CLTD Method Paper
CLTD Method Paper
CLTD Method Paper
Transactions: Research 183
for each hour with a simple multiplication. The cooling if a wall or roof does not matchone of thegroups listed
loads for each componentwere then summedto obtain the (e.g., for each increase of 7 in R-value above that of
total zone cooling load. the wall structure in the listed group, moveup one
Walls and Roofs The transfer function method (TFM) group if insulation is on the interior of the structure
was used to computecooling loads for 36 types of roofs and and two groups if on the exterior.)
96 different wall constructions. These cooling loads corre- The inaccuracy of correcting for other months and
spond to the heat gain caused by outdoor air temperature latitudes can be significant.
and solar radiation under a set of standard conditions,
which included a latitude of 40"N, date of July 21, maxi- Fenestration To find the cooling load due to fenestra-
mumoutdoor temperature of 95 F, daily temperature range tion, the heat gain was divided into radiant and conductive
of 21F, and an inside design temperature of 78F. Fur- portions. The cooling load due to conduction was calculated
thermore, a single standard zone type was used. using the same relation used for roofs and walls (Equation
Hourly cooling loads for each hour were converted to 1). CLTDsfor windowswere listed for standard condi-
cooling load temperature difference (CLTD)values tions, and a relation was provided to correct for outdoor
dividing by the roof or wall area and the overall heat daily average temperatures other than 85F and indoor
transfer coefficient. The cooling load could be calculated temperatures other than 78 F. Nolatitude-month correction
for any wall or roof by the following relation was provided, but the conductive load from fenestration is
q = U.A CLTD (1) such a small portion of the overall load that this was
where To find the radiant portion of the cooling load, the
solar heat gain for each hour through a reference glazing
q = cooling load, Btu/h; material (double-strength, 1/8 in. sheet glass) was calculated
U = overall heat transfer coefficient, Btu/h.ft2. F; for different fenestration orientations using the ASHRAE
A = area, ft2; clear sky model. Using the weighting factor equation,
CLTD = equivalent temperature difference, F. cooling loads corresponding to these heat gains were
calculated for light, medium,and heavy zone constructions
CLTDswere calculated for 96 types of walls for a without interior shading and for zoneswith interior shading.
medium type of zone construction. "I~e CLTDswere A cooling load factor (CLF) was derived for each hour
analyzed for similarity in profile and peak value. Walls the day so that the cooling load for that hour could be found
were then grouped into seven different categories, and by nmltiplying the maximum solar heat gain for the day by
CLTDswere tabulated for eight facing directions. the hourly CLFas follows:
CLTDswere calculated for 36 types of roofs. GRP158 a = SHGFr~ SC " CEF " A (3)
groupedthe roofs into 13 categories with suspendedceilings
and 13 without suspended ceilings, making26 categories in where
all. The following equation was given to adjust for other
latitudes and months and other indoor and outdoor design Q = cooling load for reference glazing system,
temperatures: Btu/h;
CLTD~, --- (CLTD + LM) SHGF~x = maximum solar heat gain factor, Btu/h;
(2) CLF = cooling load factor, ratio cooling load to
K+ (78-Tn) + (To--85) nmximum solar heat gain;
SC = solar heat gain of fenestration system
where solar heat gain of reference glass
A 2.
= area of fenestration, ft
LM = latitude month correction factor, found in a
table; CLFs were tabulated for July 21 at 40 deg north
K = color adjustmentfactor, applied after latitude latitude. These CLFswere considered to be representative
month correction; of all summer months (May through September) at all
n = room temperature, F; northern latitudes. It was presumedthat the variation in
o = outdoor temperature, F. solar heat gain for other latitudes and dates could be ade-
quately accounted for using SHGF~,which was tabulated
The drawbacks with the original CLTDmethod for walls for all directions, months,and northern latitudes from 0 to
and roofs are as follows: 60 deg. The cooling load at a particular latitude and month
was then found by multiplying the SHGF~for that month
1. The wall and roof groups dont cover the range of and latitude by the CLFcalculated for July at 40 deg north.
possible constructions well. Normalizingthe solar heat gain in this mannerresulted
2. Complicatedand questionable adjustments are required in what was probably the most serious error in the CLTD/-
Transactions: Research
CLFmethod. The tabulated CLFscould be significantly in rather large and certainly wouldbe too unwieldy to use in
error for other dates and latitudes. These errors were most printed form. Therefore, one part of ASHRAE RP-626
severe for off-peak hours. This error was particularly involved the development of a transportable data base of
noticeable near sunrise and sunset for latitude/month weighting factors and access software in C and FORTRAN.
combinationsthat had significantly different sunrise/sunset This software is described in a companionpaper (Falconer
times than 40"N, July 21. et al. 1993).
