets Recycled? 118
Marketing at the End of the Job 121
Labels, Labels, Everywhere Labels 121
Add a Personal Touch 121
A Leave-Behind Letter Generates More Inspection Business 121
Post-Completion Party 122
Happy Anniversary! Best Regards from Your Inspector 122
Client Satisfaction Surveys 122
Handling a Complaint 125
The Apology Letter 126
How to Turn a Clients Complaint into a Marketing Gain 127
After the Complaint Is Resolved 129
Sample General Release 129
Testimonial 130
When You Dont Get the Inspection 130
Your Good Name Online 132
Your Virtual Identity 132
Protect Yourself from Being Libeled Online 133
Build Your Own Reputation Through Website Maintenance 134
Other Legal Issues for Home Inspectors 136
14 Steps That Help Inspectors Avoid Lawsuits 136
To Exceed or Not to Exceed: That Is the Question 140
If a Home Inspector Misses Something 140
InterNACHIs Buy-Back Guarantee Program 141
Proving Negligence 142
Deposition Preparation 144
Inspectors as Expert Witnesses 145
InterNACHI Attorney: Code-certified claims can lead to unexpected problems for inspectors. 149
Legal: Links and Online Information 150
Online Inspection Agreement System 150
How to Run a Successful Home Inspection Business 12
For all the diversity among inspectorsas defined by age, education, cultural background, home town,
family makeup, work history, experience, income level, and even work ethicthere are some basic
qualities that most of us have in common. We share the hallmarks of the classic entrepreneur. We prefer
to work for ourselves and be our own bosses. We appreciate the challenges that confront our expertise
on the job. We take pride in the fact that if we don't have the answer at hand, we are, at the very least,
resourceful enough to find it. We make the regular commitment to expand our reach by seeking out
the advice and fellowship of our colleagues. We are always learning. We exert the discipline required
to increase our education. And we welcome the greater tests ahead so that we can exercise our latest
knowledge. For all our varying degrees of perspective, we are a community. Providing for our families,
taking pride in our work, making a daily investment in ourselves and in our clients, and enjoying the
subsequent rewards of our labor are what form the foundation of our working lives. Can there be a
greater ambition?
Success, then, seems already threaded through our business. It may be modest in terms of finances. But
those rewards are available, too. There's more to our work ethic and earning potential as inspectors than
being a reliable expert on the job. Our name is always working for us (or against us!) even off the job, and
that's where many inspectors seem to give short shrift to the regular care and feeding of their inspecting
enterprises. Treating this dual aspect of entrepreneurialism with anything less than equal effort will
inevitably drive your business under as surely as making a habit of performing haphazard inspections.
Marketing is often seen as a chorethe work that you have to do when you're not workingand the
less-than-enthusiastic result barely goes beyond a sign on the truck, a box of business cards, and a list of
contacts. But our success depends on marketing not just our services, but also ourselves. Our credibility
is our true calling card, and it's important to get our reputation out there so that it's as obvious as that
sign on the truck. It's our first and most important marketing tool because without it, we are nothing.
The good news is: Just as there are logical ways to perform a property inspection, there are equally logical
and common-sense marketing tips and techniques that will put us on a trajectory to a greater level of
achievement and expectation in our inspection businesses. We have to approach marketing as deliberately
as we do our training, education, and even our property inspections themselves. Pinning our hopes on
random jobs each day is no way to build a business. And for as many inspectors as may populate the
town we live in, we're not so much in competition with them (or each other) as with our own limitations.
Our unwillingness to market ourselves is an unacceptable obstacle that puts a fatal limit on what we can
become. Overcome that obstacle, and the competition won't matter.
These success tips are the culmination of years of training,
education, experimentation, argument, failure, and breakthrough Great progress comes about
all the building blocks of success. In them, you'll find dozens of by constantly making
straightforward strategies that will have you nodding, perhaps small improvements.
disbelieving, but, ultimately, becoming seriously motivated
perhaps for the first time in a long timeto move up to the next Japanese concept of Kaizen
level in your career as an inspector.
To succeed at anything, be it landing on the moon or building a successful inspection business, you have
to do many little things properly. Always work on building your business. If you're not at the jobsite, be
marketing your business, learning more, and improving your services. Remember that if you're a good
inspector, you have a moral obligation to let as many people as possible know about and benefit from
your good work.
Your Mission Statement 15
If youre waiting for a freak time in the free market to go into business,
when the demand for your product or service is much greater than your
would-be competitors ability to supply that demand, you probably
shouldnt go into business.
Nick Gromicko, founder of InterNACHI
Forms of Business Ownership 17
Sole Proprietorship
The vast majority of inspection businesses start out as sole proprietorships. These types of businesses
are typically owned by one person who has the day-to-day responsibility for running the business. Sole
proprietors own all the assets of the business, as well as the profits generated by it. They also assume
complete responsibility for its liabilities and debts. In the eyes of the law and of the public, the inspector
and the business are one and the same.
In a partnership, two or more people share ownership of a single business. Like proprietorships, the law
does not distinguish between the business and its owners.
The partners should have a buy-sell agreement that sets forth how decisions will be made and how much
time and capital each will contribute to the business, as well as questions of salary, how profits will be
shared, and even supervisory oversight and separate everyday duties, etc. This agreement should also
describe how future inspectors will be admitted to the partnership, how disputes will be resolved, how
partners can be bought out, and what steps will be taken to dissolve the partnership, when needed.
Similar to a pre-nuptial agreement that must be signed before the wedding, its hard to think about a
breakup when the business is just getting started. But many partnerships split up at times of crisis, and
unless there is a defined process, there will be even greater problems.
Advantages of a Partnership:
1. Partnerships are relatively easy to establish; however, time should be invested in developing the
partnership agreement.
2. With more than one owner, the ability to raise funds may be increased.
3. The profits from the business flow directly through the business to the partners personal tax returns.
4. Prospective inspectors may be attracted to the business if offered the incentive to become a third
5. A business usually benefits from partners who have complementary skills.
Disadvantages of a Partnership:
1. Partners are jointly and individually liable for the actions of the other partner(s).
2. Profits must be shared with others.
3. Since decisions are shared, disagreements can occur.
4. Some employee benefits are not deductible from business income on tax returns.
5. The partnership may have a limited life; it may end upon the withdrawal or death of a partner.
Types of Partnerships:
General Partnership: Partners divide responsibility for management and liability, as well as the
sharing of profits and losses, according to their internal agreement. Equal shares are assumed unless
there is a written agreement that states differently.
Limited Partnership and Partnership with Limited Liability: Limited means that most of the
partners have limited liability (to the extent of their investment), as well as limited input regarding
management decisions, which generally encourages investors for short-term projects or for
investing in capital assets. This form of ownership is not often used for operating inspecting
businesses. Forming a limited partnership is more complex and formal than a general partnership.
Joint Venture: This type is similar to a general partnership, but is clearly for a limited period of time
or for a single project, such as a commercial inspection. If the partners in a joint venture repeat the
activity, they will be recognized as party to an ongoing partnership and will have to file as such and
distribute accumulated partnership assets upon dissolution of the entity.
Forms of Business Ownership 19
A corporation, chartered by the state in which it is headquartered, is considered by law to be a unique
entity, separate and apart from those who own it. A corporation can be taxed, it can be sued, and it can
enter into contractual agreements. The owners of a corporation are its shareholders. The shareholders
elect a board of directors to oversee the major policies and decisions. The corporation has a life of its own
and does not dissolve when ownership changes.
Advantages of a Corporation:
1. Shareholders have limited liability for the corporations debts and any judgments against the
2. Generally, shareholders can only be held accountable for their investment in stock of the company.
However, officers can be held personally liable for their actions, such as the failure to withhold and
pay employment taxes.
3. Corporations can raise additional funds through the sale of stock.
4. A corporation may deduct the cost of the benefits it provides to officers and employees.
5. A corporation can elect to file for S-corporation status, if certain requirements are met. This
enables the company to be taxed similarly to a partnership. (It is designated an S-corporation for
Subchapter S of Chapter 1 of the Internal Revenue Code.)
6. Its easier for shareholders to sell their shares in the inspection businessand the business itself
when they want to retire.
Disadvantages of a Corporation:
1. The process of incorporation requires more time and money than other forms of organization.
2. Corporations are monitored by federal, state and some local agencies, and there may be more
paperwork to fill out in order to comply with regulations.
3. Incorporating may result in higher overall taxes. Dividends paid to shareholders are not deductible
from business income, so the income can be taxed twice.
4. There is a potential loss of control over the business and decisions regarding its direction, etc.
A tax election only, this enables the shareholder to treat earnings and profits as dividends or distributions
and have them pass through the business and directly to his/her personal tax return. The catch here is
that if the shareholder is an employee of the company and the company makes a profit, s/he must pay
him/herself wages that meet standards of reasonable compensation. This can vary by geographical
region (as well as by occupation), but the basic rule is to pay yourself what you would have to pay
someone else to do your job, as long as there is enough profit. If you dont do this, the IRS can re-classify
all of your earnings and profits as wages, and youll be liable for all the payroll taxes on the total amount.
LLC is usually determined when the organization papers are filed. The time limit can be continued, if
desired, by a vote of the members at the time of expiration.
In summary, deciding the form of ownership that best suits your inspecting business should be given
careful consideration. Use your key advisors to assist you in the process.
If you think this is all just abstract legal theory, you might read the opinion of the Indiana Court of
Appeals in ABC Home & Real Estate Inspection, Inc. v. Plummer, 500 N.E.2d 1257 (Indiana App. 1987).
In that case, the inspectors corporation never issued stock, the inspector advertised himself as the owner
of the business, and the inspector kept his contractors license in his name rather than in the corporations
name, so the trial court determined that the inspectors corporation was a sham and was the mere alter
ego of the inspector. The inspector appealed, but the Indiana Court of Appeals determined that the trial
court properly pierced the corporate veil, and the inspector was personally liable to the home buyers.
To be effective, asset protection should be performed years before you find yourself in financial trouble.
Any transfer of ownership of property after the emergence of a significant claim may be deemed
fraudulent, which can result not only in seizure of the asset anyway, but significant civil penalties. After a
claim arises, you need debtor and possibly pre-bankruptcy planning, as asset protection becomes more
difficult as legal proceedings progress. Most importantly, have an attorney and an accountant guide
you through the process of asset protection. You need these experts to make sure that asset-protection
planning is performed competently and within the parameters of the law. Professionals will make
sure that you use appropriate legal structures to safeguard your assets without deliberately defrauding
In summary, inspectors should invest in legal asset-protection strategies to keep their business assets
separate from their personal assets, and also to ensure that, should they face a tough legal battle, they will
be able to re-establish themselves after the dust settles.
Mark Cohen is General Counsel for the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors.
Code of Ethics 23
Code of Ethics
Every inspector should have his/her own Code of Ethics.
Being good is good business. Consumers look for licensing in their inspectors (if required
by their state), but remember that licensing is just a minimum
Anita Roddick, requirement. What will separate you from your competitors is your
founder of The Body Shop customer service, and part of that is spelling out who you are. A
code of ethics is similar to a mission statement in that it articulates
and crystallizes who you are as a businessperson based on the standards you embrace. But it focuses more
on your duty to your clients and to your industry. Regardless of whether your state licensing authority
and any associations you have membership in have their own code of ethics that binds you, your own
code of ethics, posted on your website (and, optionally, in any marketing materials), is a declaration of
self-accountability that you share with the people who are deciding whether to hire you.
To follow are some suggestions for categories and items you can consider and adapt in creating your own
business Code of Ethics. You can make your Code as brief or as elaborate as you want, but make it easily
readable and readily understandable.
Avoid being redundant; opt for brevity. Format it so that its user-friendly. Finally, incorporate items that
describe what youre committed to doing, including the standards of behavior and business practices that
you would expect of your inspector if you were the client.
(Remember that your Code of Ethics applies to any staff and crew in your employ. They should be made
aware of what it means to uphold it, as well as any consequences for violating it.)
The Code of Ethics for commercial property inspectors, as outlined in the International Standards of
Practice for Inspecting Commercial Properties (ComSOP), is similar:
9. Ethics
Inspectors performing inspections in accordance with this Standard must maintain a high level of
business ethics.
9.1 Duty to Client
9.1.1 The inspector shall substantially follow this Standard unless the Scope of Work indicates
9.1.2 The inspector shall not engage in any practices that could be damaging to the client or bring
discredit to the inspection industry.
9.1.3 The inspector shall be fair, honest, impartial, and act in good faith in dealing with the client.
9.1.4 The inspector shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin,
familial status, or handicap, and shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws
concerning discrimination.
9.1.5 The inspector-member shall be truthful regarding his/her services and qualifications.
9.1.6 The inspector shall have no undisclosed conflict of interest with the client, nor shall the
inspector accept or offer any undisclosed commissions, rebates, profits or other benefit, nor
shall the inspector accept or offer any disclosed or undisclosed commissions, rebates, profits
or other benefit from real estate agents, brokers or any third parties having financial interest in
the sale of the property, nor shall the inspector offer or provide any disclosed or undisclosed
financial compensation directly or indirectly to any real estate agent, real estate broker or real
estate company for referrals or for inclusion on lists of preferred and/or affiliated inspectors or
inspection companies.
9.1.7 The inspector shall not communicate any information about an inspection to anyone except
the client without the prior written consent of the client, except in cases when the information may
affect the safety of others, or violates a law or statute.
9.1.8 The inspector shall always act in the interest of the client, unless doing so violates a law or
9.1.9 The inspector shall use a written Scope of Work Agreement that specifies the services to be
performed, the limitations of services, and fees.
9.1.10 The inspector shall comply with all government rules and licensing requirements in the
jurisdiction where he/she conducts business.
9.1.11 The inspector shall not perform or offer to perform, for an additional fee, any repairs or
repair-associated services to the structure for which the inspector or inspectors company has
prepared a commercial inspection report for a period of 12 months. This provision shall not
include services to components and/or systems which are not included in this Standard.
Toll-Free Numbers
Avoid using toll-free numbers. Unless youre a national company, youll only be working locally, so
why offer the illusion that youre saving your prospective clients any money with a simple phone call?
Besides, customers will choose the local inspector with the local area code. They want to talk to the actual
inspector wholl be working for them. A toll-free number implies an impersonal, non-local corporation
that will send someone out whom the client wont get to speak to beforehand. A few very cheap
customers appreciate toll-free numbers to save a few pennies. Let your competitors have those customers.
At the Tone, Please Hang Up and Call My Competitor 29
Vanity Numbers
Dont use alpha-numeric phone numbers, such as 1-800-INSPECTOR, unless you also display the
numbers in parentheses after it. No one enjoys having to decipher a clever vanity number.
The one exception to this rule is the phone number you have on a vehicle sign. You may have only an
instant to make an impression, so a word as the phone number (or partial phone number) is actually
easier for people to remember.
After Hours
If you accept new business calls after hours, keep your red phone on and your other phones off. One way
to prevent website visitors from hesitating to call you after hours is to add something along the lines of
the following sentence under your red phones phone number: Please dont call after 9:30 p.m. Many
consumers are on your website in the evening and this sentence will let them know that its OK to call you
at 8:15 p.m. It also implies that they will get YOUthe inspector, in person.
Receptionists Flowchart
Whoever answers your phone better be a polite, efficient, natural-born salesperson. Your receptionist is
more important than anyone else in your company. Your receptionist is on the front line of the battle.
Create a flowchart for your receptionist that helps him/her respond appropriately, reminds him/her to
emphasize certain points with the caller, and to collect certain information from the caller. The flowchart
can be referred to each time a call veers off into unexpected territory. Your receptionist should alert you
every time s/he is unsure of how to respond to a caller who takes the conversation in a different direction
so that the flowchart can be updated.
Tip: Have someone call your company regularly and secretly brief you on their experience. Did a
live person answer your phone? How many rings did it take before the call was answered? Did the
receptionist ask for the callers contact information?
You can also print particular articles that SoundSmart provides links to. You can then review these articles
before the inspection, give copies of the articles to your clients, and include the articles as attachments to
your inspection reports. These copyrighted articles are free for InterNACHI members' use. Members may
use them as they wish.
You can also email your potential client the links to these articles. An easy way to do this is to ask for the
caller's email early in the conversation and compose and send an email that includes the links to choice articles.
You can also use the Inspection Fee Calculator to bid the inspection project. A link to open it in a new
window from SoundSmart is provided. The fee is based on a Base Price, a Mileage Factor, an Age Factor,
and a Size Factor. Then enter the home's distance, age, size, and how busy you are in order to calculate the
inspection fee.
You can also use the Inspection Time Slot Estimator found at (don't forget to
set up the light gray box first!) to schedule the inspection project. A link to open it in a new window
from SoundSmart is provided. The time slot estimate is based on Base Time, Occupied Status, Client
Accompanying Status, a Distance Factor, an Age Factor, a Size Factor, and Ancillary Services Time (all of
which you pre-set in the light gray box). Then, enter the home's distance, whether it is occupied or not,
whether or not your client will be accompanying you, the age of the home, the size of the home, and any
ancillary inspections ordered to calculate the time slot estimate.
You can also sign the caller up for your Home Maintenance Newsletter. A link to open it in a new window
from SoundSmart is provided.
Once you sell the inspection project, you might want to use InterNACHI's free, Online Inspection
Agreement System.
And, finally, SoundSmart provides a link to a list of technical refresher articles at the bottom of the
Consumer Concern choices.
SoundSmart is built on one page with bookmarks for lightning-fast navigation during an incoming call.
Don't answer your inspection business phone without the SoundSmart page loaded and ready to help
you... sound smart! Learn more at
On Hold
It is now fairly inexpensive to adopt a phone system with custom on-hold advertising for your company.
You can even do the voice work yourself using the microphone on your laptop. Your message could tell
your caller about your company and the services you offer. An on-hold message can greatly increase a
callers patience by answering routine questions in advance of their actual conversation with you so they
wont feel that their time is being wasted while being on hold.
Logos and Taglines for Inspectors 31
Taglines are the written equivalent of logos. The main role of a tagline is to quickly communicate what
you do. It shouldnt be cute or fancy. Its the sign over your storefront. It should be placed under your logo.
A tagline is especially important for inspection companies that dont have the word inspection in their
companys name.
For example:
ABC Enterprises
[Your Company] is [Your City]s Premier [Your Service] Company
Trademark your tagline by adding the superscript TM after it. This is the equivalent of
copyrighting your original work by adding your name, the copyright symbol () and the year.
Its not necessary to officially copyright something in order to own that copyright and be legally
protected. By the same token, you dont necessarily need to register your trademarked tagline with
the federal government, although you will be afforded greater protections if you do. (For one thing,
it will allow you to use the registered trademark symbol, which is .) Whichever path you choose
self-trademarking or filing for a federally registered trademarkbe sure you use the superscript
TM symbol immediately upon disseminating your tagline on your website and in marketing
materials. Also, create a Google Alert for that phrase to track down those who may infringe on your
rights by using your tagline. Threaten legal action in all cases; your trademark is as precious to you
as your logo, so protect it.
Visit InterNACHIs page of trademarked Logos, Webseals & Taglines at to find
the right items for your website and marketing materials.
Bringing Clean Air to Life is one such tagline that you can use to promote your indoor air quality
inspection services. Its a registered trademark for use by InterNACHI and IAC2 members.
The Right Inspector, Right Away is a great multi-inspector tagline. Its a registered trademark for free
use by InterNACHI members.
Anyone else is just looking around is another great tagline to promote your inspection business. Its
a registered trademark for free use by InterNACHI members.
Business Cards
Business cards are so inexpensive that its affordable to have different business cards for the different
inspection services you specialize in. If youre going on an appointment for a particular service, bring
your corresponding business card.
A good brochure is one of the three critical parts of successful home inspection marketing, those being:
1. its quality and design;
2. the proliferation of your contact information on the Internet, where all the home buyers are
nowadays; and
3. your certification by a prominent industry organization, such as the International Association of
Certified Home Inspectors.
These three critical parts are intertwined. When a home buyer types certified home inspectors into
Google, they are lead to one of many InterNACHI-owned websites. There they will find your contact
information and can request your information (a brochure), which states that you are certified and so
on... with each part reinforcing the others.
Manufacturers Brochures
Many inspection product manufacturers offer brochures that you can adapt for your companys use.
Some even offer to help you pay to have them printed. But they arent helping you by paying to print your
brochureyoure helping them pay for theirs. Theyre promoting themselves and their product, not you.
So, dont use them. You can have your own brochure that is equally professional-looking and that works
solely for your business, and not someone elses.
Headlines are often all that people read. If you can say the same thing using fewer words, do it. The reader
is scanning your brochure, so your headlines should read like that of a news story. Brochures are nothing
more than garbage on the way to the trash can. Your job is to get a message delivered on the way to the
trash, so keep your headlines short. If you must break a long headline by continuing on to a second line
so that it fits on a tri-fold brochure, try to find a natural break, with the second line being longer than the
first, if possible. But breaking at the natural pause takes precedence.
Brochures 37
ABC Inspections Is Num-
ber One in Kentucky
ABC Inspections Is
Number One in Kentucky
ABC Inspections
Is Number One in Kentucky
Another mistake is to put a period at the end of a headline. Periods stop the reader from going further.
Their use may also be wrong in terms of the rules of punctuation. In headlines in marketing materials,
just skip them.
Your Photo
A picture of you is a must. Youre not selling a product youre selling yourself. You are the product.
However, while you cant judge a book by its cover, many people do, so reconsider using a photo of
yourself if you look:
very overweight. It implies that you cant do the work yourself;
very young. It implies that you are inexperienced; and/or
like a mass-murderer.
If youre male and have a ponytail, hide it in the photo. You want the reader to identify with you. Keep
your picture as simple as possible. Consider using digital air-brushing to touch up your photo. Dont wear
a tie, except for maybe in My Promise to You (explained below). This is too professional-looking and
implies that you are so dressed up that you wont inspect a crawlspace. Also, dont wear a t-shirt. This is
too unprofessional. You are a step above that; you inspect the work done by men in t-shirts. Try to find
a middle ground, such as a collared shirt with the top button undone. Read InterNACHIs article on
inspector attire at
Dont Be Silly
Avoid cartoons. Cartoon graphics do not present a professional image. Would a professional engineer use
cartoons? And dont use puns or clever plays on words. Strike the right tone.
Make sure every photo and illustration has a caption below it. Each caption must be an ad within itself.
Each caption must promise the reader a benefit. If you include a picture or illustration of your report,
dont have the caption read: Our reporting system. Instead, have it read: Detailed yet easy-to-read
report! Also, a picture of a sample report is smart. Cookbook recipes always show a picture of the
finished dish.
Add a few quotes from satisfied agents and clients. The use of short references works, but you should
always get permission first.
Dont include anonymous quotes, which can be dismissed as fake. Testimonials must include a name and a city.
Only credible testimonials work. Do clean them up to make them error-free, but dont change their content.
Brochures 39
ABC Inspections did a great job, finding defects even the seller wasnt aware of. I highly recommend ABC
Mrs. Jane Smith, Toledo, Ohio
Tip: To assure even greater believability, ask your clients for permission to display their pictures next to
their testimonials.
Breathing Room
White space is a tool to use sparingly. Make lists of related items compact. Then use white or blank space
around them to clarify and set off those groupings of related items. Be consistent with the spacing and
margins throughout the brochure, but dont overdo it. Give your readers enough information to hire you.
Direct-mail advertisers use long body copy because it works (and they know it). Your list of qualifications
can practically run right off the bottom of the brochure, as if you didnt have enough room to list them all.
How to Run a Successful Home Inspection Business 40
List the fact that you carry general liability and E&O insurance. Always offset your premium costs by
exploiting your policy for marketing purposes.
My Promise
The following is text you could adapt to add to your brochure. Its a promise. Include a headshot of
yourself looking straight into the camera, positioned above the promise. Add your signature on a slight
angle below it. Few people will actually read the promise word for word, but the message will be conveyed
My Promise to You
Choosing the right home inspector can be difficult. Unlike most professionals you hire, you
probably won't meet me until our appointment. Furthermore, different inspectors have
varying qualifications, equipment, experience, reporting methods, and pricing.
Ultimately, a thorough home inspection depends heavily on the individual inspectors own
effort. If you honor me by permitting me to inspect your new home, I guarantee that I will
give you my very best effort.
This, I promise you.
Ben Gromicko
ABC Home Inspections
Contact Information
Your contact information should be one local phone number and one professional email address.
Avoid toll-free numbers. Avoid filler words, such as Call today! Every unnecessary thing you include
diminishes the important points you are trying to convey. And put your contact information at the
bottom of your brochure. Readers will first look for the phone number near the bottom.
Avoid using many different font types, sizes and colors. It diminishes the continuity of your brochure.
Stick to two fonts: one for headlines and one for the body text. Impact fonts are best reserved for
headings. Impact fonts command attention, and they help the reader determine whats important. Choose
a serif font for the body text. Serif fonts exist for a purpose: they help the readers eye pick up the shape
of the letter. Bolding and italicizing do not necessarily count as separate fonts. However, only use them to
add emphasis and clarity. And never use comic fonts you are a professional, not an entertainer.
Check your spelling and grammar. By the way, its peace of mind and not piece of mind, and your
automatic spellchecker wont catch that one!
Size Matters
Size your brochure to fit in a #10 envelope. Youll want to be able to mail it, so make sure it fits in a
standard business-size envelope. Furthermore, most brochure display holders are made to accommodate
this size.
Use glossy, premium brochure paper. Brochures printed on your home printer using 20-pound paper
look cheap and flop over in a display holder. Gloss paper with bold colors creates an upscale image. Plain
copier paper creates a poor image.
How to Run a Successful Home Inspection Business 42
Avoid light-colored ink. Its simply too hard to read. Light-colored ink is also difficult to copy and
fax. If your brochure has light-colored ink, try test-copying and faxing it to yourself to make sure it
comes through. Also, avoid reverse copy (white or light-colored text on a dark background) unless its
professionally designed and this design aspect is integrated with the brochures overall look.
Consider having a separate brochure for every target audience. Target specific brochures to:
home buyers, who are your most frequent customers. Their brochure should emphasize your:
the ease of understanding your report; and
ancillary services you offer.
real estate agents, who are less frequent customers. Their brochure should emphasize your:
schedule availability;
risk-reduction (such as E&O insurance or your contracts hold-harmless clause); and
the speed at which you generate the report.
home sellers, who are your least frequent clients. Their brochure should emphasize your:
the marketing advantage of a sellers inspection; and
disclosure liability reduction.
Remember that your brochure is not likely to be read by the public at large; rather, its intended for a
targeted clientele. If you create more than one version of your brochure, keep them all consistent in their
overall look so that your brand isnt obscured by a new design. Just as you may have different business
cards for your different services and specialties, they still readily identify one brandyours.
Tip: It costs the same to print a good brochure as it does to print a bad one. The only difference is in their results.
How Many?
A home inspection brochure should be:
provided to real estate agents to give to their clients;
direct-mailed to home sellers (who are likely also local buyers);
left behind after each home inspection;
displayed in banks; and
delivered to attorneys.
If youre planning to have only 1,000 brochures printed, youre planning to fail.
Brochures 43
So Sad
An inspectors brochure, like all marketing, is a catalyst or a magnifier. If you offer a poor service,
marketing will lead you to your demise quicker. If you do good work, marketing will magnify it. Your
brochure is second only to yourself as the key ingredient in achieving success. If you are a good inspector,
you have an ethical duty to market so that more of your fellow citizens can learn about and benefit from
your good work. It is so sad to see a good inspector with a bad brochure.
Do you carry special tools and equipment, such as an extra-tall ladder or a Spectoscope for inspecting
roofs? Do you perform inspections on green/alternative housing? Does your company employ more than
one inspector? Do you use certain technology while performing your inspections, such as an iPad? Try to
think outside the box!
Your contractor background and experience make you special to your potential
clients. Get the contractor logo at
(free to members).
Thermal imaging is a great tool to use for inspections and an impressive skill to
market to your prospects. If you're looking for free training, become Infrared
Certified at
Roof inspections can be made easier, faster and safer by using a Spectoscope. Visit to learn more about it.
Order your free gold 5-Year Pin (at or 10-Year Pin
(at and wear it on your work clothing for that extra
prestige that will impress your clients.
What is your business philosophy? For example, do you pride yourself in running a green business (low
carbon footprint, energy offsets, etc.)? Do you employ people from your community? Do you consider
yourself First-Time Home Buyer-Friendly? Again, think of things that your competitors cannot claim,
and then download the relevant logos and web seals to add to your website and other marketing.
Become IAC2-Certified for Mold and Radon Inspections for free. Visit to
learn how.
Remember that all of InterNACHI's online training and certifications at are
free to members.
How to Run a Successful Home Inspection Business 46
List your individual inspection services for which you may charge extra, and write a brief description
for your clients if the service is not self-explanatory. These inspections may include mold, radon, deck,
garage, commercial property, pool & spa, WDO/pests, thermal imaging, child safety, aging-in-place,
green building/features, private wells, septic systems, outbuildings, historic homes, mobile/manufactured
homes, new-home construction and/or draw-down inspections, multi-unit housing, rural properties,
Move-In Certified Seller Inspections, etc.
Read about our ancillary inspection marketing campaign at
Read about why you should offer Move-In Certified Seller Inspections at We offer many free items to help you market this service
to home sellers.
List your customer service conveniences. For example, do you have staff that answers phones
during regular business hours while youre out on inspections? Do you offer evening and/or weekend
appointments? Do you take payments by credit card? Do you encourage clients to attend your inspections
so that you can answer their questions? Do you provide a free copy of Now That Youve Had a Home
Inspection home maintenance book with your report? It's also available in Spanish. Are you pet-friendly?
Do you include a $10,000 Honor Guarantee?
Sound smart on the phone by using SoundSmart for incoming customer calls. Keep
track of important details for the appointment, and maximize your time on the phone.
Learn more about this free tool at
Accept credit card payments from clients by getting free merchant accounts at
Get InterNACHI's Now That Youve Had a Home Inspection, the ultimate home
maintenance book for clients, at It's available in Spanish, too!
Provide your clients added security with our $10,000 Honor Guarantee. Read more
about it at It's free for use by members.
List the unique and special aspects of your inspection reports and/or features of your report delivery.
For example, do you deliver on-site or same-day reports? Do you offer electronic reports that can be
emailed or downloaded from your website? Do your reports include narratives in addition to checklists?
