Capacity Factor: Sample Calculations
Capacity Factor: Sample Calculations
Capacity Factor: Sample Calculations
Capacity factor
The net capacity factor of a power plant is the ratio of its actual output over a period of time, to its potential output
if it were possible for it to operate at full nameplate capacity indefinitely. To calculate the capacity factor, take the
total amount of energy the plant produced during a period of time and divide by the amount of energy the plant
would have produced at full capacity. Capacity factors vary greatly depending on the type of fuel that is used and the
design of the plant. The capacity factor should not be confused with the availability factor, capacity credit (firm
capacity) or with efficiency.
Sample calculations
Wind farm
The Burton Wold Wind Farm consists of ten Enercon E70-E4 wind turbines @2MW nameplate capacity for a total
installed capacity of 20MW.[] In 2008 the wind farm generated 43,416MWh of electricity. (Note 2008 was a leap
year.) The capacity factor for this wind farm in 2008 was just under 25%:
As of April 2011, the Danish wind farm Horns Rev 2[2](the world's largest when it was inaugurated in September
2009[3] comprising 91 Siemens SWT-2.3-93 wind turbines each of 2.3 MW) with a nominal total capacity of 209
MW, has the best capacity factor of any offshore wind farm at 46.7% having produced over 1.5 years 1,278 GWh.[4]
The record for an onshore wind farm is held by Burradale, which reached an annual capacity factor of 57.9% for
Hydroelectric dam
As of 2010, Three Gorges Dam is the largest power generating station in the world by nameplate capacity. In 2009,
not yet fully complete, it had 26 main generator units @700MW and two auxiliary generator units @50MW for a
total installed capacity of 18,300MW. Total generation in 2009 was 79.47TWh, for a capacity factor of just under
Hoover Dam has a nameplate capacity of 2080 MW[] and an annual generation averaging 4.2TWh.[] (The annual
generation has varied between a high of 10.348TWh in 1984, and a low of 2.648TWh in 1956.[]) Taking the
average figure for annual generation gives a capacity factor of:
Capacity factor 2
the need for generation of network upgrades given that air conditioner peak demand often occurs in the late
afternoon or early evening when solar output is zero.[8][9] SolarPACES states that by using thermal energy storage
systems the operating periods of solar thermal power (CSP) stations can be extended to become dispatchable (load
following).[7] The IEA CSP Technology Roadmap (2010) suggests that "in the sunniest countries, CSP can be
expected to become a competitive source of bulk power in peak and intermediate loads by 2020, and of base-load
power by 2025 to 2030".[10] A dispatchable source is more valuable than baseload power.[11]
Geothermal has a higher capacity factor than many other power sources, and geothermal resources are available 24
hours a day, 7 days a week. While the carrier medium for geothermal electricity (water) must be properly managed,
the source of geothermal energy, the Earth's heat, will be available for the foreseeable future.[12] Geothermal power
can be looked at as a nuclear battery where the heat is produced via the decay of radioactive elements in the core and
mantle of the earth.
United Kingdom
The following figures were collected by the Department of Energy and Climate Change on the capacity factors for
various types of plants:[16][17]
Capacity factor 4
Combined cycle gas turbine stations 64.7% 71.0% 64.2% 61.6% 47.8% 61.9%
Coal fired power plants 46.7% 45.0% 38.5% 40.2% 40.8% 42.2%
[1] Glossary Capacity factor (net) (http:/ / www. nrc. gov/ reading-rm/ basic-ref/ glossary/ capacity-factor-net. html)
[6] How Does A Wind Turbine's Energy Production Differ from Its Power Production? (http:/ / www. awea. org/ faq/ basicen. html)
[7] Thomas R. Mancini and Michael Geyer (2006). Spain Pioneers Grid-Connected Solar-Tower Thermal Power (http:/ / www. iea. org/ impagr/
cip/ pdf/ issue36SolarP. pdf) SolarPACES, OECD/ IEA, p. 3.
[8] Muriel Watt Value of PV in summer peaks (http:/ / www. ergo. ee. unsw. edu. au/ value of PV in summer peaks. pdf)
[9] Government of South Australia (2007), p.13,14 South Australias Feed-In Mechanism for Residential Small-Scale Solar Photovoltaic
Installations (http:/ / www. climatechange. sa. gov. au/ uploads/ pdf/ Feed-in_Discussion_Paper_submissions_closed. pdf)
[10] International Energy Agency (2010). Technology Roadmap: Concentrating Solar Power (http:/ / www. iea. org/ papers/ 2010/ csp_roadmap.
pdf) p. 5.
[11] Why CSP Should Not Try to be Coal (http:/ / www. altenergystocks. com/ archives/ 2009/ 04/ why_csp_should_not_try_to_be_coal. html)
[12] A Guide to Geothermal Energy and the Environment (http:/ / geo-energy. org/ reports/ environmental guide. pdf)
[13] Electric Power Annual 2009 (http:/ / www. eia. gov/ electricity/ annual/ archive/ 03482009. pdf) Table 5.2 April 2011
[14] Massachusetts: a Good Solar Market (http:/ / www. remenergyco. com/ why-solar-now)
[15] Hydropower (http:/ / srren. ipcc-wg3. de/ report/ IPCC_SRREN_Ch05. pdf) p. 441
[16] Digest of United Kingdom energy statistics (DUKES) for 2012: chapter 5 - Electricity (http:/ / www. decc. gov. uk/ assets/ decc/ 11/ stats/
publications/ dukes/ 5955-dukes-2012-chapter-5-electricity. pdf)
[17] Digest of United Kingdom energy statistics (DUKES) for 2012: chapter 6 - Renewable sources of energy (http:/ / www. decc. gov. uk/
assets/ decc/ 11/ stats/ publications/ dukes/ 5956-dukes-2012-chapter-6-renewable. pdf)
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