People, Lights, and Equipment For people, lights,
and equipment, the hourly heat gains are specified by the ASHRAE
RP-472 / McQuiston and Harris
designer. The cooling load dependson the magnitudeof the
heat gain for each hour and the thermal response of the To use the CLTDmethodfor walls and roofs, one had
zone. For people, lights, and equipment, the weighting to determine which wall or roof type a particular surface
factor equation was used to determine the cooling load for matched. To do this, the overall conductance and thermal
a unit heat gain with various schedules (on two hours, on mass were determined for the surface in question and
four hours, etc.). Since a unit heat gain is used, the cooling compared to those of the tabulated surface types. If a
load factor (CLF)is simply the cooling load. The designer surface did not exactly match a listed surface type, a
then uses the following equation to determine the hourly complicated set of instructions were followed to pick the
cooling load: best match. This method was tedious to apply and its
Q = q~.CLF + ql (4) accuracy was questionable under certain conditions.
Harris and McQuiston (1988) performed a study
where devise a methodfor grouping walls and roofs with similar
transient heat transfer characteristics in order to obtain a
Q = cooling load, Btu/h; compactset of conduction transfer function (CTF) coeffi-
q~ = sensible heat gain, Btu/h; cients that would cover a broad range of constructions.
q~ = latent heat gain, Btu/h. The walls and roofs wereclassified on the basis of their
thermal response characteristics, particularly the time lag
Cooling load factors for people and equipment were and amplitude reduction for a sinusoidal driving function.
determined using a single medium-weight zone. Cooling The amplitude ratios and time lags were studied for 2,600
load factors for lighting were determinedusing several zone walls and 500 roofs. The walls and roofs were grouped on
types, light fixture types, and ventilation schemes. the basis of these thermal characteristics into 41 groups of
wails and 42 groups of roofs with a set of CTFcoefficients
ASHRAERP-472 / Sowell assigned to each group.
Correlation methods were used to find correlations
The main reason for the limited numberof zone types between the amplitude ratio and time lag and the wall or
available in the original CLTD/CLF methodwas the limited roofs physical properties or geometry. Important grouping
amountof weighting factor data available at the time the parameters for walls were found to be
CLTDand CLF tables were tabulated. Following their
publication, it was noticed that for somecases the resulting 1. principal wall material (the most massive material in
loads could be significantly in error. An ASHRAE research the wall),
project, RP-359(Sowell and Chiles 1985), highlighted the 2. the material with which the principal material is
significant and complexeffects that various zonal parame- combined(such as gypsum, etc.),
ters could have on zone response. This, in turn, led to 3. the R-value of the wall, and
another ASHRAE research project, RP-472 (Sowell 1988a, 4. mass placement with respect to insulation (mass in,
1988b, 1988c; Harris and McQuiston1988), which exhaust- mass out, or integral mass).
ively analyzed the effect of 14 separate zone parameters on
zone response. Important grouping parameters for roofs were found to be
Three papers published by Sowell detail the methods
used to classify and group 200,640 parametric zones. The 1. principal roof material (the most massive material in
first paper (Sowell 1988a) describes the methodologyused theroot),
to calculate the weightingfactors with a modifiedversion of 2. the R-value of the roof,
DOE2. lc. The second paper (Sowell 1988b) describes the 3. mass placement with respect to insulation (mass in,
verification of the weightingfactor calculation methodology. mass out, or integral mass), and
The third paper (Sowell 1988c) describes the procedure 4. presence or absence of a suspended ceiling.
used to categorize the zones into groups with similar zone
responsesfor each of the four different heat gain categories: Using these parameters, one can determine to which of
solar, conduction, lighting, and people/equipment. the groups a particular wall or roof will belong. Eachgroup
The resulting set of groupedweightingfactors was still was assigned a unique set of conduction transfer function
(CTF)coefficients so as to produce conservative results.