Do your reports include digital photos and/or thermal images for comparison? Do you provide online
videos or DVDs of your inspections?
Using special inspection report software will help you create professional-looking reports quickly,
and you can market this fact to your prospective clients. Find discounted report software at
Offering convenient online reports is a great way to keep your business green and your report
turnaround time fast. Market these desirable features of your services when you use FetchReport.
Upload your reports for your clients to download at
Get InterNACHI's free Home Energy Report software at
(free to members).
Brochures 47
List the other specialties and features of your business not stated previously that make you unique or
unusual compared to other inspectors in your service area. For example, do you have a wraparound on
your truck that readily identifies you? Do you offer 11th-Month Builder's Warranty Inspections on new
builds? Do you inspect built-in and/or portable appliances (if not required by your state)? Do you offer
referrals to green contractors who can perform energy upgrades? Do you offer consultations for EEMs
or HUD/203Ks? If you're a Florida inspector, do you perform Wind Mitigation or 4-Point Inspections?
Do you offer fast turnaround of lab testing results for mold sampling? Do you inspect for special types
of events, such as earthquake preparedness or post-disaster inspections (floods, storms, etc.)? Do you
offer Home Energy Reports, Home Energy Inspections, Green Building Inspections, or Log Home
List some of the personal details relevant to your business that you think may be of benefit for your
marketing. For example, are you a veteran? Have you been a resident of your community for many years?
Do you give back to your community by volunteering for or donating to local nonprofits, sports teams,
youth organizations, etc.? (This may also be considered part of your business philosophy.)
Do you have or use a tagline, your own or one of InterNACHIs?
The Right Inspector, Right Away Use this great multi-inspector tagline. It's a registered trademark
for use only by InterNACHI members.
Anyone else is just looking around. Use this tagline to promote your inspection business. It's a
registered trademark for use only by InterNACHI members.
Bringing Clean Air to Life Use this tagline to promote your inspection services related to indoor
air quality. It's a registered trademark for use only by InterNACHI and IAC2 members.
What are your most profitable or popular services? Do you offer any specific services that youre
especially interested in aggressively promoting?
Are you (or anyone on your staff) fluent in any language(s) besides English? Did you know that many
of InterNACHIs inspection-related articles at are also in Spanish and French?
And InterNACHIs home maintenance book, Now That Youve Had a Home Inspection, is available in
English and Spanish at
How to Run a Successful Home Inspection Business 48
The home inspection business is different than most other businesses in that you (the home inspector)
never meet your client until after you are hired. Thats rightwhen you get out of your truck at the
inspection site and introduce yourself to your client, s/he has already hired you. There is almost no
salesmanship involved in the home inspection business. Success relies almost solely on marketing. But
where should an inspector market? Well, a home inspectors clients are nearly always home buyers. And
many of these home buyers are conveniently located all in one place online. They are online touring
new homes, researching schools, emailing their real estate agents, shopping for mortgages, and looking
for home inspectors. And since you will not have an opportunity to sell your inspection services in
person, its important that your website be capable of doing your selling for you. To a potential client, your
website is a sample of what you and your report are going to be like.
Your website is the flagship of your company. It makes little sense to drive traffic to a website that doesnt
represent you well. Its a wise investment to have your website professionally designed and maintained so
that its overall look is attractive and its navigation is problem-free.
The door to your website is your homepage. Its the most important page of your website. Most of your
visitors will never even click through to your other pages if your homepage doesnt make them want more.
As an inspector, you might work on some of the most expensive real estate in the world, but no property
is as valuable, per square foot, as your own websites homepage. The right homepage can generate you
many thousands of dollars in inspecting business if its designed properly. You only get one chance to
make a good first impression. Make sure your site doesnt un-sell your inspection services.
Tip: Webmasters dont have the skill sets to design websites that sell any more than auto mechanics have
the skill sets to create car ads. Webmasters are mechanics, not marketers. Dont leave your website design
in the hands of an HTML programmer.
Dont Be Shy
If youre a good inspector, you have an ethical duty to market yourself and stay in business so as many of
your fellow citizens as possible can use your services. If you feel your clients who are about to make the
purchase of their lives are served well by hiring you you shouldnt pull any punches. Marketing is no
place for humility. Youre serving your clients by allowing them to learn of, and benefit from, your good work.
specialize in helping you search, such as (which charges a fee), or the whois query-
and-response protocol at When you find out who the registered owner is, its
best to contact him/her using a non-business email account. Writing from an email account that reflects
a variation of the online business name that youre interested in purchasing will tip your hand and
demonstrate that the domain you want to buy is valuable to you, which may automatically inflate the
price. Since its difficult to predict how much youll need to spend, its best to keep your opening gambit
low. When youve made successful contact, ask whether the name is for sale, rather than immediately
extend an offer to purchase it. Again, you want to keep the transaction as low-key as possible. The
purchase price can be anywhere from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand; you will have to decide
what its worth to you. (Remember that youll have to pay this fee only once; re-registering it every year is
similar to registering your vehicle annually, and youll be dealing with the sites registrar.) The downside
for the domain owner is that if s/he gouges you on the price and you tell him/her you dont want to
purchase it, s/he may realize that s/he wont get the opportunity again to sell it, which is the only reason
s/he purchased it in the first place. It can be an unpleasant negotiation, but remember that its still a
negotiation, so try not to get emotional.
If youre determined to acquire the name but you cant do so at an affordable or fair price, it may be time
to call in the big guns. Disputes with bad-faith registrants over domain names can be resolved using the
Uniform Domain Name Resolution Policy process developed by the Internet Corporation for Assigned
Names and Numbers (ICANN).
When you have acquired the right to purchase your domain name (and all its variants), purchase the
longest registration period available, and make sure you know the date your registration expires so that
you dont accidentally allow it to lapse.
Tip: Use InterNACHIs Inspection Business Name Search Tool and search for a company name for your
inspection business at
inspectors websites use clickable links placed on different parts of a picture of a house. That may be cute,
but its confusing for a first-time visitor to navigate. Conventions only become conventions under the
force of natural selection. In other words, theyre conventions because they work. Visitors get a reassuring
sense of familiarity from a website that doesnt veer from accepted conventions. This sense of comfort
earned by your website then transfers to their sense of you, the inspector. Remember: This is a science
and your business!not an art.
However, dont make Welcome the first word in your window title, determined by the title tag of each
HTML document. Titles play a critical role in search-engine bookmarking. Use inspector, or, better yet,
use your city name to exploit differentiating site information. A good window title might be: Bostons best
The whole purpose of your website is to get your phone to ring, so if you have both an email address
and you answer your phone regularly, you might want to also turn Contact Me into a category titled
Contact Me Now and put the actual contact information under it. Also, if you are willing to answer your
phone in the evening, say so in parentheses after your phone number. This removes a visitors hesitation
to call you late.
A small percentage of visitors (mostly real estate agents) who visit a home inspectors website do so for the
sole purpose of looking up a familiar inspectors contact information. Therefore, repeating your contact
information again on the right side of your homepage, near the top, seems reasonable. Furthermore,
some clients referred to you only by company name may be visiting your site solely to retrieve your
contact information to schedule a home inspection.
Avoid adding blank space between bodies of text or inserting blank lines between paragraphs if it looks
like the text might fall on the fold of the homepage. Otherwise, a blank space might happen to land at
the bottom of the visitors screen, making it appear that theyre at the end of the text. Continuous blocks
of text help visitors realize that they should keep scrolling to reach the end.
Training Institute: Unfortunately, the schools or training institutes you attended can work against you a
bit. Schooling is sometimes associated with being a novice. Use only their logo (if permitted). Dont write
out graduated from... Your qualifications list (discussed later) is the better location for detailing your
educational background.
Your Tagline
This is the most important part of your homepage. The main role of a tagline, as discussed previously, is
to communicate what you do, and quickly. Its the sign over your store, and it should be placed to the
right of your logo. A tagline is especially important for inspection companies that dont have the word
inspector in their company name.
For example:
A & B Enterprises, LLC
This company name doesnt clearly convey what business the company is in. Imagine seeing a sign for
a store without knowing what it is they sell. A tagline solves this problem. See how much better the
company name looks with a tagline under it:
A & B Enterprises, LLC
Denvers Best Property Inspector
Avoid using many different fonts. That will diminish the visual continuity of your website. Stick to two
fonts: one for headlines and one for the body text. As with the design for your brochures, reserve the use
of impact fonts for headings. Impact fonts command attention, and they help the reader identify the
text thats really important.
For the body text, choose a sans serif font, such as Verdana, Arial or Helvetica. Bolding and italicizing
do not count as separate fonts. The same reasoning goes for using different colors. Use a different color
to emphasize a word or set of words, but dont overdo it. Use these techniques only to add emphasis and
Tip: Never use comic fonts.
How to Run a Successful Home Inspection Business 56
Full Home Inspections
Additional Inspections
Radon Gas
Wood-Destroying Organisms (termites)
Why Hire Me
My Qualifications
InterNACHI Certification Verification
Standards of Practice
Code of Ethics
My Promise to You
Contact Me Now
Put the word Gas after Radon to help those who are unfamiliar with radon. Also, put the word
(termites) in parentheses after Wood-Destroying Organisms. Dont use WDO, since few visitors are
familiar with that abbreviation.
If you can offer a sample report online that is downloadable, put it as link at the bottom of the Full Home
Inspections page, as well as a sub-line underneath it. It is frustrating to be thrust into a new medium, so, if
the sample report link goes to another site, or is a PDF file, warn your visitor in parentheses, like so:
Full Home Inspections
Download a Sample Report (PDF)
Additional Inspections
Radon Gas
Wood-Destroying Organisms (termites)
Why Hire Me
My Qualifications
InterNACHI Certification Verification
Standards of Practice
Code of Ethics
My Promise to You
Contact Me Now
(123) 456-7890 (8 a.m. to 10:30 p.m.)
Tip: Add a Call Me Now button to your website. When a potential client clicks on it and submits his/her
call-back number, the InterNACHI member is instantly called by an automated office assistant and given
the clients call-back number. There are no phone tolls, lead-generation fees, or other charges for this
service. Learn more at
How to Run a Successful Home Inspection Business 58
Only competitors read your webpage content; everyone else just scans it.
Each qualification you have should be broken down and expanded as much as possible. Deliver the
message: I am the quality inspector you want to hire.
If you use subcontractors to perform any portion of your work, include their qualifications. For instance:
Wood-infestation management is performed by a licensed pest-control subcontractor. Again, make this list
as long as possible. Even list the number of years youve worked with a particular subcontractor.
Tip: Dont list the actual names of your subcontractors. You dont want your clients or competitors
contacting them directly.
Websites 59
Your Why Hire Me link should take visitors to a page that is similar to your My Qualifications page,
only backwards. First, list the reasons to hire you, and then follow up with your formal qualifications.
Your My Qualifications page list and your Why Hire Me page list are really just the same list in reverse order.
Your InterNACHI Certification Verification link points to InterNACHIs online certification verification
seal system. When making a purchase online, most consumers will look for a seal of approval from a
company such as Thawte or VeriSign. You can give your clients the same kind of confidence by letting
them know you are certified by the worlds largest home inspection organization. The HTML code for
this link can be found at
Your Code of Ethics link should point to
Your My Promise to You link should take visitors to a page that has a promise and a photo of you.
Similar to what you have in your brochure, include a headshot of yourself looking straight into the
camera, and position it above the promise. Also, add your signature on a slight angle below it. Few will
actually read the promise word for word, but the message will be conveyed nonetheless.
My Promise to You
Choosing the right home inspector can be difficult. Unlike most professionals you hire, you
probably won't meet me until our appointment. Furthermore, different inspectors have
varying qualifications, equipment, experience, reporting methods, and pricing.
Ultimately, a thorough home inspection depends heavily on the individual inspectors own
effort. If you honor me by permitting me to inspect your new home, I guarantee that I will
give you my very best effort.
This, I promise you.
Ben Gromicko
ABC Home Inspections
How to Run a Successful Home Inspection Business 60
To recap:
Your Contact Me Now information should be straightforward. None of this
[email protected] stuff, though. Make your email professional-looking, professional-
sounding, and easy to spell. And dont use online forms, of course. No one wants to fill out a form
requiring that they give out their personal information (which they would reasonably suspect may put
them on a marketing spam list) just to contact you. They want to email or call you.
Your Click Here for a Free Estimate button (if you provide them) should link to a page that instructs
visitors to contact you for a free estimate. The bottom of that page should include your contact
information in the manner that you want potential customers to contact you, such as your red phone
number and email address. If you get busy and cant handle all the requests coming in for free estimates,
you can stop making it so easy for visitors to request one by temporarily hiding the button so that
only potential clients who really want an estimate have to go to your contact page for your
contact information.
Most potential clients dont spend much time researching before choosing their home inspector. And
a visitor, if youre savvy enough to get him/her to your website at all, is likely going to grant you three
or four clicks, at most. This leads us to what the length of the text should be on the pages that the
navigational links point to. The answer is: short. Even if you have a lot to say, dont say it without offering
the visitor a chance to shut you up with cash.
For example, lets say you have a link titled Radon Testing. It may be tempting to put all sorts of
scientific definitions of radon, the history of radon, graphs illustrating the cancer risks that high radon
levels pose, etc., but refrain from doing this. Instead, have the link go to a short Radon Testing page
that briefly describes why testing for radon is important, why your form of testing is the best, and how
to contact you. If youre concerned that your sales pitch on this short radon page doesnt satisfy overly
inquisitive visitors, simply add a link that says More About Radon at the bottom of your short radon
page, and include on this secondary page everything anyone would ever want to know about radon, and
then some. Make it one long page, and feel free to make it as long as you like, with pictures. However,
make sure that you periodically offer to bring the visitor back to your shorter main radon page with
Back links. Let your visitors decide for themselves when theyve been sold.
Dont use watermarks, background images or wallpaper. They add clutter, decrease visibility, slow loading
time, and are merely decorative. Some tasteful exceptions exist, but those are few.
Dont Yell!
Theres no reason to use exclamation points on your website. Never yell at your visitors!!!
Websites 63
Dont Misppel
Because inspectors are in the perfection business, its important to check and double-check for typos, as
well as broken links.
Dont Pollute
Your site should not contain any slow-loading introductory text, ads, pop-up windows, rollovers, pull-
down menus, music, Flash animation, banners, things that move content, things that blink, things that
make sounds, and instructions. Yes, even instructions. If you have to include long instructions, even for
downloading a document, youre doing something wrong. Dont make your visitors think.
8. Unlock any locked areas that your home inspector must access, such as the attic door or hatch,
electrical service panel, the door to the basement, and any exterior gates.
9. Trim tree limbs so that theyre at least 10 feet from the roof. Trim any shrubs that are too close to
the house and can hide pests or hold moisture against the exterior. If necessary, hire a professional.
10. Repair or replace any broken or missing items, such as doorknobs, locks and latches,
windowpanes and screens, gutters and downspouts, and chimney caps.
Checking these areas before your home inspection is an investment in selling your property. Better yet,
have your InterNACHI inspector ensure that your home is Move-In Certified. Your real estate agent
will thank you!
Find this article online at
Add Testimonials
Ask every client for a letter of reference. After the inspection is completed, send them a postage-paid
envelope and a letter asking them to jot down a brief letter of reference. After you accumulate at least 20,
you can put them on a page on your website with a link to it. No visitor will really read that many, but
they might just check to see how many you have, so wait until you collect a bunch. See InterNACHIs
example at
Tip: To assure believability, ask your clients for permission to display their picture next to their
testimonial. And if you can get them, include videos of your clients praising your company.
My Trick for Building Inspection Websites That Convert Visitors into Clients
Inspectors focus on the words they write in their reports and often continue this habit when they build
their websites. The images they use on their websites are typically stock photos, and theyre often little
more than background or filler between the written words of their text-heavy websites.
However, images are the best and fastest way to convey a message. Thats why the images on your
inspection business website should tell a storythe right story about your inspection service.
InterNACHI's own proprietary online inspection agreement is signable and legally binding. It allows the
client to read and sign your agreement before you do the inspection, or, at least before they view their
report online. Visit
Websites 65
The most memorable movie scenes made by the greatest filmmakers are based on images and little or
no dialogue. The best writers and reporters live by the axiom Show, dont tell. You can make the same
powerful impact with your website.
Here are some images inspectors should use on their websites:
The inspector is lying on his back in a crawlspace with his flashlight aiming upward. What message
does that image convey? I look carefully in places that most people don't.
The inspector is wearing eye protection and gloves while opening an electrical panel. What message
does that image convey? My work is dangerous, but I'm careful.
The inspector is holding an IR camera or a gas leak detector. What message does that image convey?
I bring specialized tools to the inspection.
The inspection report pages are fanned out on a table, and some have annotated color photos. What
message does that image convey? My report is detailed, yet easy to understand.
The inspector is being presented with the Certified Master Inspector award. What message does
that image convey? I am the best and proud of it.
A wall is shown covered with inspection course Certificates of Completion. What message does that
image convey? I value training and Continuing Education.
The inspector is standing next to the sign on his dedicated inspection vehicle and wearing a shirt
with his business logo. What message does that image convey? I'm a full-time inspector.
Remember: A picture is worth a thousand words.
Try this experiment when you start building your inspection website: Do the entire thing using only
images and no text. Imagine that the images you use are chapters in a book, and that each image has to
tell part of your story. Don't use any text at alljust build your entire website using images that convey a
series of messages, and together tell a story... your story.
If you can do that, you're really only one small step away from having an awesome website. Your last step
is to add supporting text.
Brutal Truth
The total number of inspections to be performed in the world is a constant; you arent going to
single-handedly change your local economy. So, every job counts. Furthermore, every job you get is
one that your competitor doesnt. The total number of inspections is a constant. Make sure youre doing
everything you can to get your share of the pie.
Wanted to let you know I followed your advice in the IQ called Brutality Online and designed my web site,, around
that advice. Today, two days after posting it and two weeks after joining InterNACHI,
I got my first call for an inspection from the site and booked it easily.
When I asked how they heard of us, he stated he searched online and I was second
from the list and my site looked better than the others, so he picked me.
apply for a registered trademark so that you can use the symbol with your trademark.
Registration does offer some advantages if you end up in litigation, but its not mandatory. Your
website may include photos, drawings, and/or wording that you worked hard to create.
You should protect these things by placing a notice on your homepage, such as this:
This website and its entire contents are copyrighted [Year] by [Your Company].
Note that three elements must be included in your copyright notation in order to make it legally
your name or your company name;
the copyright symbol or the word copyright; and
the year of copyright.
3. Other Peoples Copyrights and Trademarks
Do not use any copyrighted photos, drawings or language from other websites or sources on your
site without permission. This is known as copyright infringement. Most copyrighted works on the
Web now have embedded code to track the IP addresses of downloads and re-posts of the protected
work. If you get caught doing this, you will pay thousands of dollars to defend and/or settle a lawsuit.
Your Livelihood Online 69
Do not create a trademark that is so similar to a competitors trademark that it is likely to cause
confusion to the public; this is known as trademark infringement.
Do not use the symbol unless the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has issued you a
Certificate of Registration for your trademark.
4. Your Website as Evidence Against You: One of the first things attorneys do when deciding
whether to sue on behalf of a client is to visit the defendants website. They often find language that
theyll be able to use against the defendant if they file a lawsuit. So, avoid this possibility by
reviewing your website with a critical eye. Does your website make promises that you cant keep
or claims you cant prove? For instance, if your website states that youre The Most Experienced
Inspector in Nevada, youd better have some data to back up that claim; if you dont, some
plaintiff s attorney may make you eat those words in court someday.
5. Privacy Issues: Websites are useful to business owners because they allow you to collect the email
addresses of visitors, and that information becomes more valuable as the list grows. However, if
you use that list to send commercial emails to others, you must comply with the federal
A commercial email is defined as any electronic mail message, the primary purpose of which is
the commercial advertisement or promotion of a commercial product or service.
All commercial emails must include:
a legitimate return email address and a physical address;
a clear and conspicuous notice of the recipients opportunity to opt out or unsubscribe;
a mechanism that must be provided or an email address to which a recipient may send a
message to opt out; and
a clear and conspicuous notice that the message is an advertisement or solicitation.
The existing business relationship exception under the federal anti-fax law does not apply to
commercial emails, so even if you have a prior relationship with the recipient, you must still
comply with the Act.
domain name, which is really genuinely valuable only to you. However, the only way for you to legally use
the site name is to purchase it from the registered ownertypically, for an exorbitant fee. This is known
as domain-squatting or cybersquatting. Its technically defined as bad-faith registration because the
registered owner purchases domain names for the express purpose of selling them at a profit to those who
have a legitimate professional or commercial interest in them.
Laws prohibiting this practice went on the books as early as 1999 with the enactment of the Anti-
Cybersquatting Consumer Protection Act. But because it cant be enforced on a global scale (as well as
arguments of First Amendment protections of free speech), its legal effectiveness is limited. However, the
Federal Trademark Dilution Act of 1995 protects against trademark violations and those whose intent is
to profit by registering or using an identical or confusingly similar name.
A variation of cybersquatting is typo-squatting. Bad-faith registrants anticipate that users who look
online for website names often get the names wrong, so they buy up domain names with similar but
slightly altered spellings to account for users looking for the proper domain name but who then misspell
or mistype the name in their browser bar or into a search engine.
Still another notorious practice of unscrupulous cyber trolls is known as renewal-snatching or alert-angling.
Most domain owners must re-file and pay for their site registration annually. Trolls and cybersquatters may use
software tools that automatically register a popular sites domain name the moment the registration expires. A
lapsed registration is fair game, regardless that you may have paid for it and legally owned it for the past five
or ten years. This can be devastating to your online brand and your ability to conduct your daily business.
Put your location in your text. Say Cheyenne, Wyoming instead of just our location.
Add your local market region to every page. By tracking IP addresses, Google knows where their
users are searching from and customizes their search results accordingly. Therefore, it is important
that Google knows where your service area is. Put your address, market suburbs, market subregions,
satellite cities, and metro areas on every page of your website. If you serve more than one town or
city, include them all. Even better, add geographically-specific phrases about your market area
within your website text.
Build keywords, such as your local city, into your page URLs (web page addresses).
Ensure that your name, address and phone number (NAP) are consistent, and that these citations
appear at the bottom of every page of your website and your Message Board signature.
Use InterNACHI's free local SEO tool found at
Take advantage of InterNACHI's free search engine submission service found at
Title your navigation links with optimization in mind. For example: "Contact the Inspector" instead
of "Contact Us."
Add new content to your pages on a regular basis. Content freshness counts for much as search
engines cycle through their search algorithms. InterNACHI offers free inspection-related articles
for this purpose.
Your Livelihood Online 71
Contrary to what you may have learned, dont try to stuff your text with keywords. It wont work.
Search engines know if your use of a term is abnormally high because people have tried to game the
system, and this practice is a red flag. They prefer natural language content.
Get your inspection-related vendors and suppliers to link to your site. InterNACHI already does
this on behalf of its members.
If you have a client who owns a big company with a popular website, ask if s/he will to link to your
site. One single, authoritative and high-traffic site (like InterNACHI) can do a lot more for you than
a dozen poor-quality links.
Be sure links to your site and within your site use your keyword phrases. In other words, if your
target is Cheyenne home buyers, then your link title should be Cheyenne home buyers instead of
Click here.
Title your images using relevant phrases, such as Photo of inspector inspecting a roof in Cheyenne
instead of Picture of me.
Mention the specific ancillary inspection services you offer in your first few paragraphs of text, and
then try to work them into a few other paragraphs (at least).
Place keyword-rich captions under your images (and as screentips), just like newspapers do.
Be aware that private domain-name ownership may increase a search engines belief that you are a
Renew your domain name a few years into the future. It shows search engines that you are keeping
your domain name.
Post frequently on InterNACHI's Message Board. At over a million posts, InterNACHI's Message
Board is the largest accumulation of inspection-related material on the Internet.
Make inspection-related posts in the open forums of InterNACHI's Message Board so that they're
accessible to everyone, including search engines.
Make sure your Message Board signature contains a live link to your inspection business website
and NAP. This instantly gives you a lot of link juice (proportional to how many posts you've written).
Create an online video. Google owns YouTube. And think about your script from a search engine
optimization standpoint. According to Google, their new audio indexing system uses speech-
recognition technology to transform speech into text and then ranks videos by spoken keyword
relevance, YouTube metadata, and freshness.
Make sure the privacy settings of your website allow it to be visible to everyone.
If you are a Certified Master Inspector (CMI), make sure you exploit the custom ebook that has
your contact information embedded throughout.
Google AdWords
Google AdWord campaigns can be an inexpensive and effective customer-acquisition strategy. The concept
behind AdWords is that you bid on keywords in an effort to have your ad appear. The goal is not to generate
traffic to your website, but to generate traffic from visitors who are likely to want your inspection services.
Heres a list of suggested keywords:
your name (to help searchers who know your name find you);
your company name (to help searchers who know your company name find you);
the name of your town/city;
How to Run a Successful Home Inspection Business 72
Google Analytics
Sign up for Google Analytics. Its free. Google Analytics provides The winner is the chef who takes
you with statistics about your visitors, including which sites
the same ingredients as everyone
referred them, what city theyre in, what search phrases they
used to find you, and much more. else and produces the best result.
Edward de Bono
Newspaper Ads
Do tell the rep that you want the stand-by rate. The newspaper will run your ad when and where they
want to, depending on whether they need to fill empty space on a page.
Dont let the rep sell you on a re-run contract until you run your ad first for a week to test its response.
Dont waste your time.
Prepare: It goes without saying that your website and hard-copy marketing materials should be
professionally designed, as well as regularly maintained and updated. This is the source material
that you will be directing your booth visitors to and the product that youre giving them now. If
youve successfully engaged these people, theyre going to pore over your brochure and visit your
website once they get home, so make sure everything is in top condition beforehand. That includes
testing your websites links and navigation to make sure there arent any glitches that need
intervention. Whether you have an event lined up or are considering participating in one for the
first time, always have a trade show kit that is ready to go. Preparing ahead of time will virtually
guarantee a productive experience, even if you dont nail any new clients.
Pre-Promote: Always let your former clients and prospects know that youll have a booth at an
upcoming event. An event is the perfect excuse for a local press release.
Remember Quality: Invest in high-quality images for your booth. Dont be cheap. Go big or go
homethis conventional wisdom cannot be denied. Especially if youve reached the midpoint in
your career, you want to meet your markets needs by offering quality instead of merely economy.
This means providing services that are more expensive than that of your usual competitors. Your
sales pitch and your trade show display should reflect that. Invest in durable, high-quality signage
and displays. For outdoor events, have a sturdy table, a chair for yourself and a booth buddy or
employee, and two chairs for visitors who will be glad to take a load off and, consequently, will be
more receptive to your message.
Also, for primarily outdoor use, invest in a customized tent that provides shade and a bit of quiet
and privacy, especially at events that are noisy and get a lot of foot traffic. Put your name and logo
on everything.
Off-Peak Marketing & Creative Marketing 75
Dont agree to sponsor an event (for a fee) unless you can man the table or have someone man it for
you. Youd essentially be paying rent for table space for a stack of your brochures, and thats not the
wisest investment of your marketing budget.
Dont use your company name as the headline for your booth unless it clearly reflects what you do.
Dont display old or outdated images, or use old brochures or other dated marketing materials.
Dont ask, Can I help you? You should be directing the conversation.
Dont sit.
Dont act bored.
Dont eat food at your booth.
Dont limit your event choices. Think of other events where your direct competition will not be in
attendance. Consider events that your desired prospects are likely to attend, including those that
may exist slightly outside the traditional market. Affluent prospects visit boat shows, auto shows,
and other events and exhibits that feature high-ticket purchases and luxury goods. Theyll be at
energy symposiums, sustainable-living fairs, alternative building fairs, and community events
rather than only home shows.
After each eventeven before youve replenished your supply of brochures and business cardsdo a
post-game decompression. Take some time to reflect and write down what went well and what didnt.
This is especially essential if you had a representative at the show in your place. Figure out what you (and/
or your rep) can do better next time, whether its being better prepared with information for certain
questions, deciding to offer some new or different freebies (which, of course, should have your logo and
contact information on them), whether you should have had refreshments (or different ones) available for
your visitors (and your staff or yourself), or whether you had any issues with the venues facilities or staff
that will inform your future requests for other shows. An indispensable skill of being a good marketer for
your business is to ask for and process feedback, so make a thorough self-assessment after each event in
preparation for the next one. Make your time and effort count. This will boost your confidence, as well as
keep you realistic about how effectively youre marketing your business live.
How to Run a Successful Home Inspection Business 76
Customized Articles
Articles that are informational and educational are a great way to promote your company and generate
leads. Theyre useful for homeowners and others with an interest in issues related to the services you offer.
Common uses for customized articles for inspectors include:
your website (improves search-engine optimization);
your newsletters (great to email to real estate agents and past clients);
your special reports (include appropriate articles for particular issues); and
trade show handouts (make copies with your contact information on them).
You should also offer them to local newspapers and trade magazines for publication.
Tip: You may also want to have your articles translated into other languages appropriate for your market.
Special Reports
Special reports are similar to articles but theyre particularly timely or relevant to potential customers in
a certain geographical area. For example, if your local building department adopts a code change, you
might want to inform potential clients about it using a special report that also promotes your inspection
company or announces a new service you offer.
Tip: You should also offer special reports on your website for free (in exchange for the visitors contact
information, of course).
Visit InterNACHIs interactive message board at The board allows inspectors
to interact, post pictures, and discuss inspection topics.
Contribute an article to InterNACHIs Inspector Blog at The blog contains
information and news for both inspectors and consumers.
Online Videos
Inspectors who are marketing-savvy should maintain their websites
Once a new technology by occasionally adding consumer-targeted videos. As technology
rolls over you, if youre becomes cheaper and more dummy-proof, its easy for an inspector
not part of the steamroller, to shoot a short video at a jobsite and upload it to his/her website.
youre part of the road. Such a video should give consumers some basic home maintenance
tips or even a brief tutorial about a step in the inspection process
Stewart Brand that imparts some interesting information. Short videos on your
website can serve several purposes.
Videos can show your prospective clients:
what you look like, as well as a flavor of your personality;
an indication of how you conduct yourself on the job;
that youre knowledgeable about the subject matter of the video, even if its brief, and even if its
strictly informational regarding the inspection process;
that youre busy with work and not sitting around waiting for the phone to ring;
that youre comfortable with technology; and
that youre confident engaging your prospective clients by putting yourself out there on the Internet.
