Calculated Fire Resistance Ratings
Calculated Fire Resistance Ratings
Calculated Fire Resistance Ratings
Related TEK: Keywords: calculated fire resistance rating, columns, control joints,
2-6, 5-8B, 7-6A equivalent thickness, fire resistance ratings, fire walls, lintels, multi-wythe
walls, specifications, steel column protection
CALCULATED FIRE RESISTANCE RATINGS The equivalent thickness (a solid unit with the same
amount of material) of this particular unit is 4.04 in.
Background (103 mm).
The calculated fire resistance method is based on
extensive research and testing of concrete masonry Figure 1Equivalent Thickness
walls. Fire testing of wall assemblies is conducted in
accordance with the Standard Test Methods for Fire
Tests of Building Construction and Materials, ASTM
E119 (ref. 4), which measures four performance criteria, Table 2Equivalent Thicknesses of
as follows: Concrete Masonry Units, in. (mm)
resistance to the transmission of heat through the
wall assembly, Nominal Based on Based on
resistance to the passage of hot gases through the width, in. typical percent solid
wall, sufficient to ignite cotton waste, (mm) hollow unitsA (75%) (100%)
load-carrying capacity of loadbearing walls, and 4 (102) 2.7 (69) [73.8] 2.7 (69) 3.6 (91)
resistance to the impact, erosion and cooling effects 6 (152) 3.1 (79) [55.0] 4.2 (107) 5.6 (142)
of a hose stream on the assembly after exposure to 8 (203) 4.0 (102) [53.0] 5.7 (145) 7.6 (193)
the standard fire. 10 (254) 4.5 (113) [46.3] 7.2 (183) 9.6 (244)
The fire resistance rating of concrete masonry is 12 (305) 5.1(129) [44.0] 8.7 (221) 11.6 (295)
typically governed by the heat transmission criteria. 14 (356) 5.5(139) [40.2] 10.2(259) 13.6 (345)
From the standpoint of life safety (particularly for 16 (406) 6.0(152) [38.4] 11.7(297) 15.6 (396)
fire fighters) and salvageability, this failure mode is
certainly preferable to a structural collapse endpoint, Values in brackets [ ] are percent solid values based
characteristic of many other building materials. on typical two-core concrete masonry units.
Aggregate type in the Minimum required equivalent thickness, in. (mm), for fire resistance rating, hoursA, B
concrete masonry unitC 4 33/4 31/2 31/4 3 23/4 21/2 21/4 2 13/4 11/2 11/4 1 3/4 1/2
Calcareous or siliceous gravel 6.2 6.0 5.8 5.5 5.3 5.0 4.8 4.5 4.2 3.9 3.6 3.2 2.8 2.4 2.0
Limestone, cinders or 5.9 5.7 5.5 5.2 5.0 4.8 4.5 4.3 4.0 3.7 3.4 3.1 2.7 2.3 1.9
unexpanded slag
Expanded clay, shale or slate 5.1 4.9 4.8 4.6 4.4 4.2 4.0 3.8 3.6 3.4 3.3 2.9 2.6 2.2 1.8
Expanded slag or pumice 4.7 4.5 4.4 4.2 4.0 3.8 3.6 3.4 3.2 3.0 2.7 2.5 2.1 1.9 1.5
Fire resistance rating between the hourly fire resistance rating periods listed may be determined by linear in-
terpolation based on the equivalent thickness value of the concrete masonry unit. The requirements of ASTM
C55, ASTM C73, ASTM C90 or ASTM C744 (refs. 13, 14, 6, 15) shall apply. Include equivalent thickness of
finishes where applicable: see section Effects of Finishes on Fire Resistance Ratings.
Where combustible members are framed into the wall, the thickness of solid material between the end of each member
and opposite wall face, or between members set in from opposite sides, must be at least 93% of thickness shown.
Minimum required equivalent thickness corresponding to the hourly fire resistance rating for units made with a
combination of aggregates shall be determined by linear interpolation based on the percent by volume of each
aggregate used in the manufacture.