Transactions: Research 185
These coefficients are to be used in the CTFequation to 1. The calculation of cooling loads due to solar heat gain
calculate a representative heat gain for any wall or roof in through fenestration is flawed due to the methodology
that particular group. employedto normalize the data
2. The effects of zone response are inadequately account-
OBJECTIVES ed for, with either a single zone type or a few zone
types for each type of heat gain.
With respect to the CLTD/CLF
method, the goals of
this project were to Tile revised methodology, described below, resolves the
two problems as follows:
improve the accuracy of the CLTD/CLFmethod,
taking advantage of advances in the state of the art The cooling loads due to solar heat gain through fenes-
made by RP-472 and other research, and tration are nowcalculated differently. A newfactor is
provide a methodthat could be used without a comput- introduced, the solar cooling load (SCL). Although
er for engineers who do not makeuse of a computer. wouldhave been possible to fix the old methodby also
tabulating CLFsas a function of monthand latitude,
To some degree, these goals conflict. Only a limited and thereby retaining the same equation, it wouldhave
amount of improvementto tile method can be made without involved a totally unnecessary step--multiplying the
relying on either a computer or an impractically unwieldy SHGFMA x by the CLF, both of which would be func-
set of printed tables. This conflict was resolved by provid- tions of latitude and month.Instead, the SCLtakes into
ing three different ways the methodmaybe used: account both the solar heat gain and the zone response
for any latitude/month combination. It is applied with
1. Solely as a manualmethod, using a small set of printed the following equation:
tables in the new nmnual. Printed tables were designed a = SCL ,SC ,A . (5)
and published in the manual for quick and convenient
hand calculations covering most commonconstructions Accordingly, the nameof the methodhas been revised,
with as little loss in accuracy as possible. It was and it is now called the CLTD/SCL/CLF method.
decided to design the printed tables so that they could
be used if neededas a stand-alone reference for cooling The zone response can nowbe accounted for in a more
load calculations during tile monthof July. The printed accurate manner, using the weighting factors developed
tables can also be used alone to calculate cooling loads in ASHRAE RP-472. The only limit is the mode of
for northern latitudes frorn 20 to 50 degrees by using operation in which the designer chooses to work. If the
interpolation or extrapolation of supplied tabular computer-oriented mode (number 3 in the "Objec-
results. tives" section) is used, the effects of zone responsecan
2. Primarily as a manual method, using the computeronly be accounted for with approximately the same accuracy
to generate a set of tables equivalent to the printed as the transfer function method,t If one of the two
tables, except for latitude and month. The computer manual modes (numbers 1 and 2 in the "Objectives"
program CLTDTAB can generate tables identical to the section) are used, someaccuracy is given up in order
printed tables in the manualfor any monthand latitude that the data be reduced to a reasonable number of
specified by the user. A one-time run of the computer printed tables.
programwill eliminate the need for interpolation due to
different latitudes and allow hand cooling load calcula- I]ae methodology used to develop the new CLTD/
tions for monthsother than July. SCL/CLFdata can be broken into several sections, which
3. Primarily as a computer method, using the computer follow. The general methodology is used to compute the
program CLTDTAB, Zone Specific option, to generate CLTD/SCL/CLF data, regardless of whether it is eventually
a set of tables for a specific zone, latitude, and month. put into a set of printed tables or producedat the users
The program will generate tables to facilitate the request by a computerprogram. The printed tables require
cooling load calculation for any zone with any roof somefurther analysis to choose the zone or zones used for
type and wall type, rigorously following the transfer each table.
function method. Tables can be generated for any The computer software is described in a companion
monthand latitude of the users choosing. paper, (Falconer et al. 1993). It is also described
considerably more depth by Lindsey (1991).
