Predicting The Heating Value of Sewage Sludges in Thailand From Proximate and Ultimate Analyses
Predicting The Heating Value of Sewage Sludges in Thailand From Proximate and Ultimate Analyses
Predicting The Heating Value of Sewage Sludges in Thailand From Proximate and Ultimate Analyses
There have been various methods used for determining a heating value of solid fuel such as coal, biomass and municipal solid waste
(MSW) either by experiment using a bomb calorimeter or by modeling based on its compositions. This work proposes another aspect in
developing models to predict the heating value of sewage sludge from its proximate and ultimate analyses data. The extensive number of
samples was collected from different wastewater treatment plants in Bangkok and in the vicinity and was then analyzed for their heating
values, proximate and ultimate analyses. Based upon proximate and ultimate analyses, the models were proposed. The best results show
coefficients of determination (R2) of 0.899 and 0.905 for the models based on the proximate and ultimate analyses, respectively. The heating
values obtained from the models were in good agreement with that attained by experiment. The application of the selected models was
appreciable for the sewage sludge with ash content up to 50% (db).
q 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
and sewage sludge characteristics (proximate or ultimate The first two analyses are common when dealing with
analysis) for sewage sludges produced in Thailand. MSW and lignocellulosic materials or biomass while
models based on ultimate analysis have been derived
mostly for coals and liquid fuels [13]. The physical or
2. Literature review chemical composition analysis is based on the level of
different components of the solid matrix, for instance
Regarding the empirical approaches, there are three types plastics, paper and garbage in MSW or lignin, cellulose
of models that are normally used to predict heating values and lignocellulose in biomass, etc. The proximate
based on the following analyses [10]: analysis typically involves determination of moisture,
volatile matter, fixed carbon and ash contents whereas
Physical or chemical compositions the ultimate analysis includes an assessment of the
Proximate analysis levels of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and sulfur
Ultimate analysis contents.
Table 1
Summary of models used for predicting the heating value of various types of materials
For most models, from simple to complex forms, a D3176-89, was also done for all samples providing weight
combination of proximate or ultimate analysis data is percentage of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulfur and oxygen
generally considered. Table 1 summarizes the practical (by subtraction) elements. The heating values of samples
model patterns used to predict the energy content of materials used were attained in accordance with ASTM D2015.
namely MSW, coal, refuse and biomass [48,10,1317]. The
expressions may have either variable or fixed constants. For 3.3. Heating value models
the former, they were simply assumed to be the result of a
linear combination of variables with a set of constants, i.e. Model patterns listed in Table 1 were fit with the
Eqs. (1)(23). The method of regression analysis is generally experimental data by regression analysis using all sample data
used to accomplish the most suitable values of these constants. points The method of least square, minimizing the error
All constants in the equations may change arbitrarily resulted squared, was used to evaluate the adjustable parameters for each
from the regression analysis. They may vary upon the kind or expression [19]. To select the most appropriate correlation, the
original source of materials. For the latter, Eqs. (35)(39), they coefficient of determination (R2) was mainly considered.
were derived using thermochemical concept. The total heating Models with the highest R2 were used to calculate the
value was determined from heat released by the combustion heating value and compared with the data obtained from the
reactions in correspondence to the amount of each component experiments. The validation of the selected models was
[17]. The equations are generally preferable for particular observed by an error analysis. The absolute and bias errors
materials such as MSW and coal [4,5,7,14,16,17]. It is also were considered. These quantities are defined as:
possible to use combined forms of those two types of
equations, Eqs. (24)(34). More detailed explanations on the HHVc K HHV
% absolute error Z !100%
basic assumptions for each expression were described HHV
elsewhere [48,10,1317].To select an appropriate form of
heating value model equation, the error, simplicity, liability or HHVc K HHV
% bias error Z !100%
even versatility were considered. HHV
Other than those compositions, there are some heating
where HHVc and HHV are heating values of each data point
value models based on other properties of the materials
from calculation and experiment, respectively. Furthermore,
e.g. sponification and iodine values for predicting the
the validity of the models was also confirmed by applying to
heating value of oils, density and viscosity for predicting the
other sludge.
heating value of liquid fuels [9,11,12,18].