Consumers will naturally feel more comfortable with an inspector they can see in action before hiring
him/her, which is actually a rare opportunity. Think of your video as an audition that youre offering
your website visitors. At the very least, its a visual advertisement, which consumers are used to watching
for the products and services they want to buy. All things being equalincluding licensing, experience,
and overall pricingthe inspector who offers a video of him/herself on the job will surge ahead of the
competition. Creating familiarity ahead of your actual appointment is something that will stick in your
prospective clients minds. As the saying goes, A picture is worth a thousand words.
Write a basic script beforehand so you have a general idea of what you want to say during your
commercial. The more comfortable you are with the material, the better it will sound when recorded.
Appear in your own videos. Unless you look like a serial killer, you should be the star of your own
website videos.
Rehearse. If you have a camcorder (or even a cell phone with video capabilities), take some time to
practice being on camera. When the camera turns on, even a confident inspector can lose his or her
composure and come off as uncomfortable, unsure, and maybe even unqualified. We typically look
and sound different when recorded, and getting comfortable with those differences before your
How to Run a Successful Home Inspection Business 78
shoot will translate into a better commercial. If you dont have a camcorder, practicing in front of a
mirror can be helpful.
If youre shooting in a studio, wear crisp-looking attire, which translates well on camera.
Consider having your clothes professionally dry-cleaned and pressed. You want to look as
professional as possible.
If youre a man, considering getting a haircut a few days before the shoot and shave as late as
possible before shooting (you might even want to consider bringing your razor to the shoot and
shaving there).
Dress appropriately for both the job and the image you want to present to your viewers. Save your
on-the-job videotaping for a day when you wont be covered in mud or dirt, which will make verbal
and visual communication more difficult.
Do vocal warm-ups before the shoot. As silly as this may feel, having a confident and commanding voice
can really help you connect with your commercials viewers. It doesnt need to be much: clear your throat,
open and close your mouth a few times, and maybe try a few tongue twisters that you remember from
childhood. Whats most important is that you prepare yourself to speak clearly and confidently.
Look into the lens of the camera, which translates on video as making eye contact. Look directly
at the camera to show that you are engaged and ready to demonstrate your prowess as an inspector.
Try not to look down between sentences (unless youre referring to your script), as this can convey
shyness and a lack of confidence.
Smile! Remember, your clients want to feel like they can trust you and be comfortable asking you
questions about their inspection. If you appear relaxed, comfortable and happy, your potential
clients will be relaxed, comfortable and happy while watching your commercial.
Introduce yourself on camera. Dont assume the viewer knows who you are.
Introduce everyone else appearing in the video with you. This is simply demonstrating common
courtesy and respect for your staff and colleagues.
Mention your website address throughout the video.
Get permission from your current clients if youre shooting a video during their inspection on their
property. It demonstrates your professionalism.
Engage in some inspection activity. Walking and talking is okay, but your video should show you
doing something.
End your video with a brief sales pitch, such as Be sure to contact ABC Inspections if youre
thinking about buying a new home.
Provide your business name, logo and contact information, including your service area, as a super-
imposed image before your video ends. In case it gets uploaded to other sites, such as YouTube, your
contact information should be a part of the video that cannot be edited out.
Copyright your video using your business name, the copyright symbol and the year. Again, super-
imposing your copyright notation at the bottom of the last few frames of video makes it difficult to edit out.
Catalog your videos using titles and brief descriptions that will be of interest to consumers so that
they can find them easily, both while theyre searching the Web and searching your site.
Take advantage of social networking sites. Do you have a Twitter account or Facebook page? Be
sure to post a link to your latest videos there to drive traffic to your website.
Dont wear green. You may want to use a green screen to superimpose your video onto a different
background. If youre wearing clothes that are similar to the color of a green screen, it will be hard
Off-Peak Marketing & Creative Marketing 79
for the editor to remove the screen without also removing part of your body. You should also avoid
wearing stripes (particularly tight ones), bright red, or all white or all black, as these generally look
bad or visually distort in the video. Also, avoid using an all-black background, as this tends to
darken the overall look of the video.
Dont make your video a straight-ahead sales pitch. You should be (mostly) providing a service
rather than annoying your website visitors with an infomercial. While this approach has some
limited value, it will be far more interesting for your visitors to watch you in consumer-targeted
videos rather than commercials, and they will be less likely to be put off and click off.
Dont stand in front of the camera reading a script word for word. This is boring video. You should
be engaged in an activity and speaking at a natural pace. Pretend that the camera is a person whos
accompanying you on part of an inspection.
Dont act lethargic. Be confident in your stance to reflect your confidence in your professional
abilities. The camera will tend to cloak subtle movements and weak posture. Youll have to go a
little bit over the top for things to look natural on film. Be sure to stand tall with your shoulders
back. Plant both feet solidly on the ground, and avoid rocking from side to side. If you dont know
what to do with your hands, try holding a tool or item that you normally use during the job (such as
a clipboard or some safety gear), or stand with your hands behind your back (similar to the military
parade rest position). Dont lean on anything. Be expressive in your movements when theyre
intentional, and avoid nervous movements, such as tapping your feet or fussing with a tool.
Dont make off-color jokes or engage in non-professional behavior (even if its scripted) during your
spot. While you may want to show that youre an upbeat, funny and relaxed person, you may not
want to have such moments preserved for time immemorial on the Web if they misfire. Remember
who youre creating your videos for and how you want your business represented.
Dont go crazy with post-production. Loud or fast music, and special effects and quick or flashy
edits will do more to distract the viewer than add something worth watching.
Dont make your video longer than two or three minutes. Keep the topic brief.
Dont post your videos in multiple locations. They belong on your website and, ideally, also on You
Tube (which is owned by Google). If you use Twitter, Facebook, or some other social networking
tool, post a link for the video that drives traffic to your websitethats your ultimate goal.
In the end, the most important thing is to be yourself. These tips should help you prepare, but if you over-
think things, you might start second-guessing every word and every movement you make on camera.
Before your shoot, take a moment to remind yourself that youre a great professional inspector and that
people ought to hire you. Take a deep breath, smile, and say, Take one.
Tip: Create a video showing you on the job during an inspection.
to heading down a long aisle, thereby making their shopping trips much more efficient and shorter in
duration. Consumers basically stopped consenting to having their time engineered for them through the
stores bald attempt to separate them from their cash through impulse purchases.
So, grocery stores resolved this silent consumer revolt by opening up aisles to other aislescreating a
more divergent traffic patternso that consumers could see that, halfway down the aisle, they could
jump sideways to another aisle. Grocery stores gave up precious shelf space to create these intersections
between aisles, and consumers regained some of their freedom while offering up more shopping time.
The compromise worked.
The same strategy works for inspectors who have online promotional videos on their websites, too. Keep
your visitors on your site for as long as possible by giving them useful information, but let them know that
you respect their time by presenting that information sensibly and in a user-friendly format, which includes
videos. Advertising that your video is short lets them know that their valuable time will be well spent.
InterNACHI produces Custom Online Video Ads for its members. See what we can do for you by visiting
Google owns YouTube, so it gives YouTube clear preference in its organic search results. Its not unusual
to see a new YouTube video outrank a website that has been up for years. And think about your script
from the standpoint of search-engine optimization. According to Google, their new audio-indexing
system uses speech-recognition technology to transform speech into text and then ranks videos by
spoken-keyword relevance, YouTube metadata, and freshness.
Radio Ads
Many local radio stations are constantly short on new or live content. Offer yourself to them for
interviews. Shows that are of interest to the general public are the best forums for what you offer.
Tip: If youre interviewed on a call-in show, you dont want the host to beg for callers, so have your
employees or friends call in with some pre-written, generic questions that are helpful to a wide variety of
Whenever you meet someone new, always try to find a point in the conversation where you can tell him/
her what you do for a living, and always have your business cards handy to give out.
Im writing to let you know that we performed an annual home inspection for [Clients Name] on
[Clients Street]. [Clients Name] has given us permission to send you their enclosed testimonial.
As an InterNACHI member trained and certified in providing top-quality home inspections, I offer my
extensive experience to help you keep your home in optimum condition. Before the onset of winter, let
me evaluate your home and help you discover any deferred maintenance and other potential issues before
they become problems. Winter is the most inconvenient time of year for daily disruptions and costly
repairs, which is why I strongly recommend that you have me perform your first annual inspection now.
Id like to talk to you about our annual inspection service. Please call me on my cell phone at [Your
Phone Number] for a free consultation. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
[Your Name]
[Your Inspection Company Name]
[Your Phone Number]
[Your Email Address]
[Your Website Address]
Encl. 3: Testimonial, brochure, business card
Annual inspections clustered in the same neighborhoods during the fall can mean big business at a time
when new-home builds and purchases are slowing down for the year. Just a little bit of research (and
some stamps) can mean the difference between a dip and a drop in revenue.
How to Run a Successful Home Inspection Business 84
Teaser Copy
One-hundred percent of the shots Teaser copy is a message pre-printed on the envelope that
attempts to cause the recipient to open it. Dont use teaser
you dont take dont go in.
copy. It just makes your envelope appear to contain junk
Wayne Gretzky mail before its even opened.
Inspectors who want to connect with prospective clients, as well as stay in the forefront of the minds
of former clients and other home professionals, should consider creating an e-newsletter to email to
subscribers every month.
Off-Peak Marketing & Creative Marketing 85
The advantages of doing this are many. Newsletters are a great way to improve client retention. Similar to
website videos, the purpose of your e-newsletters should be to provide a public service, but the marketing
value to you is built in. Inspectors can acquire a free customizable template from specialist vendors, such
as MailChimp or Constant Contact.
Many e-newsletters are designed to be smartphone-compatible. Subscribers can scan a QR code that you
can have printed on your brochures and business cards, and this allows them to read your latest news on
their mobile devices so that they dont need to be glued to their laptops.
Emailing the newsletter is free if you have less than a couple of thousand subscribers (terms vary by
vendor). In exchange, youll receive reports and updates detailing who reads your newsletter, which can
alert you to do some friendly and timely follow-up.
Tip: Check out InterNACHIs Homeowner eNewsletter at
and read about how you can get your clients to sign up for it. You can customize every monthly issue for
each client based on their specific type of home and issues revealed during your inspection. In return, youll
receive all kinds of user data that will help you target repeat business (and new clients) more efficiently.
Keep It Simple
Once youve worked out the terms of your e-newsletter with your service of choice, take some time to
develop your template. Keep the name of your e-newsletter uncomplicated and easy to recognize so that
recipients will instantly associate it with your business.
Keep the design simple and the layout easy to read; too many visuals, including colors and animation,
may detract from your content, which should be your newsletters focus. Also, most email services wont
automatically display images. Your newsletter should be designed with that in mind and not rely heavily
on images in order to be understood.
How to Run a Successful Home Inspection Business 86
There are some elements that all online newsletters must have, including:
a brief description or logline of what your newsletter is, such as A Monthly Newsletter from ABC
an unsubscribe link for recipients who want to opt out of receiving your newsletter;
a contact link to notify you (or your newsletter vendor/manager) of any technical glitches;
your business contact information; and
a copyright notation for each issue.
InterNACHI has hundreds of original articles for free use by members. Visit InterNACHIs Inspection
Articles Library at
Off-Peak Marketing & Creative Marketing 87
Once you have acquired data, you can make marketing decisions based on it, such as what content is
popular and whats unpopular (including ad providers), how much time users can realistically devote to
reading your newsletter (which may lead you to shorten it, if its especially long), and what theyd like to
see in your issues that you dont yet provide.
As well as demonstrating that youre comfortable with online technology, e-newsletters can arguably
gather more information for you than you actually provide in them. By committing a few evenings
or weekends each month, you can use interesting articles and information that you run across and
save for yourself anyway and insert them in your newsletters. Youll also become more motivated to
research industry trends on a regular basis, and you can parlay your discoveries into fresh newsletter
content. A newsletter lets you to compile this information and package it attractively, and rewards you by
automatically filtering through all the users details to provide you with the solid information you need
to help you focus your marketing efforts for acquiring new business. Its easier than you think, so start
exploring this low- to no-cost opportunity now.
Tip: Send your former clients a newsletter that makes them feel like an insider whos connected to
you while youre subliminally marketing to them. As an example, mention the importance of getting an
Annual Home Maintenance Inspection performed every year.
print ad?
products and services you have previously marketed to them
How did they prefer to communicate with you (phone or email)?
What were the results of the Client Satisfaction Survey you asked them to fill out the last time you
worked for them?
You can gather all this information from a number of sources, including on the jobsite, from your own client
paperwork, and from public records (such as those found in person or online through the county tax assessors
department, and other public sources). Each time you interact with your customer, his/her profile should evolve.
By entering this data into a basic spreadsheet program, you can not only keep track of client data in an
organized way, but you can use certain information for occasional targeted campaigns that focus only on
certain clients in certain areas or those having specific identifiers or demographics.
If you send out monthly e-newsletters to your past clients, you can use some of this information to
customize them for your subscribers. This personalized touch will make your marketing memorable.
Its not necessary (and not very smart time- or money-wise) to launch only single-note, generic
advertising campaigns and then cross your fingers and hope they reach someone who needs what youre
offering. These days, its easier than you think to actually target clients who want your services.
There is a surprising amount of easy-to-access customer information that you can plug into your own
marketing plan, and some of it you simply have to observe or ask for; the rest you can find online, and
without paying for it, like the big dogs do. So, make the most of your marketing by customizing the right
message to hyper-target the right customer at the right time.
You should also consider mining housing-related associations, such as neighborhood homeowners
associations (HOAs), local investor groups, the Better Business Bureau, and your Chamber of Commerce.
Gear your letter specifically to your recipient so that it has a better chance of not going straight into the
For instance, for a member of a real estate investors group, start your letter with:
As a real estate investor, youre probably interested in
Use some creativity to anticipate the types of services that you offer that may be most attractive to your
targeted group. If you have a close friend or colleague who belongs to any of these kinds of associations,
conduct an informal interview with him or her to find out whats currently on their radar so that you can
tailor your marketing to be timely and effective.
List-sharing is another efficient way to market because its simple and complementary. It works like this:
You give your mailing list to a company that doesnt directly compete with you, and they give you theirs.
How to Run a Successful Home Inspection Business 92
Offer to include a flyer from a non-competing business in one of your mailings in exchange for your flyer
going out in theirs.
Tip: Make sure the extra weight of the flyer doesnt require an increase in the cost of postage for either party.
Be Careful
Dont accidentally send a discount offer to a client you recently charged full price.
Maintaining a basic database of the dates of mailings, the types of marketing pieces you send out, and
the recipients you target can prevent you from duplicating efforts and annoying potential clients, as well
as help you pinpoint which campaigns are the most (and least) effective. Your marketing should evolve
based on its response, or lack thereof.
Getting in Front of Your Prospects 93
Offer to provide all the hot cup sleeves your local coffee shop can use.
You can buy these for pennies apiece. Have them printed to say
something along the lines of:
This cup sleeve is brought to you by
ABC Inspections,
Hobokens Premier Home Inspector.
These sleeves act just like a business card, so dont forget to include your
business name, logo, phone number, website address, and list of services
you offer (if theres room). Get your company right in the face of prospects
every morning. The best part of this low-cost marketing piece is that
someone else is handing them out for you. Talk about repeat impressions!
Tip: Most of these sleeves are made of compostable cardboard. So, while youre having them printed
anyway, you might as well tout that they are biodegradable or made from 75% post-consumer waste,
or whatever applies. Remember that being green sells.
Press Releases
Inspectors should use the format of the standard press release to make announcements on their websites
and inspector blogs. This lends an official quality to any announcements that deserve particular attention
or that are time-sensitive.
This will help the website visitor distinguish between sales-type information and general news
announcements about the inspectors business.
Press releases can also be emailed to business contacts to help spread the word, as well as increase
essential SEO hitsa huge advantage of having your press releases searchable online. Since they are
considered soft marketing, press releases are more likely to be widely distributed by the recipients while
having the same impact as paid advertising.
Some good uses of press releases include announcing the following:
introducing new staff;
the formation of new partnerships with consulting experts or other industry-related personnel;
the inspectors having earned new training accreditations and/or certifications;
offering new types of services;
the businesss relocation or expansion;
a change in the businesss name or contact information;
the inspector joining industry-related associations, such as InterNACHI; and
the formation of a new InterNACHI chapter, with the sender of the press release as its president or
How to Run a Successful Home Inspection Business 94
Note the various conventions, elements and formatting in the sample press release, from top to bottom,
which should be used for all press releases (as they will lend your press release legitimacy and a better
chance of being published):
1. Your name, title, and contact information (but not mailing address), as well as website address,
should be included following the capped and (optionally) bolded word CONTACT. This will
give the staffer who receives your press release an easy way to instantly contact you without having
to hunt for your information. The press release doesnt have to be issued by the company president,
however. But the person who can field questions about it (should any arise) should be the one
noted as the contact person. (The companys full name and snail-mail address are already included
in your letterhead on which youll include your press release, so its unnecessary to include them in
the line for your contact information.)
2. The header of a press release is FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, which should be centered and
bolded, and optionally italicized. Some organizations send out their press releases before they want
them actually released; this gives the recipient extra time to organize multiple press releases from
different entities, etc. In this case, the press release should read EMBARGOED UNTIL AUGUST
1, 2013. The option of embargoing a press release also allows the writer to make any changes and
send a revised press release before the actual release date. An embargoed press release should be
sent out only as needed. Typically, most press releases are for immediate publication.
3. The city is spelled out using all capital letters.
4. The state or province is abbreviated in the style originated by the Associated Press, which is the
style guide used by newspapers. Because press releases, as a form, fall somewhere between
advertisements and actual news, the AP Style guidelines are followed for press releases.
5. The date is enclosed in parentheses. Except for month names that are short (including March, April,
May, June and July), they are also abbreviated using AP Style, such as Jan., Aug., Sept., and so forth.
Getting in Front of Your Prospects 95
6. Following the date in parentheses is the em-dash or double-dash, without any spaces between the
date and the body of the press release.
7. The body of the text follows; it can be more than one paragraph, with the main announcement in
the first sentence, followed by additional supporting information. The press release in its entirety
should not exceed one page. Make the news timely and focused; save your kitchen-sink
marketing for other types of mailings.
8. The end of the press release is indicated by a triple hash mark that is centered on the page. This is
another AP Style convention that indicates to both newspaper editors and radio announcers where
the press release actually ends.
9. The italicized information below the hash marks identifies the person or organization supplying
the press release. This information is straightforward and factual but may have a mild marketing
tone to it.
When emailing your press release to other parties, such as past clients, real estate professionals, and
industry associations and organizations, be sure to put your press release on your letterhead and convert
it into a PDF, and email that as an attachment, indicating in your emails subject line that it is a press
release, so that its timeliness will be readily understood. This will give your recipients the option of
posting the entire document on their own website (which will display your business letterhead), or they
can simply copy and paste the text. Your press release should be no longer than one page and should
contain no photos, graphics or pictures, except those that may already appear in your company letterhead.
Press releases should be used sparingly so that your companys legitimate news doesnt get ignored
because youve attempted to disguise routine marketing as something newsworthy. Marketing doesnt rate
the same level of attention, especially when you are sending out your press release to third parties.
Some reasons that press releases should not be used include announcing the following:
special sales or discounts;
non-business-related news, including news of a personal nature;
endorsements of other businesses, entities or products; or
news or information (such as a press release, white paper or news article) that is plagiarized from
another source and repackaged as your own. Your press release should be specifically relevant to
your business, rather than to your industry at large.
Press releases are a great way to announce news affecting your business that lends legitimacy to its
importance. Used with discretion, they are a meaningful way to cultivate your connections with people
and organizations that can help indirectly market your business and services.
Tip: Be sure to check out to see how you can become a CMI.
Tracking Results
You must track where your leads are coming from, how much
What gets measured gets done. those leads cost, how many of those leads convert to inspections,
and the profit margin on those appointments. The success of any
Tom Peters lead-generation program is determined by its cost-per-dollar of
profit generated, as represented by a percentage.
For example, lets say you put together a multi-piece mailing that includes a cover letter, a testimonial
from a local client, a brochure, and a business card. Now, lets assume that you mail it to 100 people who
live near an inspection you recently completed for another client. If the piece costs $2 with postage, your
How to Run a Successful Home Inspection Business 96
cost would be $200. Now, lets say that you get 50 leads from that mailing, and 15 scheduled appointments
for an inspection. It cost you $200 to generate 15 inspections, for which youd charge between $350 and
$500 each, on average. Not a bad marketing investment.
Point out that, unlike other inspectors who just staple their reports or put them in a 10-cent folder,
your new inspection kit is way too nice for someone to discard, and because it has The Homeowners
Handbook inside, they will probably keep it on their bookshelf.
1. You should offer to leave the Realtor a copy as a tool for him to show the different inspector
options that are available to their customers. Most likely, you will be the only inspector with
enough forethought to have given a sample report with a full presentation kit.
2. You should point out that one of the main reasons you upgraded to this new package is your belief
that whatever the inspector does reflects back on the Realtor, and you want to bring your image up
to the highest level possible so that everything you do makes the Realtor look even better.
3. Ask if there is one other Realtor in the office whom s/he respects, is a professional like himself, and
who might like to see the benefits of your professional presentation kit. Ask if that Realtor is
available and if you could you be introduced right now. If that is impossible, just leave an entire kit with
the front office and then follow up with a phone call. When you call back, you have a reason to call;
its to see if he got the package that you left him and to tell him that the reason you left it was
because, of all the people in the organization, your Realtor friend thought that he was the ONE
person in the organization who might appreciate this upgraded professional package the most.
4. Also ask if you could leave a copy in the lobby so that the public can compare the different
inspectors in the area. If you are given permission, write Lobby CopyDo Not Remove across
the binder with a magic marker so it will stay there and not walk off with someone. For this one,
glue your business card inside so that it stays there permanently. Always be sure to leave plenty of
your brochures and business cards in the front and back pockets of the binder. Stop by on a regular
basis to replenish the brochures and cards. That also gives you another opportunity to interact with
agents in the office.
Nicks Tip
The time, energy and cost of producing nicely packed binders makes them too expensive (unless you
form a family assembly line) to give out to sellers in hopes that theyll use your services on the buying
end. Sellers can potentially give you only one inspection, at most. However, real estate agents will give you
many inspections. Let them have the binder to keep. It is too nice for them to throw away and appears
to be an office reference manual because it is from a national association, not a specific inspector. It will
likely be kept on their office book shelf or in their real estate office library surrounded by other real estate
agents. So, make sure at least one of your business cards or flyers is taped to the inside cover.
Tip: If youre leaving the binder at a real estate office, take a marker and write DO NOT THROW OUT
over the back covers white check mark. Write it a little sloppy and at an angle over the check mark. I
wont explain why... Just trust me on this one.
If you have questions or suggestions, please email Nick at [email protected]
To order, visit
Dear Nick,
My name is Steve Henderson. I am the owner of 1st Choice Home Inspections. I have been an
inspector in Texas only a short time. I have 12 years prior experience as a home builder.
I have been following all the marketing info that I can find on your website. And I want to thank
you for such a great job. I recently got a case of InterNACHI binders. I copied all the suggested
documents, added a few of my own, and had Kinkos print it all on card stock with their high-end
laser printer. I began passing these out to the most successful Realtors, when one lady phoned me
and said that there were three other ladies in their office wanting a notebook. Wowpeople asking
me to market to them! Amazing. I went and met two of the ladies at this office, which just happens
to be one of the largest in my city. I spoke with them about doing pre-listing inspections and offered
to do one complimentary for them. They loved the notebook so much, they asked if they could show
it to their broker. Of course, I told them, sure.
Well, long story short, I have now been invited to give a presentation to all, around 30 Realtors in
this firm. I wanted to ask if you have any specific info that I should use. Also, I was thinking of
spending most of the time promoting pre-listing inspections, which, according to the Realtors in
this area, no one else is doing. Yea! Any info or realtor testimonials about pre-listing inspections
would be greatly appreciated.
Steve Henderson
How to Run a Successful Home Inspection Business 100
3. I was able to demonstrate my competence and knowledge, and I offered them freely to the agents
so that they could do the same for their clients.
4. I forged a bond with these professionals so that Id be at the top of their list when they were
recommending a home inspector.
5. I got them to market for me by passing out my cards.
You dont have to be a whiz at PowerPoint or an expert in construction to do what I did. When you know
that youll have a captive audience, you need only present an idea that theyll find useful and informative
enough to pass along, even if it makes them sound like theyre the expert. The relationship you create
with real estate professionals is give and take, but you both have the same goals in mind: to serve your
clients, and to close the sale.
Remember that you can take any type of concept to make this marketing strategy work. Find some local
product or trend that may be especially popular in your area. Green homes, water features, septic systems,
pools, barns, historic homes, bamboo flooring, Xeriscapingthe ideas are endless. But it helps if you
have the pulse of your service area, or at least an idea of the local listings, which are available as a matter
of public record.
Once you land on an idea for a presentation, you dont need to spend weeks putting it together; just find
the manufacturers information and build on that. When I did my presentation on ICFs, the manufacturer
provided facts and statistics on how strong ICFs are, their superior insulative value, etc. If you want to
add some demonstration component like I did, you can look for DIY videos on YouTube, or visit a local
installer. It just doesnt get any simpler.
Being innovative with your marketing doesnt mean you must be a genius researcher or gifted at oratory.
It requires motivation and a little creativity. Youre not likely to receive a random request from your local
real estate office to give a presentation until they know its value; likewise, you cant wait for an invitation
to be bold in your business.
Tip: Ask your friends and family members to listen to some of the recordings and have them comment
on what they hear.
Professional Attire
Should an inspector be judged by what s/he wears?
Know first who you are, We all like to think that people judge us objectively
and then adorn yourself accordingly. on our merits. But the reality is that strangers tend to
stereotype us quickly. So, proper attire is an important
part of an inspectors success. An inspectors core
product is him/herself, and the product should be packaged professionally. The following are some tips
for professional inspector attire, whether youre showing up to try to secure the inspection, or whether
youve already scheduled it.
Never arrive to an appointment in dirty clothes. Its fine for clothes to get dirty during the
inspection because the customer expects this to happen.
If the inspection will require you to get dirty, consider bringing coveralls or a Tyvek suit to wear
over your clothing.
If you have more than one inspection appointment scheduled for the day, consider bringing a
change of clothes or at least a fresh shirt.
Consider dressing up a bit (perhaps by wearing a tie) when working in more expensive
neighborhoods, and dressing casually in more modest neighborhoods.
Dress for the type of property. An inspection appointment at a horse farm may require boots. A
dentists office may require shoe covers.
Dress for the climate. Shorts are fine in southern and beach areas but are often not adequate (or
professional-looking) in cooler, northern climates.
Cut-off jeans and gym shorts are not appropriate. Nicer shorts with pockets to carry small tools are
acceptable, depending on the weather and region.
Khakis or jeans can both be appropriate, depending on the client base.
Tank tops and sleeveless t-shirts are never appropriate on any appointment.
T-shirts are generally not recommended unless they sport your company logo or your companys name.
Polo shirts and collared shirts are fine, as are sports jackets.
T-shirts emblazoned with logos for sports teams or political or pop-culture references are never
appropriate. Such messages and images can passively offend clients.
A suit is not appropriate, as it implies that youre not a real inspector, but only a salesman.
Shoes should be lace-up and rugged.
In warmer climates or on summer days, its acceptable to wear clean tennis shoes or boat shoes.
Outside of beach towns, open-toed sandals are not appropriate, even in summer.
Converting Calls into Appointments 105
Female inspectors should not, of course, wear short dresses or high heels.
Bring an extra pair of shoes. Boots or work shoes can be swapped for a nice pair of slippers, shoe
covers or sneakers before entering living areas. Never track mud, roofing tar, or pet droppings into a
home. Also, some customs require the removal of shoes and hats upon entry.
Personal Hygiene
Before an appointment to provide an inspection, make sure you have:
brushed your teeth, flossed, and used mouthwash;
trimmed your nails;
shaved or trimmed your beard, if you have one;
combed your hair; and
applied deodorant. Also, go easy on the cologne/perfume.
Between appointments, freshen up with a travel bag that contains:
a hand mirror (or a camping mirror);
a comb or brush;
a spare bag for dirtied clothing;
chewing gum (preferably a minty flavor); and
wet-naps or waterless hand cleanser to clean and sanitize your hands before meeting with the client.
What to Bring
Bring the following to the inspection appointment:
your business card;
your brochure;
testimonials from local clients (if you have them);
copies of your licenses (if licensing is required by your state); and
a leave-behind packet that contains the items listed here and other more detailed marketing pieces.
Dress Rehearsal
If youre out of practice or under-tested, its a good idea to For every pass I caught in a game,
have a co-worker or friend pretend to be a new prospect in
order to help you strengthen your sales skills and work on I caught a thousand in practice.
your soft skills of interpersonal communication. Instruct Don Hutson, legendary wide receiver
him or her to be as hard on you as possible as you attempt for the Green Bay Packers
to close the sale.
How to Run a Successful Home Inspection Business 106
This is the safest kind of arena to prepare for all kinds of interactions so that, during the real thing, you
can respond confidently, no matter how the meeting goes.
The Handshake
People tend to unconsciously judge another person by their handshake. There are ways to shake hands
properly that leave a positive impression.
Grasp the other persons hand so that your palms touch.
A firm, hearty handshake gives a Provide a firm grip. Give an intentional shaketwo or
three actions, at most. Do not hold the other persons
good first impression, and youll hand tightly or test his or her strength. While shaking,
never be forgiven if you dont live make eye contact to show that youre interested in the
up to it. other person, and also to pick up on the other persons
mood and non-verbal clues. Then release. Thats it.
P.J. ORourke, American writer
and humorist If you avoid shaking hands with either gender, the
person may consider it a sign of disrespect. Also, a
Converting Calls into Appointments 107
limp handshake expresses discomfort, or a lack of strength or self-confidence. These are non-verbal
impressions that you may accidentally convey based on your handshake, whether or not such attributes
are true.
You can greatly control the impression you give using non-verbal cues and body language, starting first
with your smile, and then with your handshake.