General Methodology for Developing Table Data
The inaccuracies of the original CLTD/CLF method
discussed above can be condensed into two fundamental In capsule, the general methodologycan be described
problems: as using the transfer function method to determine the
cooling loads for a given heat gain type and then nOrnlaliz-
Transactions: Research
ing the load to yield either CLTDor CLFor SCL. A brief the coefficients);
description of the methodologyfollows. For more complete = sol-air temperature at time 0 - nr, F;
details, see the description of the transfer function method = constant indoor room temperature, F;
given by McQuiston and Spitler (1992) or the detailed = conduction transfer function coefficients.
description of the table development given by Lindsey
(1991). Equation 7 must be solved iteratively because the heat
Solar Irradiation The first step in the analysis is the flux history terms on the right-hand side are not known
calculation of solar irradiation, which, in turn, is used to beforehandwhenanalyzing a 24-hour time period. Initially,
determine sol-air temperatures for opaquesurfaces or solar the heat flux history terms are assumed to be zero, and
heat gain factors (SHGF)for fenestration. The methodused Equation7 is calculated for successive 24-hour periods until
for calculating the solar irradiation is similar to the standard convergence is reached. At that time, the results are
one presented in the 1989 ASHRAE Handbook--Fundamen- independent of the values assumedinitially.
tals ;Fenestration" chapter (ASHRAE 1989). It is, in fact, Heat Gain for Fenestration Heat gain to a zone due
mollified as described by McQuistonand Spitler (1992) to windowsis broken into two parts, the radiation transmit-
corhpute the transmitted and absorbed componentsof solar ted through the glass (It,) and the fraction of the radiation
heat gain separately. In addition, the ASHRAE clear sky absorbedby the glass that enters the zone, In. The heat gain
modeluses revised A, B, and C coefficients as recommend- due to radiation transmitted through the glass is calculated
ed by Machler and Iqbal (1985). as follows:
Heat Gain for Walls and Roofs Once the solar 5 5
irradiation has been calculated, the heat gain for a wall or I~. = ID~ 5cosj0 + I a 2~ tj/(/+2) (8)
roof can be calculated using the sol-air temperature (t~),
which is the temperature the outside air wouldhave to be where
to cause the same heat gain to the inside surface as that
caused by the outdoor air temperature and solar radiation I = radiation directly striking surface, Btu/h.ft2;
combined.It is defined by the following equation: = angle of incidence;
t, = t o + (etI,)/ho (cF)/h 0 (6) Ia = diffuse radiation reflected from ground and sky,
where t1 = coefficients for radiation transmission through
to = outside air temperature, F;
c = absorptance of surface; The radiation absorbedby the glass (I~b) is calculated with
I, = total radiation incident on surface, Btu/h.fd; the following formula:
ho = outside convective and radiative heat transfer
coefficient, Btu/h.ft2. F; I~ = Io~_, a~cosjO + I a 2~, a~/(j + 2) (9)
c = emittance of surface;
F = difference between the long-wavelength radiation with
incident on the surface from the sky and the
radiation emitted by a black body at the outdoor a~ = coefficients for radiation absorption by DSAglass.
air temperature, Btu/h.ft
Only a fraction of the energy absorbed by the glass
The conduction transfer function coefficients developed enters the zone; the rest is convected and radiated to the
by Harris and McQuiston(1988) were used in the conduc- outside. So the heat gain to the zone due to radiation
tion transfer function equation to calculate thfe heat gain absorbed by the window(I~ is calculated as follows:
for q,,o
A[,~(q~j) due to -walls or roofs as follows: It~ = N~ I,~, (10)
b,(t,,o_,, ) ~ cl,{(q,,o_,,)/A }- t~c,~~ %] (7)
heat gain through wall, roof, partition, etc., The inward-flowingfraction is calculated by neglecting the
Btu/h, at calculation hour 0; glass resistance:
indoor surface area of a wall or roof, ft2; N~ = h,/(h o + h,) (11)
time, h;
time interval, h; where
summation index (each summation has as
manyterms as there are non-zero values of
Transactions: Research 187
h~ = inside heat transfer coefficient, each wall and roof group by dividing the hourly cooling
1.46 Btu/h.ft2. F; load per square foot for the surface by the overall U-value
ho = outside heat transfer coefficient, for that surface.
4.0 Btu/h.ft~. F. The hourly SCLvalues are the hourly cooling load
values for the reference glazing systemfor the latitude and
Conversion of Heat Gain to Cooling Load Once the month listed and are obtained by adding the cooling load
heat gain has been calculated, whether from walls, roofs, due to the transmitted portion of the solar energy to the
windows,lights, or people, the relation to convert the heat inward-flowingfraction of the solar energy absorbed by the
gain to cooling load is the same, with only the coefficients reference glazing system.