In this work, only models based on the proximate and
ultimate analyses were focused. The model equations
presented in Table 1 were analyzed with the aim to find 4. Results and discussion
the most appropriate form of equation for predicting heating
value of sewage sludge. 4.1. Sewage sludge characteristics
Table 2
Characteristics of sewage sludge from different sources (average for each source)
correlation to moisture content (Fig. 1a). It is clear that the coefficients of determination (R2) of more than 0.880
samples that have higher volatile matter and lower ash is compiled in Table 4. For most models, they give almost
content would reasonably contain higher heating value the same coefficient. The values are in narrow ranges,
(Fig. 1b and c). The volatile matter would be the main 0.8810.901 and 0.8830.905 for models based on
component that contributes the heating value of the sewage proximate and ultimate analyses, respectively.
sludge. Meanwhile, the correlation is not quite clear in the With the reasonably high R2 of the models in Table 4,
case of fixed carbon (Fig. 1d). For ultimate analysis, the they should be applicable with an acceptable result.
carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen contents seem to positively Nonetheless, a practical model should be in a simple form
contribute to the heating value (Fig. 2ac), whereas sulfur to avoid the complication in further mathematical analysis.
and oxygen contents give poor correlations to the heating So, simplicity of the model was also taken into account in
value (Fig. 2d and e). addition to R2 from the regression analysis. Most models in
Table 4 are a linear combination of variables except only
4.2. Heating value models Eqs. (24) and (25).
For models based on the proximate analysis, the best fit
From the regression analysis, all adjustable parameters was achieved by Eqs. (11) and (13) with the R2 of 0.901.
in each model were obtained. A list of models with According to the models, the volatile matter and fixed
Table 3
Characteristics of some other sludge samples collected from literatures
Ref. Sample Proximate analysis (wt%) Ultimate analysis (wt%) Heating value
a a a a a a a a a a (kJ/kg)
[2] S1 5.2 60.7 29.5 9.8 35.7 5.2 3.5 0.7 25.4 6.87 1.41 16,600
[20] S2 5.0 72.5 16.0 11.5 45.9 6.3 5.1 0.6 26.9 7.29 1.71 20,900
[21] S3 11.8 60.6 26.6 12.8 39.5 6.2 3.9 1.5 25.5 6.38 1.55 17,100
[22] S4 4.3 59.3 31.0 9.7 38.1 5.2 4.5 0.9 20.3 7.33 1.88 16,800
S5 3.9 58.5 30.8 10.7 38.3 5.1 3.7 0.7 21.4 7.48 1.79 16,600
S6 8.5 50.8 43.3 5.9 30.1 4.1 3.8 0.9 17.8 7.31 1.69 13,300
[23] S7 78.1 60.7 36.9 2.4 37.3 5.8 5.5 0.8 13.7 6.43 2.72 16,600
[24] S8 55.9 40.3 3.8 29.0 4.4 3.2 0.5 22.6 6.56 1.28 12,800
S9 49.6 44.0 6.4 25.5 3.7 2.4 0.6 23.8 6.88 1.07 12,600
S10 71.0 21.2 7.8 40.0 6.0 7.0 0.7 25.1 6.69 1.59 18,400
Dry basis.
P. Thipkhunthod et al. / Fuel 84 (2005) 849857 853
Fig. 1. (ad) Correlation between the heating value of sewage sludge and its proximate analysis data.
carbon contribute positively to the resulting heating value For models based on the ultimate analysis, Eqs. (19)(21)
whereas the moisture content more or less has the negative give the same highest R2 of 0.905. All models are a linear
effect. However, for practical applications, it is important combination of ultimate analysis data. Three models give
to note that the moisture content rarely presents in the the same coefficients even though they have somewhat
expression except for only some applications such as different numbers of variables. However, they have the
refuse and MSW in which the moisture contents can be as same contexts in the parameters contributing to the heating
high as 50% [16,18]. Depending on the method or even value. That is, the carbon, sulfur and oxygen contents
the conditions of preparation, the final moisture content contribute positively to the heating value while the
can be arbitrarily varied. Eventually, it may cause a hydrogen, nitrogen and ash contents have negative effects.