Body Language
Research says that people tend to respond less to what you say and
I speak two languages: more to your body language. Your tone of voice is the second most
body and English. important factor in face-to-face communication. What you actually
Mae West, American actress say ranks third. Therefore, be aware of what you are physically doing
and how your clients may perceive your body language and actions.
When youre simply in the presence of another person, you are communicating. What is mostly being
communicated is what youre not saying. One UCLA study suggests that 93% of our most effective
communication comes through non-verbal communication.
We speak with our bodyour movements, our actions, and our facial expressions. We speak with smiles,
frowns, and raised eyebrows. We even communicate with the distance we put between ourselves and
another person.
Some tips for conveying a positive attitude include the following:
Maintain good posturedont slouch.
Keep your head up and maintain eye contact with the other person.
Keep your hands in a natural position by placing them on your hips, by holding something (such as
clipboard or a pen), or by gently clasping your hands together in front of you or behind your back.
While engaged in face-to-face conversation, nod your head occasionally to indicate to the other
person that youre listening.
Maintaining the appropriate personal space is important, too. The convention is to keep about a 3-foot
space between yourself and the person youre talking to. If you are male, you should afford your female
prospect greater personal space. This space should be increased even further if you are alone with her.
Also, you can sometimes convey a defensive or even hostile demeanor without even realizing it, and
this can plant the subliminal message in your prospects mind that youll be difficult to work with. For
example, facing someone with your arms crossed can project the idea that you dont believe what the
other person is saying, or that youre angry. This posture can be perceived as aggressive and can create an
imaginary wall between yourself and your client.
Its important that you understand that you can say the right words but send the wrong message. Always
be aware of your body language.
How to Run a Successful Home Inspection Business 108
A conversation is a like a tennis match, with each person having a turn. You may be more concerned with
what youre going to say so that you can close the sale, but active listening is 50% of any conversation.
Remember to let the other person speak. When youre actively listening, youre focusing on the other
person. So, remember to pay attention. Dont allow your mindor your eyesto wander. When youre
face to face, dont look over the speakers shoulder to see who else is around. Try to stay interested and
in the moment. Smile. Make eye contact. Nod occasionally. Say things such as, Yes, I see, or Hmmm.
These are called prompts because they indicate to the speaker that youre listening and they prompt him
or her to continue talking.
Its good practice to wait a secondliterallyafter someone has finished speaking before you begin
talking. Take a moment. Allow a moment of pause or silence to exist after someone finishes his or her
sentence. It will help prevent you from talking while the other person is still making their point.
One way to demonstrate that youre listening is to repeat back what your prospect says. For example, you
may respond, From what I understand, youre concerned with Is that correct? Summarizing your
understanding of what your prospect says shows that youve been listening and are interested in helping.
Also, dont interrupt. Avoid entering the conversation while someone is speaking even if s/he has left a
short pause in the conversation. Allow your prospect to pause and think about what s/he is saying. A
pause in the conversation does not necessarily mean you need to jump in and say something. Filling
every void of conversation demonstrates either that youre nervous or that you havent really listened to
your prospect. So, refrain from injecting something simply because there is an opportunity to do so.
Believe it or not, there are some consumers that you dont want as clients. You dont have to accept work
from everyone who wants to hire you. If a client starts off being difficult or unreasonable, it usually gets
worse, not better. While it may be hard to not take a job, its sometimes cheaper in the long run.
You cant really put a price on sanity. Money by itself is rarely adequate compensation if your client is
high-stress, rude, abusive, indecisive, has a complicated story regarding your payment, or is generally
drama-driven. You cant always see these kinds of prospects coming, but when you do, trust your instincts
and pass. Another upside of passing on a questionable prospect is that you wont have to deal with their
unhappiness or poor review after the inspection is completed.
Furthermore, an added bonus of refusing to allow these consumers to become clients is that they become
your competitors clients. Pity those competitors.
The same is true of related professions. There are bad builders and realtors out there. Avoid marketing
to these people. Even if they have negative reputations, they may still have influence locally, so its better
to not deal with them at all than to have to turn down their referrals based on their response to your
marketing. If you dont court them, they wont call.
Leave a door hanger that lets the prospect know you were there. It can read: Sorry we missed you.
Make sure it provides your contact information and asks the prospect to call you to reschedule their
All of these tips are covered in InterNACHI's free online Customer Service Course. Visit
How to Run a Successful Home Inspection Business 110
Email Communication
Follow these basic rules for communicating via email. They are as legally binding as your contract, so
make sure you say what you mean and mean what you say. Also, they should be as well-written as a hard-
copy document. Despite emails convenience, it should not be treated less formally than a letter.
Make sure your subject line represents the message of the email. Never leave it blank.
Always begin an email with the persons name, such as Dear Mrs. Smith.
Keep your email messages short and to the point. Your client will likely not read long blocks of print.
If you have something lengthy to explain, an email is not necessarily the best method for
communicating it. Include as much detail as you need to, but not so much that your client will
wonder why youre not asking to meet in person. Emails should be used for follow-up
communication and brief notes and updates, and not as a way of avoiding in-person or more formal
Keep e-lingo, such as LOL, IMHO, and smiley faces and other emoticons reserved for your
friends, not your clients.
Dont use all capital letters in your email. This has the effect of shouting, even if you dont mean to.
Be polite, and use language that denotes common courtesy, such as please and thank you.
Be sure to proofread your email for errors before clicking the send button.
Read your email message out loud to hear how it sounds. Contrary to your intent, you may come
across as terse or rude.
Make sure that your email settings provide for automatically saving a copy in your sent folder.
Print out emails to keep in your clients folder to maintain your paper trail.
Emotions, sarcasm and humor do not transmit very well over email. Keep your communication
Like a letter, when you email someone, youre created a written record.
Avoid texting your client (or relying on texts from your client). Because of the faddish nature of the
specialized lingo and abbreviations used in most text messages, they can be easily misconstrued and
can be used to your disadvantage in a later dispute.
How to Run a Successful Home Inspection Business 112
the top of the ladder. But when you actually inspect it up close, you can see exactly why its not in good
Those are the details that you can relate in your report:
There was a standing puddle where the slopes intersect on the west side of the roof, but it hasnt rained
in more than 48 hours.
The tiles on the roof surrounding the puddle were darker, indicating that the moisture was extended.
While depressing four tiles outside the perimeter of the puddle, they became detached from the roof s
There was a musty smell, indicating possible onset of mold growth.
The attic vent fan operated intermittently instead of continuously; heard scraping noise of fan blades
against metal.
Youre probably more adept at inspecting using your five senses than youre consciously aware of. The
trick is to integrate that information into your report using language that reflects the observational details
that your senses produce.
I saw two missing shingles, but no apparent hail damage from hailstorm two days prior. Underlayment
was adequately secured to structure; saw no nail pops or missing nails; saw no visible tears. No aggregate
accumulation noted in gutters; gutters were free of foliage debris. Flashing at chimney was present, with no
leaks noted.
And so on.
Your Recommendations
The observational details that you record will then inform your recommendations, which will give your
client a next step, and even a roadmap to recovery:
Roof s condition indicated issues related to moisture intrusion, as evidenced by presence of standing
water, and weakened tile adhesion to underlayment.
Recommend further investigation by a roofing contractor.
Musty smell indicated possible onset of mold growth.
Recommend further investigation to include mold testing and possible mitigation.
Attic vent fan operated intermittently instead of continuously; heard scraping noise of fan blades
against metal.
Recommend further investigation and repair or replacement.
a party who uses your inspection report may never see the property. So, be their eyes. Put them in
the room. A clear and concise inspection report is a good product, and a good product leads to more
Three Photos Every Inspector Should Include at the End of the Report
As a home inspector, you never want to be accused of failing to note a water line leak, orworsecausing
water damage because you forgot to turn off a fixture. One way you can prevent this is to take some
photos of the water meter just prior to leaving the property.
Of course, in some jurisdictions, the water meter is below ground or requires a key and so is not readily
accessible. Other water meters are inaccessible due to the weather, overgrown foliage, or because they
aren't properly maintained by the utility company. In these cases, it will be difficult, if not impossible to
obtain any photos. But you should alert your client to the fact that they are entitled to be able to read their
water meter in order to reconcile its readout with their monthly water bill, so they should either rectify
the problem themselves, or complain to the appropriate party to get the situation rectified.
Assuming you have safe access to the water meter, take these photos after you've:
completed your home inspection;
turned off all the sink and tub faucets after checking them for functional flow; and
made sure that the washing machine, dishwasher, sprinkler system, and any other water-using
systems, devices and fixtures are off.
Take three photos of the water meter that show that no water lines are leaking, assuming you didn't find any.
Here are the three photos to include sequentially at the end of your inspection report. Of course, the
photos should show that the water meter is actually not running.
Writing the Agreement and Report 117
This is the first photo that demonstrates that the water meter is not running.
This is your baseline photo.
This second photo shows that the meter is still not running.
This final photo, showing that the water meter is still not running, confirms that there are no hidden and
undiscovered water leaks in the house, and that the inspector didn't leave any faucets running anywhere.
It's best if the photos are actually time-stamped and show several seconds between each shot. Since some
cameras don't come with this feature, take each photo from a slightly different angle to show that they are,
in fact, different. But make sure that the meter's display can be viewedthe angle shouldn't distort the
Of course, if these photos show that the meter is still running, you have cause to recommend to your
clients that they have the plumbing system checked out by a licensed plumber, warning them in advance
that the leak is apparently hidden somewhere behind a wall, ceiling or floor, and so was beyond the scope
of your home inspection. But take the opportunity to remind them that by performing this extra step
which most home inspectors wouldn't even think of to doyou have been able to notify them about a
problem that should be immediately addressed before it would have become an expensive disaster.
While taking these photos is an easy thing to do, this kind of customer service will give your clients some
much-appreciated reassurance that you're a straightforward professional who understands his job, such
as by being careful to return all fixtures and settings to their original, pre-inspected state. (So, you can
also take photos of the thermostat before and after testing the furnace and air-conditioning system.) It
also proves that you're the kind of pro who puts his clients' best interests first by confirming either the
presence or absence of potential problems in a non-invasive but inventive way.
Providing these photos at the end of your inspection report also teaches your clients a simple home-
maintenance tip. By comparing the meter readings for the first few months, they can monitor their
How to Run a Successful Home Inspection Business 118
family's average water usage, and they can be alerted to any unexpected surges that may indicate a leak in
the plumbing system.
Performing this small but important step will also allay some of the anxiety that your clients may be
experiencing, and this sort of empathy can translate into positive feedback that you can solicit by giving
them a Customer Satisfaction Survey with your report or with a free copy of Now That You've Had a
Home Inspection. You can then use their positive feedback in your business marketingon your website
and in your brochure. Always remember that marketing on the job is part of the job, and everything you
do reflects on your business.
convinced to use you in the future based on your report's overall look, quality, and easy-to-read
format. To be sure, it's terrific marketing for prospects to see what your reports look like; it's
exactly why we recommend putting a sample report on your website. But you could be treading in
dicey territory in terms of liability if you allow any of your reports' content to be used by those
other than your paid clients.
7. Again, the report is the product of your labor, and you should be fairly compensated for it. Each
inspection has only one client. Read item #3 in InterNACHIs Home Inspection Agreement.
Weve come up with some simple solutions to help home inspectors reinforce these points to non-clients and
other third parties who may get their hands on an inspection report, the contents of which are the property of
the client and inspector, and no one else, even if permission is given by the client for others to read it.
Heres what you should do to prevent problems that can arise if someone other than your client tries to
use your report:
1. Be sure to maintain adequate coverage through your Errors & Omissions and General Liability
insurance, as your clients, and even some third parties in some states, do have a legal right to rely
on the contents of your inspection report.
2. Number each page of your report (even using the format Page 1 of 30) so that a page removed
will be conspicuous by its absence.
3. Note in the summary of your report that any digital photos and/or video included are time- and
date-stamped, and make sure they are.
4. Use the header/footer function of your report-writing software to identify the property by address,
and add the time and date of the inspection.
5. Always include a disclaimer in your report and agreement stating that the inspection you
performed at 123 Main Street in Anytown, USA, is valid only for the date and time of the
inspection. Somewhere within the middle of the report, insert the following paragraph:
A general home inspection is a non-invasive, visual examination of the accessible areas of a
residential property, performed for a fee, which is designed to identify defects within specific
systems and components that are both observed and deemed material by the inspector. It is based
on the observations made on the date of the inspection, and not a prediction of future conditions.
It is a snapshot in time. A general home inspection will not reveal every issue that exists or ever
could exist, but only those material defects observed on the date of the inspection.
6. Since its impossible to control who reads your report, monetize the possibility and turn things to
your advantage. Include a direct message at the end of your report addressed to any unauthorized
third parties, stating something along the lines of:
If youre reading this report but did not hire me, XYZ Inspectors, to perform the original
inspection, please note that it is likely that conditions related to the home have probably changed,
even if the report is fairly recent. Just as you cannot rely on an outdated weather report, you
should not rely on an outdated inspection report. Minor problems noted may have become
worse, recent events may have created new issues, and items may even have been corrected and
improved. Dont rely on old information about one of the biggest purchases youll ever make.
Remember that the cost of a home inspection is insignificant compared to the value of the home.
Protect your family and your investment, and please call me directly at (000) 555-1212 to discuss
the report youre reading for this property so that we can arrange for a re-inspection. Thank you!
Always look for the opportunity to turn a potential negative into a positive, and that includes being
pro-active in making sure you get paid for your work. Keep your prices respectably high, maintain sound
business ethicsespecially those related to protecting your clients' privacy, including the contents of their
reportsand let your reputation be your calling card.
How to Run a Successful Home Inspection Business 120
Find more links for libraries of pre-written narratives and illustrative graphics, as well as help
reviewing your report, later in this book.
Marketing at the End of the Job 121
Additional comments:________________________________________________________
Once again, thank you very much for allowing us into your home. If you have any questions or
observations, you may reach me directly by calling 123-456-7890, or by emailing me
How to Run a Successful Home Inspection Business 122
Also, if you are moving locally and are in need of an inspector, please dont hesitate to contact me.
You can find a comprehensive list of my services at
John Smith
John Smith, Owner
ABC Inspections
Download a Word.doc or PDF version at
Post-Completion Party
Your client may throw a party to show off their newly completed construction project that youve just
inspected. Ask if you can have your companys literature available next to the potato chip dip.
InterNACHIs Client Satisfaction Survey hits seven birds with one stone:
1. It limits your liability. Often, a dissatisfied client will describe your services to his/her agentor,
worse, to a judgemuch differently than the truth. Procuring and maintaining a copy of this
survey will bring them back to Earth, so to speak. It is a nice document to have to present to a
complaining agent and can often end a legal action all by itself. It is the next best thing to a
2. It alerts you to weaknesses in your service. Some people are too shy or embarrassed to complain
to someone in person about their service, even if the complaints are justified. What they may do
instead is complain only to the agent or other person who referred youor, worse, to anyone
wholl listen, especially in online forums, which are searchable using your business name.
Providing a survey offers your client a way to express his/her dissatisfaction while youre still on
site and can do something about it. Client feedback is vital to improving your service. You must
do everything you can to ensure that your reputation doesnt suffer from a poor online review or
blog rant, where the criticism remains forever and will pop upright along with your websitein
a search for your business name.
3. It reminds your client that you dont have X-ray vision. Its important to explain to your client
that a home inspection cant reveal every defect that exists, or ever will exist, in their new home.
This survey works in conjunction with InterNACHIs Agreement (between you and your client) in
that it again reminds them of this fact.
4. It suggests that your client may wish to order ancillary inspections. Some InterNACHI members
offer additional inspections, such as WDO, radon, water quality, and moldfor additional fees, of
course. This survey reminds them to ask about other services that you might offer, creating repeat
5. It grants you written permission to discuss the report with others. And, even more
importantly, you can point to this document when a sellers agent demands a copy of the
inspection report by saying: Im sorry, but my client has given me written instructions not to share
his/her report with anyone.
6. It lets your client know that you care about his/her opinion. Everyone likes being asked what
they think, especially about a service theyve paid for.
7. It helps you get more work. By sending a copy of the flattering survey back to the agent or other
person who referred you, you remind that person to refer you again or recommend you to friends
and family. And, if you provide your client with a copy of a book (such as the ones below), you
drastically reduce your liability.
Directions: Print off copies of a blank survey. Fill out the top portion. Near the conclusion of the
inspection, ask your client to fill out the rest of the survey and sign it. Send a copy to the agent who
referred you. Save the original forever!
To download the surveys, go to
All downloads are in PDF format.
But dont stop there. Email your clients information regularly. You can send them articles that you find at
How to Run a Successful Home Inspection Business 124
Handling a Complaint
Eventually, every inspector will receive a complaint from a client, but its not necessarily bad news. A
complaint provides the opportunity to learn what your client really thinks about your service, which
gives you the chance to consider making changes to how you do things in your company. Complaints are
actually more valuable than compliments, in some ways. Welcome them. Clients who go to the trouble of
complaining are usually interested in giving you the chance to make things right and make them happy.
The Number One rule for receiving a complaint from a former client is to listen. Remain calm and
composed. A person calling with a complaint may be insulting and rude, but you must be professional
Assure the client that you will do what you can to help him or her. Have a pen and paper handy. Write
down any notes that are critical to the conversation, such as dates, what happened, who discovered the
problem, whether its been corrected, etc.
Listen to what the client says. The first couple of sentences will tell you exactly what problem(s) the
client is experiencing. Pay close attention to what is being said without interrupting. If the caller is upset,
rambling, and not able to verbalize well, then assist them by asking questions, such as, What happened
after that? or Could you tell me more about that? or What happened next? Finally, be sure to ask,
How can I help you? or What is it that you would like me to do?
Before proceeding to a resolution, make sure that you understand the situation. Ask questions to see if
theres been a simple misunderstanding that can be easily resolved. If the complaint is more than just a
misunderstanding, ask specific questions so that you can understand the exact nature of the complaint
and the problem your client is experiencing. Summarize what you understand the problem to be. The
caller will acknowledge or correct you. Try, So, what youre saying is or Do I understand you
correctly or did I miss the point? Be patient and repeat this process until you understand exactly what
the problem is.
Another important thing to do while fielding a complaint is to express empathy with the caller. Dont be
patronizing, but do let the caller know that you understand their stress and unhappiness. Tell them again
that you will help them.
If there is a solution, make sure that the client has no doubt as to the specifics about how the issue will
be resolved. Ask the client to confirm that they agree with the proposed solution to their situation. Ask,
How do you feel about the solution Ive suggested? or How does that sound to you? or Are you in
agreement with that so far?
If a staffer is fielding the complaint but the caller wants to speak to the owner of the company, s/he should
try the following: Mrs. Smith, please give me the opportunity to resolve this matter for you. Im sure Ill
be able to help. But if youre still not satisfied, Ill get the owner on the phone with you.
If the caller uses profanity, you might say, I know youre upset, but theres no need to use profanity.
Please continue to discuss your complaint with me without using that kind of language.
As a last resort, you may want to suggest that the caller call you back after he or she has had a chance to
calm down, but never hang up on a caller, and dont be patronizingalways use empathy, and keep the
caller on the phone with you to resolve the situation whenever possible.
You may have to schedule a face-to-face meeting with the client to defuse the situation and bring a quick
resolution. The goal is to work together, to prevent their filing a lawsuit, and to come up with a resolution
that is mutually agreeable.
Another tactic is to ask the client to propose a solution. Letting the client make the opening gambit lets
How to Run a Successful Home Inspection Business 126
you know exactly where you stand. Perhaps the clients solution is less costly than what you were going to
Tip: If your client doesnt have a solution in mind, perhaps you can propose a discount on a future service.
This way, you get an opportunity to continue to work for the client.
Remember: An unhappy, inarticulate customer is not to be dismissed out of hand just because dealing
with their complaint may be unpleasant or take a while. Its up to you to decide whether you want to learn
from the experience and improve your business, or wonder whether youve created ill will that will haunt
your ability to secure future jobs.
Here are some statistics that can help make you a believer in practicing good customer service by
obtaining feedback and resolving complaints.
According to the White House Office of Consumer Affairs:
For every complaint you hear, there are 26 additional clients with unresolved problems, and six of
these are serious. You will never hear from these 26 again, and they are the ones who could tell you
how to make your business better.
Up to 70% of the clients who complain will do business with your company again if you resolve
their problem. If they feel you acted quickly and to their satisfaction, up to 96% of them will do
business with you again, and they will probably refer other people to you.
A dissatisfied client will tell nine to 15 people about their experience. And about 10% of your
dissatisfied clients will tell more than 20 people about their problem. You cannot possibly afford
the advertising costs it would take to overcome this negative word-of-mouth publicity. And if it goes
online, its there forever.
It costs five to six times as much to get a new (first-time) client as it does to keep a current one.
Do you know why most clients stop using your services? The White House Office of Consumer Affairs
says that:
1% simply die;
3% move out of your service area;
14% are dissatisfied with your services;
9% leave because of your competition; and, most importantly...
68% stop using your services because of an attitude of indifference by your companys staff. For
most people, it was YOUR attitude that mattered most.
Make sure that your company is doing the right thing when it comes to satisfying clients.
A sellers final clean-up efforts often inadvertently clog the sink traps and drains with dirt and leftover
refrigerator goods. Guess who gets blamed?
Heres what to do (and act fast):
1. Immediately explain to your client, the real estate agent, and anyone else aware of the complaint,
that you, the inspector, are not responsible. Contact every complaint recipient personally. Be calm
and talk slowly. Also:
a. Use common sense in your explanation. Remind your client and agent that the seller did not
live with a clogged sink and that the clog occurred AFTER you did your inspection.
b. Remind your client and agent that the seller didnt disclose the clogged sink for a good reason: It
wasnt clogged.
c. Point to the InterNACHI Agreement (between you and your client). The agreement is easy for
laymen to understand. InterNACHI has invested hundreds of legal man-hours into this one-
page work-of-art. It explains all.
d. Tell them that the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors is on your side and
will write an official opinion in support of your contention that you are not at fault.
2. After you have made your point clear, and your client and the agent understand your position,
SWITCH GEARS. Offer to correct the problem at no charge. Pay for a plumber to repair the
clogged drain. Dont do the work yourself; pay a professional. Get the work done quickly. Make
sure the plumbers paid receipt shows that you paid personally.
3. After the repair has been made and you have paid for it, reiterate your position to your client.
Explain again that you were not responsible for this problem but that you only paid for it to make
your client happy. If your client offers to reimburse you, do not accept.
4. Ask your client for a favor. Ask her to write you a brief thank-you letternothing fancy, just a note
mentioning the problem, your quick response, your willingness to pay for correction, and her own
satisfaction with your home inspection service. Offer to help her word it or offer suggested wording. It
can be hand-written. Give or send her a postage-paid return envelope to get it back to you.
5. Draft and send a letter to the real estate agent. A sample letter might go something like this:
Jane Goodagent
ABC Realty
Dear Jane:
[Describe the new homeowners problem.]
Upon moving into her new home, our mutual client, Sally Newowner, discovered that her kitchen
sink trap was clogged.
[Then explain why you are not responsible.]
I explained that this was not my fault, that the seller obviously didnt live with a clogged sink drain,
that clogs often occur during the sellers final cleanup, and I can only inspect the condition of a
home on the day of the inspection, etc.
[Sympathize with agents position.]
Despite my lack of liability with regard to this problem, I nevertheless want to keep our mutual
client satisfied with my inspection service and happy with the home you helped her purchase.
[Describe your solution.]
Therefore, I took the initiative to hire a plumber to make the necessary repairs. I paid for it out of
my own pocket.
Marketing at the End of the Job 129
administrators, successors and assigns ever had, now have, or hereafter can, shall or may, have for, upon
or by reason of any matter, cause or thing whatsoever from the beginning of the world to the day of the
date of this RELEASE, solely in connection with the inspecting services performed by (Your Company
Name) arising out of that certain work performed around (Date or Month/Year Work was Performed).
Whenever the text hereof requires, the use of a singular number shall include the appropriate plural
number as the text of the number within the instrument may require.
This RELEASE may not be changed orally.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the RELEASOR has executed this RELEASE on the ______ day of
________________________, ____.
(For a Corporation)
By: ______________________________________
(For an individual)
Both Releasor and Releasee will sign, in the form required (corporation or individual)
Take InterNACHI's Customer Service and Communication for Inspectors Course at
The second item to procure after a complaint is resolved is a testimonial. This can be used in your
marketing programs just like any other testimonial, even if it reveals that there was initially a complaint.
These may go along the lines of: I had a complaint about the work that was done and ABC Inspections
resolved it to my satisfaction immediately.
Most clients are generally stressed about their home-buying transaction before youve even set foot
on their property, so this kind of testimonial can serve as a great reassurance to prospects that even if
theyre like most homeowners who deal with most inspectors, theyll be happy in the end if they use your
The following is a sample letter to use when you dont get hired. Mail it with a business-size pre-addressed,
postage-paid envelope to make it easy for the person to send you their feedback.
Dear [Prospect],
Thank you for the opportunity to consult with you about your [Service Offered]. Would you please take
a moment and tell us why you did not choose our company? Was our estimate lacking in some way? Was
price the issue? Perhaps you decided not to proceed with the real estate transaction. Regardless of the
reason, it would help us improve our service to know why.
Ive enclosed a postage-paid envelope to make it easy for you to return your comments to us. Please
indicate whether I may call you in the future.
Thank you in advance for your time.
[Your Name]
[Your Company Name]
[Your Phone Number]
[Your Email Address]
[Your Website Address]
How to Run a Successful Home Inspection Business 132
I demand that you immediately retract your defamatory statements. I specifically ask that you take the
following actions: [State what corrective action you want the potential defendant to take].
Your willingness to take these actions immediately will play an important role in whether I decide to move
forward with a defamation lawsuit against you.
If you refuse to take these steps, a judge or jury may consider your refusal as evidence of malice and may
award me exemplary damages.
If you believe your statements are not defamatory, I request that you provide me with all documents
that youre relying on to support your contention. I also request the name, address, phone number and
email address of each person you believe can testify that the statements are not defamatory. I need this
information to determine whether to move forward with a lawsuit against you.
[Your Name]
[Your Company Name]
[Your Phone Number]
[Your Email Address]
Its also a good idea to occasionally search for businesses in your area to see if theyre worth cultivating
for an online bump in SEO and name-recognition. Or, if someone has taken a hit (such as one large
engineering firm near Denver whose commercial buildings were discovered to be structurally faulty),
you may want to consider removing their name or logo from your site, as well as pulling your implied
endorsement from theirs. This is a delicate decision for a number of reasons. Legally speaking, any
agreement or contract must be modified beforehand. But dont allow someone elses faltering reputation
to indirectly compromise yours.
Remember that business reputations in a changing economy are dynamic, so monitor yours regularly, and
become your own PR expert so that you can maintain control over your brand and good name.
How to Run a Successful Home Inspection Business 136
It gets worse. An inspector was recently blamed for an unsafe condition that already existed. During the
review at the end of a home inspection, the inspector pointed out severely rotted deck planking. The
client walked out onto the deck to see what the inspector was talking about when the clients foot broke
through the decking, causing minor injury. The client didnt sue, but later complained to the real estate
agent that the inspector should have kept everyone off the deck, once he discovered the issue.
The InterNACHI Stay Back stop sign does four things:
1. It shows that you care about your clients safety.
2. It reminds everyone that there are risks, especially to children, in attending an inspection.
3. It actually keeps your clients at a safe distance.
4. It demonstrates in court that you are not reckless.
In designing these signs, our attorneys advised us to use a stop sign rather than a caution sign, as
caution implies to proceed (to go ahead and climb the ladder, for instance), but with caution. A stop
sign is clear and unambiguous.
Visit to order your Stay Back stop sign for $29.95. And save the receipt as
evidence that you are a responsible inspector!
9. Take three photos of the water meter before you leave the property.
You never want to be accused of failing to note a water line leak, orworsecausing water damage
because you forgot to turn off a fixture. One way you can prevent this is to take some photos of the water
meter just prior to leaving the property.
Take these photos after you've:
completed your home inspection;
turned off all the sink and tub faucets after checking them for functional flow; and
made sure that the washing machine, dishwasher, sprinkler system, and any other water-using
systems, devices and fixtures are off.
Take three photos of the water meter that show that no water lines are leaking, assuming you didn't find any.
Visit to read more about this claim-avoiding tip.
10. Write your reports properly with InterNACHIs Inspection Narratives Library.
This library is the worlds largest collection of dedicated, industry-savvy home inspection narratives.
These narratives were developed using a variety of sources, including the International Residential
Code (IRC), technical data sheets, and systems specifications from various manufacturers associations,
installation manuals for a variety of building products, and various building science-related sites. These
narratives are worded with safety in mind, and specific code is not quoted.
In addition to reducing the amount of time you spend filling out reports, the quality of your reports will
improve, and youll enjoy greater protection from liability.
Visit to order InterNACHIs DVD of inspection narratives. Cant wait? Order
the digital download of InterNACHIs Inspection Narratives Library at
11. Include InterNACHIs Estimated Life Expectancy Chart with every report.
This chart details the predicted life expectancy of household materials, systems and components so that
you dont have to.
Other Legal Issues for Home Inspectors 139
Life expectancy varies with usage, weather, installation, maintenance, and the quality of materials. This
chart provides your client with a general guideline from the worlds largest inspection associationnot a
guarantee or warrantyand a reminder that there is no guarantee or warranty is stated at the bottom of the
Visit to download your free Estimated Life Expectancy Chart (also
featured at the end of this book).
12. Give all your clients InterNACHIs Now That Youve Had a Home Inspection
home-maintenance book.
contract and the Systems Excluded pages. InterNACHIs Online Agreement System includes a feature
that allows clients to sign and return your contract electronically. Some contract requirements may vary
by state.
The first line in InterNACHIs standard home inspection contract explains that it is not an inspectors duty
to find every defect:
INSPECTOR agrees to perform a visual inspection of the home/building and to provide CLIENT with a
written inspection report identifying the defects that INSPECTOR both observed and deemed material.
And you should also consider providing your client a copy of InterNACHIs Now That Youve Had a Home
Inspection book. It will protect you from future claims.
Was the Miss Handled Well?
If you do miss something, there are times when you simply have to admit your mistake, make an apology,
and get on with it. There are also times to demonstrate why you havent made a mistake, but always
graciously offer to make things right anyway, and convert the situation into a marketing opportunity.