(weightingfactors) different. CLFvalues are simply the cooling load due to a unit
Weightingfactors are used to calculate the zone cooling heat gain from people, equipment, or lights.
load at time 0, Qobased on past loads and current and past
heat gains using
Qo = Voqo + v~qo-* + v2qo-2* - w~Qo-~- w2Qo-~(12) Printed Tables
ZoneParameterLevelsUsedin DevelopingPrinted Tables
No. Parameter ~ Levels considered
1 ZG Zone geometry 100ft. x 20ft., 15ft x 15ft.
2 ZH Zoneheight 8 ft, 10ft.
3 N W Num.ext. walls 1, 2, 3, 4, 0
4 IS Interior shade 100%, 50%, 0%t
5 FN Furniture With
6 EC Ext. wall cons. 1, 2, 3
7 PT Partition type 5/8 in. Gyp-Air-5/8in. Gyp,
8 in. Cone.Blk.
8 ZL Zonelocation Single-story, Topfloor,
Bottom.floor, Middlefloor.
9 MF Midfir. Type 2.5 in. Cone., 1 in. Wood
11 CT Ceilingtype Withsuspendedceiling,
without suspendedceiling
12 RT Roof type 1,2,3
13 FC Floor covering Carpetwithrubberpad, vinyl file
14 GL Glass percent 10, 50, 90
Note:Theoriginal parameter10, slab type, wasredundant,so is not includedhere.
Transactions: Research
1. The types of zones to which the printed tables apply The heat gain for each roof type was calculated using
were limited. It was assumed that the primary use of the methodologydescribed above. The standard conditions
the printed tables would be for light commercial and previously used by Rudoy and Duran (1975), which
retail buildings. Basedon this assumption,the heaviest included a date of July 21, maximumoutdoor temperature
level of exterior construction and roof type were not of 95"F, daily temperature range of 21 "F, and an inside
included, nor were the highest level of zone geometry design temperature of 75"F, were used. However,separate
and zone height included. Furthermore, only the "with tables were developed for latitudes of 24"N, 36"N, and
furniture" level of the furniture parameter was includ- 48"N, avoiding the latitude-month correction. (Users can
ed. The levels of each zone parameter that were either interpolate for their latitude or use the computerto
considered are listed in Table 1. print a table set for their latitude.)
2. For each table, one (or more) zone type was selected The heat gains were converted to cooling loads using
to develop the table data. The zone types were chosen weighting factors for one zone type. In the interest of
in a heuristic mannerto minimizethe amountof error. limiting the number and bulk of tables, as well as the
For SCLsand CLFs, four zone types were selected and complexityof choosing the correct zone type, only one zone
all permutations were categorized into one of the four type was used. The zone type was chosen heuristically to
zone types. This is explained in more detail below. give minimumerror.
3. For each table and each selected zone type, an exhaus- In order to quantify the error, hourly cooling loads
tive computation was performed that determined the using every reasonable permutation of the zone parameters
amountof error for every zone type whenthe data for with the levels given in Table 1 were calculated. The zone
the selected zone type were used. Then, the maximum location parameter was further restricted so as to exclude
amountof error was determined and tabulated. zone types without roofs. For each roof type, the error in
cooling load at the peak hour resulting from using the
It should be noted that this groupingprocess is actually representative zones weightingfactors instead of the actual
the second grouping procedure performed on the data. As zones weighting factors was determined. The maximum
part of ASHRAE RP-472, Sowell (1988c) calculated four errors are given in Table 2. Errors for off-peak hours were
types of weighting factors for 200,640 zones. Each type of generally smaller. Note that the representative zone type
weighting factor was then placed into groups with similar was chosen so that a small underprediction of the load
responses, and a representative zone type was chosen for might be made. As discussed above, there is already some
each group. The grouping criteria ensured that the weight- overprediction built into the data by virtue of the first
ing factors of the representative zone type would give a grouping procedure used.
peak within _+0.6 hour of the peak that would be given by Wall CLTDTables Harris and McQuiston (1988)
any of the zone types in the group and that the amplitude utilized 41 wall groups in their categorization scheme. For
wouldbe within + 18 %/-0 %. In other words, the represen- printed tables, only the 15 most common groups were used.
tative zone type would overpredict the peak load by as A procedure analogous to that described for roofs was used
much as 18% but never underpredict it. (Many of the
groups are smaller, but this was the maximum error.)
