Books For Clinical Supervision
Books For Clinical Supervision
Books For Clinical Supervision
There are many excellent books available on clinical supervision. This recommended
reading list highlights some of the best and provides a brief overview of their content.
The list is organized into three major sections: general texts relevant to all professions;
special topics and tools; and discipline-specific books.
Considered to be the bible of clinical supervision, this is the most widely used text on
the subject. It is comprehensive, interdisciplinary and authoritative. Recognizing the
overlap of the mental health disciplines and supervision modalities, Bernard and
Goodyear have integrated social work, psychology, marriage and family therapy, and
counseling to fully cover the main themes in key areas of study in supervision. The
primary focus of the book is the centrality of the supervisory alliance/relationship. The
text offers a review of many leading models and approaches to supervision and
fundamental research.
This book is an updated and more comprehensive sequel to Borders and Leddicks
classic 1987 book with a similar title. It is a basic text for all beginning supervisors who
want an overview of supervision practices, documentation procedures, and practical
tools for supervision. It is also valuable for the seasoned supervisor and those involved
with practicum students. The first edition was sponsored by the Association of Counselor
Education and Supervision (ACES). The second edition includes new discussion
questions and vignettes meant to enhance application of key concepts in each chapter.
This book takes an important approach to supervision, focusing on the oft emphasized
but rarely discussed issue of competency-based approaches to supervision. It guides
the reader through science-informed supervision, delineating the competencies required
for good practice. This integrative approach is geared to mental health professionals in
general, reviewing supervision in a variety of settings, including academic, training and
treatment settings, as well as students and practitioners who are studying supervision
research and theory for the first time.
Tyson, L. E., Culbreth, J. R., & Harrington, J. A. (eds.) (2008). Critical Incidents in
Clinical Supervision: Addictions, Community and School Counseling.
Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association.
A unique approach to the topic of supervision is employed by presenting key issues and
incidents encountered by supervisors. Through several respondents, the book provides
beginning points for discussion on the application of supervision models, competencies,
and ethics, and with insight into supervisors decision making. It addresses complex
challenges inherent in supervision and provides real-world scenarios with spirited
discussions between respondents. Readers will find themselves thinking about the
critical incidents provided and will gain insights that are invaluable to supervisors.
Kassan, L. D. (2010). Peer Supervision Groups: How They Work and Why You
Need One. New York: Jason Aronson.
Peer supervision is a topic often discussed but rarely documented in a text. This book
fills that gap in the literature. Kassan offers a glimpse into the vulnerabilities of clinicians.
With an extensive review of the literature, he makes a compelling case for peer
supervision as a haven for personal and professional development and connection. This
is the first book-length, comprehensive examination of peer supervision groups, an
increasingly popular vehicle for mental health professionals to deal with difficulties that
arise in their practices, to foster growth as professionals, and to derive support in what
otherwise can be a very lonely profession.
This is a must-read book in the topic of ethical and legal issues in clinical supervision.
Amid the rich range of books available on the subject, Falveys text is a powerful and
compelling review of the key legal and ethical issues for supervision. The case studies
offered and legal precedents are essential for every clinical supervisor to read. The book
exposes new and practicing supervisors to critical issues and situations faced in the real
world of supervision. Chapters examine professional standards, legal decisions, and
ethical codes across disciplines related to supervision in the mental health field.
Developmental Approaches
Cutcliffe, J. R., Butterworth, T., & Brigid P. (eds.) (2001). Fundamental Themes in
Clinical Supervision. London: Routledge.
Cutcliffes specialty over the years has been on clinical supervision for the psychiatric
nursing professional. This book generically describes the education and training of
supervisors, practices, policies, and procedures in supervision, and current research on
the subject. It demonstrates the potential of supervision as an essential tool for nurses
and other health professionals. It also has an international aspect as the book
encompasses clinical practices in the United Kingdom, Finland, the United States, and
Powell D. J., & Brodsky, A. (1993). Clinical Supervision in Alcohol and Drug
Counseling, 2nd edition. New York: Jossey-Bass.