There are also times that will require you to take a position and stand fast because there are a number of
situations in which others involved in the transaction may be motivated to make the inspector the fall guy.
Which approach to use involves judgment, and thats what it finally comes down to in home inspections.
This is true not only for handling mistakes, but also in evaluating the limitless combinations of home
systems and components, and all the grey areas in between, for which an inspector finds himself forced to
make a decision that he may be called upon later to defend in court.
As an inspector, good judgment is one of your most important tools, and its a skill that can be learned.
Reading the InterNACHI Message Boards will help you sharpen this skill painlessly by allowing you to
learn from the mistakes and experiences of other inspectors. In addition to providing education, the
boards offer inspectors a chance to become part of the worlds largest international inspection community
that offers opportunities and support during the difficult times many inspectors face in breaking into the
If theyre not happy within the first 90 days after buying it, InterNACHI will buy back the home at full price.
Real estate agents in North America can be assured that their clients can now buy with confidence.
Additionally, InterNACHI protects the privacy of its members clients. It doesn't collect identifiable
consumer data, so it can't sell it or release it. No names, addresses, phone numbers or email addresses are
sold or released to any third party.
InterNACHI members can visit this link to sign up:
Proving Negligence
by Mark Cohen, InterNACHI General Counsel, and Nick Gromicko
A client asserting claims against a home inspector may rely on a variety of legal theories, including
negligence, breach of contract, and misrepresentation. This article explains the four elements a
plaintiff must prove to prevail in a negligence claim. Understanding these will help inspectors to better
understand how to reduce their risk of being found negligent.
The four elements of a negligence claim are:
1. duty;
2. breach;
3. causation; and
4. damages.
To be successful, a plaintiff must prove all four elements by a preponderance of the evidence. Lets look at
each of the elements.
The plaintiff must prove that the inspector owed a duty to him. The duty may be created and defined by
a contract, a statute, or the standard of care in the industry. In common law, every person has a duty to
exercise ordinary care in all activities to prevent foreseeable risks. Even if no duty would ordinarily exist,
a person who voluntarily undertakes to do something must exercise ordinary care in doing it. (Even
though you have no duty to provide a free inspection to a relative, if you assume that duty, you must carry
it out properly.)
An inspector has a duty to comply with all applicable laws and regulations, but some state laws do not
define any additional duties inspectors owe to clients. Put differently, not all states have statutes that
specifically define the standard of care. Therefore, it is vital that the written contract define the additional
duties assumed by the inspector. If the client and inspector both understand the scope of the duties owed,
disputes are far less likely.
The best thing an inspector can do to protect himself is insist that the client sign a written contract
BEFORE the inspection. The contract should explain what the inspector will and will not do. The
standard InterNACHI contract explains that the inspector will perform the inspection in accordance with
InterNACHIs current Standards of Practice at The inspector should provide a copy of
the SOP to the client, or encourage the client to review them online before signing the contract.
Generally, the inspector works for the prospective buyer. A seller may sometimes threaten to sue an
inspector for negligence because of statements in the inspectors report, but this threat is often hollow
because the inspectors duty is to his client, not to the seller or real estate agent.
Other Legal Issues for Home Inspectors 143
Generally, the existence of a duty is a question of law, meaning the judgenot the jurydecides whether
the inspector owed a duty to the client.
Once the plaintiff proves the existence of a duty, he must prove the inspector breached that duty. In other
words, the plaintiff must show that the inspector was negligent. Because it is impossible to prescribe
definite rules in advance for every combination of circumstances that may arise, the question of whether
the inspector breached a duty is usually a question for the trier of fact (the jury in a jury trial, or the judge
in a non-jury trial).
One way the inspector can reduce the risk of being found negligent is to prepare a thorough report
summarizing what he did and all his relevant observations. If the inspector identifies defects, he should
list them in the report and inform the client of the possible consequences. If the inspector recommends
repairs or additional inspection by a specialist, he should state that in the report. The inspector should
take plenty of photos during the inspection, as they may be useful if litigation ensues.
Even if the plaintiff proves that the inspector owed a duty and breached that duty, the plaintiff must
also demonstrate that the breach was the cause of the claimed damages. The test traditionally used
to determine cause is the but for test. Under this approach, the inspectors conduct is a cause if the
damages would not have taken place but for the inspectors breach of the duty owed.
Think of it this way. If an inspector breaches his duty by failing to perform a proper electrical inspection,
but the client is complaining about the cost of replacing the roof, the inspectors breach of his duty was
not the cause the clients damages. The but for test works well, but there is one situation where it fails.
If two causes combine to bring about an event, either of which would have been sufficient to cause the
damages, many courts ask whether the defendants breach of duty was a substantial factor in bringing
about the damages. If so, the inspectors negligence will be considered a cause of the claimed damages.
It is important to remember that even in situations where a home inspector has been negligent, other
parties, including the buyer, may have also been negligent. For instance, suppose an inspector lists a
defect in his report, fails to fully inform the buyer of the possible consequences of this defect, but advises
the buyer to hire an expert to follow up on the defect. If the buyer fails to hire an expert, the buyer may
be at least partly at fault for failing to heed the inspectors recommendation. When more than one party
has been negligent, many states now require courts and juries to allocate a percentage of fault to each
negligent party.
If the plaintiff establishes the first three elements of a negligence claim, he must still prove that he was
damaged, and he must prove the amount of his damages.
Damages in a negligence suit against a home inspector will often be the costs incurred in correcting
defects the inspector failed to find. However, there have been cases where an unhappy client claimed he
would not have purchased a property had the inspector performed a proper inspection and, in this case,
the claimed damages may be much greater.
The goal of allowing an award of damages is to make the plaintiff whole: to restore him to the situation
he was in before the negligent act or omission. One issue to be alert to is claims that seek to make the
plaintiff better off than he would have been but for the inspectors negligence. For example, if an inspector
fails to mention defects in a roof that is 10 years old and the roof must be replaced, the plaintiff is not
How to Run a Successful Home Inspection Business 144
entitled to a brand new roof, but is entitled only to damages equal to a non-defective roof that is 10 years
The law recognizes direct damages and consequential damages. Direct damages include damages such as
cost of repair or replacement. Consequential damages may include damages such as loss of productivity
or loss of profits resulting, for example, from the inability to use a home office. In many states, an
inspector can limit his liability for damages to direct damages and disclaim any responsibility for
consequential damages. In some states, an inspector may be able to limit his liability to the amount paid
for the inspection.
This article provides only general guidance. Always consult an attorney qualified in your jurisdiction.
Deposition Preparation
A deposition is recorded witness testimony given under oath to be used in court at a later date. Inspectors,
like any other professionals whose job subjects them to a certain amount of liability, are occasionally sued
and deposed. Deposed witnesses should learn testimony strategies that will make their success in court
more likely.
At the Deposition
Do not lie. InterNACHI members should know that lying under oath is criminal perjury. If you get
caught lying, your entire testimony will be discredited. President Clinton lost his license to practice
law and was impeached for lying under oath.
If you arrive at the deposition before your lawyer, do not speak about the case with anyone,
especially the plaintiff s attorney.
Dress in a professional manner. Although no photos will be taken, the opposing partys impression
of you is important. If you arrive unkempt, they might think you will not appear credible to a jury,
and the plaintiff will be less likely to settle out of court.
Other Legal Issues for Home Inspectors 145
Do not be intimidated by the opposing lawyer. Unlike in a courtroom, where a judge and/or jury is
watching, lawyers may try to antagonize you so that you give up additional information. Recognize
such behavior as manipulative tactics, to be brushed aside, rather than as personal attacks.
Similarly, do not be put at ease if the opposing lawyer is strangely pleasant or easygoing. Assume
that everything they say and do is intentional and designed to influence your response.
Speak slowly and deliberately. Remember that everything spoken during a depositionincluding
stuttering or falteringis recorded. Slow and deliberate speech will make your testimony appear
more professional and credible when it is read later by a judge.
Do not bring any documents with you unless you were specifically told to do so. You do not want
to provide the opposition with any information that they do not already have.
Always pause after each question before answering. This way, you have time to consider the
question, and you will be sure that the question has ended. There is no real time limit for answering
a question, so take as much time as you need. Answering questions quickly might also encourage
the opposing lawyer to ask more questions than they otherwise would, which will work against you.
Also, permitting a pause before answering will allow your attorney the chance to object to the
question. It is too late to object after you have begun to answer.
Do not volunteer information. Answer exactly what is asked and nothing more. Attorneys may also
continue to look you in the eyes long after youve completed your answer in hopes that the
uncomfortable silence will cause you to continue talking.
Always ask for clarification if you do not fully understand the question. Never guess the meaning of
a question.
Do not speculate. If you do not know the answer to a question, say that you do not know the answer.
Request breaks whenever you feel you need one.
Do not be afraid of questions that require a yes or a no answer, even if you think you will sound
bad. You do not need to defend yourself at a deposition with a lengthy explanation.
Do not attempt to memorize answers to anticipated questions. You will not sound natural and there
is no way to know in advance what you will be asked.
In summary, inspectors who are deposed should prepare themselves for the unfamiliar environment in
which they will provide sworn testimony.
supposed to be a neutral third party. This means that the inspector has no interest in the outcome of the
case, and his or her testimony is unbiased.
The Referral
When you receive the referral, usually in a phone call, the prospective client will want to know your
qualifications. You should have an updated curriculum vitae (CV), which is a detailed rsum, and a copy
of your Expert Witness Agreement (including a fee schedule), ready to email. Be prompt. You want them
to know that you can take care of business. During this phone call, you should ask for any relevant photos
and documents, including a description of the litigation.
At this time, you should also start a project log, writing down important contact information, such as
dates and phone numbers, and recording who you spoke with and what was discussed. Make sure to enter
any major decisions.
Laws regulating the recording of telephone calls vary by state. In states where its legal to electronically
record phone calls, such equipment is inexpensive and can help you keep track of whats said.
Case Evaluation
After reviewing the preliminary information, the first decision youll make is whether to accept the
work at all. It may be that the prospective client will ask you to support a position that you are unable or
unwilling to. If you feel comfortable about taking the case, notify your client.
The Agreement
Typically, youll be approached by the attorney of one of the litigants. Its a good idea to insist that your
contract name the attorney as your client, instead of the litigant. This will increase your chances of getting
paid. If the case goes to court and your client loses, you may not be at the top of your clients must pay
The Services portion of the agreement should describe the expert witness services you are to
Other Legal Issues for Home Inspectors 147
provide, including your fee schedule. This section should contain a number of disclosures
describing the limitations of your expert witness service.
The Confidentiality section should describe both the confidentiality which will be offered by the
expert witness, and the limitations of the expert witnesss liability concerning confidentiality.
The No Conflicts section should state that the expert witness has no conflict of interest in the legal
matter and is able to form an opinion free from bias.
The section on Legal Matters may delineate items such as a Hold-Harmless clause. It should
define the jurisdiction under which the contract was written, and describe where and how disputes
will be handled.
The Termination section describes the conditions under which the contract may be terminated,
and the results of termination under different circumstances.
Expert witness fees vary with the situation and with the person providing the service. The client is
typically required to pay an initial retainer, which might be $1,200.00 or more, depending on the amount
of time the expert witness estimates the work will take.
Other types of fees may include:
file review and research;
travel time;
inspection and investigative services (which you should bill at a two-hour minimum);
report preparation;
pre-trial preparation;
deposition (also billed at a two-hour minimum);
requested courtroom appearance (billed at a half-day or a full day); and
miscellaneous expenses (such as meals and/or accommodations, or a per diem).
Once the agreement has been signed, arrangements will have to be made to perform the inspection. If
you want a specialist to be there for any reason, you should schedule accordingly.
The Inspection
Your demeanor during the inspection is important. Frivolity is out of place. You should remain
professional and neutral, especially if the opposition has representatives at the inspection who are
A tactic you may encounter is that the opposition may try to intimidate you. They may provide
representatives with an overbearing presence, or they may place themselves in positions that make it
difficult for you to do your job. The penalties for actually interfering with you during your inspection are
harsh enough that you should not allow yourself to be intimidated. If you have a small voice recorder,
you should use it to record the inspection, along with any confrontations or efforts to interfere with your
If the opposition succeeds in rattling you, under no circumstances should you lose your temper. Keep in
mind that theres a good chance that any incident that arises may be described in court. You want to be
portrayed as rational and in control of your emotions.
You should ask questions of anyone you like, but think twice about answering questions too freely. Dont
give out information to the opposition, and dont go into too much detail with your client. You may
change your mind about what youre seeing as you continue to investigate.
How to Run a Successful Home Inspection Business 148
You should walk into the inspection as informed as possible. During the inspection, you should be
working from a checklist and notes that you created during your preparation. Unlike home inspections,
the property you inspect as an expert witness may be far from where you live. You may not be able to
return easily, so you need to be prepared. To that end, you should take a lot of high-definition digital
photos. Taking and storing photos is cheap in the digital age. Taking high-resolution photos means that
you may be able to zoom in to look at something in more detail.
Report Preparation
Once the inspection is completed, youll be ready to begin compiling your Expert Witness Report.
Based on the matter at issue, you should develop a hypothesis and show in your report why yours is the
true hypothesis. You can include anything you think is necessary in your report.
The report may contain the following:
a title page;
a table of contents;
your credentials;
the Request for Inspection;
any relevant building codes and standards;
definitions of terms used in the report;
the main body or narrative of the report;
any miscellaneous reference material;
a copy of the plaintiff s Complaint;
a copy of the defendants Response to Allegations;
all relevant photos and diagrams (with captions as to location/area of the subject property);
your conclusion; and
any explanatory footnotes and/or bibliography of your reference materials.
The goal is to make your report overwhelming to the opposition while still maintaining your status as
a neutral third party. If you testify to something thats later proven to be untrue, youll lose credibility,
which is crucial in finding work as an expert witness.
When the complaint consists of multiple allegations, you should organize your responses clearly and
separate the information as necessary.
Oppositions Response
Once youve submitted your Expert Witness Report, you and the opposing expert witness will have a
chance to review and respond to the others report. If that fails to elicit a settlement, the next step will be
to go to trial.
Early in the proceedings, you may be asked to provide sworn testimony via a deposition, which is
conducted outside of court. During the deposition, the expert witness must answer a series of oral
questions by the oppositions attorney. The clients attorney will have a chance to cross-examine you in
order to make clarifications.
Other Legal Issues for Home Inspectors 149
In Court
In court, you need to be well-prepared. You should have reviewed your report carefully, especially if much
time has passed since you wrote it. Try to anticipate the areas of the report that the opposition will attack,
and have answers ready for questions they might ask.
Youll be coached on appropriate behavior by your client or their attorney. If you have any questions
about the process, dont hesitate to ask. Its better to resolve them before you find yourself all alone on the
witness stand.
Once youre on the stand, youll first be asked about your qualifications and credentials. After the court
and the opposition accept them, youll give your testimony. You may be asked to give factual information.
You may have to answer specific questions. And you may be asked for your professional opinion.
Final Billing
Your billing schedule should be included in the section of your agreement that outlines your fees. Send
your client invoices on a regular basis until payment is received.
Requirements for expert witnesses vary by state. If youre considering offering expert witness services,
you should discuss with your attorney any details that may affect your inspection business.
Tip: Use InterNACHIs Hold-Harmless Clause as a marketing tool (
Visit this link to download InterNACHI's sample Expert
Witness Agreement.
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InterNACHI's Emergency Forum ( for inspectors on the job who need
help right now.
Visit InterNACHIs Whats New page at to find out whats new in the
inspection industry.
Participate in at to contribute and help consumers with their
inspection questions.
Emergency Forum
Need emergency help from inspection experts while you're on the job site?
Try out our Emergency Forum!
This forum is for time-sensitive emergencies only. If you need help
using the InterNACHI website, or for any other questions, email
[email protected] instead.
It is not to be used to host discussions, make announcements, or for
seeking help with off-site inspection report writing. This forum is
dedicated solely to helping fellow members who are on an inspection
site and need IMMEDIATE help with an issue. We also have various
subject matter experts who have agreed to monitor this forum.
Visit the Emergency Forum at
Report Review
InterNACHIs Report Review Committee reviews members inspection reports, checks them for
adherence to our Standards of Practice, makes suggestions for improvements, and returns them to the
inspector. Working members who have yet to perform any fee-paid inspections must submit four mock
inspection reports to the Report Review Committee before performing any fee-paid inspections. A mock
How to Run a Successful Home Inspection Business 154
inspection is an inspection performed for no fee. It can be performed on the members own home, a
friends home, a family members home, another inspectors home, or at an InterNACHI-sponsored mock
inspection. This is a membership requirement for members who have never done a fee-paid inspection.
ITA provides free mock inspection reporting forms for InterNACHI members. The forms and the Report
Reviews are free. Visit
AutoCorrect Tutorial
Take this free AutoCorrect tutorial for report writing in MS Word:
Upload your inspection reports to the Internet for your clients to view and print
at Making your reports FetchReport-friendly is totally
free. As the inspection industry moves toward doing more work for home sellers,
and as inspectors are seeking more ways to add value to their services without
additional cost, a robust and unified upload and download system with multiple
benefits has now been universally adopted. has already procured agreements from nearly every inspection
software company, report form vendor, and testing laboratory to become
FetchReport-friendly over the next several months. Uploading reports to offers a number of advantages for everyone.
Advantages for the Real Estate Agent:
they receive the inspection reports faster and can share them with repair contractors to get
estimates faster;
they can download, read and print the reports easily;
they can provide potential buyers a link (from the pages on their website that promote a particular
property) to access all the homes reports for seller inspection marketing purposes;
they can become acquainted with an easy-to-use, unified system for all the home sales they are
involved with, regardless of which inspector they use, regardless of how each inspector generates the
reports, regardless of what supporting documentation or laboratory reports are desired, and
regardless of what type of inspections are performed; and
they can provide added value (in terms of third-party discount coupons and gift certificates) to their
clients through reports uploaded to
Advantages for the Client:
clients can receive the inspection reports faster and can provide others with access;
they can download, read and print the reports easily;
sellers can provide potential buyers a link to access all the homes reports for seller inspection
marketing purposes;
potential buyers can access past inspection reports when considering whether or not to tour a
home; and
clients enjoy added value (in terms of third-party discount coupons and gift certificates) found in
reports uploaded to
Inspector Support 155
Goggles: Goggles can protect against many types of harmful airborne substances, such as mold
spores and sawdust. Inspectors should be sure to wear goggles or some other type of eye protection
while inspecting electrical panels, which can emit dangerous sparks or arcs.
Roof equipment: Inspectors who must walk on rooftops (especially those who perform roof, wind
and hail inspections) regularly risk fall-related injuries. Some equipment that can keep them from
stumbling off a roof are:
roof shoes: Shoes form the only constant point of contact between the inspector and the roof,
and the bond between them needs to be firm. Some companies make shoes that are specially
designed for roof work, but these are not always necessary. Whatever type of shoes inspectors
decide to wear, they should be flat and have high-traction rubber soles. Footwear with heels can
become caught on roof surfaces, potentially causing the inspector to trip and fall;
ladder tie-offs: Inspectors should bring with them straps
to use to attach their ladders to the roof or
structure. This attachment will help prevent the
ladder from being blown away by a strong wind,
embarrassing the marooned inspector. Also, a
ladder tie-off can potentially prevent the ladder
from slipping away from the building beneath the
weight of the climber.
personal tie-off: Inspectors may want to attach
themselves to the roof as an added security
A few notes about this procedure:
Some roofs do not allow for the
implementation of this safety measure. Roofs
must have a protruding, sturdy, accessible
place as a connection point, such as a chimney.
The strap must have as little slack as possible. Rolling down 15 feet of steep roof and then
plunging another 10 feet before being halted in mid-air is still going to hurt. Plus, the
dangling inspector will need to somehow climb back up.
It is best to attach the strap to a harness designed for that purpose, rather than a tool belt or
It is dangerous to tie the strap to a car on the other side of the house. While the car might
hold the inspector in place during a fall, it would not hold the inspector in place if someone
were to drive the car away. A riding lawnmower is also a poor choice for an anchor.
Gloves: Rubber or leather gloves are important for inspecting electrical panels to reduce the chance
of accidental shock. Also, they should be worn in crawlspaces and basements. A certain amount of
crawling on all fours through these areas will be necessary during inspections, and gloves will
certainly make this activity safer. Gloves should not be loose.
Visit to purchase Comfort Crawl Gloves, which are the world's first padded
forearm-protection gloves designed for crawling on rough surfaces.
Respirators: Respirators are necessary safety equipment for inspectors. Choices include a full-face
respirator, which covers the eyes, nose and mouth, and a half-face respirator. Full-face respirators
may provide greater protection against certain toxins because they protect the mucous membranes
around the eyes, but they are generally less comfortable. Wearers may find that the masks air
filtration makes it hard to breathe, especially when the inspector must crawl and bend using
physical movements that may restrict breathing. Respirators that have HEPA filters are excellent
Inspector Support 157
personal protective equipment since, by definition, they trap at least 99.97% of small particles.
Road cones: Inspectors may want to consider placing road cones some distance behind their
vehicles to prevent others from parking too close behind. Large, unwieldy items such as ladders are
more safely removed when there is ample room in which to maneuver. Nothing causes tension like
a Realtor who gets knocked in the head after parking snugly behind the inspectors truck. Also, as
universal symbols of caution, road cones will alert passing motorists and pedestrians of the need to
maintain a safe distance.
Danger signs: A sign can be placed near dangerous areas in which the
inspector is working to warn clients and others of potential hazards. In
2008, an inspector in Seattle was sued because his client fell through an
opening in a floor leading to a crawlspace that he was inspecting, and
the client broke his arm in three places. The lawsuit alleges that the
inspector was guilty of negligence and misconduct because he failed to
notify the client of the potential hazard.
To avoid such liability and to ensure the safety of all persons present at an
inspection, InterNACHI has created compact, lightweight STOPInspector at
Work signs for inspectors to use at job sites. These signs are specifically designed to be placed on ladders
and near crawlspace entrances that are being inspected. Made of strong, durable plastic, they fold up flat
and fit securely over the rung of the inspectors ladder. Using them may also provide legal leverage for
inspectors who are held responsible for harm inflicted to their clients during an inspection.
In summary, inspections can be dangerous for inspectors, as well as their clients. Safety equipment should
be brought to all inspections to help avoid injury and liability issues.
Take InterNACHI's free "Safe Practices for the Home Inspector" course at
Take InterNACHI's free online Ladder Safety video course at
How to Run a Successful Home Inspection Business 158
Rent or Buy?
Perhaps the first question to consider is whether its time for you to stop paying rent on your commercial
office and simply buy the property, or buy or rent a different office space. Here are some questions to help
you determine whether owning commercial property is right for your business.
Will the building help or hinder your growth? Take a look at how fast your company has grown
since you started it and try to predict how much space you will require in the future. You dont want
to be limited to the small storefront youre in now if youre growing fast. On the other hand, if your
building has adjacent spaces occupied by other tenants, you might be able to gradually grow in place
by taking over neighboring leases.
Can you pay the mortgage? Calculate whether your monthly costs would rise if you took on a
mortgage. Is it much higher than the rent youre paying? If your business cant afford an increased
expense, it could create cash-flow problems.
Can you make the down payment? A commercial building purchase may require a large down
payment, usually around 20%. If this payment puts your business in a cash crunch, it might be safer
to hold off on property ownership.
How much control do you need? You may eventually need to drastically alter your space as your
company grows and discovers its own identity. For instance, you may want to paint all the walls
blue, knock down walls, or install heavy machinery that would be difficult or expensive to remove.
Most landlords will not allow these sorts of alterations, especially if they are prohibited in your lease
agreement. Purchasing a building will give you far more control over your own business and remove
obstacles that would prevent its growth.
Will write-offs be possible? If your business is profitable, property ownership can lessen your tax
burden. You may be able to write off a portion of the buildings cost each year in the form of
depreciation. Another possibility is to buy the building personally and then rent it to your company,
which is an ownership structure that has some tax advantages.
Is a good building available? Research the market to see whether its a better idea to buy your
existing building or find a more desirable location nearby. Keep in mind that moving and altering
a new location will add to your short-term business costs and require advertising to let customers
know where youve gone. An experienced commercial real estate agent should be able to help you
with this research.
Are you cut out to be a landlord? Maybe youre fed up with dealing with a landlord, but are you
ready to become one? If your building has other tenants, youll need to deal with all sorts of
Using a Trophy Office and Shop to Promote Your Inspection Business 159
problems that arise and make difficult decisions, ranging from building improvements to rent
increases. Do you have the time to accommodate these additional responsibilities? If you dont have
the patience or time and you still want the property, consider hiring an experienced property
What is the buildings potential as an investment? Distance yourself from your business for a
moment and remember that property ownership is itself an investment. You might need to sell the
building in the future, which can make you money even if the business fails. For instance, you may
want to purchase a building that you know wont attract much foot traffic if you think the buildings
value will increase enough to make up for the lack of revenue. Is the building in a thriving
commercial district thats popular and full of tenants, or is it mostly empty? Investigate the price
Will you be in the location long enough for it to increase in value?
The decision to switch from being a renter to a buyer of commercial real estate requires time for research
in order to develop the most feasible plan for your finances and your long-term business goals. A
commercial real estate professional can help with the financial questions, and a structural engineer
and commercial inspection subcontractors can help with the physical and structural questions in your
decision-making process.
When youre ready to upgrade your business to a new space, here are some factors you should consider
before making an appointment to look at any properties.
Find a commercial property that is centrally located. Travel expenses may be deductible, but time is still
money, so dont spend too much on commuting. You also dont want to spend more time away from your
family than you already do.
Convenience is important both for productivity and professionalism. Be sure youre close to other
businesses that provide your own business with necessary supplies and materials. In addition to
inspection tools, youll need printer cartridges, copier paper, and other miscellaneous office supplies.
Imagine running out of printer paper and not having convenient access to supplies while you have a client
waiting for a copy of his/her contract. Even if such things happen to everyone from time to time, your
client is sure to remember this lack of preparation, which translates to a lack of professionalism.
In addition to stores and other businesses that you must rely on for your daily operation, consider nearby
amenities, such as restaurants in different price ranges, where you and your staff can grab a quick lunch
or where you can entertain business contacts.
Do you want a shop adjacent to or attached to your office? Most inspectors find this addition vital to
their productivity. Find out what kind of zoning is required to accommodate the activities you want to
conduct, and look for a location that will provide both an inviting office for clients and a shop thats out of
sight for projects. If you find a rental space thats large enough thats not already set up as a shop, you can
negotiate with your landlord on outfitting it to your needs. (There are tips to follow on how to make this
happen for your business.)
out what business expenses and capital assets are deductible from your income tax. You may be able to
afford more for your upgraded office than you thought you could.
Is the commercial property owner amenable to negotiating lease items, such as build-outs, rent
deductions, early release from the agreement, or a break on utilities? When small business owners shut
their doors or move their enterprises into their homes, exploit this aspect of cyclical economic downturns
and negotiate with your prospective (or even your current) landlord on any details you can.
Can you share a rental space with a complementary business? What factors of compatibility are
important to you for maintaining productivity and professionalism? Also, find out what areas of the
premises are defined under your lease agreement, in addition to your responsibility for shared spaces.
Once youve found an upgraded commercial space to move into, youll need to make to-do and to-buy
lists in order to make your new office functional, while minimizing lost time for productivity. It can take
up to a month of packing and planning before youre ready to move into your new space and be running
at optimal speed again.
the landlord to raise the rent based on any number of factors, including cost-of-living increases
(based on a percentage as determined by the state in which the property is located), or planned
or unexpected expenses during the term of the lease.
Some commercial property owners allow a tenant to sublease a portion of the property, especially if
it is larger than the tenant needs. The tenant is still responsible for the terms of the lease agreement.
Its the equivalent of the tenant taking on a roommate, or becoming a landlord himself. Its always
advisable for the primary tenant to make sure that his sublessees business or occupancy is
complementary to his own, including hours of operation, number of employees, whether there is
adequate parking, noise barriers, shared kitchen and/or restroom accommodations, etc.
Owners will sometimes modify properties based on a prospective tenants specs. These tailored
improvements, called build-outs, are used in advertising for the property as built-to-suit.
The owner makes his/her money back based on a long-term lease agreement, possibly one with an
escalation clause.
Turn-key properties are move-in ready, with little or no modifications or build-outs required in
order for the tenant to commence business almost immediately upon occupancy.
Concessions are benefits offered by the seller or landlord to help close the sale or finalize the lease.
Common concessions include paying a tenants moving expenses, build-outs, and discounted rent
for a period of the lease.
In summary, there are aspects to leasing and purchasing with which you should become familiar before
moving your business out of your home.
Commercial Leases
Dont sign on the dotted line for your commercial rental space before reviewing your lease carefully,
preferably with the assistance of an attorney and a commercial property broker.
In addition to the type of lease, the rent amount and the length of occupancy, some considerations and
terms you encounter in your commercial lease may include the following:
Since you have probably already incorporated your inspection business to avoid personal liability
(following InterNACHIs advice in other articles), make sure your company nameand not your
own nameis listed on the lease agreement as the lessee.
Similarly, avoid any request for personal guarantees in the lease agreement, as they can place both
your personal and business assets at risk.
Never underestimate the potential for misunderstandings, especially in legal matters. A case in
point is defining the premises of the rental property. Your friendly prospective landlord may have
proudly taken you on a tour of a spacious building with many amenities, such as a large parking
area, a lobby, a kitchen and restroom facilitiesbut which of them actually constitute the premises
that are subject to your lease agreement? They must be spelled out, especially if there are
neighboring tenants who will share some of these areas.
A use clause stipulates the specific space of the property that is subject to the lease agreement, and
any surrounding area that is off-limits to the renter. The use clause may also stipulate what kind of
activities may and may not be conducted in the rental space, such as activities that produce a lot of
fumes or noise. Depending on where the property is locatedzoned commercial or mixed-use
the property itself may seem ideal, but your ability to conduct business properly may be inhibited
based on location and/or use limitations. Make sure that you and your landlord are in agreement
about what kinds of activities will be conductedand whereon the property, both during and
outside of business hours. Also, try to keep the use clause as broad as possible. Realize that your
How to Run a Successful Home Inspection Business 162
plans may change as your company grows and you may require flexibility to use your space for
purposes that could not have been anticipated.