Therefore, the errors tabulated in step 3 are actually in TABLE2
addition to those from the original grouping procedure. PotentialError Associated
with Useof the PrintedTables
Unfortunately, there is no way to get around this problem to DetermineRoofCLTDs
and still have a practical set of printed tables in the load
calculation manual. Therefore, some compromise is Roof No. Positive* Ne~adve
required betweenaccuracy and the size of the table set. In 1 13% 5%
developing the printed tables described below and published 2 13% 5%
in the load calculation manual, the authors attempted to 3 12% 5%
develop a set of data that resulted in more accurate load
4 13% 5%
calculations than possible under the GRP-158manual and
at the sametime clearly point out and quantify the potential 5 11% 4%
error associated with using the printed tables. In this way, 8 10% 4%
users of the method mayreach their owndecision whether 9 10% 4%
to use the printed tables or custom computer-generated 10 9% 3%
Roof CLTDTables As discussed above, the grouping 13 7% 4%
procedure developed by Harris and McQuiston (1988) 14 5% 4%
utilized 42 roof groups. Dueto space limitations in the load
* Positive error represents overprediction as comparedto the
calculation manual, CLTD tables were only printed for 12 transfer function method; negative error represents
of the most commongroups. underprediction.
Transactions: Research 189
TABLE3 to develop the CLTD tables. A single zone type was chosen
PotentialError Associated
with Useof the PrintedTables heuristically to give minimalerror. Again, all reasonable
to DetermineWall CLTDs permutations were used to quantify the error given in
Wall No. Positive* Negalive SCL Tables The methodology described above was
1 18% 7% used to determinethe heat gain due to transmission of solar
2 17% 8% radiation through fenestration. Resulting cooling loads were
3 17% 7% investigated for all pernmtationsof the 13 zone parameters.
Over the range of zone types, there is a much larger
4 16% 7%
variance in cooling loads due to solar heat gain than due to
5 13% 8% conductive heat gain. Therefore, a single representative
6 14% 6% zone could not be used and, instead, four representative
7 12% 6% zone types were used.
Again, the four representative zone types were chosen
9 13% 6%
heuristically, and a schemefor mappingany zone type into
10 10% 6% one of the four representative zone types was developed. By
11 8% 3% specifying the seven most important zone parameters, a
12 4% 7% representative zone type (A, B, C, or D) can be chosen
13 4% 4% using Table 4.
The errors were quantified by calculating solar cooling
14 5% 8%
loads for each reasonable permutation and comparingthose
15 11% 6% to cooling loads calculated using the appropriate representa-
16 8% 7% tive zone. Thesepotential errors are tabulated in the last
two columns of Table 4.
* Positive error represents overprediction as comparedto the CLF Tables for Lighting, People, and Unhooded
transfer function method; negative error represents Equipment "llae CLF tables were developed using a
underprediction. scheme analogous to the one used for developing the SCL
ZoneTypesfor Usewith SCLandCLFTables, Single-StoryBuilding
No. Floor Partition Inside Glass People & Lights Plus Minus
Walls Covering Type Shade Solar Equipment
1 or 2 Carpet Gypsum ** A B B 9 2
1 or 2 Carpet Con. Blk. ** B C C 9 0
1 or 2 Vinyl Gypsum Full B C C 9 0
1 or 2 Vinyl Gypsum Half to None C C C 16 0
1 or 2 Vinyl Con. Blk. Full C D D 8 0
1 or 2 Vinyl Con. Blk. Half to None D D D 10 6
3 Carpet Gypsum ** A B B 9 2
3 Carpet Con. Blk. Full A B B 9 2
3 Carpet Con. Blk. Half to None B B B 9 0
3 Vinyl Gypsum Full B C C 9 0
3 Vinyl Gypsum Half to None C C C 16 0
3 Vinyl Con. Blk. Full B C C 9 0
3 Vinyl Con. Blk. Half to None C C C 16 0
4 Carpet Gypsum ** A B B 6 3
4 Vinyl Gypsum Full B C C 11 6
4 Vinyl Gypsum Half to None C C C 19 -1
* The error band shown in the right hand column is for Solar Cooling Load (SCL).