R 2 = Fire resistance rating of wythe 2 8 (203) 11/2 (38) 11/2 (38) 13/4 (44) 3 (76)
A1 = Air space factor = 0.3 10 (254) or more 11/2 (38) 11/2 (38) 11/2 (38) 13/4 (44)
Figure 2Variables for Determining the Fire May be permitted with a more detailed analysis
Resistance Rating of a Multi-Wythe Masonry Wall per the Standard i.e. conditions for arching action.
( e )
Backer rod
2-Hour Fire Resistance Rating
W T 1.6
R = 1.22 + 0.0018 e0.2 Joint reinforcement,
D K as required
d mTe Stop joint reinforcement,
1.0 + 384 0.25p + T (SI) reinforcement at as required
( e )
control joint
Ceramic fiber
felt (alumina-
silica fiber)
dm= density of concrete masonry protection, pcf (kg/m3) Sealant Backer rod
D = heated perimeter of steel, in. (mm) (Figure 5)
K = thermal conductivity of concrete masonry, Table Joint reinforcement,
6, Btu/hr.ft.oF (W/m.C) as required
p = inner perimeter of concrete masonry protection,
in. (mm)
R = fire resistance rating of column assembly, hr. Stop joint
Te = equivalent thickness of masonry protection, in. at control joint
as required
(mm) Raked mortar
Building paper
W = average weight of steel column in lb/ft (kg/m) or other
Note: The Standard (ref. 1) has a slightly different form bond break
of the equation but yields identical answers. For more
Sealant Backer rod
information on steel columns protected by concrete
masonry, see TEK 7-6A, Steel Column Fire Protection
(ref. 11). Joint reinforcement, Female concrete
as required masonry unit
Effects of Finish Materials on Fire Resistance
Ratings Male concrete
In many cases, drywall, plaster or stucco finishes Stop joint masonry unit
are used on concrete masonry walls. While finishes reinforcement at
control joint
are normally applied for architectural reasons, they can Raked mortar
also provide additional fire resistance. The IBC and the joint, 1 2 in. (13 mm)
Standard make provision for calculating the additional min. depth
regardless of opening rate more rapidly when ex-
3 rating posed to fire than when they
are on the non-fire side of the
wall. Therefore, two separate
Ceramic fiber
blanket tables are required. Table
2 2 7 applies to finishes on the
hr hr
Panel thickness
non-fire-exposed side of the
1 wall, and Table 8 applies to
1 hr C finishes on the fire-exposed
1 hr side.
aggregate concrete
0 Semi-lightweight or
ness of concrete masonry
3 4 5 6 7 8 lightweight concrete
1. Code Requirements for Determining Fire Resistance of Concrete and Masonry Construction Assemblies, ACI 216.1-07/TMS-
0216-07. American Concrete Institute and The Masonry Society, 2007.
2. International Building Code 2009. International Code Council, 2009.
3 International Building Code 2006. International Code Council, 2006.
4. Standard Test Methods for Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials, ASTM E119-08a. ASTM International, Inc., 2008.
5. Standard Methods for Sampling and Testing Concrete Masonry Units, ASTM C140-08a. ASTM International, Inc., 2008.
6. Standard Specification for Loadbearing Concrete Masonry Units, ASTM C90-09. ASTM International, Inc., 2009.
7. Standard Specification for Concrete Aggregates, ASTM C33-08. ASTM International, Inc., 2008.
8. Standard Specification for Lightweight Aggregates for Concrete Masonry Units, ASTM C331-05. ASTM International, Inc., 2005.
9. Standard Specification for Perlite Loose Fill Insulation, ASTM C549-06. ASTM International, Inc., 2006.
10. Standard Specification for Vermiculite Loose Fill Thermal Insulation, ASTM C516-08. ASTM International, Inc., 2008.
11 . Steel Column Fire Protection, TEK 7-6A. National Concrete Masonry Association, 2009.
12. Allowable Stress Design of Concrete Masonry Lintels, TEK 17-1C. National Concrete Masonry Association, 2009.
13. Standard Specification for Concrete Building Brick, ASTM C55-06e1. ASTM International, Inc., 2006.
14. Standard Specification for Calcium Silicate Brick (Sand-Lime Brick), ASTM C73-05. ASTM International, Inc., 2005.
15. Standard Specification for Prefaced Concrete and Calcium Silicate Masonry Units, ASTM C744-08. ASTM International, Inc.,
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