If your prospective landlord leases to several tenants in one area (such as in an industrial park or
strip mall), you may want to ask for an exclusivity clause. This will prevent the landlord from
renting to competing businesses in proximity to your own. This clause is added primarily for retail
renters, but many inspectors engage in side-businesses which may make such a stipulation
Especially if the premises are part of a larger rental property, the renter should know when and
under what circumstances the landlord may have access to their property.
Consider the lease length. A long-term lease can limit rent increases and give your business
long-term stability, while a short-term lease allows you the flexibility to move sooner if you dislike
the location. There are usually ways to break a lease, but you should not go into a lease agreement
with the intention of breaking the lease.
The renter should find out whether there is a security system in place, and what his responsibilities
and rights are. For example, is he responsible for setting an alarm, or alerting a security officer? If
so, under what circumstances? Are there fees for calls to secure the premises, or for false alarms?
Also, if no security system or plan is in place, the renter may want to install or hire one, and these
additions should be subject to negotiation, as well as added, using specific language, to the lease
A landlord may insist on annual rent increases based on the percentage increase of the Consumer
Price Index (CPI). If such a request is made, you should try to arrange that the CPI does not kick in
for at least two years. Also, try to arrange an upper limit on the amount of each years increase.
Some leases require the tenant to obtain permission from the landlord before making
improvements or alterations to the premises. These provisions are typically too restrictive and you
should attempt to negotiate the terms. For example, try to get the right to make non-structural
alterations or improvements that cost less than $2,500 without the landlords consent.
In summary, you should familiarize yourself with lease terms that affect typical commercial businesses
(as well as your specific enterprise), and what the short-term and long-term ramifications are for your
various options.
Make sure the power is turned on before you move into your new business office. Commercial accounts
may take more lead time for service providers to get you up and running.
Some considerations include:
Electrical Receptacles: A commercial space has less wiggle room on local electrical codes than a
residence. Arrange your work area to accommodate the necessary electrical equipment and
appliances such that youre not stringing extension cords across high-traffic footpaths or stairs, or
overloading individual outlets. Make sure your receptacles and power strips provide the proper
grounding. Commercial spaces are subject to municipal and county fire marshal inspections, and
infractions can lead to serious fines and disruption of your workday.
Using a Trophy Office and Shop to Promote Your Inspection Business 163
Heating & Cooling: If your space isnt equipped with HVAC, make provisions to have these
added. If renting, negotiate with your landlord about these upgrades. You want your workspace to
be as comfortable as possible year-round.
We all have different abilities and tolerances for learning about and using high-tech devices. Learning to
use various types of electronic hardware and software can improve job efficiency and communications.
Increased efficiency reduces costs, and these savings can then be passed along to your clients, which is
something you can mention (to your advantage) in your marketing materials. If you want your employees
to learn to incorporate high-tech tools into their jobs, keep their stress levels low by supplying them with
trouble-free devices and good instruction.
Among the basics are:
Phones: Many small businesses are transitioning from landlines to exclusively cell phones for their
obvious portability, but you may want to maintain a no-frills landline to make local calls in order to
keep your main business line free, to ensure that you have reliable connectivity and clear audio
quality, and to make emergency calls. Dont forget to add a professional-sounding outgoing
message, and to check for messages regularly. To improve your conversion rate (the percentage of
initial calls that are converted into work), a live person answering the phone is always better than
a recorded greeting and voicemail. Consider retaining an answering service if you cant afford office
staff. Call-forwarding to a dedicated cell phone or landline can allow you to have a family member
answer phones with the name of your company. Be sure to list any appropriate new phone numbers
on your companys website.
Internet Access: If youre opting for a landline, adding Internet access can lower your monthly
costs by taking advantage of bundled service discounts. If going all-cellular, youll want to arrange
for password-protected wireless service. Consider the fastest connection offered in your area so that
you can make the most of your business day. Some service providers also offer VOIP (voice-over-
Internet protocol), which allows you to make phone calls online and listen to voicemail messages
via email.
Laptops & Tablets: Carrying a laptop in the field, especially one that is Internet-enabled, will
facilitate communication with your office staff, clients, vendors, and everyone else you deal with.
The advantage of online communication is not only the great variety of information that can be
transferred instantly, but that everyone with whom you communicate is only one click away from
your website and other online marketing devices. Skype is a free communications application that
allows you to see the person with whom youre speaking, along with anything they want to show
you, using a remote camera or the camera installed on their computer.
always negotiate with the salesperson for a corporate account that provides built-in discounts;
todays economic climate favors the buyer for retail items, especially if youre in the market for more
than a single desk or chair. Spread out in your new space as much as you can. Organization is the
key to productivity.
Non-Work Areas: For meeting clients and hosting the occasional business function at your
office, you want your new or upgraded office space to be comfortable but professional-looking.
Again, theres no need to go into debt to meet this goal. As other businesses close or downsize, its
possible to find second-hand items in classic styles with plenty of life left. Look for simple but sturdy
desks, tables, chairs and lamps, and avoid styles, colors and patterns that look dated, especially if
theyre priced to move. They should be clean and devoid of blemishes that cant be easily repaired.
Keep reception and meeting areas uncluttered.
Privacy & Confidentiality: If youve been on a particularly dirty project and you need to change
into clean clothes, make sure you have a private area. If youre having a conversation over the phone
or in person, the details of which should not be broadcast to employees, clients or neighboring
tenants, make sure you have a separate area in which to conduct such confidential business.
Partitions and noise barriers can help with this. Likewise, you may wish to have a locking file
cabinet or safe in which to store expensive equipment, and irreplaceable and confidential hard-copy
records and downloaded computer files.
Shop Area: If you have the space to have a shop adjacent to your office, it will also go a long way to
enhancing your professional image with clients. Most inspectors find this setup ideal, as it will be a
huge time-saver for making minor adjustments and repairs to office-related and job-related
materials and equipment. Make sure that your location and your lease provide for storing and using
equipment that can be noisy while in operation during business hours (and off-hours, if youre
located near a residential area), as well as any hazardous materials, including paints, finishes,
bonding materials and cleaners.
Potential clients may be impressed by a professional-looking, efficiently run office, but an attached shop
can also be a sales tool, especially if you perform contracting or repair work on items that you dont
inspect or that are beyond the constraints of the Standards of Practice that you follow in your inspection
business. That gives the impression that your services are in demand!
Bear in mind that if you use your shop as a sales tool, it should be safe and clean, including visible
personal protective equipment (PPE), as well as dust-removal equipment for any saws, sanders, etc.
Tip: Install a glass window where potential clients can view your shop area from your office or waiting area.
Kitchen: Even the most basic hotel room now provides a mini-fridge, coffee maker and microwave
oven, so think of your own fundamental comforts and that of your clients (and your employees, if
you have any), and outfit an area dedicated to these needs. Eating lunch in the office a few days a
week will also save you petty cash and increase productivity.
Emergency Supplies: Whether you have other employees or not, the responsibility of using a
commercial business space dictates that you have a fully stocked first-aid kit on hand.
Additionally, local fire codes will probably also require you to have several of these, depending on
the size of your commercial space and/or number of employees, along with a fire extinguisher and
flashlight, as well as signs for all exits. Depending on your comfort level, work schedule, and the
climate of your geographical region, you may want to stock a personal emergency kit that contains
extra batteries, canned goods, blankets and a sleeping cot, bottled water, spare toiletries, and extra
footwear and clothing.
Office Equipment: If your business has expanded to the point that youre considering investing in
capital equipment, such as a computer system and/or copier, investigate whether leasing is a better
deal than an outright purchase. Be wary of purchasing these items second-hand. Manufacturers
tend to upgrade their models every couple of years, and finding knowledgeable service technicians
and replacement parts can make what appeared to be a good deal at the outset an expensive and
obsolete heap of plastic and metal that youll have to pay a fee to dump. Always negotiate on long-
term service contracts. Demand an upgrade if the machine youve contracted for develops chronic
problems, which can lead to aggravation and downtime. Conversely, if the machine youre leasing is
problem-free, negotiate for a less expensive service contract, since there are few or no service calls.
Shop Equipment & Supplies: As mentioned earlier, organization is key to productivity, and the
same rule applies to shops. Remember that more than one person may be using the shop, which is
why it should always be clean, orderly, and have a home for every tool, bucket, bottle, can, nut and
bolt. You may find occasion to conduct some of your business with a client in the shop area, so it
should always be presentable, even if theres a project in progress.
Proper ventilation and drainage should be provided for fumes, vapors and liquids. It should also
be appropriately soundproofed from the rest of the office area and nearby tenants. If possible, a mop
sink should be installed for extra-dirty wash-ups so that the restroom in the office area is not used
and unnecessarily soiled between regular cleanups.
Locking tool chests will ensure that expensive and specialized tools remain on the premises. If the
shop has a back door, it should be locked and integrated with the office sites security system.
Maintaining a separate supply inventory for the shop will also be useful to combine shopping trips,
requiring less time to stock up on office essentials.
Office Maintenance
Your office requires regular maintenance just like your home and vehicle. If your staff is enlisted to take
care of cleaning the reception area, meeting room, kitchen, bathroom and/or shop, make sure you devise
a regular schedule and that they understand that they should clean any messes that happen during the
If you or your staff wont be taking care of this, hire only a licensed and bonded janitorial service that will
contract with you to clean your premises during regularly scheduled times. Make sure it is bonded to
protect your business against theft or loss due to their acts or negligence. If you are required to provide
brooms, mops, trash bags and cleaning supplies, make sure these are on your weekly shopping list.
Also, be sure to notify the cleaning crew and their supervisors of any areas on site that are off limits, and
that this information is also specified in your contract with the service.
How to Run a Successful Home Inspection Business 166
consciousness. If you dont have the time to take care of office plants yourself, a plant or floral
service is a good investment. For a business-friendly monthly rate, it will first deliver and then
monitor the weekly health and watering of your foliage. This is a simple way to advertise that you
understand the aesthetic importance of live greenery. It emits the message that you have taste and
value quality. Quality means comfort. If you dont think this is true, think back and rate your own
comfort level in offices and waiting rooms that you visited that had no foliage, some foliage, dying
foliage, lush foliage, and fake silk plants. Healthy greenery has an instantly calming effect, and the
more stressful and/or high-end the business, the nicer the plants youll find in the lobby. These
plants dont have to overtake the office environment, and they should never show signs of neglect,
which is much worse than not having any live plants at all. Avoid silk plants; no silk plant actually
looks real, and the message it transmits is that you either: a) dont pay attention to the finer details of
the indoor environment; or b) think that cheapness is an acceptable substitute for quality.
Provisions for securing your business premises should be clearly spelled out in your lease. Follow
a ritual at the end of the day to make sure that all doors and windows are properly closed and locked,
and if you have shades or drapes, make sure theyre closed at night, too. A security system is a sound
investment. Adequate lighting for the immediate exterior, as well as the parking area, is a safety as
well as liability concern. Additionally, get acquainted with local law enforcement, and find out
whether their regular patrols include the location of your workplace, especially if its in a more
industrial area, rather than in an office building in the middle of town.
Other physical safety concerns include locking filing cabinets and safes. If many people have access
to the same work documents, they may get easily misplaced if they arent treated as documents that
need to be secured. This can delay work and frustrate clients. Additionally, if you have firearms on
the premises, they should be kept unloaded in a lockable case and safely stowed. The local police
department will have information to help you stay within the law, especially if you have employees
on the premises and clients who visit. Again, its not just a question of safetyits also one of liability.
Security includes backing up your computer data. You can easily do this using a thumb drive,
writable CDs, or an external hard drive. There are web-based storage options, too. If youre a larger
company, you may have a central server that backs up all networked data. You can also pay a
monthly fee to have your data backed up and stored off-site, which is a lifesaver in case of a
catastrophic power outage.
Lock it up!
You may be 20 feet away from your vehicle while youre working at your desk, but property crimes are
crimes of opportunity, and criminals dont like to work, so dont make it any easier for them to loot your
vehicle by leaving it unlockedor by leaving valuables in plain sight, even in a locked car. Additionally,
lock home and office doors, and use security locks on windows that allow them to open, but not too
much. Pull drapes and shades on windows when the sun goes down and when unoccupied dont
announce your absence by leaving your premises on display.
How to Run a Successful Home Inspection Business 168
Light it up!
Owners should ensure that there is adequate lighting in the parking facility, whether a parking structure,
individual garages, carports or assigned parking spaces.
Injuries due to inadequate lighting can lead to liability issues and expensive legal hassles. Motion-
detector security lights should be installed at every units entrance. They save energy, and alert residents
and tenants when someone is in the immediate vicinity. These lights are generally hard-wired into the
buildings electrical system, but portable sensor lights can be added to the perimeter of the building to
make dark areas and those obstructed by vegetation better lit to discourage nighttime trespassers.
Security Systems
There are many approaches to this issue, depending on the structure of the complex, the cost involved,
and the level of desired protection. Some condos and industrial parks prohibit additional locks on doors
that may prevent owners from entering a tenants home or office in case of an emergency. Some gated
communities go the extra mile and hire personnel to regularly patrol the area. Most small businesses have
electronic security systems that must be activated and disabled, and which will automatically alert local
first-responders in case of a breach. Whether youre a tenant or an owner, make sure the terms, as well as
the limitations, of the security system are spelled out in your lease. Also, make sure that you post window
decals and lawn signs alerting potential trespassers of the risk theyd be taking. Again, most property
crimes are crimes of opportunity, so dont make a criminals job any easier by failing to use simple
Be alert!
Know your neighbors. Know their hours of operation. Pay attention to the vehicles that are regularly
parked in the lot. If someone seems out of place, acts as if hes lost, or is spending an inordinate amount
of time on the property without entering a unit or conducting any business, consider contacting the
authorities. Always exercise caution when approaching such people to question them, but do be mindful
of their presence to determine whether they actually belong on the premises.
In short, safety is everyones concern. Regardless of your monetary investment, you cant put a price on a
safe workplace and a secure residence.
Miscellaneous Considerations
Children & Pets: One of the benefits of owning your own business is that you can take your
children and pets to work with you. Children require constant attention, so make sure your
attention isnt divided, leading to a potential accident, or creating an unprofessional atmosphere.
Also, dont expect your employees to double as your babysitter. In terms of pets, some of them dont
adjust well to strangers or unfamiliar surroundings, and some clients and employees may have
allergies and even phobias. Whats okay around the house wont necessarily work in the workplace,
even if youre the boss, so think like a businessperson and make decisions based on whats best for
your business.
Using a Trophy Office and Shop to Promote Your Inspection Business 169
Music: Your choice of music in the office, if you have any, can make as big an impression as your
office dcor, so make it low-key, quiet enough to conduct conversations both in person and on the
phone, and neutral in terms of content.
Recreational & After-Hours Activities: If you have alcohol on the work premises, its important
that such beverages be kept in an appropriate and lockable location that cannot be accessed by
uninvited (or underage) personnel or visitors. Its presence should not be advertised. Your lease or
a local ordinance may prohibit alcohol consumption on site during regular business hours. Other
non-work activities, such as smoking, watching TV or playing video games, may be allowed during
certain times, but make sure theyre confined to specific areas so that the professional atmosphere
of your workplace is maintained. Not every client will appreciate a loose or laid-back inspector. If
you engage in any recreational activities on site after hours, be sure your offices are locked to outside
visitors, requiring them to knock or ring a bell for permission to enter.
If its cold in your office, add a layer of clothing, rather than turn up the heat. Likewise, if its warm,
open a window instead of turning on the A/C. If ventilation to the outdoors is not practical,
consider running the A/C intermittently rather than continuously throughout the day. Be sure to
use fans to assist with air movement, as well as shades to block the sunlight through windows.
If you dont already have a low-flow toilet at your office, place a brick in the tank of your toilet to
save on water used for flushes. If you need to install a new toilet, consider buying a dual-flush type.
Find ways to let natural light into your workspace to cut down on the use of electric lights. Where
practical, change your incandescent bulbs to energy-saving compact fluorescent bulbs (CFLs) and
T8 fluorescent bulbs, which can reduce your lighting energy costs by up to 75%.
Use cups, plates and silverware in your office kitchen, rather than paper products. If you buy
disposable products, consider purchasing the newer biodegradable plastics made of corn. Also,
purchase paper supplies in bulk, which will reduce your shopping trips, as well as your expenses.
When upgrading tools and equipment, donate what you no longer use, if selling is impractical.
Many thrift stores, including outlets run by Habitat for Humanity, will gladly accept a worn tape
measure, flashlight, and even work boots. Just make sure that items such as ladders are safe before
passing them along.
Many office supply stores that sell office technology, such as Staples, OfficeMax and Kinkos, will
accept your outmoded cell phones, computers and printers to dispose of at bulk savings to them, or
they will refurbish them for resale or donation. Tech hardware disposed of in landfills is among the
most toxic sources of soil and groundwater contamination today because of the chemicals contained
in their components and the results of the biochemical breakdown of their materials. If you dont
want to pay a fee to dispose of these items responsibly, take them to a recycling center or retail outlet
that will gladly take them off your hands.
Before hauling something out to the Dumpster, consider re-purposing it. An oak door can be
converted into a work table in the shop area, and foamboard can be used as a bulletin board. Old
t-shirts make handy rags for the office and work truck.
Make sure your computers, printers and copiers are set to energy-saving or sleep mode when not in
use for extended periods. Also, consider routinely unplugging electrical items at the end of the day, since
coffee makers, lamps and power strips that are turned off but remain plugged in continue to draw current.
Before making a purchase, look online at websites such as Craigslist and Freecycle to see if you can
find what you need for less than new, or even free. Several different categories on these sites offer
tools and office equipment and products at second-hand prices for sometimes brand new items,
which can save you money that you can put toward more meaningful purchases.
If you want to buy new office furniture, consider buying chairs, desks, tables and bookcases made
from wood that has been reclaimed or that originates from sustainably harvested forests. Look for
certifications on wood products from the Forestry Stewardship Council and the Rainforest Alliance.
In addition to sparing living trees, reclaimed and sustainably harvested wood has the advantage of
being free of formaldehyde and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which is better for your health,
as well as the planets.
Make your business website robust. Take advantage of the marketing tips and tools included in this
book so that your prospective clients can find the information they need about you and your
services online. This will save them time (and aggravation), and will impress them with your
technological savvy. For many people, using technology to its fullest potential is equivalent to being
green, and this method of marketing yourself can set you apart from your competition. Give your
prospective customers a genuine sense of yourself and your (green) business ethic by creating a
specific and indelible web presence. Hiring a pro to do this may be the best investment youll ever make
in your business and your future.
Using a Trophy Office and Shop to Promote Your Inspection Business 171
Moving into a new commercial space is an exciting step forward for your business. Make your move
stress-free with careful planning before you pack up the first box.
And remember: Your goal is to create an impression for your client that says that you value quality first,
both on the job and in your own work environment.
Tip: Visit InterNACHIs Green Resources page for both inspectors and consumers at
Buy or Lease?
Depending on the equipment, financing a lease instead of a purchase may make more sense. For example,
items based on technology, such as computers and copiers, tend to undergo manufacturers updates
and revamps more frequently than, say, furniture and other items that are built to last. When a piece of
equipment will stand the test of time, its a reasonable move to finance its purchase. If the item is subject
to planned obsolescence, its savvier to lease. For commercial equipment, there are several considerations
that the inspector should explore.
Depending on the item leased, it can generally be upgraded at the end of the term with a lease
renewal. This is especially important for computer systems and service vehicles.
At the end of the contract under a true lease, the item may be purchased outright at the fair market
value or at a discounted rate.
Purchasing a new or new-to-you work vehicle is a stressful as well as exciting decision, so mitigate that
built-in anxiety by doing your homework and considering all your options before committing to a new
rig for the road.
Truck Signage
Good vehicle signage promotes your brand. Truck signage is the easiest marketing you can do all day
without having to lift a finger. It works while youre working. The larger your service area, the more
people will see it. The smaller your service area, the more people will recognize it and become familiar
with it, along with the services it advertises. Truck signage demonstrates that youre a professional. When
you have truck signage, you carry your branding with you to every job, every day.
A study by American Trucking Associations, Inc., showed that a truck sign creates almost 5 million visual
impressions a year. For inspectors located in major cities, their drivers-side signage may be seen up to
44,000 times per day. Truck ads are the oldest form of mobile advertising still used today, dating back to
1912, when delivery trucks needed to distinguish themselves in the narrow streets of New York City.
Every inspector should invest in truck signage to advertise his/her inspection business. Given the massive
exposure gained just by driving around, it really is a marketing no-brainer.
Truck signs are especially important in jurisdictions that restrict the use of yard signs. Mobile signage
goes where you go, and the design options are virtually unlimited.
Some inspectors (especially multi-vehicle firms) have their vehicles professionally painted. A newer
innovation is custom vinyl applications that are semi-permanent. These are the ultimate marketing tools
for dedicated work vehicles, and even for vehicles that do double-duty as a family vehicle. Some may find
painting cost-prohibitive, or just enjoy the flexibility of having top-quality magnetic signage to use on
different vehicles or upgrades without having to have a new vehicle re-painted. With the improved variety
and quality of magnetic signage available now, its an economical alternative to having your information
professionally painted on your truck. Because theyre sturdy, weatherproof, and can be exactly replicated
again and again as necessary, magnetic signs are a sound investment in your business marketing that
will recoup the expense in drive-by advertising, which is a unique method that all inspectors should take
advantage of.
Note: When you use InterNACHI's Member Marketing Department ( to design
your logo, they provide a vector file of your logo that can be scaled to any size for vehicle graphics.
(most) bumper stickers, novelty items hanging from the trailer hitch or sitting on your dashboard or
attached to your antenna, as well as questionable images on mud flaps, and flags that are not of your
state, province or country. Its simply not appropriate to display such items at your workplaceor
your workplace on wheelsand doing so may create unwanted notions about you and your work
ethic and unnecessarily alienate potential clients. Can you afford to say no to new business? Just
as inspectors should use discretion and good judgment in choosing their work wardrobe by
avoiding t-shirts and hats emblazoned with logos, images, jokes and text that some may find
offensive or which may be misunderstood, the same advice holds true for your work vehicle. Err on
the conservative side by sticking to business; your clients will appreciate your no-nonsense approach.
Dont neglect to keep the interior (as well as the exterior) of your vehicle clean. You may have to eat
three meals a day inside your truck while you juggle a hectic schedule, but police your mess as you
go and keep your vehicle tidy. Your clients may notice your messy vehicle and, fairly or not, they will
likely form opinions about you and your work habits based on both your appearance and that of
your vehicle. Its unavoidable because its human nature, so do what you can to make a good
impression throughout the day.
Remember that in everything you do in your workday, you are representing your business, so make the
most of it by marketing wherever you go and invest in truck signage. Youll be surprised at how effective
it can be.
A seller inspection permits a clean home inspection report to be used as a marketing tool.
A seller inspection is the ultimate gesture in forthrightness on the part of the seller.
The report might relieve a prospective buyers unfounded suspicions, before they walk away.
A seller inspection lightens negotiations and 11th-hour re-negotiations.
The report might encourage the buyer to waive the inspection contingency.
The deal is less likely to fall apart, the way they often do, when a buyers inspection unexpectedly
reveals a last-minute problem.
The report provides full-disclosure protection from future legal claims.
Problems are corrected, or at least acknowledged, prior to making an offer on the home.
A seller inspection reduces the need for negotiations and 11th-hour re-negotiations.
The report might assist in acquiring financing.
A seller inspection allows the buyer to sweeten the offer without increasing the offering price by
waiving inspections.
Suggested language follows for:
inspectors to add to their seller inspection reports;
sellers to use to encourage buyers to perform their own fresh inspections; and
agents to use to encourage buyers to perform their own fresh inspections.
Please note: Just as no two home inspectors and no two reporting systems are alike, no two inspection reports
are alike, even if performed on the same property at the same time.
This seller or pre-listing inspection report was performed for my client, the home seller, with his/her full
cooperation and assistance. It assumes his/her full disclosure. My client may choose to share my report with
others, but it was performed solely for him/her. Although ABC Inspections performs all inspections and
writes all reports objectively without regard to the clients personal interests, the performance of additional,
fresh inspections (which, of course, could reveal and report conditions differently) should be considered.
Q. Isnt a home inspectors liability increased by having his/her report seen by potential buyers?
A. No. There is no liability in having your seller permit someone who doesnt buy the property see your
report. And there is less liability in having a buyer rely on your old report when the buyer is not your
client (and has been warned not to rely on your report) than it is to work directly for the buyer and
have him be entitled to rely on your report.
Q. Dont seller inspections take too much energy to sell to make them profitable for the inspector?
A. Perhaps, but not when the inspector takes into account the marketing benefit of having a sample of
his/her product (the report) passed out to agents and potential buyers who are looking to buy now in
the inspectors own local market, not to mention the seller who is likely moving locally and is
in need of an inspector, plus the additional chance of re-inspection work that is generated for
the inspector.
Q. A newer home in good condition doesnt need an inspection anyway. Why should the seller have one done?
A. Unlike real estate agents, whose job is to market properties for their sellers, inspectors produce
objective reports. If the property is truly in great shape, the inspection report becomes a pseudo-
marketing piece, with the added benefit of having been generated by an impartial party.
Q. Dont seller inspections and re-inspections reduce the number of buyer inspections needed in the
A. No. Although every inspection job an InterNACHI member catches upstream is one his/her
How to Run a Successful Home Inspection Business 182
competitors might not get, especially if the buyer waives his/her inspection and/or the seller hires
the same inspector to inspect the home s/he is buying, the number of inspections performed by the
industry as a whole is increased by seller inspections.
The talking points within such sample letters can be used by inspectors to create separate brochures that
promote his/her seller inspection services.
In summary, seller inspections streamline the real estate sales process for all parties involved.
InterNACHI recommends that every home be inspected before being put on the market (listed), and
recommends annual inspections for homes that arent for sale.
InterNACHI has entered into an exclusive agreement with to market solely InterNACHI
inspector-performed seller inspections directly to home sellers across North America, which began in the
fall of 2006.
InterNACHI members are reminded to add this service to the services they offer by clicking on it at
InterNACHI members are reminded to upload their reports to
Read this article online at
out a half dozen of your brochures and business cards instead, the likelihood of those ending up in
the trash is high, whereas no one will throw away a book. (And this assumes that youve already
given your past clients their own copy of Now That Youve Had a Home Inspectionyou wouldnt
want them to keep for themselves what you want them to give away to someone else.) You cant get
much cheaper than $2.70 a copy anyway. If youre a savvy inspector, youre already giving the Now
book to each of your current clients as a value-added bonus with their inspection report.
2. Offer each of your past clients an Annual Home Maintenance Inspection. Especially if any of
them is a recent first-time home buyer and in need of extra help figuring out the ins and outs of
homeownership, this will effectively double your rate of inspections. Its a strategy that can be
repeated year after year, on top of your new business.
In addition to recurring business from repeat customers, inspectors can capitalize on offering Annual
Home Inspections by alerting the client's neighbors. The neighborhood is really a built-in local
market, so inspectors should take advantage of this kind of close-proximity marketing opportunity.
Find out how to accomplish this by reading Marketing Tip for Inspectors: Hit Up the Neighbors
with Your Annual Inspections found earlier in this book.
3. Get a Custom Inspection Video made (like the one you can order at and
email the link to all of your past clients, and ask them to forward it to people who may be interested
in your services. Your video can highlight any services you want to advertise, including your Annual
Home Maintenance Inspection. But dont stop there. You can advertise your 11th-Month Builders
Warranty Inspection for people building new homes, your Pre-Listing Seller Inspection for those
putting their homes on the market, your Aging-in-Place Inspection for seniors and those with
limited mobility, your Pool & Spa Inspections, your Wood-Destroying Insect Inspection, Radon
Testing, your package of Wind Mitigation, 4-Point and Roof Certification Inspections, your Home
Energy Inspection... the possibilities are limited only by your initiative.
Why Did Sissa the Mathematician Ask the King for Grains of Wheat?
The beleaguered ruler came to the conclusion that it would be less expensive to surrender his kingdom
than to make good on his promise to Sissa. And thats what happened... Sissa was crowned king.
The theory of exponential growth is profitable, indeed.
Before you lament your slow week (or month), or the sluggish rate of new construction in your service
areabefore you tell yourself that youve run out of new clients and, consequently, new businessalways
remember that your past clients are your best source of new business. And if you leave them satisfied,
theyre also your best advertising. Always be marketing. In addition to inspecting, its the work you need
to be doing to grow your business.
How to Run a Successful Home Inspection Business 188
To sum up, there are many good reasons for inspectors to take Continuing Education courses.
InterNACHIs online inspection courses are approved, accredited and free. So, inspectors really have no
excuse for failing to avail themselves of InterNACHIs educational offerings. For a full list of available
courses, visit
The bottom line is that knowledge is power. The more you know, the more you can do, and the more you
can do, the more you can earn.
Members of the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors (InterNACHI) are the most
educated and best-trained inspectors in the world, and InterNACHI is committed to keeping it that
way. Toward that end, InterNACHI has taken steps to encourage its members pursuit of inspection
excellence, and we have accomplished this without additional charge to members. We believe that fees
deter professional development, and that the best way to encourage the continuing education of our
membership is by supporting variety, accessibility and affordability in educational options.
InterNACHI members start off by fulfilling certain requirements before they can even apply for
membership. They have access to the InterNACHI University, which is free. InterNACHIs Code of Ethics
Course is free and open to all. InterNACHIs Online Exam Preparation Tool, with a pool of more than
2,000 multiple-choice questions and answers, is the largest in the world, and free. InterNACHIs online,
searchable Inspection Glossary is the largest in the world and is free and open to all.
InterNACHIs Standards of Practice Course, which reveals where an inspector may be veering off course,
is self-evaluating and is free and open to all. InterNACHIs online Continuing Education is free.
InterNACHIs 25 Standards course is free. InterNACHIs online Roof Inspection course is free.
InterNACHIs online Electrical Inspection course is free. InterNACHIs Inspecting Foundation Walls
and Piers course is free. InterNACHIs online Structural Inspection course is free. InterNACHIs online
Commercial Inspection course is free. InterNACHIs Advanced Radon Measurement Service Provider
course is free. InterNACHIs Deck Inspections course is free. InterNACHIs Vermiculite Insulation mini-
course is free. InterNACHIs TPR Valve Discharge mini-course is free. InterNACHIs Emergency Egress
course is free. InterNACHIs Safe Practices for the Home Inspector course is free. InterNACHIs Plumbing
Inspection course is free. InterNACHIs Polybutylene Plumbing course is free. InterNACHIs Commercial
Standards of Practice course is free. InterNACHIs Green Building course is free. InterNACHIs Log
Home Inspection course is free. Our online, comprehensive Moisture Intrusion Inspection course is free.
