Serodiagnosis of Syphilis in The Recombinant Era: Reversal of Fortune
Serodiagnosis of Syphilis in The Recombinant Era: Reversal of Fortune
Serodiagnosis of Syphilis in The Recombinant Era: Reversal of Fortune
Treponema pallidum, the spirochete that various medical conditions unrelated to chemiluminescence immunoassays (EIAs
causes syphilis, cannot be cultured. As syphilis; nontreponemal test reactivity, and CIAs, respectively) have become
a result, syphilis is usually diagnosed by therefore, must be confirmed by trepo- commercially available [1]. In addition to
tracking the immunologic footprints nemal testing. Conventional treponemal their analytic sensitivity, these assays have
of its etiologic agent. Serodiagnosis of tests use whole organisms and may be the additional advantages of being auto-
syphilis requires the detection of 2 dis- falsely reactive because of cross-reacting matable and generating a spectrophoto-
tinct types of antibodies, nontreponemal serum antibodies that in most cases are metric or luminescent signal that can be
and treponemal [1]. Nontreponemal an- thought to derive from commensal mi- stored electronically. To reduce the time
tibodies, measured by the reactive rapid croorganisms [2]. In addition, a reactive and labor required for syphilis screening,
plasma reagin (RPR) and Venereal Dis- treponemal test cannot distinguish active many laboratories have adopted reverse-
ease Research Laboratory (VDRL) tests, from inactive infection. Traditionally, sequence screening in which sera are
are directed against lipoidal antigens of serodiagnosis of syphilis has been per- tested first by a treponemal EIA/CIA fol-
the host and probably the organism; they formed using an algorithm in which sera lowed by reflexive nontreponemal testing
rise during active infection and often are screened for nontreponemal anti- of specimens with reactivity above a de-
decline following treatment. Their pri- bodies and reactivity is confirmed by fined cutoff [5].
mary usefulness is as a biomarker of testing for treponemal antibodies [1, 3]. Using the reverse-sequence algorithm,
disease activity. Treponemal antibodies, The traditional sequence, long recom- discordant (ie, EIA/CIA-reactive, RPR-
detected by the fluorescent treponemal mended by the Centers for Disease nonreactive) results would be expected
antibody absorbed (FTA-ABS) and Control and Prevention (CDC) [3], has in patients with early primary, latent, or
Treponema. pallidum particle agglutina- performed well in identifying syphilis treated syphilis, many of whom do not
tion (TP-PA) tests, are directed against T. patients with active disease and who are have nontreponemal antibodies. How-
pallidum proteins; they rise early in the most infectious. Along with serologic test ever, 2 recent studies published in Mor-
course of infection and usually remain results, a patients clinical history and bidity and Mortality Weekly Reports
detectable for life, even after successful physical examination are used to confirm (MMWR) provide strong evidence that
treatment. Neither test should be used the diagnosis and guide management [3]. EIAs/CIAs used as screening tests have
alone. Biologic false positive non- The advent of recombinant DNA additional unforeseen performance
treponemal tests are associated with technology in the early 1980s fostered problems [6, 7]. A 2008 study that as-
optimism that serodiagnostic assays using sessed reverse-sequence testing in 4 New
Received 20 July 2011; accepted 20 July 2011. cloned T. pallidum antigens would over- York City laboratories found that 56%
Correspondence: Karen W. Hoover, MD, MPH, Centers for come the shortcomings of conventional of 6548 EIA-reactive serum specimens
Disease Control and Prevention, 1600 Clifton Rd NE, MS
E80, Atlanta, GA 30333 ([email protected]). treponemal tests [4]. The antigens ulti- were discordant [7]. Approximately 17%
The Journal of Infectious Diseases 2011;204:12956 mately selected for diagnostic use were of the discordant sera that underwent
The Author 2011. Published by Oxford University Press on thought to be specific for T. pallidum and confirmatory treponemal testing with
behalf of the Infectious Diseases Society of America. All
rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail: journals. often were formatted as solid-phase im- either a TP-PA or FTA-ABS test were
[email protected] munoassays, a newly available platform. nonreactive, suggesting that the EIA re-
0022-1899 (print)/1537-6613 (online)/2011/2049-0001$14.00
DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jir528 Over the years, a number of enzyme and sults were false-positives. This study also