Class 11 Important Questions For Biology Assignment

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Class 11 Important Questions for Biology Animal Kingdom

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In some animal groups, the body is found divided 6. Which one of the following sets of animals belong
into compartments with at least some organs/ organ to a single taxonomic group?
repeated. This characteristic feature is named a. Cuttlefish, Jellyfish, Silverfish, Dogfish, Starfish
a. Segmentation b. Bat, Pigeon, Butterfly
b. Metamerism c. Monkey, Chimpanzee, Man
c. Metagenesis d. Silkworm, Tapeworm, Earthworm
d. Metamorphosis 7. Which one of the following statements is
2. Given below are types of cells present in some incorrect?
animals. Each one is specialized to perform a single a. Mesoglea is present in between ectoderm and
specific function except endoderm in Obelia.
a. Choanocytes b. Radial symmetry is found in Asterias
b. Interstitial cells c. Fasciola is a pseudocoelomate animal
c. Gastrodermal cells d. Taenia is a triploblastic animal
d. Nematocytes 8. Which one of the following statements is
3. Which one of the following sets of animals share incorrect?
a four chambered heart? a. In cockroaches and prawns excretion of waste
a. Amphibian, Reptiles, Birds material occurs through malpighian tubules.
b. Crocodiles, Birds, Mammals b. In ctenophors, locomotion is mediated by comb
c. Crocodiles, Lizards, Turtles plates.
d. Lizards, Mammals, Birds c. In Fasciola flame cells take part in excretion
4. Which of the following pairs of animals has non d. Earthworms are hermaphrodites and yet cross
glandular skin fertilization take place among them.
a. Snake and Frog 9. Which one of the following is oviparous?
b. Chameleon and Turtle a. Platypus
c. Frog and Pigeon b. Flying fox (Bat)
d. Crocodile and Tiger c. Elephant
5. Birds and mammals share one of the following d. Whale
characteristics as a common feature. 10. Which one of the following is not a poisonous
a. Pigmented skin snake?
b. Alimentary canal with some modification a. Cobra
c. Viviparity b. Viper
d. Warm blooded nature c. Python
d. Krait
11. Match the following list of animals with their level of organisation.
Division of Labour Animal
A. Organ level i. Pheritima
B. Cellular agregate level ii. Fasciola
C. Tissue level iii. Spongilla
D. Organ system level iv. Obelia
Choose the correct match showing division of labour with animal example.
a. i-B, ii-C, iii-D, and iv-A
b. i-B, ii-D, iii-C, and iv-A
c. i-D, ii-A, iii-B, and iv-C
d. i-A, ii-D, iii-C, and iv-B
12. Body cavity is the cavity present between bodies will and gut wall. In some animals the body cavity is not
lined by mesoderm. Such animals are called
a. Acoelomate
b. Pseudocoelomate
c. Coelomate
d. Haemocoelomate
13. Match the column A with column B and choose the correct option
Column A Column B
A. Porifera i. Canal system
B. Aschelminthes ii. Water-vascular system
C. Annelida iii. Muscular Pharynx Comb plates
D. Arthropoda iv. Jointed appendages
E. Echinodermata v. Metameres
a. A-ii, B-iii, C-v, D-iv, E-i
b. A-ii, B-v, C-iii, D-iv, E-i
c. A-i, B-iii, C-v, D-iv, E-ii
d. A-i, B-v, C-iii, D-iv, E-ii
Very Short Answer Type Questions
1. Identify the phylum in which adults exhibit radial symmetry and larva exhibit bilateral symmetry.
2. What is the importance of pneumatic bones and air sacs in Aves?
3. What is metagenesis? Mention an example which exhibits this phenomenon.
4. What is the role of feathers?
5. Which group of chordates possess sucking and circular mouth without jaws?
6. Give one example each for an animal possessing placoid scales and that with cycloid scales.
7. Mention two modifications in reptiles required for terrestrial mode of life.
8. Mention one example each for animals with chitinous exoskeleton and those covered by a calcareous shell.
9. What is the role of radula in molluscs?
10. Name the animal, which exhibits the phenomenon of bioluminescence. Mention the phylum to which it belongs.
11. Write one example each of the following in the space provided.
a. Cold blooded animal ________________________
b. Warm blooded animal ________________________
c. Animal possessing dry and cornified skin _______________
d. Dioecious animal _____________________
12. Differentiate between a diplobastic and a triploblastic animal.
13. Give an example of the following
a. Round worm
b. Fish possessing poison sting
c. A limbless reptile/ amphibian
d. An oviparous mammal
14. Provide appropriate technical term in the space provided.
a. Blood-filled cavity in arthropods __________________________.
b. Free-floating form of cnidaria _____________________________.
c. Stinging organ of jelly fishes ______________________________.
d. Lateral appendages in aquatic annelids ___________________.
15. Match the following: Animals locomotors Organ
a. Octopus i. Limbs
b. Crocodile ii. Comb plates
c. Catla iii. Tentacles
d. Ctenoplana iv. Fins
Short Answer Type Questions
16. Differentiate between:
a. Open circulatory system and closed circulatory system
b. Oviparous and viviparous characteristic
c. Direct development and Indirect development
17. Sort out the animals on the basis of their symmetry (radial or bilateral) coelenterates, ctenophores, annelids,
arthropods, and echinoderms.
18. There has been an increase in the number of chambers in heart during evolution of vertebrates. Give the names
of the class of vertebrates having two, three or four-chambered heart.
19. Fill up the blank spaces appropriately
Phylum/Class Excretory Organ Circulatory Organ Respiratory Organ
Arthropoda Lungs/ Gills/Tracheal System
Nephridia Closed
Metanephridia Open Skin/parapodia
Amphibia Closed Lung
20. Match the following
a. Amphibia i. Air bladder
b. Mammals ii. Cartilaginous notochord
c. Chondrichthyes iii. Mammary glands
d. Ostichthyes iv. Pneumatic bones
e. Cyclostomata v. Dual habitat
f. Aves vi. Sucking and circular mouth without jaws.
21. Endoparasites are found inside the host body. Mention the special structure, possessed by these and
which enables them to survive in those conditions.
22. Match the following and write correct choice in space provided
Animal Characteristics
a. Pila i. Jointed appendages
b. Cockroach ii. Perching
c. Asterias iii. Water vascular
d. Torpedo iv. electric organ
e. Parrot v. Presence of shell
f. Dog fish vi. Placoid scales
23. Excretory organs of different animals are given below. Choose correctly and write in the space provided.
a. Pila i. Jointed appendages
b. Cockroach ii. Perching
c. Asterias iii. Water vascular
d. Torpedo iv. Electric organ
e. Parrot v. Presence of shell
f. Dog fish vi. Placoid scales
. a. ____________________, b. ____________________, c. ____________________
d. ____________________, e. ____________________, f. ____________________

24. Name
a. A limbless animal
b. A cold blooded animal
c. A warm blooded animal
d. An animal possessing dry and cornified skin
e. An animal having canal system and spicules
f. An animal with cnidoblasts
25. Give an example for each of the following
a. A viviparous animal
b. A fish possessing a poison sting
c. A fish possessing an electric organ
d. An organ, which regulates buoyancy
Long Answer Type Questions
24. Give three major differences between chordates and non-chordates and draw a schematic sketch of a chordate
showing those features.
25. What is the relationship between germinal layers and the formation of body cavity in case of coelomate,
acoelomates and pseudocoetomates?
26. Comment upon the habitats and external features of animals belonging to class, amphibia and reptilia.
27. Mammals are most adapted among the vertebrates. Elaborate.

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