InterNACHIs WDO Inspection course is free.
InterNACHIs Online Inspector Examination, with over a trillion different versions, taken over 385,000
times, and which generates a custom inspector-weakness pie chart upon completion, is graded instantly,
is open to all, and is free.
InterNACHIs one-day HVAC Inspection, Mold Inspection and Electrical Inspection seminars are open
to all and free to members. InterNACHI, far more than any other source, provides educational events
around the world, which are free and open to all.
InterNACHI refuses paid advertisements in order to enhance trust in our information. InterNACHIs
interactive photo message board, with over 450,000 topics, is the industrys largest and most popular, very
educational, and is free and open to all. InterNACHIs Message Board protects free speech so that visitors
How to Run a Successful Home Inspection Business 190
can determine the truth. InterNACHI publishes "Whats New," an inspection industry update, online,
open to all, and free. InterNACHIs local chapter meetings typically present technical speakers, are open
to all, and free. InterNACHI provides report review services for free. InterNACHIs annual convention
is very educational, with three days of six continuously running classes, and are all free. InterNACHI
permits all outside/for-profit Continuing Education providers to advertise their courses to our members
on InterNACHIs websites for free. InterNACHI maintains a Question of the Day thread, open-to-all, and
free. InterNACHI negotiates member discounts on nearly every Continuing Education providers courses.
InterNACHIs meetings distribute a wide variety of educational literature to all for free. InterNACHIs
staff, committee members, chapter leaders, veteran members, special-expertise members, and advisory
boards are constantly helping members one-on-one for free. InterNACHI members typically provide
fellow members with free ride-alongs on actual inspections. InterNACHI employs some of the worlds
leading trainers and makes them available to members for free. InterNACHI does not charge for or
unduly withhold approval of any organizations Continuing Education courses, even those offered by
other inspection associations.
InterNACHIs 275,000+ page website is, itself, very educational. InterNACHI opened the first of six
actual House of Horrors in December of 2005, which provides real, hands-on training and is due to
release a virtual House of Horrors, an online Wood-Destroying Organism Inspection course, and an
occupant hazard-recognition primer, and "Whats Wrong Here?" panelsall very educational and all
free. InterNACHIs Online Inspector Examinations main purpose, besides testing competence, is to alert
members to their weaknesses. The same is true for InterNACHIs Code of Ethics Course, designed to alert
members to possible infractions. And the same is true for InterNACHIs Standards of Practice Course,
designed to alert members to areas they are over- and/or under-inspecting. All three are pre-application
requirements and all are free.
InterNACHIs Inspection Article Library is free. InterNACHIs Inspection Graphics Gallery is free.
InterNACHI even has online, educational, inspection-related crossword puzzles, open to all and free, of
A variety of accessible and affordable educational options encourage and enhance the professional
development of all our members, but our most precious educational tool is our spirit of camaraderie.
InterNACHI members continue to pursue, achieve and maintain inspection excellence in an atmosphere
of members helping fellow members.
Please join us in this spirit.
and accommodation costs. Again, the more education an inspector has, the better s/he can serve
served his/her clients. Compared to online courses, classroom courses harm consumers by
exhausting the Continuing Education travel budgets of inspectors faster than online courses.
Cost of Lost Work: An inspector need not take off work to complete online courses. Online
courses can be taken at night, on the weekends, or whenever an inspector doesnt have any
inspections scheduled. In contrast, classroom courses are often offered only during the day and
require the inspector to suffer lost business income. Again, the more education an inspector has,
the better s/he can serve his/her clients. Compared to online courses, classroom courses harm
consumers by exhausting the Continuing Education budgets of inspectors faster than online courses.
Cost Advantage to Consumers: Online inspection courses are simply more affordable to inspectors.
With reduced course costs come an increase in the number of courses an inspector can afford to
complete each year, with a corresponding rise in the level of inspector competence. Increasing the
level of inspector competence is a direct benefit to consumers. Lower-cost education also gives
inspectors the opportunity to pass on savings to consumers. Compared to online courses,
classroom courses harm consumers by delaying the inspectors professional progress.
Accessibility: Online courses are available all the time, anytime, from anywhere. In contrast,
classroom courses for the inspection industry are few and far between. Compared to online courses,
classroom courses harm consumers by limiting access to education for inspectors.
Collaboration in Development: Online course development often includes collaboration
among many experts and inspectors from around the world. For example, it is not unusual for
InterNACHIs online courses to be the product of dozens of contributors. Compared to online
courses, classroom courses harm consumers by often lacking in international collaborative
Expert Instruction: Online course developers can hire many experts to contribute to each course.
Often in online video courses, the instruction is presented by one or more renowned experts. In
contrast, classroom instructors, though perhaps competent to teach about a particular subject, are
rarely international experts. Compared to online courses, classroom courses harm consumers by
denying renowned expert instruction to inspectors.
Number of Instructors: Online courses often utilize more than one instructor, with more than one
area of expertise. In contrast, most classroom courses are taught by only one instructor. Compared
to online courses, classroom courses harm consumers by limiting the number of expert instructors
per course.
Accuracy: Online courses are reviewed for accuracy before being released. Online courses are also
subjected to industry-wide peer review forever. In contrast, classroom instruction is rarely reviewed
by anyone. (The author of this article personally knows of a physics professor who had been
teaching the use of an incorrect formula for over 30 years before the error was caught.) Compared
to online courses, classroom courses harm consumers by failing to correct misinformation given to
inspectors in a timely fashion.
Current Course Material: Downloadable, printable online course material is reviewed, edited and
improved over time. In contrast, classroom texts are less frequently updated. Compared to online courses,
classroom courses harm consumers by being less able to provide inspectors with current course material.
Pictures & Video: Online courses contain pictures and on-location video that permit the inspector
to virtually accompany the instructors on inspections of many actual structures and components.
In contrast, classroom courses cant take inspectors into crawlspaces or on roofs. Compared to
online courses, classroom courses harm consumers by failing to provide inspectors with virtual,
real-situation training.
Pace: Online courses move at each inspectors desired pace. Online courses can be stopped and
re-started. Online video can be paused. In contrast, classroom courses move at only the instructors
How to Run a Successful Home Inspection Business 192
speed. Compared to online courses, classroom courses harm consumers by being unable to teach at
each inspectors own pace.
Wasted Time: Online courses are edited to cut out set-up time, off-topic discussions, bathroom
breaks, lunchtime, etc. In contrast, classroom courses include much wasted time. Compared to
online courses, classroom courses harm consumers by diluting the training time with things that
dont increase inspector competence.
Schedule: Online courses are available when each inspector wants to take them. In contrast,
classroom courses have inflexible schedules that require inspectors to attend when it is inconvenient,
when the inspector is ill, when the inspector is tired, etc. Compared to online courses, classroom
courses harm consumers by forcing inspectors to study and learn at a preset schedule.
Quizzes & Exams: Online courses contain numerous short quizzes that assure the inspector has
learned each section before moving on to the next. These quizzes are graded instantly, and often
alert the inspector to incorrect answers immediately. Some even have built-in intelligence, which
recognizes each inspectors unique areas of weakness, and reviews those areas until the inspector
grasps them. Classroom courses typically have fewer quizzes, without instant grading. Compared
to online courses, classroom courses harm consumers by being less diligent about assuring that each
inspector has learned and understands every concept being taught.
Review: Online courses permit inspectors to go back and review areas of weakness. For example,
InterNACHIs online video courses permit the inspector to rewind and replay them over and over.
In contrast, classroom material is typically covered only once. Compared to online courses,
classroom courses harm consumers by being unable to allow inspectors go back and repeat material
to strengthen his/her particular areas of weakness.
Repeat: Online courses permit inspectors to take the course over again. In contrast, classroom
courses are typically taken only once. Compared to online courses, classroom courses harm
consumers by being all but impossible for inspectors to re-take over and over.
Instant Grading: Online courses contain quizzes and final exams that are graded instantly. Instant
grading permits the inspector to be alerted to areas of weakness while still engaged in the course. In
contrast, classroom courses typically dont grade instantly. Compared to online courses, classroom
courses harm consumers by being unable to instantly grade each quiz and exam.
Consistent Grading: Online courses and quizzes are graded consistently over time and around the
world. In contrast, classroom courses grade easier or harder, depending on where and when the
inspector takes each course. Compared to online courses, classroom courses harm consumers by
being unable to grade inspectors consistently.
Advanced Courses: It is financially feasible to offer advanced courses online. An online course
need only be developed once, yet can run for years. In contrast, classroom courses usually must be
of an introductory nature to attract enough students to pay for an instructor each time it is offered.
Compared to online courses, classroom courses harm consumers by being unable to financially
sustain advanced course offerings.
Specialty Courses: It is financially feasible to offer specialty courses online. An online course need
only be developed once, yet can run for years. In contrast, classroom courses usually must have a
common-enough appeal of subject matter in order to attract enough students to pay for an
instructor each time it is offered. Compared to online courses, classroom courses harm consumers
by being unable to financially sustain specialty course offerings.
Choice: Online courses offer inspectors a wide variety of choices in both level and subject matter. In
contrast, classroom courses are fewer and farther between. Compared to online courses, classroom courses
harm consumers by being less likely to offer the training inspectors need, when and where they need it.
Communication: Online courses often provide an Internet forum for all current students,
Why Inspectors Should Take Continuing Education Courses 193
graduates, instructors, experts, developers and interested parties from around the world to interact
with each other and discuss the course. These course-specific forums provide continuing education
to inspectors long after completing the course. Classroom courses harm consumers by rarely
providing such widespread, post-course interaction.
In summary, online courses allow inspectors to study and learn at little or no cost, without having to
travel or lose business, when and where they want, with well-developed, accurate courses, taught by
experts, using updated course material, pictures and video, at their own pace and schedule, with the
ability to review and repeat, and with the assurance theyll end up with a thorough understanding of the
chosen topic.
Home inspection licensing board members or government bureaucrats who steer inspectors away from
online course offerings by rejecting their Continuing Education approval based solely on their method
of Internet delivery create a disincentive to inspector skill-set improvement, which ultimately harms
consumers. And because much of an inspection report includes safety issues, the harm may also be
physical, instead of merely financial.
In some cases, the harm may result in the actual death of either the inspector or the consumer.
A New York Times article supports InterNACHIs education model:
U.S. Department of Education Study Shows Online Education Better Than Classroom Education
by Steve Lohr
The New York Times
A recent 93-page report on online education, conducted by SRI International for the Department of
Education, has a starchy academic title, but a most intriguing conclusion:
On average, students in online learning conditions performed better than those receiving face-to-
face instruction.
The report examined the comparative research on online-versus-traditional classroom teaching
from 1996 to 2008. Some of it was in K-12 settings, but most of the comparative studies were done
in colleges and adult continuing-education programs of various kinds, from medical training to the
Over the 12-year span, the report found 99 studies in which there were quantitative comparisons
of online and classroom performance for the same courses. The analysis for the Department of
Education found that, on average, students doing some or all of the course online would rank in the
59th percentile in tested performance, compared with the average classroom student scoring in the
50th percentile.
That is a modest but statistically meaningful difference.
The studys major significance lies in demonstrating that online learning today is not just better than
nothing it actually tends to be better than conventional instruction, said Barbara Means, the
studys lead author and an educational psychologist at SRI International.
Below are the names, addresses and phone numbers of home inspection licensing board members and
government bureaucrats who summarily withhold Continuing Education approval of online courses and,
thus, are responsible for the financial and physical harm, and perhaps even death, of their fellow citizens:
As of today, no InterNACHI online course approvals have ever been rejected by anyone.
Find all of InterNACHIs current curriculum available through InterNACHI University, as well as a list of
accreditations to date, listed in this book and online at
Inspector exams with too many difficult-to-answer questions are harmful to consumers.
InterNACHI has administered more inspection exams than all other sources combined. It is also the
leader in gathering home inspector-competence evaluation data, right down to the pass/fail rates of every
question ever asked. View the results at
Often, we will hear someone in the industry complain that the questions should have been more difficult
to answer on this or that exam. On the surface, it may appear that an exam is improved to the benefit of
the consumer if the questions are made to be more difficult. Let us dispel this myth now.
For the purpose and ease of discussion, lets assume that we have a 100-point true/false exam. Because a
multiple-choice question often has at least one clearly wrong answer choice, a multiple-choice question
is not much different (and only a bit more difficult) mathematically than a true/false question. Lets also
assume that we have two exam-takers. Onewell call him Mr. Veteranknows 10 times what the other
well call him Mr. Newbieknows about home inspections.
Now, we all know that if we make the exam too easy, Mr. Veteran and Mr. Newbie will score similarly,
just as if we asked a Pulitzer Prize winner and a 6-year-old how to spell the word cat. This is known as
proof by extremes. In the inspection industry, an exam that is too easy is harmful to consumers because
it makes a weak distinction between Mr. Veteran and Mr. Newbie... and they both pass.
But what happens if the questions in the exam are too difficult to answer? Lets find out using another
proof by extremes. Lets say we create a 100-point true/false home inspection exam that has so many
difficult-to-answer questions that Mr. Veteran only knows the answer to 20 of the 100 questions. Thats a
pretty hard exam! Mr. Veteran will have to guess the answer to 80 of the questions. On average, he will
score 60: 20 for the ones he knows the answer to, plus half of the 80 that he guesses at. Mr. Newbie knows
a tenth of Mr. Veteran. So, he knows the answer to only two questions. On average, he will score 51: two
for the ones he knows the answer to, plus half of the 98 he guesses at.
Now, if you flip a coin 10 times, you should get heads five times, on average. But, often, if you flip a coin
10 times, you will get more than five heads or fewer than five heads. The same is true for the questions
our exam-takers are guessing at. Sometimes, Mr. Veteran will score worse than 60, and sometimes
Mr. Newbie will score better than 51. Using an online binomial calculator, one finds that one in 10 Mr.
Newbies will score as well as the average Mr. Veteran, and that one in 10 Mr. Veterans will score as low as
the average Mr. Newbie, all based solely on chance! Often, Mr. Newbie will score better than Mr. Veteran
simply because the score on an exam that contains a large percentage of difficult-to-answer questions, that
neither exam-taker knows the answers to, is determined solely by luck. Thats not too good for consumers.
But, waitit gets worse for consumers! As we make the questions more difficult to answer, the percentage
of questions that our exam-takers have to guess at goes up, which increases the reliance of the score
on chance, which, in turn, increases the odds that Mr. Newbie will score as well or even better than Mr.
Veteran, which weakens the exams ability to determine who is competent and who isnt, which is worse
Why Inspectors Should Take Continuing Education Courses 195
for consumers.
In fact, on an exam full of so many difficult-to-answer questions that Mr. Veteran only knows the answer
to 10 of the 100, Mr. Veteran will (on average) score only 4.5 points better than Mr. Newbie.
But, waitit gets worse for consumers! By making the questions more difficult-to-answer and increasing
the chances that Mr. Newbie will be able to pass by being lucky, we also increase the chance that Mr.
Veteran will fail due to bad luck. If the exam is used for certification (which gives the exam-passer a
market advantage, and denies the exam-failer the market advantage), or, worse... if the exam is used
for licensing (which puts the exam-passer into the market, and prohibits the exam-failer from entering
the market), an exam with more difficult-to-answer questions increases the ratio of Mr. Newbies-to-Mr.
Veterans in the marketplace by increasing the number of Mr. Newbies and decreasing the number of Mr.
Veterans, which is horrible for consumers.
But, waitit gets worse for consumers! If the exam is used for licensing, Mr. Newbie need not score
anywhere near as high as Mr. Veteran to earn the right to wave the exact same government-issued
credential (license) as Mr. Veteran has. This is especially true when the licensing exam uses a low passing
cut-off score (like the NHIE does). The government displays both Mr. Veteran and Mr. Newbie as equally
licensed in the eyes of the consumer, even though, in reality, their levels of competency differ greatly.
But, waitheres where it gets better for consumers. InterNACHIs exams dont rely much on chance.
InterNACHIs exams contain what some would describe as easy-to-answer questions that every Mr.
Veteran should know the answer to. InterNACHIs exams are sometimes criticized for containing such
questions. What these critics dont understand is our superior scoring system. If the exam-taker answers
these questions correctly, he gets no credit for them, because we cant tell if he answered the questions
correctly because he is a Mr. Veteran, or if he is a just a lucky Mr. Newbie. However, if the exam-taker
answers them incorrectly, we can assume that he is very likely a Mr. Newbie, and the exam-taker is
severley penalized (in terms of score) for failing to answer them correctly. For, you see, it is much easier
to determine incompetence than competence. This system, combined with InterNACHIs high passing
cut-off scores, result in InterNACHIs exams being superior to other exams at distinguishing between
competent and incompetent inspectors, who cant rely on chance and luck.
The courses are designed using a hierarchal menu, coupled with sequential page navigation. This
provides the student with the option to easily repeat areas of weakness.
The courses permit the student to start, stop and restart any part of the course as often as desired.
There are a variety of images referenced within the courses, including diagrams, illustrations and
photos of actual defects.
Some illustrations can be enlarged for clearer viewing by clicking on them.
Some text is integrated into InterNACHIs Inspection Glossary at Rolling
over blue-colored terms provides their definition.
Some final exams use multiple-choice questions that reference images.
The courses quizzes and final exams have numerous advantages over traditional exam systems,
such as:
1. The courses, quizzes and final exams incorporate built-in intelligence, which identifies and
strengthens each students unique subject weaknesses.
2. Not only is each question weighted with regard to score, but each answer is weighted, as well as
the correctness of each answer being weighted.
a. Answers to easy questions are weighted such that the student is penalized, in terms of score,
for answering incorrectly, but rewarded modestly for answering correctly.
b. Answers to difficult questions are weighted such that the student is rewarded, in terms of
score, for answering correctly, but not penalized for answering incorrectly.
c. Answers to questions regarding basic safety and questions that every inspector should
know the answers to are weighted such that the student is severely penalized, in terms of
score, for answering incorrectly.
Upon passing a final exam, the student can print out a Certificate of Completion that is auto-
generated in his/her own name. (
InterNACHI members who desire that InterNACHI automatically submit proof of completion of an
online or video course to their state for Continuing Education credit need only give us their state license
number by clicking here:
The students (InterNACHI members) information is recorded on InterNACHIs servers for membership-
compliance verification, and automatically logs course completion into InterNACHIs online Continuing
Education Log.
Take NACHI.TVs online video courses and watch NACHI.TVs episodes at
InterNACHI and NACHI.TV have teamed up to create next-generation online education with NACHI.TV
streaming video technology and InterNACHIs state-of-the-art online education and testing systems. You
need not be a member of InterNACHIthese courses are open to all. Non-members are charged a nominal
fee to view most of the for-credit videos.
Each course includes:
free downloadable course materials (yours to keep);
a free online final exam;
a free printable Certificate of Completion; and
InterNACHI, MICB, IAC2, and state Continuing Education approval.
InterNACHI requires that each inspector-member
taking an online video course log in with his/her
unique identification code at the start of the course,
when s/he begins watching the video portion of the
course, and when s/he begins the final exam. This
identification is linked both to individual email and
mailing addresses. Our video partner (Reports, Inc.)
stores information regarding the time each inspector
viewed that video. This information is stored with that
inspectors unique Internet Protocol (IP) address and is
verified by InterNACHI before allowing the inspector to take the final exam. Finally, InterNACHI stores
the time of the final exam, how long the inspector took to complete the timed exam, his/her final score, as
well as each question asked and which answer the inspector provided for that question. All this
information is stored securely over distributed databases and can be verified by InterNACHI at any time.
These courses dont just tell inspectors how to do it; these video courses show inspectors how to do it.
NACHI.TV online video courses include topics such as:
Performing a Home Inspection
Inspecting Portable Fire Extinguishers
Commercial Inspection Training
Commercial Inspection of a Dentists Office
Commercial Inspection of a Warehouse
Commercial Inspection of a Warehouses Electrical System
Home Inspection Fundamentals: The Exterior
Inspection of a House with Structural Defects
Performing a Roof Inspection
Marketing and Sales
Introduction to Energy Audits
Building Science and Thermography
Performing Your Best Inspection
HVAC Training for Inspectors
Why Inspectors Should Take Continuing Education Courses 201
InterNACHIs Free, Live Online Classes & Webinars for Home Inspectors
Join InterNACHI's Director of Education Ben Gromicko for free Continuing Education classes broadcast
live online. Register for these free, accredited classes and webinars at Cant watch
live? You can also visit this link to watch archived classes and webinars.
Exam Preparation
InterNACHIs State Exam Prep Tool
This practice exam contains more than 2,000 questions found on state and local home inspector
exams. The correct answer is revealed after each question is answered.
InterNACHIs Advanced Residential Code Inspection Exam Prep Tool
This simulated ICC Exam helps inspectors prepare to be municipal code officials or licensed general
contractors. It contains 200 sample questions. The correct answers are revealed after each quiz is taken.
InterNACHIs Advanced Commercial Property Code Inspection Exam Prep Tool
This simulated ICC Exam helps inspectors prepare to be municipal code officials or licensed general
contractors. It contains 300 sample questions. The correct answers are revealed after each quiz is taken.
More courses and course accreditations and approvals are added each month, so visit often.
How to Run a Successful Home Inspection Business 204
Mexico InterNACHI
Michigan Department of Labor & Economic Growth
Michigan Department of Licensing & Regulatory Affairs
Michigan Governor's Office, Michigan Saves Program
Middle East InterNACHI
Mississippi Home Inspector Board
Mississippi Real Estate Commission
Missouri Real Estate Commission
Montana Board of Realty Regulation
Montana Department of Labor and Industry, Business Standards Division
Mountain Metro Association of REALTORs
National Environmental Health Association (NEHA)
National Radon Proficiency Program (NRPP)
Nebraska Department of Public Health, Office of Environmental Health Hazards & Indoor Air
Nebraska Real Estate Commission
Nevada Department of Agriculture
New Hampshire Home Inspector Licensing Board
New Hampshire Real Estate Commission
New Jersey Office of the Attorney General, Division of Consumer Affairs, State Board of Professional
Engineers and Land Surveyors, Home Inspection Advisory Committee
New Jersey Real Estate Commission
New Mexico Department of Agriculture
New York Department of State Division of Licensing Services
New Zealand Real Estate Agents Authority
North Carolina Office of State Fire Marshal
North Carolina Real Estate Commission
North Carolina Home Inspector Licensing Board
North Dakota Real Estate Commission
North Dakota Secretary of State
Northwest Florida Home Inspectors Association
Ohio Department of Agriculture
Ohio Department of Commerce, Division of Real Estate and Professional Licensing
Ohio Department of Health
Oklahoma Department of Agriculture
Oklahoma Real Estate Commission
Oklahoma Residential & Commercial Inspection Association
Oklahoma State Department of Health, Occupational Licensing Division, Construction Industries
Board, Home Inspector Examiners
Ontario Association of Certified Home Inspectors
Oregon Construction Contractors Board
Why Inspectors Should Take Continuing Education Courses 207
Inspection Textbooks
Purchase any of InterNACHIs books written specifically for inspectors. These books are sold online at
Titles include:
25 Standards Every Inspector Should Know
How to Perform Residential Electrical Inspections
How to Perform Roof Inspections
Inspecting HVAC Systems
Residential Plumbing Overview
Safe Practices for the Home Inspector
Structural Issues for Home Inspectors
How to Inspect for Moisture Intrusion
How to Inspect Pools & Spas
How to Inspect the Exterior
How to Perform Mold Inspections
Advanced Radon Measurement Service Provider
WDO Inspection Field Guide
Inspecting the Attic, Insulation, Ventilation and Interior
How to Perform Deck Inspections
How to Run a Successful Home Inspection Business
"Now That Youve Had a Home Inspection" (for consumers)
International Standards of Practice for Inspecting Commercial Properties (order for free at
Whether youre new to the business, an inspector wanting more information, or a veteran of the industry
looking to expand your knowledge, the InterNACHI Inspector Library is a must.
These titles and more are available as soft-cover books and/or PDF downloads at
Flash Cards
InterNACHI has also developed a series of affordable flash cards, which are excellent learning tools for
exam prep, and available through
Residential Code Inspection Exam Prep Flash Cards
Commercial Code Inspection Exam Prep Flash Cards
Inspection Textbooks & Reference Tools 209
Tip: Order your free copy of the International Standards of Practice for Inspecting Commercial
Properties at
Inspection Glossary
Visit InterNACHIs Inspection Glossary at
Its online, alphabetized and searchable.
How to Run a Successful Home Inspection Business 210
Evaporative Coolers
Exercise Equipment Dangers
Exterior Design Features
Exterior Design Features (Spanish)
Eyebrow Dormers
Factory-Built Fireplaces
Fall-Arrest Systems
FHA Loan Basics
Fiberglass Insulation: History, Hazards, Alternatives
Fire Extinguisher Maintenance and Inspection
Fire Safety for the Home
Fireplace Fuel
Flood-Damaged Buildings
For Home Inspectors: Evaluating Problems with Fasteners
For Sale by Owner: Pros and Pitfalls
Foreclosure Inspections: Trust Your Gut
Foundation Insulation (consumer-targeted)
Free Negligent Referral Protection for Real Estate Professionals
Free Negligent Referral Protection for Real Estate Professionals (Spanish)
French Drain Inspection
French-Language Inspection Articles
Furniture and TV Tip-Over Hazards
Galvanic Corrosion
Garage Doors and Openers
Garbage Disposals for Inspectors
Generator Hazards and Inspection
Geothermal Heating and Cooling Systems
Gravity Furnace Inspection
Green Roof Inspection
Green Lumber
Greenhouse Inspection
Grinder Pumps
Ground-Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCIs)
Greywater Inspection
Inspection Textbooks & Reference Tools 217
Grounding Electrodes
H-Clips for Inspectors
Hand-Dug Well Inspection
Hantavirus Danger in Homes
Hard Water
Hearths and Hearth Extensions
High-Performance Buildings (consumer-targeted)
Holiday Safety (consumer-targeted)
Home Buyer Mistakes (consumer-targeted)
Home Equity Loans and Lines of Credit
Home Heating Oil Tanks
Home Inspection Equipment
Home Inspection Equipment (Spanish)
Home Inspection Reports: What to Expect (consumer-targeted)
Home Inspection Reports: What to Expect (Spanish)
Home Inspector Safety & the Dangers of Arc Flashes
Home Insurance (consumer-targeted)
Home Repair Rip-Offs
Home Safety for the Elderly (consumer-targeted)
Home Safety for the Elderly (French)
Home Winterization
Homeowner Maintenance: Changing the HVAC Filter
Homeowners Associations vs. the Green Homeowner
Hot Water Recirculation Systems
House Numbers
House Numbers (consumer-targeted)
House Numbers (Spanish)
Household Hazards (consumer-targeted)
Housewrap Inspection
How Agents Can Reduce Their Liability
How Agents Can Reduce Their Liability (Spanish)
How Home Buyers Can Choose the Right Real Estate Pro
How to Be a Successful Landlord
How to Clean Algae and Moss Off Asphalt Shingles (consumer article sponsored by The Home Depot)
How to Determine the Age of a Building
How to Run a Successful Home Inspection Business 218
Trombe Walls
Type B and Type L Vent Inspection
U-Factors for Windows
UFFI Insulation Inspection
Ultrasonic Pest Repellers: Solution or Scam?
Underground Fuel Storage Tank Hazards and Inspection
Ungrounded Electrical Receptacles
Unvented Roof Assemblies
USDA Loans (consumer-targeted)
VA Loan Basics (consumer-targeted)
Vapor Barriers
Venomous Pests: Inspector Beware
Ventless Fireplace Inspection
Vinyl Siding Inspection
Visual Inspection of Concrete
Wallpaper Inspection
Water Damage (consumer-targeted)
Water Damage and EIFS
Water Heater Dating Chart
Water Heater Expansion Tanks
Water Quality (consumer-targeted)
Water Stoves
What Is a Green Home Inspection?
What Really Matters in a Home Inspection (consumer-targeted)
Wildfire Mitigation Strategies and Inspection
Wildlife (consumer-targeted)
Wind Mitigation
Wind Turbines
Wind Turbines and Lightning
Windbreaks (consumer-targeted)
Window Bars
Window Falls
Window Films
Window Gas Fills
Window Well Inspection
How to Run a Successful Home Inspection Business 224
Wood-Burning Stoves
Wood Decay
Wood Siding Inspection
Woodpecker Damage Prevention and Inspection
Zoning Ordinances for Inspectors
Reserve Studies
Rubber Flooring Inspection
Rust Inspection and Prevention
Sample Language to Stop Defamation of an Inspector
Scaffold Inspection
Shopping for a Commercial Loan? Avoid These Mistakes
Steel Siding Inspection
Visual Inspection of Concrete
Window Films
Marketing Tip for Inspectors: Meeting Your Client for the First Time
Marketing Tip for Inspectors: Online Promotional Videos
Marketing Tip for Inspectors: Record Yourself on the Phone
Material Defects Defined for Home Inspectors
Memo to Realtors: Inspecting Crawlspaces with Water
My Trick for Building Websites That Turn Visitors into Clients
"No Visible Evidence" Language May Be Evidence Against You
Online Education Better Than Classroom Education
Pay for the Inspection at Closing (downloadable PDF for clients to sign)
Paying a Little Extra for an InterNACHI Inspector Pays Off
Personal Safety at a Commercial Property
Press Releases for Inspectors
Pricing and Billing for Home Inspectors
Pros and Cons of Using Arbitration Clauses in Home Inspection Contracts
Proving Negligence
Put Your Inspection Business All Over the Internet
Sample Language to Stop Defamation of an Inspector
Sample Narratives
Scheduling an Inspection
Search Engine Optimization Tips for Inspectors
SEO and the Inspection Industry (blog post)
SEO and the Inspection Industry (article)
Seven Ways to Use a Home Inspection Report
Shopping for a Commercial Loan? Avoid These Mistakes
Sound Smart Call Converter
"That's a Lot of Money for a Few Hours' Work!"