The error band for Lights, People & Equipmentis approximately plus or minus 10 percent.
** The effect of inside shadeis negligible in this case.
Note: This table only covers single story buildings; similar tables cover other building types.
Transactions: Research
tables. Again, four representative zone types were used, of accuracy. The CLTDslisted in the printed tables
and Table 4 also contains the information necessary to represent all zones and are an improvementover the
choose the correct representative zone type (A, B, C, or previously available data. However,with the supplied
D). Using four different representative zone types resulted computer program CLTDTAB,CLTDsfor walls and
in errors of less than + 10%for virtually all hours and zone roofs can be customgenerated for a particular zone as
types. described by 14 zone variables. This represents a
Cooling load factors for lighting were tabulated for significant improvement over the old method and
each of the four representative zone types, for 24-hour allows generation of CLTDs that will result in calculat-
periods beginning with the first hour that the lights are ed cooling loads approximately equivalent to those
turned on, and for "lights on" periods of 8, 10, 12, 14, and calculated by the TFMmethod.
16 hours. The calculation of cooling loads due to solar radiation
Cooling load factors for people and unhooded equip- transmitted and absorbed fenestration was revised by
mentwere tabulated for each of the four representative zone the introduction of tabulated values of solar cooling
types, for 24-hour periods beginningwith the first hour that loads (SCL). This revision fixes one of the main
the heat gain existed, and for periods with heat gain problems with the CLTD/CLF method. Printed tables
between 2 and 18 hours. contain SCLvalues for three latitudes and four repre-
CLF Tables for Hooded Equipment For people and sentative zone types. Coolingloads calculated with the
unhoodedequipment, the heat gain is assumed to be 30 % printed SCLtables will be more accurate than previ-
convective and 70 % radiative. For hooded equipment, the ously possible.
convective portion of the heat gain is assumed to all be In addition, the CLTDTAB program provided with
removedfrom the zone, leaving only the radiant portion to the load calculation manual can produce custom SCL
deal with. The CLF for hooded equipment is derived by tables for any monthand latitude, as well as any zone
subtracting the convective portion of the heat gain from the type. Once the CLTDTAB program has been run, no
unhoodedequipment CLFfor the hours the equipment is in interpolation between latitudes is required, and the
operation. Thenall CLFvalues are multiplied by the ratio calculations are easier than before. Whenthe zone
of increase in radiant percentage(i. e., 1.0/0.7). The general parameters are specified for the CLTDTAB program,
procedure is enumeratedhere and can be used to change the the SCLswill give approximately the same results as
radiant/convective split to other ratios for equipmentor the TFMfor unshaded fenestration.
lighting CLFs: NewCLFdata have been developed for people, hooded
and unhooded equipment, and lighting. The printed
1. Subtract the standard convective fraction (0.30) from tables utilize four representative zone types and yield
the unhoodedCLFvalues for the hours the equipment cooling loads within 10%of those generated by the
is in operation to obtain the unhoodedradiative portion TFM.For people and equipment, this is a clear im-
of the cooling load. provement in accuracy over what was previously
2. Multiply the unhoodedradiative portion of the cooling available. For lighting, it is difficult to makea direct
load (all 24 hours) by the actual radiative fraction comparison between the current method and the old
the heat gain divided by the radiative fraction of the method. It is recommendedthat this be investigated
heat gain that was assumed in the unhooded CLF further.
calculation (e.g., 1.0 / 0.7). The CLTDTAB program can be used to generate
3. Addthe actual convective fraction to the newlyderived custom CLFsfor specific zone types. Whenthis option
radiant fraction of the cooling load for the hours the is used, the results will match those generated by the
equipment is on. In this case, the actual convective TFMexactly. Again, a direct comparison between the
fraction is 0.0. new method and the old method has not been made.
The revised CLTD/CLFmethod, now called the The development of the Cooling and Heating Load
CLTD/SCL/CLFmethod has the following features: Calculation manual described in this paper was funded by
the AmericanSociety of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-
1. The accuracy of the CLTD/CLF method for predicting Conditioning Engineers.
cooling load due to heat gain from walls and roofs has
been improved for most situations. The improved
grouping method developed by Harris and McQuiston
(1988) allowed generation of representative conduction REFERENCES
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