significant error in heating value determination by using The difference between Eqs. (20) and (21) is only whether it
mathematical models. The explanation is confirmed by has the residual constants or not. However, it was proved to
considering the moisture content in the sludge, which have no significant effect on the final heating value
shows a poor correlation to its heating value (Fig. 1a). calculation. Results from Eq. (19) are comparable to that
Therefore, in order to eliminate the effect of moisture on from Eqs. (20) and (21). As these equations are in a simple
the determination of heating value, the term M should not linear combination of variable form, these three equations
be present in the equation, leading to Eq. (7). From the were selected as the best model from the ultimate analysis
regression analysis, it gives R2 of 0.899. This shows an data. Fig. 4 exhibits the plots between the heating values
acceptable level of correlation, which is not much different from the experiment and calculation by Eq. (19) (Eqs. (20)
from that of Eq. (13). To sum up, the best universal and (21) give a similar result).
correlation to represent the heating value of sewage sludge
in terms of proximate analysis data would be Eq. (7). 4.3. Validation of the models
Fig. 3 shows the plots of heating values from experiment
and calculation by Eq. (7). The results show fairly small The validation of the models was discussed in two
discrepancies between the calculated and experimental aspects, the error of the models and its application. For
values. error analysis purpose, the statistical approach was taken.
854 P. Thipkhunthod et al. / Fuel 84 (2005) 849857
Fig. 2. (ae) Correlation between the heating value of sewage sludge and its ultimate analysis data.
This information was used to indicate the performance of the experimental values, which can be noticed from the
the models based upon the following criteria [16]: high range of error. Even for Eqs. (7) and (19), the absolute
error can be as high as 65%. To explain the cause of error
the average absolute and bias errors should be or from the models, lets consider the plots between the
close to zero, bias error and ash content of sewage sludge. As shown in
the range should be smallest, and Figs. 5 and 6, the plots indicate the increase in the error
the standard deviation should be smallest. with the higher ash content in the sewage sludge. Similarly,
this trend was also observed for other models. It infers that
The results of statistical evaluations are given in ash components would have a significant effect on the error
Table 4. For most models, they show small discrepancies in the determination of heating value.
between the calculated and experimental values. The On the other hand, this confirms the inapplicability of
averages and standard deviations of error are 11.4 and some equations for sewage sludge, especially popular
13.5%, respectively. Nonetheless, there are some expressions such as Dulong, Steuer, and Scheurer-Kestner
calculated data points showing big difference from equations. In such models, the organic materials were
P. Thipkhunthod et al. / Fuel 84 (2005) 849857 855
Table 4
Models achieved from regression analysis and relative error generated when applying to the experimental data
presumed to combust with oxygen gas and yield certain The combustion heat may compensate for breaking this kind
compounds such as CO2 and H2O. Heat released (or heating of sorption bonding, resulting in lower final heating value.
value) is then determined by thermochemical and stoichio- The net heating value is eventually decreased.
metric calculations. These equations are generally useful in However, for a certain application such as incineration,
most cases [4,5,7,9,14,16,17]. However, they may not be pyrolysis and gasification as focused in this work, the
applicable for the case of sewage sludge. Although it is not characteristics of the materials are also necessarily con-
reported here, using such equations usually overestimates sidered rather than only their heating value. Here, the
the heating value of sewage sludge [14]. It is possibly due to proximate analysis plays an important role in the sludge
complex sorption of organic contents on ash components. evaluation. Normally, the more volatile matter or the less
Fig. 3. Comparison between the heating values of sewage sludge calculated Fig. 4. Comparison between the heating values of sewage sludge calculated
from Eq. (7) and experimental value. from Eq. (19) and experimental value.
856 P. Thipkhunthod et al. / Fuel 84 (2005) 849857
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