The Comparative Negligence Defense for Home Inspectors
The Duty to Warn: A Home Inspector's and Home Seller's Guide to Immediate Hazards
The "Red Phone" for Inspectors
Thermal Imaging Reports
Three Photos Every Inspector Should Include at the End of the Report
To Exceed or Not to Exceed: That Is the Question
To Exceed or Not to Exceed: That Is the Question (Spanish)
Top 10 Inspection Industry Innovations of the Decade
Warning About Advertising Oneself as "Code-Certified"
"Watch My One-Minute Video"
Water Heater Dating Chart
Web Usability for Inspectors
How to Run a Successful Home Inspection Business 228
Inspector Images
Use InterNACHIs inspector images in your brochures, flyers and websites. They provide a professional,
consistent look when you dont want to use photos. Download the images at
Defect Recognition
Try InterNACHIs free, online Photo Defect Recognition and Report-Writing Tutorial. The purpose of
this photo tutorial is to help inspectors recognize the most common defects found on an inspection, and
then see how to write a comment describing each defect as you would write it in an inspection report.
Many inspectors spot obvious defects quickly, but then find it difficult to put what they see into words.
The order of the categories within correlates with InterNACHIs Standards of Practice. Simply click each
category, view the pictures of defects, anticipate the comment you would use to describe each defect, and
click on the Defect Description link to see an example of how to word your finding. Categories include:
roof; exterior; basement; foundation; crawlspace; structure; heating and cooling; plumbing; fireplace; attic;
insulation; doors; windows; and interior. The tutorial is free. Find it online at
Join IAC2, the International Association of Certified Indoor Air Consultants, by visiting
IAC2 is the non-profit certifying body for home and building inspectors who have fulfilled certain
educational and testing requirements, including those in the area of indoor air quality. Membership in
IAC2 is free and there are no annual dues.
Use your IAC2 logos at
Download and print your IAC2 certificate at
Order your free IAC2 decals at
Find water, lead, mold and radon test kits promoting IAC2 members in 50,000 retail outlets at
Become Infrared-Certified at
Sew-On Emblems
Order your free InterNACHI emblems at
Order your free Certified Master Inspector emblems at
Order your free IAC2 emblems at
Log Homes
Meth Testing
New Construction
Pools and Spas
Radon Gas
Septic Systems
Sewer Lines
Thermal Imaging
Water Quality
W.E.T.T. Certification
Report Forms & Checklists and Guidelines & SOPs for Ancillary Inspections
WDO Inspections
Offer Wood-Destroying Organism Inspections. Download the free reporting form at
Accessibility Inspections
Offer accessibility inspection services on existing commercial buildings. Download the free reporting
form at
Aging-in-Place Inspections
Offer aging-in-place inspections. Download the free inspection checklist at
Green-Certified Inspections
Offer Green-Certified inspections. Download the free inspection checklist at
Give your inspection website a boost with
Check to make sure youre listed at There is no charge for this listing.
Check to make sure youre listed at and try the automated phone notification. This
free, automated notification system alerts you by phone when a potential client needs an inspection.
Check to make sure youre listed at There is no charge for this listing.
More Benefits for Inspectors & Their Businesses 233
Check to make sure youre listed at There is no charge for this listing. explained.
Check to make sure youre listed at allows you to list various
inspection services you offer. There is no charge for these listings.
Join for free and offer renovation project and annual inspections.
SEO Trackers
Enter your inspection website in InterNACHIs search engine optimizer at
The optimizer enters your website into more than 900 search engines and permits you to track its ranking.
InterNACHI's SEO Local Listing Tool for Home Inspectors found at will
help you get more search-engine returns and hits based on references to your company's name, address
and phone number (NAP).
Website Click-Throughs
See how many inspection leads InterNACHI is generating for you at
ComInspect Network
Join the ComInspect Network at for commercial building
inspectors. Membership is free.
Inspection Events
Attend one of InterNACHIs many events. Its great to meet fellow inspectors and inspection industry
vendors. Check the updated schedule at
Stop by your local store and make sure the manager is carrying PRO-LAB kits, which promote
InterNACHI members. More than 50,000 retail outlets recommend that consumers contact their local
InterNACHI inspector exclusively. PRO-LAB, the leading provider of environmental laboratory testing
services in the world, has re-packaged all of their millions of retail kits to include a recommendation to
contact solely InterNACHI members for further professional inspections and testing.
PRO-LAB consumer home safety test kits can be found at ACE Hardware, CVS Pharmacy,
Distribution America, Home Depot, Kroger, Lowes, TrueValue, Wal-Mart, and other stores. On
the back of each kit is the recommendation that consumers with environmental issues visit and contact their neighborhood InterNACHI inspector. Find this
InterNACHI-exclusive deal at: Order a free PRO-LAB
catalogue here:
InterNACHI members now enjoy:
10% off all Hertz rentals;
up to 15% off weekend rentals;
one car-class upgrade;
$10 off weekly rentals; and
free child-safety seats for weekly rentals.
The discount card is free. Visit
All members are entitled to enjoy the deep discounts on top of Avis already low promotional rates for
vacation or leisure travel. The discount card is free. Visit
Get valuable discounts for yourself and your family on certain medical procedures, devices and
prescriptions with the InterNACHI WellCard. Get yours at
See how you rate as a home inspector and fill out this online survey at
Enjoy inspection-related comic strips at
the best inspections by far. They earn their fees many times over.
As the most qualified inspectors in the industry, InterNACHI inspectors do more, andyesthey
generally charge a little more. So, do yourself a favor and pay a little more for the quality inspection you
and your family deserve.
Find this article online at
Inspectors find it difficult to figure out how to price their services and what rate to use. Many
professionals struggle in assigning a value to their time. You should know your hourly rate or how much
Get Paid What Youre Worth 239
you charge per hour. And remember, your hourly rate needs to cover not just your valuable time, but also
your overhead. And it has to also bring you profits.
Two Ways
Figuring out how much to charge is not easy. And there is no standard way for how service businesses
like yours do it. But there are two common ways you can consider. One way is to adjust your number of
billable hours so that your revenue equals salary, overhead and profits. And the other way is based upon
the local market. This means that you set your hourly rate based on what your local market will bear. Lets
explore more in-depth explanations about these two methods: billable hours and market-based.
Billable Hours
The billable hours method is based on how many hours you work on your inspection service. The more
time you spend doing an inspection, the lower your hourly rate. Given the same rate, the less time you
work, the more you make per hour.
The goal here is to figure out your billable hours or your hourly rate. Then youll multiply that rate by the
number of hours it takes you to perform one home inspection. This will result in a number that well call
your flat rate. The goal is to calculate your flat rate or what you charge for a home inspection on average.
This flat rate can be adjusted up or down by a few other factors, including the size of the job or the
amount of time spent doing the inspection.
For example, Inspector Mary may have figured out that her business is profitable when she charges an
average of $400 for a typical home inspection. This flat rate represents her calculated hourly rate of $100
per hour, assuming that it takes Mary about four hours, on average, to do one typical home inspection. So,
Marys flat rate is $400, which can be adjusted up or down, depending on other factors. She figured out
that, on average, she works four billable hours at $100 per hour to be successfulor profitablein her
To figure out billable hours, lets consider how many total hours you work in a week. If you consider that
there are 40 hours in a typical work week, and there are 50 working weeks a year, then you work a total
of 2,000 hours a year. If you work 10 hours a day, thats 50 hours a week, and 2,500 hours a year. But how
many of those working hours are billable? Thats the question, and youll have to do some figuring on your
own to answer it. But lets make some assumptions about doing home inspections to come up with an
example from which you can learn how to figure out your billable hours.
You may have no idea how many inspection jobs youll have during the year, and, therefore, you really
dont have a clue as to how many hours youll actually be working for your clients. Brand new inspectors
face this dilemma. You dont have any jobs scheduled, but you need to figure out how much to charge for
your services, just like Mary did.
If you dont have any jobs scheduled, or maybe you just dont know how many jobs you will be scheduling
in the future, you can calculate your billable hours to include the number of hours you desire or plan to
spend, at most, per inspection job. This does not include business-related work, such as administrative
stuff: filing paperwork, cleaning the office, marketing development, extra training, answering the phones,
replying to emails, working on taxes, paying bills, research, shopping for tools, etc. You may think of
billable hours as the maximum amount of time you want to spend per inspection job, including driving,
inspecting, and report writing.
So, ask yourself: How many hours, on average, does it take you to do a typical home inspection?
Take that number you work per inspection job multiplied by the number of jobs you plan to work per
year (hours per job x number of jobs), and that will be your billable hours. For example, lets say Inspector
How to Run a Successful Home Inspection Business 240
John assumes that it takes him an average of five hours per inspection job, including driving to the job,
doing the actual inspection, driving back to the office, and writing the inspection report. John plans to
work five inspection jobs per week (thats 250 per year, assuming 50 work weeks per year). So, Johns
billable hours are 250 jobs x five hours per job = 1,250 billable hours. Now, you try this. Just for this
exercise, pick some numbers to play with. You dont have to have the exact numbers, but do your own
calculations, like John.
Again, to calculate billable hours is to think about how many hours youll actually work on each home
inspection job, even if you dont have any jobs scheduled. The hours would be only the time you spend
working on the inspection itself. Assume each job takes five hours, including driving time, inspecting
time, and report-writing time. And you expect to do one job per day. Thats five hours per day of billable
hours, 25 hours per week, and 1,250 billable hours per year.
Now that youve figured out your billable hours per job and per year, lets work on your flat rate, or your
average fee for one inspection of a typical home in your market.
John figured out that $600 per inspection will cover his $100,000 salary and $25,000 overhead, and yield a
20% profit. John has successfully set his pricing.
Another way to figure out your hourly billable rate is to base it upon what the market will bear. This
method is imprecise because youre not using any math. Youre just using your understanding of the local
market, including what other businesses with similar services are doing and what theyre charging. Its
also based upon what you have experienced in your business using different pricing.
Some inspectors simply price their services high and see if potential clients hire them. If they dont
convert based on a certain price, theyll lower it until their market responds.
Some inspectors look at their competitors websites to see how they price their services. Then they
decide to price their own services based upon what they see their competition doing. To check out your
competition, use InterNACHIs home inspector search engine at
Its probably a good idea to set your pricing based upon both methods: billable hours and market-based.
You may consider that doing the calculations of your billable hours will result in a number that will pay
the bills, pay yourself, and yield a profit. And after using the formula, you can make adjustments to your
pricing using the market-based approach.
For example, Inspector Johns calculated hourly rate resulted in $120 per hour, which equals $600 for
a five-hour inspection job. Now, if Johns competitors are charging $400 per inspection, then John will
have to work on his marketing strategy and communicate to potential clients why he charges more than
everyone else and why hes worth it. For help with creating your own persuasive marketing materials,
contact our Inspector Marketing Department at
If a client hires John at $600 to do an inspection, and John realizes that the house is very large, then he
can adjust his fee upward. If it takes him an extra hour, then John knows that, according to his hourly rate,
he needs to charge an extra $100 dollars for a total $700 for the job. Likewise, if the job is extra small, and
it takes John one less hour to do the inspection, John can have confidence in discounting his inspection
service by $100 and still follow his hourly rate formula.
Fee Calculator
InterNACHI provides a free inspection fee calculator at Give it a try to
figure out your pricing strategy. Its free.
Outsourcing Inspections
Sometimes an inspector has to hire another inspector to do all of the inspection services that the client
wants. Maybe Inspector Mary does not perform mold inspections, but she wants to provide the service. If
Inspector Mary hires her inspector friend Manny the Mold Inspector, the common approach is for Mary
to charge a little more than what Manny would charge.
If you use another inspector to perform some services that your business offers but that you dont do
yourself, then you should inform your client that you intend to hire another inspector to perform certain
inspection services. Be transparent. You should also inform your client of the total price of the service,
including the subcontracting work. Dont surprise your client with a big bill.
For example, lets say Inspector Mary is hired to do a home inspection and a mold inspection. Mary has
How to Run a Successful Home Inspection Business 242
figured out that to maintain profitability, she must charge an average fee of $500 for a typical inspection.
Mary decides to hire Manny the Mold Inspector to perform the mold inspection. Manny charges $200 for
a mold inspection. Mary will mark up the cost of Mannys mold inspection by 20%, a common approach
to yield a profit. Marys goal is to make a reasonable 20% profit for managing Manny and his mold
inspection. Mary informs her client that the total fee is $740 for both the home inspection ($500) and
mold inspection ($240). This calculation took into consideration Marys annual salary, overhead, profit
margin, and outsourcing management fee.
If you hire another inspector to provide services that your business offers but that you dont directly
perform, then your pricing strategy must include your flat rate, the subcontractors fee, and a
management fee in order to yield your desired profit.
Figure out your billable hourly rate by using a formula that factors in your desired salary, overhead
and profit.
Adjust your flat rate for your inspection service up or down using your hourly rate.
Do market research on your competitors.
If you outsource services, mark up your costs by your desired profit margin.
Every business ownerlarge and smallmust calculate these figures in order to run a business that will
not only sustain itself, but also provide some room to grow, whether you intend to fold your profits back
into the business, expand your family, or elevate your lifestyle. Most business owners desire to do all three.
It all starts with the numbers.
InterNACHIs online and video educational inspection courses have set the gold standard for the
inspection industry. InterNACHI has developed its own proprietary course and test-taking system, which
allows inspectors to take our free courses at their own pace and convenience. These courses are written
by industry experts, edited by professional educators, and illustrated with original graphics and accurate
drawings, as well as photos (many provided by our own members) showing defects that inspectors may
encounter on the job. The courses challenge the inspector-student with quizzes that are automatically
scored, and also permit the course-taker to review sections to reinforce new learning.
Each course concludes with a timed final exam which inspectors must pass (with specific minimum
scores) in order to earn Continuing Education credits, as well as a customized and printable Certificate
of Completion. Most of InterNACHIs courses are accredited by states around the U.S. as counting toward
college-level Continuing Education credit hours, as well as state-mandated CE for licensing purposes, and
we are awarded with new accreditations nearly every day.
InterNACHIs online inspection courses cover components, systems and issues, including: electrical;
plumbing; HVAC; exterior; roof; structural; moisture intrusion; mold; radon; wood-destroying
organisms; lead paint; septic systems; attic, insulation, ventilation and interior; water heater and
discharge piping; pools and spas; deck inspections; foundation walls and piers; and much more.
InterNACHI leads the way with green courses, such as: green building inspection; log homes; energy
audits; wind mitigation; building science and thermal imaging; and more.
In addition to our core training, InterNACHI offers courses which help the inspector develop his
knowledge and specialty services, including: advanced residential code inspection exam prep; state exam
prep; defect recognition and report writing; advanced commercial property code inspection exam prep;
25 standards every inspector should know; safety practices; Certified Master Inspector application; and more.
How to Run a Successful Home Inspection Business 244
InterNACHI is continually expanding its educational offerings. We now offer several of our online
courses in the form of affordable, soft-cover books. Not only are these useful study aids, but their
portability and durability make them handy enough to bring along on the job for easy reference.
InterNACHI also provides them as downloadable PDFsperfect for reading on a laptop or e-reader
without having to be online.
Many of InterNACHIs core educational subject areas are also offered as advanced training on
NACHI.TV With professionally outfitted studios at InterNACHIs headquarters, NACHI.TV produces
episodes featuring guest instructors and industry professionals who take the student on a visual tour of
both residential and commercial inspections. NACHI.TV also ventures out into the field to locations in
the field, such as a warehouse, a bakery, a dentists office, and other commercial properties, in addition to
residential sites.
Some of NACHI.TVs more specialized episodes cover: Chinese drywall; portable fire extinguishers;
crawlspaces; emergency egress; stucco and EIFS; vermiculite insulation; polybutylene plumbing; radiant
barriers for windows; well meters; modular homes; and more.
With more than 100 episodes in its lineup, NACHI.TV is continually adding new episodes to give the
inspector an in-depth look at systems, components and conditions before he encounters them on the job.
In addition to the basic and advanced training videos, NACHI.TV offers informational programming that
features InterNACHI Director of Education Ben Gromicko and Founder Nick Gromicko, who welcome
experts for technical guidance in the field and demonstrations in the studio, as well as for one-on-one
interviews and roundtable discussions, to examine the industrys best practices for inspecting, marketing,
home health and safety, energy efficiency, and a host of other topics of interest for the inspector and his clients.
At InterNACHI, we believe that marketing your inspection business is as important as performing actual
inspections, so we provide our members with literally hundreds of free, practical tools and tips that can
be implemented today, which are designed to take the anxiety and guesswork out of this challenging but
essential aspect of any small business. We want our members to continually improve and build on what
they can offer their customers, on and off the job.
InterNACHIs customizable marketing arsenal includes: free logo, business card and brochure design;
free optimized websites and web hosting; free search engine-optimization tracker; 200+ marketing tips
for creating the best brochures, flyers and websites; free use of InterNACHI-trademarked logos, webseals
and taglines for members use on their own websites and marketing materials; free downloadable contract
and agreement templates for inspectors to tailor to their specific requirements and jobs; free InterNACHI
book displays, banners and trade show displays; free use of our downloadable, original images from our
vast Images Gallery; free form-letter templates to customize for homeowners, Realtors and home buyers;
free listing and phone notification through ; free listing on ; free
listing on ; free listing on ; free Client Satisfaction Survey; free
decals and license plate holders; deeply discounted books for giveaways to current and prospective clients;
free use of informational articles from the vast and regularly updated Inspection Articles Library ; and more.
InterNACHI inspectors must maintain their membership in good standing by taking and passing a Code
of Ethics course, annually taking and passing an online inspector exam, and meeting other membership
requirements. We believe this commitment makes them the best in the business, and were dedicated to
helping them promote their education and services in ways that reflect their excellence and professionalism.
One More Time: Why InterNACHI? 245
We continually support our members with the means to succeed. The pillars of this support come in the
form of our education and marketing tools, our tireless staff, the dedicated industry professionals and
educators we engage for training and expert advice, and alsomost importantly of allthe InterNACHI
members themselves.
InterNACHI sponsors more than 400 events around the world every year. Members attend inspector and
chapter meetings free of charge, and many events are free and open to non-members.
InterNACHI chapter and inspector meetings are a great way to network with other inspectors in your
area. They provide mutual access for troubleshooting issues and brainstorming solutions to challenges
you may be facing. And theyre also the place to share and reinforce best practices. Most inspection
businesses are one-man operations, and theres just no substitute for the camaraderie and fellowship that
members experience when they get together under the InterNACHI banner.
On a daily basis, members and non-members alike can access the InterNACHI Message Board to read
and participate in the many forums and discussion threads covering home components and systems,
inspector news, marketing tips, legal issues, geographically specific regions, and many others. In this way,
inspectors can instantly connect with other professionals to introduce themselves, ask for advice, offer
assistance, and help uphold InterNACHIs culture of encouragement and cooperation. Those who need
mentoring and those who are excited about sharing their knowledge and expertise will surely find each
other on the InterNACHI Message Board. The Message Board is full of helpful advice, lively discussion
and debate, and odd and unusual encounters experienced by inspectors on the job, as well as issues that
affect them beyond the job.
Need emergency help from inspection experts while you're on the job site? Try out our Emergency
Forum! This forum is for time-sensitive emergencies only. If you need help using the InterNACHI
website, or for any other questions, email [email protected] instead. Visit the Emergency Forum at
Log in to each day for your chance to win one of our daily door prizes. Usually, its some
great tool that every inspector can use on the job.
Peruse InterNACHIs Inspection Articles Library, our extensive articles archive, to
read up on the latest news about systems, components and trends that affect home inspectors.
InterNACHIs own legal counsel and legislative experts provide guidance on what to do to avoid legal
liability, and what to do if you cant.
What makes InterNACHI the leader in inspection training and education is that it maintains the highest
standards in the industry. Founder Nick Gromicko, CMI, has worked with other industry experts to
develop its Standards of Practice for both residential and commercial inspections. InterNACHI also
requires its members to uphold a strict Code of Ethics, putting integrity, safety and the client at the
forefront of their service.
InterNACHI is truly the greatest advocate for the home inspector and the homeowner, offering more
value and support than any other inspectors association in the world. Visit and and see for yourself.
If you use social media, keep in touch with InterNACHI via LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.
To find the help you need from InterNACHI, visit
How to Run a Successful Home Inspection Business 246
All CMIs have completed at least 1,000 fee-paid inspections and/or hours of training and
education combined.
All CMIs have completed professional education prior to being approved.
All CMIs have been in the inspection business for at least three years prior to applying.
All CMIs have agreed to submit to periodic criminal background checks.
All CMIs abide by the inspection industrys toughest Code of Ethics.
Become a Certified Master Inspector 247
The Best.
Not everyone can become a Certified Master Inspector. Hiring a CMI means hiring
the best.
CMIs can get all kinds of free items for themselves, their businesses, and their clientsall at no charge.
Here are some of the free items available exclusively to Certified Master Inspectors:
the InterNACHI member photo ID card with the words "Certified Master Inspector" on it
CMI name tag
CMI ball cap (in red and blue)
CMI t-shirt
marketing rack cards
embroidered patches
full-size decals
awards for marketing purposes
and more!
One great free item for CMIs to pass along to their clients includes The Safe Home Book, a free PDF
Visit the Certified Master Inspector website at and click on the
Download Safe Home Book link (it takes a moment to download, as it is a large book).
Note the first page. Under the title of the book, it says: Brought to you by... and lists your name, city,
state/province, website address, email address, and phone number.
Then, every other page of the book has your name and inspection business website address at the bottom,
as well.
Each book is unique in that it has the particular Certified Master Inspector's name and contact
information embedded within it. This is an awesome book for consumers, and great for search engine
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Inspectors advising their clients should note that these life expectancies have been determined through
research and testing, based on regular recommended maintenance and conditions of normal wear and
tear, and not extreme weather (or other) conditions, neglect, over-use or abuse. Therefore, they should
be used as guidelines only, and not relied upon as guarantees or warranties.
Surface preparation and paint quality are the most important determinants of a paints life expectancy.
Ultraviolet (UV) rays via sunshine can shorten life expectancy. Additionally, conditions of high humidity
indoors or outdoors can affect the lifespan of these components, which is why they should be inspected
and maintained seasonally.
Appliance life expectancy depends to a great extent on the use it receives. Furthermore, consumers often
replace appliances long before they become worn out due to changes in styling, technology and consumer
Exhaust Fans 10
Freezer 10-20
Gas Oven 10-18
Hand Dryer 10-12
Humidifier (portable) 8
Microwave Oven 9
Range/Oven Hood 14
Electric Range 13-15
Gas Range 15-17
Refrigerator 9-13
Swamp Cooler 5-15
Washing Machine 5-15
Whole-House Vacuum System 20
Modern kitchens today are larger and more elaborate. Together with the family room, they now form the
great room.
Walls and ceilings generally last the full lifespan of the home.
Gypsum 75
Wood Paneling 20-50
Suspended Ceiling 25+
Natural stone countertops, which are less expensive than they were just a few years ago, are becoming
more popular, and one can expect them to last a lifetime. Cultured marble countertops have a shorter life
expectancy, however.
Concrete 50
Cultured Marble 20
Natural Stone 100+
Laminate 20-30
Resin 10+
Tile 100+
Wood 100+
Decks are exposed to a wide range of conditions in different climates, from wind and hail in some areas,
to relatively consistent, dry weather in others. (See FASTENERS & STEEL section for fasteners.)
Deck Planks 15
Composite 8-25
Structural Wood 10-30
Exterior fiberglass, steel and wood doors will last as long as the house, while vinyl and screen doors have
a shorter life expectancy. The gaskets/weatherstripping of exterior doors may have to be replaced every
five to eight years.
Screen (exterior) 30
20 (for roller wheel/track
Sliding Glass/Patio (exterior)
repair/ replacement)
Vinyl (exterior) 20
Wood (exterior) 100+
Wood (hollow-core interior) 20-30
Wood (solid-core interior) 30-100+
Copper-plated wiring, copper-clad aluminum, and bare copper wiring can be expected to last a lifetime,
whereas electrical accessories and lighting controls, such as dimmer switches, may need to be replaced
after 10 years. GFCIs could last 30 years, but much less if tripped regularly.
Remember that faulty, damaged or overloaded electrical circuits and equipment are the leading cause of
house fires, so they should be inspected regularly and repaired or updated as needed.
Accessories 10+
Arc-Fault Circuit Interrupters (AFCIs) 30
Bare Copper 100+
Floor and roof trusses and laminated strand lumber are durable household components, and
engineered trim may last 30 years.
Fastener manufacturers do not provide lifespans for their products because they vary too much based on
where the fasteners are installed in a home, the materials in which theyre installed, and the local
climate and environment. However, inspectors can use the guidelines below to make educated
judgments about the materials they use.
Flooring life is dependent on maintenance and the amount of foot traffic the floor endures.
Carpet 8-10
Concrete 50+
Engineered Wood 50+
Exotic Wood 100+
Granite 100+
Laminate 15-25
Linoleum 25
Marble 100+
Other Domestic Wood 100+
Slate 100
Terrazzo Tile 75+
Tile (ceramic, other) 75-100
Vinyl 25
Concrete and poured-block footings and foundations will last a lifetime, assuming they were properly
built. Waterproofing with bituminous coating lasts 10 years, but if it cracks, it is immediately damaged.
Framing and structural systems have extended longevities; poured-concrete systems, timber/wood-frame
houses, and structural insulated panels will all last a lifetime.
Log 80-200
Poured-Concrete Systems 100+
Steel 100+
Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs) 100+
Wood/Timber-Frame 100+
The quality and frequency of use will affect the longevity of garage doors and openers.
Home technology systems have diverse life expectancies and may have to be upgraded due to evolution in
Thermostats may last 35 years but they are usually replaced before they fail due to technological
As long as they are not punctured, cut or burned and are kept dry and away from UV rays, cellulose,
fiberglass and foam insulation materials will last a lifetime. This is true regardless of whether they were
installed as loose-fill, housewrap or batts/rolls.
Batts/Rolls 100+
Black Paper (felt paper) 15-30
Cellulose 100+
Fiberglass 100+
Foamboard 100+
Housewrap 80+
Liquid-Applied Membrane 50
Loose-Fill 100+
Rockwool 100+
Wrap Tape 80+
Masonry is one of the most enduring household components. Fireplaces, chimneys and brick veneers can
last the lifetime of a home.
Brick 100+
Insulated Concrete Forms (hybrid block) 100+
Concrete Masonry Units (CMUs) 100+
Man-Made Stone 25
Masonry Sealant 2-20
Stone 100+
Stucco/EIFS 50+
Veneer 100+
InterNACHIs Estimated Life Expectancy Chart for Homes 257
Custom millwork and stair parts will last a lifetime and are typically upgraded only for aesthetic reasons.
Flooring Underlayment 25
Hardboard 40
Particleboard 60
Plywood 100
Softwood 30
Oriented Strand Board (OSB) 60
Wall Panels 100+
The quality of plumbing fixtures varies dramatically. The mineral content of water can shorten the life
expectancy of water heaters and clog showerheads. Also, some finishes may require special maintenance
with approved cleaning agents per their manufacturers in order to last their expected service lives.
Radon mitigation systems have but one moving part: the radon fan.
Air Exchanger 15
Barometric Backdraft Damper/Fresh-Air Intake 20
Caulking 5-10
Labeling 25
Manometer 15
Piping 50+
Radon Fan 5-8
The life of a roof depends on local weather conditions, building and design, material quality, and
maintenance. Hot climates drastically reduce the life of asphalt shingles. Roofs in areas that experience
severe weather, such as hail, tornadoes and/or hurricanes, may also experience a shorter-than-normal
lifespan overall, or may incur isolated damage that requires repair in order to ensure the service life of the
surrounding roofing materials.
TPO 7-20
Wood 30
External, outdoor siding materials typically last a lifetime. Some exterior components may require
protection through appropriate paints or sealants, as well as regular maintenance. Also, while well-
maintained and undamaged flashing can last a long time, it is their connections that tend to fail, so
seasonal inspection and maintenance are strongly recommended.
Site and landscaping elements have life expectancies that vary dramatically.
Swimming pools are composed of many systems and components, all with varying life expectancies.
Aluminum windows are expected to last between 15 and 20 years, while wooden windows should last
nearly 30 years.
Aluminum/Aluminum-Clad 15-20
Double-Pane 8-20
Skylights 10-20
Window Glazing 10+
Vinyl/Fiberglass Windows 20-40
Wood 30+
Life expectancy varies with usage, weather, installation, maintenance, and quality of materials. These
charts should be used only as a general guideline and not as a guarantee or warranty regarding the
performance or life expectancy of any appliance, product, system or component.
A Final Word: Re-Investing Revenue Back into Your Business 263
Riddle #2
For me to work correctly, I need a fresh batch.
Lift me straight up, thats the catch.
Im used to test consistency.
But what youll like is my simplicity.
What am I?
Riddle #3
I have a can, but its not for beer.
One of my inlets is hopefully near.
Im installed during construction, with any luck.
Youll think Im great, though I really suck.
What am I?
Riddle #4
I look for leaks,
but Im not a home inspector.
I love balance,
but Im not an art collector.
Sometimes Im frustrating to find.
Sometimes Ill save your behind.
What am I?
Riddle #5
I have a first name for a last name,
and not much can stop me.
And, unlike a level,
youre welcome to drop me.
What am I?
Riddle #6
I keep a low profile,
but pop up now and then
to help with the fish dinner
on my island.
What am I?
BONUS: Inspection Riddles 265
Riddle #7
If you open me up,
I disappear.
Replacing my parts
is a pain in the rear.
What am I?
Riddle #8
Near the beginning of the inspection,
youll use me once or twice.
But youll need another way
if you use me more than thrice.
What am I?
Riddle #9
Southern builders would not select me.
That would make no sense.
GFCIs need not protect me
if high and a nuisance.
What am I?
Riddle #10
Im a durable product, and never break down.
Im both an adjective
and a noun.
Im found on some government buildings
and hotels deluxe.
Im a malleable material
and cost a few bucks.
Youll never see me rot, stain or rust.
Recycling me is an absolute must.
What am I?
Riddle #11
Im a miniature version
built into the full.
Open me first
to make sure its cool.
What am I?
Answers: #1 A Compass Rose; #2 A Slump Cone Test; #3 A Central Vacuum System; #4 A GFCI;
#5 A Plumb Bob; #6 A Retractable Island Range Hood; #7 A Pocket Door; #8 A Doorbell;
#9 A Roof Ice-Melt System; #10 Gold; #11 A Speakeasy Door