This is the essential book on clinical supervision in alcohol and drug abuse counseling.
Used as the primary text for certification of clinical supervisors in the field, it presents the
Blended Model of supervision. It is the first comprehensive approach to supervision for
substance abuse supervisors. It presents key models of clinical supervision in various
disciplines, provides descriptive dimensions for supervision, incorporates the stages of
counselor development, and addresses essential skills and techniques to be used in
supervision. The appendices include many useful tools for managers and supervisors.
This is a compendium of sound, practical techniques in supervision, based on decades
of Powells management of the largest clinical supervision system in the world, the
Clinical Preceptorship Program. Although written primarily for substance abuse
supervisors, this book can be used as a primary text across disciplines. This book could
Liddle, H. A., Breunlin, D. C., & Schwartz, R. C. (eds.) (1988). Handbook of Family
Therapy Training and Supervision, New York: Guilford Press.
Few books have been developed exclusively for clinical supervision of marriage and
family therapists. Although written in 1988 and somewhat dated, this book fills that need.
The authors brought together thirty accomplished professionals to author chapters in
their respective areas of expertise in training and clinical supervision. The book details a
unique and innovative approach to supervision that has evolved from various schools of
family therapy. Offering a panoramic view of the entire field of family therapy is a
daunting task, but these authors accomplished this goal.
Todd, T. C., & Storm, C. L. (2002). The Complete Systemic Supervisor: Context,
Philosophy, and Pragmatics. New York: Authors Choice Press.
This book is the definitive text on clinical supervision from a systemic perspective. Filled
with a wealth of material for the beginning and experienced clinical supervisor,
regardless of theoretical orientation, this is a must-read book for marriage and family
therapists and practicing supervisors. Todd and Storm give an overview of various
approaches and ethical, cultural, and gender considerations. There are many specific
skills, tasks, and strategies provided. This is a very readable textbook that provides a
comprehensive overview of the current literature and thinking in the field.
Child Welfare
Hess, P., Kanak, S., & Atkins, S. (2009). Building a Model and Framework for
Child Welfare Supervision. Washington, D.C.: Department of Health and Human
Services, National Resource Center for Family-Centered Practice and Permanency
Planning and National Child Welfare Resource Center for Organizational
Supervision in child welfare programs is a unique issue and deserves special attention.
This text, published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, provides
essential information for child protective service workers. It addresses key issues in child
welfare supervision and offers a framework for supervision that incorporates the unique
Children, youth and family services programs have waited a long time for a textbook that
provides clear guidance for supervisors and managers. This text should be required
reading for all child protective service workers and scholars. It provides a model for
supervision with practical guidelines, practice examples, and skill-based activities that
are critical to those working in this field. It connects theory and practice, covering a wide
range of must-have skills for supervisors, including leadership, developing worker
performance, managing child welfare units, working within and beyond agencies,
managing performance, and respecting diversity.
Fleming, I., & Steen, L. (eds.), (2012). Supervision and Clinical Psychology:
Theory, Practice and Perspectives, 2nd edition. London: Routledge.
There are a limited number of books written on the topic of pastoral care and counseling
supervision. This is because there are an array of settings in which pastoral counseling
is provided, such as local congregations, seminary programs of field education, clinical
pastoral education, clinical training of spiritual directors and certified pastoral counselors,
and more. DeLongs book will assist with the complexities of pastoral supervision in
various settings. The preparation and training of supervisors is diverse and often learned
through practical experience, "on-the-job-training." This is an edited book that draws on
a wide variety of experienced supervisors from those in clinical pastoral education to
seminary faculty members. The book addresses very pragmatic aspects of supervision,
for pastors in local congregations who supervise seminary interns to well-developed
theoretical aspects of supervisory education that are utilized in clinical pastoral
education. For those supervising pastoral care and counseling, this is a valuable tool.